University of Vermont ScholarWorks @ UVM University of Vermont College of Medicine University Libraries Catalogs 1962 University of Vermont, College of Medicine Bulletin University of Vermont Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Medicine and Health Sciences Commons Recommended Citation University of Vermont, "University of Vermont, College of Medicine Bulletin" (1962). University of Vermont College of Medicine Catalogs. 102. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Libraries at ScholarWorks @ UVM. It has been accepted for inclusion in University of Vermont College of Medicine Catalogs by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ UVM. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. BU LLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT -. ' .- . ,, · , • 1 VERMONT COLLEGE OF MEDICINE 14, 1963 Litli-!t~_py CAT A LOGUE 1962-1963 1. DeGoesbriand Memorial Hospital. 2. Old College of Medicine Building. 3. Mary Fletcher Hospital. 4. New College of Medicine Buildings. BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VE RMONT THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE CATALOGUE BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VOLUME 60 JANUARY 14, 1963 NUMBER 6 Pttblisbed by Tbe Uuiversity of Ver111ont, Burliugton, Ver·mont sixteen times a year-ouce eacb i1t December, Febmary, April, May, June and August; t11Jicc i" September and November, and tbree times in January and Marcb. Seccmd-class postage pair/ at Burlington, Vt. Tbe official legal title of tbe Corporation is Tbe University of Vermont and State Agric1tltural College. Address all commnnicatiom to the Dean's Office, College of Medicine, U11iversity of Vermont, Bnrlington, Ver1nont T elephone UN4-4511, extension 251 CALENDAR 1962-63 September 14 Friday Enrollment and Payment of Fees.