CSNC PO Box 98 Bentleigh East 3165 Website: www.csnc.com.au Email:
[email protected] On the Ball Issue 7 October, 2008 Caulfield South Netball Club e-Newsletter Welcome to Edition 7 of On The President’s Message Ball. Once again, we have lots of information for you, The morning for the photo shoot started off bright and sunny Please take the time to read it with a breeze, and unfortunately turned into a rainy, gusty day at all - and we would really appreci- the courts. Thank goodness we had an indoor alternative for the ate some feedback regarding the Newsletter. Is there any- shoot with the bulk of the team’s photos being taken indoors. thing that you would like to see included? A big thank you to Helen Thompson for organising Kanagroo Pho- tos, our photographer on the day was very easy to work with, Good luck to all teams for the which was much appreciated. It looked like a number of girls/ final few games of the Season - teams were having a few laughs during their shoot, so we look for- Ladders are on page 3 and if the ward to seeing the results next month. results keep continuing, Caulfield South look like having a number of teams in the Finals again. The feedback regarding the Club Uniforms has been very positive. Many girls can’t wait till the Winter Season 09 to get their new Karen Long dresses. It will be very exciting to see all our teams in the new Editor Club colours and uniform for Round 1.