I., SATURDAY, JULY 28, 18S8. L0'vmk!Mxn
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Vif Saturday Press! VOLUAIIJIII.NUMHIiK ,8. l--L. HONOLULU, I., SATURDAY, JULY 28, 18S8. WHOLE NUMHIiR 152 HATUKUAY 1'KISS. return of ihc writer.) 'I lilt dt Is divided Professional Cnrbs. (JTnrbs. Jnoincss jOnoincos (jlitrbs. mainly Into twoclatwt, financiers and weather business itnrbs. Inourance ottcco. foreign bbtrlioctiunlo. A Newspaper Weekly. prophet. 'I he former are the more numerous, M.AKttNCU W. ASHPORD, S. GKINHAUM it Co, DROTIIBRS, ISIIOI' A Lo. are the lunlett workers, and hare advanced TIVMAN HAMBURG-MAGDEtlUR- PIRB IMSUR W. SEVERAMCH. M B Company of Hamburg. IT idumf. miny theories), any one of which, if followed, Makuk'h iunDMiwmmos5.oo him v.ti:, Stuf rr No. q II. I., N'o-4- Arnuixr.r, soi.uhtiui, Mrrchant SirrrT, Honoliiu. BANKERS, A.JAF.GKRiAGF.ST. )i CAnroKiSr,Cat.,(Mmw ) I would plice Ihc country upon .1 sound financial II I , orrtETi tMVitnriiKH.iSh wnnt.v.HAt.E if:,u av.x Kit.i 1. 31 r.itmiA x- - llnfoteir. iiAWAitAx f:n.y.Hirr. ,t Sn 15 Kaaiii manl VtRRT IfoNOllLt iMi'iniTiuts or Umldtng, Merthar'i, Farnitart and Machinery taiisitxmnx their ilesllnslinn. liasist not one of them hut forgotten more era ttt tlrttrml Mrrthnwtln t I t yi to $; 50, vrnnllm lo hit IS" ill ftnm Vrtltrr, iUlfflitnitf Iia. Eirhanir.onil,. BANK OP CALIPORNIA, run red afaimt, tre on the mot faroeabU term, I Mrthitnl, . limn tKew Uoberl Morrit ever knew aliout money, Orrmanr and the United States, r San Franclaeo, ami agents t. CASTLP--, S. GRIMBAUM A Co. .l.v I'ltlUMi. Kvery ncvttpnpcr office In county is filled KJ1 GENERAL INSURANCE COM OARNDBK A CM rit'if ni.lt the WK AViw Vnrh; FORTUNA pany of Berlin. with their MS., and editors i,.ur, xi4 Ca.ifohnia St. Ban I hanciku, YMAM BROTHERS arc always happ) Arnuixr.r at JIohIdii, cV . I n.l Notary I'uMIr Alten.li all I In Cmirls of H F. A SCtAFF.t Ca, AOF.XTS if S.vur Sr., Ntaa LAi,iroM. S. I'entrnl iilllnriilil. and anxlotit to give them in waste th. tonwjnntsa i.v lommihsios I'nrln, tpicc the Kingdom. 1 l6 ANDtllCAUrnftNIA TtttfcT, F, 1) four, ImhiikI Miulhw.inl JHrrrhftiittt The a tote Ir.irarw fompviny. ha ertaWish a OIlXKIlAt. VVHVIIASIXII Allr.XTSAXII Our little "irly nf Itasktl. Hut Aiirl. limit, IJen-cr- great minds are unsuccessful In narll-ulj- r t.v, Afenry here, anl tn ni!ertgnel, Sftia1 LV.titttnfor iu paid to irnou:xA attorn hi trfal tr,,,itf,l9lnn MerrhnHl; 11ml homeward, lii'diiiR sit the Oakland wlinrf small PRESTON, ramignmofiU IUrwl Messrs m. m 'London. Agentti, ar autUieied to lake mk aijiimi thttfungert t things, and Ihctc talented Individuals, pnWARB of pruuticr. t Partkuhr attention paM filling arnl fthi(jring ! Koriiscnn.rso.vs, of a lliem--elie- to lht Sa tl tnoM reasonable rale and on the by Itir i) A. U. IkiiI, speedily trafisieircd s a I ordtrn. fjforaUe who advise without hesitation In the financial (A Fort Strrkt. IfoMoruiu, I iv t Th. ORIENTAL BANK CORPORATION ol mm! term. DRAHK II. AUSTIIf A Co, to tlic Southern I'.iciTic train In