Z 776 E tablished 1922 8 Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia, Friday, Deceinber 10, 1943 Vol. XX. No. 18 Bound Letters Announcement Stratford Presents "Brief Music" Are Presented BOARDING STUDENTS Every boarding student will With Harris And Suttle Directing To Professors receive a pink registration card when she checks in at the Dean Comedy Takes Seven Girls Through Bull Sessions, Volume Includes Letters of Women's office after the holi- Love Life Discussions, Bridge Games, And Suicide From Officials, College days. This card admits her to » Presidents, Educators classes for the Winter Quarter, The Stratford Dramatic club presents as its first performance of the beginning Tuesday, January 4, current season a sentimental comedy, Brief Music tonight at 8:00 p. m. In A large number of friends of Miss 1944, and should be shown to the Wilson Hall auditorium. i Elizabeth P. Cleveland and Dr. John the instructor in each class on The play is directed by Miss Ainslie Harris and Marie Suttle, Stratford W. Wayland sent them letters of con- Tuesday, January 4, and Wed- president, as her assistant. gratulation and appreciation on the nesday, January 5. Involves Seven Girls occasion of last Friday, when they Every boarding student re- Emmet Lauery's comedy which takes seven girls through bull sessions, were honored at the college. These turning on Tuesday, January 4, love life discussions, bridge games, and an attempt by one of the girls to letters were compiled in a book ap- and thereafter, must call at the commit suicide in three years of college life. proximately the size of the college Registrar's office for her regis- Things In this play will have an Schoolma'am, which was bound in tration card. appeal to Madison students because purple leather and will later be litho- DAY STUDENTS Christmas Books they reflect life in a typical woman's graphed in gold. Every day students must call college. Those persons who sent the letters at the Registrar's office for her Are On Display Edwina Jane Skinner, from Wat- were largely former students, pres- pink registration card before at- The Christ Child, as told by Mat- kins Glen, New York, plays the part sl-^ent an4 Jprmer members of the col- tending classes for the Winter thew and Luke and edited by Maud of Drizzle, the poet Of the group, lege stair, ano~educators of Virginia Quarter, „ beginning Tuesday, Miska Petersham is one of the books who, because she isn't more like the and other states. There were also January 4, 1944. featured in the Christmas book dis- other girts in the group, attempts letters from public officials including HELEN M. FRANK, play to be held from December 11 suicide. Governor Darden, Senator Byrd, and -« Registrar. through the eighteenth in the Li- J . Representative Robertson. brary Science Wassroom of the Li- Clougherty Plays "Spin"' olle e " Bette Clougherty, from^ Timber- , rf.. „ . A Tliose, S £ presidents who sent. brary. ^» ville, plays Alexander ("lpftf>rI.'She's " "* letters were: Dr. Bowman, president Sigma Phi Lambda The Petershams, through their pic- the class president, the group leader, of Bridgewater college; Dr. Ran- tures in this book, endeavor to show charming, well-liked, and practical. dolph, president of Hollins college; Sponsors Project the spirit of the Holy Lord as the Dr. Peters, president of Farmville Rosalie Moore, who has recently - "... And to provide wide social background of the life of Jesus. State Teacher's college; Dr. Combs, moved to Lynchburg, is Lovey who, experience for its members." This, Through scriptures found in Isaiah, president of Mary Washington col- at the beginning of the play, elopes the purpose of Sigma Phi Lambda, Matthew and Luke, the story is told lege; Dr. Newcomb, president of the but comes back often to visit. She has; been taken from the corner of the life of Christ from birth up to University of Virginia; Dr. Sanger, is supposed to be the class beauty. where it has been collecting dust for the time of his visit to the Temple president of the Medical College at the last few months. Now it is being at Jerusalem. Maguire Is Minnie Richmond; and Dr. Burruss, presi- viewed clearly by the members, and Before completing this book the Marjorie McGuire, a transfer from dent of V.P.I, and former president under the leadership of the president, artiste visited Palestine. „ ; Philadelphia, Pa., is Minnie, the so- of Madison college. Pat Pumphrey, these views have been Another book to be displayed is phisticated member of the group The book of letters was presented considered worthwhile projects. Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan, who always wears hose. as a gift to Miss Cleveland and Dr. For the Christmas project a com- retold and shortened by Frederick A. -Martha Millard, who lives at Wayland at the banquet which was mittee representing the cjub has Stokes. Hampton, is Maggie. Maggie is the held here last Friday night in their bought a number of Christmas gifts A Child's Book of Christmas class idealist who is inclined to be honor. which were wrapped* toy the mem- Carols, The Bird's Christmas Carol, radical and to be a little more than in Hansel and Gretel and A Tree for bers Thursday night. These are to Miss Ainslee Harris, director of favor of Communism. She is enthusi- be sent to the Woodrow Wilson hos- Stratford Dramatic Club and Marie Peter are other books featured at the astic about strikes and picket lines. Correction display. pital near Staunton for the service Suttle, president of the club, who Render Is College Oracle One examination date was omitted men. The resources for this were One of the purposes of this display will direct the first play of the is to suggest books to be given to Frances Bender, Lynchburg, is the by the printer -last week in publica- furnished by both Sigma Phi Lambda, season, "Brief Music," tonight at children for Christmas. The display college oracle. She is the daughter tion of the exam schedule. At 3:30- and the Harrisonburg Garden club. of a great man and tries to make an 5:20 p. m. on Tuesday exams will be Another project which was started 8:00 p. in. in Wilson Auditorium. is sponsored by the Library Science Class of which Miss Feme Hoover is impression on the group. She always given for those classes whose first this quarter and is to be extended Miss Harris is a member of the Eng- instructor. wears hose and heels and horn- meeting is Monday, 3:30 p. m. (See Sigma Phi, Page Four) lish Department. rimmed . Margaret Dew Settle from Rich- mond is the real misfit on the cam- Glee Club To Present Handel's Messiah For Christmas Vespers, pus. She tries awfully hard tq be- come part of the group but never Directed By Miss Shaeffer Sunday In Wilson Auditorium quite succeeds. Thompson Di Charge .Harrelson, Chilton, Brown# The technical work is in charge of Sours To Be Soloists Miss Louise Thompson, Technical Di- Annabelle Chilton, Ann Brown, rector, Margaret Wright, Stage Man- Elizabeth Sours, and Margaret Har- ager, and Frances Mullen, Assistant relson will be soloists for the Madi- Technical Director. son college Glee club Sunday, De- The heads of the various depart- cember 12, when the club presents ments handling the technical end of its annual Christmas vespers in Wil- the show are Connie Simms, Pub- son auditorium, at 4 o'clock. licity Manager; Anne Chapman, Art Director; Louise Miller, Make-up Choruses and arias from Handel's mistress; Marry Neautrour, Messiah will be presented with the Mistress; Joy Corkan", Personal assistance of a number of male Props; Shirley Elliott, Stage Design- voices from the community. Tenors will be Messrs. Charles. Bazzle, James er, and Joanna Gardner, Stage Tech- nician. H. Hunter, Gerold Myers, Charles Mathias, Harold Wright, S. S. Sencin- Martha Thornhill, Stage Props, diver, George Newman, Joseph W. Harriet Conner, Assistant House Miller, and Lt. Barnes Sale. Basses Manager; Peggy Merriweather, Cur- will be Messrs. Clifford T. Riddell, tain Puller, Dorothy Yancey, Effects Jr., Robert N. Schane, Klein Had. Technician, Julie Quaintance, Stage daway, Joseph Wine, H. D. Newman, Carpenter, Janet Cornellison, Stage and Everett Wampler. Chilton, a Electrician. contralto, Brown, Sours, and Harrel- Scenery by Members son, sopranos, will appear as soloists The scenery was done by members In the choruses. of the stage craft classes under the The director of the club is Miss direction of Miss Louise Thompson. Edna T. Shaeffer, head of the School The college orchestra under the The Madison College Glee Club which, under the diiertlon of Miss Edna T. Shaeffer, will present Christmas of Music, and the accompanist is direction of Mr. Clifford T. Marshall Fannie Lee Sanderson. Dr. Luther A. vespers Sunday at 4 p. m. in Wilson Auditorium. The above picture does not include all the present members will play before the curtain and'be- (See Glee Club. Page Four) of the club. tween the acts.

