The Pantheon, Or, Fabulous History of the Heathen Gods, Goddesses
. ^X?^^^o?iliif/iicce^ ; PANTHEON:TT H P" O R, FABULOUS HISTORY OF THE HEATHEN GODS, GODDESSES, HEROES, &c. Explained in a Manner entirely new And rendered much more ufeful than any hitherto publiflied. ADORNED WITH Figures from ancient Paintings, Medals, and Gems, for the Use of thofe who would underiland History, Poetry, Painting, Statuary, Coins, Medals, &c. WITH A Dissertation on the Theology and Mythology of the Heathens, from the Writings of Moses, the ^Egyptian, Grecian, Roman, and Eastern Historians, Philosophers, Ports, &c. By SAMUEL B Q Y S E, A.M> WITH AN APPENDIX, Treating of their Astrology, Prodigies, Auguries, Auspices, Oracles, &c. in which the Origisi of each is pomted out; and an Historical Account of the Rife of Altars, Sacred Groves, Priests, and Temples. By WILLIAM COOKE, A.M. Late ReAor of Oldbury, Vicar of Enford, Chaplain to the Earl of Suffolk, and Author of the Medallic Hiftory of Imperial Rome, a vols, in 4to. THE SEVENTH EDITION. to which is now first added, A furtherlLLUSTRATiONof theDii Majores of the Romans, particularly adapted to the Classics. DUBLIN: Printed roR J. JONES, No. iii, GRAFTON-STREEr. M.DCC.KCII. \\ TO HIS GRACE HENRY, DUKE OF BEAUFORT. MAY IT PLEASE YOUR GRACE, IT has been long objeded to the mo- dern method of education, that fo great and valuable a part of youth is fpent amid ft the ruins of Idolatry ; whence an early taint and corruption (hard to be got over) both in principles and morals, has fometimes enfued. Indeed the Heathen Theology is fo interwoven with the writings of the ancients, and makes fo large a part of claflical learn- ing efpecially, as to be utterly infepa- rable from it.
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