The Zion Messenger November, 2017


Greetings Saints of God,

Thank you! Thank you for being the people you are, and Thank you for having the desire to push yourselves to be the people that God desires us to be. In the Spirit of the Reformation, this both/and is crucial to our understanding of our life in faith. Fully redeemed and in the same breath, fully in need of redemption. So, thank you for being people of faith and people who belong to Christ.

Thank you! Powerful words that move us from a spirit of getting to a spirit of gratitude. Those two words, “Thank you,” help us claim the most important aspect of our faith: Christ alone has done this for us, and our response is to be one of gratitude. Thank you, .

As I think of this act of giving thanks, the story of the ten lepers cleansed comes to mind, from the gospel of Luke. Jesus heals ten lepers. This is an amazing story, and every single one of them is healed. The text says that one leper turns back to say, “Thank you,” and for that leper, it made all the difference in the world.

As the leper says, “Thanks,” Jesus response is, “Your faith had made you well.”

Notice that? He doesn’t say, “Your faith has healed you.” Jesus has already done that. But in the act of noticing, of lifting up this act of healing, in this act of gratitude, something shifts for the leper, and Jesus says, “You have been made well.”

In this season of Thanksgiving, take time to notice the places in your life that you have to be thankful. It will look different for different people, but we all have places where we can lift up the gift of gratitude.

One way we give thanks is at our Thanksgiving Eve service, which Zion will host this year at 7:00 p.m. Prince of Life, St. Paul’s and Oregon City Methodist will join us in lifting up our thanks to God. Oh, and we end with pie. Always good to end with pie.

So, in that spirit, I say to you, “Thank you!” I am grateful for you, Zion Lutheran.

Living in the Amazing Grace of God,

Pastor John

Rev. John W. Stevens, Pastor 720 Jefferson St ~ Oregon City, OR 97045 ~503.656.4437 Readingsforthemonth

Sunday,November5AllSaintsSunday Micah 3:5-12; Psalm 43; 1 Thessalonians 2:9-13; Matthew 23:1-12

Sunday,November1223rdSundayafterPentecost Amos 5:18-24; Psalm 70; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Matthew 25:1-13

Sunday,November1924hSundayafterPentecost Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18; Psalm 90:1-12; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11; Matthew 25:14-30 Sunday,November26ChristtheKing Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24; Psalm 95:1-7a; Ephesians 1:15-23; Matthew 25:31-46

6. Malachi; 7. ; 8. Esther; 9.Tamar; 10. War 10. 9.Tamar; Esther; 8. Aramaic; 7. Malachi; 6. Can you find the hidden Fish?

3. Ahab, King of Israel; 4. ’s wife; 5. Oprah; Oprah; 5. wife; Lot’s 4. Israel; of King Ahab, 3. Somewhere in this newsletter is the fish

1. Gopher wood; 2. 120 years; years; 120 2. wood; Gopher 1. trivia answers: answers: trivia Bible symbol shown below. It could be large or small, black or white, in a picture or article. See who in your family can Dandelion Christians locate it first!! Christians should be more like dandelions. Out sunny yel- low faces should be a reminder that the simple faith has The Lutheran Choral Association deep roots that are impossible to dislodge. Presents its Our vast numbers should show the world 80th Annual Concert Season that even though we are not fancy or pam- November 5, 2017, 4:00PM pered, we are evident everywhere, even in the best neighorhoods. Janice Kemp Pilgrim Lutheran Church 5650 SW Hall Boulevard, Beaverton Sunday schedule is back to fall times. 8:45 - “First Cup.” Join us as we talk about the Gospel of Mark, and share a cup of coffee downstairs. 10:00 - Worship with Communion Kids Sunday School, with the kids coming back at the sharing of the peace, for communion.

The Sluggard Thursday November 16 10:30AM (Coffee will be served) Proverbs 6:6-8; 13:4; 15:19; 22:13; 24:30-34; 26:14-16 By William Mouser

When you want to avoid an odious chore or an irksome project, what is your favorite excuse for doing so?

