
Logical Repre s entations

for Automate d Re asoning

ab out Spatial Relationship s

Brandon Bennett

Submitte d in accordance with the requirements for the degree of

Do ctor of Philo sophy

The Univers ity of Lee ds

Scho ol of Computer Studie s

Octob er

The candidate conrms that the work submitte d i s hi s own and that appropr iate

cre dit has b een given where reference has b een made to the work of others

Ab stract

Thi s the s i s inve stigate s logical repre s entations for de scr ibing and reasoning ab out spatial s ituations

Previously prop os e d theor ie s of spatial regions are inve stigate d in some detail e sp ecially the

storder theory of Randell Cui and Cohn The diculty of achieving eective automate d

reasoning with the s e systems i s obs erve d

A new approach i s pre s ente d bas e d on enco ding spatial relations in formulae of order pro

p os itional logics It i s prove d that entailment which i s valid according to the standard s emantics

for the s e logics i s also valid with re sp ect to the spatial interpretation Cons equently wellknown

mechani sms for prop os itional reasoning can b e applie d to spatial reasoning Sp ecic enco dings

of top ological relations into b oth the mo dal logic S and the intuitioni stic prop os itional calculus

are given The complexity of reasoning us ing the intuitioni stic repre s entation i s examine d and

a pro ce dure i s pre s ente d which i s shown to b e of O n complexity in the numb er of relations

involve d

In order to make thi s kind of repre s entation suciently expre ss ive the concepts of model con

straint and entailment constraint are intro duce d By means of thi s di stinction a order formula

may b e us e d e ither to ass ert or to deny that a certain spatial constraint holds of some s ituation It

i s shown how the pro of theory of a order logical language can b e extende d by a s imple metalevel

generali sation to accommo date a repre s entation involving the s e two typ e s of formula

A numb er of other topics are dealt with a deci s ion pro ce dure bas e d on quantier elimination

i s given for a large class of formulae within a storder top ological language reasoning mechani sms

bas e d on the composition of spatial relations are studie d the nontop ological prop erty of convexity

i s examine d b oth f rom the p oint of view of its storder character i sation and its incorp oration into

a order spatial logic It i s sugge ste d that order repre s entations could b e employe d in a s imilar

manner to enco de other spatial concepts

There is no branch of mathematics however abstract that wil l not eventual ly be applied

to the phenomena of the real world

Lobachevsky quote d in the Amer ican Mathematical Monthly Feb

Acknowle dgements

Work on thi s the s i s was partially supp orte d by the CEC under the Bas ic Re s earch Action

MEDLAR Pro ject the SERC under grants GRH and GRG and the EPSRC

under grant GRK

I would like to give sp ecial thanks to Profe ssor Tony Cohn for constant encouragement dur ing

my work on thi s the s i s and for providing me with many opp ortunitie s to meet other re s earchers in

the eld

Thanks also to my mother Gaymer ing Bennett for pro of reading the manuscr ipt

Finally I would like to thank my wife Deb orah for b ear ing with me dur ing my long career as a



Intro duction

The Domain of Spatial Reasoning

Spatial Concepts and Information

Geometry of Points and Line s and its Pr imitive Concepts

Top ology

Shap e

Convexity and Containment

Pos ition and Or ientation

A Br ief Hi story of Spatial Reasoning

Or igins


New Foundations

Conceptual and Formal Frameworks

Bas ic Elements in a Spatial Theory

Mo de s of Formali sm

Logical Theor ie s of Space and Spatial Logics

Spatial Reasoning in Computer Science

Commons ens e Knowle dge

Reasoning ab out Phys ical Systems

Spatial Reasoning in Rob otics

Spatial Reasoning and Computer Vi s ion

Temp oral Reasoning

Automating Spatial Reasoning

Complexity of Mathematical Theor ie s

Tractability and Decidability

The Content of thi s The s i s

Assume d Background and Notations Employe d

Axiomatic Theor ie s of Spatial Regions

PointSet Top ology

The Or igins of RegionBas e d Theor ie s


Lesniewskis Mereology

Other Mereological Systems

Tarskis Geometry of Solids

Clarkes Theory

Fus ions and Quas iBo olean Op erators

Top ological Functions


The Region Connection Calulus RCC

Functional Extens ion of the Bas ic Theory

The Sorte d Logic LLAMA

Sorts in the RCC Theory

Two Additional Axioms

Further Development of RCC

Other Relevant Work on RegionBas e d Theor ie s

de Lagunas Theory

Grzegorczyks Undecidability Re sults

Some Recent Re s earch in the Field

Analys i s of the RCC Theory

RCC in Relation to thi s The s i s

Identity and Extens ionality

The Quas iBo olean Functions

The Status of the Function Denitions

RCC without Functions or Sorts

The Complement Function

Relation to Ortho dox Bo olean Algebras

A Single Generator for Bo olean Functions

Intro duction of a Null Region

Atoms and the NTPP Axiom

Mo dels of the RCC Theory

Graph Mo dels of the C relation

Mo dels in PointSet Top ology

Interpreting RCC in PointSet Top ology

The Bo olean Algebra of Regular Op en PointSets

A Dual Top ological Interpretation

Completene ss and Categor icity

A Revi s e d Vers ion of the RCC Theory


A Order Repre s entation

Spatial Interpretation of Order Calculi

Set Semantics for the Class ical Calculus

An Entailment Corre sp ondence

Reasoning with NonUniversal Equations

Repre s enting Top ological Relationships in C

Mo del and Entailment Constraints

Cons i stency of C Situation De scr iptions

Repre s enting RCC Relations

NonNull Constraints

Repre s entations of the RCC Relations

Reasoning with C

Determining Entailments

Complexity of the Reasoning Algor ithm

A Mo dal Repre s entation

The Spatial Interpretation of Mo dal Logics

Overview of the Approach Taken

Semantics for Order Mo dal Logics

Mo dal Logics

The Logic S

Kr ipke Semantics

Mo dal Algebras

Algebraic Mo dels

PowerSet Algebras

Mapping Between Algebraic and Logical Expre ss ions

Entailment among Mo dal Algebraic Equations

Relating S Mo dalAlgebraic Entailment to De ducibility

Top ological Closure Algebras

Closure and Inter ior Algebras

RCC Relations Repre s entable in Inter ior Algebra

Us ing Inequalitie s to Extend Expre ss ive Power

Enco ding Closure Algebraic Constraints in S

RCC Relations Repre s entable in S

Extende d Mo dal Logics L

Convexity of Mo dal Algebras

A Corre sp ondence Theorem for S

Repre s enting RCC Relations in S

Regular ity and Bo olean Combination of Regions

Eliminating Entailment Constraints


An Example of an Entailment Enco de d in C

The Utility of L as Compare d with L

An Intuitionistic Repre s entation and its Complexity

The Top ological Interpretation of I

Relation b etween I and S

Corre sp ondence Theorem for I

Intuitioni stic Repre s entation of RCC Relations

The I Enco ding

The Regular ity Constraint and Bo olean Functions Co de d in I

Ecient Top ological Reasoning Us ing I

for I

Hudelmaiers Rule s

Spatial Reasoning Us ing Hudelmaiers Rule s

Further Optimi sation

Complexity of the Improve d Algor ithm

Implementation and Performance Re sults

Neb els Complexity Analys i s

Quantier Elimination

Quantier Elimination Pro ce dure s

Quantier Elimination in RCC

Extending the Pro ce dure

Limitations and Us e s of the Pro ce dure


Beyond Top ology

The ConvexHull Op erator conv

Containment Relations Denable with conv

stOrder axioms for conv

Enco ding conv x in I

Mo dal Repre s entation of Convexity

Practicality of the Mo dal Repre s entation

Comp o s ition Bas e d Re asoning

Comp os ition Table s

Soundne ss and Completene ss of a Comp os ition Table

Formal Theor ie s and Comp os ition Table s

The Extens ional Denition of Comp os ition

Comp os ition Table s and CSPs

Comp os ition Table s for RCC Relations





Compactne ss of RCC

Exi stential Imp ort in RCC Comp os itions

Relation Algebras

Dening Spatial Relations

Further Work and Conclus ions

What has b een Achieve d

Further Work

Complete Spatial Theor ie s

Eective Mo dal and Intuitioni stic Reasoning

Extending Expre ss ive Power

Reasoning with OnePiece and other Simplicity Constraints

Points and Dimens ionality

The Relation Between Logic and Algebra

Comp os itional Reasoning and Relation Algebra

Spatial Reasoning in a More General Framework

A General Theory of the Phys ical World

Spatial Information and Change

Vague and Uncertain Information

Relating Qualitative and Metr ic Repre s entations


Top ological Inference in a GIS Prototyp e

Conclus ion

A Elementary Geometry

A Tarskis Axiom System

A Pr imitive Geometr ical Concepts

B An Alter native Pro of of MEconv

C Prolog Co de

C Generating all Conjunctions of RCC Relations

C Conjunctions of the RCC Relations and the ir Negations

C An I Theorem Prover for Spatial Sequents

C A Sp ecial Purp os e O n Algor ithm for Spatial Sequents

D Re dundancy in Comp o s ition Table s


Li st of Figure s

Some s ignicant relations among p oints

Bas ic relations in the RCC theory

Shap e s di stingui she d by Gotts us ing the RCC theory

Qualitative or ientation in a relative co ordinate system

Top ological relations repre s entable in C

A spatial reasoner implemente d in Prolog us ing I

Illustration of convexhulls in dimens ions

Nine renements of EC

Comp os ition of EC and TPP i s not fully extens ional

Trans ition network for e ight top ological relations

A prototyp e geographical information system

D Poss ible congurations of symmetr ic and asymmetr ic relations

Li st of Table s

Dene d relations in Clarkes theory

Dene d relations in the RCC theory

An equational theory of Bo olean algebras

Denitions of four top ological relations in C

The C enco ding of some RCC relations

Some constraints expre ss ible as closure algebra equations

Seven relations dene d by inter ior algebra equations

Alter native denitions for clos e d regions

The RCC relations repre s ente d as inter ior algebra constraints

Closure Axioms and Corre sp onding Mo dal Schemata

Inter ior Axioms and Corre sp onding Mo dal Schemata

Seven relations dene d by inter ior algebra equations and corre sp onding S formulae

The S enco ding of some RCC relations

S enco ding bas e d on the clos e d s et interpretation of RCC

Repre s entation of the RCC relations in I

Some RCC relations dene d in I including the RCC relations

Class ical de scr iption of intuitioni stic binary claus e entailment

Comp os ition table for the RCC Relations

Comp os ition table for the RCC relations

Comp os ition table for the RCC relations

Comp os itional inference s among I formulae

Equational axioms for a Relation Algebra

D Comp os ition table re dundancy gure s for four relation s ets


Intro duction

Although spatial relationships p ervade our comprehens ion of the world we are almost completely

unaware of how we manipulate spatial information Our f amiliar ity with spatial prop ertie s and

arrangements of everyday ob jects make s the logical connections b etween dierent spatial relation

ships so transparent that it i s extremely dicult to apprehend and make explicit the structure of

thi s conceptual f ramework

Spatial reasoning has a key role to play in a wide var iety of computer applications For example

it i s of crucial imp ortance in the following areas

geographical information systems GIS

rob ot control

computer aide d de s ign and manuf actur ing CADCAM

virtual world mo delling and animation

me dical analys i s and diagnos i s systems

In current computer systems repre s entation of spatial information i s bas e d almost entirely

on numer ical co ordinate s and parameters However to sp ecify the b ehaviour of the system a

programmer will often nee d to evaluate highlevel qualitative relationships holding b etween data

ob jects eg to te st whether one region overlaps another Such information can b e extracte d when

nee de d f rom numer ical datastructure s by sp ecial purp os e algor ithms Wr iting such algor ithms may

often b e quite straightforward for a comp etent programmer but as large systems are develop e d

problems are likely to emerge There i s p otentially innite var iety in the form that spatial data

can take so a large numb er of s imilar algor ithms op erating on slightly dierent typ e s of data must


b e wr itten More s er iously the heterogene ity of data ob jects means that apparently equivalent

prop ertie s of dierent datatyp e s may diverge in extreme cas e s and thi s can lead to co ding errors

which are dicult to identify

The pr imary caus e of the s e problems i s that current programming systems provide no general


The objectoriented paradigm of computer programming can help overcome this problem but only if great care

is taken in e stablishing a hierarchical organisation of datatype s even then it may be dicult to integrate new

unfore s een datatype s neatly into an existing structure


f ramework for manipulating highlevel qualitative spatial information In order to te st whether a

particular qualitative relationship holds eg the s ensor i s in contact with the blo ck the pro

grammer must rst know ab out the details of how ob jects and the ir lo cations are repre s ente d and

then formulate some te st involving value s containe d in the relevant datastructure s Thi s te st will

generally take the form of an equation or inequality or p erhaps some Bo olean combination of

equations andor inequalitie s Such te sts determine qualitative spatial relationships according

to the intende d interpretation of data structure s in the databas e If a programmer could directly

employ qualitative spatial vo cabulary in place of complex te st op erations many co ding tasks would

b e greatly s implie d but providing such a f acility i s very f ar f rom straightforward It require s the

formulation of an adequate theory of spatial relations together with an eective means of computing

inference s according to the theory

In addition to its application in the context of well e stabli she d kinds of computer system spa

tial reasoning i s of crucial imp ortance to the eld of Articial Intelligence AI In attempting

to construct computer programs that s imulate intelligent b ehaviour many re s earchers have con

clude d that as well as nee ding general purp os e reasoning mechani sms such systems must p oss e ss

a large amount of background knowle dge and furthermore in order to draw cons equence s f rom

thi s information detaile d theor ie s character i s ing the logical prop ertie s of the concepts and rela

tions involve d will b e require d Spatial relations clearly form an extremely imp ortant conceptual

domain they are involve d in a very high prop ortion of f acts ab out the real world Hence in the

development of thi s logici st approach to AI theor ie s of spatial relations will play a central role

AI re s earch into spatial reasoning i s at the pre s ent largely di sso ciate d f rom relate d branche s

of mathematics geometry top ology and logic Thi s i s partly b ecaus e mathematical formalisms

in the s e areas do not naturally lend thems elve s to eective automate d computation of inference s

Another f actor i s the diculty of ass imilating the s e highly develop e d and complex di scipline s into

the relatively young and as yet rather f ragmente d eld of AI From the standp oint of AI spatial

reasoning i s often s een as clos ely asso ciate d with the cognitive pro ce ss ing capabilitie s of humans

and other animals Mathematical theor ie s on the other hand give a very abstract character i sation

of reasoning which i s indep endent f rom biological or psychological pro ce ss e s However cons id

erations of the cognitive plausibility of repre s entations and algor ithms employe d in a computer

program to provide reasoning capabilitie s are clos ely connecte d to cons iderations of the computa

tional complexity of formal de ductive systems

In thi s the s i s I shall adopt a mathematical view of the problem However we shall s ee that

certain conceptual f rameworks which were in f act motivate d by arguments of cognitive plaus ibility

do lead to formal systems which are computationally manageable Thus for example the idea

of taking certain s ets of relations as b e ing of sp ecial s ignicance in the class ication of spatial


s ituations and of taking the composition of two relations as a pr imary mo de of de duction app ears

to b e b oth cognitively plaus ible and to lead to formal systems in which many us eful inference s can


Given two relations R and R the ir comp osition R R is the stronge st relation such that for any three

1 2 1 2

ob jects a b c if R a b and R b c hold then R a c must hold The nature and signicance of relational

1 2 3

comp osition will be studie d in chapter


b e compute d eectively s ee for example Freksa b and Her nandez

The re st of thi s intro ductory chapter will b e structure d as follows First I motivate the enterpr i s e

of automating spatial reasoning by exhibiting some of the more s ignicant of the wide var iety of

spatial concepts and sugge sting reasoning tasks and applications for which the s e concepts are

s ignicant I then give a br ief hi story of spatial reasoning in which I outline the ma jor approache s

to the sub ject that have b een develop e d by mathematicians and philosophers Thi s i s followe d by

a cons ideration of the relationships b etween dierent conceptual f rameworks and formal systems

for repre s enting and reasoning ab out space I then survey work on spatial reasoning in computer

science particularly f rom the p ersp ective of AI We shall s ee that in addition to problems of

adequate formal repre s entation automate d reasoning ab out spatial information f ace s cons iderable

problems of computational complexity Finally I give a br ief overview of each of the subs equent

chapters of the the s i s

The Domain of Spatial Re asoning

Spatial Concepts and Information

Spatial information i s pre s ente d to us by means of two very dierent mo de s s ensory p erception

and lingui stic de scr iption We acquire knowle dge of spatial relationships e ither by some more

or le ss unconscious pro ce ss ing or transformation of state s pro duce d in our s ensory organs in

re sp ons e to b ombardment by particle s f rom the outs ide world or by b e ing told or reading ab out

the spatial arrangement of parts of the world The former sensory kind of information has b een

intens ively studie d by re s earchers in computer vision and robotics with some succe ss but it i s

the latter propositional form of spatial information that will b e the concer n of thi s the s i s I shall

pursue repre s entations which can expre ss information such as i s containe d in the following Engli sh

s entence s

Yorkshire i s part of England

The hip b one i s connecte d to the thigh b one

The y i s in the b ottle

I shall not however b e concer ne d with the particular ways in which a natural language ex

pre ss e s spatial information but with preci s ely sp ecie d formal repre s entations with denite rule s

of logical inference Neverthele ss it will b e s een that the s e formal expre ss ions can b e interprete d

in terms of certain natural language expre ss ions and moreover that logically valid de ductions

corre sp ond to arguments which are intuitively sound under thi s interpretation

Geometry of Points and Line s and its Pr imitive Concepts

The geometry of p oints and line s i s the most ancient branch of spatial reasoning Here the abstract

dimens ionle ss p oint i s the bas ic element and all other spatial entitie s must b e constructe d out of

p oints One of the olde st theor ie s of thi s mo de of geometry i s that of Euclid whos e axiomatic


system i s still us e d to day

a) b)

c) d)

Figure Some s ignicant relations among p oints

Figure pre s ents four diagrams showing s imple but very s ignicant relationships which can

hold b etween p oints The gure s are of cours e two dimens ional but analogous relations can hold

in or more dimens ions Diagram a shows the betweenness relation holding among three p oints

if order i s di sregarde d one has the col linearity relation b depicts the equidi stance of two pairs

of p oints Betweenne ss and equidi stance are the two pr imitive s in Tarskis formalisation of

elementary geometry s ee app endix A c shows the relation of equidi stance of two p oints f rom

a third a s ituation eas ily constructe d on pap er us ing a compass In f act in Euclidean geometry

b oth the relations a and b and hence all relations of elementary Euclidean geometry can b e

dene d in terms of relation c The ter nary relation of equilaterality d can also s erve as the sole

pr imitive for Euclidean geometry of three or more dimens ions Tarski and Beth

If a co ordinate f rame and metr ic are sp ecie d for a Euclidean space algebraic metho ds can

b e applie d to geometr ical problems Points line s and surf ace s are then repre s ente d by means

of equations and inequalitie s relating the co ordinate s of p oints Thi s analytic geometry i s the

most widely us e d repre s entation for spatial information it forms the bas i s of almost all spatial

repre s entation and reasoning mechani sms employe d in current computer systems

Top ology

Topology may b e regarde d as a subeld of geometry but it i s f ar more abstract than the geometry of

p oints and line s The top ological prop ertie s of a spatial ob ject are thos e that do not vary dep ending

on scale or or ientation A go o d illustration of such invar iance i s provide d by cons ider ing a drawing

on a rubb er sheet the top ological prop ertie s of the drawing are thos e which are pre s erve d while


the sheet i s arbitrar ily stretche d and deforme d

Figure illustrate s particularly s ignicant top ological relations which can hold b etween two

regions although the diagram shows D regions analogue s of the s e relations apply to or higher


By virtue of the very abstract way in which the theory of top ology has been develope d top ological concepts

have also been applie d to areas of mathematics which are very far remove d f rom this rubbersheet interpretation


dimens ional regions All of the s e relations are denable in the RCC for Randell Cohn and Cui

or alter natively Region Connection Calculus theory of spatial regions Randell Cui and Cohn

which will b e inve stigate d in detail in chapter Ess entially the same s et of relations has

b een indep endently identie d as s ignicant in the context of Geographical Information Systems

Egenhofer and Franzosa Egenhofer Clementini Sharma and Egenhofer

The relations form a jointly exhaustive and pairwise disjoint JEPD s et which means that

any two regions stand to each other in exactly one of the s e relations JEPD s ets are imp ortant

in the compositionbas e d approach to reasoning ab out binary relations which will b e explore d in

chapter Thi s class ication can b e rene d to intro duce additional di stinctions b etween relations

For instance amongst pairs of EC exter nally connecte d regions we could di stingui sh thos e con

necte d at a b oundary s egment f rom thos e connecte d at a s ingle p oint Many such relations are

also denable in the RCC theory

Top ological relationships are of a very general character and can b e us e d to give a highlevel

de scr iption of all manner of spatial s ituations For example us eful geographical information con

cer ning countr ie s province s and countie s and the relationships b etween them can b e expre ss e d in

terms of the s e relations Nonspatial information can also often b e repre s ente d metaphor ically in

terms of top ological prop ertie s eg the range of application of colour terms might b e de scr ib e d

in terms of regions in a colour space

a a

b b a b a b

DC(a,b) EC(a,b)TPP(a,b) TPPi(a,b)

a b a b a b a b

PO(a,b) EQ(a,b)NTPP(a,b) NTPPi(a,b)

Figure Bas ic relations in the RCC theory

Repre s entation and eective automate d reasoning ab out top ological relations will b e the main

concer n of thi s the s i s However we shall s ee that repre s entations and algor ithms develop e d pr imar

ily for ecient top ological reasoning can b e extende d to handle other asp ects of spatial information

Formal character i sation of top ological relationships has traditionally b een carr ie d out by axiomat

i s ing certain prop ertie s of s ets of p oints However such an axiomati sation assume s a theory of s ets

The re sulting theory i s extremely complex and cons equently impractical as a bas i s for an automate d

reasoning system An alter native approach to formali s ing top ological notions i s that of algebraic

top ology in which the ob jects of the theory are ndimens ional p olygons and p olyhe dra Thi s may


Doughnut (or Solid Torus) Torus Doughnut with gap (topologically, a solid block)

Three doughnuts with degenerate holes

Four doughnuts with degenerate hole-surrounds

Double doughnut Loop Cylinder-surface Block minus block

Figure Shap e s di stingui she d by Gotts us ing the RCC theory

prove to b e more suitable for computational reasoning than the p oints et repre s entation but in its

pre s ent form it i s also f ar to o complex In view of the imp ortance of top ological concepts and

the diculty of carrying out automate d reasoning us ing standard mathematical notations much

of thi s the s i s will b e concer ne d with the development of alter native repre s entations for top ological


Shap e

Character i s ing the shap e of ob jects or regions s eems to involve a wide sp ectrum of spatial concepts

Although the shap e of a region may b e regarde d as indep endent of its s ize and or ientation the

relative prop ortions and p os itions of the parts of a region are e ss ential to its shap e so s ize and

or ientation are in thi s way asp ects of shap e In f act if in de scr ibing any spatial s ituation we are

only intere ste d in di stingui shing o ccupie d regions f rom f ree space and are not concer ne d with the

overall scale then thi s can b e accompli she d by character i s ing the shap e of the o ccupie d or f ree

space Thus repre s enting and reasoning ab out arbitrary shap e s encompass e s a very large part

if not the whole of the domain of spatial reasoning

Neverthele ss a numb er of formali sms for de scr ibing shap e have b een develop e d The s e can b e

divide d into two broad class e s rstly there are the constructive repre s entations in which complex

shap e s are de scr ib e d by structure d combinations of pr imitive comp onents and s econdly there

are approache s which might b e calle d constraining s ince shap e s are character i s e d in terms of


prop ertie s holding of a region and the s e prop ertie s are constraine d to conform to some theory

A wellknown form of the constructive approach which i s bas e d on numer icalvector repre s

entations of ob jects i s Constructive Solid Geometry Requicha and Tilove Requicha

More abstract example s of the approach include the many kinds of shape grammar that have b een

develop e d A rather dierent metho d of shap e construction i s de scr ib e d by Leyton He sp e

cie s a process grammar which generate s shap e s by means of a s er ie s of deformations starting f rom

an initial di sc shap e Constraining approache s to shap e include thos e bas e d on axiomatic theor ie s

such as the storder RCC theory Randell Cui and Cohn Gotts has shown how

many top ologyically di stinct shap e s can b e di stingui she d in terms of thi s theory s ee gure

Another approach to shap e denition us ing RCC i s de scr ib e d in Cohn

Convexity and Containment

A limite d but s ignicant subdomain of prop ertie s concer ning shap e compr i s e s thos e concepts

relate d to the notion of convexity An ob ject may b e convex or may have a certain numb er of

concavitie s Even such a s eemingly meagre range of di stinctions can s erve to di scr iminate b etween

many dierent kinds of spatial region Cohn Davi s Gotts and Cohn

In de scr ibing convexityrelate d prop ertie s it i s us eful not only to b e able to say that a region i s

convex but also to b e able to identify the smalle st convex region which contains any given region

Thi s i s the convexhull of the region The extende d RCC theory employs a convexhull op erator

whos e interpretation i s the function f rom regions to the ir convexhulls In the pre s ent work I shall

only b e concer ne d with thos e notions of convexity and containment which are denable in terms

of the convexhull op erator Thus not only will many asp ects of shap e b e overlo oke d but also the


treatment of convexity will b e limite d

Several us eful relationships concer ning the containment of one region within another may b e

dene d in terms of convexhulls For instance if a region a do e s not overlap b but i s a part of

the convexhull of b we may say that b contains a Thi s give a preci s e although arguably

unnatural sp ecication of a containment relation in terms of convexhull together with some

s imple top ological relations Convexity and containment will b e cons idere d in detail in chapter

Po s ition and Or ientation

Pos ition and or ientation are very imp ortant kinds of spatial information which can b e preci s ely

repre s ente d by means of numer ical co ordinate s However there are also a wide range of qualitative

relationships involving the s e concepts Figure illustrate s an analys i s of qualitative or ientation

due to Freksa b a depicts a s ituation in which an obs erver o i s heading towards a

landmark l and s ee s a hous e h which i s further away than and to the r ight of the landmark

Figure b i s a qualitative repre s entation of the relative p os ition of the hous e with re sp ect to the

obs erver at the lower inters ection in the gr id and landmark the upp er inters ection qualitat


A detaile d examination of many subtle dicultie s that ar is e when one tr ie s to precis ely character is e dierent

kinds of cavity can be found in Casati and Varzi


ively dierent relative lo cations can b e di stingui she d by means of thi s repre s entation as indicate d

in c Qualitative repre s entations of or ientation have also b een inve stigate d by Her nandez

Whilst p os ition and or ientation are clearly very imp ortant for many mo de s of spatial reasoning

further cons ideration of the s e asp ects of spatial information i s b eyond the scop e of thi s the s i s

h l


a) b) c)

Figure Qualitative or ientation in a relative co ordinate system

A Br ief Hi story of Spatial Re asoning

I shall now de scr ib e some of the more succe ssful approache s to the character i sation of correct

reasoning ab out spatial relationships The ideas pre s ente d here pre date or are indep endent f rom

the us e of electronic computers More recent approache s to spatial reasoning taken by re s earchers

in computer science e sp ecially in the eld of AI will b e reviewe d later in s ection

Or igins

I shall give only br ief account of the early hi story of spatial reasoning further details can b e found

in any go o d hi story of mathematics such as that of Boyer

Geometry literally earthland measurement date s back to the Egyptians Egyptian mathem

atics was of a largely practical kind concer ne d with s imple calculations very often of a spatial

character eg determining the area of a piece of land The relations b etween lengths areas and

volume s were studie d b ecaus e of the ir value in commercial and architectural applications The idea

that all geometr ical reasoning might b e bas e d on the application of a small numb er of fundamental

pr inciple s app ears to have or iginate d in the ancient Greek civili sation The almost mythical charac

ter Thale s who live d around BC i s often cre dite d with b e ing the rst p erson to demonstrate

general pr inciple s of mathematical and particularly geometr ical reasoning

The idea of character i s ing valid reasoning in terms of logical mo de s of inference was taken up by

many Greek thinkers and develop e d surpr i s ingly rapidly so that within a century Pythagoras

BC and hi s followers had constructe d very r igorous pro ofs of many theorems in numb er theory

and geometry Laws of valid argument were also studie d indep endently of any particular sub ject

matter Early philosophers such as Plato BC reali s e d that s equence s of s entence s that

followe d certain patter ns always s eeme d to constitute a convincing argument Thi s i s the bas i s

of formal logic Many pr inciple s of reason such as modus ponens and the law of the excluded


midd le were identie d Ar i stotle BC analys e d syl logisms which make up a s ignicant

f ragment of quanticational logic

At thi s time there was intens e inve stigation of how pr inciple s of r igorous logical inference

should b e applie d to reasoning ab out spatial relationships Geometers strove to elicit the elements

of geometry that i s a s et of fundamental denitions and p ostulate s f rom which all geometr ical

truths could b e logically der ive d Many attempts were made to sp ecify the s e elements until nally a

system was di scovere d which s eeme d to yield all that was require d Euclids Elements was wr itten

round ab out BC while Euclid was a teacher in the Museum at Alexandr ia an institution

e stabli she d by Ptolemy I De spite a certain amount of quibbling ab out a p ostulate concer ning

parallel line s Euclids axiomatic geometry has b een in us e r ight up to the pre s ent day


For almost two millennia geometry was extens ively develop e d but it did not really go b eyond the

p otentialitie s of its Euclidean foundation until it was inve stigate d by De scarte s In

La Geometrie an app endix to hi s Discours de la Methode De scarte s intro duce d the idea

of a coordinate system in which p oints are identie d with pairs in D or tr iple s in D of real

numb ers Thi s interpretation provide s the foundation for what i s now known as analytic geometry in

which line s surf ace s and volume s are repre s ente d by means of algebraic equations and inequalitie s

involving the Carte s ian co ordinate s of p oints The uniformity of algebraic repre s entation f acilitate s

general and very eective metho ds for solving large class e s of geometr ical problems

The th century saw a dramatic revolution in geometry Euclids fth p ostulate which state s

that for any p oint and any line there exi sts a unique line pass ing through the p oint and parallel to

the rst line had long b een the sub ject of inve stigation b ecaus e it had long b een hop e d that it could

b e der ive d f rom the other much s impler p ostulate s of the theory The formal apparatus involve d

in repre s enting and reasoning ab out Euclidean geometry had by thi s time b ecome very preci s e

and the general prop ertie s of formal systems had also b ecome clearer In particular the notions

of logical equivalence indep endence and cons i stency of axiom s ets were now well understo o d It

was nally e stabli she d that Euclids fth p ostulate concer ning the exi stence of unique parallels

was indep endent of the other s impler p ostulate s so that cons i stent systems could b e constructe d in

which it did not hold Lobachevsky to ok the b old step of prop os ing a system of hyp erb olic


geometry which explicitly contradicts the fth p ostulate

The end of the th century also saw the birth of a radically new approach to the mathematical

de scr iption of spatial relationships The eld of p oints et top ology was or iginate d by Cantor

as an application of s et theory to the study of Euclidean space Inve stigations in top ology by

Hausdor Kuratowski and many others lead to the clar ication of many concepts


in analys i s eg limits of innite s equence s The applications of mo der n top ology are for the


The signicance of nonEuclidean geometry is clearly explaine d in Trudeau which also give s an illumin

ating view of the status of geometr ical theor ie s


A thorough intro duction to basic top ology can be found in Kuratowski


most part f arremove d f rom spatial relationships in the phys ical world but are concer ne d with

abstract mathematical structure s The complexity of p oints et top ology means that although it i s

a p owerful to ol for the mathematician it has not as yet yielde d eective general purp os e metho ds

for reasoning ab out spatial relationships

An alter native approach to character i s ing top ological prop ertie s known as algebraic topology

was create d by Henr i Poincare in the last years of the th century It was initially develop e d

more or le ss indep endently of p oints et top ology although in the s some unication of the

approache s was attaine d Alexandro and Hopf The bas i s of the approach to top ology i s

to us e an algebraic ob ject often some kind of group to de scr ib e the structure of a top ological

space Thi s formali sm i s in many re sp ects more amenable to computational manipulation than

the p oints et approach and it i s very likely that algebraic metho ds can provide a p owerful to ol

for the development of spatial reasoning algor ithms s ee eg Pigot Bertolotto Flor iani and

Marzano However further cons ideration of the theory of algebraic top ology i s b eyond the

scop e of thi s the s i s

New Foundations

Dur ing the early part of the th century the metho ds of logical analys i s reache d a state of extreme

preci s ion and were applie d to many branche s of mathematical and to a le ss er extent phys ical

science Russ ell and Whitehead were b oth keen that the metho ds of logic should b e applie d not

only to well e stabli she d ob jective phys ical theor ie s but also to the development of phenomenological

theor ie s de scr ibing the world as it i s p erce ive d through s ens e data How such theor ie s should b e

constructe d was and i s still f ar f rom clear One idea exp ounde d by Whitehead in hi s b o ok The

Concept of Nature Whitehead i s that in a theory of the world of s ensory exp er ience the

bas ic entitie s of the logical repre s entation should corre sp ond directly to phenomena the s e b e ing

ob jects of consciousne ss which are p erce ive d via divers e s ens edata but are conce ive d as integral

ob jects or events eg a cloud or the ight of a bird across the sky

Treating such things as bas ic entitie s i s at o dds with the theoretical systems which have b een

develop e d to formalis e class ical science In the s e systems the bas ic entitie s are typically p oints

of space instants of time and numer ical quantitie s such as mass and velo city in f act p oints

and instants are generally also identie d with numer ical co ordinate s The spatial relationships

b etween p oints are character i s e d by wellknown geometr ical theor ie s and mathematical structure s

Moreover thi s analys i s allows sp ecication of phys ical laws in terms of dierential equations which

form the axioms of nearly all phys ical theor ie s But the analys i s also means that formal ob jects

corre sp onding to phys ical b o die s or events must b e built up s ettheoretically in terms of the s e bas ic

entitie s A complex and irregular region eg that o ccupie d by a cloud then b ecome s an innite

s et of p oints which may b e extremely dicult or even imp oss ible to character i s e

Under the alter native phenomenological approach ob jects and events b ecome the bas ic entitie s

of a theory Geometry i s now concer ne d with relationships b etween the regions o ccupie d by b o die s

and dynamical laws must b e formulate d in terms of causal relationships b etween events dierential


equations are replace d by qualitative relationships Attempts to construct theor ie s of thi s kind have

b een made by many philosophers and logicians as well as more recently by computer scienti sts

but thi s pro ject has met with s evere dicultie s In f act I think it i s f air to say that there i s no

widely accepte d phys ical theory bas e d on thi s typ e of ontology Thi s i s p erhaps not surpr i s ing

given rstly the relatively recent conception of the idea and s econdly the diculty in nding us e s

for such theor ie s that would make the ir construction more than just a philosophical exerci s e

An application which promi s e s to motivate development of phenomenonbas e d theor ie s i s AI

Not only do e s thi s ontology app ear to b e clos er to that employe d in human reasoning as evidence d

by the structure of our ordinary language but it also s eems that it may b e more appropr iate as

a vehicle for automate d reasoning ab out real world s ituations which if de scr ib e d in the terms of

class ical phys ics would b e unmanageably complex Neverthele ss de spite cons iderable eort f rom

AI re s earchers the qualitative theor ie s emb e dde d in AI systems do not app ear to have a p ower

and generality comparable to class ical theor ie s of for example dynamics or electromagnetics

One explanation for the lack of progre ss may b e that re s earchers have assume d that given

the r ight formal f ramework sp ecifying theor ie s of real world phenomena will b e straightforward

much work has b een directe d towards providing generalpurp os e formal systems that are amenable

to computation but comparatively little has b een concer ne d with providing theor ie s of sp ecic

conceptual domains However in recent years intere st in such domainsp ecic theor ie s has grown

rapidly By analogy with the role of p oint bas e d geometry in class ical phys ical theor ie s it i s to

b e exp ecte d that character i sation of the geometr ical relationships that may hold b etween extende d

ob jects will b e of fundamental imp ortance to many of the s e conceptual theor ie s Construction of

general theor ie s of the s e relationships i s one of the pr imary goals of the subeld of AI known as

Qualitative Spatial Reasoning henceforth QSR

A detaile d account of formal theor ie s of spatial regions will b e given in the next chapter

Conceptual and Formal Frameworks

Let us now examine the plurality of p oss ible f rameworks for repre s enting and reasoning ab out

spatial information and the relationships b etween the s e f rameworks

The hi story of spatial reasoning shows that formalisation of its mo de s of inference can b e carr ie d

out f rom a var iety of dierent p ersp ective s Given our mo der n understanding of logical systems

it i s obvious that for any axiomatic theory there are innitely many syntactically di stinct but

logically equivalent axiomati sations of the theory In the context of geometry thi s i s well illustrate d

by Euclids fth p ostulate which when taken together with hi s other four p ostulate s has b een

prove d logically equivalent to a host of other p oss ible axioms eg that the angle s of a tr iangle add

up to

At a more fundamental level there are also many dierent concepts or s ets of concepts that

could b e taken as pr imitive s in a formal system Given two s ets of pr imitive s A and B it may

happ en that each concept of B can b e dene d by means of purely logical equivalence s in terms

of the concepts of A in thi s cas e the s et A i s at least as expre ss ive as B Moreover two s ets of


concepts may b e equal in expre ss ive p ower and so could s erve as alter native s ets of pr imitive s for


e ss entially the same theory

Analys i s of Euclids geometry le d to s everal equivalent systems employing dierent pr imitive

relations b etween p oints equidi stance of two pairs of p oints equidi stance of two p oints f rom a

third mutual equidi stance of three p oints the relation b etween ve p oints which lie on the surf ace

of the same sphere However in all the s e formulations one pr imitive notion remains constant

that of point Commitment to the notion of p oint i s eas ily overlo oke d in most axiomatic systems

of geometry b ecaus e it i s often assume d that the domain of storder quantication coincide s with

the totality of p oints so there i s no nee d to actually employ a pre dicate p ointx Neverthele ss as

we shall s ee in the next chapter a numb er of axiom systems have b een prop os e d in which regions

rather than p oints make up the domain of quantication So in formulating a theory of spatial

relationships or any other theory we have a large degree of f ree dom not only in how we state

its axioms and which pr imitive pre dicate s we employ but also in cho os ing the typ e of ob jects that

make up the domain of elementary individuals of the theory

Nico ds do ctoral the s i s Geometry in the Sensible World op ens with a p enetrating analys i s

of the relationship b etween alter native systems of geometry bas e d on dierent pr imitive notions

Here he intro duce s the ideas of intrinsic and extrinsic complexity of formal systems The former

re s ide s in the structure of the system its elf whereas the latter dep ends on how s imply the elements

and concepts of the formal theory can b e matche d to ob jects and prop ertie s in the domain of

application of the theory Thus for sp ecifying a theory of phys ical pro ce ss e s a formal system in

which p oints are the bas ic elements may b e inter nally s imple but b ecaus e abstract p oints cannot

b e p erce ive d directly or preci s ely lo cate d in the phys ical world it would b e deeme d exter nally


Bas ic Elements in a Spatial Theory

Five of the most promi s ing candidate s to s erve as bas ic elements in a theory of spatial relationships

are given in the following table

Objects Existential Character Proponents

Points abstract Euclid De scarte s

Regions spatial Clarke Randell Cui and Cohn

Bo die s phys ical Snee d

Things lingui sti cmetaphy s ical Whitehead Simons

Sens edata s ensory Whitehead Nico d

The most e stabli she d ontological foundation for spatial reasoning i s to construe points as the

bas ic elements out of which more complex spatial ob jects are in some s ens e comp os e d Points are

usually regarde d as abstract theoretical entitie s b ecaus e they have no phys ical extens ion nor mass

The idea of developing a geometry bas e d up on sensedata was pursue d by Whitehead and Nico d


A number of imp ortant theorems concerning the denability of concepts and the completeness of conceptual

f rameworks are given in Tarski b


under the inuence of Russ ells epi stemological theor ie s according to which the bas ic elements of

reason must b e correlate d with s imple s ens e data such as colour patche s in the vi sual eld Russ ell

Within such an ontology p oints if they are to exi st at all must b e somehow constructe d

in terms of s ens edata

Taking regions as bas ic may b e s een as a compromi s e b etween p ointbas e d and s ens edata

bas e d ontologie s in that although regions are str ictly abstract partitions of a space they s eem to

b e much clos er to s ens edata than are p oints A given region may p oss e ss a certain prop erty

greenne ss say and thi s will b e p erce ive d as a green patch Although Whitehead and Nico d

saw s ens edata as pr imary they also gave axiomatisations whos e ob jects are abstract regions

the corre sp ondence b etween the s e regions and actual s ens edata would then have to b e given by

an auxiliary denitional theory cf the chapter The geometry of p ersp ective s in Nico ds the s i s

Laguna and Tarski also develop e d theor ie s of regions which they slightly mi sleadingly calle d

solids but did not app ear to b e so concer ne d with the epi stemological status of regions The ir

theor ie s are pre s ente d more as alter native abstract systems of geometry in which the status of

p oint and region i s inverte d with re sp ect to s ettheoretic construction

Regionbas e d formalisms have often b een pre s ente d as relating to arbitrary solids de Laguna

Tarski Thi s might sugge st that the ob jects of the s e theor ie s are phys ical b o die s

for solidity i s surely a phys ical prop erty which could not apply to an abstract region However

a theory of phys ical b o die s would have to take into account the mater ial structure and prop ertie s

of such ob jects rather than treating them as abstract volume s Such formali sations of phys ical

ob jects are at a relatively undevelop e d stage although a numb er of formal theor ie s of Newtonian

mechanics have b een prop os e d eg Montague A di scuss ion of the problems involve d in

sp ecifying phys ical theor ie s in a fully formal f ramework can b e found in Snee d

A nal exi stential p ersp ective on the ob jects of spatial reason i s given to us by our lingui stic

de scr iptions of ob jects in space Such ob jects are generally individuate d by means of count nouns

eg table cup saucer each of which carr ie s its own cr iter ia for identication The s e lingui stic

class ications and the ir asso ciate d cr iter ia of recognition der ive f rom the practical s ignicance of

certain typ e s of phys ical entity conditione d to some extent by more or le ss arbitrary lingui stic

conventions The utility of thi s class ication i s to a large extent determine d by the phys ical nature

of the world the mater ial prop ertie s of the world give r i s e to natural ways of class ifying it and

breaking it into chunks However it may b e argue d the s e phys ical circumstance s give r i s e to

a f ramework of metaphys ical categor ie s which must underly any lingui stic de scr iption of spatial

entitie s

Mo de s of Formali sm

At a still more fundamental level the very b oundary b etween a logical repre s entation language and

a theory expre ss e d in that language may b e shifte d Three kinds of repre s entation together with

the ir apparatus for information manipulation are summar is e d in the following table


axiomatic theorem proving

algebraic analytic co ordinate s and equations

purely logical spatial logic and pro of pro ce dure s

Applying the axiomatic metho d to spatial reasoning involve s formulating a spatial theory in

some generalpurp os e logical language such as storder logic and then proving theorems in

that system It has b een found that theoremproving in all but the s imple st logical language s i s

intractable The algebraic approach i s the one that i s most commonly adopte d Information i s

co de d in p olynomial equations andor inequalitie s Di sjunctive and quanticational constructs are

avoide d so that the expre ss ive p ower of the system i s limite d Eective metho ds for manipulating

and extracting information f rom equations and inequalitie s are wellknown The p oss ibility of a

purely logical approach i s not widely appreciate d It will b e di scuss e d in the next s ection

Logical Theor ie s of Space and Spatial Logics

The vo cabulary of a formal language can b e divide d into two categor ie s of atomic expre ss ion

which may b e calle d logical and nonlogical In storder logic the logical symb ols are the truth

functional connective s and quantiers and the nonlogical vo cabulary cons i sts of constants and

pre dicate s Var iable s may b e regarde d as notational device s asso ciate d with quantiers as a

means of indicating the ir scop e We have s een how in repre s enting a theory in a formal language

there may b e many p oss ible s ets of nonlogical pr imitive s in terms of which the theory could b e

sp ecie d However there i s also a more radical kind of alter native formulation concepts of the

theory may b e enco de d directly into logical symb ols or complex logical structure s of the formal

language In doing thi s we arr ive at a true spatial logic rather than merely a theory of spatial

relations sp ecie d in a generalpurp os e logical language

In chapter we shall inve stigate thi s p oss ibility at some length The most novel and substantial

re sults of thi s the s i s concer n the repre s entation of spatial relationships in terms of nonclass ical

order logics One advantage of such enco dings i s that one often imme diately obtains a deci s ion

pro ce dure for the spatial theory

Spatial Re asoning in Computer Science

In most exi sting computer programs repre s entation and manipulation of spatial data i s very largely

numerical Ob jects and regions are repre s ente d by s ets of co ordinate s and information i s extracte d

f rom thi s data by means of ar ithmetic and tr igonometr ic computations

Numer ical repre s entation may b e well suite d for some purp os e s in particular where the spatial

information preci s ely de scr ib e s some denite s ituation and where the output require d f rom the

system i s its elf pr imar ily numer ical However in many cas e s us eful spatial information do e s not

de scr ib e a unique phys ical s ituation but qualitatively character i s e s a s ituation as b e ing of a par

ticular typ e Extracting information f rom such data require s logical reasoning ab out the concepts


involve d in de scr ibing a s ituation and hence require s a r igorous formal theory of qualitative

spatial relationships

From a computational p oint of view qualitative theor ie s of spatial relations are relatively un

develop e d Neverthele ss some s ignicant work has b een done Randell and Cohn and

Randell Cui and Cohn sp ecify a storder theory of spatial regions bas e d on a pr imitive

relation of connecte dne ss Cx y together with a numb er of quas iBo olean functions De spite

containing very few nonlogical pr imitive s thi s theory has b een found to b e quite expre ss ive indee d

a large numb er of s ignicant spatial relations can b e dene d exclus ively in terms of the relation

C Gotts Egenhofer pre s ents a much more limite d f ramework in which a numb er of

top ological relations can b e repre s ente d He also shows how some s imple inference rule s can b e

us e d to generate the composition of any pair of the s e relations s ee chapter for a full di scuss ion

of comp os itionbas e d reasoning

Commons ens e Knowle dge

Many inuential AI re s earcher s have argue d that repre s entation of socalle d commons ens e know

le dge i s of key imp ortance in developing intelligent computer systems and a f air prop ortion

of the s e re s earcher s have employe d formal repre s entations and axiomatic theor ie s as a means of

enco ding thi s knowle dge s ee eg Haye s Haye s b Guha and Lenat Qualitat

ive spatial concepts are p ervas ive in everyday de scr iptions of the world so axiomatic theor ie s of

commons ens e knowle dge will have to incorp orate many axioms gover ning the logical b ehaviour of

spatial prop ertie s and relations

A very large numb er of theor ie s have b een constructe d so detaile d de scr iptions cannot b e given

here Many of the pap ers which shap e d thi s eld of AI are containe d in the collections Hobbs

Blenko Croft Hager Kautz Kub e and Shoham and Hobbs and Mo ore A more

recent reference on formal repre s entations of commons ens e knowle dge i s Davi s

Re asoning ab out Phys ical Systems

Another domain of knowle dge repre s entation that has rece ive d cons iderable attention i s that of

physical systems Reasoning ab out phys ical systems may b e treate d as a typ e of commons ens e

reasoning or alter natively one may attempt to formalis e the kind of reasoning employe d by phys

ici sts which involve s manipulation of mathematical equations as well as the us e of commons ens e

pr inciple s Although spatial prop ertie s are of fundamental imp ortance to the character i sation of

phys ical systems work in thi s area has tende d to fo cus on the ir dynamical b ehaviour rather than

the ir static prop ertie s Key pap ers in thi s area can b e found in Weld and De Kleer

Spatial Re asoning in Rob otics

Spatial reasoning i s clearly of key imp ortance in the eld of rob otics But b ecaus e of the complexity

of the domain the us e of formal repre s entations has b een limite d Most rob ot control systems rely

on algor ithms which are f rom a logical p oint of view rather ad hoc


However certain metho ds for class ical rob ot path planning do make us e of logical repre s enta

tions A general repre s entation for phys ical ob jects can b e given in terms of semialgebraic sets

The s e are s ets of p oints dene d by storder formulae whos e atoms are p olynomial equalitie s or

inequalitie s The cons i stency of s ets of such expre ss ions can b e determine d by the deci s ion pro

ce dure for algebra and geometry given by Tarski who showe d how quantiers could b e

eliminate d f rom the s e formulae The us e of thi s deci s ion pro ce dure for computing colli s ion f ree

paths for a rob ot in an arbitrary workspace character i s e d in terms of s emialgebraic s ets i s de

scr ib e d by Latomb e Other us e s of quantier elimination metho ds in geometr ical reasoning

are di scuss e d by Ar non

It i s likely that spatial reasoning formalisms akin to thos e develop e d in thi s the s i s will ultimately

play an imp ortant role in rob otic control systems But b efore thi s can b e done it will b e nece ssary

to develop repre s entations with which one can expre ss and reason ab out b oth spatial and dynamical

asp ects of phys ical systems Thi s i s b eyond the scop e of the pre s ent re s earch

Spatial Re asoning and Computer Vi s ion

The eld of computer vi s ion i s an extremely active area of AI re s earch and has pro duce d systems

which are actually us e d in applications Vi s ion i s clearly very clos ely relate d to spatial reasoning

Neverthele ss very little of the re s earch done in thi s area i s of direct relevance to the concer ns of

thi s the s i s

Computer vi s ion i s concer ne d pr imar ily with extracting information f rom s ensor data The

s ensor data would typically take the form of twodimens ional pixel image s Var ious typ e s of

information may b e extracte d but the most common tasks would b e to construct some kind of

threedimens ional mo del of the scene or to lo cate typ e s of ob ject or region in the scene Spatial

reasoning on the other hand i s concer ne d with manipulating spatial information and in particular

in nding cons equence s holding among spatial prop os itions

Although the concer ns of vi s ion and spatial reasoning are rather dierent there i s some inter

action b etween the problems of the two elds For instance in extracting D information f rom a

