Study Materials for 4-H Entomology

March 2010, version 1.1


I. Introduction 2

II. Structure of 3

III. Metamorphosis 6

IV. Classification 7

V. and Arachnid Orders 7

VI. Study List of Common Texas 8

VII. Insect Importance and Management 8

VIII. Collection and Preservation of Insects 8

IX. Glossary 13

X. Information Sources 17

The information in the 4-H Entomology curriculum was developed by many people over the last 40 years. This 2010 revision, including this workbook and all internet-based resources, was created by Noel Troxclair and Patrick Porter, but they used material developed during the prior years. John Jackman, Bonnie Pendleton and Scott Armstrong conducted the last revision of 4-H Entomology in 2003. The current authors wish to acknowledge and thank all of the people who worked on this program in the past. 2

I. Introduction 4-H entomology contests consist of two parts: Why Study Insects? (1) a written examination; and (2) insect identification. Each part is worth 50 percent Insects are extremely diverse and make up of the total score. The written examination more than half of the species on earth. consists of true and false, multiple choice, Insects are important as decomposers, matching or completion questions prepared pollinators, predators, and pests. They also mainly from the study material in this are fascinating organisms with a wide range document. Actual insect specimens, many of of behavior and life styles. Many insects also which will be selected from the enclosed list, are admired for their beauty. are used in the identification portion of the contest. This document provides suggested Understanding insects and recognizing key material to prepare for the contests, but note species is important because insects that this study material in not the sole source significantly affect crop production, livestock, of information used in the contests. human health, buildings, and our food. Insects are important in food webs and are District contests consist of three age critical organisms in the recycling of divisions: junior, intermediate and senior. materials in the environment. Studying The contests are prepared for those age insects is well justified with all of the groups. Material suggested for junior, significant things that insects impact. intermediate and senior contestants are reflected in this document. District contests Studying insects is a challenge because there and state contests are similar but the state are many kinds with unique characteristics. contest is typically more challenging. Tie- Moreover, the vocabulary used in entomology breaker questions are included with the is specific to insect study. Nevertheless contest. If there is still a tie, then spelling is learning about insects can be fun and provide used. Further ties will be decided with great understanding about the world in which additional questions. we live. One way to learn is to participate in contests. 4-H members should collect and study as many insects as possible in preparation for 4-H Contests these contests. Preparing a collection will help contestants learn identifying Entomology contests introduce youth to the characteristics, biology, hosts, behavior, etc. fundamentals of entomology and develop Photographs and slides should also prove skills in identification of common insects and useful in studying identification of the insects. their relatives. This document provides some basic information and an outline of materials that can be used to prepare for the contests. The basic entomological principles to be covered include: insect structure and function, metamorphosis, insect identification and importance of insects to humans. 3

II. Structure of Arthropods Figure 2. Beetle body parts Anyone studying insects should have a basic knowledge of insect structure. The following diagrams label the basic structural parts of insects.

To identify insects and understand their role in the environment, one must be acquainted with basic anatomy. Important features include types of mouthparts (chewing or piercing-sucking, including the modifications of these types), types of legs, (jumping, grasping, digging, swimming, running, etc.), and various modifications of wings, antennae, and other body parts. Anatomical features are useful in identifying habitat and food source. For example, we know that the praying is an excellent predator because its front legs are modified to grasp prey and because of its strong, chewing mouthparts.

Figure 1. Ant body parts 4

Figure 3. Spider body parts

Figure 4. Spider leg parts 5

Figure 5. body parts

Figure 6. Grasshopper leg parts 6

Figure 7. Grasshopper digestive tract

III. Metamorphosis 1. No Metamorphosis (or Ametabolous)

All insects undergo metamorphosis, a change Stages include egg, young, and adult. The in body form, as they develop from egg to main difference between the young adult. Insects with simple metamorphosis and adult is size. Adults are never undergo changes only in size, but insects with winged. more complex metamorphosis change in Examples: bristletails and silverfish many ways. The most complex changes occur in such groups as flies, wasps, butterflies and beetles. These insects have a 2. Incomplete Metamorphosis (or larval or caterpillar stage that looks nothing Hemimetabolous) like the adult insect. The best-known example is a worm-like caterpillar that Stages include egg, , and adult. changes to the pupal or cocoon stage and, Aquatic nymphs in these groups after many changes occur within the cocoon, sometimes are called naiads. a butterfly emerges. The three types of Examples: dragonflies, , metamorphosis found in the insects are: , mayflies, stoneflies 7

