December 10, 1943
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HAPPY NEW YEAR Z 776 E tablished 1922 8 Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia, Friday, Deceinber 10, 1943 Vol. XX. No. 18 Bound Letters Announcement Stratford Presents "Brief Music" Are Presented BOARDING STUDENTS Every boarding student will With Harris And Suttle Directing To Professors receive a pink registration card when she checks in at the Dean Comedy Takes Seven Girls Through Bull Sessions, Volume Includes Letters of Women's office after the holi- Love Life Discussions, Bridge Games, And Suicide From Officials, College days. This card admits her to » Presidents, Educators classes for the Winter Quarter, The Stratford Dramatic club presents as its first performance of the beginning Tuesday, January 4, current season a sentimental comedy, Brief Music tonight at 8:00 p. m. In A large number of friends of Miss 1944, and should be shown to the Wilson Hall auditorium. i Elizabeth P. Cleveland and Dr. John the instructor in each class on The play is directed by Miss Ainslie Harris and Marie Suttle, Stratford W. Wayland sent them letters of con- Tuesday, January 4, and Wed- president, as her assistant. gratulation and appreciation on the nesday, January 5. Involves Seven Girls occasion of last Friday, when they Every boarding student re- Emmet Lauery's comedy which takes seven girls through bull sessions, were honored at the college. These turning on Tuesday, January 4, love life discussions, bridge games, and an attempt by one of the girls to letters were compiled in a book ap- and thereafter, must call at the commit suicide in three years of college life. proximately the size of the college Registrar's office for her regis- Things In this play will have an Schoolma'am, which was bound in tration card. appeal to Madison students because purple leather and will later be litho- DAY STUDENTS Christmas Books they reflect life in a typical woman's graphed in gold. Every day students must call college. Those persons who sent the letters at the Registrar's office for her Are On Display Edwina Jane Skinner, from Wat- were largely former students, pres- pink registration card before at- The Christ Child, as told by Mat- kins Glen, New York, plays the part sl-^ent an4 Jprmer members of the col- tending classes for the Winter thew and Luke and edited by Maud of Drizzle, the poet Of the group, lege stair, ano~educators of Virginia Quarter, „ beginning Tuesday, Miska Petersham is one of the books who, because she isn't more like the and other states. There were also January 4, 1944. featured in the Christmas book dis- other girts in the group, attempts letters from public officials including HELEN M. FRANK, play to be held from December 11 suicide. Governor Darden, Senator Byrd, and -« Registrar. through the eighteenth in the Li- J . Representative Robertson. brary Science Wassroom of the Li- Clougherty Plays "Spin"' olle e " Bette Clougherty, from^ Timber- , rf.. „ . A Tliose, S £ presidents who sent. brary. ^» ville, plays Alexander ("lpftf>rI.'She's " "* letters were: Dr. Bowman, president Sigma Phi Lambda The Petershams, through their pic- the class president, the group leader, of Bridgewater college; Dr. Ran- tures in this book, endeavor to show charming, well-liked, and practical. dolph, president of Hollins college; Sponsors Project the spirit of the Holy Lord as the Dr. Peters, president of Farmville Rosalie Moore, who has recently - "... And to provide wide social background of the life of Jesus. State Teacher's college; Dr. Combs, moved to Lynchburg, is Lovey who, experience for its members." This, Through scriptures found in Isaiah, president of Mary Washington col- at the beginning of the play, elopes the purpose of Sigma Phi Lambda, Matthew and Luke, the story is told lege; Dr. Newcomb, president of the but comes back often to visit. She has; been taken from the corner of the life of Christ from birth up to University of Virginia; Dr. Sanger, is supposed to be the class beauty. where it has been collecting dust for the time of his visit to the Temple president of the Medical College at the last few months. Now it is being at Jerusalem. Maguire Is Minnie Richmond; and Dr. Burruss, presi- viewed clearly by the members, and Before completing this book the Marjorie McGuire, a transfer from dent of V.P.I, and former president under the leadership of the president, artiste visited Palestine. „ ; Philadelphia, Pa., is Minnie, the so- of Madison college. Pat Pumphrey, these views have been Another book to be displayed is phisticated member of the group The book of letters was presented considered worthwhile projects. Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan, who always wears hose. as a gift to Miss Cleveland and Dr. For the Christmas project a com- retold and shortened by Frederick A. -Martha Millard, who lives at Wayland at the banquet which was mittee representing the cjub has Stokes. Hampton, is Maggie. Maggie is the held here last Friday night in their bought a number of Christmas gifts A Child's Book of Christmas class idealist who is inclined to be honor. which were wrapped* toy the mem- Carols, The Bird's Christmas Carol, radical and to be a little more than in Hansel and Gretel and A Tree for bers Thursday night. These are to Miss Ainslee Harris, director of favor of Communism. She is enthusi- be sent to the Woodrow Wilson hos- Stratford Dramatic Club and Marie Peter are other books featured at the astic about strikes and picket lines. Correction display. pital near Staunton for the service Suttle, president of the club, who Render Is College Oracle One examination date was omitted men. The resources for this were One of the purposes of this display will direct the first play of the is to suggest books to be given to Frances Bender, Lynchburg, is the by the printer -last week in publica- furnished by both Sigma Phi Lambda, season, "Brief Music," tonight at children for Christmas. The display college oracle. She is the daughter tion of the exam schedule. At 3:30- and the Harrisonburg Garden club. of a great man and tries to make an 5:20 p. m. on Tuesday exams will be Another project which was started 8:00 p. in. in Wilson Auditorium. is sponsored by the Library Science Class of which Miss Feme Hoover is impression on the group. She always given for those classes whose first this quarter and is to be extended Miss Harris is a member of the Eng- instructor. wears hose and heels and horn- meeting is Monday, 3:30 p. m. (See Sigma Phi, Page Four) lish Department. rimmed glasses. Margaret Dew Settle from Rich- mond is the real misfit on the cam- Glee Club To Present Handel's Messiah For Christmas Vespers, pus. She tries awfully hard tq be- come part of the group but never Directed By Miss Shaeffer Sunday In Wilson Auditorium quite succeeds. Thompson Di Charge .Harrelson, Chilton, Brown# The technical work is in charge of Sours To Be Soloists Miss Louise Thompson, Technical Di- Annabelle Chilton, Ann Brown, rector, Margaret Wright, Stage Man- Elizabeth Sours, and Margaret Har- ager, and Frances Mullen, Assistant relson will be soloists for the Madi- Technical Director. son college Glee club Sunday, De- The heads of the various depart- cember 12, when the club presents ments handling the technical end of its annual Christmas vespers in Wil- the show are Connie Simms, Pub- son auditorium, at 4 o'clock. licity Manager; Anne Chapman, Art Director; Louise Miller, Make-up Choruses and arias from Handel's mistress; Marry Neautrour, Costume Messiah will be presented with the Mistress; Joy Corkan", Personal assistance of a number of male Props; Shirley Elliott, Stage Design- voices from the community. Tenors will be Messrs. Charles. Bazzle, James er, and Joanna Gardner, Stage Tech- nician. H. Hunter, Gerold Myers, Charles Mathias, Harold Wright, S. S. Sencin- Martha Thornhill, Stage Props, diver, George Newman, Joseph W. Harriet Conner, Assistant House Miller, and Lt. Barnes Sale. Basses Manager; Peggy Merriweather, Cur- will be Messrs. Clifford T. Riddell, tain Puller, Dorothy Yancey, Effects Jr., Robert N. Schane, Klein Had. Technician, Julie Quaintance, Stage daway, Joseph Wine, H. D. Newman, Carpenter, Janet Cornellison, Stage and Everett Wampler. Chilton, a Electrician. contralto, Brown, Sours, and Harrel- Scenery by Members son, sopranos, will appear as soloists The scenery was done by members In the choruses. of the stage craft classes under the The director of the club is Miss direction of Miss Louise Thompson. Edna T. Shaeffer, head of the School The college orchestra under the The Madison College Glee Club which, under the diiertlon of Miss Edna T. Shaeffer, will present Christmas of Music, and the accompanist is direction of Mr. Clifford T. Marshall Fannie Lee Sanderson. Dr. Luther A. vespers Sunday at 4 p. m. in Wilson Auditorium. The above picture does not include all the present members will play before the curtain and'be- (See Glee Club. Page Four) of the club. tween the acts. • THE BREEZE Present With A Future The Military World The nation-wide campaign to prevent wasteful By MASTER SERGEANT BOB MILLER, U. S. MARINES spending is approaching a danger point. Christmas is The word "I" is not considered good usage in coming and the holiday- is traditionally a time for journalistic circles. Nevertheless, anything "I" write generosity. This year as before, we'll want to give reflects only my own limited viewpoints, so don't take to the people we love. my word as gospel truth as far as the military is But Christmas will be strange this year. Most of concerned.