Thursday, 27th February 1958




(24th February to 10th March, 1958)


(Vol. XII contains Nos. II to 20)

LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI CONTENTS [Second Series, Volwne XII-24th February to 10th Mur• h, 1c.1~!!. I C.otUMHI No. u-2.41h Fl.bruary, 19s8.

Death of Maulana A7ad, Shri B. Dae; anL\ Slm V. M. Ob1udulblh .2091-2106

Daily Digest a . . 210"-08 No. t2'-Tutsdoy, 25rh Ftbrttary, 1958.

Oral Answers to Questions-- Starred Quec;tions NC1s. 449 tu 4~2. 454, 4~ti to 4-:9, 4l1t to 465 and 4f7 2109-44 Written An11wers to Quc1tllon~ Starred Que111t1on!I Nos. 4o6 to 448, 453, 4S5· 46o, 466, 468 10 491 • . 2144-tl:.t Unstarrtd Qu~rn.1ns Noc, 4~2 to 596 .2182-2255 Death of ~hr1 S. K. BMncnca 225s Motions for Adj1e1urnment- 1. of ammumtwn at P.ttJ.anJ..01 ra1h\11\ 1,1dml!; nnd · 22SS-57 :. Death ()f and iniur~ 1(1 .um\ per'<•nr.d dtiru I? fmr~ 1r •• 11rJ? nt An l :lln . 2257-59 Papers laid on the Table . 2259-63 Messages from RaJya Sabha . 226l-64 Ancient Monumcnttt and Archaeolog1cal ~lie' ~.nd Rcmamc; H11J-I..a1d c1n th( 1uhl~ as p.ti.c,ed by Raha Sabha 2264 Perniontt re: Rcprei.entat1on of the Prorlc A1.t ard Indian Pc1'lt Office Rule' 2264 Demands for Supplc.mcntar} Cmmt' (R1ulV1al' 19c;.,.5S 2264 Prohation of Offenders B1ll-Rcpor1 (if Joml Committee prc\entrd 2264 Calling Attention to Matter ot Lrgenl Public Import.ince- Reservation of scah for ~chedulcd Ca<1tc1i • 2264-66 Correction of An11\\er lo St.trrcd Questic1n No. 205 2266 Statement re: Ac.-c1dent!. m Colhcnc' ne .. r A\.tm11J • 226--73

B1lls ll'ltroduced- J, Control of Shipping

Merchant Shippin1 Bill- Mouon to refer ro Joint Commntee 227~-96, 2296--2367 Businel1 of the House . 22t6 Statement re : Bxploaton at Pathankot 2267-72 ll

ButJne• Adv!aory Committee-- Nineteenth Report 2311 Daily Digest • 2373-tCS No. 13-Wldnud't).', 26ih February, 1958. Oral Answers to Questions- Starred Question.~ Noa. 492 to 496, 498, sex> to 502, S04 to 508, 511 to 513 and 515 to sao • 2387-a43z Written Answen to Qucstiona- Starrcd Questions Nos. 497, 499, 503, 509, 510, 514, s21 to S29 Unstirred Questions Nos. 597 to 627, 628 to 655 and 657 to 667

Motion for Adjournment- Polic:e firing on employees of H.L.A. Papers laid on the Table Committee on Private Members' Bills and Resolutions-- Fifteenth Report 2477 Statement re :- Srrike by arudents of Delhi Polytechnic Business Advisory Committec- Nineteenth Report 2478 Appropriation Bill Passed 2479 Railway Budget-General Discussion .2479-2598 Statement r1 : Railway Accident at Sonapur Station .2598-26oo Daily Digest • 26o1-<16 No. 14-Tlltmday, 27th February, 1958. Oral Answers to Questions- Starrcd Questions Nes. 530 to 536. 538 to 542, 544, 548, 550. 552, SS3 and 556 • 26<>7-44 Written Answers to Qucsti<'ns- Starred Questions Nos. 537, 543, S4S to S47 549, ss1, SS4• SSS and SS7 to 569 • 2644-SS Unstarred Questions Nos. 668 to 704 and 766 to 71 J • 2655-83 Motion for Adjournmcnt- Fast by Shrimati Sudha Joshi in Goan Jail Papers Laid on the Table Statement re: Explosions at Parhanlcot Committee on Absence of Members from the Sittmg11 of the House-- Fifth Report Election to Committec- Bmployees• State Insurance Corporation 2'9o-91 Railway Budget-General Discussion .a691-2824 Statement re : Accident at the Army Firing range at Ambala • 3834-26 Daily Digest • aBz6-32

No. 15-Frlday, 281h February, 1958. Oral Answers to Questions-- Starred Questiom Nos. 570 to 581, 583 to 585 and S87 to 589 • Written Answers to Questions-- Starred Queations Nos. 58:.1 and 586 • Uaatarred Questions Nos. 7u to 766 ili


Piper laid on the Table 2912 J,.nve of Abence 2912-13 Businea of the Houae • 2913 RaUway Budpt--General Discussion • 2914 65 Committee on Private Manben" Bills and Resolutions- Fifteenth Report Rnolution r1: c.ommi11ion to lnqulre into indiscipline amon1 studentt-COr.cluded 2966-3007 Presentation of General Budget 3007-33 Pinlnce Bill-Introduced 3033-34 Gift-Ta Bill-Introduced 3034 B1tatc Dut7 (Amendment) Bill-Introduced 3034 Daily Disest 303, -4'

No. 16-Monday, 3rd Mach, 1958. Oral Answers to Questions-- Starred Questions Nos. 611, 612, 614, 616 to 630, 632 to 634 . Wriuen Answcn to Qucttions- Starred Questions Nos. 61s, 631, 63s to 6ss Unstarred Questions N<>s. 767 to 820 • Death of Shri Durga Charan Banerjee 3u9 Papen laid on the Table 3II9 Meuaacs from Rajya Sabha . 3120-21 Callina Attention to Mauer of Urgent Public lmportancc- Talb heJd wirh Dr. Graham 3122-23 Correction of Answer to Supplementaries to Starred Question No. 219 31.22-24 Milling Industry (Regulation) Bill-lntrOduced 3124 Railway Budget-General Discussion . 3124t-3209 Demands for Supplementary Grants (Railways), r9s7-58 3209-40 Daily Digest . 3241-46

No. 17-Tuesday. 41/r March, 1958.

Oral Answers to Qucstions- Starred Questions Nos. 656 to 66o and 662 to 669 Written Answcn to Questions-- Starred Questions Nos. 661 and 670 to 703 327S-g7 Unstarred Questions Nos. 821 to 893 . . 3298-3336 Point of Information 3336 Papers laid on the Table 3~36-37 Election to Committee . 3337-38 Demands for Supplementary Grants-Railways. l9S7·S8 3.338-93 Demands for Grants-Railways, 1958-59 ·3393-350.f Daily Di1e1t . 3505-10

No. 18-Friday. 1th Morels, 1958. Onl Answers to Questions- Sunecl Questions Nos. 7oS· 707 to 709, 712, 714, 715. 717, 718, 721, 7a3, 725, 728 to 731, 734 to 738 · 35 l I-47 ·~w ..i

\t'titten Answcn to Question..... Starred Quesdona Nos. 704, 7o6, 710, 7n, 713, 716, 7lilt7IO, .,aa, 7a.t.1a4. 727, 732, 733, 739 ro 7'3 . . • . . • . • • l.$47~ Unstarrcd Questions Nos. 894 to 998 . • 316j-36J2 Appropriation (Railways) Bill, 19s8-Tntrod~d 36.13 · Demands for Grants-Railways ,eal-17 Bills Introduced- ( I) The Code of Criminal Procedure (Amtndmcnt) Bill 1958 (Amendment of acc:tione 34a and 562) by Shri Ra1hubir Sahai...... 3617 (2) The CoJc of Civil PrOCC'dure (Amendmcnr) Bill. 19.sB (Omission of section 87-B) by Shri M. L. Dwivcdi ...... • • 3617-88 (3) The ManagemenL of Light Railways (Taking over by the State) BUI, 1958, bJ Shri Jhulan Sinha ...... • 374' (4) The Salaries and Allowances of Members of Parliament (Amendment) Bill. 19'1 (Amendment of 'ICCfion 6) by Shri N. Keshava . . . . . 37'47·41 Indian Penal Code (Amc.1dme111) Bill Insertion of New Secrion l2o4-B)- Morion to Consider . • 3618-3701 Indian Penal Code (Amcmdmcnt) Bill (Amendment of section 304-A)- Mot1on to consider . 3701-10 Indian Arms (Amendment) Bill (Amendment of Section 4)- Motil>ll to consider-NcgatiH~d . 3711-32 C.ldc of Cr1mtn:il Proccdul'C' \AtnenJmcnt) Bill (Amendment of 11«c:tions ,61-A and 517)- Motwn tu cons1dcr-Negatl\'eJ 373J-'4Z Indian Penal Code (Amt·nJmenr) Bill (Omission of section 4¥?)- Motion to coni.idcr . 3743-46 Dally Digest 3749-'4 No. 19-Sa1u1·day, 8th March 1958. Oral Answers to Quei.tmni.- Starrcd Questions Nos. 754 ll' 7'!t7· 759, 761 to 764, 766. 767, 771, 77~. 714 to 776, 778 to 7!43 and 7867-88 37SS-9t Written Answert. to QuC'lLion~ Starred Question~ Nos. 758, 76o. 765. 76H to 770, 773, 7i7• 784 :anJ 7~S . • 3791-96 Un!ltarreJ Que!>tioni. No&. 999 lo 1065 . • 3796--3136 Papt-r~ laid on the Table ~8~7-3ti Calling Ancnuon h> Mauer of Urg~n• Puhhc Importance- .Raid by n.uional., J839-4I Busincsi. of the Houi.c 31-41 Appropriauon (Rall"ay.,) H1U-Pas'icJ 3842 Demands for Grant~ on Account . 3842--69 Demands for Grants-R.ailway'l- Demand No. 1 Demands Nos . .2 rol18 .aml .20 • Daily Digest

No. 20-MorJday, 101/a Mar,h, 195K. Oral Answers to Qucstions- Starrcd Ques1ion11 Nl>ll. 790 to 793, 795. 797. 8o1. lk>3, 804, 8o6. l10 to 813 IDQ 8JS . Short Notice Question Nll, 4 Written Answcra to Questions-- Starred Questions Nos. 789, 794. 796, 798 to Boo. 802. 8o5, lo? to 1o9, 814, 816 to 836 ' ' ' • ' ' ' • • • O I 4047--66 Un1tarrcd QUestioo1 Nos. 1066 to 2o83 and 1085 to 1126 • 4066-410.z 'V


Plpcn laid on the Table 4102 .Apprc>priation (Vote on A<:eount) Bill-Introduced 4102•03 J)emlnd1 for Gnnta-RaiJways 4103-54 Coatral of Shipping (Continuance) Bill- Motion to Consider 4154-KK Qauaea 2 and I 4181-83 Motion to Pass . 4183 Indian Post Ofticc (Amendment) Bill as by Ra1y1 Sabh.a- Motion to alnsider (a" passed by Rajya ~abha) 41H8-4238 Clauses 1 to 4 • 4218 Motion to Pass . 4238 Buline11 Advisory Cornm1ttcc- Twentieth Rcimrt Daily Di1cst

N. B.-Thc sign above a name of a Member on Quc'ltmnr.. wtuch \\ere oralh ~m\\creJ, indkates that the Quc11llon wa\ actuatl) a!>kcd on lhc ftnor of the Hou.,c b) that Mcmher. L O K S A $HA DEBATES**.1^ i ...... n i ...... « —...... 1 .■■■ . ■ ■' ^ a aA____ g r__ _ r _ i 2607 260ft

LOK S/LBHA «To if1*0 firsr : aft f f , e^fiTO Thursday, 27th February, 1958 v fw * # crnar ft ^ hpt *rffc aprtse ” *pt v s ^ r t M The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock. zfhHT w ^fSEfhr 1 [Mr. Speaker in the Chair.] flo Wo flfPRT : wr an* ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS 3RFIT jf % W SRtTTW % *TRT

Bharat Sevak Samaj w srrm «rr ^ f t $ ? + Wo if.o fo* : fft f Shri S. C. Samanta: ft 1 srrf «ft, arr* fs& g- ^ *530. ^ Shri Bhakt Darshan: ^ Shri Sabodh Hansda: v n z f t 1 «r*ft w?r ftsv *trt5t tsrr tot ft 1 fr*nrr vsmrr Will the Minister of Planning be ft % *rr* * «prcft ijanft *if pleased to refer to the reply given to Starred Question No. 841 on the 5th f> ^rrq^ft 1 December, 1957 and state:

(a) whether the Scheme of Bharat 5TR t o t g fa w srftc % vnft $ Sevak Samaj to establish 50 Public f"l*l ^<10 jfl^InT fuel'll ^«4i Co-operation Centres in Community Development areas and outside has tot tot § wt finally been approved by Government; snrprr * t ft ?

(b) if so, the nature of the Scheme «ft W© mo flf* : ffffhr finally approved; and vhRT t v fcrt sc (c) the places selected for the ft i ft ? *tiw *ft- establishment of these centres? *Nr* q m w * wk | v «3^f?r*r v f w r % arftt The Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Labour and Employment t f w m tm 1 * ft *Nr «ft and Planning (Shri L. N. Mishfra): *pct«t 15* ^f*rrar snr j*rr ft i (a) No, Sir, The Bharat Sevak Samaj has since advised to M v* ftW 5PTT3T % VHTfT WJ?T revise their scheme and the revised scheme is still awaited. | fc *t qf wrm ft (b) and (e). Do not arise. 1

w# m m : wr $ n o «rr« tiwrft : wrr # m m j nw if m * *PTftT {[ fip ifcz W V T %^nrror ftiv wnw vt | «rr 2609 Oral A n tw ers 27 FEBRUARY 1958 Oral A u u i f i 26tO

’'fwrsfr tit $ ? nf? tfiff *?r ift | # Shri Nanda: In the selection, of course, the Community Development fW ft sternff *t ^ r t *t ft sflr Ministry certainly comes in o the pic­ f y r f r rfm s ri * $Tt f*rcT $tft & 7 ture. The States arc being asked to take a hand in the selection. h o wo fa* • ter -pt «ft onrftw swnft : WT itft aft ’^ TT f*R f^t $t |, TTTTcT %^fT W IT iRIT# VT *F^ ft? ^RT % %s fcr # t ^ r * * z I i ’ERT^T *Ft fgatV *Nr iftVTT % farft 'TTTfa «T^t $ I spft 5T?*FT5r ...... •__ !+ — — ■ - - A. _ ft JL 0 sr^Rnr ^fPRrr tt ^n^t f r ?»» wfatf t i >nr?r ?p f f *r*rn r # %nn:^3iT5ftt?ft*R % fa^nft ’ X o 5Ft p f f a t t t % I *flT *ft sffr «TTo : ijf ■33?rr var ffVcf t I *^t %fa^T HTOT w m Tt 5TRT tft HO W.o ffft?rt : 4 3TPHT ?f?«rr % f?i# vtfvm ^ f w ^TfcfT g fa V% FPfa STTRR- # t WT 11 fijwr -srTcrr %, ^rt fa srk fastft ^emrt ^ w TTTrr w ?r»rr? cW ^f:f*RT ?rft TRT ifTSRT #3ft t | faa?ft ^ h n r ft ^ #F*rnft ^t *ft f*R?nr 11 ^ ? t t s fK t o f t STT^t t I Shri Jaipal Singh: The hon. Min­ *rc

«ft : w sR y^nxft * matter of fact, we ourselves are giving trainirg to many people from other ww*ft ? countries, especially Asian countries. «ft w* Tqr*r sgsr i fa*a Shri Jaipal Singh: In the reply | 1 fcfor f i that was given it was said that an offer to train students from friendly •ft «r© wto fj* fl : z m qr and under-developed countries was received. In which category do we 1 find ourselves, friendly country or Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy under-developed country? *531. Shri Shree Narayan Das: Will Shri Jawaharlal Nehru: They are the Prime Minister he pleased to not mutually exclusive. state: Shri Goray: How far is it true that (a) whether any, and if so, what in the ultimate analysis, there cannot offer was made by the Soviet Union be any peaceful use of atoms, because .for awarding scholarships to Indians distinguished scientists like Albert for study on the peaceful uses of ato­ Schweitzer have said that there can­ n ic energy; not be any peaceful use of atomic (b) whether any students have been enrgy? selected for being sent there; and Shri Jawaharlal Nehru: The way (c) if so, their number? the hon. Member has put it, if I may The Prime Minister and Minister of say so, is patently wrong. He said Xxternal Attain and Finance (Shri there cannot be. Of course, there can Jawaharlal Nehru): (a) An offer to be, there will be and there is being train students from friendly and now. What possibly the hon. Member under-developed countries, including means is that while we are using it India, in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic peacefully, it may be easily converted Energy was received from the Gov­ to non-peaceful use; that may be so, ernment of the Soviet Union As the but there can be peaceful u?e. Of course, it is patent, but it may easily offer did not make any mention of the Institutions at which the training be misused. would be imparted and further con­ Shri Goray: I think that it was tained no particulars of the courses pointed out that the temperatures to which the trainees would be admit­ that we have to create for this sort of ted, clarification was asked for -and splitting up of the atom are them­ Ihas just been obtained; selves of such nature that they are bound to harm the human race. i(b) No. Tc) Does not arise. Shri Jawaharlal Nehru: I am un­ Shri Shree Narayan Das: May I able to answer that question. On Jknow from the reply that has been that opinions may be different. ireceiMed from the Soviet Government, m If SaBfttMKT Ittf O m A*"** itft*

(lb) if so, what steps have been taken to make available required ship­ ping for the import of cement and wrnv ftfc nfcum four f cement? ^ itfeni: WT1 3TH ^FeTr Shri Manubhai Shah: That really does not arise out of this question. j ft m fttft v w % In the first instance, ftnports are now fwfr ift tit wft ? being totally stopped and there is no question of further import of cement. wn^nt : ?inmr * fon tot t Mr. Speaker: Order, order. I need ft vrWr % *3tpit ^ not tell hon. Members What is rele­ vant and what is not relevant. If it was about the Suez Canai shipping Shri Nanyanankutty Menon: May difficulties having been reduced, this I know whether there is any neces­ question as to whether we are going sity of importing cement at all, in to reduce the prices now may be a view of the fact that the Indian very pertinent question. We will go cement factories have large surplus in to the next question. their hands? Shri Karaungo: The urgency has Foreign Exchange been reduced. *533. Shrimatl Tarkeshwari Sinha: Shri Gajendra Prasad Sinha: May Will the Minister of Planning be pleas­ I know with which country we have ed to state: entered into a contract for import of (a) whether the Planning Commis­ cement and, whether that agreement sion have evolved any method and has been fulfilled and the quota has procedure fn order to be in more close been completed? touch with the Foreign Exchange The Minister of Industry (Shri position o* the country; and Manubhai Shah): We desired to im­ (b) if so, the nature of the same port about 7,00,000 tons of cement of and how are they working? which 4,29,000 tons have arrived and about 42,000 tons are yet to arrive. The Parliamentary Secretary to the The rest is being cancelled in view Minister of Labour and Employment of the increased production in the and Planning (Shri L. N. Mishra): country. The countries from which we Arrangements have been made for imported cement are West Pakistan, consultations with the Planning Com­ Japan, Yugoslavia, Soviet Hussia, mission in all important matters re­ Rumania, East Pakistan, Poland and lating to Finance Ministry's allot­ Viet Nam. ment of foreign exchange. These in­ clude: 41 fa? : # ** arrceiT (a) allotments to Central Minis­ j f t ^ tries, fa*IT zflg JTTTT Itzn (b) allotments for commercial im­ ports, f t fa* qnfr* (c) allotments for capital goods re­ f t * ? quired in the private sector, ana 9615 Ormt Jknnfers X ! FEBRUARY 1058 O ral A m * n

fd) allotments o f foreign exchange 13m MtaUar of Labour and Em­ to States for development pro­ ployment and Planning (Shit Nanda): jects. So far as the latter part of the ques­ tion is concerned, the answer has been given in very clear terms that every The Planning Commission also keeps precaution is being taken now, and in touch with the progress of commit* continuously the whole thing is being ments entered into from time to time kept under review so that there is not and the schedule of payments arising the slightest departure from whatever from such commitments. The foreign norms and whatever standards have exchange resources position, having to be maintained. But, so far as the regard to earnings, external assistance past is concerned, it has been explain­ and other factors is also reviewed by ed, I think, a number of times here the Planning Commission jointly with how partly it was expected and partly the Ministry of Finance. because of new circumstances things were aggravated.

Shrimati Tarkeshwari Sinha: May Shri Damani: May I know what is I know whether the Planning Com­ the link between the Planning Com­ mission was constantly reviewing the mission and the Finance Ministry to position of the foreign exchange and know the latest position of the re­ whether they gave any warning to sources and other connected matters? the Ministries concerned before the foreign exchange situation took such a serious turn; if not, why? The Deputy Minister of Planning (Shri S. N. Mishra): It has been pointed out in the body of the main Shri L. N. Mishra: In the first in­ reply itself that there are now regu­ stance, the foreign exchage crisis was lar consultations with the Finance nothing like unexpected. We know, Ministry and the Commerce and In­ Sir, in the original Plan we had a dustry for each half-yearly allotment. large gap in foreign exchange resour­ These consultations are of a very ces. It was anticipated and clearly detailed nature. explained in the Plan that the foreign exchange situation was going to be difficult. Secondly, the Planning Shri Ramanathan Chettiar: What Commission at that time was not in will be the requirements in respect of possession of full facts so as to anti­ foreign exchange for the rest of the cipate the nature of the crisis. Plan period?

Shrimati Tarkeshwari Slnha: Apart Shri S. N. Mishra: It was indicated from the unfilled gap of Rs. 400 crores, sometime back by the Finance Minis­ a shortfall has Occurred in the esti­ ter that the requirements would be of mated requirements of capital goods the order of Rs. 700 crores. imports. May I know why the Plan­ ning Commission did not give a pro­ Shri Tyagi: Are all these deferred per estimate about our need for im­ payment transactions effected by the ported capital goods and, now with that private sector with foreign countries shortfall, what precautions the Plan­ within the ceiling limits prescribed by ning Commission is taking to sec; the Planning Commission? that a fresh estimate on the basis of reality is prepared, and what for­ mula the Planning Commission bts Shri L. N. Mishra: Yes, Sir; we evolved in the matter? hope it is so. Oral Answers 27 PfiBRCAEY 1868 Owl Answers 26 tS

•n^h $ fwfwr * iroswt Ii t fWRf waft n t : «mr «rs t fa Ilf

*RT TOW *nft *T$ 1RIH *t IRTT Shri Ranfa: In view of the fact *Ft*T fap : that we are going on giving these visas to thousands and thousands of f«p) *ftt sr? % fo ?=fr^T % people from this side to go to Pakis­ tan, why is it that the Government of tfo iro afto ^I%5T %• ^nTcflTT TO T*ff India have not been able to help these fiifar % ?nnm »o o *r«rr oti fftapft 60 people, who are all I presume Jflfk ^RT gITWlfvpfl y t 1TR5T gT* Tt Indians, who are obliged to stay there and are not able to get visas to come jnSt 3 t an T ^ t I ; to India? (ST) fffe ft, eft WT JpRW The Prime Minister and MinM-r ol t External Affairs and Finance (Shri Jawaharlal Nehru): I do not know (»r) wr w* qwfazft ¥ what the hon. Member exactly means The difficulty is that mspite W R *Ft *Ft %* % fa w of an agreement that they should T O c T M ? give visas to this small number of people, Harijans chiefly, all kinds t t f t r o mr$ *ftrt w sjtt-Mw* of obstacles have been placed in the («ft 5TOT awft wt) : (*) 3ft irr I way of their coming, in the sense that they are not cleared by police, some­ (s r) sfarct * t t t t z srftre thing else had not happened and so on. So they hang on, and they have *iT # # % SFTTor SfTt hung on there from month to month Tt*F f W TOT fl I for a long period. Now, I believe, a batch of them has come recently or (*r ) 5 * 5#t*ft % 3?5RT*T % TT*% is coming. What are we to do about # 3ft +fe*JTVU $ %T ^ tft it? vtfaraf vt sit T&r f i $ ifrrfsrsr Shri Ranga: Do we give them any T f t ? 1 assistance? Bhrl Jawaharlal Nehrn: If the hon. *Te TW H*«T f«S : WT ^ Sft Member wants to know whether cny t f*F 3R ** «Pt >TR5f *TR % M assistance is given to them while they *falT fTOT TOT 33% STT5 ^ ^ *FT are there, of course, some assistance is given to them. At the same time, *pt forr tot «rr, tc ^r? f 'fifw n we cannot give a free camp to every­ jftrcr vt sfk srrc% gsrtt »nft tfk body who comes to stay there. We do y*TTt f^rar TOT, W ^ sffrff Vt give them assistance but they have been, naturally, inconvenienced very wi% «ft% qft vft vfb n f ft Tgt | ? much by this. *6X9 O ral A M w en 37 FEBRUARY 1058 Oral Answers 262a

•ft T8pTP ^ matter more expeditiously Other­ tft WFT*t I SiTT ^ I fa % *Jf wise, they will say, “it is all right.” *fta ^ f$, # q f ? f t q ^ ^ f t ^ r | They will not deal with these things at all. 3ft fa *PHT ^ **5Rft Tfcft I f t jection. And then they again went to the D.A.V. College camp, ^ | ? found that camp was closed and so «ft aWTfTETP* H f * : fiTCPflt 5TCT ft*TT * W ^ ? Shri Jawaharlal Nehru: The hon. Member has answered the various *ft frrif^ft : f*n^ f^ft frf questions. •p ft^rr *5t crw % f a t * * r

(b) if so, the quantity of ore to be assistance would be available from exported; and the Government of Poland for deve­ loping the transport and port facili­ (c) how much of the agreed quan­ ties? tity will be supplied from the Orissa mines? ' Shri Kanungo: The price will be paid. That is quid pro quo. The Minister of Commerce (Shri Kanungo): (a) Yes, Sir. Shri M. L. Dwivedi: May I know in what currency the payment is (b) A quantity of 4,50,000 tons is made? proposed to be exported to Poland during the years, 1958, 1959 and 1960. Mr. Speaker: Next question.

(c) The contract is not based on Shri Gajendra Prasad Sinha: May I supplies from mines in a particular know— area. Mr. Speaker: I have passed on to Shri Panlgrahi: May I now what is the next question. the purchase price fixed per ton of iron ore which is going to be export­ ***rfanr wrfwv ed to Poland, and how does it compare i with the price of iron ore in other T countries to which we export, like •ft W l \ Japan? •ft Ho Vo arFTCT: Shri Kanungo: As I have said be­ MW fore, various times in the House, it •ft *to *o smf will not be in the public interest to •ft wnr fw ft : disclose the price for individual con­ tracts. vn wwr smwgr Shri V. P. Nayar: May I now whe­ % dnifta src* i m t ther for this export, Cochin port will be used? U s. * % qv*** * ar?n% qSV fqT f t Pufcl Shri Kanungo: About Cochin port, we have no idea yet, because we arc f^TW W p n 1 farT fsfW trying to develop all possible ports ptfht ^ *wt smfa in the west coast as also in the east coast. It all depends upon the haulage |f I ? from the mines and the availability of transport.

«*8 27 FEBRUARY 1968 * . Oftil Artftwm 3S16 » * monazite content higher than * 1 per Shri Jawaharlal Nehru: 1 am sorry cent were allowed in special cases on I haven’t the figures with me. Large payment of a special fee to Govern­ quantities have beep shipped. All that ^ ment. From December, 1955 onwards, I can say, I have said already. a certain relaxation in the monazite content has been allowed up to *15 Import Advisory Council per cent in order to step up the pro­ duction of ilmenite. The relaxation is f Shri Heda: at present valid to the end of June, *539. J Shri Ram Krishan: 1958. A special fee of Re. 1 per every l^Shri N. R. Moniaunjr: ton of ilmenite exported, which con­ tained more than ■ 10 per cent mona­ Will the Minister of Commerce and zite, is collected by the Central Gov­ Industry be pleased to state: ernment. (a) what are the suggestions made Shri V. P. Nayar: I want to know by the Import Advisory Council at whether Government have any ma­ their meeting held on the 8 th Febru­ chinery to And out whether this per­ ary, 1958; and centage stipulation is observed in the (b) how far these suggestions have export, especially by private traders. been implemented by Government? Shri Jawaharlal Nehru: An officer The Minister of Commerce (Shri of the Geological Survey is supposed Kanungo): (a) A statement showing to go into it. I do not know the de­ (i) a summary of the more important tails as to how he does that and after suggestions made at the meeting of what examination, etc. the Council; and (ii) a list of sugges­ tions received from the members for Shri V. P. Nayar: Is it not a fact consideration of the Council, is laid that there is no verification of bulk on the Table of the Lok Sabha. and only sampling is done by the [Placed in Library. See No. LT-582/ Geological Survey there? 58.] Shri Jawaharlal Nehru: I cannot (b) All the suggestions received reply to that, but inevitably, I suppose from the members and those made normally it is a question of sampling during the discussions at the meeting one kind,—not investigating every are receiving cor«ideration, where little bit. In a particular area a par­ necessary, in consultation with the ticular bit is taken out and sampled technical authorities concerned, and and it is presumed that the rest is will be taken into account in formu­ passed. lating the import policy for April— September, 1958 licensing period. Shri Ramanathan Chettiar: What is the quantity used by the Indian Rare Shri Heda: Though the statement Earths Factory, Alwaye, and what is is very lengthy, 58 pages, I find on the quantity of ilmenite that is ex­ page 2 there is item 4 where it is ported out of our country? stated that actual users have been recommended to be given import licences. I also find that six catego­ Shri Jawaharlal Nehru: I haven’t ries have been selected. I :vant to got that figure. know why import for intensive manu­ Shri V. P. Nayar: May I know the facture in other industries are not quantity of ilmenite sands above the allowed. stipulated content of monazite which Shri Kanungo: There are the sug­ has been shipped by the Travancore gestions which have been made. They Minerals, which is owned by the are under consideration. It is open Government of India and the Kerala to any member to make any other Government jointly? suggestion. 2& 7 Oral Aitmotr$ if f ’EBKtJARTT 1958 Oral Autwert 26z g

Shri N. R. Mantauny: I find that ciliation of the Nagas to the new ad­ very valuable procedural suggestion* ministrative set-up; have been made in the statement. One suggestion deals with the review (b) the number of raids made by that has to be held on the effects of the Naga rebels since then; the activities of the State Trading (c) the number of casualties suffer^ Corporation on the existing channels ed, the extent of loss in property of trade. May I know whether any and the amount of relief given to review has been made? If so, what families of victims; and are its results on the import policy? (d) whether an unauthorised levy Shri Kanungo: As I said, these is being collected by the rebel Nagas? suggestions are being considered and it will be reflected in the policy which The Parliamentary Secretary to the will be announced before 1st of April. Minister of External Affairs (Shri J. N. Hazarika): (a) The people Shrimati T&rkeshwarl Sinha: As inhabiting this area have on the whole top priority has been given to the welcomed the new unit and are co­ import of capital goods, may I know operating with the administration. whether for the appraisal of the import of capital goods any study was made, (b) Ten. or is being made, about the require­ (c) There was only one casualty ments of those capital goods industries, amongest the villagers. The total loss their requirements of ancillary indus­ of property, public and private, was trial products, and whether any inter­ about Rs. 13,920/-. industrial study is being conducted or No compensation is paid to the fami­ will be conducted? lies of victims But in accordance Shri Kanungo: That is exactly the with our general policy gratuitous function of the Development Wing. relief, mainly in kind but sometimes Shri Heda: In the case of barter in cash, is being given in this area not trade one of the difficulties that the only to the victims of the recent out­ exporters in our country are finding rages but also to others who have is that when they go to the iron cur­ suffered as a result of disturbed condi­ tain countries because of the foreign tions in this area. The total amount exchange difficulty they are not allow­ spent on relief since 1st December, ed to take adequate samples with 1957 is not known. them so that they can show it and (d) We are not aware of any gene­ sell it on the spot. Is that also being ral levy but it is possible that there considered? are some individual cases of extortion. The Minister of Commerce and Shri L. Achaw Singh: May I know Industry' (Shri Morarji Desai): If whether after the inauguration of the there is any complaint, it will certain­ New Unit the attention of the Govern­ ly be looked into. ment has been drawn to the fact that Naga Administrative Unit there has been increasing infiltrations into the Manipur territory of the Naga + rebels and also a number of armed f Shri L. Achaw Singh: robbery and lootings have taken place? I Shri Naushlr Bharucha: If so, what steps are being taken by *540. ^ Shrimati Ha Palchoudhuri: the Government to stop the infiltra­ | Shri Y. C. Shukla: tions? I Shri Jagdish Awasthl: Mr. Speaker: First of all, was there Will the Prime Minister be pleased any raid at all? to state: The Prime Minister and Minister of (a) whether after the inauguration External Affairs and Finance (Shri of the new Naga Administrative Unit, Jawaharlal Nehru): My own impres­ there has been any appreciable recon­ sion is, as stated in the written 3 62 9 O r a lA im n J7 IMKMUBr Ilf 8

answer, that the situation is very Shri Ham Banuu Has it been with­ much better than what it has been drawn, as the situation has eased? -previously, and the reported raids etc. Shri Goray: May I know the num­ Are entirety of a different kind. They ber of Nagas who have gone to Burma are petty robberies, in fact. It has and asked for political asylum from no relation to the movement that was that country? ' going on previously. Sometimes, Shri Jawaharlal Nehru: There was they are actually between two tribal people; some people have little griev­ a report in the newspapers that a few ance against the others and they have gone there. It is entirely a attack. In a small way, it is just matter for the Burmese Government sheer robbery. On the whole, there to consider. ■have not been many even of that type. Shri Hem Baraa: I may be allowed one more supplementary, «ft uniter : wr wftfe Mr. Speaker: It should arise out of this question. • % WfTJT A *TTf t ft TOR Shri Hem Barua: May I know if j t t t 3ft srrcrra * t Government are aware of the recent srraT t, fartst % m r f % incidents of looting and destroying of property worth Rs. 6,000/- at Mao, 3 !*nzT ^jTeTT *r g*R?t exchange of bullets between Manipur f r , if t o k * w t v p h r r f Rifles and Tamanlong Nagas in which a sepoy was seriously injured, attack •ft t m w m fa ri ^ jft Tfr on the magistrate's quarters at Chura- I ? chandpur, looting at Chingloni village and bomb explosion at Konglopokji eft ^rnfl^TR- village and one at Kalianani village? fen- w g ft ^rr ^ W t titK These are the incidents which have happened during the preceding fort­ *rft fsrr $ eft wfeT sfnr f^rr *t r t i night in February. TRW *Tf t fr ^ 5R 3TCT Shri Jawaharlal Nehru: This is a *TTTf * W ’STTcTT $ 3Tft 3PRT spr specific detail of the broad question *pr ^ | eft «(iei f t that has been put and answered. I cannot say about each individual thing. % t f f r g F R ft f t ^ eft