Sometimes additional groups are used that are 3. Complete Metamorphosis (or intermediate to the groups listed. These Holometabolous) groups often use a prefix of super- (above) or sub- (below) to indicate the position of the Stages include egg, larva, pupa, and adult. new group in the above list. Thus, The larvae look very different than the superfamily falls between order and family, adults. The larvae may have different while subfamily falls between family and feeding behavior and hosts than the genus. adults. The pupae are non-feeding and typically rather inactive. Scientists refer to a species with the genus Example: beetles, butterflies, flies, wasps name, the species name and the name of the author of the species which is the scientist who originally described the species. The IV. Classification genus name and species name typically are in italics, with the genus name capitalized but Classification of living organisms is based on not the species name. The author’s name is in a scheme of grouping similar organisms plain type and appears in parentheses if the together. Each group is in turn made up of genus name was changed by other authorities smaller groups that share even more since it was first described. Including the characteristics. The most precise group is a author’s name often avoids confusion when species. Individuals in a species are capable investigating the proper names for species. of interbreeding and reproducing additional members. Technically, entomology is concerned only with the study of the class Insecta in the Multicellular are classified into the Phylum Arthropoda (all animals with kingdom. The kingdom is further segmented legs, segmented bodies and divided into lesser groupings. The names of exoskeletons). However, entomologists often groups in a typical complete classification of study some members of other related classes species are (the example is for a honey bee, including: Apis mellifera Linnaeus): 1. Class Arachnida - (ticks, mites, spiders and Kingdom Animalia scorpions)

Phylum Arthropoda 2. Class Chilopoda - (centipedes)

Class Insecta 3. Class Diplopoda - (millipedes)

Order Hymenoptera 4. Class Malacostraca - (sowbugs and pillbugs) Family Apidae

Genus Apis V. Insect and Arachnid Orders

Species mellifera We have prepared a guide to Insect and Arachnid orders that can be found as a separate publication on this website. Please 8 refer to this guide for a summary of the spiders and other animals. These beneficial Orders. insects and spiders may act as predators which capture and consume or suck the body VI. Study List of Common Texas Insects juices from other insects; examples are lady beetles, praying mantids, green lacewings, On the main page of this website you will dragonflies, certain wasps, certain flies, find a study guide for the common insects of certain bugs and others. Other beneficial Texas that are required for each level of 4-H insects are parasites; whereby some Entomology. There is an html version for use developmental stage, usually the larva, infests with a web browser. This version has large the host insect from which it obtains photographs of each insect and occasionally protection and nourishment, usually causing shows more than one photograph per species. death of the host. Most parasitic insects that There is also a PDF version that has smaller attack other insects belong to the orders photographs but may be printed easily. Both Hymenoptera and Diptera. Some species versions have the same information. attack host eggs, others attack larvae or nymphs, others attack pupae, and still others VII. Insect Importance and Management attack the adult. Entomologists are trained to carefully evaluate the impact of beneficial Ninety-five percent or more of all insects are insects and spiders upon potentially damaging harmless or beneficial to man; however, some economic pests. are harmful and compete with man by attacking or destroying his food, clothing, The significance of any insect to people in structures and domestic animals. Also, agriculture, medicine, etc. is of great practical insects spread diseases affecting man and his importance. Not all insects are harmful; in animals. Man's goal is to develop ways to fact, many are considered very beneficial. regulate harmful insects without endangering For this reason, people should know the the beneficial species, creating human difference between pest insects and beneficial hazards, or damaging our environment. insects. Also, some insects cannot be Several tactics for insect control have been classified as either pest or beneficial. These developed, including: insect-resistant crops, insects are neutral or variable as far as people cultural practices, biological control, legal are concerned. Failure to discriminate among and regulatory measures, physical and these insects can lead to serious economic mechanical controls, and chemical control. losses and other problems.

