HATUKUAY 1'KISS. return of ihc writer.) 'I lilt dt Is divided Professional Cnrbs. (JTnrbs. Jnoincss jOnoincos (jlitrbs. mainly Into twoclatwt, financiers and weather business itnrbs. Inourance ottcco. foreign bbtrlioctiunlo. A Newspaper Weekly. prophet. 'I he former are the more numerous, M.AKttNCU W. ASHPORD, S. GKINHAUM it Co, DROTIIBRS, ISIIOI' A Lo. are the lunlett workers, and hare advanced TIVMAN HAMBURG-MAGDEtlUR- PIRB IMSUR W. SEVERAMCH. M B Company of Hamburg. IT idumf. miny theories), any one of which, if followed, Makuk'h iunDMiwmmos5.oo him v.ti:, Stuf rr No. q II. I., N'o-4- Arnuixr.r, soi.uhtiui, Mrrchant SirrrT, Honoliiu. BANKERS, A.JAF.GKRiAGF.ST. )i CAnroKiSr,Cat.,(Mmw ) I would plice Ihc country upon .1 sound financial II I , orrtETi tMVitnriiKH.iSh wnnt.v.HAt.E if:,u av.x Kit.i 1. 31 r.itmiA x- - llnfoteir. iiAWAitAx f:n.y.Hirr. ,t Sn 15 Kaaiii manl VtRRT IfoNOllLt iMi'iniTiuts or Umldtng, Merthar'i, Farnitart and Machinery taiisitxmnx their ilesllnslinn. liasist not one of them hut forgotten more era ttt tlrttrml Mrrthnwtln t I t yi to $; 50, vrnnllm lo hit IS" ill ftnm Vrtltrr, iUlfflitnitf Iia. Eirhanir.onil,. BANK OP CALIPORNIA, run red afaimt, tre on the mot faroeabU term, I Mrthitnl, . limn tKew Uoberl Morrit ever knew aliout money, Orrmanr and the United States, r San Franclaeo, ami agents t. CASTLP--, S. GRIMBAUM A Co. .l.v I'ltlUMi. Kvery ncvttpnpcr office In county is filled KJ1 GENERAL INSURANCE COM OARNDBK A CM rit'if the WK AViw Vnrh; FORTUNA pany of Berlin. with their MS., and editors i,.ur, xi4 Ca.ifohnia St. Ban I hanciku, YMAM BROTHERS arc always happ) Arnuixr.r at JIohIdii, cV . I n.l Notary I'uMIr all I In Cmirls of H F. A SCtAFF.t Ca, AOF.XTS if S.vur Sr., Ntaa LAi,iroM. S. I'entrnl iilllnriilil. and anxlotit to give them in waste th. tonwjnntsa i.v lommihsios I'nrln, tpicc the Kingdom. 1 l6 ANDtllCAUrnftNIA TtttfcT, F, 1) four, ImhiikI Miulhw.inl JHrrrhftiittt The a tote Ir.irarw fompviny. ha ertaWish a OIlXKIlAt. VVHVIIASIXII Allr.XTSAXII Our little "irly nf Itasktl. Hut Aiirl. limit, IJen-cr- great minds are unsuccessful In narll-ulj- r t.v, Afenry here, anl tn ni!ertgnel, Sftia1 LV.titttnfor iu paid to irnou:xA attorn hi trfal tr,,,itf,l9lnn MerrhnHl; 11ml homeward, lii'diiiR sit the Oakland wlinrf small PRESTON, ramignmofiU IUrwl Messrs m. m 'London. Agentti, ar autUieied to lake mk aijiimi thttfungert t things, and Ihctc talented Individuals, pnWARB of pruuticr. t Partkuhr attention paM filling arnl fthi(jring ! Koriiscnn.rso.vs, of a lliem--elie- to lht Sa tl tnoM reasonable rale and on the by Itir i) A. U. IkiiI, speedily trafisieircd s a I ordtrn. fjforaUe who advise without hesitation In the financial (A Fort Strrkt. IfoMoruiu, I iv t Th. ORIENTAL BANK CORPORATION ol mm! term. DRAHK II. AUSTIIf A Co, to tlic Southern I'.iciTic train In rcnili IWJAX ECKART London, and their tranches fn afftlrs of the nation, have difficulty in .1 .t a OrfKR No. ; rinii.vr.r i:nvxsi:i.t.on r law. WILLIAMS ft Co. BOARD UNDERWRITERS. KCaiirARira Sttt.t, S. F., nets l itri.itt on It Inn-- Nil. FORT STUfFT, IfOMQlULI! f pREMEN Of themselves with the necessary pen, Ink lit Ifniifhoiiff, r.itnMinmnx . linr-in-- ; nf locomotive XILLIAM (J. SMITH, to AHtt to Font STaititT aiikxt hiiiuaiiii. jomnc)'. Amiil the and riper lint cnablet them to continue their wATmtMAKv.n, n:tt:uiHt r.snitA Slilliri mill FA SCHAEFER 6C.tAth. lug Au'iii.. Mis, Ihrcc tralm rollcil out of the larc anil n; rrr, timt Ittmnowt Jitttfr VttOTOfitlA VtttV A IITIHTS. itrlhnurnv, Alo a tent i tvr th iersrcullont tiion n patient and long'tulfcring ATTOIIXI'.r AT i.a And general Hanking Patiflest, ' i i. . . . , transact a Dresden Board of II..t:. f.i.. lunclMiine at Ihc end of die narrow .Mrr-iiah- All onto fnhfulljf extent eri. 'iff ore t4 all mte an ItioU nude nrxi Underwriter. l i1chI, lint public. 'I he weather shartis so 81 t Sterrt, llriNOLiu-- 50 ja lo ori!f, 11 varranled an.1 sales are not framet of all derl(4om tonMantljr na hanj Alto Vienna Board of Underwriters. fkn (naraalred. i Milp of fillnlln land which lends to the shore Cof Pacific B.WISEMAN numerous, but arc not lets honored In Ihclr AWKBNCU ft 'KKHTH, alt. ShtlU ami LurtoAlti'l of the JOSEPH For the Hawaiian hlandt. a mile or two illslnnt, we Ktilcil company, our CUMMIHOS ft MARTIN I QIIARLUS DREWHR A Co. own country. 'I he most noted nnc some Honolulu, II I , ; A LLEH northward nlnn--- the hay shore. Orricr Tort Srs . rasTitAvrowt. ft ROBINSON, LLOYD St (Iosthm, train turning scars ago discos tied how to foretell the cornfr anii Hrrktania nv.At.i'.nTATV. 111u1nf.1t MARINE INSURANCE Kurt met, I a si) r.itri.oy. GERMAN Company of Berlin, 'I lilt followed for many miles, StllKII.O.SH AXIt IUI.lUr.VATH 111 I'llV- - Plain fir KMimatt rtirnUhl for WmV of Cm WnsoLViv, II, I . ItitrrllH, Afir.xnt onint amount of precipitation In QfTVce, Ilirnl IIAWAIIAX I'Af.KKTf, any portion of Ihc Mlrhnm. ttruction, Civil hnginrrrtnit ami Surveying C-- t F. A. SCttAF.FF.R c ( AGKST. occasionally nt tmall tmvnt or M.,nmlfromi-3anl6:)r-- comrr of aUkauwiU nm! Klltuta freil floor unit nil tehut Rents Roams, Cottage. Houses and iWls and llmrrnt stoiilnR earth for any numlier of yeart In advance. Office Kmir Until 9 a. ft p.m. itrti, ttrttlm l.umhrr of Ilnlht kiie, f'nmnilfloii Agent.. . to Witltmann'ii UWk hty Real Kutate In alt the Kingdom Kmptoymenl The !rMfrant Comuinv ha eMallUhed a Gen for the nccomitKHlatlon nf way iasscii-irs- wartrKni. JtnfrrlatHf I'nhtl, Ottf Xtitt, rlr, ranter alot corresponding with the goveinmenU P. O, Hot 101. tilAy found for then. fteeWng wotk In .11 the varioui Uanches eral Acency hwe.and ihaUirekienwl, (nralAcerit, ln TNO. S McGRKW, M. D. Agent of vhfemen of business cnnnecte.1 with tiUnds. docu. are authorized to take against diA(rroV the Ma.aiianlraJ.. r ar lowest rales. i On rair rlfilil hand were charming valleys of the United States, Great llrilain, Trance, llalealiala, Knlamanu, KeWauluohl, Mary Ellen, th. Igal Hiit tn GBKTZ, mentt drawn, Htlls Collecte.1, Hook an.1 AccounttketiC Sea at th moa featvnalfleiaiet, arvtlon the most lotted with faun hornet, ami low, rolling, Germany, Kutsia, Austria and trying In viirsiaiAX milt svniiiuix. pKAflK Ullama, and Leahl, and general office wofklrRnsat.d. PalronaxetnlKited. term. A HTISBLL. Italy, Pauahl Cotnmlulnnt n Korr ami At Kolnrmn'ft Wharf. I nvaleratt. 14 I hills; on our left the water of sell Hotel Hrett, 11 wf Able tlrerts, NO. FoRT.Sr.,OfrmiTKpAHTHFON SfABLM. hit scent nnd asking only $1,000,000 lit) FIRE INSURANCE PIANOS AND ORGANS I San 1'r.iricltcn, Kan I'ahlo and Sulsun liayt, from each of the countries named, orriCR hours: HAMBURG-BREME- Company, hut sonic fl HIHWMAKEH, HOOTS VONS LEVEY, W. MACPARLANE Co. i - From 7 to to a. m.J r Ira 4, and 6 to p m. ItOiTA! ASI I ft rivw iianot r.t Orunti utihalf: Uriiii- the list twolielnn muddy the Sacramento lxidy shot him aiul t A. cV Of., man.ratoien : Imrn In rem. nt at a while ago the io-l- f Telephone No. 1(4. Hh'trM tnrfrrV In , F. SCUAEFEE AGENTS. J, utk. ortlrr, it tut JHrrrttttnt, Cor. Fort ami Qurrn SrniRts, Hoiotcu-- ce iftlalfmentt: cataractIi: lit and Kan Joaquin rlvcrt, that into llirin, hat ceased. Arttottrrm Commtlnn firm cmty The leading mcmlier Of mat trial nt reasonable (Ticei. nrvl fot taOu The abote hating ten agnM cl thi U. lu IlrAvrn IIuk;k, 'URM Stxpk. Uoholvu, (ftmr company are treparetl to fire on nclifHinci-riiajci- of EMKRSOH, M. U. Irif rtkagairri A few l torn t were to lie teen the fraternity now living thinks that a good ;.) Stone and Ilrick .Ai'ilding and on u&red Balettfsf unit Merchani AKTISKLI. toerver N TIOt-USTE- Co., Furniture, Stnclt, Keat Folate aivl General Immrim Cfinmlttlnn Mrrrhtlnt: therein, on the mmt fatoraU For particular starlet ani Pe.tlL U. r... slow against the current. iimksman can liomhard the sky with artillery Honolulu, It. t., ft ISoU for term. tlsrn. progrctt Mertharvliv pnrnijly atttndeil to. iigcntt Agents apply at office. i , i, lor th.r In Ihc distance arotc the smoke of a tlcnm-Ikh- I and knock a hole in the bottom large enough t'tirsifjiAX Axit smmiuix, WtfOLMALK ANII KlETAtX American and l.urn(an j iyont. TrLRNIIIHK Numrrr 140. uE'Vr li j. lvey. The Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packet. cuming down from the Sacramento. The to let out sufficient moisture for those sections UUViUiiSTH ASH TOttAMOXISTX. John Ha. ft Co.'t Liverpool Line of Packets PIRE INSURANCE DALMER & RF.Y, Office hours from BJ4 to 10J4 R. m.; I 4 to jX p The Wafkapu TRANSATLANTIC subject Ingrowth. The last winter a a, H, Plantation Hamburg. tienery In the vicinity of l'orl Costa hat an wat dry Office ami residence number Kukul treet. No59 Nuuanu ttreet. Honolulu. t. TIHE GERMANIA MARKET, The Spencer Plantation, Hllo r Fort street. A cV air of pleasing quiet. Nothing could more nncahcrc, nnd (he" attempt wat made. A cornf llakalau Plantation, Hllo HACKFELD C.( Aetntt. DHOWN&Pnil.MPS, Hf.MOU'tU, II, I. Mlrleet, Talt ft Wation. Machinery . SCOTCH TYPE rOUNDERg. pc.icc.ftil than the slew of the town of llenicia mortar of small calibre was purchased, also n Capita! ami Kecrte. Rekhtmark t,tmm. T M. WHITNEY, M. D., D. D. S. The Ptiuloa Sheep Ranch Company their Companies lofl6jn,o) iHimh-shcll- No, H, Vttttf Jttitton, Istmtt, VmtUry the c shore, notwithstanding a few s charged with dynamite. A 3 NlIMNO STHKKT, IfoNOLIitU, I., Itrrft on that Honolulu, II. I., flint J'hh Total Rekhsmark i07,6yon Ihr Urrwt anrl ced. rm.n.1 detachment of Uncle Snii'n army it Mill was discharged at Ihc first cloud that r. I'rttrttcfit J'htmhrr, f ttmt Cop SMITH, comil.le Trie ,A ax m 6n han.1, I'riMert' Vtarehouts on ih:xta munis tintr sthkkt. prrnmtUi. Constantly ami of choken qiudty. Pork AL. TVie AKenttoftheatjote Company, for the Hawaiian th. I'aiinc L'oa.l. I quartered there. came sailing along, unapprehensive of danger! Odice (n Itrewer'a llleb( eorixr Hole and Fori Saimges I(flogtu, etc., aleay on ha ml Our meata IxrORTra Partimbr attention jaM to th fitting up of the ahii Drxr rr ik lands, are Leemred to Inture Huddinr. Furniture. Strrrtt, rntraliee on Hole) Slrrrt, I are all cut ami put up In Ktern Mjle. All order Merchandise and Machinery, etc.. Sugar At Aiilioch, hack of which rises Mount second shot wat tried, but the mortar SpringfieM Gat Machine. i aitemlefj the n t.A At) wa . vt.A- - roduce. alo aoj and kxj LefdeidorfT and faithfully to, and tlclivercd in any (art of iik, mi mux hilvf.h ami Kke Mill, and. tesels in il Kail againU km llhlilo, e lake a southeasterly course and exploded; the first one hit the hull's eye, how. city. Mtop on Hotel ISireet, t'Ctween Union and Fort Inl U'nre, llriirkrln, I'rlae., or damage by fire, on the most fa titrable terms. i SMi Commercial itrerti, H, OEDING, Streets G, KAUPP, tiller the grcal San Joaquin valley, passing ever, for it began to rain shortly after from business fiTarbs. P King's Combination Spectacles and Kjreglatv S.N FRANCISCO, CM. Oregon to the Gulf i.V,re 11ml JlraymtiH. l.uilrl SVire Ware, fancy Suaiit, I'Kture frames, Tiv ENGLAND MUTUALLIFEINSUR. through the countict of Contra Cosla, San of California and con CD. C. ROWE, loU, Wostenhotm't I'ocket Cutlery, I'owder, bh and NEW ance Company of Boston. Freight, Packages, an.1 lUggage iMivrml to and from Ammunition, Llatl'f Cotlot, Oil, all Joiquiit, Sl.inM.ius, Merced, Fresno anil into tinned without Interruption for eight days and CARTER, AHtt Stot Mcliine & COOKE, AGENTS. Sm. atfjiartsor Honolulu and vicinity. Careful at ttovsn stay vaixteh, Mndt of Machine Needles. "Itomeuic" J'aprr Fashions. CASTI.E We Ve, en har.1 the l,rrtit Amenean r.ncy nights'; The theory It a success. yet Sole universally Sj$. I rV a Tulire. At we travel south, the weather And Honolulu, II. I., tenlion fiatd 10 moving Furniture, with Vatkk Hangpr, etc, agent of the acknowledged INCORPORAT'Il I n erer lej cm tins nail, loftlker nh a mort complete li-- ssarmcr and the grass and grain in the the sky shooter it tlill callcil a crank by some - WACON'S .KXPHKSSI.V FOR PURPOSE Domestic Sewing- The oldest Purely Mutual Life Insurance of Miller A Rich- - AflllXT TO TAKi: AVKXOn'I.KIHIK- THE 107 King street, Honolulu. Machine, ard"s Scotch Type; Telephone 80; residence a Punchbowl street. Na 44 Fort ttreet Honolulu. andean shorter, the southern part of the state icople. tnr,ij In ('imlrurtu In lAlhtir. js company in tne united istatei. fumith, al shut notice. Office M Kin; ttreet. rc&tf Vottele on thetnnit farorttbte Term being In great tlistrcst from want of rain. So much for Ihc fauna of Tulare county. Offirent Pacific Mail Steamship Dock, Ksptanaite. 15 ILLIAM TURNER, inrrt pISHERS or nom rniraiTtVRc Anything In ths Printer' Una, It KtAUttK plan There )ct one natural phenomenon that It PHILLIPS ft Co. W life Tint lack of moisture it in n great measure W. LA1NE. 84 Kin; ttreet. Insured age 33 year- ordinary plan froaal!uilrInlaCtlirler Fin. W ha.e'alarj. worthy of mention. Thit is the "sand M ClfAMI'AIIXK CtllKIt MAXVFACTIHtr, t Annual premium continues Policy a years, days Mock of new and second hand frinlin Presto of supplied liy irrigation. The Sierra Nevada R IMPORTERS PitA VTICA I. IF,! TV ItSt A KEtt, 3 arimaVeaaivl VOMMtHSMXKK OP LtLIHA a Annual premiums continue Policy 4 years, ' riW Ve ar. irj. ajenr. tor mountains on Ihc eastern of storm," which it only seen to perfection in the ItEF.ttS He. 13 StRRRT, HoiIOLtlLC, it LaniDUir.Olinderl'mvs, tide Ihc valley, the State of California, for a lift IVhotrntitr ClotAny, llontn, And Importer of American Jewelry of every decrin-.- ! 3 Annual premiums continue Policy 6 years, a? " Collrell anrl Fnr the Hawaiian hlandt. Itrutf hi . This invijof S ' Ilabcock I'eertne, - Lahona desert and under Ihc "glorious (General Life itsvis. tL' nttci vihc.jjii fr laiRVifR-- .Miiivi itm,f yt health niny Uferige it for sale at all the 4 Annual premiums continue Policy years. 40 I'rettn; atv air- whose summits are clad in snow, ind Agent for the Pacific Mutual In j iif:. leading per, ffceduo and Wash- - Cumjiany of California. ShoM, Hat, Men FurnUhing Goodi. ulouns in the city. Orders from the other 5 Annual premiums continue Policy to years, vS " Jeel, send down numerous strcamt from their deep climate" of California. It mikes its appear- durante 14a islands promptly attended to. inxron JoUrs Fancy Gooili, etc. T EWERS & COOKE, 13, Asets, - $ i:tfoo,ooo. canont, which are conducted upon Ihc plains ance in Ihc dry season, and it liable lo liecomc WASHINGTON HAND PRESSES; TNO. A. HASSINGER, No. Kaahumanu ttreet. (SlTCKtSORt I.EWKRS & DlCKSOK,) AWAIIAN an uninvited guest al any portion of that sea- ii Til INVkSTMENT AND ACENCT Losses paid through Hnolaola Agency, $49,000 new in large canals and poured upon the thirsty Company, (Limited ) liaiterueamentines, hicharajost the thin, for I'M-br- r H son. It usually travels in company with the J Intkriok Orricr, Honolulu, tMPOUTKItS axii in: A 1. Kits IX I. printert. Tueik Water Muers, Cen Cullen. soil. TAKt: ACKsowi.r.JMi:- - jtp F. WOLFE mill nil l.lmU nf llilllilhia Mnlrrlith. and a full fine of &nLrn' U,kUndeitlar northwest winds, and its approach it made Aor.xr to MOXEV COAXED 'pHE macruoery, What a wonderful change hat hecn made iitrtitM to Voiitritrti for tsihnr. 3 Honolulu, If. I Port street, Honolulu, H. I. ' here within the last decade. There were then npparcnt by n huge hazy bank, beside which On FiMt clas serurities, tot lone or hort perioil. OUR FIDELITY ROLLER COMPOSITION OttOCEItr, FlZEtt AXt VJtOVISIOX Apply to W L. Manager LONDON AND PROVINCIAL H. PATY, O. & GREEK. A tttm. and Peerless very few setllemcntt o(T the line of the newly the dust clouds of Maui and Kahoolawc arc JOHN HALL SON, OfTifts l)uin Strtf rnrr 11 W f at. rr .a.t Printinz are cotnidered the lm in Jfrrcmttt. rf.l.. Fire Iaaurmnce Co. our Petfeclnn Iiabcs in comparison. It is not long until the HoNOtVLU, II, P . ." " J0" "l pliint constructed railroad, and only here ami there Oahu, I., Would like heid of families, boardinglKmw keeper Cors'fr Fort akd Kixg Strkkts, (Limited.) They sare editorial work anil cnnini- - and the residence of a stock raiser. Thousands of fine panicles of sand liegin to palter against XOTA ttr M'UtlLMO A Xt VOStM fSSIOXEtt and other to know that he at all time sell at nce IMVOttTEttH, HEAUUtS IX HAItI- - A COMFORTABLE HOME I Suberlbel Capital - - - - $,",,000,000 lioa, therefore tare money. of lrrttnt lowest of the low. Orders solicited and good promptly the panes; the light of day then begins , delivered in any part of the city or trare, flooitt, cattle and mustangs and flocks of sheep For the State-- of California and New York. Office suburb. Numlr tiry faint, The undersigned ha recently filled up tsCtnono.) tor ouk catalogue. 109 King Street, between Alakea and Fort ;i-- to grow dim; the grains nf sand increase in at the Hank of lliihop & Co. Si. Oil ami General MerchanfliK, 1 the nutritious herbage, the former The above Company have now established an agency Rrmrurer -- No home on this ccatt can compete with us in quality roaming at will, licing only gathered together size; twigs nnd branchet arc snapped from the O. In elegant stjle, the large roomy Cottage formerly Xvertf ami axe prejaren to take m on prop of goods. T. LBNBIIAN ft Co. flTILLIAM SMITH, W. McCHESNEY & SON, be every description within these trees; the large oakt make a low salaam, and longing to the Lemon estate, on Nuuanu street, eny of twice each year for marking, branding, etc. P M beyond the Comrncmal Hotel premise, Islands. only arise when the has Nuuanu Strrkt, Honolulu., STOCK BROKER, Dfaler is Now the cattle are gone, having been driven storm passed; Ihc for the purpose of conducting Chicago office r7 Monro ttreet. - i,! IMtOttTi:ttS AXti COMMiSStOX MKIt No. 83 .MERCHANT STREET, HONOLULU,' LEATIfElt, lttttKS, TArA.Olt; AX1 J T. WATERHOUSE, Jr., wind yells and shrieks like a thousand 1 Agent. to Nevada or Arizona, and thousands of farms chant. CommtMHlon Merchant A auporlor Loslelnc House. 106.3m all (Established in 1879.) contribute their the large grain demons; horses, cattle, and other domestic for Royal pintado export T YCAN ft JOHNSON, Agent the Soap Company. Na 4s Queen The name of thi pleasant retreat is the "WHITE will Sugar Plantation, Railroad, Telephone and other 1 UTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY M. CARTER & CO. of California. Some of thete larnis or nnimals love the storm, and leave green meet, nonoiuiu, n. 9 HOUSE." It cannot Ik urracd In the kingdom for of New York. Corporation Stock, Bonds and ilmilar and. M fields and pastures new to travel along with it, 105 and 107 Fort Street, sold on comfort cleanliness. ranches arc at large at a German principality. securities bought and II ILDF.R & C., AGKXTS. , expressing their deep satisfaction by snorting Impartrm nnd Iralem In alt html of Commission. Money loaned r C COLEMAN, THE GROUNDS ARE SPACIOUS it not uncommon to a single field with Jtimlr Oaotta, Ettnry on Stock Securities. s. m. It tec - food. and ornamented with shade Tstrnert, Stlfr.l mill rrio.f EtOHOmleal f.ljti CAtrrrn, and bellowing; then it begins to grow- light Jajmnrmr OooiIm. Honolulu, It. I., tree. r. CRAMAM. the fence on one side extending ten or fifteen Honolulu, II. I., October tst, 1882. no-t-f Iii.urmtrr Company In lite H'orttt, t. again, the gale dies away to adcligfitful breeze Furniture, Chain, Sewing Machines, .Mirror and JiLACKSMITIf, MAVItrXI.ST, CAtl- Person of may always 1 sure of a cheer- Mirror Picture Frame and Cornice made to ful home there, A sitting-roo- ts miles. Uvcrsthing it done on a large scale Plaie, & COOKE, rtaje Work, Shoeing, et apart for the CASH ASSETS OVER $90,ooo,ooa and the storm hat gone into the cast. The order. '371 rASTLE Hone guest. A r EW MORE ROOMS ARE No. 82 Kl Street, Hoaolnlts. with the most improved machinery. The Plantation .Machinery, etc; Shop on Klngf VACAN 1. Terms always moderate. sand storm hat many fine points. It seldom No. 80, Kivg Street, Honolulu, H. I. street, For farther information concerning the Company, ground plowed by large gang plowt, nnd 10 statue iootte . and for rate of Insurance apply to the Agents, or it it BREWER ft COMPANY, nei MRS. to continues long enough to liecomc monotonous, Shipping anil Co mint mm ton Merchants, J. T. WHITE, Proprietor. J. . Wiseman. Soliciting Ajent- - 1 seeded and harrowed at the same time. The C tLMtot.) DeALCI-- t it a is NOTT, RETAIL IN does not ssct person who exposed to it, Agent Importers and Dealers In JOHN TManyof UTiW gtowing grain ofT flenrnil Jtrrctuittlmiiifl Commtnton ourreaderw.Il remember Mr. -- heads of the arc cut by a a GERMAN FIRE INSURANCE and leaves no mud holes in the roadt. It it QUBFN SrRFF.T, HONOLULU. No. 9 Kaahumanu street. proprietor of the lodging houve on Pert sireet, ad. NORTH Company of Hamburg". large header driven through the field, anil arc GENERAL MERCHANDISE ioming the Pantheon Subles, whkh was such a com- only necessary after it to beat carpets, send Officer P. C Jone, Jr., president and manager; fortable home her secretary, Director Agent for Tin, Copper amd Shet Iron Worker, under management. 1 yn . HACKFELD & Co., AGENTS. FIREWOOD, COAX. AXXt run IntD header ss'agons by an clcsator, and Joseph u. Carter, treasurer ami blOVES AND RANGES, FEED window curtains to the wash, dust the mov- lion. Charle K. Ilthopand H. A. P. Caiiter; Henry The Hitchcock & Company' Plantation. Capital and Reserve Rekrumark 3,830,000 these convey them to a stock where the grain I of all furnish ' Cooiparirtrs, ables in the house and scrub the immovables. May, auditor 113 The Alexander & lukjwin Plantation. kinds. Plumbers' stock and metals, house 'HE EVILS OF PAINTING their 35,000,000 is threshed by steam power, and sacked ready K. Halstead. or Waialua Plantation. ing goods, chandelier, lamps, etc. The Atent of the abose Company, for the Hawaiian This can be done in three or four days, and -- A. II. Smith & Company, Koloa, Kauai. Islands prepared to IluiUlin, Furniture, for hauling to railroad. Hut cscn this is pHOMAS SORENSON, ue insure the J M. Alexander, tlaiku, .Mauu T M. OAT & Co. Merchandise and Produce. Mac tuners, etc.- - also Sugar v would notify the then all is as quiet and serene as before the The Haiku Suear puttie, and housekeepers iu par. getting too slow, and a combination header Comnanv. and Rice M.Ms. and vessels in the tarbcr, azalnu kru Ocular, thai we keep on hand and for sale, in Ship Carpenter, .S;ir Milker nntt Caulker Kohala Sugar Company. damage by most quantum arrival of the phenomenon; and the fine sand Ihe IIOXOLL'Ll', II. I., or nit, on the favorable terms. to suit purchasers il al lowest rates, fuel, as follows : and thresher is now used which cmt the grain No. Qi'EES (le low Honolulu Iron Work) Hamakua Planution in one's eyes only causes them to pain for two 9 Street OF 7JK- - from the stalk, threshes It, and sacks it all at S')T The Union Insurance Company of San Francisco. rr.AaS At.l. THEIR REMEDY. or three weeks. The fellow who spelled San The New England Life Insurance Co. of Boston. Mfriitloii. mitiiemiil rrjmlml. DOSTON BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS. HARD AND SOFT WOOD, one operation. A..M. MELL1S, The Blake Manufacturing Company of Boston. Loft In A. F. CooVe's new ftre building, foot ot Cut ai Lengths; "Sand-walkin,- " JWJRS. j.oof C. JIKEII'ES Cfc, Joaquin at it is pronounced, D. M. Weston's Patent Centrifus;al Machines. Nuuanu Street. sS & Thit valley is fisc hundred milct in length The New York and Honolulu Packet Line. CHARCOAL, was not such n fool after all. No. 104 Fiirt Strrkt, IIoxolulu, It ha been said with much tnitb too, that Itouse- - Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. t by fifty to sixty in breadth, and occupies a The Merchant's Line, Honolulu and San Francisco rniiiht, with study N. .. V. NF.WCASTLE COAL, When your arrived in Tulare FASIIIO.VAIILK JtltK.SM AX1I CLOAK. Dr. Son a Medicines. HORN, painting and acquirement 01 lAMi correspondent Jaynes s Celebrated 11. m -- SCOICII CUAI, uvi lh great portion of the interior of ihc stale. It is Maker. ao WUcox A Gibb's, Singer Company itTuiuc ftuiK ai uucrai an. Fat tt rt Mammal. BOARD OF UNDER CELEBRATED hot, Manufacturing; , PHILADELPHIA WELLINfTION MINE. the weather wat the plaint dry, liarren Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing Machines. rq IIosoivu-- II. I. DEPARTURE BAY COAI, - divided into three juris, the Sacramento, San - and dusty, business was almost dead, and G. IRWIN At Co. - C. BKF.II'EK A- CV. IILACKSM1IHCOAL. valleys, it tljfM, M'lOXBEtt STF.All VAXHV 31AXVFAC- Joaquin and Tulare but it really T. GULICK, lory mill Hithrry. Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. r ever) thing was as dull as the back side of a HOXOLVLV, II. 1., pHARLES The above can be let el plain from northern to southern . relieving the above 10 1 B. ordered by Telephrjne or otherwise, one vast Practical Confectioner, I'atlry Cook and IlaVer. true, A. KERR lias now and immediate delivery guaranteed. tombstone. The storm previously alluded to HUG A It FACTORS AXH COMMlSSiOX XOTART VVIILIC, reorganised his system of srorking the liusines in limit. The southern portion is generally AyeittM. Number 71 Hotel street, Utween FOrt and Nuuanu LLOYD RUCKVER the after, and followed ackhowleogmrnts Honolulu. In the first place, he has secured Ihe services SCHWEIZERISCHE of Wiaterthnr. visited country soon was CLAUt SPRRCKBLS. I WM. a IRWIK. acrkt to takr to labor of that celebrated spoken of at thc'San Joaquin plain. The Contracts, aku artist, Mr. Max Kohk, formerly ol . HACKFELD Ce., AGF.XTS. by occasional showers for several weeks. The San I rancisco, v hose wot k in the line of first time the writer traveled down the western ENGLINC Capiiat of the Company- - ...... francs 5.000,000,000 transformation that succeeded seemed like & Co. GENERAL DUSI NESS AGENT, ft La, the ft l'lalu ami Deeorallre I'aprr-llangla- g, The Agents of the above Company, for the Hawaiian CIVE US A CALL Telephone, No. jos side of this valley, near the coast range, No. work of magic. The weather was delightful ; na 37 roRraTRRRT, iionolvll', Office in Mackee's Block at comer Queen and Kaahu. j Nuuanu Stuekt, Islands, are prepared to insure lluildings. Furniture, dwelling houses were twenty to thirty miles nonomiu. ly Merchandise and froduce. Machinery, also Sugar AX1 HEAI.KIIS - nianuireeit, rr.VMinins, - Frescoing, is up 10 etc., the fields of grain and the pasture lands be- IMI'OllTr.llH IX JlAJtlt- tixsmitiis AXi. etc.. the present rime unsurpassed vessels against loss SIR ALSO KEEr IN STOCK Individual was who and, on these islands, has never aod Rice Milts and in th. harbor, apart, and one met tcfirr, Cutlrrt, Tool., rr In Stovrm, Itangra, Tin, 3 been equalled, toe or damage by nre, on tne most tavoraue terms. came lieaulifully green; the large oak forests, LEVEY & CO., s mechanics will fi some Paints and Oils, and General Merchandise. t O J. only U expressed a desire move to cmplosed. . HAY. nATsLri.fcwr.; v- -. 7i.-.- s. stretching far away to the foothills of the T W. GIRVIN, 1NSUR-onc- as it was getting too thickly settled H7iof.anfe aiiff Jlrtiill ilrorern, In future, patrons can depend upon my fulfilling BRITISH FOREIGN MARINE e HA K Lfc Y Whole and ground.i : ' Sierra Nevada mountains, were clothed in the w. PIERCE & Co. Fort street, Honolulu. every order on the most scientific basis known to the Company. 