All are encouraged to come—men also! Zion Lutheran Church Council Meeng October 10, 2017 Present : Helen Dixon, Tom Selby, Ruth Selby, Ashley Benne, Jeff Cronn, Deborah George, Cheryl Steinhebel, Terri Hammond and Jeanee Kmec. Absent: Nancy Hargi, Kelly Courtney, Pastor John Call to Order : Meeng called to order at 6:30 by Tom Selby

Devoons: Tom Selby led devoons with a reading from Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work Minutes: August minutes were approved Treasurer’s Report: Income for September was down, but year to date income connues on budget. The Youth trip to Texas fund balance is $6506. Zion will be registering 5 people for the trip – 4 youth and Pastor John. Council approved using any funds remaining in the connuing educaon budget from 2017 to parally pay for Pastor John’s registraon fee. Old Business: Audit Commiee: Ashley will schedule a meeng of the Audit commiee to conduct the audit. The com- miee needs addional volunteers. Council discussed the need to conduct the audit earlier next year so that the findings can be implemented in a mely fashion. Council Vacancies: There will be six open posions to fill for the 2018 Zion Church Council. Volunteers are encouraged to contact Pastor John, Eileen Wiedrich or Nancy Combs. Five council members will be connuing through December 2018. Budget Commiee : The budget commiee will meet will meet in October to begin work on the 2018 budget. Commiee leaders were encouraged to review their current budget to see if any changes are needed. New Business: Budget Meeng: Zion’s yearly budget meeng will be held on December 3, 2017 aer Sunday Service. Annual Meeng: Zion’s Annual meeng will be held on January 14, 2018 aer Sunday Service. 2018 Calendar of Events: Ashley suggested that council schedule dates in January for our annual acvies like Gods Work, Our Hands, the Halloween party, and Harvest Fesval. Council agreed that it would be an excellent idea to preschedule dates and publish them on our website. We will add this to our January council agenda. Commiee Reports: Learning: Halloween party will be held October 28. Bingo prize donaons are needed. Turkey dinner and aucon are scheduled for November 11, 2017. Donaons have been requested from the congregaon. There will be a silent and oral aucon. Funds raised will go to the youth trip to Texas. Service: No report. Witness: Cheryl reported that Amazing meals has ended. There is a new project that will be in conjuncon with Love, INC centered on providing people in need a place to work for vouchers that allow them to buy Christmas gis for their children. Worship: Peter Stevens will be confirmed on Reformaon Sunday, October 29. Youth will be in charge of the Sunday Worship Service on October 22. Plans are being made for Thanksgiving Eve service. There will not be mid-week Advent services this year. The children’s Christmas program will be held on December 17. Christmas Eve falls on Sunday this year. There will be a music program at 6:30 and a service at 7:00. Pastor Report : Posted on bullen board outside of office.

Closed with prayer at 7:45 PM Next Council Meeng – November 14, 2017 Respecully submied by Deborah George

*If unable to attend council meeting please contact church office. Maintenance Meeting October 16, 2016 Pam Bloom, Jeff Cronn, Allen Fawce, Mark Hammond, Eileen Wiedrich

1. COMPLETED TASK IN AUGUST/SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER OUTSIDE: Flower bed by reader board weeded Railings repainted black Removed Amazing Meals signs Outside drains by Kraxberger Hall and downstairs kitchen were cleaned Outside light changed in stairwell outside of Kraxberger Kitchen, bolt inserted in switch to keep on for security purposes. South side of Sunday school painted and windows caulked where needed. Renailed guers on south side of Sunday School INSIDE: Wuest Fellowship room painted and carpeted Wuest Kitchen painted and cleaned New faucet installed in Wuest kitchen Furniture removed from Ylvisaker room in preparaon of LOVE Inc. Bells stored in closet off of Wuest Room Choir set up in Wuest room and closet behind elevator Painted around air condioner in Pastor’s office Women’s bathroom toilet repaired aer a burst pipe and flooding on main floor of S.S. building Stairwell maintenance closet cleaned and organized New narthex doors and Kraxberger door installed. Narthex doors and Kraxberger door painted inside and out