D scene the ability to draw inference s f rom and to te st the cons i stency of D spatial informa

tion may b e very us eful in narrowing down the range of p oss ible interpretations of a scene Thi s

technique would b e akin to that us e d by Waltz for nding D de scr iptions of shade d D


Temp oral Re asoning

Temp oral reasoning i s a di stinct and very active area of re s earch Neverthele ss space and time are

often cons idere d to b e very clos ely relate d asp ects of reality so it i s us eful to cons ider s imilar itie s

b etween spatial and temp oral formalisms


Temp oral reasoning has b een develop e d in a numb er of dierent ways Or iginating with the

work of Pr ior tense logics have b een develop e d in which temp oral relationships


A survey of temp oral logics and the ir applications can be found in Galton


b etween state s of aairs are mo delle d in terms of prop os itional op erators Thi s analys i s of tens e

i s much the same as that given by modal logics in re sp ect of concepts such as nece ss ity and b elief

which are likewi s e repre s ente d in terms of prop os itional op erators Galton further analys e s

the structure of temp oral op erators by means of a language in which prop os itions and events are

di stinct typ e s of expre ss ion

Until recently language s such as tens e logic where temp orality i s mo delle d by sp ecial categor

ie s of logical op erator have not b een widely employe d by AI re s earchers Theor ie s of actions and

change have rather b een repre s ente d in more standard notation storder logic or some var iant

with s emantic prop ertie s b e ing sp ecie d by axioms or capture d by sp ecial purp os e inference rule s

The b e st known work in thi s area i s that of Allen Allen identie d a s et of thirteen JEPD relations

which can hold b etween two temp oral intervals and studie d reasoning pro ce dure s bas e d on the

comp os ition of the s e relations Allen Allen A storder theory de scr ibing the s e tem

p oral intervals and the ir relationship to actions and events was also develop e d Allen Allen

and Haye s

Whilst storder theor ie s may b e very us eful in e stabli shing a sound theoretical f ramework for

repre s enting information in some domains requirements of computational tractability mean that

for most practical purp os e s it has b een found that le ss expre ss ive more domainsp ecic language s

must b e us e d The s e come in two bas ic var ietie s on the one hand we have constraint language s

capable of repre s enting and reasoning with relational f acts involving a xe d s et of temp oral relations

eg the Allen relations or p erhaps some tractable subs et of di sjunctions of the s e relations

on the other hand we have language s containing temp oral op erators but le ss expre ss ive than st

order logic eg prop os itional or Hor n claus e language s Formali sms of b oth the s e kinds are now

extremely wide spread and wellknown in AI

The content of thi s the s i s reects many parallels b etween the p oss ible approache s which can

b e taken to repre s enting spatial information and approache s which have b een applie d to temp oral

information Construction of the RCC theory of spatial regions was greatly inuence d by the

works of Allen and Haye s Allen and Haye s Haye s Haye s a Haye s b and

cons equently its development followe d a s imilar patter n a storder theory was pre s ente d and

inve stigate d then to provide a reasoning mechani sm us eful constraint language s were identie d

within which comp os ition bas e d reasoning could b e conducte d The most or iginal part of thi s

the s i s develops an alter native route to spatial reasoning via order logical language s with spatial

op erators Hence spatial as well as temp oral reasoning can b e carr ie d out within the broad


f ramework of mo dal logic

I envi sage that as the eld of spatial reasoning i s develop e d it will b ecome increas ingly linke d

to temp oral reasoning In order to repre s ent and reason ab out changing s ituations a combine d

spatiotemp oral formali sm i s clearly nee de d Reasoning ab out action and change has very often


In fact it is perhaps more revealing to realis e that what is common between all the s e mo de s of reasoning is that

they are all repre s entable in the very general f ramework of Boolean algebras with additional monadic operators

Logical language s whos e s emantics can be specie d in terms of such algebras form a very natural class of formal

systems whos e expre ssive p ower is greater than that of prop ositional logic but which are still in many cas e s decidable

The us e of such language s in spatial reasoning will be inve stigate d in chapters and


b een pre s ente d in formali sms in which there i s a bas ic category of expre ss ion referr ing to events

In providing s emantics for such formalisms events have very often b een identie d with temp oral

intervals However the temp oral extent of an event i s only one dimens ion of its exi stence I b elieve

that events or at least most kinds of event are spatial just as much as temp oral entitie s and that

an adequate s emantics for events must take into account thi s spatial character

The mo dal repre s entation of spatial relations develop e d in chapter i s in many re sp ects s imilar

to prop os itional tens e logics If prop os itions in a tens e logic are regarde d as dimens ional regions

on a time line it i s clear that temp oral op erators are clos ely relate d to spatial relationships The

main dierence b etween tens e logics and the spatial logics that I shall pre s ent i s that a tens e logical

formula i s evaluate d to b e true or f als e at a particular time

Automating Spatial Re asoning

Automate d reasoning has attracte d a great deal of attention f rom computer scienti sts f rom the

s ixtie s onwards Signicant advance s have b een made in developing pro of metho ds which are


wellsuite d to computation

De spite thi s progre ss fundamental problems remain Most re s earchers in thi s area have fo cus e d

on generalpurp os e storder theorem proving However it i s known that reasoning with thi s

formali sm i s undecidable Thi s means that although pro of algor ithms for storder logic can b e

sp ecie d which are guarantee d to generate a pro of of any theorem in nite time there can b e no

algor ithm that can determine whether any arbitrary storder formula i s a theorem in nite time

Thi s i s b ecaus e whatever pro of pro ce dure i s us e d there will always b e a class of nontheorems for

which the algor ithm do e s not terminate Unle ss thi s diculty can somehow b e circumvente d it i s

unlikely that generalpurp os e storder theorem provers will ever b e us e d in practical applications

There are e ss entially two ways of avoiding the undecidability problem one i s to us e a general

purp os e logical language which i s le ss expre ss ive than storder logic the other i s to us e some

sp ecial purp os e repre s entation de s igne d for reasoning in a particular conceptual domain Thi s

the s i s combine s b oth the s e approache s I fo cus on repre s enting information in the re str icte d domain

of spatial relationships but in order to reason ab out the s e relations I show in chapter that they

can b e enco de d in a formali sm which i s normally regarde d as a general purp os e order language

Complexity of Mathematical Theor ie s

As we have s een spatial reasoning has long b een a concer n of mathematicians Indee d the elds

of geometry and top ology are extremely well develop e d and are of direct relevance to automate d

reasoning ab out spatial s ituations But the problem with nearly all mathematical theor ie s i s that

they are to o complex to reason with eectively Top ology i s built up on a large amount of s et

theory so any naive reasoning algor ithm bas e d on standard formulations of top ology will have as its

s earch space virtually all of mathematics Whilst rather more succinct storder axiomati sations


General texts on Automate d Reasoning which de scr ibe the s e metho ds include Bibel and Duy


of elementary geometry exi st eg Tarski the s e are still f ar to o complex to b e tackle d by

exi sting theorem proving technique s

The nee d to employ such axiom systems can b e avoide d by employing the metho ds of analytic

geometry Line s and regions can then b e repre s ente d in terms of formulae compr i s ing p olynomial

equations and inequalitie s relating the Carte s ian co ordinate s of p oints If such an approach i s to

b e eective the logical form of the s e formulae must b e s everely re str icte d normally one s imply has

a s et of equationsinequalitie s which i s implicitly taken as a conjunction in which all var iable s are

universally quantie d Under the s e re str ictions di sjunctive information cannot b e repre s ente d nor

i s it p oss ible to sp ecify relationships involving more subtle quanticational structure Surpr i s ingly

if one intro duce s Bo olean op erators and arbitrary quantication the re sulting language known as

the Tarski language do e s actually remain decidable by means of a quantier elimination metho d

Tarski Algor ithms for quantier elimination in the Tarski language have b een the sub ject

of cons iderable inve stigation Collins Ar non Cavine ss and Johnson Mi shra

and although the general problem i s intractable pro ce dure s have b een found which are eective

for large class e s of formulae

Tractability and Decidability

The ma jor problem in developing a us eful formalism for reasoning ab out spatial information indee d

for any domain i s the tradeo b etween expre ss ive p ower and computational tractability Whilst

Egenhofers repre s entation do e s allow for certain inference s to b e compute d eectively the scop e

of the theory i s limite d On the other hand although the formalism pre s ente d in Randell Cui and

Cohn i s very expre ss ive s ince it i s pre s ente d in storder logic reasoning in the calculus i s

extremely dicult however the us e of precalculate d comp os ition table s for relations denable in

the theory do e s enable certain kinds of inference to b e compute d eciently

It i s common in computer science to equate tractability with p olynomialtime computability

But to a logician thi s will probably s eem an overly harsh re str iction s ince pro of pro ce dure s in

nearly all intere sting logics are at least exp onentially hard In thi s the s i s I shall b e pr imar ily

concer ne d with nding decidable repre s entations for spatial information but we shall s ee in chapter

that by re str icting the range of spatial relations which may b e repre s ente d to a class including all

the RCC relations illustrate d in g a p olynomialtime reasoning algor ithm can b e obtaine d

The Content of thi s The s i s

The pr incipal aim of thi s the s i s i s to inve stigate f rameworks for repre s enting spatial information

that are b oth expre ss ive enough to b e us eful for solving real problems and are in some s ens e

tractable I fo cus on top ological relationships which I cons ider to b e the most fundamental of

spatial concepts but I also examine the nontop ological prop erty of convexity The re st of the

the s i s i s organi s e d into the following chapters


Axiomatic Theor ie s of Spatial Regions

In the next chapter I survey previously prop os e d theor ie s of spatial regions I rst give a br ief

de scr iption of class ical p oints et top ology in which regions are treate d as s ets of p oints I then

cons ider theor ie s in which regions are taken as bas ic entitie s The earlie st of the s e are the systems

of Le sniewski and of Whitehead put forward at the b eginning of thi s the th century Also

covere d are the theor ie s of Tarski and Clarke I go on to de scr ib e in some detail the

more recent theory of Randell Cui and Cohn the RCC theory which i s a mo dication of

Clarkes calculus and was formulate d with computational applications sp ecically in mind

Analys i s of the RCC Theory

The RCC theory i s now inve stigate d in some detail I examine the axiom s et and sugge st certain

mo dications which s eem to b e require d Mo dels of the theory in terms of class ical p oints et

top ology are given and the p oss ibility of constructing a complete theory i s cons idere d I obs erve

that no adequate storder theory can b e e ither complete or decidable I sugge st a new theory

constructe d so as to avoid certain technical problems ar i s ing in the or iginal RCC theory

A Order Repre s entation

Since storder theor ie s such as RCC are undecidable they cannot b e us e d as a bas i s for eective

reasoning Thus the repre s entation language or language s us e d in a spatial reasoning system

must b e more re str icte d in the ir expre ss ive p ower order logical calculi are normally regarde d as

propositional logics but as we shall s ee a spatial interpretation of expre ss ions of the s e formalisms

can b e given in which the nonlogical constants refer to spatial regions rather than prop os itions

Thi s idea i s intro duce d us ing the class ical prop os itional logic which can b e interprete d as a Bo olean

calculus of spatial regions The formali sm of class ical logic i s then augmente d to provide a language

C which i s capable of expre ss ing a cons iderably larger class of spatial f acts I give a deci s ion

pro ce dure for thi s language obtaine d by adding s imple metalevel reasoning to the bas ic pro of

theory of class ical order logic

A Mo dal Repre s entation

Further extending the f ramework prop os e d in chapter I show how mo dal op erators can b e

interprete d so as to corre sp ond with further op erations on spatial regions which are nee de d to

capture more subtle dierence s b etween dierent spatial relationships Sp ecically we shall s ee

how the op erator of the mo dal logic S can b e interprete d as a top ological inter ior op erator I

then give an enco ding for a large class of top ological relations also expre ss ible in RCC into an

augmente d form of the S language which I call S Thi s provide s a deci s ion pro ce dure for a

quite expre ss ive spatial language


An Intuitionistic Repre s entation and its Complexity

Whilst the mo dal logic repre s entation of spatial reasoning exemplie s a general metho dology for

us ing order language s in knowle dge repre s entation its us e for any practical application would

require an ecient theorem prover for S In thi s chapter I de scr ib e the implementation of a spatial

reasoning system us ing a repre s entation in terms of order intuitioni stic formulae The core of

the system i s a Gentzenstyle s equent calculus which i s a re str iction of a well known rule s system

for the full order intuitioni stic calculus The intr ins ic complexity of reasoning algor ithms us ing

thi s intuitioni stic repre s entation has b een studie d by Neb el a Neb el lo oke d at reasoning

us ing a tableau metho d and has shown that the inference s nee de d for reasoning with the f ragment

of the logic nee de d to repre s ent a large class of spatial relations including in particular the bas ic

relations cons idere d in chapter can b e compute d with a p olynomial time algor ithm

Quantier Elimination

In thi s short chapter I pre s ent a partial deci s ion pro ce dure for storder theor ie s of the connection

relation Thi s i s bas e d on the metho d of quantier elimination Thi s technique can b e us e d as a

prepro ce ss ing step applie d to a re str icte d class of storder spatial formulae pr ior to translation

into the S or intuitioni stic enco dings

Convexity and Containment

The main re sults of the the s i s apply pr imar ily to the s ignicant but by nomeans comprehens ive

range of spatial relations denable f rom the pr imitive relation of connecte dne ss However s imilar

metho ds can b e applie d to other asp ects of spatial reasoning and probably to other areas of know

le dge repre s entation In thi s chapter I explain how the technique s of order repre s entation can

b e extende d to handle nontop ological information concer ning the convexity of regions Thi s illus

trate s metho ds by which the technique s given for eective reasoning with top ological relationships

can b e extende d to handle nontop ological information

Comp o s itionBas e d Re asoning

In thi s chapter I lo ok at spatial reasoning bas e d on the notion of relational comp os ition I examine

the us e of composition tables to compute inference s and the ir relation to storder theor ie s I also

pre s ent a relation algebra formalism for top ological relations in which the role of the comp os ition

op eration i s much more prominent than in storder repre s entations

Further Work and Conclus ions

In the concluding chapter I evaluate the us efulne ss of the logical repre s entations and reasoning

systems pre s ente d in thi s the s i s I ass e ss the prosp ects for development of more expre ss ive repre s

entations for spatial reasoning which are computationally viable and lo ok at how spatial reasoning

might b e incorp orate d into more general reasoning systems Potential applications areas includ


ing Geographical Information Systems GIS Rob ot Motion Planning and Computer Vi s ion are

cons idere d and I de scr ib e a prototyp e GIS with a limite d qualitative spatial reasoning capability

As sume d Background and Notations Employe d

In thi s the s i s I assume a knowle dge of class ical logic and s et theory I also make us e of e stabli she d

work in the areas of algebra mo del theory mo dal logic and intuitioni stic logic so acquaintance

with the s e elds will b e us eful Standard formal notations of logic and s et theory are employe d

Other notations will b e intro duce d and explaine d when require d


Axiomatic Theor ie s

of Spatial Regions

Thi s chapter surveys in some detail a numb er of formal theor ie s of spatial regions First I

br iey explain class ical p oints et top ology in which regions are character i s e d as s ets of p oints

The re st of the chapter i s concer ne d with theor ie s in which extende d regions are treate d as

bas ic order entitie s Although some very eminent logicians have prop os e d and inve stigate d

regionbas e d formali sms they are still f ar le ss well understo o d than p ointbas e d theor ie s The

following systems will b e de scr ib e d in some detail Lesniewskis Mereology Tarskis Geometry

of Solids Clarkes theory of the Connection relation and the Region Connection Calculus

RCC Several other formali sms will also b e cons idere d

PointSet Top ology

Class ical p oints et top ology i s bas e d on s et theory The bas ic order elements of the theory are

p oints Regions are identie d with s ets of p oints In developing the theory the pr inciple mathem

atical ob jects cons idere d are topological spaces The s e are s ets of elements p oints asso ciate d with

an auxiliary structure determining the top ological prop ertie s of the space A top ological space can

b e formally dene d in a numb er of ways Perhaps the s imple st i s as a s et of s ets which include s

the empty s et and i s clos e d under arbitrary unions and nite inters ections Thi s i s the s et of open

s ets of the space The large st op en s et which i s the same as the union of all op en s ets i s calle d

the univers e of the top ology A top ology can thus b e repre s ente d by a structure T hU O i where

U i s the univers e and O i s the s et of op en s ets

In a top ological space T hU O i given an arbitrary subs et S of U the interior of S i s the

large st memb er of O that i s a subs et of S The inter ior function i on a top ology hU O i maps

every subs et of U to its inter ior a memb er of O Becaus e of the conditions on the s et of op en

s ets i must sati sfy the axioms PSTi given b elow In PSTi U i s a meta symb ol referr ing

to whatever i s the universal s et of the top ological space under cons ideration ie for top ology



T hU O i we have U U X and Y are any subs ets of the univers e


PSTi iiX iX


PSTi iX Y iX iY

Given a s et U any function i that maps subs ets of U to subs ets of U and ob eys the ab ove

axioms determine s a unique top ology hU O i the elements of O are s imply thos e subs ets S of U

such that iS S Hence any top ology hU O i can b e alter natively character i s e d by a structure

hU ii where i i s an inter ior function

A s et i s calle d closed i it i s the complement of some op en s et The closure of a s et i s the

smalle st clos e d s et of which it i s a subs et The closure function c mapping arbitrary subs ets of

a space to the ir closure s must sati sfy the equations PSTc given b elow The s et of clos e d s ets

of a space or the closure function c can each b e us e d as further alter native ways of sp ecifying

i X and the top ology of a space Inter ior and closure functions are interdenable cX

iX c X Here and throughout the s equel X i s the complement of X wrt the univers e

PSTc X cX cX

PSTc ccX cX

PSTc c

PSTc cX Y cX cY

As was mentione d in s ection the language of s et theory in which p oints et top ology and

many other mathematical theor ie s are formulate d i s highly intractable Hence thi s formali sm i s

not well suite d to computational applications Neverthele ss it may b e p oss ible to nd us eful sub

language s of s et theory for which eective reasoning pro ce dure s can b e constructe d In s ection

I shall de scr ib e a purely algebraic sublanguage of the formali sm of p oints et top ology which i s

b oth decidable and quite expre ss ive

Be ing built directly on s et theory p oints et top ology has an unambiguous s ettheoretic s e

mantics Thi s make s it a us eful to ol for studying the mo del theory of other spatial language s In

the re st of thi s chapter and the following chapter I shall cons ider s everal theor ie s whos e s emantics

are not so well dene d If it i s p oss ible to interpret such a language in p oints ettheoretic terms thi s

imme diately give s it a preci s e though indirect s emantics Hence such an interpretation can form

the bas i s for soundne ss and completene ss pro ofs The metho ds of top ological reasoning de scr ib e d

in chapters and are b oth justie d in thi s way


In consider ing a single top ological space the symb ol U is not really nece ssary since we can always refer directly

to the universal s et However in chapters and I shall often us e U to make statements ab out class e s of algebras


The Or igins of RegionBas e d Theor ie s

The early years of the th century saw intens e activity in attempting to apply the metho ds of formal

logic and s et theory to mathematics and phys ics Russ ells epi stemology and ideas ab out logical

pr imitive s were very inuential at that time and Whiteheads b o ok Concept of Nature Whitehead

prop os e d a view of phys ics and geometry which i s a radical revi s ion of traditional conceptions

he sought to found the s e di scipline s on sense data which according to Russ ell can b e the

only referents of truly pr imitive terms To de scr ib e the spatial asp ects of s ens e data Whitehead

prop os e d the construction of a geometry in which spatial regions rather than p oints would b e the

bas ic entitie s Sens e data could then b e said to o ccupy spatial regions whereas p oints would b e

abstract entitie s der ive d theoretically f rom regions

In hi s b o ok Process and Reality Whitehead sugge ste d that a general theory of ob jects

events and pro ce ss e s could b e develop e d bas e d on the pr imitive relation of connectedness and

he sp ecie d a large numb er of logical prop ertie s of thi s pr imitive Since the only welldevelop e d

phys ical theor ie s are formulate d in terms of var iable s ranging over p oints in space and time

Whitehead prop os e s the metho d of extensive abstraction intro duce d in the earlier work White

head as a means of constructing p oints f rom regions of space or spacetime The idea i s

to dene a p oint in terms of certain innitely ne ste d s ets of regions a s imilar approach to char

acter i s ing p oints in terms of regions has b een followe d by Clarke and i s de scr ib e d b elow in

s ection

Nico ds do ctoral the s i s Geometry in the Sensible World develop e d Whiteheads approach


in a numb er of directions Nico d adopte d and mo die d Whiteheads metho d of extens ive abstrac

tion for the construction of p oints f rom regions He also prop os e d some highly or iginal approache s

to constructing geometr ical systems f rom a phenomenological standp oint One of the s e i s a char

acter i sation of geometry f rom the p oint of view of a b e ing equipp e d only with a kinae sthetic s ens e

of its own movement in space Another take s into account the viewp oint and p ersp ective of an

obs erver in de scr ibing geometr ical entitie s It i s also intere sting to note that the chapter of the

the s i s on Temp oral Relations and the Hyp othe s i s of Durations contains a di scuss ion of temp oral

relationships b etween intervals and prop os e s a class ication which i s e ss entially the same as that

adopte d much later by Allen Another logician inuence d by Whitehead was Theo dore de

Laguna who gave a theory of the geometry of solids Thi s will b e br iey de scr ib e d in s ection

Contemp orary with the inve stigations of Whitehead and hi s followers the Poli sh logician and

philosopher Stani slav Lesniewski was conducting an extens ive enquiry into ontology and logical

repre s entations He was particularly concer ne d with character i s ing the partwhole relation b etween

ob jects and was cr itical of the s ettheoretic treatment of thi s relationship Hi s theory was intende d

to de scr ib e entitie s of any kind but in thi s chapter I shall only b e concer ne d with its application

to spatial regions


Russ ell regarde d Nico d as p otentially one of the greate st logicians of the th century and lo oke d to him in

particular to carry forward the pro ject of founding logical theor ie s of the physical world on the basis of s ens edata

Tragically Nico d die d prematurely so on after the publication of his do ctoral the sis


Lesniewskis Mereology

Mereology a formal theory of the partwhole relation was or iginally pre s ente d by Lesniewski

in hi s own logical calculus which he calle d Ontology Thi s calculus i s bas e d on pr inciple s

which are rather dierent f rom thos e of the standard pre dicate calculus The pr incipal di stinctive

feature s of Ontology are rstly that terms do not nece ssar ily denote a s ingle ob ject they may refer

to nothing a unique individual or any numb er of di stinct individuals and s econdly quantication

i s not asso ciate d with exi stential commitment it has a more substitutional avour For certain

purp os e s Lesniewskis Ontology has di stinct advantage s over standard logic For example in the

spatial domain one may wi sh to employ a function the region of inters ection of x and y but thi s i s

a partial function s ince if x and y are di sjoint no such region exi sts In standard logic terms always

denote a unique individual so partial functions are not legitimate but in Ontology such functions


pre s ent no problem A full de scr iption of Lesniewskis Ontology i s b eyond the scop e of thi s the s i s

s ee Simons for a detaile d account However the content of the theory of Mereology i s not

b ound to the form in which it was initially state d Hence I now pre s ent a formulation of Mereology

due to Tarski state d in standard class ical logic

Mereology i s built on the s ingle pr imitive relation Px y whos e interpretation i s that x i s a

part of y In terms of thi s the relations of prop er part PP and di sjointne ss DJ are dene d

as well as SUM which i s a relation b etween a s et of individuals and an individual I shall us e small

Roman letters for var iable s ranging over individuals and small Greek letters for var iable s ranging

over s ets of individuals The denitions can then b e given formally as

Mdef PPx y Px y x y


Mdef DJx y z Pz x Pz y


Mdef SUM x y y Py x


z Pz x y y DJy z

In addition to the usual pr inciple s of class ical logic and the theory of s ets the system i s require d

to sati sfy the following sp ecically mereological p ostulate s

Mp o st xy z Px y Py z Px z

Mp o st xx xSUM x

The s e ensure rstly that the part relation i s trans itive and s econdly and rather controvers ially

that for any nonempty s et of individuals there i s a unique individual which i s the sum of that s et

Pro ofs of a numb er of theorems der ivable f rom the s e axioms eg that P i s reexive can b e found

in Wo o dger App endix E A shortcoming of the theory of mereology bas e d as it i s on

the part relation i s that no di stinction can b e made b etween the relations of connecte dne ss and

overlapping if two regions do not overlap they are s imply di screte


Alternative formalisms in which partial functions can be handle d are sorted classical logic s ee eg Cohn

and free logic Bencivenga


Other Mereological Systems

A numb er of theor ie s have b een develop e d which contain mereological pr imitive s equivalent or

s imilar to Lesne iwskis Wo o dgers The Axiomatic Method in Biology us e s the theory

exactly as given ab ove Leonard and Go o dman Leonard and Go o dman devi s e d a formali sm

which they calle d the calculus of individuals bas e d up on a pre dicate which holds when two

individuals are di screte Thi s system i s e ss entially the same as Lesne iwskis but us e s dierent

notation and contains many additional denitions The theory i s applie d to a numb er of problems

involving relations b etween individuals groups and ens emble s that cannot b e handle d by ordinary

quantication Thi s formali sm also app ears in Go o dmans b o ok The Structure of Appearance

which prop os e s an approach to formal de scr iption of the world bas e d on pr inciple s of

logical nominalism a reluctance to admit the exi stence of abstract entitie s such as s ets

Tarskis Geometry of Solids

Building on Lesne iwskis mereology by intro ducing a new sphere pr imitive Tarski gave a


theory of the geometry of solids which i s emb e dde d by means of denitions into an axiomat

i sation of elementary Euclidean geometry such as that given in Tarski

Tarski starts by p ostulating a domain of spheres I us e the pre dicate SPHx to mean x i s

a sphere over which he dene s the relations of external tangency ET internal tangency IT

external diametricity ED internal diametricity ID and concentricity CONC EDa b c holds

when a and b are exter nally tangent to c and touch diametr ically opp os ite p oints on cs b oundary

The s e relations are dene d as follows

SGdef ETa b SPHa SPHb DJa b


xy Pa x Pa y DJb x DJb y Px y Py x

SGdef ITa b SPHa SPHb PPa b


xy Pa x Pa y Px b Py b Px y Py x

SGdef EDa b c SPHa SPHb ET a c ETb c


xy DJx c DJy c Pa x Pb y DJx y

SGdef IDa b c SPHa SPHb SPHc ITa c ITb c


xy DJx c DJy c ETa x ET b y DJx y

SGdef CONCa b SPHa SPHb a b


PPa b xy EDx y a ITx b ITy b

IDx y b

PPb a xy EDx y b ITx a ITy a

IDx y a

The next step in Tarskis formulation i s to constrain the theory to b e compatible with Euclidean

geometry To do thi s he dene s the notions of point and equidistance which can s erve as the only


As mentione d in s ection this is perhaps better thought of as a theory of volume s since the entitie s of the

theory are allowe d to interpenetrate each other and the property of solidity is not considere d The same applie s to

de Lagunas theory which will be de scr ibe d in s ection



pr imitive s in such a theory of geometry Both the s e concepts can b e dene d in terms of the

relations dene d ab ove

SGdef A p oint i s dene d as the s et of all sphere s concentr ic with a given sphere

POINT xx y y CONCx y


SGdef Equidi stance of two p oints f rom a third ab bc i s dene d as follows

ab bc xx b y y a y c Py x DJy x


Identication with the corre sp onding notions in Euclidean geometry i s then achieve d by the

following p ostulate

SGp o st The notions of p oint and of equidi stance of two p oints f rom a third sati sfy all the

p ostulate s of ordinary Euclidean geometry of three dimens ions

Having xe d the structure of the s et of p oints we still nee d to sp ecify how solids are relate d

to thi s structure


SGdef A solid i s an arbitrary sum of sphere s



SGdef The p oint i s inter ior to the solid a

INTER a xx Px a


We now correlate the s et of inter ior p oints of a solid with the geometr ically denable concept

of a regular open set of p oints To do thi s I dene inter ior int and closure cl functions on s ets

of p oints capital Greek letters The denitions us e the relation xy y z which i s denable f rom

xy y z s ee app endix A In the usual top ology of Euclidean space the inter ior p oints of a s et

are thos e that can b e surrounde d by an op en ball all of whos e p oints are within the s et Thi s i s

the bas i s of the following denitions

SGdef int xx y y x z z x xy z


SGdef cl xx y y x z z x xy z


SGdef ROPEN intcl


The next two p ostulate s stipulate that the inter ior p oints of solids are to b e identie d with

regular op en s ets of p oints


Tarskis own formulation of elementary geometry which is given in appendix A employs equidistance and

betweenness as pr imitive relations but betweenne ss can in fact be dene d in terms of equidistance so with the

addition of such a denition that axiom s et could be us e d


In fact in Tarskis theory all order entitie s are solids so this pre dicate denition could be replace d with a

universal axiom


SGp o st If x i s a solid then the class of all inter ior p oints of x i s a nonempty regular op en

s et


SGp o st If a class of p oints i s a nonempty regular op en s et there exi sts a solid x such

that i s the class of all its inter ior p oints


The s e two p ostulate s ensure a onetoone corre sp ondence b etween solids and nonempty regular

op en s ets of p oints Thus the categor ical axioms of elementary geometry which x the structure of

the domain of p oints are us e d to determine the structure of the domain of solids

Finally the mereological part relation P must b e xe d in terms of p oint geometry by identifying

it with s et inclus ion among the s ets of inter ior p oints asso ciate d with solids

SGp o st If a and b are solids and all the inter ior p oints of a are at the same time inter ior to

b then a i s part of b


As a logical foundation for a conceptual scheme Tarskis theory has the great mer it of b e ing

categorical which means that all its mo dels are i somorphic Hence the theory can b e regarde d as

completely xing the meanings of all the concepts covere d by its vo cabulary However the theory i s

only made categor ical by indirect means rstly the notions of point equidistance and betweenness

are intro duce d by a s er ie s of denitions then it i s stipulate d that the s e dene d concepts ob ey the

axioms of Euclidean geometry Tarski He admits that the re sulting system i s not ideal

The p ostulate system given ab ove i s f ar f rom s imple and elegant it s eems very likely that thi s

p ostulate system can b e e ss entially s implie d by us ing intr ins ic prop ertie s of the geometry of

solids Tarski

What make s Tarskis system so unwieldy as a to ol for actually reasoning ab out spatial regions

i s the hidden complexity involve d in SGdef and SGp o st The s e br ing in the whole of Euclidean

geometry as a means of xing the structure of the space of regions Reasoning with the axioms

of elementary geometry i s in its elf very hard although it i s known to b e decidable no eective


general reasoning metho d i s known for thi s system but in thi s context the complexity i s f ar wors e

b ecaus e the p oints constraine d by the Euclidean geometr ical axioms corre sp ond to sets of sphere s

in the solid geometry Thus if p oints were eliminate d f rom the system by unpacking the Euclidean

axioms in terms of the denition of p oint the re sulting formali sm would b e an enormously complex

ndorder theory


Reasoning in elementary geometry can be carr ie d out by translating geometr ic relations into algebraic p olynomial

equations and inequalities constraining the Carte sian co ordinate s of p oints Consistency of such equations can be

te ste d using a decision pro ce dure also due to Tarski


Relation Interpretation Denition of Rx y

DCx y x i s di sconnecte d f rom y Cx y

Px y x i s a part of y z Cz x Cz y

PPx y x i s a prop er part of y Px y Py x

Ox y x overlaps y z Pz x Pz y

DRx y x i s di screte f rom y Ox y

ECx y x i s exter nally connecte d to y Cx y Ox y

TPx y x i s a tangential part of y Px y z ECz x ECz y

NTPx y x i s a nontangential part of y Px y z ECz x ECz y

Table Dene d relations in Clarkes theory

Clarkes Theory

The formali sm develop e d by Clarke i s an attempt to construct a system more ex

pre ss ive than that of Leonard and Go o dman and s impler than that of Tarski bas e d

on the pr imitive relation of connecte dne ss us e d by Whitehead The domain of the theory

i s spatial or spatiotemp oral regions and the C pr imitive i s constraine d to ob ey the following two


Cax xCx x y Cx y Cy x

Cax xy z Cz x Cz y x y

The rst of the s e ensure s the relation i s reexive and symmetr ic whilst the s econd i s an axiom of

extensionality which state s that if two regions are connecte d to exactly the same other regions then

they must b e the same From the C relation Clarke dene s s everal other us eful spatial relations

The s e are given in table

Fus ions and Quas iBo ole an Op erators

A fus ion op erator f i s then dene d as follows

Cdef x f X y Cy x z z X Cy z


Thi s means that the fus ion of a s et of regions i s that region which i s connecte d to all and only

thos e regions that are connecte d to at least one region in the s et The intende d interpretation of

f x may b e regarde d as the same as Lesniewskis SUM x although the latter i s dene d

in terms of P rather than C

The theory also contains an axiom ensur ing that for every nonempty s et of regions a fus ion

region exi sts

Cax X X xx f X


Thi s axiom would b e very o dd in a completely standard storder theory s ince in such a theory it

i s normally assume d that all well forme d terms denote an exi sting individual all functions b e ing

unique and total Clarke however intro duce s a slight mo dication into the logical interpretation

of quantication in hi s theory Sp ecically the rule of universal instantiation which normally

allows one to replace a universally quantie d var iable by any ground i s re str icte d so that one

can only replace the var iable by e ither an individual constant or a complex term for which it i s


provable that xx

Clarke then dene s functions s imilar to Bo olean op erators as follows

Cdef sumx y f fz j Pz x Pz y g


Cdef pro d x y f fz j Pz x Pz y g


Cdef complx f fy j Cy xg


The denition of compl entails that every region i s di sconnecte d f rom its own complement

xCx complx Ccompl

The pr inciple Ccompl i s cons i stent with an interpretation of regions as arbitrary p oints ets compl

as s et complement and Cx y as true when x and y share a p oint However if one i s intere ste d in

e stabli shing a naturali stic theory of regions one might prefer the complement function to b e such

that regions always connect with but do not overlap the ir complements

Top ological Functions

Clarke i s now able to dene the top ological op erators of inter ior closure and exter ior as functions

f rom regions to regions

Cdef ix f fy j NTPy xg


Cdef cx f fy j Cy icomplxg


Cdef exx f fy j NTP y complxg


An additional axiom i s concer ning the s e top ological functions i s given by Clarke as follows

Cax xz NTPz x

y z Cz x Oz x Cz y Oz y Cz pro d x y Oz pro d x y

It i s provable that the condition z Cx z Cy z i s equivalent to NTPx y and also that

NTPx x x ix Thus thi s axiom ass erts rstly that every region has a nontangential

part and s econdly that the pro duct of two op en regions i s its elf op en


This re str iction may be regarde d as enforcing a rudimentary sort theory quantiers range over a sort region

and all individual constants refer to entitie s of this sort However functions such as f may have as the ir value

e ither a region or an entity whos e sort which we may call nul l is disjoint f rom region



Clarke subs equently extende d hi s or iginal theory of spatial regions by the intro duction of

points The s e are not bas ic entitie s of the system but are identie d with certain s ets of regions

Thi s i s e ss entially the metho d of extensive abstraction rst prop os e d by Whitehead and taken up

by Nico d and de Laguna Clarke stipulate s that a s et of regions i s a p oint which we note as

PT i it sati se s the following conditions

Cp oint xy x y Cx y

Cp oint xy x y Ox y pro d x y

Cp oint xy x Px y y

Cp oint xy sumx y x y

He further require s that any pair of connecte d regions must share at least one p oint

Cp oint xy Cx y PT x y

The notion of a p oints b e ing incident in a region i s dene d s imply as

IN x PT x


so that p oint i s identie d with the s et of regions in which it i s incident

A numb er of problems ar i s e f rom Clarkes treatment of p oints One i s that Cp oint i s intuit

ively f als e if a p oint i s incident in two overlapping regions thi s do e s not nece ssar ily imply that it

i s incident in the ir pro duct the regions might b e exter nally connecte d at one or more p oints that

are not incident in the region of overlap A further problem note d by Biacino and Gerla

i s that thi s treatment of p oints leads to a collaps e of C to O b ecaus e every pair of connecte d regions

must also overlap The pro of which do e s not dep end on the di scre dite d Cp oint i s as follows

pro of Supp os e Ca b then f rom Cp oint we have a b Now cons ider

the region r sumcompla complb Supp os e r i s equal to the univers e From

Cp oint we can der ive that every p oint incident in some region i s incident in the


univers e so the p oint must b e incident in sumcompla compla By Cp oint

thi s means that e ither compla or complb so s ince a b we

have e ither a compla or b complb Cp oint then require s

that e ither Ca compla or Cb complb and b oth the s e alter native s contradict the

Ccompl pr inciple Thus z cannot equal the univers e Thi s means that there exi sts a

region w such that w complr complsumcompla complb w must b e part

of b oth a and b So we can conclude that Oa b

Thus Clarkes intro duction of p oints has the unintende d cons equence that connection i s s imply

equivalent to overlap The domain of the theory i s then e ss entially a Bo olean algebra with the null


The p ossibility of an empty p oint not incident in any region doe s not appear to be rule d out by Cp oint


element remove d and the top ology of regions i s di screte It i s apparent that the Ccompl pr inciple

i s instrumental in the collaps e and thi s must cast further doubt on the denition of compl One

way to avoid the s e problems would b e to us e the following alter native denition of complement

complx f fy j Oy xg


However thi s would render incorrect the denitions of the top ological functions and it i s doubtful

whether such functions could b e re intro duce d even by mo die d denitions The theory would then

b ecome more like the RCC theory de scr ib e d in the next s ection In the RCC theory di stinctions

b etween op en and clos e d regions are not expre ss ible

The Region Connection Calulus RCC

With the intention of providing a logical f ramework for the incorp oration of spatial reasoning into

AI systems Clarkes formali sm was inve stigate d and mo die d in the works Randell and Cohn

and Randell A more radical reworking of the theory was pre s ente d in Randell

Cui and Cohn and it i s thi s vers ion which i s de scr ib e d here The new theory i s known as

the Region Connection Calculus RCC The re s earch rep orte d in thi s the s i s has b een very much

inuence d by thi s theory

Like Clarkes theory RCC i s bas e d on a pr imitive connecte dne ss relation Cx y and the

univers e of quantication i s intende d to b e a domain of spatial regions The relation Cx y i s

reexive and symmetr ic which i s ensure d by the following two axioms

RCC xCx x Cref

RCC xy Cx y Cy x Csym

Relation Interpretation Denition of Rx y

DCx y x i s di sconnecte d f rom y Cx y

Px y x i s a part of y z Cz x Cz y

PPx y x i s a prop er part of y Px y Py x

EQx y x i s identical with y Px y Py x

Ox y x overlaps y z Pz x Pz y

DRx y x i s di screte f rom y Ox y

POx y x partially overlaps y Ox y Px y Py x

ECx y x i s exter nally connecte d to y Cx y Ox y

TPPx y x i s a tangential prop er part of y PPx y z ECz x ECz y

NTPPx y x i s a nontangential prop er part of y PPx y z ECz x ECz y

Table Dene d relations in the RCC theory


Us ing Cx y further dyadic relations are dene d as shown in table The relations P

PP TPPand NTPP b e ing nonsymmetr ical supp ort invers e s For the invers e s the notation i

i s us e d where fPPPTPPNTPPg The s e relations are dene d by denitions of the form

ix y y x Of the dene d relations DC EC PO EQ TPP NTPP TPPi and NTPPi



have b een proven to form a JEPD s et Randell Cohn and Cui a Thi s s et i s known as

RCC As the s et i s JEPD any two regions stand in exactly one of the s e e ight relations

It can b e s een that the RCC denitions are almost the same as thos e of Clarke The new relations

PO TPP and NTPP have b een intro duce d in order to partition all p oss ible binary relations into a

JEPD s et The relation TP include s EQ as a sp ecial cas e and the universal region i s b oth equal

to and an NTP of its elf Also the dene d relation EQ take s the place of the logical equality

us e d by Clarke Cons equence s of thi s change will b e examine d in s ection in the next chapter

Functional Extens ion of the Bas ic Theory

RCC also incorp orate s a numb er of functions on regions as well as a constant denoting the universal

region The functions are calle d quas iBo olean s ince they are intende d to generate an algebra

very s imilar to a standard Bo olean algebra but with no least element ie no null region The

functions are sp ecie d as follows

u y z Cz y


sumx y z w Cz w Cw x Cw y


complx y z Cz y NTPPz x Oz y Pz x


pro dx y z uCu z v Pv x Pv y Cu v


dix y w z Cz w Cz pro d x comply


x y y x means xx x More will b e said ab out the s e functions and where


thi s form of denition in s ection

The Sorte d Logic LLAMA

It i s imp ortant to note that all the quas iBo olean functions except for sum are partial with re sp ect

to the domain of regions Thi s give s r i s e to a technical problem in that the standard pro oftheory

and s emantics of storder logic i s bas e d on an assumption that all function symb ols corre sp ond to

total functions To avoid thi s diculty Randell Cui and Cohn employ the sorted storder


logic LLAMA as de scr ib e d by Cohn

The sorte d logic allows the domain of di scours e to b e partitione d into a numb er of bas e sorts

each cons i sting of a nonempty s et of entitie s of a particular kind For each relation symb ol in

the vo cabulary of a theory certain combinations of argument sorts are sp ecie d When the relation

i s combine d with arguments whos e sorts accord with one of the s e combinations the re sulting


See s ection


Logic Lacking A Meaningful Acronym


prop os ition i s said to b e wel lsorted if the argument sorts do not agree with the sp ecication the

prop os ition i s il lsorted Likewi s e it i s sp ecie d that application of function to a tuple of arguments

will give a wellsorte d term only for certain sort combinations of the s e arguments Every function

application will also have a result sort which i s the sort of the entity denote d by the term forme d

by that application In general the re sult sort will b e an arbitrary extens ional function of the

sorts of the arguments given to a function A Bo olean combination of prop os itions i s well sorte d

i all its constituents are well sorte d Thi s give s us a general notion of a wellsorte d quantierf ree



In the LLAMA formali sm quantiers and var iable s are not thems elve s asso ciate d with any

sort re str iction rather the range of any particular quantication i s determine d by the context of

var iable s as arguments of sorte d functions and relations Supp os e a pre dicate i s forme d by replacing

one or more terms in a formula with a new var iable symb ol If a quantier i s then applie d to the

pre dicate the quantier range s over all entitie s in the domain which are such that if a constant

denoting that entity were substitute d in the pre dicate in place of each o ccurrence of the quantie d

var iable the re sulting formula would b e wellsorte d If the domain of p oss ible wellsorte d value s i s

empty then the entire formula i s ill sorte d and cons idere d not to b e a wellforme d formula of the


In the cas e where multiple quantiers o ccur in a formula the s ituation i s more complex Here

the interpretation cannot b e analys e d in terms of succe ss ive applications of a s ingle quantication

op eration rather multiple quantiers s erve to quantify over all s equence s of individuals such that

the formula when instantiate d with thi s s equence i s a wellsorte d ground formula Thus in a

formula xy x y quantication can b e regarde d as b e ing over all pairs of entitie s ha bi such

that the formula a b i s wellsorte d Thi s treatment of quantication applie s directly only to

prenex formulae with all quantiers at the f ront but any formula can b e transforme d into an

equivalent prenex formula and the range s of quantication determine d f rom thi s

A further feature of LLAMA which make s it particularly expre ss ive i s that for each sort there

i s a sortal predicate The s e pre dicate s can b e us e d to sp ecify explicit sortal re str ictions on var iable s

in a formula in addition to thos e determine d f rom the sorts of the ordinary relations and functions

Sorts in the RCC Theory

In cons ider ing the purely spatial asp ects of the RCC theory we may assume that there are just

two di sjoint and nonempty bas e sorts REGION and NULL plus the top sort thi s i s the join

of REGION and NULL all entitie s are of thi s sort and the b ottom sort no entity i s of thi s


sort We now declare that the arguments of all relations in the RCC theory are of sort REGION


Note that this character isation give s us a sorte d logic which is polymorphic This means that the permitte d

sorts of argument place s are not individually re str icte d but may depend on other arguments eg a pre dicate

SPOUSEx y might be allowe d to have arguments of sorts hmale f emalei or hf emale malei but not hmale malei

or hf emale f emalei Likewis e the re sult sort of a function can vary depending on its arguments


It is intende d that the theory be embe dde d in a more comprehensive formalism incorp orating temp oral intervals

and physical ob jects as well as spatial regions This theory would make us e of a much r icher sort structure


and the arguments and retur n value s of all the quas iBo olean functions are of sort

Two Additional Axioms

Making us e of the sorte d f ramework a further axiom i s given which links the quas iBo olean functions

to the relational part of the theory The axiom state s that the pro duct of two regions i s null if and

only if the two regions are di screte ie nonoverlapping

xy NULL pro d x y DRx y

Finally an exi stential axiom ensure s that every region has a nontangential prop er part


The NTPP axiom rule s out the p oss ibility of atomic mo dels of the theory in which there i s

a class of regions atoms which have no prop er parts Several p oss ibilitie s are cons idere d for

mo difying the theory so as to allow the exi stence of atoms The s e will b e cons idere d in s ection

Further Development of RCC

As well as mo difying certain axioms of Clarkes theory Randell Cui and Cohn develop the ir

new theory so as to cover further nontop ological information They intro duce a new convexhul l

function which enable s prop ertie s involving convexity and containment to b e repre s ente d I shall

examine thi s op erator in chapter The theory i s also extende d so as to de scr ib e p oss ible mo de s of

continuous change which can o ccur in spatial congurations Thi s i s done by identifying p oss ible

trans itions which can o ccur amongst the top ological relations holding b etween the regions o ccupie d

by b o die s dur ing some continuous pro ce ss I shall comment on thi s in s ection

Other Relevant Work on RegionBas e d Theor ie s

I conclude thi s chapter by br iey mentioning a numb er of other works which are relevant to the

study of regionbas e d theor ie s of space

de Lagunas Theory

In s ection I referre d to de Lagunas geometry of solids Thi s theory i s bas e d on the

pr imitive relation x can connect y and z I shall wr ite thi s as CCx y z Thi s relation i s true

if it would b e p oss ible by di splacement andor rotation to br ing x in to such a p os ition that

it connects ie touche s or overlaps b oth y and z The CC pr imitive i s extremely expre ss ive

s ince it allows denitions of b oth connecte dne ss Cx y z CCz x y and relative length


Longer x y z w CCy z w CCx z w Unfortunately thi s theory do e s not s eem to


have b een explore d or develop e d by any subs equent re s earcher in the eld


Grzegorczyks Undecidability Re sults

Grzegorczyks pap er Undecidability of some Topological Theories Grzegorczyk contains

s everal imp ortant and very general re sults ab out the undecidability of certain kinds of spatial

theory Thi s quite technical pap er s eems to b e rarely cite d by later re s earcher s and came to


my attention at a very late stage of my work on thi s the s i s Although f rame d in terms of

somewhat dierent formal apparatus f rom that found in the other spatial theor ie s surveye d in thi s

chapter Grzegorczyks undecidability re sults app ear to apply assuming appropr iate notational

mo dications to a very wide range of p oss ible spatial theor ie s The nature and ramications of

the s e re sults will b e cons idere d in s ection

Some Recent Re s e arch in the Field

The formalism of Bo chman i s a s ignicant departure f rom all the others mentione d A

pr incipal feature i s that two typ e s of bas ic mereological element are p ostulate d ob jects and

connections The part relation i s pr imitive Ob jects can have other ob jects andor connections

as parts whereas connections are atomic having only thems elve s as parts A connection relation

i s then dene d by saying that ob jects a and b are connecte d just in cas e there exi sts a connection

such that every ob ject of which i s a part also share s a part with a and a part with b

A survey by Gerla covers most of the formali sms de scr ib e d in thi s chapter but cons iders

them f rom a rather dierent p ersp ective fo cus ing on the ir corre sp ondence to certain kinds of

class ical top ological space

A mo dication and development of Clarkes theory i s prop os e d by Asher and Vieu who

give an axiom s et bas e d on the C pr imitive which i s prove d to b e sound and complete with re sp ect

to a class of mo dels bas e d on p oints et top ology A novel prop erty of thi s theory i s the denability

of a relation of weak contact which i s supp os e d to hold when two b o die s touch each other but

are not phys ically joine d

Borgo Guar ino and Masolo give a theory of spatial regions bas e d on three pr imitive

concepts the part relation the prop erty of b e ing a top ologically s imple region and the binary

relation of congruence Thi s theory combine s asp ects of the connectionbas e d theor ie s der ive d f rom

Clarke with the approach taken in Tarskis Geometry of Solids whereby the logic of regions can

b e tie d by means of denitions to the class ical Euclidean geometry of p oints

Re sults of Pratt and Scho op concer ning a complete axiomatic theory of the D Euclidean

plane are of direct relevance to thi s the s i s particularly the next chapter but the ir pap er was

publi she d to o recently to b e fully cons idere d in the pre s ent work However I shall make some

comments in s ection

Antother recent pap er by Stell and Worb oys cons iders the structure of s ets of regions

in terms of Heyting algebras Thi s work i s clos ely relate d to the approach I shall de scr ib e in

chapters and e sp ecially where I us e the intuitioni stic logic I to repre s ent top ological

relations I can also b e interprete d in terms of Heyting algebras


Thanks to Nick Gotts


Analys i s of the RCC Theory

In thi s chapter I examine in more detail the storder RCC theory de scr ib e d in s ection I

start with a cr itique of its axioms The cons equence s of storder axioms are often f ar f rom

obvious so some new metalevel notations are develop e d to f acilitate analys i s of the theory

