Lizard - Parts of the Reproductive System Oviducts Four Regions

1. Infundibulum- a funnel shaped passage 2. Magnus 3. Uterus 4.

Ovary- where are produced in the Reproductive System.

Ovum- the female Reproductive cell that can divide, giving a rise to an embryo after the fertilization by the male cell.

Copulation- where both lizards come together in and the penish enters the vagina and transfers the Reproductive cells. Parts of the Reproductive System cont.

Cloaca- the female is shorter than the male cloaca. The cloaca is a body cavity where the intestinal, urinary, and genital canals empty out of. The cloaca has an opening for the female of depositing the into.

Testicles- the male has either a single or a pair of hemipenes which are only used for reproduction. During fertilization the testicles increase in size.

Hemipenis- the paired male Reproductive organs. Organs Functioning Together

The testicle is everted from the cloaca and inserted into the female’s cloaca. The male then deposits his sperm into the female’s cloaca which then swims up her oviduct to where her eggs are stored to then fertilize the eggs and begin the process of reproduction.

Before begins, the two lizards usually engage in some type of ritualized courtship. How frequently does the Lizard Reproduce?

The Lizard usually breeds during the summer because of the warm and sometimes humid weather. Some of Lizards lay eggs at about 12 months old and some can last to the age of 25 years old. The male usually leaves the female after copulation to find another female to lay eggs. The female then finds ways to keep her eggs from dying. The female does not have an estimated amount of eggs she lays because every lizard is different. Most lizards lay eggs from around 8-25. Difference between internal and :

Internal: When an cell meets with the Sperm during inside the body of the .

External: When the Sperm fertilizes a female’s outside of the body. This can only happen when a female or male releases the eggs or sperm in the water, this is called spawning.

The lizard uses by connecting the male and female together and having a sexual connection to release the Sperm into the female’s body. Life Cycle of the Lizard

The Lizard is usually born in the summer time and could take up to three months for the eggs to hatch. As soon as the mother lays her eggs she leaves and does not come back. The lizards have to find their own way out of the egg. The second they are fully hatched from the egg, their adulthood begins of taking care of themselves and finding their own food. Once they are old enough, the male and female go find a mate to make more offspring with. This usually happens when the Lizard is around 12 months old. The cycle continues. Structural Adaptations and System Adaptations:

Structural: The Lizard has a body that changes colors according to the type of environment it’s in. The Lizards skin can change colors to green and brown according to what material they are by to keep safer from predators. This is called Camouflage. They develop thick scaly skin to conserve moisture in their bodies.

System: The Lizard has a set of two lungs to breathe easier because they cannot absorb oxygen through their skin. Bibliography