2. SHORT TERM PROJECTS TO COMPLETE IN OCT./NOV./DECEMBER OUTSIDE: Extend awning in courtyard to keep drain from flooding - Pam Weed and “Preen” flowerbeds - Eileen INSIDE: Purchase and install new furnace in Sunday School building - Mark contact S&J Heang Remove non funconing speakers in nursery - Mark Repair toilets in Women’s bathroom on main floor - Allen

3. LONG TERM PROJECTS: OUTSIDE: Bids on Sunday School Building roof - Jeff Sprinkler system repair - B & B in the fall (for now turn off courtyard area) - Pam Seal cracks in parking lot Repair sidewalks INSIDE: Fix le flooring - Mark and Allen New flooring on main floor hallway of Sunday School Building - Mark get bid Paint office workroom and main floor hallway Strip and Wax hall flooring - Allen Paint and update/remodel Kraxberger Hall Connuing developing manual - Eileen

NEXT MEETING: January 8, 4:00 PM Enjoy the Convenience of Electronic Giving Zion Lutheran Church wants to remind you that we offer electronic giving as a way to automate your regular weekly offering. Electronic giving offers convenience for indi- vidual congregation members and provides much-needed donation consistency for our congregation. Direct Debit Giving is used to automatically transfer funds from your checking or savings account to the church’s bank account. Questions: Contact LaVonne at Zion’s church office, 503-656-4437. As you contemplate future contributions, please consider electronic giving. Authoriza- tion forms and additional information are available from the church office.

Fred Meyer Rewards Program Zion has earned $133.00 from Fred Meyer Community Rewards for the second quarter of 2017. Please visit to link your card. Our non-profit code is 86750. An email is required to complete the link online. Call Kroger Foods at 1-866-221-4141 and an associate will link your card for you, or feel free to call LaVonne at 503-656-4437. She will be happy to do it for you and answers any questions or concerns.

Love, INC Non Food Pantry is in need of the following: Glass cleaner, Comet or AJAX cleanser, All purpose cleaner, Soft soap, Dishwashing liquid and detergent, Disinfectant wipes, Paper towels, Kleenex, Diapers* (current needs are sizes 4,5,and 6), Silverware, Toaster, Microwave, Small fans, Lamps, Twin mattresses, Dressers. Contact: 503-655-4223

GEMTEXT Contribution from 2nd Quarter 2017 $33.00

Food Sundays —November 5th is Food Sunday!

On the first Sunday of each month please remember to bring non-perishable food to our worship service. The food is brought forward during as a symbol of love for our community.

You can bring food anytime and put it in the H.O.P.E. food barrel.

On the Corner of 8th & Jefferson

It was on a dry crisp Wednesday morning that a young women, her two small children and mother came to receive supplies from the Love, INC. non-food pantry. All four looked cold. I asked if they needed gloves and hats and with a thankful smile the mother said yes. I gave them all hats and gloves. . . even found a couple of pairs for the little ones. I also gave some socks to the little girl. She was so excited, “for me?” she said. This is all thanks to you at Zion for supplying gloves, hats and socks for me to give to those in need who stop by my office. I am sure the need will be great this winter - therefore if you are wanting to help the following items are needed: Kid’s gloves, men’s gloves, women’s socks, kids socks. Thanks, LaVonne Priester


Mark your calendars for this beauful, and reflecve evening.

WHEN:Saturday,December9 TIME:6:30pm WHERE:Zion’sKraxbergerHall WHO:Everyoneandfriendsarewelcome! C0ST:$2tickettodeterminespaceandoffsetdessertcost TicketswillgoonsalestartingSunday,November12 throughDec.3. ComeTreatyourselftoaneveningofcandlelight,music,dessertandfellowshipthatfocuseson thetruemeaningofChristmaswithoutthehustleandbustlethatthistimeoftheyearcanbring! ProgrampresentedbyNancy,EileenandLaVonne TheeveningissponsoredbytheZLCW.

