Lithuanian Sports University Msc International

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Lithuanian Sports University Msc International LITHUANIAN SPORTS UNIVERSITY MSC INTERNATIONAL BASKETBALL COACHING AND MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME JAUNIUS DAVNIUKAS /signature/ PERFORMANCE PROFILE ANALYSIS: THE INSIGHTS OF ELITE MEN 3X3 BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT FINAL MASTER‘S THESIS Final thesis Supervisor recommends/ does not recommend the final thesis be assessed Evaluation of the final thesis: in grade and words Secretary of the Assessment Committee: N. Surname/ signature KAUNAS 2021 CONFIRMATION OF INDEPENDENT COMPOSITION OF THE THESIS I hereby declare, that the present final Master’s thesis “Performance Profile Analysis: The Insights of Elite Men 3X3 Basketball Tournament” 1. Has been carried out by myself; 2. Has not been used in any other university in Lithuania or abroad; 3. Have not used any references not indicated in the paper and the list of references is complete. 2021-05-10 Jaunius Davniukas (Date) (Author’s name and surname) (Signature) CONFIRMATION OF LIABILITY FOR THE REGULARITY OF THE LITHUANIAN/ FOREIGN LANGUAGE 2021I hereby-05 confirm-10 the correctness of the LithuanianJaunius Davniukaslanguage used in the final thesis . (Date) (Author‘s name and surname) (Signature) FINAL MASTER’S THESIS SUPERVISOR’S ASSESSMENT .............. ................... ........... (Date) (Supervisor‘s name, surname) (Signature) Reviewer of the final thesis: .............. ................... ........... (Date) (Supervisor‘s name, surname) (Signature) Reviewer of the final thesis: .............. ................... ........... (Date) (Supervisor‘s name, surname) (Signature) Final thesis supervisor: .............. ................... ........... (Date) (Supervisor‘s name, surname) (Signature) Final Master’s thesis has been placed in ETD IS .................................................................................................... (Study Administrator, name, surname, signature) TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................................................. 4 SANTRAUKA .......................................................................................................................................... 5 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 6 1. LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................................... 7 1.1. Importance of performance indicators ........................................................................................ 7 1.2. Fatigue factor .............................................................................................................................. 9 1.3. 3x3 Basketball ........................................................................................................................... 11 1.4. Game-Related statistics ............................................................................................................. 13 2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND ORGANIZATION ............................................................ 15 3. RESEARCH FINDINGS ................................................................................................................. 20 4. CONSIDERATIONS ....................................................................................................................... 24 CONCLUSIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 28 SUGGESTIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 29 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................ 30 3 ABSTRACT PERFORMANCE PROFILE ANALYSIS: THE INSIGHTS OF ELITE MEN 3X3 BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT Keywords: FIBA 3x3; performance analysis; tactics; ball possession; coaching The aim of the research is to determine the differences between winning and losing teams by comparing variables of ball possession in the final day of FIBA 3x3 2020 world cup in Jeddah. Research methods: The results were classified into three groups according to the analyzed duration of the game: full game; first 5 min and remaining time of the game. Eight best teams in the second day of the tournament during quarterfinal, semi-final and the final game were investigated. By analyzing the 506 attacks in total, the types of ball possessions were observed. Main findings: The results showed statistically significance differences between 1-point zone (p < 0.05) and large Effect Size (ES) (ES = 1.24). By comparing the results of winning and losing teams, it was determined that the most significant differences of the ball possession were: P&R screener (p < 0.001; ES = -0.98); P&R ball handler (p < 0.05); dribbling shot (p < 0.01; ES = -0.68); post-up (p < 0.001; ES = 1.31) and penetration (p < 0.05). Conclusions: 1. According to the evaluation of the performance profile outcomes between winning and losing teams it was found that the winning teams performed more often in the group actions and executed that in 2- point zone. 2. By evaluating the types of ball possession during the full game according to different variables per minute, it was revealed that winning teams performed more often at P&R Screener, P&R ball handler and dribbling shot than losing teams. The losing teams also performed greater number at off-screen, cuts, post up and penetration. 