'Limited) WHEAT, CORN Whole and cracked I Maui, II. for him there, l'oor man It is to be hoped Wailvkv, I., trade. The BRAN, MIDDLINGS, andother feed. fresh rich garments brought by the spring; Honolulu, II, I., Fresh proceries and provisions of all kinds on hand ami THF.O. II. DAftES, AC. EXT. that he has found a " lodge in some vast received reeutarly from Europe and America which COJIMISSIOX MKIICHAXT AXU OKX- - SIGN.rAINTING AND LETTERING the cottonvvood, the sycamore, the ash vatied COMMMSSIOX will be sold ar the lowest market rates. Ih O001I9, The above agent has received instructions to re wilderness," where foot of man will not tread SttfV CifASM.EUS AXI rrtil Xtralrr lry Department will be Dermanenllv rirMided aw, Mr duce the rates of Insurance between Honolulu and Order th. above through Telephone No. of the button- - Merchant, Goods delivered to any part cf the city free of charge. fv jnj. the tint prevailing hue; the oe Groceries, Hardware, Stationery, Patent Medicines, Grorci: Stratmiyer (further comment unnecessary) Forts in the Pacific, and it now prepared to issue poll until he is gathered to his fathers. At that Agents for ltrand't Guns and IJomb Lances and Ter- jsiaml oruers solicited aim prompt attention will willow unbuttoned its vestures and spread given to the same. tra.ty Perfumery and Glassware. I cies at.the lowest rates, with a special reduction on 1 l'ain 1 AND WARRANT time antelope could seen skim ry Davis Killer. freight per steamers. 1 I them nut to the pla) ful w inds; the last v estage ming over the plain, and here the writer made AITONO LEONG ft CO., TTONOLULU IRON WORKS Co., of winter disappeared; flowers sprang from the r ainb & Co. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND Qmlcft DsUlt-tvr- r tutd FmU Watclst hit first ineffectual attempt to shoot one. At HnsoivLV, 11,1., F. S. Send for desizns of fresco, for ceilings and THE Gtobti luurajsc Coapany. fertile' soil, lieautiful flowers of every color, Honolulu, H. I. Nuuanu STacirr, Cok. Maik, heard the cornices something new; and if you want any Glass night the only sounds to lie were MEHCHAXTS IMVOH- - AgrittM for Moanul Sugar, Valama Hire STKAM KXaiXKS, IIOILERS, SVttAlt put in, call at the BISHOP & Co., AGEXTS. and the openings in the timlier, presented the COMMISStOX M'taniaitoH, Cooler., lonely, mournful cry of the burrowing owl and trrantt Jiealer in Mill; Iron, lira.. CtTARItllEO 183. most delicate mosaic conccivcablc; the valley, And Kailua Rice Plantation and MUL ni-i- "TIOF.R" PAIXT STOKK, ORDERS FROM OTHER ISLANDS night heron, and the dismal howl of the Hay, Grain and, General Produce. And Lead Catini!V Machinery of every descriitin SOLICITED the mada to order, particular attention paid to Ship's Vnllmlleil Liability to Sloekholiler brow n and drear, became the "Garden of the -- No. 78 King - To-da- no Strert...... Honolulu a coyote- or prairie wolf. the level McINTYRE BROTHER, H. DAV1ES ft Co., Ulacltmuhing. Job ssock executed on the shortest Assets Sts.s-ti.te- Free Delivery 10 All Parts of the Gey. Jlcspcrides." M E. ft pllEO. 10 (ii by tice. Rery , , 75a,e. plain it checkered orchards, vineyards and (Latk Janion, & Ca) It has been a queer season. The cold Con. Kino and Fokt Sts., HnNOLULir, Grb.n ixcomi rot tJ;j : grain fields, and villages and school-house- IMVOHTKU, COMMlSSiOX MKKCHAX1 LINE KastttvttaaVttr, Vet, 8X Kla -t-otttyt. weather continued until late in the spring, and atiOCEHY AXH rKKD STOitK. PLANTERS' nOOKSI BOOKS I BOOKS I PtmssIiuu received after deduction of re-- sprinkle the surface and discover the presence mniI Agrnt for utsuranc. , O the rains did not commence until Lloyd's and Liverpool FOR SAN FRANCISCO. ,t Vls,M TtLEtHONR the lime the Underwriters. Losaee promptly adiuued and paid here. Na )OJ. ) of clslluatlon. What will this valley be HACKFELD Co. Foreign Company. H when Ihey usually cease. Hut, Lite as it British and Marin. Insurance C. HRHn-K- COMPANY, Agent: rKRTAIMhQ TO will was, And Northern Assurance Company. t twenty or fifty years hence? What a H QtistN Hokolvlv, II. I., it was worth at least $ 1 ,000,000 to the San Stkut, Merchandise receised Storage Free, and liberal cash Y TNIONMARINBINSURANCE COMPANY century make of it ? It would not have to lie GUXKUAL COMMISSION AOKNTS. advances made on shipments by this line. TkaHwUljslalsvmUtsBAUPttUo, FEED COMPANY, Joaquin valley. Heavy speculating was beirtg A W. RICHARDSON ft Co. t M rratscltco. PNTERPRISE populated to thickly at some Kuropean conn done In grain when it thought CASTLE cV COOKE, AGESTS, wat to lie too HOFFSCHLAEGER ft Co. luroRTias AND DlALIRS in SOME or WHICH ARK and less productive ones, to accomtno fall Comer of Queen and Edinlsugh stresns, Hanolalu, tries, late in the season to get a of rain of any ED MOOTS, SIIOKS, rVHNJHUIXa HOODS, "HE MONTAGUE RANGE Incorporated 1875 rr value, and a numliei of grain Honolulu, Oahu, II. I., date and sustain half of the present population dealers in San Halt, Cap, Trunk., EXCEEDINGLY RARE: II. J. AGNLW. PaorttnuR, money they COMMlSSiOX MKH-rhfinl- of the United Stales. Francisco invested all the had or IMFOHTKKS AXIt Peifumeev and Soaot. WrJiham Watches.rll.Fine lev FOR SETTING IN IIKICK. could liorrow. unprecedented of UBRICAT1NG OILS. The spell elry. etc., cor. of Fort and Merchant streets, Hon Ellis's Polynesian Researches , . ..volumes Ituorms his friends and th. public generally that he As, the train Iwre ut on southward through late rainy weather proved disastrous to them. olulu, n. i. has opened busiuesa at the above stand and haa Fresno county, the sun, drnpietl behind the One dealer alone lint $100,000, but hit lost ' A. SCHAUPER ft Co. G. 12NGLIXG C Co., A Tour in Hawaii ....FJlii made (on pine arrangesuetHs for a Lubricating Oils. Curuumous svjeily was the gain. s E. WILLIAMS, AJournrv RouKUTiir. World (1 voIl)... ..Simpson of wcMcrn range and ere we reached the timbered peoples Keoki. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, A'. jXnuamii 5., Vavw, U A We desire 10 call attention to the tine stock cf OILS OtTNkfU Rsf along King's near Ihc line of Tulare, California, June I, J8S3. COMMlSSiOX MF.H- - IStroRTRR AND DkaLKR IN Our Journal in tiir pACiiic..,....Eardley-rilmo- i Flsvlt Vatty Bettst ewMlttw, region riser, IMVOKTF.ttS AXU Sole agents for these Islands. The best couking ap which we now have on hand, curnieising tk. Tulare county, night was upon ut. And 'twas rVHXITUHK OFKYKKY DKSCKtPTION paratus lor tne llantallon, lintel or family. , Sir Months in thi Sandwich ItiANts..,Miss llud the following I which 11 r wilt, orrta tea sat A XKW HVKX I'.IX.U. AI.O VpkoltAerer and ManufmHarer Poltnesian vol, 1) well) Thit section had felt the want of rain 1LDER ft Co. RANGES FIXTURES such at Till Rah Fornander AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Furniture Wareruomt No. 10, Fort ttreet. Work, Fntsvtt most severely, and there wat not a sufficient There is a great ileal of talk coin); on In Water Holler., Urn er l.ucv G. Thurston, tteHrm OU, U ettaUUw to amlt concerning the w shop at old stand on Hotel Street. All orders promptly Me He hopes, by filing kh Iwst allenlioa, to plesvu the Enghtv) necessity rif construct' Con. Four ano Qubkn Sts., Homilulv. K to. growth of grass to hide the earth. tended 41 Water Coll., Jsevis HitTotv or the Hawaiian Iilands. Lard Oil, in barrels ami cases 3 pwssik iwsu so nsssii a pars . pasrunaga. late lim a second canal across Ihc Isthmus of Suet. LVMIIF.H, VAIXTS, OILS, XAILS, toeir Nothing be more dreary the un- Ural. Bart, Kte., Bennett's SgRrcHt or Hawaiian Histusv, Ci under oil. iu barrels and in rases ! can than There arc lvo principal reasons for this. In iihiI ilMKWlMir Material, of rrrry iu. POI FACTORY, Castor oil, (two qualuies,) in cases; A LARCR STOCK Or settled portion of these plains in the dry Ihe lirst place, the present canal cannot ac- Al.ays in stock, Hawaiian Aluanac and Annuals itrs-t- Parainn. oil, in barrets ; commodate the vast numlier of vcssclt sshich P. ADAMS, A. K. KUNUIAKF.A, IVoprietor. A cheap articl. fcjr Raaehtnery, and, fo WHEAT and OAT HAY. season when no green blade ts to lie seen, Esplkix directions setting up accompany every Hawaiian Frrnv Bailey v. P for .i.... most uses, fully equal to the more eipeusivc oils. WHOLE and GKOU.NI IIARtEY, seek to tuss ihroufili it, ilhout such prolongcsl BEST PAI Al put UD In any us desired: alkali Qihn Stsiit, Honolulu, loonier I. Ranre. Cit'R save an occasional twlch of salt grass or it hard, soft, or In torrcls. Orders through poa-otn- Hawaiian Far gat. CALIFORNIA and OREGON ilebjs tnal uouM be nearly as cheap lo take II th. ALSO KEEr IN STOCR .1 UCTIOXKKU A NU CitMMISSlOX MX will has. attention, whcthcs'lor city or other OATS, BRAN, weed. the oM caiic roule; ami, in the second jilacc, toui4 Circulars and on aflita.'iei. wt-q- r roR rkanl. pant w tne uianos. 141.3m Vrit sai it SKIDGATE OIL, In cases. At Ihc little station of Goshen arc two although s of the traffic is Knglish, as MIDDLINGS, Etc isl-l- THOMAS G. THRUM. This oil I asaile froea shaika Iisers, and ts fully equal branch roads, and here we U1 one of our i also the incut lirciwnilerancc of intticsts in A S. CLEGHORN ft Co. T. WATERHOUSB, TTOTEL-STRBB- T MARKET, to lard, and is much cheaper, HOW ON HSRO. . soUeil in the canal being kept ojicn for war JOHN Visalia Delia, and IsiraRTSRS anu Dealers " Orders and satisfaction ee no party, the proprietor nf the 10 say in Queen Honolulu, II, I., Proprietor. HOPP ft Co., Kisst sstrtMft, DARK LUBRICATING tolitrd euaraaeed snips, jet me iiiiiisn nave nine in us STtsrr, ltK, rmt. u OlUhUmh; payaskesL Sov " a tir.XEHA I. MKIICli.i NIHSK, Jast the thing Sugar MiUs, Carriers Xslsione lslus a " shipmate of the writer on that Journal management, since they ilu not Imkl the IMPOHTKK AXIt IlKALKH UKX-or- al mmj l Can. and Cart, Comer Queen and Kaahumanu Streets, llunululu. IX Imferitn Mom.futmrm ur aay(siow .losing vaasaiisrry, and al half the took another train for majomyMJiL. shares. Hence there is a large I ' few ears ago, lie JefrrrAaxiil.. llavlnir nurchased th. Hotel.Slrect Market. take price of the eapensise osfcs now in use. T-H- E patty in no a,c W'-0- " lo construct pleasure in announcinE that I will glse th. busiuese my 'SUPERIOR' STOVE. Visalia, and we continued on to the nest lawn, I'.tffS Co. v OLLES ft 1 and hope to supply the of Etrttsr ilsttistflyUiiM FwraltRLi-t- another canal, sshich shall lie paid for sttth FLAGS 1 personal attention, wants the f In tvldilion 10 above, we keep Tulare, where we, too, left the cars. Wc had B' PLAGSI public of Honolulu in a satisfactory manner, . liiitun capnai ami aosoiutciy ounctl ami con QUREN StEERT, HoNOLUlV, II, I., o. ct Prl-U- Kerosene Birauirs no sooner stepped upon the platform than wc trolled by llritish shareholders. mm CIIANIILF.RS AXI. COMMlSSiOX A Fitter. BEEF, MtrrrOM, VEAX. IsAMB, Od Downer's, Na.mday, LaUrat, Ass. J, A'.svassa SI., Itenelotm It, I., w as, Of course since the lunctlcaliiliiy of cuttim- - Merrmani., in several sires, AMERICAN and HAWAIIAN. To thi TasseU, Uiupa, Silk were recognised by friends, dark at it ANU Cord in every shade Pallor Sets Linuesl Od, In quaaiuies to suit. A full line of th. the Uthuuis has lwcn demonstrated, and the Imjiortcrs ami lealert In General Merchandises I Fur tale at T O. THRUM'S Formieel Store. reslul, and they were all that wc remembered. The covtted, polished and mad. eo,ual la net profit of the undertaking shonft to be iniincdi OTHER KINDS OF MEAT FOR THE TABLE new, Mattresses and And (4 the best qualities. Also, comianily en hand, auatrW.r a town and the surrounding country had and laigc, there Ik; BURGBSS, I. NICHOLS, S (leaned al short frserssw. aVssssva, ate uould no difficulty in F. ALWAVt ON HANPv - . changed) the houses were dillcrent; lanes had raising the necessary money. Hut Ihe Kiench N P notice. OtwttwwA rtvlttastt. Mrttttr,- CAHVKXTKU mhsI MVILUKK. No. Vi II0N0LILU, stockholders, with the irrepressible Lessen 10, Fort Stsrrt, ssottvd IrRt-elss- RSAiMatttsj oil dry, Momlmgue, grown into streets; many of the slrectt had Ie Alt kinds of iohbsng promptly altenJed to. W. u. tor tttsrk u4 la and and ITAM. Jew 4 Bine, U at their head, protest violently against the CIVIL HXaiXKKM AXB COXTMAVTOM dtslerent quahtiea. Just rwceissssl Ihieikm, become avenues) the spirit of Telephone Ny. I jo, illunuon t 1 press Omce, PROMPT IttCLIIKMr MAIIK. caarftss. scuemc, claiming mat tneircnarter Rivet them Construction of Railroads, "l-- Pmraiom, U-e- King sUtsrt. 10S For ihe TWO awtarCKKTX improvement, in fact, had "making a monopoly, and that ihey must be hougnt out Shop No. t4 ORDERS TAKEN BY TELEPHONE New Uieml, Mills, landings Iron. Wooden anj Combination just the thing so nit Htta araaj. thlngt howl." Wc slid not know I lie way beforettt rival canal can lie constructed. The tstl "Mnfrlme" pKOPLE WILL GO Bridges, Viaducts and Suptnsiun Bridget TsltrHONE, No. r)&. lit RAILS home and it was with uime difficulty that wc judicial commiltc of (lie kheditc's council tup. for Cane Flumea. lao QTEEL aststttgtra, poits this claims and since, of course, nothing FROM PLACE TO PLACE, PLOWS AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS aa-- t Plil-aw- s Urn the aaat. af.ays la saock. 1 M. G. found the place about 1 r, vspHOS. THRUM, svsssd lMatal'oss, can be done without the consent of Ihe Kgjii-tia- n Busing paw Tobacco and Cigars, especting 10 get a PARISIAN RESTAURANT, For Purtarli or Psruarrnt of every &trjioti on a JOst WORK PROMprLV DONE. Tulare county, California, may be unknown tioseruuieut, there is a temporary hitch in gotal smoke. 'Fhey wUht m well try to get wool lurotTiQ AND MalUfACTl'IINa NUSIMUI 64 IIOTRL StRttT, rwssr ptocecilings. v by shaving a hydraulic ram. The thing can't b. done. to most residents of the islands, but, aside the The diiticuli v ill. ho es er. arAfMOMKH, NKWH AHKXT, PKINTKU, .til. and section pintiably lie solved either by the purchase of ItUnftsssat MKAI.S HKMVKIi AT ALL ., KAILWATI, FENCE WIRE AMP HARDWARE of alt k'utJ PAr-EK- HmyA.u from being a pleasant piospcnms . JI..lrlMVr, ksy C5."Titw8 the old canal by a new conusant', or bv a dis all of htiur the , s7asttlysVssssssdWrilsWssshlssstaf Ivy tATniT rr Tlk -- It is gradually becoming famous Hat the best Cigars, Toaacxo and linds nf And puhioher ol Pasta, and Ifomiil-m- ; fort rJxatrssst. . ft , of the stale, tribution of shares In the new canal, by stay of SuoaEEs' Guuba in the tuaikcl, at th. SaifRttaV litttHlsttsrtt-i- MsWtatk swtL t4 rtsnttssal i4 Special terms for regular boarders. The only suila - AlmmuMe om.1 Aomool. MstssssUat mtwt. Deal. Mwfaar4an.tatmUtsss9(aB. AsVytoW. the land, of cranks. (The county' notoriety mnus, 01 om at aiming trie siocknoiuers tne one. No. i8 FORT STREEr. HONOLULU. u prisate roosn in town sue utsisti. er ia fimr Stationery, Fancy established before the 3JH Lttltr, SssSuSssUSes" in this ictpect was fftws ito.ius tSSVJRSt igr l0'vmk!mxn& ik i

6. (I vf" Saturday Press: i r VOLUAIIilMUMKIiR 48. HONOLULU, H.. I., SATURDAY, JULY 2S, 1SS3. WHOLE NUMHKR 152

return of the writer.) 'I lilt is 1'KESS. species divided iJrofccoiotii.l QTiirbc. .DuoiiiCBB tjiiirbo. .DitoincBo Cnrbo. jDuoincoo Olurbo. SATURDAY nnlnly into Iwnchsses, financiers and weather cloliecfi. foreign bbcrtiocmento. A N wspape f Published Wf e Uljr, prophets. 1 lie former are the mote numerous, -- arc the hirdest workers, and hive advinccd sLAttRNCK W. ASHTOIU), 0RINI1AUM & Co. IIYMAH I1R0TIIRRS, pISIIOI' A Lo. FIRE INSUR rj W. SEVHRANCH, ID, IV I" M ance Company of llamburc IUO8lB.VRiniO1?5.)o HIR.IV nnny theories, an) one of which, If followed, I'.TV, Makhp's PlncK, Stanar, H ATTOIISI'.V, Slll.ltllTOIt, 0.n No J9 MMCiMNf SrrutT, IIiihoi.uiu, II I, BANKERS, Jl6 CanroaNisSr ,CxL.,(KmuNa j) Foreign .utiscription. would phec tliccniinlt) upon a sound a jArr,httAf!fiXr fininchl IMI'llinr.HAM UIIOLK1ALK If.MA-- - I, 1.1 nr.xnuALMKiwiiAX- IIAWAttAX fOSHIIt. .t lusisj No i$ Kaahumanl Srssrr llnNOLl III imvdutiuii or Huililin;, Merchandiv, Furniture and Machinery l(l,WI.1tlX $ to artorilin. lo lliell destination not one of them but his forgrtttcn more rr flrlirritl .HrrfolH'. ill IZtiytitittl, Draw PsrW-onta- e Insured sgaunuF on t j $; V. 3" from I'rmirr, BANK Of CALIFORNIA, ire the rmnt favorable term., Mertlmnl, 4 thm Holier t Morris ever knew almtil mone). San Francltco, ami then ar,enti In CASTLB, U S. OKtKDAUM & Co, Oermany anil the ifnnl Slates, r I AX I'HI.Wl. Kvery ncwspajier office In the count) is filled GENERAL INSURANCE COM tTARNDEN A Col lintl (.) WR Xrw Ynrkf FORTUNA pftnjr of Merlin. with their IV, and editors are alwavs hipp) ArToitsr.r .it law, 14 California St., Ran twAHciwn, YMAN BROTHERS llo'loil, Cilllnritht, Ami Nutar) Puttie AlleikU all llie of the ,I.V H F. A SClf IF.FEK cr t.j Ssbsovir Sr , Nra CAirnaHia, S F f'entrill and anxious to gNc them in the waste Cuu.l. lOItHAitlltSa tOHMISHWS I'll flu, ,f iii,. spice Klngilutn. t AtrrrtututM, tifj ANni3CALirnaNiA 1 I Imuml .inl 8raT,S he almTe trurance (ompaiiy, has establihd a (iHxr.iLlt. AtmxT.iAxit Our lilllc pitly of four, ot1i bukcl. Hut great mtnds are unsuccessful in Ailrhlnuilf General A(emy here, and the ndenijened, eneral Snecial focilittc for n! mitfctilar attflilion mM to trnoLi'.iA and liomcw.iril, linilinR nl the Oikliml vvlnrf PRESTON, li: MISSUS M M KOrilSCIIII,!)S0.VS,'l)nJon, ar auiiofiefi tiVs((aint ma flange fommltilnn Mertlmiilt. i snnll tilings, and these talented indlviduils, pDWAltD rnmignnuMitt of IUnt firoiluce. It-- 4Zm. ioi.e Piniciilir attention put to fillinn iml stnprlnir I of th Seas at tlt nvt reasonaLI rates nn on the liy llic A. M Imit, siecillly Ir.inslri ml tlicin i) who advise without hesitation in the finmclil M I out Stunt. Howmu, mil orilrra. IheOHIENTAL BANK CORPORATION ol mosi lavorame ieimH pRAMK II. AUSTIM ft Co, I lie Southern I'.icllic train in rcnill IWf AX ECKART London, anil their tranches In selves to affiirsof the mtion, hive difficulty In pro .1 .t 1..111: rrmtxr.v T WILLIAMS Co. UNDBRWR1TBRS, Orrica Nu toCAUinnxu St. S. f , new lo depart on Its long Iran ciintlnrntnl at No Kort SrnrrT, Honolulu, ft RRMBN BOARD OF hit, viding themselves with llic necessity pen, ink nt lloniihmifi, B ,t O, TC A-- f'W.ff AIIKT.I KHIIIAIII,. journey. Amid the riii;ln,; of Incnnmllvc A1MLLIAM SMITH, WATVHMAKKU, KMIttA- - io and 104 loT Htartnr, Sifilnrif A AM Mt Ce f Agtntt and pipir tint cniblcs them lo continue their JIWilhVH, and it I nl Ayr ni 1, and Mrllnninirp lx lis, ihrcc trains rnlleil nut of the latRC ersicutlons a pillint and long suffering ATToitsr.r ..lie, rrr, itml tHitntnuit Xrtlrr, VIIDTOnilA I'll II! A IITISTH. AloaKentsfur the tqion at And transact a seneral Itanlclng Itutineis. t 'on.ltnmenls from the Hawaiian drs,rej the end of he All fail lidiliy Mftutr.l. 3 Pictures of all ami Itln-- mflile ami Dresden Board of Underwriters, 1 Inndsmno ilcpol, lint at niirmv public. The weather so MrmciiANr Stuxiit, HnNOLiiti, 5 ortlrn sies to crilr, he K.l ttirt warranted sales slurps arc not j frames of all on liviil Vienna Board of Underwriters, anl (uaranlrrd 4 In which the shore itrcrlitlons conlanlly AIo rlrlp of mini land lead to but less CoraU, SlirlUanil Curunltlrt of the Pacific TOSBPII E. WISEMAN F'or -- numerous, arc not honored In their. -- T AWKBNCU FRHRTH, i the Hawaiian Island. 'MARLBS a mile or distant, wc our RS. CUMMINOS A MARTIN ft I1RRWB.R ft Co. to eoniprnj, own country. I he most noted one some II010IULU, H I., 1 Nun COXTttAfJTOHH. A LLEN 4 RODINSON, Kim train turnlnp, northward along the lny shore. ago discovered how to foretell the OmcF or Fnsr amii IIfuftania Srs.. LLOYD MARINE INSURANCE ; Sraa.T, Hostok, )cirs 1(4 nr.At.r.sTATi: HMiUKii r.nrt.ov. GERMAN Company of Berlin, for - ft n.l hMltnatM hirnUhnl for' Wot of dm. IIONOLULI', I axii Afli:XTS This courc c followed tinny mile, amount of precipitation In any portion of the svimi.ttss A.n iiuMir.i'AJiiia ntv- It , lilrlit Jlllri'ltllt Or' IIAIVAIIAX I'ArKt'TH, utrut.intt, Lti.l hnginfrnng and .Surveying ()fTi, r. A, SCitAtlMi cV CtAGFXTS. Mopping necasliimlly at simll town nr tillages) M corner of MalrkauwiU ami Klliuei next tlcmr In II11IUU Rents Rooms, Cottages, llouses.aml selli ami leases tlrnrinl (nmmlnlnii earth for nny number of )cars In advance. Office , and from r M itrtet, Drnlrrt t.umbrr nntl nil html of Apriif. for the accommoihtlon of way lo WKIemahn' drklt ware home. hit Malrrhltn, 1'nlllln, Oil, Arlfa, rtc, Real Kutate In all xiruof the Kingdom Twt alie Insurance Comiionv hasestaUi.hedaGen pawinpm. Me was corresponding with the governments r. o. itot tot. tit y found for thoe neeliinft work In all the variout tranches eral AgeiM-- hire, and iltealmvesigned, General A rents, NO S McORBW, M. D. Agenttof whoonrrs of buvlneis connected wilh thesr lilands. Legal doi u are autlKitlied HUVs a t d angers the t reinht at lowen rates. 1 On our riuhl hind were chinning sallevs of the United Stales, fircat llrilaln, Trance, llsleaVala, Kulamanu, Kekauluohl, Mary Ellen, In tale gain the if J GHRTZ, menti drawn, Hill Collected, Hooks and Accounts kept Seas at the moa reaonaUe fates, and on the most fa dottnl with farm homes ami low, rolling, Germany, Uussh, Austrh and Ifdy, U)ing In )'ii r.sivtA.y nini stntarox. pKANK Ullima, Pauahl and LtaM. ami general office Patronage solicited. voratde lermv A MTISELL At Koliinson'a Wlurf f Lommtwlons moderate. )4 gmvcov crcd IiIIIm on our lift the v.atcrs of sell his secret and asking only $1,000,000 Molfl Mrrct, betttrert Port and Aliltra streets. So. !t Sr.,OPWMITRl,ANTIII'ON SrAPLM, PIANOS AND OROANHt orricK hours! HAMBURO.BRBMBN FIRE INSURANCE San rnncisco, San I'alilo ami Sulsun liijs, from each of the countries mined, but some Ac J 8 HOOT AM) StiOr.MAKEtt. HOOTS T YONS LEVEY, W. MACPARLANB Co. lo,rno fianos ; Orjans Prom 7 to 10 a. m to 4, ami 6 to p m. ASH p ft r,w i ure half; liy of tl,e the twohcing a muddj as the Sicranicnto liody shot him a A, & , ACF.XTS. maniiraituirr. from u, list while ago and the corrcs. to6-t- f Telephone No. 164. Hhne tftfiffV to ortter, F, SCttAF.FER C it, Jimus ta.h, rent, Aurlloiitrrn tllul Comliilantoii .ffrrrirrnfa, Cor PnaTandQuaaNSraFKTS, Hohoivli', w installment. ( ratalitie. free. and Sin Joiquln rivers, tint empty into them. pondence Ins firm harlnj ceased. The leading member 01 lisfrt material at reiwnaMe rice, ami ful cath. The above Wtn appointed agents of this B. M. O. llPAVPR IlLOO, QUPKN StRPR, HllNortil I'. (ItitKK llxt) rom'iany are treaare.l to inure risks against fire oh chooncr-r!ggci- of the fraternity now TvJ UMBRSON, A few l scow were to he sien living thinks that a good Stone and I Wick buitJmgs and on Merchandise stored of ami Importer unit OrmrifaWori ANTisrr.i- - corner Marltet and Powell, San I Co, Saks Furniture. Stock, Real FMsle General Mrrrhnnl: therein, on the fxvorahle terms. For Fran unking slow progress against the current. nnrksinan can Immbird the sk) with artlller) ItoNiuuur, It , TJOLLISTER allemleil for mot liirn. Merchamlive promlrtly to. hole agent! Agents tor appy at their ottice. S In the diMincc arose the smoke of a Menu-Un- t and knock a hole In the Imttom lirgc enough viivstciAS axii sviuir.os, WllOI P1ALK ANIl KRTAIL iimencan ann i.uroin tnercniiiiiive. i i.)onv, rl FLkNIONK NUMRFR 149 11S vr . J. Uvey. The Glugow and Honolulu Line of Packets coming down from the Sicmnenlo. 1 hc to let out sufficient moisture for those sections John Hay St Lirerpool Line of & REV, Office hours from Sj4 loM A m ) p nttrootsTs ToiucrosisTs. Coa Packets TRANS-ATLANTI- FIRE INSURANCE pALMBR lo tU to jji asi The Waikapu Plantation Company of Hamburg;. teener) In the Icinlty of I'ort Costa his an subject to growth. The list winter was a dr) Office ami residence number , Kukui stre So. 59 Nuuanu street. Honolulu, II. t. t HE GERMAN1A MARKET. corner Fort street. The Spencer Plantation, llllo air of plenlng ipdct. Nothing could lie more nnc,hcre, and the attempt was made. A Hakalau Plantation, llllo . IIACKFEU) fr Co , Artnh. T HONOtLLU, puowtf&i'im.Mrs, II. I. Mlrleei, Talt ft Watson. Sugar Machinery Capita! and Reserve,. Reich snurk t,tm,m SCOTCH TYPE rOTJNBERS. pcaciful linn the view nf the town of Ilcnlcii mortir of small calibre wis purchiscd, also a T M. WHITNEY, M. D., D, D. S. The Puuloa Sheep Ranch Company Fsttnh, their KC'insurance Companies " ioipeso,(.ro few lionib shells charged with dymmite. A No 18 Nuuanu SrNRKT, Honoluiu, II, I,, itrcf, Vratt Maiton, Poultry on theopHKltc shore, notwithstanding that a I., Honolulu, It. amt i'hh Total. Reichsmark - drtichmcnt of Uncle Sim's army Is still shell was discharged at the first cloud tint Prttrtlrttt Vtumhm, Ott Ftttrr niul Vap A L. SMITH, 107,650,000 The hrset ami Onlr COmtfftt- 1 trtu. tnnn.l.v ..J ttr.XTAf. iron ms o.v hthkkt. 0 Constant!)' 6n hand, and of choice.! quality. Pork 'nnters Warehouse on the Pacific Coast came sailing along, foht prtnmlth. The Agents the above Company, fur the llaaiian quittcrcd there. unapprehensive of dinger) Office In ItrewerV Htorlc, corner Hole ami Fort btuicev IIo(ina, etc., a1wa)t on hand Our meat lMmRTPK AND DaAlaa IN Islands, are prepared to mure lluildings, Furniture, Slreers, entrance on Horel bireet. I Particular attention taiil to the fitting up of the are all cut and put up in Pastern .t)le. All order At Antloch, luck of which rises Mount a second shot was tried, but the mortar Springfield Ca Machine. t - Merchandiv! ami Produce. Machinery, etc. alsohuzar aoj and toj LeldeidorrT and ftithfully attended to, and delivered in nny (urt of the IILAHIirA HK, MHHIDKX SILVKIt Vt.A- and Kice Mills, and sessels In the hathur against lost exploded) the first how- city. Shop on Hotel Street, Irctween Union and Fori M Commercial Dialilo, we take a southeasterly course and one hit the bull's i)c, Inl rn r, llrnrlirtM, Vntrn, ur damage uy nre, on the most lavuraue terms. 1 5.9, H. OBDING, Street j (sjoOm) G. KAUIT, Proprietor, inter the great Sin Jmrpiln allcy, pissing ever, for it begin to rain shortly after from uoincoo QTarts. Pf Klnff. tComtrtnalion Sjiectncles anil Kvegltitei, SAN FKANCISCO, CAI. Luttral Wire W'a'e, bwiiSf Picrure Pis. EW ENGLAND MUTUAL L1PE INSUR- - through the counties of Contra Costa, San Oregon to the Gulf of California and con- lljrprr imf Drayman C. ROWE, frames, pD. tols, Wosienhclm's Porkrt Cutlery, Powder, blurf and N ance Company or Doiton. tinued without interruption for eight CARTRR, Freight, Packaer. and HigRage deliverer! to and from Ammunition, Lbrk'i Sjwol Cotton, Machine Oil, all Joacpiln, Stanislaus, Merced, Kresno and Into da)s and nor-si-: & COOKF., ACF,XTS, gM. all rxutiof Honolulu and vicinity. Careful at- ana siox vamxteh, kinds of Machine Nerdlcs. "IJomeMic" Parer fashions. CASTLE We Iceep on liaml the lirfest Itotk of Amenoin Fancy we nightst' The theory Is a success. Sole agent Tulirc. As Intel south, the neither !: And )ct ItONOLUlU, II. I,, tention ("Id to mo vi lie I utniture, with Patrh Hanurr, etc. of the universal!) acknowledged iNcnaniKATftu 183$. 