Us ing the s e to ols I inve stigate the structure s of p oss ible mo dels of the axioms I go on to

sugge st an alter native axiom system which i s in s everal re sp ects eas ier to manipulate than the

or iginal theory At the end of the chapter I sp ecify a partial deci s ion pro ce dure for the revi s e d

theory bas e d on the metho d of quantier eliminatio n

RCC in Relation to thi s The s i s

Although the RCC theory was intende d as a language for b oth repre s enting and reasoning ab out

spatial information in its initial development repre s entation was the pr imary fo cus It was so on

reali s e d that whilst the theory i s very expre ss ive reasoning with RCC i s extremely dicult My

re s earch has b een directe d towards addre ss ing thi s problem Quite early in my inve stigation of

the RCC reasoning problem I di scovere d a computationally feas ible metho d for reasoning ab out

certain spatial relationships Thi s do e s not make any us e of the actual RCC axiom system but

us e s a radically dierent formali sm to repre s ent and reason ab out a large class of spatial relations

all of which are also denable in the RCC system The repre s entation bas e d on a top ological

interpretation of intuitioni stic logic i s de scr ib e d in detail in chapter

My intuitioni stic enco ding partly solve d the RCC reasoning problem but was only capable of

handling a small alb e it s ignicant subs et of the spatial relationships expre ss ible in RCC Thus the

p oss ibility of nding a much more comprehens ive reasoning algor ithm p oss ibly one that would

cover everything expre ss ible in RCC still remaine d Furthermore many puzzle s concer ning

the RCC formali sm b ecame apparent It was clear that the axioms did not character i s e a s ingle

unique mo del The intende d mo del was to accord with our intuitive nave ideas ab out regions

of xe d dimens ion exi sting in a top ologically s imple space However the dimens ionality and

global top ology of the space was not xe d by the axioms Moreover the exi stential imp ort of the

theory app eare d to b e to o weak to determine exactly which congurations of regions are p oss ible


The que stion aros e as to whether RCC could b e extende d to yield an syntactically complete

theory s ee s ection with a unique denumerable mo del ie an categorical theory As well

as reme dying the repre s entational shortcomings of RCC such a theory would b e a very s ignicant

step towards solving the reasoning problem Thi s i s b ecaus e any syntactically complete storder

theory must b e decidable

Recent di scover ie s by Nicholas Gotts and mys elf strongly sugge st that thi s goal cannot b e

obtaine d Sp ecically there can b e no complete storder character i sation of the intende d domain

Thi s can b e demonstrate d by showing that if such a formalisation were given it would provide

a complete theory and deci s ion pro ce dure for storder ar ithmetic which i s known to b e b oth

undecidable and not character i sable by any axiomatic theory Godel The demonstration

involve s showing that the concepts of ar ithmetic can b e dene d in terms of spatial prop ertie s which

are also denable in RCC Details of the pro of are b eyond the scop e of the pre s ent the s i s

Given that RCC i s undecidable and a complete storder character i sation of spatial regions i s

imp oss ible further enquiry into RCC can pro cee d in two directions Firstly it i s almost certain that

a complete character i sation of the intende d domain can b e given by adding one or more ndorder

axioms and p erhaps also further storder axioms to the theory Secondly s ince a comprehens ive

reasoning algor ithm for the domain of RCC i s imp oss ible it will b e imp ortant to identify more

re str icte d language s for expre ss ing spatial information for which eective algor ithms or at least

deci s ion pro ce dure s can b e constructe d

The RCC theory provide s a very expre ss ive language for sp ecifying spatial information

However there are certain feature s that are problematic In thi s chapter I attempt to clar ify a

numb er of asp ects of the theory and sugge st some mo dications to its formali sation Sp ecically I

cons ider extens ionality and identity conditions the status of the quas iBo olean functions the sort

theory and the null region the NTPP axiom and mo dels of the theory I then pre s ent a revi s e d

axiom s et constructe d so as to avoid some of the main problems brought to light by the analys i s

In chapter I shall give a partial deci s ion pro ce dure for the new theory

Identity and Extens ionality

In contrast with the theory of Clarke the RCC theory contains no axiom of extens ionality In

thi s s ection I cons ider whether or not such an axiom ought to b e adde d to the theory

Axiomatic theor ie s particularly thos e which s eek to character i s e a s ingle pr imitive relation

often contain some kind of axiom of extensionality Thi s i s an axiom which ass erts that the identity

of any two ob jects follows f rom the ir indi scer nibility with re sp ect to some prop erty Thus in s et

theory we have

xy z z x z y x y

Such axioms can b e regarde d as strengthene d forms of Le ibniz pr inciple of the identity of in

discernibles Thi s pr inciple i s the lefttor ight comp onent of a s econd order axiom which can b e


regarde d as dening identity

xy x y x y

Rather than requir ing ob jects to b e indi scer nible with re sp ect to all prop ertie s we may require

only that they cannot b e di stingui she d in terms of a f amily of prop ertie s forme d by partially

instantiating some relation over the univers e of ob jects The idea b ehind thi s sp eciali sation of the

axiom i s that thi s f amily of prop ertie s i s regarde d as xing all prop ertie s expre ss ible in the theory

In the RCC calculus of regions the obvious axiom of extens ionality would b e

xy z Cx z Cy z x y Cext

Thi s state s that if two regions x and y cannot b e di stingui she d by some instance of C z

ie we cannot nd any region z such that Cx z do e s not have the same truthvalue as Cy z

they must b e the same region The force of thi s axiom i s to claim that C i s the dening relation

for regions regions can only b e di stinct if they dier with re sp ect to the ir connecte dne ss with

other regions Whether thi s i s reasonable dep ends on what we take to b e the domain of regions

If regions are made up of di screte atoms then congurations can eas ily ar i s e where two di stinct

regions are indi scr iminable in terms of the regions they are connecte d to But if every region has

a nontangential prop er part and for every pair of nonidentical regions there i s some region which

i s part of one but not the other then Cext must hold

In the RCC theory we can der ive something very s imilar to the axiom of extens ionality From

the denitions of EQx y and Px y given ab ove we can very eas ily show that

xy z Cx z Cy z EQx y CEQ

However s ince the EQ symb ol i s intro duce d by denition thi s der ive d formulae do e s not have

the force of the axiom of extens ionality b ecaus e EQ nee d not nece ssar ily have the prop ertie s of

logical equality Hence the der ivation do e s not show that an axiom of extens ionality i s re dundant

in the RCC calculus What it shows rather i s that if we take the equivalence

xy x y Px y Py x P

as an axiom rather than a denition and assume that the symb ol i s to have its usual logical

prop ertie s then thi s formula i s equivalent to Cext and can thus s erve as an axiom of extens ionality

for the RCC theory

The Quas iBo ole an Functions

Most of the complexity of the RCC theory ar i s e s f rom the quas iBo olean functions In thi s s ection

I examine the role of the s e functions in the theory and sugge st how they could b e handle d in a

more preci s e and economical way


The Status of the Function Denitions

In Randell Cui and Cohn the functions are intro duce d by means of a nonstandard form

of denite de scr iption op erator For example a sum function i s character i s e d as

sumx y z w Cw z Cw x Cw y


where the iota notation i s to b e interprete d as follows

x y y x means xx x


Thus the sum denition can b e rewr itten as

xy w Cw sumx y Cw x Cw y

It should b e note d that thi s formula i s not purely denitional s ince b ecaus e all functions must

have a value the us e of the sum function carr ie s exi stential commitment In general a formula

which intro duce s a new function symb ol into a theory cannot b e regarde d as a denition unle ss

entitie s with appropr iate prop ertie s to b e value s of the function are already guarantee d to exi st as


a cons equence of the axioms of the theory

It i s also imp ortant to note that the formula character i s e s the sum function only in the context

of the C pre dicate It can b e contraste d with the following explicit character i sation

xy z z sumx y w Cw z Cw x Cw y

Thi s formula imp os e s a stronger condition on the domain of the C relation namely that given

any two regions x and y there i s exactly one region that i s connecte d to just the regions that

are connecte d e ither to x or to y It i s quite easy to s ee that the contextual sum denition i s

logically equivalent to the lefttor ight direction of the explicit sum denition However the r ight

toleft direction do e s not follow To get the r ighttoleft implication we also nee d the axiom of

extens ionality Cext given in the last s ection Alter natively one could replace the contextual sum

axiom with the explicit one If thi s i s done and we also stipulate that sumx x x then the axiom

of extens ionality i s imme diately der ivable

RCC without Functions or Sorts

There are two reasons for the us e of sort theory in formulating the RCC theory Firstly to accom

mo date functions which are partial with re sp ect to the domain of regions and s econdly b ecaus e

by casting a theory in sorte d logic and us ing a pro of pro ce dure de s igne d to treat sortal information

in an ecient way the eectivene ss of automate d theorem proving can often b e greatly increas e d

Cohn However the apparatus of functions and sorts do e s re sult in a formal language which

i s rather complex b oth in its syntax and s emantics If we are pr imar ily intere ste d in inve stigating


This applie s whether or not we employ a sorte d logic However if we us e a sorte d logic we can allow that the

value s of functions nee d not be regions so the existential commitment nee d not aect the theory with regard to the

propertie s of regions


the content and cons equence s of the RCC axioms it i s p erhaps b etter to cast the theory in a

s impler language RCC can eas ily b e mo die d so as to give a functionf ree unsorte d vers ion of the

theory The axioms intro ducing the quas iBo olean functions are replace d by exi stential statements

Where the function i s partial the exi stential statement i s ne ste d within an implication Thus the


axioms intro ducing u sum compl and pro d can re sp ectively b e replace d by the following

xy Cx y

xy z w Cw z Cw x Cw y

xy Cx y y z Cz y NTPPz x Oz y Pz x

xy Ox y z w Cw z v Pv x Pv y Cv w

The Complement Function

Of all the axioms in the RCC theory the one that intro duce s the complement function i s the most

complex and its cons equence s the harde st to f athom In its or iginal form the axiom i s

complx y z Cz y NTPPz x Oz y Pz x complDef


and if we assume Cext thi s i s equivalent to

xy y complx z Cz y NTPPz x z Oz y Pz x complDef

From thi s it can readily b e prove d that

xECx complx

The denition of compl s eems to b e rather more complex than i s de s irable The condition

y complx i s ass erte d to b e equivalent to two s eparate universal constraints on x and y

Moreover the rst of the s e sp ecie s exactly what i s connecte d to y the complement of x in

terms of the NTPPs of x If the theory i s extens ional with re sp ect to C then thi s sp ecication alone

should determine all the prop ertie s of any regions complement

However the s econd constraint sp ecifying that the things that overlap the complement of x are

exactly the things that are not part of x also app ears to b e true in the intende d interpretation

and even s eems to completely sp ecify the complementation function One might hop e that the two

conditions could b e prove d equivalent as a cons equence of the denitions of the relations involve d

and the other functions But de spite cons iderable eort and extens ive us e of the Otter theorem

prover McCune I have not b een able to demonstrate thi s Thus the compl axiom s eems

to contain not only exi stential commitment but also to indirectly ass ert a universal equivalence

b etween two ways of de scr ibing certain prop ertie s of regions

In view of the s e obs ervations I sugge st that it i s more p erspicuous to replace the compl axiom

by the following two axioms whos e conjunction i s equivalent to the or iginal

xy z Cz y NTPPz x


Here xx means there is a unique entity satisfying ie xx y y y x


z Cz x NTPPz y z Oz x Pz y

A further worry concer ning the compl axiom i s that I was unable again de spite cons iderable

eort to show that complementation i s a symmetr ical op eration ie that x comply y

complx Thi s may mean that RCC i s lacking the following clearly de s irable theorem

xy z Cz x NTPPz y z Cz y NTPPz x

Thi s could also b e der ive d if we adopte d the s imple formula xcomplcomplx x as an axiom

Relation to Ortho dox Bo ole an Algebras

Bo olean algebras are a very well understo o d class of mathematical structure s Since I will b e

making much us e of the s e algebras e sp ecially in the next chapter it will b e as well to give them

a formal denition

A Bo olean algebra i s a structure A hS i where S i s a s et of all the elements of the


algebra i s a function f rom S S to S and i s a function f rom S to S The s e op erations

must sati sfy the equations given in table in which the x y op eration i s dene d as equivalent to

x y and the null and unit elements are dene d by x x and x x

def def

The s e equations are taken with some mo dication of the pre s entation f rom Kuratowski


x y y x x y y x

x y z x y z x y z x y z

x x y x x x y x

x x x x

x y y x y x y y

x y z x y x z

Table An equational theory of Bo olean algebras

It will b e recalle d that in the RCC theory there i s no null region which would corre sp ond to

the least element in an ortho dox Bo olean algebra and thi s i s why the RCC functions are calle d

quas iBo olean But there s eems no reason why the functions in the RCC theory should not

b e regarde d as genuine Bo olean op erators over the domain REGION NULL Thi s would x the

prop ertie s of the s e op erators by reference to a well understo o d structure However if we regard the

RCC functions in thi s way we still have the problem of axiomatically linking the Bo olean algebra

to the relational part of the theory Thi s problem i s complicate d by the sort theory


I shall usually wr ite the complementation operation as a prex function but where the algebra is a

X to mean the complement of the s et X Bo olean algebra of s ets I shall often wr ite


A Single Generator for Bo ole an Functions

A standard Bo olean algebra has the prop erty that all op erators are denable in terms of a s ingle

pr imitive function In f act there are two p oss ible pr imitive s that can b e us e d in the terminology

of electronic circuitry they are NAND and NOR In a Bo olean algebra of regions the s e op erations

corre sp ond to complement of pro duct and complement of sum Thus us ing the rst alter native

starting with a function cp x y the more f amiliar Bo olean op erations together with null and

universal constants can b e dene d as follows

complx cp x x


sumx cp cp x x cpy y


pro d x y cp cp x y cpx y


pro d x complx


u sumx complx


Thi s means of intro ducing the Bo olean functions by pure denitions f rom a s ingle function has

the great advantage that in axiomatis ing the theory we nee d only b e concer ne d with xing the

meaning of cp and its relationship with C all prop ertie s of the other functions and constants will

b e cons equence s of the ir denitions

Intro duction of a Null Region

If we allow the null entity to b e a bona de region then the technical problems asso ciate d with the

Bo olean functions di sapp ear The functions b ecome total rather than partial and hence there i s no


nee d to us e a sorte d logic in order to employ the s e functions in a storder formali sm

Intro duction of a null region require s some revi s ion of the fundamental RCC axioms An

intuitive cons ideration of the notion of connection sugge sts that the nullregion should not b e

cons idere d as connecte d to any other region Thus we have the new axiom


Cons equently the reexivity of the connection relation must b e re str icte d so as only to hold for

nonnull regions Thus the Csym axiom must b e replace d with the weaker formula

xy Cx y Cx x

Atoms and the NTPP Axiom

Randell Cui and Cohn give an informal pro of of the imp oss ibility of having atomic regions

in a mo del of the axioms The s e putative atoms would b e regions having no prop er parts Here

we assume a theory without the NTPP axiom which of cours e explicitly rule s out such mo dels


Of cours e we may still wish to employ a sorte d logic for the purp os e of increasing the eciency of automate d

de duction


Supp os e a region r has no prop er parts It therefore has no nontangential prop er parts and

thus b ecaus e of the compl axiom it follows that every region i s connecte d to the complement of r

Thus assuming the Cext axiom complr must b e the universal region u We can further conclude

that Pr complr and then f rom the denition of O we s ee that Or complr However as men

tione d ab ove f rom complDef and Cext one can der ive xECx complx Thus ECr complr

But f rom the denition of EC we must have Or complr a contradiction

It has b een sugge ste d that there i s a cons i stent atomic mo del of the RCC axioms in which only

one nonnull region exi sts

Thus the NTPP axiom i s der ivable f rom the other axioms of the theory Randell Cui and Cohn

sugge st that the diculty ar i s e s b ecaus e the denition of the part relation i s incompatible with the

exi stence of atoms Three p oss ible solutions are given

The rst i s to divide the domain of regions into three di sjoint sorts PROPERREGIONs

ATOMs and PARTICLEs All of the s e kinds of region must have NTPPs in accordance with

the NTPP axiom However the prop er parts of ATOMs are PARTICLEs and not PROPER

REGIONs It i s further require d by additional axioms that if two ATOMs overlap they must

b e equal and every PROPERREGION has a part which i s an ATOM Whilst thi s prop osal

may have some attractions as a conceptual scheme it i s f ar f rom clear whether it can really b e made

into a cons i stent theory and the adde d complexity of the sort structure would make the language

f ar more unwieldy than the bas ic RCC theory

The two further alter native treatments of atoms given by Randell Cui and Cohn involve

even more radical departure s f rom the bas ic theory One of them require s the function sum as well

as the sort ATOM to b e taken as pr imitive s in addition to the or iginal C The other require s a new

sort of POINTs to b e adde d to the domain and i s bas e d on a new pr imitive relation INp r of

incidence holding b etween p oints and regions C i s then intro duce d as a dene d relation The s e

alter native theor ie s are to o f ar f rom the or iginal to b e cons idere d in the pre s ent work

In summary it must b e said that the or igin of the nonatomicity of regions in the RCC theory

i s not fully understo o d Each of the alter native s prop os e d by Randell Cui and Cohn

s eem more complex than i s de s irable and have not b een worke d out in detail Another plaus ible

sugge stion made in that pap er i s that the problem lie s with the denition of P but a revi s e d

denition was not given

Mo dels of the RCC Theory

The RCC theory was initially develop e d through a metho dology of sp ecifying intuitively correct

axioms rather than by cons ider ing mathematical mo dels of space However in order to e stabli sh

imp ortant metatheoretic re sults such as completene ss and categor icity di scuss e d further b elow

some kind of formal s emantics i s nee de d Be ing formulate d in storder logic the general purp os e

s ettheoretic interpretation of that language may of cours e b e employe d but cons ideration of the

particular nature of the RCC theory sugge sts that other kinds of mo del may b e more appropr iate


Graph Mo dels of the C relation

Mo dels of the C relation can b e repre s ente d by symmetr ic reexive digraphs or more s imply by

nondirecte d graphs in which each no de i s implicitly taken as b e ing connecte d to its elf If we only

require C to b e reexive and symmetr ic then all such graphs will corre sp ond to p oss ible mo dels

of the theory As we add further axioms we place constraints on admi ss ible structure s for the C

relation For examining the s e mo dels it will b e helpful to b e able to refer to the s et of all regions


connecte d to some region x Thus C x which may b e calle d the Cset of x i s dene d as

C x fy j Cx y g


In terms of Cs ets symmetry and reexivity corre sp ond re sp ectively to the f acts

x C x and x C y y C x

and the extens ionality axiom Cext can b e expre ss e d by

C x C y x y

Other logical prop ertie s of RCC such as thos e stemming f rom the quas iBo olean function axioms

would corre sp ond to more subtle constraints on the domain of Cs ets

Mo dels bas e d on connection graphs andor Cs ets are very straightforwardly relate d to the

relational vo cabulary of the RCC theory and the ontological commitments emb o die d in such mo dels

do not go b eyond what i s implicit in the theory However they have a numb er of shortcomings

Graph mo dels are very general and can b e given for any theory bas e d on a binary relation so they

do not character i s e any prop ertie s which are particular to the spatial domain Cons equently they

do not accord well with our p erception of real s ituations In f act as a means of building a mental

picture of a s ituation de scr ib e d by some RCC formulae graph mo dels are wors e than us ele ss if

we vi suali s e two connecte d regions as two blobs joine d by an arc we thereby picture the regions

as di sconnecte d A further problem for the re s earcher i s that the graph mo dels cannot readily b e

relate d to class ical mo dels of geometry and top ology

Mo dels in PointSet Top ology

In contrast with graphs of the C relation the top ological space s of class ical p oints et top ology

provide a wellundersto o d class of mathematical structure s which de spite some subtletie s

s eem to accord much b etter with our p erceptions of spatial s ituations Whilst asso ciating phys ical

b o die s with s ets of p oints i s an abstraction which require s a certain amount of imagination spatial

relationships b etween p oints ets can b e picture d in much the same way as relationships b etween

phys ical b o die s One dierence i s that in the p oints et mo del we can di stingui sh b etween open and

closed s ets whereas phys ical b o die s do not come in op en and clos e d var ietie s However as we so on

shall s ee it i s p oss ible to give a p oints et interpretation of region under which no op enclos e d

di stinction ar i s e s


The s e s ets are also employe d in the analys e s of Biacino and Gerla and Gerla


Advo cate s of the nave approach to knowle dge repre s entations may ob ject to the us e of top o

logical mo dels on the grounds that the mathematical content of the s e mo dels go e s f ar b eyond the

understanding of space enjoye d by the average p erson Dogmatic adherents of the regionbas e d

approach may also ob ject to the app earance of p oints in the mo dels of a theory which i s supp os e d

to avoid commitment to the exi stence of p oints Whilst I acknowle dge the motivations for the s e

ob jections I take what I regard as a more pragmatic approach to the examination of regionbas e d

theor ie s and am prepare d to employ any mathematical apparatus that s eems to b e us eful I do

think that one reason why regionbas e d formalisms may b e us eful i s that they are clos e to natural

ways of de scr ibing space but I do not think thi s means that in developing and inve stigating a

formal theory of regions one should b e re str icte d to employing only nave concepts

Interpreting RCC in PointSet Top ology

To character i s e the meaning of the nonlogical vo cabulary of RCC in terms of p oints et top ology

we nee d to sp ecify preci s ely how the individuals of the theory ie regions and the connection

relation are to b e interprete d by reference to a top ological space One p oss ible sp ecication i s as


Regions are identie d with nonempty op en s ets of p oints

Regions are connected if the ir closure s share at least one p oint

Thi s interpretation i s that sugge ste d for the RCC theory in Randell Cui and Cohn

If we require that the theory should sati sfy the extens ionality pr inciple Cext thi s imme diately

leads to a re str iction on the class of op en s ets that can b e cons idere d regions no two di stinct

regions can b e identie d with op en s ets that have the same closure The most obvious way to

ensure thi s i s to sp ecify that regions corre sp ond only to regular op en s ets ie thos e which are

equal to inter iors of the ir closure s

From the top ological character i sation of C we ought to b e able to der ive interpretations in

terms of p oint s ettop ology of all relations denable in RCC Given the storder denition of P

Px y z Cz x Cz y and the f act that for regular op en s ets cX cY i


X Y it i s clear that the partho o d relation b etween regions corre sp onds to the subs et relation in

the p oints et interpretation

The inters ection of two regular op en s ets i s always a regular op en s et so two op en s ets

share a p oint just in cas e they share a nonempty regular op en subs et If we assume that every

nonempty regular op en s et of p oints corre sp onds to some region we can say that two regions

overlap if they share a p oint and thi s will accord with the storder denition of overlap in terms

of the C relation Ox y z Pz x Pz y


Formally the C P and O relations can b e dene d as

Cx y cX cY


Px y X Y def


Ox y iX iY


The s e denitions give us a r igorous formal sp ecication of the RCC connection and overlap

relations in terms of p oints et top ology But they make us e of a highly expre ss ive s ettheoretic

language including b oth quantication and the element relation and hence are not very us eful

for automate d reasoning In the next chapter we shall s ee how e ss entially the same top ological

interpretation can b e expre ss e d algebraically without the us e of s ettheory and quantication

The Bo ole an Algebra of Regular Op en PointSets

In the last s ection we saw that the RCC regions can b e identie d with nonempty regular open

s ets in a top ological space If thi s interpretation i s to b e adequate for the full theory equipp e d

with quas iBo olean functions we nee d to b e able to interpret the s e as functions op erating on

nonempty regular op en s ets If we were s imply to us e the elementary Bo olean s et functions

complement union inters ection to mo del Bo olean functions on regions we would imme diately

run into dicultie s The problem i s that if we apply the s e op erations to regular op en s ets the

re sulting s et i s not nece ssar ily regular op en the complement of a regular op en s et i s regular clos e d

and the sum of two regular op en s ets i s op en but nee d not b e regular

Thi s problem can b e avoide d by identifying Bo olean functions on regions with the op erators in

the regular open Boolean algebra of a top ological space Given a top ological space hU O i the

elements of thi s algebra are the regular op en s ets The Bo olean constants and functions are then

dene d as follows


def def

X X i


x y X Y x y icX Y

def def

Thus the regular complement i s dene d as the inter ior of the ordinary s et complement and the

regular sum i s obtaine d by taking the inter ior of the closure of the s et union Pro duct i s s imply

dene d as inters ection It can eas ily b e ver ie d that given regular op en s ets as op erands the

re sults of the s e op erations are also regular op en s ets

A Dual Top ological Interpretation

There i s also a dual interpretation under which regions are identie d with closed s ets the s e

are connecte d if they share a p oint and overlap if the ir interiors share a p oint As b efore the

requirements of the theory mean that the clos e d s ets corre sp onding to regions must b e nonempty

and regular a regular clos e d s et i s a s et X such that X ciX The regular ity condition

ensure s that s ets corre sp onding to regions must have a nonempty inter ior


Completene s s and Categor icity

In s ection I mentione d that some re sults of Grzegorczyk have imp ortant cons equence s

regarding the prop ertie s of spatial theor ie s Thi s pap er cons iders st and higher order theor ie s of

Bo olean algebras supplemente d with additional spatial functions andor relations The storder

theory of Bo olean algebra i s decidable but Grzegorczyk shows that the intro duction of e ither a

closure op eration or an exter nal connection relation sati sfying in each cas e a small s et of algebraic

conditions re sults in a structure whos e storder theory i s undecidable

The assume d conditions on the closure op eration are just thos e given in s ection and the

conditions on the exter nal connection relation are as follows

ECx y pro d x y

pro d x y sumx x x sumy y y ECx y ECx y

ECsumx y z ECx z ECy z

The s e conditions are quite weak and one would exp ect them to b e sati se d in any plaus ible theory

of connection Thi s means that any storder language containing Bo olean or quas iBo olean

functions and a connection relation must b e undecidable

The que stion of what levels of expre ss ivene ss lead to undecidable language s i s of crucial im

p ortance for automate d reasoning In the following chapters we shall s ee that it i s p oss ible to

sp ecify quite expre ss ive repre s entations for spatial information which are decidable The strategy

i s to nd ways of expre ss ing spatial relationships without the nee d for a full storder language

One approach i s to us e a storder language with limite d forms of quantication In chapter

I shall show that in a storder theory bas e d on the C relation it i s in many cas e s p oss ible to

eliminate quantiers by replacing quantie d claus e s with equivalent quantier f ree formulae An

other approach i s to us e a order repre s entation language which i s more expre ss ive than class ical

prop os itional logic Although augmenting a Bo olean algebra with additional op erators such as a

closure function may lead to an undecidable storder theory it can also greatly extend the range

of information which can b e expre ss e d in the form of algebraic equations without quantication

In chapter we shall s ee how a order mo dal logical language can b e us e d to reason ab out such



An imp ortant corollary of the undecidability re sult i s that no nitary storder theory of spatial

regions p oss e ss ing a certain minimal expre ss ivity can b e complete A theory i s complete with

re sp ect to a language L i for every formula expre ss e d in the language L e ither or


i s logically valid If a nitary storder theory i s complete it i s also decidable Thi s

follows f rom the s emidecidability of nitary storder logic any logically valid storder formula

i s provable in nite time so to decide whether follows f rom one can attempt to prove in parallel


More will be said in s ection ab out the re str iction of this re sult to nitary systems


Note that if this is the cas e L can contain only a xe d nite vo cabulary of nonlogical expre ssions constraine d

by the theory If it containe d arbitrary relations functions or constants it could not be complete


or by alter nating f rom one pro of to the other b oth the s entence s and A pro of

of one of the s e formulae can always b e obtaine d in nite time

Any theory in which one can dene a relation of exter nal connection sati sfying certain conditions

must b e undecidable Moreover s ince any complete storder theory i s decidable any storder

theory in which thi s relation i s denable must b e incomplete Thi s means that there are purely the

oretical RCC formulae ie formulae not involving any arbitrary constants which are contingent

with re sp ect to the RCC axioms and indee d with re sp ect to any s ens ible s et of storder axioms

Hence RCC i s not categorical there must b e multiple noni somorphic mo dels of the theory

and cannot b e made categor ical without adding some ndorder axiom Becaus e of thi s lack of

categor icity the entailments provable in the RCC theory are only thos e that hold in a very large

class of p oss ible mo dels many of which will have a very dierent structure to what i s intende d

In f act it i s readily apparent that there i s no s ingle mo del of the axioms For instance the

dimens ionality of regions i s not xe d one can interpret them as b e ing of two three or even higher

dimens ion Moreover spatial congurations which are imp oss ible in say D may b ecome p oss ible

in or more dimens ions I have devote d cons iderable eort to the problem of nding a categor ical

vers ion of the RCC theory and have shown how by adding extra axioms many unwante d mo dels can

b e rule d out I have concentrate d sp ecically on character i s ing the dimens ionality of RCC regions

and on eliciting a complete s et of exi stential axioms thi s work i s rep orte d in Bennett a

However it was only towards the end of my PhD re s earch that I reali s e d that categor icity could

not b e achieve d by means of a nite storder theory

The undecidability of RCC and s imilar theor ie s means that the problem of incorp orating qual

itative spatial information into AI systems divide s into two parts i the foundational problem of

providing a suciently r ich theory of spatial concepts with a preci s e formal s emantics and ii the

problem of constructing inference algor ithms for reasoning in terms of us eful but le ss expre ss ive

repre s entation language s

A Revi s e d Vers ion of the RCC Theory

I now pre s ent an axiom s et for an unsorte d storder theory of regions The theory diers f rom

Clarke ss and the RCC theory in that a null element i s treate d as a rstclass region Thi s means

that the Bo olean comp onent of the theory can b e axiomatis e d much more straightforwardly than in

the earlier theor ie s Apart f rom thi s the theory i s intende d to b e much the same as RCC Following

RCC rather than Clarke every nonnull region i s connecte d to its complement and no di stinction

can b e made b etween op en and clos e d regions

It must b e stre ss e d that although my revi s e d axiom s et avoids many of the problems with the

RCC theory that were note d earlier in thi s chapter a great deal of further work remains to b e done

on thi s theory Thi s i s b eyond the scop e of the pre s ent work In the remainder of the the s i s I shall

fo cus on alter native s to storder theor ie s that are b etter suite d to automate d reasoning


Preliminary Denitions

To make the axioms eas ier to state we nee d the following denitions

D Px y z Cz x Cz y


D Ox y z Cz z Pz x Pz y


D NTPx y z Cz x Oz y


Fundamental Axioms

A s et of fundamental axioms can now b e state d as follows

A xy Cx y Cx x

A xy Cx y Cy x

A xy z Cx z Cy z x y

A xy z uCz u NTPu x NTP u y

A xCx x y Cy y NTP y x

Axiom i s the new re str icte d reexivity axiom which allows only the null region to b e di scon

necte d f rom its elf i s the unchange d symmetry axiom and i s the extens ionality axiom

The fourth axiom guarantee s that for any two regions x and y there i s a region z which i s

connecte d to every region which i s not a nontangential part of b oth x and y and b ecaus e of the

extens ionality axiom there can only b e one such region Under the intende d interpretation z i s

the complement of the pro duct of x and y A complement of pro duct function cp x y can now

b e dene d as

D cp x y z uCu z NTPu x NTPu y


Unlike the function sp ecications in the or iginal RCC theory thi s i s purely denitional b ecaus e

the exi stential imp ort and uniquene ss of the function are already entaile d by the other axioms As

was explaine d in s ection the Bo olean functions and universal and null constants can all b e

eas ily dene d in terms of the cp function Moreover b ecaus e in the new theory the null entity i s

accepte d as a true region the s e will b e prop er rather than quas i Bo olean functions

Finally axiom i s a new vers ion of the NTPP axiom mo die d to take account of null regions

and us ing the s impler NTP in place of NTPP

Additional Axioms

The system should also sati sfy the theorems given b elow At pre s ent I take the s e as additional

axioms However it i s likely that they are not all indep endent of each other and of the fundamental

axioms in which cas e they could b e omitte d f rom the axiom s et On the other hand the obs erva

tions made in s ection mean that even with axioms AA the system b e ing str ictly storder


cannot b e complete so one may wi sh to add still more axioms to obtain a stronger theory with a

more re str icte d s et of mo dels

AA z Cz x NTP z y z Oz x Pz y

AA xy z Cz x NTPz y z Cz y NTPz x

AA The structure hR sum compli i s a Bo olean algebra where R i s the domain of regions

and sum and compl are dene d f rom cp as sp ecie d in s ection

AA xy Px y sumx y y

AA and AA were di scuss e d in s ection and relate to de s ire d prop ertie s of the compl

function AA i s state d as a metalevel prop erty but could b e replace d by a s et of storder

formulae character i s ing a Bo olean algebra in terms of the Bo olean functions of the ob ject language

One could us e equational formulae bas e d on the theory given in table It i s clear that many

and p erhaps all of the s e formulae would b e der ivable f rom the other axioms of the theory AA

ensure s that the part relation coincide s with the usual partial order ing on the elements of the

Bo olean algebra

Mo dels of the Revi s e d Theory

Poss ible mo dels of the revi s e d theory include top ological mo dels which are much the same as thos e

given ab ove for the RCC theory s ection except that the domain of individuals contains the

empty s et Thus in an op en s et interpretation the regions will corre sp ond to arbitrary regular op en

s ets of a top ological space T and Cx y will hold just in cas e the closure s of the s ets corre sp onding

to x and y share at least one p oint The value of the function cp x y would then b e given by the

inter ior of the complement of the pro duct of the s ets corre sp onding to x and y and the Bo olean

algebra generate d by cp would b e the regular op en Bo olean algebra over T

It i s clear that axioms A hold in such mo dels A must also hold s ince it can b e shown


xy uCcp x y u NTPu x NTPu y

holds under the sp ecie d interpretation of cp

Axiom A imp os e s an additional dens ity condition on the space T Sp ecically that every

nonempty regular op en s et of T ie every s et corre sp onding to a nonnull region include s a

nonempty regular clos e d subs et The inter ior of thi s subs et corre sp onds to a nonempty NTP of

the region


A Order Repre s entation

As in other areas of knowle dge repre s entation constructing a formali sm for repre s enting

spatial information involve s a tradeo b etween expre ss ive capability and the tractability of

computing s emantic relations such as entailment b etween expre ss ions In chapter s everal

very expre ss ive theor ie s of spatial regions were de scr ib e d All of the s e addre ss e d the problem of

repre s enting spatial information by employing logical language s of st or higher order ie

language s including quantiers But as di scuss e d in s ection reasoning in storder logic

i s not only intractable but undecidabl e so unle ss some sp ecial purp os e reasoning algor ithm i s

known such a repre s entation do e s not provide a practical mechani sm for computing inference s

In thi s chapter I demonstrate how a order quantier f ree repre s entation which i s an

extens ion of the ordinary class ical prop os itional calculus can b e us e d to repre s ent a s ignicant

class of spatial relationship s Thi s repre s entation also yields a deci s ion pro ce dure for reasoning

ab out thi s information

Spatial Interpretation of Order Calculi

The most f amiliar interpretations of order logical calculi are as propositional logics the non

logical constants are regarde d as denoting and the connective s as op erating on the ir

prop os itional arguments to form more complex prop os itions Within such a conception the

class ical connective s are interprete d as expre ss ing truthfunctional combinations of the ir arguments

However taking nonlogical constants as denoting prop os itions i s not the only way that the s e calculi

can b e interprete d which i s why I de scr ib e them as order rather than prop os itional In thi s

chapter I explain how the class ical prop os itional logic which I refer to as C can b e employe d as a

language for spatial reasoning Under thi s interpretation the nonlogical constants denote regions

and the connective s corre sp ond to op erations forming new regions f rom the ir arguments

Thi s interpretation i s compatible with wellknown mo deltheoretic accounts of order calculi

in which prop os itions are asso ciate d with s ets rather than with truthvalue s The s e s ets are often

thought of as s ets of possible worlds in which a prop os ition i s true but they can also b e regarde d

as s ets of points or p erhaps atoms making up a spatial region Such interpretations are generally

employe d as mo dels of modal logics rather than the s imple class ical calculus whos e s emantics i s


adequately capture d by the s impler truthfunctional s emantics In the next chapter we shall s ee

that the nontruth functional op erators of mo dal logics can also b e given a spatial interpretation

The p oss ibility of repre s enting spatial relations in class ical prop os itional logic ar i s e s b ecaus e

the logic of spatial regions include s a Bo olean algebra as a substructure Thi s has b een known for

a long time it forms the bas i s of Venn diagrams Venn By generali s ing the pr inciple s of

Bo olean reasoning the re st of the chapter develops a rather more elab orate system in which it i s

p oss ible to repre s ent and reason ab out a much larger class of spatial relations The generali sation

involve s a metalevel addition to the bas ic syntax and pro of theory of a order logic which i s

nee de d to increas e the expre ss ive p ower of the repre s entation sp ecically it enable s negative as

well as p os itive constraints to b e repre s ente d Thi s metho d of repre s enting negative constraints in

a order logic i s as f ar as I know completely or iginal It i s also quite general and in subs equent

chapters will b e applie d to mo dal and intuitioni stic logical repre s entations

Set Semantics for the Clas s ical Calculus

The order class ical calculus henceforth C can b e given a s emantical interpretation in which the

constants denote arbitrary subs ets of some univers e U and the s corre sp ond to

elementary s ettheoretic op erations Sp ecically a mo del for the logic C i s a structure hU K i

where U i s a nonempty s et K i s a denumerably innite s et of constants and i s a denotation

function which ass igns to each constant p in K a subs et P of U The domain of i s extende d


to all formulae forme d f rom the constants by stipulating that

S i s the s et of all elements of U that are not elements of S For example if where for any s et S

a A b B and c C then a b c A B C Under thi s interpreta

tion it can b e shown that

Clas s ical SetSemantics Theorem CSST

A formula i s a theorem of C if and only if

for every mo del hU K i the equation U i s sati se d

The denotation function induce s a corre sp ondence b etween formulae and terms forme d f rom

constants denoting s ets and elementary s et op erations henceforth setterms It will b e us eful to

dene some notation to de scr ib e the relationship b etween the s e typ e s of expre ss ion

For every prop os itional constant p there i s a corre sp onding s et constant P

i i


With s emantic and other metalevel functions such as I enclos e the arguments in square rather than round

brackets The small Greek letters and are employe d as schematic var iable s standing for arbitrary prop ositional expre ssions


I wr ite ST as a means of expre ss ing the s etterm obtaine d f rom the formula by replacing

order constants p by s et constants P and the connective s and re sp ectively

i i

by and Note that ST i s a metalevel syntactic op eration and not an ordinary

extens ional function

The convers e metalevel function f rom a s etterm to a class ical prop os itional formula

will b e wr itten CF If the empty s et symb ol o ccurs in it will b e replace d by the

f als ity constant its negation will b e wr itten as


It will also b e convenient to us e the relational notation to refer to the


mapping b etween class ical formulae and corre sp onding s etterms thus we can wr ite eg


Q Again thi s i s a metalevel relation b etween expre ss ions p q P


The s et s emantics may b e regarde d as a generali sation of the usual truthfunctional s emantics

for C if U i s taken to b e a s ingleton s et fg then all formulae are ass igne d one of two value s

or fg Hence for any truthvalue ass ignment f K ft f g to the order constants there i s

a s et ass ignment K ffg g such that p fg if f p t and p if f p f

f f f

Moreover the value s of the truthfunctions on truthvalue s are mirrore d by corre sp onding value s

of the s et op erations on the two p oss ible s et value s So if the domain of i s extende d to complex


formulae according to the sp ecication for the function given ab ove then fg i i s


given the value t under the truthfunctional ass ignment f and i i s ass igne d f by f


Pro of of CSST If i s converte d to conjunctive normal form CNF then each

conjunct will contain a pair of complementary literals l and l if and only if i s a

tautology The s et term ST can also b e converte d to an analogous normal form

intersection normal form INF by means of s imple rewr ite rule s any s etterm can b e

expre ss e d as an inters ection of unions of s etconstants and the ir complements Thus

can b e expre ss e d in the form

i j n nk n nl

If a s etterm corre sp onds to a tautological prop os ition then when expre ss e d in INF

of a s et constant and its each union in the expre ss ion must contain some pair and

complement So whatever the ass ignment to the s et constants each union and hence

the inters ection of the s e unions will denote the universal region

On the other hand supp os e i s not a tautology then there i s a truthvalue ass ign

ment f p to the atomic prop os itions in such that i s f als e according to truth


functional s emantics Hence f rom the der ive d s et ass ignment over the univers e fg


as de scr ib e d ab ove we can construct a mo del hfg K i in which do e s not denote


the univers e 

If we are only intere ste d in the pure class ical calculus s ets emantics may b e cons idere d a

re dundant generali sation of truth functional s emantics s ince CSST shows that a Bo olean term


has the value in all ass ignments to its constants over any domain if and only if it take s the value

in all ass ignments over the domain fg Hence cons ideration of a element algebra i s sucient

to determine validity of any entailment in C It i s only when as in the next chapter we intro duce

additional op erators corre sp onding to nonBo olean functions that we nee d to cons ider ass ignments

over larger domains

An Entailment Corre sp ondence

The correlation b etween class ical theorems and Bo olean terms which are universal in any mo del i s

a sp ecial cas e of a more general corre sp ondence b etween the entailment relation in class ical logic

and entailments among Bo olean equations The s e entailment relations will b e repre s ente d with the

following notation

j means that in the calculus C the formula i s entaile d by the s et of

n C

formulae f g Thus j means that i s a theorem of C

n C

j where are s etequations means that in any mo del ie ass ign

n S n

ment of s ets to the constants o ccurr ing in the equations for which the equations


hold the equation also holds j means that holds in every mo del


The s etequations we shall b e most often concer ne d with are universal ie of the form U

where U i s the univers e of whatever mo del i s under que stion Thi s pre s ents a slight notational

diculty if we want to say that a universal equation holds in all of some class of mo dels b ecaus e

the universal s et will not generally b e the same s et in each mo del For thi s purp os e I employ the

or as a sp ecial symb ol U We can regard thi s e ither as a sp ecial logical symb ol equivalent to


metavar iable standing for whatever s et i s the univers e under cons ideration

Us ing the s e notations the following theorem can now b e state d

Clas s ical Entailment Corre sp ondence Theorem CECT

j if and only if U U j U

n C n S


for each i where

i i


Pro of of CECT If j then the formula must

n C n

U must hold in every mo del b e a tautology hence the equation


But in any mo del sati sfying U U one must have

n n

Therefore U

On the other hand supp os e j thi s means that there i s some truth

n C

functional ass ignment f under which are all true whilst i s f als e We then


us e the der ive d ass ignment over the domain fg as an ass ignment to corre sp onding


s etconstants o ccurr ing in the terms Under thi s ass ignment we shall have


U U and So U U j U 

n n S


Note that if a term contains U then in CF this will be replace d by


Re asoning with NonUniversal Equations

The corre sp ondence theorem CECT allows us to us e class ical prop os itional formulae to reason

ab out universal s etequations and the formula CF can b e regarde d as repre s enting the equation

U Moreover b ecaus e of the equivalence

X Y X Y U X Y if and only if

any s et equation can b e put into the universal form U

In order that we may us e order formulae to reason ab out arbitrary Bo olean s et equations

it will b e us eful to dene a transform CFe which give s a formula repre s entative of

any equation Such a repre s entative i s provide d by the formula CF where U i s

equivalent to For a universal equation CFe U will just b e equal to CF For an

arbitrary nonuniversal equation we could us e the denition



but s ince it i s more convenient to dene CFe by



In terms of CFe we can state the following corollary of CECT which character i s e s entailment

b etween arbitrary Bo olean s etterm equations

j if and only if CFe CFe j CFe

n S C

In f act we shall almost always deal with equations which are in the universal form but even

in the s e cas e s the CFe op erator i s still a us eful notation for translating f rom Bo olean equations to

the ir repre s entative formulae

Repre s enting Top ological Relationship s in C

Table shows how four spatial relations can b e character i s e d by constraints state d in terms of the

class ical prop os itional calculus C The rst column of the table sp ecie s a spatial relation us ing

the formal vo cabulary of the RCC theory The s econd column give s an informal de scr iption of the

relation The third column again de scr ib e s the same relation in terms of an elementary s etterm

equation all the equations are given in universal form Thi s character i sation i s in accord with the

interpretation of RCC regions as nonempty regular op en subs ets of a top ological space given in

s ection The nal column give s a formula of C that may b e cons idere d as repre s enting the

spatial relation Thi s formula i s given by CFe where i s the s et equation of the third column

The theorem CECT tells us that entailments among elementary s et equations are f aithfully

mirrore d by entailments among corre sp onding C formulae Thus in order to reason with spatial

information expre ss ible in terms of such s et equations one can transform the equations into formulae

of C and then te st inference s us ing some metho d of prop os itional theorem proving


Relation Description Set Equation C formula

DRx y x and y are di screte X Y U x y

Px y x i s part of y X Y U x y

Pix y y i s part of x X Y U y x

EQx y x and y are equal X Y X Y U x y

Table Denitions of four top ological relations in C

For example the inference

DRa b Pc a DRa c

dep ends on the following entailment b etween s et equations

A B U C A U j C B U

and thi s can b e shown to b e valid b ecaus e in C we have

a b c a j c b

Hence even with thi s very s imple enco ding into C some s ignicant spatial inference s can b e

determine d

Apart f rom the four relations given in table a large class of other relations can also b e

repre s ente d including x i s the univers e x x i s null x x i s the complement of y x y

the sum of x and y i s the univers e x y and x i s the sum of y and z x y z

The corre sp ondence b etween binary top ological relations among regions and the s et equations

or C formulae which can b e us e d to repre s ent them are illustrate d in gure The gure contains

ve subdiagrams showing each of ve JEPD relations that can hold b etween two regions Thi s

class ication do e s not di stingui sh b etween connection and overlapping or b etween tangential and

nontangential parts Of the ve relations only DR and EQ can b e uniquely sp ecie d by a C formula

It i s not surpr i s ing that the di stinction b etween connection and overlapping cannot b e sp ecie d

in terms of the purely Bo olean formulae of C In the p oints et interpretation of RCC thi s di stinction

dep ends on the top ological closure op eration but in the s imple language of Bo olean s et equations

no such op eration i s available To capture the di stinction we shall nee d to us e the more expre ss ive

repre s entation de scr ib e d in the next chapter However it i s more di sapp ointing that the relation

of partial overlap cannot b e directly repre s ente d by any formula of C and even though the part

relation corre sp onds directly to implication the proper part relation cannot b e uniquely sp ecie d

although we can eas ily say that one region i s part of another we cannot rule out the p oss ibility

that the two regions are equal


:(a ^ b)

a b = U

or a b or

:a _ :b

a b = U

DR(a b)

a b ?

