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J2W3 Emotional Pain Restoring Relationships WEB JourneyWHOLENESS!2 Emotional PA I N and RESTORING Relationships J2W Book 3 Working through J2W J2W!is!designed!to!follow-on!from!J2F!(especially! J2F8).!We!have!made!all!three!of!the!J2W!manuals! available!for!free!download!—!however,!for!the! full,study,and,explana4on!of!these!materials,!we! STRONGLY!want!to!encourage!you!to!work! through!the!DVD's,!along!with!the!manuals.! The!DVD's!expound!on!the!various!concepts,!and! there!is!just!so!much!more!explanaGon!on!the! DVD's,!as!compared!to!the!manuals!(which!are! really!just!the!notes)!—!in!addiGon,!as!Amanda! presents!the!teaching,!she!gives!life-experiences! and!illustraGons,!for!further!explanaGon!and! pracGcal!applicaGon. May!you!be!BLESSED!by!these!materials,!and! come!to!greater!WHOLENESS!in/by/through! Y'shua!(Jesus)!and!our!ABBA!FATHER!! Shalom, Kanaan,Ministries Amanda Buys’ Spiritual Covering This is a product of Kanaan Ministries, a non-profit ministry under the covering of: • Roly, Amanda’s husband for more than thirty-five years. • River of Life Family Church Pastor Edward Gibbens Vanderbijlpark South Africa Tel: +27 (0) 16 982 3022 Fax: +27 (0) 16 982 2566 Email: [email protected] There is no copyright on this material. However, no part may be reproduced and/or presented for personal gain. All rights to this material are reserved to further the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ ONLY. For further information or to place an order, please contact us at: P.O. Box 15253 27 John Vorster Avenue Panorama Plattekloof Ext. 1 7506 Panorama 7500 Cape Town Cape Town South Africa South Africa Tel: +27 (0) 21 930 7577 Fax: 086 681 9458 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.kanaanministries.org Office hours: Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 3 PM Kanaan International Website Website: www.eu.kanaanministries.org 1 contents PART&1:&Prac+cal&mind&renewal&... 4 PART&2:&Forty9day&prayers&... 31 PART&3:&Understanding&trauma&and&dissocia+on&... 62 PART&4:&Dealing&with&forgiveness&... 113 PART&5:&Dealing&with&grief&... 156 2 Preface Journey2Wholeness is our follow-on series, after working through Journey2Freedom. J2W deals with the very important “other side of the coin” to deliverance and breaking generational curses — inner/emotional healing and maturity. Both dealing with deliverance and inner healing are so essential in themselves ... but you cannot have the one without the other! While J2F focused on cleaning you up, closing illegal gateways, and breaking bondages — J2W focuses on emotional pain, inner wounds, arrested development, and restoration. Like J2F, this series is quite intensive — J2W is really the practical “how to” series in walking in complete healing and victory. There are no lasting band-aids or plasters (B.E.E.P.S.) to inner wounds and pain, only the everlasting Cure of Y'shua1 (Jesus) Messiah and His Ways. Malachi' 4:6! “6!And!he! shall! turn! and! reconcile! the! hearts! of! the! [estranged]! fathers! to! the! [un6Godly]! children,!and!the!hearts!of!the![rebellious]!children!to![the!piety!of]!their!fathers![a!reconcilia<on!produced! by!repentance!of!the!un6Godly],!lest!I!come!and!smite!the!land!with!a!curse!and!a!ban!of!u@er!destruc<on.”! Walking continuously in victory IS POSSIBLE in and by HIM! 1"Y’shua"(Hebrew)"is"Jesus’"real"name,"which"means"“Salva9on”."We"have"no"problem"with" the"name"“Jesus”"—"it"is"merely"the"Greek"translitera9on"of"“Y’shua”."Jesus"is"the"name" most"of"us"grew"up"with."Remember"though,"Y’shua"was"a"Jew,"of"the"Tribe"of"Judah,"not"a" Greek."It’s"sort"of"like"this"…"when"you"come"to"know"someone’s"real"name,"you"want"to" use"it,"hence"the"use"of"Y’shua"instead"of"Jesus."Another"powerful"reason"to"use"Y’shua"is" that"every"9me"you"say"His"Name,"you"are"proclaiming"“Salva9on”."You"will"also"note"in" some"places,"we"have"used"the"real"Name"of"the"FATHER,"YHVH."The"Name"is"made"up"of" the"Hebrew"leQers,"YodRHeyRVavRHey,"and"is"most"commonly"pronounced"“Yahweh”"or" “Jehovah”."Again,"we"have"chosen"to"use"this,"as"YHVH"is"the"FATHER’s"Name. 3 Part(1: Practical Mind Renewal 4 RE-wiring the brain. 2'Corinthians'10:355!“3!!For!though!we!walk!(live)!in!the!flesh,!we!are!not!carrying!on!our!warfare!according! to!the!flesh!and!using!mere!human!weapons.!4!!For!the!weapons!of!our!warfare!are!not!physical![weapons! of!flesh!and!blood],!but!they!are! mighty! before!GOD!for!the! overthrow!and!destruc<on!of! strongholds,!5!! [Inasmuch!as!we]!refute!arguments!and!theories!and!reasonings!and!every!proud!and!loNy!thing!that!sets! itself!up!against!the![true]!knowledge!of!GOD;!and!we!lead!every!thought!and!purpose!away!cap<ve!into! the!obedience!of!Christ!