Vol26 1 2 33 42.Pdf
........,SAVING _____ FACE "" ___ .,...,..,.. ......... -........... ---~""--~ y,....,,..,___flool-........~~~~~~~ -·-...... o...M~-· .... t-s...... -..-....a_,.~ ......... , __..__ • ,_ ______ a.- ... _ ~.._._..,...... .. ,,. c. -----.••!IIIIo»- • ., ...'!~ ...... .. ...,.... _ ........ ~- ,,. ...... _............ a-.-.Qoo~os.oo.--·,..,......_ __, __ ... ......-t~oflhl '-·---..... , Ill..-.--.. ...... :::-:=..:::-:::::_Qt.,._ Michela n gelo Saba t i no Eric Arthur: Practical Visions A master of any art avoids excess and defect, but seeks the inter mediate and chooses this- the intermediate not in the object but relatively to us. (Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics , Book IJ , n. 6) orced to contend w ith the aftermath of the Age of Histori Fcism, the practice of contemporary architecture has oscillat ed unrelentingly between anxiety over the new and desire for Fig. 1. Saving Face (University Theatre fayade / 10 Bellair Avenue Condominiums, 100 Bloor continuity with the old. Consequently, it is not surprising that Street West) Luis Jacob, 2001 . the act of remembering has often been more opportunistic than (digital print from set of six, 38. 1 x 30.5 em) opportune. Why remember Eric Ross Arthur, the New Zealan der who, fo llowing architectural studies in England, immigrat ed to Canada in order to teach at the University of Toronto? Why is an exhibition that assesses the work and legacy of Arthur as architect and educa tor opportune today? Did his practi ca l vi sions - a combinati on of ambitious idealism and astute rea l ism - make a significant contribution to twentieth century Canad ia n architectural culture? Was Arth ur more than a local hero or charismatic opinion maker? If so, how was his role dis tinctive in relationship to other architects in Canada of his gen eration? For those w ho are familiar with the impact of Arthur in Toronto and across Canada during a producti ve professional li fe that spanned from the early 1920s to the earl y 1980s, the answers to these questions are typica ll y affirmati ve.
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