PO(a b)

P(a b)

(a b)

a b a b Pi

a b= U

a b = U

PP(a b)

PPi(a b)

:a _ b a _ :b

or a b or

b ! a

a ! b

EQ(a b)

(a b) (a b) = U

a $ b

Figure Top ological relations repre s entable in C

Mo del and Entailment Constraints

As it stands our repre s entation i s very limite d many s imple spatial relations cannot b e dene d

solely by means of universal s etequations For example we have obs erve d that the relation

PPx y x i s a proper part of y cannot b e so expre ss e d Neverthele ss informally thi s rela

tion can b e dene d quite straightforwardly as that relation which holds whenever Px y i s true

but not EQx y So it would s eem that we can character i s e the prop er part relation if we can nd

a way to repre s ent the abs ence of a relation which we can already dene

We must now ask how the negations of s etequation constraints should b e repre s ente d Take for

example Px y x i s not part of y Supp os e we s imply negate the class ical formula repre s enting

X Y U Px y we would then get x y But thi s formula corre sp onds to the s et equation

or equivalently X Y U and thi s will only hold when b oth X U and Y So we s ee that the

negation of a formula do e s not corre sp ond to the abs ence of the relation enforce d by that constraint

X Y U which i s the direct negation In terms of s ets what we really wante d to repre s ent was

of the s et equation for Px y But negating the formula in the prop os itional repre s entation do e s

not give us thi s b ecaus e such a negation i s interprete d as a complement op eration on the s etterm

rather than a negation of the whole equation Thi s means that the abs ence of the relations dene d

so f ar cannot b e repre s ente d directly as C formulae

We nee d to increas e the expre ss ive capabilitie s of our repre s entation language so we can rep

re s ent s ituations in which we sp ecify not only that a numb er of universal s etequations hold but

also that certain such equations do not hold Thus we shall employ the more general constraint


language of universal s etequations and the ir negations and us e thi s to de scr ib e spatial s ituations

In order to us e class ical formulae to logically enco de the s e constraints we nee d some way of indic

ating whether the formula i s to b e interprete d as an equality or an inequality Thus a collection

of constraints will b e repre s ente d by a pair hM E i where M i s a s et of formulae corre sp onding

to equalitie s and E i s a s et of formulae corre sp onding to inequalitie s The formulae in M are

calle d model constraints b ecaus e they corre sp ond to equational constraints on p oss ible mo dels

The formulae in E are calle d entailment constraints for reasons which will b e made clear in the

next s ection The language cons i sting of pairs of s ets of C formulae will b e calle d C

Cons i stency of C Situation De scr iptions

What we now nee d i s a metho d of determining f rom a pair of formula s ets hM E i whether

the corre sp onding spatialalgebraic constraints are cons i stent hM E i repre s ents a s et of

constraints of the form fm U m U e U e U g Clearly i s incons i stent if

j k

and only if the following entailment holds

m U m U j e U e U DE

j S k

Here the rhs i s a di sjunction of s etequations and as such cannot b e translate d into a union at

the level of s etterms just as negating a s et equation i s not equivalent to applying the complement

op eration to its s et term The corre sp ondence theorem CECT do e s not tell us how to interpret

di sjunctions of s et equations in C However it can b e e stabli she d that in the domain of s ets


entailments of thi s kind are convex in the s ens e of Opp en A class of entailments i s convex

in thi s s ens e i

whenever j then j for some i f ng

n i

The following theorem ass erts the convexity of entailments of the form of DE

Convexity of Di sjunctive Bo ole anAlgebraic Entailments BEconv

U U j U U

m S n


U U j U for some i f ng

m S i

Pro of of BEconv Cons ider a di sjunctive entailment of the form of DE and let S

b e the s et of s etconstants which it contains Supp os e none of the di sjuncts on the

rhs are entaile d by the equations on the lhs Thi s means that for each di sjunct



of subs ets of some univers e U to the e U there i s an ass ignment S

i i i

constants in S such that e U i s f als e whilst the equations m U are all true We

i i

can assume without loss of generality that the univers e s in each of the s e ass ignments


Note that later in this the sis I shall us e the term convex with its ordinary s ens e as a property of the surface of

a region Hopefully this will not caus e to o much confusion




such that U are di sjoint We now construct a new ass ignment S U




X The U s thus form di screte subspace s of U Clearly thi s and X

i i


ass ignment must make all the lhs equations true and each of the di sjuncts on the

rhs f als e Thus the rhs will b e entaile d if and only if at least one of its di sjuncts i s

individually entaile d by the lhs Thi s means that the class of entailments of the form

of DE i s convex 

In f act BEconv may b e regarde d as an imme diate cons equence of a general cons i stency prop

erty of equational literals which I shall call ELcons By an equational literal I mean a p os itive or

negative equality relation which may contain constants function symb ols and var iable s Var iable s

are assume d to b e implicitly universally quantie d The prop erty i s as follows

Cons i stency of Equational Literals ELcons


m m n n


j for some i f ng

m m i i

ELcons can b e e stabli she d by cons ider ing p oss ible pro ofs of incons i stency in some pro of system

for storder logic with equality which i s known to b e refutation complete One such system i s

that where the only pro of rule s are binary re solution paramo dulation and f actor ing Duy

Since we are dealing with s ets of literals ie only unit claus e s f actor ing i s not require d and a

s implie d vers ion of paramo dulation can b e employe d The details of the rule s that are us e d do

not matter s ince ELcons can b e demonstrate d f rom quite general obs ervations The pro of i s as


Pro of of ELcons Supp os e we refute a s et of equational literals by means of binary

re solution and paramo dulation Once an application of binary re solution can b e made

incons i stency i s prove d imme diately so any succe ssful refutation must cons i st of a

s er ie s of paramo dulations followe d by a s ingle binary re solution Note also that each

paramo dulation e ither involve s two p os itive literals and generate s a new p os itive literal

or it involve s a p os itive and a negative literal and generate s a new negative literal

The s e obs ervations enable us to show that any refutation make s e ss ential us e of exactly

one negative literal The key p oints are that the der ivation of a p os itive literal cannot

involve any negative literals and that no rule op erate s on more than one negative literal

Cons ider the nal step in the refutation thi s i s a re solution b etween a p os itive and

a negative literal The p os itive literal i s e ither in the or iginal s et of literals or has b een

der ive d by a s equence of paramo dulations involving only p os itive literals The negative

literal i s e ither in the or iginal s et or has b een generate d f rom a p os itive and a negative

literal In the latter cas e the p os itive literal must have b een der ive d f rom only p os itive

literals and the negative literal i s e ither in the or iginal s et or i s in tur n der ive d f rom

a p os itive and negative literal However long thi s s equence continue s it i s clear that

exactly one negative literal f rom the or iginal s et i s involve d in the pro of 


The negative literals in the left hand condition of ELcons may b e move d over to the r ight to

give an equivalent entailment

j ELconv

m m n n

From ELcons it imme diately follows that entailments of the form of ELconv are convex ELconv

has the same syntactic form as DE but whereas ELconv sp ecie s a purely logical entailment

b etween equations the entailment relation j o ccurr ing in DE sp ecie s that the entailment holds


if the terms are interprete d in accordance with elementary s et theory In general if the j in

ELconv i s replace d by a more sp ecic entailment relation j the convexity prop erty may no

longer hold However if can b e expre ss e d as a purely equational theory entailments wrt

can b e expre ss e d as purely logical equational entailments of the form of ELconv Hence the

convexity re sult will still hold for such theor ie s In particular it holds for the relation j where


S i s elementary s et theory which i s just an interpretation of Bo olean algebra s ince S can b e

sp ecie d purely in terms of equations Thi s give s us an alter native pro of of BEconv

If we combine BEconv with our interpretation of C expre ss ions and then apply CECT we

imme diately get the following theorem character i s ing the cons i stency of C expre ss ions

C Cons i stency Theorem CCT

A C expre ss ion hM E i i s cons i stent if and only if

there i s no formula E such that M j


Thi s should make it clear why the formulae in the s et E are calle d entailment constraints

Repre s enting RCC Relations

We can now give C repre s entations for a s ignicant subclass of the RCC relations Let us rst

lo ok at how the s ituation typ e x i s a prop er part of y i s repre s ente d We can say that PPx y

holds when x i s part of y but the two regions are not equal Thi s give s us the equality X Y U

X Y X Y U Equalitie s are enco de d as mo del constraints and and the inequality

inequalitie s as entailment constraints so our prop os itional repre s entation for the relation PPx y

i s the pair

hfx y g fx y gi

NonNull Constraints

Recall that in di scuss ing top ological interpretations of RCC relations s ection I obs erve d that

p oints ets corre sp onding to prop er nonnull RCC regions must b e nonempty An imp ortant us e

of entailment constraints i s to ensure that regions involve d in a s ituation de scr iption are nonnull

If null regions are allowe d they have prop ertie s which may s eem counterintuitive for example the

null region i s b oth part of and di sconnecte d f rom any other region and many us eful and apparently

sound inference s may not hold if it i s allowe d that some of the regions involve d may b e null The


requirement that a region i s nonnull i s expre ss e d by the inequality X U which corre sp onds to

the entailment constraint x in the C repre s entation

Repre s entations of the RCC Relations

The C repre s entation allows us to repre s ent each of the ve top ological relations shown in g

ure The s e compr i s e a jointly exhaustive and pairwi s e di sjoint JEPD s et known as RCC

The mo del and entailment constraints including nonnull constraints of the C repre s entation for

each of the s e relations are shown in table

Relation Model Constraint Entailment Constraints

DRx y x y x y

POx y x y x y y x x y

PPx y x y y x x y

PPix y y x x y x y

EQx y x y x y

Table The C enco ding of some RCC relations

The mo del constraint asso ciate d with a relation i s the stronge st formula which holds in all

mo dels in which the relation holds The entailment constraints s erve to exclude mo dels which

although cons i stent with the mo del constraint are incompatible with the relation Thus the en

tailment constraints asso ciate d with a relation in a JEPD s et will normally corre sp ond to mo del

constraints of other relations in that s et plus the nonnull constraints The relation PO has no

mo del constraint and i s dene d by excluding all of the other relations

Certain entailment constraints which one might exp ect to b e require d can b e eliminate d or

weakene d b ecaus e they are indirectly capture d by other constraints For example in table

the entailment constraint x y which o ccurre d in the repre s entation of PP worke d out ab ove i s

replace d by the weaker formula y x s ince in the pre s ence of the mo del constraint x y y x

would imme diately entail x y

Re asoning with C

By making us e of the re sults obtaine d so f ar one can us e a class ical prop os itional theorem prover as

the bas i s of an eective automate d spatial reasoning system For clar ity I conci s ely summar i s e the

cons i stency checking algor ithm for C Given a spatial de scr iption cons i sting of a s et of relations

of the form R where R i s one of the relations character i sable in C and and are constants

denoting regions the following s imple algor ithm will decide whether the de scr iption de scr ib e s a

p oss ible s ituation


For each relation R in the s ituation de scr iption nd the corre sp onding prop os itional

i i i

repre s entation hM E i

i i


E i M Construct the overall C repre s entation h

i i

i i


E us e a class ical prop os itional theorem prover to determine whether For each formula




the entailment M j holds

i C


If any of the entailments determine d in the last step do e s hold then the s ituation i s imp oss ible

For example we may want to know whether the following s ituation i s p oss ible x i s a prop er

part of y y i s di sjoint with z and x i s a prop er part of z The C repre s entations of the three

spatial relations are re sp ectively

hfx y g fy x x y gi hfy z g fy z gi and hfx z g fz x x z gi

So the overall C repre s entation i s

hfx y y z x z g fy x z x x y z gi

We determine that thi s s ituation i s imp oss ible s ince

x y y z x z j x


Determining Entailments

Computing incons i stency of C expre ss ions i s a sp ecial cas e of determining entailments b etween

s ituation de scr iptions character i sable in C To refer to such an entailment I shall us e the notation


hM E i j hM E i We can expre ss the meaning of thi s as an entailment b etween s etequations


as follows

m U m U e U e U

h i



m U m U e U e U



If we then br ing the rhs over to the left and move the re sulting negation inwards we get

m U m U e U e U

h i

m U m U e U e U j


j k

To show the validity of thi s we must show that whichever of the equations in the di sjunction i s

chos en the re sulting equation s et i s incons i stent Thi s i s equivalent to showing that

for all p M we have hM E fpgi j + and for all q E we have hM fq g E i j +


Another equivalent way of expre ss ing the s e which i s more convenient f rom the p oint of view of

actually calculating the entailments i s the following


C Entailment Theorem CET

hM E i j + hM E i i


e ither hM E i j + or for all M hM fgi j +


and for all E hM f g E i j +


Informally thi s means that a s equent i s valid i e ither hM E i i s its elf incons i stent or each

of the mo del constraints in M i s entaile d by the mo del constraints M and also each of the entail

ment constraints in E in conjunction with the mo del constraints M entails one of the entailment

constraints in E Determining the validity of a C entailment has thus b een re duce d to determ

ining the incons i stency of certain C expre ss ions and we already know that such an expre ss ion i s

incons i stent i one of its entailment constraints i s entaile d by its mo del constraints

Complexity of the Re asoning Algor ithm

Cons i stency checking for s ets of spatial relations repre s entable in C i s clearly NPhard and e ss en

tially the same as the cons i stency checking problem for C The metalevel extens ion for handling

the entailment constraints re duce s each C cons i stency problem to n cons i stency problems of s ets

of C formulae where n i s the numb er of entailment constraints Note that all the s e n problems

could in pr inciple b e solve d in parallel

Another f actor which can s ignicantly limit the complexity of spatial reasoning us ing thi s en

co ding i s that in repre s enting the ve RCC relations given in table only formulae containing at

most two var iable s are employe d Thi s means that the complexity of reasoning with the s e relations

i s that of SAT the sati sability problem for binary claus e s Thi s problem i s computationally

easy it can b e solve d in time prop ortional to n where n i s the numb er of claus e s involve d More

sp ecically thi s problem i s in the class NC of problems which can b e solve d in p olylogar ithmic

time by us ing p olynomially many parallel pro ce ssors

A detaile d cons ideration of computational complexity i s b eyond the scop e of thi s the s i s A

survey of complexity class e s can b e found in Johnson


A Mo dal Repre s entation

Us ing pr inciple s intro duce d in the last chapter thi s chapter develops a more expre ss ive

repre s entation for spatial relationshi ps bas e d on the order mo dal logic S I explain how

the Bo olean s et s emantics for class ical logics can b e generali s e d to take account of additional

nontruth functional op erators We shall s ee how the top ological interior function can also b e

mo delle d in thi s way In f act cons idere d in thi s way the op erator of S ob eys exactly

the same constraints as an inter ior op erator Thi s corre sp ondence allows one to us e de duction

in S as a means for reasoning ab out equations b etween terms involving Bo olean functions

and an inter ior function We shall s ee that the s e equations can expre ss a large class of spatial


relations I go on to intro duce the language S which extends the expre ss ive p ower of S

+ +

in exactly the same way as C extends the C repre s entation The S repre s entation allows

many RCC relations to b e expre ss e d including all the RCC relations

The Spatial Interpretation of Mo dal Logics

In thi s chapter I develop a order repre s entation for spatial information which i s cons iderably

more expre ss ive than that given in the previous chapter The pr inciple s up on which it i s bas e d

are much the same as thos e employe d in formulating C but rather than us ing the s imple class ical

logic to enco de spatial information I shall us e mo dal logics whos e language contains additional

unary op erators

Mo dal op erators are usually regarde d as nontruthfunctional op erators on prop os itions Many

kinds of prop os itional mo dality have b een studie d alethic mo dalitie s nece ss ity p oss ibility contin

gency prop os itional attitude s knowle dge b elief certainty etc deontic mo dalitie s obligation

p ermi ss ion However in the context of a s ets emantics under which order constants are

interprete d as s ets and Bo olean op erators as elementary s et op eration mo dal op erators can b e

regarde d as mappings b etween subs ets of some univers e of elements By thinking of the s e as s ets

of p oints within a space we imme diately get a spatial interpretation

To sp ecify the spatial interpretation of a mo dal op erator in a more concrete way we can regard

the univers e of p oints as having the structure of a top ological space As we saw in s ection the

structure of a top ological space determine s and i s determine d by certain functions on subs ets of


the space such as the interior and closure functions We shall s ee that the mo dal op erator of

the logic S can b e interprete d as an inter ior op erator on a top ological space Thi s corre sp ondence

allows one to us e de duction in S as a means for reasoning ab out equations b etween terms involving

Bo olean functions and an inter ior function The s e can b e regarde d as top ological constraints and

can b e us e d to expre ss a large class of spatial relations The connection b etween top ological space s

and the logic S has b een known s ince the work of Tarski and McKins ey but as f ar as I

know has never b een us e d as a vehicle for automate d spatial reasoning

Overview of the Approach Taken

In the next s ection I lo ok at the s emantics of mo dal logics and sp ecically at algebraic mo dels

bas e d on mo dal algebras I prove a corre sp ondence b etween the de ducibility relation of a mo dal

logic and entailment among mo dal algebraic equations

In s ection I cons ider the algebraic interpretation of a top ological space as a closure algebra

and show how many top ological relationships can b e expre ss e d in terms of closure algebraic equa

tions and the negations of such equations I then obs erve in s ection that the mo dal algebras

asso ciate d with the logic S are e ss entially the same as closure algebras Thi s means that S can

b e us e d to reason ab out equational closure algebra constraints

Generali s ing the f ramework previously de scr ib e d in s ections and of the last chapter

s ection sp ecie s the extens ion of a mo dal language L to a more expre ss ive language L I

prove a us eful entailment convexity re sult for the s e language s I then show in s ection how all

the RCC relations and many more top ological relations can b e enco de d in the extende d mo dal

language S Thi s provide s a deci s ion pro ce dure for a s ignicant class of top ological relations

Finally in s ection I explain how in pr inciple mo dal repre s entations allow us to replace the

metalevel expre ss ions of C and S by ob ject level expre ss ions in a mo dal logic incorp orating

an additional S op erator

Semantics for Order Mo dal Logics

To generali s e the spatial interpretation of C to order language s with additional op erators it i s

nece ssary to know some details of mo dal logics and the ir s emantics My pre s entation i s very conci s e

so the reader will nee d some pr ior knowle dge of the sub ject Two very go o d text b o oks on mo dal

logic are Hughe s and Cre sswell and Chellas

Mo dal Logics

A prop os itional mo dal language i s obtaine d by adding to the language of class ical prop os itional


logic a monadic op erator The inference rule s of the mo dal logic cons i st of all the rule s

of class ical prop os itional logic plus some additional rule s concer ning the mo dal op erator Many


For some purp os e s one may wish to add s everal distinct mo dal operators to the language The re sulting system

is calle d a multimodal logic


dierent s ets of rule s have b een prop os e d captur ing dierent intende d meanings and prop ertie s of

the op erator The s e give r i s e to a wide range of di stinct mo dal logics A rule common to most

logics that have b een calle d mo dal i s the rule of nece ss itation RN thi s state s that if any formula

i s a logical theorem then so i s the formula

Further logical prop ertie s of the mo dal op erator are usually pre s ente d in terms of axiom

schemata A schema sp ecie s that all formulae exhibiting a certain logical form have the status

of axioms Thus if the pro of system of the underlying class ical prop os itional logic i s pre s ente d in

axiomatic style ie as a s et of axiom schema and the rule of modus ponens then the pro of system

of a mo dal logic L i s obtaine d by s imply adding further axiom schemata and the rule RN I wr ite

n L

to mean that the formula i s de ducible f rom the s et of formulae f g in the logic L


For every mo dal op erator there i s a dual op erator dene d by Cons equently



s ince negation ob eys the usual class ical pr inciple s it i s eas ily prove d that so one

can equally well take as the pr imary mo dal op erator and intro duce by denition

The Logic S

S i s one of the s impler and b etter known mo dal logics It may also b e calle d KT s ince it i s

obtaine d f rom class ical prop os itional logic by adding the the rule of nece ss itation and the following

axiom schemas





A mo dal logic which sati se s the schema K as well as ob eying the rule of nece ss itation i s

known as normal

Kr ipke Semantics

Currently the b e st known interpretations of mo dal logics are thos e in terms of Kripke semantics

In a Kr ipke s emantics a model cons i sts of a s et of p oss ible worlds together with an accessibility

relation a binary relation b etween worlds asso ciate d with each mo dal op erator Prop os itions

denote s ets of p oss ible worlds the s et of worlds in which they are true A Kr ipke mo del M i s

thus a structure hW R P di where W i s a s et of worlds R i s the acce ss ibility relation P i s a s et

of constants fp g and d i s a function mapping elements of P to subs ets of W


Such a mo del determine s the truth of each mo dal formula at each p oss ible world Class ical

formulae are interprete d as follows

Atomic formulae p are true in exactly the worlds in the s et dp

i i

Conjunctions are true in worlds where b oth and are true


Di sjunctions are true in worlds where e ither or or b oth i s true

Negations are true in worlds where i s not true


to mean that formula i s true at world in mo del M A mo dal op erator i s We wr ite j

then interprete d as follows in a mo del M hW R P di


i j for all W st R j

A frame i s a s et of all Kr ipke mo dels sati sfying some sp ecication of the prop ertie s of the

acce ss ibility relation R For example the s et of all Kr ipke mo dels in which R i s reexive and

symmetr ic constitute s a f rame Finally we say that a formula i s valid in some f rame F if it i s

true at every world in every mo del in F

The logic S i s character i s e d by the f rame F cons i sting of all Kr ipke mo dels whos e acce ss


ibility relations are reexive and transitive R i s a quasiordering on W Every theorem provable

according to the pro of system for S sp ecie d ab ove i s valid in F and convers ely every formula


valid in F i s provable in the pro of system


A vast sp ectrum of dierent mo dal op erators can b e sp ecie d by placing more or le ss general


re str ictions on the corre sp onding acce ss ibility relation Furthermore Kr ipke s emantics allows

one to sp ecify op erators whos e logic s eems to corre sp ond well with intuitive prop ertie s of mo dal

concepts employe d in natural language Indee d a numb er of logics prop os e d for natural language

mo dalitie s which were or iginally sp ecie d pro of theoretically by axiom schemata intende d to

capture intuitive prop ertie s of mo dal concepts can b e capture d very eas ily within the Kr ipke

paradigm by quite s imple re str ictions on the acce ss ibility relation

Whilst the Kr ipke approach certainly provide s a very exible approach to mo dal s emantics

its generality i s often overstate d Cons equently many re s earcher s in b oth AI and philosophical

logic tend to think of p oss ible worlds s emantics as e ss entially bas e d up on acce ss ibility relations

However although Kr ipke mo dels may b e appropr iate for certain typ e s of mo dal op erator in other

cas e s it may b e more natural to supp os e a quite dierent structur ing of p oss ible worlds or even a

s emantics that i s not bas e d on p oss ible worlds at all

Mo dal Algebras

A modal algebra i s a mathematical structure that provide s a s emantics for mo dal logics which i s

more general than a Kr ipke mo del Just as the formulae of class ical prop os itional logic can b e

interprete d as referr ing to elements of a Bo olean algebra mo dal formulae can b e interprete d as

elements of a Bo olean algebra supplemente d with an additional unary op eration ob eying certain

constraints Thi s i s a mo dal algebra Bo olean algebras with additional op erators were rst studie d

in detail by Jonsson and Tarski The ir connection to mo dal logics was inve stigate d by

Lemmon a b A clear account of the e ss ential prop ertie s of mo dal algebras and the ir


Often such re str ictions are thought of as dening a logic rather than an operator but this is misleading since the

p ossible worlds s emantics allows any number of dierent operators to be encompass ed in a single logical language


relation to Kr ipke s emantics i s given by Hughe s and Cre sswell Chapter and a much

more detaile d examination can b e found in Goldblatt

A mo dal algebra can b e repre s ente d by a structure M hS i where hS i i s a

Bo olean algebra and for all elements x and y of the algebra the op erator sati se s the equation

x y x y add


Op erators ob eying thi s equation are known as additive A direct cons equence of additivity i s the


following monotonicity prop erty which will b e us eful later

if x y then x y mon

Further equational re str ictions may b e place d on the op erator Of particular imp ortance are

x x ie x x x epi s


x x idem

Algebraic Mo dels


We can now dene an algebraic model for a mo dal language as a structure hS P i where

hS i i s a mo dal algebra P i s the s et of constants of the language and i s a function mapping

mo dal formulae to elements of S For each constant p P p may b e any element of S Thi s

ass ignment to the constants determine s the value of all complex formulae according to the


following recurs ive sp ecication

Note that under thi s interpretation the op eration of the algebra i s asso ciate d with the mo dal

rather than Thi s i s b ecaus e of the additivity of the algebraic op erator the algebraic equation

character i s ing additivity corre sp onds to the mo dal schema which i s true


in every normal mo dal logic

We say that a formula i s universal in a mo del hS P i i ie if the

mo del ass igns to the formula the unit universal element of the mo dal algebra hS i An


It is additive operators which are the pr imary fo cus of the inve stigations of Jonsson and Tarski


Pro of x y x y y y x y y x y x y QED


I am assuming here that the language has only one mo dal operator For a multimo dal language the mo del

would have s everal functions one for each mo dality



Specications for the connective s and can easily be der ive d f rom the ir denitions in terms of



algebraic frame F i s a s et of all algebraic mo dels whos e algebras sati sfy some s et of equations E


constraining the op erator Finally we say that a formula i s valid with re sp ect to some algebraic

f rame F if it i s universal in every mo del in F


In order that algebraic mo dels provide a s emantics for some mo dal logic L we must nd a s et

if and only if it of character i stic equations E such that a formula i s valid in the f rame F



i s a theorem of L For brevity I shall denote the f rame asso ciate d with the logic L by F rather


For instance the f rame F i s the s et of all mo dels sati sfying the equations add epi s than F



norm and idem It i s known that a formula i s valid with re sp ect to F i it i s a theorem of the


logic S Hughe s and Cre sswell Chapter

Note that if i s a theorem of some logic L then and must have the same denotation

in every algebra in F Thus s ince and are interprete d as extens ional algebraic functions


and must also b e theorems of L Hence any mo dal logic which can b e



given an algebraic s emantics of thi s kind will b e clos e d under the rule of equivalence if

then which I shall refer to as RE


PowerSet Algebras


According to Stones repre s entation theorem Stone every Bo olean algebra i s i somorphic

to a Bo olean algebra whos e elements are s ets and whos e op erators are identie d with the usual

union inters ection and complementation op erations of elementary s et theory Moreover such an

algebra can always b e emb e dde d in a Bo olean algebra whos e elements are all the subs ets of some

universal s et W

Jonsson and Tarski showe d that a s imilar theorem holds for Bo olean algebras with ad

ditional additive op erators Thi s means that every mo dal algebra can b e i somorphically emb e dde d


in a mo dal algebra whos e elements are all memb ers of the p ower s et of some s et W One

may think of the elements of W as p oss ible worlds and s ince each prop os ition p of the mo dal

language i s interprete d as an element in the mo dal algebra may b e regarde d as the s et of

worlds in which p i s true

Where an algebraic mo del i s bas e d on a p owers et algebra I shall repre s ent it by a structure

hU P i where the sum op erator i s to indicate that the Bo olean op erators corre sp ond

to the op erators of elementary s et theory As in the previous chapter I us e the metasymb ol U

to denote the universal s et in whatever algebra i s b e ing cons idere d The p owers et algebras are

repre s entative of the whole class of mo dal algebras in the s ens e that an equation which i s true in all

p owers et algebras i s true in every mo dal algebra b ecaus e every mo dal algebra can b e emb e dde d

in a p owers et algebra Thi s means that in character i s ing validity in terms of algebraic f rame s we

can re str ict the f rame s to contain only mo dels bas e d on p owers et algebras In the s equel I shall

assume that we always cons ider only mo dels bas e d on p owers ets and I shall refer to the re sulting

s emantics as algebraic set semantics A mo dal op erator in a p owers et algebra maps every

subs et X of the univers e to another subs et X


A comprehensive study of this theorem can be found in Johnstone


Mapping Between Algebraic and Logical Expre s s ions

As with the class ical s ets emantics it will b e us eful to intro duce metalevel notation for referr ing

to the mapping b etween mo dal formulae and mo dal algebraic terms I assume that the s e terms are

interprete d as s ets in a p owers et algebra Thus MAT i s the mo dal algebraic term obtaine d

f rom the formulae by replacing the connective s and by the op erators and

and the order constants p by s et constants P Since the op erator i s equivalent to

i i

thi s i s replace d by the algebraic op erator The function MF i s the invers e of MAT so


that MF i s the formulae such that MAT I shall wr ite to refer to the


mapping in the form of a relation

I also dene by analogy with CFe intro duce d in s ection the transform MFe such

that MFe U MF for universal equations and MFe MF MF for

nonuniversal equations The expre ss ion MFe refers to a mo dal formula which b ecaus e of

the corre sp ondence theorem Mcorr which will b e given in s ection may b e regarde d as

repre s entative of the mo dal algebraic equation However b ecaus e of the form of the entailment

corre sp ondence theorem SECT also prove d in s ection one might say that an equation

constraining an S mo dal algebra i s b etter repre s ente d by MFe rather than MFe

Equations character i s ing a class of algebraic structure s a f rame will in general contain f ree

var iable s which are taken as implicitly universally quantie d the equations hold for all elements

of the algebra Thus an equation with f ree var iable s will corre sp ond to a class of mo dal formulae

which can b e repre s ente d as a formula schema Becaus e of thi s it i s convenient to generali s e MF

so as to op erate on terms with f ree var iable s In such a cas e the re sulting expre ss ion will b e a

mo dal schema rather than a formula and schematic logical var iable s will take the place of the f ree

var iable s in the algebraic term Accordingly MFe can also b e allowe d to op erate on equations

containing f ree var iable s again the re sult will b e a schema rather than a formula

By means of MFe a s et of algebraic equations dening a f rame F can b e translate d directly


into a s et of mo dal schemas which sp ecify the pro of system of the corre sp onding logic L To ensure

the pro of system i s complete it will also b e nece ssary to add the inference rule RE which i s intr ins ic

to algebraic s emantics as explaine d at the end of s ection

Entailment among Mo dal Algebraic Equations

If some entitie s of intere st in our cas e the s e will b e spatial regions are identie d with elements in

an algebra then equations b etween algebraic terms can b e us e d to sp ecify relationships b etween

the s e entitie s One can then reason ab out the s e relations in terms of entailments among algebraic

equations Since s et algebras are repre s entative of the class of mo dal algebras the notion of entail

ment among mo dal algebraic equations can b e dene d in terms of p oss ible s et ass ignments to a

language of mo dal algebraic terms

A s et ass ignment to a language of algebraic terms i s a structure hS U mi where S i s


a s et of constants U i s a universal s et S ass igns a subs et of U to each constant in


S and m sp ecie s the mo dal op erator as a s et function If i s a term built f rom


the constants in S by means of Bo olean and mo dal op erators then i s the s et ass igne d

to by Thi s i s determine d by m and the usual interpretation of Bo olean op erations

on s ets If we say that satises the equation

Entailment relations among mo dalalgebraic equations can now b e sp ecie d as follows

means that for every ass ignment hS U mi j

i n n



where S include s all the constants o ccurr ing in the terms and sati sfying the equations

i i

asso ciate d with the f rame F if sati se s the equations it also sati se s

L n n

the equation

Relating S Mo dalAlgebraic Entailment to De ducibility

If a mo dal logic L i s character i s e d by a mo dal algebraic f rame F there i s a corre sp ondence b etween


de duction in the logic and entailment b etween algebraic equations in the algebras in F Becaus e


of thi s we can us e mo dal logics to reason ab out algebraic equations

From the denition of an algebraic f rame for the logic L we have the following corre sp ondence

b etween universal s et equations and logical theorems


U i where Mcorr j





In the last chapter we saw how class ical prop os itional formulae can b e us e d to reason ab out

spatial prop ertie s that can b e state d as equations of the form U The correctne ss of reasoning

us ing thi s enco ding was justie d by the Class ical Entailment Corre sp ondence Theorem CECT

Later in thi s chapter s ections and we shall s ee how by us ing a s imilar corre sp ondence

theorem mo dal formulae can b e us e d to reason ab out a much wider range of spatial prop ertie s

To generali s e the class ical cas e to arbitrary mo dal logics we would nee d to e stabli sh the validity of

a conjecture such as the following

General Mo dal Entailment Corre sp ondence Conjecture GMECC

U i U U j

n L n





i i


Note that GMECC prop os e s a corre sp ondence b etween an entailment relation and a de ducib

ility relation rather than b etween two entailment relations as was the cas e for the theorem CECT

of the last chapter CECT relate s entailments b etween Bo olean s etterm equations to order

entailments under the standard truthfunctional s emantics for C In us ing CECT to justify the

us e of class ical theorem provers for spatial reasoning we to ok for grante d the f act that any sound

and complete pro of system for class ical order logic i s f aithful to the truthfunctional s emantics

In attempting to e stabli sh GMECC one i s attempting to generali s e Mcorr which relate s mo dal

algebraic identitie s directly to mo dal theoremho o d and there i s prima facie no nee d to to intro duce

another s emantics



An even more imp ortant thing to note ab out GMECC i s that it i s not true for many

mo dal logics there are cas e s where an entailment b etween mo dal algebraic equations holds but

the corre sp onding logical entailment b etween mo dal formulae i s invalid For example in an S

p Neverthele ss as we would exp ect S mo dal algebra P U entails P U but p


do e s re sp ect Mcorr applying the de duction theorem to the s equent p p yields p p


P P U and thi s i s not generally true which corre sp onds to a mo dal algebraic equation

for algebras in the f rame F The problem ar i s e s b ecaus e all algebras in the f rame F must ob ey


the identity or equivalently U U Indee d thi s identity i s sati se d by all algebras

in any f rame F where the logic L ob eys the rule of nece ss itation


Although S do e s not ob ey the GMECC conjecture the following corre sp ondence b etween the

entailment relation among universal s et equations constraining algebras in F and the de ducibility


relation of S can b e prove d

S Entailment Corre sp ondence Theorem SECT

U i U U j


n S n


S 4



i i


Pro of of SECT Since S i s an extens ion of class ical logic it ob eys the de duction

theorem i By combining thi s with

n S S n

Mcorr we get the more general corre sp ondence

i j U

n S n


S 4


i j U


n S n


S 4

From elementary s et theory and the additivity of it can eas ily b e shown that the

equation on the rhs i s equivalent to so we can e stabli sh


SECT by showing that

U i U U j j

n n


S 4 S 4

The rhs can then b e rewr itten to give

U i U j j

n n


S 4 S 4

and thi s equivalence can b e more succinctly expre ss e d as

U y i U j j


S 4 S 4


De spite the existence of simple counterexamples for a long time I believe d GMECC and I even publishe d a

faulty pro of in Bennett b Fortunately the slightly weaker theorem SECT which is provable is sucient

to s erve the purp os e to which I or iginally put GMECC


It i s quite straightforward to show that the left to r ight direction of y holds for any

normal mo dal algebra and hence any algebra in F Recall that a mo dal algebra i s


normal i it ob eys the equation norm Thi s means that U U Thus

if in accordance with the lhs then it i s clear that any normal algebra

sati sfying U also sati se s U which i s what the rhs says

The r ight to left direction of y i s cons iderably harder to show I prove it by proving

the contrap os itive ie

U yy then U j if j


S 4 S 4

Let S b e the s et of all constants o ccurr ing in the terms and If the antece dent of

y y i s true there must b e some ass ignment hS U mi sati sfying the equational

constraints of the f rame F and such that From we can


construct an ass ignment which ver ie s the cons equent of yy ie U but


Let U We dene hS U m i by stipulating that

U for all constants S

m X U U mU U X for all s ets X U

The sp ecication of the mo dal function m lo oks rather complicate d however it i s just

the cons equence of requir ing that for any X U the value of m X according

to should b e equal to m X under To sp ecify thi s preci s ely I dene l to

b e the dual of m ie l X m X From thi s denition it i s easy to s ee

that mX l X The interpretation of as s et complement i s dep endent

on the sp ecic value of the universal region U To make thi s dep endence explicit

mX can b e expre ss e d as U l U X and convers ely l X U mU X

Similarly m X U l U X where l i s the dual of m If we now stipulate that

l X l X we nd that

m X U l U X U l U X U U mU U X

By sp ecifying m in thi s way I ensure that the op erator i s interprete d as the

same function in as in except that the domain of m i s limite d to subs ets of U

It can then b e shown that for any term made up of constants in S

U We know thi s identity holds for atomic terms b ecaus e of the denition of

so to show it inductively for all terms we nee d to show that if it holds for and it

and For the Bo olean op erators the require d identitie s must hold for

are demonstrate d by the following s equence s of equations





In the rst of the s e the identity U U U dep ends on the f act that


For the cas e of we have U We

can now interpret the op eration as l which has b een dene d so as to coincide

with l thus U U l U l But I have

already shown that U so U l U l U

Now s ince m i s additive its dual l di str ibute s over giving U l l U

Becaus e U and all algebras in F sati sfy idem it i s easy to show that



l U U Now s ince U U it imme diately follows that U l U

U l U Finally thi s expre ss ion can b e rewr itten to give the de s ire d re sult

U l U U U U U

We must ver ify that the algebra sp ecie d by i s a memb er of F I have e stab


li she d that for every term built f rom constants in S U Thi s means

that every equation sati se d by will also b e sati se d by Since by

hyp othe s i s must sati sfy all the f rame equations of F must also sati sfy the s e


f rame equations

To complete the pro of I must show that ver ie s the rhs of y y Since the

algebra generate d by i s in F it must sati sfy epi s which means that for any term


and cons equently We know that U

so U but U so U Recall that was chos en to ver ify

the antece dent of yy b ecaus e Thus U and f rom thi s it

follows that U $ U Hence we have $ U 

As with the class ical cas e an arbitrary mo dal s et equation can b e directly transforme d into

universal form and the formula MFe can b e regarde d as repre s enting the equational constraint

The mo dal logic S can thus b e us e d to reason ab out arbitrary equations constraining algebras

in the f rame F according to the following generali sation of SECT


i MFe MFe MFe j


S n


S 4

The form of SECT i s a bit awkward in that in the S de duction corre sp onding to an entailment

b etween equations we nee d to add an extra op erator to the formulae on the left of but not


to the formula on the r ight Thi s means that the que stion What i s the S repre s entation of

the equation do e s not have a s imple answer However it i s eas ily shown that a s equent

Thus for the purp os e i s in f act valid if and only if


n S n S

of te sting entailments it can b e said that the repre s entation of an equation i s MFe

9 0 0

If the algebra specie d by satise s idem x x then mmX mX Thus lU m U


m m m mm m U The requirement

0 0

that lU U is of particular signicance in that it is the reason why we nee d to have on


1 0

S 4

the rhs of SECT rather than the simpler but stronger condition


1 0

S 4


Top ological Clo sure Algebras

The purp os e of my examining the algebraic s emantics of mo dal logics culminating in the demon

stration of the theorem SECT was that just as CECT enable d us to us e class ical order logics

to reason ab out thos e spatial relationships which are e ss entially Bo olean in character SECT will

enable us to reason ab out a wider range of relationships by means of de duction in the logic S

Thi s will enable us to reason in terms of certain top ological prop ertie s which were not expre ss ible

in the class ical repre s entation The key link i s that mo dal algebras of the f rame F are e ss entially


the same as closure algebras which give an algebraic character i sation of top ological space s

Clo sure and Inter ior Algebras

The theory of top ological space s i s traditionally state d in the language of s et theory But if we are

concer ne d only with the structure of a top ological space with re sp ect to the Bo olean op erations and

the inter ior and closure op erations we can do without the full language of s et theory and give a

purely algebraic account of the space which do e s not involve any us e of the elementho o d relation

Thi s abstraction re sults in a Bo olean algebra with an additional op erator ob eying appropr iate

conditions for e ither an inter ior or a closure function In the rst comprehens ive treatment of the s e

algebras McKins ey and Tarski the closure op erator was taken as pr imitive and the re sulting

algebra calle d a closure algebra A closure algebra i s a structure hS ci where hS i

i s a Bo olean Algebra and the op erator c sati se s the equations for a closure function given in

s ection The s e include in particular the equation cX Y cX cY which means that c

i s an additive function In other words hS ci i s a mo dal algebra

An interior algebra i s a structure hS ii where hS i i s a Bo olean Algebra and i sati se s

the equations character i s ing an inter ior op erator An inter ior can b e interprete d in terms of a mo dal

algebra but with i corre sp onding to the algebraic op eration

Closure or inter ior algebraic equations provide a s imple constraint language for de scr ibing

top ological relationships b etween arbitrary s ets of p oints in a top ological space Some of the more

s ignicant constraints which can b e expre ss e d are given in table

Constraint Meaning

X cX X i s clos e d

X c X X i s op en

X c cX X i s regular op en

X Y Y X i s part of Y

cX Y Y The closure of X i s part of Y

X Y X and Y are di sjoint

cX cY The closure s of X and Y are di sjoint

X Y Z X i s the union of Y and Z

Table Some constraints expre ss ible as closure algebra equations


RCC Relations Repre s entable in Inter ior Algebra

I now cons ider how RCC relations can b e repre s ente d in inter ior algebra To do thi s I employ the

top ological interpretation of the RCC theory which was given in s ection Recall that under

thi s interpretation regions are identie d with nonempty regular open sets Two regions overlap if

the ir corre sp onding s ets share a p oint and are connecte d if the closure s of the s e s ets share a p oint

Thus the relations can b e formally dene d in terms of top ology by

Ox y X Y


Cx y cX cY


The s e denitions give us a r igorous formal sp ecication of the RCC connection and overlap

relations in terms of p oints et top ology But they make us e of a highly expre ss ive s ettheoretic

language including b oth quantication and the element relation Given that the s e relations are

intuitively very s imple one may wonder whether it i s p oss ible to give an alter native character i sation

of C and O in the much le ss expre ss ive language of inter ior algebraic equations

As it happ ens the negations of each of the s e relations can b e quite eas ily dene d as follows

X i Y U DCx y i


DRx y X Y U


But C and O cannot thems elve s b e dene d as inter ior algebraic equations Thi s follows f rom

the general obs ervation that purely equational constraints are always cons i stent with any purely

equational theory there must always b e at least a tr ivial oneelement mo del in which all constants

denote the same individual Thus if the negation of some constraint can b e expre ss e d as an

equation then the constraint its elf cannot b e equationally expre ss ible otherwi s e that constraint

would b e cons i stent with its own negation

To dene C and O we would nee d a language containing b oth inter ior algebraic equations and

the negations of such equations Thi s extende d language will b e cons idere d later but for now

I shall cons ider only thos e top ological relations denable with equations alone Table give s

denitions of s even binary relations DC DR P Pi NTP NTPi and EQ Thi s s et which will b e

calle d RCC i s of particular s ignicance b ecaus e as will b e shown in the next s ection each of

the RCC relations can b e expre ss e d as a conjunction of p os itive and negative RCC relations

Note that RCC i s ne ither jointly exhaustive nor pairwi s e di sjoint if two regions partially overlap

they stand in none of the s even relations and DR b e ing the di sjunction of DC and EC can hold

of two regions which are also DC A numb er of other binary RCC relations are expre ss ible by


means of inter iorclosure algebra equations For example EQsumx y u can b e expre ss e d by



However it appears that RCC is the complete s et of binary RCC relations expre ssible in inter iorclosure

algebra which are essential ly binary in that they are not re ducible to any monadic condition and specication of

the relation in RCC doe s not involve reference to a third region such as u Ver ifying this would require further

examination of the class of inter ior algebraic equations


RCC Relation Interior Algebra Equation

DCx y i X i Y U

DRx y X Y U

Px y X Y U

Pix y X Y U

NTPx y i X Y U

NTPix y X i Y U

EQx y X Y X Y U

Table Seven relations dene d by inter ior algebra equations

Note that equations in table assume that the regions are op en To make thi s explicit in

an inter ior algebraic repre s entation of RCC relations one ought to include an equation of the

form X iX for each region x o ccurr ing in the s et of equations In f act in s ection I

argue d that for a str ictly correct p oints et interpretation of RCC relations one should require that

regions should b e regular op en Thi s requirement i s also eas ily enforce d by equations of the form

X i i X

One could equally well employ the inter ior algebra f ramework to sp ecify RCC relations in

terms of the dual s ettheoretic interpretation of RCC mentione d in s ection Under that

interpretation regions are taken as nonempty regular closed s ets which connect i they share a

p oint and overlap i they share an inter ior p oint The RCC relations would then b e sp ecie d as

given in table Thi s enco ding which i s arguably s impler than that of table was pre s ente d by

me in Bennett b and i s the bas i s of subs equent analys i s by Renz and Neb el However

in the next chapter where I pre s ent an intuitioni stic interpretation of inter ior algebraic constraints

we shall s ee that the op en s et interpretation i s much more convenient

RCC Relation Interior Algebra Equation

DCx y X Y U

DRx y iX iY U

Px y X Y U

Pix y X Y U

NTPx y X iY U

NTPix y iX Y U

EQx y X Y X Y U

Table Alter native denitions for clos e d regions


Us ing Inequalitie s to Extend Expre s s ive Power

I now cons ider a more expre ss ive constraint language bas e d on inter ior algebras in which one

can sp ecify b oth inter ior algebraic equalitie s and negations of such equalitie s Since each of the

RCC relations corre sp onds to an equation in inter ior algebra the extende d language allows

straightforward repre s entation of all thos e relations which can b e expre ss e d in the form

R x y R x y R x y R x y RCCconj

j j k

where each of the relations R i s a memb er of RCC


I have inve stigate d the complete s et of relations repre s entable in thi s way by means of a s imple

Prolog program the co de including inline d do cumentation i s given in app endix C Since

the RCC relations are not logically indep endent many combinations of the form of RCCconj

are equivalent It i s easy to sp ecify all the entailments and incompatibilitie s among pairs of

RCC relations and negate d RCC relations which are ass erte d of the same two ob jects Any

combination which contains an incompatibility i s equivalent to the imp oss ible relation and any

combination which contains two relations one of which i s entaile d by the other i s equivalent to

the combination re sulting f rom removing the entaile d relation Every combination containing no

incompatible pair and no relation that i s entaile d by another sp ecie s a di stinct relation in its

most s imple form and can b e regarde d as its canonical repre s entation The Prolog program rst

generate s every relation sp ecication of the form of RCCconj and identie s which of the s e are


We have s een that whether certain combinations of relations are regarde d as p oss ible dep ends

up on whether we allow regions to b e null the null region i s b oth part of and di sconnecte d f rom every

other region but no two nonnull regions can stand in b oth the s e two relations If we allow that

the regions involve d may p oss ibly b e null we nd that di stinct relations can b e repre s ente d

The complete li st of the s e relations i s given in app endix C If we require that b oth regions

involve d in a relation must b e nonnull then of the s e relations are p oss ible The s e include

each of the RCC relations Table shows how each of the RCC relations can b e expre ss e d

RCC Rel Equivalent RCC Conjunction Algebraic Constraints

DCx y DCx y ix iy U

ECx y DRx y DCx y x y U ix iy U

POx y DRx y Px y Pix y x y U x y U x y U

TPPx y Px y EQx y NTPPx y x y U x y ix y U

TPPix y Pix y EQx y NTPPix y x y U x y x iy U

NTPPx y NTPPx y ix y U

NTPPix y NTPPix y x iy U

EQx y EQx y x y

Table The RCC relations repre s ente d as inter ior algebra constraints


as a conjunction of RCC relations and the ir negations and also give s the corre sp onding inter ior

algebraic constraints

The relations of the form RCCconj form a semilattice with re sp ect to the conjunction op er

ation Thi s just means that conjunction i s asso ciative symmetr ical and idemp otent Clearly the

substructure compr i s ing only thos e relations including the nonnull constraints on b oth argument

regions also forms a s emilattice It i s f airly easy to show by insp ection that the RCC relations

constitute a s et of minimal elements ie atoms of thi s s emilattice One nee ds to check that

the re sult of conjoining any RCC relations with an additional RCC constraint i s e ither the

imp oss ible relation corre sp onding to the element of the lattice or i s equivalent to the or iginal

RCC relation

Each RCC relation i s equivalent to some di sjunction of RCC relations and b ecaus e RCC

i s JEPD jointly exhaustive and pairwi s e di sjoint the negations of RCC relations also corre sp ond

to di sjunctions of RCC relations provide d that nonnull constraints on the arguments are in

force Thi s means that each of the relations repre s entable in thi s way i s also a di sjunction of

RCC relations Hence the language of inter ior algebraic equations and the ir negations provide s

a repre s entation for almost half of the spatial relations which are di sjunctions of the

RCC relations In particular all of the RCC relations can b e expre ss e d as well as the pr imitive

C relation

Enco ding Clo sure Algebraic Constraints in S

It was e stabli she d by Tarski and McKins ey that the S b ox op erator can b e mo delle d

algebraically by an inter ior op erator We have s een that in the s et algebra interpretation of a

order logical calculus op erators are identie d with maps f rom subs ets to subs ets of some univers e

the class ical connective s are asso ciate d with Bo olean functions and mo dal op erators are asso ciate d

with additive functions which may b e constraine d by further equational constraints A closure

algebra i s a Bo olean algebra with an additive closure op erator and i s thus a mo dal algebra c i s the

mo dal op erator which I have hitherto denote d by Hence c can b e taken as the interpretation of

a logical mo dal op erator I now show that the dening equations of the c op erator mean that

thi s i s an S mo dal op erator

By making us e of the metalevel notation relating mo dal algebraic equations and corre sp ond

ing mo dal formulae it i s easy to state preci s ely the relationship b etween closuremo dal algebraic

equations and mo dal formulae The repre s entation of a closuremo dal algebraic equation in

mo dal logic i s the formula MFe Becaus e the equations sp ecifying prop ertie s of the closure

op eration contain f ree var iable s they will b e mapp e d to mo dal schemata rather than formulae The

character i stic equations of a closure algebra and corre sp onding mo dal schemata are as follows


Closure Axioms Modal Schemata

X cX cX


ccX cX



cX Y cX cY


Table Closure Axioms and Corre sp onding Mo dal Schemata

As mo dal formali sms are more often sp ecie d in terms of the op erator the transformation

bas e d on the dual corre sp ondence b etween then inter ior op erator and yields more f amiliar


Interior Axioms Modal Schemata

iX X X T

iiX iX


iU U N

iX Y iX iY R


Table Inter ior Axioms and Corre sp onding Mo dal Schemata

Clearly T i s equivalent to the schema T s ee s ection and given that T holds

can b e weakene d to which i s the schema Furthermore it i s well known that


the schemata N and R in conjunction with the rule RE are equivalent to the combination of schema

K and the rule of nece ss itation RN Thus sp ecifying that N R and RE hold i s an alter native way

of sp ecifying that a mo dal logic i s normal s ee Chellas chapter Recall that RE holds

in any algebraic s emantics for a mo dal op erator Hence the mo dal logic der ive d f rom an inter ior

or closure algebra by transforming equational algebraic constraints into mo dal schemata i s exactly

the logic S Cons equently in virtue of the corre sp ondence theorem SECT de duction in S can

b e us e d to reason ab out closure algebraic equations such as thos e given in table s and

RCC Relations Repre s entable in S

Since the S mo dality can b e interprete d as an inter ior function over a top ological space we can us e

thi s interpretation to enco de top ological relations as S formulae The bas i s of thi s repre s entation

i s exactly the same as for the C repre s entation but by us e of the additional mo dal op erator it i s

p oss ible to make a di stinction b etween connection and overlapping which cannot b e expre ss e d in C

Table shows the S formula corre sp onding to each of the RCC relations The middle column

shows the algebraic s etequation asso ciate d with the relation We s ee that if the inter ior op erator

i i s identie d with the corre sp onding mo dal algebra op erator then the inter ior algebraic

equation i s repre s ente d by the S formula MFe 


RCC Relation Interior Algebra Equation S formula MFe

DCx y i X i Y U x y


x y DRx y X Y U

x y Px y X Y U

x y Pix y X Y U

x y NTP x y i X Y U


NTPix y X i Y U x y


EQx y X Y X X U x y x y

Table Seven relations dene d by inter ior algebra equations and corre sp onding S formulae

I now illustrate how the corre sp ondence theorem SECT enable s de duction in S to b e us e d

to reason ab out entailment among certain RCC relations Cons ider the following argument

NTP a b DRb c j DCa c

Thi s corre sp onds to the following entailment b etween inter ior algebraic equations

i A B U B C U A iA B iB C iC j i A i C U


Here the equations of the form i constrain the regions to corre sp ond to op en s ets By

app ealing to SECT thi s can b e shown to b e valid b ecaus e we have

a c a b b c a a b b c c



The S repre s entation i s quite expre ss ive but do e s have s er ious limitations For instance

although b oth di sconnection DCx y and di scretene ss DRx y can b e repre s ente d it i s still not

p oss ible to sp ecify the relation of exter nal connection ECx y We have also s een that although

the ir negations can b e repre s ente d the fundamental relations C and O cannot b e repre s ente d In

order to overcome the s e deciencie s we nee d a language in which one can expre ss closurealgebraic

inequalitie s as well as equalitie s

Extende d Mo dal Logics L

In order to increas e the expre ss ive p ower of S so that we can repre s ent b oth p os itive and negative

algebraic constraints I us e the same metho d that was applie d to C in the last chapter Given a

order mo dal logic L we can dene an augmente d repre s entation language L whos e expre ss ions

are pairs hM E i where M and E are formulae of L and are calle d re sp ectively model and entailment

expre ss ion hM E i i s cons i stent if and only if no formula in constraints We stipulate that an L