One, Antwers 27 FEBRUARY 1*58 Oral Answ ers 263a

The Minister of OenaNiee (Shri (v ) w *if | fa qfcr? *frc Kamngo): (a) and (b ). A statement is laid on the Table of the Lok Sabha. ^t t o *rt *rei % ajjflr fww [See Appendix III, Annexure f*Ttaf 5TCT ?ftZT fat nt$ *fffagsrt No. 54.] 3ft t t Fftf*T 5^ % IPTHTT Jfft (c) This has not yet been finalised. * ; Indian Trade Exhibition in Sudan *542. Shri Rafhnnath Singh: Will (W) *tfc ?Tf ?ft *T tat t $ the Minister of Commerce and Indus­ try be pleased to state whether it is SRt*? t faat-facft sftlt 3[% WF?ftf?T a fact that India is organising an fa t ; Indian Trade Exhibition m Sudan? The Deputy Minister of Commerce (»r) * n m m t fa to apt t and Industry (Shri Satish Chandra): Yes, Sir. tat jm NNtt: fa t ^ ?r, ?ft fa?r 5T=ff 't t ; fa f : $ vft 3TFRT g fa 5ft ircfaifr ft T^t t srat («r) Tn^r^r * f t t o f t % *R R *ft m m * 3 ft # t? t, 5T ^ # W T ^ t f3rT^Jpt^?ftT fa*ft m HPTR ^3tt * r m r % ’ RT ^5WT ^rTT^TftRW 3RT TOT ; ^ftT •ft tfcfter wfx : f f r r r c 3fti t fg^TT & TfT P. v tc (t ) firor t ^zrrvTtv^t ^t «f(t ^jft? t fa SP-R ^t *T f % TOT T O ^T fsRTT t ’ f ^ T T I «rt pt + ^ftw f^farr fat nt t 1 "«ft Tnhnw : «ft finwm* tw : (? ) <*t, ^ 1 |Rnr v r - i r e x m g * n R i f : 'ft^SR UTR ^fWfT "Ft V tf ^ft 5J*Rn*T *sor*. J qftar n® *r® finrrft : |HT I ^ ^Rft ^ H^ttK sft sftfiT fWW : tTF^tf^ ^5t 5^ HR^T SRlA WTHfrft : it^

An Hon. Member: In English also. Shri Kanungo: They will be Miked Mr. Speaker: Yes. to accept the reduced price which is Shri Kamingo: (a) Only a small the practice. ipercentage of the total supply of shoes to Russia has been rejected. Some Dr. Ram Subhag Singh: For the shoes were also found defective. No future. shoes have h°en returned to India. (b) Rejected Defective Shri Kanungo: For future suppliers, 1024 pairs 43082 pairs depending on the nature of the (c) Rejected shoes were not accept- defects. «d. Defective shoes were accepted at reduced prices. Shri Bishwanath Roy: May I know whether any step has been taken for (d) No, Sir. No loss has been suf­ checking this sort of unfair practice fered by the State Trading Corpora­ in the export of Indian goods? tion of India. The cost of rejected shoes and the reduction in price in the Shri Kanungo: Inspection was done case of defective shoes have been by the sellers as well as by the buy­ lom e by the suppliers according to ers. In fact, the Russian buyers in­ the terms of contract. spected the consignment before it was (e) Does not arise. shipped. Defects were noticed in Moscow. T TS W 1* TOTH • TOT 4 *T f 3TFT

t afFRT ^TTflTT 5ft srrrc fair «rr ^ yjx 3 ^ «fT fr «lft ^ *tft TOT * iW sfarc ^ TOT t ? *TT 4*41 VtWcT W 3TTT ^ ^ : q f TT 11 t t €. vr vnix «rc Shri Kanungo: I have said several times that it will not be in the public interest to give the prices of indivi­ TIT ^ I dual contracts.

ITo TR faf . f5R TOW Ambar Charkha

% t$r fatf fa 4 * •wfa fanr fr t?: % / Shri Wodeyar: •eft TOT ^ UMIiJU «PT cft¥ ftm 548, \ Shri Naval Prabhakar: '^TT^TI ? Will the Minister of Commerce and Industry be pleased to state: «ft «PI^?nft : X& ft *TFTt il+ ^ | (a) whether any improved model of Ambar Charkha has recently been re­ Tftr STfcT faPT % iJW qtf ^Nt ceived by Government; *fk «t r W c t q tf »rc i (b) whether it is a fact that Govern­ «Te TR $*?IT faf : «!WT H frfS ment have abandoned the question of v m ant»jT *rc at? ftrar ? improving the Ambar Charkha for the present; and I want to know whether the contract entered into with the suppliers who (c) whether Ambar Charkhas are had supplied such defective shoes will being manufactured on a lafge scale be terminated now. in the private sector? 3635 Oml Atwtperr 27 FEBRUARY19S8 0m l Answers 3636

The Minister of Industry (Shri Mr. Speaker: Not here. Manubhai Shah): (a) and (b). There is a continuous improvement taking Shri B. Has Gupta: May I know place in the Ambar Charkha. As the whether the Government is thinking House is aware there is a prize scheme of replacing this Ambar charkha by a fox’ an improved charkha and the last more improved charka called the date for submission of this scheme has charka, utilising power? been extended upto 30th April, 1958. Shri Manubhai Shah: I would like to dispel a wrong impression which (c) So far as the Government is can be created in the House by the aware, it is being mainly manufac­ question of the previous hon. Mem­ tured through the agencies of the ber. The Ambar charka programme commission and two other firms ap­ has not at all failed. Government is proved by the Khadi Commission. fully satisfied that in such a decen­ tralised programme, progress cannot Shri Wodeyar: Does the Govern­ be as rapid as might have been ex­ ment propose to give any aid to the pected at one time. Regarding the private sector or to the Commission? improved variety of Ambar charka, I Shri Manubhai Shah: As I have al­ can assure the House that it is con­ ready explained, there are two agen­ tinuously being improved. The latest cies which have been approved by the model is by far the best, so far pro­ Commission in the private sector. duced. The one lakh of rupees Most of the Ambar charkhas are being scheme for which the time has been manufactured by the agencies of the extended to 30th April is likely to Commission. produce a better charka. Shri Ramanathan Chettlar: May I Mr. Speaker: Next question know whether the Government’s at­ Shri B. Das Gupta: I want to ask tention has been drawn to two articles one question. that have appeared in the Commerce in January and February in regard to Mr. Speaker: I have allowed him Ambar Charkhas? one question. He is not a person who has sponsored this question. Shri Manubhai Shah: Several arti­ Shri Manubhai Shah: This is not cles appear for the Ambar charkhB related to any power charkha. This is for or against it or somewhere trying to compromise. Several times we for hand-driven charkha. have explained before the House the policy of the Government. Documentary film “Pilgrimage to Freedom” Mr. Speaker: Hon. Members can *550. Shri Tangamani: Will the only put a question about this. Many Minister of Information and Broad­ articles appear. What is the fact that casting be pleased to state: the hon. Member wants to know? (a) whether revised version of the Shri Ramanathan Chettlar: Whe­ documentary film entitled "Pilgrimage ther the Government are aware that to Freedom" has been released; in these two articles... (b) whether the film contains refe­ Mr. Speaker: Leave alone the arti­ rence to Bomman Brothers; and cles. What does the hon. Member want? (c) the steps Government propose to take to popularies the anti-British Shri Ramanathan Chettlar: About struggles waged by Bomman Brothers the failure of Ambar charkhas. from Tamilnad? 2637 Orol A m w ert 21 FEBRUARY 1*88 OrM A m w t i jtfgg

Tht MUbttr of Infenasttm and Dr. Keakar: I take the information Broadcasting (Dr Keskar): (a) Yes. from the hon. Member. Secondly, my Sir. reply to Shri Tangamani was with regard to the suggestion'that Govern­ (b) and (c). The suggestion made ment should publicise the action of by the Hon. Member will be con­ the Bomman Brothers. Now, this iSi veyed to proper quarters for con­ not some thing about which this Min­ sideration. istry can do anything. U will be con­ Shri Tangamanl: May I know whe­ veyed to the Ministry of Education. ther m this revised version of the That is what I mentioned here in my Documentary film ‘Pilgrimage to free­ reply. dom’, events prior to 1857 are included Mr. Speaker: What I would suggest and if so may I know why Bomman is, if hon. Members have any more Brothers have been left out? incidents, they may bring them to the Shri Ranga: Not onjy Bomman Bro­ notice of the Minister of Information thers, but the Vellore fighters also. and Broadcasting. Dr. Keskar: The documentary does He will met them, and if they are not claim to reproduce every small sufficiently important, in the next edi­ and big incident of opposition to Bri­ tion they will be included. tish rule in the country. Obviously, Nationalisation of Road Transport it is not possible for such a documen­ in Punjab tary to do so. Whatever has been in­ cluded has been done under the sup­ + ervision of the Centenery Committee __ . / Shri Vajpayee: which originally prepared the film. 0J~ \ Shri Ram Krishan: Will the Minister of Planning be Shri Tangamani: Is the Government pleased to state: aware that private producers are pro­ ducing a film dealing with Bomman (a) whether it is a fact that the Brothers and may I know whether Planning Commission has disapproved the Government will render any help the Punjab Government’s plans in re­ to the private producers? gard to nationalisation of road trans­ port; Dr. Keskar: That is a question which can be considered only when the pro­ (b) if so, the reasons thereof; ducers approach for that purpose. (c) the recommendations made by Shri Thlramala Rao: May I know if the Commission; and the Government are aware that in the (d) the Punjab Government’s reac­ early twenties of this century, one tion thereto? Alluri Sitarama Raju led a rebellion The Parliamentary Secretary to- against the British Government in the the Minister of Labour and Employ­ Agency areas in Vizagapatam and ment and Planning (Shri L. N. North Godavari districts and one of Mlshra): (a) to (d). A statement is his right hand men, Shri Mallu Dora laid on the Table of the Lok Sabha was a Member of this House during [See Appendix HI, annexure No. 55.) the last five years? It has been well known in the local folk lore...... ft *11 *T?T Mr. Speaker: What does he want? tftaT | fa to t* % *8 * m vrtm ft is wrcr *t fw I fa Shri TMrumala Rao: Is the hon. Minister aware of these facts and If so, m r- would he convey this to the proper f w quarters to see that this incident is anti **iT#«n*s*«T|(fa*srfcfa* properly recognised in the documen­ tary? *PTT WWT ? *$39 0 ra l A *™ *™ 27 FEBRUARY 1058 Oral Answer* 2640

«ft «r« wio ftwr: gqfft vnw Shri Gajendra Prasad Sink*: May I know how many States have dis­ trf w*mnn f t ^ approved the scheme of nationalisa­ Wt ^ TnTTttSPT $ ?W tfHrW T^( tion till now? A* — - _ A . . . *S ^ __ _ ^ ,*ww h *r *nrnr in r s«?T4 «n*n Shri S. N. Mishra: It is not nation­ % SW *o, Ho tftw areft y n 3 1 U.P. it is under consideration. Shri Gajendra Prasad Sinha: How •ft wrartrt : WT ^ fn 4l *Ff*RPT ^ many States have not agreed to set up Pwjfta | fa * %

Shri Daljtt Singh: May I know The Parliamentary Secretary to the whether heavy stock is still lying in Minister of Labour and Employment Spiti and no arrangement has been and Planning (Start L. N. Mtara): (a) made for its export? and (b). According to the preliminary revised estimates, expenditure in the Shri Kanungo: According to the States on Plan schemes during 1957- present policy, 50 per cent, of the 58 amounted to Rs. 399 crores as com­ stock certified by the State Govern­ pared to Budget 'Estimates of Rs. 431 ment is released for export. Future crores. Information regarding ex­ policy is under discussion. penditure on Central Plan Schemes will be available after the Budget for Shri Hem Raj: May I know whether the next year has been presented. it is a fact that last year the pashmina wool traders of Lahaul and Spiti Shri Harish Chandra Mathur: were not given permission to export There is no answer to part (b) of their wool? the question, viz., whether causes of the shortfall have been ascertained Shri Kanungo: Permission was given and steps taken to remove them. according to the recommendation of The Deputy Minister of Planning the State Government. Whether the (Shri S. N. Mishra): That is because exporters were able to export or not I do not know. the entire information is not avail­ able on this point. As pointed out Shri Hem Raj: Is it not a fact that in the main reply itself, so far as the permission was granted so late that Central Government expenditure is at that time the export could not be concerned, that would be available made? only after the presentation of the Budget. Shri Kanungo: The time was when Shri Harish Chandra Mathur: the discussions were completed. Whe­ It has been clearly stated that so ther the exporters are able to export far as the States are concerned, the or not is 'their business. budget estimate* were over Rs. 400 Shri Hem Raj: May I know whether crores while the expenditure has in future permission will be granted been much less May I know whe­ in time so that they will be able to ther the causes of the short-fall have export? been ascertained 9 Shri Kanungo: We hope the present Shri S. N. Mishra: Yes, Sir. In discussions will be completed well in regard to the States, on the basis time before the next policy is an­ particularly of the revised estimates, nounced. we can indicate certain reasons for this shortfall, and particularly the Expenditure on the Second Plan sectors in which the shortfall has occurred. It has been mainly in + agriculture and community develop­ *smt / Shri Harish Chandra Mathur: ment, village and small-scale indus­ ' \ Shri S. M. Banerjec: tries, education, health, housing etc. \ Some other reasons also were Will the Minister of Planning be there—reorganisation of the States, pleased to state: drought conditions and not the least, the capacity of the States to raise (a) the estimated shortfall in the resources. _ implementation of the Plan Schemes Shrimati Tarkeshwari Slnha: What during the second year of the Second percentage of this shortfall was due Five Year Plan; and :o over-estimation, and what per­ centage was due to the actual non­ (b) whether causes of the shortfall expenditure due to certain circums­ have been ascertained and steps taken tances that the hon. Deputy Minis­ to remove them? ter has mentioned? Oral Answ ers 27 FEBRUARY 1958 Written Answers 2644

Shri 8 . N. Mishra: Over-estimation Shri S. N. Mishra: There is no of what? reduction of the U. P, Plan by any Shrimati Tarkesbwari Sinha: Over- figure. The figure arrived at has estimation of the resources and the been in consultation with the State expenditure that is being brought Government. before the House from time to time Shri S. M. Banerjee: The State by the reports of the Public Accounts Government has protested against Committee. I want to find out the this. percentage of that over-estimation which could not be spent. Mr. Speaker: The Question Hour is over. Shri S. N. Mishra: We have to go into each individual case and And out which States have fallen short of WRITTEN ANSWERS TO the resources they had anticipated. QUESTIONS It is not possible to indicate during the Question Hour in each and Plantation Inquiry Commission on every case. Coffee and Rubber Shri Harish Chandra Mathur: *531. Dr. K. B. Menon: Will the The Agriculture Minister has a’ll the Minister of Commerce and Industry time been asking for more funds be pleased to refer to the reply given for the agricultural sector, and we to Starred Question No. 1115 on the are at present wedded to a policy 13th December, 1957 and state: of intensified schemes in agriculture, (a) whether Government have while the Minister says that in the taken any decision on the Reports of State sector the shortfall has been the Plantation Inquiry Commission particularly in agriculture. May I on Coffee and Rubber; and know what are the causes for this? (b) if so, the nature thereof? Shri S. N. Mishra: The shortfall in the agricultural sector has not The Minister of Commerce (Shri been because of want of funds, but Kanungo): (a) and (b). Govern­ because of want of physical achieve­ ment’s decisions on the recommenda­ ments in the field. tions .formulated in the reports will be taken and announced within a Mr. Speaker: Shri Banerjee. few days. Shrimati Tarkeshwari Sinha: I Displaced Persons in Orissa want a clarification on that question. *543. Shri Sadhan Gupta: Will the Mr. Speaker: Shri Banerjee is the Minister of Rehabilitation and Mino­ person who tabled the question. rity Affairs be pleased to state: He must be given a chance. (a) whether the Central Govern­ Shri S. M. Banerjee: May I know ment has allotted any amount for whether because of the shortfall, the the reclamation of land at Bh'usand- plan allotment for U.P. has been pur in Orissa for rehabilitation of reduced by Rs. 11 crores? displaced persons from East Pakis­ tan; Shri S. N. Mishra: For which year and for what purpose? (b) if so, the amount sanctioned, and whether it has been sanctioned Shri S. M. Banerjee: 1958-59. as a loan or otherwise; Mr. Speaker: For U.. P. as a whole (c) the purpose for which the land is it? reclaimed is to be utilised; and / Shri S. M. Banerjee: The Plan (d) the possibilities of economic allotment for U. P. has been, reduced. rehabilitation in this area? a<45 Written Anm e n 27 FEBRUARY 1958 Written A n n oers 2646

f i » MlniWtiT of »■«< Minority Affairs (Shri Mehr Chaad (b) These are: Khanna): (a) Yes. Scheme (Rs. in lakht) (b) A sum of Rs. 7,50,000 has been (loan approved) sanctioned as expenditure on capital works and will ultimately be treated 1. Minor Irrigation (includ­ as loan to displaced persons who are ing wells and tanks) , 6*30 settled' on the reclaimed land. A fur­ ther sum of Rs. 20,000 has been 2. Repair, refitting and sanctioned as a grant to the State maintaining the existing Government. pumps. 1*84 3. For securing 500 pumps (c) For the rehabilitation of dis­ from the Hirakud Organi­ placed persons. sation and appointing the necessary staff for working (d) It is estimated that about 500 them .. 6‘00 families will be rehabilitated on the reclaimed area. Total 1314

Coal Mines Bonus Scheme Small scale and Cottage Industries *545. Shri T. B. Vittal Kao: Will in Ghana the Minister of Labour and Employ­ ment be pleased to refer to the reply *547. Shrimati Ila Palchoudhuri: given to Starred Question No. 1231 Will the Minister of Commerce and on the 18th December, 1957 and state: Industry be pleased to state: (a) whether the examination of (a) whether it is a fact that it is the proposal to amend the Coal Mines proposed to assist Ghana in the deve­ Bonus Scheme with regard to the re­ lopment of her small-scale and moval of attendane qualification cottage industries; and for eligibility has since been conclud­ ed; and (b) if so, the extent and nature of the assistance that will be given? (b) if so, the nature of decision arrived at? The Deputy Minister of Commerce and Industry (Shri Satish Chandra): The Minister of Labour and (a) and (b). The question of provid­ Employment and Planning (Shri ing assistance to Ghana for develop­ Nanda): (a) and (b). The matter is ment of Cottage and Small-Scale still under examination. Industries was discussed in general terms with the Trade-cum-Goodwill irrigation Projects in Orissa Delegation which visited India *546. Shri Sanganna: Will the recently. The extent and nature of Minister of Planning be pleased to assistance to be rendered have not state: yet been determined. (a) whether any special irrigation Non-Ferrous Metals projects have been sanctioned for the State of Orissa under the drought *549. Shri Jhunjhnnwala: Will the scheme for the year 1957-58; and Minister of Commerce and Industry be pleased to state: (b) if so, what are they? (a) whether Canada has offered The Deputy Minister of Planning assistance by way of supply of 10 (Shri 8. N. Mishra): (a) Yes. million Dollars worth of industrial 2647 W ritten Answers 27 FEBRUARY 1058 Written Answers 2648 metals to India under the Colombo Displaced Persons Claims Plan; and *554. Shrimati Sucheta Krfpaiani: (b) if so, items of non-ferrous Will the Minister of Rehabilitation metals which are proposed to be and Minority Affairs be pleased to imported and the mode of such state: imports? (a) whether it is a fact that clai­ The Minister of Industry (Shri mants for compensation could not Manubhai Shah): (a) Yes, Sir. avail of the 'age priority' concession (b) It has been agreed with the in the absence of any documentary Canadian Government that imports proof of their age; and of aluminium, copper and nickel (b) if so, the number of applica­ will be financed through this aid. tions which have been rejected for Broadly the arrangement would be want of documentary proof of age? that consumers in India will place orders on firms in India who have The Minister of Rehabilitation and normally been acting as agents of Minority Affairs (Shri Mehr Chand Canadian manufacturers and sup­ Khanna.): (a) Yes, the ‘old age prio­ pliers of these metals. Thereafter rity’ was not available for persons the Government of India will ap­ who had not shown their age in the proach the Canadian Government for prescribed affidavit at the time of necessary allocations to cover the filing the compensation applications orders. and who had no documentary proof of age. fffta rorffor v>srt * frew * stwtt (b) The information is not avail­ *W WTHT : TOT HVTf able as no separate record of such rejections is maintained by the smro »nft nf fiTT fa : Regional Settlement Commissioners. («f) WT *Tf m t fa Trade with West Germany % fa t *r t r *555. Shri Kalika Singh: Will the Minister of Commerce and Industry be t JRR Vt aFTrTT ; pleased to state what Indian commo­ dities are particularly in demand in («r) q ft ft , eft ssr w n ? t f k West Germany and what steps have SPTR 'TT HT«PTT fa5RT oqrf been taken to increase the exports thereof? f ? R R I ; xffc The Deputy Minister of Commerce ' (n ) wr *pofr t tt?* to r I and Industry (Shri Satlsh Chandra): *ft *Tf JTTR Vt *fT f ? A number of Indian products such as tea, mica, shellac, guns and resins, T JRTPW Hsft (IT© iron manganese ores, hides and skins, VW T) : (^) % (*T).faf*T* TT5*ff leather, jute manufactures, coir yams, ^Rvrt zfhRi jrt ^ft etc. are in demand in West Germany. In consonance with the general policy ***** vf tnp fapofa % of encouraging exports, a number of t ^rrt, t f*T «TT I steps are being taken to improve sales of Indian commodities in the German fRTTf % ^ STOfta jftT^WTSRT market. These include securing liber* *TW? TF*T tfTOR f t f^R T ^t | » alization of import regulations and tfrcsr t o r sfiwr, Hff m ft quotas from the West German Govern­ ment, encouragement to Indian busi­ 3%, JWT STRTft fc?nt nessmen to study the special require­ tftftrcr t 1 ments of the German market as well 3649 W ritten Answers 27 FEBRUARY 195& Written Answers 26$c

as to establish contacts with German (b) the amount paid to the State by unporters, and participation in fairs the Centre both as grants and loans? and exhibitions. Export ^of Iron Ore The Minister of Industry (Shri *557. Shri T. Subramanyam: Will Manubhai Shah): (a) The State Gov­ the Minister of Commerce and Indus­ ernment has started the construction try be pleased to state: of building work at Sanatnagar Estate. (a) whether the port of Karwar in The lands for the Industrial Estates at Mysore State has been used for ex­ Visakhapatnam and Vijayawada have porting iron ore from Mysore State; been acquired and further work is in progress. The question of acquiring (b) what is the quantity of iron ore the land for Samalkot Estate is under exported from this port in December, active consideration of the State Gov­ 1957 and in January, 1958; and ernment. (c) what steps will be taken to improve the export of ore from Kar­ (b) So far the State Government war port in larger quantities’ has been sanctioned a loan of Rs. 23 The Minister of Commerce (Shri lakhs and a grant of Rs. 47,000 dur­ Kanungo): (a) Yes, Sir. ing the two years 1956-57 and 1957- 58. (b) The first shipment of 10,993 tons of iron ore was made in February, 1958 through the port of Karwar. Indian Trade Delegation to West Germany (c) The possibilities of improving exports from this port are presently being examined by the State Trading *560. Shri Rameshwar Tantia: Will Corporation of India (Private) Ltd. the Minister of Commerce and Indus­ try be pleased to refer to the reply Industrial Estate in Assam given to Starred Question No. 567 on the 27th November, 1957 and state *558. Shri Bhagwati: Will the Min­ what decisions have been taken on the ister of Commerce and Industry be repoit of the Indian Trade delegation pleased to state: which visited West Germany during September, 1957? (a) whether the Industrial Estate has started functioning in the State of Assam; and The Deputy Minister of Commerce (b) if so, the industries ttV.en up or and Industry (iShrl Satish Chandra): proposed to be taken up? A number of recommendations relat­ ing to improvement of quality of The Minister of Industry (Shri Indian goods, establishment of heal­ Manubhai Shah): (a) No, Sir. thier buMin-ss practices and study of the requirements of German consu­ (b) Does not arise. mers are of a long term nature and have to be implemented, for the most Industrial Estates in Andhra Pradesh part, by the trade. On other recom­ •559. Shri B. S. Murthy: Will the mendations which relate to increased Minister of Commerce and Industry be participation in German exhibitions, pleased to state: setting up of suitable trade and publi­ city centres in West Germany, Im­ (a) the progress made so far in provement of arbitration facilities etc., establishing Industrial Estates in the the Government have already initiat­ Andhra Pradesh; and ed action. 2651 Written Answers 27 FEBRUARY 1658 Written Answ ers 265}

tiftw t # wro fircwrfto of opinion on this point. There was, however, some difference in the esti­ •TffcT mates of yields by the Team and the State officials. It was, therefore, sug­ v o tw g#n f«$ : wt gested to the Chief Minister to take ’jsrsrf^ m t *r< t ^ up random sampling of yields. Re­ sults of these random sampling 3RTT# *t f'TT Sf^»r f t : studies are, however, not yet avail­ able. ( sf) *rt ^ *r^r ^ f t *PTFR spT ^ f^TPT 3ft

w ■{*■*.«•■* C Shri Rameshwar Tantia: *568 ,1 Shri Kaghunath Singh: wr w

It under the Madras Dock Workers («r) «rfaftrc # *nr (Regulation of Employment) Scheme, 1956. fa* *rrar % ftetf yfaftfa v x »ra «fr< TR?r t o r : «pr ft?RT (b) No.

itafT wm (n) < wafa ft*r to sro m o faifoft : w r ?n*j; ftv nt 7 7 ^Vr ftf« T T T ipfrqt>qr ^ f t ■ ,«nr *rt7 th ff re ?wr tflwwr *rft (•ftrar) (* ) (*r) *rf¥?r (v) A # srriT? mr ft# # f>w fa irer * U *f, t o jq- vW^tt vr*r fffafa ^ wr M*r Pp«f , ( \) fw W A gwT ,

(*r) ^ror ^rror T t^ itt I a»*r *ftr ftarnT? ?wt *t*srr *f*t sit *5fT ) (*;) ^TiwJw ^ «[W sjmt^ spt ^ A ^nrrr ff'firftsf *> r t srpfr A grsn, sreft, ^t to?tt % 1 ?rf»Tf5r qft firoiM ifk Ttorr stft z t f r r A « r w n f 3 w TTSRRVRt, ^sfk ^ ft *%

( * ) * f t r (»t ) fo s r - m\ v vd m TTTCcfar

frsr t t s s w r f f , s k ?Ft ^5ff nf t 1 ffrfrret v *prc?fT, *nfc %

wrwr $ * tt$ »if t i fw fw t *> (^r) ittct

w *t wraT w r »R I ^r *ftf2»r TT 3TPGT TO R ITT v?i | 1 fsi ^ftspr ^ p r r 1

vtR, wHiiw iiftfogftyr iftr « ft- ftwft frewft vrataff iftw w rr fafaiim nft wferfw ^\»o «ft ito wto ftwft ; WT « ft «?o wro faroit t o t f j r ^ wwi« «ftr furw v rt *r% *m* « re iftr Ttwmr*pft*r? ^RTR^f^r tit

frr*rHgr, w w rw «*K it«rasr «Wt Employment Exchanges V® w o x f t ) 1 (*) ^\» ww 672 Shri Bam Krlsban: Will the Minister of Labour and Employment I be pleased to state the total number of employment exchanges proposed ( * r ) *, y y srro I to be opened during 1958-59? The Minister of Labour and Employ­ fwif * TO ift w*wrfWf v fww *ww ment and Planning (Shri Nanda): 43 Compensation Claims VM *° WTo fjtlft WT 673. Shri Vajpayee. Will the Minis­ fir*rfw, w w w «ftr asrcw *pfr ^ ter of Rehabilitation and Minority «5TTt fqT fa ' Affairs be pleased to state (a) the number of appeals m res­ (*) w*ri t ^sfrr t o r ^ pect of compensation claims pending in the office of the Chief Settlement *»hnfoft % fat H^nrt ^ v*ft %xt Commissioner New Delhi on the 1st v f m w r fa n 3TT T^T I , Januaiy, 1957, (b) the number of such appeals (w) wft *t ^ % fat received and disposed of during the ^RSpR t f*Fcrt fa -TO R f *TTTfft ?> year 1957, font «R faziT |, ?fk (c) the average time taken for dis­ posal of each appeal, and

(*r) *RHFft ^ fa tf^ f foTCT (d) the noimal time taken for each fsRRr fejT 3IT T|T | ?fk V«Nlfoft ?T such appeal before its first hearing .5 tar L ■> T O R Vt fo?H STftTCRT f%TRT f m The Minister of Rehabilitation and W I 9 Minority Affair > (Shn Mehr Chand Khanna). (a) 1310 including revi­ frw fw , w w w tftr ^ *rsft sions (4ft Wo Wo tl*>) ( * ) ¥ T W T (b) 5565 appcals/Kvisions ^ere ra Y c ^ % 5FTR Tf TU m ceived and 2404 wtie disposed of | frrat % fa^-pr ^r- *f t (c) Six to eight months 1 1 sfa famrcwHt % aRi^ m q n t (d) About six months ^T5J $ I qfafakT W*ft V t Applications for Compensation * R t f a t «i^ t s p w ^ r r | *r TOrtt ^T^rft Wt firot IX fa T T 674 Shri Vajpayee. Will the Minis, ter of Rehabilitation and Minority WRIT I WfaS^>T fSpTT ^rraT t I Affairs be pleased to state (a) the number of applications for (w ) w compensation pending m the Office of the Regional Settlement Commis­ sioner, New Delhi on the 1st January, («T) W5T Y,^,ooo qt ifa 1957 for ( 1) review, and (11) revi­ «! ^. v® jrffora sion; (b) the number of sftch cases receiv­ (Y ,^ fooo ^Jt) ed and disposed of dunng 1957; 1659 W ritten Answer* H PEfifiUARV tf<>8 Written Answers a&fo

(c) the average time taken for dis­ including those of the Kathera village, posal of each of such applications; for which a plot of land measuring and 75 acres has been acquired along the Nangal-Rupar Road. Out of this, an (d) the normal time taken by each area of about 35 acres has been sub­ such application before its first hear­ divided in a number of plots for allot­ ing takes place? ment to displaced villages, leaving the The Minister of Rehabilitation and rest as open space for the establish­ Minority Affairs (Shri Mehr Chand ment of school parks etc. Khanha): (a) and (b). According to (b) 63. the Displaced Persons (Compensation and Rehabilitation) Act, 1954, the (c) About 1000. Regional Settlement Commissioner (d) 95. has 110 powers of review or revision. (Jnder Section 25(1) of the said Act, the Settlement Officer has powers to Registered Companies in Punjab review his orders so far as it relates 676. Shri Daljlt Singh: Will the to the determination of puhlic dues Minister of Commerce and Industry under section 5 of the same Act. No be pleased to state: such review application is pending. (a) the number of registered Com­ (c) and (d). Do not arise. panies in the Punjab; Nangal Fertilizer Factory (b) the number of such companies which have gone into liquidation; <75. Shri Hem Raj: Will the Minis­ and ter of Commerce and Industry be pleased to state: (c) whether these have paid the (a) the progress made for the re­ Income Tax dues? habilitation of the persons of the The Minister of Commerce and In­ Kathera village who were displaced dustry (Shri Morarji Desai): (a) 945 as a result of the acquisition of (on 1-2-58). colony area for the Nenay Fertiliser Factory; (b) 162 (on 1-2-58). (b) the number of persons employ­ (c) The information is not readily ed from amongst these displaced per­ available. sons in Class III and Class IV posts of the Nangal Fertilizer Factory dur­ ing the period from October, 1957 to January, 1958; w . sm w jw m : (c) the number of applications received from them; and fa : (d) the number of posts vacant and advertised? (t ) j iiw h *rftrf?r The Minister i»f Commerce and In­ dustry (Shri Morarji Desai): (a) The t facH sRfa* forc rehabilitation of the displaced villa­ gers is primarily the responsibility of fa$ ; the Punjab Government. As a gesture of good will, the Nangal Fertilizers (sr) facre yr stktt fam and Chemicals Private Ltd. propose *p it ; srft: to meet ex gratia a part of the expenditure in connection with the (»r) fa?R v k establishment of a colony for the re­ settlement of the displaced villagers 26*1 Written Answer* 27 7SBRUAKY ^#8 Written Antvm* *66 jj