1)1 evrr let on tin. cum. tl.lhrr wilh a mo.tcomMegrkrr - coinrs warmer and the gnss and grain In the the sky shooter is still called a crank b) some - WAOONS.KXl'KKSSI.Y FOR THK I'URIOSK Light. Running Domeitlc Sewing The oldest Purely Mutual Life Insurance Miller ft Rich- AOV.STTO TAKi: AVKXMVLKMtK- 107 King itreet, Honolulu Machine, ard a Scotch Type s Telethone 86; rcMitence I'unchuowl street. No. Honolulu. and can fields shorter, the southern pirt of the stile people. viriilM lo Cimtrilrt In lAthiir, 135 44 Fort itreet Company M the united states. fumhh, at slmrt notice, Office 86 King itreet. to6-t- f Vottcien Imtuctl on the tnont Favorable Term King in great distress from want of rain. So much for the faum of Tuhrc county. Office at Pacific Mail Steamship Dock, Fsphnade. "11TILLIAM TURNER, pISHERS kxamm k or won murriTUSK fLAM I Anyihlnn in the Printer's line, There is one natural phenomenon that is This lick of moisture is in a measure )et PHILLIPS & Co. 84 King Insureil age ) ears -- ordinary life plan from a IWVin a Cylinder greit W, LA1NE. itreet, : 35 to I're.t We have 'a tar. worthy of mention. This is M virAMi-Afixi- .lock of new ami wcoml supplied liy irrigitlon. The Sierra Ncvaili the "sand VltA CTICA L VA TCIIMA ciitKit MAxirrAVToitr, t Annual premium continues Policy years, days lund 4'nntinir. Vmmol R IMPORTERS KEK, all nialea ami .in-.- . We are sole storm," which is only seen to perfection In the fUniMISHtOSKIl OF IfEKitS No I.rLIIIA isrBRKT, HollOLlTLU. acrntt for mountains on the eastern side of the s alley, descrip-- , a; UrabUII a (.ylinder Presses, ( For the State of Californii, for the Hawaiian Wlandt, fiwf iVhotmatr In Ctothlnyt Jtoat, And Imjiorter of American Jewelry of every 3 Annual premiums continue Policy 6 years, otlrell ami Lahona desert and under the "glorious rr (Formtily Francisco, Lahfonua.) $a This heallh invijorallng beverage is for sale at all the a Annual nrrmlums continue Poller S rears, ai Ilabcock Cresses: aim I'eetless, CI111- - whose summits are did in perictinl snow, and Ccncral Agent for the Pacific Mutual Iife In (iordon - Shoe., Men.'s Furnlshiim Good. eading saloons in the city. Orders from the other 5 Annual premiums continue Policy to years,6 per. Jewel, ami Wai- e ranee Coinjun) of California send down numerous from deep clinnte" of Californii. It mikes itsapiear-anc- tu 14a ivlanji Jirotnplly attended to inirton Jobber. streams thiir Fancy Gocnl T EWERS & COOKE, 133 AnsetM, - in the dr) season, and is liable to etc. ij:i,rootooo canons, which arc conducted upon the phins TNO. A. HASSINGER, WASIIINOION HAND TRF.SSF; No 11 Kaah.umAD.11 itreet. (SLTCFSIOlt'i TO I.RW RR1 & DlCKSON,) paid Hnoluolu an uninvited guest at any portion of that sea- INVF.STMENr AND AGENCY Losses through Agency, $40,000 new -- in lirgc canals and poured upon the thirsty HAWAIIAN Cbrnjaany, (Limited ) lluter steam enjines, Inch are Just the llnnr for Interior Offick, Honoiull, MMVOItTEUS DEALEItH MX T.VM- - printer., Water Cem IViper son. It usually travels in company with the AXIt -- luerk Moten, Cullers, soil. itIKST TO TAKi: AVKSOWLEHai:-titrnl- r F. WOLFE ht rami all html of ftiilliitny Material. pHE ami a full line of Ktnbom '. UjokLindets' northwest winds, and its approach is made MOXKV COAXED tnachiner), What a wonderful clnngc his licen mule to Contract fur i.abor 3 Honolulu, II. I , Fort street, Honolulu, H. I. ,1 here within the last decade. There were then apparent b) a huge hizy lnnk, beside which On First tlaw srcuritis, for lone or short pr!oil LONDON AND PROVINCIAL OUR FIDF-LIT- ROLLER COMPOSITION H. atiocEicr, FEED vnonsiox AnJy to W. I. RKKbN, Manager the dust clouds of Maui and Kahonlawc rue PATY, axi O. HALL & SON, frt In and Peerless Printinj Inks are contulerrd the 1 iry few settlements off the line of the newly JOHN Merchant, UlTice yucni btrt, ovtr O. V Macfarlam & Co -- 481! iu P Fire Inaurnnc Co. ou u,ru our rnlectKin pUle.I babes in comparison. It is I constructed railroad, and onl) here and there not long until the HnsotLLU, Oamu, H. , Would like hevli of families, lioarilingliouie Leenen CORNPK FORTANO KlNO STREKT., (Liinitcd ) Thcyta.e editonal work and conijMni. IT A ,V hero know tion, ami therefore save line pirticlcs of sand licgin to pittir against SOTA ItV J III. tC CO UM fSHIOSKit and it to tint he at all times elli at price Hit- - A COMFORTABLE HOME! Subtcrlkr.1 Capital money. the residence of a stock raiser. Thousands of lowest of the low. solicited and good promptly IMVOHTEItH, HV.AI.r.ltH IX HA .... of ltrttnt Order flocks fat the window pines; the light of diy then begins delivered in any iwrt of the uhurlrt. Numher Dry loail&t FOR OUU CATALOOUE. cattle anil mustangs and of sheep For the State of California and New York. Office citvor traref I'alnt, The undersigned has recentl) filteil vtp log Kinff Street, between Alakea and Fort Sis. 41 Cm . to grow dim; the grains of sand increase in at the If ink of l!ithop& Co. r Oils and General Merchandise 1 tened uiin the nutritious herliagc, the former The above Compan) have now established an agency REMPM.ER -- No house on this coa.t can compete with us in quality erjod.. miming at will, licing only together size; twigs and branches arc snapped from the Inelegant the large roomy Cottage nere, ami are preiarcfi to lane ri.ks on yrvf of githcrcd T. LENEHAN ft Co. TtTlLLIAM O. SMITH, W. McCHESNEY & SON, stle, formerly te trees; the large oiks nnkc a low saham, and P iyr longing to the I,emon estate, on Nuuanu street, ertv of every descriition within these twice each) car for nnrking, branding, etc. beyond the Commercial Hotel premises, Iblands. Nuuanu Stbhrt, Honolulu., STOCK BROKER, DpALKkS IN Now the cattle arc gone, hiving Ken dm en only arise when the storm Ins passed) the for the purpose of conducting Chicago office 178 Monroe street. IMI'OUTlUtH ASI) CttMMlSHiOX No. 83 MFHCHANT STREKT, HONOLULU, LEATIIEH, IIIOEH, TAT.IOIV, AXJ i T. WATEKHOUSF., Jr., to Neadi or Arizoni, and thousands of farms wind jells and shrieks like a thousand chant. roS-j- Agent. (F.MnUiOied in 1879) Commt9tou Mrrehantn. A Hnporior Lodging Hoiue. contribute their the demons) horses, cattle, and all other domestic for quot.ido large grain export T YCAN JOHNSON, Agents the Royal Soap Compan). No. 4a Queen The nameofthts pleasant retreat is the ft Sugar Plantation, Railroad, Telephone and other street, Honolulu, II. I "WHITE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY M. CARTER & CO. of California. Some of these firms or animals love the storm, and will leave green 9 HOUSE." It cannot be surpassed In the kingdom for MUTUAL of New York. fields and pastures new to travel along with it, 105 and 107 Fort Strrft, securities bought and sold on comfort and cleanliness ranches are as large as a flcrmin principality. & Co , agkxts. expressing thiir deep satisfaction by snorting Importer ami Itratrrm la alt A fur of Commission. Money loaned r C. COLEMAN, THE GROUNDS ARE SPACIOUS It is not uncommon to sec a single field with .name ttoomi, on Stock Securities, , . fancy linoa, and ornamented with shade lAtrycMt, Safet and mat Economical CAKTFR, and billowing; then it begins to grow light tfapanmr tiawt. HONOLULU, II. I , trees. CMAHAM the fincc on one side extending ten or fifteen Honolulu. H. I , October ist, i83j. 110-t- f Inurance Comjtany In the Horld, again, the gale dies away to adcligfitful breeze Furniture, Chain, Sewing Machines .Mirror and JILACKSMITII, MACitlXIST, CAH-rla- Persons of respectability may always be sure of a cheer, Uvcrvthing is done on a scale Mirror Platen, Picture Frame, and Cornice, nude to , ful home there, A sitting room Mt miles. large ASTLE & COOKE, Uork, Horte Shot-lay- is apart for the CASH ASSETS OVER $90,000,000. and the storm his gone into the east. The order. 137 T of guests. A KEV MOKE ROOMS ARF, No. 82 KlBft Street, Honolulu. with the most improved machinery. The Plantation Machinery, Shoo Klntr VACAN I. I enns alwas sand storm has many fine points. It seldom No So, KingStrert, Honoluu', II I. etc on street. moderate. For further information concerning the Company, . ground is plowed liy large gang plows, and is BREWER ft COMPANY, next to Cattle & Cooke s. 1 and for rates of Insurance appl) to the Agents o to v. continues long enough become MRS. J. T. WHITE, Proprietor. K. Soliciting to monotonous, (Limited ) Shtppluy ami Commlton Merchant, J. Vieman, Agent. i J" seeded and harrowed at the same time. The C KETAIL tlEALERS IN : it does a who is NOTT, not wet person cxjioscd to it, MrrcantUcntuI CatnmlMwIon Importers and Dealers In JOHN Manj of our reader ill of the growing grain arc cut off by a Jcncial Afent SiT remember Mrs. White N heads as FIRE INSURANCE and leaves no mud holes in the roids. It is Qitftn Strfrt, Honolulu. No, 8 proprietor of the lodging house on Fort street, ad. or large header driven through the field, and arc GENERAL, Kaahumanu street, luining N Company Hamburnr. Officer P. Jones, jr., president and manager; MERCHANDISE. ine I'antiieon btaUes, uluch was such com. onl) necessary after it to beat carpets, smd C Tin, Copper 'Worker, nome unuer ner . run inm header wagons by an elevator, and Joseph O. Carter, treasurer and secretary . Directors ; Agents for and Sheet Iron lonauie management. lU'm ItACKFELD & CtAGEXTS, FIREWOOD, COAL AND FEED window curtains to the wash, dust the mov linns. Clutrle R. Ptshopand II. A. P. Carter; Henrj & blUVhS AM) KAMihb. Capital and Resene . . ..Kekhunarl. 8,830,000 a grain The Hitchcock Company's Plantation. these convey Ihtrn to stock where the May, aulttor. "3 The Alexander & Plantation. of all kinds, Plumbers' stock ana metals, house furnish' " their Ke Insurance Companies, 35,000,00 ables in the house and scrub the immovables. I.atdin goods, chandeliers, lamps, 'HE EVILS OF PAINTING is threshed liy steam power, anil sacked ready R. Ilalstead, or Waiatua Plantation. ing etc. Tlie Agents of the abut e Comiany, for tl e Haw aiian This can be done in three or four da) s, and A. II Smith &. Company, Koloa, Kauai. is SORENSON, Islands, are prepared to insure Jluildings, hurnilure, for hauling to the railroad. Hut even this npHOMAS J M. Alexander, Haiku, Maui. Ac im; and IVoduce, then all is as quiet and serene as before the T M. OAT Co. Merchant! Marhmcr), etc.. also Sucat tfwould notify Ihe public, and housekeepers iu par- ine j aim sucar uompan). and Rice Mills, and vessels in tne harbor, against loss t vetting too slow, and a combination hinder ' ticular, that we keep on hand and for sale, in Ship Carpenter, Sjtar Maker ami Caulker '1 he Kohala U car Com nan v. quantities arrival of the phenomenon; and the fine sand Ho NOLL Lt, II. I.j or damage by tue, on tne most lavoraue terms. to suit purchasers and at lowest rates, fuel, follows: and thresher is now used which cuts the grain No. Queen (below Honolulu Iron Works) Hamakua lanut ion u in one's eves only causes them to pain for two 9 Street SA UNMAKEIIS. I'LAOS OF A LI, H from the stalk, threshes it, and sicks it all at 15 T The Union Insurance Company of San Francisco. THEIR REMEDY. or three weeks. The fillow who spelled San The New nneiana Life insurance Co. of Boston. crlptun made ami repalrra. OSTON BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS. HARD AND SOFT WOOD, one operation. TiiTRS. A.,M. MELL1S, The Blake Manufacturlnsr Company of Boston. Loft In A. F Cooke's new fire--j roof budding, foot ot B Cut airy Lengths ; Joaquin as it is pronounced, "Sind-vvalkin,- " C. JWjm'ER & Ce., D. M. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines. Nuuanu Street 3 This valley is five hundred miles in length New was not such a fool after all. No. 104 Fort Strrrt, Honolulu, The York and Honolulu Packet Line. It has for the Hawaiian Islands. t CHARCOAL, t been sanlMith much truth, too. that fiouse. Acents fifty sixty in occupies a r, The Merchant's Line, Honolulu and San Francisco N. S. W. NF.WCASTI.E by to breadth, and FAHItlOXAltLE DHEHS AXM CLOAK-Make- HORN, painting might, with study and acquirement of taste, COAL. When )our corrcsiondcnt arrived in Tulare Dr. Jaynes & Son's Celebrated Medicines. resume rank SIOICII COAL,anJlhe great portion of the interior of the state. It is 20 Wilcox A Gibb's, Singer Manufacturing; Company its as a hUral x"l'tumttrt Manual. (HILADELPHIA BOARD OF UNDER CF.LE1IRATF.I) FLLINtTION the weather was hot, the plains dry, barren IIONOtULI , I) I, divided into three parts, the Sacramento, Sin Wheeler A Wilson's Sewing Machines. writers. I)U'AR1UKK IIAV COAU and dusty, business was almost dead, and TTtTM. G. IRWIN fit Co. - C. RKEH'EK C . HLACKSMHII COAL. and Tulare valleys, but it is really riOSEElt STEAM UASHV MASUFAC- Joaquin T. GULICK, tory ami Itakcry, Ajents for the Hawaiian Islands. i ever) thing was as dull as the back side of a Honolulu, It. I., fMIARLES The above can t one vast level plain from northern to southern Relieving the above be A. II. ordered by Telephone or otherwise, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and HaVer to true, KERR ha. now and immediate delivery guaranteed. tombstone. The storm previously alluded to SUOAIt VACTOUS AXI COMMIHSIOX rcorganlred his tv&teni of Morklnf the lnislnes. limit. The southern portion is generally Ay Number 71 Hotel street, between Fort and Nuuanu in LLOYD eat, AGKNT a Honolulu. In the first phce, he has secured the services SCHWEIZERISCHE of visited the country soon after, and was followed CLAl'SbrftECkRUt. 1 UM.G. IRWIN. TO TAkR ACkNOWLRIK.MRNTi TO LABOR streets. Wlnterthur. spoken of as Joaquin plain. The CtJN of that celebrate.! arlivt, Mr. Max Kohn, furinerly ol thcSan show w TRACTS, AND II. IIACKFEI.D A Ce., AGEXfS. by occasional crs ttt scvral ecks. The -- San r ranciwo, whose work In the line of tirst time the writer traveled down the western ft Co. GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT, s ENGL1NG ft Co., Capitalof the Company .... francs 5.000,000,000 transformation that succeeded seemed like the g, GIVE US side of this valley, near the coast range, J'fil.n mill Deeorallre I'aiier-llnngln- A CALL. Telephone, No. Joj work of magic. The weather was delightful; No, 37 Fort Strkkt, Honoulu, OfTice in Mackee's Block at corner Queen and DO. 5 AVVANIT aTKRKT, prepared 10 insure lluildiugs, rurnuure. houses were twenty to thirty miles Honolulu 3 IVoduce, dwelling ItS MS HA - ty AX1) A Is Merchandise and Machinery, etc, alo Sugar the fields of grain and the pasture lands be. IMMi WE ASH HEAI.EHS XIXSMITItS VLVMIIKHS, UK I. Freco!ii2, etc.. up lo Ihe present time unsurpassed V.E ALSO kEEr IN STOCK individual was who and, on these Ulands, and Kice aim., arm vessel, lit tne naroor, afain.l loss apart, and one met tea re f Cutlery, Tool, rrn tn Stovea, fnii(ea, Tfrl, 3a has never been equalled, ror danuge the came Iwaulifully green) the large oak forests. J. LEVEY & CO., llouve.l'alntmi; lobs. firstLass mefliinif-- nnlvw'ill t or by hre, on most favorable term. expressed a desire f move to some new Paints and Oils, and General Merchandise, t Q cmploved. HAY. OATS-Cahfo-mia an.1 New Zealand; stretching far away to the foothills of the T W. G1RVIN, future, HAKLt.Y-Wh- country, as it was getting too thickly settled Mholcnatc and Itelnlt Grocer, In natrons can ilenend unon mv fulfillmc FOREIGN MARINE INSUR ole and grouml r Sierra Nevada mountains, were clothed in the A W. PIERCE & Co. Fort street, Honolulu. every order on the most scientific basis known Iq the BRITISH ance Company. (Limited) WIIKAT. COKN- -H lole ar.1 cracked ; for him there, l'oor man I It Is to be hoped Waiiuku, Maui, II. I , tn.l. 'II.. fresh rich garments brought by the Fresh groceries and provisions of all kinds on hand and II. I1RAN, MIIDLIN(!S,andolhf.ed. , spring; Honolulu, II. 1., K.V-rr- TIIEO. PAI'IES, ACE.Tr. that he has found a " lodge in some vast received regularly from Europe and America which COMMIHSIOX MKUCIIAXT AXU nl SIGN.PAINTINO AND LETTKRINO the cottonw ood, the S)camorc, the ash varied SMUV C A SULK HH ASH COMMIS.HiOS Mill be sold at the lowest market rates. Dealer l Dry IJooiIm, The above agent has received Instruction, to re wilderness," where loot of man will not tread II Department will be permanently pmided oscr by Mr ducethe rates of Insurance between Honolulu and Order the above through Telephone No. tint of the prevailing hue; the button- - Merchant, Goods delivered to an part cf the city free of chirge. yjj. the orders solicited attention will be Groceries, Hardware, Stationer)', Patent Medicine., GkokGKhTKATMKYKK (further comment unnecessary) Fort, in the Pacific, and is now prepared to luue putt until he is gathered to his fathers. At that Acents for H rand's Guns and Bomb Lances and Per Island and prompt willow iinlmttoned its vestures and spread given to the same. itz.ty Perfumery and GUssare. cies aMhe lowest rates; with a special reduction on time antelope coukl be seen skim- ry lMis Pain Killer. freight per steamers. t AND WE WAEEANT tin in out to the phjful winds; the last vestagc ming over the plain, and here the writer made LEONG ft CO., TTONOLULU IRON WORKS Co., of winter disappeared; flowers sprang from the T AINE A Co. JLTOUG LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND Qalok DtdlraiT & TU Wsstckt his first ineffectual attempt to shoot one. At Nuuanu Con. Makini, IIOSOM'LU, II, I., P S. Semi for deiijns of frescos for ceilings and THE Glob. Insurance Company. fertile soil, lieautlful flowers of every color, Honolulu, H. I. Stieet, comtces something new; and if ou Glass night the only sounds to be heard vveie the want any in MVO li- Agent for Moaimt Sugar, JUttama Hie STKAM KN1INKS, IMIt.KHS, SVHAtt pu. iu, can ai ine BISHOr& Co., ACEXTS. and the openings the timber, presented the COMMIHSIOX MEItCllAXTS I m lonely, mournful cry of the burrowing owl and ter and Healer In fr.nrur.ur., Jllll, Cooler; Iron, lira KVTASISIIED 18)6. most delicate mosaic conccivcable; the valley, And Kailua Rice llamatlon and MilL VAIXT STOHK, ORDERS FROM OTHER ISLANDS SOLICITED the night heron, and the dismal howl of the Hay, Grain and General IVoduce, iaaiy And Lead Canines. Machinerv of every ilrtctiptin "TIOKR" brown and drear, became the made to order. IamcuUr attention raid to hhm. f'MlllMlle.l Liability lo Stoekholiler. "Garden of the -- No. 71 Kino covote. or prairie wolf. Today the level H. DAVIES Co., IIIacLsmilhinE. Job work executed on llie shortest no- - Steeet Jjcsiwrides." TT E. MclNTVRB A BROTHER, pHEO. ft cn Assets ...... ,$ti.a)i,ioo Free Delivery 10 All Parts of the Cil) . plain Is checkered by orchards, vine) ards and lice. Resent.., ...... , .,730,090 has licen a queer season. cold Cor. Kino Fort Srs., Honolulu, (Late (anion, Geeen St Cn.) school-house- It The and iscoue roE i!;j: grain fields, and villages and s IMVOttTKH, COMMISSION MKItCIIANl LINE nmmumUr, No. SK Klssgc StrsssH. weather continuid until late In the spring, and aitOCEHV ASH FEEH HTOUE. 3LANTERS' I BOOKS I BOOKS I Premium received after deduction of re sprinkle the surface and discover the presence anil Agent for BOOKS w ,, o FOR SAN insurance..,. ,,., .. .$ s.)Ee,aat, the rains did not commence until the lime Lloyd', and the Liverpool Underwriter,. FRANCISCO. TELErHONE Na SOS. S of civilization. What will this valley lie HACKFEL.D & Co. Britlah Foreign Compan. Losaes promptly adjusted and paid here. when they usually cease. Hut, kite as It was, snd Marin. Insurance C. Hit KirKit Jt CO VI' A XV, Agent: rSSTAININC TO twenty or fifty hence? What will a H And Northern Assurance Company. )ears it QuaiN Sthkt, Honolulv, II. I., Merchandise received Klorape Free, and liherat cash was worth at least $1,000,000 to the San . . ' . . -.i NION MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY ctntury make of it ? It would not have to lie COMMISSION AUKNTS. on uy .' Tit Kawasllava Ialavaida (sad tk Paollo, FEED COMPANY, Joaquin valley. Heavy speculating wasbcirig ar.XKUAL A W, RICHARDSON ft Co. advances nnuie anipmeni. tni. line. u of ban Francisco. PNTERPRISE populated so thickly as some European covin' done in grain when it was thought CASTLE cV COOKE, AGE.VTS. ail to be too HOFFSCHLAEGBR Co. iMrOKTEBS ANIl DbaLBES IN SOME OF WHICH AEK tries, and less productive ones, to accommo -- Corner of Qurtn anl Edinburgh Honolulu, late in tue season to get a tan 01 rain 01 any PD. HOOTS, SHOKS, fVHXtltUIXII OOODM, rHE MONTAGUE RANGE Incorporaled it;. trcts. value, and a numln--i In HoNOLiat'. Oahv, II. I., date ami sustain half of the present population of train dealers San t'njM, Trnnki, r'all.ea, EXCEEDINGLY RARLt II. J. AONEWp IVomiBTOH, invested money they COMMIHSIOX MKH- - Hal; Slates. Francisco alt the had or IMVOUTKHS AXlt Perfumerv ami SoatH. Wf Itham Watches. Fine lew FOR SETTING IN I1RICIC of the United iHirrow, T UBRICATINC OILS. could The unprecedented spell of rAiuifj. elry, etc , cor, of Fort and Merchant itreets, Hon. Elms'k Polynesian Keseaeciies,. Informs his friends ami the puOtc griKrallr that h As. train bore us on southward through ... .volume. -- the late rainy weather proved disastrous to them. olulu, li. I. m uTnni vuwimtm as ine auve stand ana iu C A Toue Hawaii , ... . , iiuiW I'resno county, the sun. dropped lichind the One dealer alone foil $100,000, but his loss A. SCHAEPEK Co. G. EXGLTXG Co., in ..Hli. Lubritating Oils, conitt-- arrangrmrnts lot a was s NLOKI s B. WILLIAMS, A JllUENEY ROVNU TIIK WnELIl(l vols.) ..Simpson antitiuous suilrof western range and ere we reached the timlicred tile people gain. P HoNuLULir, AV. Ilenatutii, I. Hawaiian Islands J Xanana St., IU Wc desire call attrntton the fin PAClrtc, ,,Eardley-Wilino- iu to stock of OILS Crsts.sU irgion along King's river, near the line of Tulare, Californii, June I, J8S3. AXU COMMISSION MKIt-rhuul- lurOETEE AND DEALEE IN Ol'e Joienalin the l we now IWk f tk BM QauUltr. IMI'OHTKUS Sole agents for these Islands. The best cooking ap wntcn tuiv on tund. ruuirinunt; Vr 1 us. And 'twas Sis Months in theSaniiwich 1slasis...MIu Bird the fulUstsslng t WHICH IIE WILL OrrEE TV SALE Tulare county, night was upon rvHNiTVHK ornrKKV dksckiption paratus lor the rianiation, iimeior raiuuy. k . XKW SUMS VAXAU Alto l'jMiofafrrr una Manufarlurer, Polynesian KAcaftoka) - well ! This section had fell the want of rain A Co. RANGES KIXTURLS such as The ...Fomandcr AT THE LOVVEM- POSSIULK FRICES. ILDER Work most severely, and there was not a sufficient There is a great ileal of talk colng on in Furniture Wareruoins Na la, Port street. Ijrs or Llcv O, Tiiueston, .freak lfMOU,U AmUiiM Utmii w shop at old stand on Hotel Street. All orders promptly Hot Water Holler; He ruK-r- u bv his brU ( el.ln atlanlLm. In Kni;lanil ciiiiccrn!n the itcceaaily of construct-ii- COK. FOET ANP QUEEK StE,, HllNIILUtU. Imu lk hide the bare earth. gtended 10, s J Coll; Jaeyis Histoey or Hawaiian I mis. Lard Od, In public aiul 10 mciil a pars of iheir growth of grass to a canal across the Utlitnui of Suez. Waler the .la Uanets nl casei, ; (satroragv. I.VMIIKK, I'AIXTS, OILS, NAILS, Cj linder oil. bt UureW and cases J than the un- Urate Hart, Kir,, UsNSETT'sSkETCHEAUr HAWAIIAN HlSTOEY, n Nothing can be more dreary There arc two principal reasons for thK. In anil HatUliiv Material of every kind. Castor oil, (two qualuies) In J A STICK TfAMOILIILI POI FACTORY. cases Or ,i settled portion of these plains In the dry the lint phec, the present canal cannot Always In .tack. Hawaiian Almanac ami Annvals i5;j-iS- 8j la aiftue oil, in UutcIs ; llie vasUmmber of vciscls which P. ADAMS, A. K. KUNU1AKF.A, TroHietor. A cheap artist fuf light running and. fur WIIFA. and OAT HAY. season when no green blade Is to be seen, direction, for setting up accompany every Hawaiian Fkens. .Kjllall.y (eel. to tluoul'ih it, vvilhout .ucli proloiigcxl P most uses, fully ei.ual to th tuor oils. WHOLE and OKOU.NI HAKr.EV, alkali ivau Queen Steeet, HokoU'lu, BEST I'.M AI put up la order in any uvle desired, isanve. occasional ulcli of salt grass or it, vvnuM hard, In iarrcU. through Hawaiian ClvVPArE, CALIFORNIA ami OKKCON tavern vlela), tlut le nearly as cheap to take MKU-rhan- aoli, or Orders Ihe po4'Once WK ALAO KKtr H 1TOCR A VCTIOXKKtt A Kit COMMISSION will have prompt attention, whether tor cuy or other weed. the pUl cajie routej ami, in the tecoml place; r Cirtulari an J l'ri,ti on affi'i(atii. or roa ey I1RAN, parts of Ihe ULviids. If"3m ill sale SKIDGATH 01 U (n cases. 0?, At the little station of Goshen arc two aiuiounn lour-imi- 01 tne traiiic is i:nulisn, as MIUULINGS, Etc" tt-t- THOMAS G. This od Is mad from shaiL's User, and Is fully is also the creat prcKinilerancc in Co. TJOTBL-STREB- T MARKET, THRUM. tttX NOW ON HAND. branch toads, and here we lost one of our ol intirola A S. CLEGHORN OHN T, WATBRHOUSB, IU sUVM is wuia tTDrtspcr. v oh ol In the canal lieinu keit onen for war llEALEES Orders guaranleed parly, the proprietor of the Visalia Delta, and lurOETESSANtl IN J Qt,EEN bTEEET, HONOLULU, II. I , I'royrletor, HOPP Co., King tret--t, DARK LU11RICA1IN0 OIL, in ami salisfaclion ur no ships, )it the IliilUli have htlle to say in iu ii.Ji. I'VfK, 74 ImU; tiayaiked. lelephone aSu, " shipmate " of the writer on that Journal a Ho OKXKUAL MKIICIIANIIISK, JusIlK thing (jf Sugar MdU tiers and Cars, a management, mice jney not lioUl the IMI'OHTKtt AXlt DKALKH MX UKN- - omJ 4t Ci for majority Hence there is Ctinver Queen and Kaahumanu Slrects, Honolulu. Imferttn MnfftHrlrt ur any mow mm in nuknincr v. mint at uu irui few ycatt ago. He took another train pf tharc. a large era! MerrhamH. I Having purcruued the Hotel Street Market, I lake of lk c.ctuit)a nU now ia in l'nulaml who use 'HE "SUPERIOR" STOVE. Visalia, and we continued on tu the next town, turty are ansiou to construct pleasure in announcing trial I will give the business my ft Co. anil 10 Stm-s- t another canal, which sliall lie uii fur with DOLLES FLAGS 1 1 personal attention, hope auppli the wants of the Jsssiorlsstl of Faraltarst. la additlsMi to above, w Vttp where we, too, left the cars. We had PLAOSI public of Honolulu In a satisfactory manner, Tulare, iiriiun cupuai aim ausutuiLiy uvvncti ami con QlEEN StEEET, HOKOI-Vli- II. I., O. ENaUIH) ok, Kr.lrrOtl-lVwtur,- Nsr-Li- y. nu sooner stepped uhui the platform than we trollcil liy Itrili.h ihaichoMers, PrlatstttrUc MUTTON, s1 Luural. AV. St., Itemtlmlm II, , Sill I' CIIAXIILKHS AXlt COMMISSION BEET, VEAL. LAMB. NAlS-flJ- Od. taTLMlcal aVlati FW ! J, .Vj I Of since In and Tu THE INDIES -T- limruingt, Tsssels, Ciur-s- , SJk recognized by friends, dark as it w as, couisc the uracticaliilitv of cultinir Mrruhi, several sires, AMERICAN HAWAIIAN. LiAsd Od. in (uantuUs to sum. Sole fur these IsLvslv A full line of ike sme , AKU In every siule--l'ail- Efents the slhmua lias i ilcinoiutr.-tcl- ami and Dealers In General Merthandite. (or sale at II. I ort Store. Uico dels restullesl, and they were all that we n'mi'tnbcicd. The the lntiortcrs T IIKUIIS slim covered, polished and nude eiiua! to profit of the umlertaking shown InmJtili-at- e FOR And 4 th Ust quaUtlv Also, contsiantly oq hand. atstsserfar 1 tu be OTHER KINDS OF MEAT THE TABLE new, Mallresws and town ami the surrounding country had 'ami large, thire vvouU no illfficully in F. BURGESS, I NICHOLS, ckranes! al short AlraraHo Store, I lc C ALWAYS ON HAEU. dunged) the houses were dillcrent; lanes had raising the necessary money. Hut the Trench N notice CteUrMyaito. "Army," CAUVKNTKH anil HVILDKU. No. io.U Foet Steeet, HoNnipLir, o grown Into streets) many of the streets had stockhoMcrt, with the irrepressible Do Lessens Wt ar. noted for fart-e- l vrrorls and asoderatsfH la oil and dry, and Whit Lemti and Mine, of Moalayu, heail, All kinds of Jobbing promptly allendcj to. Kurtkm, spirit of at their protest wolcntly against the CIVIL KSaiXKKH AND CONTM4CTUU chargM. become avenues; the claiming Tclejihune Ny. ivo, Williamson's Eapresi Otuse I'HOMl'T DKHrHUr MAUK. rrag,m. scheme, that theirAharter gives them Fur the Construction of Railroads I)S Improvement, In lact, had uet-- "luawing ami Shop No. (4 King street. 108 two avotunrs Mownw. New Mleal, a monopoly, that llicy must lie libught out ORDERS TAKEN DY TELEPHONE Juaibalblnc torul lltlagiaM, i the way rival Mill., Landings, Iron, Wooden and mm4 things howl." We did not know before canal can be constructeil. The WILL GO lUUgcs, SupensKin llrhlges judicial committe of DBOPLB Vududs and Tatar none. No, iji QTEEL RAILS "frlr" homo and it was with some difficulty that we llie khetlive's council tup for Cane Fluaies. 140 t. Mtfe; sl lioits lliii claimi ami since, of course, nothini ,FROM I'UCE TO PLACE, PLOWS AND AORICULTURAL IWI'LEMKNTS sat! FLstureffwr the ssas. alsvsys. (a stoca. found the place about 1 1 V. M. TPHOS. O. THRUM, Kg)i-tia.1- 1 of stsstry desenfstiutt on a Hantatkeft. can le tlonc without the pf the Uuvini tsaa Tobacco and CIeats. eaisttntf 10 get a PARISIAN RESTAURANT, Foe Fuetaek 01 Peemanent us4 JOB WORK; rROMITLV HONC Tulare county, Calilotnia, may be unknown (iovemment, there is a temporary Intel) Eoud tanok. Iliey mUhc a. well try to get wool lUrOETINq AND MASl'rACTI'EINC. in usee 64 ' h difficulty will, b) shaving h)drauuc ram. Trie thing can I be done. Nt Horn Steist, .111. 'MV tu most residents of islands, but, aside the lutKeetlini's. The however. STATION KM, NKWS AOKXT, fillNTKH, be solved BaILWAYI, WIRE AND HARDWARE of all kind tsUav-M- being a pleasant and prosperous section prolully either by the puicliase of ssUrttfcava. MVALS SKKVEli Al' ete,. 9 rKHCE ATU.T and " lUMtf'r from All , WlMr, otMUally kaud by V the nhl canal by a new company, or by a Has iheUut Cigas, Tosscco and all kind, of huurm of the aay, , m aad faf aaia caaae of the state, it is gradually becoming famous And pwbluher d ihe Saihoav Ps ess, and .- - I less Wsvfttu; 14 lk U taa lust rKslsss a Axency, 14 Tvrt aweft. of share, in the new canal, by way of Smoeees' tiisius in lhe nurkcl, al mm.t mmJ. S.- - Umml yai. Srclal terns for regular lioardsrrs. list only suita- mm AtmmmmJ A mm i'--4 tlrrsna araaa UTErssool. Apply 10 w. . warn, as the land of cranks. (The county's notoriety bonus, among the stockholders of the old one. !,.. W. a. mAJU No. j FORT STRtET. HONOLULU. ble private room U town tWLasiuis. er ia W btslmnrry, Wookt Mossv lays and fancy rrB.een, or O. asidsiiin. k ii., Aeat lor Jouf KM.. in this respect otaWished before the Sjx Fraudti Ncus Ltlttr, l6-ia- t Mr. Lasass tajnm, Ussaia, r act svssssv. wi sm. k rvasis.-- . it--s I jesf Cw. Kiasf sas) Fort esnnis, HouJssU. a Pl'VTm&L


