THE EVENING STAR gation to Russia on cultural B-12 Wellington, 0. C., Thunder, September 17, 1959 exchange, with Mrs. John- Our Annual ston. in sequined apricot lace, TOOTH STAINS READERS CLEARING HOUSE - and Mr. Donald David, phair- tosacco corni man of the Ford Foundation. KING-SIZI Door Q33 •» rstommnndscA L. M In addition to Ambassador Want* to Cloan Shower Groores WEE WOMEN by dentists l« remove \*/ dalas * a— Ci_: n 1.1. BIDDING Few Sly Remarks Menshikov, the other Rus- Mn. M. O. H: Annandale living ifwvw ivwin* vivin*i*w iPvifi Lk*L kfiiskl X-.| ~. J._X..I ' slang present were Messrs. V. Over a year ago we had glass sliding shower doors in- ivwa vriyni, iwwi wwrvuwnvi. over Soap water run down doors P. Yelutin, A. Zhukov, stalled the bathtub. and the O. V. grooves or that the doors operate on. and K4pZ£Z49U79t Passed at Dinner Yemelyanov, Tikho- into the slot SALE 8. N. A. although there are openings for this water to run out into the It iVete In Praymi Contianed Fran Pace B-7 lon in a short red silk dinner nov. A. M. Markov. A. A. Sol- tub, a part of it stays at the bottom of the groove to form a wife, who was in a long green . datov, O. T. Bhulski, V. 8. black scum. THE with matching chiffon AMERICAN AMBASSA- Lebedev, O. A. Troyanovskl, \ I have found that a sponge although absorbent, is too to get into thk tiny stole: Secretary of Commerce DOR TO THE USSR and Mrs. A. 8. Shevchenko, P. A. Sat- thick and Secretary of Thompson were there, she in grooves and a piece of cloth Jigsaw. She cut the shapes Mueller yukov and L. F. Illchev. Health. Education and Wel- a pale blue satin dress; the gets too soggy to do any good. free hand, using her imagi- "That reminds me, have began Paper toweling usually shapes dear; fare and Mrs. Flemming. Chief of Protocol and Mrs. After the meal that crum- nation. Bome of the you daily 4113 Wilson Slvd., Arlington, with fresh caviar—the Rus- bles up and has to be poked were chairs, hands, animals, had your apple Va. The chairman of the Sen- Buchanan the latter in a today?” —7 jawautv JA. 5-9117 gown; sians said they brought AO out with a bobby pin. etc. ate Foreign Relations Com- light green bouffant lla C. I. Long end Sen ftt. 1901 pounds plane Fulbrlght Acting Assistant Secretary of of it in the I either have to dash in She used a material which mittee and Mrs. with them—the men retired when to with Undersecretary State and Mrs. Poy Kohler, showers are finished was similar sheets of rub- ago, neglected arrived to small drawing room and mop up ber pasting. time but to of Dillon, Mrs. roving Ambassador Eric the excess water as cement for the cut it out the State and Mrs. adjoining “The Golden Hall” Best as possible, or spend an She secured this through the at time. Fulbrlght in a short, bouffant Johnston who was chairman went to the Thank you very and the women day week cleaning office where she works and • *much. printed taffeta and Mrs. Dil- of the State Department dele- hour one a *• room at the far end of the a scummy groove. Neither is I have never been able to regular dining room for cof- practical. And this in retail stores. This Crochet Books fee and liqueurs. I would certainly appreci- material somes between , Mrs. C. B„ Washington PRESIDENTIAL BOOIIrVv AMBASSADOR MENSHI- ate any suggestions anyone sheets of oiled paper. The I am interested in pur- [f preaenie KOV had said that ordinarily has to offer. oiled paper is peeled back a chasing or borrowing two Russian men and women do By the way. I still Wouldn’t little at a time, as it is being crochet books. I was wonder- Your separate after placed THE DINNER OF \ not meals—- trade the shower doors for a on the flberboard. ing if any of the readers If "the women do not allow us 10-year-supply of shower cur- A roller is used to roll out could help me. they \ to do so”—but this time tains. air bubbles. Then the They are Star Books No. THE MONTH •• e e layer of oiled paper is peeled (Ruffled Doilies) thru fall would. 