Indian Oloeaui !■ ItB fN i ^pWlifttHWW #lft(lTo4N>HT) . ( * ) hhwrfpt (E s tim a te s (78. Dr. Ram Sobbag Bta^k: Will the Prime Minister be pleased to CoraniHtee) «tft f z t t state: % \ * t 3 gftsfaa ^ tort (a) whether Government are aware * % fow*r Rnfhnr fa?# that some Indian Cinema Halls in «nrr | 1 v f t vrn ir *> fo?* Rangoon have been served with clo­ sure notices; and w titfi *if f *ftr ins fa* |, (b) if so, the causes thereof? ww fa t fa?* s*ft # St fWsr sr «rf I The Prime Minister and Minister of 1 External Affairs and Finance (Shri Jawaharlal Nehrn: (a) and (b). Yes, (s r) w r 1 *n?t *ra srafa Sir The owners of four Indian Cinema Halls in Rangoon were serv­ ^ fW ^ ft 3TT T^t t 1 ed with closure orders as they failed to show Burmese films for the mini­ (*t) ^STfapT “^TlT*T ” T*frr mum period of 60 days in a year, as required under the Burmese laws. («N tw c) | 1 WfCT «T«| W W fowft wnrqtfwpr im fwisft wftrW f w t w n w i t^t Wo Wo WFRWT :

* V « . « ft w r o s r«rw T «nrr

(^r) i f c ft, ?ft ?PPFT % (?r) *rfir irr, ?ft a r ty w t w vn ^fPRTT w tt ftm r I ? I ; (*) Jrft ?^t, ?ft vn *fr®t t ; n n * * t wwt Stfiiw vtf wwr «ftr fen w*ft (*ft n tffww w$* ) (v ) xftK ( * ) vzr^rfwr i ft i t (? ) W ?PF f^<»hT ?t ^ WT5TT * t s a rf w * t k ( ^ n p w ftn r)

"% ffWTT 7T %*fT (*) 1 %f»FT « m vmW * m r $ n m i frcrw 3 *% «rc$«rf % *im *rn> 3 *st ft* an? q|H ^*r% f a t (b) which of these have been im­ fat nt 5nWf «ft j p r f? rm plemented? wi s w 1 The Deputy Minister of Planning (Shri S. N. Mishra): (a) and (b). ( * ) s t ^ t *St ^ i f f jjt Conclusions and suggestions which fa t f*P^r *rt ^farf Sr arise from the discussions of the National Development Council or of jft% 3TC *fr*f tat ^mpT «FT WTO­ its Standing Committee are in the 'S* «r: wsnf «rT!ft 1 1 nature of agreed recommendations 2 66s Written Answ ers 27 FEBRUARY 1«M Written Answ ers 2$6 S

reached jointly by the members of gation supplies as they become the Council, further action is taken available. The Programme Ad­ by the Central and State Govern­ ministration Advisers of the Plan­ ments on the lines of these recom­ ning Commission have been tour* mendations. ing the various States. The Minis- try of Community Development So far as the Implementation of have also issued detailed instruc­ the conclusions and suggestions arising tions for action in national ex­ from the discussions of the meeting tension and community project of the Standing Committee of the areas. National Development Council held on September 14 and 15, 1957 is con­ (7) The suggestions made in cerned, the principal points to be the meeting of the Standing Com­ recorded are the following:— mittee of the National Develop­ ment Council on the subject of (1) State Development Plans procurement of rice during the for 1958-59 were prepared on the khanf season were taken into con­ 'basis indicated by the National sideration by the Ministry of Food Development Council and, after and Agriculture in finalising the detailed discussions with State procurement policies which are and Central Ministries, the plans at present being implemented. have since been finalised. In working out tire resources for the (8) Action on the recommen­ State plans, the suggestions made dations of the Standing Com­ by the National Development mittee regarding land reforms is Council have been kept in view. being pursued by various State Governments having regard to (2) Recommendations relating their existing legislation and other to sales taxes an mill-made tex­ policy decisions. tiles, tobacco including manu­ factured tobacco and sugar have (9) Since September 1957, the been given effect to by the Minis­ following are the main develop­ try of Finance. ments which have taken place:— (3) Procedures for ensuring (i) In Assam, legislation has greater flexibility in working out been amended so as to pro­ the State plans exist and adjust­ vide that the landlord's right of ments recommended by States resumption shall be subject to a within the plan ceilings are gene­ minimum area (3j acres) being rally accepted. left with the tenant. (4) A number of steps to in­ (ii) In Vidarbha areas of tensify the small savings move­ Bombay legislation has been en­ ment have already been taken. acted giving interim protection to tenants. (5) The Ministry of Food and (iii) The interim protection Agriculture have advised States to in Madhya Bharat areas of make irrigation supplies available Madhya Pradesh which was to on concessional rates in the early expire in October 1957 has been stages. extended for a period of two (6) Since the meeting of the years. Standing Committee in Septem­ (iv) The interim protection ber, the Planning Commission and given to tenants in Kerala which the Ministry of Food and Agri­ was to expire on the 11th Octo­ culture have followed up with the ber 1957 has been extended up States, and State Governments are to the 11th April 1958. A com- themselves taking steps to ensure trevension. Land Reforms Bill that there should be no unneces­ has been introduced in the sary time lag in the use of irri­ legislature. 1667 TOtftfen Answers zy c kukuaay iwms wrmen Answers 2tb °

(v) In Mysore, the temporary nection with the formulation of protection given to tenants the Development Plan for 1998-59. which was to expire on the 31st December 1957 has been ex> Export of Iron and Manganese tended up to June 1958. Com­ Ores prehensive legislation is under consideration. ao4 f Shri Morarka: \ Shri Nathwani: (vi) In Bombay, provision has been made restricting the area Will the Minister of Commerce and of which the landlord can take Industry be pleased to state: possession in cases of sur­ (a) the total exports of the Iron ore renders by tenants. A similar and manganese ore after the State provision has been made in res- Trading Corporation of India (Pri­ pcct of Marathwada region of vate) Ltd., came into existence; Bombay. (vii) In Punjab, adminis­ (b) how much of it has been done trative instructions have been by the Corporation and how much issued to prevent landlords by the private trade; from obtaining surrenders from tenants under undue pressure. (c) how the total exports compare with the previous three years’ exports; (via) The Bombay Govern­ and ment have extended the Hyde­ rabad law relating to the trans­ (d) whether Government contem­ fer of ownership to tenants to plate any change in their policy to the Marathwada region. The promote the export of these minerals? law is also being amended to confer the right of purchase of The Minister of Commerce and ownership to all tenants. Industry (Shri Morarji Desai): (a) to (c). A statement containing the The recommendation of the required information is placed on Standing Committee of the Na­ the Table of Lok Sabha. [See Appen­ tional Development Council that dix III, annexure No. 56] States which have enacted legis­ lation for ceilings on existing (d) Government are constantly agricultural holdings should en­ reviewing their policy and adjust­ sure implementation within a ments are made whenever found given period, say, three years, and necessary from the point of view of other States which have not en­ promoting exports. acted legislation should complete the legislative measures needed Titanium by the end of 1958-59 has been communicated to the State Gov­ 685. Shri V. P. Nayar: Will the ernments and the Planning Com­ Prime Minister be pleased to state: mission is keeping m touch with the action taken. (a) whether the exact Titanium content of the supplies of Minerals (10) The Ministry of Food and made to U.S. buyers by M/s. Hopkin Agriculture are engaged in pur­ and Williams Limited, from Chavara suing the recommendations of the in Kerala State is known to the Gov­ Standing Committee on the sub­ ernment of India; ject of cooperative development. As regards recommendations re­ (b) whether it is a fact that the lating to cooperative farming, Hopkin and Williams factories have these have been under the con­ stopped recording the Titanium sideration of the Ministry of Dioxide content of the sands export­ Food and Agriculture in con­ ed; and 2669 Written A ru w ert 27 fSBRIXARY 1W& Written AnsitM*p 2674

(b) whether it is also a fket that (e) whether it is a faet that the there are no arrangement^ for whole­ firm M/s. Hopkin and Williams sale purchases under any centralised Limited receives separate bonus for agency; and every percent in the increase of Tita­ (c) it so, the reasons therefor? nium Dioxide content, over 58 per cent in sands shipped by them? The Minister o f Works, Homing and Supply (Shri K. €. Reddy): (a) The Prime Minister and Minister of Direct purchase by Ministries/De­ External Affairs and Finance (Shri partments of the Government of India, Jawaharlal Nehru): (a) Ytes. The instead of through the agency of the titanium content of ilmenite sands Central Purchase Organisation, is from Chavara (Kerala) varies from undertaken only in respect of de­ 58 per cent to 60 per cent. mands o f limited value, or in case of (b) The firm has never officially re­ emergency and in cases where very corded the titanium dioxide content specialised equipment peculiar to the as it is neither required for any user department, is required. manufacturing purposes nor is its re­ (b) No. The Central Purchasing cording necessary under any Gov­ Agency, namely, the Directorate ernment regulations. General of Supplies and Disposals (c) No. ordinarily makes such bulk pur­ chases on behalf of Ministries/De­ partments of the Government of Second Five Tear Flan India. / Shri Surendranath Dwivedy: (c) Does not arise. * \ Shri Ram Krishna:

Will the Minister of Planning be TOT 3 wfaftfw fV^FT^t pleased to state: (a) the amount of expenditure pro­ vided for the second year of the : *rcr VTtigwr Second Five Year Plan; and WT wfhr ^ f*T (b) the amount of expenditure ac­ % : tually incurred by each State? (v ) y&r 5 t o f t The Depot; Minister of Planning (Shri S. N. Mishra): (a) The amount provided in the budget for 1957-58 on Plan (Centre, States and Union Ter­ (sr) t far spftc % ritories) is Rs. 967 crores. (b) The amount of actual expen­ diture incurred by each State will be wrfigm known later in the year. fcnt) : («f) ^ sfafari 1 Government Purchases ( * ) 1 687. Shri D. C. Sfaarma: Will the Minister of Worts, Hearing and Sup­ wpfr ?nrr ply be pleased to state: MHHTI I (a) whether it is a fact that the Ministries/Departments of the Gov­ qW

V fufFrfa titancfsw c K- ??. 5?tt v s . 1

c f^nr 1 ?K 3ITF5f tV 5^TF ?vS $THT-*TvinT Tfwt m ?c. *sprK U f 'R w s r **;€. «ft q ** 5* wt w n *ffc ^ftfro^pr jwrojr »nft arart «Pt m q^r fo • ?? apTE^ft (v)ffffRW sr^rtvr u^-K=: *mr*r (

(W) t ^TT for T?T^r ?Pmt TO 3 7 q-^rfqrc ( ^ ) * f t r sfHTTTjr ir f t ( « T o < w * t ) ^>rf»cfqR«if (^) *rnr*r §m fc % q^m r *fsr*fr 3? f^RPT I jfrsRT % sprpfa 3rr $rz f a t t o ■s^rt *T ffTRT^RT S & T » T O T t

'infrot, vr^rfTOT ffk fare?? ^rrt % w f * m tf i t $ wrfauff wfart w r % fat u **-** * W

( w ) fs R 1 m f l 7 T *I? t s t fq*rt srrfor-'n’ srrer ftj; v *nr xfrr x fawner ^ fq^F » vmrm (?r) fy?[taqffatt qft*wnrsRT# ?r f t i t ^ fa m t o t ’

t TPjq?tet ?o. f?i*rf?3T, rn m m w tt t ? # H ^ ( * * qwr)- (q?) %: 5673 Written Answers 27 FEBRUARY 19§8 Written A n tw trs 2674

(«r) ff* r m t o t o t # (b) if so, on what terms and condi­ tions; and ?ft3RT T «F tPRT (c) • whether the Government of 3 ftwrr 1 *rRTT f fa *r$ $ 1 Orissa have been consulted in the S fo r r 3tt^ tt t o matter’ * r*ft t srr^u-TTt The Minister of Labour and Em­ mber of the staff vided by the Centre for those schemes of the Indian High Commission at during 1957-58’ Karachi who was >cheduled to leave Karachi by an on 13th January for The Deputy Minister of Planning Delhi on leavt- disappeared from (Shri S. N. Mishra): (a) to (c) A Karachi on 12th J< nuary, 1958 statement is placed on the Table of (b) and (c) Enquiries were started the Lok Sabha [See Appendix III, with the assistance of the Pakistan annexure No 57] authorities to trace him Shri Batra, however, armed in Delhi on 7th Transportation of Human Labour Febiuary and it was learnt that he had arrived m India by rail on 13th 693. Shri Sanganna: Will the Minis­ Januaiv and stayed at Jodhpur for ter of Labour and Employment be some days before coming to Delhi pleased to state Pakistani Nationals (a) whether it is a fact that human 695. Dr. Ram Subhag Singh: Will labour has been exported from the the Prime Minister be pleased to state: State of Onssa to Tnpuia territoi> for employment in the development (a) whether it is a fact that some wwk; Pakistani nationals who visited Delhi 3*75 W ritten Answers 27 FEBRUARY 1858 Written Answ ers last y w t took up employment in con­ Industries under Second Five Year travention of visa rules, Plan (b) if so, the number of such per­ 697. Shri Jhunjhunwala: Will the sons, and Minister of Planning be pleased to state (c) whether any action is being taken against them9 (a) whether any industries have already reached the targets for capac­ The Prime Minister and Minister of ity set under the Second Five Year External Affairs and Finance (Shri Plan, Jawaharlal Nehru): (a) Yes, Sir (b) if so, the names thereof, (b) 99 Pakistani nationals (c) whether any revised upward (c) Out ot the ninety~nme, seven­ targets of capacity have been fl*«d ty-eight have left for Pakistan, while for some industries, and cases of the remaining twenty-one (d) if so, the names of the indus­ are under consideration tries and revised targets for such in­ dustries’ qtff qifawrc v frontal wftwdf * * *jf*r v i The Deputy Minister of Planning (Shri S N. Mishra): (a) Yes, Sir r»To Ti*r as*r : (b) (i) Diesel Engines (u) Petroleum Refining (m) Staple Fibre

wt yw fa mu treqatmMTO (c) Yes, Sir •jjft ^ ^ciM «Ft t Ml T^T fa (d) A Statement is placed on the Table of the Lok Sabha [See Appen­ (jp) dix III, annexure No 58] Cottage and Small Scale Industries f^P?TT ? f ^ 698 Shri L. Achaw Singh: Will the jp ft ^ *r fa ftr * Minister of Commerce and Industry rrstft V TT tT^ SFfajT be pleased to state fwr «n, srtr (a) how many pilot centres have been opened in Assam, Manipur and («r) sr, eft **r * w Tripura for the development of cot­ tage and small scale industries, awr trp^T’T faq- ’ (b) whether any pilot scheme to q?T«fa ) ^ft f!T I Bank of India m these areas, and 4 * 4 **<> ( * f ) JT? TOW T §*TT «TT f a TT5IT (c) if not, the reasons therefor’ 'TlfiW T H * The Minister of Commerce and In­ *pt t fa# t smrv »rt dustry (Shri Morarji Desai): (a) The ject areas under the Community Deve­ s m ? m t N t v * r f r m i rfrr lopment Programme for the develop­ $ *ts *srfa »r«r^T m fm £ ment of oottage and small scale in­ reference is obviously to pilot pro- fore ft ^nrWt, *nrt *tpft tt dustrfes If &o, there is one pilo farfaanrc*^ *r fa# i project area each in the State of 2677 Written Ansvtera 27 FEBRUARY , Written AtMtmHw

Assam and the Union Territories of (b) and Cc). A copy of the proceed* Manipur and Tripura mgs of the meeting is laid on the Table of the Lok Sabha [Placed in (b) and (c). The State Bank's pilot Library. See LT-584/58 ] scheme for advancing loans to small scale industries will shortly be ex­ tended to Dibrugarh in Assam State Uranium Ore The scheme is not being extended to the Union Territories of Tripura and 701. Shri Shobha Ram: Will the Manipur as the State Bank has no Prime Minister be pleased to state: branch m these areas The assistance (a) the names of the areas m which the small scale industries m Rajasthan where uranium ores have these Territories obtains is under the been discovered, State Aid to Industries Act (b) the nature and potentiality of Supplies Dropped in NEFA each area with their analysis results, 699. Shri L. Achaw Singh. Will the and Prime Minister be pleased to state (c) whether the Department of (a) the total quantity of supplies Atomic Energy is going to instal an dropped in NEFA during 1957, and upgrading plant for treatment of low grade uranium ores of Rajasthan 7 (b) the total amount of freight paid to the private companies for such The Prime Minister and Minister of supplies during that year7 External Affairs and Finance (Shri Jawaharlal Nehru): (a) and (b) A The Prime Minister and Minister of number of Uranium ore deposits of External Affaisr and Finance (Shri various types have been discovered Jawaharlal Nehru): (a) 8,869 5 Tons in Udaipur and Jaipur Divisions and Gross Ajmer and Alwar Districts m Rajas­ (b) An amount of Rs 23,33,917 has than Detailed investigations are still been paid in 1957 to private com­ in progress for ascertaining the assay panies in part payment of their bill value of the ore bodies in bulk and for the supplies dropped by them in the nature and extent thereof on the basis of which their potentiality for 1957 < * f « commercial exploitation may be Meeting of Partition Body judged 700. Shri Hem Raj: Will the Prime (c) An experimental ore-dressing Minister be pleased to state plant is already in operation at one of the prospects and others are in­ (a) whether the Partition Body of tended to be put up where necessary the two Punjabs met recently to for preliminary investigations The settle the outstanding matter? between India and Pakistan, question of setting up a full-scale ore-dressing plant will be taken up (b) if so, the matters discussed and when the existence of large commer­ the decisions taken thereon, and cial sources of ore has been estab­ lished (c) how far they have been imple­ Madurai Ramnad Chamber of mented7 Commerce The Prime Minister and Minister of 702. Shri Tangamani: Will the External Affairs and Finance (Shri Minister of Commerce and Industry Jawaharlal Nehru): (a) Yes Sir A be pleased to state meeting of the Punjab Implementa­ tion Committee was held in Chandi­ (a) whether the Madurai Ramnad garh on the 17th and 18th October, Chamber of Commerce gave a Memo­ 1957 i#* randum to him regarding oil and oil K$79 W ritten Answers 37 7EB&TJARY 1958 WrUt*n Answers 269a seeds during his visit to Madurai on I U (n ) m the 24th December, 1957; and | :[ Wfrr $ W # TST far (b) if so, what steps have been |j ’ *1% 'TRTftt aFT fttr taken to meet their demands? f $ 1w t The BteUater of Commerce and industry (Shri Morarjl Desai): (a) v vrtwrt Yes, Sir. wx 11 * (b) The suggestions made regard­ ing oils and oilseeds were— > ! - L i Cottage Industrie* (j) groundnut oil might be allow­ ed export and coconut oil 704. Shri Daljit Singh: Will the imported to replace ground­ Minister* of Commerce and Industry nut oil; and be pleased to state: (ii) exports of groundnut oilcake should be limited to 100 tons (a) whether there is a proposal to at a time per shipper. develop some more cottage industries xn Kangra district of the Punjab The first suggestion was not found State; and acceptable because coconut oil is not

Textile Mills t ;

(tt) ^ fosr 706. Sardar Iqbal Singh: Will the Minister of Commerce and Industry ^TT t ? be pleased to state:

ST«TR t ft r (a) the names of textile mills which remained closed upto the end fim *nft («ft ): of January, 1958; ( * ) tit sr i * (b) the reasons therefor; (w ) siw r z *reTRr (c) whether any steps have been * tN rk w m A taken to start these factories or * ?«;o inw f qftfT'frr ifaft mills;i tfarf xftx Wfm * «rmt? (d) if so, the nature thereof; and TORf # qvnrnagt ^ sr 11 (e) the result achieved? 46Ai Written Answers 27 FfcBRUA&T ttte Written Answers 2

The Minister of Co bm m w and (c) the number of tea plantations Industry (Shri Monrji Deni): (a) and tea factories which worked in to (e). The question presumably refers each district in each of the above to Cotton Textiles. A statement giv­ years; and ing the required information is placed on the Table of the Lok Sabha. [See (d) the number of tea plantations Appendix III, annexure No. 59.] and tea factories owned by the foreigners in each district separately at present? Employment Exchange The Minister of Commerce and 7t7. Sardar Iqbal Blngh: Will the Industry (Shri Monurji Desai): (a) Minister of Labour and Employment to (c). It is reported that tea is grown be pleased to state: m the Punjab State only in the Kangra District. A statement showing (a) whether it is a fact that the quantity of tea produced, acreage registration for some posts has been under tea and number of tea planta­ stopped in the Employment Exchang­ tions in Kangra during the years 1950 es; and to 1957 is placed on the Table of the House. [See Appendix III, annexure (b) if so, the reasons therefor? No 61]. As regards factories no year- The Minister of Labour and Em­ wise information is available but ac­ ployment and Planning (Shri Nanda): cording to the Excise authorities there (a) No. are 39 establishments operated by power. (b). Does not arise. (d) Nil, according to the records Trade with Tibet maintained by the Tea Board. 708. Sardar Iqbal 81ngh: Will the C.P.W.D. Minister of Commerce and Industry 710. Shri Easwara Iyer: Will the be pleased to state what is India’s Minister of Works, Bousing and present volume of trade with Tibet? Supply be pleased to refer to the The Minister of Commerce and statement made in the Lok Sabha on Industry (Shri Morarjl Desal): (a) the 14th August, 1957 regarding A statement giving figures of trade conversion of certain categories of between India and Tibet during 1957- workcharged staff of Central Public 58 (April-October) is placed on the Works Department into regular Table of the Lok Sabha. [See Appen­ establishment and state: dix III, annexure No. 60]. Figures (a) whether they have since been for later months are not yet available. transferred to the regular establish­ ment; and (b) if not, the reasons therefor? Tea Production 788. Sardar Iqbal Singh: Will the The Minister of Works, Housing and Minister of Commerce and Industry Supply (Shri K. C. Reddy): (a) and be pleased to state: (b). A committee of officers has been appointed to implement the decisions regarding workcharged staff of the (a) the total quantity of tea pro­ Central Public Works Department duced in each of the hilly districts of announced by me in the House on the Punjab from 1950 to 1957, year-wise; 14th August 1957. (b) the acreage of land in which Various service conditions like tea was grown in each district in counting of past service, pension bene­ each of the above; years; r $ fits, carrying over of past leave ate., 26$ } Motion jor 27 FEBkuAfctf 10&& Adjournment

are being worked out by the Commit­ Minister if he has got any information tee and the actual transfer of person­ regarding this matter. nel will be undertaken as soon as The Prime Minister and Minister of these points are settled. Every effort External Affairs and Finance (Shri is being made to expedite the finallsa- Jawaharlal Nehru): We have no in­ tion of this matter. formation except what the hon. Mem­ C.P.W.D. ber Shri Goray was pleased to tell us. And something has appeared in 711. Shri Easwara Iyer: Will the the press. Minister of Works, Housing and Supply be pleased to refer to th*> As soon a# we heard about this, we statement made in the Lok Sabha got in touch by telephone with some on the 14th August, 1957 regarding officers in Bombay who also said that confirmation of workcharged staff of they had no special information ex­ Central Public Works Department cept the press report that they had and state the progress made in th« seen but that they would immediately matter? inquire into that matter further. And perhaps, we may be able to get some The Minister of Works, Housing and more information about it. It is, of Supply (Shri K. C Reddy): For the course, not very easy to get authentic implementation of my declaration in information about things that happen the House on the 14th August, 1957 not only in Goa but inside a prison in regarding Workcharged staff of the Goa, as it is a double prison. But, Central Public Works Department, a unfortunately, as we all know, condi­ special committee of officers has been tions in the prisons there are pecu­ set up and the committee is actively liarly bad and most distressing. So, at work. there is nothing very surprising 2. Before the confirmation of per­ about such a report. We shall cer­ sons can be effected, permanent posts tainly enquire further into this mat­ in each industrial category of Work- ter. At the present moment, I can charged Establishment have to be say nothing more. worked out. Actual confirmation of Shri Braj Raj Singh: My submis­ persons can only be made after the sion is that with regrad to this matter, permanent posts have been fixed. the feelings m the country are run­ ning high and the people are very much agitated. So, we would natural­ MOTION FOR ADJOURNMENT ly like that Government take very urgent steps to get some more infor­ Fast by Shrimati Si*>ha Joshi in mation and do something, if possible, G oan jail to free those people who are still in the Goan jails. 12 hrs. Shri Goray (Poona): This is a mat­ Mr. Speaker: I have received notice ter on which I want the massive of an adjournment motion relating to- opinion of this House as well as of “The indefinite fast by Mrs. Government to express itself in no Sudha Joshi in Madgaon jail in uncertain terms protest of the ill-treatment of Mrs. Joshi did not resort to this ex­ women satyagrahis by the jail treme measure light-heartedly. She authorities.” had made appeal after appeal to the Governor-General of Goa saying that I would like to know the facts. Has women satyagrahis were being ill4 the Minister any information? treated and ill-treatment should he Shri Braj Raj Singh (Firozabad): discontinued, and^Hlat h&stogiepcro May I submit . . . sonally intervene'.'' fiut whae# fehe’ dw Mr.? Speaker:* I- have read out the p<>t hear anything tram him', /andsthe adjournment motion. I am asking the ill-treatment continued, she I bad to 2685 M otion fo r 27 FEBRUARY 1 $8 Adjournment a6*6

take resort to a fast She inti­ he himself was in prison along with mated her husband that from Wed­ some others, I sent quite a considera­ nesday she will have to live on water ble amount of books, but months and alone. That is how the fast has years afterwards I heard that none started reached them I took a lot of trouble It is not a new thing in Goa that m collecting special books—I had been the prisoners there are ill-treated I told that they were interested m spe­ have tned to convey lo you earlier cial subjects-—but not one reached also that so iar as medical treatment them I do not know where they are is concerned, the Goan prisoners are still completely neglected It has been our Anyhow, we shall certainly fully effort to send them medicines or send enquire into this matter, and I do hope them money so that they could buy that Indian public opinion will also medicines Those four patriots who realise fully this continuing harsh escaped from the Aguada prison very treatment m regard to people whose recently have also testified to the ill- sole guilt, if guilt, is that they wanted treatment that is being given to the peacefully to secure the freedom of Goan prisoners And now this fast has Goa come I want that we should try to bring Shri Goray It is not only Mrs as much pressure as possible on the Joshi, but there is one Mr Ranade Goan authorities and the Goan Gov­ who has been sentenced to twenty- ernment and see that the prisoners eight years Even after he has been who are there m Goa, and who have sentenced he has not been removed been sentenced to long terms of im­ from the police lock-up, and for prisonment—Mrs Joshi has been sen twenty-four hours in the day, he has tenctd to ten years’ imprisonment and to sit m a cell Both his mother and two years’ imprisonment m lieu of his brother went to see him, and they fine, thus, m all, to twelve years— pleaded that he should be taken out should at least be fairly treated at least for half an hour for a morn­ ing walk outside as constitutional But Shri Jawaharlal Nehru May I say they also have failed, and this young that 1 am almost entirely in agree boy who has been sentenced to twenty- ment with what the hon Member has eight years will have to continue like said in regard to this matter 7 And that for vears to come confined to a we think it is our duty and it is the single cell duty of this Parliament and the coun­ try indeed to do our best to help these Shri Braj Raj Singh Could we have poor pnsoneis in Goa, apart from the an assurance from the Prime Minister larger issue I mean that fullei information whenever available will be placed before the In regard to Mrs Sudha Joshi, there House* is another question which has not been decided yet as to whether she is an Raja Mahendra Pratap (Mathura) Indian national or not I believe she I believe the approach is wrong The claims to be an Indian national But ideas of the Portuguese should also that apart, whether she is an Indian be changed as 1 tried in Pakistan national or not, the very least that Mr Speaker We have heard enough can be said is that they are entitled As and when further information is to civilised treatment, which they do available with respect to such matters not get as these, which get publicity in the newspapers to a partial extent, I am The hon Member said something sure the Minister will place it before about our sending medicines and the the House rest We shall gladly send anything, but I have this difficulty that when Shri Jawaharlal Nehru: Of course 2687 HaiHuay Budget— 27 FEBRUARY 1958 General Discussion 2688

Mr. Speaker: No special direction is PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE necessary. 1 A nnual report and accounts or It is really unfortunate that these Hindustan Housing Factory events are happening there. It has (P rivate ) L imited , for 1956- been again and again brought to the 57 notice of the House. But except for The Deputy Minister of Works, bringing these various incidents to the Homing and Supply (Shri Anil K. notice of the House, nobody has sug­ Chanda): I beg to lay on the Table gested what further action can be under sub-section (1) of section 689 taken. During the debate on the* of the Companies Act, 1956, a copy of General Budget, hon. Members may the Annual Report of the Hindustan give vent to their feelings, the unani­ Housing Factory (Private) Limited mous feelings of the House. along with the Audited Accounts for the year 1956-57. Under these circumstances, I do not think it will be useful to give my [Placed in Library. See No. LT552/ consent. 58.]

