I., SATURDAY, JULY 28, 18S8. L0'vmk!Mxn
Vif Saturday Press! VOLUAIIJIII.NUMHIiK ,8. l--L. HONOLULU, I., SATURDAY, JULY 28, 18S8. WHOLE NUMHIiR 152 HATUKUAY 1'KISS. return of ihc writer.) 'I lilt dt Is divided Professional Cnrbs. (JTnrbs. Jnoincss jOnoincos (jlitrbs. mainly Into twoclatwt, financiers and weather business itnrbs. Inourance ottcco. foreign bbtrlioctiunlo. A Newspaper Weekly. prophet. 'I he former are the more numerous, M.AKttNCU W. ASHPORD, S. GKINHAUM it Co, DROTIIBRS, ISIIOI' A Lo. are the lunlett workers, and hare advanced TIVMAN HAMBURG-MAGDEtlUR- PIRB IMSUR W. SEVERAMCH. M B Company of Hamburg. IT idumf. miny theories), any one of which, if followed, Makuk'h iunDMiwmmos5.oo him v.ti:, Stuf rr No. q II. I., N'o-4- Arnuixr.r, soi.uhtiui, Mrrchant SirrrT, Honoliiu. BANKERS, A.JAF.GKRiAGF.ST. )i CAnroKiSr,Cat.,(Mmw ) I would plice Ihc country upon .1 sound financial II I , orrtETi tMVitnriiKH.iSh wnnt.v.HAt.E if:,u av.x Kit.i 1. 31 r.itmiA x- - llnfoteir. iiAWAitAx f:n.y.Hirr. ,t Sn 15 Kaaiii manl VtRRT IfoNOllLt iMi'iniTiuts or Umldtng, Merthar'i, Farnitart and Machinery taiisitxmnx their ilesllnslinn. liasist not one of them hut forgotten more era ttt tlrttrml Mrrthnwtln t I t yi to $; 50, vrnnllm lo hit IS" ill ftnm Vrtltrr, iUlfflitnitf Iia. Eirhanir.onil,. BANK OP CALIPORNIA, run red afaimt, tre on the mot faroeabU term, I Mrthitnl, . limn tKew Uoberl Morrit ever knew aliout money, Orrmanr and the United States, r San Franclaeo, ami agents t. CASTLP--, S. GRIMBAUM A Co. .l.v I'ltlUMi. Kvery ncvttpnpcr office In county is filled KJ1 GENERAL INSURANCE COM OARNDBK A CM rit'if ni.lt the WK AViw Vnrh; FORTUNA pany of Berlin.
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