• THE BREEZE Present With A Future The Military World The nation-wide campaign to prevent wasteful By MASTER SERGEANT BOB MILLER, U. S. MARINES spending is approaching a danger point. Christmas is The word "I" is not considered good usage in coming and the holiday- is traditionally a time for journalistic circles. Nevertheless, anything "I" write generosity. This year as before, we'll want to give reflects only my own limited viewpoints, so don't take to the people we love. my word as gospel truth as far as the military is But Christmas will be strange this year. Most of concerned. . *> us have already mailed our five-pounds-worth of I digress today to write of the average "G.I.," sewing kits, fruitcakes, and . We have al- for he is a very interesting subject (isn't he, girls?). I am harassed at every turn by anxious mothers ■ ready written the letters saying we wished the boys were home so that we could have Christmas the way wanting to know "what the Army is like" (don't you * it used to be. We've made the right jokes about the know a Marine when you see one, lady?). To them, poor civilians who won't enjoy a fine army-prepared and to anyone else interested I make the simple and holiday dinner. And it all seems inadequate. We obvious statement that neither the Army nor any picture our friends on a fetid South Pacific island or other branch will materially affect the character of at the Italian front, and we feel helpless. We cast your boy, brother, or boy friend. It is extremely I about for something more to do to make this the right obvious that the nature of his upbringing is the acid kind of Christmas for them. There must be some- test when he-gets thrown in with a hodge-podge of thing ...... companions. If the boy then turns out to be a wastrel . Yes! There's something. Remember the after getting into service, it is essentially his upbring- fishing tackle that John wanted? Make sure he gets., ing, and not the military, that is to blame. it! No, don't go down to the store and buy it—they Is there any good side to the matter of military raised the price for no good>eason. Instead, buy a service? Again obviously, yes. Many a lazy, pam- War Bond for John and write to tell him that he pered mother's boy finds that; it is much more desir- 1 can shop for his tackle as soon as he returns. able to toe the rigid mark of military discipline Herb always came io class late because his old rather than serve a long stretch of K.P. And, most alarm clock was fauljf There are no alarm clocks of all, there comes the revelation that one is no better on the market now. Cut after the war when factories than his "bunkie" next to him; the invaluable ex- reconvert to peace time goods you'll be able to pick perience of rubbing elbows with any and all types and choose from hundreds. Insure a post-war alarm of men, and getting to know and like them. clock for Herb by buying Stamps now. Merry Christmas, folks! Dave's wife needs an electric iron. It's impossible to get one, except perhaps on the black market. Dave Book Review cL is in Iceland looking forward to the time he can re- Wit's End >ne pman turn to a safe, secure world. You certainly wouldn't I • By Jane Rudasill "There's a tree that grows in Brooklyn. Some be doing him a favor by sabotaging the anti-inflation A girl with cotton never sees a mouse. people, call it the Tree of Heaven. No matter where drive now. Better buy a Bond its seed fell, it made a tree which struggled up to It amounts to this. You'll be giving promises for reach the sky. It grew in boarded-up lots and out How is the bride to know who was the best man at her wedding when Christmas. And all the good things you promise for of neglected rubbish heaps and it was the only tree only her husband goes on the honeymoon? the future will be, backed up by the strength and that grew out of cement. It grew lushly, but it only faith of Uncle Sam himself. Your War Bond gifts grew in the tenement districts." won't be worn out or frayed or discarded six or MARGIE OF MAURY—Am I the only girl you've ever kissed? So opens Betty Smith's novel, A Tree Grows in seven years from now. They'll just be approaching LOOIE HIRES—Certainly—and by far the prettiest. Brooklyn (Harper's, New York.) maximum utility. Once the boys are home for the The Nolans are a different family from the holiday, War Bonds will help to supply employment t IF HE HAD ONLY KNOWN others in the tenement section of Brooklyn. The and security for them. The War Bonds you buy for GI—Sweetheart, if I'd known that tunnel was so long, I'd have given Nolans have dreams. When they're hungry or cold, Christmas will speed the day when the words "Peace you a kiss. "*5 they on the magic of make-believe and all is on Earth" are no longer mockery. A Bond is a Gal—Gracious! Wasn't that you? well again. present with a future. . WEALTH OF MATERIAL . o j—^ Chem. Prof.—What does HNO-3 signify? Francis Nolan is a writer, not a famed writer or Stude—Well, ah; er'r—I've got it right on the tip of my tongue, Bir. a particularly good one, but she has lots of inspira- Honesty A nd Exams Prof.