Shri Yajnik (Ahmedabad): Can we Statement showing action taken not make an appeal to the Pope to by Government on assurances , interfere in this matter? promises and undertakings GIVEN Mr. Speaker: We cannot invade that territory. The Minister of Parliamentary Affairs (Shri Satya Narayan Sinha): I do not give my consent to this adjournment motion. I beg to lay on the Table the follow­ ing statements showing the action Hereafter, what I would suggest is taken by Government on various as­ this I brought up this adjournment surances, promises and undertakings motion before the House because I given by Ministers during the various merely wanted to get some informa­ # sessions shown against each:— tion regarding this matter and also to show to the world that we are all (1) Supplementary Statement No. II. interested in this matter. Otherwise, Third Session, 1957 of Second Lok a short notice question would have Sabha. been the proper means to elicit facts (2) Supplementary Statement No. vm . Shri Raghunath Singh (Varanasi): I have already given notice of one Second Session, 1957 of Second Lok Sabha. Dr. Ram Snbhag Singh (Sasaram): (3) Supplementary Statement No. Because of this, the short notice ques­ IX. tion may be barred. First Session, 1957 of Second Lok Pandit D. N. Tlwary (Kesaria): Sabha. There is one suggestion. Raja (4) Supplementary Statement No. Mahendra Pratap may be sent to Goa VIII to change their minds, as he has done Fifteenth Session, 1957 of First in Pakistan. Lok Sabhn. Shri Baghunath Singh: Yes. [See Appendix III, annexure Nos. 62, 63, 64 and 65.] 2689 Railway Budget— 27 FEBRUARY 1858 ~ ‘tteneral bttcusdoh 26$b

STATEMENT RE EXPLOSIONS AT Finally, the Court of Inqtdry has PATHANKOT been instituted It began work yes­ terday morning and it has examined The Minister of Defence (Shri two witnesses One of the witnesses Krishna Menon). Mr Speaker, Sir, is still not m a condition to give you had given directions that any coherent evidence Therefore, it must change in the situation arising from take some time the explosions m Pathankot should be reported to the House, and I had undertaken to do so COMMITTEE ON ABSENCE OF MEMBERS FROM THE SITTINGS Now, first of all, in regard to casual­ OF THE HOUSE ties, the Army casualties are now 9 instead of the 8 that I gave before, F ifth Report that is not to say that any of the injured persons has died, but we have Shri Mulchand Dube (Farrukha- discovered one more body The total bad) I beg to present the Fifth Re­ port of the Committee on Absence of civilian casualties are now 34 which means that out of the 28 civilians who Membeis from the sittings of the were believed to be missing some are House now found dead, and out of those who I also lay on the Table a copy of we thought, had disappeared five the Statement showing names of have been traced So, on the missing Members who have been absent for list, there are six remaining 15 days or more continuously during the last session I think you will allow me to say, Mr Speaker, that it is difficult to give with regard to these dead persons anything more than estimates, be­ ELECTION TO COMMITTEE cause of the condition m which thev Empioyfes’ State Insurance 1 were blown up Corporation * The Deputy Minister of Labour (Shri Abld All) I beg to move The second is that I informed the House that road and railway traffic “That in pursuance of clause (i) had to be suspended Now, road of Section 4 of the Employees' traffic was reopened on the next day State Insurance Act, 1948, read that is, the 25th February, 1958 And with rule 2A of the Employees' railway traffic which is reallv the State Insurance (Central) Rules, sphere of mv colleague the Railway 1950, the Members of Lok Sabha Minister, has been reopened yesterday, do proceed to elect in such man­ the 26th February 1958 the Army ner as the Speaker may dire-t, having agreed to its being reopened one Member from among them­ selves to serve as a member of the Employees’ State Insurance With regard to reliefs, we still have Corporation which is being re­ not been able to locate the next-of- constituted ” kin So far as the military dead are concerned, search is continuing As Mr. Speaker: The question is* regards civilian reliefs the Punjab Government have distributed Rs 200 “That m pursuance of clause peif family to 10 families Enquiring (0 of Section 4 of the Employees* about requirements of the sufferers State Insurance Act, 1948 read continue. * with rule 2A of the Employees* ^ 9 1 Railway Budget— 27 FEBRUARY 1958 General Discussion 2692

State Insurance (Central) Rules, Mr. Speaker: If I find that an hon. 1950, the Members of Lok Sabha Member is not confining himself to in­ do proceed to elect, in such man­ dividual or local matters but is speak­ ner as the Speaker may direct, ing on general matters, I will allow one Member from among them­ more time. selves to serve as a member of the Employees’ State Insurance Cor­ poration which is being reconsti­ 4 t iRjqfir m : ij*TTfar| tuted.” % fM” c^7ttfTfT % The motion was adopted. ft TT8F H ?pp ^ T&n ted, 4 hours and 40 minutes have al­ TSrTT t 1 ^ ^srrerr v t v r ready been availed of, and 10 hours and 20 minutes remain. vfw foff ^ *tpt £ f% wtar Shri Ganpati Ram may kindly con­ fira ut *rsr fir* t o f t TfOTit tinue his speech. v t 1 tp? (aftojr, Tforer, zr?f j t k f ^ H T snfercrt) : --- + - - - ___ tttV - ^ ____ v «t«RWT* SITFT ^ ^W 5T *T srr^nr ^ns*rrprt +<1 i \ T & «TT 5PRT W * t 3ft art ^ t cK'fi «PT fr w. ** f t t, OTwrenr fv n T ^ r «n I W * ScFTRTT *TT % «TT fo 4Vii.HR 5R5PT % fofTO ^t * 5ft * f t ^PT 5RT3HT H H W 4 O T ft ^ T T S P ft ?P!? tTsp ft 3RT fo n W £ I % f a t * t ^T Members have given their names. srs ^t sffcr £ 1 m * $ Every hon. Member would like to say something relating to his con­ V X V t f iJS T fo r ^ F I T ?ft ST^t t I stituency, e.g. need for over-bridges TK eft* ?ft«T rR*fi ft JTRt difficulties in regard to other matters and so on. Therefore, I would appeal %frr vrmr to hon. Members to confine their re­ ft ?tT5^ *TRR fft^RTt % I F T - marks to ten minutes, if possible, so M FT ^3Tt ^ft JlfT ^ l l W m i that as many Members as possible may have a chance to speak. t 1 ^rrpsft aft t v t sn w r ^ MTW W T fiRT fT f% f^T JPTC Shri Bfanal Ghose (Barrackpore): During general discussion, we shall ? R R ^ ^ T +>r«WTT jrPT5F not probably be referring to indivi­ TK ^

[aftiWfBr TP?) *J*P|S*tFT© TTo t f x v f ft ftnFTW % fa 3HRRR ?TBTf *n*$*t *ftfro*r g^nft 5f)*fl»M # f o n ^ n r srfafar 3 # ptr fen *rt t 1 ^ 3JHT I snft V9 err c liT^rft f t %5|- U W * ^fasR' ss&tft t ir ?rrnr 3t?^t # ^ fw 'ft «ft fa *rnr ^ft fa v f^renft ^T fafa^t ft TO % ZK qft fafa^ft | ^TRf t o t ^ 3fR fa f t ^ #3^1 w ft fa fW ffasrft ?Ft w pf f^n w , facpft 2095 fttufa’ tfir Budget— 27 FEBRUARY 1958 General Diccussion 2696

fjfaT ^TRTT I ilft fkft flTWT SVftt *lf?T ^ » *rm | f*P ftwft ^cnprtrfifk 5rrf*nir ?^fr f 1 ^fr tpwfirigiq ft^ fira# ^ ’srpnft ft$ ^fw ft f M p i srftrem vt *T VteT TOT %XT fSpjT 3TRT ««nf^ I ^qtfejrftrr vt *fftT fen arw 1 *rf? *fr fcrc 3frm | f t firfireft *t qm ftm armr cfr *ncfa«ta # g?m 3ft v « ^ r itezx % *f* 3 *R$*n: fxwzri *Pter ftm *r ? r w 1 | sw r re iforr cfnrft m *fWt 'frsft^ tt «rr «l+iv?r SR5TT ^T^TT | I ^f?T % Srftr fireiS^TJrTOVKerrJiTvvn- wiftfa^r ^ ?rr3r ?ft wbptTfft srtr : ^ferft 3rt # n ?rr f w % ?TPT 0?TOd ?T W^fTT t w snrfT TO T I 4 $®FTT ^rr^cTT g f t *RTT fr 1 w * im ^WTar ^ t f t •fi'W^H fftZT ^T V[$ JRPT? i I 3IW% «T»R ?TT7 ?RT ^ »ffTS ki «PT f T JRrTT T X fyw ft ^FT f * WT? % *FRT # r $ cfr ^rt ftw r ^ *i#T fswt TilfytiR 2FT% £ I V? ?TO? % qrr ^ft qpft 5R? ft, jrt gftwmt tfrc 3ft o sfrsro ir w ?fT3PTT ^T I V* % ms*w >fr gfr- ^rwrr T^t m & m f w ^ H ^>fr 5pft ^TT fT 3TR 1 vft %w$ZTwrm 1 *iT3r-^r ^fr ^r 3fr qfwgg« »TT«r W ^ tfl fa%T TOT t? f. 3TOt ?r^ ^ ?rmTT «tpt I ft ^ mftTR ?TR fcwHT g 1 srw *r^ | f t v i 3* # ftqrr 3rw ftrcftt ^ ^nr trf t r ^ m «nrir 1 ^ fen 31TO f t w% %£ f t f^TFT # ?Tcn ft f t 7 TTftflt^r f^r ftcFft Tr.TT^ fTrft | «fk fT?r ? f t «ftr 7?m ^ ft?nft * ffosrci ^'t t u t rtf?nft 'tt ^TTcTT ft * f k O T t fcfTS ? ? ^ t T 5^t ^RTT t 1 *m ^ ^ft 1TH5 |OT ST*TC W ^ I * yff 3TR?TT ^ T T ft ft ?rf fewft «fk ycrft f£*fr ^ ft 3ft *T?ft W ft&ttSPT ^T«JTTTO fJTO qir^ ?rw ^ ?nft1 1 % fa* »ra t ft^r f? J15 >ft ^ h «nm t f t v i sfnn rRT ^ni^r^rr t • *PT PH'^W M fTrfT %, eft STW «5R- f * * W?T T^T ;3TRTT 4 ^ ^T?r tit rTTfi «ftr «TTW %, ft?r in «nm ^ ^tt 1 1 o ir frppft^r t o t ^t^ tt i gftjr?r ini gsiw | ft f*r tnqnlvnr, ^nfftc^Rt ¥t tr*w i Twnrw rft f q ^ ’tfk si % *>97 Railway Budget— 27 FEBRUARY 1958 jGjntral Diteturian 3&9$

[«fr T O ft Tm]

*rnr*ft *rra*ft $ w ant i *rwfr 5ft flr*rt ^ ^nw »r jps vt ^ f f s m *nf$r fa 3*t ¥ sfr*fhFr % %ftw «nt f i *n| fatfww t *n sfwteH *r qqt'& FT arrar t ^ s*W^r vt tw ^ gtft ^n%t i fim % | I ^ 1% i m t ^TfffT t f a q f m f t P w a «crnr*fr f% ^t% nr^ «flrtfe T^gt fc ta n % t i >ft ?fT5pT gwftw i^ Vt$MSH ^ fw amn ^ i «m% h t *t% ^ ?npf5T-t^?7frR^ *T*PTRTfc, ^R3> % tnfo VTf”RT «PT ^ •FT fr *TR^fa ?RFrr ^ O T iW ^ r | i 'rflr ^ ^tp: q ^ rarf, foarnn «rr i *nfsn: ^ *r fare % ?mp«T t f r o

c»fffl«gq gwwwfl *3r£t *rV t «4 K r widntl rft^rr feirr »tht i sw t w fsppr t nm RR fen «rr i &r % «rrr % ?rnrt ?nt arr^ |,

^n^r q^r «Fr

finrr «rr fr % ^ % < t *rr «rcrcT 1 1 t %mrr g f^» ^ w tr >ft m W U , % ^ FT «P>ft 5W JT? *TT*HT « tt* fa rr 5t t w i t ift CT5TT 3TT T^T ^ I TfT ^TRTT | ftp ^Rft «rr ?r ^ *FT

*tt* p t t T * r t s r t r t t % 5PW f%qr vnm ^i(^<4 i ^ I ^TFT 5R» i r m “FT ^ET SPFTC HHR7T 3TPT, eft S»T cTToT srrar W w t w ftr«rR «r?V '^TOTgt ^ ^TT 3nW, tit far WT % V^«R f?Rt ifgfHW ^ WT *fT 3TTW ’ t ^srt Jnft *t ft >ft gf^FT ^fcT fw |t t ?fh: VTcTT j? fa ^ 5*T *TPT ^T*fi ^r «FT§ ^P?Tt ^ t^T TOt t I C(TT EJTH 5 I t f?TOFT WTW W?TT ^ ftr J^V JTft- <& %• ?m JPTTfPT t xftK ^ W ^ P T V* t 5BTT &{FT jftfarcq fJFi *Pt fTOfi ^ ’ f t ^ 'ifU ’ t ^ t VtfSTOT •Ft ?TTO f?FTRT ^ T T g, aft fa *Ft 3TR f^F W*ft 5PF t ^ R T ¥Tt t ^ A % *P5R «ftr ^TT % fat ttW H | i sir* ^ spr «it fa# % ^ r t t % i A f t t ^ ^ r r ^ r m 5ft*ft Tt ^ mvrrw ifrspft a^t ^ I fa sfr mt t o zm fe t, fa ^ t fep^Srfl STgcT ’T^ftT t, WT^TTt ?TOTt t ^ f^W^T «FPm sfmm t *pft ?ft iTr?-^ % fa t ?fT3pft ^ft 5RVT 3f%5f »T '3TPT I t * r

$ t i w * t« p t t p i fr*t %f?nr ft Mr. Speaker: Shrimati Uma Nehru $, far rt tvs mm wr Shri Raghunath Singh (Varanasi): ^n *nrfft i I am waiting since yesterday, Sir. 2$99 Railway Budget-* 27 FEBRUARY 1958 G eneral Diseusrion 2700/

Mr. Speaker: T will give preference f , ?ft ft^w ?rrw f i v^*FT«r?nwirg to a lady Member ...... I f«F % » Shri Raghunath Singh: Surely. «Ft^ ^ 3 f fir a it Mr. Speaker: . and that too from 1 1 3^ q*r« ^ ? f ^ JTT^t#?nrR Uttar Pradesh. 5 ^ 1 , ?ft ^ 5 p t an# vt^FT’crot vftx *r^ r sto-sfte awr (fr V fesit # *fPT TO-sprfvft apt tP? ^ arr ?r^t jsftr *n rc q f# jfr jff^Tcr # T f^ r ? r^ r zrr ^ 1 e « M z 5 tft s r o * ^ ’ETRTT fa faff s & ^ s r - * r r f apt sn^r *nr 1 1 W jfl«ll I % « r t ^ t Tc=rt # ^ f t f w ? t« t ^fr 4t»TTft ?ft $ n f 1 1 err?; a m &(% t f a 3fr q m f a r jptt fbp? ^TFt TOTT »fk SR I % it* |*r # ?p r ^ |, ^ f'W ■*ft sp^TSTFcf ^ ^ fV c P ? # ^ |?TT t 1 ^fa?T t ft: fafa^t *T? fa F*TC »ft77%3r *Ft $ z&T fRTcT ^T3! I WfrT f $ «f*T * * fofT 4wi5<, 3T|r # 3”*nf f,

i n f i m t ^ptt *£t *r f ’ 3THWT T H t TC ?TfiT m f*P t W? 1 1 *$l w?«flr ^ | ^ V R 370* Railiumy B udget*- 2? FEBRUARY ^Qeneml Btmttakm 270a

A s *tw t *^r fti* art 7$ v»ft t, ^ ^t V»ft t 1 FT W* Bim STR * f t l j * f t f t ^nft vt A ^ fa gft fmrr % aft *TST JR Tlf, A m i r f t £ f a tit p s ?rmr cftpt t ar? ^ r ^ ?w jftnti 3% $rr f *ftr 3ft Pm W qr ^ *xm f, ?R^i tfh r w w fr S «ft Stt ft^5R?r^t 3|5TTi«r?f5(?f5T 9H5m ti^q^nr^r $ far* w ? ft #? s^srw «Ft I 1 WFT «R ^ q?fT ftcft | t s S & 5ft TT^T-cR^fhfi ftijft t I ?rk ^ rr^r frfSTR^V SF5 ^ft 11 ??RT ffTITf » W H t *Pt STfrT ^ tit I I A fft# qr ^ft ^ T *Ptt R 5 R *$ t ? *TR T » m ^ ? ft i fa s?r t c fufw < sr^r szttct t I fRT rfWt ^t ?r *TW ?n^ft aifcf Tt *ftr 1 *pft *ftr !pt, ^+1 ^ JT?T « R ^ R T qS’ TT ^ I A W & £ fa S*r vr t o f t ^t % WTcTT qRRT «FT5ft fa tpft fa ? H T f t 5TFPT qf^TC, ^W t «T^T S, st w f t ftn#5T'1r tt JTf^r ?W p 5 ^» ^(*M 3RT ?R> >3^4 MW f3FS*Tt «rtr ^ ^ f t ?rr ^fT ^ ^ f^fat *t 3 JW , JT^TR, ^T¥7 SftT TRt, ?lft f , ?T SR# spf ^ftnr ¥7# >TTfa at # twnr ft 3tt^ 1 1 4 fafa*HT TTfcWTHJ ^t srpft qT ff q-mr trYrTTI *n ^ r A sf sf^n w?ft ffafJTm tft *§cT 3ft ^TfcfT t fa qfcpft J ^ F t * t "Ittt tt jprfK qr fR f S*rtft£3ft$ «TPT3fW1# fa^^cT ^ ^ r r f titr f fa ^snrrr ^ | fa ^ *ft IF ^TT ^ cT^ H STTTipr ^T ^T ? l f ^ ^ q?ft f^RTcTT f , T*T*T S^TTT qTO Jfft jftfqw ^t »T 3TPT T fan JPFTtZ *T »T*PFT«PT5TT^TT f t WT I SPTT^Tqqf^T W W + d l i I 5CTTm ^ JTTT? ^ F T ^T, ^TT O T TT, ^ T, W «fa

5f|pT <3TlT H J H ^TT ^if^TT | srra^ pffa^ < m j w % *z t A i m f a i & m r A z i r %t?ft A *rmt *?tftrt fa f fa ^ w r qr qRT »rnft mA sfangr tfrfai?P*r£«Pt*n&t, ^ iw t w ttit t, w r qr q^fT mtft q z A *t*fyt (, ij**ft*nrt f, srp-'RJTM 1 #far?*R#?TT f fa^jqjTHT ^TRT S|5T^T STTCTT § #fa*T 33T JfR * q j; ^ T 3JfKT W fr q^t T?^ft t I A yrgr 3tt# «rr m z z fe t < ^r^^fa^JTft^^rarr?rT?:fa?rt

Hr. Speaker: I will call Shri jwrt^w?n«rr tfrcrasftfw Vajpayee next ftlTJ Sft ftf*TT I 3?T$ ITCT *W f vt^^erniT *rHT*nf^frftsr fc'ftfatm : ___ «r$ $ TCTSrt9TT*fr Mr. Speaker: Order, order. 1 lind 3ft s n t *i»t served—Sch. Castes): I am ready, Sir, ftr^rftspff v t s r * t v t w t% > rn r Mr. Speaker:...... Assam, Rajasthan $ m $ 1 *T 5TT? # %m ^T 5IT37 and Mysore. I shall call them one *FT # t w ’flfaftTCT V WTRT *ft after another. ftarr *n j ?rt *rrer $r?r Shri P. R. Patel (Mehsana): Maha­ ^TTOT *FT ffW T $ T3^T <*TTpiT I rashtra, Bombay and Gujarat may have different views to be placed. Mr. Speaker: Let the Major States *T*T *rfa*F ST Tf# ’PRT ft ^ TT come and then we will go into the $ fa ftrcr division. Cm-- A A - A ^ -- > - n F *n $ , f> t v grm lW Shri S. V. Rantaswaml (Salem): 3ft t t w * x TT^T Madras also has been overlooked. ?W, 3TO ®TRT ^ ^TT Mr. Speaker: Madras has already spoken. 1 w f a f i w k R 3i7T v t #5 iflfa inn qwrar * $ m , 'n p ? 1 1 w ***** $ *rm ? t p i 5T f9 [ q fo l& T «R5TT I t?T ^ R ~ 5 ap%T%T«TTftrnfr>WWHft #3R^FT tut ^ Tfo rt «p f ^ r q ^ f t t t sfirsrm, wefar * t |i ^r%«rr*ft % T ft? tT^pft ST^T # *F$T, STT'TfTt ^HTTT *nrf^ ftrcRrr *%3tpt *rm snft ?rc> _ r* <* - . _ . . » ft., ___ _ ^ .. P w T SRTW g W TT*F srs v t f 3HRT ^ ft^TT 1 1 t$r v^rfvft # 3?rcft w r r * f r q r f i $ 3ft w | grot ftrerr *ftr *ft r;i $ ^RfRTT ft? *17^ aWt Mftfkfd t H m t m ar # t f f t * r f w « T R $TT ^ T T ^ I ^ r ^ # *tnf $ vr* $ gspp ftncj 5m «h«m *rmt * aw | «ftr?T5t’n#Trv«TR mtT ^ ?ik VIM+1 WTWT 'fiRnWV f, * •jNrcr t o 1 1 g?r*r TTJft ^Tf^ 1 irft %m w «TTRT t ^ ^T Tt f3RT ^ Jif «mr t f% ^r wmrf?wr«r^r*ft3RTvt ^t«q^T T # tlVT^T 1 1 ^ ? i w ^ ^ th t 5 ?ft ^ r v *rft»i t ft7 ^ ^ 5fnrk *nft wk JTsr^rt vt inw t f^rr w tt ft’TT 1 t o t £ 1 *rnff t w*t ^ t r # ^!RT f 1 5: m «ftfwc im (anrsTjs) : ^rrarar *rw iTT w r fF«rf?r < ^r> y^r^tkuwsfr yi^ i tfin> w t «ft «ftr «n* w ftrcrr y ? t ^ ^ ^ x m w * t # f xift ?*t ?T¥ v r #xftK ^ qr $ w w li # !ft efr yn^hPT f«RTTV^ ^JTft^r«TTOT«m#?ft ^twit Pnr $*rrt ^srmt «r^r wr t o t $1 ^ r t | « 9705 Railway Budgtt— 27 FEBRtJARt tf&»> CentftA iXteumkm jffo 6

[$S *ftfaRT icvd vsm f *fR w Upc w , w m tnr w HK! Wfa^F ft fm f*Rft STVTT ^ tftK f*Rft % § w v faw t%r fc i 'dcM( VPT fa^l ^ fa?RT ^*(lO 9TTR «PtT (t t fa ^TTf fTcT!fi wfjT fRfi 5f £ *F?T fa 'RPT^T '3jt,f*nfy ft fr sfdrjt^ tt ^?cft srTTftt eft ?Hr ^ t % v x w^tw!:^ W?TT *HT t«F WT^Tfav 5ITtT fc I f 1 ^ ^epn sn^ejT f fa %m v«t$H t ^m ift vt «pft | *FT*mTt % *P*W T* Jr^T «R *g1 w t m ?ft vrw xt % fifnr | arfr «*f ♦ ?mw?n j fa qft ?ftfH 1^ ^r x***i % afr t ^twwt^ fcft ^ «rtr ^

f i r d v vr^

*f|r *rc frrnw 't t flora it *ffa u v» ^ 5 ^ fcw?,«i?t aft fvFra- vnr w an9 ? siHFTr «ft T * tt^t fr^rr *$rr p fv t « T R i t T T ??5RT TT Tf^eT ^lft x m «w tn «rr*ft»r 3ft «pt ^ *t*it | to frmT i m IWTft ^ n r % fcre *rf*w ^ tnwr- *tsit ^TffcTT wftsr ^ ?e?rt fw w *s?n *rtt ifcfr w tfa fanrr 3*% immrrer % f fip rm r gstf s?r tcmft«T ^ft ft s%*ft tftr fsRT f ^ r f e f t t t at^r ?pf f m * w nmnmr % s’srfa % ?r^sr ft, ^ f W r 'ff^r if r **t wr «nf^«Tt «ft . 3ft^ «^t 5ft wnrr pj ^ ^ «t ?& g ?rnpr t p t «ft ^ *rft *f r r f«5 t tfr itrr *nr ^ rr # % & r qffiyq TT UH? fir^THT JT ft;"3Q w***f # ^ irfa>F ’tijtt ^rrfi^ %%!T ^TTW , f5nrf«T f ^ fir ^ 3709 Rahway Budget— 2? FEBRUARY Jfrnfnal XHactuaon

[# s «rtfiMr m ] ssft tftn *nrr *

irft % SW S^T # $3 ^r «RT $f # ftfT a^t an?r *$>TT ?Tt ^ 5?ft qft WPWTOT I I iRT T^F VRfR v r m r ^ ^ T rr, ^ 1% (W w m r $t *ft i ^ srfii ?^ryjf?r sn fc vrw f i «n*r W fa k n t w i w Mr Speaker: Shn Vajpayee srr^fr I i An hon. Member: There are so fg% vfaftW p i arc^t tc *$$ ‘many Hindi speeches 3 t£t HT^f f aNr fa*, fere­ Mr. Speaker: There are two rails on s ' ^ fircyft tftr -3^r ^*m r, Which the tram moves One rail is *nj $ tit | f?r sH# ft 5 ^ 2 *T R ^ s»r ^ f^nr ?W R ^IHWW WT TCT TgrTT | 1 ^ ^ if •Nw infr v qm t i * i sHr ana- ^ t « * g fa wqgi % *> jsr *fa ^ « 5 «W*mr Wnft ^ 3ft ^ TOT ^ $T | 3TT I SRT^ ^T{ft*ftrf3RT fa ^TT°r inqwwr w t o t^ tt $t wr«rWt ^T^jf?r *rft *ftr ?frfr vt * fc n f $t V ?mT 5^t, ^ f^ r c t «*TpRT*ft V 5«n TT FWW ^TT^T I ?TT«r ^ f t ^ i f ^ , STORR ^t IRIW, SWl^cTT ^ i ipf> ana # $ *ft *rerta *t^t ?r 5frTT5ricm3ft^T#?T«r«fr^t i *fipnr g *rtr ^ ^ | fa &rr ?n*r 'ft srTcfi' l^ m f t vt Ttv^ ^ ?sm4 ft 9# 1 pr i eftt^- ^ ^ i T #R ^ 4^ < tyt»ftfbr^aftyt jitot ^ ^ r fftT «F JTTT ^TTT «ftr fapr ?ft»ft # ^*r TT*r ^ f g?r ^ f, * W *TRT *t T O »R# f f*TT cW ftwRr fiWT an^T fa *nrc q f# # ?ireNi*ft ansft ^Tcft =*nf^ fa 7?r v 3?tt ^ ^«t fir*4ft ^ ^ r ^t *R 5T £ 3*T *?t *,«>** f % fq^PT «nft ^W^'dl t iaft?ft?wz:^ift^t» * * * ,3 ^ *ft, T O T f t f T R - *?T ZR aft Kft # f l W Weft 5 , V ^ r *T | aR fa *RT r t TFT 3R# frr Sp^T *ft«R #f TT*T *ft *3 # «nft * m ^ « f t v Jrf?r f^nr *rrrr t ^nr fins w r t ftar tot f i «rtr s* *?• ajviM. ftNt ^rr =qT^( v ¥ m v znf^nrt >r q r ^eRT ^ ft t I W 1Pfr ^ v p m vr vrt vtr |t w 1 i #t*ft*r 3Rerr «Ft < 'General Diteuuion 27x4

[*ft *wWt] P1W ftnr wtt «r*r t to *trt v^t mersmm |« #fa^ smv * m ix % tft 3%“ V? fT z m 3TT T O T 'R ^RTcTT t. ^fT*rt *Ft fv ^ V I^ R Z fft 1 rt f fa ^ 3 ? ami ?ft <,•§• *jCRfk ^ % JTft# £ frpr urrq- =,-^RT farr # w i TTt? t v t « t p t # *R tRPT ^ f» ^ JTsmR ^ 3TTq- ^ vnr w «n?r «Pt t **pf?t «rtr fa?r 1 1 * ^ r r «ztpt T ji\ RaiUoay Budget-*- 27 FEBRUARY 1988 General Duausion 1716

i f h R T j f a iffaTCT t i reft v f^ : art f^ w r «fri fsr^^r ftr frzpRrt ?r ^ f w r *n£r «rr t o 1 fa faHT *nrT «TT ^Ei# 3ft TRRTft tit ^ f f ^ | ^ fa?r jnai^rr £ m«r w *Ft aftwr TTTrfr f w ^rrr ^Tf?^ «rr, fa?| w t^r ^rrffrr , fairr *nrr «it, sriu jfft ?ft»r >nsft 5fT fcnr rpr f 1 ^rsf *ftf5=nrr fsrfsiTcr *T?T *ftT t I W ^FSifsr 3 fa?HT wfaiR ? qw gr^r jpt ftreraa tit 5rsnr 5TRT ^nfp; «n, ^aHrrfnft ^ »nft ?ft 3rr^ ^ft 1 rt*c *ft ^ rrf¥ft ifm T v 7inr srarc ^ fa F «n -raw ^ ^ »ft sr^nftnft ^t ^tr tit xfrr ^rrf%rr q # ^ ~6S(V m I -rft 9 V * ' 7 * * 7 *R [ 9 5 Mr. Speaker: I have given him six­ ■i 2,t< # jfr f w r r 1 5^17 mt: ?4f^tPT teen minutes already ¥R ^TT «TRIT t fa T ft?T- wt*rorij£wrawT I fa w»rnr# ^ ^ fa^ ^ |, w t ^ tt Tt SWTCTSIT TfT t I ^ ?IM T5RTT J w* *t vfc xcmt. * f*r i^ fa w w tt ^ aft ift *mr# frit ^ WTBT t 1 Tff ^ flT^TR 3 f m ^f?IT # ^T«T 35PPT f a n v w V ’CT fPTi^rnft t it wwrwcfT n sft •FT SPRST faprr ^IW^TT ffhC ^51# ti) *nft ^vt f^dxsfr vt

[ « f t q w f r fl]

JTO*ff t T O R Vt *TW^ ^ «frT f I ^ *> ^ • ■ » K v .^ . t V■K * * » v w f f W H W «PT W & BSte f>T

x m s fta ft 3 v m v r fo r r •ft w r n N (n^prm). *i? arrerr f 1 arawjr $ 3 xytr qtf- «l?t w ft t I # ^IRTT % f3p W£

*nfr «uw «rt$ 3 fanf u*® 3 trar w rf h i ” w r w vx «fMt # f T f c n ’p n i *« *0[ ssracr *n w ^ «ftr ircraff

3 $5T *»r qr vt *nf foiT 1 «ft w n w ^ t : TRT ? R 5 ^ T O T # *T$ JPHT *R frfSR ft «rf^T ^IT t ^ ^ ^ mUTvRT^t 5TRPT *5t ^ Weft | I % f. t ^ ^ 111 »rft JT^TO apT «TR f^ ft # 5^ W apT fa^rrcr f w arr f 1 «tprwi ftw t q?t *fK f^ w ^Tfsrr g 1 VR°r lift ^t, t?rt ^int qr 'p s t t ^ f^rerr gw r | ^ dKVC *Ft sq^tqT ^t*ft I T^TTtTTS ^ T^ITfy^ ^MH MftarK

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f$ft ITCJ *ftw # ^TTfft - Mr. Speaker: Shri Radhamol'&n * Singh. After him I will call Shri B. 8. «tfr i W fci* *nro I, w % ***** Murthy. I must give one turn to i f ifr «jwftw $ fiRK f*RT 5TPTT every one of the Groups in the Oppo­ sition. Therefore, Mr. Barrow will I not be called now; 1 must exhaust the Republican Group, the Ganatantra Group etc. and then I will come again. t o sfcr $ fro# &r ^ t o *ft «qpr ^ v m n z n |, fM* t t o Shri Radhamohan Singh (Ballia): $Rfo*r urcta % vrnm sm st*r $ Sir, I wish to offer my congratulations *nft &rf $ s»rfwRr «r **r fen to the hon. the Railway Minister. All the literature about railway adminis­ t< tration that has been supplied to us goes to show an all-round develop­ ment of the railways for which the fRT W M Mp& , 3 ft $rt fer vr^Rnr ways are the life-line of the nation. ^ ' s f t r ^ R T ^ r r ^ I 3fr WTfJT We have to remember that the Rail­ way Administration has to serve three t o st*f r foprat sn^fr, ^ ^ masters: the first is the country and $ ^ »ffeT v k areft w £7 the people, the second the consumers 3 * $ «Rnhr ^tiit 1 ^ ^ ^rr ^r t, or the users of the railways, and thirdly the employees. ^ t fa imsr wfc w w m w «feT frtaT t * f k sr^T ^TTdwrd $ m m Mr. Speaker: Order, order. Hon. t 1 W ^ sfta jftar Members come and worry me, asking «pt ^rt qr ^ 1 *nrc qr fa^rc me whether I will give them a chance at three o’clock and so on. I am not fain srmT, gft^F 1 here to do that Hon. Members will take their chance, be here, hear what other hon. Members say and try to i-qi*ftMci ^fj1 3ft T^nr meet those points. I would request them not to come here and try to

[Mr. Speaker] the various Groups and various States this House as well as from the other and give preference to special inter* House, suggestions are poured into eats, and then once again give anotaer the Administration but I regret to say opportunity. Therefore, 1 would re­ —..hat is a very genuine grievance quest hon. Members to kindly be in- which we have got—that they are not their seats, make the House lull, take looked into. I hope and trust that part in the debate and follow the pro­ our Railway Administration would be ceedings. more careful about them, look into Shri Radhamohan Singh: Then, Sir, these suggestions and try to carry them out. We shall be obliged if the the Railway Administration has also hon. Railway Minister kindly takes to plan in such a way that it serves all parts of the country. It has to the trouble to inform the hon. Mem­ run through to our borders and also bers as to what has been done with to all areas, so that it may serve the regard to these suggestions. I think people in times of need and emer­ it will be doing something good if he gency like floods and famine. It has takes care to oblige us in this respect. also to open out industrial areas for I said, Sir, we have been doing development and to reach the coasts nothing for quick and cheap trans- for transit of goods. This is, what is port. I would like to elaborate my called, catering to the needs of the point by examining the figures that country. have been given to us. If we look Secondly, the mtere ts of our pay­ from the administrative point of masters, the consumers, have to be view, in two or three years our looked to. I do not think that only expenditure has increased by about such amenities as are being provided Rs. 101 crores. In 1955-56 we were are all that have to be looked into. incurring an expenditure of Rs. 213 What the railway consumers want is, crores on railways and now we have firstly, cheap and quick transport. I planned for Rs. 313 crores. But, on am sorry to say that we have been the side of receipts I And that in doing nothing in this respect. The 1955-56 we estimated to receive, or Railway Administration does not ap­ actually received, Rs. 316 crores, pear to be alive to the need for pro­ whereas in 1958-59. we are estimating viding quick transport. There are to receive Rs. 407 crores; that is an certainly some areas which are serv­ increase of Rs. 91 crores only. That ed better, but there are other back­ is not efficient administration. ward areas which are not being Whereas in three years our receipts cared for. There the people are have increased by about Rs. 91 crores made to pay the same rate of fares our expenditure has increased by even though it takes ten hours to Rs. 101 crores. This is a very sad cover a distance of 50 miles. I would state of affairs. I would like the Rail­ request the Railway Administration way Administration to look into this to look into all these things. and see that the Railway Administra­ tion is run in such a way that the So many things have been said in tax-payers also benefit by this service. this House, I do not want to repeat them. But I would like to say one The next point, which is not any thing, that all that we say here the less important, is about the emplo­ should not be thrown away. The yees. The whole Administration is Administration should benefit by our run by these employees. No Adminis­ suggestions and should look into tration can be run efficiently and, cer­ them. They should consider whether tainly, no purity can be guaranteed, it is possible to carry out the sugges­ unless we have a staff which is satis­ tions made here. This is a very good fied. Unfortunately, in our country way of getting so many ideas from all the cost of living has been rising, but sorts of people coming from all sorts of the ihcrease in the pay of the staff is areas. Year in and year out, from not able to cope with the rise in 27^3 Railway Budpet— 27 FEBRUARY 1888- General Uttcusston 2/24 prices. There are also housing diffi­ country, for serving the people in culties and so many other things. We times of need and also for taking are glad that much has been done, goods to undeveloped areas and we but in comparison with that, much should have one system only. more remains to be done. I would like to say that in the interest* of Carrying goods from one place to efficient and pure administration it is the other should not be so difficult as nccessary that the staff should be it is at present in some areas. In the better paid. They should get more parts from where we come, we are amenities in respect of their health served by metre gauge system of and education of their children which railways. Many things have already are very vital. been said about it. That is also an undeveloped area. We cannot get I want to say one thing more in iron, steel and coal in our areas, this respect. 1 was told that some which is served by metre gauge days back the hon. Minister announc­ without delay. They are urgently ed certain decisions regarding needed there. We should have better the up-grading of class III and class railway service so that the develop­ IV employees. I am surprised to ment of those areas can be made learn that his announcement has not more easy and quicker. Therefore, I yet been implemented, and certain would like to suggest that, if it is not categories of employees are still possible to change the whole system, •■uttering in their old grades. If the at least one broad gauge line should announcements and declarations of be run from south to north viz. from the Hon’ble Railway Minister are not Buxar to Gorakhpur or from Banaras complied with and acted upon, I do to these areas, so that the undevelop­ not know what other things or assu­ ed areas of Eastern U.P. and Bihar rances will be carried out. may also be served in a better way. Our needs are no doubt very great. I beg to suggest that this is a thing I want to point out one thing which that requires the careful considera­ is admittedly very necessary We tion of the Railway Administration. have in our country different systems We were glad to learn that this year, of railways inheriting as we do from there has been an increase both in different companies of old. There traffic and also in Railway earnings. are two systems, the broad gauge and But I would like the hon. Minister of the metre gauge. We have also got Railways to enlighten the House on the narrow gauge. But, for the the point whether the increase in the defence of the country and for receipts is due to increase in fares through communications throughout which we raised last year or whether the country, it is necessary that we it was only due to the increase in should have one system of railways traffic These figures were not given only. I realise that it is not an easy to us. So, we are not able to under­ matter, but I want to give a sugges­ stand as to what proportion is due to tion. I have read in papers that the the increase in fares and what pro­ portion is due only to increase in Republic of China and the Soviet traffic Union have two different sys­ tems in their respective countries, 13.31 hrs. but sometime back they have succeed­ ed in solving their difficulty. Now it [Mr Deputy-Sfeakek in the Chair] takes only half an hour at a changing These are the points that have to be station and the train can be run from looked into.

