Jan 07, 2014 12:26 +08 Art of Anal

Anal play can be an enjoyable, stimulating and intensely erotic form of sexual exploration, both for men and women. For novices, however, the tools and preparation can seem a little daunting without some guidance. Thankfully, there's a wealth of sex toys, techniques and lubricant varieties out there made specifically to make anal masturbation more exciting and pleasurable, if you know how to use them. Here are some helpful tips to get you - and possibly your partner too! - started on the path to backdoor bliss:

Anal Douche: The process of douching involves filling a specially designed anal douche or bulb with comfortably warm water (be sure to test it first to make sure it isn't too hot!) and gently squeezing it into the anus via an insertable tube or stem. This "flushing" action helps clean the user inside and out for worry free play, and many find it fun to incorporate douching as foreplay by itself. Always follow the manufacturer's directions when using a douche, and feel free to partake no matter what your gender or gender expression - it's safe for everyone to try.

Anal Sex Toys: Using a to stimulate the anus and anal cavity can be incredibly fulfilling, but be sure to use a plug, or dildo that has a "flanged" base - a base that is wider than the part being inserted - to ensure easy and safe retrieval when the fun is done. Silicone toys are an excellent choice for play, as they can be boiled or bleached in a 10% solution to keep them sanitary between uses. A curved "G-Spot" or "prostate" style toy works very well for stimulating the prostate in men - a special super-sensitive group of nerves found just beyond the anal opening.

Advanced Anal Toys: Special varieties of adult novelties offer extra thrills to the daring. Anal beads, a series of uniform or graduated spheres on a string or flexible stick, are inserted into the wearer and pulled out, one by one, as orgasm occurs. This sensation increases pleasure and makes the "Big O" feel even bigger, report enthusiasts. Butt plugs, short, anatomically-shaped with a base shaped for safety and comfort, are inserted and intended for wearing for extended periods, either during sex or everyday activities. These plugs keep wearers in a state of perpetual backdoor arousal until they are removed.

Safe Sex and Lubrication: If a is going to be used both vaginally in a woman and anally in either a woman or a man, be sure to either select a silicone toy or cover the toy in a and wash the sex toy between orifices to keep from disrupting vaginal PH and bacterial balance. The anal passage does not, unlike a vagina, produce its own lubricant, so be sure to add a generous amount to keep things slick and comfortable. Many anal players who enjoy backdoor fun regularly recommend silicone-based lubricants, as they tend to last much longer and do not become sticky or tacky. Be cautious, however - silicone lubricants and silicone toys should not be used together, as silicone lube will actually partially "melt" the surface of a silicone toy over time. Stick to water-based lubes for silicone anal sex toys and you'll be A-ok.

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