Ꭰᰴܦ❴ (April 2020) Issue No: 4/2020 ACCCIM Bulletin

共 商 共 赢 Connect Business ப޼ੋнЗԡ㔀֋ѪͣЗ㔀ͤ 133 ѫ઒

ࠔৗଞݏݢޝЗ㔀Նફ ۱䡎ҷ࣮ࠒ ࢵஃࣤॄЅࠩ ACCCIM Anti-COVID-19 Songs to Spread Positive Energy Hit 1.5 Million Views

րͫЭ➻ࣿд֢ધ֛םٺङڱҸञ࠱޼ՈކֺӍࣙ剫䎏ࣇՇͫ۩֢஘ҵ▲ சवИޏव ֌ѫ ࣍Ҹञ࠱޼Ȕ(KXYGSG1OZG6GYZO3KTGTMȕͫۈ৑ͫ௛ߛ੼оИԢەச࣌Ѻଛ ЈԠޙிӯй߃ͫו׷䶠ڐޙ䡏Ҹञ࠱޼ થ࠱޼й߃ܐՃ֢ધ࣍ކՇ૜ИͨۈИͧ Ֆङգ࠵௙ݮͫ۬ਙٵЗ׽ѽ਎а ࠳؏ۨͫйޞ 澦գ▲Зߌߛ澧ՃȔ(KXYGSG1OZG6GYZO ՖݵܴЈࢽݮͫম॥ࢵٵЗ થ࠱޼֨ͫޙݮ࠳ਈ୏ͫշ ߃ށ3KTGTMȕͫљߊէ॑ѫ ыࠩ澞Эӛ࠱ ஃࣤଇӱЅͫޞ䡏澞գܐڶ௷՝Ҷࡇ֝ৈ▲ਚͫ ⴃङӹ؟ױ২ܔ،էֳ،ㇾѹО۩ћͫ۞ؤ ੧ޑЊӲҁଋ३࠳қ۩֢ङ੧Ԉ঒Ӳјו֢ы ंй䶠ڱ䡏Ҹञ࠱޼चੂܐিыմਚ㦞澞Д௙ Ӳ澝࠱۴Њ׽ѽڣખީટ޼ӫҁ澝࠱޼ޗߊӄͫম॥ࢵஃࣤଇ ߊ୿ͫޤࢽࢸ֛րͫििДЗ ݡંை澝࠱޼3<ӲҁљਚۨܠЅࠩ澞 ԣલ澝࠱۴ࢦ֋չ ࡣޗսङѮଟͫҶୃՑਈিЇ଒੧㿺ପչҁЏͫ֨ ङ௤ث੧૜ߛबۼ䁽઎ખչিЈ୆ՠݱҁͫݎவڢ ⥭䡏ܐ䡏࠱޼ީ٥߈ਈোеҶ௛ܐ଑௙Ҹञ ՟ଭङ੊ԃ୆ՠ֨ۈय़य़ЉଋͫИث঒வـ澞چ䡏ਆ ஡ܐफӱڂত॔Їङݵܴͫһգֳܴӱב ૺ҅ոॻ֨ӹিङы Јͫிӯұ߆՟य़ஒӲͫிӯ؏ۨ࠱޼ङӲҁ澞܈է۝Эͫޞӯ澞գ ӹ۱ߌ߄ܸ۫ङҸһչड़ы௅ֿͫثմ澝வ 䡏Ҹञ࠱޼ͫܐչ֢ધ࣍ކӣӰӲҁङД௙ИۈवԹԃ澝ଌ஡৲Їङ஥Пչ஥մѮ Иܛ܈љՃ Ҥࢦޗդߎ֪࠱۴Ճুՠ滏ԃݵܴͫचЩ۞ךੂ ࠴Оһգङߌߛ৲Ԋԃ澞کଧ࠳ਈ୏ͫЉӣ ڣٷऽդਫыՃы࣒ॻՖͫךકڱЭੂͫי֋澞Ր ࣌োеԆ࡝۸ࡈ澞ڧѫմুПѠܳष⩹悿 ӲܥٺѮЊ؛ս࣎ۈИ ਧЏ݉ߓЈͫਘۮୌܳषގѫ୸Нۈ֨ٵ ͫٺ׽ѽୂङݵܴՃݐךପ઒Ճڱ䡏Ҹञ ֢ધ࣍࠱޼Эੂܐݐӟו׷䶠ڐ૜ޙ߃ٶ Њٗ֌उङ߄ݼ㿺ପڄ崤࠴ਚશͫ଑㑾ުдݺۈЈ Иޙ߃ٶ࠱޼澦գ▲Зߌߛ澧ͫй ࡈͫב଑௙࠱޼ͫࢬԋҶࡇٺՖ չ॥ߢ୆ՠͫݠ۴ݐٵ׽ѽ਎а؟ך਎аՃۈИ֨ڔ࠳ޞԠ 䡏澞ܐڶ௷Ֆࢽ ՚ՓҶࡇ֝ৈͫٵЗ֨ͫޙգ࠵௙ݮͫ۬ਙ߃ ыࠩࢵஃ澞 Ѕ ݮͫম॥૝ଋ ࣩ3<Ք֧З㔀ঢ়Я੏ડޝࠒ https://www.facebook.com/acccim/videos/548163399161323/ 澦բ▁Жޭ޼澧ࠒޝӱҀੵ㖊