are having a number of zones now. from top to bottom, there Is not The Southern Zone consists of 6,070 enough sense of duty or responsibility, miles; the Central Railway consists of not only to discharge a certain duty, 5,428 miles; the Western Railway con­ but also to see that the whole sys­ sists of 5,461 miles; the South-Eastern tem as such is functioning with scien­ Railway and the Eastern Railway tific precision so that the accident consist of 5,667 miles; the Northern could be ruled out of consideration. Railway has 6,007 miles and the North-Eastern Railway and the North- Therefore, the time has come when East Frontier Railway consist of 4,767 the Minister should give his earnest miles. Each zone is more or less a thought to constituting a committee huge, over-size unit, and I do not consisting of the seniormost railway think many of these General Mana­ officers and also some of the public— gers were able to visit the important it can be a high-power committee or places in their zones even once in a commission—to go into this matter year. Therefore, there must be some and see the reasons why people are other machinery to be considered, to not able to discharge their duties along have more effective control on the with their rights. Though it may be working of these zones. The question some thing novel coming from me, I is whether we could not think of think there is some laxity in the rank some other machinery to see that and file. They are only thinking of there is effective control rights, and not of duties and respon­ sibilities. I am not here accusing any Again, I come to know that even category or any person or any group the Divisional Superintendents were of persons. The whole atmosphere is not able to cover up all the places in surcharged today, and the employer their divisions. Therefore, divisionali­ and the employees are not able to see sation also must be taken into con­ eye to eye; and there comes the rub. sideration when we think about these Therefore, it is well to consider the zones and their areas. question of appointing a committee, Again, it is always better to have a consisting of both officials and non- decentralised authority as far as pos­ offlcials of high integrity and experi­ sible so that we can fix the respon­ ence about running of railways, to sibility on an individual or a group go into the whole question. of individuals immediately we think 1 at fixing up the responsibility. There­ While speaking about the size of fore, I think the question of the exist­ the zones, I am tempted to speak about ing zones, the question of re-forma- the Southern zone. This zone, as I tion that is be:ng carried out in the said, consists of 6.017 miles. It spreads zonalisation and also the effective itself like a leviathan into five States— management of divisions must be Bombay, Mysore, Andhra Pradesh, taken iuto serious consideration both Madras and Kerala. It is not only by the Minister of Railways and his over-sized but it is unwieldy. The colleague, so that we could have more Railway Board has to consider whe­ effective and immediate, urgent, con­ ther it could not be bifurcated. In trols to be exercised in all places this connection, the creation of a new where they are needed zone known as the South Central Zone may be thought of. It may con­ Again, there is another thing which sist of the following divisions: Bez- I consider is also more important to wada division, Guntakal. Hubli, Wal- he taken note ol. After independence, tair, Secunderabad and Sholapur divi­ every Indian began to think that he sion. I think the creation of that new has acquired certain new rights. zone will relieve the General Manager Each one ?onsiderr himself as one of the existing zone of some at his who has acquired new rights, forget­ duties and will give him ' breathing ting the responsibilities and the duties. space to concentrate his attention upon In tiie rank and file, among employees other divisions. ’ 3729 Railway Budget— 27 FEBRUARY UMKt General Discussion 2730

[Shri B. S. Mur thy ] I do not think there will be any doubling of track between Gudur and extra expenditure if we create a new Thadepalligudam zone. Secunderabad, which will be part of the new zone, was the head­ One word more about station mas­ quarters of the Nizam’s railways. As ters. The cry of the station masters such, the buildings and other para­ has been a cry in the wilderness. phernalia necessary for the headquar­ The M nister was good enough to give ters of a zone are already there them a new deal. But the new deal has not been able to satisfy the mini­ mum demands of the station masters. Then, the Railway Minister seems After all, they have made only two to be very unkind to Andhra. In fact, requests. One request is for increase he is specialising to be unkind to of pay. The Minister was good enough Andhra. In Andhra, as far as rail­ to agree to give them a starting pay ways are concerned, there are no lines of Rs. 80 going up to Rs. 170. But at all, when compared even with a this can be taken advantage of only desert like Rajasthan. We have one by the new recruits. The old people line on the west coast and one on the are not getting the benefit of it. I east coast, and one line connecting want the Minister to consider their Guntakal and Bezwada. case also. Secondly, the station master is left Mr Deputy-Speaker: Then it is in the lurch. Promotion is very much surrounded by railways limited for him. Mr. Deputy-Speaker: The hon. Shri B. S. Murthy: Yes, Sir; sur­ Member has been hearing the bell, rounded, but not completely. Then, though he has not heeded it. But he last year mention was made about is complaining about the Minister Nellore-Markapur line. But nothing that he is hearing patiently, without has been done so far as far as the heeding. survey and other necessary arrange­ ments are concerned for that line, Shri B. S. Mnrthy: I only want to though there is urgent need for it. say that the legitimate grievances of Then there must be a line for Kasipet- the station masters must be looked Mancherla to Gudur and Cuddapah to into by the Minister with sympathy. Nandyal. Shri P G. Deb (Angul): This year’s railway budget is an uninspiring We have been repeating these re­ document. This is obvious from the quests year after year and the Minis­ fact that the status quo is maintained. ter has been hearing them, without Even then there are certain aspects heeding them. They are all very which need examination and an en­ urgent. From Gudur they want to deavour for further improvements. double the track up to Bezwada. This has not been done for five years. At first I would like to deal with They have to cover only 110 miles. the estimates and adequacy. In' the But I don't think they have completed current year’s budget, provision has even 40 miles. I want this to be been made so as to handle traffic to expedited so that the bottleneck at the extent of 145 million tons. Ac­ Bezwada will be relieved. From cording to the figures furnished by the Bezwada and Thadepalligudam nee has hon. Railway Minister in his budget, to be exported to all directions, and the expected additional traffic required the Minister and the Deputy Minister to be handled during the year 1958-89 know the urgency. So, I do not know has been placed at about 12 million why they are not expediting the tons. *731 Railway Budget— 27 FEBRUARY 1988 General Discussion

This, in my opinion, appears to be Central Government for finding out an under-estimation to the extent financial resources from abroad for that even during earlier years when their development programmes. there was increase in traffic, the Orissa, at present, has only l|40th Indian Railways had- hap died the of the Indian Railway system whereas situation almost at the same rate. her population is 1/24th of the Indian The situation is different this year. Union. It may J>e said by the Railway The Railway Minister has observed Minister that resources are not in his speech that the year 1958-59 is available. I would point out, with all going to be an important landmark in humility, that the right type of the process of development for the priority is missing. implementation of the Second Plan. It is in this year that the steel plants Even about resources, the Budget of Rourkela and Bhilai are expected for 1958-59—statistical analysis— to go into production. At the same shows an under-estimation in respect time, there are a few existing steel of gross traffic receipts. The estimates plants in the country which would for 1957-58 as compared with 1956-57 also substantially increase their show an increase of 10 to 11 per cent output. So, it will be seen that con­ while the expected increase in the siderable increase of traffic will be year 1958-59 has been put at 6 per required to meet the situation. As ccnt on'y. Ajn I to believe that when such, this will give rise to stepping up a large increased traffic is expected of further claims on the Railways. to be handled by the Indian Railways Therefore, if, for 1958-59, provision in 1958-59, the percentage of addi­ is made only for 12 million tons of tional traffic receipts will remain additional traffic, it is evident that only at 6 per cent? This appears to serious bottleneck would appear in be a contradiction in terms. It the Railway administration during suggests further that certain projects the year itself. Hence, my opinion is, which can be undertaken with the if an additional element of dynamism present revenue resources are being in the process of development is not sacrificed at the altar of diffidence. gi^en a place in the drawing up of the Railway budget, it would mean I come now to passenger amenities. that the Government is lacking In this connection, I would like to foresight Much significance should be make a few observations on certain attached to this and I feel this is an specific points. People will be able to important factor. appreciate the content and meaning of the amenities provided by the hon. I would like to submit that in Min1 r.ter, only through actual experi­ drawing up the programme of rail­ ence. To me, however, there appears way development, one is required not a serious lacuna in the approach only to take into account all the towards the development of caterings visible needs, but also the potential departmental’ y. In para 24, page 15, requirements which are likely to be the hon. Minister has observed: fully tapped in the very near future. In this regard, the claim of Orissa “The scheme for the introduc­ has suffered almost a very callous tion of departmental catering at neglect. On the development of selected stations has been imple­ Rai'ways depend the improvement mented, and the process of its of the economic conditions of the consolidation at these stations is people and their culture and in an continuing. I have no doubt that, un-developed State like Orissa that by and large, departmental is a very essential thing. If proper catering has been well received interest is taken by the Centre, not by the public.” only that the economy of the region will improve, but also huge quanti­ No sane person would deny that ties of underground wealth will be competition is the soul of efficiency. exploited to quench the thirst of the Let departmental caterings compete 2733 Railway B u d g e t- 27 FEBRUARY m * General DUevstUm

> [Shri P. a. Deb] with the existing vendors so that 14 fen. the consumers have the benefit of stress that human factors are not good and cheap articles. Consolidation only the causes by themselves, but of departmental caterings by law also the consequences of certain implies the liquidation of the vendors factors such as frustration and dis­ class working in the railway stations. content among the railway Btaff. TWs undoubtedly shows lack of human approach. Not only that This Shri B. S. Mwtfhy: Are they sot question is of importance from the human factors? standpoint of social justice. As it is Shri P. G. Deb: They are. a case affecting the consumers, the matter needs urgent and sober think­ The staff should be provided with ing on the part of the Government. I the* proper environment—physical, do hope that the Government will social and material. If these amenities stop eliminating the vendors class by are well provided, there will be the cruel rod of authority. confidence created in them, and th&t is real leadership. Coming to corruptions, the figures given by the Government do not Next I come to railway administra­ show any serious corruption among tion. Administartion implies supervi­ railway staff. If only 3518 cases were sion and efficiency apparently, which reported, they constitute a negligible is essential for the proper running of minority when we take into account a department like that of railways. To the total strength of the various achieve this, however, decentralisa­ categories of staff that exist today. tion of railway offices has already Small dishonest minority surrounded taken place in the country. In this by honest people, should easily check context I would like to say some* the capacity for corruption. It is other thing about the divisional head­ wise here Detection of corruption quarters at Khurda Road in Orissa. is much neglected in the Railways. I am sorry to say that I would like to In the past there has been constant know whether the Minister concerned approach by Orissa that Khurda Road is in the know of the nature of should be a divisional headquarters reported cases of corruption It has to office in the South-Eastern Zone. In be determined of what type they are this regard promises were also made In this connection, I would like to by the then Minister of Railways, suggest that there should be a Shri Lai Bahadur Shastri, and vigilant organisation and an intelli­ recently also by the present Railway gence system worked out in such a Minister, Shri Jagjivan Ram in one manner that there should be counter- of the public speeches which he made spying also by the establishment of in Orissa. But however, the railways Special police branches If things are have decided to set up the offices in done in this way, I believe, corrup­ Kharagpur and Waltair completely tion can be checked to a very great neglecting Khurda Road which is extent. very central indeed. It is, therefore, hoped that taking into account the Now, I come to the epidemic of strategic and administrative facilities railway accidents. I call this an available, the Government will decide epidemic because we have been to set up a divisional headquarters seeing serious accidents which are office at Khurda Road as early as taking place one after the other possible, particularly in view of the specially during the last one year. As fact that the Paradeep port and many a result of discussions the hon. Minis­ other developmental works are coming ter had with his General Managers, up rapidly in this region. he has indicated in his Budget speech that human factors largely account I may state here that the railways for these accidents. However, I would have already created an example. 5173 i RtHway Budget— 27 FEBRUARY 1938 General Discussion 2736

That is the recent bifurcation jt the 121,000 miles of surfaced roads and Northern Railways for administrative about two lakhs miles of unsurfaced facility. I would ask, why Khurda roads. These are all fairly good, but Road should not be taken into con­ for our needs and requirements they sideration to cope with better arc highly inadequate. For a deve­ administration on the railways. I do loping economy and for an increasing hope the hon. Minister will take note population, these are inadequate and of this and help us in this respect the Planning Commission should Lastly,- I would like to say and evolve an agency to integrate all repeat again that the under-developed these services. States in India should be given top­ Then, it is a matter for gratifica­ most priority, especially to develop tion that so far as the internal pro­ their underground wealth. If this is duction is concerned, we are now done, India will be benefited to a very able to meet the railways’ normal great extent, and automatically her annual requirements of rail, wagons financial difficulties in the matter of and coaches. We are told that a de­ expansion programme will be cision has been taken that no more solved. coaches will be imported. With re­ Mr. Deputy-Speaker: Shri T. Subra- gard to locomotives, Chittaranjan and manyam. . . . I have to catch TELCO are going into full production, the eye of the hon. Member. and we are expected to be self-suffi­ cient with regard to steam locomo­ Shri T. Subramanyam: (Bellary): tives also. I was waiting yes.erday. In 1957-58, 258 locomotives were The Railway Minister has struck manufactured and in 1958-59 the pro­ a note of optimism and confidence in duction is expected to be 269. With his Budget speech, which is a matter regard to coaches, in 1957-58, 1,500 for gratification. Hie criticism of coach e3 were manufactured—and some members from the opposition 16,800 wagons. The Integral Coach has been one of unqualified condem­ Factory is expected to manufacture nation of the railway administration; 350 coaches by 1959-60 under single secondly, they referred to the chronic shift. If a dobule shift is operated, inefficiency of the railway depart­ they will produce another 180 ment. That was the emphasis laid coaches. This is remarkable progress, and the extreme tone of condemna­ but even then, I submit, this is not tion adopted with regard to the rail­ adequate for our needs and require­ way administration. ments. In this context, while paying my Everywhere there is a demand that compliment to the railway adminis­ there should be more trains, and that tration and sharing their optimism more lines should be taken up. In abo, I would like to suggest to the regard to expansion and development Railway Minister that he should work, the First Plan mcluded res­ evolve a national policy of integrat­ toration of 430 miles of dismantled ing all the thr^c* transport services lines, construction of 350 miles of of the country relating to the rail­ new lines and conversion of 46 miles ways, the roadways and the inland of narrow gauge into metre gauge. waterways. I suggest that the Plan­ The development under the Second ning Commission evolve some agency Plan includes the doubling of 1,607 or machinery. miles of track, conversion of 265 miles of metre gauge into broad We have got about 35,000 miles of gauge, electrification of 825 miles and railways, S.O'M) miles of inland water­ dieselisation of 1,293 miles and con­ ways and about 13,000 miles of na­ struction of 842 miles of new lines. tional highways. There are also Out of these 842 lines, about 500 3737 JW h w y Budget— 87 FEBRUARY 1958 General Discussion 2738

[Shri T. Subramanyam] miles are in progress, and only re­ At present, there is very great cently the Quilon-Kottayam section demand for iron ore to be exported to of the Quilon-Eranakulam line in the foreign countries. Japan is one o f Southern Railway was opened. I those countries. Recently, a Japanese hope the Kottayam-Eranakulam line delegation also came there. Consider­ will be taken up soon. ing all these things, I request Govern* ment to take up the Dandeli-Karwar Shri Shahnawac Khan: That has line as urgently as possible. Our Plan also been opened. The entire section is a flexible Plan, though, for the pre­ has been opened. sent, only about 825 miles of new construction have been taken up, and Shri T. Subramanyam: It is a very they concern mostly areas like Rour­ good thins. kela, Bhilai etc. where we have the iron and steel plants and also coal. 1 As regards survey, out of 2,500 suggest that in the South this Dandeli- miles, proposals for 1,600 miles have Karwar line, which is a very been examined. This included the important line, may be taken up. Bangalore-Salem and Tellicherry- Then, there is another line to be Coorg-Mysore lines in the Southern taken up, and that is between Kottur Railway. We have been urging in and Harihar covering a distance of the South that with the States re­ only 42 miles. After the reorganisa­ organisation it has become a matter tion of States, it has become a matter of urgent necessity, that certain of urgent necessity to integrate these pther lines should be taken up and various areas and to open up the pos­ more survey should be undertaken. sibilities of starting new business and If short distances of upto 40, 50 or new industries. A couple of yean 100 miles are opened up by the rail­ back, the speech of the Railway Minis­ ways, there will be a remarkable ter had envisaged the taking up of achievement with regard to the open­ this Kottur-Harihar line, but unfortu­ ing of avenues for business and in­ nately, later on, the policy changed dustries. and that survey had to be postponed. Take, for instance, the Dandeli-Kar- There is another line between Raya- war line. The distance is short. Kar- drug and Chitaldrug, the survey of war is a port which has got excel­ which was completed. That is another lent natural harbour facilities. I important line. That will open up might inform the House that Karwar parts of Bellary, the Karnataka portion Is the best natural harbour in India. of Hyderabad and the rest of Mysore If all the facilities provided by that and help the process of integration port are fully utilised, then it will from the industrial point of view. make a first class port. Besides, theie are also good possibilities of even There should also be a line to con­ making it the site for a shipbuilding nect Mangalore with Mysore. We yard. Then, Dandeli has got excellent have just learnt that the survey for forest wealth, and there are minerals the Coorg-Mysore-Tellicherry line has available there. Iron ore and manga­ been completed, and probably the nese ore are available there. Recently, report is awaited. This line and also the Sharavati hydro-electric project the Hasan-Mangalore line should be has been taken up, and the foundation taken up as early as possible. This was laid only the other day. That will also has become urgent after the re­ open up excellent possibilities, and organisation of States. block electric current will be produced The Minister has stated in his at very cheap rates and in huge quan­ budget speech that more trains have tities. All these will open up this area been introduced to solve the prob­ for excellent development work and lem of overcrowding. We take pride even for starting some basic industries. and pleasure in saying that more 3799 R ailway B u d g et-- 27 FEBRUARY 1998 General Discussion 2740

trains have been introduced. Hie Therefore, if this situation is not met, number of passenger trains newly that will also affect our general level introduced in 1956-57 was 119 on of production. It is really unfortunate the broad gauge, and 43 on the metre that there should be such a situatiou in gauge, and in 1957-58 the number a country like ours. We are free, and was 118 on the broad gauge and 27 we are living within the framework on the metre gauge. But the traffic of democracy, and we are not tied has increased enormously. There­ down by any totalitarian or regiment­ fore, there is urgent need to intro­ ed methods by which we can compel duce more new trains. workers. We have to solve the prob­ lems by peaceful methods, wherever It is also necessary to have a line the demands are reasonable. But I from Bijapur to Bangalore via Gadag, would appeal to labour leaders also to Hospet, Bellary, and Guntakal. After look at this problem of production the new Mysore State has come into from the national point of view, and being, new districts and areas of Bom­ not allow any situation to develop by bay and Hyderabad h^e come in. For which production would suffer in the nearly thirteen hours, from 2 pm. in long run and we shall not be able to the afternoon for a town like Hospet meet the transport difficulties. In till about 3 a.m. in the midnight, some other countries, we are told there is no train on that side, and that passengers are not allowed to there is a terrific increase of traffic go where they like; there is no free Therefore, I suggest to the Railway travel, and there are restrictions. Ministry that there should be a last But in our country, we are free, and train introduced between Bijapur and we can go anywhere we like, and Guntakal, and Bangalore. there is scope for free travel. There­ With regard to accidents, I should fore, I suggest to all sections of this like to say a word. We have had too House and also the people outside many accidents recently. All the that we should fully co-operate in this great task of making the Railway General Managers met recently in a conference and tried to go to the root Administration a complete success. of the matter and take steps to coun­ That is the best welfare undertaking teract these defects. It is a matter of that we have, covering a distance of very great concern and worry that 35,000 miles and having a capital of Rs. 1,000 crores. There is no capitalist with regard to the Calcutta-Bombay mail accident, the finding of the com­ here; Government is the only capita­ mission is that the derailment was the list here. One hon. Member said that result of a deliberate act of sabotage there should be no capitalist; actually, committed by some person or persons there is no capitalist here. Therefore, unknown. I suggest to Government I feel that we should try to take stock that they should take very drastic of the difficulties and the shortcomings, steps against such agencies or persons, and try to meet them and at the same and they should not allow such per­ time help in this great task of mak­ sons to go unknown. ing it a complete success. I would like to mention one other Shri M. D. Mathur (Nagaur): When point, and that is with regard to go- we read the statement supplied by the slow or strikes or lock-outs.. These Railway Ministry as well as the state­ also affect our production. It is un­ ment of the Railway Minister while fortunate that the Hindustan Aircrafts presenting his budget proposals, it at Bangalore is not working at present appears that they are inspiring on the and has been closed; it may be des­ whole. But if we look at them in cribed as either a strike or a lock-out. their application to the under-deve­ But whatever that may be, that wil1 loped States, the picture is very dis­ affect our production of coaches etc. appointing. I would like to draw We are now producing about 166 your attention to the under-develop­ coaches in the Hindustan Aircrafts. ed States, particularly the State whirh 2741 Railway Budget— 27 FEBRUARY *3^3 General Discuss'on 3742

[Shri M D Mathur] I represent, namely, the State of Raj­ important It is a small piece of 16 to asthan 20 miles The survey is there, but I think there is no hope at least in the The State of Rajasthan is industri­ current Plan that the new line will ally under-developed or undeveloped come up Also, there has been survey and has historically been a stronghold of a railway line from Ajmer to of the feudal lords, and, therefore, the Merta It has been commercially amenities of life which should be made surveyed and I think the survey available to the people there could repoits are lymg m the records of not be made available But even to­ the Railway Ministry But no action day, when we are having a demo­ has been taken so far either under cratic regime and the people's re­ the First Plan or under the Second. presentatives are administering the railways which constitute an impor­ Let me give a third instance It is tant concern m the public sector, we necessary to haye a railway line from do not find any difference and the Pokaran to Jaisalmer Jaisalmer is on same sort of favouritism as we used the border of our country Now that to have m the past is going on The there is exploration of petrol and States which are developed are deve­ other things, the area will develop loping more, while those which have The distance is only about 75 miles to been under-developed and undeve­ be surveyed loped remain as they are

In our economic policy, we have If we do not have at least a few set before ourselves the objective or hundered miles of railway line dur­ goal of socialism If developed States ing the whole of the Second Plan develop more and the under-develop­ period we will not be able to ap­ ed States remain as they are, I am preciate the budget of the Railway afraid we must call it a capitalist Ministry or the speeches that come order rather than the objective of a from the Ministers socialistic State Apart from the question of open­ ing new lines, we hear of passenger I heard the speech of the Railway amenities in bold statements coming Minister very attentively When he from the Railway Ministry These was speaking for about 40 minutes I we see m leaflets and other publi­ wanted to find out if any word has cations of the Railway Ministry For been said from his tongue about open­ example reference is made to fans ing new lines in Rajasthan But there in third class coaches Then we are was none So far as public amenities having air conditioned third class ar<* concerned, the new approach is coaches But these are just stones for not made over there We find that at least those who travel in Rajas­ the nahie of Rajasthan is completely than As a matter of fact, I would absent from the list request the Railway Ministry that m order to create a psychological at­ No doubt, in his speech he has said mosphere m the country that they that he has ordered survey of a few are having airconditioned third class lines, particularly from Dungarpur to coaches, they should at least replace Ratlam Already, there are a number the out-of-date and sick coaches of lines which have been surveyed by which are running on the metre the State Railway, but we are not gauge section in Rajasthan After all, seeing anything either in the First the charge is the same in third class, Plan or in the Second by way of any whether it is metre gauge or broad new railway line coming up. For gauge When you are having ex­ example, the railway line from periments with all sorts of amenities Hmdumalkot to Ganganagar is very in the broad gauge line of the west- 2?43 Railway Budget— 27 FEBRUARY 1958 General Discussion 2744 era Railway and Northern Railway Shri M. D. Mathnr: They cannot do round about Delhi and Bombay, it easily. That was why I suggested to Rajasthan is completely neglected. them that if they could not put double Why is this so? line, they should put more coaches and have two engines. As I said, the reply I must submit that if this state of came that they were short of engines. affairs continues even in a democratic The result is that people of that part era, then people who were under of the country suffer badly. Therefore, bondage under feudal rule will lose I submit that the Railway Budget .will faith in democracy. They will come be unfair if it does not give attention to the conclusion that so far as to the under-developed areas. administration is concerned, there is no difference between the feudal era I may say that the demand for a and the democratic era. separate zone for the Rajasthan area Therefore, my submission is that on arises because of this. The Northern political considerations and on consi­ Railway which has a part of it in derations of fairness, the metre gauge Rajasthan has 6,000 miles and the section in Rajasthan which comes Western Railway, with a part of it in under the Northern Railway and Rajasthan, has about 5,000 miles They Western Railway must be given all are big railways. The headquarters of these amenities. If there is a rain, the the Northern Railway is in Delhi and third class coaches as well as the that of the Western Railway in first class coaches leak. If the Minister Bombay. Therefore, anything happen- or Deputy Minister travels in that ing round about Delhi and Bombay is section in third class or second class highlighted and the railway adminis­ or even m air-conditioned first class trations attend to them withput delay. in the metre gauge part of the The extreme ends are completely Northern Railway or Western neglected. So we have been demanding Railway in Rajasthan, he will have that the metre gauge section in some idea of what sort of coaches are Rajasthan and round about must be running there. From this, it is clear constituted into a separate zone. The that the amenities, to which publicity headquarters may be in Ajmer, Jaipur is given in leaflets and other litera­ or Jodhpur. Then they can pay more ture published by the Railway attention to that area and the problems Ministry, have no meaning so far as of that region will be solved. Rajasthan is concerned. Last time when I was speaking on Then I come to congestion and this subject, the Railway Minister overcrowding on the railways. The stated they did not want to have a Railway Minister has announced that separate zone, but they were thinking they have introduced about 27 new of rationalising the metre gauge sec­ trains in the metre gauge section. But tion. One year has passed and we so far as Rajasthan is concerned, have not heard anything about this there is not even a single new train rationalisation. Therefore, the situa­ that has been introduced. I wrote to tion remains where it was and the the Railway Administration about people are not benefited. introducing a Janata service from Delhi to Ahmedabad. They said that Coming to Railway workshops in the line was overcrowded and there­ Rajasthan, there are two big work­ fore, they could not do it. Then I shops on the Northern Railway and suggested that more coaches might be one under the Western Railway. The attached to existing trains and double potentialities of these workshops engines be used. The reply came that should be enhanced so that more they were short of engines. coaches could be turned out. They are very efficient workshops. This will An Hon. Member: Have double also increase the employment poten­ line. tial for the people over there. After 2745 Kaiiioa]/ Budget— 27 FSBEUAKY 1858 General Ditcwnion 2746

[Kiri M. D. Mathur] all, there is no big industry there. The of the metre gauge section of th*t railway there or the State is the only part of the country. Then the ad­ source of employment potential in ministration will be able to pay proper Rajasthan. The Minister made a attention to that area. promise and gave an assurance on the One minute more, Sir. I want to floor of the House that orders had say that so far as the provision of been placed for doubling the capacity Labour welfare is concerned, it is com­ of tfie Bikaner and Jodhpur work­ pletely neglected in that part of the shops. But I find that not a single country. We have no holiday homes additional hand has been employed. when we find in all the important The employment potential remains places elsewhere. Therefore, my sub­ what it used to be in the past. So the mission is that unless and until the situation remains as it was. Railway Administration and the Rail­ Coming to the construction of way Minister give proper attention to bridges, the Railway Administration is the under-developed areas, they will observing the policy that they will continue to be under-developed. construct a bridge over a railway line in an important city only if 50 per Shri Manay (Bombay City Central cent of the cost is contributed by the —Reserved—Sch. Castes): Sir, I am State concerned. I will give a glaring very much disappointed, while going instance. Bikaner town has a popu­ through this Budget. I had high hopes lation of 2 lakhs. The railway station and expectations in regard to certain is situated m the heart of the city and matters in relation to the Railway the railway level crossing gates are Budget. If time permits, I will place closed for hours together. You can all the material . . . understand what will be the result of this in a big city with a population Mr. Deputy-Speaker: The hon. of two lakhs when traffic is closed for Member has full 10 minutes. hours together to allow trains to pass Shri Manay: I am the only repre­ or when shunting is going on with sentative speaking on behalf of my goods trains. The whole traffic is com­ group and as you have been allow­ pletely dislocated. We have requested ing . . the Railway Administration a number of times, but they say that 50 per cent Mr. Deputy-Speaker: All right; of the cost must be met by the State. then, 15 minutes. Suppose the State is financially not able to make this contribution. The Shri Manay: Thank you very result is that the people at large suffer. much, Sir. The Railway is a very rich concern because we see from figures that To start with, I will take up that developmental work is going on. neglected part in Bombay State, Therefore, they must at least provide known as Konkan, which remains to for an overbridge to solve the diffi­ be neglected in this Budget also. I culties of the people. am referring to the Colaba and Ratna- Then I come to the grouping of giri districts in Bombay State, which zones. In this connection, the Muda- is an area of 8,000 sq. miles and is iiar Report is there. So many friends 250 miles long and 30 miles broad. I h wire spoken on this point. Shri Asoka think, I shall not be exaggerating the Mehta emphasised it very strongly. point if I say that there is no area in My submission is that we cannot have India which may be experiencing full justice in the hands of the Nor­ such hardship as Konkan so far as the thern Railway or the Western Rail­ means of communications are concern­ way. We must have our own Rail­ ed, particularly, in the monsoon way, call it the North-Western Rail­ season. way or anything—the name is im­ The need for a railway in this area material, This should be created out has been established more than once. T/f47 R&tway Budget— 27 FEBRUARY 1958 General Discussion 2748

Vie people, their representatives, On the one hand, the hon. Minister Hull i n and the Press have done all of Railway complains that he is short possible to convince the Government of funds; on the other hand, we find « f India of their dire need fay way of that there is a colossal loss of money petitions, representations and demons­ in the railway departments. I will trations. And, I am told that there turn to the Report of the Railway was an order issued for the survey of Board. On page 47, we find the inci­ Diva Dasgaon railway some years dence of claims. During 1955-56, back. I was also told that that order there were 4,52,811 claims and in the was carried out. But, I find from the year 1956-57, 4,76,244 claims. The debates, that hon. Lai Bahadur Shas- increase is of 23,433 cases; and what tri, who was then Railway Minister, is the amount the Railways had to •aid in Parliament—I think about 3i pay? In 1955-56, it was Rs. 2*56 crores years back—that this would be a whereas in 1956-57, the Railways had very costly one and it would entail to pay Rs. 3*33 crores. What are these expenditure to the tune of Rs. 5 claims for? They are for goods lost, crores. I am inclined to believe stolen and damaged. And, all this is that the demand of the Konkan Rail* happening despite the huge Railway way is being dropped because of this Protection Force, Security Forces and amount. May I ask the hon. Minis­ Watch and Ward Force. ter, is it a very big amount in achieving the economic development On page 11 of the Report, I find that c t a vast neglected area? there are so many branches in these forces for security measures. I think May I bring to the notice of the the Railways are spending somewhere hon. Railway Minister that Rs 75 near Rs. 6 crores on these police crores are provided for the electrifi­ forces; and, yet, this loss is going on cation of thr Railways in the Second unabated. Rather, claims are constant Five Year Plan and about 1,062 miles ly on the increase. are to be covered? In the current year, the Minister is going to spend Apart from these claims, it is alarm­ about Rs. 16 crores on electrification. ing to find that there is a theft of May I ask the Railway Minister, is it railway property at the Railway justifiable to give priority to electri­ Stores. The Railway Board, in its fication on railways when there is no Report, on page 98, says: railway at all in some parts of the country? I humbly feel that we must “Eighteen cases of theft of provide railways in all parts of our stores and other valuable mater­ country first and then have electrifi­ ial amounting to Rs. 87,276 cation. were reported to the Railway Board by the Railways in the Many eminent leaders from Maha­ course of the year. All these rashtra have advocated this cause cases were reported to the police.” time and again in the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha. But, I do not know and, Sir, it is surprising that the why the Government of India has material that has been recovered has turned a deaf ear to this problem been worth only Rs. 2,980. That is to of Konkan. The people in Konkan say, that the Railways lost Rs. 84,296 feel very much frustrated. The eco­ by way of theft at railway stores. nomic development of Konkan is very May I request the hon. Railway much dependent on the railway. If Minister to have effective check on this demand is not met within the the working of the security measures near future, I am afraid, the people and save these crores of rupees? In Konkan will be compelled to think that this denial is nothing short of a I will now turn to accidents which part of the conspiracy of the Gov­ have already been referred to by many ernment of India in suppressing the of the speakers here. But, since It has Marathi-speaking people. created a sense of insecurity, X would 2749 Railway Budget— 27 FEBRUARY 1958 General Discussion 27$0

