The Beginnings of Christian Universal History From Tatian to Julius Africanus Martin Wallraff Theologische Fakultät, Universität Basel, Nadelberg 10, CH-4051 Basel, Email:
[email protected] When one speaks of Christian historiography in antiquity, the fi rst thing that usually comes to mind is “Church history” in general and Eusebius’ great achievement in this fi eld in particular. Eusebius is called “the father of Church history”, and quite rightly so1. However, one tends to forget the fact that this new literary genre was not an immediate success story. Following a few successors in the fourth and fi fth centuries2, Christians did not write Church histories any longer for almost a thousand years. During this millennium – the Middle Ages – Christian historiography found its main expression in a different genre that became very popular, both in the East and in the West: chronicles, in many cases world chronicles, i.e. works in which the whole history of the world, or rather of mankind is described. Christian chronography also originated in antiquity, and the honorary epithet “father of Christian chronography” has been given to Julius Africanus (third century), whose Chronographiae (or what survives of it) are now accessible in a new critical edition3. The present paper deals with this aspect of early Christian historical thought. Even if it is correct to call Julius Africanus the father of Christian chronography, fatherhood is often problematic: mater semper certa, pater incertus est. So, it might be worthwhile to ask again in which sense Julius Africanus is a father – and what exactly the child is called.