Structural Transformation, Adaptability and City Economic Evolutions An ESRC-Funded Research Project under the ESRC Urban Transformations Initiative WORKING PAPER 9 Case Study Report MIDDLESBROUGH-STOCKTON AND TEES VALLEY Emil Evenhuis Department of Geography, University of Cambridge
[email protected] February 2018 Acknowledgments: The research for this working paper was undertaken as part of a project funded by the ESRC (ES/N006135/1) into Structural Transformation, Adaptability and City Economic Evolutions, as part of its Urban Transformations Programme. We are grateful to the ESRC for its support. The full team on the project encompasses Ron Martin (University of Cambridge), Pete Tyler (University of Cambridge), David Bailey (Aston Business School, UK), Peter Sunley (University of Southampton), Andy Pike (Newcastle University), Ben Gardiner (University of Cambridge and Cambridge Econometrics), and Emil Evenhuis (University of Cambridge). This case study report is largely based on research carried out as part of my PhD-thesis ‘The Political Economy of Adaptation and Resilience in Old Industrial Regions: A Comparative Study of South Saarland and Teesside’ (Newcastle University, 2016). Special thanks are due to the participants in the roundtable in Stockton in March 2017; the people I interviewed for my earlier research on Teesside and/or who otherwise supported this research; and Andrew Lewis (Managing Director Tees Valley Combined Authority). Contents 1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................