1. 10,000 Reasons 2. All That I Ask 3. All That Is Good 4. Alleluia! Sing To

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1. 10,000 Reasons 2. All That I Ask 3. All That Is Good 4. Alleluia! Sing To 1. 10,000 Reasons 57. Holy is His Name 2. All That I Ask 58. Holy is the Lord 3. All That is Good 59. Holy is the One Who Saves 4. Alleluia! Sing to Jesus 60. Holy, O Holy 5. Amazing Grace 61. Holy Spirit 6. Arise O Lord 62. Holy, Holy, Holy 7. Ascribe to the Lord 63. The House of God 8. At the Name of Jesus 64. How Deep the Father's Love 9. The Battle Belongs to the Lord 65. How Great is our God 10. Be Exalted, O God 66. How Great Thou Art 11. Be Thou My Vision 67. How Lovely is your Dwelling Place 12. Bethlehem Rejoices 68. Hymn of Glory 13. Better is One Day 69. I Belong to You 14. Blessed be the Lord, My Rock 70. I Delight in the Lord 15. Blessed be Your Name 71. I Exalt Thee 16. Blessing and Glory 72. I Give You My Heart 17. Born into a Battle 73. I have Decided 18. Build My life 74. I will Awake the Dawn 19. The Bringer of Joy 75. In Christ Alone 20. By Your Steadfast Love* 76. In Your Light 21. Chosen For Joy 77. In Your Presence (Praise the Lord) 22. Christ is Risen 78. It Is Good 23. Come Let us Go Up 79. It is Well 24. Come Let us Magnify the Lord 80. Jesus Christ is Risen Today 25. Come Let us Sing for Joy to the Lord 81. Jesus, Jesus 26. Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing 82. Jesus, All for Jesus 27. Come, Holy Spirit 83. Join With Us 28. Cornerstone 84. Joy to the World 29. The Cup of Life Outpoured 85. King of My Heart 30. Divine Praises 86. The King Shall Come 31. Easter Hymn 87. Lead On, O Lord 32. Enter In 88. Let the Fire Fall 33. Ever More 89. Let the Saints Be Joyful 34. Exodus 15 (The Lord is My Strength) 90. Let Your Glory Fall 35. Forever 91. Lift High the Banners of Love 36. Fountain of Life 92. The Light of Christ 37. From Heaven's Light 93. Lion Of Judah 38. Give Thanks 94. Living Hope 39. Glorify Thy Name 95. Long Live Christ the King 40. Glory Cry the Angel Choirs 96. Lord Jesus we Enthrone You 41. God Alone 97. Lord Reign in Me 42. Great are You Lord 98. Lord We Give to You 43. Great is thy Faithfulness 99. Lord, Enkindle Me 44. Hail the Great I am 100. Lord, I Need You 45. Hallelujah! He is Risen! 101. Lord, We Come into Your Holy Presence 46. Hark The Herald Angels Sing 102. The Magnificat 47. He is Before All Things 103. Majesty 48. He is Exalted 104. Make us Yours 49. He is Our Shield 105. Mighty is Our God 50. Hear the Herald Voice Resounding 106. Mighty King of Zion 51. Hearts to Worship 107. My Soul Finds Rest 52. Here for You 108. Nada te Turbe 53. Here I Am Lord 109. No Longer Slaves 54. Here is My Life 110. Not by Might 55. Holy (Forever Yours) 111. O Come All Ye Faithful 56. Holy God we Praise they Name 112. O Come O Come Emmanuel 113. O Come to the Altar 169. Yours is the Greatness and the Power 114. O Mighty Cross 115. O Salutaris Appendix. Night Psalms 116. O The Valleys Shall Ring 117. Open the Eyes of my Heart 118. Our Blessed Hope 119. Our God Reigns 120. Our Hearts Will Rise 121. Praise Him Forever 122. Praise the Lord all Nations 123. Praise the Lord Ye Heavens Adore Him 124. Prayer of Augustine 125. Prepare the Way 126. Prepare the Way 127. Psalm 63 128. Psalm 96 129. Purify My Heart 130. Rendid Honor al Senior 131. Return, O My Soul 132. Revelation Song 133. Rise, O People Called to Worship 134. The River Flows 135. Rock of Ages 136. Salvation Belongs to Our God 137. Sanctuary 138. Search Me Lord 139. Sing unto the Lord 140. Sing with all the Sons of Glory 141. Singing Hallelujah 142. Song of a Servant 143. Song of Moses 144. Song of Patrick 145. Song of Thanks 146. Speak, Lord, Your Servant is Listening 147. Take, Lord, Receive 148. Te Deum 149. Thanks Be to God 150. This is Jesus 151. This is the Generation 152. To the King of Ages 153. To Whom Shall we Go 154. We are Men of Jesus Christ 155. We Enter In 156. We Exalt your Name 157. We Will Magnify 158. What A Beautiful Name 159. What Shall I Render 160. Whom Have I in Heaven 161. Worship the Lord 162. Worthy is the Lamb 163. Worthy of It All 164. You Alone Are Holy 165. You are My Delight 166. You are Our Treasure 167. You Will Receive Power 168. Your Grace is Enough 1. 