Rarely is a single tactic satisfactory in controlling a pest species. A combination of VIII. Collection and Preservation of tactics is usually used for effective Insects management. Using the best or most appropriate combination of control tactics is Why Collect Insects? sometimes termed "integrated control" and has led to the concept of Integrated Pest The insect world includes some of the most Management (IPM). fascinating creatures ever to exist on earth. In size, they range from microscopic to several Biological control is an important aspect of inches in length. Many exhibit dazzling, integrated pest management. Damaging bright color patterns. Some insects are insects are attacked by various other insects, harmful to plants, animals and man, but most 9 insects are beneficial. Some insects, like accommodate specimens without cramping or honey bees, have been cultured by man for bending them. This requires large containers many generations. for dragonflies, butterflies, and other large, delicate insects. Adequate containers should Insects may be collected as a hobby and for be provided to prevent crowding as well as to the enjoyment of observing them as a part of isolate rare or delicate specimens. Some of nature. They may also be collected for the most available containers collectors use scientific studies. There is no better way to include: cigar boxes, pill boxes, jars, test learn about insects than to collect them. tubes, vials and medicine bottles.

When and Where to Collect Insects Sweep net. A sweep net is one of the most important pieces of equipment an insect Insects are present in virtually every habitat. collector should have. With a sweep net, the The more places a person looks for insects the collector can capture flying insects and greater will be the variety collected. Insects insects found on vegetation. The net may also may be found flying in the air or buried in the be used to collect aquatic insects. However, soil. They may be found in the water, on nets designed for collecting aquatic insects vegetation or under logs, stones and debris. are heavier than most sweep nets.

Insects are most abundant in the spring and Beating cloth. A beating-cloth or beating summer. However, insects can be collected umbrella may be placed beneath vegetation. any day of the year. Some species can be The vegetation is then shaken or beaten with found under bark, in rotting logs or under a stick. Insects dislodged from the bush or debris even on the coldest day of the year. shrub fall on the beating cloth and can be collected. Certain insects, such as moths, are active at night and may best be collected at night. Aspirator. An aspirator acts like a miniature Others, such as dragonflies and most beetles, vacuum cleaner. It is used to collect small are active during the day and are therefore insects. collected more easily during the day. Light traps. Light traps are used at night and Collecting Equipment attract a wide variety of night-flying insects. Many varieties of light traps exist. Some Many insect specimens are lost because collect the specimens alive and others draw proper equipment, such as a net, vial of the insects into a killing agent, such as alcohol or killing jar, is not available at the alcohol. time the specimen is sighted. The collector should be equipped to take advantage of any Bait traps. Bait traps are useful in collecting opportunity that may be encountered. many beetles and flies. The design of bait traps varies from elaborate devices to a Containers. The collector should be equipped simple tin can buried to soil level and baited with a variety of containers in which to hold with carrion or decaying fruit. The ingenious specimens collected. Many prize specimens collector will succeed in constructing a trap to are damaged or ruined because of inadequate fit his or her needs and desires. containers for holding and transporting. Containers should be large enough to 10

