BEAM PARKLANDS NATURAL CAPITAL ACCOUNT Final Report For the Greater London Authority November 2015 eftec 73-75 Mortimer Street London W1W 7SQ tel: 44(0)2075805383 fax: 44(0)2075805385
[email protected] Beam Parklands Natural Capital Account Final Report This document has been prepared for the Greater London Authority (GLA) by: Economics for the Environment Consultancy Ltd (eftec) 73-75 Mortimer Street London W1W 7SQ Study team: Adams Koshy Allan Provins Duncan Royle Reviewers Katharine Bolt (RSPB) Victoria Cox (PwC) Will Evison (PwC) Ece Ozdemiroglu (eftec) Acknowledgements The study team would like to thank Peter Massini (GLA), Simon Pile (Land Trust), Neil Monaghan, Dak Gor, and Nick Leishman (Environment Agency) for their input and contributions to this report. eftec offsets its carbon emissions through a biodiversity-friendly voluntary offset purchased from the World Land Trust ( and only prints on 100% recycled paper. eftec i November 2015 Beam Parklands Natural Capital Account Final Report CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................ IV 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................... 1 1.1 Purpose of report ........................................................................................ 1 1.2 Beam Parklands ........................................................................................... 1 1.3 Beam Parklands natural capital account ............................................................