r 1 - i v-- . v mmmmmimmmm tOfjB a, i - '. &&T ' &Fm?Zwt zmwmnmu mi'jajin ji assswu- - & - w m. r.p(ui4n.inw.iiii 'i.'1'J.' 1".'.'.J '""" - uuninnamiuM M-a?3- r

f if .1(1. I, SPECIAL. NOTICES. t- -' uti.K i.v ;: f.i fr. fjlicrliormriilc.. COMMERCIAL. PK12SS. I eilil-- (lie flipping. (General JVblicrliccmcnlo. SATURDAY Ainnhir (In: foreign innulcr. whom (lie " My," wul (lie city to Rmti re I - ,1 Know amiiii iB mu .r tdie- and Gentlemen titlling San franit witt II I . July iHi ....- - -- - nini lUttaiiftn ") i !' ..a.U" : !"" C an a duck swim?" replied the re- find very detiral-l- TumUbed Rooms I'.n Suit and Sin- week that UATURUAY. JULY iMj there are none pRANK GERTZ, DAClflc MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. HACKPELD K Co., Men hanU have been complnlmnal an the t, KfltUy wmt dutifully depif norter. gle at Ko. 131 Montgomery St., Corner lhlh. Mrs of ' H the ! opening up dull J ntst is a lo the sale more mwctful for good or ill lhan Ihc hewers " Well, then, continued the city editor, I. Ilonev, formerly of Honolulil, 'llie Splendid Steamship find and give the c l fi m mail ; .. the mechanics, "vou'd lietler out the facts r- tll" .lUwVirMrt.v of wo.l, Ihe drawers of water, IMPOUll-- AND I AVSVltM.lA, I II V, Almy i ktsding sbrwly, and will sail netl Innd Ihvjs a end off. Vou ce Ihc musical .MANUFACTURER OF OFFER I'OR SAI.i: l.r i.r.i'iinsi. artltnna, tlrajmcn, esprew drivers and workers A Successful lloutl A Successful House A striv- week 'I ii.Mlay r the day now fitetl, fml II n pmW man Is away on a holiday, and it'll never do to . Commander In etptainirtf: rmr ttlon In reR.nrtl t die feel ing Instance nf tnocea tn a Retail thy Good' way is be deiatrwl mill later m ihe week generally. men may or tiny not let the alleged humorist 'tend to it t he'd be he nuv ivilh-mi- The afforded by Ihe leading Mdinery I louse of Chatle HOOTS vsili Iravii iionoii tu INVOICES OF NEW GOODS, - (hene iilamli, e tlo l J. nnd SHOES. of anWH to a- I V qucatlon on Inevitable pinching of misgovern sure to lug in something almut the drums." Nie of tn diiiifnTl . the almost Fishel, corner Fort ami Hotel street. The f'roprteter - nf lathe lfr(lie Idea of lioliteting up (lie ( 'I ben he charged the push renoiter to be ForSnn l'rnuclscn on nr About Jtilj- 211 tlaft, at. tswrrig iMiwf ttiiwtetl they may or may not think. Hut when Mr. rithel hacacquired tlieartof holding V... JUST RECEIVED Malion.?.! mentj I ami custom. Any IH fntl new and Ik' are n h nilminiitratiom sure anil get all the ficts aliout Ihc rip, Slrrrl, nhnrr llnttl Mrrrt, mnlMw, rwi:ts of other ami itececilinR they do feel and do think look out I 1 lie Dry (rood IIoiim! can, by freely advertising, draw cus- frnpht CorwWeringlhe farl tb.1 bol Hill of OUT - lo write them up in his most florid stjle. The For rreiglit or passaa;e, apply to hir list, In the miller, for wc arc (& iwlnfully con- as tomers, once or twice; tmt tdho'd them, atd enj.ty their Ei Hitls C R. Itithoii and StetrmMi l.hrenfels, classes of this kingdom, so long m tjulf i now comntif Ifl. tailoring result was this: woetn tsroRM fur re'sne II. IIACKn.l.l) xiiiiH nf the fact llu( for many jran pait (hat confidence, calls for the exercise of tact and liberality, that US ti Co.. Airnls, is we I with all kind of Ihey remain Hawaiian, or Portuguese, or WaikiVI, 10 rf Waianae, Itwmaitet wiJied i(h (ha( From the samlt nf trie turret! floods mutt lie masked down anil sold for a hat they poMt and ihilHllM are in rtte(ion h.i nn( handlml foot liy tradi-linns- , I eailen and athen and dullut tray, are all the clouds In Koepn tlio Stock From 11 II KM pt.lur Redwnl ln (Jhineae, Hie liound hand and are: net er misrepresent nny article. That Is the pnltcy Ilct and POR SYDNEY VU AUCKLAND. EX, the demand, and can lie rawed nntte wharf iti'!rntnen( ami tleciiion uliiclt an InlclllRent norm Bost pri by Indifference ami by national Inertia. Fiom the lurrelt of Waiame In the wndi rtf Waikikt, of Charle J. Fishel, and lhat policy has made the firm tlin Work The Splendid Sleamthip At le rale than llie cost rif imiortalkm H". cnnLiuiirtM nature houM only nunil one hear II the lobbling ci tic tea. Consisting In strt of follow, appneiallon of he one of Ihe greatest in it line, on the leading thorough- - To be found anywhere on these ai Krng slrm, beWMr. Hut Anglo-Sun- n workmen arc made of very blinds. ll,rti.oK4ilijlforlhln(on Imic ileiiiimlcil. Hut foimcr ailniinUlraliona Ami never an echo lire from the hottovrt of PufKhbowl fait f Honofnlii. The landing; Millinery Store of airv of svixhv, I., the of M J. Row, et by Mr - I' metal. A bid worknjan is often irnc w.itc "C public different ChailesJ Fiscbel, Is to Honolulu what Mar)' Is 10 DEARIIORN ,t . Master Ormtls, Mr S. M Damon being have only frllnnl in the I is Ihe Man- of (he band twv , for In baton ol A I.nrue) Assortninnt nf Dry Ailamsal eiHIiun, w. it,b' he ought not to lie, but a Rood tuheil Charles Frshel A t.AROK AND VAIsir-t- comfott- - Merger it ttilt. Sew York J makes a specially of Mil- i STOCK 'IV 111 imr, hater opinion in (he imiUer, renllnR In the Snll on nr Aliout AiiRiist tt, a among men. There are a I he breere that sweeps o'er Ihe nti smother A rrsnim linery X'C 'I he More is one of the sights of the city. - workman is king Omslanlly as VV c aie adtned by lh treawer ol Hie rauaaa alilc Iwlief lha( (he illceaie wa only com- ..1 arrlting from San Francisco, Including Ihe li'tli of worklngmcn already in quiescent Harmony" rMts;- - ( I hat there will he a dltklend of a on ll capital, uch number For Melodt'l luna lags litlless, nd V art now hrctuirfil in tn Sn nimiicalil liy heredity tn oflVprinR, or (o CIIOICHST SF.I.rcTlON OF cIscitatHl , rMyM July 1IU, al llie nffire have weighed the 11 ;cue, return for $13, the round tripv Denims, Rrown and While Drills, f .l.r month of July, organisation here. They l Cottons, Tick. a improper livrt. A )cnr hac 12 0KH for shipment per stramrcan now stornl, wcte made mantling color Unnd wore on cull.or.iij. 11 lilack of I HrewrrA: Co licy of tV jtnrty In mcr and have found It And the each boy llrHtlrmm', .rliles ml V.hllitrrn' free if rhargi, in the fireproof warehousQ nnr the lugs, Turkey Red, Mtrlnos and ll.i- - formation of a Sto k Eaehsnge In Ihr city r rollerl on, the f.tlltcyof audi concltiiioni ha hi cheek steamer wharf. colored, 4 qualities, Repps, Alpacas, wanting. They hive seen and felt the fatal Flicker and fade ami I all gone out, from ft counte 1100 rs, and upon by viireewhhrntiaideraWe alarm, fearing it liecn gradually, Iwt sutcly, forclnR idclf umn snoia Cobouigs, Kalian Cloth and ltd and they are nance strangely meek. Office of Superintendent ol Water Works, Fin- - freight sliak gambling, bur object of organ. tendency nf the one man power, where Ihe tmmildering fire that flamed when his or pimge, apply to will iirmnot lot (he miniU of all Intelligent oliwitcri. Ami And IfoNott Lt , July 3, iMr. 111 tyt U. HACK!-EL- ft Agents. mug the hang, is leprewnled b) omrnm lo mult to stand shoulder to shoulder witn tncir tye wera THE MANtTACTtSR OP Cn. m ulander the l Atl having Water Privileges are notified that promi- now it would I! the fwilct uon O Utnd l.iy, dear, Is II truth we hear yod tea sick eron M'iW.s; GOODS, rder 10 rytnl lUl very thing. Mol "f our more wealthy ncighlior in a fair fight for an of certain persons who hate re, in advance? tlteir WAtfa Ratps are payable semi annually, in ad f5r.NTI.l..tnN'S 1100 TS ami SHOES a riclalty, STEAMSHIP COMPANY nent are connected with the eichange, and tlei clnrarlei what Ihc pvCUAHIC honorable end. These men know, city stuff vance, at the office of the Superintendent of Water ihe ele.tion of Mr A. I arlwrlghl a in preiliiir.l ror.lractctl the di,eatc here to ay that " Ihmc The editor said that the was nice ANI planter also knows, that the interests of all and all that, but II was'nt explicit enough. Works, font of Nuuanun ttreet, lit)ii tho tit day of FhlrSIWi, sh u I l,e a stiflrnienl guarantee I hat I he limine will Icil moral litCT nceil not fear (he tth'i hale Il Then he told go and ask the fourth January nnd July of each )eir, C. II. WILSON, Work In all Departments Guaranteed. Black, Grm-grsl- Fancy, Colored mdiutcd upon a ound Iwwit. classes In this community nie in common. hltn to amlSlilp.d. U Ile his as l( may, WRrrRillon has nf the lioal jack if he would kindly beg tt Superintendent Water Works. FOR RAN FRANCISCO. Is the blind, suicidal policy of the adtninislrn' master Ilarege, Crepe, Ac, atlendeil (o liy every former adininuda-(Io- the knight in vvailing at Ihc if L SIIIPPINO. Iwtn run All orders attended with and work lion not to see thi. So the government is IriTRRtnn April 6, 1SS3-T- . to promptness, in uch a manner, ( least, a l iretenl he would be pleased to accost his loidship the Orrtrr, tecUled with ilitlialLh. flnlers frum Itientther,ls as an "npMisitlon shop." In a majority of and request him to have A. I.loyd, I.sq , this day npiointed ns Rood solicited. Call and examine, - Mcii'h Fit ill Inn (t'noits, Arrive! at Pott of Honolulu. tha( almmt icrfcct lilierty nf (lie leper (hat is ili ml In speech with his grace Ihe duke high chamber tor the ttland Kitaura tloti. Mm, Sear, from Kaliulul - J !)' ft cases, Its suliordinalc positions arc the hands Suervisor outer districts of the of Oaltu. licen accnnletl him hy the prcetil admiiiiv f lli Magnificent Nrw Iron St.amtliip C K Mm, I nmron, imtn r.ami ha lain, ami beseech him lo fitul lavor wltlilils l!wi"p, of good men, and, considerately thrnwlng to rjt-t- f HUSH, Minister of Interior. F VALUE TO THE PUBLIC Shirts, Woolen, Mixed, Calico, Hickory, DVnfn, MaVc-f- , Kauni .. JOHN Jjuitn iini, (ration, A ntimlicr miRht hate mana;eil lo royal master the king, in order that a waiting O tie.. Merino and Cotton Umlf White jiiiuinl'), tm, Waiirunah.. the dear people lhat considerable sop, the tuililt, Nrl., nation might Informed of his most gracious ' llnsom Slilttt, Socks tt Stockliic;,, Gloves .Marlon, mI, KttVuiliatlr. evade the r.rch of the attlhotitiei, hy rcsldinR lc w on StAIUI'OSil, Handkerclillft, irotilards, a largo In. m li, from Maliko, handful of men ho really control affaits go matcsty was aimut to ticpart tins kingDom, to WtlrU. places, hut (hey were nn( In eloticcfi. I voice Hiloaml way in unficiiuenlcil concjavc Knights Tem- Segal of CLOTH INO cnnsl.tiug: l.ikrhlr, im. Kinff,fnin orl. tloing just alioul as (hey please, Jlonds are make glad the great of , of Fine lilack Cloth Coats 11,1 l m. till, frotn !' (wilt mi ' Ik! icen the streets of the (own ami in plar in fat 'Frisco, HOWARD Commander MMlrakaU, ikh, Crnnr. fmin IVekciiL paid ou( as If (hey were coin, and not for llie Pantt, Uuckikln Sacks, l.hnknl, UaUlua.. imlilic assemblies of all kinds, until llie philan Al least mat is what the city nlilnr meant COURT OP Till: HAWAIIAN W. O.'ASHLEY, Pants nnd Suits, Pelt, rirrrom specific contemplated by ihc loan act) SUI'UI.ML Mohair, Drill, l'aiulii, upfront llanaM llintiiic I'tlch but proclaimed so loudly aj'ainst purxises to convey. Vv hat he really said, In his blunt, tn ltanVruntcV In the mitKr of the is ntn at this Kauikrairtih.Kh, from llMitAaa - binkniptcy of tf.e MUMCAt, UM.U ASSOCIA- Flannel government work Is done, and ihc law- regard curt, inelegant way, was this t " Will vou ever Sacks A Pants, I Hiiui'tM, (rr M, Sclinatm)rr, from Uirnin, the " brutal Ireattrent " the lepers had rcceiicd TION, a cwpnrition, etc Itcfare Mr, Juiiire AuMin. l.nt-iis- Dov's Mm, fin koua, KattHnil Maaben ing is not complied with j the public learn lo write plain (jriami sec it ttic OmiKN HirKiNa. -- A ixtition hating letn pre Shirts, and Iwalahi. Ita1r, his apKiiiilmcnt, and the "humane contracts ur OtllllMfOttl IIdiiho l.Iiolti?i On or About Jnly 26th, Children's Jacket., Ka Mot. wiif. fr" Iujrtl'khoe . .. previous to king and Daftjclt are going, too?" wnttjj lo thl court liy Wildfr Jli Company ami Caiite I. frpm school service I tllsorgmlzcd, In order to ti CooUe, of Ilortotutu, herein tt is ftlleged that the R. Coat. Leggings, Mon. tttn. Si'icrl. ih. Kolau .; treatment (hey erc lhciiccforanl lo expect so ino gusn reporter went, anil wis is wnai key and Walker, m hr. fiin l'.itaikmi . .. malice In ; a!J .Mudcat Hall AftMicUtlon It tmltteil to ANII WILL SAIL Sailor Jackets. Carpet irnni gratify the of the corrupt power the he found out uiJ WILL AN Slippers, Silk and 1. C. wi.a Irum KimUu at hii beiicficicnl hands. It was ctrculateil litiuner in ft titn excenlinir 'I i Iliouvinil Oollars, OPI'.N AOi:NCY Umbrellas life of the community is perilled, that leper O Arxt pf which wid mm tin mud Musical Hatl andParatoti, Fancy and Travelllne; Kulinanu.Kli. from Ihroughoul (he iilandi lha( I'ilclt could cute Ilea, Iter, Rev, Awh' Shawls, Cotton anil Turkish Towel,, Mailiu, kU, fruin J'auVaa politicians go forth to make votes ; the Vou vex, vex, tex, tin ha foiled and refuted to nuke paj merit for ten For San Frunolaoo A bant Anguit 2d. Fancy Moi Knki, ftchr, frtwo Jjiriat and, a a tinforttmalc miy The hearts of your people tore ; daj after the vime had maturnl and been prennled White and Quilts, Pelt Rurrs and Bins conjeqticncc, Por Custom House Drokerag. sels Carpeting, Silk and Velvet Ribbons, Threads Il)tu) tma l.orrntn,fui liana and Mololai (he spirit of (lie license law Is violated, to give Itecautu we know, for pojment; nnd in v.tiich said jzctition It li prajrd sufTcnrs left (heir hiding places by If ever vou go. lhat taid Mm leal Hall Afttucialon to declared a hanlc Real Estate Transactions, favfu-itcs- a make money in Ihc t Dfpirtures, and came Iodic metropolis lo bctrcatctl. court c)ince lo We never may see you more. nipt, and that inch further proceedings le had herein 7fif iiWj1 the law nvay require or to the court, niaynfern ex Employment Service, In steamship I well, tut Ajwibng July saloon business the ttnipeakshte degradation ai f saee this macniheent mav be fe- Kaluna.llaw vh.. u meilical Suppote n whale And, tald ft loner having filed an approved currd in ad ranee by tu While and Fancy Blankets, , I V, for . ' Misled by the apparent cnerRy of tht EditntJ nppling I) C Murriy. Am Kink, b. F. it of heathendom is revived, tn pander to the Mould Alllp Ms tall I,fsr the pa) men t of all cost of the Fancy Striped Woolen, two sue,. 1 lb. Am bkliie, Ilowf.hiri). r...... Innovator, Mr. Caittr, then minister of the in- High out oMhe tea, proceedings and all damage to the party petitioned Scarier, Orange. White Woolen and 4 points. , passion of the Hawaiian race; ami the And General Itusineis, C K. KUttop, Mm, Canwron fur Kauai. wont And frighten vou ao .izaintt herein In cave slid petitiohert fail to prove ftald Buttons for Shirts, Coats, Pants, Dresses, for Kalitihii the building of hospital ? V. R. IRWIN ft Co., Auenls. K.latia llou, Minr. ftrar. .. terior, consented to a indefinitely extended. Hut Vou mutt go lielow, M mica I IUU Association n Vanknti'tJ and nnbvder McPonaM. for Kauai . . . . catalogue might Mtre. Kakaak.11, 1'ftch, could eupcilmcnt k 1 low very tad it would be I Iwwing thereupon to the .Marihal to taVe k li, for KuLuihaele 3 at where mem- iued AND HONOLULU larion, workingmen know these facts, and lic i,ion gi w property nno etiect 01 me kiiii aitiMcai AT OATS STATIONERY STORE, CJOSTON DIRECT. ! 1: it v u m r. it v , Wailele, Katiului anJ Maltkd . . .. tdi, fr ith hli nclicme of cure, little anticipating, And. tn all Cry, ! !:!. Anuct.uiun accordance uiili the statute in such Wak.IL I ' bers nf the niminivlralion know lhat they serious eftrnestnesswe in wli, for tiiee, King Hawaii net! made and provided. M.Vkoltl, MtdrtLjor, U Kiilau however, that ilihould be used (0 supplant the To O of this caie win., know it, is the milk In the cocoa-nu- t, We thee Slav home and lake ot W (Vhiurii, aiiorney Genuine Eau de Culocne, t.nliin's I.ikrltkr, urn, King, for IJiloan-- wa rt Here, then, tirav at Uii motion Linrtnce iotkiii MrRCKANT STRer.T.V..,,. .( Cliarl.s llrewer & Company will dispatch the link . instiliitlon a( Kalanati. Mr, Artnilrong soon A closer glance all thy needl. petitioner, it hercl.j ordered that on MpNDAV, 'Foitet I'luforome, lltir MjI.J.j.m-Ii- for I Uka'ati " 94 If, liy any means, tliu wotklngmcn can at '1 he plouttiate ruttl n many a fallow neld the oth lUyof AuctiM. A. 1883, at mv chuntieri Oil, Cotnly, lacking Glasses, Pires. I. Krk.iuluolii. kth, ft HaiialW after succeeded to the presidency of ihc hoird , aN 4 1 ny in Honolulu, proof will heard of theltutliol the R. Halls, Harmonicas, HUnk HiAs, Kliukal, ch for U'alalu i , . be separated from Ihe planter and merchant largess imgni mil iruCTlit-- imsi the poslrtnn vittue of wiser counsel iTthv chosen chiefs. tecation in taU containeil, and that the said TO Gold Jewelry, Gold Watches, tch, for Kohala of heallh, holding by llad'tt 1 l.uka, the opposition bundle of sticks may he '1 .Mimical be nutmnoned then and there - far Mulokal fttjd class, here it no good thou might'st not do, if thou llatl Auochtion Tape, Elastic, Scarfs, Albums,, Irluu, kltn, Iottnen, llano.. his ofl'ice as minister of the interior, ail selfish amxrar. which time and tilace all concerned mav IUoks and Acroonl neally kept and adjutttd. Sail Iroin Boston for this llaleakaU, wii,for ' broken bit by bit. So every means is taken I'm bv thetenuitlne britie. of eae : to at Port ltrekca And flared to lite fura'l the lieopte'S gunil. a p nnd show caue, If any they have, why ttic aid (tills Collected, WaSiiulu. ftcti, for Kotu 3 inlttim. s the fiaicdc icry properly Ducitments of ileMrriptlon drawn up. 5epteinlr 1st, (or by the administration and its orgin to antago What Is the pomp of majetlv , to this : petition khmild not be Rrarilcd; and that a copy of this esery Vicuna Ilmina, tch. Waianae " t6 (ime for A thing in the way bl carefully and Fitntlhtrr, JO Mr. CaKer Iwing cvpoctct) rU (ha( To tit enthroned, high in the nation's heart; order be published in the Saturday Pre nepaer ni lUiifirt To be follourd by the Amv'lumer, Jarnnry i, 1884. Manuolawal, h, fur Kawaihie.... " nize the classes which must together win the rightt; promptly attended lo. Coll'V, (ot Von 'lowntrnd " aS Mr, To ride knight errant of the lulion'it turee succcitite previous iu miu nearing. titirsrr, Am Urn, to lilioilly resume his office, jVrn"('"U stand Ihe tribune of the people' wrongs; Orders sliould te In ltoston not later lhan August I walani, Mtu, Hatrc, for (aui arid Hawaii.... " 7 legislative fight. To the desired end, the ad- To I1KNJAMIN U. AUSIIN, Enenslon, Arm, Dining room ami Tailor Chairs, tin To in judgment on their dtfrencet! slli, to insure thipment. Cor ftirlher particulars, o '" could scarcely be ctpcctcd to more than tit the Supreme Court. Settees, Mirrors, etc, ministration bend raj! in energies. It Mops Not vulgar oinp, but pride most honorable, Justice of V, O. uui iff Telephons lg. C At LOMI'ANV, Now In of im- IIknhv SxttTM, Merchant Vieli Port. carry out the plans his Mav vet be thine, if then wilt dare and dare, Attent J 147 am tauten slicct, Honolulu. at nothing. There Is no weapon loo vile lo Deputy Clerl, acting a Clerk. , Jl'IIA, 'Irlit . Ha with And atwav dare to live forgetting self, ' Smtillri, I 7Si-l7- mediate predecessor. This he did, but Honolulu, ?&. 181, . ' t fulfil. tin, SHrnif l.nllhrr, SlIANIION, l'a4tflll . .llrit. Oiip serve its purpose. 1 he lives of honored and In thought r.f all tlte good is thine toito. July TABLE FOR THE STEAMER II W AtMV. Krfemid. ..Am l.k unnifest misgiilngt, as ii evidenced by his Teach Ul, Q King t forgoing, tq forget ILATE GLASS TIME . (itr. honorable men are assailed in the only way wrong, in our own, herel.v thy choice 1 I. CANuri'i, Sclinatme)! U legislature. And these plans The pari 1CI1 Durinz my temporary aWnce frum the Hemp ft U. Packing, Coal llakell, rcjiort to the Made renegades thy trusted counsellors. NO kingdom, Mr. M. CRAIO, who assisted me LIKKMKK, NavaL the craven crew nf the pirate ship date assail I J. nj Tejicli us, O King IiirinsT the eatlv of the ear. and who hat been for were, not that Kalaalo should the tiart " KINO...... Master Himjki, lla ...It. I. J. M. S nite anything with fnuendo ami sneer and mis iseen je.irs in the office and fiMoeJiMed w'n on fh CRATES OF ASSORTED CROCKERY, permanent aslutn for leprous cases not that And this in compliment (o the American of interpretation. The aim Is to make the foreign leading drnth.tor tu 1'randsco. will tale chirRe llii steamer ill Honolulu each TUESDAY VeiseU Hiprctnl from Forelcn Porta the lepers from all the nimks and corners of Minister Kcsident t , my practice. I &iiajl hold myself retjionsitjlc for the at 4 r. si., touching; al lnhaina, Maalaea Hay, Makena, of all in my of- luuialiorlioeQiid lido. Contftinimr Cups. Teapots, Howls, Chamben, Nn Yiimk, Am. I.k. Croivley workingmen of this community (by which is fiitbful execution operations irtorr.ed FANCY COLORED GLASS, .Matiukona, Kaitailiae, .Dale, (he kingdom should be congregated together O Rollinl did sou say fice during my aUence, Returning ill touch .11 all the Jiortl, Rice lliihrs nnd Ittkers, leniij-hli- 1 and 5 Cusll. A. ARrnts. aiiose arrlting NoJue. Coket meant the large majority not vet rich) believe 'lhat vou were going .M. , Gallons, Simple Vases Glassware, .Mtnita I.k, . mctronolis-t-bu- ISB.41 J.r .U, '11111(11.1, iv. I', o. al Honolulu etch SUNDAY inornin,;. llotllc. and I. vti:t.Kt., Itril. Ulf of An,upa l)imy in the thickly settled i that ct awa to hate a lime lu California? ' Hags, (I. W. a: different the in received and fur sale ex Altergeldit and ios WII.DER&Co. alut'lanid Ro, Liial Gulmies, 'Fwine. , Due Srpt. Alacfarbnc Co, Archil, that their Interests arc from Vou hit our heart with woe, Just Hurlaps Woulsick mid FwilluiT backing. Linen . caws should remain there under from London, llote l,llj hntt. Mill bk. .MALL1ATB . . l.ilklll ulccted Wc shall weep to see go, Is hereby civen that neither the Captain Hankow, terests of the wealthy. The religion, the toil N0TIC1. -- llnbrpl. iS'io. T. II. Davie A Co., Agent. the control of Mr, until the effects of We pray sou say tit ' No," AeenU of the German barkCANOI'US. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Na Ytiak', lint. IlKNhY jAMfl . . .Laltimore manners, the business methods of Mr, Daggett Srlinatmivr mister, uill tie rcmonsible for anv debts early in June, CaMle & Cooke, Acetitl. his treatment should have decided the truth or of wid cssel without their SUGAIl and KICK HAGS j l.l in contracted by the crew r M .1 S, 'I'ulloch live men here have been misrepresented And after all his trouble Ihe city editor was written order. H. HACKITXI) & Cn., Afients. SrlNi, Al'rAllA falsity of his confident expectations. Hut, at of all sues and qualities. Dm. J'ily)x II. llackfrlJ&Co., Acentl. every waythat malice could suggest. Fortun obliged to go out and learn for himself that N011CF. TO SIIIPI'F.US. San (a ' n, o a 4. Makikma. . .. lloanl best, who was Mr. Armstrong? Almost a GEORGE LUCAS, Due J il, V. II, Irwin 3t Co., AeenK. ately the stupidity of the administration has King Kalakaua is not going to California at The new WAREHOUSES of the O. S. S. Co. are ; a IICU. -- Notice is hetcby civn to nil Jffcw CA;rL . th S, , Am. Ik., M. Rlitnnt T Seart stranger in the hml a man insited to take present, that the U0y.1l Hawaiian Hand will itrrvms now comi.trlrd. Merchandise intended for thiiunent Due. been unequal to the ilr niands of its hate. The NO that at a meeting held in Honolulu, on the iCth hy'tessel of the atiove line still lie received r R,E of this llirmirjlrilic remain with us, and that the loss of His 01 ATTIIE HONOLULU STEAM PLANING MILL llarMKN.tic MAIATtAN portfolio under government, tlavoi July, 1BB3, ol tue iuiscriiers lotnoMoctc ine ttorage and receipts issued for Same. In attempt has failed. The voting worklngmcn COMPANY, it wa soted to Sardines half and quarter bores. IrfjaililiK II. Ilackfel.l . Co., AKemc of King Kalakaiia. Mr. ihe American Minister Kcsident, of IIAMAKUA Mll.L ac Insurance oil merchandise svhitc in ilia warehouses at in Oil hi tins. II. personal fricmUhip cept a charier of incorporation Rranied to them and Salt Jars, Castor Matches Naw CAari r, N r W, - Itai III k. . . .. of Hawaii nei (and a strong native contingent genial Judge llickcrtonand Mr. M. Oa(, owners risk, Oil, Bluf, 11. White Lend, tr is not to lie blamed, under the cir- of J. their nsuviiiet and ucceorc, tinder the corporate Cocoanut Wash Fur .Maluiko ta Armstrong arc the only considerable ones which VM. fJ. IRWIN & CO., Mearine. Candles, 4, 5, and 6, II. & I', Biscuit, is rapidly wheeling into line) see very well on Jr., name wljleof the i Mill Cunjpanyt on the I'oaT (lAMitLit, Am. Kmkkalii...... (Sailer iliis and TIIK riNFST AVSORTMKNT OF 144.3m Agents O, S. S-- Ca Htibbuck's Linseed Paint Od, White Zinc Paint cumstances, for the action Jie took in Honolulu will iiTjmcdiatcly be caled upon to 19th day of June, i83i. and M coimration, un '.tow ilue. II. Ilac'.felil It Co., Arii. which side liread is. IniUc'cd. Selfishness tint DeailKjrn tielr der said charter, thereupon orsanuctt itself and elected San Kkancisco, I' M i S, ClTViifSviiNnv icgard. bear. nOx-i- Ilackfelj and honesty are sometimes In the follow ing officers of t)e company I'tiucu Cotorrti fJiMHf f. inrhrm A FRANK COOKb, Due August 4 II. ri Co., Ai;cnla. Herman am? Cltfartt, Hah r Am. tkltie. Disciivkhv .I'erriman l"ar ilifr'...m", however, was the case with Iff.If.lA'f,' flWfKTV, President. Theo, II. Da vies. Jfavantt kanciuo. the coming campaign they arc unmistakably II.HVAfT.iS May te found at the above establishment, AGUNT POR THE rOLLOltlNG COASTKHSI Du July ai'Ti. II. llaclftM&Co., Agti. . V.ce.preddent . ,, , ,,,1)101. R, Walker. l.ivsii'cccssor in ofiicc, Mr, (iilMon, A was adjourned ilotioN, Am. Lit .Maktiia Davis llenv so. 1'or, if (hero is to remain in these islands There a full attendance at the Treasurer, , . . . V, M. Swaruy. WAI1.EI.E, MAI.Ot.O, I'Lited ware SjuKins, Forks. Cruets, Tea luajliif May J. C Hrewer fit Co., Axentl. residence of over twenty years on mceling of those interested in forming, the SecrytJiry, , . 