Clergy Pastor: Rev. Mark Lomax Parochial Vicar: Rev. Chris Zavackis Deacons: Steve Cohan, Jay Frantz, Our Lady of the Lake Andrew Raspino Sunday Mass Schedule Roman Catholic Church Saturday Vigil March 18, 2018 4:00 PM Church Sunday Fifth Sunday of Lent 7:30 AM Church 9:00 AM Chotin Center with Children’s Liturgy (ages 3-6) 10:30 AM Chotin Center with Children’s Liturgy (ages 3-6) 12 Noon Church 6:30 PM Church LENT with Interpreter for the Deaf Weekday Mass Schedule Monday-Friday 9:00 AM Church Monday-Thursday 5:15 PM Church Saturday 8:00 AM Church Reconciliation Times Monday-Thursday 4:30 - 5:00 PM Saturday 3:00 - 3:45 PM or by appointment A Time Of Parish Life Center Hours Regular Hours Monday-Friday: 9 AM-4 PM Prayer, Fasting Summer (Memorial Day-July) Monday-Friday: 9 AM-1 PM and Almsgiving Adoration Chapel Open 24 hours next to the Church Connect with us Phone: (985) 626-5671 Fax: (985) 626-5422 Our Lady of the Lake Mission Statement Web: Email:
[email protected] Bound by a unifying love of Christ and one another, Twitter : @ollparish we share the Good News of the Gospel Instagram: @ollparish through prayer, Eucharist, education and service. Facebook: OurLadyoftheLake RomanCatholicChurch 312 Lafitte Street, Mandeville, LA 70448 March 18, 2018 5th Sunday of Lent Saved By God’s Love Today’s Readings Because the people broke the old covenant, God promised a new First Reading: I will place my law covenant, not in the blood of oxen and other animals, but in the blood of within them and write it upon their the Son, Jesus Christ.