10,000 REASONS (BLESS THE LORD) Bridge: Matt Redman I believe I will see the Lord’s goodness I will live in His land Refrain O take courage, my soul, don’t grow weary Bless the Lord O my soul, O my soul, Wait for the Lord Worship his holy name. Wait for the Lord Sing like never before, O my soul, I’ll worship your holy name. Ending: The Lord is my light and my salvation Verse 1 My confidence when I am afraid The sun comes up, it’s a new day dawning, It’s time to sing your song again. © 2016 Sarah Spangenberg and Joseph Buganski. All rights reserved. Whatever may pass and whatever lies before me, Used by permission. Let me be singing when the evening comes. 3. ALL THAT IS GOOD Verse 2 Ed Conlin You're rich in love and you're slow to anger, Your name is great and your heart is kind All that is good, all that is love, For all your goodness I will keep on singing, Whatever is holy, whatever is true 10,000 reasons for my heart to find. You are their source, You are their fount, You Lord and You alone Verse 3 And on that day when my strength is failing, Holy, Holy, Holy O Lord Most High The end draws near and my time has come, Holy, Holy, Holy O Lord Most High Still my soul will sing your praise un-ending (Repeat Verse) 10,000 years and then forever more. Worthy, Worthy, Worthy O Lord Most High Copyright © 2011 Thankyou Music, Song No. 6016351, CCLI License # found on p.66 Worthy, Worthy, Worthy O Lord You are Worthy O Lord You are Worthy O Lord –Most High 2. ALL THAT I ASK Sarah Spangenberg, Joseph Buganski Copyright © 1998 The Servants Of The Word. Song No. 4916642, CCLI License # found on p.66 The Lord is my light and my salvation My confidence when I am afraid When darkness is all around me And Hell wages war against me I will still trust you, Lord Refrain: All that I ask, all I seek To dwell in your house all my life To taste and to see, you are lovely To sing out with joy to my King Hear my voice, Lord, when I call you Please do not hide your face from me Within me my heart is seeking Your face and the Spirit speaking Do not forsake me, God 1 4. ALLELUIA! SING TO JESUS As long as life endures William Chatterton Dix Through many dangers toils and snares Alleluia, sing to Jesus! I have already come His the scepter, his the throne 'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far Alleluia, his the triumph, And grace will lead me home His the victory alone Hark the songs of peaceful Zion, Yea when this flesh and heart shall fail Thunder like a mighty flood And mortal life shall cease Jesus out of every nation I shall possess within the veil Hath redeemed us by his blood A life of joy and peace Alleluia, not as orphans, When we've been there ten thousand years Are we left in sorrow now. Bright shining as the sun Alleluia, he is near us We've no less days to sing God's praise Faith believes nor questions how Than when we first begun Though the cloud From sight received him, Public Domain When the forty days were o’er, Shall our hearts forget his promise 6. ARISE O LORD I am with you evermore. John Hughes/Joseph Mathias Alleluia, Bread of Heaven The Lord our God is, Thou on earth our food our stay Faithful in all His, words and deeds Alleluia, here the sinful, His steadfast love is, for all who call Flee to Thee from day to day Upon His name Intercessor, friend of sinners Earth’s redeemer plead for me And He has given us His word, Where the songs of all the sinless, That He will send His Spirit, Sweep across the crystal sea. And make His dwelling in our midst Public Domain Refrain Arise, O Lord, and come to your resting place, Let your glory fill this temple, 5. AMAZING GRACE And salvation clothe your saints, Edwin Othello Excell, John Newton, John P. Rees Arise, O Lord, And may your people rejoice in your goodness Amazing grace how sweet the sound Remember your promise to us, and arise! That saved a wretch like me I once was lost but now am found The highest heavens, Was blind but now I see Cannot contain, the Lord our God, Nor any temple, 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear That man has built, upon the earth.
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