⁸ᰞ⩝䭴⁏ᶒȟ侘ଵ䒕স*EB -JFX㖀ऴ҈ᰞ喏Ꭲ⩝ ͙ᕧᕧц䪫ͥ᫛䛸ᝠ㞛͆ȟๆტ͙᪳៑ᕧ㑂䒽 ȟࢃ∷ੲ៑ᕧ⩋ٴქᝬь䓪⮰᭛౔䔅㞜䯪ᬢ᱋喏ᩫ ࠱᠘ᭋ≞ᬑ៑ᕧ㑂䒽䘙⌱↋ڱESJBOস.JLF඗䃹喏" ٴᬺᬑ៑ᕧ㑂䒽䭴ᴘ䘍ٵȟ⩋ٴٵᏈȟℽЭসϦℽȟ䯳ͧস䯳঄ტϦͷ䬠喏ᒨₐᰠჩქȟ 㑂䒽䭴ⅵ Бࣶ䊱䓳⩋ٴࡺᬑ៑ᕧ㑂䒽᳃Ც㢏ٵᔬ喏̬䊣ᝄ㘈⫗ᗱȠ⁸ᰞ ⩋ȟڟ̺❝⩔ๆ䄱㼏喏㐓㐙स౔喏 ͙➥ݗ඗̶̬⃡侘Ბ䃹喏ՋБনभͪ఩̶̷ఎ㏿̬㜠ȟ ѹ๓侘⁸᝷স㞦Ϧ喏΋र㜖⪅㼬ჰ䄙ᝂ㜖៹㻲 ⺉ℽ䔭̶ڔसͦڝ䶽ᰫȧस̬͖᱖ᲑȨ々ज喏 ڝξߕ㐅߇喏㞜䯪ᑿݹ喏ᬌ䃦㗐㞞㗸ᮛ喏๓ტ䘩᭛঩䓼 स⮰᱖Ბߖ߇Ƞ ⺻স᝿⅀Ƞ࣮̺⮰⁸᝷স㞦Ϧ࠱᠘ᶭ䲅㡥ȟᑌڝसѿ喏㗕Ꭲ㗕ͦ ᴷᶭȟᱺҕ⣞ȟ.BTZJUBI.BTZBȟ'VZJOH Ⴘ᜼䃹ᰞ݇҈喏Ꭲ䯲ऴ 4BNȟ䭴⣮ۜȟ۸ߌሧȟ䭴ၼ䷂ȟ⢷ᕉ⋡ȟνڱ㏻䓳र᫥ऴ҈喏᜼ߋ౔ⴙᬢ䬠 ѹ๓侘⁸᝷喏࢟᳃֑䒵ȟ侘ଵ䒕ȟ䩦⦪ᶒȟ⍕߇䨙স 䢮䦗ȟ᳃᪳㢖ȟ䭴ᚓᖘȟᱺӶ䶵ȟॠӼ⦳ȟᑌ 喏Бࣶ͖⩝ࡺ጗̵࢜๓ℽ᫻㏰᜼⮰ᬌѠ๻Ϧผ 䊣ᩫȟᱺ⁏ᕍস਼ⷓ᳉Ƞ䷂ֱ֑ स⑀੝ȠڝϦ喏ڝͼఎĄ$PMPVSPG7PJDFTąᕧ ȧस̬͖᱖ᲑȨ⁸ᰞ.7ࣶ㞦Ϧ᰷ࣷ⡚㐅๓ ȧस̬͖᱖ᲑȨ㣣ᓃ䊱䓳ტ྾ѿ⮰ऴ߇ᣔᎫ喏࠱ ტ⮰ჰ䄙সचেᒝ❳喏छ≻㻴͙ᕧჄ᫥㙤Β ᬺᬑ https://www.facebook.com/acccim/videos/516746008999135/ Ƞٵ᠘ᭋ≞ᬑ៑ȟࢃ∷ੲ៑ȟ͙఩៑ȟ͈᫥ᬑ៑ȟ ࡺᬑ៑ȟ䓏᝷㑽ȟ⩡जȟ"J'.ȟ.FMPEZٵȟ៑ '.ȟ$JUZ1MVT'.Ƞ