—Well, you'd better spit it out. It's nitric acid. tion and a wealth of material to draw from. When she was little she used to let her imagination run Perhaps no human being is absolutely honest both He—Smile that way again. away with her which often got her in trouble with with himself and his fellowmen. Honesty isn't (She blushed, dimpled, and smiled.) her practical minded mother.! She got all straighten- usually the easiest way out; indeed we are not al- He—Just like I thought—you look like a chipmunk. ed out when her teacher told her "In the future, ways capable of distinguishing between honesty and when something comes up, you tell it exactly how it dishonesty. CONSOLATION FOR EXAM WEEK happened but write it down for yourself the way However, cheating is one form of dishonesty of The more we study, the more we know. you think it should have happened. Tell the truth which no Madison student should be guilty. It is The more we know, the more we forget. and write the story then you won't get mixed up." more than a matter of being fair; it is a matter of The more we forget, the less we know. personal integrity, of honor, and of human decency. FATHER IS DREAMER The less we know, the less we forget. There are a few faculty members who render Johnny Nolan was the father. He, for his thirty- The less we forget the more we know. cheating possible through their absence from the four years, looked young, as if he hadn't shouldered So why study? classroom during tests and exams. We believe that ? the responsibility of marriage and of raising two chil- each faculty member should make honesty easier by dren. His dreams were beautiful, his intentions good, remaining in his classroom, and perhaps by seeing There are to me, two kinds of guys, his stories were vivid, but John Nolan was a drunk- that the students do not sit too close together. Pre- And both of these I sure despise, ard. He never worked steadily but had odd jobs as caution, on the part of faculty members, is not an The first I really like to slam a singing waiter; his assets were his curly hair and insult to students, and it greatly lessens temptation. Is one who copies my exam. y his Irish tenor voice. He loved his wife and children Finally, students and faculty members should re- The other is the dirty skunk but love wouldn't feed them, clothe them, nor warm spect each other for respect and honor often go Who covers his and lets me flunk. them. One day John Nolan gave up and died of hand in hand. Only when each student on campus acute alcoholism and pneumonia. Katie Nolan, the mother, was the strong member is willing to accept responsibilities, and to act always Mama, p'ut dowin that juke box! of the family. It was by her efforts that the family in accordance with law and order, can a really ef- You're too old to carry a tune. ficient honor system be effective on the campus of lived. She scrubbed, washed, ironed, and cleaned for Madison College. other people. She loved Johnny Nolan and would never criticize him for his faults. They never argued THE POST WAR WORLD and when he died the dream went out of her life. The Breeze TT5o~you think there should be NEELY IS BOY OF FAMILY This Week: another League of Nations? Neely was the boy of the family. He looked Member Virginia Intercollegiate Press Association like his father, was the pet of his mother, and was Bettie Wolfe suggests questions 3. Do you think regionalism is the loved by his sister. Neely was going to be a doctor. Published weekly by the student body of Madison College, for thought concerning the port war answer to world organization? Harrisonburg, Virginia Katie would see to that. When young he ran er- world. 4. Do you think the United States rands and did odd jobs to get money for the family. Subscription Price ' $200 a Year should take the lead in a post Though, Neely was half Nolan, he was going tu grow nmilNTU fV NATIONAL AOVIBTialNfl BT This column has attempted to set war world organization? National Advertising Service, Inc. forth various views on the subject of 5. Do you think there should be into the man his father never had a chance to be- CoUtg» PaMbhm RtprmtmttHvt post-war planning. It shall continue an international police force? come. 4«o MADISON AVI, NEW YORK. N. Y. ( to bring more of these plans to you, 6. Do you think there should be Laurie, the baby, was born some months after her rwimi - SMtoa ' kM IHUII • JA» 'Macaco 1 next quarter, but from time to time some form of economic union m father's death. She was named Annie Laurie after EMMA JANE ROGERS Editor we would also like to publish some world trade board established? her father's favorite song. HELEN PECK Business Manager BETTIE WOLFE Assistant Editor student opinions and ideas on this 7. Do you think there should be a There are characters of every description in this GEORGETTE CAREW Manning Editor subject. Below is a list of just some stabilized monetary system. story. Sissy, who is considered a fallen woman, Evy LEE ANNA DEADRICK News Editor of the questions which might be with a weak-willed husband. Mary Rommely, who, ROSELYN KEY Cartoonist 8. Do you think there should be a CORDELIA ROBBINS • .Feature Editor raised. W,e would like all students to common language? though she could not read nor write, believed in- JANE RUDASILL Copy Editor consider these and formulate their 9. Do you think sovereignty should tensely in the magic word education, which would ELEANOR LEATHERMAN Proof Editor own opinions. In the future we will SUNNY SADLER Proof Editor be limited? open new horizons_.to these Brooklyn tenement chil- "PETE" WRIGHT Desk Editor bring to you various students' an- 10. Do you think the United States dren. ANNE CHAPMAN Headline Editor swers to these questions: should take the responsibility To say that the book is well written is to use a MARY ANN WILSON Photographer PEGGY TURNER Chief Typist 1. Do you think there should be a of rehabilitating and recon- worn phrase. But, the imagery is vivid, the sen- SUE BOGGS Circulation Manager "cooling off" period before defi- structing the impoverished tences short, compact, and direct. Philosophy? So- DUNREATH THORNTON Circulation Manager countries? ciology? Or just a novel? DOROTHY HEIDER Headline Staff nite peace plans are made?

