Panditanan ca sevana, to associate with the wise; this is the way to auspiciousness.

Established 1914

Volume XII, Number 84 8th Waning of First Waso 1366 ME Friday, 9 July, 2004 Four political objectives Senior General Than Shwe sends * Stability of the State, community peace and tranquillity, preva- lence of law and order condolence to Austria * National reconsolidation YANGON, 7 July — Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the * Emergence of a new enduring State Constitution State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has * Building of a new modern developed nation in accord with the sent a message of condolence to the of the Republic of new State Constitution Austria, on the sudden demise, on 6 July 2004, of His Excellency Dr Four economic objectives Thomas Klestil, Federal President of the Republic of Austria. — MNA * Development of agriculture as the base and all-round development of other sectors of the economy as well * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system * Development of the economy inviting participation in terms of Prime Minister General Khin Nyunt and technical know-how and investments from sources inside the country and abroad wife to pay official visit to PRC * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in the hands YANGON, 9 July — At the invitation of HE Mr Wen Jiabao, Premier of the State and the national peoples of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, General Khin Four social objectives Nyunt, Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar, accompanied by * Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire nation wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, will pay an official visit to the People’s * Uplift of national prestige and integrity and preservation and Republic of China in the near future. — MNA safeguarding of cultural heritage and national character * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit * Uplift of health, fitness and education standards of the entire General Thura Shwe Mann inspects nation development of Mohnyin, Phakant, Tanai Townships YANGON, 8 July — Member of the State Peace and Development Council General Thura Shwe Mann of the Ministry of Defence, accompanied by members of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Ye Myint and Lt-Gen Kyaw Win of the Min- istry of Defence, Chairman of Kachin State Peace and Development Council Com- mander of Northern Command Maj-Gen Maung Maung Swe, Minister for Cooperatives Maj-Gen Htay Oo, Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, Deputy Minister for Education Col Aung Myo Min, Deputy Minister for Health Dr Mya Oo, senior military officers of the Ministry of Defence and departmental officials, left Myitkyina on 4 July morning and arrived in Mohnyin at 8.45 am. They were welcomed there by Mohnyin Township Peace and Development Council Chairman U Myint Aung and members, departmental personnel, social organization members and national races. At Seinle Yadana Hall in Mohnyin, the General met township level officials, social organization members, teachers, students and local people. He presented gifts to Township Chairman U Myint Aung and exercise books for basic education schools to Township Education Officer Daw Thin Moe Aye. The Township Education Officer reported on pass rate of matriculation examination in the township in 2002-2003 aca- General Thura Shwe Mann greets service personnel and townselders in Lonton demic year and arrangements for the education promotion programme. Deputy Minister village, Indawgyi region of Mohnyin Township, Kachin State. — MNA for Education Col Aung Myo Min gave a supplementary report. Lt-Gen Kyaw Win extended greetings. Next, General Thura Shwe Mann deliv- the government is spending large sums of money on implementing dam, reservoirs and ered an address. He said that accompanied by the ministers, the deputy ministers and river water pumping projects for water supply programme so as to develop economic officials, he arrived there to exert development momentum of Mohnyin and to attend the sector. It can be seen that roads and bridges are being built all over the country includ- needs. The government restored peace and stability of the entire nation first. At present, ing Mohnyin region. With regard to the social sector, all the national races enjoy it can be seen that the country is peaceful and stable, achieving economic development. benefits of construction of educational buildings for human resource development, in- Hence, it is unprecedented that the government carried out supply of water for cultiva- stallation of multimedia equipment, providing health care and opening and upgrading of tion all over the country and it opened and upgraded buildings concerning development new hospitals and dispensaries. Thanks to restoring peace and stability in the country, of human resource and infrastructures such as roads, bridges, airports, education and all the people can enjoy fruitful results of economic, education, health and transport health sectors. Progress have been made in economic sector as a result of implementing sectors. Development has been made in the country due to harmonious efforts of the correct objectives including one of the economic objectives— development of agricul- government, the people and service personnel. ture as the base and all-round development of other sectors of the economy as well. So, (See page 8)

State Peace and Development Council Member General Thura Shwe Mann inspects the flow of water and condition of waterway in Tanai Creek. — MNA The National Convention is the concern of all our national races. 2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 9 July, 2004 People’s Desire PERSPECTIVES * Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views Friday, 9 July, 2004 * Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation * Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State Make collective efforts for * Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy development of the Union Prime Minister General Khin Nyunt, dur- Myanmar Gazette POEM: ing his tour of Pyawbwe, Tatkon and Pyinmana To love or to do harm Townships in Yamethin District, Mandalay YANGON, 8 July — The State Peace and Develop- * In Myanmar affairs, in general Division, on 4 and 5 July, fulfilled the require- ment Council has confirmed the appointment of Director- In Myanmar matters, miscellaneous ments of these townships regarding education, General U Mya Nyein of the Attorney-General’s Office He dabbles health, transport and communications for re- on expiry of the one-year probation period. — MNA Is it because he loves Myanmar? gional development. Moreover, the Prime Min- * Myanmar affairs ister opened basic education schools, hospitals Film entertainment for NC delegates He asks this and that He shows keen interest and clinics and upgraded the existing ones in YANGON, 8 July — The Entertainment and Welfare Subcommittee of the National Convention Convening Is it because he loves Myanmar? Meiktila District for human resource develop- * For Myanmar society, to be well off Management Committee is organizing entertainment pro- ment. To develop, brethren in groups grammes for delegates to the National Convention daily In his meeting with township- and district- Consult to heart's content, clearly happy at the gymnasium of Nyaunghnapin Camp. Yesterday level departmental personnel and members of While deliberating, he barges in laying the line evening, the delegates were entertained with a film enti- Interviewing, going on the air social organizations in Meiktila on 5 July, the tled “Tapyaythu Ma Shwe Htar” directed by Zinyaw Prime Minister said that the Government had Is it because he loves Myanmar? Maung Maung and starring Kyaw Thu, May Than Nu, * Who is he? been planning to spend large sums of money Waing and Nwe Nwe San. — MNA * Whenever he interferes

on the project for greening Meiktila District In all matters, where he’s heading

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to extend cultivation of crops and to boost G * He inquires






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agricultural production. R And sells, what is it?

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The Head of State has given guidance on G * If you dissect it, examine it

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J Is it because he loves Myanmar?


greening all the regions in the dry zone as much g


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as national wealth permits. When the greening v







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vv v project for the entire Meiktila plains is com- v Byan Hlwar (Trs) pleted, the problem of potable water being insufficient will be tackled and there will also be adquate supply of water for agriculture. As a result, the agriculture sector will develop and the living standard of the local people become higher. Meiktila being one of major cities in cen- tral Myanmar, the Government has povided it with all the necessary infrastructures. Meiktila District is very suitable for cultivation of cot- ton, beans and pulses and edible oil crops in addition to various kitchen crops. Therefore, local people will have to try to grow more crops. Rural development is important for regional development as townships and regions are made up of villages. This being the case, de-

partmental personnel, social organizations and MWAF Vice-President Daw Than Than Nwe delivers an address at the talks. — PBANRDA local people are required to unitedly lend them- selves to the implementation of the five rural Talks on Myanmar Women’s Affairs held development tasks. YANGON, 8 July — Talks on the Myanmar Women’s San Shwe, MWAF national races affairs working group The Government, in its effort for parallel Affairs Federation were held at the meeting hall of the Advisor wife of the Minister for PBANRDA Daw Kyin development of all regions across the Union, Development Affairs Department under the Ministry for Khaing, advisors, women employees and families num- has given special emphasis to economic devel- Progress of Border Areas and National Races at No 245, bering over 500. opment and higher living standard of the peo- Thanlyetsoon Road, Botahtaung Township, here at 2 pm MWAF Vice-President Daw Than Than Nwe gave today. talks on the MWAF. Afterwards, Advisor Daw Kyin ple according to regional needs. Therefore, we Present on the occasion were MWAF Vice-Presi- Khaing presented souvenir of the ministry to MWAF Vice- would like call on the entire national people to dent Daw Than Than Nwe, Secretariat member Dr Daw President Daw Than Than Nwe. — PBANRDA

actively participate in all the national endeav-

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Educative booklets and pamphlets on advanced W

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 9 July, 2004 3

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Senate report to detail Iraq

¢¡ ¥§ ¨¢¡   intelligence flaws ¡

WASHINGTON, 8 July— A Senate Intelligence Committee report this week will sharply criticize the CIA for a predisposed mindset that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction before the war, Senate and government officials said on Wednesday. US Iraq military deaths The report, scheduled for public release on Friday, will the face of ambiguity, and that all doubts were resolved in say that intelligence analysts did not question the long-held favour of the pre-existing beliefs. amount to 867 belief that Iraq had banned weapons and saw ambiguous Both Republican and Democratic senators on the com- BAGHDAD, 8 July—As of Wednesday, 7 July, 867 US information as supporting that view, a Senate source said. mittee, which voted on Wednesday to make the report service members have died since the beginning of mili- The report was also expected to criticize intelligence public, said it would sharply criticize the intelligence tary operations in Iraq last year, according to the Defence agencies for using unreliable and inadequate sources. agencies. Department. Of those, 645 died as a result of hostile “They used the thinnest sources to justify the grandest Republicans said the report was also meant to be a action and 222 died of non-hostile causes. The military conclusions about weapons of mass destruction and other constructive factor in the debate of how to reform the US did not provide an update over the holiday weekend. activity in Iraq,” Senator Richard Durbin, an Illinois Demo- intelligence apparatus. The British military has reported 59 deaths; , 18; crat on the panel, told Reuters. “There’s no question that if you look at the conclusions, Spain, eight; Bulgaria and Poland, six each; Ukraine, The main US justification for going to war against they literally beg for changes and reform,” Senate Intelli- four; Slovakia, three; Thailand, two; Denmark, El Salva- Iraq was the view that Baghdad posed a threat due to gence Committee Chairman Pat Roberts, a Kansas Repub- dor, Estonia, , Latvia and the Netherlands have stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons and was lican, said. reported one each. attempting to develop nuclear weapons. No large stock- “It’s very critical of the reasoning that was used by Since May 1, 2003, when President Bush declared piles of banned weapons have been found since the US analysts at the CIA,” Sen. Saxby Chambliss, a Georgia that major combat operations in Iraq had ended, 729 US invasion last year. Republican, said. “There were a number of failures.” soldiers have died — 536 as a result of hostile action and Senator Evan Bayh, a Democrat from Indiana, said The report will also criticize the leadership at the CIA, 193 of non-hostile causes, according to the military as of flawed intelligence resulted from a pre-existing belief that including the agency’s director George Tenet, whose resig- Wednesday.—Internet Iraq had banned weapons, pressure to reach conclusions in nation is effective 11 July. —Internet Philippines mulls military pullout demand amid Iraq kidnapping MANILA, 8 July— President Gloria Arroyo called an emergency cabinet meeting to discuss the case of a Filipino worker reportedly taken hostage by militants demanding the withdrawal of Philippines soldiers and police from Iraq.˚ Officials said it was possible the hostage hostages in the past two months: South Ko- shown on Arab television was not even a rean translator Kim Sun-Il and American Filipino, but just the same Arroyo announced contractor Nicholas Berg. measures Thursday to stop any more Filipi- The Philippines still has 51 soldiers and nos going to Iraq to work. policemen based in south-central Iraq who Al-Jazeera television broadcast a video were part of the US-led occupation forces. of a man kneeling and dressed in an orange Sovereignty was transferred to an interim jumpsuit surrounded by three gunmen. Iraqi government last week. The masked men, calling themselves Aside from the soldiers and police, more the “Khaled Ibn al-Walid Brigade” linked than 3,000 Filipino civilians are in Iraq, many to the “Islamic Army in Iraq,” warned that of them employed by contractors and work- the prisoner would be executed unless the ing inside US bases there. Philippines withdraws its troops from Iraq Bunye said Manila repatriated more than within 72 hours. 200 of them following the killings, but the Guerillas in Iraq have beheaded two rest elected to stay.—Internet American soldiers detain a group of Iraqis in their Bradley fighting vehicle during heavy fighting between Iraqi security forces and guerillas in central Baghdad, Iraq, on Australian population experts win UN awards 7 July, 2004. — INTERNET UNITED NATIONS, 7 July medal and an equal share of epidemiological and socio- France to establish diplomatic ties with Iraq — Australian demographer a monetary prize. cultural phenomenon is con- John Caldwell and his com- Caldwell, the emeritus sidered to be without peer. ATHENS, 7 July— Visiting French Foreign Minister Michel Barnier confirmed here patriot, physician Catherine professor of demography in Hamlin gained the award on Tuesday that his country will restore diplomatic relations with Iraq soon, adding Hamlin, were conferred the the Research School of So- for the establishment of a that the French attache is already in Baghdad. United Nations Population cial Sciences at the Austral- fistula hospital in Addis “I announced the day after the transfer The two ministers also discussed the is- Awards on Tuesday for their ian National University in Ababa, the capital of Ethio- of sovereignty took effect in Baghdad (on sue of the EU Constitution as well as the work to improve people’s Canberra, won this year’s pia, with her late husband, 28 June) that we were ready to re-establish Middle East, Iraq, the Balkans and Cyprus. health and welfare. UN award for his exceptional Reginald Hamlin. The hos- diplomatic relations,” Barnier told reporters Barnier, who is on a 24-hour working At a ceremony held at contribution to population pital specializes in treating after meeting his Greek counterpart Petros visit to Greece, emphasized that Europe is the UN headquarters in New studies. His work to frame obstetric fistula, a devastat- Molyviatis. faced with a major challenge since the EU York, the two winners each the HIV/AIDS epidemic in ing childbirth injury. “Our head of diplomatic mission (in Constitution concerns how Europe with 25 received a certificate, a gold Africa as a demographic, MNA/Xinhua Iraq) was received yesterday by (Iraqi in- member states will operate. terim Prime Minister) Iyad Allawi and things He stressed that all member states must will unfold very quickly,” Barnier said. realize that if the constitutional treaty is not The French minister reaffirmed that his ratified there is no Constitution. government would provide technical assist- “The dialogue began in Europe a decade ance but would not send any French soldiers ago and the goal is not only an economically- to Iraq. France will be “present in the proc- united Europe, but a politically-united Eu- ess of Iraq’s political and economic recon- rope as well. This is why foreign policy and struction alongside our other European part- a consistent stance on various issues are ners”, he said. necessary,” he added.—MNA/Xinhua ’s approves new foreign minister BELGRADE, 7 July— The coalition, voted 47-23 in fa- as envoy to Austria and Swe- Slovenian Parliament Tues- vour of the 61-year-old Vajgl. den since Slovenia declared day approved career diplo- Slovenia’s foreign policy independence in 1991. mat Ivo Vajgl as new foreign does not need dramatic This is the second reshuf- minister after his predeces- changes after it became fle of Rop’s Cabinet in just sor Dimitrij Rupel was dis- member of NATO and the three months, following the missed over the dispute with , Vajgl told replacement of five minis- Slovenian Prime Minister the Slovenian Television. ters in April. Slovenia is one Anton Rop on Monday. Vajgl was previously of the 10 mostly east Euro- The Parliament, domi- Slovenia’s ambassador to pean countries that joined the US soldier kicks down a door during house to house searches near Martyrs’ Square in nated by Rop’s centre-left Germany and has also served EU in May. —MNA/Xinhua Baghdad, Iraq, on 7 July, 2004. — INTERNET