Altar Flowers for Fall There are many Sundays in November with no one signed up for altar flowers. Altar flowers are a beautiful addition to our Sunday service. The Flower Chart is located on the bulletin board in the upper narthex just before entry to the church or call LaVonne and she will sign you up!

Coffee Hour Hosts Needed We Lutherans do like our coffee hour. We need hosts for many of the Sundays in October and November. Sign up chart is located in Kraxberger Hall or call LaVonne and she will sign you up!

Confirmation: Congratulations to Peter Mora-Stevens on his Affirmation of Baptism on October 29th , 2017.

Wuest Room Have you stopped by to see the “re-do” of the Wuest Room?

*Walls and woodwork freshly painted all by volunteers *New Carpet paid for by the ZLCW *New blinds a gift from Pam Bloom *New faucet in the kitchen area a gift from Deborah George *Original art work by three of our very own parishioners: Oil painting of Mt. Hood by Myrna Teadtke a long ago member who is now deceased. A pencil drawing of Zion from 1977 by Sharon Sullivan Johnson A set of two paintings by Harry Hoover

Our thanks to the many people who gave of their time for this project. Stop by and take a look.

THE BRIDGE - A place for our community to offer hope and help to people in need.

WHO WE SERVE - THE BRIDGE connects the needs of people living in Clackamas County to the available resources within our network of local churches and community organizations.

CORE SERVICES: *Immediate intake and assessment done for connecting people to resources and services needed *Follow up after intake to ensure referred resources and services were implemented *Access to on-site resources – non-food pantry items, feminine hygiene, diapers * Vocational support *Workshops/classes/support group activities *Unfolding new services as needed

TO BECOME A RESOURCE PARTNER OR VOLUNTEER PLEASE CONTACT Joan Jones Executive Director LOVE INC of Clackamas County P 503-655-4223 ext 4 E [email protected] W

Bridge of Hope is located in the Ylvisaker Fellowship Hall at Zion Lutheran Church We will again collect filled stockings for this organiza- tion. These stockings are given out in Clackamas County—Over 4300 stockings were given out last year.

Please pick up a stocking in the office area. Return stocking by end of November. The group is so appreciative of our help.

ZLCW Book club Next Reading: “Missing and Exploited” By Ken Baysinger Discussion date: November 5, 2017 after coffee hour.

Cards For Christ Lead by Nancy Hargitt, Cards with Christ is a fun, creative and spiritual gathering of Christian friends. We start with prayer and move to creating 2 to 3 cards to take with us. Fees to cover supplies is only $5. Please join us for our next gathering: November 9th at 1pm in the Wuest Fellowship Room. Bring your friends.

A bit of Lutheran humor!

1. What kind of wood was used to make ’s Ark? Genesis 6:14 2. How old was Moses when he died? Deuteronomy 34:7 3. Who was Jezebel’s husband? 1 Kings 16:28-31 4. This woman was turned into a pillar of salt because she looked back as Sodom and Gomorrah were being destroyed. Genesis 19:6 5. This woman was Ruth’s sister-in-law. Ruth 1:4 6. What is the last book of the ? 7. What Language is Jesus believed to have spoken? 8. What brave Israelite woman became queen of Persia? Esther 7:3 9. What was David’s daughters name? 1 Chronicles 3:9 10. Which of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse rides a red horse? Book of Revelation Answers found on page 2

Submitted by Mickey Cate: CROCK POT LASAGNA 1 lb beef Lasagna noodles (they make them for crock pots now) 1 ½ cup cottage cheese 1 ½ cup shredded mozzarella 2 tablespoon parmesan cheese 1 jar favorite spaghetti sauce

Brown & drain meat. Put one cup sauce in crock pot. Mix remaining sauce with beef. Place 2 noodles on sauce. Spread 1/3 meat mixture on top of noodles. Spread ¾ cup of cottage cheese, then ½ cup mozzarella. Layer noodles, meat mixture, cottage cheese & mozzarella. Parmesan on top. Cook on low for four (4) hours. Enjoy Send or bring your recipe to LaVonne and yours will be placed in a future newsletter!