[Sim M&nay] also like to say a few words on that the interim relief granted by the Pay score On page 127 of the Report of Commission set up recently I am the Railway Board, we find that in talking about Class IV employees I these accidents, in 1955-56, as many feel that interim relief of Rs 5 is not as 4,322 persons were killed and 28,770 adequate and the workers are rightly injured and m 1956-57, 5,054 persons agitating for an increase in this relief. were killed and 32,341 injured I hope the hon Minister will look into this and see that the relief is satis­ Accounting for the reasons for factorily granted. these accidents, the Minister says that the human failure is largely respon­ Lastly, I turn to the problems of sible for these I feel that we must the Scheduled Castes and the Bud­ go into the details of this reason The dhist employees working in the rail­ blame is thrown mostly on drivers, way I am sorry to say that the firemen and guards If my infor­ Railway Administration is not free mation is correct, these three cate­ from the stigma of untouchability I gories are put to heavy work Many have so many instances in my hand a time, the drivers and firemen are where there is gross injustice being asked to put m more than 8 hours done to the Scheduled Caste em­ work a day And, in some cases, I ployees particularly when it comes have found the drivers have been to promotion There is a vicious circle asked to be on duty continuously formed whereby their promotion is for 12 hours I am not siding with blocked I will quote an instance from such of those who are responsible for the Central Railway One gentleman these accidents for neglect of their was selected to go to U K and he came duties But to throw the blame for back m 1945 He was absorbed by the all these accidents on the workers Central Railway He is still there as belonging to these categories is not a B’ grade chargeman I am very justified These three categories of much surprised that a qualified i - people, drivers, firemen and guards son, having necessarj quali i i >ns should not be asked to put in work and having gone abroad, continues to for more than eight hours continuous­ work B’ grade chargeman whesreas ly On the contrary, they should be persons who have been employed asked to put in only six hours’ conti­ long after him had been allowed to nuous duty with no loss of emoluments supersede him to them Then they should do well not to involve themselves in the sort In the Northern Railway, an upper of thmgs that are now being thrown division clerk is denied the opportuni­ on them by the Railway Ministry ties of promotion I have tried to find out the reasons for this but I have not There is another grievance of the come across any single justifiable railway employees Unduly long reason for this denial of promotion to time is taken to settle the disputes of this Scheduled Caste youngman the workers I know Government has appointed a tribunal for deciding the There are suggestions which the hon major issues But there appears to be Mmster will do good to look into no machinery except the consulting Representatives of the Scheduled machinery of the Ministry of Labour Castes should be absorbed on all to settle grievances of these workers selection boards and welfare com­ Some suitable machinery should be mittees and their representative* created to decide petty matters that should be taken on the Railway Board arise in the working also Secondly, there should be reser­ vation not only m selection but in Another grievance of the workers promotion also Presently, we find is—I am not talking about the rail- that th e is no such reservation. waymen alone but the whole Central Thirdly, there are some welfare asso­ Government employees—in regard to ciations formed by the Scheduled Railway B udget— 27 FEBRUARY 1958 General Discusrio* 2752,

Castes and the Buddhists workers in Mr. Deputy-Speaker: That observa­ the railways. 1 am told that the Rail* tion would be kept in view. ways do not recognise them. They have been formed to look after th< interests of the Scheduled Castes and ?ft aft Buddhist workers so far as the reser­ vation in the services are concerned and I am very much surprised as to why Railway Administration « llM VT «tMI, X7T5T should not recognise them. In the first 3TPT far V I place, the Railway Administration is not keen in looking after the quota of t fa ?ft aft w f f t the reservation. If the Scheduled * t M TT*fR ^ «TRff *tft Caste employees themselves come for­ ward to look after their interests, ft feWRT Vt t I ^ f t apt i n recognition is denied. I will urge upon vi 3TRrr t 1 m ^ r f ?ft the Railway Minister to give recogni­ sffcftftRT Mt tion to these welfare association*. There is one such association which t fr fcPFPTrff SFT ftP* f I had submitted a memorandum to the *TPfT fRff f % *T*t 3*ft Railway Board in 1954. There wer« arr?fr * t crrer § ## so many legitimate demands in that memorandum but the Railway Board % qv wm ; # f : has not even cared to reply to that. I will request the hon. Minister to look into that question as that memorandum % i m t T T Z ^FTT 3fT, * t f WU ^ * | gives expression to the feelings of the workers belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Buddhists. ^ V * I ^ r | T5TT * t o f t tft vfl? m ff, f t , JT5Tf ^ Mr. Deputy-Speaker: Mr. Sarju £ m s*haTfTT fr, t o r ^ Pandey. w it f «rtr Mt ' i i (T*T27) : ^TTE^T «TW TRT fk*tl 5TRTT ^ I ^ ^ *fTrTT % Wf Mr. Deputy-Speaker: One round is * H t VI Sfiff ST'S «TR finished. Every Member shall have ^fift ^ I ten minutes and not more than that. I will ring the first bell after eight minutes and I will request the Mem­ larrrsi fag (ftreNwK) bers to take note of that and on the second Bell, to sit down. frtTTcfl 1 1 Shri Raghunath Singh: What about Members pending since yesterday? : 5R t cR vft They should be allowed fifteen minu­ srreff q r iftr *?t ^ r r tes. ^ «rk ^h t ^nf^Tr fa fr Mr. Deputy-Speaker: They are in ^ t fipsr cfT^r ^ ^ R>m «h k i i ^ i the same category as the new ones. Shri Harlsh Chandra Mathur (Pali): It was agreed by the Speaker that 3T5R *Ft ^TT f those Members who do not confine fa TT W f^TT their remarks to particular States and discussed general problems would ^ ftnrr w 1 1 be allowed more time. *rwd ^t 5Rw^i «f ^r*r f t *753 Railway Budget— 27 FEBRUARY' 1W8 General Diecutfion 3754

[sft ^ q tt]

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^ f t fT5RT ^STCTt t f a '*rt ^Tt’T <^T- qm f ^ *rttt w#r f 1 sfsftr e 1 %t*4 %t#t, < rf ?ft qpnf famt f , ^TRfr | irfTfff ?pt ^ ftr^ft ?ft 3ft «TR Sffr t» ^ ^ | V?K ?TT5 5R^ Tt Ijs'tas -3* JR HT*T7 ?5W n ^r>Tf ftr?RT3nrr spfyr ^ 13^ .

^f ^HT ^ WK %mr STRTT ^TFT# ^ I 1*? «ft wifwr^ : mft fops •*n* cftr tk ^ht smn t fir w^r # t?j# 3755 JtailtMV Budget— 27 FEBRUARY 1988 General DiwvMiott 2756

irc* ^ tri $ 1 irwrcr m i $ vrrw #$m amr vlr WFfRfT % fa sfaflTT *t «flt$ $tft 3RRTT V t V WW^^WT 3TR, ?W mrw ^ q* *rf f (Interruptions ) ift w ^ r tT T ^ g rry^H fja- **# « w d t r a & w ftfn* *t sfftfi 1 15TT^m-g^rr^ ^ ¥ t ^ | fa * 9TPft Vt fiWT? I # ^3ror> |, 5fr fa 3tr stto ^ w # ftpr # ^RTTT f , * eft OT^rra;^ f t sn?r f $ *fr s r ^ ^ ^ sfr^r ^ «p? ?rf 1 ?ffarR T # *rtr q- I qnsfm *TTt 3ft # 3RTRT fa ^ WcT *ft f ?rtr iqjta* ?TT^^ ^ f x ann?

rfk TK ? F T ^ , iftK XFVp; «ft *no* ft^TR % t 1 o*r w r# srr^rr ^ srk frrr f^nr *>r£ ffrr-sT^ ^ r t htt ^ r *TT?r 5TPT t I 2Tf*T fasffi «ftr Ttf V9H fT 5fTJT, eft ^TT« TW? =5rr^rr g 1 air t^rt- ^ft frrr 3itw 1 ?rqr h ^ 'S - —t,OTV*rc**5*r*P,*rit ^ *p fq>«m *ift ?fr p - frr ftfrr 1 fcRf effort— «rc?rr £ ?ft»n-# tft *f?t f 1 ^ r t 5 STJTW< ^T, T?5 v ^n: t| 1 1 ^ ^ T O ^zfhFT p> »tt st^tht f*r *r^n v ?it*r m vfen t t 1 «tF*r B,"’ 3,\9=:o VTC[9r4 1 H^Kf'SW ^ 5WFRTT j ftp p T T

["■ft STS Trs] srrefr 5T # s f k S P R H 5rRT VRR-VTrBlW ^RTT f ^RiTT jpt it&tvvsit ^r *f: strt vfy •35, fej ftwiT ^ 1 y nfaCt1 ^rt w ?ft *ft ?fta w*rr im n t 'Tt«TRt # 3|ffT *T ?ITJRT * r|qr 1 «T|7 i}* m?r s*pt £ht ^•TT TT'TT | I fa^T fififr 3T> «TTf5TTf ?fr 3r ^ SRf amr fr^r # mrnr 1 s t ^FrTfFrw ^ t -ht ^TTtfr «ft 1 *r*rT$rsrrc m 9ns=ft % 3 F R - ; ^*r ?rcq; ^ g ; h H?fr in >rr?r sncr> | ^r-ffr x^rft«r ^ fclT 'SfPfT t *t^t Jippr f-3 £PnT fasn *nrr t *rrc jt? ^ ? rfr ffPTT £ ^ **iT ShT" ^ % fair• qr^r^^f^TCcrm^ffasrrtr ?r faij, a^r ^r t ^ t trwr, t ?fiT fapr ?t^rfr qr ^rr fcorf? ? t ^ 5*faiT ^fr ?t«t ^fr ^ttt 1 1 ffwer 5T^ ? T7 ^ r ^?r fam 'SfTnr # I ffFh 71 II? ^if^T 4T fa ? f t m~c«t q r s t f, 1 r r r j * sr^T i t spft F inrf 'TT «RH 5f> f^rrr f\ qr f7?r fiTTF TrrrWT'K'Frr 1J ?frp5rnr pr > $ ^ n j 1 *wt srn srrq * t ?t ^ ^ 'tP?^ ?ht.

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=^fa 5jr?t # fm r w ^ *rrar ^ ^ v^rr %wft $ *P$T |, ^npT g fa sfk ^ ^r *rnft ^ 1^ ^ ^ ^ % t o ^ r % 5fr *TTfiRT =«R?ft t flKT 5 3,759 Railw ay Budget— 27 FEBRUARY 1958 General D iscuteto* 2760

$ I * | T *TTTt *T*!F * ^ m *fn «i t wN: w t=tt

A sTroft u r g?rr^ »ft T^rr t o ?!^t 5 t#iT f f f "fr ’art q’Tsr >T3rr imnrr $ fa srrm * wrsr wptt iw ^frfor ^r ^ it 1 ^snrr %rrr * f t ^ STl" 5T7^T ^TVPT'ft I W Tt cfr srmrr qwT fy *R irmft f ’S ^PT WVR" ^TTT q^JTT spt fqr?PTT 'ftr- f^ r $ 7* $ ?rrtr ^f*M 5^*) 'iTT^T 'Rr^T fftiTT I arm#T # fifr frm t 1 #F A.)1-* >> ^ *TTT "3^R # fjpT ^ ^ 3RT ^TT f eft ^T^TTfaF 1TTT ^ tft <.jl-<-* Jl ^3>» •& fo*TFT qr SHR*T TST I JfyJ *»>’vj C6-f< i. ^

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rt ji1* ^ J 1^ - 15 hrs. Uv* j»K K y ^ U }LA« anr^Tft sft # JTTflrr% ?rh rfrtrs

urPsftRT ^ srr^ ? »ft fa j^ ^ t ^ SJ™ ULf u i U \xJi r a t# L uirfj | f«F j a j * m arr 1 1 «ft5T, ^ftTW- ^ t-XU »»>• « ur^) ” -5^ yc, jwTft % «rrfwr fssrd s»t crsnftrar 1 1 w it M r *rrc*ft v ))! ^ ^ uy)r^ J 6» 276x Railway Budget— 27 FEBRUARY'1908 General Diecueefcm 276k

[ >»U» A*an~ ] <£<-. ^*1 f »,T ^ ^ i \j** - 4® Uj }* j » ^

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j* l|3 U|f Railway, costing Rs. 17 crores and etc.” ' 4te (J*l$ A-}1** *?•*> * L f** ** * * 3 U *1 lS*I i “The former is required as an. w **y* **• <***•*- alternative route from the Barka- ^ )Lib • jC i kana coalfields to North India to* reduce the ever-increasing pres­ ^ }***> jjfcl

ijttl U£*J 4 «wle ))! j^ iW ^ - j* * L^*y’ H i ^ 1$ *.$+*> uirff £* jjJ «** jjjUj. i . O'** “ ^ ^ j 4 * £y ^ J p ^yL~X* #&* ^ » iJ*! ^ Jj**3 ^ 0 “**^ u-*5 <5 1*3 IfS ,jl o * * “ 4 ct**> (_s® jUa- Kji

J 9* ^1* ^ &&&*- W>*> L^* (-W jJ*5 O 13 r*^* ^-<1 cJ*l fS is fS i-S* 1*XIS oo-fv^ ^ ^ 2.

f &>y j* £'*• U* *i Y> L>** ^ tip ^ l V K I - >C» yS Lr’^ ^ l^i) ^ LJ^]6 ^& L 0 ^LmX* “ 4$ »*•

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j J> r e - W >- ^ i_-V> 3)^ VO 'jytijJ-AUff** (^f ^ ^•f^Y* ctf-**'" U*! ■ L>** <*> W- **43) ^ 4_r^ ■ <* ^ £ - A ^j-yi vS-w)5 ii2*«^Lx^l ^jS c-ijta j J l$ Jk li ir*JIa~ **i3> 33^ I*1 v -e r5 *3** X ^ kS-A-. ^P** 8 j*a- j^l - <» **43) tr^ 4 «■»»>■* s-~» ^ ^ ■ <5 i_rr“^ o + t’ u»*^ ^> 3^ l 5^ 5>^ ^ *«! - LfJ J m Ia V f* %Jyio ^jS 1? & * u****5 i jk l f J ii) •v'i c-5^* ^ Sr*lj%> ->WJ *4 - 1£ ^ Ji £ i.1^ v f - «* uf1-*5 a ft* _5* <±*4 L ij*** »3 y£&4j(+kt I** < £** L^* £*♦• wJ^1 <*■ dft %J J* - °* cr^ • ^ lx*~ t* ^ i r ^ L^t* Sr»j g>*» **43) Js)1* 1r X: “Two important new lines have ->5£*jf T}yS 1 f <5 Sr^^- been included in the programme of the Budget year, namely, **£«. yJ >,» the 100 miles Robertsganj-Garh- wa Road line on the Northern - 4j*«iW

[ ;*Up ]

J f ^ i J u*f *4 *^ f* uH^ ^ * !*«*))~ Ji «* )J*1> r^'f ■ & LfM Lf^ o+~ u ^ y 9s »* £ IjJ i . 1J4) 4L.)V*Jb J&) JU^> >3* xj** Jte& W_£*f ^6^* JfttXm ijJ - J** 0 ** j u V - £ lJH"* ijj* ijf j^^k* jj^ r* £ *K ^ u*t - <* ** r *s & * t V) »f j5)rJ ^ «} - l«S 1*1 » i*f W urj^ft *-bl ij** u*1^* <£*** cH* ^ e>^*> * c >*-wf - ^ ^»la- ^ 1* i b H^3)^ ^ ^ ^ ^V*- fi 1^5 iS*jjf >5 ,i (jjSjJ ^ » *2*1+ u»; 'tf® >* ^ U> -* C**' 'JjI ijir* **t J. JJfifl ^ **"«H V,* ti t t f l yi ^Uj - ^ )jf 1^0 •<« y*)y* eA***^ ~ <£ uJU^ioa. j.yS V)1-^ ! u1^ ^ u>* o ^ i - ^r* «?* 4^- I)* ^ f )0 J** J-ol-« i. 4^ ^ ujUkJIj (S £ IkjCm> jm ^ J ** ^ ^ » ' ^ j+ »l <&=* >* J<>5 y J>* |J^ ^ ^ - *J t^Afg yJ juiji *J l|j K ^ 1 2. Jl If* I* iJ&Li y j U ^ y Zwi^f ' ^ & ° V^ ^ «s $U*>~ 'W ^ jj*-/ ))i “All those railway employees tfflyi yf |^-l who had provisionally opted to serve Pakistan but later changed »* U5J** Jt* V? ~ ^P4* their option for India finally be­ fore 15-2-1948 were abosrbed. 5* V? ^ L>*~ i 1 i |^> i W Those who had opted for Pakistan finally but did not proceed to that *r^ *»< i t/*** »* -? V country and applied for employ­ ment were also re-employed on j ^P< )}* ^ 4X^)XC(;| the railways subject to the avail­ ability of vacancies and their being found suitable. In the case of those who had opted for Pakis­ »> iaA< v-V ^ i Jj-I tan finally and had migrated to that country but? later returned to 1 -o > fc Ujfct* Uf* India and requested for employ­ ment, the Ministry of Railways >*-»*«’ «*-y* t H ‘ 0 ** cfo* decided that their cases may also M -V i. S^a-l-e be sympathetically considered for reemployment on Railways subject J^r* s *J3 ^ V to their being found suitable 2767 Railway Budget— 27 FEBRUARY 1858 General Discussion 2768

** ** U>* > j.ri «i»W ^ 1 l>6- j-» - )*» -* ^ ^ M s j IJJ3^ >^ **♦ s*f - fci)'*)S subject to their being found suitable. - Jt K v i U** " & »***« ** j jJU3 i_JJ (f >»t*i*Nef f y*fr V ^ ** O** iP** & \J** e)<&^ ’ *** *** jS W r ** (** - «y*+« Jl»> i f «3t ^ ^Uj y3 -S ~ \j** " * + < ^ J ) V ‘S'J-tyfa!5 ^ 4 j* <-*l <* «5*J V 4 uy***^ y* ^jadfcA l-£*I tS x Ue jj*-* i t «3| ^ sS 4j»f ,j4asu* IfJ pjL* If ifiJLfy+tfiS ‘-^1 i. 4»l Jj1*) ^3 V ^ **-* *j * )i ^ - a** iW )*» ))* *«}) xj** 41ft* »j I,* 1*3 i i *) 9* I*3 tS l^Ltj 4sfkM jj 4 ^ K ijJ - l*$ IfiS Jl*a. * ^ 5 >}f J'W 4S r * J t i *-to u-y-Jl ij< ^ |M«J l#3 Ul^. l*J c ,l^.i.^6 UY&i ^ f~3 lj*I <& *i >jl .j*» ))f £ ^ ^ >i)l ^-)^M *£ -S“*J >}f J b l>y ~ *i yS ,jV ^r* i tW (^i yt~*L» fjU i 4>»»f c^Jty iW^ f* ^ 4ft ^ *> i_y*V **»!> 4>< u*-l ^ i ^ *£ vr<*c^l*» uAJ W *4 * »* if* ^ M *i X y!L~L» ,* ki^V ^ elf ^ ** ^ »J i W ^ i |J> V " L>'J {£*** lJ^ 3jl ^ U*) jjl <£ c-CU tJie L«k^! ^jiff tS £ f}4* ^ i un*l «t>vu^!;’ iS-XrfyW fjl# . Jk J* U*V ** y5 W i.^i-’ ,j*i JS ^ 5 If j'-f* US> - H iSi * i • Jl* >5>l< J'-»ftJ 5 ^*+* *<*&*> - * ^ L>*V S^**1^* £>W$ -p u »^ »*► c A1 ^ ^ IrfW fjt* ^yS? $ u)l & ij»* ■ 4 l_>'Hj & *’ iS-Aiyl* ^ V ^ ^ «-sUaJ| £ tS Ij . ^la- (*^ »^*“^ «jW> »4^« *>*• i cr^ “ >* >«l *— j5 lj)l^ l ))l Jf I*)9 * K t t o w : vw w m wt 4 I3j* Uta. jU , m m vx C^V i u 1** u f^ * ur<** L f$ * •*rP“* * A*o»** ^yA 4^*3 )•> >)l Jt 1.)*^ & ty iS^SySfS ~Jt UL« (Jy* IfJJft L>*- - ,* Uyj VyS gJ^a. ,* *t*>. 2769 Railway Budget- 27 FEBlftJAKY ' General Dtetttwion *770

[jftLfc A-oa- is proceeding there but then is no­ thing on the North Eastern Railway. Therefore I wish that the North fUuyl u *f *> *!& ) j Eastern Railway should be fully deve­ loped. &WS -s’ lS*** f t ** O*)* You must have a direct rail link “J W ^ ^ >* tfO3 between Delhi and Assam. Today we have no direct link with the 2 *r**j j »*>*< »f Eastern front and one has to take a ‘S'Vjt**’ vJ** **** ^ UJ^**** very long route to reach there. - *» As far as the Eastern Railway is {English Translation of the aboM concerned 1 wish to submit that you speech). should go and see those areas which are adjacent to the territory of Paki­ Shri Mohammed Tahir (Kishan- stan. You see Pumea which has now ganj): Mr. Deputy Speaker Sir, I have gone to West Bengal. If you go from heard the Railway Minister’s budget Katihar to Siliguri on the North East­ spcech very rarefully. From that, one ern Railway, you will find that the feels that our Railways have immense­ railway line goes very close along the ly pi ngressed and will progress in fu­ frontier of Pakistan. In times * of ture c.s well. By looking at this Depart­ emergency you cannot go by any ment we can rightly feel thai /t re ot’K r line except this. You will have now living in a free country. But to move your forces and other neces­ inspite of all our progress, wo can see sary equipment through—this very that there are certain short comings. route. Therefore' it is very necessary For example, it should not be thought that a coordinating line is constructed that Railway Minister’s job was only which can take us direct to the East­ to develop the railway in the country, ern front I had also raised this of course the development of railways issue in the Consultative Committee adds to the progress of the country and of the Defence Ministry and I have provides greater benefits to the people said that from the point of view of but the most important consideration our defence, there should be a line which the Railway Minister should between Katihar and Siliguri which always have in his mind is the should be a coordinating link for the strengthening of the country’s defence. present lines. Our Defence Minister The question of defence is the most agreed to it but said that the Gov­ important question, but I regret to ernment had no funds at present. I say that adequate attention has not had also submitted a scheme along been paid to this aspect of the issue. with a plan that a line connecting All of us know that the territory of Pumea Junction, with Gaglia via Pakistan lies on both sides of the Bahadurganj should at least be cons­ country. I do not say that Pakistan is tructed which may coordinate these our enemy but our relations with that lines. To that the Minister had re­ country are not good. In the circum­ plied that they had a scheme of cons­ stances, he should have paid greater tructing 500 or 600 miles of lines attention to such areas as are strategi­ under the Five Year Plan and that cally important from the point of view my scheme could not be taken up. of India’s defence. This is the most This clearly shows that the Hon*ble important point which we should al­ Minister does not give due considera­ ways bear in mind. tion to our defence requirements. I Today we have only one line to really regret such an answer. The go to the Eastern front and that Is reply that Government had no funds the North Eastern Bailway. Develop­ is not satisfactory. In his speech, he ment is going on all sides. Southern, has said on page 7, para IS that: South Eastern and Eastern Railways ‘Two important new lines have are progressing and development work been included in the programme' 377* Railway Budget— 27 FEBRUARY 1998 General Discussion 2772

of the Budget year namely the During the debate on previous bud­ 100 miles Robertsganj—Garhwar get my friend, the Railway Minister Roatlim on the Northenf Railway, had said that in the matter of recruit­ costing Rs 17 crores and etc.” ing people in the Railways, persons belonging to depressed classes, Anglo- The reason for this has been given Indians and Muslims were given spe­ as under:— cial preference. In this connection, I would draw his attention to a ques­ “The former is required as an tion (No. 745) asked in this House, alternative route from the Barka- on the 3rd December. It was asked kana coalfields to North India to why no action was taken to absorb in reduce the ever increasing pres­ service those employees who had sure via Moghalsarai __ etc.” opted for Pakistan at the time of partition but later on had changed their option and returned to India. So we see that line is being cons­ The Government had replied as fol­ tructed because there is more pres­ lows:— sure from there and that the Govern­ ment is not giving due importance to “All those railway employees defence I had told them that this who had provisionally opted to 40 to 50 miles long railway line would serve Pakistan but later changed be most vital for defence purposes. their option for India finally be­ fore 15 th February, 1948 were ab­ sorbed. These who had opted for Then there was a mention about Pakistan finally but did not pro- electrification. About Rs. 75 crores reed to that country and applied would be spent over it About 17 for employment were also re-em­ crores would be spent immediately. ployed on the railways subject What is the nerd of spending such to the availability of vacancies and huge amounts? Why do not you their being found suitable. In the spend this money on improving your case of those who had opted for defence line? The question of electri­ Pakistan finally and had migrated fication can wait for ten years. You to that country but later returned can spend Rs. 75 crores on electrifi­ to India and requested for employ­ cation but you cannot spend Rs. 12 ment, the Minister of Railways crores on a 50 miles rail link. decided that their cases may also be sympathetically considered for re-employment on Railways An hon’ble friend has said that there subject to their being found suita­ is no rail link between India and ble.” Kashmir. You should have paid at­ tention towards that matter also. Kash­ I think that this condition is very mir is also a border State and there dangerous. If the Railway Minister should be a railway line for that area. himself examines this suitability it is Hie fact is that there is no coordinat­ all right, but if it is left to the Police ing line for the Eastern front and department to examine the suitable, that is very dangerous. The present it will create a lot of trouble. There line runs close to border. It is just are instances with me where some per­ possible that we may have some sons have been thought to be unsuita­ trouble with Pakistan and we may ble only because they had gone for not be able to send our supplies to their Friday prayers or they had gone -*he front Therefore, I suggest that to participate in Milad-e-Sharif. Such Government should drop the question incidents are really regrettable. I of electrification for the present and would very respectfully’ request the implement my suggestions. You can Hon’ble Minister to Jkindly look., into undertake electrification schemes later these matters. Although these people on. had opted for Pakistan*'but ultimately 3773 Railway Budget-*- 27 FEBRUARY 1998 General Discussion ' 31774

[Shri Mohammed Tahir] they decided that their country was India and that they had to live there. They did not accept Pakistani citizen­ ship. It is, therefore, unfair that they | fa % Ttpfr 3WPC & are not absorbed. I wish they all should be absorbed: qpft IRRT ft IT t I *t ^ $ iflr U* i Mr. Deputy Speaker: Hon’ble Mem­ ber should finish now. ftp T JT *n*TT «^IM f S*FT 3 *fa t U N *FT ^ I Shri Mohammed Tahir: Sir, I get ^ r r t wrft T^nr very little opportunity to speak. I will 3tht #?rr wr ^ fciT 1 1 finish within two minutes. I will now take out certain other matters. wfm1 i m q r q m *15 | fa fW As far as amenities are concerned, q r q r u n *fn*r * t previously at Katihar Junction we could get good ‘ Bhat «nd meat’ in ?ft 3 # *T»T eight annas but now the passengers »T fa ifrc ^ ^ I complain that they have to pay one g fa TR W m rupee and two annas for that food. I enquired about this increase and they spssrr ^ tt vfffa ^

I wish to draw the Minister’s atten­ «it 30 fo ** (tor) : fa* tion to one other matter. I think *pt ^*tt ^ *srfa m there is no area in North Bihar from where there is direct railway to Pale- jp fq sr ^ rr =arr^TT 1 zaghat. Patna is the Capital of Bihar. Although Jogbani is on the bor­ der but Jogbani and Palezaghat are «TO!rt*T not directly linked. Besides this there WIT | fa qx faRfa f^TSW is direct rail link between Patna and fax* wnfar ffftsr Birpur where work in connection with \ the Kosi Dam is going on. All officers «FTTT too ^rra- *TS who wish to proceed to Birpur from Patna and other places have to change aRT $ fa 3;qr trains at two or three places. I re­ quest the Hon’ble Railway Minister Tpfr fayfwi ^ w 1 ^ $nsrcr that a direct rail link should be estab­ *rtr *f>t t 1 lished between Jogbani and Paleza­ ghat, so that passengers from Nepal, WT tf^T T O TOT Jogbani, Birpur, Pumea etc., may have t 1 ^ * TO* no inconvenience in going to Patna. ?sfaR Tf f ^ ^ jr w arc T f $' tftr * amqrvw (*TH?*) : ^TTBEWT 5t ?ft z % # ^ t t ^S t % fa *nghpr, * xr*m frtff . w q«r q*ft fa*rr ^tt t^ t ^ ? i f # ftrcrfiT *7 7 5 Railway Budget— 27 FEBRUARY 1958 General Discussion 2776