E i s entaile d by the s et M according to the logic L


In general to be faithful to RCC one should ensure that regions are regular open by adding the stronger

constraint i i but the inference in this example is valid for any open regions


Thi s kind of augmentation could in pr inciple b e applie d to any logical language whatso ever

However if it i s to b e us eful one must have some denite interpretation of the meanings of L

expre ss ions or at least some of the s e expre ss ions Just as C expre ss ions may b e interprete d

as s ets of p os itive and negative equational constraints on Bo olean algebras L expre ss ions can

b e interprete d as s ets of p os itive and negative equational constraints on mo dal algebras Dening

such an interpretation require s a syntactic mapping b etween mo dal formulas and equations A

straightforward transform i s given by MFe and its invers e but we shall s ee that for reasoning

ab out most mo dal algebras slightly more complex mappings must b e employe d To us e L to te st

cons i stency of arbitrary p os itive and negative equational constraints every s et of such constraints

must b e repre s entable in L However it i s not nece ssary that every L expre ss ion b e interpretable

as a s et of constraints thi s interpretation may b e applicable only to a sublanguage of L For

instance we shall s ee that in the cas e of S only thos e expre ss ions where all mo del constraints

have as the pr imary op erator can b e coherently interprete d as constraints on S algebras

To show that an interpretation of thi s kind i s sati sf actory one must show that for all L ex

pre ss ions that are interpretable as s ets of algebraic constraints the stipulate d cons i stency checking

metho d for L expre ss ions i s sound and complete with re sp ect to cons i stency of the corre sp onding

constraints on mo dal algebras As in the cas e of C thi s task can b e divide d into two parts e stab

li shing a convexity re sult for entailment among mo dal algebraic constraints and then exploiting

an appropr iate corre sp ondence theorem relating entailments in the mo dal logic and entailments

b etween mo dal algebraic equations We shall s ee that b ecaus e of the f ailure of GMECC for most

mo dal logics the s econd step do e s not s eem to b e achievable in a uniform way a corre sp ondence


theorem if one exi sts must b e e stabli she d s eparately for each given mo dal logic

Convexity of Mo dal Algebras

In s ection we saw that the theory of equational constraints on Bo olean algebras i s convex in the

s ens e that a conjunction of equational constraints can only entail a di sjunction of such constraints

if it entails at least one di sjunct of that di sjunction Cons equently a s et of p os itive and negative

equational constraints i s cons i stent if and only if the contrary of one of the negative constraints i s

entaile d by the conjunction of the p os itive constraints The same re sult can b e prove d for mo dal

algebras ie Bo olean algebras supplemente d with additional additive op erators Since all mo dal

algebraic equations can b e put in the form U thi s i s guarantee d by the following theorem

Convexity of Di sjunctive Mo dalAlgebraic Entailments MEconv

U U U U j

n m




U for some i f ng U U j

i m



Like BEconv MEconv i s clos ely relate d to ELcons By app ealing to ELconv and the


However in s ection I shall give an alternative metho d of extending mo dal logics by adding an extra operator

This metho d doe s yield a general corre sp ondence theorem for the extende d language s


f act that mo dal algebras can b e sp ecie d by purely equational theor ie s we can de duce that any

mo dal algebra i s convex wrt entailments of the form of DE In app endix B I give an alter native

mo deltheoretic pro of of MEconv which may prove helpful to further study of the prop ertie s of

entailments among mo dalalgebraic constraints Thi s pro of relie s only on the additivity of the

mo dal op erator and do e s not require that its algebraic prop ertie s b e sp eciable just in terms of

equations Neverthele ss b ecaus e mo dal schemata corre sp ond directly to universal equations in

the algebraic s emantics any mo dal op erator whos e logical prop ertie s are sp eciable in terms of

schemata will corre sp ond to an algebraic function which i s equationally sp eciable

A Corre sp ondence Theorem for S

The convexity theorem MEconv means that checking cons i stency of s ets of p os itive and negative

mo dal algebraic constraints re duce s to the problem of determining entailments among p os itive

constraints Thus if cons i stency of L expre ss ions i s to b e f aithful to cons i stency of the asso ciate d

algebraic constraints we only nee d to show that entailments b etween p os itive algebraic constraints

hold just in cas e the corre sp onding entailments in L are valid Thi s require s a corre sp ondence

theorem such as SECT

By combining MEconv with SECT a corre sp ondence b etween the cons i stency of mo dal

algebraic equations and inequalitie s and cons i stency of certain S expre ss ions i s imme diately

obtaine d Also b ecaus e of the interpretation of inter ior algebras as S mo dal algebras S can b e

us e d to te st cons i stency of top ological constraints The s e re sults are encapsulate d in the following

theorem which tie s together the main corre sp ondence theorems of thi s chapter

S Corre sp ondence Theorem SCT

The following three conditions are equivalent

The s et f g of S mo dal algebraic

j j k k

equations and inequalitie s i s cons i stent ie i s sati se d by some algebra in

the f rame F


The corre sp onding s et of inter ior algebraic equations and inequalitie s re sulting

f rom replacing in the s et of constraints given in all o ccurrence s of by i

i s cons i stent ie i s sati se d by some top ological space

The S expre ss ion hM E i given by

hf MFe MFe g fMFe MFe gi


j j k k

i s cons i stent ie there i s no formula E such that M


SCT enable s one to te st the cons i stency of s ets of spatial relationships repre s entable in

terms of inter ior algebra equations and inequalitie s by carrying out a s er ie s of pro of checks in

the logic S The denition of cons i stency for S expre ss ions also yields cr iter ia for determining


entailment b etween S expre ss ions which i s exactly analogous to that given for C in s ection

S Entailment Theorem SET


hM E i i hM E i j


+ +

e ither hM E i j or for all M hM fgi j


and for all E hM f g E i j +


Thi s enable s a s imple generali sation of SCT to give a corre sp ondence b etween entailments

b etween s ets of mo dal or top ological algebraic constraints and entailments b etween S expre s

s ions One s et of constraints entails another i the entailment holds b etween the corre sp onding

pair of S expre ss ions

Repre s enting RCC Relations in S

Since S can repre s ent b oth equations and inequalitie s b etween terms made up of Bo olean op era

tions and an inter ior op erator it can expre ss a very large class of spatial relationships In particular

it can repre s ent all thos e RCC relations which can b e expre ss e d in the form RCCconj ie

as a conjunction of p os itive and negative RCC relations s ee s ection ab ove In the S

repre s entation the p os itive relations R R will corre sp ond to mo del constraints and the


negate d relations R R will corre sp ond to entailment constraints

j k

Relation Model Constraint Entailment Constraints

x y DCx y x y


x y x y x y ECx y


POx y x y x y y x x y

x y x y y x x y TPPx y


y x y x x y x y TPPix y


x y NTPPx y y x x y


NTPPix y x y x y y x


EQx y x y x y

x y x y Cx y


x y z EQx sumy z x y


Table The S enco ding of some RCC relations

The repre s entations of the RCC relations are given in table The way they are obtaine d can

b e summar i s e d as follows expre ss the RCC relations in terms of RCC relations and interpret

the s e as equational constraints on inter ior algebras as given in table Then translate the s e

constraints into S according to table The formulae corre sp onding to p os itive RCC relations

b ecome mo del constraints in the S repre s entation and thos e corre sp onding to negate d RCC


relations b ecome entailment constraints Note that the S corre sp ondence theorem require s

that mo del constraints have an extra initial adde d to the re sult of applying MFe to the mo dal

algebraic equation but thi s i s not require d in the entailment constraints Thi s asymmetry stems

f rom SECT

Let us now cons ider how the S repre s entation can b e us e d to te st the cons i stency of a s imple

s et of spatial relations Take for example the following conjunction of RCC relations

TPPa b DCb c POa c

Translating into S according to table we get the following repre s entation

hf a b b cg f a b b a a c a c c a a b cgi


Thi s i s an ordere d pair cons i sting of two s ets of S formulae the rst s et b e ing mo del constraints

and the s econd entailment constraints App ealing to part of SCT we determine that the

relations are incons i stent b ecaus e

a b b c a c




ie one of the entailment constraints i s entaile d by the mo del constraints

As mentione d in s ection one can also repre s ent RCC relations in inter ior algebra in terms

of the dual clos e d s et interpretation of RCC s ee s ection The re sult of enco ding thi s in

S i s given in table

Relation Model Constraint Entailment Constraints

DCx y x y x y

ECx y x y x y x y


POx y x y x y y x x y


x y TPPx y x y y x x y


y x TPPix y y x x y x y


x y NTPPx y y x x y


y x NTPPix y x y x y


x y EQx y x y

Cx y x y x y

x y z EQx sumy z x y

Table S enco ding bas e d on the clos e d s et interpretation of RCC

Regular ity and Bo ole an Combination of Regions

In the top ological interpretation of RCC given in s ection it was argue d that regions of the

RCC theory should b e identie d only with nonempty regular open subs ets of a top ological space


Str ictly speaking one should add extra mo del constraints of the form x for each region involve d


in the de scr iption s ee the following s ection However the s e additional formulae are not relevant to the example


Recall that a region x i s regular op en i icx x If our mo dal enco ding i s to b e f aithful

to the intende d meaning of RCC relations we nee d to enforce thi s regular ity condition Happily

regular ity can eas ily b e expre ss e d in S as follows

p p p p or equivalently


It must b e note d that thi s condition i s not a general schema such that every instance must b e true

It i s rather an additional mo del constraint that should b e imp os e d on all the atomic constants us e d

in de scr ibing a s ituation b ecaus e the s e are intende d to b e identie d with regular s ets

The regular ity of RCC regions i s also relevant to the enco ding of Bo olean functions of regions

In s ection I explaine d how if the regions of the RCC theory are to b e interprete d as regular

op en s ets then the Bo olean op erations sum pro d and compl of the theory corre sp ond to op erations

within a regular op en algebra rather than to the elementary Bo olean s et op erators In thi s algebra

inters ection corre sp onds to ordinary s et inters ection but the regular op en complement of a s et i s

the inter ior of its ordinary s et complement and the regular op en sum of two s ets i s the inter ior of

the closure of the ir union The s e op erations can eas ily b e repre s ente d in S and S pro dx y

i s translate d as x y complx as x and sumx y as x y


Eliminating Entailment Constraints

The pro ce dure s for cons i stency checking and determining entailments for a logic L of the kind

de scr ib e d ab ove rely on the us e of s imple metalevel reasoning In thi s s ection I explain how

by intro ducing a further additional mo dal op erator into the underlying logic L reasoning can b e

conducte d at the ob ject level of thi s enr iche d language which will b e de s ignate d L

In reasoning with an extende d order language L the meanings of the two typ e s of constraint

are handle d at the metalevel determining entailments in the s e language s involve s checking a

numb er of dierent ob jectlevel entailments in the logic L A s et of algebraic constraints enco de d in

an L expre ss ion hM E i i s cons i stent if and only if none of its entailment constraints in E i s entaile d

by the s et of all mo del constraints in M A natural que stion regarding the s e repre s entations i s

whether it might b e p oss ible to extend the calculi involve d so that the s emantics of the two typ e s

of constraint was built directly into the ob ject language Thi s would mean that computation of

entailments could b e carr ie d out entirely at the ob ject level

In terms of algebraic s emantics it i s quite easy to intro duce a new mo dal op erator  by means

of which the mo delentailment constraint di stinction can b e made at the ob ject level If i s

the algebraic denotation of a formula we dene  by

 U i U

 i U


Thi s op erator i s an S mo dal op erator s ince a formula  i s true in a mo del i the formula


S is the mo dal logic obtaine d by adding the schema to the schematic specication of S In


terms of Kr ipke s emantics S is character is e d by the f rame of all Kr ipke mo dels whos e acce ssibility relations are

equivalence relations See eg Chellas for further information on S


i s true at every p ointworld in the mo del I shall call it a strongS op erator b ecaus e it do e s not

allow the p oss ibility ar i s ing in the slightly weaker Kr ipke character i sation of S that there are

worldsp oints which are not relevant to evaluating the  at a particular world b ecaus e the s et of


worlds i s partitione d into clusters which are not acce ss ible to each other Given the denition of

 we have  U i U Thus negations of universal s et equations and hence all equations

can b e converte d into p os itive equations Thi s obviate s the nee d for entailment constraints s ince

a mo del constraint  has the same meaning as taken as an entailment constraint More

sp ecically the translation of an L expre ss ion

hf g f gi

j k

into L i s the formula


j k

Cons equently any expre ss ion of L can b e repre s ente d by a s imple ob ject level formula in the

multimo dal language L

An Example of an Entailment Enco de d in C

Let us lo ok at a s imple example of spatial reasoning carr ie d out in C ie the class ical

order calculus supplemente d with a strongS b ox op erator Exactly the same pr inciple s apply to


reasoning in S but us ing C make s for a s impler and clearer example We shall cons ider the

trans itivity of the prop er part relation PP

PPa b PPb c j PPa c

x y U but y x U We also require that x and y are nonnull PPx y holds when

Nonnull constraints on regions can now b e expre ss e d as  x for any region X Thus the mo dal

repre s entation of PPa b i s

a b  b a  a  b

Hence the trans itivity of PP corre sp onds to the entailment

a b  b a b c  c b  a  b  c

j a c  c a  a  c

In te sting the validity of thi s entailment it i s natural to pro cee d as follows Since the rhs i s

a conjunction the s equent i s valid i each of the four s equents with the same lhs but just one

conjunct on the rhs i s valid Of the s e four s equents the two with  a and  c on the rhs

are tr ivially valid b ecaus e the s e formulae also o ccur on the lhs To prove the validity of the other


In most circumstance s the strong and weak S operators cannot be distinguishe d at the ob ject level But the

dierence may sometime s be signicant For example a multimodal logic may contain s everal distinct weakS

mo dalitie s but only one strongS operator


two it i s convenient to move all conjuncts on the lhs which have an initial negation over to the

r ight We shall then have the following two s equents

a b  b c j a c  b a  c b  a  b  c

a b  b c  c a j b a  c b  a  b  c

We can ver ify the s e pro oftheoretically by the application of just one mo dal rule together with

ordinary class ical reasoning Thi s i s the rule RK which holds in any normal mo dal logic





Thi s rule together with the de duction theorem means that

if j then   j 

n n

Application of thi s pr inciple validate s b oth of our s equents s ince

a b b c j a c and a b b c c a j b a

The Utility of L as Compare d with L

Intro duction of the new b ox op erator to enable p os itive and negative constraints to b e di stingui she d

give s us a more uniform repre s entation Whereas previously the meaning of an expre ss ion was

tie d up e ss entially with the reasoning metho ds employe d in the new language expre ss ions have a

clear algebraic interpretation We nee d no longer concer n ours elve s with the di stinction b etween

mo del and entailment constraints but can now de scr ib e spatial s ituations s imply by a s et of mo dal

formulae and can reason ab out cons i stency and entailment directly in thi s ob ject language

On the other hand it i s not clear that thi s enr iche d language i s more de s irable f rom the com

putational p oint of view Intro duction of the new op erator make s the language f ar more expre ss ive

and cons equently much harder to reason with However we have s een that as long as the new mo dal

op erator i s only us e d to expre ss what was previously expre ss e d by means of the mo delentailment

constraint di stinction then all  op erators will only o ccur e ither up f ront or negate d up f ront in

the s et of formulae de scr ibing a s ituation and it s eems likely that the optimal approach to reas

oning with such formula s ets i s to mimic the S cons i stency checking algor ithm de scr ib e d ab ove

Sp ecically thi s means rewr iting the s equents according to s imple class ical pr inciple s to obtain

s ets of s equents in which all formulae have a s ingle  at the f ront the lhs i s a conjunction and the

rhs a di sjunction of such formulae Once the s equents are in thi s form it i s easy to s ee that the

s equents which corre sp ond to entailments ver iable by the extende d order reasoning algor ithm

can all b e prove d us ing only the mo dal rule RK together with class ical reasoning

Since we know that the cons i stency checking metho d for S i s correct we can conclude that

only the rule RK i s nee de d to prove all entailments in L involving formulae in which the  o ccurs

e ither upf ront or negate d upf ront Since the logic of S ob eys RK it follows that if S i s us e d


only to expre ss the mo del and entailment constraints of S one can in f act treat  as if it were

just another S op erator Neverthele ss the more intuitive interpretation of the mo dal op erator

in thi s context i s as the strongS op erator In s ection I shall us e a mo dal repre s entation in

which strongS op erators are employe d within complex formulae In such contexts  cannot b e

treate d as an S op erator 


An Intuitioni stic Repre s entation

and its Complexity

In the last chapter I showe d how spatial interpretation of the mo dal logic S enable s a wide

range of spatial relationship s to b e enco de d Thi s means that entailments among the s e relations

can b e determine d by means of an S theoremprover In thi s chapter I give an alter native

enco ding of spatial relations into the order intuitionistic calculus I also examine examine the

complexity of reasoning us ing the intuitioni stic repre s entation We shall s ee that the problem

of determining entailments i s in the p olynomial complexity class known as NC

The Top ological Interpretation of I

One of the most s ignicant early applications of s emantic metho ds to the inve stigation of logical


systems i s the top ological interpretation of the intuitioni stic calculus Tarski gave a s e

mantics for order intuitioni stic logic henceforth I which like that just given for S make s us e

of an inter ior op erator Under Tarskis s emantics a mo del for I i s a structure hU i P i where

now ass igns to each constant p P an open subs et of U a s et X such that iX X The


domain of i s then extende d to all I formulae as follows



Thi s denotation function i s such that all intuitioni stic theorems denote U under any ass ignment of


open s ets to nonlogical constants Note that I us e dierent symb ols and for negation


Mostowski Lecture give s an intere sting account of the early work in this area


In fact a more uniform pre s entation could be obtaine d by simply putting the s etdenition of the classical

connective s within the scope of an inter ior operator but in the cas e of the conjunction and disjunction connective s

the extra i operation would be re dundant since the unions or inters ection of two open s ets is always open


and implication in I f rom thos e us e d in C but for conjunction and di sjunction I us e the same

symb ols s ince the ir interpretations are the same in b oth systems The top ological interpretation of

I means that each formula of I can b e correlate d with an inter ior algebraic term which I shall

refer to by the metanotation IAT Thi s term i s obtaine d f rom by replacing prop os itional

and by i constants by s et constants by by by i

The algebraic s emantics for the intuitioni stic calculus sugge sts a quite straightforward spatial

interpretation which enable s one to understand clearly why certain theorems that are class ically

valid do not hold intuitioni stically Cons ider the inf amous law of the exclude d middle p p

The constant p will b e identie d with an op en s et which we can think of as the s et of inter ior

p oints of some b ounde d region Intuitioni stic negation i s asso ciate d with the op eration of taking

the inter ior of the complement of a region in other words where p i s identie d with the p oints

within a b oundary p i s identie d with the p oints outs ide the b oundary The s et asso ciate d with

p p i s the union of the s ets asso ciate d with p and with p Clearly thi s contains all p oints

within our imagine d b oundary and all p oints outs ide the b oundary but do e s not contain any of

the p oints lying on the b oundary Hence the s et asso ciate d with p p do e s not nece ssar ily

contain all p oints in the univers e so formulae of thi s form are not in general theorems in f act a

formula of the form p p i s an intuitioni stic theorem if and only if e ither p or p i s a theorem

So although it may b e argue d that such top ological interpretations are not really in the spir it of

intuitioni sm the spatial interpretation can s erve to demystify and give a clearer understanding of

the intuitioni stic calculus

One drawback of thi s repre s entation i s that no logical op erator corre sp onding to the inter ior

function app ears explicitly in the language the function o ccurs in the interpretations of intu

itioni stic negation and implication and i s only referre d to indirectly in logical formulae us e d to

repre s ent spatial constraints Becaus e of thi s the I repre s entations of spatial relations are le ss

p erspicuous than thos e of the S enco ding where the mo dal op erator corre sp onds directly to the

inter ior function

Relation b etween I and S

In order to understand the relationship b etween spatial repre s entation in terms of I and the rep

re s entation in terms of S develop e d in the last chapter it will b e us eful to know something ab out

how the s e two logical language s are thems elve s relate d It has long b een known s ee Fitting

that formulae of the intuitioni stic prop os itional calculus can b e translate d into mo dal formulae in

such a way that an intuitioni stic formula i s a theorem if and only if the re sulting mo dal formula i s

valid in the logic S The translation can b e sp ecie d in terms of a recurs ive metalevel function


trans as follows

transp p where p i s a constant

i i i

trans trans

trans trans trans

trans trans trans

trans trans trans

Algebraic s et s emantics br ings out very clearly the anity b etween I and S I can b e regarde d

as a sublanguage of S b ecaus e the algebraic terms asso ciate d with I formulae form a sub class

of the terms asso ciate d with S formulae Actually thi s i s not quite true b ecaus e whereas atomic

formulae in S may denote arbitrary subs ets of a top ologically structure d univers e thos e of I

denote only open subs ets of the space Thus in expre ss ing an I formulae in S every atom p must

b e replace d by the formulae p s ince corre sp onds to the inter ior function p will now denote


an arbitrary op en s et So intuitioni stic formulae corre sp ond only to a subs et of necessary S

formulae An intuitioni stic negation i s s emantically equivalent to the S op eration

i s equivalent to or Conjunction and di sjunction have and


the same interpretation in the s emantics of b oth logics and so are unchange d in the translation

to S

Corre sp ondence Theorem for I

Tarskis Second Pr incipal Theorem in the pap er Sentential Calculus and Topology Tarski

e stabli she s that a prop os itional formula i s a theorem of I if and only if the corre sp onding s et

term denote s the univers e in any top ological space under any ass ignment of op en s ets to the s et

constants o ccurr ing in the term The pro of of thi s i s f airly involve d and i s not reconstructe d here

I us e the notation to denote entailment in I and j to denote top ological entailment ie


entailment b etween s etequations which may contain the inter ior op erator i Tarskis theorem can


then b e wr itten formally as

Intuitionistic Corre sp ondence Theorem Icorr

if and only if j IAT U


In us ing I to repre s ent spatial relations we shall exploit very s imilar corre sp ondence relations

to thos e holding for C and S In order to s ecure the corre sp ondence b etween entailment in I and

entailment b etween s et equations in the top ological algebra of s ets we nee d to generali s e Tarskis

re sult to a corre sp ondence b etween entailments


This theorem holds for any top ology whatsoever Adding conditions to the top ology would mean the corre s

p onding logic would be stronger The limiting cas e is the discrete top ology corre sp onding to classical logic


Intuitionistic Entailment Corre sp ondence Theorem IECT

n I

if and only if

U U j U

n T

where IAT

i i

Pro of of IECT The p os itive half i s s imple an I entailment p p p holds

n I

i p p p so by Icorr we have j i U But

I n T n

if a s et has U as its inter ior then it must b e equal to U Cons equently the equation

U must hold in every mo del Thus whenever U for i

n i

n we must also have U in other words U U j U

n T

Supp os e on the other hand p p p Becaus e of Icorr thi s means that

n I

j i U so there i s some mo del M hU i P i in which there

T n

i s at least one element of which i s not an element of On the bas i s


of thi s mo del we now construct a mo del M hU i P i whos e univers e U i s the

s et denote d by in M We s et i X iX for all X U and for all


prop os itional constants p we s et p p U It i s easy to s ee that if hU ii i s a

i i i

top ological space then so i s hU i i s ee s ection

I now show that the new ass ignment i s such that for any formula U

Thi s condition i s clearly sati se d by atomic formulae so it can b e prove d by induction

for all formulae if we can show that whenever formulae and sati sfy the condition it i s

also sati se d by and The rst two cas e s are straightforward



The cas e of i s slightly harder to show

iU iU U iU

Then s ince U U we have iU iU U and i di str ibute s over

giving iU iU But U i s an inters ection of the s ets which are the


denotations of formulae So s ince all formulae denote op en s ets U must also b e


op en Hence iU U So we have

iU iU iU U U

Now cons ider

iU i U U U

Since U U it i s easy to show that thi s last term i s equivalent to

i U U


and b ecaus e i di str ibute s over inters ections and iU U thi s i s equivalent to

iU U

Finally we have

iU U U

Thus U for any formula So in particular for each i n

U U U ie in the new mo del all antece dent formulae

i i i

denote the univers e We also have U U Furthermore we

know that there i s at least one element of U which i s not an element of Thi s means

that U so M provide s a counterexample to the entailment Thi s conclude s

the pro of of IECT 

Intuitionistic Repre s entation of RCC Relations

The top ological interpretation of I enable s one to us e intuitioni stic logic in much the same way

as S to reason ab out spatial relationships Paralleling the approach of the previous chapter I

character i s e RCC relations as equational constraints in inter ior algebra and then rely on the cor

re sp ondence theorem to reason ab out the s e constraints us ing a theorem prover for the intuitioni stic

logic As note d ab ove the corre sp ondence b etween terms in an inter ior algebra and formulae of I i s

more indirect than the corre sp ondence with S formulae b ecaus e in the interpretation of I unlike

that of S no logical connective corre sp onds e ither to the inter ior or to the complement op erator of

the algebra However the enco ding of many top ological relations i s still straightforward Table

shows enco dings into I of each of the RCC relations intro duce d in s ection

RCC Set Equation I formula

x y DCx y ix iy U

x y DRx y x y U

Px y x y U x y

Pix y x y U y x

x y NTPx y i x y U

NTPix y x i y U x y

EQx y x y x y U x y

Table Repre s entation of the RCC relations in I

In virtue of the theorem IECT an entailment among RCC relations holds if and only if the

corre sp onding intuitioni stic entailment holds Thus we can determine that the argument

NTP a b DRb c j DCa c


i s valid b ecaus e it corre sp onds to the following intuitioni stically valid s equent

a c a b b c


The I Enco ding

The language I extends the expre ss ive p ower of I in just the same way that C and S augment

the language s C and S Thus it enable s the sp ecication of negative as well as p os itive equational

constraints on inter ior algebras Table shows how each of the RCC relations can b e repre s en

te d by s ets of mo del and entailment constraints sp ecie d by means of I formulae As with S the

repre s entations can b e obtaine d by rst analys ing the RCC relations into conjunctions of RCC

relations and the ir negations The I formulae corre sp onding to the p os itive RCC conjuncts then

b ecome mo del constraints and thos e corre sp onding to negative conjuncts b ecome entailment con

straints in the S repre s entation The table also shows how the fundamental relation C of the

RCC theory can b e repre s ente d as well as the quas iBo olean function sum s ee s ection b elow

Relation Model Constraint Entailment Constraints

x y x y DCx y

x y x y x y ECx y

x y x y y x x y POx y

x y y x x y TPPx y x y

y x x y x y TPPix y y x

x y NTPPx y y x x y

y x NTPPix y x y x y

x y EQx y x y

x y x y Cx y

x y z EQx sumy z x y z

Table Some RCC relations dene d in I including the RCC relations

Let us cons ider for example the repre s entations of the relations DCx y and ECx y If two

regions share no p oints they cannot overlap although they may b e connecte d In such a cas e

the equation i X Y U must hold thi s can b e repre s ente d by the I formula x y In I

unlike C thi s formula i s not equivalent to x y The latter corre sp onds to the s etequation

X i Y U which says that the union of the exter iors of two regions exhaust the space If i

the regions touch at one or more p oints then the s e p oints of contact will not b e in the exter ior of

e ither region so thi s equation will not hold Hence the s econd stronger formula can b e employe d

as a mo del constraint to de scr ib e the relation DCx y If the relation ECx y holds then the

weaker constraint x y holds but x y must not hold so thi s stronger formula i s an

entailment constraint

Cons i stency of I expre ss ions i s determine d analogously to C and S expre ss ions an I


expre ss ion hM E i i s incons i stent i there i s some E such that M Again the f act that


each of the negative constraints can b e cons idere d s eparately i s due to a convexity prop erty of the

class of constraints which are repre s ente d by thi s formali sm Since the theory of the top ological

inter ior op erator i s purely equational and the constraints corre sp onding to the mo del and entail

ment constraints are thems elve s also equations thi s convexity prop erty i s a direct cons equence of

ELcons which was prove d in s ection

In s ection I explaine d how the incons i stency of the de scr iption TPPa b DCb c

POa c could b e demonstrate d by means of the S repre s entation The corre sp onding I


repre s entation according to table i s

hfa b b cg f a b b a a c c a a c a b cgi

Thi s I expre ss ion i s incons i stent b ecaus e

a c a b b c


ie one of the entailment constraints in entaile d by the mo del constraints

The Regular ity Constraint and Bo ole an Functions Co de d in I

In s ection I explaine d how regions could b e constraine d to b e regular by means of an S

mo del constraint In I thi s constraint can b e enforce d by the mo del constraint formula

p p

In the top ological s emantics thi s corre sp onds to the condition i i P P or equivalently

icP P The condition P icP nee d not b e explicitly adde d b ecaus e p p i s already

a theorem of I It i s intere sting to note that the intuitioni stic formulae ass igne d regular s ets by

the top ological s emantics are thos e for which the class ical law of double negation holds

As argue d in s ection the most coherent top ological interpretation of the RCC theory i s

to identify the RCC regions with regular op en s ets or alter natively regular clos e d s ets Thi s

to repre s ent RCC relations as well as adding mo del constraints means that in employing I

ensur ing regular ity of the regions explicitly mentione d one should also ensure that all Bo olean

combinations of the s e regions also corre sp ond to regular s ets To ensure thi s the s e op erations can

b e repre s ente d in I as follows pro d x y i s translate d as x y complx as x and sumx y as

x y Given the top ological interpretations of the connective s involve d it i s easy to s ee that

if its argument regions are regular the regions denote d by any Bo olean function will b e regular


For full generality one ought to add extra mo del constraints constraining the regions to be regular as explaine d

+ +

in s ection Note that unlike S in I all regions are automatically constraine d to be open


Ecient Top ological Re asoning Us ing I

The implementation of the spatial reasoning algor ithm de scr ib e d in Bennett b us e d a s equent

calculus pro of system for intuitioni stic logic which containe d certain optimi sations making it more

ecient in te sting the s equents require d by the top ological reasoning algor ithm and render ing it

incomplete for the full intuitioni stic logic Following the complexity analys i s of Neb el a it

b ecame apparent that a f ar more eective sp ecialpurp os e pro of pro ce dure could b e constructe d

Thi s s ection examine s the the pro oftheory of the re str icte d class of s equents that nee d to b e te ste d

and shows how thi s analys i s yields an ecient clearly p olynomial pro of metho d

Sequent Calculus for I

To formalis e the pro of theory I us e a Gentzenstyle Gentzen s equent calculus for I which

i s e ss entially the same as that given by Dummett The pro of rule s of the calculus can b e


sp ecie d as follows

Axioms P P f C

Rewr ite P P f


P and Q P Q C

P Q C P Q Rule s

P C and Q C P or Q


P Q P Q P and Q C


When applie d in the top to b ottom direction the rule s pre s erve provability and generate all

valid s equents When us e d to prove a s equent the rule s are applie d b ottom to top in an attempt

to show that the s equent i s der ivable f rom axioms However not all rule s pre s erve provability

when applie d upwards so the pro of s earch i s nondetermini stic Rule s which pre s erve provability

in b oth directions are calle d invertible All the rule s are invertible except and

From the computational p oint of view the most s er ious defect of thi s rule s et i s that in applying

the rule proving a s equent i s re duce d to proving two s equents one of which may b e more

complex than the initial s equent In a depthrst s earch for a pro of thi s may lead to innite

lo ops whos e detection i s computationally exp ens ive on the other hand a breadth rst s earch i s

extremely exp ens ive in terms of space


Roman capital letters denote arbitrary formulae Roman small letters denote atomic formulae and Greek capitals

denote arbitrary s ets of formulae The left hand side of a s equent is regarde d as a s et of formulae rather than a

s equence so the order of formulae on the left doe s not matter


Theorem proving in the I s equent calculus i s more complex than that of C in C all connective s

can b e eliminate d determini stically b ecaus e the rule s pro duce Bo olean combinations of s equents

which are logically equivalent to the or iginal s equent so all rule s are invertible Thus whereas

theorem proving in C i s NPcomplete so assuming P NP require s time which i s exp onential

in the s ize of formula to b e te ste d checking I theorems i s probably even more dicult it i s

b elieve d that it require s O n log n space as well as exp onential time Hudelmaier

Hudelmaiers Rule s

The problem ar i s ing f rom the rule has recently b een solve d by Hudelmaier The idea i s

to replace the rule by four more sp ecic rule s the applicability of which dep ends on the structure

of the antece dent of the formula Hudelmaiers rule s are


a P C


P Q R C a a P C

P R Q R C Q R P Q and R C


Each of the s e except i s invertible As indicate d by the us e of the small a the modus

ponens rule MP nee d only b e applie d when the antece dent of the implication i s atomic In

upwards application of each of the s e rule s the re sulting s equents can b e shown to decreas e in

complexity according to a sp ecially constructe d measure of s equent complexity

Spatial Re asoning Us ing Hudelmaiers Rule s

We have s een that cons i stency of spatial relations which are instance s of the RCC s et can b e

determine d by te sting the validity of certain I s equents Moreover if we are dealing only with the

RCC relations the s e s equents only contain formulae of the forms shown in table

a a b a b a b a b

In the remainder of thi s s ection I shall show how given the limite d range of formulae and the

completene ss of the Hudelmaier s equent rule s an eective cons i stency checking pro ce dure for s ets

of RCC relations can b e constructe d

The s equent rule s assume that negation i s handle d by replacing each negate d formula by the

equivalent formula f Thi s can b e implemente d as a s imple determini stic rewr ite rule After

eliminating negations in thi s way another s implication can b e made by applying Hudelmaiers

rule Thi s means that formulae of the form a b are rewr itten rst to a b f and

then to a b f The re sulting s equents will contain only formulae of the forms

a f a b a b f a f b a f b f Iforms

Note that amongst the s e formulae the antece dents of all implications are atomic so us ing the

Hudelmaier rule s et the only rule applicable to implications i s MP Apart f rom implications the


only other typ e s of formulae are atomic prop os itions and two forms of di sjunction The di sjunctions

can b e handle d by the normal and rule s Both the s e rule s give r i s e to a branch in the

s earch space and b ecaus e there may b e any numb er of di sjunctions amongst the premi ss e s the

s earch space i s exp onential Neverthele ss b ecaus e the nondetermini stic rule i s not nee de d

thi s pro of pro ce dure can b e us e d to te st cons i stency of quite large s equents in reasonable time

The Prolog program given in app endix C i s bas e d on the metho d just de scr ib e d A slight

dierence i s that rather than rewr iting formulae of the form a b f to a b f and then

applying the normal MP rule I implemente d the following var iation of MP

a b P C


a b a b P C

I also adde d a pruning rule to delete re dundant implications whos e conclus ion was already

amongst the premi ss e s Small optimisations such as thi s which are logically tr ivial can often yield

a marke d improvement in the p erformance of an automate d theorem prover In the next s ection

we shall s ee that pruning rule s play a key part in the sp ecication of a p olynomial time pro of

pro ce dure for the s e s equents

Further Optimi sation

In s ection I shall pre s ent the mo del theoretic analys i s given by Ber nhard Neb el of the I

s equents ar i s ing f rom the RCC enco ding Thi s analys i s enable d Neb el to show that cons i stency

checking of s ets of RCC relations can b e p erforme d in p olynomial time Inspire d by thi s re sult I

inve stigate d how s equent calculus pro ofs of the relevant s equents could b e optimis e d As exp ecte d

pro ofs in the s equent calculus can also b e carr ie d out in p olynomial time In the re st of thi s s ection

I pre s ent a s er ie s of s equent rewr iting rule s which achieve s thi s end I assume that all formulae

in the s equents have b een re duce d to the forms Iforms as explaine d in the previous s ection

Eliminating Di sjunctions without Branching

Di sjunctions would normally b e eliminate d by applying the rule s and The s e create a

branch in the pro of we attempt to ver ify each of the s equents obtaine d by replacing the di sjunction

by one of its di sjuncts Clearly thi s pro ce dure leads to a s earch space which i s exp onential in the

numb er of di sjunctions which i s approximately prop ortional to the numb er of top ological relations

whos e cons i stency i s b e ing te ste d Thi s s ituation i s made wors e b ecaus e the rule must

b e applie d nondetermini stically However given the limite d class of formulae app ear ing in the

s equents rather than carrying out thi s split we can work out the p otential eects without actually

applying a branching rule


The plan will b e rst to take account of the di sjunctive content of premi ss e s and conclus ion by


applying certain pruning rule s the s imple st of which take the following forms


Pr Pr


After carrying out all p oss ible applications of the s e rule s we will have an equivalent s equent in

which none of the di sjunctive premi ss e s have a di sjunct which i s the same as the conclus ion or a

di sjunct of the conclus ion Such di sjuncts will b e calle d unprunable

Another kind of pruning rule can b e applie d to implicative premi ss e s

P f Q



We notice that thi s rule applicable where the cons equent of an implication i s the same as the

conclus ion do e s not generali s e to the cas e of a di sjunctive conclus ion it i s not sound to re duce a

pro of of p q q r to that of p f q r and thi s i s preci s ely the re sp ect

in which an intuitioni stic implication P Q i s logically weaker than the di sjunction P Q

Although when the cons equent of an implication i s a di sjunct of the conclus ion we cannot prune

the implication its elf it may b e that thi s circumstance justie s the pruning of some di sjunctive


premi ss in accordance with the following rule which has two var iants

P q r r r r r r S S T

n n n


P q q r r r r r r S S T

n n n

Thi s generali s e s Pr by taking account of chains of implication leading f rom a di sjunct of a

premi ss to a di sjunct of the conclus ion

In implementing thi s pruning rule it i s more convenient rst to compute the trans itive closure of

all formulae of the form p Q o ccurr ing in the s equent Once thi s i s done chains of implication

nee d not b e cons idere d so the pruning rule i s s imply applie d to s equents of the form P q q


Re ducing Di sjunctions to Implications

I now show that in the s equents in que stion the pruning rule s fully take account of the extent

to which the inferential p ower of di sjunctions excee ds that of corre sp onding implications Be

caus e of thi s after applying the pruning rule s we can replace di sjunctions with implications and

determini stically apply the rule Hence te sting validity i s re duce d to a Hor nlike problem

Let us cons ider the inferential p otential of the remaining unprunable di sjunctive premi ss e s

The only rule that can directly b e applie d to the s e i s the rule However thi s rule cannot

directly yield the conclus ion or a di sjunct of it b ecaus e otherwi s e one of the di sjuncts would have


Tr ivial var iants of the s e rule s must also be applie d The s e are obtaine d by replacing P Q by Q P

andor replacing P R by R P in the rule s given ab ove


S T may be replace d by T S


b een prunable Thi s means that if the s equent i s valid at least one of the di sjuncts must b e capable

of taking part in a subs equent MP rule application Becaus e of the limite d range of formulae

in the s equents we can anticipate all the forms of p otential mo dus p onens applications and give

rule s which yield the same cons equence s but bypass the rule s Moreover all the s e rule s are


We have three rule s where the implication of the MP i s der ive d f rom a di sjunction

p q C


p p f q C

q p f C p q f C


p p f q f C q p f q f C

and three more rule s where it i s the antece dent that come s f rom the di sjunction

p f q f C


p f q f p C

r f p p q r f q C


r f p p q C

p f q q r f p f r f C


p f q q r f C

Finally we have a numb er of rule s such as the following in which b oth the implication and its

antece dent are der ive d f rom di sjunctions

p f q q f r p f r C


p f q q f r C

It can now b e s een that the pro of p oss ibilitie s aorde d by the s e rule s are retaine d when formulae

of the form p f q are replace d by p q and formulae of the form p f q f by

the two formulae p q f and q p f

The re sult of applying rule s MP MP and MP can equally b e achieve d by applying

MP after thi s replacement

Rule s MP MP and MP all pro duce new di sjunctions but pr ior application of the prun

ing rule s ensure s that the s e cannot contain as a di sjunct e ither the conclus ion or a di sjunct of the

conclus ion Hence the s e new di sjuncts can only participate in a pro of by means of further applic

ation of one of the MP rule s Moreover if a chain of such applications i s us eful in constructing a

pro of it must eventually lead to an application of one of the rule s MP MP or MP which

yield a new nondisjunctive formula Examination of the MP rule s will reveal that if di sjunctions


are replace d by implications as sp ecie d ab ove the re sult of any such s equence of rule s can b e

der ive d by a corre sp onding s equence of MP rule s

Given that thi s translation of di sjunctions to implications pre s erve s provability and noting that

the formulae q p f and p q f are logically equivalent it follows that provability i s

also pre s erve d if formulae p f q f are replace d by the s ingle formula p q f

Completion of the Pro of Pro ce dure

Having eliminate d all di sjunctive premi ss e s we are left with a s equent containing on the left hand

s ide only atomic prop os itions and implications with atomic antece dents and on the r ight hand

s ide a formula of one of the forms p f p q p q f p f q and p f q f

We pro cee d as follows

Cas e a For the nondi sjunctive conclus ions we can imme diately apply the rule twice in

the cas e of a conclus ion of the form p q f so that the conclus ion i s re duce d to a s ingle atom

In the re sulting s equent the only p oss ible further rule applications are of Mo dus Ponens Thi s rule

i s applie d until e ither the atomic conclus ion i s der ive d in which cas e the s equent i s valid or els e

no p oss ible applications remain in which cas e the s equent i s invalid

Cas e b If the conclus ion i s a di sjunction we rst make all p oss ible applications of Mo dus

Ponens and attempt to der ive a di sjunct of the conclus ion If thi s f ails we then apply the rule

splitting the pro of into two branche s For each branch we pro cee d as for cas e a

Complexity of the Improve d Algor ithm

The numb er of formulae of a given typ e o ccurr ing in a s equent generate d by the RCC reasoning

algor ithm i s b ounde d by the s ize n of the s et of top ological relations to b e te ste d Checking

for applications of the Pr and Pr rule s i s clearly linear in n Determining applications of the

Pr rule involve s determining the closure of the trans itive relation of implication Thi s can b e

compute d in order n time Once thi s closure has b een compute d application of all p oss ible Pr

inference s b ecome s n s ince it involve s checking pairs of formulae f rom the lhs of the s equent

The other nontr ivial part of the pro of algor ithm i s the application of Mo dus Ponens rule s

Since the rule involve s two formulae one pass of MP applications i s order n Becaus e the


trans itive closure of implications has already b een compute d and b ecaus e the maximum numb er

of antece dents in a formula i s two a maximum of two pass e s are require d to exhaust all p oss ible

MP applications

So the pro of metho d de scr ib e d provide s an order n time algor ithm for checking cons i stency

of thos e I s equents which ar i s e in the top ological cons i stency checking algor ithm as compare d

with Hudelmaiers O n log nspace algor ithm for arbitrary s equents The numb er of such s equents

which must b e checke d to determine the cons i stency of a s et of RCC relations i s equal to the numb er


This will also have to be recompute d after disjunctions are replace d by implications alternatively as in the

current implementation all the implications der ive d f rom disjunctions can be adde d at the beginning of the decision

pro ce dure


of entailment constraints in the I repre s entation of the relations which i s its elf approximately

prop ortional to the numb er of relations Thi s means that in terms of the numb er of top ological

relations whos e cons i stency i s to b e checke d the new algor ithm i s of order n

Implementation and Performance Re sults

The improve d algor ithm has b een conci s ely prototyp e d in SICStus Prolog The co de i s given

in app endix C Preliminary te sts indicate that the algor ithm can determine cons i stency of very

large s ets of top ological relations in an acceptable time The pro ce dure p erforms particularly well

if a databas e i s accumulate d incrementally so that at each stage computation of the closure of

implications i s linear in the numb er of implicative formulae already store d

Figure A spatial reasoner implemente d in Prolog us ing I

To te st the eectivene ss of the algor ithm a cons i stent databas e of n top ological relations holding

amongst r regions was randomly generate d The relations were generate d by picking pairs of regions

at random and a random relation f rom the RCC relation s et with all regions require d to b e non

null If the randomly generate d relation was cons i stent with the databas e it was adde d otherwi s e

it was rejecte d Thi s was rep eate d until n cons i stent relations had b een adde d The random

databas e was then us e d to te st query re sp ons e time random RCC relations were generate d and


the I reasoner exploiting the improve d algor ithm was us e d to determine whether the s e relations

were nece ssary incons i stent or contingent with re sp ect to the databas e

The incremental addition of cons i stent relations holding among regions to ok on average

s econds and dur ing thi s construction on average incons i stent relations were rejecte d

The average query time for the re sulting databas e was s econds Further analys i s and revi s ion

of the program will b e nece ssary in order to enhance its p erformance Thi s i s b eyond the scop e of

the pre s ent work but it s eems very likely that an order of magnitude sp ee dup could b e obtaine d


quite eas ily

Neb els Complexity Analys i s

I conclude thi s chapter with a lo ok at Ber nhard Neb els mo del theoretic analys i s of the s equents

ar i s ing f rom the I enco ding of the RCC relations Thi s analys i s leads to an alter native pro of

that cons i stency of RCC relations can b e determine d in p olynomial time It also reformulate s

the problem within the f ramework of class ical constraints which has rece ive d much attention

f rom computer scienti sts Mackworth To understand thi s s ection fully it will probably b e

nece ssary to refer to Neb el a and to have some knowle dge of intuitioni stic mo del theory and

pro of theory s ee eg Kr ipke and Nero de By examining the intuitioni stic s equents

which are nee de d to reason with my I enco ding of the RCC relations Neb el a has shown

that the cons i stency of s ets of RCC relations can b e compute d in p olynomial time

Neb els re sults are obtaine d by analys ing a tableaubas e d pro of pro ce dure for intuitioni stic logic

as de scr ib e d by Nero de when it i s applie d to the re str icte d range of formula typ e s

us e d in enco ding the RCC relations He showe d that the cons i stency problem for the s e s equents

can in f act b e de scr ib e d in terms of a f airly s imple s et of class ical constraints Thi s i s b ecaus e

for any invalid s equent involving only the formulae require d to repre s ent the RCC relations it i s

always p oss ible to construct a Kr ipke mo del Kr ipke containing exactly three worlds which

will b e calle d v w and w that provide s a counterexample to the entailment Neb els enco ding

s imply de scr ib e s the s e mo dels in class ical pre dicate logic by means of a binary relation Fw a

which ass erts that the atomic formula a i s force d ie true at the world w

More sp ecically each world of the Kr ipke mo del i s identie d with a s et of constants which

are force d at that world The worlds are partially ordere d by the subs et order ing on the s e s ets

Whether a complex formulae i s force d at a world w dep ends on whether its constituents are force d

at w and also in the cas e of negation and implication whether they are force d at any larger


i s force d at w i b oth and are force d at w

i s force d at w i e ither or i s force d at w


One of the fundamental operations us e d in the Prolog program the assert pre dicate is known to be extremely

slow and prole analysis of the programs runtime showe d that over of the execution time was spent carrying

out this operation By re de signing the data structure s us e d by the algor ithm the us e of assert could be avoide d

and the performance greatly enhance d A lower level implementation eg in C would clearly be much faster



i s force d at w i i s not force d at w nor at any world larger than w

i s force d at w i at w and at any larger world wherever i s force d so i s

The countermo dels identie d by Neb el always sati sfy the order ing conditions v w and

v w so every formula force d by v i s force d by w and w In the s e counter mo dels the

world v i s constraine d so as to demonstrate the invalidity of a s equent v force s all the premi ss

formulae of the s equent but not its conclus ion The conditions under which a binary formula of

I i s force d at v in Neb els countermo dels can b e sp ecie d class ically as given in table To

te st if a s equent i s valid we cons ider a s et of constraints cons i sting of the forcing constraint for

each premi ss formula the negation of the forcing constraint of the conclus ion formula and also all

instance s of Fv x Fw x Fw x where x i s a any constant o ccurr ing in the s equent

which ar i s e f rom the order ing conditions on the worlds Thi s s et of class ical formulae i s cons i stent


if and only if the or iginal intuitioni stic s equent i s invalid

Formula Forcing constraint

x Fw x Fw x

x y Fw x Fw x Fw y Fw y

x y Fw x Fw y Fw x Fw y

Fw x Fw x Fv y x y

x y Fv x Fv y Fw x Fw y Fw x Fw y

Table Class ical de scr iption of intuitioni stic binary claus e entailment

Remarkably all the formulae in Neb els class ical enco ding of the re str icte d I entailment problem


are re ducible to CNF form which means that the problem can b e re duce d to a SAT problem

Thus the cons i stency s ets of RCC relations can b e compute d in p olynomial time More preci s ely

SAT problems lie in the class NC which means that they can b e compute d in p olylogar ithmic

time on p olynomially many pro ce ssors so parallel pro ce ss ing can b e eectively exploite d to sp ee d

up computation Thi s complexity re sult applie s also to the larger class of relations expre ss ible

in terms of conjunctions of the RCC relations and the ir negations all such relations can b e

repre s ente d us ing the I formulae covere d by Neb els analys i s Thi s include s almost half thos e

relations that are di sjunctions over the RCC relations the full s et i s given in app endix C

It i s evident that applying paralleli sation can improve the p erformance of almost any algor ithm

that exploits my I enco ding Thi s i s b ecaus e each te st of whether an entailment constraint i s

der ivable f rom the mo del constraints can b e carr ie d out indep endently so all the s e te sts could b e

conducte d s imultaneously

The forcing constraint analys i s can also b e us e d to identify class e s of di sjunctive relations over


