NSIAD-93-15 Weapons Acquisition: a Rare Opportunity for Lasting Change
1% WI&NW, 9 GAO Comptroller General of the United States s WEAPONS ACQUISITION A Rare Opportunity for Lasting Change 148208I GAO/NSIAD-93-lS/December 199‘2 Preface The United States today is in a position of unprecedented military strength and national security. Its strategic nuclear forces, together with its conventional forces numbering over 400 battle force ships, 5,000 combat aircraft, 10,000 tanks, and numerous other combatant platforms equipped with missiles, bombs, projectiles, and other munitions, are a visible sign of the enormous military power it possesses. While these weapons provide a military capability that no other country is in a position to successfully challenge, their acquisition was, in many cases, fraught with significant problems. Although improvements have been made in the acquisition process over the years, the same kinds of problems can be seen in today’s acquisitions. Why, with an increased emphasis on sound development and testing of weapons, do we still witness major commitments to programs, such as the B-2 bomber and the Airborne Self-Protection Jammer, without first demonstrating the system will meet critical performance requirements? Why, with improved cost-estimating policies and procedures, do we still see the unit costs of weapon systems, such as the DDG-51 destroyer and the C-17 transport, doubling? Why, with the increased emphasis on developing systems that can be efficiently produced and supported, do we have weapons, such as the Advanced Cruise Missile and Apache helicopter, that encounter costly production and support problems? Clearly, problems are to be expected in major weapon acquisitions, given the technical risks and complexities involved.
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