1 V lloldsworth. PLATE from tu WAIOl.l. , JU1.IA, Cups, Napkin Rings Salvers, any religion, any honor, any morality, any :: K, Alto, GLASS, jM2 UkIici tJxt fct sets etc, 11 tr 1...1.1i s st Auditor.. .J, Itentou. WAIr.HU, WAIMAI.U, these islands, and a busy concern In the afTtirs iiuv-uiiti- iiiiin-iui- ; pwticit, ui-it- 111 iiiu - 'i. SIIIPI'ING N0TE" civilization and any prosperity, the crab climb- C. A. Hall last Monday night. Kcv. A. Notice Is further Rlen. lhat pursuant to the terms of GEN. hlt.OEL, KALUNA, and around him, had afibnlt'd him an opportunity J. naut chsrter, iNo HockhoUer snail inuitiduaiiy te MANA. iritnlwarc ing paily ef reaction must be summarily Cruzan presided, Mr, Francis C, Godfrey fur liable the debts of the corjsoration bejond the FLAO ! Rest willi White Hall. Office corner of Kinjio iouki a neat at a fin, of knowing all that a statesman neciMl to ABOse IS ;xket and ltutcher Scissors, Kfieanr, wttei1Thener acted as secretary. The rqiort of a committee amount which may be du: upon the bhare or shares THE Queen and Nuitanu Shey freli coal of (aim, defeated. K.1,1 !.. It blrcet. Needles, Sjioons. Files, Spurs, (.alvaru'rd know a of was as follows, m VITIIVU.n..l S'J Ham, 'lite Hawaiian tchoouer ii in llie of health, aswell as of other matterecon to prepare plan procedure Hoop Iron. Krg Rivets. Yfllyv. Julia Ureani ia !:. W. H0LDSW0H11I, Sccrelarj-- . OFFERED AT REASON MILE KATES IIuimrs, tic She haili fur the YettMaril, on or ab nectcd with Ilia counjry. Ktpecially had he 7;. I am .v.i cirtrrvitK. in the language of the secretary; iji.,t .Vletal and Couipositiun Nads Clarifiers Aui(i:t it! the organization lie known as NE HUNDRED AND TEN DAYS Itibbttt .Metal, Suiar Coolers, Iron to be scrsed in The Hawaiian exhibit to the Huston Foreign "First, That 'I he Itril ihiii Shannon i llie fuot lrofessetl matters pertaining to a DMINISTKATOR'S NOTICE. ill. undrr. An Early Call is Solicited. 'iHtlks, ti at fif tteain J the Hawaiian Humane Society, and that o Likehle't whaif, luijiu fur San IVjikisco, tuuil the public health, and to have been keenly Exhibition, which promises to be fairly credit incorporation be for. A (tisjiitia, iitisin uim ail'l's.'tsiis;!. ueiiinilllilHtMl Ul neal week charter of applied the estate of UTLI.A HAUltOl'l 1,1'., deceased, CEORGF. I.UCAS. solicitous in regard lo the establishment nf able as a whole, and in some lines notably so, Second. That tlio Mim of hydaws adopted by all prons naiipC c'Airtu nntrsl aw etiate are nertuy Honolulu (tlcain l'laning Mill. rOKTLANO CEMENT, 'Ihel'. M S. S. AuMralia will l due fnmtlecolo-ni- e ! FROM ought to have a stimulating effect upon those (he ' American Soccly for Prevention of notincU to present t beta rue within U months from date, GLASGOW. lu mortuw, en ruule to San r'rancivo. A laruc means tending lo its improvement, lie knew or they will be forever barred, and all persons indebted iiuuiUr of are louke4 o Cruelly to Dumb Hcasts ' be the basis for (he htwni;erft lu un her. the opinions of the meilical men of this and native industries which depend upon native to the Raid estate to make immediate payment to I SURE that you get that fin Ilrocade, at 6oc r Plre Clay, Blacksmith Coal, Fire Bricks, TUes 'Ilu (lerinan lurk Canopua arrived laws of (his society. Third. That the oner. B1 arti, at a. II.H.L,13, 10 rort street. 152 on'lueda) livt II. KlEMENSCllNI.IOrCU, ai. Empty Barrels, Oak Boats, &c. fiom Itiemcu, with a tfrneial caro of i;io.U, other lands rciccling the contagious character products for their development. The Alden ations nf the society include the protection of Administrator ol the etate of William Harboitle, r roiitiijtied lo Mrkr. Ilackfelj X Ca, which kite is now devc- Honolulu, July so, 1883, I of leprosy; ami he knew that foreigners all taroand fruit diving project being children, tounn, 41131 committee, as .M. S. h. whaif. ine tit O. XV. & Co, over the Wands feared the disease, and that loied at Waifnku, Maul, by Doctor lenders soon ns the s are ready, shall call a MACFARLANE meeting, and submit the said laws for approval NOTICE TO CREDITORS, Haviuc been ap. Orders from the other Isktndscarefultv attended to I'ASSENGEHS. many of the more intelligent natives as well, and his associates, deserves recognition, en adintniMratorof the vMate ol ALON0 M MELLIS, and signature." JACK&ON, I and hearty from Ihc deceased, of Makawao, hereby ghe n. X were lieginning to entertain the same belief; couragement These recommendations were approved. notice 1111 all claims agiimt said eu ate must be A t't orrsa for saie the cargo or the HitrAfrM C. Arrlvali. 4 but, for reasons of his own, he thought fit to government and the nation. If there lie any Hon. S. Walker, Mr. F, U Clarke and within U months from date or they will be for Fiuin llremen, Jier Canoput, July at A ltears-thit- J. eyerUarred, W, P, V. HRKWER, W. U r Kev. A. Cruzan were appointed a committee ft t SOMETHING ignore all, and defy public opinion so far as he money now lawfully at the disjiosal of the J. Aslmlnlstrittor of I ho eute of A- - Jackson. i WORTH READING. From to and obtain a charter. ,iwn Kauai, er amet Makee, July ai Mtt dared. Ami it was only when the opposition interior department for the encouragement nf try Makawao, July g, 1883, 150.1m Iron Clippar Ship Shandoa Wodchome (i), Kev. Wainwrishl atul wife Election of officers resulted as follows! Hon, Extrm of ought be "' (;,-'- . .vi From Kaliulul. wr K'dauea llou. lulv ai W n Al press had liegun lo cxxse facts which the agriculture, a part it to placed, as S. Walker, president; lion, HayWodc-hous- e OF FORECLOSURE,-- accordance J. J. In '. waltr, K II liralum, U Armttrung, H It llaUey, S II c of the case would allow Doctor Kndcrs has suggested, In assisting and Mrs. Cruzan, Mr. NOTICE power of sale contained in a certain mart t NOW llEINO LANDED , II not ol .ii ait. J Sullivan, jjace deed made by LOMA land KAHAULI.LIO, his M '.( Frank Godfrey, secretary; ilr. A, Frank oiri'kH is.v iVl, S E. Kauai, C R ltislioti, July Simp- - longer held lack; when panic, as a con Vailuku natives lo cultivate liananas. There wife, of NVailuku. Maui, to W. II. ItAlLKV, of ,ti( J. WISEMAN, rruin tier n Mr Cooke, treasurer. The appointment of an ton and velvant, I, II Slul, J Lrandall, J II l.hler, N sequence, was almost imminent; when visitors seems no good reason why liananas, raw and Waiiuku, aforcsai!, recorded in the I.and Otlice in IN EXCEPTIONALLY FINE1 CONDITION, Hotle, Mrt llre.1. and child, Mrt 1, Itichardt and ter agent was referred, to the lmard of manage- Liber 76, folio iSoand 381, notice is hereby Ken that UEALUR ANO.IMI-ORTEK'O- tatil, Mr and Mitt from the United Stales had returned to relate dried, should not become the third product of mem- Mtd mortcagee intends to furculose. said mortgage for Wtdi. ment, of which theofficcrs are ' ig From Kuna and Kau, Iwalaui, July W com! ft ions broken, and will Mil (acconlinr to taw) at t i..l Ileal Entitle llroker antt General aj 0 in piint (he actinlity, that Mr. Gibson these islands. Innumerable little valleys, too bers, and to which Kcv. I, A. Cruzan and jn'satd --11 s Suiitli, V lluiiiJiiie, MrtirWarren, Mr (towel), Mr public auction the premises desct ilml mortsaje, I CONSISTING, or FINK LINKS or JIiihIih-h- Aiviit. Mr. Max Kohm were electee! additional mem-Ikt- as McDude. Dr Hulcher and wife, V. I' Clank, II I, I'at. once more to prosecute the olicy of segtega- - small for extensive cultivation of any sort, are below specified, vl; 'Ihe undivided half in that tar eel land situated at Waiiuku, awarded to Kaulili, v I 1 l v s tenter, Mrt (Iclcliclor ami tenant, S V Cowelt, '1 1 tof ii .' I vn No-a- (ton. A gica( noise for a (Ime was made hy admirably adapted for the growth of bananas. Rojal Patent No. 7,381, containing 63100 y Msiciiant Stssst ..Ho!oi.trt.v, II, I, Salt, K Ko and family, Nearly four hundred names" have been Ana t, t,--. , 1 v . acres boundaries described. ,1 ' DRY GOODS, Jiom windward puttt er l.ikehke, July aa S IVr his own newspaper, (he l"acilic Commercial If bananas may be dried by the Alden process already obtained to the public demand for a n Vt II. pAILEYMorteagte. Advetliser, nlmut the vigor with which segre humane society. HARDWARE, and shipped by sailing vessels from Hawaii, !, KaU'a, for Mortgagee, - ' . gation was licing carries! on. Soon, however, Maui, or Ihe other islands', San Waiiuku, July is, iHSj? 150-3- Ct CROCKERY, - I hase now several neat HOUSES and CQ1TAGKS, IICuuK! lo Francisco, utli.J l: In for Tin: hosto.v kxiixiiit. ' ' to let In various tsarts of Honolulu ami suburbs. Also, Kenton, Akaka, wife and child, KK Hindi, 'I I' llt- - effort that line again became slack, and and there sold at twenty-fiv- e cents a pound, DRY and FANCY GOODS, K hereby clttn to nil icrsons GLASSWARi:, wine wx liuiluing Lots and property to selh ,, The Mariposa will take out of Honolulu a s i ii.iuiikihin, n,r ii ii.uey, ,t r.nua aim wile. reasons, again cst known to himself, permits In the ' vvsttivw.-- i i.a-- t vi .Mr )r jidert, W Kots, w II Coinwell and banana culture can be made exceedingly pro tot held Honolulu on nth. ut' un llatlinct, miscellaneous of exhibits to go to the day 10 stock of the StMUlVlH I'LANTAIION S10RLS, a childien, D II lUldwin, F V of leave were granted numerous lepers who of July, 1883. of the subscriber the if Conradl, I' Homer lo ductive. Portuguese and Chinese can make forthcoming foreign exhibition, which opens LAUPAHOEHOESUOARCOMPANY.itwas voted I Departurci. had liecn e Kaka- - SUGAR MACHINERY, Emilovmivt Pound rots Skekinq Work. put into at money raising bananas. Why may not natives in Hnston, October 1st. There will be sent to adept a charter of Incorporation cranted to them ' ' ' .1 k s thosk and, their associates and successors under the corporate - For San Francltco, Ula, July tj-"- f Crrti;h, ako to goto (heir homes or mingle with the samples of Nos. , 2 and 3 sugars from some lORTAIIfX TRAMWAY, 1 ir do so also much more extensively than at iiume and stle of l.auUuoch04 Sugar Company, on Conrad, J lletidcrtoti and wife, rice .'- - community as twenty plantations, samples of hulled and the 19th day of June, 1883, and that the said corjsora, 'WIA ' am nterARKit V might please them lust. Ac of J to riHtmu For Kauai, per Janict Makee, Julyal V Horner, present? If some those benevolent "Young cleaned, and of ''paddy, " together with a tion, under said charter, thtrcuton organised Itsell and J SIEELRAIIA Father MUt lilcoml,, K A fie. Mr, n-.- Slcler, Mai conling tn .'itch himself, segregation at Hawaiian! " who have been so active in selling sheaf of glowing rice) samples of pulu as elvctcd the fulluwinjcolfers of tlv company 1 41,1 Fur L C M , LOCOMO FIVES, Kauai, tier It llithop, July tj Sutherland, Kakaakn was a faicc, anil puiu THEO. II. DAV1LS...... President. .Vi'.' 104 MONEY AT ANY V many known lepers up Honolulu In the business-- all gathered and of the fern; sponges, green fori ir.VJ,lil.lMl.1 TIITC MttClotwn, C Writ, II Cornwrll, S.MNMulinan. natives express Vw. t, ' L1D0ATE. ... , 1IAR and SHEET IRON, were not ev en scgicgilcil there, mt vvcielcft and dried; the pigment ochres of Molokat ami OH Fur Maui and Hawaii. rer Lehua, July at 0 Unna, for the love of the race, and with no e K. M. SWANKY Treasurer. StCURITV. T wife and child, W II A Maui; sulphur and lava specimens of ancient K, W. HOI.DSW0R1H. Secretary. I " J HaUcad, Mia (o loam at will aliout (he (own. A farce was upon the profits would the ENGLISH STEAM COAL, Etc, Ahu(k, Mr. Weed. put same and recent formations, 'from Kilauea; about J M.LYIKLV1E. .. .Auditor, 1 SMV1 . ' all that Gibson (V. j tl '1 .'Il J Foe South Seat, er Kaluna, July II Sima, wife Mr. ever inltn.ltJ it iMoulJ money Inlo Utile lunaiia patches, contiguous thirty varieties of native wools, including Notice Is further given lhat, pursuant t0( the tenns of and a children, y; returned taVxiren, inclttdinir women those used for cabinet making, canoe and said charter, ' No stockholder shall Indiidually be li ' Uffll 'itftrt pf alt Dwriftftxr thmv. and children, l)r IWIic. The pretense of segregation was carried on to to some shipping point, or near a manufactory able for the debts of the corioratiou teyond th4 amount house building and fuel, vizt . . . ALU WHICH WILL K (he aiea, nkokoko, wlikh may t due ui-- lh share or sliarcs held or '.n m,t tis.jit or UFTKID For Kaliulul, per Kilauea llou, July II Tratk, quiet fears of the foreign element, while (wien started), the investment would be better ii. n Enxravlnjc and Penmanship Tastefullr Dune. Ciutura 1 alina, alii, ahakea, hau, hala, haa, ili.ihi, koa, himself." (Vpit, Mrt .Moore, I O Cailer.r., TatJWarren, K V owned ly T. HQLUSVORll, Houm. attended to. the native clement was to lie suited by pro- for the investor, better for the investee and 150-4- i To' Meter, wife and child, V O Smith, Mr Kelnienich koaca, kou, kolca, kawau, kukui, inamani, ! fxwretar),' .(. . iTjai,A tS Trstd. oa .rf rsssstwsutSlo Tarsi. iieider. mises of cure, and a ghastly sham of tender better for the country. maniko, manono, mamaki, naia, naio, ohia, . n M, Fur San Francltcu, per D C Murray, Mr. sugar-can- I ICE. Hating been apiminted Guardian of July it ness to the sufferers. In short, Kakaako was opiko, puaa and wiliwili; about I Tvi ... ,, Caiutan and s childien. Mettrt llcntietl, itucruiuq three varieties from different localities, puaole, NO Mahuka, minor, son pf the late M Mattuka, de 1,1s S.1 1,1 PLANING MILL. AOENr FOR THE BEST and Anderton, F llauitch, 11 I'tretmer, C Ketl.r, Mr an institution tun for the political ends of a iioxorA'w .VKir.v.'.i ceased, and attorney In fact for Iukta (w)f widow of PNTERPRISE wife, .':.. kenikenl and the Lahalna; samples of Koua said M. .Mahuka, deceased, all persons are. lwreby nnd lAtm laUMrmnc I'tterton and Mr Strong ami wife, S ftortia, man, who lias One who finds plain, straightforward, direct, j ' i".,i - rire Lhailea Ioiurd. been willing to make capital coffee, old anil newt starch, made fiom la settle all matters pertauurig (o Ow etale of t if r in IN WORLD CalM AL Mahuka, deceased, with the undersigned, ami Ihey" HIE Fur windward pom r IJkeltke. July 14 F Gottt-tha- ihi( of human misery even. For (he small forcible Knglish in the Honolulu Ilullclin is manioc root; preserved fruits, including pine r i; FoT Stssst, IIonolvui, II. I, re'hereby notified thai Mr, JbiuK4i K. has no au Hill Collected; and Kept ; Mit llrown.ll and child, (". r kaai if Hunks Accounts Orders HI) Alwaler, J greatly to lie congratulated. Its leader of last apples, tamarinds and guava jelly; dessicated thority whatever In th,e A RQSA. IV .! r , ! of every Ironi Klrkwou.1, K K I political piop which litis mode of dealing with matter . 'HI InllllM business nature lha other l.landi will and family, J C Hind, (J M, fact Alklllvvtl, M Svldaumer, Kev Uhalle). (iuU taro and taro flour; soap, nf domestic manu- Guardian nf Mahuka, minor, and attorney in meet wiih(roinplncss. the leper question might give him, he has Thursday contained just such English. for (w). AL Mahuka lt.v tun and 1' II (latiei facture; saddle trees, of native woods and Luukta widotvof the late de. Andrew, and family, W II ccaseiL ' and B.rtelmann, Mitt II Woudt, R T KIckard, Mr (muU, J (1 M been content, not only that Ihc health and life Whether II as also truthful is for the com- native hats braid C, J. Hardy II. F. .P.O. Iluv, native leather; and material Honolulu, Alay 15, 1883. iJ Sh.ldun, W A Whiting, R Cation, 1 jiiiU, r M')"' N. and Dr.ilmaklnj Blisblilh Mtt of every inhabitant this (own should be - for making hats; Hawaiian simples, topiti O II lUliua, U K W of munity lo decide. In thai leader, the news- loots, rocnt on Ihc premises. Vida, J Akau, leaves and plants used in medicine, unclassi- 13a wife and child. submitted to the danger or contagion, but that paiicrs of Honolulu, without exception were DELL 1KLEPH0NE CQMPANY.-- At a special and BUILDfiR. fied, and for the most part unnamed; fibres, meeting of tho stoLkhultlcrs of the Hawaiian licit pONTItACTOR business and Interests should suffer accused of and some from telephonej Coin IMI'ORTS. pioeiiy lying; sentences the used in making s and lines; liarks used pony, held July ia 1881, for tins pur OTICE op removal. CONTRAOTORS aasl BUILDERS, also, if necessary, as a consequence. In the Saturday Press quoted in justification in making cloth, pot uf filling vacancies in tn dhces olha compan, wa From llremeu, ar CanoHit, July 14 Ilackfelj & of the native and specimens of the the, following; uamed genilemerj were elected t N u r Co, (au tout ruat, Ullt face itself; of from , iMBotlatet, )o tatkell. a)C of ciicurmtinces. nf this character sweeping charge. The sentences quoted are cloth samples Hawaiian wools M. Planincr, Shaping-- Turning:, champagne, and Uer, P. ADAMS.. ., , 400C1 lcobtlt, ic Niihatt and Hawaii; samples of soils from T II. HOI1RON Is nor ready to attend lo aaudler), tteel radt, st tdtl flat iron, il became the duty of the press to fearlessly as follows! " el, a minority of good citizens, Vicc.l'ies.dcnts i.tto lct j lx plantations on all the islands, sent forward for I. V. IlKOWN... .Secrstary and treasurer. Band and Scroll Sawing;, ciu.Mug, acaUilt, Jopkgt railroad nialriula, 7 plgt cspose the nakedness of the truth. This (he quite 1 1 apait from the palace party and ill un analysis'; li. KIEMENCHNMULR, ... Auditor, tune, 1 How, 104 gt manure, piLdlthdi piatet, a cabinet waidiobc, made fiom koa Honolstlss AU Ontir tetlh VoNjfr intl Wj4trA. loctk tliket, 1 ctkt ftciewt. ng pit I ailruad machinery, Salutday Press has jlone. And it will ever canny following, has not ceased until now to and kou, by native ami Chinese workmen, The following directors were lo elected J. F ,f Tho Carrism loHot7, Door, Sash, Blinds, Door U.ikIi, ikabg tun meal, i.cKutgt Jua Urownand H. Riemrnschneidcr jtan , continue (o do so, Alt wc hope is, tint (he deprecate sent by King Kalakaua; native loliacco; seed r Temporary shop on site of th fife, KlnK street. phalct, raidnt c aardme. l,cauc-cin- the action of the Press. ilecause il J. i' 1IH0WN, Secretary, lie lac necklaces; kukul nuts; native calaliaslics and 154 No. $atnd i Kino Strsrt, and Window Frames, wine, S U Dairt, ctk earttienwarr; J W Fnuger. 1 c community may, upon other im'iortant occ- would hui( us abroad,' Now, llnAe fearsome UkArate, 1 c chain; W Muir, IccKHhinit; I. Kald a number of curios. HUMANE .Nu. 1 SOCIETY --All ladies Itiuvu, it luieiit W Itauiuelttei. 1 c cigaltj A Uur asion, as unanimous in their support of our fragile are with a last K Bracket, Rallusteri, iii lc us, tn nun." Ihe MMWWMW,MMMM arut gentlemen who ha joined this society, and lla ten ltEMbVED ta urnMing formally txcu HV lia Inaiiu. 1 c houlkild etfevttl Wolier, a cl tUara action as il has been in that which has related is false all others interested, are respectfully renueatnl 10 at iwd 1H011, ud elleat; A HanneUfg, c II Lute, 1 c sentence ScclalLrcd as the it. The M.IKfi'OS.l, by Tit. Sltin at canla4 Stairs, made to order, etfccltl TilK tend the meet inn of the society, to b held at the hall ol clgait Or Stangeawaldt 1 ca th auiaratut; A Uuna, t to the question of lepimy. NOTICE TAKB NOTtCK- - Press is willing to abide by the truth of lhat - ih Y. M, A, on MONDAY yAKE Ctlwlhing. been LlegluM. & Co. wine, All Honolulu li (inoie or 1cm) gog for trie- C LVENINU, July ah. loct act and rrDurl of the Curamittc. (Mi Cliailtr. tLtnuiiututn fJH 130 fori Strtrt, . aaidinet; U F (ilale, clfectt; K Arueuunil, statement. ike CAixxMcti Hi. .'.. uil MOLDINGS AND FINISH, tic Ic If Ilullclin can pioduce one arrival ol the latijxua, bhe t to and still tt. lilarcil III. mettinif. lubrco: A Cropp, 1 c clothing, NJiaefer lfore Optjo&ir, I'aAllieon blstU. J ft l4ow; 4 of who docs conic ami c and con-iuc- All of us nice, K, o, ueau 4 c c The 1'remlei's organ speaks nf a visit of good citizen Honolulu not believe ijiil (iptlFKEV, tsccjciart', Always on hand. Mkbr-CLAS- t ;s aistntui, jq itlii, a,, ct ler; I tileclt; fuill-(lricr- ONE. HuHtshUeger A Co, luo beer, 4 cs gvuterte, C clean, will be un r I thil vtoilhy gent Utna n to (he reform school the Press was light in attacking the Inard of S.ML'IIKLS ana KAN'CV UASKKTS, call 1 bdl wood star. hand to write her ujt. The friends of ihe (ujji r. j. ntnciNs. ar Kapalauu, and of his intention health for its action on, leprosy natters, we FOK A. l. MhUll-- iai Mrtct ,j. Tiirnoiit. nf improv many citcn.vcly expected juttcngm M lit be rl PttrtaSU Hollar IIXI'OHTS. ing the industrial facilities of Ihc by will chceifully make ihc correction. Many on hind In force. The ui)ibd snull hoy will ASTILLIAM O. SMITH Ca, j All order! filled on short iwtir. and Jotting promptly' EsskU. aad place i. umlcrtlnrJ .wiU n- - r(ictrulJ' to. MouUiug made any pattern wiiituul Ft Flit, hear, for Sail FraiKios, July. J.jt adding a workshop thcict", and the supplying persons may have objected (a few did object) niarhlul lunuelf, end. Thcfe will lc a N0ntE.-l1- ih. DuLlic lh.1 sli ba SuU till ltr lulrsl attended to I'kat tugar, tvJ,ft-- ; 6uubgs lite, 6o,ulu It; 4bMi display of hunting, cheers, lean, cntliuiUini, 1101 M-- i'l STOCK stra chart for Price ot Uachlna work. of tools for the same. We are also told by to our manner of making Ihe attack.' ILt in HKLTMAKKI. 'r. C.p MOiUUSS, knls. Fotirten.Hort Power. taoUttat, l.yil gait. Value, y- - emotion, commotion, l?unlc, hurry. Horry a (irtv.alul hctsty uV.llliut(Mjriuiillt'Cif lhaiik.Iii ih. fi Mto Si cflprbor, tcwir I.'!Franuti-ix- , tot Ka i C Murray, bene, for San Julyai that very lionet and disinterested sheet llu( we are that the honesty of our inten regular monlc) and tairoi lime, Wc, of IHitJtc In. literal patroiuiv lsiuttnl wit her, and No. m MERCHANT Sirst'tiT, HONOLULU T.JIflkgtlugar, t't: 1,1,1 pkfit. nor, ISU.KU ISSMiinMiwjt til. mui. itiiwr MMSwawjr, . lj,l, sopiewlu( similar lion has Iwen bcl iev cj In all along, and that a to enthuiianic, I). I'Vl'L-- KitMOitJ Ih For sal. by R. MORE a Co., ant Kle -l. ii So) g luojt, 44,aog ; m psgt uioitsaat, apituitenanccs are to be Mimru, rtaic iint lc SIRS. K. tSiq j ENNEDY Co., ;i n laud IJt-J- t iVllornct; ill ti(tft 1) K. t,4ilga(w Value, .03,604.). added tn the I.vhilnaluna' Seminary, and of the truth of all our chaigca In the matter have Wc hare a riht to the enterprise and the I)f. Itinlallutl, Railroad, TcSrlJiiSn. 01 Uliffr Cuty K JiUralitytJi" Mr. CUus SprecLcU, to nraiw: thv MMU good U-- Utm satisfaction of all who tIIIIUW Jia... IIUMU SMIia. P.S1.IBW the gieat that may cxpccteil of (he proven lulhe are efficiency of the Oceanic Stcatnihlp Comixmy, LET-t-- Houwun Eiaiisa sfrcct, cuostslinK U MARKET HuHyM IfHff Adit! .M C'oNaNa.lH. soven rouns, pantry, tiuhiuuH, car The quesllon which Is sadly lr)ing the mind same. The AiUeiJjscr docjt po( say thai; (he loith honest and intelligent. And, notwith and of W. Irwin Co., l OTEUSTREET TO kiuhn, Mcri. (, to stable, srrvaRts' rooas hm a Urge keftery, glad U H . Moisiy laaarstd oa Slock Sccurillc., as4 Ratall Araaovt, of the I'leuiier now is who lo place in chaige idea of educating the jtulhs of tliese'ivio standing the bulletin's condemnation of all that Captain Howard to comnund fhc Insjuut al 7 Iwt street or Jl Ksumiu streci. 6tf lIarl(kttsa, to grateful that in mtklcrn Ill bululu, II. OsloUr iMa, llo-- l of thepoitfolionf the Interior. The kjivl of schools in lnecluiacal wmk originated with the Honolulu newspapers, wc are sure that lc ucli.e "llis, uisWrtijrivtd vtouU nuu r.trwcifuily noiii't-'iK- . I, i, , SALE. Nr.W isellOkSE Utcannhlp) timai.d lliat thi iplendid thlp puUtc Kal he rta buuflit osit Mr. I )(. (al.rca Id Jt. c; Hutsl Stun, 'NGINK IOK ONE Individual needed Is avail- Gi'toOn, hiI it wou)d lead reader men enough think at leas) two of them truth IS. Ensinc, Hi elfcc( MoVr. " Ft sake by an not al present Ml, the to U to le our hip. M this it being written on sbot. ntsikft saJ La its,aifdi)riiiMislik.Ul B. DOLE, . fu influence C C. UKLWER'a COMPANY. able. It will certainly be rstirniely tliflicult infer that these thing? were "f very recent and unpurcluscd to give them an Friday, and at the Maripa may a in (CsatpUIl Bas.r. Mutism, (SjtMajaelatr Fu,(otf HuiUon) work-slvn- - ail Latr mtnl for any gciilleuiin wlntuuy fake ulfice with oilg'". Tn ru,n however, that in the community that the water-onluo- ilurint the nii'hl. readers of Ihe Pre will VivxU j XoHru i'uklit, li fully Pk, m4 CANOPU81 s U-v-n plcaw: consider the arrival announced if gX Mr, Gibson in quiet public suspu-ion- of llie have have in ue at thoulders solicyj)f the Dullctm, can never win oirK, UmmI CaKMSMMa am taieJ nd U rrrtk as ITa. arrive,) BONK MEAI ., - peifect puiily tf his imwlves, Kven honesty lwlh the fefojiHiUfiy Khooi W'd t Lahalna In lurVc, affi'd.'alri lowctl rai. ' Con. Foit u MCHair SrtT, HONOLULU i.X- . iy I'HOSCHArelMEAL ... .as. aikl Integrity in one department can not much luna fiv luany veils jvul, and (hat at the Su nuny coniUcting rumors have been noised Longfellow: Whatever poet, orator 01 we is. dEOKCE'CKAY Itkrul Pull, always un hand. may of it, old U ul age. In tuaaniiiU. 10 sufi, fW sabj by help the general policy of (he gorciiiuicul former Insiitu'tVui, all' 'the minor' carpenter alw during (he past ihiee ilays concerning uy one Hll CMITH ft THURSTON. IW. O. Suitm. tlalott.iW, to lh LuJaa, ; L, Ar TufHsrs" H. HACKFKLH Co. while the old man sea Is needevl (be txvn done dismissal Hush, NOTICE.AU Ufdtcr O " of the pertuittcil ssoik n premise! has the of Minister of the Interior taldy cyidurttl ly Mr, nt ji, ft) Si may b. tatd la TaLtrooni Nct.atss. ija-- u lliln SI Slarkel, j1 .irroNATavr mit, sum! to cling to the neck of the )ooi lUuiliau there by the boyi of the vclwul Jpf a long lime thai wc prefer 19 say nothing about it until SrKAWltfRRV, Trrn Coiti. vl Ur.sMfeft.Ura,, IS. H!sul oka at STYLUS U CunalsMa Uinins Cm&Hi.U iu4 U Wwttc, yim ill 6i u A AulauauI to letk til (Mass, No. )4 s,rMn...... HONOLULU DROCAIeKD fLUSjWS, ajl taadas yes. ial Va4 'ftdtavs; kac vr ttWira ai A-- M. ijlubad. licit week, r 104 Mhant . ' back. jj. in titwmr "1 l W M v asassvs-ai- to. .ots t LLlsTHtrtssrte. ij I fl ft If