A way you can help: Save your change! Oregon City Congregations Emergency Relief Fund (OCCERF). OCCERF works with The Oregon City Police Dept. to aid those in need of a nights lodging, fuel for a vehicle, or a bus pass. Long term help is provided through Love INC. Your pocket change can help OCCERF continue to provide these services. $102.00 collected since May 2017. Labeled jars are available for your donations in the church entries. Thanks, LaVonne POP CANS! Wanting to buy There is a container in the office workroom for cans. I am wanting to buy a double-wide manufac- Pop can donations will now be used for the ELCA tured home on its own property in the Oregon Youth Gathering to be held in Houston, Texas, in 2018. City area. Home to include 3 or 4 bedrooms Please continue to bring your donations to church. and a garage Thank you on behalf of the youth of Zion. Call Shirley McKinney 503-655-0554 Over $570 has been collected since late 2016 CONTINUOUS WAYS OF CONTRIBUTING TO ZION AND THE COMMUNITY cont.


Adopt A Room: A 4th quarter sign up sheet is posted on the bulletin board in the office narthex. October begins the 4th quarter! Questions: Contact Eileen Wiedrich—503-657-4055 Thanks to all for keeping our church looking beautiful!

4th Quarter 2017 Adopt A Room Schedule

Wiedrich/Dowen Santuary & Balcony Vacuum, dust, clean ( as needed) Susan Lamb Office & Office Narthex Vacuum, dust clean, garbage (weekly) Fred Bialas Main Floor Bathrooms (2) Clean toilets, mop, sink, garbage (weekly) Linda, George, Hadley Myers Wuest Fellowship room Vacuum, garbage, straighten up (bi-monthly) Blake Coomes Main floor hallway & stairs Sweep, mop, vacuum mats (bi-monthly) Stone Family Kraxberger Hall Vacuum (as needed) NEEDED Downstairs bathrooms (3) Clean toilets, mop, sink, garbage (weekly) Caroline Ritter-Swartz Elevator Sweep and dust (as needed) Nancy Combs Kraxberger kitchen Sweep & mop floor (weekly) Linda, George, Hadley Myers Downstairs hallway & stairs Sweep/mop, vacuum mat (bi-monthly)

GRATITUDE Camp Lutherwood Oregon Dear Members of Zion Lutheran Church,

Thank you for your generous in-kind support of Camp Lutherwood Oregon’s 2017 Harvest Festival and Fundraiser. We are thrilled to announce that the event raised nearly $70,000! This year was the most successful event to date. The basket you donated was beautiful. All the funds raised help get more people to camp, keep program costs affordable, and keep camp’s site and facilities running smoothly.

Thank You!

Caitlin Elwood Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Thank you for your gift of $572.00 to Lutheran Disaster Response . With this gift you are providing emotional and spiritual care, supplying emergency relief, and addressing long-term recovery. With your gifts you are making possible the support of unmet needs, the coordinating of volunteers in the United States through our local facilities, and the promoting of disaster risk- reduction internationally, expanding knowledge and ability. Thank you for this gift and all your generous gifts. Thanks you for living into God’s words of justice and mercy and for joining with the whole church to love and serve one an- other.

In God’s grace,

The Rev. Rift Director, ELCA World Hunger and Disaster Appeal

Note: These funds were gathered from the Youth Car Wash for Houston held on Sept. 10, 2017. To the congregation,

Thank you guys so much for the scholarship. I have quickly discovered how costly the real world is and this scholarship will be very helpful in acquiring a higher education. Having to pay for college myself is proving to be very challenging and this has a huge impact on making things easier.