3. By comparing the executed types of ball possession during the first 5 min of the game, it was noticed that the winning teams performed significant difference at dribbling shot. The situations of all types of P&R action showed no differences between the results of winning and losing teams. The losing teams played more often at off-screen, cut, post up. During the last 5 min of the game, a significant difference was found in the between P&R Screener and put back action, by comparing results of winning and losing teams. 4 SANTRAUKA RUNGTYNIŲ PROFILIO ANALIZĖ: ELITINIO LYGIO VYRŲ 3X3 KREPŠINIO TURNYRO ĮŽVALGOS Raktiniai žodžiai: FIBA 3x3; žaidimo analizė; taktika; kamuolio valdymas; treniravimas Tikslas: nustatyti skirtumus tarp laiminčių ir pralaiminčių komandų lyginant skirtingų tipų atakas finalinėje FIBA 3x3 turnyro dienoje Džedoje 2020 m. Tyrimo metodai: Tyrimo rezultatai buvo kvalifikuoti į tris grupes remiantis analizuojamu rungtynių laikotarpiu: pilnos rungtynės, pirmosios 5 min ir likęs rungtynių laikas. Buvo analizuoti atakų tipai geriausių aštuonių komandų iš finalinės turnyro dienos žaidžiant ketvirtfinalius, pusfinalius ir finalą. Išanalizavus iš viso 506 atakas, buvo stebimi atakų tipai. Tyrimo rezultatai: Tyrimo rezultatai parodė statistiškai reikšmingus skirtumus tarp atakos užsibaigimu 1 taško zonoje (p > 0.05; ES = 1.24). Palyginus laiminčių ir pralaiminčių komandų rezultatus, buvo nustatyta, kad reikšmingiausi atakų tipų skirtumai buvo: žaidimo du prieš du perduodant kamuolį statančiam užtvarą (p < 0.001; ES = -0.98); žaidimo du prieš du užbaigiant ataką tam pačiam žaidėjui (p < 0.05); metimai po kamuolio varymo (p < 0.01; ES = -0.68); žaidimo nugara į krepšį (p < 0.001; ES = 1.31) ir prasiveržimai (p < 0.05). Išvados: 1. Remiantis laimėjusių ir pralaimėjusių komandų rungtynių analizės rezultatų įvertinimu buvo nustatyta, jog laiminčios komandos dažniau atliko komandinius veiksmus ir juos realizuodavo 2 taškų zonoje. 2. Įvertinus atakų tipus, remiantis skirtingais kintamaisiais, atliktais per minutę, buvo nustatyta, jog tiriant visą rungtynių laiką, laimėjusios komandos dažniau atlikdavo žaidimo du prieš du veiksmą atiduodant kamuolį statančiam užtvarą arba užbaigiant ataką tam pačiam žaidėjam, kuris gavo užtvarą, taip pat dažniau atlikdavo metimus po kamuolio varymo nei pralaimėjusios komandos. Pralaimėjusios komandos dažniau atlikdavo užtvaras žaidėjui be kamuolio, prakirtimus, žaidimo nugara į krepšį ir prasiveržimo veiksmus. 3. Palyginus atakų tipus, atliktus per pirmąsias 5 žaidimo minutes, buvo pastebėta, jog laimėjusios komandos pasižymėjo statistiškai reikšmingu skirtumu tarp metimų po kamuolio varymo. Palyginus laimėjusių ir pralaimėjusių komandų rezultatus, skirtumas nebuvo nustatytas atliekant visų tipų veiksmus du prieš du situacijose. Pralaimėjusios komandos dažniau žaidė naudojant užtvaras žaidėjui be kamuolio, prakirtimus ir žaidimą nugara į krepšį. Apžvelgus laimėjusių ir pralaimėjusių komandų rezultatus, per paskutiniąsias 5 žaidimo minutes buvo nustatytas reikšmingas skirtumas palyginus du prieš du veiksmą atiduodant kamuolį statančiam užtvarą, ir kamuolio pataisymą ore po netaiklaus komandos draugo metimo veiksmo. 5 INTRODUCTION Relevance of the topic. FIBA 3x3 basketball has had an exponential increase in popularity in recent years, with claims that it is now the most popular urban team sport in the world. To support this popularity, 3x3 basketball has developed European and World Championship competitions, a profitable professional league competing in exotic locations around the world and has now been included in the 2020 Olympic Games (FIBA. History, 2016). According to that, 3x3 basketball is a relatively new sport, therefore little is known regarding the teams and players performance profiles, physical and physiological responses of players during these games (Conte, Straigis, Clemente, Gomez, & Tessitore, 2019; Montgomety & Maloney, 2018). However, there may be an assumption
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