4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 9 July, 2004

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Philippines halts troop deployment to Iraq

¥  ¤ CAIRO, 8 July—Armed Iraq guerillas threatened to kill a Filipino hostage if his country does not withdraw from Iraq, according to a video that aired Wednesday. The Philippines responded hours later by ordering a halt to further deployment. In the video broadcast by as a previously unknown tity card that an Al-Jazeera tary. Filipino taken hostage in Iraq Al-Jazeera television, the group, the Iraqi Islamic staffer in Qatar later told The In the video, the hostage MANILA,8 July—A Filipino abducted in Iraq will be group claimed to have already Army-Khaled bin al-Waleed Associated Press belonged wore a bright orange gar- executed unless the Philippines withdraws its troops from killed an Iraqi security guard Corps. to the slain Iraqi guard. ment similar to that worn by the country within 72 hours, a group said on a video who was accompanying the Thursday, the Philip- The card, issued by Al- the American hostage Nick broadcast on Al-Jazeera television today. Filipino, the newscaster said. pines government suspended Ghadeer Security Service, Berg when he was beheaded The kidnapped Filipino, employed by a Saudi company The statement gave no de- further deployment of Fili- bore the name Hafidh Amer, by Iraqi militants led by Abu working with US troops based in Iraq, was shown cowering tails of his capture. pinos to Iraq. Philippines identified as a security guard. Musab al-Zarqawi. on his knees. Three armed and masked officials did not provide de- The footage also showed a Al-Jazeera spokesman The pan-Arab television station broadcast footage of a men stood behind the seated tails but said the Cabinet weapons authorization card Jihad Ballout said the chan- man sitting on his knees, dressed in an orange jumpsuit, hostage, threatening to kill would meet later in the day with the same name. nel received the videotape surrounded by three masked men touting guns and reading him if the Philippines doesn’t to discuss the situation. Al-Jazeera’s newscaster Wednesday. their threat from a statement. pull out within three days. A The statement and video said the Filipino is an em- The Philippines has con- The group said it had killed an Iraqi security guard who banner on the wall behind did not name the hostage. ployee of a Saudi company tributed 51 soldiers, police was with the Filipino. them identified the captors The footage shows an iden- that works for the US mili- officers and health workers An identity card bearing the picture of an Iraqi and a to the multinational force in company card on which was written: Al-Ghadeer Security Iraq. Service Company. Hafidh H Amer, Security Officer, was In addition, about 4,100 also shown by Al-Jazeera. Filipinos are working in US Yesterday, the Philippines special envoy to the Middle military bases in Iraq as East, Roy Cimatu, said he would recommend that President cooks, mechanics or in other Gloria Arroyo keeps Manila’s small troop contingent in jobs.—Internet Iraq.—Internet Bangabandy expects “win-win” result in eco cooperation with China BEIJING, 8 July ˚— Mongolian President Nachagyn Bagabandy said here Tuesday that he expected a "win-win" result in Mongolian-Chinese economic and trade cooperation. At the Mongolian-Chinese economic cooperative area with China. He said the two and trade talks, Bagabandy said Mongolia states would exploit jointly the iron ore, oil attached great importance to the relations and coal resources in Mongolia and Mongolia with China. Bilateral relations had been would export more resources to China. promoted on the basis of the treaty on Liu Wenjie, vice-chairman of the China friendly relations of 1994 and two joint Council for the Promotion of International statements in 1998 and 2003. Trade, said China needed large quantities of During Chinese President Hu Jintao's resources as its economy developed in a high visit to Mongolia June 2003, the two speed. Mongolia had rich reserves of coal, countries set the general direction of bilateral non-ferrous metal and other resources, so relationship in the 21st Century, which is to there would be great promise in bilateral Iraqi police work to successfully diffuse a car bomb that was discovered in the Karada establish a good-neighbourly partnership cooperation in the resources area. He believed neighbourhood of Baghdad, Iraq, on Wednesday, 7 July, 2004. — INTERNET of mutual trust. this inspiring trend would continue. Bagabandy said he was satisfied with According to statistics from the General Few detainees in Iraq are foreign the remarkable fruits that had been made in Administration of Customs of China, trade carrying out the consensus and the trust and volume between China and Mongolia in the WASHINGTON, 7 July — Fewer than 2 per cent of the captives held in Iraq as security understanding between Mongolia and China first five months of 2004 reached 268.543 threats are suspected foreign fighters, undercutting Bush Administration assertions had been deepened. Bagabandy said that million US dollars, increasing 64.4 per cent of the big role of non-Iraqis in the insurgency, USA Today said on Tuesday. during President Hu's visit, they also agreed over 2003, in which China's export volume to Of the approximately 5,700 people con- non-Iraqis in custody, US officials believe to promote economic and trade cooperation. Mongolia was 101.609 million dollars, and sidered to be enemy fighters or security risks non-Iraqis are involved in organizing or fi- Mongolia has rich natural resources. the import volume reached 166.934 million held captive by coalition forces in Iraq, 90 nancing attacks against US forces. Abu Bagabandy said Mongolia had always taken dollars. are non-Iraqis, according to information from Musab al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian al-Queda resources exploration as an important MNA/Xinhua the US military command handling deten- operative, has claimed responsibility for a tion facilities in Iraq, the newspaper re- series of bombings and assassinations in Police seize 850 kilos of marijuana in Argentina ported. Iraq. BUENOS AIRES, 7 July— Federal Police said Tues- a city 1,050 kilometres north- The numbers suggest that some Bush “Any number of foreign fighters is trou- Argentine police seized 850 day the operations were west of Buenos Aires, was Administration officials overstated the role bling,” Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman kilos of marijuana and ar- conducted on Monday night bound for Chile. of holy warriors, or jihadists, in the insur- told USA Today last week. rested 19 suspects, includ- and early Tuesday in the Argentine police believe gency, which disrupted efforts by the US- Of the 90 foreign captives, more than ing nine Chileans and two provinces of Buenos Aires that with the operations, they led occupying force to stabilize the country half are Syrian, the report said. Syria borders Paraguayans, in operations and Mendoza. have smashed a drug traf- since last year’s invasion. Iraq. overnight Monday, authori- The marijuana, from ficking ring operating in Ar- But even though there are relatively few MNA/Reuters ties said. Paraguay and hidden in coal gentina, Chile and Paraguay. US bars 19 ships for Mexican President starts A spokesman of the sacks in a house in Mendoza, MNA/Xinhua security from 1-5 July South American tour WASHINGTON, 7 July— The United States MEXICO CITY, 7 July — Mexican Presi- denied entry to 19 ships and detained 30 in dent Vicente Fox started a South American port from July 1 to July 5 under tough new tour Tuesday, during which he will formal- United Nations security rules designed to ize Mexico’s intention to become an associ- thwart terrorist attacks, the Coast Guard said ate member of the area’s most active trade on Tuesday. bloc, the Common Market of the South “The foreign vessels detained or denied (MERCOSUR). entry failed to comply with the requirements During his four-day tour of Brazil, Ar- of the International Ship and Port Facility gentina and Paraguay, Fox will attend a Security Code,” the Coast Guard said in a MERCOSUR Summit in Puerto Iguazu, in statement, referring to the UN regulations Argentina’s northern province of Misiones, that came into force on July 1. The statement at which MERCOSUR leaders will consider did not say where the ships came from or Mexico’s application to join the trade bloc. what cargo they were carrying. MERCOSUR groups Argentina, Brazil, The Coast Guard had released an earlier Chile and Paraguay, with Bolivia, Chile and statement giving larger figures for the Peru as associate members. number of ships denied entry or detained In an interview with Brazilian daily Folha during the five-day period. But the state- de Sao Paulo published on Tuesday, the ment was withdrawn with word that a cor- Mexican President said his country’s entry rected version would be issued later. There into the MERCOSUR will give “vitality” was no immediate explanation for the initial and “new energy” to the bloc. US soldiers take the street near Martyrs’ Square in Baghdad, Iraq, on release of incorrect figures. — MNA/Reuters MNA/Xinhua 7 July, 2004. — INTERNET THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 9 July, 2004 5 Veterans protest war South Korea repeats in Iraq warning against travel AUSTIN, 8 July— Two military service members who recently returned from Iraq spoke out against the war Wednesday during a rally at the Capitol, telling a small but boisterous crowd that the Bush administration misled America about the threat of to Iraq terrorism there. SEOUL, 7 July— South Korea repeated on Tuesday a strong government warning “I supported this war at first, when my James C Berbiglia, a Vietnam veteran against travel to Iraq, saying it would be hard to protect civilians who ignored advice administration led me to believe that it was and retired military chaplain, said the protest or slipped into the unstable country without telling the embassy. the right thing to do to oppose the govern- was not about politics. Authorities are still in- eign Ministry said. tian missionaries were ment of Saddam Hussein and free the Iraqi “It’s about getting young Americans, the vestigating the govern- “There are limits to the briefly detained by mili- people,” said Capt David Harris, a 12-year best of our country, back here in the states so ment’s handling of the be- protection the government tants. They were released veteran who recently returned from Iraq. that they can defend us and get on with heading last month of a can provide citizens abroad unharmed. He criticized the administration for ac- fighting terrorism, which has absolutely noth- South Korean interpreter, when they push ahead with About 3,000 troops cusing Saddam Hussein of harbouring weap- ing to do with Iraq,” he said. who was found to have been travel to Iraq despite strong from a specialist unit leave ons of mass destruction, which have not Berbiglia is affiliated with Veterans For abducted by his Islamic demands for restraint or for Iraq next month in what been found in Iraq. Harris called on the small Peace, a 3,500-member group based in St. militant killers weeks be- purposely avoid contacting will be South Korea’s larg- crowd to vote for the Democratic presiden- Louis that has appeared at rallies across the fore the government be- authorities,” said the min- est overseas military mis- tial ticket of Sens. John Kerry and John country. come aware of the case. istry. sion since the Vietnam War. Edwards. The small crowd applauded after each Despite the country’s “The government again They will become the third Mike Hoffman, a former Marine who veteran spoke. shock at the killing of Kim strongly urges citizens to largest contingent in Iraq was in the first wave of service members to Not far way, down the Capitol prom- Sun-il, a 33-year-old who refrain from travelling to after US and British forces. cross into Iraq last year, said Iraq is still enade, Austin’s Women in Black gathered was working for a South Iraq,” it said. About 600 South Ko- dangerous despite Saddam’s capture. for their weekly protest, holding up peace Korean trading company, The government first rean Army medics and en- “Democracy cannot be forced on people signs and passing out literature opposing the several businessmen or ac- issued an advisory against gineers were deployed to who don’t want it,” he said. US invasion of Iraq.—Internet tivists were insisting on travel to Iraq in April after Iraq in May 2003. travelling to Iraq, the For- seven South Korean Chris- MNA/Reuters Retired British judge to probe Gulf War illnesses LONDON,7 July— A retired British judge launched a privately funded probe on Tuesday into why veterans of the 1991 Gulf War have become ill, but the government has not yet decided whether it will participate. Lord Lloyd of Berwick, there is a “Gulf War Syn- the Gulf caused particular who as a former Law Lord drome” of diseases that af- symptoms, and that veter- once sat in Britain’s high- fect veterans of the conflict ans are no more likely than est court, said an anony- has been argued bitterly on others to die of ill health. mous private donor had both sides of the Atlantic. The British Govern- funded his inquiry to “as- Veterans and their sup- ment has repeatedly re- sess the circumstances that porters suspect that jected calls for an official have led to the ill health vaccines given to troops or independent inquiry, say- and in some cases death of other environmental factors ing it has spent millions of over 6,000 British troops have made thousands sick. pounds on scientific re- following deployment to Both the United States search into the question. the Gulf”. and Britain pay war pen- “We accept that Gulf vet- He said he had invited sions to some veterans who erans report more ill health An Iraqi policeman holds back a greiving Iraqi man trying to run inside a hospital the government to partici- have fallen ill, implying than other service personnel, searching for his dead brother near Martyrs’ Square in Baghdad, Iraq, on 7 July, 2004. pate. A spokesman for the recognition of a link be- and are determined to ascer- At least four people were killed and 20 others injured in running gun battles between Ministry of Defence said it tween their service and their tain why,” the Ministry of US-back Iraqi National Guard and masked guerillas. — INTERNET was considering the request illnesses. Defence said in a statement. but had not taken a deci- But they say that no di- “We are researching these is- Brahimi says UN keen to have vital sion. rect link has been estab- sues at a cost of 8.5 million role in Iraq The question of whether lished showing service in pounds.” — MNA/Reuters Lebanon urges AMMAN, 7 July — UN special envoy for Iraq Lakhdar Brahimi said here Tuesday that the United Nations is keen to have a vital role in Iraq, but security remains a major US to concern. reconsider After meeting with Jor- that UN Secretary General to Iran, said Iraq’s neigh- danian Foreign Minister Kofi Annan will soon ap- bours can help Baghdad in sanctions Marwan Muasher, Brahimi point an aide for him to Iraq. many ways other than send- against Syria told reporters that the United For his part, the Jorda- ing troops. DAMASCUS, 7 July — He also conveyed a let- Nations will hold discussions nian Premier said that Jor- Lebanese President Emile ter from Annan to Jordan’s with concerned parties in Iraq dan supports the UN efforts Lahoud urged the United King Abdullah II. The UN to protect the UN staff there. in Iraq, confirming the ne- States to reconsider its deci- envoy will then head for Earlier in the day, cessity of rebuilding politi- sions to impose sanctions on Baghdad from Amman. Brahimi said after meeting cal, security and military in- Syria, the Arabic official al- The United Nations with Prime Minister Faisal stitutions in Iraq in order to Thawra newspaper reported evacuated most of its staff in al-Fayez that the world body end the foreign occupation. Tuesday. Iraq after its top envoy Sergio will resume its mission in Al Fayez said that Jordan Lahoud told the paper in Vieira de Mello and 21 oth- Iraq when security problems stands with the Iraqi people as an interview that “the US Ad- ers were killed in an attack are solved. well as the internationally-rec- ministration must reconsider on its headquarters in Bagh- He said it is necessary ognized interim Iraqi govern- its decisions due to Syria’s dad on August 19 last year. for the United Nations to ment. Brahimi, who arrived role in the region, because MNA/Xinhua have a role in Iraq, noting in Jordan Monday after a visit stability in the region cannot be at Syria’s expense, par- Singaporeans urged to do business in Middle East ticularly they have more than SINGAPORE, 8 July — Singapore's Minister for Trade and Industry George Yeo on one time admitted Syria’s re- Tuesday urged Singapore companies to do business in the Middle East region. markable role in combating Speaking at a business with the region will benefit the minister said that terrorism.” In May, Wa- conference here, Yeo said that Singaporeans, Yeo said that Singaporean companies can shington announced new the Singaporean Government with more countries in the find business opportunities in sanctions on Syria, accusing is now reviewing its policy on region diversifying into non- many areas such as e- Damascus of supporting ter- the Middle East and will give oil sectors and liberalizing trade government, industrial parks, ror, continuing its occupation the region greater importance and investment, significant new housing, township planning, of Lebanon and pursuing wea- A woman watches as an American soldier passes by in the future. opportunities are opening up. logistics, port services, pons of mass destruction and following heavy fighting between Iraqi security forces Stressing that closer Describing the Middle healthcare and education. missile programmes. and guerillas in central Baghdad, Iraq, on political and economic relations East markets as "significant", MNA/Xinhua MNA/Xinhua 7 July, 2004. — INTERNET 6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 9 July, 2004

