COMMUNITY CALENDAR: Ongoing and Upcoming Events, PAGE 17 International Mud Day PAGE 6 Orange Beach football camp The Islander PAGE 15 INSIDE JULY 11, 2018 | | 75¢ Possible renaming of County Road 8 By CRYSTAL COLE areas on both sides of County able name. struction of the Waterway
[email protected] Road 8 east and Village Multi-Modal Access the City taking over main- Also discussed at the work Project. Components of the One of Gulf Shores’ most tenance, City staff deter- session were: project will include a new Language learning traversed streets north of the mined County Road 8 should • A budget amendment road connecting HWY 59 to canal may soon be getting a be renamed as a city road. which would increase the proposed state bridge Thanks to the 2018 LSTA new name. City staff developed a list of general fund expenses by east of the airport, a major Grant, the Orange Beach At its most recent City names as well as surveyed $35,000 from 2018 Amend- pedestrian bridge over the Public Library has re- Council work session, Gulf residents via Facebook, and ment 2, which was passed Intracoastal Waterway, im- cently added an impressive Shores discussed changing the recommended name is last month. provements to the Aviation amount of materials to the name of County Road 8 Coastal Gateway Boulevard. • Authorize staff to pursue and Business Park, new their language learning col- East to Coastal Gateway Bou- Baldwin County 911 agency BUILD Grant funding from connections from HWY 59 lections. To read more, see levard.