The Zion Messenger November, 2017 UsingOurGiftsTogetherandSharingGod’sGrace Greetings Saints of God, Thank you! Thank you for being the people you are, and Thank you for having the desire to push yourselves to be the people that God desires us to be. In the Spirit of the Reformation, this both/and is crucial to our understanding of our life in faith. Fully redeemed and in the same breath, fully in need of redemption. So, thank you for being people of faith and people who belong to Christ. Thank you! Powerful words that move us from a spirit of getting to a spirit of gratitude. Those two words, “Thank you,” help us claim the most important aspect of our faith: Christ alone has done this for us, and our response is to be one of gratitude. Thank you, Jesus. As I think of this act of giving thanks, the story of the ten lepers cleansed comes to mind, from the gospel of Luke. Jesus heals ten lepers. This is an amazing story, and every single one of them is healed. The text says that one leper turns back to say, “Thank you,” and for that leper, it made all the difference in the world. As the leper says, “Thanks,” Jesus response is, “Your faith had made you well.” Notice that? He doesn’t say, “Your faith has healed you.” Jesus has already done that. But in the act of noticing, of lifting up this act of healing, in this act of gratitude, something shifts for the leper, and Jesus says, “You have been made well.” In this season of Thanksgiving, take time to notice the places in your life that you have to be thankful. It will look different for different people, but we all have places where we can lift up the gift of gratitude. One way we give thanks is at our Thanksgiving Eve service, which Zion will host this year at 7:00 p.m. Prince of Life, St. Paul’s and Oregon City Methodist will join us in lifting up our thanks to God. Oh, and we end with pie. Always good to end with pie. So, in that spirit, I say to you, “Thank you!” I am grateful for you, Zion Lutheran. Living in the Amazing Grace of God, Pastor John Rev. John W. Stevens, Pastor 720 Jefferson St ~ Oregon City, OR 97045 ~503.656.4437 ~www.zionlutheranelca.org Readingsforthemonth Sunday,November5AllSaintsSunday Micah 3:5-12; Psalm 43; 1 Thessalonians 2:9-13; Matthew 23:1-12 Sunday,November1223rdSundayafterPentecost Amos 5:18-24; Psalm 70; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Matthew 25:1-13 Sunday,November1924hSundayafterPentecost Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18; Psalm 90:1-12; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11; Matthew 25:14-30 Sunday,November26ChristtheKing Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24; Psalm 95:1-7a; Ephesians 1:15-23; Matthew 25:31-46 6. Malachi; 7. Aramaic; 8. Esther; 9.Tamar; 10. War 10. 9.Tamar; Esther; 8. Aramaic; 7. Malachi; 6. Can you find the hidden Fish? 3. Ahab, King of Israel; 4. Lot’s wife; 5. Oprah; Oprah; 5. wife; Lot’s 4. Israel; of King Ahab, 3. Somewhere in this newsletter is the fish 1. Gopher wood; 2. 120 years; years; 120 2. wood; Gopher 1. Bible trivia answers: answers: trivia Bible symbol shown below. It could be large or small, black or white, in a picture or article. See who in your family can Dandelion Christians locate it first!! Christians should be more like dandelions. Out sunny yel- low faces should be a reminder that the simple faith has The Lutheran Choral Association deep roots that are impossible to dislodge. Presents its Our vast numbers should show the world 80th Annual Concert Season that even though we are not fancy or pam- November 5, 2017, 4:00PM pered, we are evident everywhere, even in the best neighorhoods. Janice Kemp Pilgrim Lutheran Church 5650 SW Hall Boulevard, Beaverton Sunday schedule is back to fall times. 8:45 - “First Cup.” Join us as we talk about the Gospel of Mark, and share a cup of coffee downstairs. 10:00 - Worship with Communion Kids Sunday School, with the kids coming back at the sharing of the peace, for communion. The Sluggard Thursday November 16 10:30AM (Coffee will be served) Proverbs 6:6-8; 13:4; 15:19; 22:13; 24:30-34; 26:14-16 By William Mouser When you want to avoid an odious chore or an irksome project, what is your favorite excuse for doing so? All are encouraged to come—men also! Zion Lutheran Church Council Meeng October 10, 2017 Present : Helen Dixon, Tom Selby, Ruth Selby, Ashley Benne, Jeff Cronn, Deborah George, Cheryl Steinhebel, Terri Hammond and Jeanee Kmec. Absent: Nancy Hargi, Kelly Courtney, Pastor John Call to Order : Meeng called to order at 6:30 by Tom Selby Devoons: Tom Selby led devoons with a reading from Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work Minutes: August minutes were approved Treasurer’s Report: Income for September was down, but year to date income connues on budget. The Youth trip to Texas fund balance is $6506. Zion will be registering 