Alabama VeterinarianA Biannual Publication for ALVMA Members, Veterinary Students and Friends of the ALVMA Spring 2015 | Volume 26 | Number 1 Conference for Food Animal Veterinarians Recap Page 7 Is your practice prepared for a natural disaster? Page 18 Learn, Play, Relax, Repeat. 2015 Emerald Coast Veterinary Conference Page 10 PRACTICE BROKERAGE VALUATIONS FINANCING BUSINESS EDUCATION CONSULTATION for VETERINARIANS Our business and financial expertise and our effective marketing strategies distinguish us from other “practice brokers” CALL US, WE CAN HELP YOU Alethea “AJ” Gammage DVM 334.303.2727 direct
[email protected] H. Winston Pirtle Sr. DVM JD 334.399.2059 direct
[email protected] Ray C. Baas, Principal 504.957.5506 direct
[email protected] Serving clients in AL, AR, LA, MS, TN & CO Proud Sponsor of the ALABAMA VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION COMING SOON [An Affiliate of DVM CONSULTANTS®] Connecting Employer DVMs with Prospective Employee DVMs in the Gulf South In Every Issue Letter From the executive director . 4 Letter From the president . 6 From your state veterinarian . 16 Matters of law . 17 Welcome new members . 21 7 AAVMC University Update: Auburn & Tuskegee . 28, 29 “50 AND FORWARD” Special Features CELEBRATION ALVMA Annual Food Animal Conference recap . 7 LAUNCHES DURING ECVC conference preview . 10 MARCH 2015 Is your practice prepared for a natural disaster? . 18 CONFERENCE Is there a practical way to write an emergency action plan for a natural disaster? . 20 10 Washington, D .C ., March 13, 2014 – The Association of American Veterinary Must know Facebook changes for 2015 . 22 Medical Colleges (AAVMC) launched its Power of 10 .