rcnili IWJAX ECKART London, and their tranches fn afftlrs of the nation, have difficulty in .1 .t a OrfKR No. ; rinii.vr.r i:nvxsi:i.t.on r law. WILLIAMS ft Co. BOARD UNDERWRITERS. KCaiirARira Sttt.t, S. F., nets l itri.itt on It Inn-- Nil. FORT STUfFT, IfOMQlULI! f pREMEN Of themselves with the necessary pen, Ink lit Ifniifhoiiff, r.itnMinmnx . linr-in-- ; nf locomotive XILLIAM (J. SMITH, to AHtt to Font STaititT aiikxt hiiiuaiiii. jomnc)'. Amiil the and riper lint cnablet them to continue their wATmtMAKv.n, n:tt:uiHt r.snitA Slilliri mill FA SCHAEFER 6C.tAth. lug Au'iii.. Mis, Ihrcc tralm rollcil out of the larc anil n; rrr, timt Ittmnowt Jitttfr VttOTOfitlA VtttV A IITIHTS. itrlhnurnv, Alo a tent i tvr th iersrcullont tiion n patient and long'tulfcring ATTOIIXI'.r AT i.a And general Hanking Patiflest, 'nfltfrneA.nl i i. , transact a Dresden Board of II..t:. f.i.. lunclMiine at Ihc end of die narrow .Mrr-iiah- All onto fnhfulljf extent eri. 'iff ore t4 all mte an ItioU nude nrxi Underwriter. l i1chI, lint public. 'I he weather shartis so 81 t Sterrt, llriNOLiu-- 50 ja lo ori!f, 11 varranled an.1 sales are not framet of all derl(4om tonMantljr na hanj Alto Vienna Board of Underwriters. fkn (naraalred. i Milp of fillnlln land which lends to the shore Cof Pacific B.WISEMAN numerous, but arc not lets honored In Ihclr AWKBNCU ft 'KKHTH, alt. ShtlU ami LurtoAlti'l of the JOSEPH For the Hawaiian hlandt. a mile or two illslnnt, we Ktilcil company, our CUMMIHOS ft MARTIN I QIIARLUS DREWHR A Co. own country. 'I he most noted nnc some Honolulu, II I , ; A LLEH northward nlnn--- the hay shore. Orricr Tort Srs . rasTitAvrowt. ft ROBINSON, LLOYD St (Iosthm, train turning scars ago discos tied how to foretell the cornfr anii Hrrktania nv.At.i'.nTATV. 111u1nf.1t MARINE INSURANCE Kurt met, I a si) r.itri.oy. GERMAN Company of Berlin, 'I lilt c followed for many miles, StllKII.O.SH AXIt IUI.lUr.VATH 111 I'llV- - Plain fir KMimatt rtirnUhl for WmV of Cm WnsoLViv, II, I . ItitrrllH, Afir.xnt onint amount of precipitation In QfTVce, Ilirnl IIAWAIIAX I'Af.KKTf, any portion of Ihc Mlrhnm. ttruction, Civil hnginrrrtnit ami Surveying C-- t F. A. SCttAF.FF.R c ( AGKST. occasionally nt tmall tmvnt or M.,nmlfromi-3anl6:)r-- comrr of aUkauwiU nm! Klltuta freil floor unit nil tehut Rents Roams, Cottage. Houses and iWls and llmrrnt stoiilnR earth for any numlier of yeart In advance. Office Kmir Until 9 a. ft p.m. itrti, ttrttlm l.umhrr of Ilnlht kiie, f'nmnilfloii Agent.. to Witltmann'ii UWk hty Real Kutate In alt the Kingdom Kmptoymenl The !rMfrant Comuinv ha eMallUhed a Gen for the nccomitKHlatlon nf way iasscii-irs- wartrKni. JtnfrrlatHf I'nhtl, Ottf Xtitt, rlr, ranter alot Ilcvv.it corresponding with the goveinmenU P. O, Hot 101. tilAy found for then. fteeWng wotk In .11 the varioui Uanches eral Acency hwe.and ihaUirekienwl, (nralAcerit, ln TNO. S McGRKW, M. D. Agent of vhfemen of business cnnnecte.1 with tiUnds. docu. are authorized to take against diA(rroV the Ma.aiianlraJ.. r r.i.ht ar lowest rales. i On rair rlfilil