Iraqi men examine a car destroyed by a US airstrike in the restive town of Fallujah, 55 km (33 miles) west of Baghdad, on 6 July, 2004. An Iraqi man searches through the rubble of a house following a US airstrike in the restive town of Fallujah on 6 July, 2004. Images of Iraq

An Iraqi man searches through the rubble of a house following a US airstrike in Fallujah, on 6 July, 2004.

Fallujah residents look under rubble after US forces dropped bombs in Fallujah, Iraq, on 5 July, 2004. A crude oil pipeline was destroyed on 22 July,2004 at Al-Mishahdah, 50 kilometres north of Baghdad, Iraq.

A Fallujah resident looks into a bomb crater after US forces dropped bombs on a purported militant safehouse in Fallujah, Iraq, on 5 July, 2004, killing at least Iraqis gather at the scene of a US military air strike in Fallujah on 6 July, 2004. 10 people. THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 9 July, 2004 7 Rural housing projects for better living

Rural housing being built in Ywagyi village in Thazi Township, Mandalay Division. The Development Affairs Department is implementing rural housing project to raise the PBANRDA living standard of rural people. The photo shows a rural house built by the Development Affairs Department in Mogaung Village in Aunglan Township, Magway Division. PBANRDA

A rural house built in Tarsu (Kyakhatwayon) Village in Nattalin Township, Bago Division (West). —PBANRDA

Rural housing projects implemented in Thityakauk Village of Magway Township. PBANRDA

A rural house built by Development Affairs Department in Nyaungwaing village in Kyauktan Township, Yangon Division.— PBANRDA

A rural house built by Development Affairs Committee in Daka village, Kangyidaunk Township, Ayeyawady Division. — PBANRDA

The government is trying its best to raise the living standard of rural people. The five rural development tasks are being implemented with momentum throughout the country. One of the government's endeavours to raise the living standard of rural people is the implementation of rural housing projects. Thanks to these, people living in rural areas now own modern homes and they are enjoying the

furits of the government's efforts. Myatyadana Housing Project which is included in Thanlyin-Kyauktan Development Project. —MYANMA ALIN 8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 9 July, 2004

