2018 Yellowknife Geoscience Forum Abstract and Summary Volume
2018 Abstract and Summary Volume Cover photograph Carcajou River, NWT; Viktor Terlaky, Senior Petroleum Geologist at the Northwest Territories Geological Survey The picture was taken following a rainstorm along Carcajou River, NWT, which resulted in a spectacular rainbow across the river valley. In the background are outcrops of the Late Devonian Imperial Formation, interpreted to be submarine turbidite deposits. The light bands are sandstone bodies intercalated with the darker shale intervals, representing periodic activity in sedimentation. Compiled by D. Irwin, S.D. Gervais, and V. Terlaky Recommended Citation: Irwin, D., Gervais, S.D., and Terlaky, V. (compilers), 2018. 46th Annual Yellowknife Geoscience Forum Abstracts; Northwest Territories Geological Survey, Yellowknife, NT. YKGSF Abstracts Volume 2018. - TECHNICAL PROGRAM - 2018 YELLOWKNIFE GEOSCIENCE FORUM ABSTRACTS AND SUMMARIES I Contents ordered by first author (presenting author in bold) Abstracts – Oral Presentations IBAS – to Regulate or Not: What is the Rest of Canada Doing? Abouchar, J. .......................................................................................................................... 1 Seabridge Discovers New Gold Zones at Courageous Lake Adam, M.A. ........................................................................................................................... 1 Gold Mineralisation at the Fat Deposit, Courageous Lake, Northwest Territories Adam, M.A. ..........................................................................................................................
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