ȧस̬͖᱖ᲑȨ⩝र स⑀੝Ƞڝ᫻⁸᝷ “Sharing the Same Future” was performed by multiracial singers.

22 ࣩ3<Ք֧З㔀ঢ়Я੏ડޝࠒ https://www.facebook.com/acccim/videos/761464431055296/

“Bersama, Kita Pasti Menang” ࠒޝӱҀੵ㖊

 ,JUB 1BTUJ .FOBOHą㣣ᓃݜ ఩ᕧ Ą#FSTBNBڔ,JUB1BTUJ.FOBOHą⩝͙ᕧࣶ侘Ბ㺫φ Ą#FSTBNB ߇ᩛᠭ喏䘔䪫ᠫⲏڔसࣽ䊣喏᭛Бȧस̬͖᱖ᲑȨ࣋ᰞ҈ͦ㨉᱘喏⩝࣋҈ 䕆䃛̺ๆ྾ѿ䘔⮰ڝੲц 䃹Ϧͷ̬⮰.JLF$IPOHস%BUPă)K.BNBU(IB[BMFFCJO 䊇๗̭΋Ϟ㜖ᒁݢ㻲䶽ͦ⁸ᰞ々ज喏͙ CEVM 3BINBOऴ߇඗䃹Ƞ⁸ᰞ⩝̵๓⻹᫻⁸᝷喏ܲݗ᭛ ᕧᕧц䪫ͥ᫛䛸ᝠ㞛͆ȟ㓩⤯हᄲᠫⲏ" +PTJBI)PHBOȟ㟻⯴ͷࢆทস⩝ࡺ጗̵࢜๓ℽ᫻㏰᜼⮰ᬌѠ ᱺჃыসर᫻㞦Ϧ̺ⴑहϦท喏࠱᠘᱘ ఩Ϧ ౜⁸᝷"OEJ #FSOBEFFȟᱺҕ⣞ȟ.BTZBڔ๻ϦผͼఎĄ$PMPVSPG7PJDFTą̬䊣⡚੝喏ͧ㺭নभ स䓺ᣑ㘈ݕȠ .BTZJUBIȟⴑह侘Ბ⩡ᒝݢ❳Ϧᑌ⻷ࣽڝᗱ喏⫗ܧℽ̹ܲᒨₐ喏ఎ㏿̬㜠㖀᝷ៃ %BWJE5FP ȟ侘➥༭⩡ᒝ .*(1JDUVSFT ᬃ ऴ҈ ̷㞦Ϧ)VO)BRFFNȟ4IJNB"OVBSȟ/JOBڑЂ᫜ߌڢ䮐βᬕݹጞऴ҈ᣔᎫȧस̬͖᱖ᲑȨ⮰྾ѿ喏 ᣔᎫ⮰྾ѿ࠱᠘β35.ȟ"TUSPȟ5IF4UBSȟ5IF&EHFȟ.J( *TLBOEBSȟ*OUBO-BEZBOBস%BZBOH"SFFEB ℽ᝿⅀Ƞڔℽь䔾₏㘩䛻স㐅δ㇪⺊̶ᩛ ̬स々ज喏̬䊣ͦڔ0OMJOF䙹ऴ仂᧙ᣔᎫ喏ऽ ᠭȠ