nlhef church sehimls, here. Hosot.t If, July to, tSSj This aftirnoon then wdl lie a Inst liatl uosnwt.v sninni,. bkr rAurlioit g.tlco. 6cncnil vSATUWIJAY nll.-gi- exception to rule, and iRtstKr-- ll.Mli Oertfr iilitrlistmcnts. I'KliSS. match m tin parade gMiiml .it Makiki, lie lolani ( Is no this s fir toIIti.F I'ntt-Mrr- in our 10 Honolulu Hall I cum ami the Tli" llnlnl nnil llir rl Inlmil mtil it is no mean tribute to tne real nisiiop m.'fl committee, optioinicii aucnti tvwen tin llic ami discriminating of Oahu College for SATURDAY. JULY t iMt A close i Oillnl t'nllrar-1- hr ArtIre Srlinnlt. Willis, and the earnest the tinnual examination recently orKimrcd Oceanic. game was MI'ORTANT SALE. nUBBBIl nalioml Ameri- work of the princial, Kev. W. A. Swan antl tSSjt report as follows 1 he examination pACIFIC PAINT, . expected and all lomsnf the The two principal public schools of Hono- first I RUSHES I Jtt Ed- his chief assistant, Mr. Wray Taylor, that the condirrtcd entirely In writing during the TRUSSP.SI Publication office is 6 Kflahumami street ; can game should witness it. The game on the Fort-Stre- In lulu are the and the Royal. schools have so da--) s the 151I1, and Monday Ihe itorial rooms at t8 Fort treet. seemed arouse the slumlicring liest features of Knglish church two Friday T dtltof July to tlitl former, most of the pupils arc White) in MIXKtr READY FOR USHf- - faithfully lieen preserved. The careful work 1 Slh ol June, in twelve different studies. Vour Jiiihsrrlhers and Advertisers will please address, interest in imsc Ml, and man) old Inna fide the latter most are native. In the Koyal TIIOS, O THRUM, of the term was not so evident at the exercises committer; has not had lime to critically ex I'nhlltherand Proprietor. players arc putting thcmselses in training, and AHT during the term just passed, out of 37S pupils, last Thursday, as it .was at the whole mass of manuscript laid iH AtrLV IT. lit. C Is only agent for liotw, long, to establish a Imsc Imll league. of prize day, amine the tit DAKE the aiithorlred etc 2x3 are native, 7; 17 wnne, j it. Hut the various We do not consider we the "PRESS In San Francisco. game this afternoon will lie called at 3 examinations preceding liefore them. that tmlerof ihe Tltc South Sen Islanders and 2 Chinese. In ex- niftttean llmuAi.r'raneis Imlt, Use choruses sung and the recitations given were hale lieen to act as a board of Oifef J Wife of the SufJnSe Cmirt if the tho Pnol.lo Knbrior Pnl'nt, All mstter for tlie Sittirday Press should be o'clock sharp, 160 pupils more than seven-eighth- s apinteil out of all evidence of the effective drill given in vocal aminers to ditetminc the conipirathc stand- Hawaiian numlt, u.tiol April it, 'i in addressed to the "SATURDAY PRESS." white. The ages of children I IS Mr. Catl Willing, in the government nursery arc music and the principles of good reading. The ing of th.c pupil', or to award certificates of J, authstbinit the TRUSS fCS. Advertisements mutt he sent In hy Friday noon. on King street, has lieen several months at attending the Royal range from five to twenty recitations were as followsi The (Quarrel r.nucr as a TRUSSf'S. No insertion for Issue can guaran- Fort-Stre- proncicncy in Sllinyi oui tuning T the current be cxicri-men- years; of those attending from RtsSfS when In will mark work starting trees for the government t Scene, from "Julius Ctesar," Stiles and D. 01 at nas inc teed sent later. Advertisers six The Knjal, whose ample I. committee inc inmccs, usin kiAMipACttlaSD r k the number of insertions desired, from which date In forestry. The young trees now in the !n seventeen. Morton; The World at Auction, w , w right, tiraclicc in former vcats. In the case of five Snlo of Ccrtntn Pnrtnersblp Aconnts, IKUtSlS. 'I RUSSral Till nil commodious grounds stand at 1 they charge, any not so marked will be charged 3 nursery Ikixcs hasen healthy look ami show buildings and Nelly Gray, II. Cooper; Mark Antony over classes examined by MIm Hoycc and three by months the head of street, has eleven rooms - lKUSSKS. IKtlSShS. IK I WHITTIEH, & careful attention. The following list Includes (a.', L. Stiles; The Pied Piper, G. Harris; Miss l.ewis. the pai'iers- handeil In had already RtfSSfiS. rULIiER CO., Double-colum- n advertisements, cuts and targe and eleven trarher.s, of which Uev. Alexander the! following natise trees, 500 kou, loo milo, The Chlmncv Sweep. I. Swintont The ilurial Inen ci r reel etl and marked, anil Ihe averages In viWch Mr. PcUanl Is interested, types will not be admitted Into our columns; Mackintosh is priiclrtt. He is assisted by rKtlSStS SAN PBANCISCO, neither will advertisements be admitted Into "read- 1,000 l.iim and 200 Imtlii w)ms; i,;ou euca- of Moses, J. Aholo; Scene from "King John," nude out, which greatly facilitated our task. .? TKtlsjta. I IL M. Dow and .Misses Kate Lewis, Julia m. ing columns at any price These rules will be lyptus of foreign trees in thirty vaticties; .oral bj D, .Motion, I). .Noliey, 11. Ananu, iookc, In out opinion, this work, as well as the duly truss Ami for rigidly to. Hannah Smithies, I.oiisa Hrickwond, I AVI IHSTSICISO TO ul k); lh imponlnr Senses of Honolulu adhered Last Indian and too Italian pines; 100 'lancr, C. Kim Cha. After the literary anil musical of grading the school, belongs exclusively to up Kate' Pomander, Minnie llrown, Annie l'rcs- - ui in 5, 1, ;, una ;i .gallon cans Notice of any events of Interest trsnsplrlng on wattle (or acacia) in six varieties; 600 Iron exercises which were attended by Cuiccn better qualified lor it ami 1 n, and a lb lins. Mary iialicock. the teachers, who arc far the other Islands will always be thankfully received wood; 300 (Queensland pnlms in len varieties, cott, Nellie Andrews and Lmma, Princess Likclikc, Commissioner committee Is likely to be. for pnbtleitlon. to and than any examining Correspondents are requested other palms; fruit native, Ameri The whose Jti pretentious Major and Mrs. 1'nglahd, Min- SELL AT ll will 111 fttl or ma . It 1, nude rf , names all communications, 200 200 tree, Wodchousc, We have, however, Inspected the papers on PUBLIC AUCTION, ,i., I . append their true to less extensive, but not less wfdtt.iblc and S'ccrc ami pure! m.ff.1, ISa tlkf. s not for publication necessarily, hut as a guarantee can and Tahitian; and aliont l,cjco other trees ister Kapena, Attorney General (!lson, each study sufficiently to form an intelligent tf"in pure cwlori, pleasant buildings and grounds, ncciipy pre- CO. ' Unieeil Oil ami genuine coinWned that the writer Is acting In good faith. and shrubs. The forestry question Is second tary Smith, and a number of other visitors opinion, and can safely say that, as a whole, HOLLISTER ft Iih a urenj anlullon of the ) India of the from which it 11 KnlUr 10 no other question In importance. The mises nt the end street the prizes for the term were distributed as Iwlh teachers and pupils. present U rooms anil an equal they rcllect credit on result of certain inquiries now being made will named, his at follows: I irst class conduct, David Notley well chosen ami well, rutin, of teachers, Mr. M. M. Scott being The nucstions are Ik? published soon. number and Goo Kim; divinity, Kdward Stiles, lllram adapted understanding of I R. .Mrs. S. M, to test the pupil's Snturtlny, Snptcmbnr 1, 18811, Plonrrr Whlln trntl. princitral, Mrs. Hendry, Anahu and George Ilarrisi mathematics, 111 Mi rclnnts cnmpl.iln that trtiilc is imusmlly The Amateur Musical Socitty has given Hobeilson, Miss Minnie the subject, wnne tne papers nanueti in oy tne I lare received a large Invoice We guarantee ihil Lead to he a Mrlclh mt Nccdham, Miss Jenny L, Aholo) Knglish, David .Motion; his Jit tf rmre attitlt. dull for the first month In the quitter itself a deserved and needed vacation. Pre- Kinney and Miss Kate being his James pupils nferage fairly, and in some Instances CatWte of Lead, ground In (mre hfmM Linienl M tory, rsamonai; urawing, i nnoio following subjects Oil, anil II Is sold iubnt lo chemical aol.,U and Ihe vious thereto, it invited the Sjmphony Club lo During past week, William j. were of a high older. The AT If O'CIOCK VI,, at SALrsxooM, Uow.plpe Mr V A Ilowen will lend the C5(isiel corps of assistants. the and S. Akana. Second class divinity, Hcnty in lesl. nssist it, ami, on invitation of Mr. and Mrs, noovc were examined writing: in atithtnetic a meeting nl the llethcl vestry this csen-in,- ', tlie writer ins MSIlcu inc two incniionco geo a Im- Cooper; arithmetic, James Mcphcns class of nineteen were examined by Professor J. II. Il.nics, all contributed lo ileliglitiul schools, anil has lieen most pleasantly The following nutstan, 1fng cfaii!ms of graphy, vviinani ;iarnsi i.ngnsn, vinuaiu Pratt In a thorough manner and with highly the firm of if. I'10Nr.i:K WIIITr. .PAD Is mamilVinred In San concert at the residence of thai lady and gen- pressed with what he has seen of the system ackfeltl & Os , together with Wright. Third class divinity, Kddy Co.l!: satisfactory results, while Miss Koycc's classes pio Colcl)rniMl Celluloid TrtiMM francisen, anltes here frtth, and can I obtained The nir lv thick Willi rumor. The sleuth tleman. The programme is reproduced at of leaching and its results. Thecxainination romilly and in quamles as wanted. In fieihnns is arithmetic James Sw Inton; general know ledge, anil sections deserve In Dial liuiinil (if the Ilullclln has his time close to the this laic day, because of its merit t he has been able to make has been necessarily in trigonometry conic economical. ihe oil in unkh ll it ground l hot George Kia and Harry Closson. Fourth class foaled Into the woo,lcf ll.e -- special praise. Miss Koycc also examined a SEOJRlTtl'.S Tlli:Rr.UNTO IIELON'SIN'O, packages, and cunteuufnlly cent. Concerted Piece 1 he F.Ik's Reception cursory, impctfect and quite unsatlslaetoiy; Ihe lormalion of "skins' is Symphony Club divinity, James Lemon; arithmetic, William In physiology, another avoided. ... 01 111c ,, , 1 class of twelve pupils Mr, lnspector-ncncr.i- Iiul it is in evidence one filing some in .1 ... SfMl:- - 1he PIO.VllKK llaMwin, l of schools, Chorus- - Ooml Night, lleloved noohano; general Miowicuge,l.l iiiuie of fifteen in history, anil one of WIMir. I.P.AII Is rr nl,yc,l in the two schools doing faithful iiik, American AS finer ground than In is Koinfi (o spend some time with his family at . . Amateur Musical Society teachers ate 1ISNTI0NB1I tlxaSArTSK, VJ I, anj oilier this matkrt, has luTttlor Song-Swe- 'Ihe drawing pupils were recently examined by twelve in physical geography. Their papers " lod) or corning prcpertles, l I.nli.Tinn. llall.vd . . Mr. A. Unna and effectual work; and it by no means follows and wlihout an equal. .Mr. tne were of with very few Is In Quartette All Among the Ihrley that the teachers whose methods 01 school I'ourncaux, wliocxptcssly commended very even merit, and, Il ,.ut up jo-- i. t5o.mVegi;ln Judgment by tlcfiiilt has licen rendered for Song h.merald.i . .Mrs. Paly work lie was not nrivllciicd to examine arc woik of the prize winners, J, L. Aholo and S. exceptions, ranked ilccltlcilly above mcilinciity, I H Ih and 13 Hi tin (ils, and In tmAll llns from la Choru- s- Vogel vVnltr . Musical Society the defendant In the civil suit of I'ilcli vs. Amateur conscientiously Akana, Of young Aholo, a native of unmixed giving evidence of training by a faithful and M. Song Mr. McCntlney less earnest, less able nnd less Claim nrratnftt II. Wbltnoy, A full suiiiily Is cnnfantly ke,t In stock liy the I Uihaina, Mr. Lewi , Thrum, on the demurrer to plaintiffs com- 'Hie erry .vi allien faithful than those appeared to be whose work blood, son of Judge Aholo of laborious Instructor. Miss examined a wholesale houes In IIO.NOJ.Ul II, lu whom we ivnaneue KTAIWA, KAC, HAWAII, cordl. plaint, I Sonz ml, Ziiti he did examine. Good order and prompt I'ourncaux saiff that he certainly ought to be class in arithmetic, whose an- ally recommend Intending purchasers. Sistette-Song-- I .Stinnett . S)mphnny Club a perfect attention to questioning was a characteristic of "taken tin" ami liivcn chahec to swers were vciy unequal In merit. While the Now nmountln2 to aliout , ..$37,000 If )ou don't make return to the tax assessor llano Mrs. 1'aty himself. His map drawing, notably a map of majority them were dcsctvcdly matked very MAKl'PACTl'IIPn ONIT "Y r those rooms in the Royal which the writer of licforc next 'twill then lie too . ... liomeworu jimairur iviuvi Secured hy Life Insurance Policy for Tuesday, too, to out- high, one-thir- evidently belonged by $io,tx, ri,,.Jj w hen Wa,eleis Ulpple f oal Society lounil time to ttsii, A picasani icaiurc in 1111 l.urope, drawn scale and beauinuliy aliout late ; Iiccnusc after then you lawfully may not filled will with WMITTIER, 8c. CO call there was the grouping of one of the lined, in anil colored, be sent, right to n lower grade, and should have i WEfHAVKI'FCIAt PgCIMHES rUIitER from jout assessments, The difference of opinion between Jlis anil from the Koyal formed class Knglish ncal its teacher who sat with them others from lolani College a separate In, grammar CorrOiUra the Governor of Oaliu and classes around t ... 11 ,1, ...... 1. of While I.ead and Manufacturers of Mixed , II's o.t ti... ,n.. t.i.ti.:!.... i... two classes were evamined by licr, one con- A drill shed is lo lie erected liy the gnvcrn-menl- under a ttcc in the school ynrd. In one of 3CIIOUI, lu me IK'sum i.Aiiiuiiiuii, uiniun mi Claim R. M. Ovorend, rami, lolors, s arnuhes, anil Zinc While, the Leader of the Uojal Ilavvaiian minister of foreign affairs, who has been inter- taining ten nnd the other seven pupils, who ncnlniit on n mkiI not yet officially announced J Hand would be amusing, if it were seri- the rooms the wrilcr noticcil a tasteful display not so ested in the subject by the president of Ihe were much more equal in their attainments, Formrrly J, H. Milli, In llontJjiui, Jlamslcnu, And Importers of French and Itetglum Window (llass, and the Iron now lying at the Mad Company's ous. Mr. llergcr was promised by King Kal.v f wood cms ami tinted pictures, cut Irom svliirf will proliaMy lie used in it's construc- and pasted aliovc the black Imards ImkuiI of education, who, in company with the and showed ,1 fair acquaintance with the kana that he should take .the band lo San newspapers to . For AdJnntlnR Trntioi. tion. in another, he minister of the interior pro teni and Mr. Gibson, elementary, principles of the science. In Sovf nmountinz nlmut. SiT.nnu SA.V ntANCISCO, U. Francisco this month. The morfellows have as relief to the white vails; beaireil hy icagetni pLiotallon ! saij - S... clock-lik- e haslicenspcndiiigasinuchlimc as hemight chemistry 'four were examined on earned their outing. If ever was struck by the precision with spate pupils tfMm I'ivc nalis'c Hawaiians arc about to start a musicians have at the various examinations and exhibitions twenty topics, and in physics or natural philo- worked hard to a Her lyliiclr the pupils left and returned lo their new paper on the plan of self contribution, please community Air. held during the week. After the prizes, the sophy, six pupils on twcnly.five topics, by busi- gcr and his band Imys have been those musi- nlaccs: in a third, by the LINE self riiniposit ion, self press work and self athletic spotts were held, resulting as follows: President Jones. Holli of these sets of papers ft CO., ".DIONEER" ness It be issued cians. The king evidently so believed, for he analytic proficiency with which they wrestled HOLLISTER management. will probably lllgn Jump, noys over twelve, u. .viorton, u. arc highly creditable lo nil concerned, espe- Clrtltn ngninst tho Ooknla SitRar Plan- a month, under n name not yet an- was perfectly willing the trip should be made. Willi a complex, jet pracuc.ii twice bright boys and I lull and C. Stiles, tic jump; race, five hun- cially when we consider the almost total lack tation Company, Hut Governor Dominis d He saw, of course, nounced. was not officially dred sards, boss over twelve, Stiles; high of suitable apparatus for illustration,. In Latin I'ROM before the king's permission dull 1ks, good liovs and bad lwvs; and, on I. LIVEKPOOL. was given, jump, Ixjys under twelve, J, Stevens; three but one class iasvcd n written examination, Ookab, Haivail, The open nlr cafe will probably not dispense and he has gubcrnalor-ia- leaving, lie was impressed by the fact that the recently put bis dapper l Ca-i.1- coffee Ikij-s-. legged race, J, Aholo and Kim Chi; hitting viz: that in which has been under Vcfl jirnf fslrchftnfWre ancf rNuiimi lis open air to tlic thirsty and music foot down and shall Sel- pupils of the Urrvaf ate all There was an Now About.. Cur. ft HtM1 says they not go. foot ball, Aliolo; long jump, Iiojs over Professor Pratt's instruction anil consists of amounting to loving public. A melancholy amy of mourn- wish alert, attentive, intelligent look on the general the J. '39 fishly, one might the band to remain; Notley, Who jumped fourteen feet isectlreil ly morlpiKe tm the Ookah Sugar Plan- ful Fort-Stre- written ex- twelve. D. scyen young tallies. The paper set requires looking tables has greeted generously, one cSnnol help thinking it is a face of School. Tile tation at sakl Ookala. during the week. " Pity 'lis, 'tis true," amination papers, into a few of which the antl five inches; hurdle lace, D. Notley, long the translation of ClnptcrXV., Hook 2nd, ASTLE ft COOKE, shame. jumping historical questions, HHEO. H. DAVIES 8c CO. peiluH. writer dipped, were an evidence of (houglillul jump, Ixiyijtndcr twelve, J. Sjcvcn, with grammatical and and, The new Stock anil. .Ilorul Kxchange of cloven fcrt anil eight inches ; tug of war, as far as we have been able lo judge, the mem- t I application to studies not at all easy or few in Honoii'U. H. I.t To. morrow will be the last Sunday previous lonoluhi held n meeting last Wednesday. It F.ilghsh and American learns, won by the class acquitted themselves in a Claim nrjnlnst and In Kll-au- ou ' so far as .1 superficial ex- bers of the Interest the sAin, lo Mr, C''x summer sacnlinn, which he was decided to limit the membership number. The work, yards. Iioys offi:k ior to amination of it might might fairly Kni'lish team: .race, five hundred creditable manner, We should, however, StiRar Company, spending at Kancohc. I le will preach twenty-five- . A. constitution, ami determine, Would cull Attention to Larfie ami liuriioscs sub in San Fran- under twelve, j. Steven; throwing the weight, have been pleased to have included an exercise thflr From the cargoes of the Glenlertte and other recent morning and evening, taking as the theme of stantially like that of the San Francisco Slock be compared with similar work' Kilauen. Kanal, as folloust varltd Stock of ciscan schools. One feature of interest in the 1), Notley. The sports were n very interest- in translating from Knglish into Latin. The vnudj, the fblIoitnt( tils evening sermon " ill there lie any Kestir-rcctio- n l.xcliange, were submitted liy the committee ing feature of the day. Native, Chinese, oral examination was held only on one day, Claim salt st the Klbuea Sugar Company, work of the higher grades 111 t, is an of the Dead?" chosen lo draft them, Messrs. A. Cart- - J. effort to interest pupils in the, tangible, MlgJisii and American pupns 100k pari in the iQthi nnd lutt two of the committee were Now amounting to nboul . $00,000 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Dry Goods and Clothing: wright, J. II. Atherton and W. O. Smith, and Ixilh literary exercises and sjmrls. 1 he day present during the whole or the session, the A gentleman, from whose stable yard the physical world, by'tenching then) to note care- R. A were adopted. The following officers were was fine, the attendance large, the visitors having bc-- unavoidably detained. Noleot Macfie.Jr, Printiof the latest tt)lct,fatt colors Kakaako wagon has recently been hauling ma- fully the simple phenomena of every day life, others Due Inly it, 88 J, Conilittng of the unriv.illl Farit Sieel elected: A, J. Cartwricht, president; I". P. and the result apparently satis- - examination in geo- $i;,63.7 Illue Denims, llrown Linen Dntls, nure, says that the driver who last came for a the forms anil constituents ami properties and appreciative, During the forenoon the VVitfi Interest at oper cent, per annum, from White Sheetintr. Adams, chairman; II, Kiemcnschncidcr. A load was so unmistakably a leper that he felt qualities of air, water, ihe more common lactory to an concerned. graphy, coniluclcd by 'Miss Lewis, showed rcVruArr lo, lUt, Horrock's lAing' Cloths, Waterproof Tweeds, secretary and treasurer; P. C. assistant in t in Jones, College arc: Kev. commendable degree of success In dealing with Towels ami To ding, Olau Toitels, justified refusing lo permit him remain elements and their more common combinations. The instructors lit lolani Note ofR, A. .Macfie, Jr., due Julyji, i83f, $17,673.67 secretary, i he exchange will meet next Mon a graded class. A large Table CUhs, Table napkins, the yard, even long enough to Imd his wagon. The effort bids fajt' to be successful, anil is W A. Swan, Mr. Wray Taylor, Mr. Albert large and unepially ith Inlcrest at 9 per cent, per annum, from day at 11 A. M., in the room of the Planters' The Moline Steel BreaVer. and Furrowinj; Tlou, Mo clearly a move in the interests of that golden Churchill and Mr. Smith. 1 he report of the class in algebra was examined by Professor ' February 10, 1881. "Ground was (not) broken on tlie lot, on and Supply Co., and will meet there line Steel Hows all sire Planet, Jr., Culti Pure Llnona, Slinwls, Ureas Onoils, I"ilr maxim: you teach a child Jhow to study, principal is as follows: " licforc making niv Pratt, nnd showed a fair degree of proficiency; vators, uri the northwest corner of Hotel nnd Alakea thereafter every Monday until further notice, "If a class in astronomy was examined by Roth noles are secured by mortgage on 74W shares Crenadrnes, While and Colored Silks, you teach him everything." report, I would say the examinations for which also in the Kilauea Sugar semi-- streets, on the 171I1 instant, preparatory, Monday having' been 'sclcctcil hecaiic'it is the Company, inlerett payable Colored Satins, fjrass Cloths, the prizes will lie given havcoccupicd President Jones. During the afternoon the ""","1-"V- - etc.," good (iarctte. It is the fault of the day on which visitors from the other islands EXAMINATIONS AN1I CI.OSI.NO, KXKKCISKS. presently Artificial rkmersand leatheis, about ten days, beninnine on the 16th and graduating class, consisting of three young a turn Cotton llandkerthltfs. Silk Handkerchief), V, M, , A. reporter of this journal that led are) most often in town. the Kojal School, the closing exercises John Doore'a Gang Plowi, I At ending on the 241I1. Thq subjects embracing ladies, was examined in mental philosophy, the Table Covers, woolen; Colored Satleenl and Crapes, you into error, 'neighbor. Pray consider your- were held last Wednesday morning. ing, rancy Mixture and Illue and Cray Mannels, mitlicmatics (consisting 01 aninmctic, geo lest ltook' iiscd lieing' liopkini' ".Outline self apologised to. arithmetic and general studies were the order 151 Shares In tho Kllauoa Snr;ar Co., Planters' Hoes of the Wt maVes, t Victoria Ijwns, ilrooks' Spool Colton, 01111:11 . metrical dravvingand cjiclid), scripture history, Study of Man." It was an extremely interest- Illue and hite Check Llilados, tiii: In most of the rooms during the early morning. Mr, Ocorgc Ashley has retired from active secular" history!, 'geography, grammar, liook ing exercise Irom its life and freedom ftom Nof. 1 to 150 anil 300 Par value $1,000 each. All the rooms were well filled by visitors. in the management of the Amer- Mr. C. C. Coleman, of Honolulu, is on the keeping, physical geography, composi-lion- , "b'ook work," anil the grasp of principles DISSTONS' CEEEHRATED CANE KNIVES participation Princess was as was the presi- opened agency Kohala plantation, making in his Lydia present, reading, writing and dictntion, All of rajher than words shown by the class. The FANCY DRESS OOOD8 ican l.xpress Co., and has an alterations lKiard dent of the of education. Several was a recitation by a class !, lor custom house brokerage and general agency planting machine, to adapt it to planting across these subjects have been done on paper, in the concluding exercise ' made to order, Arae' hJAISTSVIT HIU Sp Is, Fancy Plaids, Kegalla Shirts, Wool Shins, strangers were attentive listeners and many be Sold 1 While and Colored Cotton business at the news depot of J. M. Oat, Jr., the luirow, preparatory to giving it a trial. first class, and the majority of them in the of beginncis in I,itin conducted liv Professor All Account will Garden loes. Canal lUrrows, Ox Shirts, ladies lent the, attraction of their presence to Pratt, the book being " Lcigfiton's First Ilowt, Voles, Chains, cnce Fancy Scarfs, Pilot Kccfcrs, it Co. .Mr. llcnry Ilebbard will conduct the second; in the other classes they have been test As landing on the day of sale, Septemlier 88j. Men's White and llrown Cotton Half Hose, Mrs. Doctor Wctmore of llilo was found the altraction ol the exercises, in the nignesl was t, Chains, aflairs of the American Kxprcss Co. done by word of mouth. On the whole, great Lessons." This exercise very interesting ladles' Hose, Men's Heady-mad- e Clothing, dead in her bath taught by Mr. Mackintosh, a tub last Monday. This lady grade, the room improvement on the result of last year has and rellect'ctl niuclr' credit on all concerned. Mens l'ats, Mr, Swinton died his has lived these islands almut thirty-fou- r brief began aliout twelve Hals (while, Llu:k II, S. M residence on fn literary programme been shown, careful study anil thought being We were gratified by the commendable success ladies' and fancy straw), She anil o'clock. sang songs in Knglish Sugar Mill Requirements. India Rubber Coals, Capes and .eggm, lleretania street last Thursday morning, aged years. leaves a husband three grown The pupils two in almost every paper; of course, there of the Hawaiian members of thu class who All pipers, documents, etc., referring lo the above chiefly in English marked Illue and (.ray llorso P.lankets, Si, The funeral took place from the residence children. anil recited several pieces, but these are some- labored under the disadvantage of attempting cUimt, etc, can t seen on application at the office, of Woolen ltlankcts, all sires, colors and weights; Mr. of thcsc'rccitations were most are individual exceptions, ycslirday afternoon. Swinton was an old gmxl verse. Some cases, entirely made up to learn a difficult lancuacc through Ihe medi A rain of about twenty liours duration Kalahi-ela- , what, and in certain Velret Cotjiftt, IVftvr 7fiffa, citiren, has held gov. graphically dramatic. The Ghost, by 1. 1 1 KEGS, ami various has set the planters of Kohala to putting in by very marked progress anil study on the part um of another foreign htlguage. Yoiir com , ACK f r.LD &C11, lonololu, y SUGAR BAGS, SUGAR it anil the Speech of Sergeant Ituzfuz, by H IVretflaif TiijirHlry ituor Jiftfe. crmuciu positions null mis iitcn uruwiug gov" their cane. Unfortunately, the showers since of others. The scholars, I am sure, have done mittee regard the tunc thus employed well pension foi about two years. A wife Vincent Fernandez, were the' most 'notable. eminent then have Scarcely been sufficient to keep the their vcrv best to evince 10 their teachers that spent, lor. aside Irom the mcntul discipline Trnvis .and survive him. Cash. family earth wet. The audience voted that the " speech " was thcV have not laliored in vain, and the acquired, the study of a highly inflected langu- A linlit of three weeks the best bit of recitation given, and a prize teachers, on the other hand, arc thoroughly age like the Litin will give them an insight '' j SADDLERY. onera season two or I51 1 P. Auctioneer, Onmberlnnil Coal, Doctor Enders reports the Wailuku Alden was awarded in accordance vvith that vote. (in so) the and analysis of language, as ADAMS, A full lias been projected for this town. The mana- satisfied some cases aslonishinelv with into structure . i . 