Individual Access to Constitutional Justice

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Individual Access to Constitutional Justice Strasbourg, 27 January 2011 CDL-AD(2010)039rev. Study N° 538 / 2009 Or. Engl. EUROPEAN COMMISSION FOR DEMOCRACY THROUGH LAW (VENICE COMMISSION) STUDY ON INDIVIDUAL ACCESS TO CONSTITUTIONAL JUSTICE Adopted by the Venice Commission at its 85th Plenary Session (Venice, 17-18 December 2010) on the basis of comments by Mr Gagik HARUTYUNYAN (Member, Armenia) Ms Angelika NUSSBERGER (Substitute Member, Germany) Mr Peter PACZOLAY (Member, Hungary) This document will not be distributed at the meeting. Please bring this copy. CDL-AD(2010)039 - 2 - Table of contents INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................6 GENERAL REMARKS....................................................................................................6 I. ACCESS TO CONSTITUTIONAL REVIEW ...............................................................15 I.1. TYPES OF ACCESS .................................................................................................17 I.1.1. Indirect access...................................................................................................17 I.1.2. Direct access.....................................................................................................20 I.2. THE ACTS UNDER REVIEW ......................................................................................28 I.3. PROTECTED RIGHTS ..............................................................................................29 PARTIAL CONCLUSIONS OF CHAPTER I................................................................30 II. REVIEW PROCEEDINGS.........................................................................................32 II.1. CONDITIONS FOR OPENING PROCEEDINGS (“ FILTERS ”) ............................................32 II.1.1. Time-limits for applications ...............................................................................32 II.1.2. Obligation to be legally represented..................................................................32 II.1.3. Court fees.........................................................................................................33 II.1.4. Reopening cases..............................................................................................33 II.1.5. Abuse of the right to appeal to the constitutional court......................................34 II.1.6. Exhaustion of remedies ....................................................................................34 II.1.7. Applicant directly and currently affected by the violation ...................................34 II.1.8. Applicant as a proper means to repair the complainant’s grief ..........................35 II.1.9. Written form......................................................................................................35 II.1.10. Filters in preliminary ruling procedures ...........................................................35 II.2. INTERVENTION AND JOINDER OF SIMILAR CASES ......................................................36 II.3. FURTHER RELEVANT PROCEDURAL RULES ..............................................................36 II.3.1. Adversarial systems..........................................................................................36 II.3.2. Procedural publicity. .........................................................................................37 II.3.3. Conduct of oral proceedings .............................................................................37 II.4. INTERIM MEASURES ..............................................................................................38 II.4.1. Suspension of implementation..........................................................................38 II.4.2. Stay of ordinary proceedings ............................................................................39 II.4.3. Injunctive measures..........................................................................................40 II.5. DISCONTINUATION OF THE PROCEEDINGS ...............................................................40 II.5.1. DISCONTINUATION IF THE PETITION IS WITHDRAWN ..............................................40 II.5.2. DISCONTINUATION IF THE CHALLENGED ACT LOSES VALIDITY ................................40 II.6. TIME LIMITS FOR TAKING THE DECISION ..................................................................41 PARTIAL CONCLUSIONS OF CHAPTER II...............................................................41 III. DECISION................................................................................................................42 III.1. Scope of review..................................................................................................42 III.2. Effects ratione personae .....................................................................................45 - 3 - CDL-AD(2010)039rev III.3. EFFECTS RATIONE TEMPORIS ...............................................................................50 III.3.1. Ex tunc or ex nunc invalidation of an act..........................................................50 III.3.2. Attenuation of the invalidations and their temporal effects ...............................51 III.4. EFFECTS RATIONE MATERIAE : REPARATION AND DAMAGES .....................................52 PARTIAL CONCLUSIONS OF CHAPTER III..............................................................53 IV. OTHER QUESTIONS ..............................................................................................54 IV.1. DELIMITATION OF JURISDICTION BETWEEN CONSTITUTIONAL COURTS AND ORDINARY COURTS ..............................................................................................................54 IV.1.1. Review competences ......................................................................................55 IV.1.2. Binding force of the judgment’s reasoning.......................................................55 IV.1.3. Obligation to put a preliminary request ............................................................56 IV.2. PROBLEM OF DIRECT INDIVIDUAL ACCESS AND OVERBURDENING OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURT ................................................................................................................58 IV.2.1. Writs of certiorari and selection of cases by constitutional courts ....................58 IV.2.2. Organisation of the constitutional court............................................................59 PARTIAL CONCLUSIONS OF CHAPTER IV .............................................................60 TABLES........................................................................................................................61 1.1.1 Table 1 summarising the types of access...............................................61 1.1.2 Table: Time-limits for applications ..........................................................63 1.1.3 Table: Obligation to be legally represented ............................................66 1.1.4 Table: Exhaustion of remedies and exceptions ......................................68 1.1.5 Table: Preliminary ruling procedures ......................................................72 1.1.6 Table: Joinder of similar cases ...............................................................75 1.1.7 Table: Adversary systems ......................................................................76 1.1.8 Table: Public proceedings and exceptions .............................................80 1.1.9 Table: Oral proceedings and exceptions ................................................83 1.1.10 Table: Suspension of implementation.....................................................85 1.1.11 Table: Stay of ordinary proceedings .......................................................89 1.1.12 Table: Injunctive measures.....................................................................91 1.1.13 Table: Extension of norms under review.................................................92 1.1.14 Table: Erga omnes effect .......................................................................93 1.1.15 Table: Confirmation of constitutionality.................................................100 1.1.16 Table: Ex nunc or ex tunc effect of the Constitutional Court’s decision.102 1.1.17 Table: Capacity of constitutional courts to attribute damages ...............110 1.1.18 Table: Authorisation to put a preliminary request..................................111 CONSTITUTIONAL AND LEGAL BASES FOR INDIRECT AND DIRECT INDIVIDUAL ACCESS ......115 1.1.19 Table: Indirect access: Ombudsperson ................................................115 1.1.20 Table: Indirect individual access: Preliminary requests.........................124 1.1.21 Table: Direct individual access: Constitutional and legal bases ............133 CDL-AD(2010)039 - 4 - Executive Summary 1. Among the member and observer states of the Venice Commission, very few countries do not provide at least some type of individual access to question the constitutionality of a norm or individual act. These are Algeria, Morocco, the Netherlands and Tunisia (France can no longer be classified in this group after its recent constitutional reform). It is possible to distinguish between direct individual access, in which individuals are given the possibility to challenge the constitutionality of a given norm or act directly and indirect individual access, in which the constitutionality can be challenged only through state bodies. Many countries have a mixed system, both with direct means
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