Note that Nebels analysis doe s not cover the regular ity condition on regions Whether this can be repre s ente d

within a tractable system is a matter for further re s earch


A CNF formula is a conjunction each of whos e conjuncts is e ither a p ositive or negative literal or a disjunction

of two p ositive or negative literals


RCC for which cons i stency checking of constraint networks i s tractable Clearly the complete

ne ss of comp os itional inference applie s to any conjunction of RCC relations and the ir negations

and many di sjunctions of RCC relations are expre ss ible in thi s way In a network containing

di sjunctive relations it i s p oss ible to der ive new information by comp os ition without imme diately

getting a contradiction So showing incons i stency may require rep eate d application of comp os ition

Neverthele ss thi s pro ce dure still leads to an algor ithm which i s p olynomial in the numb er of no de s

of the network Neb el a In recent work by Renz and Neb el an analys i s very s imilar

to the forcing constraint interpretation of I i s applie d to the S enco ding of RCC relations given

in chapter Thi s enable s a maximal tractable class of di sjunctive RCC relations to b e

identie d


Quantier Elimination

Thi s chapter explore s the p oss ibili ty of applying Quantier Elimination transformations to

RCC formulae Such transformations provide a deci s ion pro ce dure for a large class of formulae

in the storder RCC language

Quantier Elimination Pro ce dure s

The undecidability of a logical system i s very often asso ciate d with quantication General storder

logic i s only s emidecidable but by re str icting the forms of quantication p ermitte d in formulae

a var iety of decidable sublanguage s can b e found Dreb en and Goldf arb Borger Gradel

and Gurevich Most of the b etter known order ie quantier f ree logical formali sms are


also decidable The s e decidability re sults provide the bas i s for the metho d of constructing deci s ion

pro ce dure s by means of quantier elimination Supp os e we have a storder language which i s in

some way re str icte d it may have re str icte d syntax or a limite d vo cabulary constraine d to ob ey

axioms of some theory If we can show that every formula of thi s language can b e converte d via

a s er ie s of transformations to a formula in a decidable language which i s cons i stent just in cas e

the or iginal formula were cons i stent then we have a deci s ion pro ce dure for the or iginal language

Typically the target language of such a convers ion will b e one with no or limite d quantication

so the eect of transformation will b e to eliminate quantiers

The metho d of quantier elimination has b een us e d to remarkable eect by Tarski to

provide a deci s ion pro ce dure for storder formulae comp os e d by applying the Bo olean connective s

and quantication to prop os itions which are arbitrary p olynomial equations and inequalitie s over


the real numb ers


A notable exception is general Relation Algebra which will be discuss e d in chapter


ie the nonlogical vo cabulary consists of the constants and the binary functions and and the

relations and The quantiers range over the real numbers


Quantier Elimination in RCC

In thi s s ection I prove certain equivalence s b etween RCC formulae which can b e us e d to eliminate

quantiers in many contexts In f act the pro ofs of theorems us e d in the quantier theorem will

b e given in a way which i s theory indep endent I s imply state every nonlogical assumption which

i s us e d in the pro ofs Thi s means that the elimination i s valid in any system in which the s e

assumptions are theorems All the s e assumptions are I b elieve provable f rom the RCC theory

However the treatment of Bo olean functions assume s a complete Bo olean algebra with a null

element so the ir form might have to b e altere d to t in with the sort structure of the RCC theory

All the assumptions are also theorems of my revi s e d theory given in s ection and s ince thi s

theory incorp orate s a null region assumptions involve d in the treatment of the Bo olean op erations

can b e expre ss e d directly in the theory

Cons ider the denition of the part relation in terms of C

Px y z Cz x Cz y Pdef


If thi s denition i s taken as a rewr ite rule applie d f rom r ight to left it can b e s een to achieve a

quantier elimination a universally quantie d expre ss ion involving Ci s replace d by an unquantie d

expre ss ion in terms of P

Thi s elimination can b e generali s e d to remove a universal quantier op erating on an arbit

rary truthfunctional combination of C relations First the truthfunctional matr ix i s converte d to

clausal normal form so that we have a conjunction of di sjunctions of C literals Since the universal

quantier di str ibute s over conjunction it can b e move d inwards to obtain a conjunction of univer

sally quantie d claus e s The quantier can then b e eliminate d f rom each claus e in virtue of the

following equivalence

Cclaus e Quantier Elimination Theorem CQE

xCx a Cx a Cx b Cx b

m n

Pa sumfb b g Pa sumfb b g

n m n

The lefthand quantie d formula state s that if any region x i s connecte d to each of the regions

a a then x must also b e connecte d to one of the regions b b CQE state s that thi s

m n


i s equivalent to the condition that one of a a i s part of sumfb b g

m n

Pro of of CQE The equivalence of CQE i s demonstrate d by the following s er ie s of

formula transformations

xCx a Cx a Cx b Cx b

m n

xCx a Cx a Cx sumfb b g

m n

xCx a Cx a Cx sumfb b g

m n


I wr ite sumfb b g as an abbreviation for a term of the form sumb sumb sumb b

n n

1 1 2 n1


xCx a Cx sumfb b g xCx a Cx sumfb b g

n m n

xCa x Cx sumfb b g xCa x Cx sumfb b g

n m n

Pa sumfb b g Pa sumfb b g

n m n

The equivalence b etween and dep ends only on the denition of sum and that b etween

and only on the denition of P Steps and are purely logical equivalence s

and the entailment of by i s also purely logical That entails i s shown by the

following de duction s equence by means of which if we substitute sumfb b g for


the arbitrary term the negation of can b e der ive d f rom the negation of

xCx a Cx xCx a Cx


Ck a Ck Ck a Ck

m m m

Csumfk k g a Csumfk k g a Csumfk k g

m m m m

xCx a Cx a Cx


Sp ecial cas e s of the re duction apply when e ither the left or r ight s ide of the quantie d Cclaus e

i s empty If the rhs i s empty then the claus e i s incons i stent s ince at least the universal region

must connect with all of any s et of regions If the lhs i s empty then the claus e s imply state s that

the sum of all the regions mentione d on the rhs i s equal to the univers e In terms of P thi s can b e

wr itten as Pu sumfb b g We can thus eliminate the innermost universal quantiers of



any pure Cformula and in doing so end up with a formula containing only P and C relations the

remaining Crelations are thos e not or iginally within the scop e of one of the innermost quantiers

and the sum op erator

Extending the Pro ce dure

To continue the pro ce dure we would like to eliminate the innermost quantiers of the re sulting

transforme d formulae Unfortunately the s e formulae are no longer pure they may contain other

nonlogical symb ols apart f rom C so the general cas e of further re duction i s more complicate d

than CQE The additional complexity take s the following forms

The quantie d var iable may o ccur within the scop e of a sum op erator

The P pre dicate i s not symmetr ic so can act on a var iable in two logically di stinct ways

Both P and C relations may b e pre s ent


An RCC formula is a pure Cformula i C is the only nonlogical symb ol o ccurr ing in it Other symb ols may

always be eliminate d by means of the ir denitions The existential imp ort of the functions must then be taken care

of by suitable additional axioms for C


Quantier Elimination for P Claus e s

My extens ion of the quantier elimination pro ce dure only addre ss e s the rst two of the problems

just mentione d I give a pro ce dure which eliminate s quantiers f rom a claus e containing only

Pliterals the arguments of the s e literals may b e arbitrary Bo olean functions and the quantie d

var iable can o ccur anywhere within the s e complex arguments Such claus e s will b e calle d Pclaus e s

The decidability of Pclaus e s i s an intuitive cons equence of the decidability of the storder theory of

Bo olean algebras which i s well known the P relation can b e correlate d with the usual order ing on

Bo olean terms so that P can b e identie d with the Bo olean equation However

it will b e instructive to demonstrate the decidability of Pclaus e s by quantication elimination

within the language of RCC Thi s will exp os e exactly which mereological pr inciple s are e ss ential

to a deci s ion pro ce dure

In the RCC language the re dundancy of quantication over truthfunctions of P relations i s

in many cas e s obvious For instance xPx a Px b Pa b follows imme diately f rom

reexivity and trans itivity of P However for a general quantier elimination pro ce dure we shall

nee d to eliminate quantiers f rom all forms of Pclaus e To s implify thi s problem I rst convert

arbitrary Pclaus e s into a more re str icte d normal form In virtue of axioms AA and AA any

Pliteral Px x involving some var iable x where and are any quas iBo olean functions

of constants andor var iable s can b e regarde d as a Bo olean inequality of the form x x

By applying appropr iate and well known Bo olean identitie s such an inequality can always e ither

b e shown to b e nece ssar ily true or otherwi s e b e transforme d into a conjunction of inequalitie s of

the forms x and x where x app ears alone and only on one s ide of the symb ol Thus

any Pliteral involving x i s e ither nece ssar ily true or equivalent to a conjunction of Pliterals of the


Px Px P x P x

i j

After applying thi s normali sation quantiers can b e eliminate d f rom an arbitrary claus e made

up of P literals in virtue of the following equivalence

Pclaus e Quantier Elimination Theorem PQE

xPx a Px a Pb x Pb x

i j

Px c Px c Pd x Pd x

k l

Psumfb b g pro d fa a g

j i

Ppro d fa a g c Ppro d fa a g c

i i k

Pd sumfb b g Pd sumfb b g

j l j

Pro of of PQE To s ee why thi s equivalence holds rst note that the left hand s ide i s


equivalent to

xPx pro d fa a g Psumfb b g x

i j

Px c Px c Pd x Pd x

k l

To make the pro of more conci s e I henceforth refer to pro d fa a g by and


sumfb b g by PQE then b ecome s


xPx P x Px c Px c Pd x Pd x

k l

P P c P c Pd Pd

k l

Becaus e the universal condition i s hard to vi suali s e I now transform it into an

exi stential If we negate b oth s ide s of thi s and then move the negations inwards we get

xPx P x Px c Px c Pd x Pd x

k l

P P c P c Pd Pd PQE

k l

The left to r ight direction i s relatively straightforward to demonstrate It can eas ily

b e der ive d by making us e of the following three pr inciple s de scr ibing prop ertie s of the

P relation

xP x Px P Ppr in

xPx Px P Ppr in

xP x P x P Ppr in

The r ight to left direction i s more dicult We must show that if the conditions

on the r ight are sati se d there must b e some region sati sfying all the conditions of

the exi stentially quantie d pre dicate on the left It i s clear that its elf sati se s the

conditions Px and P x as well as all the conditions Pd x However it do e s


not nece ssar ily sati sfy the conditions Px c To construct a region sati sfying all


the s e conditions we nee d to add extra bits to in such a way that the re sulting region

cannot b e part of any of the cs and we must furthermore ensure that after thi s addition

it still do e s not contain any of the ds as a part

By applying the pr inciple

P xPx Ox POpr in

to the literal P c we get xPx Ox c We let e b e some region

sati sfying thi s condition e i s di sjoint f rom c so clearly if we add it to then

Psum e c But we must construct a region that cannot violate any of the


conditions Pd x sum e would violate one of the s e conditions if e containe d

n n


that part of d not containe d in ie if Pdid e Thus rather than just

n n

adding e to we add a part of e der ive d by means of the following pr inciple

xy z Pz x Py z Ppr in

which says that given any two regions there i s always some region which i s part of

the rst and do e s not contain the s econd as a part If we instantiate thi s with e and

di d we get z Pz e Pdid z

Let e denote a region which i s an instance of thi s exi stential statement e i s

cannot contain d clearly di sjoint f rom c s ince it i s part of e Moreover sum e

However it could still b e the cas e that sum e contains one of the other ds Thus

we recurs ively apply Ppr in to e to get a part of e which do e s not contain di d


as a part Thi s will b e calle d e Continuing thi s pro ce ss we nally end up with e

and we can b e sure that if thi s i s adde d to the re sulting region will not include any


of the ds Also s ince e must b e di sjoint f rom c the re sult will not b e a part of c


We let sum e

i s part of do e s not contain any of the ds and i s not part of c To complete the

pro of we nee d to succe ss ively extend to der ive a region which i s denitely not part

of any of the cs and also do e s not contain any of the ds Thus to construct we rst

identify a region e which i s part of but not part of c we then form the s equence of

l l

regions c c where c i s di sjoint f rom c and do e s not contain any of the regions


di d i s then equal to sum e After rep eating thi s pro ce ss for each of the


cs we nally reach and thi s region sati se s all the literals in the exi stential formula


on the left of PQE so thi s formula i s prove d Hence the equivalent formula PQE i s

also a theorem 

Limitations and Us e s of the Pro ce dure

We would like to iterate quantier elimination transforms to obtain a quantierf ree formula but

a problem ar i s e s when we encounter in the cours e of the re duction a matr ix containing b oth C

and P relations s ince we have no way of eliminating a quantier f rom a mixe d claus e of thi s kind

Indee d the undecidability of RCC means that no general quantier elimination pro ce dure could

exi st I have studie d p oss ible ways of eliminating quantiers in var ious re str icte d forms of mixe d

claus e In some cas e s the elimination i s straightforward but in other cas e s there s eems to b e no way

to get an equivalent quantier f ree formula except by intro ducing additional relational vo cabulary

Thi s i s not in its elf a problem but it means that for succe ss ive iterations of quantier elimination

claus e s containing an increas ingly extende d vo cabulary of relations must b e cons idere d

De spite its limitations the partial quantier elimination pro ce dure de scr ib e d in thi s chapter

can b e us e d to extend the range of formulae that can b e handle d by a deci s ion pro ce dure which

employs one of the order enco ding technique s de scr ib e d in chapters and Sp ecically one can

provide a deci s ion pro ce dure for a language which as well as allowing one to sp ecify the wide range


of spatial relationships that can b e enco de d directly into S or I also allows the ass ertion of

certain kinds of quantie d claus e whos e quantiers can b e eliminate d by applying the equivalence s

CQE and PQE as rewr ite rule s pr ior to translating into the order enco ding



In thi s chapter I inve stigate how the repre s entations de scr ib e d so f ar may b e extende d to

handle concepts relate d to convexity I rst pre s ent a storder axiomati sation of a convex

hul l op erator I then cons ider how the logical prop ertie s of the op erator can b e enco de d into

intuitioni sti c and mo dal repre s entations

Beyond Top ology

Hitherto I have cons idere d only prop ertie s of regions that are purely top ological in nature ie

prop ertie s that are invar iant under continuous deformations Whilst the s e prop ertie s are funda

mental they cannot provide the bas i s for a fully comprehens ive spatial de scr iption language A

fully expre ss ive spatial language would b e capable of expre ss ing metr ical information at least of a

relative kind if we intro duce an absolute metr ic unit we then have a language with the expre ss ive


p ower of ar ithmetic and which i s not completely axiomatisable The language of elementary p oint

geometry with a relative but not an absolute metr ic i s completely axiomatisable See eg Tarski


and app endix A but computing inference s within thi s language i s highly intractable

The value of a repre s entation language for AI dep ends on its expre ss ive p ower and its tractab

ility We saw in chapter that it i s p oss ible to reason eectively with certain top ological relations

An obvious que stion i s whether one can nd a more expre ss ive language which i s still tractable and

more sp ecically whether one can nd a tractable language capable of expre ss ing nontop ological

spatial concepts Such a language would contain one or more pr imitive concepts that are not

top ological in character

Interme diate in expre ss ive p ower b etween top ology and metr ical geometr ie s such as Euclidean

geometry i s ane geometry An ane geometry articulate s the concept of betweenness but cannot

expre ss orthogonality or say anything ab out angular relationships b etween ob jects In thi s chapter

I cons ider ane geometry f rom the p oint of view of reasoning in a regionbas e d theory


Tarski b demonstrate s that a formal geometr ical language containing a congruence relation and a unit

element as pr imitive s is in some s ens e maximal ly expre ssive


In fact s everal distinct complete geometr ie s can be formulated s ee eg Trudeau




Figure Illustration of convexhulls in dimens ions

The ConvexHull Op erator conv

The relation of b etweenne ss i s intimately connecte d with convexity a region i s convex if it i s clos e d

with re sp ect to b etweenne ss ie if every p oint lying b etween two p oints in the region i s its elf in

the region Thi s the s i s i s pr imar ily concer ne d with expre ss ing spatial prop ertie s of regions rather


than p oints and in a regionbas e d theory it can b e argue d that convexity i s a more pr imitive notion

than b etweenne ss to decide whether one region lie s b etween two others one must cho os e b etween

a var iety of stronger or weaker notions of b etweenne ss can the regions overlap must al l p oints

of the inner region b e b etween the outer regions but the prop erty of a regions b e ing convex i s

not so ambiguous Of cours e a r igorous s emantical denition of convexity require s regions to b e

cons idere d as subspace s of some ane space so the class of convex regions will b e dep endent on

the prop ertie s of thi s space In the purely region bas e d analys i s of convexity carr ie d out in thi s

chapter I assume that the axiomatis e d prop erty of convexity i s intende d to b e cons i stent with an

interpretation in Euclidean space

Following Randell Cui and Cohn I take the convexhul l op erator conv as a pr imitive

function mapping regions to the ir convexhulls By the convexhull of a region i s meant the smalle st

convex region of which it i s a part If one were to stretch an elastic membrane round a region then


the convexhull would b e the whole of the region enclos e d Figure shows convexhulls of two

regions in dimens ions region B i s a two piece region

The conv function and a pre dicate CONV true of convex regions are interdenable

CONVx x conv x


conv x y CONVy z CONVz Px z Py z


There are many p oss ible ways in which a ter nary relation Between x y z read y i s b etween x

and z could b e dene d in terms of conv The s e capture dierent preci s e s ens e s of the somewhat

ambiguous natural concept of b etweenne ss Most of the ambiguity of b etweenne ss ar i s e s in


connection with its application to extende d b o die s rather than p oints A very weak denition of


For an axiomatic and algebraic analysis of computing convexhulls of s ets of p oints s ee Knuth


One might say the term is slightly inappropr iate since hull normally refers to an outer shell rather than a

volume or area


The intuitive meaning of the betweenne ss relation on p oints leave s little scope for ambiguity except that we


b etweenne ss i s the following

Between x y z Py conv sumx z W


Between could its elf b e taken as pr imitive and CONV could then b e dene d by W

CONVx y v w Pv x Pw x W Between v y w Py x


W Between do e s not really capture the intuitive notion of b etweenne ss b ecaus e it allows cas e s

such as where y i s in a cavity of x which i s on the opp os ite s ide of x to that f acing z It also allows

y to overlap or even b e part of e ither x or z Before giving a b etter denition we nee d to b e clear

ab out the main asp ects of ambiguity in the concept One source of ambiguity concer ns whether

the regions involve d may overlap Probably the most natural way to s ettle thi s i s to require that

y cannot overlap e ither x or z but allow that x and z may p oss ibly overlap A s econd source of

ambiguity i s whether y must b e completely b etween x and z or may b e only partly b etween them

Both s ens e s are easy to dene but it s eems most straightforward to dene partial b etweenne ss


Between x y z Ox y Oz y P


x z Px x Pz z CONVx CONVz Oy conv sumx z

We can then say that y i s completely b etween x and z if every part of y i s partially b etween


Between x y z y Py y P Between x y z


Intere stingly CONV can b e dene d f rom Between in exactly the same way that it i s dene d f rom

Between W

Containment Relations Denable with conv

A large numb er of new binary relations can b e dene d in terms of the conv together with other

RCC relations For example Randell Cui and Cohn give the following denitions of three


p oss ible containment relations which form a di sjoint and exhaustive partition of the DR relation

INSIDEx y DRx y Px convy


PINSIDEx y DRx y POx conv y


OUTSIDEx y DRx convy


may wish to distinguish between strict betweenne ss where y may not be equal to x or z and the weaker version

us e d in Tarskis Elementary Geometry s ee appendix A which doe s allow this p ossibility


It may be argue d that for many purp os e s relations involving convexhulls are most informative when we are

consider ing nonoverlapping regions Such regions can corre sp ond to discrete physical b o die s regarding which we

will often be intere ste d in spatial propertie s that are much more complex than simply whether or not the regions






Figure Nine renements of EC

Randell Cui and Cohn us e the s e relations to dierentiate a s et of relations which

can hold among any two regions The relationship b etween overlapping regions i s s imply de scr ib e d

in terms of one of s ix p oss ible RCC relations For EC and DC regions we additionally sp ecify

the two containment relations Rx y and R y x where R R fINSIDE PINSIDE OUTSIDEg

For DR regions each of the re sulting nine combinations of R and R i s p oss ible the EC cas e s are

illustrate d in gure Thi s yields a s et cons i sting of JEPD relations However

if two regions are nite and mutually INSIDE each other then b ecaus e of axiom they cannot

b e DC so in the cas e where the regions are require d to b e nite only of the s e relations are

p oss ible Thi s s et i s known as RCC

Following Randell Cui and Cohn I repre s ent the RCC relations that are sp eciali sa

tions of EC and DC by expre ss ions of the form x y where i s e ither I P or O

according as e ither INSIDEx y PINSIDEx y or OUTSIDEx y refers to the corre sp onding

invers e relation ie one of the s e relations but with the arguments revers e d and i s e ither D

or E according to whether the regions are completely di sconnecte d or exter nally connecte d Thus

for example P I Ex y means that PINSIDEx y INSIDEy x and ECx y

More generally by combining bas ic RCC relations with the conv op erator we can sp ecify a

large numb er of relations by means of expre ss ions of the form

R x y R x convy R conv x y R conv x conv y

Although there are dierent expre ss ions of thi s form the logical prop ertie s of convexity

mean that many of the s e are equivalent indee d many are equivalent to the emptyimp oss ible

relation x y The numb er of di stinct relations expre ss ible in thi s way has not yet b een de

termine d but de spite the equivalence s it i s clearly quite large

stOrder axioms for conv

In order to construct a logical language in which the op eration of forming the convexhull of a region

i s incorp orate d into the vo cabulary it i s nece ssary to understand and formali s e the logical prop ertie s

of the new op erator An obvious starting p oint i s to sp ecify fundamental prop ertie s of the convex


hull op erator in storder logic I give s even axioms sp ecifying imp ortant prop ertie s of conv

For readability I make us e of the CONV pre dicate dene d ab ove s ection I also intro duce a


Earlier versions of the axioms can be found in Randell Cui and Cohn Bennett b Cohn


pre dicate Finx to ass ert that x i s nite Thi s i s nee de d to expre ss a prop erty of convexity that


only holds for nite regions I shall not assume any sp ecic s ettheoretic interpretation of regions

My intention i s that the axioms should b e compatible with any of the p oss ible interpretations of

RCC de scr ib e d in s ection

xTPx convx x u

xy Px y Pconv x convy

xy Fin x conv x conv y Cx y

xy conv x conv y conv x y

xy CONVconv x conv y

xy DCx y CONVx y

xy NTPP x y conv x u CONVy x

Axiom state s the obvious f act that a region must b e a tangential part of its convex hull An

exception to thi s requirement i s the universal region u if u i s convex then it will b e equal to its

own convexhull but TPu u i s f als e at least under the denition of TP given by Randell Cui

and Cohn If u i s not convex then conv cannot b e a total function Axiom expre ss e s a

monotonicity prop erty taking convexhulls pre s erve s partho o d relationships Axiom ensure s


that any two nite regions having the same convex hull must b e connecte d The next three axioms

connect the prop ertie s of convexity to the Bo olean functions Axiom says that if we take the

convex hull of a sum then any convexhull op erators on the summands are re dundant Axiom

ass erts that the inters ection of any two convex regions must its elf b e convex Axiom expre ss e s

the obvious f act that the sum of two DC regions cannot b e convex Axiom expre ss e s a s imilar

prop erty that shap e s with inter ior hole s cannot b e convex The condition conv x u rule s

out anomalous counterexample s where the complement of a convex region i s subtracte d f rom uto

yield a convex region

Thi s li st i s not guarantee d to b e a complete axiomatisation of the conv op erator It i s very

dicult to b e sure that a s et of axioms fully capture s a concept unle ss we have a formal mo del

or s et of mo dels within which the concept i s dene d and show that the axioms are sound and

complete with re sp ect to that mo del thos e mo dels Inve stigating such mo dels i s the sub ject of

ongoing work Short of proving completene ss we can gain condence in our axiom s et by showing

that exp ecte d prop ertie s of convexity can b e der ive d f rom our axiom s et For instance the following


Intro duction of the Fin pre dicate is metho dologically dubious since nitude is not storder axiomatisable

Neverthele ss for pre s ent purp os e s it is convenient to assume Fin as pr imitive in order to state one of the propertie s

require d of the convexhull function under its intende d interpretation


It might be imagine d that certain nite but innitely complex regions could have the same convexhull and

yet not be connecte d However I have not been able to nd a reasonable s ettheoretic interpretation in which this can o ccur



theorems are quite easy to prove

xconvconv x convx f rom

xy Pconv x convy conv x y f rom

The rst of the s e expre ss e s the s imple f act that applying the convex hull op erator a s econd time

in succe ss ion i s re dundant and the s econd ass erts the di str ibutivity of conv and with re sp ect to

P Since the s e prop ertie s are very s imple we or iginally include d them in our axiom s et It may

still b e the cas e that one or more of our current axioms i s der ivable f rom the re st

Apart f rom the implicit exi stential imp ort of the conv function its elf all the conv axioms given

so f ar are universal in nature However one might exp ect there to b e other exi stential axioms

involving convexity Indee d s ince the domain of regions in the RCC theory i s atomle ss it s eems

reasonable to require that every region has b oth convex nontangential prop er parts and convex

tangential prop er parts

xy NTPPy x CONVy and xy TPPy x CONVy

Enco ding conv x in I

In Bennett b I de scr ib e d a metho d of reasoning ab out convexity by means of a metalevel

extens ion of the intuitioni stic enco ding de scr ib e d in chapter The language I i s extende d to a

language I in which as well as having ordinary constant symb ols c denoting regions one can



also employ terms convc to refer to the convex hull of the region c Here conv i s to b e regarde d

i i

as a metalevel syntactic device rather than a real function symb ol the I reasoning algor ithm

s imply treats conv c as an atomic constant The meaning of conv i s then character i s e d by an


additional metalevel reasoning mechani sm which enforce s constraints asso ciate d with convexity

The constraints enforce d in my or iginal system corre sp ond to the following axiom s et

xconvconv x conv x

xTPx convx

xy Px y Pconv x convy

xy conv x conv y Cx y

Thi s s et amende d and slightly extende d a previous axiom s et that had b een given in Randell Cui

and Cohn however as we saw in s ection it i s now clear that further axioms are nee de d

to adequately character i s e conv It i s also known that the last of the s e axioms only applie s to nite

regions Neverthele ss it i s worth de scr ibing how the limite d axiom system can b e enforce d and

cons ider ing how thi s approach could b e extende d to take account of additional prop ertie s of conv

Obs erve that none of the axioms contains any Bo olean op erators and also that in our exten

de d I the conv ps eudoop erator can only b e applie d to an atomic constant Cons equently the


Thanks to Stephano Borgo


Convers ely can be der ive d f rom I prefer to take the former as an axiom since it doe s not involve any

Bo olean operators


relationships p oss ible b etween Bo olean combinations of region constants andor the ir convex hulls


are not in any way constraine d by the limite d axiom s et Moreover s ince all the axioms are

universal apart f rom the implicit exi stential imp ort of the conv function they are equivalent to

the s ets of all the ir ground instance s In determining whether a s et of spatial f acts state d in I


i s cons i stent with the axioms the only instance s of the axioms which can b e relevant are thos e

where the var iable s are replace d by constants o ccurr ing in the f acts We thus treat the storder

axioms as schemas and instantiate them in all p oss ible ways us ing the region constants o ccurr ing

in the spatial f acts under cons ideration Thi s will re sult in a nite numb er of ground constraints

We must now cons ider how to te st whether the f acts are cons i stent with the additional convexity

constraints Axiom can have no eect on cons i stency s ince expre ss ions of the form conv conv x

do not o ccur in I indee d the axiom tells us that there i s no reason why we should nee d to


employ such expre ss ions The constraints ar i s ing f rom axiom can imme diately b e translate d into

I formulae just as any other TP relation Instance s of axioms and are of most intere st and

illustrate a general metho d by which I could b e extende d We s ee that each of the s e i s a s imple

Bo olean combination of top ological constraints P and C that can b e directly repre s ente d in I

The s e Bo olean combinations of I expre ss ible constraints can b e interprete d at the metalevel

in terms of Bo olean combinations of I cons i stency problems For example if we have a s et of

f acts expre ss ible in I and add to the s e a f act such that where b oth and

are expre ss ible in I then the s et of f acts f g i s cons i stent if and only if e ither f g i s

cons i stent or f g i s cons i stent However it i s clear that the numb er of I cons i stency checks

require d to te st cons i stency of a spatial s ituation de scr iption involving Bo olean combinations of

I expre ss ible conditions i s exp onential in the numb er of di sjunctions o ccurr ing in the s e Bo olean

combinations Moreover s ince enforcing axioms such as the conv axioms require s one to cons ider

all p oss ible instantiations over the regions mentione d in the s ituation de scr iption the numb er of

di sjunctive constraints may b e quite large

Treatment of axioms and i s encompass e d by a general pro ce dure which enable s enforcement

of all axioms of the form

x x x x x x

n n n

where x x and x x sp ecify s ituations which can b e de scr ib e d by means of I

n n

To te st whether a given I s ituation de scr iption sati se s such an axiom an iterative xe dp oint

metho d can b e us e d

Te st the I de scr iption for cons i stency If it i s incons i stent stop

Check whether any instance of the antece dent i s entaile d by the I de scr iption Thi s involve s

translating into I and substituting all combinations of constants o ccurr ing in the

de scr iption for the f ree var iable s If any such instance i s entaile d add the corre sp onding I

repre s entation of under the same substitution to the de scr iption


In a more complete s et we would have axioms such as which relate s conv to the Bo olean sum operator


Check whether any instance of the cons equent i s incons i stent with the I de scr iption

ie translate into I and substitute all combinations of constants o ccurr ing in the

de scr iption for the f ree var iable s If any such i s incons i stent add the corre sp onding

I repre s entation of the negation of under the same substitution to the de scr iption

If no new information was adde d by steps and stop the s ituation i s cons i stent with the

axiom Otherwi s e go to to te st the new extende d I de scr iption

Thi s pro ce ss must terminate and if the nal s ituation de scr iption i s still cons i stent then the

axiom i s sati sable s ince for all substitutions e ither the antece dent i s not entaile d by the de scr iption

or the cons equent has b een explicitly adde d and the cons equent i s e ither cons i stent with the

de scr iption or the negation of the antece dent has b een adde d Clearly the convexhull axioms

and are of the form which can b e capture d in thi s manner In f act s ince the ir antece dents are

s imple they can b e enforce d quite eciently

In s ection I shall pre s ent a table of compositions of the RCC relations which was

compute d us ing the I reasoning algor ithm given in chapter augmente d with the metalevel

reasoning for conv which has just b een de scr ib e d A full di scuss ion of relational comp os ition can

b e found in the next chapter

Mo dal Repre s entation of Convexity

We have s een how the top ological inter ior function corre sp onds to the S mo dal b ox op erator

Such a corre sp ondence may sugge st that other us eful functions of spatial regions can b e capture d

by mo dal op erators in a order calculus In the remainder of thi s chapter I sp ecify a multimo dal


language with a convex hull op erator Thi s language contains usual class ical connective s which

will b e interprete d algebraically in accordance with s ection plus three mo dal op erators

an inter ior op erator constraine d to b ehave exactly as the S mo dality

 the strongS op erator

the convexity op erator whos e prop ertie s are to b e sp ecie d

To x the meaning of the new op erator we nee d to nd order axiom schemata or rule schemata

to enforce the de s ire d prop ertie s of The s e schemata will corre sp ond to the storder axioms

given ab ove I do not know of a general metho d for p erforming thi s kind of transformation and

it s eems unlikely that such a metho d exi sts However in each cas e we can s ee that under the

algebraic interpretations of the logical op erators the schemata are equivalent to the axioms

The schema corre sp onding to axiom i s very s imple

X X S ch


This mater ial is a slight revision of what I pre s ente d in Bennett b


Axiom i s a little harder to repre s ent as a mo dal schema TPX Y means that X i s a

tangential part of X Thi s holds if e ither X i s a tangential proper part of Y or X i s equal to Y

Thus to repre s ent thi s we us e the enco ding for TPPX Y given in table but drop the s econd

entailment constraint Y X which would ensure that X and Y are non equal Hence us ing the

strongS  rather than the mo delentailmentconstraint di stinction axiom can b e repre s ente d

by the schema

X S ch X X  X

which says that all regions are part of the ir convexhull but not part of the inter ior of the ir convex

hull We may note that the initial  in the rst conjunct i s re dundant s ince it i s implicit in mo dal

axiom schemata that they are true in all p oss ible worlds or in the context of algebraic s emantics

that the ir denotation i s U

Axiom which state s that if X i s part of Y then X i s part of Y can b e repre s ente d by

X Y X Y S ch

Thi s require s some explanation In general where we have a storder axiom of the form p q

thi s will b e translate d by  p q where i s the repre s entation of which ensure s that

if p U then q U Note that we do not nee d  p  q b ecaus e the antece dent

must e ither denote in which cas e the schema i s tr ivially sati se d or it denote s U in which the

cons equent must also denote U If we were to wr ite s imply p q thi s would repre s ent the

stronger requirement that p i s always a subs et of q whether or not p U

Us ing a s imilar transformation axiom can b e straightforwardly repre s ente d by

 X Y  X Y S ch

 X Y corre sp onds to the entailment constraint repre s enting CX Y and ass erts that X

and Y share at least one p oint

Finally axiom can b e straightforwardly capture d by

X Y X Y S ch

It should b e note d that the strongS op erator  i s not nee de d if we sp ecify the logic by means

of rule schemata rather than only axiom schemata For example Sch b ecome s




which tells us that i s monotonic with re sp ect to the part relation ie

The s econd conjunct of Sch would corre sp ond to the rule




and Sch to the rule



Practicality of the Mo dal Repre s entation

The p oss ibility of sp ecifying convexhull as a mo dal op erator illustrate s the p otential expre ss ive

p ower of multimodal formali sms as repre s entations for spatial information However whether

such logics could actually b e us e d as vehicle s for eective reasoning remains debatable As in the

cas e of the s impler S and I repre s entations of purely top ological relations it i s likely that

by limiting the range of formulae that can b e employe d to s imple syntactic forms one might b e

able to construct eective deci s ion pro ce dure s for some sublanguage of thi s multimodal language

of convexity The crucial que stion i s whether us eful expre ss ive p ower can b e provide d within a

tractable repre s entation


Comp o s ition Bas e d Re asoning

Or iginating in Allens analys i s of temp oral relations the us e of Composition Tables has b ecome

a key technique in providing an ecient inference mechani sm for a wide class of theor ie s In

thi s chapter I examine comp os itional reasoning in general and its us e in spatial reasoning I

pre s ent comp os ition table s for s everal imp ortant s ets of RCC relations including the RCC

relations intro duce d in s ection Thi s table was compute d us ing the intuitioni stic

enco ding de scr ib e d in chapter together with the metalevel enco ding of convexity axioms

sp ecie d in s ection Finally I lo ok at the formali sm of Relation Algebra and show how

it allows algebraic denition of the RCC relations in terms of the pr imitive connecte dne ss


Comp o s ition Table s

A compositional inference i s a de duction f rom two relational f acts of the forms Ra b and S b c

of a relational f act of the form T a c involving only a and c Such inference s may b e us eful in

the ir own r ight or may b e employe d as part of a larger inference mechani sm such as a cons i stency

checking pro ce dure for s ets of relational f acts In e ither cas e one will normally want to de duce the

stronge st relation T a c that i s entaile d by Ra b S b c and which i s expre ss ible in whatever

formali sm i s b e ing employe d

In many cas e s the validity of a comp os itional inference do e s not dep end on the particular

constants involve d but only on logical prop ertie s of the relations R S and T Where thi s i s so it

make s s ens e f rom a computational p oint of view to record the comp os itions of pairs of relations

so that the re sult of a comp os itional inference can s imply b e lo oke d up when require d Thi s

technique i s particularly appropr iate where we are dealing with relational information involving a

xe d s et of relations One can then store the re sult of comp os ing any pair f rom a s et of n relations

in an n n composition table The s implicity of thi s idea make s it very attractive as a p otential

means of achieving eective capabilitie s for reasoning ab out any domain within which s ignicant

information can b e repre s ente d by a limite d s et of binary relations Since the ir intro duction by



Allen comp os ition table s have rece ive d cons iderable attention f rom re s earchers in AI and

relate d di scipline s Vilain and Kautz Egenhofer and Franzosa Freksa a Randell

Cohn and Cui a Rohr ig Cohn Go o day and Bennett Schlie der

Given a s et Rels of binary relations a comp os ition table can b e identie d with a mapping


CT Rels Rels ie if R and R are elements of Rels then the value of CT R R

i s a subs et of Rels which i s the comp os ition table entry for the pair hR R i The s et Rels will

b e calle d the basis s et of CT Clearly if there are n relations in Rels then the comp os ition table

for Rels can b e repre s ente d by an n n array or table In f act b ecaus e of the nature of relational

comp os ition such an array i s a very inecient way to store thi s information I de scr ib e d the

re dundancy inherent in comp os ition table s in Bennett a and an abbreviate d vers ion of thi s

mater ial i s include d as app endix D of thi s the s i s

For many purp os e s a comp os ition table entry i s asso ciate d with a di sjunctive relation Becaus e

of thi s it i s convenient to b e able to wr ite a s et of relation name s as if it were the name of a

di sjunctive relation Thus

fR R ga b means xy R x y R x y a b

n n

It i s usual to assume that the elements of Rels form a JEPD partition of the p oss ible relations which

can hold b etween pairs of ob jects in the domain under cons ideration ie every pair of ob jects in

the domain i s relate d by exactly one of the memb ers of Rels Under the s e conditions any Bo olean

combination of relations i s equivalent to a di sjunction of memb ers of Rels

The preci s e meaning of a comp os ition table dep ends to some extent on the context in which it

i s employe d Sometime s it i s a record of certain kinds of cons equence of some underlying theory

which may already b e fully or partially formalis e d Alter natively the sp ecication of a comp os ition

table may prece de the development of a formal theory of the relations involve d and i s an initial

step in sp ecifying the theory of some s et of intuitively understo o d relations In e ither cas e the

fundamental mo de of reasoning enco de d in a comp os ition table i s to te st cons i stency of tr iads of

relations of the forms Ra b S b c T a c where R S T Rels such a tr iad i s cons i stent if

and only if T CT R S

Comp os itional reasoning can b e generali s e d to the cas e where one comp os e s relations which

are thems elve s di sjunctions Here it i s usually assume d that the comp os ition of two di sjunctive

relations Ra b and S b c i s s imply the di sjunction of all p oss ible comp os itions R a b and


S b c where R and S are re sp ectively di sjuncts of R and S Thus the domain of the function

j i j

CT can b e extende d to di sjunctive relations as follows


i j def


If Ra b S b c and T a c are di sjunctive relations then by computing the generali s e d com

p os ition of R and S it may b e found that some of the di sjuncts of T are not p oss ible Eliminating


In fact Allen calle d his table a transitivity table but comp osition table is arguably more appropr iate and it

s eems that this is becoming the standard term


such di sjuncts can b e regarde d as a generali sation of the s imple tr iad cons i stency checking pro ce d

ure for nondi sjunctive relations The more general comp os ition rule for di sjunctive relations can

b e formally sp ecie d by the following inference rule schema

Ra b S b c T a c


CT R S T a c

If T CT R S no new information i s generate d otherwi s e T a c i s replace d by the stronger

relation CT R S T a c If CT R S i s di sjoint f rom T then an incons i stency has b een

detecte d

Rep eate d application of the inference rule Comp i s known as comp os itional constraint propaga

tion It i s clear that given any s et of instance s of the di sjunctive relations over Rels after rep eate d

application of Comp one will e ither generate an incons i stency or reach a state where no new in

formation can b e generate d by Comp If an incons i stency has b een detecte d we can say that the

relation s et i s incons i stent with re sp ect to CT otherwi s e it i s cons i stent with re sp ect to CT

Soundne s s and Completene s s of a Comp o s ition Table

The i ssue of the conditions under which a comp os ition table can provide a complete cons i stency

checking pro ce dure for relational f acts was rai s e d and di scuss e d by Bennett Isli and Cohn

The notions of soundne ss and completene ss of a comp os ition table app eal to some underlying theory

or intuition of the meanings of the relations involve d To say that a comp os ition table i s sound i s

to say that whenever a s et of relations i s determine d by that comp os ition table to b e incons i stent

then that s et of relations i s indee d incons i stent with the underlying theory or intuition Likewi s e a

comp os ition table i s complete p erhaps one should say refutation complete if whenever a s et of

relations i s incons i stent with the background theoryintuitions thi s can b e detecte d by reference

to the comp os ition table

The s e ideas nee d to b e made more preci s e I stipulate that

A comp os ition table CT for a relation s et Rels i s sound wrt some p oss ibly unformali s e d

theory if whenever we nd among some s et of instance s of Rels a tr iad Ra b S b c

T a c such that T CT R S then thi s s et of instance s i s incons i stent with

To make the completene ss prop erty fully preci s e we rst nee d the following denition a s et of

relation instance s i s total if every pair of constants o ccurr ing in the s e instance s o ccur together in


exactly one instance ie every pair of constants are uniquely relate d I then say that

A comp os ition table CT for a relation s et Rels i s refutation complete wrt some p oss ibly

unformali s e d theory if whenever some total s et S of instance s of Rels i s incons i stent with

we can nd relations Ra b S b c T a c S st T CT R S


If a s et of relation instance s is not total this means that some pair of constants are not constraine d by any

relation Any pair of unconstraine d constants are implicitly relate d by the universal relation x y When we

are dealing with a JEPD relation s et Rels the universal relation is just the disjunction of all relations in Rels This

means that a noncomplete s et of relation instance s contains implicit disjunctive relations The requirement that

the relation s et is total can then be s een as part of the requirement that the relation s et is nondisjunctive


Supp os e a comp os ition table i s sound and complete with re sp ect to for nondi sjunctive

relations do e s thi s mean that by employing comp os itional constraint propagation ie rep eate d

application of Comp we get a cons i stency checking pro ce dure which i s sound and complete wrt

for di sjunctive relations It i s quite easy to show that comp os itional constraint propagation

must b e sound if tr iad cons i stency checking for nondi sjunctive relations i s sound Thi s i s b ecaus e

given any relations Ra b S b c and T a c the rule Comp only eliminate s thos e di sjuncts

of T that are incons i stent with any p oss ible nondi sjunctive strengthening of R and S However

comp os itional constraint propagation i s not in general complete The problem i s that although each

tr iad of di sjunctive relations b etween three constants may b e cons i stent there may b e no s ingle

nondi sjunctive sp eciali sation of all the di sjunctive relations such that every tr iad i s cons i stent

On the other hand if a comp os ition table i s complete for nondi sjunctive relations thi s do e s

always yield a complete refutation pro ce dure for di sjunctive relations by us e of a backtracking

s earch algor ithm Clearly a s et of di sjunctive relation instance s i s cons i stent just in cas e there i s

some nondi sjunctive strengthening of the s e instance s which i s its elf cons i stent Thi s can always

b e found by exhaustive s earch of all p oss ible combinations of nondi sjunctive sp eciali sations of

the di sjunctive relations Computationally thi s metho d require s time which i s exp onential in the

numb er of di sjunctions whereas the application of comp os itional constraint propagation require s

only O n time where n i s the numb er of constants o ccurr ing in the s et of relations to b e te ste d

Cons equently there has b een much intere st in di scover ing sp ecic s ets of di sjunctive relations for

which the comp os itional constraint propagation metho d i s indee d complete Vilain and Kautz

Neb el a Neb el b Renz and Neb el In the re st of thi s chapter I shall not b e

much concer ne d with the tractability of reasoning with di sjunctive relation s ets so my attention

will b e largely conne d to total s ets of nondi sjunctive relations

Formal Theor ie s and Comp o s ition Table s

In the previous s ection the prop ertie s of soundne ss and completene ss of a comp os ition table were

dene d on the assumption that one has some metho d of te sting cons i stency of s ets of ground

relations If the bas i s relations are dene d in some formal theory then thi s can b e te ste d by means

of some refutation pro of pro ce dure for the logical language in which the theory i s formulate d I

shall now lo ok in more detail at how a comp os ition table can b e compute d f rom a formal theory

and what the table means in terms of the theory We shall s ee that the p oss ibility of sp ecifying a

sound and complete comp os ition table for a s et of relations with re sp ect to some theory dep ends

up on certain prop ertie s of that theory

Although the denitions of comp os ition table soundne ss and completene ss in terms of cons i st

ency s eem at rst s ight to b e very straightforward when we try to de scr ib e exactly how comp os ition

table entr ie s should b e logically de duce d f rom a formal theory certain dicultie s ar i s e At the

heart of the s e problems i s the way in which the comp os itional prop ertie s of relations should b e

abstracte d f rom prop ertie s of ground instance s of the s e relations Whilst comp os itional reason

ing and its soundne ss and completene ss are character i s e d in terms of ground instance s the table


its elf contains only relation name s Becaus e of thi s if a comp os ition table i s to b e coherent the

logic of relational comp os ition must b e in some s ens e homogeneous with re sp ect to the domain of


Let us assume that the e ss ential character i stic of a comp os ition table i s its ability to di scr iminate

b etween cons i stent and incons i stent tr iads of relations Thi s leads to the following stipulation for

the comp os ition function

CTdef Given a theory in which a s et Rels of bas e relations i s dene d the comp os ition

CT R S where R S Rels i s the s et of all relations T Rels for which the formula


xy z Rx y S y z T x z i s cons i stent with


Here I have us e d exi stential quantication to indicate that if the combination Rx y

S y z T x z i s p oss ible for any three individuals in the domain then T must b e include d

i i

in the comp os ition of R and S Thi s ensure s soundne ss of the comp os ition table s ince only tr iads

that are imp oss ible under any instantiation are rule d out by the comp os ition table

However it i s not at all clear that thi s denition give s r i s e to a complete comp os ition table

One p oss ible problem o ccurs if we cons ider a language containing constants denoting entitie s with

sp ecial logical prop ertie s eg the universal region denote d by u in the RCC theory if the f acts

Rx y and S x y involve one of the s e constants certain p oss ibilitie s for the relation T x z

might in thi s cas e b e imp oss ible and in such sp ecial cas e s the comp os itional inference justie d

by the comp os ition table would b e to o weak to ensure completene ss Even if our language do e s

not contain sp ecial constants it i s still by no means obvious that comp os itional reasoning provide s

a complete refutation pro ce dure It may b e that there are theor ie s and relation s ets for which one

may have a total network of relation instance s which i s incons i stent even though every tr iad of

the s e instance s i s cons i stent with the theory

Neverthele ss COMPdef must surely b e the correct denition of the CT function any stronger

denition would b e unsound b ecaus e it would tell us that some tr iad of relations i s imp oss ible when

in f act there i s at least one instantiation for which it i s p oss ible Cons equently we must identify

conditions under which COMPdef yields a comp os ition table which i s complete with re sp ect to

To thi s end I intro duce the concept of k compactness applicable to a relation s et relative to a theory


within which the relations are dene d

A relation s et Rels i s k compact wrt a theory i for any total network of instance s

of Rels the network i s incons i stent with i it include s a subnetwork of s ize k or le ss

which i s incons i stent with

For some s ets of relations we may nd that there can b e arbitrar ily large incons i stent total

networks all of whos e subnetworks are cons i stent We say that the s e are not nitely compact If

there can b e an innite incons i stent network with no nite incons i stent subnetwork the relation


s et i s not compact at all


This concept was rst intro duce d in Bennett et al


My notion of compactne ss is directly analogous to that which is applie d to logical language s such a language

is compact if every inconsistent s et of formulae has a nite inconsistent subs et


From the denition of k compactne ss it imme diately follows that a comp os ition table for a s et

of relations Rels can b e complete only if Rels i s compact with re sp ect to Furthermore if we are

concer ne d with a language in which all individual constants are arbitrary ie we have no constants

referr ing to particular individuals with sp ecial prop ertie s then if Rels i s compact with re sp ect

to the comp os ition table for Rels constructe d according to COMPdef must b e complete with

re sp ect to

Not all relation s ets are compact cons ider a theory in which individuals have the prop ertie s

of equal s ize d di scs in the plain and a s et of relations including the relation of external connection

The theory require s that any given circle can b e exter nally connecte d to a maximum of s ix other

circle s thi s could b e sp ecie d directly as an axiom of the theory or could b e a cons equence of

the axiom s et Hence a s ituation in which s even regions are all mutually exter nally connecte d i s


incons i stent but thi s cannot b e detecte d by checking any tr iad of relations b etween three regions

Hence no s et of relations including a relation of exter nal connection can b e compact with re sp ect

to thi s theory

The Extens ional Denition of Comp o s ition

The notion of compactne ss yields a preci s e sp ecication of what relationship i s nece ssary b etween

a s et of relations and a theory in order that one might construct a complete comp os ition table for

that relation s et However b e ing state d in terms of the relationship b etween lo cal and overall con

s i stency thi s sp ecication i s e ss entially metatheoretic Establi shing compactne ss will typically

involve rst showing that some class of mo dels i s canonical for the theory ie every cons i stent

s et of relational constraints has a mo del in thi s class which i s cons i stent with the theory and

then demonstrating by reasoning ab out the s e mo dels that if there i s a mo del which i s lo cally

cons i stent with every tr iad of relational constraints there must also b e a mo del which i s cons i stent

with the whole s et of constraints Such pro ofs are often dicult and very much dep endent on

the sp ecic relational theory under cons ideration Hence it would b e very de s irable to have some

general cr iter ia for compactne ss that could b e state d in terms of the theory in que stion It s eems

plaus ible that one might b e able to demonstrate that given a s et of relations and a theory the

relations are compact with re sp ect the theory just in cas e certain formulae are theorems of that


