New Aselt Plan the Evening of January 31
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......--......I..IIL.e CaliforniaTech California Institute of Technology Volume LIX Pasadena, California, Thursday, January 23, 1'958 Number 13 Concert To Star BOD To Propose Rogers' Group Shorty Rogers and his jazz group will be on campus for an ASCIT sponsored jazz concert for Techmen and their friends on New ASelT Plan the evening of January 31. The performance will be in Culbertson Hall at 8:30 p.m. Kirk-Godfrey Proposal St rea m lin e s Rogers is presently serving as Jazz director for RCA's West Coast Albums. He frequently records for them with both his Government, Increases Partici pation famous "giants" and other groups. He also writes the themes for A constitutional amendment to streamline ASCIT operations the UPA Magoo cartoons. His jazz movie themes have included and open the way for continued improvement will be placed be "The Man with the Golden Arm," and "The Wild One." fore the student body by the BOD before the ASCIT general elec Shorty Rogers' career began as a trumpeter in high school. He tions, according to Dick Kirk, ASCIT President, and Mike Godfrey, later switched to the field of arranging and composing where he ASCIT Secretary. gained experience with Stan Kenton's group. Kirk and Godfrey, acting as The present members of the -OUTSIO'· ~WARDS spokesmen for the board, ex "giants" who will appear on cam AUFS Mexico plained that the reorganization pus include, Rogers, fleugel PERCENTAGE" !IV wlll make it possible for ASCIT horn; Bill Holman, tenor sax; CLASS to discharge more successfully Pete Jolly, piano, Ralph Pena, Expert Visits and efficiently its responsibility bass, and Larry Buncken, drums. to the Tech students. Great Success ~ampus The proposal is the result of Don Owings, ASCIT rally com Tech an intensive study undertaken missioner, says that the concert Dr. James G. Maddox, Ameri .by Kirk and Godfrey at the re promises to be a great success can University's Field Staff rep quest of the BOD toward the since ASCIT has already planned resentative from Mexico, is visit close of third term last year. At an after-concert dance in the ing the Caltech campus this that time the weaknesses of the house. week to meet with i a number of present structure, designed for Tickets for the performance current affairs classes and sem a much smaller and less complex will be available from the mem inars. operation about 20 years ago, be bers of the rally commission, or An authority on the economics came apparent. There appeared at the door immediately before and agriCUlture of the Latin a need for rational re-apportion American country, Maddox has ment of responsibilities and pre· the concert. The price for single FR. ~OPH. Shorty Rogers admission will be $1.00. been e mph a s i z i n g its rapid cise definitions of duties belore growth relative to other Pan the Board could hope to improve American nations. Mexico is "not its handling of CIT student af content with being only an agri Frosh Get fairs. Tech-Scripps ConFerence cultural and mining country, but The amendment, whose text is striving to become industrial Sulk Of will apear with full explanation ized," according to the expert. in next week's California Tech, Tofeature Talks/ Fun Mexico Is Proud Awards would reorganize the BOD, re The first Caltech-Scripps Stu formal program, there will be At present, "Mexico is proud," ducing its membership from the dent-Faculty Conference will be plenty of time for recreation, he reports. What does this mean It just doesn't pay to be an present nine to eight.+It would upperclassman, according to fig held the weekend of 'February which will include square-danc in the wayIof most prudent U.S. co-ordinate and provide better 14-16 at a new camp in the hills ing and volleyball. policy? ures recentiy released by the di direction for the activities of the between Pomona and Fullerton. rector of undergraduate scholar Board's sub-structure. Y·Sponsored Mad d 0 x suggests that she This year's conference, an out ships. This year $187,000 was The new proposal also incor The conference is sponsored wants capital in the form of awarded by the Institute com growth of last year's student-fac loans and business investments, porates a more detailed AseIT ulty conference held by Caltech by the Caltech Y and the Scripps mittee, and an additional $97,000 committee sub-structure, making Religious Council, but it is open rather than outright gifts. Mex by various outside sources; the alone, is the first between Cal icans Iwould like U.S. business it possible for more underclass tech and Scripps. It will deal to the entire student body. final apportionment gives the men, especially sophomores, to