General Thura Shwe Mann presents gifts to Mohnyin Township Peace and General Thura Shwe Mann presents TV and exercise books for Dunban Village Development Council U Myint Aung.—˚PUPR BEMS to the headmistress.— MNA General Thura Shwe Mann inspects … (from page 1) He added that the seven- step future programme of the State has been laid down and is being implemented for emergence of a peace- ful, modern and democratic nation. As the National Convention, the first phase of the future programme, is being held successfully, mo- mentum is being gained. So, the entire people should par- General Thura Shwe Mann meets local authorities, departmental personnel and local people at Dunban Village BEMS in Phakant Township, ticipate in building a disci- on 4-7-2004.—˚PUPR pline-flourishing democratic General and party cordially ance to Indawgyi region. carry out development of to meet the needs of the eas and National Races and nation. greeted those present. Next, the General presented the nation with added mo- region. From time imme- Development Affairs. As Mohnyin region has General Thura Shwe gifts for the village-tract to mentum. morial, the national races Moreover, for the equitable favourable condition of Mann and party inspected Village Chairman U Kyaw After the ceremony, have lived in Myanmar in development of nation, de- education sector, he urged Mohnyin Degree College Thaung and a colour TV General Thura Shwe Mann amity. He spoke of the velopment of special re- parents, teachers and stu- and Government Technical for the school to Headmas- cordially greeted those need to hand down such gions project and rural area dents to cooperate in turn- Institute (Mohnyin) and ter U Than Tun. present. noble tradition of living in development projects are ing out students to become fulfilled the requirements. Speaking on the occa- General Thura Shwe amity and to make efforts being implemented, he better human resources. On arrival at Lonton sion, the General said that Mann and party proceeded for development of the re- added. The government has Village in Indawgyi region local people and service to Donbun Village in gion in accord with an ex- There needs peace and opened Mohnyin Degree of Mohnyin Township, personnel are to make ef- Phakant Township, pression, “Unity is tranquillity for the develop- College and Government they were welcomed by de- forts harmoniously for Myitkyina District. Strength” and upholding ment of the region. In the Technical Institute partmental officials and na- gaining more development At the village Basic the “Our Three Main Na- time of Tatmadaw Govern- (Mohnyin) with the aim of tional races. In the hall of of Indawgyi region includ- Education Middle School, tional Causes”. ment, 17 armed groups re- enabling the students to Lonton Village Basic Edu- ing Lonton Village-tract. Chairman of Phakant Next, General Thura turned to the legal fold and pursue higher education in cation High School Furthermore, parents, Township PDC U Min Swe Shwe Mann presented TV cooperated in implement- Mohnyin region. As such, (Branch), Chairman of teachers and students reported on matters relating and exercise books for ing the development tasks, he stressed the need to co- Lonton Village-tract Peace should cooperate so as to to economic, social, educa- Donbun Village BEMS to he said. operate in producing the and Development Council nurture well-versed stu- tion, health, agriculture, Headmistress Daw May The State, the new generation youths to U Kyaw Thaung reported dents to achieve success of transportation sectors of the May Latt and prizes for the Tatmadaw, people and become intellectuals and on location and area of the the education goal — the township and regional de- village to Village PDC service personnel are intelligentsia of the coun- village-tract, economic, modern and developed na- velopment tasks. Chairman U Gan Rein. needed to cooperate in try who will serve the in- social, education, health, tion will be built through Next, Phakant Town- Later, General Thura making efforts in the inter- terest of the State and im- agriculture, livestock education. ship Education Officer Shwe Mann and party went est of the State upholding plementing the education breeding and transport sec- He then said that all the Daw Khin Win Mar, Col to Tanai, Myitkyina Dis- the “Our Three Main Na- goal. tors. national brethren upholding Aung Myo Min and Maj- trict. At the Tanai Station, tional Causes”, he urged. Next, Lt-Gen Kyaw Deputy Minister for Our Three Main National Gen Maung Maung Swe re- General Thura Shwe Mann Next, General Thura Win presented cash prizes Education Col Aung Myo Causes: non-disintegration ported on measures being met military officers, other Shwe Mann presented TV to outstanding students Min and Deputy Minister of the Union, non-disinte- undertaken for education ranks and their families. and exercise books for through the Township Edu- for Health Dr Mya Oo re- gration of the national soli- promotion in the township. He also met township Tanai BEHS to the town- cation Officer. ported on providing of edu- darity and perpetuation of General Thura Shwe level departmental offi- ship education officer and After the ceremony, the cational and health assist- sovereignty are to unitedly Mann attended to the needs cials, social organization, Headmaster U Philip D to upgrade the Donbun Vil- teachers and students at Sam. He cordially greeted lage Basic Education Mid- Hukaung Hall of Tanai. those present. dle School to the high Tanai Township Peace Afterwards, General school and Lawa Village’s and Development Council Thura Shwe Mann in- Basic Education Post Pri- U Nay Aung reported on spected 942-foot-long mary School to middle one. matters relating to educa- Tanai bridge and flow of He delivered an address. In tion, health, economic, so- water of Tanai Creek. He his address, he said the cial, agriculture and local also gave instructions to the government has been pro- self-sufficiency of rice and officials on construction of viding assistance in educa- regional development earthen dam. tion, health and economic tasks. General Thura Shwe infrastructures of the region Speaking on the meet- Mann and his entourage for more progress of the re- ing, he said that with the proceeded to Shaduzut gion. The local people are aim of developing the bor- Village in Phakant Town- needed to cooperate with der areas and providing as- ship and greeted locals departmental personnel for sistance to improve the so- friendly and attended to the the development of the re- cial standard of the people needs. gion, he urged. in rural areas, the govern- They arrived back in General Thura Shwe Mann cordially greets departmental personnel and social He also pledged that the ment set up the Ministry of Myitkyina in the evening. organization members at Hukaung Hall in Tanai.— PUPR government will continue the Progress of Border Ar- MNA THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 9 July, 2004 9

General Thura Shwe Mann greets faculty members of Mohnyin GTI. — MNA General Thura Shwe Mann greets faculty members of Mohnyin Degree College. MNA

General Thura Shwe Mann greets officials and local people in Dunban village General Thura Shwe Mann presents gifts for BEHS branch in Lonton village to the BEMS in Phakant Township. (News on page 1) — MNA headmaster. (News on page 1) —MNA Measures for supplying cultivation water to Meiktila plain co-ordinated YANGON, 8 July — Member of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Ye Next, Mandalay Division Irrigation Department Director U Aye Thein reported Myint of the Ministry of Defence, accompanied by Chairman of Mandalay Division the arrangements being made for supply of cultivation water in Meiktila District. Director Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, U Kyaw Kyaw of Water Resource Utilization Department reported on requirements of arrived in Meiktila on 7 July. pump stations and condition of pumps. Lt-Gen Ye Myint attended a coordination meeting on supplying cultivation water to Then, Minister for Agriculture & Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin explained that Meiktila Plain. Present were Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Minister for Agriculture local authorities, officials and technicians had conducted feasibility study in accord with and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, Col Tin Oo Lwin of local station, officials and the guidance of the Head of State. The ministry will make efforts for timely completion members of Township Agricultural Coordination Committee. of the tasks with three methods. And, local authorities are also participate in the tasks. In his address, Lt-Gen Ye Myint said Meiktila District is in the dry zone. However, Col Tin Oo Lwin of the local military station reported on dredging of Meiktila Lake and the farmers make effort for regional development with diligence and they expect rain. its storage capacity of water. The commander reported on extended cultivation of paddy They also feel the heat in summer, he said. in Mandalay Division and assistance to be provided for greening Meiktila Plain. Director- Dams and reservoirs were built where they were needed in connection with greening General U Win Shwe of WRUD presented reports on installation of pumps and Deputy of Anya region and tasks for availability of underground water were also implemented Director-General U Khin Zaw of Irrigation Department on building of dams and dredging under the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, he said. of silt. Next, Lt-Gen Ye Myint gave concluding remarks. Next, Lt-Gen Ye Myint The Head of State gave guidance that dams are to be built in possible areas. River discussed supply of water for cultivation and increase of cultivable land with officials water pumping stations are to be built in the areas where dams could not be built. He of Meiktila, Yamethin and Kyaukse District. The commander gave a supplementary pointed out that basic resources of a country are land, water, mountains and climate. report. Lt-Gen Ye Myint instructed them to find more methods to supply water for Lt-Gen Ye Myint continued to say that at the times of Myanmar kings, there were cultivation of monsoon paddy and other crops. 38 dams which benefited 288,251 acres of land in Mandalay Division. During the Afterwards, he inspected flow of water into Meiktila Lake, storage of water and period from 1961-62 to 1988-89, altogether 23 dams were built to benefit 234,480 acres dredging of the lake. Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party went to Nyaunggon Dam Project site of land. During the period from 1988-89 to June 2004, a total of 40 dams were built and inspected it. The dam is located near Nyaunggon Village, Meiktila Township. It is to irrigate water to 333,353 acres of land in the division. As a total, there are now 101 6,400 feet long and 40 feet high and it can benefit 150 acres of farmland. dams benefiting 856,084 acres in Mandalay Division, he observed. On arrival at Taungyay Dam Project site, Lt-Gen Ye Myint heard reports on Head of State Senior General Than Shwe toured Meiktila District on 13-4-2004 progress of construction. The dam will be possible to supply over 4,000 acre-feet of and during his tour he gave guidance to make efforts for supplying cultivation water in water to Kyetmauktaung Dam beginning this rainy season. For the second phase, summer as well as in monsoon. Kyaukdaga Dam Project is being implemented. — MNA

Lt-Gen Ye Myint inspects the Nyaunggon dam construction project in Meiktila Township. — MNA 10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 9 July, 2004 Delegate group of State service personnel continues reading proposal to Plenary Session of National Convention YANGON, 8 July — The Organization, independent lay City Development Com- Plenary Session of the Na- representatives-elect, del- mittee, ministries, indi- tional Convention continued egates of national races vidual persons of the other at Pyidaungsu Hall of from Kachin State, Kayah invited delegates and del- Nyaunghnapin Camp in State, Kayin State, Chin egates of peace groups from Hmawby Township, State, Mon State, Rakhine Shan State (North) Special Yangon Division, at 9 am State, Shan State (South) Region-1, Shan State today. and Shan State (North), (North) Special Region-2, Delegates of State serv- Shan State (East), Sagaing Shan State (North) Special ice personnel, one of the Division, Taninthayi Divi- Region-3, Shan State (East) delegate groups to the Na- sion, Bago Division, Special Region-4, Shan tional Convention, contin- Magway Division, Manda- State (North) Special Re- NCCC Chairman Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Thein Sein signs attendance register ued reading the proposal lay Division, Yangon Divi- gion-5 (KDA), Shan State at National Convention.— MNA concerning detailed basic sion and Ayeyawady Divi- (South) Special Region-6,

Member of the Panel of Chairmen and delegates seen at the Plenary Session of the National Convention.— MNA principles to be laid down sion, delegates of peasants for sharing of legislative, from Kachin State, Kayah executive and judicial State, Kayin State, Chin power to be included in State, Mon State, Rakhine writing the State Constitu- State, Shan State (South) tion. and Shan State (North), Present at the National Shan State (East), Sagaing Convention were Chairman Division, Taninthayi Divi- of National Convention sion, Bago Division, Convening Commission Magway Division, Manda- Secretary-2 of the State lay Division, Yangon Divi- Peace and Development sion and Ayeyawady Divi- Delegate U Ba Myint of Delegate U Nyan Tun of Director (Meeting) U Than Aung and Deputy Director Council Lt-Gen Thein Sein sion, delegates of intellec- Ministry of Home Affairs Attorney-General’s Office U Aung Kyi emcee Plenary Session of National and Commission members, tuals and intelligentsia, del- reads proposal.— MNA reads proposal.— MNA Convention.— MNA Chairman of the National egates of workers from Convention Convening Kachin State, Kayah State, Shan State (North) Special changed arms for peace, and Work Committee mem- Convening Work Commit- Work Committee Chief Jus- Kayin State, Chin State, Region-7, Kachin State Shan State National Army, bers, Chairman of the Na- tee acted as master of cer- tice U Aung Toe and Work Mon State, Rakhine State, Special Region-1, Kachin the group led by U Saw Tun tional Convention Conven- emonies and Deputy Direc- Committee members, Chair- Shan State (South) and Shan State Special Region-2, Oo of Rakhine State, ing Management Commit- tor U Aung Kyi as co-mas- man of the National Con- State (North), Shan State Kayah State Special Re- Homein Region Welfare tee Auditor-General Maj- ter. vention Convening Man- (East), Sagaing Division, gion-1, Kayah State Special and Development Group, Gen Lun Maung and Man- The emcee announced agement Committee Audi- Taninthayi Division, Bago Region-2, Kayah State Spe- Shwepyiaye (MTA) Group, agement Committee mem- the start of the meeting with tor-General Maj-Gen Lun Division, Magway Division, cial Region-3, Kayinni Na- Manpan Region Militia bers and NC delegates the permission of the meet- Maung and Management Mandalay Division, Yangon tional Democratic Party Group, Mon Armed Peace signed the attendance reg- ing chairman as attendance Committee members, chair- Division and Ayeyawady (KNDP) Dragon Group, Group (Chaungchi Region), isters at Pyidaungsu Hall was listed at 1,071 out of men and officials of the Division, delegates of State Kayinni National Progres- Mon (Splinter) Nai Saik where the National Conven- 1,088, accounting for 98.44 sub-committees, media per- service personnel from the sive Party (KNPP) (Splin- Chan Group and Arakanese tion is being held and the per cent. sonnel, delegates of politi- State Peace and Develop- ter, Hoya), Kayinni Na- Army (AA) which ex- Recreation Centre. U Tun Next, delegates of State cal parties of Kokang De- ment Council Office, the tional Unity and Solidarity changed arms for peace. Yin Law of Delegate Group service personnel read the mocracy and Unity Party, President’s Office, the Organization (Ka Ma Sa Before the start of plenary of Political Parties presided proposal concerning de- National Unity Party, Un- Pyithu Hluttaw Office, the Nya), Shan State Nationali- session of the National Con- over the meeting together tailed basic principles to be ion Kayin League, Union Government Office, the ties People’s Liberation vention, Chairman of Na- with National Convention laid down for sharing of Pa-O National Organiza- Supreme Court, the Attor- Organization (Ya La La tional Convention Conven- Convening Work Commit- legislative, executive and tion, Mro (or) Khami Na- ney-General’s Office, the Pha), New Mon State Party, ing Commission Secretary- tee member Daw Khin Nu, judicial power to be in- tional Solidarity Organiza- Auditor-General’s Office, Democratic Kayin Buddhist 2 of the State Peace and De- U Yaw Aye Hla of Delegate cluded in writing the State tion, Lahu National Devel- the Multi-Party Democracy Association (DKBA), velopment Council Lt-Gen Group of Representatives- Constitution. U Ba Myint opment Party, Wa National General Election Commis- Haungthayaw Special Re- Thein Sein and Commission elect, U Maung Hla (a) U of Ministry of Home Affairs Development Party, repre- sion’s Office, Civil Service gion Group, the members, Chairman of the Hla Myint of Delegate submitted the proposal re- sentatives-elect of National Selection and Training Nyeinchanyay Myothit National Convention Con- Group of National Races, U garding management sector. Unity Party and Mro (or) Board, Yangon City Devel- Group of Hpa-an Township vening Work Committee Mya Aye of Delegate Next, delegate U Nyan Khami National Solidarity opment Committee, Manda- of Kayin State which ex- Chief Justice U Aung Toe Group of Peasants, Dr Myo Tun of the Supreme Court Thant Tin of Delegate read the proposal on the ju- Group of Workers, Dr U diciary and all remaining Thein Oo Po Saw of the sectors regarding detailed Delegate Group of Intellec- basic principles to be laid tuals and Intelligentsia, down for sharing and dis- Maj-Gen Aung Thein of the tribution of power legisla- Delegate Group of State tive, executive and judicial Service Personnel and U power to be included in Tun Aung Chein of the writing the State Constitu- Delegate Group of Other tion. Invited Persons. After that, the Plenary Director (Meeting) U Session went into recess at Than Aung of the Office of 10.25 am. It continues at 9 NC delegates attend the Plenary Session.— MNA NC delegates sign attendance register.— MNA the National Convention am on 9 July. — MNA

