CURRICULUM VITAE Personal Data:- Name: KARANJA, Anne Mumbi (PhD) Nationality: Kenyan Sex: Female Marital Status Married with three children Current Position: Senior Lecturer and Deputy Head of Department, Department of Social Sciences, Catholic University of Eastern Africa Senior Technical Advisor, Social Development Expert, Technical Advisory Group - Civil Society Urban Development Programme (CSUDP Office address: Catholic University of Eastern Africa Department of Social Sciences, P. O. Box 62157- 00200, Nairobi, KENYA Tel. +254 -889101/06. Ext. 2300 or 2290 Fax: +254-20-891261 Email address:
[email protected] Home Address: P. O. Box 24334-00502, Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254- 020- 884253 Cell: - +254 (0)722 670 494 Email:
[email protected] Educational qualifications:- 2005 Ph.D. Development Studies - Institute of Social Studies, Eramus University, The Netherlands Thesis topic: - Solid Waste Management in Nairobi: Actors, Institutional Arrangements and Contributions to Sustainable Development. Published: - Shaker Publishing B.V., Maartenslaan 26, 6221 AX, Maastricht, The Netherlands, See or Promoters: - Prof. I.S.A Baud- University of Amsterdam, Urban Development Research Associates and Prof. A.H.J Helmsing- International Institute of Social Studies, Local and Regional Development Programme, The Hague, The Netherlands 1993 M.A. Sociology - University of Nairobi, Department of Sociology. Thesis Topic: Rural Male Out-migration: Impacts on Rural Farm Production Capacity: The Case of Mathira Division,