(the!Messiah,!the!Anointed!One),” This requires a WILLFUL choice! If my WOUNDS drive me, I CANNOT bring down my STRONGHOLDS, I have NO power over my IMAGINATIONS, and I cannot CHOOSE on what I think! But GOD wants to go further than what MENTAL health does ... He says we ARE ABLE to REWIRE the brain! Re-wiring the brain and thereby walking in HEALING and SHALOM, means I HAVE TO MATURE and GROW UP, step-by-step ... And become a DECISION MAKER! REMEMBER, your subconscious mind is ONLY a database! Identifying and dealing with thoughts. The ENEMY only has access to the mind through the SUBCONSCIOUS: 1) He will either BAIT you to DREDGE up MEMORIES (we still have the CHOICE if we WANT to do this or not). 2) OR, he will BAIT you with thoughts, OLD THOUGHT PATTERNS, or LIES/ strongholds, to see if you are going to take the BAIT. The enemy CAN plant (demonic) thoughts in our minds — such as a perverted thought while worshipping or praying. MOST OFTEN, he plays on our LIES, pain, and the FAULTY PERCEPTIONS from our childhood (held in our SUBCONSCIOUS). We are dealing with EVIL SPIRITS that have been around for years, and may have been assigned to our families through generational sins, who know our HISTORY and have “STUDIED” us, and know our STRENGTHS and WEAKNESSES ... We have to walk in SPIRITUAL WARFARE! 5 BOTH dealing with (1) GENERATIONAL CURSES and DELIVERANCE, AND (2) healing of emotional PAIN! BOTH are open doors for the ENEMY! The key question in regards to THOUGHTS is — “What are you going to DO when they come to the CONSCIOUS level?” We MUST be CONSCIOUS of the thoughts we allow in or ENTERTAIN ... thoughts MUST BE nipped in the bud!! Once you get a memory, you will never loose it. You will always have a memory of the pain and whatever you experienced ... but it is what we do with these memories in the theatre of the mind, that is the issue. We are to be MASTERS over out thought life — GOD gave us that AUTHORITY. If your thoughts are NOT of GOD and do not align with what the WORD says, discern if the thoughts are OUTRIGHT from the enemy. If a thought is OUTRIGHT from the enemy, it is NOT SIN to have this FLEETING thought ... it IS SIN to entertain and develop this thought — it must be taken CAPTIVE! For EXAMPLE, men, if you look at a beautiful woman — the FIRST look was not the sin. The SECOND longer look belongs to your WIFE! And be aware — your wife is so programmed that in her PERIPHERAL vision, she sees this and the SECOND look DEVALUES her! However, if you DISCERN your thoughts are from PAIN/lies — these need to be HEALED with GOD’s TRUTH/LOVE. Do not SUPPRESS these, but get to the ROOT and seek HEALING. You HAVE to be VIGILANT and stay in the WORD to be able to live in VICTORY! ANOTHER EXAMPLE can be that the enemy plants the thought — “YOU ARE A JERK”. Immediately, you need to RESPOND in WARFARE — “In the NAME of Y’shua (Jesus), I REBUKE you!” THEN maybe you have a TOUGH day, and you’re feeling FRUSTRATED and TIRED. The enemy plants the thought — “I AM A JERK”. Be CAREFUL! This one you could OWN! Be AWARE of the “I” statements that pass through your SUBCONSCIOUS! Keep in mind — the enemy will “bait” you with his thoughts to see if you are going to take the “bait”. These are thoughts coming from the enemy — foul, deceiving spirits. Another example — he will say something like, “I am not going to make it to Heaven”. You could own this one too, because again, the enemy uses first person “I”. That is how the enemy fools us! You must remember that the enemy is not omnipresent — so how does he deal with you? Every day of our lives we are dealing with evil spirits that have been assigned to us from conception in the womb — these are familiar spirits that come with families, because of the sins of the fathers have opened doors up to, to give these spirits legal rights. They know the history of the family — alcohol, anger, domestic violence, sexual sins, immorality, etc, etc. 6 They have stayed with your linage for centuries — they know your strengths and weaknesses. Satan counterfeits God’s ways – he is out to destroy your soul! We have evil spirit assigned to us to destroy us body, soul and spirit! If you don’t learn to do spiritual warfare you will not be able to stand against the attacks of the evil one! We WILL NEVER be able to control what passes through our SUBCONSCIOUS mind ..
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