« ro f t f r ^ n f f * 1 «Pt 5 m h r w 5 ffit «ftr snft 5^ sftr ?nT^ $ % U r t l W ^ F T >KOH T^ft ?ft «nwt 5?s «rftrfrw I OTT SrtfeftTC * *5 VT ^pr, ^ J??r arfr qr ^ TT*ff Wt 4*AIT >RR VT*T +<<11m' »*i«Rfli qn?ft vfifv ^ft qr ?rt^r?n^vnr^^wTt 1 vfTO tii ^pr irot T??ft | 1 TO arrcr f t $ f*F ^rnfhr qfrf?«i% *?t ^ ^ f% ^ r t o f r | «rtr f’RHT ift2 7*h f ^ art $ * F l 5PIR an^ | ro ftar ^rffq 1 jarcr f fBj wm % «rraT 11 ^TT « |f f3 R f^f xm* *T «TRfr I UTOT ft, t?p f?t tr^V % t o qr *it arro ^t*nr £t 3tt?tt t f*R fim arraT t %tv* *ftr ^ r, $ RsoR ^ % ^75 fq* !ft«rramn fw m vtd^TTfs^m s ^ r i T f t an^TT | x m i f ft» SFfz^T *P$TT 5ft 2T5*r 1 ^TRTT ft» vfCTR ^?r ^ tt ft amft t» w ■m ^ | < if v F [ t & f m «rr, j f r ??r v t k A ' «nr nrrft f^f wm fk qr ^ ffeft f tftr qr JTff q^Rft t ft* «Bf^R %?t if *rr$ 1 »rj7T It, 3 aft ZT^T foTT TfffT I 3*PET TtaRftTff^ srft^ Tfttlv, «r? f?rm ^t ^ r wm fWt, ^r ^t *ph *nt TfffT | ? 4 arprat 5 * f r a * q?n ? ift 1 far * far % aR1% ^ 3TCPT W^fpf ft jtfm xm T fT t m «*TM TW «R «ftr 3S*t 3*3 TPT ^ ^pBfinttft *T. ^ ^ ITVTSir ^TT JfiT % 3RTCT P 7 ar?ror ^ 1 htwttt *pt ar^r iffhnrT ^arrf^, 1% faf?nft sfpft ^rff^ jt?t f a n srmT t 1 % m fi^r 3 jtstf %?fk«rc *r& # *ff SfcirrfariaretT vftK faRpfr t^ Kftgr^ft fH t ^Tffq, % «FTT*I ^ f t ^TRft f & f * R ^ ■dd*fl mar »rft ^ 1 ^fqsfinipjt % irt firajw ^ ^ | «fk trrrvt if v f mmftTfrarraT|,3*r^tar T t y^ T 33T % tftT HTT -4Tff 4 I fff *fr& 3 w r i n !**% *nffc f t VK *f uiforr nrffitf w f fcr ft antft | g*r **fr *t %* ^ tt sraw vt*tt try ^srft q r ^fr ^ WTT JTTT *nff*» i aiftr *w apjf ^ft tfNt m * «n?T *?Ntft j 5ft % w r % frftf antf $ 1 ^ ^rt ^ t \ % fRW % *Tt # 5f^f» ^ft fppf ^r jt ^ f , # tfnr vn # *rf star «tt fa iter*?* vt aft f% Wfcft steT W*ft f . # far v t «w anif rft*»far ^

n fw r q&rj

« £ * * ? * f W T ? f a tpp ? * t * t ?ft ^ rr ^Tff arrar i v m v m f t fawr $, ifrc 3* *ft *ft fT TT I TOfat TO < **, ^RT cftT ^ ^r wftf tot t 1 5ncf arfcft f x m K fiR ft *ftn ^ *f t ^ f 1 *F R « r # fip^ft wrrereft

m*r % t fa «ntf m 't i t f y i VRulfiFWT ^ v4vrt*T ^ if? qrfoaY «ft ft? aft ^ __ » ^*» V ^ «v V*w % ^ » f t v w ^ -q ^ li I ^(T^t v n s s i^ T w ^>H^uwi V W^T^i; w f t 1 a^f vmrr^ *r? t| f^PTT $ ftpS 5mFT ^arrrr 1 srraT «rr 1 u r - *n w % f^ qf^rv ^fi^r j?tct * n f $ f w a w * j r % f a * 5 f * R R t 1 % t i f « ftt xm v r ^ ^ rr v * f t ^ ^ « n # ^5t i g * m ^ i flt f*T R T HTCT « F R % & fi 3 n W i f a 4 ^ ?!ft *F|RfV ft* ^ft ^jftnts 5fft | VTXSR ^ «F5CT qf^ t*r?r ^«T apt %5TT * IT f ^ , q R ^ ^ t ^ TT WFT |, 3?T *Ft *FR ft *T *$f*R vfw r 3JTRT ^ ^cTT ?ft srrar |, ^ft ct^ ^*rt v*nfkirf fT VTT *3 I ^JT ^ ^ TW ^ % aft ^TS’F f ^T *Ft ^51# % V R *fc*TT I V% *m m fa«3>gl ^ ^ ^ ’R q ^ t * t e f i % ^TT fti *ll?l % ftwi *i^l ^ ftl*il*> I I t W^TT ^Tfcft i STOT w ^3?!T t, ^ fcW5T ^ fawd ?t i^TT

f*rft ^ «TCRT ftlTPRT T^cft *P JU , *R T 5^ »rk ?Rri HRtjT ^ ft» eTRTV % 4*W «T^t frRT^, ^ aRT >ht vr. |*ff ^ ^?r an% f ^ * m % * t m 3 *jr fa* tw >PT H RR aniTT ^HT »FT f ft? *tft ftr^T, *rw % *fanr ^ ^ r % W & t W 1 % W sn^ t ^ ^ ^y=q^t f*R*t, A % Tw t ^t q?T f% t, fN ?^ 5R% t I ^ ^ 5®5 3 «mr qr t^t t, TW ’flt^ I A ^TT qRtft j %fa*r fcrer farir 1 w

v% ift «GpiT | ft uw ^ rr& vh m^wiw «t : ^ ^ «« tft W ^ llr

*rfavr : *n*r f^qpff %tt* # # g?rrtft5^ i ^ «rt»r fnr, jt t t ^ ftft* 1 aw ’sttt ^ faFtarfl jbj qr^hr ^ ^ f, 5^ ^ rm v r sitt fft *TPT% t 1 t sp^t ff ’Tfcft'Tf 1 ft i<«i ^ i (iid & WK. 'TR W Sp^hRvT ^TfT WT 'HFM% v4^nfvff Tt VPT * ?fl*r q$FT an% f 1 *rr% $ 1 f t t f ^rPTVTTt *$t t t ftR^t «fPT ft* *f «lf*KHW, m i, ^ fatft JTft %rraT 3*ftt ^ qr^r % «nft w* stsnt «rc ?ft ^ tt 1 1 *TT Wt’T <4M^|H t^Rftfe Wn^t | t v^hrer $&t ^Tf^ \ *if f t m | 1 ^rr(t ift ^r ^TR- ^ 3TR^ ftcft3W #^ft^3TR # *>n*»wi *fta* : m ?ft irrnfhr ?w y«Tvt T^n an*, sftr xmr w m i Vt *TC*T W^'TT y if^ I t t yran^ f ^t w l Rror g>ft ^nff* 1 / mftr * t *if vf^r ^if?ft j y f t «rftWT : «R^t $ I f t ^ f * 3 arfr rw^n «R&r f , «rfr *rf^rt % ft* *stt % tTN* *FfT I f t «TN Wft TT 3TOfor ^wqrWd’ # fo r iflw r ft^n ^ Tff* 1 * ? t* * 1 *t$t fra* 3 *ft 5^ «for t m ft %m ffe %m snr % ait f t wrtt ft «rcr** I * * f t * w *Fnr * *r **F?t f 1 5m gm* | ft *p k *mr srnft 3r ?ft ^t »rff?ff % ft * Fsftfta fran^R ftF T ft * P C fa w r ft ^i, ft^TT vrff*! ^*F l^r * TOT * £k»i %m vn t # wtft 3 * wt * f i$s «n* f Fs^r sffi ^ wf?r *^r(t W * - J» -N. ------*■ — . A — m-^YirV I ! . "** *?ft ft *m t mr ^tft ^f*r w *rm ^ VPTit*s * ^t *5 irt (^fl «!* * T * ft «R5lft qf& % ft* i » aft «m* ^ w r fiwr ft* wrfipfr 1 *RPnr 1 u n t t ?fW t o t * fa * frit Shri Barrow (Nominated—Anglo- f s $ ft* 5 3*% fa* tflnf Indiana): Mr. Deputy-Speaker, the n?f w- 5 : Ffhrr «r#F t«tt w ft 1 1 Railway Minister has used a large 3783 ReUway Budget—! 27 FEBRUARY 1958 General Discussion 2784

canvas tovpaint his picture of the Fund is dwindling—In 1956-57 it was working of the Railways and his bud­ Rs. 103*14 crores. In 1957-58 the get In the short time before me I anticipated balance shows Rs. 93*72 propose to darken some of the crores, and in 1958-59 the anticipated shadows, not only that they may closing balance is expected to be stand out more clearly, but that the Rs. 72*76 crores. Secondly, the Deve­ other features of the picture may be lopment Fund has almost reached highlighted. vanishing point,—by the end of 1958-59 it will be a mere Rs. 68 lakhs. 15.S5 hrs. [Shri Pattabhi Raman in the C h airJ In a developing economy, it might be argued, this is to be expected, but Mr. friend, Shri Frank Anthony, I do feel that when Members are < speaking yesterday, focussed attention making demands for opening new on a recurring pattern of revised bud­ lines and we are considering our deve­ geting which, according to him, distor­ lopment programme generally, these ted the perspective of this picture. The facts should be borne in mind. recurring pattern 's this: the revised budget estimates show anticipated I turn now to the question which higher receipts and low anticipated has exercised, quite rightly, the feel­ expenditure; both figures disproved by ings of this House the continuing the actuals. I will quote figures for series of accidents. I wish to place 1956-57^ the revised estimated receipts, certain figures before this House. What Rs. 350 crores, actuals, Rs. 347*57 are the figures for 1956-57? There crores; estimated revised expenditure: were 5,054 killed and 32,341 injured. Rs. 299*03 crores; Actuals: Rs. 233*94 To this we have to add 187 railway- crores. I endorse Mr. Anthoy's plea men killed—these figures are not in­ for more realistic budgeting. cluded in the previous figure—and' I would ask the Railway Minister 6,787 injured. What the picture for also to bring into his budget, as a 1957-58 will be, anyone can well ima­ regular feature, more of what we call, gine! But I regret to say that the Programme or Performance budget­ information, as given in this “pink ing. If I may illustrate: we have here, book”, has been camouflaged. This in this khaki-book, provided to us, “pink book” is supposed to be, accord­ something like this—“The work is ^ ing to the foreword, for the general estimated to cost Rs. 21*65 lakhs of reader, and we find that these figures which a sum of Rs. 2 lakhs is expected are given as a ratio, per million pas­ to be spent by the end of 1957-58, and sengers carried. It may be said that Rs. 14 lakhs are provided in 1958-59”. this is the standard way of giving in­ What I would like the minister to show formation, that international forms is the different phases in which this are used. But for the general reader, programme is going to be completed, I feel that the facts should be stated the cost of each phase, and then, year clearly, so that the layman may know by year, we will be able to keep a exactly what the position is. If these check on whether the programme is figures are to be kept in a standard keeping to schedule whether the ori­ international form let them be kept ginal estimates for the programme by the Railway Board for that pur­ are realistic and whether there has pose, but if this is a book for the been any increase. This, I believe, general reader, then I urge that the will make for more careful planning figures should not be camouflaged. and more carefully controlled expen­ diture. Here is a situation, Sir, the conside­ « ration of which transcends all other Before I proceed to other features questions. The Railway Accidents of this budget, I do want to focus the Enquiry Committee Report has been attention of this House on two facts. with the Railway Board for three One, is that the Depreciation Reserve years now; my friend, the Deputy Railway Budget— 27 FSSRUARY 2998 General D ita a sion ^786

[Shri Barrow] Minister of Railways, was the Chair­ Z believe Sir, that on the Southern man of that Committee—I would ask Railways the position is worse. They the Railway Minister to place on the have no training school Further, fire­ Table of the House all the recommen- men on the Southern Bailway need not -dations, otSer than those given in Ap­ be shunters at all; after they have done pendix B, which were made by the 2-3 years firing they can become dri­ Committee and which have been im­ vers. With these facts before us, 1 plemented, and those recommenda­ think that this plea that is taken “fail­ tions which the Railway Ministry ure of human element'’ is a plea which found unable to accept, as also the does not hold much water. Here is reasons justifying their rejection. something that can easily be tackled; Our drivers and firemen, are doing We hear from, time to time, this their very best in spite of the difficult familiar phrase, where accidents are conditions created by the administra­ concerned, '‘failure of the human ele­ tion and in this connection I would ment”. This is a very variable factor, refer to the number of “averted colli­ but what are we doing to diminish the sions” mentioned by Mr. Anthony. effect of this factor? I will only deal I will now refer to the station work­ with a few points m this respect. ing rules. I think the Enquiry Com­ mittee said that, apart from other ins­ pections, the ATO and the DTS should Firstly, the training which is being every month visit one station, to go imparted—I would refer here to our into the working rules and issue a drivers—is ill-conceived, ill-planned, certificate to the effect that—I am superficial and valueless. There are quoting here—that the work of the courses of six weeks which, I believe, station is safe in every respect. If under pressure, has b^n extended to it is not safe, he has to initiate im­ seven weeks, out of vi h o’i 10 to 15 mediate action to make it so. I days are lost as holidays. There are would like to know Sir how many no proper diagrams, no models and no times this has been done. My own proper equipment m the Training belief is that this is “more honoured schools. The illiterates, the semi-lite­ in the breach than in the observance. rates and the matriculates hesitate to say that all of them are literates—are I will now deal with another im­ put into one group; they have to go portant aspect of this human element, through the course together. Then, and that is the elimination of fatigue. because we must turn out drivers, the The running staff generally have a question papers set are simple and duty period of 12 hours. On the evaluation is liberal. What is the Southern Railway, I believe, it startfe result? We get men as drivers who, from the scheduled departure of the after working for 3-4 years as firemen, train; on other railways it is from the are sent for these courses; they are actual departure of the train; there lacking in experience, they have this seems to be no uniformity in the veneer of confused theoretical learn­ matter. ing. How can we expect such men to have a working knowledge of a com­ Apart from uniformity, this ques­ plicated mechanism like a modem tion of optimum work and minimum locomotive? I think that the Railway fatigue is now a matter that can be Ministry can do much in this respect, determined. Its study forms a branch to see that these courses are more of Industrial Psychology, and I would rational, that they are properly plan­ recommend to the Railway Minister to ned and the students are put into have a Psychological wing attached different categpries, so that the rate to the Railway Ministry to go into the of their progress will be more or less question of optimum work with the the same minimum amount of fatigue. Ratitoay Budget— 27 FEBRUARY 1958 General Discussion 278S

In this connection, I have one plea Here I would make a plea to the Rail­ to make: it is for an employment way Minister to raise the retiring age quota for the sons and wards of em­ of teachers because of the grave ployees. They grow up in an atmos­ shortage of good teachers. He must phere of railways and railway work­ also create a separate department for ing. It will also help with the ques­ these schools. He has taken over two tion of indiscipline. Because, if the new schools in the Assam Division, father’s work is not done properly, and two schools are to be converted then “the sins of the father may be into multi-purpose schools. All this visited upon the children." cannot but fail because people who do not understand education have to ad­ Finally, I want to refer to the ques­ minister these schools. There can tion of Railway Schools. I turn again never be any success unless people in to this pink book, and I find here that charge of the administration of these the report says—and I was amazed to schools are educationists. I wish to read it—“The railway schools which end on this note: all the money that number 154 in all functioned satisfac­ we spend on the schools will have no torily during the year.” The cover of value unless we can provide the teach­ this book is pink and the report paints ers with proper working conditions. as rosy a picture of the schools. But I fear there is some concealment, and I 16 hrs. may be pardoned if, in speaking of schools, I quote from Shakespeare as q f a r arro mo ( % « f w ) : to what he has to say about “conceal­ Wimfd *RT UTS ment”. The Bard says: sfftr eft frPren % w r A im “She never told her love, but let concealment, like a worm in the bud, feed on her damask % & q w # cheek.” t fm tit tnt | i jpi ? I believe, that this “worm is in the bud *ctft *ri»f f , fa* * tft of Railway schools”, and the Railway Minister knows it. He evinces keen interest in the education of children of rallwaymen, but he also knows that $— f t s m t v*ft srf % Railway advisers on the Table of the ^ afT FV^ft <^t House, so that we may find out what an^ I A ■Ft *TT their opinion is: whether they also 5 4 believe that these schools are running %T&t $ I satisfactorily. A *t I do not believe that any system of 5 4 I WPT f t fa* WWT ^t education, whether it is run by the Irtw % ^ 5 4 fa*rc *t Railways or anybody else, can be ti^f^fiftlfaw r? tu*-H satisfactory if the service conditions of the teachers are not satisfactory. % I h r farofr i t *789 Railway Budget— 27 FEBRUARY n>88 General Discussion

ffro »Tfo firarfr] »rf $' i WW>I «TFT ffaT ^rffTr «TT fftT IH’Tlh’ aft'resfcar ^y . ?K^|f t *fer- fc$FTT ’TTffTT ijt ft f^sto a>t JTCf t o ^ fefa* ** 'TCTf^r f^ 5 !T 5 ^ , qT,SI^ T^ tV *ft*Tft I test^—v.\» 3 ?rr ft $, aroftj to ftftWftw VCR *T^r irsfor A vjo.vat; «At *iteTto 3 £ A nn# fsrcrr $ fa SR.** I ^ ?TT vff 5m ? W

The proportion of the unserviceable arft era? £fansar wrs vr rn^fr to the total stock of locomotives t ^ r r T ^ f fa ^ ^ t *l*i S( W |^i|| aTRIT ^ I the maintenance of motive power ^ t t w t farrr ^rerr t ^ itft w m # recorded further improvement on the Broad gauge as evidenced by the utot| 1 v r ^err | fa ffanRT decline in the percentage of unservice­ «rre»ft wft «fto «uro *ft» ai*n faw *rrr able locomotives. 1 1 vff trrr ^ft ^ r t vt tr?rrj *r$t *rc *ft *r t amr *ftzr t o * t t ? i m v t «r »tt aift fcflf lit VFTVt «RIT ^ *IT fa ^anf fN w ark anw sift an?n ^Tfj^r 1 I I aw A armrr wrrc ^ ^srfaf aftr farsrRT ^tt^it j aftfa arjw «nsft % qR- vsftv *tpn fffipr # asp *n fa ^ftrar TfT t aftfa araarc ft^fanr qesrr % nr ?r^> «rtr »m * aft fto q?To J i& fo TTTT^ T^T arRST V I Railway Budget— 27 FEBRUARY 1968 General Discussion 2792

fctor * * to?t ffefrr «ft far $1 TO*Tr ft# TO *T TO? ^ t’ T $N> TOW - A —___•-^ft - K ^ X ____*» . — aft « n w w T O mT, T O X ° *n ? ° tTTTo TOTORft t I t * * ftsfaTOT'RTO*’ TO $*rft TO% # *Tf[t TT qfSRft $ I fSfclT ft I ftR faCPTT *$5T TO- «IT I f»T sffT TOtiS «T •pTTf'Rl Vt *!Tff*lf TOVft fttft fa farm to & ^ r t qaror ?ft f r o t | TOVt * JfifF TP¥ TOt f ' 1 TOVt

t o to* t o m froT *rr *rk ^ TTTOit t I TOT TO ?nf ^ *rwf ^ «TTfaflt^*mfe^facRt%£ §f | I 5Rq> TOWt TOTOf »!^t TOft $ ^t TOTT TO TOM ft eft f t 'ffliflM TT fTOT TOT TOTO TO t fa ^ feWfl f t «rr Srfro t o t t t o w ijw to fror iprmr ^f w f t ^ 1 % to f t tot TOT $ fa »!^t % It *T TOT# ^T 5RW TO% eft tot toj*t fftrr ^ fa $sft tow ?ft ’cfVr ^rfro fronrro f t *janw ^T# TORT TO l ( W ! T? TOWt ^ I qft TOt to t * ^ ftaT * f t ffcrr t 1 t o t TOT ^ m ft TO% t TOTOit T O ^ ^ ’Pfa'TN' f r o TO f :T % S?TO ^ ItTOCTO^f TOVtTTtTOTJTftT^t I TO *TfTO I I TO TOT TOW fa T"P * TOj-^t *rr^«fr fa ro ro f faro ft to t ^ n fa r yfegre St writ t to f?r w ro ft It to ^ 1 1 ^ TOVt *t*tTO qv ?ZTO TOSfTOT w* TO5TT t I TOt TOT * TOTt TOT ?TTO TO * infgjft % 9 spfJH ft»ft, TO^T TOTTT TOT TOT TO^f ^ 5 T i \ ifRS^?; It W TOR® Hatlway B u dget— • 27 ^FIBRUABY General Discussion 2794

[tTi^t it® jtt© froTfl] snft fHrr i$?r ftt »nffcnr |

^ fa ftfrRT fira ^ «t«T5rr ^ ?nr cff *tr *<** ? WTPFCTff^ % ^ # A qr? *F3*r ft ^ ft ^st 5jt t o t t i ?im ^?*TT ^TfeTT ^ fa aft apfT TOT t f a *r $q ?rftiw wt ^nr ^ ffttf ^?t nftnt «Pt ’TTrsr^ fain f ftf«nr ^nr *rm forpr ^r faft fan% to m nfir q?ft ft T*r# »f a*TTCT TtlT ?PT T T ? P T fo jT & I 7 V * t t t ' i ^ im \o t o 5gf«r^ fs^?r farm ^tt t??tt f i «TK»ft

faqflsH qf %n smf 3 {I I * m faVTiRr ts rt i f m m ?ft*r *p t f^Tvyrr. . aft ft ^ * *n: atT* qft?r IT® m® fawrt : tft ^ r r *rr nrrnr ft ami sr f w f t i 3*ftt f* *PT SpJR faTT 5TR I «ft snfwrsr irt : f^r »t£ i *T|*SW ft STH % fSJ $*Tt ^re^rr ^ crrft 5crr5r *rt foR^r snjire «rf«H sto 5t;° fra.Tt : *if ^ r ftaft | srs? * ft i * ^am f? ft <*f) xiif^ii i taken more than his time. I gave him two more minutes. He should finish now. Dr. Sushila Nayar. W S SfdCHd # *pft *rffaT «FT Dr. Sushila Nayar (Jhansi): First of ®*t r ?sr ^ra- q?t *frr fg ^ R r =qifdT fj all, I wish to congratulate the hon. f t m fcpfWd ^ ^ r # z f?riT *tt# w r r themselves that they would rather <3797 Railway Budget— 27 FEBRUA»!m * W General Discussion 379ft

[Dr. Sushila Nayar] have one strong union, because if there efficiency had fallen very, very badly is one union, they can do their work after the partition of the country. No much better than if there are many doubt, there has been improvement. unions. We are all very glad about it and the Railway Ministry does deserve appre­ Th6 job of a union is to protect the ciation of their efforts in this direc­ Tights of the railwaymen, of course, tion. At the same time, it would be .but it goes further than that. They wrong to have a sense of self-compla­ •are also expected to see to it that the cency. There are many directions in railwaymen perform their duty pro­ which efficiency has still to be increas­ perly, and in this fashion they have to ed. protect the country’s interests also. As ■such, if there is one union, the union The most important thing, which is leaders, the union office-bearers can exercising the mind of everybody to­ "be strict with those who might neglect day, is this matter of accidents. While their duty If there is more than one we are discussing the Railway Budget, union, anybody that they are strict we have had two more serious acci­ with can leave it and join another dents. The explosion of ammunition union, and thus they will not be in a two days ago was in a railway wagon, position to assert themselves and do and everybody is sorry about the acci­ the duty which they would like to do dent that took place yesterday. And should do. It may suit my Communist friends The question is: why do these acci­ to have more than one union because dents take place in spite of the fact their object, after all, is to encourage that the Minister has called a confer­ class conflict. But here in our system, ence of zonal managers and various the system of democracy, the rights of other meetings are being held to pre­ the workers, I think, are more than vent them. What is the reason of the failure of their efforts. We must get •what the communists would like them at the bottom of it Why are we to have. Here, the workers are equal having these accidents again and partners in the reconstruction of the .nation, and as such it is their privilege again? to contribute to it and represent and The enquiry committee on railway .serve not only the workers but all accidents has made certain recom­ sections of the people. Because of mendations. Some of those recom­ their very large numbers, the railway* mendations have been accepted by the men are in a position to make a big hon. Railway Minister—I believe about ■contribution for the good of the coun> 50 per cent of them have been accep­ try and as such, it is very desirable ted. The others he was not able to that there should be one union, accept because of financial implica­ one federation of unions, which should tions. I would like the Minister to be given as much help and encourage­ have each and every one of the acci­ ment as possible to perform its duty dents that take place carefully analy­ "better. Therefore, I congratulate the sed. It is not because of the non-ac­ hon. Minister on following this policy, ceptances of recommendations with and X hope he will stick to it in spite financial implications that these acci­ of what some of the friends from the dents are taking place. To a Opposition side might have to say. very large extent, they are taking place because of the non-eb- 16.06 hn. servance of some very simple safety [Mr. Deputy -S peaker in the Chair] rules. We see here on the roads of Delhi so many drivers breaking the Then there is the question of effi­ traffic rules; they may not have acci­ ciency. X remember the days whan dents on ten occasions but on the 2799 B athoey Budget*- 27 FEBRUARY 1988 General Dtotusion 2800 eleventh occasion they may run into There are some very nice that an accident Similarly, on the rail* the Railway Ministry has produced ways, either it is the non-obser- relating to the care of railway pro­ vaxyce of speed limits or the rules and perty. They show how some pas­ regulations with regard to signals and senger removes the electric bulb and timings and other luch things are the other passengers are put to diffi­ being broken. Everybody admits it culties, how some passenger removes Why does that happen? I wish to ask the water-tap and the other passen­ the Minister of Railways and the gers are put to difficulties, and so on. high authorities like the Railway I wish that these films were conti­ Board what they have done in this nuously shown in the railway waiting regard. It is not by having more and rooms and in other places where there more supervision or having more and are large collections of people, as, for more staff recruited that they can instance, in the town halls. There are stop this kind of thing. It is a matter some railway stations where there is of education of the staff and educa­ no electricity, and there may be some tion in such a manner that there is difficulty in showing the films but more team-spirit and more team­ there are many others where electri­ work. Today, the officers live and city is available, and there such a work in a water-tight compartment; thing can be arranged. Any expendi­ the technical men are in a water-tight ture which is incurred in this con­ compartment; the clerical or the nection would be well worth. lower staff are in a water-tight com­ partment. If they could all have a team spirit from top to bottom, so I now come to the maintenance of that every man from the highest to the railway services and amenities. I the lowest level understands what can understand the Minister’s diffi­ the proper performance of his culty in increasing the number of little bit means, and what the total new lines. But what about the main­ collective picture is, it would enable tenance of what we have, whether it him to do his duty better. be the maintenance of tracks, or of carriages or of the fittings in the car­ riages? I have travelled on several trains again and again, and I am I had an occasion to visit the Ten­ tired of writing letters to the Railway nessee Valley Project some time back. Administration. I used to write a I learnt from them how they were letter and point out what defects I running into difficulties, of course, of saw in the train by which I had a different type, but all the same, travelled. Sometimes, it is the water- difficulties which were due to the fact tap that is defective, sometimes it is that the staff did not realise the im­ the electric bulb, and sometimes it is portance of some of the little things the catch inside to lock the door and that they were supposed to do and so on. The last time I travelled which of them did not do. So, they from my constituency Jhansi to Delhi, decided to spend time on staff meet­ I had a frightful experience. It was ings from one end to the other. I the night of 25th of January. As the wish that some such procedure was train left Gwalior, somebody knock­ introduced in the Railway Adminis­ ed at the door of my compartment tration, so that there should be fre­ and wanted me to open the door. I quent meetings and frequent ex­ was travelling alone in that compart­ changes from one end to the other, ment, and I had heard that dacoities so that the smallest man would re­ take place round about that region. alise what the total picture is, how So, I did not open the door, I pulled their work is inter-connected, and the chain, because I felt that I must how a little dereliction or non- have the persons hanging outside my observance of some rule on the part compartment removed from there, I of someone could affect the whole was afraid they might be able to open prooe— and lead to disastrous results. the door from outside by some device atox n u h** 9v4a**~ 37 iwwft»Awr & o *

[Dr. Sushila Kaye*] having read abOut Shri QadgtTs « • old first class, and the old Meosprf petiefice in the past whfcre the oom- obwt i» now the first class; thus, we pc*tme&t waaf opened from outside. X have abolished one daas. I wish we hbng on to the chain with an toy would slimia&te atleast one more daitfht, b&t tttfe trttfi Just did not sto$. oftss, and hava only two classes far ordinary travel, as is the cafe In MM umgkaatik taUR What crthofrs America a?d in many other copntrie* have said is quite the reverse. gne class for day travel and another for night travel where people can Dr. Sushila Nayar: Obviously, the sleep. That would be more in keep- chain must have been defective. So, ing with our talk of socialist pat­ 1 spent the night sitting up, I could tern of society. not sleep afterwards. What would have happened if somebody had re­ Talking of air-conditioned class, X ally managed to open the door? By wish to point out that the Deluxe the time I got to Mathura, I found trains that have been started—I do not that it was a harmless crowd con­ know on whose advice they were sisting of people who were coming to started—the seating facilities are not Delhi to see the Republic Day cele­ at all comfortable. It is all right to brations; and I could relax. But the sit on seats like those in an aeroplane fact remains that if I had really where the journey is only for three or needed to stop the tram, I could not four hours. But to expect people to have done it. These are serious mat­ sit up in those seats for twenty-four ters. Something should be done to hours on the long-distance trains is maintain all the facilities in good too much. I know, very often people condition, and they should be looked do not have even room for sitting in carefully after. third class compartments, and so, one might say that at any rate they can A few weeks ago, I travelled to sit comfortably But m actual prac­ Allahabad with the ashes of Shri tice in ordinary third class from time Devdas Gandhi, and we all travelled to time, there is a little more space, in third class. The pipes of the wash­ and people make a little space for one basins were arranged in such a way another so that they can lie down for that the dirty water with the spitting an hour or two by turns. But in and other dirty things spread in the these Deluxe trains, even if the train whole of the bath-room. If any of the is empty nobody can lie down and officers had ever travelled in those relax. I wish instead of the Deluxe trains, they would have seen to it that trains we had more comfortable third six inches more of the drain pipe class travel trains like the Janta took that dirty water right down trains which are very good, and of outside and did not soil the whole which more are desirable. of the bath room floor. These are some of the little things that need We have been hearing a good deal looking into and would make a big about the need for cutting down ex­ difference to the passengers. penditure, and also how the expen­ diture on the railways has on the The comforts of the third class pas­ other hand been increasing. The con­ sengers are something that must be tinuous increase of staff is something carefully attended to. I know that tfrat needs very careful loaking-intfe. ipany improvements have been made tfoe staff seem to just go an multiply­ but they are not enough. Look at the ing itself in every department. If warnings that conje f?om third class there is a cartful analysis of the l^es, as pon*p*red with those from work done by every ^c^y, that the tftar W&ile I am on this would not happen I fm $ot 4W|* feqjpt, I wpiOtji ufce to say that X am tiO % Railway very glad that we have abolished the (bate should be retreqebment, but 3 % Rollway Budget- 27 FIBWJARY 1988 General Discussion

Tie can examine whether there can I now want to make two small "be a little different allocation of points. One relates to the promise of duties, a different distribution of a ring railway round Delhi. This pro 1 "work so that there is better utilisa­ raise is of very long standing. I was tion of every one's time and a better Minister of Transport in Delhi three efficiency can be maintained years ago. At that time, I went round I would suggest that one hour be with some railway officials and there kept aside in every place for the was a certain amount of exploration education of the staff by the senior done. I wish something is done to people who are more educated. It is implement that scheme because trans­ not necessary to have special teachers. port conditions of the capital are The senior people oan do it, I wish really very bad and this causes a lot the education of the staff would en- of hardship. .gage more attention of everybody. The second relates to my constitu­ Similarly, there is the question of ency Jhansi. There is a railway colony •certain facilities provided for the staff there which is all inhabited by rail- for instance, education, to which an waymen. There is neither electricity hon. Member has referred already nor water supply in that colony. At -and facilities for medical care. the moment, then is a proposal of a joint scheme for the military, civil I would like to say something about and railway authorities to make a 'the latter. There are railway hospitals contribution and bring water from the in many places. In the bigger places, nearby river Betwa for the people of there are railway hospitals that are the colony Babina military station ■quite good and there are also general and everybody else. I hope the Rail­ hospitals that are quite good. way Ministry will expedite action on But the conditions in some of that scheme as well as for the electri­ the small railway dispensaries are fication of the colony. just miserable. Instead of having separate railway dispensaries, apart from general dispensaries, if the rail­ Shri Bimal Ghose: As will have ways would contribute so much per become evident, from speeches made capita to the general dispensaries, the by hon. Members, what is uppermost standard would improve and better in the public mind today is this matter 'service could be given to the railway- of recurring railway accidents. I do men as well as other people. So I not intend to dilate on this issue would suggest that something should except to say that what Shri Barrow Toe done in order to co-ordinate the said this afternoon will only increase medical services so as to have better public apprehension, because he said ■efficiency and better service. that railway drivers and firemen are not properly trained. What one should With regard to corruption, the Re­ take serious note of is the fact that port of the Kripalani Inquiry Com­ the public is beginning to wonder as mittee is there. I do not know how to whether now-*-days it is safe to much action has been taken on that. travel in the railways. It is a very I do not have the time to go into it serious matter. The explanation the But I do wish to say this, that some­ hon. Minister gave, namely, failure of how our * Government is in the habit the human element which he held of appointing one inquiry committee partly responsible for these accidents, after another. Their reports are sub­ is most unsatisfying because the ques­ mitted after considerable amount of tion arises as to why there should be work and those reports are just put ao much more failure of the human . on the shelf or are very superficially element today, than was tile Mia* examined. The recommendations are in former times. I feel that the ov0l- not fully Implemented to really justify aary statutory inquiry will not aUsy th* labours of those working on tile public apprehension in this matter t t d inquiry ronrmVttcisi and th* a very thorough inveetifrtfcm Into tilts Incurred on that account matter should be undertaken. VmUMfc je8<>5 Railway B udget— 27 FEBRUARY 1958 General D itcu u ion 48o5-

