Bygone Religions That Have Left Their Mark 2 on the West
CHAPTERC H A P Bygone Religions That Have Left Their Mark 2 on the West FactsFacts inin Brief SUMERO-AKKADIANSUMERO-A RELIGION SOURCES: For Celtic (Druid) religion: PPROMINENTROMI DEITIES: Ishtar, Tammuz, Marduk iconographic; classical authors R REPRESENTATIVEEPRES LITERATURE: For Teutonic religion: Eddas , Kalevala EEpicp of Creation, Epic of Gilgamesh CLASSICAL MAYA RELIGION G GREEKREEK AANDND ROMAN RELIGION PROMINENT DEITIES: Hunab Ku (Itzamna), P PROMINENTROM DEITIES: Zeus (Jupiter), Hera Chac, Ah Mun (Yum Kaax), Ixchel (J(Juno),u Aphrodite (Venus), Dionysus SOURCES: Glyph texts and iconographs from (B(Bacchus)B stelae, architecture, tombs (also sixteenth- L LITERATURE:ITERA Homer’s Iliad , Hesiod’s Theogony , century works by Europeans) ttheh Sibylline Books C CELTICELTIC AANDND TEUTONIC RELIGION PPROMINENTROM DEITIES: Brigit, Wodan, Thor, FFreyr,re Freyja Listen to the Chapter Audio on hen scores of local tribes coalesce into nations, from every quarter. Th e temporal and the changeful were the same elements that made up their primal always present. Nothing remained stable for long; the Wbeliefs and practices reappear in combined and pleasures of life had to be quickly snatched. more articulated forms. Developed religions do not with- Or let us state facts in this way: The prehistoric draw their roots from primal soil. And so we may be sure hunters and fi shers in the swamps at the conjunction of that there were higher beings not unlike the Mura-muras the Tigris and Euphrates rivers gave place to a culture of the Dieri, Raluvhimba of the BaVenda, and the Corn of villages, each with its temple; then villages, layer on Mother of the Cherokees among the predecessor primal layer, gave place to, or came under the dominance of, religions out of which Ishtar, Zeus, and Odin emerged as cities—Erech, Eridu, Lagash, Ur, Nippur, and others.
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