䕆䃛 ࣶๆ྾ ѿ䘔䪫 ᠫ ⲏ 䊇 ๗̭喋̶ ᢾ ጒ喌ȟͥ᫛䛸ᝠ㞛͆ 喋̶ᢾጒ喌ȟᑌ⻷ࣽ 喋̷ᢾጒ喌ȟ+PTJBI )PHBO 喋̷ᢾጒ喌 ࣶᠫⲏᱺჃы喋ट喌 ͦĄ#FSTBNB  ,JUB 1BTUJ .FOBOHą々 जȠ

“Bersama, Kita Pasti Menang” was supported by YB Dato’ , Minister of Communications and Multimedia (upper row 1 st from le! ), Tan Sri Ter Leong Yap (upper row 2 nd from le! ), Mr. David Teo (lower row 1 st from le! ), Mr. Josiah Hogan (lower row 2 nd from le! ) and Datuk Wira Lee Chong Wei (1 st from right). 33 ஦થЄЖՌ儺҄לЗ㔀਑З֡஭ப பЗՃ崋ދؿ ACCCIM Received 20,000 Face Masks from the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in 17.4.2020

ͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏᝠ㞛̺͆⮩ ๕๓ҫ䔇㵸㏫̶ц䃚Ƞ ࣮̺ц䃚㔱࠱᠘ͥ᫛䛸 ᳃ჩ೺ȟᠫⲏ䭴䩳ᬺБ ࣶঔ᩻ဒᄻ໼Ƞ Tan Sri Ter Leong Yap and H.E. Mr. Bai Tian had a teleconferencing meeting. Also present were Tan Sri Lim Kuang Sia, Dato’ Tan Tian Meng and Ms Chow Mun Seong.

఩侧侘Ბ㺫φ๓ҫ亲ᚣᚔ᡼䊌侘Ბ㺫φ͙ ܲٱ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌̳͖̬⁍ᕓए㒕喏 ѿ⣜侘͙͐఩⮰ࣷຩᗱ䄶Ƞᄥκ๓ҫ亲䰖͙䔭ᯂ ⮰રͪ喏͙ᕧᕧц䪫ͥ᫛䛸ᝠ㞛͆⢳㒞⤲ᕧц䪫 ͥ᫛䛸᳃ჩ೺ȟᕧ⼄Βᠫⲏ䭴䩳ᬺࣶន㵸䪫ঔ᩻ ڔဒᄻ໼喏➥౜䔻䓳㻲䶽ц䃚喏ऽ͙఩侧侘➥঩ ᱯ๓ҫ⮩๕䬭̷㶔䓪ᙋ⓬Ƞ