59 and No. Prepared end Snrvnd under tha Pnrnonel J Sidney orchestra off and the picture is placed ¦ and his 44. I wrote to the company songs Jigsaw again. Supervision of Chef Macerotlo played Russian folk Re: Pussies on and rolled but they have been discon- Beautifully detailed and classical music and mod- L. H.. If any readers know where tinued. songs in addi- To Mrs. I. J. P„ Foils Church this material may be pur- rayon faille suit that em Russian I would be very pleased if tion to favorite tunes of the An artist friend of mine chased. I would appreciate someone could help me locate crosses the seasons in President during dinner, but made Jigsaw puzzles from knowing. these two books. Please con- there was no special musi- calendar pictures using Va- (Editor's Note: Could L.H. tact me through RCH. f foshion. Self-covered dinner. please send full address?) •* • • % / / cal program after in. fiberbosrd and an electric sees 11 Croute «u Fat Ms The Ambassador explained ' buttons, jewel trim, Antique Cup 1 Chicken / that there were no Soviet Williamsburg. Va. W. W., Washington Merle-Antoinette country at Mrs. C. flattering slimness of artists in the this Mrs. J. A. F., Falls Church Can anyone tell me where API au Sherry time. Would some kind reader can buy an antique cup in line. Expresso brown or Miss I ¦ Oreen Fees Although it had been hoped Gifford who has been to Williams- Copeland China, "Spode’s ¦ ¦ I burg, party would end Va.. please tell me to Tower,” blue and white? 'lfl Potatoes Farlelenne VI that the Urges Bible whom you would write to early Thank you. somewhat because of make hotel or motel reserva- Sales Vinaigrette the Khrushchevs' early de- Reading tions? go for Baked Alaska parture this morning for New Gifford, pres- We wish to there /^l Miss Chloe coming Christmas holi- York, it was after 11 before ident of the General Federa- the Clubs, has days. How far in advance Newlyweds the men rejoined the women tion of Women's should reservations be \ SIZES 42-52 urged ob- the and the Eisenhowers made all clubwomen to made? Leave for serve National Bible Week you. their departure. 19-25. Thank October •• • • The Soviet party willreturn "The trials and challenges University here on the 24th. Perhaps by that face our Christian civ- Williams Furniture Mr. and Mrs. Russell M. that time there will be less ilization today are fraught Mrs. J. W. W„ Springfield King, Jr., whose marriage B It's Always Smart to Say: K t S2®iJ OIUUWI SHOO Order. ragweed in the air and Mr. Uy with danger,” Miss Gifford To Mrt. J. B. S„ Adelphi was announced recently, have "meet snow Gromyko will longer suffer 1 W ms at The Mayflower" ¦ M no response your in- \ said. In to left for the University of from hay fever. Dr. Howard “Today," she continued, quiry about Williams Furni- Virginia where the bride- W* Hm Larger Worn** phy- Sltsderiz* Snyder, the President’s States is ture in patina maple finish; groom will continue his law went to Blair House "the United the company 716 11th St. N.W. sician. strongest and most powerful the address of the studies. yesterday to treat the Soviet is Williams Furniture Corp., Among the parties given Between end H Streets BE. 7-9732 the nation on earth. But no mat- G Foreign Minister for al- ter how strong or how pow- Sumter,'S. C. for them before their de- lergy. erful we are—unless we re- The company calls this parture was a reception by turn to the great spiritual "Middleton Collection” in Mr. and Mrs. Albert F legacy by "Harvest Toned Maple.” at their on THE PRESIDENTIAL ROOM left us our found- sees Adams home fy 6807 WISCONSIN. BITHISPA • Open Thun. fr Fri. 'Til 9 P.M. ing fathers—we cannot en- Quesada street N.W. If Open from 11:30 AM Monday thru Saturday y dure. Furniture Polish The bride, the former Serving Luncheon and Dinner Closed Sunday * Washington Mary Anne Homer, was a "In these days of tensions Mrs. V. M. J.. V CONNECTICUT AVENUE AND DE and escapism, a brief period Will someone please sub- 1957 debutante and attended SALES STREET A of Bible reading each morn- mit the recipe for furniture Sweet Briar College. Bhe is Vk Reservations: District 7-3000 jy yagß&M laalt V ing can bring peace and a polish which is used on the the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Forking Always Available in the • \>N. ivviv > feeling of well being through- furniture in the exhibition Alexander Mahood Homer. v_Mayflower Hotel Garage out the day,” Miss Gifford buildings in Williamsburg? Mr. King is the son of Col. V^'V said. I saw it in the RCH some and Mrs. King of Arlington. IJ.9S . Stores Open Late Tonight Fridoy—Washington,-9:30 to 6; Arlington, 10 to 9:30

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