hand were charming valleys of the United States, Great llrilain, Trance, llalealiala, Knlamanu, KeWauluohl, Mary Ellen, th. Igal Hiit tn GBKTZ, mentt drawn, Htlls Collecte.1, Hook an.1 AccounttketiC Sea at th moa featvnalfleiaiet, arvtlon the most lotted with faun hornet, ami low, rolling, Germany, Kutsia, Austria and trying In viirsiaiAX milt svniiiuix. pKAflK Ullama, and Leahl, and general office wofklrRnsat.d. PalronaxetnlKited. term. A HTISBLL. Italy, Pauahl Cotnmlulnnt n Korr ami At Kolnrmn'ft Wharf. I nvaleratt. 14 I hills; on our left the water of sell Hotel Hrett, 11 wf Able tlrerts, NO. FoRT.Sr.,OfrmiTKpAHTHFON SfABLM. hit scent nnd asking only $1,000,000 lit) FIRE INSURANCE PIANOS AND ORGANS I San 1'r.iricltcn, Kan I'ahlo and Sulsun liayt, from each of the countries named, orriCR hours: HAMBURG-BREME- Company, hut sonic fl HIHWMAKEH, HOOTS VONS LEVEY, W. MACPARLANE Co. i - From 7 to to a. m.J r Ira 4, and 6 to p m. ItOiTA! ASI I ft rivw iianot r.t Orunti utihalf: Uriiii- the list twolielnn muddy the Sacramento lxidy shot him aiul t A. cV Of., man.ratoien : Imrn In rem. nt at a while ago the io-l- f Telephone No. 1(4. Hh'trM tnrfrrV In , F. SCUAEFEE AGENTS. J, utk. ortlrr, it tut JHrrrttttnt, Cor. Fort ami Qurrn SrniRts, Hoiotcu-- ce iftlalfmentt: cataractIi: lit and Kan Joaquin rlvcrt, that into llirin, hat ceased. Arttottrrm Commtlnn firm cmty The leading mcmlier Of mat trial nt reasonable (Ticei. nrvl fot taOu The abote hating ten agnM cl thi U. lu IlrAvrn IIuk;k, Qt'URM Stxpk. Uoholvu, (ftmr company are treparetl to fire on nclifHinci-riiajci- of EMKRSOH, M. U. Irif rtkagairri A few l torn t were to lie teen the fraternity now living thinks that a good ;.) Stone and Ilrick .Ai'ilding and on u&red Balettfsf unit Merchani AKTISKLI. toerver N TIOt-USTE- Co., Furniture, Stnclt, Keat Folate aivl General Immrim Cfinmlttlnn Mrrrhtlnt: therein, on the mmt fatoraU For particular starlet ani Pe.tlL U. r... slow against the current. iimksman can liomhard the sky with artillery Honolulu, It. t., ft ISoU for term. tlsrn. progrctt Mertharvliv pnrnijly atttndeil to. iigcntt Agents apply at office. i , i, lor th.r In Ihc distance arotc the smoke of a tlcnm-Ikh- I and knock a hole in the bottom large enough t'tirsifjiAX Axit smmiuix, WtfOLMALK ANII KlETAtX American and l.urn(an merchaii.lt j iyont. TrLRNIIIHK Numrrr 140. uE'Vr li j. lvey. The Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packet. cuming down from the Sacramento. The to let out sufficient moisture for those sections UUViUiiSTH ASH TOttAMOXISTX. John Ha. ft Co.'t Liverpool Line of Packets PIRE INSURANCE DALMER & RF.Y, Office hours from BJ4 to 10J4 R. m.; I 4 to jX p The Wafkapu TRANSATLANTIC subject Ingrowth. The last winter a a, H, Plantation Hamburg. tienery In the vicinity of l'orl Costa hat an wat dry Office ami residence number Kukul treet. No59 Nuuanu ttreet. Honolulu. t. TIHE GERMANIA MARKET, The Spencer Plantation, Hllo r Fort street. A cV air of pleasing quiet. Nothing could more nncahcrc, nnd (he" attempt wat made.