L THE BREEZE McLelland Weds Calendar New Chemistry Professor Has Jimmy (W^at'sNews Fri., Dec. 10—Play, "Brief Branfih;Returns Music," 8:00 p. m. By Cordelia Bobbins Vdrner Entertains Sat., Dec. 11—Lost Chords in Dr. Wilbert Chappell, one of the Pi Kap, Theta Sig new chemistry professors, is deceiv- Miss Lois M. Swanson, Head of the To Madison Gym 7:30-10:00 p. m.; infor- mal dancing Initiate Members ing. His soft western drawl has noth- Home Economics Department at ing in it to suggest test tubes, etc. Minnie Lee McLelland was mar- Sat., Dec. 11—10:80-11:00 p. Averett College, was the guest of the The reason for the drawl could be Home Economics Department on ried to Pfc. Warren Branch, Jr., m. Christmas parties Sorority To Have on November 15, at 5 o'clock in the Christmas Party that he's from Kansas. Dr. Chap- Tuesday, December 7, 1943. Mrs. Sun., Dec. 12—Glee Club Christ- pell received his B.S. degree from Varner entertained Miss Swanson afternoon. The ceremony took place mag Vespers, 4:00 p. m. Saturday Night at the home of Dr. James M. Shel- Ottawa University and his Ph.D. from and the Home Economics transfers Mon., Dec. 1.3i—Exams start Initiated into Pi Kappa Sigma so- the University of Kansas. Before from Averett at the Tea Room Tues- burne of Danville, Virginia. rority, Wednesday night were Gayle Tues., Dec. 14-Wed., Dec. 16— coming to Madison he taught at Fort day for lunch.. The bride, who is the daughter of Chowning, Jane Barger, Romlne Bus Tickets on sale 1:00- Hays Boys State College In Kansas Mr. and Mrs. Clarence R. McLelland Shappell, and Ruth Welnthal. 3:00 p. m. in Harrison Hall so he is a long way from home. Dillard Gives Reading of Danville, Virginia, wore an ice Following dinner Saturday night, Lobby Feels at Home A Christmas reading by Mary Lee blue street length with black December 11, the sorority will hold a 1 When asked how he liked the col- Dillard will be the principal feature accessories. Her flowers were white Christmas party. lege and the valley, he replied, "The orchids. of. the Sunday night vesper service A former member, Dorothy Sibley girls and the school are nice. Every- at the Presbyterian Church. The pro- The groom, the son of Mr. and Scout Holland and friend, Ruth Green By Jane Rudaslll one has been so friendly and has gram, which is in charge of the West- Mrs. Warren Branch, also of Dan- Price, visited the Pi Kap girls last made us feel at home." The "us" re- . minster Fellowship, will begin at ville, ts at present serving with the Assuming that you took all our week-end, December 4 and 5. fers to Mrs. Chappell and son*Jlmmy, 6:00 p. m. Those present will sing U. S. Army Air Corps, SaltXake City, fashion wise tips and arrayed for Theta Sigma Upsllon will formally age three. At the mention of Jimmy, Christmas carols after the program. Utah. ^1 yourself the very practical initiate the following girls tomorrow Dr. Chappell'8 eyes light up into a The double ring ceremony was outlined in a recent fashion-goer afternoon at 2:00 p. m.: Bess Beale, twinkle and it is easy to see that Gatlin Speaks used. column, you may still be at a loss Lena Bourne, Harriet Clark, Frances young son of his is a main hobby Miss Jerry Lind Gatlin, Baptist Goldstein, Dorothy Fulmer, Kather- A small reception for the immedi- as to the Clnderellas of your ward- with his dad. Continuing about Vir- student »worker, will be the speaker in Hale, "Dotty" B. Hawkins, Shir- ate family and a few friends was . We mean the color in your e ginia, Dr. Chappell remarked, "Kan- for the Friday chapel service on ley Hudson, Norma Jamerson, Ellen held at the bride's home after the closet to match the bright spots in sas is very flat and while the moun- January 7th. J. Lane, Evelyn Long, Marguerite wedding. Following the reception, your own life. Christmas vacation tains and scenery are beautiful, we Mapp, Martha Millard, Mary Moore, ..iHlliililiiillillllllliiHiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiimilliMliill^, Pfc. and Mrs. Branch left on a short lies just ahead (you can see it are not used to them yet." Mary Stephens, Margaret Simmons, FOR LOWEST PRICES wedding trip after which Pfc. Branch through the maze of exams, term Likes Gardening Ruby Lee Southworth, Elizabeth returned to his post and Mrs. Branch papers, et cetera) and somewhere be- His Interest outside the lab are COSMETICS, TOILETRIES Miller, June Tate, Louise Travers, STATIONERY returned to Madison College where tween December 18 and January 3 gardening and sports. He's not Just Nancy Vaughan, and Virginia Wil- Visit she is a senior in home economics there should be an