[Shri Bimal GhaseJ the Railway Minister should arrange freight, will the additional funds that for an early discussion of this whole will come to the railways be given* question in this House so that public for purposes of any expansion plain apprehension might be allayed. that the railways may want to put through? What is the opinion of the A problem which is equally, if not Planning Commission in that regard?* more, serious is that of the capacity of the railways to move goods that Secondly, we have to consider whe­ would originate during the Second ther even if more funds are made Plan. It is now common ground bet­ available, these will be of any use so> ween ourselves, the Railway Minister far as the Second Plan is concerned, and, I believe, also the Planning Com­ because the Railway Minister himself mission, that the railways will not be stated in the other House that deve­ able to move all the traffic that will lopment schemes in connection withr originate during the Second Plan increasing the line capacity or improv­ period. A provision was made for ing marshalling yards have not as yet carrying an additional tonnage of 47 been completed and the effect will be million. Now that would surely be felt only later on. So that even if found to be very inadequate because we start any new schemes now, the the railways have already provided effect will, in all likelihood, be felt for by the end of the third year to only in the third Plan. move 31 million additional tons, leav­ ing only 16 million tons for the next Then there is also the question as. two years. That will not meet the to whether even if the monies are needs of the dynamics of the Indian available, railways have the where­ economy today. I am told the Rail­ withal in regard to materials and' way Minister has gone to the Planning organisation to implement the schemes Commission for more funds. The that they might want to take up? I former Railway Minister stated that believe that this question was also if there was need for more funds, the raised by the World Bank Mission Planning Commission would favour­ when it came here and that it expres­ ably consider that proposition, and he sed its doubt as to whether even if implied that the Commission would all the monies were available and the give the money. I would like to know materials were available, the railways whether the Railway Minister has got will have the organisation to imple­ any assurance from the Planning ment all the schemes. I should like Commission that they will sanction to know what the Railway Minister more than Rs. 1,125 crores. has to say on that. If it should become evident that we The second point is this: the Rail­ cannot implement new schemes, thea way Minister said last year that even the only way m which there can be to attain the physical target that was any possibility of carrying more trafflc- included in the Second Plan, he would is by improving operational efficiency. require Rs. 100 crores more. Is this Now, here I must congratulate the amount of Rs. 100 crores to come from Railway Minister and the Indian rail­ the 12} per cent, additional surcharge ways on the fact that they are carry­ that has been introduced— 6$ per cent, ing more goods. But that also te at first and another 6$ per cent, im­ partly due, as the Mudaliar Committee posed last year? Even if the addi­ has pointed out, to the acute shortage tional fund is coming, have the Plan­ in wagon space, which is probably* ning Commission agreed that that will responsible for better wagon loadings: be made available for the purpose of as had happened during wartime. the railways’ plan? Even if there­ Certain indices have certainly become after, the recommendations of the better, but certain others have dete­ Mudaliar Committee are accepted in riorated. The Railway Minister ha* ^regard to increase in railway fare* and been trying to explain awa y thla t 3897 BolliMy B u dget*- 27 FEBRUARY 1958 General Ducvuion 2808

deterioration this year as he did last ments in the operational efficiency of .year. But I am afraid he has not the Railways. They said: been able to satisfy any hon. Member, .particularly in regard to engine mile­ “We urge every effort be made age which, as he said, was due to the to improve the operating efficiency reduction in goods train speed. of the Railways for which there is apparently still considerable scope.” Now, density of traffic has increas­ And the Team went on to add: ed. That is agreed. But as an hon. “We believe sufficient results Member pointed out in the other could be achieved in the Railways Aouse, there are railways where both during the Second Five Year Plan -density and speed have increased. by the adoption of more efficient Then the Railway Minister said that and up-to-date methods of ope­ ■he had taken the average. But in .regard to certain other indices, he did ration.” •not take the average. He was refer­ If that is so, why is it that certain ring to particular railways. I believe indices are deteriorating? If they did At was to some index m the metre not, then, certainly, we would have gauge trains that he was referring; been able to carry more goods. that was do.'e only in relation to the North-Eastern Railway and Central I believe that when the Second Five Railway But he did not take the Year Plan was framed, the Railways average there. So, it does not had estimated that there would be a really satisfy Members if different 10 per cent, improvement in efficiency. ••criteria are used to explain away I should like to know what has been -different deficiencies. The point the percentage of improvement of effi­ is that in July 1956, before the ciency up till now and what they National Railway Users' Consultative expect to be the improvement that Council, the Railway Board gave cer- they would be able to achieve by the •tain targets of improvements in effici­ end of the Second Five Year Plan. ency. And, with regard to engine 'mileage, they said that they expected 16*33 hrs. that the target could be increased [M r . Speaker in the Chair] from 94 to 100 in broad gauge and 'from 85 to 90 in the metre gauge in There is only one other matter which 'regard to goods trains. I ask, if in I should like to refer and that is with July 1956, when the traffic density regard to fuel consumption. The cost was already there, the Railway Board of fuel that is consumed in the Rail­ 'felt that the performance could be ways is increasing; and fuel consum­ improved in this fashion, then, why ption accounts for about 20 per cent, has,it not improved. What has stood of the total railway expenditure. This in the way? If they felt that the per­ is, therefore, a very important matter. formance could not be increased, why There have been many committees. ■did they give these figures in July There was the Driver Committee and .1956? there were recommendations by expert committees. I believe the Technical Team of American Experts, Messrs It will not be sufficient to compare Sanderson and Party also had some­ our performances with the perform­ thing to say about motive power or ances of foreign railways and say that efficiency being improved. I want to our performances compare very know why the hon. Minister feels that favourably and be satisfied with that. there should be another committee to I believe when the World Bank Team go i^to this questi6n. He said in the came here, they said that there was a Budget speech that as the need for Jot of scope for introflucing improve­ conservation of high-grade coal is of U b$ JU4U*jy B vittH — 37 FEBRUARY » 5 8 GCflXtttrDtSMtflOft aStt*

[Shri *imal Ghose.J great importance in the national There are two questions that I wcttlfe interests, and therefore he hag set up like to ask the Railway Minister in a small committee including repre­ this connection. The first Is that it sentatives of different departments to this high-grade coking coal is not go into this question. available, then, probably, the Railway* will have no other alternative but to* go in for washing coals—low-grade This matter has been so thoroughly coal. Have they made any arrange­ studied both by the Driver Committee ment for washing low-grade coals? and thereafter by the Estimates Com­ Even if they come to a decision, they mittee and by the Efficiency Bureau will take one or two years before that I do not think that any new facts washeries can be set up and washed will emerge. The facts are there now. coals made available for the Railways. It is a question of taking decision. Unless such an arrangement is made,, the Railways will have no other alter­ native but to spend much more on fuel Incidentally, it is unfortunate that and also to have low operating effici­ although the Efficiency Bureau has ency, because ordinary coal will not studied this question, reports of the give that much of power to the loco­ Efficiency Bureau are not given to us. motives. They are not even placed in the Library. I do not know why they should be treated as secret, because The second question is bound up- they have a bearing on railway opera­ with the other and it points to the tional efficiency. Certainly, Members necessity of having more dieselisation, would profit by studying these reports. at least for shunting work, and for I should make a request to the hon. more electrification. What are the Minister that reports published or pre­ Railways thinking about these pared by the Efficiency Bureau should matters? If they feel that there be made available to Members or at should be more dieselisation and elec­ least copies should be placed in the trification, are they arranging for the Library. construction of diesel and electric locomotives m this country? It will always be said that we have not got I find also that in the Annual Report enough foreign exchange and if we it is stated that the future railway have all the time to depend on imports requirements of high grade coking and from abroad, we cannot take to di^seli- non-coking coal were brought to the sation and electrification Therefore, notice of the Requirements and Utili­ it becomes necessary to arrange for sation Committee. I do not under­ the manufacture of these types of loco­ stand this because, as the hon. Minis­ motives for the Railways, in India as ter himself knows, the Railways >will early as possible. gradually have to reduce their depend­ ence on high-grade coking coal. That I hope the hon. Railway Minister will be required for the steel plants. will give thought to some of these pro­ If it materialises that the two steel blems that we Members have raised plants at Bhilai and Rourkela go into here. Unfortunately, one has some­ production this year—which probably times a feeling, an unhappy feeling, will not happen—tKen, the Railways that the hon. Minister is too much cannot have this high-grade coking impressed with what he regards as coal. So, how are the Railways going the signal achievements of the Rail­ to tackle that? Even if the steel ways. It is to be hoped that he will plants are not set up, I believe the have a fuller appreciation of the coke-oven plants will be ready and heavy responsibility that devolves this high-grade coal will have to be upon him for providing an adequate supplied to them. and safe transport service, adequate 3 & I Railway Budget— 27 FEBRUARY 1858 General Discussion

for the purposes of the Plan and Shri Asaar (Ratnagiri): Sir, on a safe those who have to patronise it point of order, there is no quorum at all. Mr. Speaker: Shri Mool Chand Jain. Shri Raghnnath Singh rose— Mir. Speaker: Treat this also as lunch hour or tea hour. Mr. Speaker: I will call Shri Raghu- nath Singh next The Deputy-Speaker Sardar A. S. Satgal (Janjgir): All wanted to call him; but he was absent. have gone for tea.

to TO (to-) : w fo x Mr. Speaker: Let the Bell be rung—* Now there is quorum. fa%wTO#^$r*Tf*ir The hon. Member may now proceed. vnnpfr *r mpthFT voo 5fr^r 1 1 t , farer «ft*ro *© aR . #ZTf 5T3T ?T TfT VTRvft 'tft ^rf^nF % «tt ft?arr w \ f t * t t o t *arasr ^ *rt t — t o %■ qreiHi ^rf v rfs W a iO «ft ^ *rr i ^ l vt^r *ti)n ^ ?o Tj^T ^TWK V ?r # 4.«yfanr 11 ^ t ipTT t stfr sfr sri 3fi srtsr f — 5?rt C5TR frw JT»ranjf5ftT TT^mr, ijo * •ft s r t ^ f t srft TO ^wnflsfV $ #35T ^**?R ansr ?np #?q> vrftsr9 t q»T 9tt5^v ^ v % f , aft f t %rs$[ «nm aft apt # W , Ttf^FT, i f i m , 9rtVhTtfew «ror | sift sfr t? *rf | *n fsnr^t *pt *ft# *rm ^ qs?fr to ^ fw *rt t m m s t c r t I ^R TT fRR f*T arrfT ^ t, z ft # *p^rh t i jrrt ^ i sr w>n^t f*r w W Tt % ^ftcTT ^TR sn-fcrc *fcr ?ft Ttfzt t ^r srsrc *2*1*2: *ft TOR T fttj | *qftT *n?x, ft vso—qo TRhRt «l*lH ?TR % H ^TT TOT-ir-pRT? Q w ^r ?F?T ^t 'R W | I AWT f t o r t =srr^rr £ i q-pfr ?n w t 3FKt gt flit ?TRR >ft T O I f t f*r ’fore qir^ .%rz w wr?r # sifter ftt «t wr voo ^3% «rr? f^rft ^Y€t faw qr 4 VTT^ apT ^’RT ^rt snnr ^Ft qr^n w^rr f ^ t ft qft aft t» VPIT aft «TFWT f*R *n# SFFR T3T ^»T *FT yCT aprgT I I % m f o f e z * q^^rR «itaTitf ^r, 28x3 f erftoflV B udget— 27 FEBRUARY 1*58 General DiaevtflM 2814

m w:5t€t ^t W l£ m f | m »iflf i TEW t *T5 V^TT $ *TT ^ I Sifa* A w n irrw ^ writ j fa W fTOTO sfhfhar* ^ i3*vt ^ «hprt * n w 1 ^ ^sft t fa v i ?nc| % %m ^n?*iT «ftr Ffa t qqfagy * ^ ijffprr ^r^ft £ 1 ?ft?rft irfK ^srft *^fa*ft ^ ^ 4ti «f«Nt ^ft *rt T# *PT ^TT *rfar faTT ^n^TT 1 fa ? R ^ft 4^irT xfk TR ^TR * t *SraT5T § *T & I S lf a iz pTR *TOT *TT^TT 5IW ^ TT% f «?^r % sr^rnr ft % ^n N Ttf t ^fat Tf^T tp? *§ * sir m r * t «?Tiik*i*ffr v& r x w r w *tt ^?ft ^t *m t fa s’T TOT f fa f^fat ZWZ* ?T^T SfW 1 q-3I7 # ^ faffTCET frr^ # ^T 5|*RT ^ rfavi «n 1 t c ft* % m

^ I fa # ■jft s f r ^ r ?ftm ^ W % TcTT ^T5TT ^ fa 9ft % f a t $4 t o t *n?% | zfa t?T faiTRT *TT i f V?T *RT *rT fa ieVl T t *T^M«ii^'ii fa ^ ^ t ^ft I «T5T ^ fa^rr 3rnT ^ ^ *g*r wr * t * » ^ t ^ F T T ^ t*rft «ftr,??wtfaftt jptrt »ror «n 1 ^ r ^ f t A V R qr «TTT fa^TTT ^TT t f t t f a * f a * «Rt» 'wt ^ ^ t?-?° vdf fentft »f «fWt rRT efl^rft ^ ft ^ «rrstfa'n- 1 *» H rPwl Vt ifNtSPT ^t 3TT 5W»?ft I, ^ ?ftjpn‘*r9n[tfa *i^hhiimr f t t? »fk^t»iT 1 $?i^tan?rcrrfa infr fa«rr anRTT $ ? «nTT s ^ W ff V? fiprr j$K5 Budget— 27 FEBRUARY 1M8 General Ditcuuion a8l6

arrctfttft *far *$t f a n : ^ fc fn* aft tffranrm % w r # ^ w ? ,3rnyft«fk «rnfi *t fr ^ ft « * r aft q w fc qst^pflforr urtr^r^n^ % ^ 7 «fr w t r Srpr * iff * 4Ft ®!IR ?t WT * ,f? t ^ ft>, ’ tht % ^rw* *rft «R 3N*ft t • | %ft< ?^rCt 5rn> ^ *fr *|jfW ^JTT ^ f i 4r q^Tsr # w i f i m % S W f t STPT 3!^t 5PP ?TT^7 ^ t ^ t^t % \ g* % ^ ?nq> ?n «Frq>r t5TTSf tflT nTc^F Voolft?T ^ qfjfcm t tit* ^rtt?Rq> ^ ^ 5 1 |a ft t f l r f a r * t VS 5Fq; Ir sft 7?n% t *f?r «tt ?ryrf ^ *nwsr *nfa^ f 1 aimT pr fa o t* ^ttr * ^ ?tt5# farter wrr f t »rf f t % #?r%TTT5r *R# vt *tpt *t ;srmt ^ 5T3r cw ^ r k ^ *nrr 1 1 t r *n *t$ 3rr*»rr fo aft w n ^r ^ 5^ t fr Tt^ry qpfttm qr w r ^ % ?flT qr **tt £ 3*r ^ o ?R % «IK ^ 55TRT | I ^ «[5ft f fti gwm ?*t qf ^rrtr^r tt «fT3fafr 5ft V t # ?»T ^T# ?TTFT ^T f^HS Wt i I 5* 5Wfa * |S[ 2T3FT t, ft^TT | I fflTP ^oHT %?PF WR* j\ ?*T TJ * *TPPTT f I SrfsR- ?*T *PT ^fl‘3H 57^ I jftfprr 2r 'TRTTcT f3TT 5T?r ^ f fa ? T t W *t *r?rrr ^ ft ^ srfNi tt^V'pt S?T '7^il(*fl “FT *1 IHd I “H l l ’TsT'TT r I srrw 1 trr wft s fa r *T k apnf%*r fr^ ^ rr FT5T7T # £T?t t ft? fSTFTC *$ t I % srt ^^rfpfr 5»rr ?nr 3FT ^T #^nW3T5H TT ST ^TT % frTFT^ t ^ qfr ft fnrvrqn *T^t t WtTt «Ft >ft t TT ^t fafggft % % € # *Flf ^RJW^T ? I *«T3rr? % SfP7 * STPTcTT ^ | ^?T TT *TtST if*T^qr^?r ^RTRVi •T^n°ii^'»isi'i TT«T TT ?RFT ?r^rf f i A q-3TTft «r# R rt «ft | 3ft ftr qfar f1 I % fTCqte m^H’T ^ ^ «rk # fafjpt % ^rTft ^T ^rT S»T 3FT 3FT ST T^rfT £ ft" %sn^* yrst^srfvT^yr^i^lift wl *TrTT t ^ t ^«f»*iiRi>n ?ft f a n - srraT ^ *it^ TT falT 3TFW S^T falT ^TTrTT ^ f*F iTfT^T »r W ri % sr gRiw fan an^n ?r «nt | i i^r strt ^ % HTf^nrr qft 1 1 'SRT fK 5RTV «l^d V* falT '•flcil ^ I ^ spsft f ftr W R pftn:iT#qqr^ff??rrft qft •Tri’I^ih'^ ?T fipIT «TPT | ^ ^fg?rt ^t aft fifr * * fr«rt f «fk f^ R «FT WTt?R> qrt^ ^T5R *jW f a n t r i w r ^ % ff^n: Ir, qfs?r«p % ^ r - srsTT ^ rmi qfssrq: qr? % ^

[«ft ♦ t] f R ftrcwr # ftrcft «ffc t o % wre « t t o ^ # fk t ft i * * v m r **ftfq»r *tf*n r ft v^f^T?wf5w^r?ftm«ifr $$ ftanf if «ff W * arr swskh % v tv tfW f w fW » ^r % f^W *rrTRt I ^ir T^TTI •TT^’T ^r % f w ^ 5npr qr srit Tf^fr t ?fk «t?t q r w 5fTf % qfrt %fa*r x * r % qig xq>r ^ tt |^t stnwt smft f ?flr £nt t V* *t £*p*t ?$■ f w strit Wfr qr ^rrft ^ifg*i » t, ft»ft sppk wi *nnft^i*i fRfr w t cRf ^ qirfm sik ^n^iT qr «fr 11 s*r «ft, p [ «rft v t e Tfcft | ^rfT qr v t i t $ sirrm «n^r | i ^ fl*rsrerr % ft |^t ^Rrt f i ^gf qr >ft iftr tvRTfcrr vmrf^sR =fft 5nr^ 1 *F?*ir % cTT?*T* t, 5TI crossing ^sft f t ^r- wr^r qr q^» m?*ft wz sff?r ^ 5T»rr^ t i w sn* ^ ^rif «p t t o t ?fk ft?ft t^nfrst ^ ^r apT*flf%^T5T J # I «TffT ^T^T m * 5ft i fq^r qw q?r^ % sft *m *n ^ r w t t i **m % v m x q* A # t o aR f j q r ^ ?r »w f arm «rcaT ^t?it t t?t «rr sflfrr ^ ^ sm t wwf % «fU ?r?rfT ?nwt t t i w : «nq- s r xfK ^ ^irr ft srgcT y ^frif>< fksrt *Pt m i J tf$ lUdltttt# Btidgtt-* 27 Fifi&HtJAltY 1988 G eneral Dfausrion \ 3820*

~rc6t ?rm r i^t ^ ^ ^ftr *^t ?rw . A - -.A N ft ^ M O T M M *PT T^i fWT 3ntT VnT w E WBT *PT A ft^ft I tfa f*T ¥t ^STTT 'TlP^t $ «ftT 3* *t f^R * fr fa W qiftRr 5r% ^f Tt$eT* *tfT*T *TT** ^ft #R1* |f | v r w w f t 31# f eft Wfct ^ra»t W T T qftfft«fftq^T^t|^r*t T^TTT 3ft ’RT3T ^Yft ^TT ajRTT | *f f*lt for f t f t I * flt * T f ft »frfT*T 3rt?t * «tt 1 % qtftq

*ft ^RI* ( sanction ) fatfT ^TPI I 1& xflT Vtt vfi ^ r t M - a A *w r sprte % «pfta tw ro xsz ^ t t o f | «rk srw ^?t ?w t fe n w t aftf* Jrft w m A ?f?r ’ft ^r* f*f*Hr qftev ^ W *FT fa^i qter | 1 A jtrctt g fa tw ro : s>s faw | %fa* ^ w fRr ^ ?rrq qf A q^r § v& 'j,, \ jRt? *t trq^r *Ff*T W | fa ;3RT ^t faftl tr=p ft | iflT *PTl? ?W J% !B¥ * q ^ r ?n ^ t | I t f a * ,sr*fr 5rp ft*sprr w | srfa* Aft s w t q f ^ r t % q w R q r f ^ K ft *ft sjfcr w | tfk *ptt t*rt TT^rftr- t| f ?ftr ^3* ^T IN'dlfaHSM ^r* *ft ft qmT | «ftr * ^t^tt g f**f5T* W=5?Sr cTCf ft *PT* q^ 5Tt q f TfP*r qrcr ?t w vxo q^t? ^qq ifr ?r^ft fa *nft % ir^rrfim* A t faer*t | I f m f^qTff*Td TT Voo spft? w t sftr ?Frm ? ^ rr¥ * ^ T ^seft t «fk «rf As TTinp fcfrr ^ft ^ ^ W ? WTT ? t eft q «iH«il s*TfefT ^ fa ^ f^TTS eft ^ T O T ^ 1 «F*T t I qft Tn^rrfTR ?ft* ^r =pt ftrsifcft «Pt w q 5rr* % f^rq w ^ ?mr ^et *ftft ^t «mr | f«F W ^ r ?rat >ft qnq5t * f t | ^ tq r- ^rm % w i^ mw t?r^r qr #fe?F « fk ^ ^ t w r i z z A ^ r *«ftTt «ftx 5fhr % m z U W K ^trt faw ®^t 5?eft *ff t *rf 2&2X Railway B u dg et- IT FEBRUARY JjOO# G*mwI Ditcwio*

[ « f t ij® * • a N ] rft fcrr iftr A gwfar v ’ctt j 3ft « N | fifln jr # w f» s |R w v w „fa * ?Rvnr vnfarft ^5t ■ni^fi i I ffr 1 1 iN j wrz^f f»m^ ^ ^far f * vr t?v 3* * t $ %ttx s * % fa# fT^ I w w »TF?rrpr tft | $ s r ft ^ ITO R R %ttt f i *jf fSi^it * f k J?f | f a ?Rqf» ?ft fir % fa far far «rf*Rt f t eras # # % fa ?f»* p t t xn rft ww *r «rk fonj 13* ars *rft rfftR ^«r sr% arfar ^ tffem ?Rwtf uflr ^r* r*r*R *ft *h r ^r*»rr Ufa sift | %fafr 5pc« s r ft # v r# ft ftfm W$* I f fa> *TR f?R ^R # tfefligsr ft 5 T R R 3TT?it | «ftT f a * ^7 f a ^ * 3T§?T IT rfft # #ift *ftW «flT Mt ts tr faf sjwer *r^R *r r*FR «rtr *pft 55n%r ®r? » r yt ar^rr It ft «ft*t cTTffa tft TTffT rT*RT f I $m ft fsys wrfa % *sr * farm t, sfa: w r t ^ r viNrrt sfa ^ «fr ^t fJTTt *T# fsPTR * | ift? ^ VI *t W ? I fa SPTT ^TPft ?TRRT ^ I pT ^ f *PT *3 3' Uppf 3* eft STTT fa faTRT ST^T T^IT | ^sfa?T ^ft «Pt T t T ^ r aimT fa try «PT ^ SpST =srrrft f, i *Pft mi *n?R ^ R «ft ^ 9o ^rnc ufay uRfofr vt it ft^ | u %ftK arfr ^o f^nrr *?t rR ^ T f * tr#ar q y HTT *T *fa * ^id'jrq't yt ^faft ^t ^ ft fasrpff t o ^ fWt an ^ | w fraw 1833 JtailiMjr Budget— ST FKBRUARV* 1958 Statement re: tf|»| General Dtatfssion Accident at the firing range at Ambala «pwr aft fbue «ft ^ rt *ft ST ffcft t I * «Ff?IT ^ T T g ft :*fr vnrofr V7$ft | *if *rf fvRrhr ’f* s^?ft ?*n* tin *^*re*,f*T5r>f)r*mv $ fa ar* f*r *?tot w rr vt ^ *ftr ^ arft ^t^pj^RT" f ?ft 3*r % tpnr A f * wfr ufaftnfrft «F|TT f t w mi W3T$r 5'mr « tit fa^ft 1 cf*F I^JfW v wt# «ttt ?r «tk *rnrr ^ srrr vt^rnr— WRT *Tf $ ft %, m 5?r w?n# ht7^Rktt t % 3WT aft $5 fw «TRTT * m ^ % srftpF ^r^mr ^ ^5 ?rt M i ^t?it ^ ^*i5nf ^r, eft sft wrr wnr ^r % ^ WTT^r *?fcZ nr *ft irmft % ^ f t srraf »tw ^ t f t fWT* f*T WRRT «FHt ^ £c*T !P^Tf | j r t o A w r v x * c» 'Nfr am rfr * ^ .^J<,»T f?I»T TWT I ^f)- 5TFT «T^T^T *Trft g $ WVS t f t *PTT fttft ifj «TRTT ?ft *17 I # jp^T f t W m - zten 1 ^ ^ r ^ t ^err, *rrr >fr ^>rr, ft jfw ^ sfr^r fn ?rt *5ft* TT3F firfvffZT fTTfSf ^ 3rrf,^ | ^ *pt s r:

11 hr*. Mr. Speaker: The hon. Member may continue his speech tomorrow. tfferft fW *Jf *?*ft% $3T ft H5 ^ wt # «Pfr, f t ^ tiv t ^ ^fir- STATEMENT RE: ACCIDENT AT w ^ r c ^r g w m # w g w fr q¥ orRft THE FIRING RANGE AT AMBALA | I WTfltfft t I WjRT ?TOrt 5? qf The Deputy Minister of Defense I f% v t i 1 1 %ft*r % m q f (Sardar Majtthia): Government deep­ ly regret to have to inform the House- m p ff ^ fwr # ^ ( that an Officer, a Junior Commission­ *ft m s *rnft % *7# # ^j?r ed Officer and an Other Rank wer* :a $25 Statement re: 27 HSBBtftrar 1*8 Ao 0i0 mt at tilt a8 *« /IfWRf WWJt w Ambola [Saidar Majilbia] killed and a Driver and another their lives in the course of duty In ito Other Rank injured in an explosion service of the country. AJthoUgh which took plactt in Naraingarh nothing will serve to replace the great Ranges on the 22nd February 1998 at grief of the bereaved, the sympathy about 5-80 p .m . of the Government and. this House will, we hope, in some small measure, Field firing practice is carried out help to assuage the feelings of grief of every year at the above-mentioned the bereaved and be of some consola­ range. This time after the firing ex­ tion to the fellow officers and men ercise was over a party consisting of who worked with them and feel thfeir one Officer, one Junior Commissioned loss very deeply. We also hope that ■Officer and three Other Ranks of a the next-of-kin and others bereaved Field Regiment had been detailed, in will find the strength to make the accordance with the Safety Regula­ readjustments imposed upon them by tions, to mark out the unexploded this unfortunate accident. shells known as blinds in the Army, A Court of Enquiry in accordance in Naraingarh Ranges near Ambala with established Army Rules has been after a firing exercise had taken place. convened. No further particulars are While in the process of marking the available at present nor can they be blinds, one blind is reported to have given until the findings of the Court exploded resulting in the death of 2nd of Enquiry are received. Lieut. C. A. Pathak, Jemadar Surat Singh, IDSM, and Operator, Wireless Mr. Speaker: This accident took Artillery, Sukhcharan Singh and in­ place on the 22nd February. As far juries to Driver Chanderbhan, and as possible, unless it occurred late last Operator, Wireless Artillery, Gur- evening or only this morning, such •charan Singh. statements may be made early in the day when the House is full. The next-of-kin of the deceased Sardar Hukam Singh (Bhatinda): I were informed about the unfortunate was told that the hon. Minister had to accident immediately after its occur­ go somewhere tomorrow. rence. Pensionary awards, in accord­ ance with the rules, will be made in Mr. Speaker: That is all right. The favour of the dependents of the de­ House now stands adjourned till ceased personnel promptly. 11 a .m . tomorrow. 17-04 hrs. Government would like to pay their The Lok Sdbha then adjourned till tribute in this House to the deceased Eleven of the Clock on Friday, the •Officers and the Other Rank who lost 28 th February, 1958.. 2837 DAXLY DIGEST 2838 [Thunday, rftk FAruary, 1958] •ORAL ANSWERS TO Ooujmns WRITTB ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS . 2607—44 QUESTIONS— eontd. S.Q. Subjtct S.Q. Subjtct Columns No. No. 5V> Bharat Sevak Stmaj 2607—11 559 Industrial Estate in Andhra Ptadesh 2650 s 31 Peaceful uses of Atomic Energy . 2611-22 560 Indian Trade Delegation to West Germany 2650 S3* Shipping for Cement Import . 26x2— 14 561 Displaced Persons from West Pakistan . 2651 533 Foreign Exchange 2614—16 562 Sivaraman Committee . 2651-52 S34 Refugees in Lahore Camp 2617—20 563 Salt Industry in Orissa . 2652 535 Iron Of* to Poland 2620— 22 564 Dock Workers Advisory Committee 2652 Film Institute and •536 565 Strike in West Boksro Him Finance Cor­ Colliery . poration . 26221—24 2652-53 5 66 Closure of Textile Mills 538 Mineral Sands 2624— 26 in Vidharbha . 2653 539 Import Advisory Coun­ Hastinapur Township . cil . 2626-27 567 2653-54 568 Strike by Calcutta Dock •540 Naga Administrative Workers Unit 2627— 30 2654 54i Handloom Industry in 569 Dock Workers of Madras Punjab 2630-31 Port 2654-55 U.SQ. 542 Indian Trade Exhibi­ No. tion in Sudan . 2631 668 Coal Mines Committee 2655 544 Export of Shoes to Po­ land and Russia 669 Committee on Building 2631— 34 Civil Engineering and 548 Ambar Charkha 2634— 36 Public Workers 2655-56 550 Documentary film 670 Accommodation for Gov­ ‘‘Pilgrimage to Free­ ernment offices is dom” 2636— 38 Delhi 2656-57. 552 Nationalisation of Road 671 Accommodation for Gov­ Transport in Punjab . 2638— 40 ernment Employees 553 Expori of Wool 2640-41 in Bombay 2657 so 556 Expenditure on the N Employment Exchanges 2658 Second Plan 2641—44 673 Compensation Claims . 2658 WRITTEN ANSWERS TO 674 Applications for Com­ QUESTIONS . 2644-83 pensation 2658-59 S.Q. 675 Nangal Fertilizers No. Factory . 2659 537 Plantation Inquiry Com­ mission on Coffee 676 Registered Companies and Rubber 2644 in Punjab 2660 •543 Displaced Persons in 677 Tourist Films 2660-61 Orissa 2644-45 678 Reception to Foreign ‘545 Coal Mines Bonus Visitors by Delhi Scheme 2645 Municipality . 2661 ■546 Irrigation Projects in 679 Indian Cinema Halls Orissa 2645-46 in Rangoon 2662 •547 Small scale and cottage 680 Bharat Sadhu Samaj 2662-f) Industry in Ghana ^646 681 Import of Consumer 549 Non-Ferrous Metals 2646-47 Goods 2663-64 •S5i Publicity on Second 682 Peaceful Uses of Atomic Five Year Plan 2647 Energy . 2664 '554 Displaced Persons 683 National Development Claims . 2648 Council . 2664-68 *555 Trade with West 684 Export of Iron and Germany. 2648-49 Manganese Ores 2668 ■557 Export of Iron Ore 2649 685 Titanium . 2668-69 Industrial Estate in Assam 2649-50 686 Second Five Year Flan . 2669 Daily Duarr 2830

WRITTEN ANSWERS TO PAPER LAID ON THE QUESTIONS—***/ TKBLBr—eontd' U.S.Q. Subject Columns Columm No. with the Audited Ac­ counts for the year 1956- <87 Government Purchases. 2669-70 57, under sub-section (t) of Section 639 of the 688 Industrial Cooperatives Companies Act, 1956. in Himachal Pradesh 2670-71 689 Radio Sets . 2671-72 (a) A copy of each of the 690 Low Income Group following * statements Housing Scheme 2672 showing the action taken by the Government <91 Export of Indian Films 2671 on various assurances, 692 Central Scheme in promises and under­ Punjab . 2673 takings given by Minis­ ters during the various 693 Transportation of Hu­ man Labour sessions shown against 2673-74 each:— «94 Indian missing in Ka­ rachi 2674 (i) Third Session, 695 Pakistani Nationals 2674-75 Statement No. II 1957 of Seooncf 696 Conference of Chief Lok Sabha. Ministers on East Pakistan Di*placed (ii) Supplementary Second Session, Persons 2675 StatementNo. VIII 1957 of Second* Lok Sabha 697 Industries under Second Five Year Plan 2676 (iii) Supplementary First Session, 698 Cottage and Small StatementNo. IX 19*7 of Second Scale Industries 2676-77 Lok Sabha 699 Sujj^ie^ dropped in 26 77 (iv) Supplementary Fifteenth Session* 700 Meeting of Partition StatementNo. VIII 1957 of First Body 2677-78 Lok Sabha. '701 Uranium Ore 2678 702 Madurai Ramnad STATEMENT BY MINISTER 2689-90. Chamber of Com­ merce 26'8-79 The Minister of Defence Passports 26~9-8o (Shri Krishna Menon) made 703 a fur her statement regarding 704 Cottage Industries 2680 the explosion of ammunition 706 Textile Mills 2680-81 wagons at a railway siding near Pathankot. 707 Employment Exchange 2681 708 Trade with Tibet 2681 REPORT OF COMMITTEE 709 Tea Production . 2681-82 ON ABSENCE OF MEM­ BERS FROM THE SIT­ 710 C.P.W.D. . . . 2682 TING OF THE HOUSE- 7x1 C.P.W.D. . 2683 PRESENTED 269c MOTION FOR ADJOURN­ Fifth Report was pre­ MENT 2683— 87 sented. The Speaker withheld his consent to the moving of two ELECTION TO COMMITTEE 2690-91 adjournment motions given notice of by Shri Narayan The Deputy Minister of La­ Ganesh Garay and Shri Braj bour (Shri Abid Ali) moved for Raj Singh regarding the report­ the election of Member from ed hanger strike by Shnmati among the Members of Lok Sudhabai Joshi in a jail in Goa. Sabha to be a member of the Employees State Insurance PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE 2688 Corporation. The following papers were The Motion was adopted. laid an die Table.: (z) A copy of the Annual RAILWAY BUDGET, 1958-59 2691— 2824: Report of the Hindustan General Discussion on Housing Factory (Pri­ the Railway Budget vate) limited along continued. D aily D igest 283a

Column Column STATEMENT BY MINISTER 2824—26 AGENDA FOR FRIDAY, 28th FEBRUARY 1958—contd. The''Deputy Minister of continued. Private Members Defence (Sardar Majithia) ] motions and Resolutions. Pre­ made a statement regarding the sentation of the General explosions at the Army Firing Budget, 1958-50, and introduc­ Range at Axnbala on the 22nd tion of the following Bills— February, 1958. 1. The Finance Bill, 1958 AGENDA FOR FRIDAY, 2. The Gift-Tax Bill, jBTH FEBRUARY, 1958. 1958. Ganeral discussion on the 3. The Estate Doty (Amendment) Bill 1958. MM t Bridget, >058-59.