Final City of Santa Cruz Operations and Maintenance Habitat Conservation Plan
FINAL CITY OF SANTA CRUZ OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN for the ISSUANCE OF AN INCIDENTAL TAKE PERMIT UNDER SECTION 10(a)(1)(B) OF THE ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT Prepared for: City of Santa Cruz Prepared by: Ebbin, Moser + Skaggs LLP Hagar Environmental Science Dana Bland & Associates Entomological Consulting Services, Ltd. Kittleson Environmental Consulting Services Biotic Resources Group January 25, 2021 Photo: Laguna Creek California red-legged frog by Chris Berry Acknowledgements Many City of Santa Cruz staff, consultants, academic advisors and United States Fish and Wildlife Service staff shared in the development of this document and supporting materials over the course of over 20 years. Special gratitude should be expressed for the efforts of Sean Skaggs, Marc Ebbin, Donna Meyers, Bill Kocher, Terrill Tompkins, Rosemary Menard, Chris Coburn, Heidi Luckenbach, Mark Dettle, Siobhan O’neill, Hoi Yu, Scott Ruble, Tony Elliot, Travis Beck, Leslie Keedy, Noah Downing, Kirk Lenington, Juliana Rebagliati, Jim Keller, Matt Baldzikowski, Zeke Bean, Ryan Bassett, Kelleen Harter, Kristina Finstad, Randy Holloway, Laird Henkel, Jessica Martinez-McKinney, Jeremy Farr, Andy Werner, Dick Arnold, Jeff Hagar, Camm Swift, Sean Barry, Dana Bland, Gary Kittleson, Kathy Lyons, Jeff Smith, Jean Baldridge, Wayne Spencer, Stanley Gregory, Grey Hayes, Peter Kareiva, Alan Launer, Peter Moyle, Terry Roelofs, Douglas Smith, Bruce Goldstein, Dave Pereksta, Lena Chang, Jake Martin, Chad Mitcham and Chris Berry. The completion of this document represents a significant milestone in the course of our City’s natural resources management and would not have been reached without their contributions and patient but passionate dedication to habitat conservation planning.
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