A promi s ing approach to thi s problem i s to try to cast the requirements of compactne ss and

hence comp os ition table completene ss in terms of the op eration of extensional composition which

i s denable within any storder theory Thi s op eration i s bas e d on the following denition of the

comp os ition of two relations which i s standard in s et theory

EXCOMPdef Let R b e a relation f rom A to B and R b e a relation f rom B to C ie

A B and C are s ets R A B and R B C Then the composition of R with R

R R i s the s et of all ordere d pairs ha ci A C such that for some b B ha bi R

and hb ci R


This example is de scr ibe d in Cui Cohn and Randell


In storder logic the extens ional comp os ition op erator can b e dene d by

xy R S x y z Rx z S z y ExComp

Thi s denition i s str ictly stronger than the cons i stencybas e d denition not only do e s it ensure

that whenever Ra b and S b c hold R S a c must also hold it also require s that whenever

R S a c holds there must exi st some region say b st Ra b and S b c In f act the infer

ence f rom Ra b and S b c to R S a c must b e the stronge st comp os itional inference that i s

valid for any arbitrary constants a b and c Since b i s arbitrary our premi ss e s are equivalent to

z Ra z S z c and we can instantiate ExComp to get R S a c z Ra z S z c

Hence the conclus ion R S a c i s logically equivalent to the premi ss e s and any inference to a

stronger relation T a c would b e unsound

If a comp os ition table CT sati se s the cons i stencybas e d denition of comp os ition CTdef it

i s easy to show that the extens ional comp os ition R S always denote s a relation whos e extens ion

i s a subs et of that of CT R S Thi s means that for each comp os ition table entry the following

formula i s provable

xy R S x y CT R S x y

Unlike CT R S the relation R S nee d not nece ssar ily b e equivalent to some di sjunction of a

xe d s et of bas e relations If not then CT R S must b e str ictly weaker than R S Neverthele ss

for a particular theory and s et of relations it may b e that cons i stencybas e d comp os ition coincide s

with the extens ional denition ie

R S Relsxy CT R S x y R S x y

Since CT R S i s always s imply a di sjunction of relations taken f rom Rels thi s formula can only

b e true if the s et of di sjunctive relations over Rels i s clos e d under the extens ional comp os ition

op erator

In Bennett et al it was sugge ste d that if CT i s not extens ional ie CT R S i s weaker

than R S for certain relations then thi s must mean that information i s lost when cons i stency

bas e d comp os itions are compute d via CT and cons equently that if cons i stency of a network

i s te ste d solely by propagation of constraints imp os e d by a nonextens ional comp os ition table

we may nd that it s eems to b e cons i stent when it i s actually incons i stent Thi s conjecture i s

supp orte d by the f act that R S give s the stronge st p oss ible comp os itional inference that i s sound

for arbitrary arguments However the conditions under which extens ional comp os ition provide s a


refutationcomplete pro of pro ce dure have thems elve s not b een e stabli she d nor i s it certain that

there cannot b e s ets of relations for which a weaker form of comp os itional inference might b e

refutationcomplete Until the s e i ssue s have b een re solve d the connection b etween extens ional

comp os ition and comp os ition table completene ss i s not clear

To clar ify the prece ding remarks it may b e helpful to cons ider the cas e of the Allen relations

In hi s or iginal pre s entation of a comp os ition table for temp oral relations Allen app ears


That the basic relations are JEPD and that they include equality are conditions that s eem likely to be imp ortant


to employ a cons i stency bas e d interpretation of comp os ition table entr ie s However a storder

theory of temp oral intervals was later given by Allen and Haye s and thi s theory justie s

extens ional interpretation of the Allen comp os ition table Ladkin showe d that the s e axioms

are also f aithful to the intende d interpretation in that the ir mo dels are i somorphic to structure s of

intervals over an unb ounde d linear order The compactne ss can then b e e stabli she d by analys ing


the s e mo dels in the light of Hellys theorem What i s not clear i s whether there i s a connection

b etween the f act that the Allen relations are compact and the f act that the di sjunctive Allen

relations are clos e d under extens ional comp os ition

Comp o s ition Table s and CSPs

A f ramework for problem solving that has rece ive d a great deal of attention f rom AI re s earchers i s

that of Constraint Satisfaction Problems CSPs Mackworth Tsang A CSP cons i sts

of a s et of var iable s and a s et of constraints on p oss ible value s of the s e var iable s The s e constraints

can b e regarde d as a s et of tuple s of p oss ible ass ignments p erhaps not explicitly given but checke d

on demand by some pro ce dure or as sp ecie d by some theory The typ e of reasoning involve d

in solving a CSP has much in common with that employe d in cons i stency checking by means of

comp os itional reasoning Although constraints of time and space p ermit only a very br ief lo ok

at CSPs to b e include d in the current the s i s they may prove to b e a p owerful to ol for spatial


There are two ways in which the notion of a comp os ition table can b e ass imilate d into the

f ramework of CSPs One i s to treat the comp os ition table as a s et of ter nary constraints on

var iable s ranging over relation name s s ee eg Gr igni Papadias and Papadimitr iou Thus

for each ordere d pair of ob jects hx y i the CSP has one var iable v x y whos e domain i s the

s et Rels A comp os ition table CT i s then interprete d as a s et of constraints which can b e sp ecie d

as all instance s of formulae of the form

v x y R v y z S v x z CT R S

Thi s approach i s applicable to any comp os ition table and do e s not tell us anything ab out the

relations involve d

A more illuminating approach i s to regard the relations in a bas i s s et Rels as thems elve s con

stituting the constraints of a CSP Thi s require s further analys i s of the logical structure of the

relations involve d In the cas e of the Allen relations a natural interpretation i s to identify the

relations with order constraints on the endp oints of temp oral intervals and to take the s e end

p oints as elements of an ordere d linear eld such as the real or rational numb ers Vilain and Kautz

Neb el b In s ections and we saw how many top ological RCC relations can b e

repre s ente d by equational and di s equational constraints over inter ior algebras


Hellys theorem state s that the inters ection of a s et of convex subspace s of a space of dimension n has a

nonempty inters ection just in cas e every n members of that s et have a nonempty inters ection Thus a s et

of linear intervals has a common inters ection i every subs et of three intervals has a nonempty inters ection By

character ising the Allen relations in terms of nonemptine ss conditions one can then show that a total network of

the s e relations is consistent i every tr iad is consistent


Comp o s ition Table s for RCC Relations

I now pre s ent comp os ition table s for three of the most s ignicant s ets of RCC relations The s e

table s are constructe d in accordance with the cons i stencybas e d sp ecication of comp os ition given

by CTdef Later in s ection I shall cons ider the p oss ibility of an extens ional interpretation

of the RCC table


Recall that RCC i s the relation s et fDR PO EQ PP PPig re sulting f rom ignor ing the dierence s

b etween connection and overlapping and b etween tangential and nontangential parts which are

made by the RCC relations As we saw in chapter each RCC relation can b e de scr ib e d by

means of p os itive and negative Bo olean equations and cons equently RCC reasoning can b e enco de d

in terms of class ical mo del and entailment constraints within the order language C In f act

given the limite d expre ss ive p ower of C I have not implemente d a purely class ical reasoner but

have concentrate d on reasoners for the more expre ss ive language I which can expre ss the more

di scr iminating RCC relation s et Hence table was actually obtaine d by merging entr ie s in the

RCC comp os ition table given in the next s ection Note that the symb ol refers to the universal

relation which means that no bas e relation i s exclude d


R(b c)



R(a b)








Table Comp os ition table for the RCC Relations


The RCC comp os ition table was generate d us ing the I enco ding of the relations by means of

my rst implementation of an optimi s e d I theorem prover The co de i s given in app endix C The

entry for relations R and R was compute d by te sting the cons i stency of the spatial conguration

R a b R b c R a c where R i s each of the RCC relations Running on a Sparc

i i


workstation the program generate d the full composition table for RCC in under s econds

In s ection I shall show that the RCC relations are compact with re sp ect to the ir

interpretation in the theory of inter ior algebras Thi s means that the comp os ition table provide s a

refutationcomplete pro of pro ce dure for s ets of RCC relational f acts


By exploiting the re sults of appendix D concerning re dundancy in comp osition table s the table could have been

compute d in approximately one sixth of this time























Table Comp os ition table for the RCC relations


In s ection we saw how var ious containment relations can b e dene d by means of the exten

de d RCC theory with a convexhull op erator In particular the JEPD relation s et RCC was

intro duce d in which the EC and DC relations of RCC are further analys e d in order to sp ecify

the relation holding b etween each region and the convex hull of the other Table give s the

full comp os ition table for the RCC relations If R a b and R b c where R i s the relation

sp ecie d in the left hand column and R i s sp ecie d along the top the corre sp onding table entry

enco de s the p oss ible value s of the relation R a c

Becaus e each table entry i s some subs et of p oss ible bas e relations there i s not enough space

to give the actual relation name s Hence in order to pre s ent the table on a s ingle page a sp ecially

conci s e notation was employe d Each of the relations i s repre s ente d by one of the two symb ols

and at a certain p os ition in a matr ix The s e repre s entations are shown in the s econd

column Table entr ie s are constructe d by sup er imp os ing the repre s entations for each of the p oss ible

relations Where and should b oth b e pre s ent in the same p os ition the symb ol i s us e d

The table was generate d us ing the metalevel enforcement of the conv axioms in the I repre s

entation as de scr ib e d in s ection Us ing an augmente d vers ion of the I reasoning program

given in app endix C the table was pro duce d in h m on a Sparc workstation It was sub

s equently publi she d in Bennett b The task of generating thi s table had b een prop os e d two

years earlier as a challenge for comp os ition in Randell Cohn and Cui a Cohn Randell

Cui and Bennett contains a s imilar table constructe d us ing a mo del building approach but

it has subs equently b een found that the table given there i s to o str ict in that it rule s out certain

congurations which are in f act p oss ible for D spatial regions My table has not b een found to

contain any f als e entr ie s

It i s intere sting to note that generation of thi s table was in f act one of the very rst re sults on

spatial reasoning that I obtaine d dur ing my PhD re s earch The idea of the program was inspire d

by an account of Tarskis top ological interpretation of I given by Mostowski After a p er io d

of intens ive co ding and exp er imentation I found mys elf with a program that s eeme d to generate


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

?          ?    ?                                                      

                  ?    ?       ?                                       

Rel Rep

                                 ?       ?       ?                     

                                                   ?       ?       ?   

?   ?   ?      ?                                                           

         ?      ?   ?                                                     






         ?      ?   ?   ?               ?                                   






         ?      ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?                    





 ?  ?          ?    ?                                                      

4                      ?    ?       ?                                       

                                    ?       ?       ?                     


                                                      ?       ?       ?   

  ?            ?   ?   ?                                                   

                           ?      ?                                      






                     ?   ??  ?   ??? ?                                      


                     ?   ??     ???    ?      ??     ???    ?      ??     ???   


                                                      ?      ??     ???   


7 ?      ??  ?   ?      ?   ?                                                  





8  ?      ?  ?    ?     ?                  ?   ?                                





9          ?                           ?   ?                                





10   ?     ??      ?                                        ?   ?              





11                                                       ?   ?              





12       ??  ?               ?   ?   ?   ?                                      

?      ??     ?                                                           




13    ?   ?   ?               ?   ?   ?   ?                                      





14        ?  ?                                 ?   ?   ?   ?                    

 ?      ?      ?                                                          




15          ?                                 ?   ?   ?   ?                    





16        ??                                                    ?   ?   ?   ?  

  ?     ??      ?                                                         




17                                                             ?   ?   ?   ?  





18       ??  ?               ?   ?   ?   ?                                      



?      ??     ?                                                           


19    ?   ?   ?               ?   ?   ?   ?                                      





20        ?  ?                                 ?   ?   ?   ?                    



 ?      ?      ?                                                          


21          ?                                 ?   ?   ?   ?                    





22        ??                                                    ?   ?   ?   ?  



  ?     ??      ?                                                         


23                                                             ?   ?   ?   ?  




Table Comp os ition table for the RCC relations


the correct comp os ition table Much of the re st of the work done dur ing my PhD re s earch was

concer ne d with di scover ing exactly how thi s program worke d

Compactne s s of RCC

By analys ing Neb els class ical enco ding of the RCC relations de scr ib e d in s ection I

shall now show that the RCC relations are compact with re sp ect to the cons i stency checking

pro ce dure provide d by the I repre s entation Becaus e of Tarskis top ological interpretation of I

it follows that the RCC relations are compact with re sp ect to the general theory of top ological

space s within which the s e relations are character i s e d as sp ecie d in table

Under the forcing constraint interpretation each constantregion a i s identie d with three

class ical literals Fv a Fw a and Fw a and each RCC relation Ra b i s sp ecie d by

a s et of binary claus e s involving the literals asso ciate d with a and b Amongst the s e claus e s I

include thos e ar i s ing f rom the order ing condition on the worlds as well as directly f rom the mo del

and entailment constraints For thi s repre s entation it i s clear that binary re solution provide s a

refutation complete pro of pro ce dure

The forcing constraint claus e s are cons i stent if and only if the I constraints f rom which they

are der ive d are cons i stent and the s e in tur n are cons i stent if and only if the corre sp onding inter ior


algebraic constraints are sati sable in some top ological space Thus inference s among RCC

relations are mirrore d by logical der ivations among the corre sp onding class ical forcing constraints

Sp ecically the forcing constraint claus e s corre sp onding to the comp os ition of two RCC relations

R a b and R b c are all thos e re solvents involving only a and c literals generate d by applying

binary re solution to the combine d s ets of forcing constraint claus e s asso ciate d with the two relations

Thi s s et contains all der ivable forcing constraints on a and c Thus an RCC comp os ition

i s asso ciate d with a s et of binary re solutions among CNF claus e s Convers ely every binary

re solution among forcing constraint claus e s i s correlate d with the comp os ition of a pair of RCC

relations Becaus e binary re solution i s refutationcomplete for class ical claus e s it follows that an

RCC network can b e shown to b e incons i stent by means of comp os itional inference if and only

if it i s incons i stent with re sp ect to the theory of inter ior algebras

What I have just shown i s not quite sucient to conclude that the RCC relation s et i s

compact with re sp ect to the theory of inter ior algebras It could b e that showing incons i stency by

comp os itional inference might require a chain of s everal such inference s whereas if a relation s et

i s compact then any incons i stent network contains an incons i stent tr iad of relational f acts which

can b e detecte d by a s ingle comp os itional inference Happily as I shall now show it tur ns out that

incons i stency of a total network of RCC relations as interprete d in inter ior algebra can always

b e detecte d by a s ingle comp os itional inference

In the I enco ding the detection of an incons i stent tr iad corre sp onds to the di scovery of two


An intr iguing que stion regarding this corre sp ondence is whether there is an intuitive top ological interpretation

of the forcing constraints and the three worlds asso ciate d with each region


y z z y y z y z y z z y

x y x z x z

x y x z x z

x z x z x z x z x y

y x z x z x

x z x z x z x y x z

z x y x z x

Table Comp os itional inference s among I formulae


mo del constraint formulae x y and y z that entail some entailment constraint x z

x y and y z can each take one of s even p oss ible forms Table give s for each such

combination the stronge st entaile d formula involving only x and z Where the entry i s thi s

means that the only der ivable formulae involving just x and z are theorems of I Thi s can b e

ver ie d by noting that for each of the s e combinations e ither by supp os ing that y i s a theorem of

I or by supp os ing that y i s incons i stent one can der ive b oth x y and y z for arbitrary

instantiations of x and z Thus ass erting x y and y z do e s not logically constrain the

value s of x and z In all other table entr ie s we s ee that the stronge st der ivable formula i s its elf

one of the s even mo del constraints So binary comp os ition of mo del constraint formulae e ither

pro duce s no new information or a new mo del constraint formula

If one then cons iders the mo del and entailment constraints asso ciate d with each of the RCC

relations one nds that each relation i s saturate d with re sp ect to to mo del constraint formulae

in the s ens e that each of the s even p oss ible mo del constraints i s e ither entaile d by the mo del

constraint asso ciate d with the relation or entails one of the entailment constraints asso ciate d with

that relation Thi s means that if we add a new mo del constraint formula to the I repre s entation

of a total RCC network it i s e ither re dundant or make s the network incons i stent It follows that

whenever a total RCC network can b e shown to b e incons i stent by binary comp os ition of I mo del

constraints thi s can b e shown by a s ingle application of thi s typ e of inference Moreover s ince

comp os itional inference has b een shown to b e complete for te sting incons i stency with re sp ect to

the interpretation in the theory of inter ior algebras it must also follow that the RCC relations

are compact with re sp ect to thi s theory

The compactne ss of RCC with re sp ect to inter ior algebra can b e contraste d with a re sult

of Gr igni et al concer ning the realisability of a s et of RCC relational f acts by a s et of

s implyconnecte d planar regions Drawing on re sults of Krato chvl ab out the recognition of

reali sable str ing graphs Gr igni et al conclude that te sting whether a s et of such f acts has a

mo del in which the constants refer to regions in the plane that are b ounde d by Jordan curve s i s

NPhard Thi s means that the RCC relations cannot b e nitely compact with re sp ect to a theory

which constrains the regions in thi s way Cons equently no comp os ition table can b e complete for

te sting cons i stency of RCC relations in thi s re str icte d planar domain


A nonnull entailment constraint x is equivalent to x x and can be treate d as be ing of the form x y


Exi stential Imp ort in RCC Comp o s itions

Examination of the comp os ition table for RCC table reveals that an extens ional interpret

ation i s not compatible with the storder RCC theory Cons ider the entry for CT DC DC which

i s given as the universal relation Interprete d extens ionally thi s would mean that

xy z DCx z DCz y x y

which i s equivalent to

xy z DCx z DCz y

Thi s says that given any two regions x and y there i s a region z di sconnecte d f rom b oth of them

But thi s contradicts the RCC theory which allows that the sum of x and y may b e the univers e

in which cas e no region would b e di sconnecte d f rom b oth the s e regions

Another slightly more complex example i s provide d by the comp os ition of EC and TPP which

i s given as fEC PO TPP NTPPg corre sp onding to an extens ional comp os ition de scr ib e d by

xy z ECx z TPPz y

ECx y POx y TPPx y NTPPx y

Thi s says that whenever regions a b are relate d by e ither of ECPOTPP or NTPP there must b e a

third region c such that ECa c TPPc b Situations sati sfying the s e conditions are illustrate d

in Figure As long as b i s an ordinary b ounde d region a region c sati sfying the appropr iate

conditions can always b e found However if a i s an ordinary region and b u then NTPPa b

but no region c can b e found which i s a TPP of b the univers e has no tangential prop er parts

c c c a a c b a b a b b

EC(a,b) PO(a,b) TPP(a,b) NTPP(a,b)

Figure Comp os ition of EC and TPP i s not fully extens ional

There are a numb er of ways that one might b e able to avoid such problems and hence construct

an extens ional comp os ition table The most obvious i s to remove the universal region u f rom the

domain of p oss ible referents of the region constants All the exceptions to extens ional comp os ition

that I am aware of involve u so it s eems that an extens ional interpretation could b e achieve d with

re sp ect to a mo die d theory without a universal region The domain of thi s new theory would then

b e more homogeneous and more s imilar to that of the Allen relations where intervals are always

b ounde d Alter natively it might b e p oss ible to retain u by rening the s et of relations so as to

dierentiate relations involving u f rom thos e among ordinary regions It s eems plaus ible that by

adding thi s additional expre ss ive p ower to the bas e relations one could arr ive at an extens ional

comp os ition table Of cours e the bas i s of the table would cons i st of cons iderably more than e ight



Relation Algebras

A formali sm that has b een valuable in the analys i s of comp os ition bas e d reasoning algor ithms for

temp oral relations Ladkin and Maddux i s Relation Algebra in which relations are cons idere d

as elements of a Bo olean algebra augmente d with composition and converse op erators ob eying

axioms rst sp ecie d by Tarski and later inve stigate d in great detail in Tarski and Givant

Although I have so f ar obtaine d only preliminary re sults concer ning the character i sation of

RCC relations within thi s formali sm I think it i s appropr iate to include the s e here I b elieve that

Relation Algebra may tur n out to provide a very p owerful language for automate d reasoning

A Relation Algebra i s a Bo olean algebra which has in addition to the usual sum product

and complement two additional op erators a binary composition op erator and a unary

converse op erator It also has constants denoting the identity relation and the universal

relation thi s i s not e ss ential s ince it i s denable by The ob jects of a Relation

Algebra are intende d to b e binary relations conce ive d of as s ets of pairs However it tur ns out

that thi s standard interpretation i s not p oss ible for every Relation Algebra

Under the intende d interpretation and repre s ent thos e op erators which in a storder

theory of relations could b e schematically dene d as follows

R S x y z Rx z S z y


R x y Ry x


x y x y


But in a Relation Algebra relations are bas ic entitie s and the op erators are given an algebraic

character i sation so that they can b e studie d in a order f ramework Hence a Relation Algebra

must ob ey in addition to some axiom s et character i s ing a Bo olean algebra the identitie s given in

table which x the meanings of and

x y z x y z x y x y

x y z x z y z x y y x

x x x x y y y

x x

Table Equational axioms for a Relation Algebra

It i s known that in general reasoning in a Relation Algebra i s undecidable and thi s counts

against the p otential us efulne ss of the s e algebras in automate d reasoning However for many


sp ecic algebras cons i stency checking i s decidable and may even b e p olynomial Indee d if an

extens ionally interprete d comp os ition table can b e given for a vo cabulary of bas ic relations in a

Relation Algebra thi s can b e us e d to eliminate the comp os ition op eration f rom complex algebraic


Some complexity re sults for reasoning with relation algebras are given by Ladkin and Maddux


terms and thi s will lead directly to a deci s ion pro ce dure I b elieve that the viability of Relation

Algebra as a formali sm for automate d reasoning de s erve s further exploration

Dening Spatial Relations

The Relation Algebra formali sm can b e us e d to sp ecify a spatial Relation Algebra which de scr ib e s

the same domain as the RCC theory As in the storder RCC theory I start with a connecte dne ss

relation which i s axiomatis e d to b e symmetr ic and reexive I now denote relations by the same

letters as the ir RCC counterparts but in lower cas e Be ing symmetr ic and reexive c must ob ey

the axioms

c c symmetry and c c reexivity

In terms of c one can eas ily dene some of the more s ignicant relations found in the RCC


p c c o p p

def def

pp p tp p c o

def def

In f act making us e of the relations just dene d we can go on to dene all the RCC relations as


dc c ntpp pp tp

def def

ec c o tppi tpp

def def

po o p p ntppi ntpp

def def

tpp pp tp eq

def def

It app ears that many if not all relations denable in the RCC theory can b e dene d as

relation algebraic expre ss ions forme d f rom the s ingle pr imitive relation c The re sulting algebra

can b e obtaine d by f actor ing with re sp ect to the symmetry and reexivity identitie s the f ree

relation algebra generate d by a s ingle relation However it i s likely that additional axioms would

b e nee de d to capture adequately the exi stential prop ertie s of the domain of spatial regions For

example if there i s a universal region which connects with every region in the domain then the

identity c c must hold


Further Work and Conclus ions

In thi s nal chapter I summar i s e the main re sults of the the s i s and p oint to areas that would

b enet f rom further work I also lo ok at how logical spatial reasoning technique s t into the

wider context of AI and computer science in general

What has b een Achieve d

In the cours e of thi s the s i s a large numb er of p oss ible spatial repre s entations have b een cons idere d

The intro ductory chapter gave an overview of the or igins and developments of var ious approache s

to reasoning with spatial information Chapter surveye d some of the more imp ortant axiomatic

theor ie s of spatial regions including p oints et top ology Lesniewskis Mereology Tarskis Geometry

of solids Clarkes theory of spatial regions and the RCC theory In chapter the RCC theory of

spatial regions was examine d in some detail and a numb er of mo dications were sugge ste d The key

metatheoretic prop ertie s of completene ss categor icity decidability were also cons idere d Chapters

develop e d a new approach to qualitative reasoning bas e d on enco dings of spatial concepts

into order logics Becaus e they are decidable the s e repre s entations are much b etter suite d to

computational applications than storder formali sms The next two chapters de scr ib e d dierent

ways in which the expre ss ive p ower of the order repre s entations might b e extende d in chapter

I examine d the us e of quantier elimination in RCClike storder spatial theor ie s and showe d that

there are many class e s of quantie d expre ss ion whos e quantiers can b e eliminate d by syntactic

transformation to logically equivalent quantierf ree forms chapter was concer ne d with extending

the expre ss ive p ower of order repre s entations b eyond purely top ological prop ertie s Finally in

chapter I examine d the application of comp os itional reasoning to spatial relationships

I hop e that f rom amongst the plethora of repre s entational formali sms and the var iety of reason

ing metho ds that have b een cons idere d certain general pr inciple s have emerge d Pr imary among

the s e i s the tradeo b etween expre ss ive p ower and tractability which conf ronts the attempt to

tur n theory into practice in all areas of AI Whilst the intractability of reasoning within a given

formal language i s e ss entially indefeas ible I think that the ndings of thi s the s i s illustrate f ruitful

ways in which it can b e circumvente d The key obs ervation i s that a language L within which a


s et of concepts C are eas ily expre ss e d i s not nece ssar ily a go o d language for reasoning ab out thos e

concepts Indee d if L i s highly expre ss ive then it will b e able to expre ss logical connections in all

manner of conceptual domains but thi s generality means that L i s overexpre ss ive with re sp ect to

the problem of reasoning ab out the concepts in C To achieve computational tractability what we

must lo ok for i s the minimally complex language capable of expre ss ing the concepts of C ie L

should have just enough expre ss ive p ower and no more Cons equently the enco ding of the logic of

the concepts C into a tractable language L may b e complex and indirect captur ing the s e concepts

stretche s the language to its limits

In applying thi s pr inciple of minimality a wide var iety of p oss ible logical repre s entations should

b e cons idere d In traditional logic and also in knowle dge repre s entation within the eld of AI a

f airly limite d range of formalisms have b een employe d Sp ecically the range of available language s

has often b een s een as b e ing re str icte d to order prop os itional logic storder pre dicate logic

p oss ibly with some limitations on the syntactic forms which can b e employe d and higherorder

logics Since prop os itional logic i s extremely limite d in expre ss ive p ower and logics of nd or higher

order do not have complete pro of pro ce dure s some form of storder logic has b een the f avour ite

language for repre s enting f actual information and expre ss ing logical connections b etween concepts

The us e of more expre ss ive forms of order logic has generally b een conne d to the character i sation

of prop os itional mo diers such as nece ss ity and b elief by means of mo dal op erators Perhaps the

most novel asp ect of the work rep orte d in thi s the s i s i s the us e of the s e more expre ss ive order

formali sms to capture the logic of purely extens ional relational expre ss ions The us e of mo dal

and intuitioni stic logic for repre s enting spatial relations illustrate s new p otential us e s in knowle dge

repre s entation of logics whos e expre ss ive p ower i s interme diate b etween the s imple Bo olean order

logic and quanticational logics The s e augmente d order logics may prove to b e applicable in

many other conceptual domains

The enco ding of top ological relations into I provide s further supp ort for the idea that if eective

reasoning i s to b e achieve d expre ss ive p ower should b e limite d as much as p oss ible even at the

exp ens e of making the repre s entation le ss natural As I explaine d in s ection the logic I

can b e regarde d as an alter native syntax for a certain sublanguage of S While the re str icte d

expre ss ivity of I means that more indirect enco ding of top ological constraints i s require d than

with S thi s i s comp ensate d by I b e ing b etter suite d to automate d reasoning

Further Work

Thi s study has sought to identify advantage s and di sadvantage s of dierent p oss ible repre s entations

of spatial information and to clar ify the relationships b etween the s e dierent formali sms However

many asp ects of the s e theor ie s still remain unclear In thi s s ection I highlight a numb er of areas

which I b elieve are particularly de s erving of further re s earch Some of the s e are imp ortant b ecaus e

they concer n the foundations of spatial reasoning whilst others are areas which may lead to the

further development of the theory in new directions


Complete Spatial Theor ie s

In s ection I cons idere d the p oss ibility of constructing a complete and categor ical theory having

the same vo cabulary as RCC We saw that the undecidability of Grzegorczyk means that

no complete nitary storder theory of thi s kind can b e sp ecie d Neverthele ss for the sake of

providing a theoretical foundation for spatial reasoning a complete RCClike theory i s certainly

de s irable even if formulate d in a system such as ndorder or innitary storder logic for which

a complete pro of system cannot b e sp ecie d

As I was coming to the end of my work on thi s the s i s a complete regionbas e d spatial theory

was indee d e stabli she d by Pratt and Scho op us ing an innitary extens ion of storder

logic Thi s theory i s calle d and i s formulate d for a language containing a monadic pre dicate

of connecte dne ss together with Bo olean op erations cons i sts of a s et of storder axioms and an


innitary inference rule and i s shown to b e complete with re sp ect to an interpretation in which

the domain of regions cons i sts of all thos e regular op en regions of the Carte s ian plane that

can b e b ounde d by some nite numb er of linear e dge s The re str iction to linear b ounde d regions

i s ine ss ential s ince every conguration of regular op en planar regions i s top ologically equivalent

to some conguration in which all the e dge s are linear

The vo cabular ie s of RCC and are interdenable so the axiom s et could b e us e d to sp ecify

a vers ion of RCC which i s complete with re sp ect to a natural interpretation in D space However

the innitary nature of means that it cannot b e us e d as a practical to ol for carrying out spatial

inference s The que stion also remains as to what axioms are nee de d to sp ecify a theory which i s

complete with re sp ect to a D interpretation

Eective Mo dal and Intuitioni stic Re asoning

Whilst mo dal repre s entations of spatial relations can b e shown to have a theoretical advantage over

storder repre s entations namely that deci s ion pro ce dure s are known for the mo dal language s

neverthele ss doubts may remain as to whether the mo dal repre s entations could ever b e of practical

us e After all a deci s ion pro ce dure do e s not nece ssar ily provide us with an eective means of

computation Ideally we would like to have p olynomial algor ithms for spatial reasoning Recently

a lot of re s earch has b een directe d towards the nee d for more ecient mo dal reasoning systems

Wallen Auray Enjalb ert and Herbrard Catach Demr i Giunchiglia and

Sebastiani Nonnengart Balbiani and Demr i Montanar i and Policr iti Hustadt

and Schmidt If the mo dal approach to qualitative reasoning i s to b e of practical us e it will

b e nece ssary to demonstrate that the mo dal repre s entations can b e eectively manipulate d One

way to do thi s would b e to identify tractable sublanguage s of mo dal calculi which are capable of

repre s enting s ignicant s ets of spatial relations


This rule state s that if it can be shown for all n that every region which is a sum of n connecte d comp onents

has the property then one can infer xx


Extending Expre s s ive Power

Another imp ortant direction for further work i s to inve stigate how the expre ss ive p ower of decidable

spatial repre s entations such as I can b e extende d The main fo cus of my work has b een on

top ological relations but a fully expre ss ive language for qualitative spatial information would b e

able to de scr ib e a wide range of nontop ological prop ertie s and relations For many purp os e s one

would wi sh to character i s e the relative p os ition and or ientation of regions or p oints Freksa b

It would also b e very us eful eg for the task of ob ject recognition to have a r icher vo cabulary for

di stingui shing dierent shap e s

In chapter I showe d how the expre ss ive p ower of the RCC language can b e greatly increas e d

by means of an additional conv function giving the convexhull of any region Thi s enable s many

us eful relations concer ning containment to b e dene d Cohn has shown that within thi s

augmente d RCC theory a large class of shap e s can b e sp ecie d by dening shap e concepts in

a hierarchical manner and the expre ss ivene ss and complexity of the language cons i sting of the

RCC relations and a convexity pre dicate i s explore d in detail in Davi s et al However

prop ertie s involving or ientation cannot b e expre ss e d within such a language A logical treatment of

or ientation convexity and relate d prop ertie s in terms of p oints has b een given by Knuth

Thi s i s bas e d on a pr imitive ter nary relation ass erting that three p oints lie in an anticlo ckwi s e

or ientation in the plane There s eems no reason why a s imilar pre dicate op erating on regions could

not b e intro duce d into RCC Appropr iate axioms determining the logical prop ertie s of the new

pr imitive would then have to b e sp ecie d

In s ection I showe d how prop ertie s of the convexhull op erator can b e capture d by means of

mo dal schemata It i s p oss ible that a s imilar technique could b e applie d to other spatial concepts

Indee d Balbiani Far inas del Cerro Tinchev and Vakarelov have shown that mo dal logics

can b e interprete d as sp ecifying congurations in incidence geometry My metho d of sp ecifying

prop ertie s of spatially interprete d mo dalitie s in terms of axiom schemata i s somewhat ad hoc and

do e s not provide a direct interpretation of the op erator in terms of mo del structure s To do

thi s we would nee d r icher mathematical structure s as mo dels An obvious choice would b e to us e

metr ical Carte s ian space s The s e are canonical mo dels for Euclidean geometry and so provide an

interpretation for any gure or prop erty de scr ibable in thi s geometry Having metr ical space s as

mo dels for qualitative language s also f acilitate s easy integration with quantitative information as

will b e di scuss e d in s ection

Although the combination of top ological concepts and convexity provide s a very p owerful spa

tial de scr iption language the eective reasoning pro ce dure s that I have so f ar constructe d only

cover a small f ragment of the prop ertie s and relations that can b e expre ss e d in terms of the s e con

cepts Hence the most us eful further work will p erhaps b e directe d towards expanding the range

of information that can b e handle d by eective deci s ion pro ce dure s rather than the expre ss ive

p ower of spatial repre s entations After all highly expre ss ive but intractable mathematical nota

tions already exi st Sp ecically it i s probable that there are eective algor ithms for I reasoning

that can deal with much larger class e s of formulae than the re str icte d class nee de d to repre s ent


the RCC relations For instance it would b e us eful to sp ecify top ological constraints involving

Bo olean combinations of regions such as DCx pro dy z corre sp onding to the I mo del con

straint x x z An alter native means of increas ing the expre ss ive p ower of decidable

systems i s by means of quantier elimination pro ce dure s such as the one given in chapter which

i s by no means as general as it could b e

The next two s ections fo cus on two asp ects of extending expre ss ive p ower that I cons ider to b e

of particular imp ortance

Re asoning with OnePiece and other Simplicity Constraints

An extremely imp ortant top ological prop erty of regions i s that of b e ing selfconnected or in one

piece Thi s prop erty can b e quite eas ily dene d within the RCC theory as follows

OPx y z x sumy z Cy z


Thi s prop erty i s particularly s ignicant b ecaus e the region o ccupie d by what we think of as a

phys ical b o dy i s almost always in one piece accordingly in natural language de scr iptions of

phys ical s ituations implicit onepiece constraints are ubiquitous In f act the ob jects of natural

di scours e are typically further constraine d to b e regular ie of uniform dimens ion and rmly

s elfconnecte d a three dimens ional phys ical ob ject cannot b e divide d into two parts that are

connecte d only at a p oint or along a line

A s er ious deciency with the reasoning systems de scr ib e d in thi s the s i s i s that I have not

provide d any means for reasoning under constraints sp ecifying that certain regions are in one piece

let alone more subtle s implicity constraints Handling such prop ertie s i s an imp ortant goal for

future re s earch It might b e p oss ible to apply a technique s imilar to that us e d to enforce the

convexity of regions In thi s cas e if region a i s supp os e d to b e onepiece we would check all pairs

b c of regions involve d in the s ituation to s ee if a sumb c could b e prove d If so the further

condition Cb c must b e adde d to the s ituation de scr iption Whatever approach i s taken it i s

likely contrary to what some might supp os e that the pre s ence of s implicity constraints will make

reasoning intr ins ically more dicult more will b e said ab out thi s at the end of the next s ection

Points and Dimens ionality

In thi s the s i s I have b een pr imar ily concer ne d with spatial relationships that can hold b etween

regions Thi s re str iction was motivate d in the intro duction by the obs ervation that most natural

forms of de scr iption make reference to ob jects which o ccupy threedimens ional volume s or le ss

commonly twodimens ional areas One can then argue that although higherdimens ional ob jects

can b e constructe d s ettheoretically f rom p oints it i s much preferable f rom a computational p oint

of view to formulate theor ie s in which regions are bas ic entitie s ie constitute a domain over which

one can apply str ictly storder quantication rather than to employ the highly complex language

of s et theory Neverthele ss there i s also strong evidence that many natural forms of expre ss ion do


refer to p ointlike or linear entitie s and it i s clear that we also di stingui sh b etween twodimens ional

regions on a surf ace and three dimens ional volume s

In chapter we saw how Tarski and Clarke to ok regions as the bas ic entitie s of the ir theor ie s but

then intro duce d p oints s ettheoretically as corre sp onding to certain s ets of regions For Tarski thi s

was a means of render ing hi s theory categor ical by constraining it to ob ey the axioms of elementary

p oint geometry Clarkes intention in intro ducing p oints i s to show that hi s theory can encompass

class ical geometr ical and top ological concepts by the us e of s econd order denitions Ne ither of

the s e treatments of p oints addre ss e s the i ssue of how to construct a naturali stic logical formali sm

capable of expre ss ing information ab out spatial entitie s of dierent dimens ions Preferably one

would like to have a system which allowe d thi s information to b e repre s ente d without the us e of

s econdorder op erators Thi s i s particularly imp ortant for computational applications s ince higher

order formali sms are typically intractable and often not completely axiomatisable

The RCC formali sm do e s not place constraints on the dimens ionality of regions except that

b ecaus e of the exi stence of a nontangential prop er part of every region all the regions in the

domain must have the same dimens ionality For certain applications thi s will constitute a s evere

limitation in expre ss ive p ower A formali sm having much in common with RCC but capable of

expre ss ing relations b etween entitie s of dierent dimens ions has b een given in Gotts Thi s

INCH calculus i s bas e d on the pr imitive INCHx y read as x include s a chunk of y meaning

that the region x overlaps with some part of y which i s of the maximum dimens ion of any part of

y In terms of just thi s pr imitive pre dicate s identifying regions of any nite dimens ionality can b e

dene d

Handling prop ertie s involving dimens ionality also pre s ents ma jor problems for automating spa

tial inference s The reasoning algor ithms de scr ib e d by me in chapters only enforce entailments

which hold in a very large class of top ological space s and the same i s true of reasoning us ing

comp os ition table s as de scr ib e d in chapter I mentione d at the end of s ection that if we

re str ict the domain of regions involve d in a s et RCC relational f acts to planar regions b ounde d

by Jordan curve s then te sting cons i stency of the s e f acts b ecome s NPhard Gr igni et al

Solving thi s problem also involve s enforcing the s implicity constraints mentione d in the previous

s ection

The Relation Between Logic and Algebra

The inve stigation carr ie d out in thi s the s i s was conducte d pr imar ily f rom the p oint of view of

logical analys i s That i s my pr incipal intere st was in entailment relationships and inference rule s

involving formal expre ss ions However in carrying out thi s analys i s algebraic structure s have

playe d a key role In my enco dings of spatial relationships into order logics equational algebraic

theor ie s acte d as an interme diary b etween relational formalisms and order formulae and hence

enable d me to show the correctne ss of the s e enco dings An alter native approach would b e to start

by adopting equational reasoning as a f ramework for computational inference and then lo ok at

what spatial theor ie s could b e expre ss e d equationally


Equational reasoning i s a large re s earch area in its elf and its metho ds cannot b e covere d here

A collection of pap ers on many asp ects of the area can b e found in AtKaci and Nivat

in which one chapter Fear nleySander de scr ib e s an intere sting equational repre s entation of

spatial information bas e d on vector space s thi s i s very dierent to my closure algebraic treatment

The pr imary dierence b etween equationcentre d approache s and mine i s in the formali sm that i s

actually us e d for reasoning I have sugge ste d that order logics should b e us e d but there may

also b e go o d reasons why it would b e b etter to us e equational reasoning

Another i ssue concer ning the relation b etween logic and algebra i s that of notation Although

algebraic structure s often o ccur as mo dels for logical language s there do e s not s eem to b e any

standard way of stating corre sp ondence s b etween logical and algebraic prop ertie s and I found

cons iderable diculty in arr iving at a way of expre ss ing the correlation theorems nee de d to jus

tify my order enco dings The general f ramework of category theory i s well suite d to de scr ibing

relationships b etween dierent mathematical structure s and may prove us eful for thi s but for fur

ther study of the connection b etween algebraic constraints and logical entailment more sp eciali s e d

notation would b e de s irable

Comp o s itional Re asoning and Relation Algebra

In the last chapter I lo oke d at the us e of comp os ition table s for cons i stency checking of s ets of

binary relations We saw that comp os itional constraint propagation us ing such a table provide s

a cons i stency checking pro ce dure that runs in O n time for a s et of relational f acts containing

n constants However whether thi s pro ce dure i s complete dep ends on the particular relation s et

and the background theory with re sp ect to which they are interprete d Given the eectivene ss

of comp os itional reasoning determining the conditions under which a comp os ition table can b e

complete with re sp ect to a theory in the s ens e sp ecie d in s ection i s likely to b e a f ruitful

area for further enquiry

The formali sm of Relation Algebra br iey inve stigate d in s ection also de s erve s further

study and may prove to b e well suite d to automate d reasoning Relation Algebra provide s an

extremely expre ss ive alter native to storder logic it has almost the same expre ss ive p ower Tarski

and Givant particularly in formali s ing theor ie s where binary relations play an imp ortant


Spatial Re asoning in a More General Framework

In thi s the s i s I have treate d spatial relationships as an i solate d domain of information However

if one wi she s to develop a more general reasoning system capable of pro ce ss ing the divers e kinds

of information that humans routinely deal with one must nd some means by which purely spa

tial concepts and reasoning mechani sms can b e interf ace d or combine d with repre s entations and

reasoning mechani sms for nonspatial concepts


A General Theory of the Phys ical World

A tenet of AI re s earch into Knowle dge Repre s entation i s that if an articial agent i s to act in

an intelligent way to accompli sh goals in the real world or in some virtual s imulation of the real

world it must have b oth f actual knowle dge ab out the actual state of the world and theoretical

knowle dge concer ning p oss ible state s of the world and p oss ible ways that one state can succee d

another Haye s Haye s b Guha and Lenat From the p oint of view of socalle d

symb olic AI the s e laws of p oss ibility and causality will constitute a formal theory of phys ical

pro ce ss e s Thi s theory might b e akin to thos e that have b een e stabli she d by phys ici sts except that

whereas the phys ici st i s pr imar ily concer ne d with the de scr iptive p ower and pre dictive accuracy of

hi s theory the computer scienti st must also cons ider computational prop ertie s of the theory such

as the kinds of inference that can b e eectively compute d

It has b een sugge ste d that for the purp os e s of AI what i s nee de d i s not a fully scientic theory

of the phys ical world but rather a nave theory of thos e phys ical concepts which are relevant

to commons ens e reasoning ab out the world Haye s Haye s a Haye s b Randell

Cohn and Cui b Egenhofer and Mark But it i s clear that whatever style of theory

i s require d it must contain a subtheory of spatial concepts Just as a spatiotemp oral geometry

de scr ib e s the underlying theory of co ordinate systems up on which mathematical theor ie s of phys ical

pro ce ss e s are built repre s entations of spatial and temp oral concepts must b e fundamental to any

formal de scr iption of the s e pro ce ss e s which might b e employe d in AI Formali sms for temp oral

reasoning have rece ive d a huge amount of attention f rom the AI community s ee eg Galton

and repre s entations of spatial concepts are increas ingly b e ing studie d However e stabli shing a

foundation for the sp ecication of phys ical theor ie s will require integrate d repre s entations and

reasoning mechani sms capable of handling integrate d spatial and temp oral information and the

construction of a suitable combine d spatiotemp oral theory p os e s formidable problems Some of

the more concrete prop osals can b e found in Randell and Cohn Randell Cui and Cohn

Galton and Galton I shall give some details of the s e prop osals in the next

s ection

A suitable spatiotemp oral theory ought to provide a f ramework within which theor ie s of matter

kinematics and dynamics can b e develop e d in such a way that the s e theor ie s can b e us e d to

reason ab out de scr iptions of phys ical pro ce ss e s in a way which i s amenable to eective automate d

reasoning The theory of matter whilst one of the pr incipal fo cuss e s of phys ici sts has rece ive d

comparatively little attention f rom logicians and AI re s earchers a notable exception i s Haye s

a analys i s of the ontology of liquids For instance in formali s ing problems of rob ot motion

planning it has generally b een assume d that space can b e neatly divide d into two partitions

o ccupie d space and empty space Thi s i s clearly a very coars e approximation to the real nature

and di str ibution of matter in the univers e

Quite a large b o dy of work exi sts on qualitative kinematics and dynamics for AI s ee eg Weld

and De Kleer Nearly all thi s work i s bas e d up on some kind of abstraction of the spatio

temp oral b ehaviour of a system into a s equence of trans itions within a di screte space of p oss ible


state s state trans itions among RCC relations will b e cons idere d in the next s ection Given

that a suciently expre ss ive and computationally tractable repre s entation for spatialtemp oral

information has not yet b een di scovere d thi s approach i s certainly well justie d An alter native

approach has b een to develop formal theor ie s in which actions events or pro ce ss e s are prop er

entitie s constraine d by temp oral relationships eg Allen In b oth the s e approache s the

structure of space its elf s eems to all but di sapp ear once phenomena are formally analys e d Thi s

lack of expre ss ivene ss in re sp ect of spatial relationships s eems to me to b e an inherent weakne ss

of most exi sting formali sms for de scr ibing phys ical pro ce ss e s

Spatial Information and Change

One way of building a dynamical theory on top of a spatial theory i s by sp ecifying p oss ible trans

itions among relations holding b etween the regions o ccupie d by two b o die s when the b o die s un

dergo continuous di splacement andor deformation Figure taken f rom Randell Cui and

Cohn shows a graph of p oss ible trans itions among the RCC relations re sulting f rom e ither

continuous di splacements or deformations of the regions involve d Trans itions b etween qualitative

spatial state s have b een studie d in a numb er of pap ers by Antony Galton

Connecte d subgraphs of a trans ition network are known as conceptual neighbourhoods a term

that was intro duce d in Freksas a analys i s of the Allen relations Freksa notice d that all the

entr ie s in the comp os ition table for the Allen relations corre sp ond to conceptual ne ighb ourho o ds

The relationship b etween conceptual ne ighb ourho o ds and relational comp os ition was also studie d

by me in Bennett a where I showe d that the correlation obs erve d by Freksa do e s not apply

to all s ets of spatial relations

An alter native metho d of accommo dating change into a spatial repre s entation i s to intro duce

time as an extra dimens ion dimens ional regions would then corre sp ond to the spacetime exten

s ions of dimens ional ob jects throughout the ir hi story Thi s approach was adopte d in Randell

and Cohn in which a theory of top ological relations b etween spatiotemp oral regions was

augmente d with a relation Bx y ass erting that the spatiotemp oral region x wholly temp orally

prece de s region y


a b a a a a b =

b b b

b a a DCEC PO b


Figure Trans ition network for e ight top ological relations


Vague and Uncertain Information

In real applications of reasoning systems s ituations will often ar i s e where information i s vague or


has some degree of uncertainty Ideally we would like a computer system to do its b e st whatever

that means even with vague or uncertain information It i s likely that an understanding of spatial

vaguene ss will b e very imp ortant in the development of many applications Qualitative repre s enta

tions such as the RCC language have an intr ins ic advantage over numer ical repre s entations when

it come s to dealing with vague or uncertain f acts relevant qualitative di stinctions can b e made

without any commitment to the preci s e details of a s ituation For example we may not know the

exact geometry of a ro om nor the exact s ize and p os ition of a table s ituate d somewhere in the

ro om however we can b e certain that the table do e s not overlap the walls of the ro om Us ing RCC

we could s imply ass ert something like Otable walls whereas in terms of numer ical co ordinate s

stating thi s f act would require a complex and clumsy s et of inequalitie s

Although certain asp ects of vaguene ss and uncertainty can b e straightforwardly capture d by

the generality encapsulate d in qualitative concepts other asp ects are not so eas ily repre s ente d

Certain typ e s of region eg a swamp or a cloud have inherently vague b oundar ie s and hence a

sharp di stinction b etween the top ological relations holding among such regions cannot b e made

An axiomatic theory which generali s e s RCC to take account of regions with vague b oundar ie s has

b een develop e d in Cohn and Gotts a Cohn and Gotts b Gotts and Cohn Cohn

and Gotts

Relating Qualitative and Metr ic Repre s entations

There has b een a tendency among some re s earchers in the eld of QSR to e schew metr ical data

in the b elief that s ignicant AI tasks can b e p erforme d us ing only qualitative information While

in certain cas e s thi s may b e p oss ible I b elieve that in the ma jor ity of practical applications one

will want to combine b oth quantitative and qualitative information and cons equently the interf ace

b etween the two typ e s of data will b e increas ingly studie d

Purely qualitative spatial reasoning systems provide an inference mechani sm for determining

whether a given qualitative f act follows f rom some s et of such f acts Such systems can b e us e d to

answer quer ie s relative to a qualitative databas e However a qualitative spatial reasoning system

nee d not b e employe d in i solation f rom co ordinatebas e d geometr ical information and other kinds of

numer ical data Indee d it i s clear that for many us eful functions numer ical information i s e ss ential

For instance we may want to p os e a query us ing qualitative concepts but requir ing a quantitative

answer eg What i s the area of the large st de s ert that lie s entirely within the b orders of one

country Moreover the combination of qualitative and quantitative repre s entations promi s e s to

b e a p owerful to ol in system de s ign and to enable novel program functionality In the re st of thi s

s ection I shall sketch a numb er of ways in which qualitative and metr ical data could b e combine d

In the intro duction to thi s the s i s I obs erve d that current computer systems repre s ent spatial


