Stoke Orchard and Tredington Newsletter May 2020 A Monthly Message If ever there is a time to ple who were helping to see faith in action, this is take care of others and it! Faith is not something were busy rebuilding and we have on Sundays in restoring, said: "There. church; faith is something There is God." we have seven days a week, Times like these make it 24 hours a day. Faith is clear that we are all affect- what inspires our thoughts ed in different ways. And and actions. And there are no-one has all the answers so many community initia- individually, but together tives and actions in place we can bring a huge at present, which is truly amount of care and ideas something to give thanks to help each other through. for! It seems that in all Thank you all for every- places communities are thing you are doing. Signs coming together to take of hope and faith in action. care of each other, and es- Peace and blessings to you pecially of those who are all, Ilse' the most vulnerable. It makes me think of some- thing I read a while ago about the aftermath of a disaster. Looking at the devastation, people asked each other: "Where was God?" And someone else, pointing towards the peo- Tredington Flower Festival 2007— St Georges Day April 23rd. IMPORTANT Parish Council News April 2020.
[email protected]. Parish Council Meetings In Covid-19 Times In accordance with the latest instructions from the Government, ad- vice from the National Association of Local Councils (NALC), the So- ciety of Local Council Clerks (SLCC) and Gloucestershire Association of Parish and Town Councils (GAPTC), the decision to suspend Stoke Orchard and Tredington Parish Council meetings until fur- ther notice has been taken.