Vehicle Noise
m WYLIE LAIOflATO RI IEtl _rl. ! f. WYLE RESEARCH REPORT i '_Li WR ! i_ LIGHT VEHICLE NOISE,. VOLUME If- IMPLEMENTATION AND EVALUATION OF A ILl _ "_ EMISSIONS OF LIGHT VEHICLES _ [_ OPERATING IN URBAN AREAS _._ TEST PROCEDURE TO MEASURE THE NOISE _.: For U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Office of Noise Abatement and Control _[ Arllngtont Virginia 22202 ! -- Contract No. 68-01-3518 !i, i j ',*'J By _.,i -- I_ n H, CL _ r ,_* -- Paul R. Doon.aar;va,.,n ;: ..! V|jay K. Kohli _. '; WYLE RESEARCH _ ,' Arlington, Virginia 22202 "' " November 1978 _';'_ . 2,;_,. L: N M ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Theauthorswould like to expresstheir appreclatian for theassistanceand guidance providedby Mr. RodJenkins of the Office of Noise Abatementand Control. The field testing programconductedat Marana, Arizona, would not have been -- possiblewithout the considerablesupportgivenby membersof the Wyle staff, in partic- - ulor, Jerome ThompsonandLee Stewartfor managementof field operations, RanBrown -- for directing thevehicle tests, John Wood, BrianCurrier, andEdBroganzafor designing -- and maintaining the _nstrumentationsystem,Mike Colgate forpreparingthe computer - sof_are, andBobCrolg_ PaulBrewer, Bill Whitel Jim Lockhart,and George Fangwho laboredfor longhoursunderdifficult conditionsto conductthe tests. I "1 finally, the authorswould like to expresstheir gratitudeto the following auto- mobile manufacturersfor theirasslstonce'n acqu_nngtestrob'ales: BritishLeyland, BMW, Chrysler, Datsun, Fiat, ford, General Motors, Mercedes-Benz, Peugot, Renault, RoilsRoyce, Saab, _ [_ and Volkswagen. II /.l t'! i WYL_ LASJOItAlr OR I Ee q ! TABLEOF CONTENTS -l Page J 1 0 INTRODUCTION 1 1 __ 2.0 DESCRIPTIONOF VEHICLE TESTS................. 2-1 :: : i __ 2.1 TestFacilities andInstrumentation .............. 2-1 i 2,2 Vehicle Selection ....................
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