unexpected fur- a victory gardener, either. "Back in helm. , [ Glen's Fair Price Store education. lough, a special leave, or other sur- Kansas I always tried to have a gar- *'' ill llllllllllllfllMIIIHIIIH IIIIIUIMIIIIIIIIIIHIl' prise party in your life. You'll want den and usually both kinds, flower to be prepared. and vegetable. Since the war I have GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS For example, it's your day to dress gone in more for vegetable and I Ye Olde End of Quarter Rsajeth Ugly Head CARDS—HOOKS—MOTTOES up in a new checked taffeta, your Many Other Selections for Bach hope to have one here." About sport's ( AndScareth Thyself Into Knowledge Seeding moment to look magic in white chif- Member of the Family he wanted us to know that he is fon with a shocking-pink bolero NICHOLAS BOOK STORE more of a fan than anything else, So, little chum, ye olde end of the you mutter desperately. This paper or a pale blue bouffant . but "I do enjoy trying." quarter doth rear its ugly head and (correction: need we go through that If the afternoons are personal, you'll scareth thyself into a bit of knowl- again?) simply has to be in before"! look* pretty In your pleated Fourth War Loan edge-seeking at ye olde eleventh exams. with a magenta-cblor crocheted ClubsAnnounce hour, is it not so? Yea, verily. Special Notice: Meeting of all and gloves. If the afternoons call for Drive To Begin You will go to the library and members of the you-can't-do-that-it- war work or such business-like pre- January 15 Dates For Dance work on that paper (correction: isn't-in-the-handbook staff, at twelve occupations, you'll look smart in a those papers); then you pass the noon. You're on it. softly tailored checked wool. Secretary Morgenthau announced The » German Club . Mid-winter bulletin board in Harrison Hall. Pneumonia Plans Backfire There's something sophisticated recently that the Fourth War Loan dance will be held January 29th. Meeting of your favorite (well, isn't All right! So you'll contract about black faille with velvet ribbons Drive would start January 18, and "Frankie" Mathews, president, an- it?) organization at such and such double pneumonia of the right tonsil and a crocheted with sequins— would run until February 15, 1944. nounced that the dance will be for a time—mmmm—library? You trot and have a little peace in the in- something appealing about a baby "The goal has been set at $14,000,- Sophomores and Seniors but that the on to class, thinking that possibly firmary. You trudge over to see the with a ruffled . 000,000. Five and one-half billion tea dance in the afternoon will be you could check the books out and nurse, struggling as best you know Better make your selection (or your dollars of this amount is to be raised for all students. get the work done another time. And how to look tike Camille's dying clothes!) now, with smiles and lots directly from individuals. Majorie Fitzpatrick announced - the prof greets /he class cheerily scene, but find yourself gnashing of color—for tomorrow may be your The State War Finance Commit- that the tentative date for the Cotil- with the news t^at there will be a your teeth on the front steps, the special day! tees will have the task of raising this lion Dance is February 19. Freshmen test covering chapters seven to door behind you, a horrible {aste of $14,000,000,000. These committees and Juniors will attend and the tea ninety-three at the next class meet- nosedrops in the back of your mouth, Dr. Gifford, Rev. Miller are being strengthened and expanded dance will be open to all. Both clubs ing. Well, there's that vacant period and a pill still stuck in your throat. to meet the necessity of increasing hold meetings tjrfs week to make between English and Social Science As you mope back toward your Attend Virginia the number of people who are buying further plans, which will he an- —if you could just get off in a cor- next class you pass your history prof Education Meeting War Bonds. Millions of volunteer nounced soon. The new sponsor for ner then for work on the paper (cor- hi the hall. He hails you and backs Dr. Walter J. Gifford and the Rev- salesmen are now ready to carry this Cotillion Club is Miss Hope Van. . rection: those papers). The prof in- you against the wall. erend Minor C. Miller attended the campaign for funds to every individ- dever. terrupts your train of thought. ual investor in homes and in plants The two clubs contributed to the Another Paper all day meeting of the Committee on throughout the nation. T.B. Drive, War Fund, and World Conferences Necessary "Just the person I want to