Staff Report PLANNING DIVISION COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT To: Salt Lake City Planning Commission From: Michael Maloy, AICP, Senior Planner, at (801) 535-7118 or
[email protected] Lynn Lyons, Planning Intern, at (801) 535-7757 or
[email protected] Date: January 27, 2016 Re: PLNHLC2015-00032 Yalecrest–Harvard Heights Local Historic District Designation Zoning Map Amendment PROPERTY ADDRESS: Approximately all parcels on Harvard Avenue between 1300 and 1500 East Street including 1133 S 1400 East, but excluding 1147 S 1300 East Street, 1309 E Harvard Avenue, 1327 E Harvard Avenue, 1339 E Normandie Circle, 1355 E Normandie Circle, and 1359 E Harvard Avenue. PARCEL ID: See table in Attachment C – Parcel Identification MASTER PLAN: East Bench Master Plan, Low Density Residential (5-6 units/acre) ZONING DISTRICT: R-1/7,000 Single-Family Residential District, and YCI Yalecrest Compatible Infill Overlay District REQUEST: This is a request by Amy and Cory Reid, property owners, to designate a new local historic district known as Yalecrest-Harvard Heights. The proposed district contains 42 parcels and is generally located on Harvard Avenue between 1300 and 1500 East in the Yalecrest neighborhood (see Attachment A – Application). The request is before the Planning Commission because the local historic district designation process requires the Commission to hold a public hearing and forward a recommendation to the City Council, which has final decision- making authority for this type of request. RECOMMENDATION: Based on the analysis and findings of the staff report, it is the opinion of Planning staff that the proposed local historic district meets the applicable standards and therefore, recommends the Planning Commission forward to the City Council a recommendation to approve the request.