Bait. An effective bait can be made with fresh It is always a good idea to add a paper towel fruit. Fill half of a 1-gallon container with or a few tissues to the jar to absorb moisture mashed fruit, such as peaches and/or bananas, that will accumulate in the jar. Some and add a cup of sugar. Allow it to stand for collectors prefer to line the bottom of the jar about a week, but do not cover it tightly. with plaster of paris about an inch thick. To During this week, add a little more sugar to prepare jars using this technique, mix the the mixture each day to continue the plaster of paris with water, pour it into the jar fermentation process. Yeast can be added to and let it dry before you use it. speed up the process. Before using the bait, add about a cup of brown sugar to the The most common killing agent used in mixture. Apply the bait with a brush to the killing jars is ethyl acetate (finger nail polish trunk of trees in the early evening. By remover). Only a few drops of ethyl acetate nightfall there should be plenty of insects are needed in a killing jar because the vapor ready to be collected. kills the insects. You may need to add a few drops each day or whenever the insects do not Light sheets. A simple white sheet with a die quickly. As an alternative to killing bright light source shining on it can be hung agents, insects may be killed by placing them outside at night. This is an effective way to in a freezer overnight. attract moths and other nocturnal insects. Blacklights, mercury vapor lights or Remember that some insects should be killed incandescent lights are all good for attracting and preserved in alcohol. Rubbing alcohol is insects. good to use for this purpose. Vials or small bottles containing alcohol are needed to Berlese funnels. An effective trap for separate insect specimens for proper collecting small soil and leaf litter insects is maintenance of the collection. the Berlese funnel. This trap can easily be made by placing wire mesh into a funnel. Other equipment. A variety of other Position the funnel over a jar of alcohol and equipment and tools will come in handy on place a bright light source over the top of the any collecting trip. Some of the equipment a funnel. Add some soil and leaf litter to the collector should have are: forceps or funnel, turn on the light and wait 3 to 4 hours. tweezers, dissecting needle, a knife, The small insects in the material will try to magnifying glass or hand lens, notepad, escape from the light by burrowing down camel’s hair brush, vials of preservative, eye further into the material, past the wire mesh dropper and scissors. Other items that come and into the jar of alcohol. Use an eye in handy are: shoulder bag for equipment, dropper to remove the insects from the string, tape, rubber bands, glass slides, alcohol. cardboard, cotton, and insect pins.

Killing apparatus. Killing jars may be Preservation of Insect Specimens constructed in a number of ways. All consist of a container (usually a jar) with a killing Properly preserved insect specimens will last agent. Select a jar that has a tight lid that is indefinitely. There are various ways of easy to open and close. Use a jar that is large preserving insects. The proper method is enough to hold the insects you will collect. A based upon the type of insect to be preserved. wide-mouth quart jar is probably the largest Most are mounted dry on pins. Many small size needed, but smaller jars are more useful. specimens are best glued to small cardboard 11 points mounted on pins. Some are preserved they float to the top, which takes from one to in alcohol and others may be mounted on five minutes, according to size, then microscope slides. The following list will aid preserved in alcohol. Skipping the boiling in determining what method should be used water step allows enzymatic activity to for killing and preserving different adult continue in the insect, and this will cause it to insects. darken over time in the alcohol.

Kill and preserve in alcohol; mount on slides: Centipedes, millipedes, mites, spiders, ticks and other small arthropods, although they are Phthiraptera (lice) not insects, are frequently handled by Siphonaptera (fleas) entomologists. All these should be killed and Thysanoptera () preserved in alcohol. The smaller ones are usually mounted on slides. Kill in ethyl acetate; mount on pins: Pinned specimens. Properly pinned (roaches) specimens are valuable and useful. Improper Coleoptera (beetles) pinning detracts from the looks and value of Dermaptera () any specimen. Diptera (flies): Tiny ones may be killed and preserved in alcohol. Common household pins should not be used (bugs, aphids, scale insects and to pin specimens. Special insect pins should whiteflies): Kill in ethyl acetate vapor be used. Insect pins may be purchased in or alcohol; mount on pins. various sizes from a number of biological Hymenoptera (bees, wasps, ants, etc.): Small supply houses. Size 2 or 3 pins are used for gall wasps and parasites may be killed most specimens. Specimens should be in alcohol. mounted squarely, not at an angle. All Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies) specimens should be mounted at the same Mantodea (mantids) distance from the head of the pin. A pinning Mecoptera (scorpionflies) block may be used as a spacer to help keep Megaloptera (alderflies and dobsonflies) specimens and labels at a uniform height. (dragonflies) Neuroptera (lacewings, antlions, etc.) Pins are placed in specimens to avoid hiding (crickets, grasshoppers) or damaging appendages or areas used for (walkingsticks) identification. The standard methods for Trichoptera (caddisflies) pinning some of the common insects are:

Kill and preserve in alcohol: 1. Grasshoppers, katydids, etc.: Pin through the back part of the thorax to the right Ephemeroptera (mayflies) of the middle line. Isoptera () 2. Stink bugs and other large Hemiptera: Pin (stoneflies) through the scutellum to the right of (barklice) the middle line. Thysanura (silverfish) 3. Bees, wasps and flies: Pin through the thorax slightly behind the bases of the Larvae of insects should be killed in boiling forewings and to the right of the water and allowed to remain in the water until middle line. 12