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 9 July, 2004 11

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m Ancient European remains


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S Wellwishers invited for

\\ÂUUcQXU q[XNX·ql\Q

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hdiscovered in N-W China


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U sinking tube-wells

a t i a


h XINING, 7 July — Archaeologists confirmed that the

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q human skeletons discovered this May in northwest China's YANGON, 8 July — The Development Affairs

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S Committees under the Ministry for Progress of Border

\M[ [XscXfXU¸

W Qinghai Province belonged to three Europeans who lived in

a a

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p p

y{S ^ S S S P Y Areas and National Races and Development Affairs are

m China over 1,900 years ago.


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h "The physical characteristics of the bones showed it is making concerted efforts in sinking tube-wells in order

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a a typical European race," said Wang Minghui, an expert to get sufficient fresh water in rural areas in States and


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a with the archaeological institute under the Chinese Academy Divisions where water is scarce.

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 of Social Sciences. One 200 feet deep two-inch diametre tube-well


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m costs K 250,000; one 400 feet deep two-inch diametre


sThe skeletons were spotted at Zhongchuan Town of the

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y province's eastern most Minhe Hui and Tu Autonomous tube-well costs K 500,000; and one 200 feet deep four-

U X ¥\Â\lXsQXs}M}W[

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` County. Since 2002, archaeologists have unearthed nine tombs inch diametre tube-well costs K 500,000.


S ^ S S k VP^ S Pejr


a h

h of Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) at a construction site of Those wishing to donate cash for the tube-well

p p

y{S ^ g^ S S PS P


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h a brickfield in the town, but it was not until this May that sinking projects for rural areas may contact the

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z they felt the skeletons in two tombs "very special", said Ren Director-General (Tel: 01-245420 & 253088), the Deputy

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P Director-General (Tel: 01-240118), the Director (Engi-


W Xiaoyan, deputy director of the provincial archaeological

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y institute, who added they invited Wang, who specializes in neering) (Tel: 01-291967), the Directors (Sagaing Divi-


i a

` hh` h

h human bone identification, to take part in the study on the sion Development Affairs Committee) (Tel: 071-21012),




x a a

h finds. Qinghai is on the southern section of the world-known the Director (Magway Division Development Affairs

VS S ejr

fXU¸ h

` land trade corridor — the Silk Road, linking China with Committee) (Tel: 063-23164) and the Director (Manda-



¥ Central and Western Asia and to the eastern shores of the lay Division Development Affairs Committee) (Tel: 02-

a a

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S S PVPS S ©O O ¿r

nS k ejr S PVPS ©O ¿r


S 54657).




[ Mediterranean begins in the country's northwest and runs



hh h7,000 kilometres. — MNA/Xinhua MNA

12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 9 July, 2004

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TRADE MARK CAUTION EISAI CO., LTD, a cor- poration duly organized and existing under the laws of Japan, of No. 6-10, Koishikawa 4-chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, is the Owner of the following Trade Marks:- D E C A Q U I N O N Reg. No. 2086/2004 G L A K A Y Reg. No. 2087/2004 A D V E R T I S E M E N T S H O M O C L O M I N Reg. No. 2088/2004 l¨>s∑m\;Aa;Arc\;A®ms\P∑M>‘Pi;mO@an in respect of “Pharmaceutical (rn\kun\Niuc\cM®Ka;Baqatk˚qiul\) preparations and substances” eÂkvaK¥k\ Fraudulent imitation or 1" l¨≥s∑m\;Aa;Arc\;A®ms\P∑M>‘Pi;mO@an (rn\kun\Niuc\cM®Ka;Baqatk˚qiul\ unauthorised use of the said N˙c\. g¥pn\Niuc\cM' tiuk¥oi‘mi> TOPA 21st Century Language Trade Marks will be dealt with Schooltiu≥ p¨;epåc\;j rn\kun\Niuc\cM®Ka;Baqatk˚qiul\t∑c\ g¥pn\Baqaska; (Basic Course)AT¨;qc\tn\; Am˙t\sU\(21) according to law. kiu P∑c\.l˙s\påmv\- Win Mu Tin, (k) g¥pn\Niuc\cM' tiuk¥oi‘mi> TOPA 21st Century Language M.A., H.G.P., D.B.L School m˙ laerak\piu≥K¥mv\" for EISAI CO., LTD. (K) AK¥in\®pv\.qc\tn\;rk\qt†(10)pt\ nar^epåc\; 200nar^\ (g) 2004KuN˙s\' z¨liuc\l(26)rk\en≥ P∑c\.l˙s\mv\" P.O. Box 60, Yangon Chinese Premier (G)Ae®KKMpvaATk\tn\;saem;p∑´kiu(k)ASc\.®Pc\. eAac\®mc\ Dated: 9 July, 2004 sends q¨m¥a; (qiu≥mhut\) tk˚qiul\wc\tn\;saem;p∑´eAac\®mc\q¨m¥a; congratulatory elYak\Ta;Niuc\qv\" China’s urban message to AU 2" Aeq;sit\kiu RMu;K¥in\At∑c\; l¨>s∑m\;Aa;Arc\;A®ms\P∑M>‘Pi;mO@an sewage treatment (rn\kun\Niuc\cM®Ka;Baqatk˚qiul\)t∑c\ sMusm\;Niuc\påqv\" summit Pun\; - 514371 liuc\;K∑´- 123 industry starved BEIJING, 7 July — Chi- nese Premier Wen Jiabao qn\;qn\;eA; for funds delivered a congratulatory BEIJING, 7 July — message to the third summit Though urban sewage has of the African Union (AU) TRADE MARK ema\k∑n\;Tin\;rn\kun\Niuc\cM®Ka;Baqatk˚qiul\ CAUTION exceeded industrial waste to on Tuesday. NOTICE is hereby given pTmN˙s\d^pliumaqc\tn\;qa;m¥a;eKÅy¨®Kc\; be China’s biggest water “Since its inception two that JORDAN AS a joint stock 1" 2004-2005Ku pvaqc\N˙s\At∑k\ rn\kun\Niuc\cM®Ka;Baqa polluter, over 60 per cent of years ago, the AU has played company duly organised un- tk˚qiul\qiu≥ d^pliumaqc\tn\;tk\erak\K∑c\.kiu eAak\påArv\ the country’s cities do not a significant role in Africa’s der the laws of Norway of AK¥c\;N˙c\. ®pv\.sMuq¨m¥a; elYak\Ta;Niuc\påqv\" have any urban sewage treat- solidarity and cooperation, Haavard Martinsens vei (k) ®pv\eTac\su®mn\maNiuc\cMqa;®Ps\rmv\" ment plant for lack of invest- regional conflict resolution 30,0978 Oslo, Norway are (K) Niuc\cMeta\kAqiAm˙t\‘pTa;eqa B∑´>ts\KuKurri˙Ta;q¨®Ps\ ment. and economic and social the Owner and Sole Pro- rmv\" “The industry is starving progress,” the message said. prietors of the following 2" 2004KuN˙s\' Âqgut\l(9)rk\en≥ enak\SMu;Ta;j elYak\lWa for non-state capital,” said It hailed the establish- trademark in Myanmar. tc\q∑c\; Âkrpåmv\" qc\tn\;wc\K∑c\.saem;p∑´®Pc\. qc\tn\;qa;m¥a;kiu Pan Yue, vice-director of the ment of a number of impor- er∑;K¥y\y¨ påmv\" qc\tn\;wc\K∑c\.N˙c\.pt\qk\j Aeq;sit\qiliupåk State Environmental Protec- tant institutions within the RMu;K¥in\At∑c\; ema\k∑n\;Tin\;RMu;Kn\; (saem;p∑´@an)t∑c\ laerak\sMusm\;em; tion Administration (SEPA), AU framework, including ®mn\;Niuc\påqv\" (Pun\; - 515236) Lightning storms kill here Tuesday. the Pan-African Parliament The said mark is used in (Âkv\Âkv\eS∑) 5 people in south Urban sewage reached and the Peace and Security respect of “toothbrushes.” ema\k∑n\;Tin\; 24.76 billion tons in 2003, Council. The said trade mark is the China province accounting for 53.8 per cent “In addition, the NEPAD of total waste water of the (New Partnership for Afri- subject of a Declaration of rn\kun\Niuc\cM®Ka;Baqatk˚qiul\ GUANGZHOU, 7 July — Ownership recorded with, the Concrete weakness found Five people have been re- country. Unfortunately, over ca’s Development) is also Registrar of Deeds and As- ported killed during the past 60 per cent of the country’s well on track to implementa- surances, Yangon, Myanmar, in Paris terminal collapse three days from lightning 660 cities do not have any tion, taking another solid step in Book under No. IV/2933/ strikes in south China’s treatment plant. towards African integra- PARIS, 7 July — Weak- more than two years after it 1994. Dated 16th September Guangdong Province, which Pan Yue said this should tion,” it said. nesses in the concrete used was built. “The view of the has been exposed to conti- be primarily blamed on the China always attaches 1994. for the roof of a futuristic commission is that the main Any infringement or col- nuous rainstorms recently. lack of funds. importance to Africa and has Paris airport terminal were cause of the sudden collapse It is forecast that heavy According to a cleaning all along supported peace and ourable imitation thereof or the main cause of its col- is linked to the perforation of rains, gales and thunder storms plan set in 2001, the sewage development of the conti- other infringement of the lapse on May 23, killing four the concrete roof by the struts will keep pounding parts of treatment rate has to reach nent, the message added. rights of the said Corpora- people, an official report (supporting it),” the ministry the province till Wednesday, 45 percent on average and “Guided by the long- tion will be dealt with ac- said on Tuesday. The initial said of the initial findings. “It including Guangzhou, capi- cording to law. findings by an investigative is likely that this perforation exceed 60 per cent in cities term policy of seeking tal of the province. Locals commission did not appor- was facilitated by the prior with a population of over friendly ties with African U Kyi Win, B.Com., B.L. have been warned of attacks tion blame or comment on and gradual weakening of the 500,000. countries, the Chinese Gov- for JORDAN AS, of lightning, mountain torrents The government prom- ernment will continue to sup- By its Attorneys REMFRY the future of the terminal, concrete,” it added. which was built at a cost of The terminal was de- and landslides. ised to collect 120 billion port the AU and NEPAD’s & SAGAR 750 million euros (920 mil- signed to handle 10 million The province experiences yuan (14.5 billion US dol- implementation, commit it- INDIA. lion US dollars) and could passengers a year. Permanent thunderstorms an average of lars) to reach this goal in self to China-Africa friendly Dated: 9th July, 2004 be razed if its structure is closure of the showcase 80 days a year, said the pro- 2001. While the treatment cooperation in all areas, and fundamentally flawed. building would be a big blow vincial office in charge of rate lingered at mere 22.3 work together with the AU ON T The Transport Ministry to the finances and image of thunder attack relief work. per cent in 2003, SEPA ad- and African nations for a D ’ said it was still not completely operator Aeroports de Paris Last year 48 people were mitted that financing is stronger new partnership fea- clear why the accident hap- (ADP) as it prepares for par- killed and 39 others injured in “more difficult than it has turing long-term stability, SMOKE pened at Terminal 2E of tial privatization. lightning attacks. imagined”. equality and mutual benefit,” Charles De Gaulle Airport MNA/Reuters MNA/Xinhua MNA/Xinhua it stressed.—MNA/Xinhua