Although vaguene ss and uncertainty have some logical propertie s in common it is imp ortant to recognis e them

as very dierent phenomena However in the pre s ent br ief discussion the dierence s are not imp ortant


information almost entirely in terms of numer ical co ordinate s However a high prop ortion of te sts

made on thi s data eg in conditional statements of the form if test then command although

formulate d in numer ical terms are actually de s igne d to te st qualitative relations b etween data

ob jects For example we may wi sh to te st whether two line s egments cross Thi s i s a qualitative

relationship b etween the s egments To determine whether a qualitative relationship such as thi s

holds b etween entitie s an algor ithm i s nee de d which will op erate on numer ical datastructure s so

as to extract the require d information In many cas e s including the cas e of the cross ing line

s egments thi s can b e achieve d by formulating the relationship in terms of a Bo olean combination

of equalitie s and inequalitie s involving the co ordinate s of p oints in other cas e s more complex

iterative routine s will b e require d

Whilst it may b e p oss ible on a cas ebycas e bas i s to devi s e an algor ithm to extract sp ecic

qualitative information when nee de d f rom quantitative datastructure s it would b e f ar preferable

to have a general purp os e metho d of te sting all qualitative relationships which one may encounter

A qualitative repre s entation whos e interpretation i s linke d in a preci s e way to the content of quant

itative datastructure s can go some way towards providing thi s capability The idea i s to asso ciate

the pr imitive s of the qualitative repre s entation with appropr iate algor ithmic op erations on quant

itative data Given thi s interpretation of the pr imitive s any complex expre ss ion in the qualitative

language would then b e evaluate d by combining the s e pr imitive op erations in accordance with the

s emantics of logical op erators in the repre s entation Constructing thi s evaluation mechani sm may

b e very dicult or even imp oss ible dep ending on the nature of the pr imitive s and the logical

op erations involve d but once achieve d it provide s a general purp os e pro ce dure for evaluating a

large probably innite class of qualitative expre ss ions The qualitative repre s entation can thus

function directly as a query language as well as b e ing us e d inter nally for program control

A limite d vers ion of thi s approach i s already found in nearly all computer programs Whenever

one dene s some bas ic qualitative te sts as functions retur ning Bo olean value s and then us e s

Bo olean combinations of the s e te sts in conditional statements a s imple qualitative language i s in

op eration To move f rom thi s limite d capability to the us e of a fullye dge d qualitative repre s

entation one must identify a vo cabulary of pr imitive s and logical op erators sucient to repre s ent

any qualitative f act in some particular conceptual domain The problem for the programmer then

rather than b e ing how can I co de an algor ithm to te st whether thi s relationship holds b ecome s

how can I expre ss thi s relationship in terms of my qualitative language Thi s architecture has the

advantage that the evaluation of qualitative te sts i s indep endent of the particular data structure s

us e d to store quantitative data in the system except in so f ar as op erations corre sp onding to the

pr imitive s must b e co de d

The main obstacle to achieving thi s kind of qualitativequantitative interf ace i s that as we have

s een even mo de st logical vo cabulary can give r i s e to a language which i s highly intractable In

particular a language which allows quantication over some p otentially innite domain of entitie s

ie a storder language will b e undecidable unle ss by taking account of the meanings of the

sp ecic vo cabulary of the language some sp ecialpurp os e deci s ion pro ce dure can b e devi s e d The

order repre s entations of spatial relations develop e d in thi s the s i s go some way towards solving


thi s problem by providing quantier repre s entations capable of expre ss ing a s ignicant vo cabulary

of spatial relations

Even where a deci s ion pro ce dure can b e found it may b e that the time taken to evaluate a

qualitative te st increas e s exp onentially with the amount of information which has to b e taken

into account Thi s will make the language unsuitable for repre s enting large amounts of data

However in many cas e s it may b e safe to assume that although the databas e of quantitative spatial

information may b e very large the qualitative te stsquer ie s that the system will b e require d to

evaluate will b e comparatively conci s e The time taken to evaluate a qualitative query will b e a

function of b oth the amount of quantitative information store d and the complexity of the query

Retr ieving information f rom the quantitative databas e will typically take time which increas e s only

p olynomially in the s ize of the databas e in most cas e s retr ieval time s will increas e linearly or as

some small p ower of the databas e s ize Thus even if the queryanswertime increas e s exp onentially

with query complexity thi s may b e acceptable as long as all quer ie s have complexity b elow a certain

level Also on rece iving a qualitative query it would b e p oss ible for the system to e stimate the

maximum time require d to retur n an answer

A us eful generali sation of the capability of answer ing qualitative quer ie s with re sp ect to a

metr ical databas e i s the ability to generate a qualitative de scr iption f rom such a databas e A

s imple example i s that one may have a databas e cons i sting of a s et of p olygons each corre sp onding

to some geographical region and f rom thi s one might wi sh to extract a complete de scr iption of

the relationships b etween the s e regions in terms of the RCC relation s et ie generate a s et of

f acts in which each pair of regions i s relate d by one of the RCC relations Having extracte d a

qualitative de scr iption f rom a quantitative databas e one could then combine thi s with additional

purely qualitative information Bas e d on thi s idea a sophi sticate d and exible architecture can b e

envi sage d in which quantitative data can b e transparently combine d when require d with qualitative

data in order to allow quer ie s to b e addre ss e d to a hybr id information source containing b oth

quantitative and qualitative data

Yet another us eful capability would b e to generate numer ical co ordinate data sati sfying a given

s et of spatial constraints Thus for example one might wi sh to generate a p oss ible quantitative

sp ecication for a mechanical comp onent having certain pre scr ib e d qualitative prop ertie s Perhaps

thi s could b e done by means of some mo delbuilding automate d theorem prover An obvious

diculty i s that there i s usually no unique quantitative state sati sfying given qualitative constraints

many solutions may b e unnece ssar ily complex or deviate in subtle ways f rom what was really

wante d so it may b e hard to pick a s ens ible solution

In s ection I sugge ste d that interpreting qualitative language s in terms of metr ical mo dels

might b e a way to develop more expre ss ive language s Clearly thi s would also b e very us eful for

integrating qualitative and metr ical information The eld of QSR has tende d to e schew metr ical

mo dels on the nave assumption that such mo dels are only appropr iate for quantitative repre s ent

ations But thi s i s to mi sunderstand the relationship b etween a logical language and its mo dels

Formal language s cannot ordinar ily fully de scr ib e the ir own mo dels the f act that a mo del sati se s

a given formal s entence i s a matter of metalogic Nor do e s the ontological commitment of a formal


language dep end up on its mo dels but rather on its re source s for ass erting what exi sts and what

do e s not eg exi stential quantication and the concomitant exi stential imp ort of its theorems

Hence there i s no reason why qualitative language s should not have metr ical mo dels Indee d ca

nonical metr ical mo dels ar i s e naturally when the axioms of a theory enforce s eemingly qualitative

constraints which imp os e order on the domain of individuals thi s i s illustrate d by the theory of

Allens interval relations Allen and Haye s Ladkin s ee the end of s ection

and the spatial theory of Pratt and Scho op s ee s ection


Although thi s the s i s has fo cus e d on devi s ing spatial reasoning algor ithms that can b e eectively

implemente d concrete applications have not b een cons idere d In the intro duction I obs erve d that

spatial information was of key imp ortance to many areas of computer science including such central

elds of AI as computer vi s ion and rob otics However logical reasoning with formal language s has

not b ecome an e stabli she d technique in any of the s e areas It i s therefore incumb ent up on thos e

developing QSR algor ithms to indicate how the s e might b e exploite d to solve problems in the more

pragmatic branche s of computer science which are concer ne d with pro ce ss ing spatial data

I shall rst cons ider the p oss ibility of applying QSR to rob otics The class ical approach to rob ot

control a rob ot i s to compute preci s e movement instructions to achieve a de s ire d goal Schwartz and

Shar ir Latomb e Whilst the s e instructions are pre dominantly metr ical the goal its elf

will typically corre sp ond to a highlevel qualitative pre scr iption of an action eg Put the b ox into

the skip Computing the metr ical instructions to achieve thi s goal can b e s een as a generali sation

of the problem of nding a spatial region sati sfying given qualitative spatial constraints which was

mentione d at the end of the last s ection But in the cas e of a rob otic goal the constraints may not

b e purely spatial and one must generate a spatiotemp oral movement path rather than s imply a

spatial region One approach to thi s problem i s to translate constraints into a numer ical form and

then us e purely numer ical constraint solving technique s Schwartz and Shar ir Ar non

Thi s can only b e done eectively for f airly s imple motions so where more complex motions are

require d planning technique s are often us e d to nd a s equence of s impler subgoals which achieve s

the de s ire d ultimate goal LozanoPerez Schwartz Shar ir and Hop croft del Pobil and

Ser na

Computing motionplans i s p erhaps the asp ect of rob otics that i s most likely to b enet f rom

QSR technique s Given a qualitative repre s entation of initial and goal state s and a background

theory of p oss ible state change s a qualitative movement plan can in pr inciple b e compute d by

ab ductive inference Eshghi Shanahan Denecker Mi ss iaen and Bruyno oghe

Spatial concepts will play a very s ignicant role in b oth the state de scr iptions and the background

theory However adequate sp ecication of rob ot state s and goals will also require concepts for

de scr ibing temp oral relationships mater ial prop ertie s and p erhaps abstract entitie s such as actions

Thus the reasoning problem i s f ar f rom purely spatial One might hop e to b e able to solve the

problem in a much more general theory of phys ical s ituations and pro ce ss e s as envi sage d in


s ection However it i s doubtful whether a suciently general theory which i s also tractable

can b e develop e d in the near future In order to make us e of purely spatial inference mechani sms

one would have to f actor out spatial asp ects of the reasoning problem and show how the s e can b e

handle d as a mo dular comp onent of motionplanning computations In my view thi s i s a much

more reali stic approach

Applications to reasoning ab out phys ical systems f ace many of the same problems as ar i s e in

rob otics In f act a rob ot can b e s een as a rather s imple example of a phys ical system with

a limite d numb er of degree s of f ree dom As note d ab ove s ection adequate theor ie s of

phys ical pro ce ss e s will probably nee d to incorp orate a very r ich conceptual vo cabulary Hence if

qualitative spatial inference s are to b e exploite d the nee d for mo dular i sation of reasoning problems

i s even more acute

A task which i s part of rob ot motion planning but i s also us eful for many other applications

eg routending aids for motorvehicle dr ivers i s navigation Here we are not concer ne d with

the detaile d mechanics of movement but with somewhat more abstract problems such as nding

a viable path b etween two spatial lo cations for thi s purp os e the moving ob ject can normally b e

cons idere d to b e a p oint rather than an extende d b o dy and the require d path can b e repre s ente d by

a line rather than a s equence of complex movements Navigation problems are more purely spatial

than rob otic automation and cons equently spatial reasoning technique s are eas ier to apply A

numb er of concrete prop osals have b een made for the us e of qualitative repre s entations in automate d

navigation systems Kuip ers and Levitt Schlie der

A very promi s ing application for QSR i s to GIS which are increas ingly in demand as a to ol

for bus ine ss planning and land management The nee d for qualitative spatial query language s

to interact with the s e systems i s clear Egenhofer and Franzosa Egenhofer and Herr ing

Egenhofer and AlTaha Clementini et al Egenhofer and Mark High

level quer ie s of a nave GIS us er corre sp ond to natural language que stions and the s e typically

involve qualitative concepts In s ection b elow I shall de scr ib e a prototyp e GIS that exploits

top ological reasoning

Interpreting query language s i s a sp ecial cas e of the more general problem of interpreting

spatial expre ss ions o ccurr ing in natural language which tend to b e pre dominantly qualitative

rather than quantitative cons ider prep os itions such as in on and through Vieu But

in applying QSR to natural language one f ace s the problem that spatial expre ss ions are enme she d

in an unformali s e d and mass ively complex conceptual structure By contrast the limite d spatial

vo cabulary employe d in vi sual computer programming language s i s much more amenable to formal

de scr iption and a numb er of recent works have us e d qualitative repre s entations to sp ecify the syntax


and s emantics of vi sual programming language s such as Pictor ial Janus Haarslev Go o day

and Cohn Go o day and Cohn

Another branch of AI which may b e well suite d to exploit QSR technique s i s computer vi s ion


The s e are language s in which programs are create d by e diting picture s within a graphical environment Program

execution can also be visualis e d by means of animations of the s e graphical repre s entations This is intende d to

facilitate debugging and understanding of how a program works


A computer vi s ion system typically employs a f airly long s er ie s of transformation pro ce dure s

culminating in a geometr ical mo del of ob jects in the scene Within thi s kind of architecture

it i s very easy to ins ert a pro ce dure which exploits spatial reasoning Indee d the us e of s emantic

technique s b oth for image s egmentation and ob ject recognition has long b een recogni s e d Winston

Qualitative reasoning bas e d on a s et of or ientation relations has b een succe ssfully applie d

to the analys i s of trac ow f rom video image s Fer nyhough Cohn and Hogg Fer nyhough

Cohn and Hogg

In all areas involving spatial information it i s easy to give handwaving accounts of how QSR

can b e us e d to great advantage However the obstacle s to attaining practical re sults cannot b e

overe stimate d The re sults rep orte d in thi s the s i s indicate that achieving eective reasoning even

with a very limite d vo cabulary of spatial concepts may require complex logical apparatus and

reasoning algor ithms sp ecically tailore d to handling that particular range of concepts How the s e

limite d repre s entations can b e put to work on real problems i s f ar f rom obvious

It i s tempting to supp os e that once a suciently expre ss ive repre s entation has b een devi s e d

the manner in which it can b e exploite d will b ecome obvious But without a hugely radical

advance in computer hardware or software technology it s eems likely that the conict b etween

expre ss ive p ower and tractability will always b e a strong constraint on the us e of AI technique s

in computer systems Thus to nd a practical application of QSR one will have to show how

some concrete task can b e re duce d to manipulating a small numb er of spatial concepts or at least

how the role of dierent typ e s of spatial information in carrying out thi s task can b e i solate d and

handle d in a mo dular f ashion Thi s problem i s e sp ecially acute if one attempts to work within an

architecture in which all information and reasoning i s handle d by means of a purely qualitative

repre s entation one cannot then rely on any of the wellundersto o d mechani sms for quantitative

data manipulation that have b een develop e d over the years In my opinion the interf ace with

quantitative information di scuss e d in the last s ection i s the key to op ening up the path towards real

applications Emb e dding qualitative reasoning mo dule s within a more conventional architecture

enable s one to explore the strengths of us ing qualitative repre s entations without exp os ing all the ir


weakne ss e s

As my main re sults are ab out reasoning with top ological relations and to a much le ss er extent

convexity I ought to sugge st applications for thi s limite d form of spatial reasoning Top ological

relations are fundamental and p ervas ive in all spatial information so one might exp ect the us eful

ne ss of top ological reasoning to b e equally general But what sp ecic computational tasks can b e

re duce d to top ological reasoning

I have obs erve d that in many p otential application areas adequate qualitative de scr iption of

tasks require s not only nontop ological concepts but also many nonspatial concepts In such cas e s

a mo dular analys i s of relevant reasoning capabilitie s will b e nece ssary in order to i solate us eful

top ological inference pro ce dure s and thi s i s a re s earch topic in its elf However I b elieve that

s ignicant s emantic constraints relevant to ob ject recognition can b e sp ecie d in terms of purely


Fernyhough provide s a go o d example of what can be achieve d using this kind of architecture


top ological conditions and thi s may well lead to practical us e s within the eld of computer vi s ion

The application for which purely top ological reasoning has the most obvious us e s i s GIS It easy

to envi sage s ituations in which a GIS us er wants to p os e a query that i s e ss entially top ological in

nature For example in s iting a f actory one might wi sh to nd an area of undevelop e d land which

i s adjacent ie exter nally connecte d to a water source such as a lake and i s part of a particular

urban di str ict What i s not so obvious i s how s ignicant the s e top ological quer ie s are to the overall

functionality of a GIS which typically provide s acce ss to a vast amount of metr ical information

Top ological Inference in a GIS Prototyp e

I shall conclude the di scuss ion of applications with a de scr iption of a prototyp e spatial AI system

b e ing develop e d as part of EPSRC pro ject GRK on Logical Theor ie s and Deci s ion Pro ce d

ure s for Reasoning ab out Phys ical Systems Thi s incorp orate s the O n top ological reasoning

algor ithm bas e d on my I enco ding which was de scr ib e d in s ection program co de i s given in

app endix C The system maintains a databas e of geographical information in the form of geo

metr ical p olygon data and also handle s qualitative data in the form of top ological relations b etween

name d regions Some of the s e name d regions are identie d directly with p olygons in the geomet

r ical databas e whereas for others the geometry i s not preci s ely known but only constraine d by the

qualitative top ological relations The top ological relationships determine d by the the quantitative

geometr ical data can also b e rapidly compute d and acce ss e d by the top ological reasoning mech

ani sm allowing quer ie s to b e addre ss e d to the combine d qualitative and quantitative databas e

Thi s capability i s as f ar as we know not available in any other system Work i s also underway to

demonstrate the us e of top ological reasoning in the control of articial agents op erating in a virtual

world constitute d by geographical data

Figure shows a screendump of the current prototyp e system Most of the co de i s wr itten

in SICStus Prolog but a TclTk subpro ce ss i s us e d to create the GUI The window at the top

left shows a s imple cartographical di splay whos e geometry i s determine d by a databas e giving the

co ordinate s and terrain typ e of a numb er of tr iangular regions Thi s data i s shown in the b ottom

left window The top r ight window pre s ents a databas e of qualitative relations b etween regions

In the middle on the r ight i s the Prolog toplevel query window All functions of the system can

b e acce ss e d by typing commands and quer ie s at the Prolog prompt although common op erations

are more conveniently acce ss e d via the GUI The gure shows the Prolog interpreter b e ing us e d

for querying the qualitative databas e Such quer ie s are answere d by means of the spatial reasoning

algor ithm de scr ib e d in chapter which determine s whether a relation given as a query i s cons i stent

with incons i stent with or a nece ssary cons equence of the databas e The b ottom r ight window i s

one of a numb er of information screens which can b e di splaye d via the systems help function


Figure A prototyp e geographical information system

Conclus ion

I shall conclude thi s the s i s by making some general remarks ab out the prosp ects for automate d

reasoning bas e d on ins ights I gaine d dur ing my re s earch

When I starte d work on spatial reasoning I was under the nave impre ss ion that storder logic

or something like it could provide an ideal formali sm for knowle dge repre s entation and reasoning

in thi s and almost any conceptual domain Although I was aware of the theoretical undecidability

and intractability of storder reasoning I did not reali s e the s er iousne ss of the dicultie s that

the s e prop ertie s p os e for automate d reasoning I imagine d that with a p owerful enough computer

it would b e feas ible to compute entailments b etween relations as determine d by a s imple axiomatic

theory However after attempting to compute RCC inference s us ing the Otter theorem prover

McCune it so on b ecame apparent that thi s i s completely impractical Even s eemingly s imple

de ductions would very often exhaust the available computational re source s

My exp er ience of theorem proving probably has much in common with that of many others who

have entere d thi s eld It i s now widely recogni s e d that eective automate d reasoning with logical

repre s entations cannot b e achieve d by general purp os e pro of systems but require s the construction

of sp eciali s e d reasoning algor ithms Even so it s eems to me surpr i s ing that a tractable pro of


pro ce dure for spatial relations should b e so f ar remove d f rom ones intuitive picture of the problem

An intere sting que stion i s whether thi s i s typical of eective solutions to reasoning problems

That thi s may b e so was sugge ste d by Alan Robinson who having di scovere d the very

p owerful but extremely unnatural hyperresolution inference rule prop os e d that there may b e a

dierence in kind b etween the style of reasoning intelligible to humans and the typ e of reasoning

mechani sms which can b e eciently implemente d in computer programs Thi s i s also evidence d by

the pro digious numb ercrunching abilitie s but p o or conversational skills of computers Though it

do e s not give any reason for the divergence b etween style s of reasoning of humans and computers

Robinsons prop osal do e s s eem to concur with much of what has b een di scovere d in the study of

automate d reasoning

From another p oint of view the us e of mo dal and intuitioni stic logics for spatial reasoning may

not b e so p ervers e as it rst s eems It may just b e that thi s us e of the s e logics i s unf amiliar

Although mo dal logics were or iginally intende d to capture prop os itional mo diers and intuition

i stic logic to sp ecify an ontologically pars imonious form of mathematical reasoning the structural

manipulations emb o die d in the inference rule s of the s e logics are of a very general nature Hence

it i s only to b e exp ecte d that alter native interpretations can b e given

The succe ss of the I and S enco dings of spatial relations may also she d some light on why

storder reasoning i s so intractable In storder pre dicate logic the substructure of atomic

prop os itions has no logical content By thi s I mean that although we may analys e an atomic

prop os ition in terms of a relation b etween a numb er of functional terms the s e comp onents are ar

bitrary having no sp ecial logical prop ertie s except insof ar as they may b e constraine d by axioms

Hence the meanings of the s e symb ols are not capture d directly by rule s of inference but only

indirectly through axioms taking part in inference Moreover the s e axioms often take the form of

quite complex quanticational formulae It i s the s e theoretical formulae that make storder reas

oning so computationally intens ive even when employe d to compute s eemly obvious cons equence s

of s imple f actual information

As an exception to thi s treatment of the meaning of pre dicate s the meaning of the equality

relation i s usually sp ecie d in terms of inference rule s rather than axioms One could treat equality


but it i s eas ier to capture the logical prop ertie s as a nonlogical symb ol constraine d by axioms

of by means of inference rule s than in axioms Axiomatic treatment of equality adds a large

numb er of formulae to the sp ecication of a storder theory which greatly increas e s the s earch

space that an automate d theorem prover has to deal with Although adding inference rule s for

equality also increas e s the s earch space it has b een found that thi s metho d i s in most cas e s much

more conducive to automate d reasoning Wos Duy When one reasons with a theory

of equality in axiomatic form a pro of may involve a cons iderable amount of reasoning ab out the


The equality relation can be characteris e d e ither by the ndorder axiom x y x y

or by a s et storder axioms ensur ing that is an equivalence relation and specifying all p ossible ways

that an equality justie s substitution into the arguments of relations and function The substitution axioms

z w x y z x w z y w where is a relation symb ol of the theory and take the forms xy

xy z w x y z x w z y w where is a function symb ol z and w repre s ent p ossibly empty

s equence s of var iable s lling any additional argument place s of and


concept of equality its elf as well as reasoning ab out other concepts whereas if equality i s handle d

by an inference rule such as paramo dulation then the theory of equality i s encapsulate d within

thi s rule so the ramifying eect on the s earch space i s greatly re duce d

Asso ciating inferential meaning to other pre dicate and function symb ols within a prop os ition can

obviate the nee d for auxiliary axioms and the ndings concer ning equality sugge st that thi s may b e

extremely advantageous for automate d reasoning One example of thi s i s the us e of sorte d logic s ee

eg Cohn and s ection of thi s the s i s where reasoning concer ning the sorts of pre dicate s


and functions i s built into inference rule s Another example i s the us e of demo dulation rule s s ee

eg Duy to rewr ite and s implify terms in accordance with known identitie s The s e

rule s must b e tailore d to the sp ecic prop ertie s of a given theory but they have prove d extremely

eective in many domains Wos A typical us e of demo dulation i s to re duce Bo olean and

other algebraic terms to normal form to avoid proliferation of equivalent but syntactically di stinct

terms Algebraic terms are very common in mathematical theor ie s but generally do not play a

ma jor role in theor ie s of commons ens e concepts However the analys i s of RCC relations in terms

of inter ior algebraic equations s ee s ection shows that an algebraic sp ecication of such concepts

may b e p oss ible even where it i s not imme diately obvious It i s thi s analys i s of the RCC relations

that enable s the ir meanings to b e capture d by means of inference rule s rather than axioms

Algebraic analys i s may exp os e substructure in the meanings of relational concepts but in

its elf thi s i s probably not helpful to automate d reasoning If we s imply axiomati s e d the algebraic

op erators the re sulting theory might b e even more complex than a direct axiomatisation of the

concepts To gain computational advantage we nee d a pro of system that take s direct account

of the inferential s ignicance of the algebraic op erators and hence encapsulate s the meaning of

the concepts within its inference rule s It i s wellknown that class ical prop os itional logic can b e

interprete d as a Bo olean algebra and that mo dal op erators can also b e identie d with algebraic

op erators Hence it should not b e surpr i s ing that pro of systems de s igne d to compute inference s in

the s e prop os itional language s can also b e exploite d to reason ab out algebraic equations However

the detaile d workingout of how thi s can b e done i s probably the most novel asp ect of the work in

thi s the s i s

Becaus e they excee d the expre ss ive p ower of s imple Bo olean algebra but avoid the intractability

of storder logic I b elieve that decidable constraint language s bas e d on Bo olean algebras with

additional op erators are very well suite d to computational manipulation The s e encompass the

mo dal algebras which I explore d in chapter and also relation algebras di scuss e d in s ection

As well as providing a vehicle for eective automation of spatial reasoning repre s entations bas e d

on algebraic structure s of thi s kind may b e us eful in many other areas of knowle dge repre s entation


Re solutionbas ed inference rule s are particularly well suite d to incorp orating sortal reasoning

App endix A

Elementary Geometry

A Tarskis Axiom System

Tarski has given the following axiomatisation of elementary geometry in terms of the two

pr imitive s betweenness and equidistance Here B x y z means that p oint y i s b etween p oints x

and z Thi s relation i s taken as true if z i s equal to e ither x or z xy z w means that the di stance

b etween p oints x and y i s equal to the di stance b etween p oints y and z

B Identity Axiom for Betweenness

xy B x y x x y

B Transitivity Axiom for Betweenness

xy z uB x y u B y z u B x y z

B Connectivity Axiom for Betweenness

xy z uB x y z B x y u x y B x z u B x u z

B Reflexivity Axiom for Equidistance

xy xy y x

B Identity Axiom for Equidistance

xy z xy z z x y

B Transitivity Axiom for Equidistance

xy z uv w xy z u xy v w z u v w

B Paschs Axiom

txy z u v B x t u B y u z B x v y B z t v

B Euclids Axiom

txy z u v w B x u t B y u z x y

B x z v B x y w B v t w

B FiveSegment Axiom

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

xx y y z z uu xy x y y z y z xu x u y u y u

0 0 0 0 0

B x y z B x y z x y z u z u

B Axiom of Segment Construction

xy uv z B x y z y z uv

B Lower Dimension Axiom

xy z B x y z B y z x B z x y


B Upper Dimension Axiom

xy z uv xy xv y u y v z u z v u v

B x y z B y z x B z x y

B Elementary Continuity Axioms

Al l sentences of the form

v w z xy B z x y uxy B x u y

where stands for any formula in which the variables x y w but neither y nor z nor u occur free

and similarly for with x and y interchanged

B Weak Continuity Axiom

0 0 0 0 0

xy z x z uy ux ux uz uz B u x z B x y z

0 0 0 0

uy uy B x y z

A Pr imitive Geometr ical Concepts

The s equence of denitions given b elow shows how starting f rom the fundamental ter nary relation

xy y z which i s true when two p oints x and z are equidi stant f rom a third p oint y many other

s imple geometr ical relations can b e intro duce d In the s e denitions the juxtap os ition xy of two

var iable s x and y i s intende d to refer to the di stance b etween the s e two p oints Thus xy y z i s a

pre dicate which holds in cas e y i s clos er to x than to z The other relations are B x y z y i s

b etween x and z including the cas e where y i s identical with e ither x or z Lx y z x y and

z are col linear and M x y z y i s the midp oint b etween x and z

The relation xy y z i s of great geometr ical s ignicance as it relate s the centre p oint y of

a sphere to any pair of surf ace p oints x and z For a dimens ional gure the truth of thi s

relation for any three p oints can b e determine d by means of a compass The relations B x y z

and xy z w are taken as pr imitive s in Tarskis elementary geometry A pro of that the quater nary

relation xy z w i s denable in terms of the ter nary xy y z i s or iginally due to Pier i The

following denitions showing how thi s can b e done together with further di scuss ion of pr imitive

notions in geometry can b e found in Royden

xy y z w y w w z uxu uy uy y w


B x y z w w x xy w z z y w y


Lx y z B x y z B y x z B x z y


M x y z w Lw x y xy y w w x w z


w x y z uv M w u y M x u v v y y z def

App endix B

An Alter native Pro of of MEconv

In thi s app endix I give an alter native pro of of the theorem BEconv which was demonstrate d in

s ection The statement of BEconv i s as follows

Convexity of Di sjunctive Mo dalAlgebraic Entailments MEconv

U U U U j

n m




U for some i f ng U U j

i m



The alter native pro of relie s only on the additivity of the mo dal op erator and do e s not require

that its algebraic prop ertie s b e sp eciable just in terms of equations The bas i s of the pro of i s

that given countermo dels sati sfying the premi ss e s of the s equent and individually f als ifying each

di sjunct of its conclus ion the additive nature of the op erator allows one to construct a counter

mo del sati sfying the premi ss e s and f als ifying the conclus ion as a whole

Pro of of MEconv Let S b e the s et of s etconstants o ccurr ing in a di sjunctive

entailment DE of the form given in the theorem Supp os e none of the di sjuncts on

the rhs i s entaile d by the equations on the lhs Thi s means that for each di sjunct

U there i s an ass ignment hS U m i sati sfying all the equations U

i i i i i j

but such that U We can assume without loss of generality that the univers e s

i i

U in each of the ass ignments are di sjoint From the s e ass ignments we can construct a


new ass ignment again sati sfying all the equations U and such that U

j i

for each



Let hS U m i where U U i s dene d by

i i

i i


for each constant S and m i s dene d by m X m X U for every s et

i i


X U in each cas e the subscr ipt i range s f rom to n

We note that b ecaus e we are dealing with mo dal algebras each of the functions m


must b e additive m X Y m X m Y Thi s means that m i s also additive

i i i

m X Y m X Y U m X U Y U

i i i i i

i i


m Y U m X m Y m X U m X U m Y U

i i i i i i i i

i i i


I now show that for any term ie the denotation of any term



under i s just the union of its denotations under the ass ignments If i s a constant


thi s i s ensure d directly by the sp ecication of so we can prove it inductively for all

terms by showing that if it holds for any terms and it must also hold for the terms

and For and we have


i i i i i

i i i i

i i i

i i i


Whence must hold s ince



The pro of for the cas e of the mo dal op erator i s rather more involve d Since we are


and s ince m we have m m assuming

i i

i i


m If we now replace m by its denition in terms i s additive thi s equals




of the functions m we get the expre ss ion m U where i and j b oth

i j i j

i j

range f rom to n Notice that i s always a subs et of U so b ecaus e the U s are

i i i

di sjoint U must equal if i j and otherwi s e Thi s means that the

i j i


expre ss ion can b e re duce d to m which i s equivalent to

i i i

i i


Since for any term and the range s of the ass ignments are

i i


di sjoint it follows that an equation i s sati se d by if and only if it i s sati se d by all

of the s Thi s ensure s that sati se s all the f rame equations of the logic L It also


means that must sati sfy all the equations on the lhs of the DE and none of the

equations in the di sjunction on the rhs of DE

Hence the constructe d ass ignment demonstrate s that if none of the di sjuncts on

the rhs of DE i s individually entaile d by the equations on the lhs the ir di sjunction

cannot b e entaile d So the class of entailments of mo dal algebraic equations of the form

of DE i s convex 

App endix C

Prolog Co de

C Generating all Conjunctions of RCC Relations

The following program generate s all logically di stinct relations which can b e sp ecie d as a con

junction of RCC relations and the ir negations The co de include s do cumentation of how it works

Further explanation can b e found in s ection in the main the s i s and also in the s ection following

the program li sting where I pre s ent and explain the programs output


This program generates the complete set of logically distinct

relations which can be specified as conjunctions of ve and

ve literals taken from the RCC relation set

The set can be generated with or without nonnull constraints

on the regions involved

For the sake of generality nonnull constraints are represented

by adding the relations x and y to the set of RCC relations

x is true just in case the st argument of the relation is null

and y if the second argument is null

toplevel calls

Generate all combinations of RCC relations and null relations

There are including the impossible relation


setof X rccconX completeX Set


lengthSetL writelengthL


Generate all combinations of RCC relations for which the

arguments are nonnull

There are including the impossible relation


setof X rccnnconX completeX Set


lengthSetL writelengthL

Find the most specific relations specifiable between nonnull regions

excluding the impossible relation

This generates the RCC relations


setof X rccnnconX completeX Set

setofBmemberBSet memberCSet propersubsetBC Base


lengthBaseLB writebaselengthLB

Subsidiary Predicates

rccconCONJ pickconjunctiondcdrppintppntppieqxy CONJ

CONJ impossible

rccnncon notx noty Rest

pickconjunctiondcdrppintppntppieq Rest

rccnncon impossible

A set of relations is complete iff it is closed under implications

completeSet memberRSet impliesRS





Implications holding between rcc relations impliesdcdr


impliesntpp p

impliesntppi pi

implieseq p

implieseq pi

impliesx ntpp

impliesy ntppi

impliesx dc

impliesy dc

implies andppi eq

implies anddrp x

implies anddrpi y

implies andntppntppi x

implies andntppntppi y

implies andntppeq x

implies andntppeq y

implies andntppieq x

implies andntppieq y

implies notR notS impliesSR S and

implies andRnotS notT impliesandRT S

Additional simple predicates

propersubsetX Y XY memberEXmemberEY

write a list one element per line


showlistHT writeHnlshowlistT

pick a conjunction of ve or ve literals from a list


pickconjunctionT PT pickconjunctionTPT

pickconjunctionHT H PT pickconjunctionTPT

pickconjunctionHT notH PT pickconjunctionTPT

minimise can be used to remove redundant rels from RCC conjunctions

this is not actually used by the predicates defined above


Minimising a set is removing all implied relations

minimiseSetM extract R Set Rest

member S Rest

implies S R

minimise Rest M

minimiseSetM extract R Set Rest

extract S Rest Rest

member T Rest

implies andST R

minimise Rest M


extract an element from a list nondeterministically

extractXListRest append Front X End List

append Front End Rest

C Conjunctions of the RCC Relations and the ir Negations

Here i s the s et of logically di stinct conjunctions of the RCC relations and the ir negations

generate d by the program given in the last s ection The relations are given in the form of a li st of

conjuncts with negate d conjuncts given as notR Relations are denote d by the ir usual initials

but in small letters b ecaus e of the syntax of Prolog The empty li st corre sp onds to the universal

holding b etween any two regions Any conjunction containing a literal and its negation i s equivalent

to the impossible relation

The f act that one or other of the regions involve d in a relation i s null i s sp ecie d by the sp ecial

ps eudorelations x and y meaning re sp ectively that the st or nd argument i s null In the RCC

theory all regions are nonnull Thus only thos e conjunctions including the conjuncts notx

and noty corre sp ond to legitimate RCC relations There are such relations including the

impossible relation which implicitly include s b oth nonnull constraints

The conjunction s ets generate d by the program are clos e d under implication and thi s ensure s

that they are all genuinely logically di stinct It also means that there i s a lot of re dundancy in the

re sulting sp ecication of the relations For instance every conjunction which has dc as a conjunct

also include s the weaker relation dr as a conjunct Thi s re dundancy could b e eliminate d by p ost

pro ce ss ing the s ets to remove implie d conjuncts however there i s not always a unique way to

s implify a conjunction so I have not done thi s


impossible dcdr








































pnoty pi








































































































































C An I Theorem Prover for Spatial Sequents

The following co de implements an intuitioni stic theorem prover bas e d on a Gentzen s equent calcu

lus The prover i s optimi s e d to p erform b etter with the class of s equents generate d by the enco ding

of RCC reasoning in I Thi s means that the prover i s not complete for arbitrary I s equents

The main s implication of the calculus i s that the rule for eliminating implications on the left of

the s equent i s replace d by mo dus p onens Another var iant of mo dus p onens in adde d to handle

the cas e of an implication with a conjunction as its antece dent s ee s ection

Gentzen system for propositional intuitionistic logic

Restricted to give better performance on sets of spatial

constraint formulae as given in KR

set prooftrace to on to see trace or use prooftr

command below to toggle mode

dynamic prooftrace


Output current goal if in tracing mode

entailPremsConc prooftraceon

formattrying to prove p p n Prems Conc



Terminating conditions

entailPrems Conc memberConc Prems

entailtraceProven conc is premn

entailPrems memberabsurd Prems

entailtraceProven absurd premn

Simple sequent rewrites


entailPrems equivPQ

setaddP Prems PPrems

entailPPrems Q


setaddQ Prems QPrems

entailQPrems P


entailPrems Conc

extractequivPQPrems Rest

setaddifPQ ifQP Rest NewPrems

entailNewPrems Conc


entailPrems Conc


setaddP Q Rest PQPrems

entail PQPrems Conc


entailPrems ifPQ

setaddP Prems PPrems

entail PPrems Q


entailPrems notP

setaddP Prems PPrems

entailPPrems absurd

Conjunctive Splitting Rules deterministic


entailPrems andPQ

entailPrems P

entailPrems Q


entailPrems Conc

extractorPQ Prems Rest

setaddP Rest PPrems

entailPPrems Conc

setaddQ Rest QPrems

entailQPrems Conc


Pruning Rules

Not necessary for completeness but save a lot of search

Implications are redundant if you have the conclusion

entailPrems Conc

extractifQ Prems Rest

memberQ Rest

entail Rest Conc

More such rules could be added for greater efficiency

Nondeterministic Rules

Application of these rules reduces sequent to a logically

stronger form so must backtrack for completeness

rules xentail are not used for the spatial reasoner

but would be needed for complete intuitionistic reasoning


The if rule is not used for the spatial constraints

It is replaced by modus ponens and another similar rule

see below

disabledentailPrems Conc

extractifPQ Prems Rest

entailRest P

setadd Q Rest QPrems

entail QPrems Conc


rewrite notX to if X absurd

entailPrems Conc extractnotPPrems Rest

setadd ifP absurd Rest NewPrems

entail NewPrems Conc

Using modus ponens for if is not complete for I in

general but it is complete for the topological constraints

if used together with the similar rule following

entailPrems Conc


extractifPQ Prems Rest

memberP Rest

setaddQ Rest QPrems

entail QPrems Conc

Rule for constraint notandXY on left

a Modus Ponens variant

entailPrems Conc

extractifandXYQ Prems Rest

memberX Rest

memberY Rest

setaddQ Rest QPrems

entail QPrems Conc

We still have nondeterminism for disjunctive conclsions

This could also be eliminated by adding more prunig rules


entailPrems orPQ

entailPrems P

entailPrems Q

Conclusion may also be given as singleton list

for compatibility with other sequent progs

entailPrems Conc entailPrems Conc


If no rule applicable fail current entail goal

entail entailtraceFailedn


alternative toplevel call for single premiss sequents

entailsPQ entailP Q


Simple predicates used above

extractXListRest X occurs in List remainder is Rest

the definition is now kept in prologlibmylibpl

extractX List Rest appendA X B List

appendA B Rest

add an element to a set

setadd Elt Set Set memberElt Set

setadd Elt Set Elt Set

add two elts to a set

setadd Elt Elt SetIn SetOut

setadd Elt SetIn SetOut

setadd Elt SetOut SetOut

Tracing the prover

output with format if prooftrace is on

entailtraceStrArgs prooftraceon

formatStr Args


Toggle proof tracing

prooftr prooftraceon







Some example test problems


checkemi entail orp notp

checkdn entails p notnotp

checkdn entails notnotp p







hardtest Not so hard with restriced rules

entailnotandab notandba



notandac notandca





C A Sp ecial Purp o s e O n Algor ithm for Spatial Sequents

The following co de implements the I reasoning algor ithm bas e d on the optimi s e d s equent calculus

rule s given in s ection As with the program given in app endix C thi s means that the pro of

system i s only complete for s equents ar i s ing f rom the I enco ding of RCC cons i stency problems

and not for arbitrary s equents of I For thi s re str icte d class of s equents it can b e shown that the

worst cas e runtime i s of O n in the numb er formulae on the lhs of the s equent Thi s numb er

i s of the order of the numb er of RCC relations which are to b e te ste d for cons i stency however

checking cons i stency of n relations require s O n s eparate I s equents to b e te ste d Thus checking

cons i stency of n RCC relations require s O n time Thi s re sult applie s more generally to any

s et of relations which can b e repre s ente d as a conjunction of RCC relations and the ir negations


A decision procedure for spatial entailments encoded into sequents

of the binary fragment of intuitionistic propositional logic

Declare dynamic predicates to store model and entailment constraints

The last argument is a status flag used to keep track of formulae

which are asserted temporarily in the course of testing an entailment

There are four kinds of model constraint

dynamic mconor

dynamic mconif

dynamic mconnand

Atoms are stored as mcon AtomName Status

dynamic mconatom

Entailment constraints are stored as econ Formula Status

dynamic econ

Three status flags are used

db formula is part of a consistent database encoding spatial facts

test formula is associated with a putative spatial fact whose

consistency is to be tested

pr formula is asserted temporarily while testing particular sequent

The flags ought to be further parameterised by some database id

ie we would have dbid testid and prid

Then we could use multiple databases


Predicates for adding to the database

addmcon Formula Status

Add a model constraint formula to the database

also add extra implications entailed by disjunctions

and add closure of all implications

All added formulae have status S

addmcon ifXY S

addimpandclose ifXY S

addmcon orifXfY S

add the entailed implication ifXY

addimpandclose ifXY S

assertifnew mconor ifXf Y S

addmcon orifXf ifYf S

addimpandclose ifXifYf S

assertifnew mconor ifXf ifYf S

addmconA S atomA

assertifnew mconatom A S


addmconlistHT S addmconH S

addmconlistT S


addeconlistHT S assert econH S

addeconlistT S

addimpandclose Implication Status

Add an implication to the database together with all its consequences

Status flag S also added which allows temporary formulae to be removed

if already there do nothing

addimpandclose ifXY mconifXY

if subsumed do nothing

addimpandclose ifXifYf






add ifXifYf and consequences

addimpandclose ifXifYf S

sweep mconifAX

assertifnew mconnandAY S

sweep mconifBY

assertifnew mconnandXB S

assert mconnandXY S

add simple ifXY and consequences

addimpandclose ifXY S

sweep mconifYZ

assertifnew mconifXZ S

sweep mconifZX

assertifnew mconifZY S

assert mconifXY S

prove Formula

This is true if Formula is a consequence of the model constraints

stored in the database

prove ifXf

pruneorswrt ifXf

assertifnew mconatomX pr



prove ifXY assert mconatomX pr


prove ifXifYf assert mconatomX pr

assert mconatomY pr


prove orifXf ifYf

pruneorswrt ifXf

pruneorswrt ifYf

assert mconatomX pr



assertifnew mconatomY pr


prove orifXfY

pruneorswrt ifXf

pruneorswrt Y

assert mconatomX pr




Specification of the PROOF RULES

Add all consequences of the pruning rule for disjunctions

pruneorswrt F

sweep mconorXF addmcon X pr

sweep mconorFX addmcon X pr


derivebymodusponens Conc

probably wont terminate as soon as Conc found

First sweep over all MP applications

sweep mconatomA

mconatomf stop if inconsistent

mconatomConc stop if proved

mconif A B

assertifnew mconatomB pr

mconnand A B

assertifnew mconifBf pr

mconnand C A

assertifnew mconifCf pr

Could also subsume ifXA clauses

But must replace them if using an incremental DB

Then test whether Conc or f has been derived

mconatomConc mconatomf

Toplevel predicate for testing intuitionistic sequents

testsequentPrems Conc


addmconlistPrems test



query database

Use checknewconswrtdb to check consistency

Necessary if all query Mcons also entailed by db Mcons

and all query Econs entailed by db Econs

This version only checks consistency

querydb Rel Ans

rcci Rel Mcons Econs


checknewconswrtdb Mcons Econs

Ans consistent

Ans inconsistent

cleantest cleanpr

checknewconswrtdbMcons Econs

addmconlist Mcons test

addeconlist Econs test



econ F


prove F

Time random queries wrt a fixed database

timerandomqueriesNo Regs T AvT


donrandomqueries Regs


AvT is TNo


donrandomqueriesN RegNo

randomrel RegNo RR

genout testingrelRR

querydb RR

NextN is N

donrandomqueriesNextN RegNo


generaterandomdb RegNo RelNo RelsTried

randomrel RegNo RR


genout testingrelRR

rcci RR Mcons Econs

addifconsistent Mcons Econs

MoreRels is RelNo

genoutConsistent more rels to add MoreRels

generaterandomdb RegNo MoreRels MoreTries

RelsTried is MoreTries

genoutInconsistent wrt DB

generaterandomdb RegNo RelNo MoreTries

RelsTried is MoreTries

addifconsistent Mcons Econs

checknewconswrtdbMcons Econs




cleanpr cleantest fail

timerandomdbRegs Rels Tried T



generaterandomdbRegsRels Tried


nl writeregionsRegs

nl writerelationsRels

nl writetriedTried

nl writetimeT nl ttyflush

Predicates for adding removing and changing status of formulae

in the database

Add mcon unless already present

Note that the existing fact need not have same status


assertifnew mconifXYS

mconifXY assertmconifXYS

assertifnew mconnandXYS

mconnandXY assertmconnandXYS

assertifnew mconorXYS

mconorXY assertmconorXYS

assertifnew mconatomXS

mconatomX assertmconatomXS

cleanS remove from the database all dynamic facts with status S

cleanS retractall mconorS

retractall mconifS

retractall mconnandS

retractall mconatomS

retractall econS


remove all dynamic facts from the database

clean clean

Change status of all mcons with status S to S


sweep retract mconorXYS


retract mconifXYS


retract mconnandXYS


retract mconatomXS



This predicate specifies the mapping from RCC relations

to intuitionistic model and entailment constraint formulae

RCC rel Model Constraints Entailment Constraints


rcci dcXY orifXf ifYf ifXf ifYf

rcci ecXY ifXifYf orifXf ifYf

ifXf ifYf

rcci poXY ifXifYf ifXY

ifYX ifXf ifYf

rcci tppXY ifXY orifXfY

ifXf ifYf

rcci tppiXY ifYX orifYfX

ifXf ifYf

rcci ntppXY orifXfY ifXf ifYf

rcci ntppiXY orifYfX ifXf ifYf

rcci eqXY ifXY ifYX ifXf ifYf

Auxilliary Minor Predicates


genout genoutflagoff

genoutO writeO nl ttyflush


randomrel RegNo Rel

randomeltdcecpotpptppintppntppieq R

randomRegNo R

randomRegNo R

Rel R rR rR

randomeltLE lengthLLen

Lim is Len

randomLimR nthRLE

App endix D

Re dundancy in Comp o s ition Table s

Thi s app endix summar i s e s the main re sults that were publi she d in Bennett a concer ning the

re dundancy of information in comp os ition table s

If a bas i s s et contains n relations then there will b e n table entr ie s and if computing each

entry require s making n cons i stency checks then the total numb er of cons i stency checks require d

to construct the table will b e n However a cons ideration of the structure of a comp os ition table

will reveal that it contains a large amount of re dundant information Hence much of the work

done in cons i stency checking to compute such a table i s also re dundant One sort of re dundancy

o ccurs b ecaus e if we compute each cell of a comp os ition table s eparately we end up checking the

cons i stency of identical s ets of relations s everal time s Further re dundancy i s intro duce d by the

f act that any relation can b e wr itten in two ways by inverting the relation and swapping the order

of the arguments

Clearly a comp os ition table can b e constructe d very eas ily once we know the s et of cons i stent

tr iangular congurations of relations drawn f rom the bas i s s et under cons ideration Furthermore

once we have determine d whether a tr iangle i s cons i stent we have already determine d the con

s i stency of the e ss entially equivalent tr iangle s obtaine d by rotating the or iginal or inverting each

of its relations The exact numb er of tr iangle s equivalent to a given tr iangle dep ends up on the

di str ibution of symmetr ic and asymmetr ic relations and whether it contains duplicate relations

The que stion I now addre ss i s how many e ss entially di stinct tr iangle s can b e forme d f rom

s symmetr ic and a asymmetr ic relations Cons ider an arbitrary s et of relations cons i sting of s

symmetr ic relations a asymmetr ic relations and a further asymmetr ic relations which are the ir

convers e s Figure D shows all p oss ible congurations of symmetr ic and asymmetr ic relations

in a tr iangle mo dulo rotation and ipping The capital letters S and A stand for symmetr ic

and asymmetr ic and indicate the numb ers of each typ e of relation pre s ent in the tr iangle The

small letters c d and f stand for converging diverging and following which de scr ib e the

dierent ways in which two asymmetr ic relations can b e arrange d r and n denote rotating and

not rotating congurations of three asymmetr ic relations

To calculate the total numb er of e ss entially dierent tr iangle s the numb ers of p oss ible instan

tiations of each of the s e congurations were calculate d cas e by cas e After some manipulation the





Figure D Poss ible congurations of symmetr ic and asymmetr ic relations

following p olynomial giving the total numb er T of e ss entially di stinct tr iangle s in terms of s and

a was arr ive d at

s s s s a sa a a a T

We also know that the total numb er n of relations in a theory i s equal to s a so s n a By

substituting n a for s in the p olynomial we end up with a s impler equation pr imar ily involving


T n n n na

As the numb er of relations increas e s the n terms of the s econd equation will dominate Thus

for large n the numb er of di stinct tr iangle s will approach n

The following table shows value s of s a n and T for a numb er of theor ie s for which com

p os ition table s have b een constructe d RCC i s the bas i s of e ight top ological relations dene d in

Randell Cui and Cohn RCC i s a bas i s of spatial relations involving containment whos e

denition i s di scuss e d in Cohn et al the complete comp os ition table i s given in Bennett

b IC i s Allens temp oral interval calculus and LOS i s Galtons Line

of Sight calculus The nal column give s T as a p ercentage of n

Bas i s Set s a n T





Table D Comp os ition table re dundancy gure s for four relation s ets

Hence by lo oking at relational comp os itions as b e ing charater i s e d by a s et of cons i stent tr i

angle s rather than by a table and by taking advantage of rotational and mirror symmetry exhibite d


by the s e tr iangle s the computational work nee de d to determine the comp os itions of a s et of re

lations can b e re duce d to approximately one s ixth of what would b e require d us ing the nave

tablebas e d approach Moreover rather than stor ing a comp os ition table it i s sucient to store

just the cons i stent tr iangle s or the incons i stent one s if there are le ss of thos e It i s easy to s ee

that f rom thi s information comp os ition table entr ie s can b e compute d by a constant time b ounde d

algor ithm


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