Sincerely, Hadley Myers ZOLY: Youth Events and Info

Deadline for Winter 2018 term is December 31, 2017! CRITERIA FOR NEW APPLICANTS AND LOCAL CONTINUING STUDENTS can be found in the office workroom.

Saturday November 11 th Fall Turkey Dinner and Aucon 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm. we are still looking for pie donations, auction item donations and volunteers to help cook, serve and clean up.

Youth Sunday Zion’s youth did an awesome job assisting in the worship service on October 22, 2017. Thanks for your participation and professionalism! Leaders: Readers Emilyann Gunnarson, Scriptures Elle Koepping, Psalms Ruby Koepping, Prayers Delaney McFarland, Acolyte Elise Gunnarson, Announcements Communion Peter Mora-Stevens, Emilyann Gunnarson Ushers Elijah McFarland, Logan Schmit Madison Schmit, Oriah Mora-Stevens Youth Sunday continued

Picture from the Oregon Trail Cluster Youth corn maze event at Fir Point Farms on Oct 8th.

The lowlow----downdown on getting high

Does the Bible say anything about drug use?

The term “Drugs” is used to cover a wide range of substances including antibiotics, aspirin, , caf- feine, tobacco as well as illegal drugs such as cocaine, speed & marijuana. Drugs like paracetamol (which you take when you have a headache), when used correctly can be useful and beneficial to humans. However, problems with “drugs” arise when they are misused.

While there are a number of references to alcohol in the Bible, there is nothing explicit about many of the other substances.

However there are some principles to keep in mind:

1) Christians are to submit to the laws and authorities of their society The Bible recognises the authority of governments as given by God, for the purpose of the good ordering of society ( Romans 13:1-5). As such, Christians should seek to submit to the rules and regulations set by governments. Thus, if a government determines certain guidelines for the use of specific drugs, (for example, that marijuana is illegal), then Christians should respect the authority and decision of the government and obey that law.

2) Followers of Jesus need to consider the effects of their actions on others For example, consider a Christian deciding whether to have a glass of with their dinner. One glass probably won’t get them drunk, and if they are over 18, then they are legally allowed to have it. But they also need to consider if having the glass of wine would be unhelpful for others – if they were having a recovering alcoholic over for dinner, then having the glass of wine could be unhelpful for the guest – and so the Christian should abstain for the good of the other person. The thinking should not be simply what I can do, but what is the loving thing to do for others.

3) We are to live Godly lives One of the many problems with drugs is how they affect our self control & behaviour. The Bible encour- ages us to live "peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness". This kind of life, the Bible says " is good, and pleases God our Saviour" (1 Timothy 2:1-3). Paul talks about a similar issue when he says "Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit." (Ephesians 5:18)

4) Taking drugs can lead to all sorts of other problems It doesn't take long to look around society and see the problems that drug taking causes. Drug taking can lead to anger and violence, the need to sustain the habit can lead to burglary and other crimes, and the toll on the body can lead to organ failure, mental illness, and death.

So, there are some priniciples that help us to work out how to live in the specifics of our day to day living. We need to be wise as we make decisions and this wisdom comes from God (James 1:1-27). So let me en- courage you to read the Bible, soak up these biblical principles of living and then ask God to help you wisely decide how to live.

(this article is based on a Q&A topic. Thanks to ) Children’s Bible Quiz

1. What is the symbol of God’s promise to Noah? 2. How many of each type of animal did Noah have on the ark?

3. What food do we ask God to give us in the Lord’s Prayer? Answers: 1. Rainbow; 2. Two; 3. Bread. Bread. 3. Two; 2. Rainbow; 1. Answers: HELPER CALENDAR

November 5 12 19 26

Ushers Milo Poppen Gloria Singleterry Allen Fawce Chuck Krieger Richard Keefer Diana Reid Ma Frogner Murvel Stone Bart Reid Deborah George Richard Paerson Kruse Tom Selby