men to establish companies in frosh a definite edge, with the with the relevance of religious, Approximately thirty students the country 'to employ the citi gain leadership experience in re moral, scientific and artistic fac and twelve faCUlty members other classes usually coming out sponsible positions. zens, thus manUfacturing the on the short end. tors to modern life. from each college will attend. Al sorely needed goods for export. The conference will last from ready, over eighty Scripps stu - As an additional step in this On a percentage basis, 62 per- Friday at 5 p.m. until Sunday dents have applied for the connection, Maddox advocates a cent of the freshmen received BOD Names before noon. In addition to the thirty available positions. reduction of tariff to encourage awards, while the comparable these exports and thus build the statistics for the other three Mexican economy. He even sug classes are 57 percent, 47 percent Model UN Men Caltech Profs Analyze Russ gests that, with our high rate of and 47 percent. And, still looking Six Techmen were named to employment, we could help by at total figures, the size of the Caltech's delegation for the Mod making it easy for a number of individual grants appears to vary Science Education Program el United Nations which will be Mexicans to enter the U.S. and inversely as the grantee's num Present Russian scientific education is probably no better than held late in April at the Univer gain employment. ber of years in school. The aver that of the United States, according to three Caltech professors. sity of Washington... The BOD, age scholarship award for the Dr. Murray GellMann of the Physics department, Dr. Jesse L. Green They have technicians" accord at its meeting last Monday, select ing to Maddox, but could use as senior .class was $664; for the stein of the Astrophysics department, and Dr. Norman H. Horowitz ed Wally Baer, Brad Efron, Tom sistance from some of the more juniors it was $713; for the soph of the Biology department, all recent visitors to the Soviet Union, J ovin, Mike Milder, Cleve Moler, -----~---~-~,----~--- omores $780; and the frosh, $897. spoke before a faCUlty seminar highly qualified U. S. experts. and Jim Wilkinson, after inter on contemporary Russian educa- hi g her education throughout Agenda Independent Donors viewing a field of ten candidates. tion at the Athenaeum on Fri- Russia. According to him their Remaining on Maddox's busy Bob Walsh had been previous day, January 17. libraries seem as complete and agenda at Tech are speeches on This year one hundred thirty well equipped as well as being four students received grants ly chosen to lead the representa One of the primary observa- far more numerous than they Monday to two Econ 100 classes tives, who ,will pose as Austral and the Y Undergraduate Lunch from independent donors. Break tions of the faculty group was are in this country. Highly tech ing this total down, it represents ians, attempting to proceed as that Russian primary and sec- nical books often sell better in club. On Tuesday, he will dis- actual "down-under" deputies (Continued on page 2) (Continued on page 6) ondary schools are much better their "pirated" Russian editions would at the U.N. meetings in than those in the United States. than they do in the country of New York. The three said that the average their origin. Russian high school graduate Pauling Presents Petition to UN has learned as much as the Ame- Greenstein said that there was Caltech's Professor Linus Paul ed it "imperative" to act immedi Announcements rican college student after his undOUbtedly I too much compul ing, as spokesman for over 9,000 ately in stopping further tests. second year, but when he reach- sion in the program of mass edu scientists from 43 nations, last PaUling's opposition to nuclear GOLF es the graduate level he is on a cation in Russia. Good students week presented a petition to Dag bomb tests stems from his belief All persons interested in par with his U.S. counterpart. are forced to go to the Univer- Hammerskjold, Secretary-Gener that it is impossible to produce participating in intercollegiate Gell-Mann went on to say that sity. Poor ones are given no al of the UN, urging immediate a "clean" bomb. golf competition have been reo most scientific fields were not so chance. action to suspend nuclear bomb Pauling said that he was join, quested to meet inScot t far advanced as those of aero- Dr. Greenstein went on, "Rus tests. He was encouraged to cir ed by over 33 nobel laureates and Brown Gym Friday at 4 p.m. nautics and modern phys\cs. He sians are remarkably well edu culate the petition as a result of other members of the National EXAM said, "High energy physics and cated in what is known.