Student Peace Awards Presented Catherine Soto, Senior, Lee High School: I’M So Glad to Be a Part of the Club Senior and Junior High School Students Honored

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Student Peace Awards Presented Catherine Soto, Senior, Lee High School: I’M So Glad to Be a Part of the Club Senior and Junior High School Students Honored Follow on Twitter: @LFSConnection on Twitter: Follow Siedeen Ahmed, Classifieds, Page 9 Classifieds, Senior, South v County High School, pictured with Vice-Chair of the Fairfax Coun- ty Board of Su- pervisors Penny Gross (D-Mason District), is one of the recipients of the 2020 Student Peace Awards of Entertainment, Page 8 v Fairfax County. Student Peace Opinion, Page 4 Awards Presented News, Page 3 Biden Wins in Virginia Primary Results, Page 5 Wellbeing Page 6 Requested in home 3-6-20 home in Requested Person of Interest material. sensitive Time Attention Postmaster: Postmaster: Attention ECR WSS ECR Identified in Customer Postal permit #322 permit Easton, MD Easton, Hit-and-Run Crash PAID U.S. Postage U.S. News, Page 7 STD PRSRT Photo by Mercia Hobson/The Connection by Mercia Hobson/The Photo March 5-11, 2020 online at 2 ❖ Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ March 5-11, 2020 Connection Editor Kemal Kurspahic 703-778-9414 or News Viewpoints What Do Award Recipients Say? Photos by Mercia Hobson/The Connection Salwa Zahid, Senior, West Springfield High School: Having been to a war-torn country myself and seen the Family, friends devastating effects of war, I and loved ones am glad to be having a pack the com- positive impact on others’ munity center lives around the world. By at the 2020 organizing drives, fundraisers, Student Peace and raising awareness about Awards of the conflicts around the world Fairfax County. and their effects on the civilians, we are not only bringing peace to the lives of those affected by war but also calling for an end to those wars. Student Peace Awards Presented Catherine Soto, Senior, Lee High School: I’m so glad to be a part of the club Senior and junior high school students honored. best buddies because it spreads inclusion, which is By Mercia Hobson Development class that taught social skills, decision- something society should The Connection making, and coping strategies for difficult or con- value. I’m very honored to fusing situations. “Peers model communication skills receive this award and he 2020 Student Peace Awards of Fairfax as they listen to students talk about their interests represent this club that County, held Sunday, March 1, recognized and concerns. They then help the students in the class encourages peace. Thigh school junior and senior students at remain calm and focused,” Fisher said. 24 public and two private high schools in the county who made a positive contribution to Sarah Gu is a Senior at McLean High their school or wider community by promoting mu- School. When she visited her family in China there tual understanding and respect for all people. Held the last five summers, she offered the children free at the Stacy C. Sherwood Community Center in lessons in English and current affairs. According to Fairfax, sponsors, family and friends celebrated the Fisher, Gu eventually grew her program into an or- accomplishments of the recipients at a public recep- ganization called “The Windows,” which served over tion. 600 children. Last fall, organizers asked the schools’ principals to nominate one outstanding student or student At Oakton High School, Fisher said that Siedeen Ahmed, Senior, group for the award, proactively seeking a likely Roudah Chaker put in hundreds of volunteer hours South County High nominee. This year’s recipients worked as peacemak- packing meals, participating in back-to-school drives School: Change can only ers in a variety of settings according to emcee, Mar- for orphanages, distributing needed items to the come about if we start it first. garet Fisher, who during her remarks at Sunday’s homeless, and raising $3000 for Syrian refugees. “She reception gave a brief overview of each student’s ac- is also active politically, working to correct policies complishment. that directly harm those who want to come to the According to Fisher, in Vienna at Cedar Lane U.S. for its promise of peace,” said Fisher. High School, Senior Sage Quick and Junior Will LaWalt volunteered to serve as peers in a Personal See Peace Awards, Page 5 From left: Vice-Chair of the Fairfax County Board of Renee Ritchey, Senior, Supervisors Penny Gross Fairfax High School: The (D-Mason District), Chair of reason I’m so involved in the Fairfax County School advocacy is that people tell Board Karen Corbett Sand- me I shouldn’t care. Well, I ers (Mount Vernon), U.S. figure that if you don’t care, Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-11), you aren’t paying attention Fairfax County School enough. Be a part of the Board Members Karen solution, even if people try Keys-Gamarra (At-Large) and label you as “angry.” That and Melanie Meren (Hunter “anger” is the drive and Mill District). passion for making the world a better place. Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ March 5-11, 2020 ❖ 3 Fairfax Station, Opinion Lorton & Clifton Work Is Not Yet Done @LFSCConnection By Kenneth R. “Ken” Plum An independent, locally owned weekly promise to clean up the environ- annually. Most states have dropped the require- newspaper delivered to State Delegate (D-36) ment. How should we get to a ment. Would every other year be adequate? homes and businesses. cleaner economy in the state? With gasoline tax revenues declining as au- Published by he General Assembly is What should be the timeline on tomobiles get more mileage per gallon, should Local Media Connection LLC in the final week of its environmental legislation as ex- the gas tax be increased to make up for the 1606 King Street Tscheduled 60-day an perts advise us on the impending loss? Or should cars be taxed on the distance Alexandria, Virginia 22314 nual session—sched- climate change crisis? Are con- they travel in a year? And what about electric uled to adjourn sine die on March sumers willing to pay more to get vehicles that do not burn any gas? Should we Free digital edition delivered to your email box. Go to 7. The session has already made cleaner electricity? be making a greater investment in our trans- history with the actions that have How strict should background portation infrastructure? been taken, and that history will checks be for firearm transfers? A Should a constitutional amendment be ap- be added to in its last week. Resolution of re- slim majority support my bill to require a back- proved setting up an independent redistrict- NEWS DEPARTMENT: maining issues will determine just how historic ground check on all firearm transfers. Others ing commission or is there another way to try the session will be and how are vehement about having background checks make sure districts can be drawn fairly with- Kemal Kurspahic Commentary strong the forces of “we for only firearm purchases. Should compro- out incumbents alone picking their voters? Editor ❖ 703-778-9414 have always done it this mises be made on gun safety measures de- I have made my views public on these and way” are. signed to reduce gun-related violence? other issues over the years. In a legislative ses- Andrea Worker A majority of both the House and the Senate Should public employees be allowed to bar- sion all views must be considered: urban, sub- Contributing Writer members agree that the minimum wage should gain with local governments on the conditions urban, rural; Democratic, Republican, Social- be increased—actually should have been in- and compensation for employment? Or should ist (there is one); conservative, moderate, lib- Jean Card creased years ago. The current minimum of they only be able to meet and discuss their eral; etc. In most instances a compromise can Production Editor $7.25 is an embarrassment. But discussions wages and conditions with local governments be reached in conference committees such as continue to be held on how much the increase with no power to bargain? Should all employ- those that are now meeting. Other issues will should be. Should there be incremental in- ees be required to pay dues to unions that are be put off for another year. Regardless of what ADVERTISING: creases over time? Should increases be state- representing their interests? happens with remaining issues, the 2020 ses- For advertising information wide or regional? What jobs should the in- How often should vehicles have a safety in- sion will go down in history as truly a remark- e-mail: crease cover? spection? For many years the requirement was able one with the many tough issues that have 703-778-9431 Almost every member ran for office with a twice annually. Most recently it has been once already been resolved. Steve Hogan Letters to the Editor Display Advertising, 703-778-9418 Debbie Funk Coronavirus Update - Message from the Superintendent - March 2 National Sales 703-778-9444 Dear Parents and Staff, students to wash their hands. We keep schools open and operating to this webpage: FCPS coronavirus- are reinforcing with our custodial while providing a clean and safe update and additional information FCPS is working closely with the teams the importance of following environment during an outbreak is available from the Fairfax County David Griffin Fairfax County Health Department our standard cleaning protocols by and the essential functions that Health Department . Marketing Assistant 703-778-9431 to monitor the latest updates using hospital-grade disinfectants must be performed by FCPS if To date, FCPS has cancelled in- about the coronavirus (COVID- on frequently-touched surfaces schools are closed.
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