111 1. aivortment of OE.NTLlIMr.N'S and LA taro drying and flour making scheme as fully DIKS' SADDLES ; ger of the Winter Garden comic opera troupe, The other prize pupils in Mr. Mackintosh's the result shown. In the first class, relicious well as a command of English which could also, Saddles for Ilos and Ulrll prepared to go extensively into the work. The were as follows: Kcola, S. Luf, )., hardly acoulrcd as well any other way. Serm Oil, Cylinder. I rd and a few if San is willing to bring his people room J. knowledge and the subjects cmbiacing the lie in KeroMrne Oil, Perfect for - and tOCKK' company expects (o do a good deal, the Kca. A. Pitzsimmons, I. Kalai and K. Kala- besides studies .Mentioned aliovc, classes nave Plumbago, Al- hire If he can be assured of a fair financial r.ngnsn language oeservc especial iiieniiuii. Lubricators, ' agricultural interests of" the country 'by pre- room, a native pupil lieen during lan y Grease, DivMon's and Assortment of support. Harry Galcsnnd lanny Marslonaic kiela. In Mr. Dow's In the first mentioned the recipient of the laucht the scar in htera paring dried bananas for the San Francisco named Kckuhamanaha was first. If the lure, in geology anil botony,(upon vyliich t.hcre , i b. and J. r iles, all sijesand IIUIULES, Saddle Cloths and Chamois Skins. San Francisco names. They arc worked hanl and faithfully for what iijivV lIU!j;-.(- , market. wilt the prize has t'l kinds. Strain Packing, Hat teachers of the other crades send to were no examinations. It was altr a suhicct i , fair singers nnd actors. he obtains, and is thoroughly deserving of his I I and Round India Rubber, . I Press office the names of their two or three of regret that the customary rhetorical exer "SRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING Soap Stone, On Friday, the 20th instant, the annual ex- reward. This is the second lime the piizc Ins Asbestos and lr. John Cassidy will leave this city on the best pupils, space will gladly be given to the cises were omitted, although vvc are aware , I'hx lacking, India Rub , Bnrx, 2Ox10. amination of the Hawaiian schools was held lieen given, it K-in- a special one, the sum for I " Sncar Australia, bound for the United States on a announcement, The .writer feels that this that there. hate been frequent exercises iluring ber Iot i to a lnch; Iipel in the native church, Kohala. For some of the vviucii was oyiaificu ny 111s i.isuui' and CquiriUngs, N'.u and Coal BaK, .20x37, of the telephone system of inusiup v tour of inspection off, ac- rcjiort is less full than it ought to lie, anil Ins the ear in composition and declamation. It exercises, the hlacklmard was divided Willis, during visit abroad. In the second, too-fOl- " B&K that coiintr), Underground insulating vvlllbe the indulgence of any (eachers un- your committee that, while it is .jjmJT li(ii Holts, all iUes.CoM pressed Rloei ami Twlnn. cording to the number of the schools, and a requests none the less can 1 said; anil Knglish gram- appears to one of the piobleins whose practical woiking wittingly slighted. hold written examinations and HUckimitli, Engineer's and division assigned to each ; the best ptiujls from mar is deserving of praise. The desirable to Hammers, Pine New Fort-Stre- especially , ,orltij-'r- Carpenter's lie will study. San Francisco, Chicago, Tlie closing exercises at School reviews the close ol each of the first two , 4 simul- prize-take- r at smiiJ, an' gutters, v men Phila- each school being then selected for of this is closely pushed by a pure nineties, ip Ymk, Ikistun, Haltimore, Washington, were held last Thursday. In most of the rooms terms, and at other times, for determining the 34 men, nnvus, ices, ipi taneous exhibition of skill '.qu'the examples Hawaiian. In mathematics great and worthy - A -- ,,,."jv'..3 Ualwitnttett lloojlnt (as gnue delphia nnd St. Louis will be among the cities examinations of some sort were held during relative standing 01 the students, the old 1, ,fttf ,J Scraiier, Grindstones, Rest C'orreif that were given out. This was, at the same praise is due to the recipient of the prize, lie Ameiican llir Iron and Tool la 6, B and feet lengths visited, the morning, and music, speaking, composi- fashioned public examination at the close of 7, 9 time, a competition for prircs. being also a pure Hawaiian, and one who, last. , jf ' s . , .,j( Slerl, Ituilders' Hardware, tion, reading and the like was held in the year strong reasons tn as a tnn Hub-buc- On the fourth page will be found the first year, was considerably behind inosc 01 ins the lias ut lavor all kind and states. UOOFINU SCREWS AND WASHERS. A large funeral roil-Stre- Chinese paraded the streets room during the ailcrnoon, means of interesting the Iriends nnd patrons of ' -- M ,, Paints and Oils, raw installment of n Dictionary of Hawaiian large in own class. This year lie stands alone, and far .1' ;. u of llilo, Tuesday, the 17th instant, accom- School the classes arc graded from least music, which Was mostly in I i and buded. Small Paints in .Localities. If possible, a column will be in advance, his geometry and cuchd being the school. Inc Od, in larKQ variety. Dry panied by Chinese music. A gong, cymbals, be. In Cali- ,1 l limited every other eck, alternating with the to most advanced as it should especially commendable. In the second class, slrumcntal, was of n hicli.nnhav.nnil was ren i ' ,i,W ua,jfory i'sl Paints, Umber, enri un. drum anil iced instruments were employed. the. reverse prevails. Miss Mossman is vvith and feeling. The arts of Red. Mttalhc. &c, ' GALVANIZED RIDGING" interesting Reminiscences of Honolulu. This fornia, in several cases, careful study and preparation dereil taste 0RA!Iw0rENINCIg-- Ochres, The lop of the colTin, which was black, was teacher of the first and second grades, and has drawing and penmanship have not, been w. NnitintF. German Window dictionary can scarcely fall to be of interest to are very marked; two of the boys here very GRAND OPENING I tcsA'td Manila Annealed Fence Wire, Nos. 4, 5, 6 and 7, and Staples; covcrcfl vvith and other fireworks. a few "beginning" children, llrighl eyed, during and, besides sics, Koix oil who care to learn either the meaning or tlie also closely push each other,, and each has, anil is neglected the' past year, Galvanired lroriIlucets, all sues; A Chinaman walked, ahead hearse firing faced, neatly appearing tots they drawings Galvanised Waih llasins. exact location o Hawaiian geographical curia pleasant deserving of his kharc of the good things; the liooks exhibited, some free ham! another distributing v last Galvanized Garden llirdeilng and Nclling, some papers w ere, as they faced their many isilors of iiy Kate Kogers from yiodcls were - these are white Iioys, but tins need not lie Mis V i & Jsl 1 inncd Iron Saucepans, names. along the streets. This was supposes! keep of them, bothol J all sues; lo Thursday. Grxxl liltle ones, most discouraging to others of this class, as they shown, which were of striking merit. It gives Teakettles, real Japan Ulaiklux. was given the devil off. A Chinaman brought up the whose A most enjoyable entertainment Miss Mossman, said) but those names have fought hard and well, and although hey your committee great pleasure to witness the on Kmjlo, ago last evening. rear carrying lung strips of white and red follow becribest in their" rcspeclivc'gnidesf board the a week had have not obtained a prize, yet they must not presentation of testimonials by the pupils to Fireworks, illumination, music, dancing, papers. Such a sight lias not lieen seen in and to Professor In the beginning class, Gertie Scott; in the lorget the oldi story, that rNwvy and steady Ihe ictinng president l'ratt, No. 1 and a Flour, No. i mnd i Rice, I'avtnff llrlck-- una Gttrtten THeti, feasting and conversation were "indulged in." llilo before. niutual respect ' ! Crushed Sueur, China first graife, --Myra Kcllct and Helen Roland; in wins the race," anil that their turn may come and to observe W til trivji ndjpan1i, Mr. G. Carson Kenyou and other distinguished and good will which ilid so much honor to Oysters, Cuius, Salmon. Lobsters, A church ind jnpnnagc arc about to be the second grade, Leslie Scott and Arthur next year. In the third and fourth classes there CHANp OPENING! Finest Table Fruits from the Factorv, Garden Rollers, folks were present. In return for the courtesy, IxMli It only add, that the OPNIN,r'tinqANl)( erected for the Chinese liiissionary atTCohala, Carter. In Mrs. Necdham's third grade room is marked improvement in everything, and parties. remains to GRAND OPENING! GRAND OP EN ING I Pure English Spices, Condensed Milk, Lawn Seals and Ctialrs, .Mr, delightful Fort-Stre- IM-fl- rr Umbretui Staivjs, , Kcnyon gave n Jitlle (upper Jo on giound donated by the Kohala plantation. an interesting examination in United States more so in these than in any other in the exercises of the graduating class at Cocoa. SPlJUALTIBSi-T- he h officers, last Tuesday even;' , ! !1 ttVS, CL)!!---- KrruHriin Oil, Iroti Scrapers, u select few of the The buildings of the geography was going on when inc wrucr school. A Hawaiianand Chinese boy deserve Church, on the evening of June 22nd, were H.i'lrt HImi'h Oh were near, the center l.liihiu: 14 inch, Jtuliber ing, in which lemonade anil conversation plantation, not far from' the foreign church. visited it. Mqsl of the pupils questioned special praic here, the latter taking the prize. highly creditable Hi the college. The essays fliii' t'ffMr,l Untur Just at ' cMcnsiveljr '' indulged evidenced an intcllinent understanding of that made up in literary merit what they lacked in Steam Pump THREE LAWN TENNIS SETS in' I'he estimated cost of both structures is $3,400. lailllOUgll lie lias, iau(to luiimicic wiuj wime (rii(ii JlneAela, big subject upon which they I pumber, and were read in an unaffected anil Blake Boiler Feed, Juice or CoAea Mr. David McCnrlney, Jr., and Miss May Of this amount, $2,552 had been subscribed portion of the lio) s) for Knglish grammar. In conclusion, 1U - Needham's pupils manner1, while the whole exercises biu ,yqtH vttw ntn i Molasses, Irrigating- & Vacuum Pumus itniiiUHnrnkrlM, running vvcic married last Thursday evening uii to the departure of the Likclikc, last Tues were examined. Of Mrs. w fiuld call your attention to seera! of the appropriate 01 evening, vycre. Jiiglily,. interesting and t the Anglican Llmrcli,' by Kev. 'Alexander day. The first subscription was taken ui Lucy Ward was the terj' oest in, ticparlmcnt, papeis on the walls, which will serve to snow the iwu IiGHAND,iOPKNINr.l.l lo uc M&i at Lucy'bciif" enjoyable. Mnrbtnliisli. If tlu-r- is a voutu Collide in among the kohala Plantation iwliinese, aim ami Annie Ward Ihe next best, for themselves more Jhan I can or ought to GUANDOPENINOI. Weston's Patent Centrifugals Complete, SCHOOLS. uug hsiJl Hnmoe lliselrefa. Honolulu, have the, more sincere aloha.of amounted to $Soo. The. rest has "perfect; Kalph H.igan anil Iila Dower were sav. Thcilrawini: and ' maps' hive a1 special rilE'NAllVK jl wo Knbertsoii's fourth all who know tiicm will, or Know 01 inein, lieen given by Honolulu merchants and friends best in scholarship. In Mis prize for themselves, it being adjudged by the The wrilcr not being able lo be present at CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. first whlih the writer docs not know that couple. And of the cause. To raise the necessary balance, grade room are two classes, Ihe of kindness of Mi. I'ourncaux, w ho takes a great the examinations 01 tne schools mentioned be- ALKI ON CONSIGNMKNT Fancy Glass Flower Stands, U will uc up to will be promoted next lerm. 111 111c nrsi class, interest In this depattment vvjth us, whose low nuotes from the Advertiser : " On Tues Fsni lta.kcls,elc ' this office, to whom Mr. McCartney most collections taken in, the lictnel A tin morrow, possibly m other'cliurclies. .Mr, Godhere F.richsui was best, and Willie Coney you will near reau to you, 11 is day, the examinations pf four of the native htn) nali4u,tu'i wa pleasantly known, wishes ixiiu mule ami and report imiciidu r.lif.,mia II.' llarley, Potatoes, Parrels CEMENT-l'I- best 4i general Kalihi-uka- , PORTLAND KE 11KICKS,' gloom nil prosperity and every happiness. Prank Damon is now in Kohala, superintend- and Robert' Graham, pcM Ids ami my regret that he is unable, to be with schools, the Pauoa Salmon, Hams, Asbestos Muture lor Jloucrt ing the construction of the buildings and doing studies. In the second class, "sainna licckley m) now, but his icport will convey to you, I ami Moanahta, were held in the Kauniaknpili GOODS1 NEW OOODSI and Steam Pipes, very cheap. Fence Wirk loathesomcly dis- NEW Staples, Galvanised KooBnjr, The number of diseased work. Kev. h. v.. uamon was best, anil Willie I.ove and Lirzie Whitney hope, all lie iad lo say. Churclt, and lasted all day, the lour, the and Tlr Clay, - ' Hono- kindled ui ,H.iOH HjUIHUH eased dogs that range the streets of host. For L'eneral studies, a prize was Nalild-uk- a vvas'ilccideilly will go on to Kohala next Tuesday, to assist at n.'vt Mr. Fourneaux report was a follows! School the best, anil 1 ,, lulu is an insult to the long sulTeiing of the for arithmetic, one i "In Wkltlnit. the dedication of the new cliurdi,.n week from given lo Godberg Lricliscn; response to your kind Invitation to visit your the cnmmltlcu who cimilucled tbu,exau)iia,tipnk cuimmmlly. One public spirited ciliren seaks The of Clvjnese to Antoue'Cunha (6t spelling,' on't'to Willie Mr, II, W, Kckulnal, the Chalk, example the school and examine the drawings made by complimented - of having i1isiaiclicil twenty-evc- of these than any news- YssUow Church of Honolulu, which owns property Coney, who can spell better the pupils during Ihe past school year and in teaclier, on the good results of his woik. On Oohrts, curs within the six months' In for best improve- j BEWINO MACHINES. ' ! incongruous just valued at $ 2,00a, is out pf dv)it, nndcl paper fellow Honolulu; I respectfully sub Wednesday, the Kawalalian, Kaumakaplll, Alum. ' but there is still room for good compliance with your request, Every little helps; ought to tie encouraging to ment, one to May Haley; while the truly exe- Homn kaliu . waldne M'Jiif iUnWciu ixvllcc work in the same supporting, for mit the loiinwing report: inc drawings '.Wilcos and Gibb's Automatic; Sinper Manufacturing some effective little gill, May Watcthousc, won (he pure U)?(kcil improve- examined, and, out of a total numlwr ol one cuted by J. li. Aholii'eshlbit U . I Company. Assorted: Kciutnglon t.omi.ny. Family; ' W agent ol the Iward of drawing of the e diiection. not the deportment. The blackboard I hundred and sixty-on- pupils, one hundred pest , w vm UOOFINC; SLATKS, The following was crowded out of last issue: ment over las year's work, anil may say as NF.W GOODS I -' stsniucw iyuu, person to look up some of 111c .1 vXtUy- health a prowr ptls in .Miss isoncrison s room, aituougn and twenty-seve- were present j of these the .,! fU,m i "Otl A fue at IllKi, on the I llli instant, resulted in sKccimins of com Inc it would be ditlieult to NRW ROODS H t"" lepmus-looMn- nuisances. coulinued I ' Suit onil llock Hull, Zincs, J'aM( these canine pf and mull of Priday afternoon Icacjijng find work of equal excellence in any public Kaumakapili and Roma kane schools were, tlie total destruction .i1!cJ1ili"K )ivy NF.W c.oqi'Sl flot-x.lns.u- for duiing less'ihinlivo'thirds of the term,' Vas'an is the be.!, and the icsults shown "by them 4vU J,i.iU mill isolfeil Oil, H'orceales Mauem The following is the. programme the most vaiuaoic 01 111c openccr nan-latlo- school at least work of such a standard l macninery that both teacher and - NEW GOODS afternoon conceit at Einiim loss is almut evidence of paln.taUng seldom vvith. It is to be regretted that very satisfactory, II. K. II. Princess Liliu- fillil iirvetrirm. regular .Saturday mill. 'I he total $,ooo. be pioud of, Of the met NEW GOO US I commencing at Most of the sugar pupils have a tight to with such talent as he possesses there should tikalanl vvas picsrnl at all the examinations of SuuarCi 41301 insurance about $l!,ooo. from England, New tliattlllgS SHUttll, OIltWlItT tUIIMrt nM,IIH.l'Hl made for nn advanced course the native schools, and liviu great interest in 'i U I J H Ill.l.lKSMt iw Goods by every arrival Clvtlltint "The VwUle," Siwminl was saved. Alxiut four bundled tons remain lie no provision Tofk and baa I'ranclsco.-- " -- . . IkmUtlli fifth grade room, a class in the results.'' " ICavat'uw " IkliMiio," lo be ground. Some of It Is plant, cane, and III Miss Kinney's of study. Aholq is if ell prepared, fo take a English, It'aulasU " II UM Itifcecf Summer," new . Kamwy analysU was reciting when; the writer American and Hawaiian ..SulUvail some rattooii the former may stand until a language mursc of study in dialing from the rounder JUIIad "Si. Asne l'.vi" Svv Lessons " , new mill i erected j the kilter will ptolably was present. inion's ' ' from nature. The same may, to a certain r(, TAO M ," v'c5i' is MARRIED. rj (JmdiUle "JbdJliw AngvSl, Iby rnpuM) .lcort) siifler by the delay in grinding it, as it is now is an ai'uilrable text liook. Miss Kinney extent, apply to K. Stiles, whose copy liook risAGSI Mon-da- "1J1 certainly an admirable, exponent of its clear, careful ivvotk. excellent copy fiy nd, yrd lunf . will give an conceit on fully ripe. The new iul wilJit fnrub,lic.d,y exhibits The bi lltnolnlq. July fluA. Jiy i 1 Trssotlom Euclmas, (Ikon powsu Xist svu The liand eslta auss s Hr. l .i6. Nw July 30, at the Hawaiian l,lqtel, machinery o",Mirlces, Watson & Co,' nuke, common sense method, in Kinney executed by S, Akana suggests that a, course eveninc Willow Ilaldwin. Maiv and Miranda, of lluiululu AT steamer pctmiilfng, and will lie finished October nth, or earlier. mom. Ufirist of lessons in ceomitiical or freihand mechanical Un 1 I'etersoi) are excellent in the onlcr of would view McCAHTMVl'ANf4iN;7 In Honolulu, Juljrf4h. at St, A coiresixvndcnt vsrftts The buiMtuj; vjs Fred drawing prove advantageous. In .sXMJUAaa HrV4 fruin ihe otl.rr tUuds Cllsd ftl Hest nd I TOPSAIL one or legal Iralcrn-it- s grade room, AiKire s uy "Mar kin Orders r44 SHEET 'CHAINS, Mr. William Cook, the 01 us kiihi inc mention. In Mis. Hendry's sixth of the fact of Aholo lieing the recipient of the Hr. Afaaittir tkitli (JllMtch lieen in town for a incouiesi oh uawatiau itrth, Mr. McCaiincy, Jr., anj AUisMay of Ttnonlb, Ont has Islands. It was built bV Chinamen, who the evidences were many that Mr, Scott's hist prize layt year, ) would suggest mat Ai,aua NqIW I"' A. 1'. Cooke. cardv .,(1 Aduualiy test, sues K, i, , aik i. few days ixisl, tlie KU1 Pf M' ow ran jtj ) cars. now the work has not lieen left in incapable hands. he awarded (he honor this year. If two prirciv heyes-teida- ued,ivl. juavy; .Akaua. WEST, Under the escort of Mr. C. A. Ashford manager of Afong's plantation epeckeo, oil Mis. Henry's best pupils arc Oito Sintaro (an could in; awarded, then, in justice to AJioiu, l vlcivailmenU of the all G viviled the different Hawaii, was owner; for some tune. Then exceedingly interesting little Japanese gill), whose work fully entitled him In reclcve Ihe A tn tssj-t- l M ,.H" ice factmy tun Uto rflbbtrUccmcnta, st tiB (vnwt tUlutlKj(I xwpii.w capitol, the iiuilnc railway, Wildir's Imughl it of the Chinese Zebu Cunhaand Came Green. In MreWulU first 1 would suggest belie awarded the as. 14 Jitlt ni,l.u.Lll Captain Spencer prize, i t.M .SSKl of Inteiest, and espresscs seventh and eighth ( '" . . QuaiN Srsssr, rOWKUs DUKFHYN SjTCAM, COAL, and other jxiints owiiets, and'i.ui it iveial;u,.'ul.aWl p room, which includes same, giving nic, second tirze ami i;iiui,-,ii- ho seen of our city tnKaiia, itn ."zrz.rirzZTs.tsaH,srevw ,5tsc Jiuwrr Nasi door la llackftld 4 Ca great plcasuic at what lias years ago, it the property of the grades and pail of a high school grade, the honorable mention lo K. Stiles. In the second D. RAMSAY, cJrtn u,l m llooolulu, II, 1., spent a month in and kingdom. Mr. Cook has of Honolulu, who intended soon to ftaluic of the morning was the examination division the work plainly Indicates the excellent ' w to. nil home by concerning J SUtlousry, n or moieon Hawaii oml,irtutns erect a new Iwiling-lioui- c building, in place of familiar science, being inquiries couiso' of instruction peisucd, which nukes it ttrurer find Vrurinion itruler. day objects as air and water, Ornffat GH. KLEk J. BtMUtetwla - the Australia. the one that na ix-e- itcsito)yo. kvicsiuipteveiy possible lunrtiual mien result aA.snowujn me rilMCL'l Iron concerning which the average adult, the No, ft; IIOTIttSTHrKT, llONOt-lt-lT- . vVf CtutsapWa Canias Ballelar The social of the ltenevolcnt Society lust division. The liest liook and best tingle .AinsH iisuvaiiuvsiit w oild over, knows about as much as savages who is the lort-Sliei- night, example is by Lcloa, entitled to firm c flow 1 't Church, Thursday Gotls dcl!eird to cuktomcrs' residencrs i ENGLISH LEA1HLR BELTING, !. ,ir 11101c, Mr. S.coil has bejjun tq M a by V.ltC. Jones, her do, and no honor of receiving (lie first piiie. The second charift. roitised, fc lat urUalt. a TresK Iin vf iVi t,r uas entered for Mis. in Jut - 1 carry out the ideas advanced by the scientific 1". curvet) ,lOtC linjLCTKk lafUCI II1ICU WIH (ifW(H.taCt, '"- - Kipalrini and (siroioa. A delightful entertain best it by Cook. The example in All .1 Of the Hawaiian Itlaods. AU usual Iwmiliful manner. msHtedi cn.tWednesi u. was orders ftulkuad. 1 a The lt.isr tint ' course of the London School Hoard, in trying lines, by A. Mitchell, is, deserving of special ttJaixl JJ SVhsel making cscsuleu uu lbs ino-- SMciiuncpfiiS' nicnt'Ail iliuic anil iramia;iiin finally decided that the cabinet must be lecon- - J with familiar science, clples. At ihls eaabluhmesl UjrtM are ,,IC H to familiarize pupils mention." Jl f. I. H .-I' ' OlIclottTa."' a llucb ' .ll, 1 a'n3 i.'l ,s rioor opening piece jouu-ttl- e LOVES and M S, aU cf ih UieU mUV ih (tructcd. luathcnialics, and the chemistry of o'Allll"lOLI.tflC H J lUrbii-M- Seville," by Mis. I'llcison ami Miss " 'JI t And at 'A U 1sjV-- t'J Jcmuion thing Ho 'hai ceirainryhe co- aiierns "" " i Mbil'resCiHl lead tlie The rcpoit given by tiui Press of .the exjnit llUkaLLiy, (Osi Yon urecc. k iji jau. . i. Castle. --''llcf We lealnetl late last night that the ininhlcr and appreciative i,ajum! operation of many intelligent College, ."vi-M,ti,- PROPEKLY SHOD. STEEL RAILS, Old Acton" .Mt Cruian tang sue way wjlj resign on Satuiday. iiutions and exhibition of Oahu on vi 1' sC,the,tmefior Jlis t,t ...,. ..- C, SON. LEADING MIU.IMERV II0U3EI iKne"and read the "Housetop Saint Miv sue'evssor pupil. Ill .til, Ptvw " the 151)1, iSth and 2zd of last month, was of HALL ...... itnuiFUj il fest teoethsl i6aod 18 Vil yard. . is riot vet definitely known. Nanny Nccdham, "Nellv Bolls J.aiiib gave a few selections, and Mrs. J ng iiltthcst aie necessity piici, liKOiujueie, inconsequent ami ,LEADlNO,MI.HNKKVAlQV'iW,vwu FUb PUlsv aid Null, Ward atid'Mary Ward. It will LKAIU.NG MILUNUaWMlOUSkll, K Railroad Spikes la nutch. sang " IVncliiucllik, " llrown, Matty disappointing. It Is In trt hoped thai the a the llUcksmithV detartmcat all woik will be tornad Jliovm Constant rumors of sudden charges aliout to t nniirt-i- l aliout the Port- - La s hv those who lead tricndi of thu excellent institution under con. Milil fleaieriil Jsfercil(ae, rait th future, as in the past, by fight goes bravely on. The take place in the ministry are going aliout. most of Haitltrmf The telephone street that tne girls have cairicd oil sidcratlon will not score this tin pf omission a. will be First, we hear that Mr, Gilison is going, sure, Kina St-t- ,' HONOLULU "Mutual, whose application for clutter he honors. In justice 10 the boys, however, Cok, or ani Ton SU-Ho- rtt then that Mr. Hush is going, also acainst the Press. It is rii'.ht that the friends Om I'vtrrr i'lrrfaW KnytHt. before (he PlUy council at the next meeting, and uic. t is piiqwr to state that 1111 of (he pupils of is, but we shall of I'unahou should be jealous of its prestlge.4 TRAUESMEN'. One Vimor ulieady applicntioiii for over two hundred The Jaltcr niosf piobable( see school mo gills. The wiiitcn yxajuirur - IliVf Tin Horn ftrlttnl has hat has tionc a good woik on tne islands, now ornciM:- kKnylum, We. the two bundled abate, pent wcik', lilghir in Port-Stre- have It hare, in addition lo ions of the glides many leading citizens, haw many of their Wiitiim V, Hall . ., . ...PtcaUwH aJ Mauagcf ..d.-illn- l. i 1.. The Knleriiiise' lcle same , aad Treasurer been in ctfect only about a )cir. tne wives am! sisters, have had at least a part of U C. AUes . .. s ,Ssriry W da isot cosdine pur atiemtoa 10 Carriage anj llugfy xxjr THKO. II. DAVILS Ca W,,1S'1 M- l"4 ' It is said by those in govern- questioning KUJoiks, Ir , . , .,.-- , AuAtor loc aav a iJionet CouUk"")". f ' ': plan and seoiic of run' their education in Oahu College or I'unahou suakiag eacluu.eiy., urdsrs aiua ia announces a capital slock, ur one ment butiucss, that ti, those who are on the them all. system seems well Duesloel:, O. llalL GcgE. Hdh )t liMvT.' JHM'mvl (HM wbecleii vctucleicceivcd and promptly eiscvled. Jhe piojvvtor, rough The school I ll 'is mtifvliuf.tlhcn.i be able. AirAILUKU P01 FACTOVv hun'lrcvl shares, to)- -; placol M $1 a Inside Hack, that a ccitaln high oOicial will at what a pupil really know; la s thousand adapted lo gel even at this late day, to print iic following G. Uodse, No. twelve thousaivl shortly resign and then tbeie mil lie a little ex- T. Tlt anewbers U Alaruha Waitviff, Mvi, H. ),, jharc. Up to yestciday some about whithe has lieen studying; and no "cown'ilUee' I. IX 'P., rawaMttl to at K. U IN SiOCK olheit-?peili- ap epoit, signed by an examining1 a u at lb. suWiUwd, Mr. hllis said. shifting round amongst the amination, could do more. I on MONilAV. EVENING. Ab,'u Httt QualUit Ca-- . harcs hadlxeii 01 run. lfc j Ostrmw Hotasl m4 Tart U. of fnlal aVwusfurel telephone iciits with a slew of gitting at the public purse a coiiiiioscii ine lonowihg gentlemen: o'clock, fos electU of ojawst fce the ssuw Isejt. .A Our Usual Supply of rssolssiikefats fur toe Trade. The projector promises that IDLAM COLLEIIE. 1). A, udUr will All talssl wuk ikavMsav will not exceed $ little easier. UiioluUi IXiijr HullMH, H W. Alexander. Kev. J. Cruzan, Dr. N. full allcndanct U reiusU4. ft II, isfssvr,,' Ordrts fiwu k ltbVs iscsiie ua tea at tttnl0. ords in the Kiitciprise Coiiilaiiy uA W M. school for boys," jwlicie, )os U. Umerton and Mr, K, V, Djon. js-- " MSISW J. 19' B. sUUaf. a month. jllltjHl. A "cbuich m j S " 4 .

mmumtvmue. sassssMMfa llfSSIM

stir , 9Wm " I,,

mrritiy iiiv r imii.imv (JVlcch-.tnicuI- . 2,uucr,icc...cnli3. (General i.nv.u.irn:i. Iclu uucrtiscmcnlc. Jlctu bbcrtiocmcnlc. General ubcrtiocments. (General bbertioemento. Ccncntl Jtbucrlbcincnlo.