5 people for the trip – 4 youth and Pastor John. Council approved using any funds remaining in the connuing educaon budget from 2017 to parally pay for Pastor John’s registraon fee. Old Business: Audit Commiee: Ashley will schedule a meeng of the Audit commiee to conduct the audit. The com- miee needs addional volunteers. Council discussed the need to conduct the audit earlier next year so that the findings can be implemented in a mely fashion. Council Vacancies: There will be six open posions to fill for the 2018 Zion Church Council. Volunteers are encouraged to contact Pastor John, Eileen Wiedrich or Nancy Combs. Five council members will be connuing through December 2018. Budget Commiee : The budget commiee will meet will meet in October to begin work on the 2018 budget. Commiee leaders were encouraged to review their current budget to see if any changes are needed. New Business: Budget Meeng: Zion’s yearly budget meeng will be held on December 3, 2017 a er Sunday Service. Annual Meeng: Zion’s Annual meeng will be held on January 14, 2018 a er Sunday Service. 2018 Calendar of Events: Ashley suggested that council schedule dates in January for our annual acvies like Gods Work, Our Hands, the Halloween party, and Harvest Fesval. Council agreed that it would be an excellent idea to preschedule dates and publish them on our website. We will add this to our January council agenda. Commiee Reports: Learning: Halloween party will be held October 28. Bingo prize donaons are needed. Turkey dinner and aucon are scheduled for November 11, 2017. Donaons have been requested from the congregaon. There will be a silent and oral aucon. Funds raised will go to the youth trip to Texas. Service: No report. Witness: Cheryl reported that Amazing meals has ended. There is a new project that will be in conjuncon with Love, INC centered on providing people in need a place to work for vouchers that allow them to buy Christmas gi s for their children. Worship: Peter Stevens will be confirmed on Reformaon Sunday, October 29. Youth will be in charge of the Sunday Worship Service on October 22. Plans are being made for Thanksgiving Eve service. There will not be mid-week Advent services this year. The children’s Christmas program will be held on December 17. Christmas Eve falls on Sunday this year. There will be a music program at 6:30 and a service at 7:00. Pastor Report : Posted on bullen board outside of office. Closed with prayer at 7:45 PM Next Council Meeng – November 14, 2017 Respecully submied by Deborah George *If unable to attend council meeting please contact church office. Maintenance Meeting October 16, 2016 Pam Bloom, Jeff Cronn, Allen Fawce, Mark Hammond, Eileen Wiedrich 1. COMPLETED TASK IN AUGUST/SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER OUTSIDE: Flower bed by reader board weeded Railings repainted black Removed Amazing Meals signs Outside drains by Kraxberger Hall and downstairs kitchen were cleaned Outside light changed in stairwell outside of Kraxberger Kitchen, bolt inserted in switch to keep on for security purposes. South side of Sunday school painted and windows caulked where needed. Renailed guers on south side of Sunday School INSIDE: Wuest Fellowship room painted and carpeted Wuest Kitchen painted and cleaned New faucet installed in Wuest kitchen Furniture removed from Ylvisaker room in preparaon of LOVE Inc. Bells stored in closet off of Wuest Room Choir set up in Wuest room and closet behind elevator Painted around air condioner in Pastor’s office Women’s bathroom toilet repaired a er a burst pipe and flooding on main floor of S.S. building Stairwell maintenance closet cleaned and organized New narthex doors and Kraxberger door installed. Narthex doors and Kraxberger door painted inside and out 2. SHORT TERM PROJECTS TO COMPLETE IN OCT./NOV./DECEMBER OUTSIDE: Extend awning in courtyard to keep drain from flooding - Pam Weed and “Preen” flowerbeds - Eileen INSIDE: Purchase and install new furnace in Sunday School building - Mark contact S&J Heang Remove non funconing speakers in nursery - Mark Repair toilets in Women’s bathroom on main floor - Allen 3. LONG TERM PROJECTS: OUTSIDE: Bids on Sunday School Building roof - Jeff Sprinkler system repair - B & B in the fall (for now turn off courtyard area) - Pam Seal cracks in parking lot Repair sidewalks INSIDE: Fix le flooring - Mark and Allen New flooring on main floor hallway of Sunday School Building - Mark get bid Paint office workroom and main floor hallway Strip and Wax hall flooring - Allen Paint and update/remodel Kraxberger Hall Connuing developing manual - Eileen NEXT MEETING: January 8, 4:00 PM Enjoy the Convenience of Electronic Giving Zion Lutheran Church wants to remind you that we offer electronic giving as a way to automate your regular weekly offering.
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