4. Beetles: Pin through the right wing cover allowed to dry. Small specimens dry in one or near the base. two days while larger specimens may take 5. Moths, butterflies, dragonflies and several days. damselflies: Pin through the middle line of the thorax at the thickest point, Preserving in alcohol. Small soft-bodied between and slightly behind the bases insects such as aphids and thrips would soon of the forewings. dry out and shrivel or become distorted if not 6. Small specimens may be mounted by preserved in alcohol. Those insects that gluing the specimens to a paper or should be preserved in alcohol have been plastic point on a pin. listed previously. Many specimens (especially larvae) turn dark when preserved in alcohol. Relaxing chamber. Many times it is The smaller of these specimens may be impossible to pin specimens immediately prevented from turning black by replacing the after they have been collected and killed. alcohol about two to three days after the Most of these specimens dry in an awkward specimens have been preserved. Killing and or difficult position to pin. These specimens leaving large larvae in boiling water for one may be relaxed so that wings or legs may be to five minutes before placing them in alcohol moved, even months after they have been may prevent them from turning dark. collected. To accomplish this, the insects have to be placed in a relaxing chamber for a Mounting on microscope slides. Only very period of time. This allows muscle tissue to small insects such as thrips, lice and aphids absorb enough moisture to make them elastic. are usually mounted on slides. This technique requires special equipment and a certain A relaxing chamber is nothing more than a amount of skill. The specimens are placed on sealed container, such as a large jar, the left-hand side of a microscope slide and a containing sand or a similar media saturated drop of mounting medium is added. Then a with water. A bit of alcohol may be added to cover-slip is placed over the medium and prevent the growth of fungi. A wire screen or specimen. After the mounting medium dries, small dish is used to prevent the specimen the edges of the cover-slip should be sealed to from coming into direct contact with the wet prevent absorption of moisture which may media. Insects are placed in the container and stain the mount. Mounting on slides is an left until their appendages will move freely. excellent way to preserve and study small Specimens are then removed, pinned, spread soft-bodied insects. in the desired shape, and allowed to dry. To keep the insects from drying out, they can be Labeling specimens. A proper label greatly placed in the freezer for as many as three increases the scientific value of a specimen. days. All specimens, whether pinned, preserved in alcohol, or placed on slides, should be Spreading board. Spreading boards are properly labeled. structures used in spreading the wings and legs of insects and to hold them in the desired Minimally, a label should contain information position until they are dry. They may be made about the location where the specimen was from small pieces of soft pine, cork, balsa collected, the date collected and the name of wood or styrofoam or purchased from a the collector. Labels must be printed in biological suppy house. Insects are pinned on permanent ink, which is non-soluble in water the board, spread in the desired position and or alcohol. 13

