Mimiviridae,Marseilleviridae,Andvirophagesasemerging Human Pathogens Causing Healthcare-Associated Infections

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Mimiviridae,Marseilleviridae,Andvirophagesasemerging Human Pathogens Causing Healthcare-Associated Infections OPEN ACCESS Review Article Mimiviridae, Marseilleviridae, and virophages as emerging human pathogens causing healthcare-associated infections Mimiviridae, Marseilleviridae und Virophagen als Erreger von Healthcare-assoziierten Infektionen mit wachsender Bedeutung Abstract Aim: During the last decade it became obvious that viruses belonging Anton G. Kutikhin1,2,3 to Mimiviridae and Marseilleviridae families (order Megavirales), may Arseniy E. Yuzhalin4 be potential causative agents of pneumonia. Thus, we have performed 1,3 a review of the association of Mimiviridae, Marseilleviridae, and viro- Elena B. Brusina phages with pneumonia, particularly healthcare-associated pneumonia, and other infections of the respiratory tract. 1 Department of Epidemiology, Results and discussion: According to the analysis of the published art- Kemerovo State Medical icles, viruses belonging to Mimiviridae family can be potential agents Academy, Kemerovo, Russian of both community-acquired and healthcare-associated pneumonia. In Federation particular, these viruses may be associated with poor outcome in pa- 2 Central Research Laboratory, tients of intensive care units. Kemerovo State Medical The exact mechanism of their pathogenicity, however, still remains un- Academy, Kemerovo, Russian clear. The discrepancies between the results obtained by serological Federation and genomic methods could be explained by the high polymorphism of 3 Research Institute for nucleotide sequences of Mimiviridae family representatives. Further Complex Issues of investigations on the Mimiviridae pathogenicity and on the determination Cardiovascular Diseases of Mimiviridae-caused pneumonia risk groups are required. under the Siberian Branch of However, the pathogenicity of the viruses belonging to Marseilleviridae the Russian Academy of family and virophages is unclear up to now. Medical Sciences, Kemerovo, Russian Federation Keywords: mimivirus, mimiviridae, marseilleviridae, giant viruses, virophages, pneumonia, healthcare-associated infections 4 Department of Oncology, Cancer Research UK and Medical Research Council Zusammenfassung Oxford Institute for Radiation Oncology, University of Zielsetzung: Im letzten Jahrzehnt wurde vermutet, dass Viren der Familie Oxford, Oxford, United der Mimiviridae und der Marseilleviridae (sog. Megavirales) Pneumonien Kingdom verursachen können. Deshalb wurde eine Literaturrecherche zu den möglichen Zusammenhängen von Mimiviridae, Marseilleviridae, Viro- phagen und Pneumonien mit den Schwerpunkten HA-Infektionen und andere Infektionen der Atemwege durchgeführt. Ergebnisse und Diskussion: Die Analyse ergab, dass Viren aus der Fa- milie der Mimiviridae potentielle Verursacher sowohl der CA- als auch der HA-Pneumonie sein können. Diese Viren können zu einem verschlech- terten Outcome bei Intensivtherapiepatienten führen. Der genaue Mechanismus ihrer Pathogenität ist jedoch noch immer nicht geklärt. Die unterschiedlichen Ergebnisse zwischen serologischen und Genommethoden sind wahrscheinlich durch den hohen Polymor- phismus der Nucleotidsequenzen der Vertreter der Mimiviridae zu er- klären. Daher sind weitere Untersuchungen zur Pathogenität der Mimi- viridae und ihrer Rolle bei der Pneumonieentstehung in Risikogruppen notwendig. Im Unterschied dazu ist die Pathogenität der Viren der Familie der Marseilleviridae und der Gruppe der Virophagen noch unklar. GMS Hygiene and Infection Control 2014, Vol. 9(2), ISSN 2196-5226 1/14 Kutikhin et al.: Mimiviridae, Marseilleviridae, and virophages as emerging ... Schlüsselwörter: Mimivirus, Mimiviridae, Marseilleviridae, Riesenviren, Virophagen, Pneumonie, Healthcare-assoziierte Infektionen Introduction and because of their common ancestral origin [13], [15], [21], [22]. Families and genus belonging to this new The existence of viruses with extremely large particle and tentative order are summarized in Table 1, whilst a brief genome sizes has been predicted since the discovery of timeline of discoveries in this field is presented in Table 2. jumbo bacteriophages in the 1970s and the phycodnavir- During the last decade, plenty of other giant virus strains uses in the early 1980s [1], [2]. An investigation of belonging to Mimiviridae and Marseilleviridae families pneumonia outbreak with no clear causative agent in were discovered [23], and their diversity is reflected in Bradford, England (1992) by Tim Rowbotham and his Table 3 and Table 4. team considered water of a cooling tower as a probable For decades, viruses were considered to be a final level origin of the outbreak and amoebae as potential culprits of parasitism in living nature. However, in 2008, La Scola [3] since they were established as Trojan horses due to et al. [24] described an icosahedral small virus Sputnik their ability to harbor multiple agents of human pneumo- (50 nm in size) which was associated with an APMV. nia that can survive and multiply under the protection Sputnik did not replicate in Acanthamoeba castellanii from various external physical and chemical agents but demonstrated a rapid growth in the giant virus factory within the amoebae encyst [4], [5]. This led to an isolation revealed in amoebae co-infected with APMV. The most of intra-amoebal pathogenic bacteria, one of which had incredible fact was that Sputnik life cycle was harmful for the appearance of a Gram-positive coccus and was APMV and led to the production of abortive forms and therefore named Bradford coccus [3], [6], [7], [8], [9]. abnormal capsid assembly of the host virus. The