see! Eduction of the Council of Virginia The major emphasis throughout Student Service Fund. "Now it will he necessary to have You do such splendid work, I wonder education in Charlottesvllle, Decem- the entire period of the Drive— conferences with each of you this if you would prepare a paper for our ber 2. The committee met to discuss January 18 to February IB—will be THE McCLURE CO., INC week—as I go down the roll, will you next class meeting, oh, only about a series of courses in Bible and placed on the quota of $5,500,000,- tell me just what period you have ftfty pages or so—on why Louis XIV religion for the high schools of Vir- PRINTERS 000 for individuals. During; theJ vacant during the day, please?" wore lace cuffs. We're discussing ginia. period from January 18 to February Phone 605 Staunton, Va. that epoch now, you know!!" When he asks you why you are Miss Longwell,#-asslfltant to Mr. 1 only sales to individuals will be re- And then they wonder why a cer- Miller and teacher at East Tladford mII III! Iimilllll inn mini) iniiiiiiiumta chewing so fiercely on the edge of ported by the Treasury. your notebook you choke a little and tain girl ran screaming down the State Teachers College, was author- SPECIALIZING smile sweetly. He wouldn't under- hall, a wild look in her glazed eyes, ized to begin preparation of material. In stand. Well, there is a half hour be- herhair on end, her arms waving The teachers of week day religious BACK THE ATTACK COLLEGE JEWELRY madly in the air! Dr. Anthony, my tween your last morning class and education have already outlined a BUY WAR BONDS lunch. They can't take that away, problem is program for grades one to seven. COBtE IN and *fe onr FINE SELECTION Gym Classes GIRL ABOUT CAMPUS: Enlertaining Convoys Score 36-32 By Jean F*wley { John Taliaferro & Sons Again the GJrl About Campus has been on her toes. This week's question is of great concern to almost every South Main Street girl on campus. You're right—Men!! The question Is, "Do you like the present method of entertaining soldiers In Reed Gym, on Wednesday, De- ^llllllimHtlMIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIHIIMIIItlllllHMIimilllllllllllllltt* cember 8, the 3rd and 8th period at the churches or do you think girls should be selected in some other way? If so, what?" Five girls endeavored to give their opinion. What is yours? gym classes played a close volley ball Freshmen Select game. The game got underway with Harriet Bulck: "In my opinion maintaining the same standards of Janet Russell: "Since Madison is Lee Wilson, Captain of 8th period there definitely should foe more girls one's conduct." supposed to be all out for victory Class Sponsors going to the churches to entertain. Frances Dorf: "WeU, why can't why can't we let the boys come up class, winning the toss and choosing At the close of the last freshman There are too many soldiers for the we dance? I've never seen a soldier and use our gym, our vie, and our to serve to Betty Jane Wharton'a orientation class of this school year, number of glrjs. As for the way to yet who was too tired to dance. Also, girls. It's such a hard Job selecting team. The two teams "battled" It the freshman class held a call meet- select the girls there should be a it seems as if just the ones who hold the girto that I suppose the present out through the first period. The ing. Caroline Dawson and Betty Jo voluntary list posted." office get to go—why not pick a dorm method is as good as any. Also, Stretch-berry were elected freshman half-time score was 20 to 9, favor of Betsy Fugate: "It would' be a each time?" wouldn't it be OJK. to make it a representatives to the Student Coun- 8th period team. good idea to post a list the day the "Tommy" Hairelson: "A little 'skirt and affair' since the cil. Oracle Lee VanDyke was elected convoy arrives and sign up for that boys aren't dressed up?" Things really got going in the last more organization would help a lot, Athletic Association representative. particular night. In case the list is coming under the heading of planned half. Both teams were fighting to Pending their acceptance of the office, too large, use the first come first recreation. It is aa awfully good idea gain vital points. At the end of the the Rev. and Mrs. Beverly Tucker served method. It's too bad we can't about entertaining the boys in the BACK THE ATTACK White will be class sponsors, their game, 3rd period came through with entertain in the gym as they do in churches and would be a better one small son, Howe, will be mascot. 3fi to 32. the church recreation rooms while If w could dance." BUY WAR BONDS ..