Pinned specimens should have a proper label coreids - a member of the family Coreidae, attached below the specimen. Specimens order Hemiptera preserved in alcohol should have the label corium - the elongate, thickened basal inserted into the vial with the specimen, portion of the forewing of Hemiptera although many specimens have the label cornicles - tubular structure on each side of attached to the outside of the vial. Specimens the abdominal region from which mounted on slides should have the label glued pheromones or honeydew is expelled. to the upper side of the slide and to the right- coxa (pl. = coxae) - basal portion of the leg hand side of the specimen. crepuscular - having activity periods during low light levels at dawn and evening cursorial - adapted for running IX. Glossary dactyl - literally a finger or fingerlike projection on an insect body part alate - winged form of insect dealate - winged form that has shed its wings, aphid - an insect in the family Aphididae, like a reproductive or ant order Hemiptera, sometimes called a defoliate, defoliation - removal of foliage plant from plants, often by chewing insects beneficial insect - any insect that has a life detritivore - any organism that eats decaying style that is advantageous to man. organic matter Insects that preserve the balance of diapause - an insect resting stage, usually nature by feeding on others, induced by environmental signals or pollinators, and recyclers are extreme conditions like winter or examples of beneficial insects. summer carnivore - an insect that feeds on a living dimorphic - having two distinct forms animal dorsal - relating to or situated near the back caterpillar - the immature stage of any estivation (aestivation) - a resting stage Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) (quiescence) resulting from continued cephalothorax - e.g. spiders, a single body high temperature or xeric conditions; segment with the head (ceph) and diapause; hibernation chest (thorax) areas fused together exoskeleton - the outer portion of an insect cerci - paired appendages on the end of the body which may be relatively soft like abdomen of many insects which are a caterpillar or hardened like many used for sensing, defense or mating beetles chelicerae - front pair of appendages of an femur (plural: femora) - a segment of an arachnid often specialized with fangs insect leg; the third and usually the chewing (mouthparts) - any mouthpart that largest segment bites to feed; other mouthpart types filiform - linear shaped as the antennae of are piercing-sucking and sponging ground beetles clavus - the enlarged terminal antennal frass - solid larval insect excrement; plant segments that form a club fragments made by wood-boring collophore - a tube-like structure on the insects, usually mixed with excrement underside of the first abdominal furculum (plural: furcula) - the elongate segment of Collembola fork-like appendage on the end of the compound eyes - the large multi-faceted eyes abdomen (folds under the body) of of insects Collembola which is used as a spring action for leaping 14 genera - plural of genus; a genus is a group usually look very dissimilar from of plants or animals with similar adults. The stages are egg, larva, pupa characteristics and adult. Complete metamorphosis is girdle, girdling - damage of a plant that the most advanced type of circles the stem or branch cutting off metamorphosis and is found in the connective plant tissue Superorder . This group gradual metamorphosis - see includes lacewings, beetles, butterflies metamorphosis and moths, fleas, bees and wasps, and harmful insect - an insect pest that destroys several other orders. homes, buildings, crops or hurts incomplete metamorphosis animals (hemimetabolous) - This type of hemelytron (pl. = hemelytra) - the first wing metamorphosis does not include a of a Hemiptera which has the base pupal stage. Immature insects are more thickened than the memrbanous called nymphs (or naiads in some outer portion aquatic insects). The stages are egg, herbivore - an insect that feeds on living nymph and adult. The immature plants stages frequently look much like the imago - the adult stage of an insect adults, only they do not have fully instar - an insect stage between molts. The developed wings and reproductive term applies to juvenile stages only. organs. Incomplete metamorphosis is larval stage (larva, larvae) - an immature less advanced than complete insect, sometimes used to include all metamorphosis. Incomplete immature stages, even eggs. Usually metamorphosis is present in the this term refers more specifically to Paleoptera (mayflies and dragonflies) the feeding stages of insects with and Superorder Exopterygota complete metamorphosis like grubs, (stoneflies, cockroaches, grasshoppers caterpillars, and maggots. and several other orders.) lateral - relating to or situated near the side of no metamorphosis (ametabolous)- the body rather than the upper or There is no metamorphosis except for lower surfaces the gradual development of adult maggot - in most Diptera, legless larva reproductive structures. Insect groups lacking a distinct head, with cephalic with simple metamorphosis include (head) end pointed and caudal (rear) the Archaeognatha and Thysanura. end blunt The ametabolous insects are membranous - thin and semi-transparent; considered to be the most primitive like a membrane insects. mesothorax - the second section of the insect metathorax - the third section of the insect thorax which includes the attachment thorax which includes the attachment points for the second pair of legs and points for the third pair of legs and the the first pair of wings second pair of wings metamorphosis - change in form during an mite - a member of the order Acarina (ticks insect's growth and development and mites) complete metamorphosis molt, molting process - in insects, the process (holometabolous) - This type of of shedding the exoskeleton metamorphosis includes a pupal stage. naiad - a term for immature insects that are Immature insects are called larvae and aquatic from the orders Plecoptera, 15