authors However, it resisted the PCR amplification and 16S ri- suggested that Sputnik belongs to a new family of viruses bosomal DNA sequencing. This led to the observation of and classified it as a virophage [24]. In 2011, Fischer Bradford coccus using electron microscopy, which re- and Suttle [25] described a new virophage called Mavirus, vealed that it had a viral icosahedral structure. The viral and Yau et al. [26] almost simultaneously reported a nature of Bradford coccus was further confirmed by an discovery of Organic Lake Virophage. Eighteen months eclipse phase during its replication cycle [6], and genome later, Desnues et al. [27] revealed a new Sputnik strain, sequencing [10]. In 2003, the Bradford coccus was re- which had 99% identity to the original Sputnik virophage named as Acanthamoeba polyphaga Mimivirus (APMV) genome sequence. A recent comprehensive investigation due to its mimicry of a bacterium by its size and appear- carried out by Zhou et al. [6] suggested an existence of ance by Gram staining [3]. Raoult et al. [3], [10] reported five new virophages, namely Yellowstone Lake Virophages that APMV genome was the largest among all of viruses 1, 2, 3, 4, and Ace Lake Mavirus. Finally, third Sputnik (1,181 kb), encoding more than 900 proteins, including strain was described in 2013 by Gaia et al. [7]. The dis- those never identified previously in viruses. Overall, the covery of virophages revolutionized our understanding of Mimivirus discovery has resulted in a considerable shift host-parasite interrelations. Features of known virophages in our understanding of the definition, origin, and evolu- are presented in Table 5. tion of viruses [11], [12]. Mimiviruses were classified into There is a significant lack of knowledge regarding the a separate group of viruses called nucleocytoplasmic biology of virophages. Obviously, they have greater import- large DNA viruses (NCLDVs) which was first described in ance in living nature then we can suggest at the moment. 2001 [13] and included the families of Poxviridae, Asfar- Virophages perform a control of non-viral host-virus dy- viridae, Iridoviridae, Ascoviridae, and Phycodnaviridae namics as the essential regulators of ecological interrela- [14], [15], [16]. In 2007, a first member of the Marseillevi- tions [26], participate in a transfer of genetic information ridae family also related to NCLDVs, Acanthamoeba between various organisms as the mobile genetic ele- polyphaga marseillevirus (APMaV), was isolated from ments [25], particularly in an interviral gene transfer [27], water collected from a cooling tower in Paris, France, may be the pathogens of the multicellular organisms [28], using a method based on Acanthamoeba polyphaga and can possibly be used as a new way to fight with the culture [17]. This virus was named in honor of its amoebal emerging viral infections. Bacteriophages are being suc- host and of the name of the French city, Marseille, where cessfully used against bacteria in a clinical practice; pre- it was discovered [17]. The Marseillevirus was character- sumably, a similar pattern does not seem to be impossible ized by a 368-kb genome, 457 genes, and a minimum in the case with virophages and human pathogenic vir- of 49 proteins [17]. Furthermore, the first member of the uses. Further research on the phenomenon of virophages second branch of Mimiviridae family, Cafeteria roenber- will definitely shed light on their role in living nature. gensis virus (CroV), was described in 2010 as an agent It was suspected that mimiviruses may be potential infecting marine zooplankton, and its genome consisted causative agents of pneumonia due to the setting of its of ≈730 kb of double-stranded DNA [18]. Recently, Colson initial discovery and to the involvement of some water- et al. [19], [20] proposed assigning an official taxonomic associated amoebae-resistant bacteria, including Legion- rank to the NCLDVs as the order Megavirales, due to the ella pneumophila, in such infections [3], [4]. Experimen- large size of
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    Evolution of double-stranded DNA viruses of eukaryotes: from bacteriophages to transposons to giant viruses Eugene V. Koonin, Mart Krupovic, Natalya Yutin To cite this version: Eugene V. Koonin, Mart Krupovic, Natalya Yutin. Evolution of double-stranded DNA viruses of eukaryotes: from bacteriophages to transposons to giant viruses. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Wiley, 2015, DNA Habitats and Their RNA Inhabitants, 1341 (1), pp.10-24. 10.1111/nyas.12728. pasteur-01977390 HAL Id: pasteur-01977390 https://hal-pasteur.archives-ouvertes.fr/pasteur-01977390 Submitted on 10 Jan 2019 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents entific research documents, whether they are pub- scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, lished or not. The documents may come from émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de teaching and research institutions in France or recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires abroad, or from public or private research centers. publics ou privés. Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial| 4.0 International License Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. ISSN 0077-8923 ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Issue: DNA Habitats and Their RNA Inhabitants Evolution of double-stranded DNA viruses of eukaryotes: from bacteriophages to transposons to giant viruses Eugene V. Koonin,1 Mart Krupovic,2 and Natalya Yutin1 1National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. 2Institut Pasteur, Unite´ Biologie Moleculaire´ du Gene` chez les Extremophiles,ˆ Paris, France Address for correspondence: Eugene V.
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