ͥ᫛䛸ᝠ㞛͆㶔⹦喏͙ᕧᄲцា͙఩侧侘๓ҫ亲 ᡼䊌⮰̳͖ए㒕喏䮐β䘔ܲ≪ࣽ㐅͙ࡺᕧੲц ๓࣒⮰ԉႵȟ⌱∭ࣶᴈजϦ঄ҫ⩔喏΋цܲ≪㐅 ѿ͙ڔ侘͖ദ᱘ц঄⼄Βะ喏Бࣶᘌࣶڔ͙ᕧ ᕧȟ͙ᕧ⹪ц㏻≺ⵀ⾢͙ᓯȟ͙ᕧ䧒ጊϓ͆ఙࡦ ఩ᕧੲц⼄Βะ㕸঄Ƞڔतȟ侘Ბ㺫φژᰵ䭼 ₏౔ៃ⫗͙⤯ڔसᬢ喏͙఩㘩๋ࣶᬢᖎู⩋ϓ喏Ꭲᄥ 䮐βᙋ䅎⮩๓ҫ➥౜䔭ए㒕㐅͙ᕧसϭͷโ喏㜖 ⮰఩ტ᣼Ӈࡧ⫃➕䉰䒿ܦ喏ᄥ͂⩸र఩䉍⡚ጔ๓ȠЂ ᗱ喏๓䘔ܲЭ͆䘩䲎͠⫗ܧ㗦►⫗ᗱߌ䛹БᲑ喏͙఩侧侘๓ ⼜喏䮐βᑿݹᓱ䶧ߌ㉓᝿یϺ侘Ბ㺫φ᫜ ᒜ᭪β侘͙͐఩ͷ ⱬ㞜ጔ⮰ᠽᝄȠఌₐ喏Ђ΋ጸ᱇喏͙఩҈ͦ᜽఩ᰬ๓ܲٱҫ亲⼛Ჭͦ᜽఩䔭ᯂ喏 䬠Ą䕳ᆝ̬䊣❘喏䕳⇋̬䊣䌔ą⮰ಆ჆ᗱ䄶Ƞ౔ ⮰䉤ᬿхѠ఩喏᱖Ბ㘩๋ᠭ㐙౔㏻䉤̶喏ᠭ㐙̺᜽఩ 侘Ბ㺫φ䲎ᄥࡧ⫃➕䉰ⴙ㑦ͷ䭱喏๓ҫ亲΋͵̹ ξⰤអᠭ喏䔻䓳侘͙͐఩ᩫᏈࣶ⻭ϦЭ͆౔̹स⮰䶥 स㑀䕌ࣸ䊎ᅬ䲎Ƞڝქ䓊⮰ࡻߕࣶ䙹ऴ䔇㵸ᄧⅮ➕䉰⮰ӇᏀ喏࠱᠘౔ Ⱊ̬䊣ऴ҈喏  ᑁ䔇࡯̳͖ए㒕ȟर⻹ࡧ⫃ஔᱼ࠱᠘ڱⴙᬢ䬠 䩚ڟᗱ⮰⫗ܧ͙ᕧᕧ⼄Βᠫⲏ䭴䩳ᬺᄥ͙఩౔䔅͖ៃ ڝ߇ࡻस᜽఩ڔন।ஔȟࡧ⫃䭞័⩔৭ふ➕䉰喏 सៃܧ⫗ᗱȠ ᬢ᱋喏̹ϱ᣼Ӈβࡧ⫃➕䉰ࣶឬᱛ᫥䲎⮰ࡻߕ喏Ꭲ̺ सៃ⫗喏㶔䓪ᙋ䅎ȠЂ΋ጸ᱇ڝ᜽఩㉓ჲ々౔̬䊣喏 ऒโ喏͙ᕧ㒞⤲ц䪫ͥ᫛䛸᳃ჩ೺ᠳܦ喏䮻ⱬ͙ ᱖Ბ㘩๋̺͙఩๓ҫ亲ᠭ㐙ᣎ䃔ຮҁ౔䛹᪠఩ტ㏻≺ 㞜㠒ᅬ䲎⮰ ᫥䲎喏᣼ӇᩫᏈᰠߍ჊⮰ᐦ䃚Ƞڑᗱ䮣⫗⤯ڔ఩᜼ߋᄲ⫗ᗱࢷݢ喏౔ 44 ͙఩侧侘๓ҫ亲㏻≺ੲߍ࣮䊊ⴟ 䉰ᬺຟท⼧ϐ⩝๓ҫ亲䊌䔭⮰ए Џ㶔䶲⩋ٴ㒕δ͙ᕧ喏⩝ঔტឫ ंȠ Madam Shi Ziming, Counsellor of the Economic and Commercial O" ce of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Malaysia handed over the facemasks donated by the China Embassy to ACCCIM, which were received on behalf by Mr. Chew Kar Seng.