Miles Music Company HAYDEN'S Radio Service Dry Cleaning Works New Records—Sheet Music , Plain and Plain CLEANED and PRESSED The Smart Madison Girl Will Find SMART Cash and Carry $ .75 at Harrisonburg's Style Center 165 North Main Street THE PARISIAN SHOP 46 South Main Street

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JJIMMIE'S DRESS SHOP! I I 'llllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllltMIIIIIIIIMIINIMIIMMIIrrilllllllll/

► FRANK 0. TALIAFERRO, 0. D Lost Chords Play New Music, FM First Hop; ASK THE STUDENT WHO'S Eye Examination—Visual Training BEEN THERE New Offices Now Located on Will Feature Male Soloist And Fly the ► Loker's Repairing Shop 2nd Floor Phone 86-R 45 E. Market St. No. 3 North Court Square The Lost Chords will play for th€ir first hop of the quarter tomorrow Sigma Phi Glee Club FOR night in Reed gymnasium, A number (Continued from Page One) FINE PRINTING BUY WAR BONDS of new selections will be featured in- (Continued from Page One) OP throughout the rest of this school cluding "The Dreamer," "I'll Be Richmah, state supervisor of Music, ALL, TYPB8 Home For Christmas," "Put Your will be present and will serve as year Is that of making surgical dress, THE Arms Around Me Honey," "How guest conductor for the concluding GARRISON PRESS WARNER ings. Since this work is not being Sweet You Are," "For the First number from the Oratorio. Follow, BROS. STATE sponsored on campus, the members Time," "Paper Doll," "If You ing the singing of the selections from, Mondny Through Wednmduy chose to go down town and help in Please," and many old favorites. trie Messiah, Miss Marcla Jump, vio- LAST MINUTE December 13-14-15 • the surgical dressings room in the linist, accompanied by Miss Elizabeth For the first time the band will Masonic Temple. Harris, will play. GIFTS jj have a male soloist. Betty Lou The final part of the program will GARFIELD ^11 Mil nil 11IIII in I nil I mi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii*. Flythe will also be soloiflt. be the presentation of "The Singing w Sterling Silver Wt Invite You To Christmas carols will be sung at Tree." In a fanciful way it 1B hoped THE that the quaint old carols, colored O'HARA NOVELTY-NEWS CO. intermission. Friendship Links 25c NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES light, tihkle of belle, will replace the 62 South Main Street thoughts of world conflict and fore. EACH Harrisonburg .:. Virginia tell anew the joy of Christmastide. Engraved Free IIIIMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIH Art Club members who are assist- For Christmas— ing with the program are Peggy Christmas Cards Hanna Brooks, Dorothy Jones, Betty Sterling Silver WBARRONSERVIRGINIA Lou Flythe, and Catherine Coldselter. Stationery Miss Louise Thompson and Stratford Animal Charms 59c Monday Through Friday members are in charge of staging, Billfolds EACH December 13 to 17 while Mr. Clifford T. Marshall to in Desk Sets charge of lights. Madison Pennants Elizabeth Sours is president of the Lucite Initials $1.00 Glee club, Marion Myers, vice-presi- World '^Globes dent; Betty Lou Flythe, secretary; EACH Thumdaj and Friday, Dec. 16-17 Virginia Heyburn, business manager; • Websters Biographical and Mary Foyd Crumpler, librarian. CMOS... Fascinator and Mitten BE HAPPY! Dictionary Set $2.98 \1 TED Prickert Stationery Corp. LEWIS Individually Good

BUY WAR BONDS Bunny Mittens $3.59



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