The names below Hawaiian f,ror.lilral Risen Are & TNTBRISI.AND 'YDNBY ., estate!, mountains, valley, BREWER COMPANY dulrirts, ILLINGHAM & CO., I)!, titers, nr , which LnglMi readers arelilely to run arroMin historical ot new aarier reading Trans D STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S M. MELLIS lMlont are given when a talitfart,jry Kngli'h rendering UNDBORG'S PERFUMERY. tioAlUe. This dictionary will 1 continued com- i at I.INF. OF STEAMERS. plete at mlble. DEALERS IN OFFER I OR SALE Intarnatlonal Exhibition, AAIA"Swcci amcllincr All that pan ol Honolulu Iwvoml Sniilh'n lnMee ami Itie Thr Jtntltml, t lilncte waih-home- ami IhU aiile of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, WILL SELL HIS ENTIRE STOCK 1819. Ileo, anirclcnillnq toward the valley HE SATURDAY PRESS The following lot of merthandise Iut Imled froin Hatri .Commander I'oston, In eecellent otifer, ns (,h n the Honolulu rol.l actory. T HAKDWAKi:, rr.KFUMr.Kr. Kunt regularly to KONA and KAU, as follow- t A? " A net or thrlmpine Imfccl i' Leaves Honolulu at 4 P. M.I i'A mirse PF.RrUMEKY. bxtract prom THR orriciAt. Raronr Tint portion of Honolulu Mow Queen Fiiday, July. . ... 7 Friday, Angmt tr immnljatelt' - Fuestfey. S AT REDUCED RATES ithcc'iv- lfnnnfv-Fiirnlhlii- PCKFUMEKV. July Tuesday, August itrcet. nnil nniaitl K Good, t; ernment liouse ami of nlmt the Eii American Bark Amy Turner Iriday, July tj Friday, . ; of Ihe )ireinie, PEKFUMF.KV. I uesday, August. . .. 7 Tuesday, Sfptemlier . 18 Minruiiltli. The name more etieci.illy Friday, Sejrtember tfl. t iKrlonRini; to the irlfinoa the promise. NEWS, BOOK PAINTS, OII mul VARNISHES, Arrive! at Honolulu) JUDGES IN HOROLOGY. lie lllnccw Kcrlikiibni. NEW AND SYLISH Svturdty, July.. 14 Mturd.i), Arittu! . tj At WAinilMtl "The ninny lream t" The jiuy. 5 Weilnesday, Setemler. J iliNtrict alxive School tired, ami Unimleil tt:itoHi:xt: tjrnntv.tTtxn tttt.s SainnUv. Austist 4 Satimlay, Seritemler., js thai I'ltncMirml, the Pauoa a jirrciAtTv Wednesday, August t j Wtdnevby, September. 6 liy tired, THE NEXT I0UR WEEKS, In rnnMderation of the fact (1evelpt-- In thlt evamiti iireani ami Kaalaa, Honolulu. kitoti, anu ine tresnmier.tnreoi element ot Inner ituatum axi pjfAicroys, :; The V. II. IIMioji, ent ami comikirattve merit adjudged by the -- VaiVaha At IUA "SwiiiRinp i" llelween 7li lirRMl Monmrnt of PLOWS, for all puqinwi, lo judge (each in Inde judgment) i Camrron...... Command-- r tendent I'uitmifttreet, loiinti im ine ni.innv umim Ing l. lulu ami Honolulu. fintal to 70 ier cent mure than the Lettvet Honolulu Brery Monday, at 5 IM., nest Idghea enhilut, they lure AlNAItni' -- " New liml :" The Ktplan.nle, Harrow, Cultiratort, llor She4t Of S'uVtt, PRrriot TO THR ARRIVAL or A tARCIt AND fonnd it exceedingly dttlicult Yellow Sheathing 16 For NawlliwiK, Koloa, Kleele, and Waimea, Kauai. - llonolutu. () llow, 0 Lhaint, FotMrr Cutter, Metal, and it or; to make nch a clMnA- Corn ami Hominy MilU, Ah Plank, assorted sieij Keturnlnf;, ieae iNftwiimili every, rrida) even in j, tloitin decree a will Oak I'Unk, assorted aires AlAMIIIIKAWAI -- "The't water i" (ttrden untl Cinal Itarrnw, A small ravine In the mulille of the SIUDLMAKER WAGONS, OIVK uiier Office, II Ami Cart, HAVE JUST KIXEIVIM) Tfictfttnict Maker JUSTICK 10 AU. ptil nf M.tnoa valley, where tonic China- Job Printing Aale (rfw very thapj McHonaLO Commander INVOICE OF NEW GOODS native, ami lUngcruutly WK TO TMR men Mlhil one Leaves Honolulu Every Thursday, at s I', Mt1 At)jt7lr.K woiinilcil another, who went tit mresl Lnbrlcntlu ami IllnmtttntinR OUi For K a rma and Kilaue.1. them in 1855. Rettinunc, leates Kapaa esery Tuesday evenlnjj. AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY. Also, to arrive per Siillman 11. Allen I '.'The wi.leneil ravine 1" KEROSI'.Ni: OIL STOVES, i$i tf AwAAWAKlllliir.l LhanitclinafHl Iinicrn- - OF WALTHAM, A ravine In the eatlcin comer of the,, newntjlctf Tho Lrtrgeiat Lot of Perhtmcry Mof, ttrlutiff, lump, -- palii of ,Sh( DUMP 11AKKOWS, Jacolw' MIICAGO, BURLINGTON & QUINCY THE EASTERN AND EUROPEAN MARKETS mountain ranee fniiiilnc the Powtfrr, ami LAp lcnU MUAclniwtt. U. S. . Slitlf llanlwAre, M;mo.i. Ax Handles and Pick Handles, vhaily valley:" A mall No 0 Howe Standard American Soale RAILROAD. A i flwnrd and such other jrtlil distinction AWAUMAl.ti "The Knhnmnu Street I For nil purport; Kerosene Oil, "Kleclric" lirand. Ever Imfiorted Into this kingjoui, itis).m( miUI or avsard at ton(Mtit iltli the dil vale Iwynmt Koko head, In Kekaha ilii. tie ami obligation of the hotmraUe Sji'.ney Interna Irict, O.ilni. llourfurnthlHtf (Joott, Coltar;c Furniture, in jwinlcd scH. T. I). McKAY PASSENGER AGF.NT, llonat Commiion, for the large! and mott cumlete exhibit of horological instrument! examined. in Irr Crrittn ALAKANI "The sounding ways" Laml rrrtrrt Oak Lumber, I, 2, tyit 2)4, 3 and 4in. No. Montgomery Street, Kalihl, Oahu, Ayutr Ironttttrrt 32 The Honolnln Clothing Emporium, Oars, tGt 17 am) IS ft. nmiKMe. a the onlv mean hv whirh their Thnrrtrr, SAN FRANCISCO. TheviIo I -- inarecl or KlucV. t" ur COMPRISING OVER ftO DIFFERENT ODORS appreciation of the merit of the proiluction of thlt Aril "Oaucht, Yellow Metal In. totiixliuif the fi.l. ikiihI in Kalihi, O.1I1U. Nails, i and company ran adequately or eipiitahly recognlied by Call anil iiimmt our eomlt. Our (ork it y ine commtiteeon Jimting ami Award, that a ftenrate Iielonclni! to the Adams' family. It wav Yellow Metal Sheating, 18, 20 and 32 or. Riven for the rp( and mm. Approval Baitcrn-boun- awarita1e quititlet tmheil vith ihebiet Tourlstt and d Passenger! HONOLULU, there that Capt. Alexander Atlanta had IS NOW l'KKl'AKi:!) Vo DO. ALL WORK invention thai it U lmtiniitle to enumerate them II. I. of all grade of thee at die. hit faiiiinia Ratdcnv, which a tallica within the pace of our aJvettiwment. IRON SAFES. find for and whale. Will it to their advantage lo make them'rlvet place of rewtt UranRcn known lo the undersigned, so as to secure t.enertt not Ato. a enarnte ftrt-cl- award for the tierfectlon ot men, alioul 1850. The tish kii1 li )el Zinc WashttOArd, generally conceded to thirties a(pl)ing In the city. thi intern of watchmaViri(f and the improvemrntt I f.iinoui for ihe aunerlor flavor of its fevh. TltK LATEST XOVEt.TY, Coered llucket, the mechanical (wirt of the watch, betiif, nVabtr In lh pailicularly Ihe awa, which, eaten raw, it J. I. WILLIAMS, m.itn)riir; amleoine liarrel, the patent tarety pintoii Something no one nhotild be without, U one of the Manila Roe, Assorted ttX. Cctrresnrtiding Agent lor the HawaiianI Islands. the perfect epic)loidat form of alt I lie teeth of Ine train CMcemcii a rate treat uy nauvc ciiiiiil"s. Dairy Sail, in Itarrcl. MannlWotnre, MRS. A. M. MELLIS' in everv irrade of watch alike, and ad. Magneto-Calot-te Fire-Pro- of Safoe, t Oelaliratad LuntTborK jutment of the balance-prin- AlMHKAl " A sea hath 1" Land in WaikiU, RonJ Cav or Jewel CAes. Roendale Cement. Oahu. Fire Clay. t Read one testimonial out of many. Curled Ilatr. DrvaamaJtlngj Eatahllahment Up Stairs ArtiAKMlAli " Kecentacle for the dew- - !ng IrtUnce. Commttttt Ftrt Inxuramct Navy Oakum. drop :" The Waikiki stream, Oahu, on Rtfart ef tf Krftrtt: ODOK CASES, church. It it Al a meeting of tlw MaAchmctti Mutual Fire In. Metallic Paint. which Mandv the I'rotcMant AIo. a enarate firMla award for the imirove In ancient sone, nuance Union, held at NantaVet Reach. Aueuit a6. FANCV IIOXKS, (I very oflrn referred to 1E81. sampler of bote manufactured by the Magneto Pine Barrel Shook and Heads. ment in cac, the numlier of artiMic form and deIin ami a of romance in In cone da. Catcite rired'roof Company were .hown. An iron UOTTI.ES, ETC, ued, the beauty and elecaiae of their finish, and for It of the surf The HtgliMt Style of Typographic Art onu one Pine Keg Shook and Head. their new and indetructibU method of enameling. Mat n favmlle l.unliii: place txx, altout twolcet long loot deep ami wide, Cider Vinegv, in barrel. iHinnl ol those nines. with lining of an Inch thick of Magncso-Catcit- e tlikts nuttrial, wa filled with various ducument, Cocoane. ILDER ft CO. grrenlaack, and part of a card of tucifrr It A1oto CharTc W. Woerd. mechanical (mxr intend' A tmall ravine in l'alolo valley, he. w Comi-any- , Awaawa wa then tlaced upon a bed of hot coal, and at leau Extract of Iemon. ent American Watch Walilum, Mai. Oahu. Extractof Vanita. Importer am t)ealer in U. S. A. four feet of dry, hard wood piled upon it. Ihe box wa w on nour nnu a Extract of Almond. All'AKO In Waialae, Oahu. ie umier eireme neai lor nail. iNot assorted HOLLIBTER ft CO., witiitaitiiing ine iron coer 01 me iok Ha to Uully Extract, warprd that the lining wa In Immediate contact witfi Tlie follow inn t the order of award made bv the piddle:" a variety of 17 Cask and Hhd Crockery, Glatiware, LUMBER, Alovio "To nlo, the lume, on opening it Ihe whole content were found Sydney International Kihtbttion Coimnlttion to the In naiul-llat- WHITHKN IN American Watch Company, of Wall Mat t crawfish livinc that are hare In a pfifcct Male of prrwrvattun, A mall bond and 46 Cases Crockery, Glawware and lam, at low tides : Land in waialae, uaiiu. note cae, designed to be ued Inside of vaults ami ,ifei, rv (D wa tubiecled to the name decree of heat for half an 45 Parrel Crockery, Glassware and Iamps. And Balldlnc MaiHal AlKAUA " You and I eat :" Land in hour, and it content were alo found a free from any AGENTS FOR THE HAWAIIAN KINGDOM Gold and Silver Watchen Flrtt decree of merit and Oiliu, appearance pi nre or tmoice a wnen placed therein. special mention iuoiu Medal. II. C. Ilir,r!.o, Light and Heavy Hand Cart. AtllKI " When airivcil :" in Walma-nalu- , Amos Hate;, of all kindi, just recclvetl, ex late arrival, sevcra Timekeeping nualitlet of all grade of Watthe ClCA. 11. CliMINCS Flrt Oahu. iar(e anu wen seiecieu cargoe 01 aegree 01 merit. WEDDING, VISITING OR HUSINESS CARDS CilAt. A. How LAN p, Elijah Howie, Jr., Knowle Steam Pampn, various alces. Al.FKlNt Land in Walmanalo, Oahu. ALFKRII L. IlAKPOUK, Perfection in System First degree of merit. Keprecnlative No. Street, Nitni Nonl, MtrinJj insurance othcers. 50 Nunanu Q Ainoni " eating; 0 New motle of oompentatinj; balance Flrtt decree of ciliifoliii " Lind in Kailua, Oahu. NOTHER DRUG STORE. meni. "Tarolamh" Land In Kancohe, JOHN NOTT. h Ain'akaio A Improvement, finish nnd elejfance of Case Flrtt de- Ovhti. gree of merit. And corner of Fort and Merchant streets, Honolulu. i AfllU Land in Waiahole, Oahu. INVITATIONS, NORTHWEST LUMBER, JOHN NOTT, Engiavin, chainc and enameling of Watch Ce Ami small depression Land First degree of merit and special mention. "A inland:" MENU CARDS, comprising all the usual stock sires In Waiahole, Oahu. PACIFIC MUTUAL 0 PALMER & THACHER, npHE Charle M. Woerd, Mechanical Sujierinteiident First Waia-lu- HALL CARDS, aegrce 01 merit, apeciai. " A fortnight :" Land in AT THE OLD STAND NUM11ER 8 In Scantling--, Timber, Oahu. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY STREET, Aakaia "Kala root:" Land in l'aalia, Pharmacists, OF CALirOKN'A Waialua, Oahu, Desire to call the jeuticular attention of every botly to Fencing, Pickets, atCTliere Wintt several worthleV watche bcarlnaT At.Al'11 climhing Land AND DEALERS IV "Stairway, or way:" TIN, ..THEIR.. the mark of Waliham Watrhet discovered within the in I'aalaa, Waialua, Oahu. past seven months, palmrdolTon the public a genuine, TONTINE INVESTMENT POLICIES, Planks and Boards. the public are hereby notified of the fact and cautioned AULAMfiA Land in Kaimilc, Waianae, LET1 KR, NO IE, .STATEMEN I or D1LLIIEADS, COPPER, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Oahu. Which contain the-- " Indisputable Clause ;N M. No Restriction on Travel or Residence. tn BfcINERNY. ANA" Sufficient, or a envc :" Land in AND I'ATENT MEDICINES, Free from Danger of Forfeiture lll'tf Agent for the Hawaiian htand. Oahu. Also The Deposit Endowment Policy, and theMu ALSO DRY REDWOOD, Alio Land in Lihanoiki, Oahu, SHEET IRON WORKER, Toilet Articles ami Fancy Oooiltt, tuat Investment Policy. M. WENNER & Co., 'Awil.l " Mixed :" Land in Lelckoac, Oahu. bHII'PING RECEIITS,, HOIXISTER tk CO Scantling, Plane surface and rough Hoard ur No. 113 FORT STREET. Till unr of ihe iituM tellable companies eitant LAcrdand tough lUitrm, Picket, Uu.tic, Ana Land In Ana, Oahu. ha no superior, and few equals. Settle all claim Nuuanu street, and comer of Fort and Merchant Lattice and Clapboard .MONEV ttreett 93 Fort Strrrt, HusoLtLV, H I., RECEIPTS, promptly; act honestly and fairly by all. J9 AlllONUA " Owning land Land in Ilono-uliul- i, information, :" PLUMMNG IX ALL ITS BRANCHES. For further write to, or call on Kwa, Oahu. In anticipation of the public want of a Drug Store R. W. LA INE, SfANUrAOTURINO 117-t- f General Agent for the Hawaiian lland JEWELLERS conveniently located, wliere medicines can be procured LUCAS, AtlA't II" Ucign of the chief Land in at all hour, we hate opened a pharmacy in the Damon psEORGE Have at the old tand with a new WatUcle, Kwa, Oahu. Rlock, near Hotel street. We carry a urge assortment ALWAYS , and carefully selected stock of of good peculiar to our line, which weeffcr at yHERB'S SOMETHING BOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, At'ioi.r " Steadfast :' Land in Waikcle, Arteilan Well Pipe all sizes. . CONTRiXCTOK and I1UILDER, Watchen, I'm a, Oahu. CEKT1I ICAI ES OK STOCK, VERY LOW PRICES. and California make, and for That we feel a little anxious for you to know about. AU Hie, of Eastern .And AI.AIUKA " Upper road :" Land In Walpio, tale in quant I tie to uit, at low price. Clocks, aU kinds, l.wa, ualiu. CONIRACrS, Gold Chains and Guards, Our Store is Kept Open Evening. "Snirattli waters:" Land in DILLS OF LADING, The Great Aanarioaut Clothing Honaa STEAM PLANING Sleeve Buttons, Studs, Ac. Waipio, l'.wa, Oahu. StovoH unci XtniijffCH, MILLS, CHECKS, Ladies would do well lo call and eiamine our stock ol ITafjancKr, ironolufst. Uracelet. Urooche, Locket. Karringt, etc. AllliAA " I lug eating :" Land in Waimalu, Our stock, of Drue and Chemicals i comblcte. Also, Uncle Sam, Medallion, Richmond, Tip-lo- Palace. Kespectfully calls your attention to their in Stock, which weie especially selected with a Oahu. DRAFTS, Our line of I 'at em Medicine embrace all the popular view to suit the market. remedies ALAKANI'! hig mud-he- in Flora, May, Contest, Grand Prize, New Rival, ( All the New Remedies, ) " The :" Iliaina ORDERS, STYLISH tlUSINESS AND DRF.SS SUITS, Manufacture all kinds Aiea, l'w.i, Oahu. t All the Old Reliable Remedies. of White Leud, KUKUI.AND SHELL JEWELRY Opera, Derby, Wren, Dolly, Gyp), (Jueen, Maxld to order. NO IKS, With strong, serviceable linings, which we are selling low AWAWAIIIK " Valley of spears:" A valley Mouldings, WHITE ZINC. PAINT OILS, 111 1111: Pamy, Army Range, Magna Charta, repairing branch of business regard as ii.u.iiii.1, u.inu, ioiiiiiii; lower pan TICKETS, UK HAVE THE tAIGKST ASSORTMENT OP ova Brackets, The our w. an ui iiii; jvuuKlfiMima (;iiilii. Window METALLIC AND OTHER PAINTS, mportant one, and all jotit entrusted to us will Iluck, Superior, Magnet, Osceola, AU. Toilet Artiolea HOYS', YOUTHS' and CHILDREN'S CLOTHING frames, be executed In a manner second to none. Ai tAMANU " Salt-lic- of the hirds :" A ficsh Blinds, sashes CLASS AND SALT, In the Kingdom, such as water ond in the hills racda, Eclipse, Charter Oak, ARC SlPERIOH Engravlny Moanalua, Hair Urmhcs, Tooth Brushes, Nail, Cloth, Flesh and Doors ; PAINT Oahu, and makai, or tnwaids the sea, and Hath Itrushes, Drruing Coml, Iocket Comb, Of every description don. to order. Particular alien Nimble, Inwood and Is fiom the gnvcrmucnt road. Fine and Rack Combs, Cosmetics, 1'omades, Hair In make, quality and style to general importations of and all kinds of wood-wor- k finish. tion paid to orders and job work from Ihe other PreiMration, Islands. White thanking the public fur Oils, Tooth Cold Cream, Camphor 1UMI WU1 IWV llll AMD WHITEWASH BRUSHES. ast AliataaKAI Salt water imml adioinlni! the Laundry Stove. Ice, I'erfumesf Handkerchief Extracts, Colognes. tlMlCt favors, tve return to hope that our long ee. ficsh water xnd Iwhiml the Moanalua am4 MeroaatUe BUalu, Toilet Waters arid Vinegars, Sachet Powders, Hand perience In these Islands will enable us Iecl Mirrors, Nail cleaning hets, Smelling I tot ties, to obtain a fair share of prtronag. lulls. I Ins is a very curious natural won Atomirers, Razors, Strop. Shaving Cups, llmshcs Tki Lmliit Xdfltltt in Ctnli' FvrniMmr and In the future. der. In certain vcars, the whole lake Is Soa alt Tormlag, droll, ajsd Wad aawlataj. and Soap; Toitrt of every kind. ' "Quick Halt and Mmall Prvflt;"' ciusteil all over with a natural deposit of A of GALVANIZED 8. COHEN tk COn Am auonment salt, rvalues loimeily lielievetl in a con- IRON and COPPER HOILEKS LadlM ToUat ArUaea, our motto, and w. shall keep In stock every arttcl. la AU kinds of Planing and Sawing, Mortising, and Ten I. nection such a formation and tie No. Nl'UANU IIUNOLUH.'. our line of buslnesa. Sl'im FOR RANGES, GRANITE IRON WAKE, Such at Camcltiiie, DtcLc)'t Crcme Us. Laird's l; StrIRT oning. public divulcr. Uloom. Ilagan Italm, uourauu i Uncntal IrcaQi, PAPER, Lutin'ft, SauttJers, Poiiom's Ictlow's, Calvttt's, .WALL AllUtvtASti " Klock of hirds 1" A district In LAUELS, NICKEL PLATED AND PLAIN. and a host of other Powders and Uoaues. lUndo. 1UTRS. THOMAS LACK, Koolauloa, Oahu, fonncily the site of a line. UcaulrSpots, etc; fine large lUtfungBpongrt, EAVER SALOON, ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND Sponge Uaskets, Unman Catholic collq-.e- . BOOKS, etc B WORK GUARANTEED UUUiiitjlM. ' r. x Mo. IB rert Itraat, HomoUdm, Al'Ult "IlilliKki" Uml in Waiahole, Oahu. It. J. NOLTE, PROPRIETOR, GalrmnUed iron water Pipe, all sizes, and a HV riNUT or Orders from th. other Idandt solicited. ro6-q- r J'A.MlilLETS, ETC Till lot IMrOBTKR ANU liRAtB. IN Alamiiii " A small " also, "The on Iron Hegt to announct lo his friends and the uublic in laid at lowest rates, also cast Iaflust'a BpoacsM that he hat ouened the above Saloon where Firewood, w ay of rciK'ntancc 1" Land In Laluina, V '' EMOVAL NOTICE. Maul. Lead Soil Pipe. Ever brought to this Kingdom IEWIKO MACHINES Infant s Dirsting Cases, Nursery Towder, rtrat-Cla-M lUtVasIuavaato ANU C.NVINI Prepared uller's R AuroKoroKO wadingst" Land In r Earth, NftiU, Screws. "Short Purls. PurT.llotet, Castile Soap, From j a. M , till 10 r. Ml tart; AilarumrMtt, Oil uml Acfnorlft. , Juhaina, Maul. intilet. Teethlng.Kings, Kubber tubing, rreuing llottl agent roa THK Laml In Home rmrmUhtmc Good, The finest AKt Lahaina, Maul. all kinds. Night Tapers, Kidge't Food, Whiti and th. Light. Runnino Nawllotia Machine, Tai lur't Arrow Root Clear attaa, Locks, Bolts, " Akl without food 5" Land In Soothing Akiaioue Syrup, etc Tobacco., X. Howard'l Machine Needles, all kinds Lahaina, Maul. O. THIlTJlstl'S Corticeirs lilk, in all colors and sires I Clf art, Pipe and" Harbour's Linen 'IVcad, "Large akl 1" Land in Laluina, RUBBER HOSE, Butts, etc., Akinui THK only court-iT- a stock or Smok.r'a CUrk't 0. N. T. Macbln. Cotton. Maul. Suadrlta All and grade. Lift and Furc Th bott. In tuniMttluQ Uh th tiut Jump. Gstcrn Bpaotaolaa ! EjrQlss.a. Chosen by a personal selection from manu. Mmt. Otmtruft KtliibU Cut ltftr Putltrns AWAIOI.IMU wjter-vvayi- " Land wuu ue AT LOWHT FJUCBS. "The mossy IN TOK, l.ctutlcs. iuss veen uuuuwu wwi BOOK BINDERY anu in Lahaina, Maul. Pump, Galvanlied Iron, Sheet Copper and added from lliue to time. ruaucATioNs. Dealer in Kir its, AlPUAA 1'ig ealingi" Land Sheet Lead, Lead Tin PUt " in Laluina, Pip, of aU ktaWU. One of Brunswick & Halke't celebrated - ENOL1NO a Kavuivaat, .Maui. Phototrrapklo ChailaaU C. UliNt and SruaTINC Oooot, Water CUett, MaiUe aUU UlUrti TaUaa, AND Shot, Powuaa, Cart, Alio Land in Laluina, Maul, Jfooh-WadU- and MaTALLtc CaBTkiuosa. PtefwRiUac A LAW.a Or and AMTWNT connected wiih th .uaUishmenl, where lovers of No. ) NUUANU St., HONOLULU, II. I. AftAAVvA 1" In bowl, enameled It MKHOHKKK MTOVMH, l mil ... "Cully Land Laluina, Maul. IIOUSKKEKrERS' ARTICLES, tn. cu can participaie. Xlamk Beeh IfMvoiary, jttr Sewing'Marhin., Lock and promptly AlKANAIIA by forties 1" , waahtandt. PAPER - RUUKO DEPARTMENT "IWrssion Land Such as Safiolio, Eleclro.SiUcun, Silver Soap, GUnt STOVII lAIOIt, altendedlo. sir in Waikapu, Maui. and Uuusund Cement, Insect po.iier, r'ly pOR SALB I Paber, Ant Poison, Rat 1'ule, ' Rough oo AWAKAMAS'U llirvl silence: Tin, Coper and Sheet Iron, Sheet Lead and Uad ' breaking EnUct ih umUr!(tMi lo Ujr cluut la comtttncy CHANDELIERS LAMPS AND LANTERNS Rail r ihoa lIUcLiog and Dressing, blacking HAS BEEN TTNION FEED COMPANY Ijiul in Waikapu, Maul. Brushes, lyet, Uisintcctants. 'Toilet laier, etc TWO TOP BUGGIES, Pipe,GalvanUel lion Pip. and Fittings, Urate Ooodt We nuke a icullvof KLAVORINli KX'l RAIT1S all sires, Artesian Well and Inlgalliig Pip. The us. la U U h utx U TWO SECOND-HAN- D EXPRESSES, 1" diititwntlt mh unir U our own saanuLsclure; Hot Water stags, Kub. Watb-ttand- hav. hand and for Auikiwiki "And be iiuick Land in ualTU and I too war., Baths, Closets Sinks. on tala, Y M. her Cushions, Medlcuve Chests, etc ONE SEATED BASKET Waikapu, Maul. OAT Jr., ft Co., I O V MaiU. and Enameled Iron, In stuck and for ONE HEACII WAGON, E I Auwaiouma "The handdipixJ water 1" SaU at reatonabl. ralM. HAY, OATS, BRAN, RARXET HOHOLL'LI', II, I., ONE DRAY HORSE AND HARNESS. uiui in waikapu, .Maul. Oar Dalloioma TO OVER HIS STORE. Ma. (whole or grustnd.) lei Watti, All lh above are In nearly good Tlatjaa til. AllVAKOt r--v " The kotea'a hill." DAWN TMI aatllAKT roVNTAIN, order, at as new. ( llkxk ) STATIONERS on4 NEWS DEALERS, rausl WUKAT, AUi'AKA Ijnd In Waiehu, Maul. Which surasses in elegance everything of the kind ever tola 0. WEST. V. Is EnriAKcas row For oa Smaart. PURNITURE-UPHOLSTER- nUULK VOMIT, ,. WuuU uVt thlt mcikod of inormiiu tlw UhaLUault of brought lo thesa Ulands, UuontaUc Hunt K- " in Maul. aihj AU- Mudheni" UiU Walchu, MoinJula, lh uhr UunJt lhat E VMJCKKD COMM, (My tut. a IIAVK CONSTANTLY AllOA " Unkind (" Land viuU We manufaclura SODA W'ATEK in Waiehu, Maul and OINCIER W All wosk will hav. the sain. car. and ytn allcntlou and la fad every thing pertaining to th. Fetnl Luaioata. ALE, and havr ll agency for genuine Lastern Apple heretofore. b. m. orowlxt, vwMotmaum, inuil-lie- 1 The Stationery Department in at ALAtim " The long :" .and In SUtlootrr ad News Depot the New Cider, ON HAND LAGR QUAMTITtat Or Kaaiuiali, Maul. Hawaiia Cuctt Block, No. as Al ). II. HKUNS' jr., Street, where they are prepared c anmio, AtAiUMIKI-"Alae- chut imurtcH ovu aooim Ordert from th islarwlt will hav. our arotapt aa4 loa the len" Land in to rural ituy and Uruln CswmartCRtaRiai1STaata, cartful attention. Kaanapali, Maul, To any part of the city, and shin to the other idands, Will cury a full line U p," for titwiui HLANKS Of all kinds, which . utTcr la purchaaarf a MAOAXINBa, It a Thorough Practical Wotktuan. AuliavNui "ALicloa thegieatj" Land In lllunk Uook, ' from the will atlcatloQ aUtswerslasi gsvarstattMsl. Kaaiupali, .Maul. all (or Order country receive careful J devrt4Um, ur twrUl tUn or tUu of Memorandum Jlookn, and be sniped tauru4l bolklting the bubuc ul Tka Lsrwattt kbriM aUtaa. PAPERS, Ettv, ronage we are very rttitrully, COME AND SKS. AliWAIll Land In Kahiklnul, MauL Our stuck Ureuawedbyeach arrival from All ortkrrt be addrttonl, bUuW llouLs, lu adduue u lb UmwI riNiT Mucilage, In. cuaal lo Ink PALMER & FCEI) Awl land in Kiuhulu, Maul. THACilEK. HOUND IO ORDER IN AN V DESIRED STYLE UNION CO, Honolulu. full auurtBtent of TKLirHONi, No. tyj. iii-l- Esery Umcriptlon of First Class mud-he- In pinlt, halfuMi, ami cuncs. Telephone No. Alaiiki "Suull " UnJ in Kipa-hul- iuait, isc, HIV Maul. HAVINQ A huA Letter and Note Paper, Foolscap, Legal TNO. 0. FOWLER Co., netltltstar FNralturti t IN tTUCsC AMI HAD! TO UaU.a. STEAM AND VACUUM AtArsut " Jjige mud-he- i" Land In Cap, Eaclosea, Papcteriea, etc, etc KNOWLBb Pisaaea, ComwuUL ee4 OeUa SUtiocery. QUIT Mil.., Pa-pa- r Kipahulu, Maul, L4i Lris, KmgtmttU, sltsU-- l mmt) rtraVe)Mr4tatiraeiarttUaatsl C. AGENTS. Alkamai Latul In liana, Maul. 'irrv vakiktus or silk BfiMVSK & C., fmmtta fmr iUt4 AT AMY TIMC TO AV rATTIIM. 1 -- Aas nut T-- gr Haviaw on kaasl a fall aad cotaoleM stuck U AWAKHt. "Muddy landing 1" Land In Or4tn Imktm far frimJUul r unrt- - slaii fiiiil.ii lb. ret Parlof Salts, Lcasoget aaJ Easy Chain. absrv. csuerattsl psMsspa, Jsttlrce4rt4iiaWtV Tmmtf liana, Maul. PORTABLE TRAMWAYS, PAPER OK BILLS BLOCKED. uota llostoa, w. nanus, sissta so b taaatisr aa4 With or without Can and Locotnuite. StwxiaUy MAPS MOUNTED, Iwrjar llsaa aay Uhe ttU tWtAseaplaaaiatal W. rait .AllUAKAViAUt- -" Children', hill tM Land in GENIRAL AGENTS FOR th. atientloa of jaaatata rerisslarlr to la yacwtaa iota uaNtfrarrvaas of It CMtaattniieif and sorvica-U- . liana, Maul. ADAPTED FOR SUGAR PLANTATIONS. TU Mutual CV. Cat., Patu, ak li. iaatt atora AU ufdrt fruitfully 4ttAdd ti n4 your ptrvia4 luijh lift UsutfM Or anj work reaaaiousg lo a wait axposat4 taava taker pstassa ij-t- f Allii. "No diinVt" Land in liana, Tit Slult fmmtmnt Immrnut Co., cfCal., Tit Nni UfUkHittmug Luxury tkt Ap, Maui. wlwud, THOS. G. U iUf ua aay U iIm utkci Ferwuneut llailaraia. aal Locuoaoiirei and tut, Trao rHctJiJly THRUMV lwn la uUa and Lncutwutlses. SUi TU amj YOU CLOCK, itUlkU; alia, fu Ik. tun iTiiiuit Ilusu fhmr TtUflum, Ikt limfktt, kit WANT .A GOOD .AllUAtuio A using p.riHind, used 4alt rlougsuag askl Cukitatliwl Machinery, Furl, If formerly aU. lur Wsswlusa titaftU new in tui. la fur the ganie suutuiea al striM.. "Naiara't sweet iwaonr, Waf tgii,. la l tsv Xun sTaatl traaal WnUm, 0 lo, a Hawaiian game ajututta tc snslkwet. jftf mi la la. aas.4 ,nsfi aaJ awfcisjsli; oa iW If HHurlhiiig hke Land iu RED RUBBER STAMPS. CataLwwM arekleWsratLsu, UodeU and Phcao- - HufToa Seaiati Pass. If Yon W.M Claek of Walt R.iaifiat OafM graaest vi anova ruaaa aau aaausineey swur aa -- liana, Maul. laa tea .. jtaasam, Saiimieasali, etc., tsa siailir Uiat ' CO tasLulkntufia. l,rsj,Cjl r W. CKKKW aad .AIMS issaasulMSJITYAaast aiaila-I fattt, lewsTMly Se.ltsCTsbr4a.ytw yoat ftlaatl. TO U anltm taae. ea. be COMIMIEU.) Order foe Wed Rubber Si amp received and uni4ly li. . MACr AKLAiK k'CU.Agews U Ism, F la oSKt) af Ush raar, Ho. Kaatsnttxati or nw. yuttr irstar. so taai aslaimal ia irsussnl of W.TUBNUfS,,,,.. Kwo Stssm to eaeoiMab fU h livsm tattara, taxoritsaaty hi taw. wamwiii IJtviy iwll , ,'NH.

V V j. tAh sff 4 Jltm JtMajlaX .