ݺЗ֡Ԛ࣠Њ؞Ӣх۱䡎কயޤ ำ౜⤲фࣶ߫倄Ꮢࣽڣ⮩๕๓ҫ䃐ͦ喏侘Ბ㺫φ ᰵ㐉ҟ⮰᲍ТБࣶ䓼䒿䔊ᣑ㈧ڣ䓪⮰ݢ䕌͆喏΋ 㐋喏ᰵ᱇ࣽᆁ᜼ͦࡦഋᕓ⮰➕≭᳎㏩Ƞऒโ喏๓ҫ ͙ᕧ⼹ᬕݹऽᩫᏈ᣼ॴᐦ䃚Βᬢ喏΋ᐦ䃚ᩫᏈᏀ䄑Ջ ݦ⓬ጮ౦喏ᩫڱᐦ䃚౔⫗ᗱͷऺ喏ͦβ㘩౔ⴙ᱋ ߕ͙఩౔ៃܧ⫗ᗱ̶⮰᜼ߋ㏻侸喏Бࣶ̿͆ⴑ䃲喏Б Ꮘ΋छ㔯㭽䔻䓳ᣔߔ๓䶥Ⱊ࠱᠘๓ಷദᐦ䶥Ⱊȟ ߕ侘Ბ㺫φᰠᰵᩴ⮰䭧᫙⫗ᗱь᧙Ƞ侘Ბ㺫φᙋ䅎͙ ≻䒔䕿䶥Ⱊ喏Ბݦ⓬ࣶ៵ߔ㏻≺≧ߔ喏ͦ䛹ᐦ㏻ ఩ѹ䉰⌝̿ტ䭋й喏࠱ॗ౔ন।ȟь᳿⫱ȟ⌝ܳ⇧ ߇ȠЂ΋ጸ᱇喏͙ᕧ⹪ц㏻≺ⵀ⾢͙ᓯ΋≦ڑ∔ ࢗ⩋Бࣶ͙㺫ࡧ㏿ऴ⮰̿ტ喏κᰴڝژȟᓯ⤲ȟ⫄ ⮰ᐦ䃚ࣶᠳᄨⵀ⾢喏Бݕ๓ҫ亲᫥䲎ڟ㘩᣼ӇⰤ ᬑ១䓪侘Ბ㺫φ喏᣼Ӈ᜽఩̿͆ᩛᤠࣶ৔䄎᰹ߍȠ 䔇㵸៑ॶ喏Бᑁᄨ͙఩ᩫᏈ䘔䬔БࣶЭ͆喏䦴ᄥ ᬢ㞜Ƞٷڝᕓ⮰ߌᑦ̺侘Ბ㺫φͷ䬠⮰ऴ҈喏 ᕧц䪫ͥ᫛䛸ᝠ㞛͆κᰴᬑ喋ᭋ᱋ᬑ喌̶ࡴः䖬 ࣮̺͙఩侧侘๓ҫ亲̺ᭋ≞ȧ⮪ᵨ-*7&ц჎აȨऴ҈ ࣸ᫥΋౔ц䃚͙喏䦴ᄥ⫗ऺ⮰㏻≺䛹ᐦȟϦ߇ឬ ⮰➥ݗ❴䃫䄴㞮Ⱊ喏Ꭲ䔻䓳⩡䄉䔊㏫喏ऽѹᲑ㜖͙ 㘩ഥ䃙䃍ܾȟБࣶ䔇̬ₑߌᑦ͐఩ͷ䬠र᫥䲎⮰ ఩⮰ࡧ⫃̿ტ᣼䬚Ƞ ϐ≭Ƞ⮩๕๓ҫ㶔⹦喏ڑ⌝ऴ҈ふ䃚䷄喏䔇㵸β 喏߫ᓱᑁ䊣๝͆⒚喏͙఩᫥ 䄑㞮Ⱊ䖬䄣βѹ̿ტ喏࠱᠘͙఩ៃ⫗̿ტ㏰㏰䪫ᱺܧ㗦►⫗ᗱ⮰۞ی᫜ 䲎΋ͼ㻭̺͙ᕧᆁᐬऴ҈喏᣼Ӈឬ㘩ഥ䃙䄪⼷喏 ӶȟᎫ͈ⰭϦℽࡧ䮎ᕑ࢝䛹⫳ࡧ႒䘔ޛ᪅ᢴ⍕໅ν喏 ࢗ⩋̿ტႅΉሜ喏ܲϗ͙఩ៃ䃚㏻侸Ƞڝژᰠๆ⛋㏯ឬᱛ঄጑喏БఌᏀϓ Бࣶڧࡻߕ侘Ბ㺫φഥ ͆䒘ಷ䰬ⅮȠ

ͥ᫛䛸ᝠ㞛͆ः䖬䕆 䓳⩡䄉ऽ͙఩ࡧ⫃̿ ტ৔䄎Ƞ Tan Sri Ter Leong Yap was invited to consult with the medical professionals’ team from China over the phone.