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 9 July, 2004 13



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NZ to introduce new guidelines for HK students to attend Austrian President Klestil dies handling heart attacks national education on eve of retiring IENNA WELLINGTON, 7 July—New Zealand is developing new guidelines on the best ways V , 7 July — Aus- to treat heart attacks caused by country’s main killer — cardiovascular disease, New course in Beijing trian President Thomas Klestil, died late on Tuesday Zealand Press Association reported Wednesday. HONG KONG, 7 July— To enhance Hong Kong stu- aged 71 on the eve of his Cardiovascular disease is the leading tries, and its treatment costs hundreds of dents’ understanding of the Chinese Mainland and cause of death in New Zealand, accounting millions of taxpayer dollars each year, so it’s departure from office. strengthen their sense of national identity, a group of Doctors had said earlier for more than four in every ten deaths, ac- important we take the time to get guidelines Hong Kong student leaders will attend a newly launched on Tuesday they could do cording to the Health Ministry. that deliver the best health outcomes,” course in Beijing. nothing but hope and pray Death from all cardiovascular diseases Holmes said. The 11-day national edu- embossed. for Klestil’s survival after He said the Cardiac Society, the Minis- is higher among Maori than the general popu- cation course will highlight The students will also his heart twice stopped beat- lation and coronary heart disease is the lead- try of Health and the New Zealand Guide- current developments in the interview Chinese first space- ing on Monday, triggering ing single cause of death for Maori. lines Group would work together to produce Mainland and allow the stu- man Yang Li Wei and some multiple organ failure. Maori have the highest rate of hospital appropriate advice about the best manage- dents to share experiences and Olympic games champions. “I’m sorry to have to admissions for heart failure - nearly three ment of acute coronary syndrome. interact with the Mainland “These are golden opportu- inform you that the Presi- times that of Europeans. He said there was considerable debate students. nities that come only once in dent, Dr. Thomas Klestil, has Pacific peoples have the highest mortal- internationally and within New Zealand Chief Executive Tung a lifetime,” Wu added. died on July 6 at 11:33 p.m. ity rate for cerebrovascular disease and the amongst health professionals about the ef- Chee Hwa officiated at a flag “I hope that I will gain a (2233 GMT), due to a con- highest hospital discharge rate for stroke. fectiveness of medical treatment compared presentation ceremony of the better understanding about tinuing deterioration of his The chance of being dependent 12 months with surgical treatments. “Award Scheme for Hong the development of China,” inner organs,” Dr Christoph after a stroke is three times higher among “It’s very difficult for doctors to have Kong Student Leaders: Na- said Lee Yi Kam, another Zielinski, the doctor leading Maori and Pacific peoples than among Euro- sufficient time to keep up with and compare tional Education Course” at participant. She is interested the team treating Klestil at peans. the many new studies and decide what they Government House Tuesday. in the topic of law and will try Vienna General Hospital, The guidelines were being developed to mean for their day-to-day practice.” All of the 180 partici- to compare the different told a news conference. Zielinski said Klestil’s better handle the disease which was more Guidelines would help clinicians steer a pants are expected to take a views Beijing and Hong family was at his bedside serious in New Zealand than other countries, path through the ongoing debate about leading role in promoting Kong students have on the when he died and declined to Clinical Services Strategy Manager Andrew whether and when acute invasive surgery or national education at schools topic. The course will be held give any further details. Holmes said in a statement. aggressive drug treatment gives the best upon completion of the from July 11 to July 21 at the Klestil was read the last rites “New Zealand has high rates of heart long-term outcomes for heart-attack patients, course. People’s University of China disease compared with other similar coun- Holmes said.—MNA/Xinhua on Monday. “During the trip, we will and Beijing University of Klestil, who in 1996 be received by officials of the Posts and Telecommunica- was hospitalised twice with central government in the tions. It will include lectures breathing difficulties, was Great Hall of the People,” on Chinese history and cul- under sedation and on artifi- said Wu Ka Man, a partici- ture, and recent economic, cial respiration. He was due pant in the course who, like political and technological to step down on Thursday the others, wore a crisp white developments in mainland. after two six-year terms and shirt emblazoned with the The students will also hand over his largely cere- Brand Hong Kong “flying go on visits to places of inter- monial post to Social Demo- dragon” and a burgundy tie est and participate in sharing crat Heinz Fischer. on which the dragon is also sessions. — MNA/Xinhua MNA/Reuters Tower of London reclaims ancient free-fire zone LONDON, 7 July—The historic Tower of London has reclaimed a free-fire zone around its walls once deemed vital for its survival. The entire eastern side of the Tower, and cost 20 million pounds (37 million US palace and fortress of the monarchs of Eng- dollars). Architect Alan Stanton, who cut his land for nearly 1,000 years, has been fully teeth on the ground-breaking Centre Pompidou revealed with the creation of a giant espla- in Paris in 1977, said the aim of the project had nade 50 metres wide and 200 metres long. been to give back to the Tower some of the “This has reopened the old Tower Liber- status it had once enjoyed in dominating the ties — a military free-fire zone, one arrow area. “We have tried to put back the historic shot from the outer wall,” said archaeologist open space and some of the historic forms,” he Porcupines bathe in a pool to cool off on 5 July, 2004, at Shanghai Zoo in Shanghai, Graham Keevil. told Reuters. China. According to local media maximum temperature in Shanghai reached 33°C The Liberties were an area of clear ground The esplanade runs from the River Thames (91°F) on Monday. — INTERNET running round the outside of the moat which next to the old royal wharf up to Tower Hill Russian military ringed the Tower and which any attacker where public executions were held. Panama Canal Authority tells helicopter crash would have to cross under fire from the walls. Not only does the Tower hold the Crown But over the centuries a clutter of build- Jewels, it was used to imprison and execute ships to tighten security kills four ings gradually encroached almost up to the spies and traitors who incurred the royal wrath. PANAMA CITY, 7 July—The Panama Canal Autho- MOSCOW, 7 July — All edge of the moat, threatening to engulf the Two young princes were killed there in rity has warned ships to tighten security against a four crewmen were killed Tower, which was originally founded by 1483 on the orders of their uncle Richard who possible terror attack or face being denied passage when a Russian military heli- William the Conqueror after the Norman wanted the throne; Henry VI was murdered through the waterway linking the Pacific and Atlantic copter crashed south of Mos- invasion in 1066. there; Henry VIII’s second wife Anne Boleyn oceans. cow on Tuesday, local news The esplanade — which will be opened was beheaded there, and gunpowder plotter Juan Hector Diaz, the terror law, known as the In- agencies said. by Queen Elizabeth on Friday — is the final Guy Fawkes was tortured there in 1605. authority’s security chief, ternational Ship and Port The crash is the latest in phase of a project that has taken eight years MNA/Reuters told Reuters on Tuesday that Facility Security code. a run of accidents involving security has been ramped up The United States has MI-8 helicopters both in Study says old people may hold key to protect the canal, which said it will strictly enforce Russia and abroad, and handles 14,000 ships per the code, pledging to board comes a week after one of to human civilization year, the majority from the every ship in its waters from the craft on loan to the UN WASHINGTON, 7 July—Old people may hold the key to human civilization, US United States, Japan and July 1 and potentially turn- peacekeeping mission in Si- researchers said on Tuesday. China. “It’s for the well-be- ing away vessels not com- erra Leone crashed into a They found evidence old people survived better now concrete evidence — ing of everyone,” Diaz said. pliant with the new anti-ter- hillside, killing 24 people. that, around 30,000 years ago, were more successful, in turn modern humans were older “It’s in Panama’s interest to ror measures. Russian news agencies, many more people started liv- allowing more people to live and wiser,” Caspari said. “We protect itself from a ship that “The new Panama Ca- quoting the Air Force, said ing into old age, in turn fuel- into old age. think with increases in lon- could be risky for the canal nal Authority security re- the MI-8 helicopter was one ling a population explosion. “There has been a lot of gevity two things happened installations.” quirements will apply to all of a pair flying in the Tula Rachel Caspari of the speculation about what gave to increase survivorship,” The threat to deny ships vessels arriving at Panama region. The second aircraft University of Michigan and modern humans their evolu- Caspari, an anthropologist passage comes as the canal Canal waters,” the authority landed and launched a search Sang-Hee Lee of the Univer- tionary advantage. This re- specializing in evolution, authority implemented this said on its web site. for the missing crew mem- sity of California at Riverside search provides a simple ex- added in a telephone inter- month the global sea anti- MNA/Reuters bers.— MNA/Reuters believe that groups in which planation for which there is view.— MNA/Reuters 14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 9 July, 2004 Royle wins claim for Manchester S City dismissal LONDON, 8 July — Former Manchester City manager Joe Royle has been awarded over 422,000-pound (777,400-dollar) compensation P after a successful claim against the Premier League club. Royle, now in charge at First Division club Ipswich Town, was sacked by City following their relegation from the top flight in 2001. O He claimed he was entitled to compensation and a judge awarded him a total of 422,819.08 pounds. City said they were considering an appeal. R A statement on their web site read: "The result is very disappointing. The judgment is contrary to the firm advice we received from our QC and leading experts. "It does not recognize the common understanding of when a club is T relegated and we believe produces an unfair result whereby on this basis Mr. Royle has received extra reward for failure. "We are advised there are grounds for an appeal and will be S considering our position over the next few days." — MNA/Reuters Novo agrees four-year deal with Rangers The Olympic Flame is exchanged during Day 32 of the ATHENS 2004 Olympic Torch Relay on 7 July, 2004 in Sofia, Bulgaria. The Olympic Flame travels to 34 cities in 27 GLASGOW, 8 July — Rangers have beaten Novo becomes Rangers' sixth signing of countries en route to the Athens 2004 Olympic Games.— INTERNET off competition from Scottish champions the close season. Celtic to sign Spanish striker Nacho Novo They have agreed deals with defenders Everton offer Rooney new five-year deal from Dundee in a 450,000-pound (829,000- Jean Alain Boumsong and Marvin Andrews, dollar) deal. midfielders Alex Rae and Dragan LONDON, 8 July — Everton have offered only satisfy Wayne's demands but will also The 25-year-old Novo spoke to local Mladenovic and Croatian striker Dado Prso their teenage England striker Wayne Rooney serve to underscore the club's ambition." media at Rangers' Murray Park training as they rebuild after a trophyless season. a new five-year contract, describing it as the He added: "Everyone at Everton is anx- ground on Tuesday and described the move Dutch twins Ronald and Frank de Boer, biggest in the Premier League club's his- ious that Wayne remains at Goodison Park to as a "dream comes true" after signing a four- Michael Mols, Christian Nerlinger, Nuno tory. continue his footballing education under the year deal with the Glasgow club. Capucho, Egil Ostenstad and Henning Berg Everton would not give details of the stewardship of David Moyes and his coach- Dundee accepted a 500,000-pound bid left Rangers at the end of last season while offer, which has been passed on to the 18- ing staff." from Celtic for Novo last week but despite former Barcelona midfielder Mikel Arteta is year-old's agent amid speculation that Liverpool born and bred, Rooney has holding talks with them, the player, who expected to return to Spain to join Real Rooney's sparkling performances at Euro come up through Everton's youth ranks since scored 25 goals in Scotland last season, Sociedad later this month. 