Odonata, and Ephemeroptera. This within a host and causes the death of term is now being replaced by the the host, usually before it can more general term "immature" insect. reproduce. nasute (plural: nasuti) - a (type of) soldier in parthenogenesis - egg development without certain termites in which the head fertilization narrows into an anteriorly pointing pedipalps - second pair of appendages of the “nozzle” through which sticky cephalothorax corresponding to the defensive liquids are squirted. mandibles of insects necrosis - death of tissue in plants or animals petiole - the stalk that attaches the leaf blade nymph - an immature stage of to a stem hemimetabolous insects (those with phytophagous - plant eating; an insect using incomplete metamorphosis) plants as a food source ootheca (plural: oothecae) - a bean-like phytotoxemia - a toxic reaction in plants hardened egg capsule produced by predaceous insect (predator) - an insect that female cockroaches attacks and kills other insects osmeterium (pl. = osmeteria) - scent- proboscis - a nose, or in the case of producing area behind the tibia butterflies the coiled sucking overwinter - time spent during the winter mouthpart months. Insects are often in pronotum - the plate on top of the prothorax hibernation or at least rather immobile prothorax - the front part of an insect thorax in colder temperatures. which includes the attachment points ovipositor - the egg-laying apparatus of an for the front legs insect. The stinger of a bee is actually protozoan - a microorganism in the kingdom a modified ovipositor. Protozoa parasitic insect (parasite) - an insect that pseudergate (plural: pseudergates) - literally feeds on a host but does not kill it. means “false worker” because the Some insect parasites live on large pseudergate has at each molt four hosts like dogs, cows or man, and differentiation possibilities, including: usually do not kill them; however, 1) remaining a pseudergate, 2) it may most parasites, like fleas and lice, pass through two nymphal stages and keep an animal from being in "top become a winged adult, 3) it may pass condition." Some parasitic insects are through a presoldier stage or white good, since they destroy harmful soldier to a soldier, or 4) it may mold insects; others are harmful. In directly to a supplementary (teritary) entomology we often misuse the term reproductive "parasite" when we are talking about psocids - any insect in the order Psocoptera, an insect that lays its eggs in or on which includes booklice and barklice another insect and the developing pupal stage (pupa) - the stage in complete larva usually kills it. This common metamorphosis between larva and usage of the word is actually incorrect adult. For example, the cocoon in because, by definition, parasites do not butterflies directly kill their hosts. In this case the pustulate - pus-forming, as in spider bites insect would correctly be called a and red imported fire ant stings parasitoid (see below). rosetting - malformation of a plant resulting parasitoid - an insect that spends a in a bunched irregular growth of the significant portion of its life history leaves 16 scavenger - an insect that feeds on dead termite - any wood-eating insect in the order plants or animals Isoptera scutellum - a triangular shaped section on the back of Hemiptera and some soldier termite - a caste of termites with Coleoptera and Diptera. It is often the specific structures to defend the identifying characteristic of colony, such as large mandibles or Hemipterans. nasute heads with nozzles that secondary reproductive - a caste of produce sticky defensive substances. subterranean termite; also called worker termite - a caste of termites that supplemental reproductives. If these do most of the work in the colony. termites develop from nymphs, they Worker are called secondary reproductives termites can be all immature termites (primary reproductives are the king and forms that do not develop into and queen). If they develop from reproductive pseudergates, they are called tertiary forms or soldiers. reproductives. Supplemental reproductives may be responsible for tertiary reproductive termite - most of the egg production in the supplementary reproductives forming colony. from pseudergates soldier termite - see termite. tettigoniid - a family of Orthoptera often spinneret - a small tubular appendage from called long-horned grasshoppers which silk threads by spiders and which includes katydids many larval insects thorax - the second body segment of an stadium (pl. = stadia) - the period between insect. The thorax has all of the wings molts in a developing . An and legs attached to it. insect with an egg, three larval stages true bugs - insects in the order Hemiptera. and a pupal stage would have 5 stadia; They are usually characterized by a egg (1), larva (3) and pupa (1). Some scutellum, a triangular-shaped section authorities count the adult stage as a on the back. stadium. venation - the pattern of veins in the insect subgroup - a subset of a group with related wing characters. The term group is a vestigial - small, poorly developed, general and non-specific collection of degenerate, nonfunctional similar organisms regardless of wing pads - incomplete wing structures like taxonomic hierarchy. those formed on immature subimago - the first winged stage of a grasshoppers mayfly. This is the only order to have a winged stage that molts. The final stage is the imago, or adult. tarsi (plural) (singular is tarsus) - a foot. Insect feet are made of several segments and may have pads, hairs, or hooks. tegmen (plural: tegmina), a hardened covering like the forewing of many Orthoptera and Hemiptera 17

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