Acolyte Katelyn Werner Jane Arterberry Peter Mora-Stevens Jackson Arterberry

Communion Mickey Cate Chuck Krieger Jeff & Lorilee Cronn Margaret Rierson Assistants Kristie Werner Susan Arterberry Diana Reid

Readers Diana Reid Eileen Wiedrich Jane Arterberry Helen Dixon

Flowers Eileen Wiedrich McFarland & Hirsch Bob & Nancy Hargi LaVonne Priester Family’s SocialTime Leftover pies from Stone & Nissly ZLCW Hosts Dinner, Youth Computer Operator Lori Fawce Cheryl Steinhebel Eileen Wiedrich Jeanee Kmetic Mowing Ma Frogner Blake Coomes Ron Rohde Clark Smith Volunteers Lane Courtney John Wicklund

Altar Guild - Susan Arterberry, Phyllis Heagle

God’sblessingstoourmembers celebrating birthdays ! Ifyourbirthdayis notlistedorisincorrect, ANNIVERSARIES pleasecalltheofficeat 5036564437.Thanks! 11/10Bob&MargaretRierson 11/10BarbHalverson 11/10Duane&BevHirsch 11/3LindaMyers 11/13EileenWiedrich 11/12Tom&RuthSelby 11/4SusanHines 11/16AshleyBennett 11/6RobertHudak 11/20HazelBroderick 11/7LaVonnePriester 11/17TawnyaWiese 11/8GloriaSingleterry 11/28DiannaRobinson

6 November 2017 Zion Lutheran Church

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 9:30AM & 6:00PM Frank Holecz Weight Watchers 1:00PM Quilters Service 12:00PM

6:30PM Choir

5 HOLY COMMUNION 6 7 8 9 10 11 8:45AM “First Cup” 10:30AM Worship 9:30AM & 6:00PM Turkey Dinner and 10:00AM Worship & Committee 1:00PM Quilters Weight Watchers Auction hosted by Sunday School, Fellowship 1:00PM Cards for Christ Youth 4:30-6:30PM Food Sunday 6:30PM Choir

12 HOLY COMMUNION 13 14 15 16 17 18 8:45AM “First Cup” 6:30pm Council 1:00PM Quilters 9:30AM & 6:00PM 10:00AM Worship & Meeting Weight Watchers Sunday School, Fellowship 6:30PM Choir 10:30AM Bible Study 3:00PM Alexis Kruse 7:00PM Rock Club Newsletter Deadline Wedding 19 HOLY COMMUNION 20 21 22 23 24 25 8:45AM “First Cup” 1:00PM Quilters 10:00AM Worship & Sunday School, Fellowship 7:00PM Thanksgiving Service at Zion

26 HOLY COMMUNION 27 28 29 30 8:45AM “First Cup” Fill A Stocking 10:00AM Worship , deadline Sunday School, Fellowship

Zion Lutheran Church Non-Profit Org Postage Paid 720 Jefferson St. Oregon City, Oregon Permit No.3 Oregon City, OR 97045

Return Service Requested TIME MATERIAL November, 2017

Zion Lutheran Church Office Hours Monday-Thursday 8:00am-1:00pm Pastor John’s Office Hours Monday-Thursday 9:00am-1:00pm and by appointment

NEWSLETTER DEADLINE: Thursday, November 16th

2017ZionChurchStaff 2017ZionChurchCouncil

President: TomSelby Learning: KellyCourtney Phone:(503)6564437 VicePresident: JeffCronn JeanetteKmetic Pastor: Rev.JohnW.Stevens Secretary: DeborahGeorge Service: JeffCronn Worship: NancyHargitt Support: TerriHammond Admin.Assist: LaVonnePriester RuthSelby Organist: NancyBurkhow Witness: CherySteinhebel Pianist JaneShull HelenDixon DirectorofMusic:GeraldSkeels AshleyBennett Website: Email [email protected]