2004 could trigger a move to a bigger club. he was nine. opted to join their bitter city rivals. MNA/Reuters Chief executive Trevor Birch told the His meteoric rise over the past two years club's web site on Tuesday: "We believe was topped off by scoring four times in this is the right offer for Wayne - one which England's Euro 2004 campaign in Portugal fully reflects his growing stature within before breaking a bone in his foot in the early football. stages of their quarterfinal defeat by the host "The five-year deal which has been of- nation. Rooney has two years left on his fered to Wayne is the biggest ever made in current contract, signed in January 2003. this club's history and will hopefully not MNA/Reuters Kleberson set to miss Brazil's Copa America opener AREQUIPA (Peru), July 8 in just two days to make the has lost his place in the start- — Brazilian midfielder Chile game," Lasmar told re- ing line-up in the last year Kleberson is almost certain porters. and had been hoping for a to miss the world cham- The absence of a player good Copa America to help pions' opening game in the who participated in Brazil's him win back his place. Copa America after strain- 2002 World Cup is a setback Brazil have two other in- ing a thigh muscle during to a squad lacking in top-flight jury worries. Flamengo goal- training on Tuesday. experience. keeper Julio Cesar, standing The 25-year-old, who Brazil coach Carlos in for the absent of Dida, has had a difficult first year with Alberto Parreira selectors left recovered rapidly from a Argentina’s Andres d’Alessandro fights for the ball with Ecuador’s Ebelio Ordonez during Manchester United, suf- several top class players out thigh strain and trained nor- their soccer match of the Copa America Peru 2004 in Chiclayo on 7 July, 2004. — INTERNET fered the blow during a prac- of the Copa America squad, mally on Tuesday. tice match and was unlikely including the Spanish-based Sevilla midfielder Julio Santini blames on FFF chairman to play against Chile on trio of Ronaldo, Ronaldinho Batista was also responding Thursday, team doctor and Roberto Carlos. to treatment for inflamed foot PARIS, 8 July— Jacques Santini admit- confidence. I had an opportunity to move on Rodrigo Lasmar said. Instead, he has opted for a tendons and was likely to be ted on Tuesday that his position as outgo- to Tottenham and I had to make up my mind "He suffered a strain to younger group of players, fit for Brazil's second game ing coach affected France's performance quickly so I decided to quit," he told France his left thigh. We'll take many of who are on the fringe against Costa Rica, Lasmar at Euro 2004 but put the blame on French Football. another look tomorrow of the national team. said. — MNA/Reuters Football Federation chairman Claude "I'm not a fool. I know perfectly well that (Wednesday), but he is un- The injury is also a blow Simonet. if some big names had been available in likely to recover from this for Kleberson himself, who Desailly leaves "I'm convinced that the squad would 2002 I would never have been named na- have fared better if my problem had been tional coach," he added. Chelsea settled by the Federation weeks before "I also knew some big names would be LONDON, July 8 — Chel- the tournament and even more so if my available after Euro 2004." sea captain Marcel Desailly contract had been renewed," the former Favourites to take over from Santini are left the club on Tuesday, France coach told sports weekly France former international players Laurent Blanc ending his contract with the Football. and Jean Tigana. The FFF's decision is ex- club by mutual consent. "The real problem was not my future, it pected on Friday. Chelsea's web site said was that I was left in limbo for many MNA/Reuters in a statement that Desailly months before Euro 2004 with nothing Dutch defender Reiziger would return to the south of coming from chairman Simonet or the FFF France to consider his fu- board." joins Middlesbrough ture. Santini announced he would step down LONDON, 8 July — Dutch defender The defender spent six to join English Premier League club Michael Reiziger joined Middlesbrough on years at Chelsea, making 222 Tottenham 10 days before France faced a two-year deal on Tuesday. appearances. England in the opening game of their The experienced right back was available Desailly, 35, retired from Euro campaign that ended with a shock on a free transfer from Barcelona after his international soccer on July 1-0 defeat by Greece in the quarterfi- contract with the Spaniards expired at the 4, after France was elimi- nals. end of last season. nated in the quarterfinals of His difficult relationship with Simonet Reiziger, who has also played for Ajax Euro 2004. He has made a was regarded by French media as the main Amsterdam and AC Milan, was part of the record 116 appearances for reason behind the announcement of his Netherlands squad that reached the semifi- France, including winning departure and the FFF chairman had made nals of Euro 2004. The 31-year-old started Argentina’s Andres d’Alessandro (R) is challenged by the 1998 World Cup and extension of his contract dependent on a three of the Dutch side's five games at the Ecuador's Alfonso Obregon during their soccer match 2000 European Champion- good result in Portugal. tournament in Portugal. at the Copa America Peru 2004 in Chiclayo on 7 July, ship. "I had the feeling that there was a lack of MNA/Reuters 2004. Argentina won the match, 6-1. — INTERNET MNA/Xinhua THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 9 July, 2004 15 16:55 Vram Naga Harvest Day, May, 7th (II)” 01:10 Songs On Screen Palm (Than Sann Lyric Dance 22:12 Rattan Wares and “Love that didn’t bring 05:55 Sandaw Chain Notes) MRTV-3MRTV-3 16:58 Pottery, A Home Bamboo Strip Hat us together” 06:00 National News 06:55 Vram Naga Harvest Industry 22:15 National News 01:12 The Zingyike Waterfall 06:12 Rattan Wares and Dance 17:00 National News 22:20 Travelling on the Chin 01:15 National News Bamboo Strip Hat 06:58 Pottery, A Home 17:05 Stone Inscription Mountain Ranges 01:20 Rakhine Ordination, 06:05 Weaving Industry of Industry 17:10 Songs On Screen 22:25 Myanmar Modern Novitiation & Ear- Pakokku 07:00 National News “Love that didn’t bring Song “Naughty Girl” boring Auspicious 06:10 Song “Auspicious Day, 07:05 Stone Inscription us together” 22:30 National News Ceremony May, 7th (II)” 07:10 Songs On Screen 9-7-2004 (Friday) 17:12 The Zingyike Water- 22:35 Percussion of “Pan” 01:25 Song of Myanmar 06:15 National News “Love that didn’t bring (Programme Schedule) fall (or) Communal Drum Beauty & Scenic 06:20 Travelling on the Chin us together” Morning Transmission 17:15 National News 22:40 Shrimp Farm Project Sights “Come and See Mountain Ranges 07:12 The Zingyike Waterfall (9:00 - 10:00) 17:20 Rakhine Ordination, (Ma Aing Island) Myanmar” 06:25 Myamar Modern Song 07:15 National News Novitiation & Ear- 22:45 National News “Natughty Girl” 07:20 Rakhine Ordination, 9:00 Signature Tune boring Auspicious 22:50 Music for Your Ears 10-7-2004 (Saturday) 06:30 National News Noviation & Ear-bor- Greeting Ceremony (Than Sann Lyric (Programme Schedule) 06:35 Percussion of “Pan” ing Auspicious Cer- 9:02 Song of Myanmar 17:25 Song of Myanmar Notes) Morning Transmission (or) Communal Drum emony Beauty & Scenic Beauty & Scenic 22:55 Vram Naga Harvest (03:30 -07:30) 06:40 Shrimp Farm Project 07:25 Song of Myanmar Sights “Myanma Pano- Sights “Come and See Dance 03:30 Signature Tune (Ma Aing Island) Beauty & Scenic rama & Myanma Sen- Myanmar” 22:58 Pottery, A Home Greeting 06:45 National News Sights “Come and See timent” Industry 03:32 Song of Myanmar 06:50 Music for Your Ears Myanmar” 9:06 Yaw Clothes from Evening Transmission 23:00 National News Beauty & Scenic Yaw Region (19:30 - 23:30) 23:05 Stone Inscription Sights “Myanma Pano- 9:10 Headline News 19:30 Signature Tune 23:10 Songs On Screen rama & Myanma Sen- Rainfall on 8-7-2004 9:12 The Decoration of Greeting “Love that didn’t bring timent” Lacquerware (Stylus 19:32 Song of Myanmar us together” 03:36 Ancient Htoke Kan – nil at Yangon Airport, Drawing) Beauty & Scenic 23:12 The Zingyike Waterfall Thein Temple 9:15 National News Sights “Mingalabar” 23:15 National News 03:40 Headline News – 0.63 inch at Kaba-Aye and 9:20 Usefulness of Nipa 19:36 Ancient Htoke Kan 23:20 Rakhine Ordination, 03:42 Shan Market Day – nil at central Yangon. Palm Thein Temple Noviation & Ear-bor- 03:45 National News 9:25 Sandaw Chain 19:40 Headline News ing Auspicious Cer- 03:50 A Day in the life of the Total rainfall since 1-1-2004 was 52.36 inches 9:30 National News 19:42 Shan Market Day emony PaO Family 9:35 Weaving Industry of 19:45 National News 23:25 Song of Myanmar 03:55 The Golden Jubilee at Yangon Airport and 47.76 inches at Kaba- Pakokku 19:50 A Day in the life of the Beauty & Scenic Celebrations of the Aye and 48.19 inches at central Yangon. 9:40 Song “Auspicious Day, Pa-O Family Sights “Come and See Rawan Literature and May, 7th (II)” 19:55 The Golden Jubilee Myanmar” Culture Society 9:42 Rattan Wares and Celebrations of the 04:00 National News Bamboo Strip Hat Rawan Literature and 04:05 Ancient City, Pakhan- 9:45 National News Culture Society 9-7-2004 (Friday) & gyi 9:50 Travelling on the Chin 20:00 National News 10-7-2004 (Saturday) 04:10 Song “Journey To- Mountain Ranges 20:05 Ancient City, Pakhan- Evening & Morning wards A New Golden 9:58 Song of Myanmar gyi Transmission State” Beauty & Scenic 20:10 Song “Journey To- (23:30 - 1:30) 04:15 National News Sights “Come and See wards A New Golden 04:20 Lifestyles along The Myanmar” State” 23:30 Signature Tune Ayeyawady (Manda- 20:15 National News Greeting lay to Pyay) (Part-4) 9-7-2004 (Friday) 20:20 Lifestyles along The 23:32 Song of Myanmar 04:25 Songs On Screen “My Evening Transmission Ayeyawady (Manda- Beauty & Scenic Ardent Wish” (15:30 - 17:30) lay to Pyay) (Part-4) Sights “Mingalabar” 04:30 National News 15:30 Signature Tune 20:25 Songs On Screen “My 23:36 Yaw Clothes from 04:35 Citrus Products of Greeting Ardent Wish” Yaw Region Shwe Kyin 15:32 Song of Myanmar 20:30 National News 23:40 Headline News 04:40 Naga Traditional Cul- Beauty & Scenic 20:35 Citrus Products of 23:42 The Decoration of tural Showroom Sights “Mingalabar” Shwe Kyin Lacquerware (Stylus 04:45 National News 15:36 Yaw Clothes from 20:40 Naga Traditional Cul- Drawing) 04:50 Making of Traditional Yaw Region tural Showroom 23:45 National News Lacquerware 15:40 Headline News 20:45 National News 23:50 Usefulness of Nipa 04:55 Sein-Kyaung-Nilar 15:42 The Decoration of 20:50 Making of Traditional Palm Royal Group Dance Lacquerware (Stylus Lacquerware 23:55 Sandaw Chain 05:00 National News Drawing) 20:55 Sein-Kyaung-Nilar 24:00 National News 05:05 National Races Village 15:45 National News Royal Group Dance 00:05 Weaving Industry of 21:00 National News Pakokku (Kachin, Kayah, 15:50 Usefulness of Nipa Kayin) Palm 21:05 National Races Village 00:10 Song “Auspicious Day, (Kachin, Kayah, May, 7th (II)” 05:10 Myanmar Modern 15:55 Sandaw Chain Song “A Compassion- 16:00 National News Kayin) 00:12 Rattan Wares and 21:10 Myanmar Modern Bamboo Strip Hat ate Love Boat” 16:05 Weaving Industry of 05:12 Modern Embroidery Pakokku Song “A Compassion- 00:15 National News ate Love Boat” 00:20 Travelling on the Chin 05:15 National News 16:10 Song “Auspicious Day, 05:20 Gold Honey, Honey May, 7th (II)” 21:12 Modern Embroidery Mountain Ranges 21:15 National News 00:25 Song of Myanmar Gold 16:15 National News 05:25 Song of Myanmar 16:12 Rattan Wares and 21:20 Gold Honey, Honey Beauty & Scenic Gold Sights “Myanma Pano- Beauty & Scenic Bamboo Strip Hat Sights “Mingalabar” 16:20 Travelling on the Chin 21:25 Song of Myanmar rama & Myanma Sen- Beauty & Scenic timent” 05:35 Yaw Clothes from Mountain Ranges Yaw Region 16:25 Song of Myanmar Sights “Mingalabar” 00:30 National News WEATHER 21:35 Yaw Clothes from 00:35 Percussion of “Pan” 05:40 Headline News Beauty & Scenic 05:42 The Decoration of Sights “Myanma Yaw Region (or) Communal Drum 21:40 Headline News 00:40 Shrimp Farm Project Lacquerware (Stylus Thursday, 8 July, 2004 Panorama & Myanma Drawing) Sentiment” 21:42 The Decoration of (Ma Aing Island) Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 Lacquerware (Stylus 00:45 National News 05:45 National News 16:30 National News 05:50 Usefulness of Nipa hours MST: During the past 24 hours, weather has been 16:35 Percussion of “Pan” Drawing) 00:50 Music for Your Ears partly cloudy in lower Sagaing and Magway Divisions (or) Communal Drum 21:45 National News (Than Sann Lyric 16:40 Shrimp Farm Project 21:50 Usefulness of Nipa Notes) and rain or thundershowers have been widespread in (Ma Aing Island) Palm 00:55 Vram Naga Harvest Kachin, State, Ayeyawady Division, scattered in Shan, 21:55 Sandaw Chain Dance 16:45 National News Rakhine, Kayin, Kayah and Mon States, upper Sagaing, 16:50 Music for Your Ears 22:00 National News 00:58 Pottery, A Home (Than Sann Lyric 22:05 Weaving Industry of Industry Bago and Yangon Divisions and isolated in the remaining Notes) Pakokku 01:00 National News 22:10 Song “Auspicious 01:05 Stone Inscription areas with isolated heavyfalls in upper Sagaing Division. The noteworthy amounts of rainfall recorded was Hkamti

8:20 am 6:00 pm

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¨ (16.89) inches. ¨


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 10. Musical programme

 8.  Maximum temperature on 7-7-2004 was 31.0°C 6:10 pm 8:30 am Friday, July 9 (88°F). Minimum temperature on 8-7-2004 was 19.0°C 9. International news 11. Discovery 6:20 pm Tune in today: (66°F). Relative humidity at 9:30 hrs MST on 8-7-2004 8:45 am was 92%. Total sunshine hours on 7-7-2004 was nil. Rain- 12. Song of yesteryears 8.30 am Brief news 10. English For Everyday Use fall on 8-7-2004 was nil at Yangon Airport, 16mm (0.63 6:30 pm 8.35 am Music: All my life 4:00 pm inch) at Kaba-Aye and nil at central Yangon. Total rain- 13. Evening news 8.40 am Perspectives 1. Martial song fall since 1-1-2004 was 1330mm (52.36 inches) at Yangon 7:00 pm 8.45 am Music: Juanita 4:15 pm 14. Weather report 8.50 am National news/ Airport and 1213mm (47.76 inches) at Kaba-Aye and Friday, July 9 2. Songs to uphold

7:05 pm Slogan 1224mm (48.19 inches) at central Yangon. Maximum wind

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11456758:68 11456758:68 9

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National Spirit -

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View today: 15. ;9.00 am Music: Around the speed at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was 7 mph from Northwest

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/ / / 4:30 pm / at 17:30 hours MST on 7-7-2004. 7:00 am world

3. Demonstration Exercises 7:30 pm 9.05 am International news Bay inference: Monsoon is generally weak in the

.K003 .K003


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1. Recitation of Parittas by <


:HI6:6:H5656M56M:6NCC :HI6:6:H5656M56M:6NCC BJBLO


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;; ; Missionary Sayadaw U for Correct Pronunciation 16. ;9.10 am Music : Ain’t done Bay of Bengal.

4:45 pm 7:40 pm loving you Forecast valid until evening of 9-7-2004: Rain or

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JB9 L9L Q8M41S1 H6 Q8M41S1 H6

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P P ;R ;R

;R P P P P

;R R 17. ; 7:25 am 4. Musical programme 1.30 pm News/Slogan thundershowers will be widespread in Kachin State, up-

5:00 pm 8:00 pm 1.40 pm Lunch time music per Sagaing and Ayeyawady Divisions, scattered in

£ £

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2. To be healthy exercise £


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 18. News




" "

5. " -There’s a kind of Rakhine, Mon and Kayin States, Bago and Yangon, Di-

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7:30 am ¨


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¤ 19. International news


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© hush visions and isolated in the remaining areas with likeli-


£ £

3. Morning news £





% %

% 20. Weather report


¥ ¥

¥ -I’ll be there for you hood of isolated heavyfalls in Kachin State and upper

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7:40 am &

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& 21. Myanmar video feature


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=00. 0@A. =00.0G 0@A. 0G

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0 Sagaing Division. Degree of certainty is (80%). < <

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<9.00 pm World of music


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4. Nice and sweet song /

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5:15 pm 0Songs from France State of the sea: Seas will be slight in Myanmar


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6. Song of national races 0

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£ waters. Outlook for subsequent two days: Weak


B9.15 pm Article/Music

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:9.25 pm Music at your request monsoon. Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring area

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P P P -Close to you Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring area

8:10 am 5:50 pm 20. The next day’s 9.45 pm News/Slogan for 9-7-2004: Likelihood of isolated rain or thundershow-




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  7.  9. programme 10.00 pm PEL ers. Degree of certainty is (60%). R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press, No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 296115, Manager 296864, Circulation 297093, Advertisement 296843, Accounts 296545, Administration 296161, Production 297032 (Office) /297028 (Press). 8th Waning of First Waso 1366 ME Friday, 9 July, 2004 Scholars from US observe Plenary Session of National Convention YANGON, 8 July — National Convention where and committee members at Scholars from Yale Univer- they were welcomed by Pyidaungsu Hall. sity, Columbia University National Convention Con- The scholars had docu- and New York University vening Commission mem- mentary photos taken inside in the United States of ber Vice-Chief of Military and in front of Pyidaungsu America led by Professer Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Hall. Afterwards, MRTV-3 Daw Win Win Kyi of Win and officials. Next, the interviewed Prof Daw Win Bergen Community Col- scholars observed the Ple- Win Kyi and member of the lege, Yale University, vis- nary Session of the National study group, Dr Jon ited the Plenary Session of Convention. They were cor- Abdullah Yasin of Harvard the National Convention at dially greeted by Chairman University concerning the the Pyidaungsu Hall of of NCCC State Peace and National Convention. Nyaunghnapin Camp in Development Council Sec- Next, the scholars had Hmawby Township at 8.30 retary-2 Lt-Gen Thein Sein, their breakfast hosted by am today. The scholars, ac- Secretary of NCCC Minis- NCCC at Anawrahta companied by officials of ter for Information Brig- Yeiktha of Nyaunghnapin Office of the Chief of Mili- Gen Kyaw Hsan, Chairman Camp. The scholars toured tary Intelligence, arrived at of NCC Work Committee Nyaunghnapin Camp and NCCC Chairman Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Thein Sein cordially greets a scholar of study the Plenary Session of the Chief Justice U Aung Toe left there at 10 am. — MNA group of Yale University, Columbia University and New York University led by Professor Daw Win Win Kyi of Bergen Community College, Yale University, at Plenary Session of National Convention.— MNA Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than inspects construction, agriculture in Ayeyawady Division YANGON, 8 July — Member of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than of Ministry of Defence, accompanied by Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Commander of South-West Command Maj- Gen Soe Naing and officials, arrived Hinthada, Ayeyawady Division, on 7 July. They met officers, other ranks and families of regiments and units at Ayeyamin hall and gave instructions on measures to be taken for education and health as well as cultivation and livestock breeding to earn more income. Next, they cordially greeted those present. Afterwards, Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than presented cash to Maternal and Child Welfare Association of the local battalion and inspected cultivation and livestock breeding on a manageable scale. Later, they went to Hinthada University and inspected the library and progress of construction. At Myokwin river water pumping project in Myokwin of Hinthada Township, Lt- Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than inspects the library of Hinthada University.— MNA Gen Khin Maung Than heard reports related to the project and instructed officials to cooperate tasks among departments concerned for its completion in time. The project Yangon Command Commander’s will have one main canal and 15 feeder canals. The project will benefit 6,000 acres of INSIDE Shield Football Tourney concludes land in the first phase and 3,000 acres in the second.. On arrival at Kanyin Dam project site, officials reported on progress of tasks. Lt- Perspectives YANGON, 8 July — The final match and prize-presen- Gen Khin Maung Than attended to the needs. The dam is being built for irrigating Make collective tation ceremony of Yangon Command Commander’s 25,000 acres of land in Ingapu Township. The earth dam is 194 feet high, 6,600 feet Shield Football Tournament took place at the football efforts for long. The conduit and the spillway are of reinforced concrete. The dam has 148,800 ground of the Command in Mingaladon Township here development acre-feet of water storage capacity at the highest level. In addition, the dam can this afternoon. Among the spectators were Chairman of of the Union generate five megawatt of electricity. On arrival at Ma Mya Dam Project in Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Com- (Page 2) Hmyinwataung of Myanaung Township, they inspected the conduit, the control tower, mander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe and the embankment and spillway. The earthen dam has 11,800 feet by 150 feet embank- Poem wife Daw Khin Thet Htay, Deputy Commander Col Wai ment. The conduit and the spillway are of reinforced concrete. The dam can store To love or Lwin and wife, senior military officers, military region 70,000 acre feet of water. On completion, the dam can irrigate 10,000 acres of land in commanders and station commanders and their wives, to do harm Myanaung Township and prevent floods in farmlands both sides of Ma Mya Creek. officers and other ranks and their families. (Page 2) Moreover, the dam will be possible to generate two megawatt of electricity. In the final match, the Central Ordnance Depot Team At Kunchaung-2 Dam Project site, they heard reports on building of the dam by National beat No 323 Supply and Transport Team 6-4. At the prize- officials and fulfilled the requirements. Next, they inspected the control tower and Convention Plenary presentation ceremony No 1 Military Region Commander building of embankment with the use of heavy machinery. The earthen dam will be Session held Col Tun Kyi, Brig-Gen Aung Khin Soe of Mingaladon 16,720 feet long and 135 feet high. The conduit and the spillway are being built of Station and Mingaladon Station Commander Brig-Gen Min (Page 10) reinforced concrete. The dam can store 100,000 acre-feet of water and benefit 20,000 Thein gave away prizes to the footballers individually. acres of farmland. It can generate two megawatt of electricity. Now, 80 per cent of the Film entertained to Next, Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe presented the project were completed. Next, they proceeded to 400 acres of model paddy plantation NC delegates championship shield to the Central Ordnance Depot Team, in Lahapauk Village and viewed demonstration of modern cultivation technology. Lt- (Page 2) which has won the first prize three times consecutively. Gen Khin Maung Than gave instructions on boosting production of monsoon paddy and MNA efforts to be made for cultivation of double cropping. — MNA

Kunchaung-2 Dam Project in Kyangin Township.— MNA With hands linked firm around the National Convention.