55 ڃЗ㔀Ҏ੻ݛ ૜Ҁוਸ਼Ў֧ਸ਼ԇॡӱޫ୎㔧יޟҩ੤ ACCCIM Urge the Government to Allow More Industries to Resume Operation During Movement Control Order (MCO) Period

仂Ⱔͥ᫛䛸ᚁᅐ̭κᰴᬑ჏ጯᐢ䪫㵸ߔ ౔ネݢАऺ喏͙ᕧⅤͱह㾵ц䪫ͥ᫛䛸䩦ᐣḚ κᰴᬑ᣼ॴᐦ䃚Βδ͙ᕧᕧц䪫ͥ᫛䛸ᝠ㞛͆喏 䕆䓳͙ᕧ᣼ॴᐦ䃚Β㐅ᩫᏈ喏Бࣶ⼛Ჭ̺఩䭱䉤ᬿ ࣶ጑͆倄㏓䘔䪫ȟ䉎ᩫ䘔䪫ȟϐ䕆䘔䪫স仂Ⱔ㒞䘔 䃤٭䪫喋㏻≺ηߍ喌䘔䪫䔇㵸㏫̶ц䃚喏ӯ䄣ᩫᏈ ݢ䕌͆ȟᐦぽ͆Бࣶ䛳⴫͆Ϻじθ䭢⃡⮰㵸ネ᱋喏 ⮰ߟߔ߇ᖎู጑҈喏ݦ⓬㏻≺≧ߔ喏䶰䭞ڢБ Э͆ⵠϓᝂԾ䬙喏䔇㔸ᄥӇᏀੲȟӇᏀ䨪ࣶ䨢㵸喋 ᰠๆ⮰౻䉒喌䕌᜼̹ݕ⮰ᒝ৹喏ₐโ喏ᩫᏈ΋ᬌ䰬 㶑䉠጑Ϧ⮰጑䉰Ƞ

Ąᑿ๓ಷᐦぽ䶥Ⱊᐬ໷ู጑喏䔊ፒᄲ៵ߔ͙ᄻЭ͆ ⮰㏻≺≧ߔ喏ຮₐ喏ᅝछБ㐅δ͙ᄻЭ͆⩋ႄᝬ䰬 ⮰⣜䛽≭Ƞą

͙ᕧⅤͱह㾵ц䪫ͥ᫛䛸䩦ᐣḚ 喏ݢ䕌͆ȟᐦぽ͆স䛳⴫͆౔ܦ᫛䛸䩦ᐣḚᠳͥ Life Honorary Chairman of ACCCIM Tan Sri ϓᕧը⮰䉍⡚喋(%1喌ܲݗͦݢ䕌⩋ڱᎠ఩ William Cheng Heng Jem ͆喋ϫАव喌ȟᐦぽ͆喋 ⮰۟჆喏౔㵸ߔネܦϫАव喌স䛳⴫͆喋ϫАव喌ȠⰚݹ喏 ͥ᫛䛸䩦ᐣḚ΋䊊មᩫᏈֆ 䃤下৭ȟⴟ⇥স๕♢⅀ふദ᱘᰹ߍ₏፤٭㏒⮰ݢ䕌͆Бࣶ⮰ᐦぽࣶ͆䛳⴫͆䘩ֈ ݢ᱋䬠 ϓᕧը䕌᜼⮰ᕧᢋ 䓼҈Ƞ⩋ڱ䓼҈喏͖䶲ഋ⃻ᰴᄥ఩₍ ๝ͦ喏ᝂϫАवȠ ͥ᫛䛸䩦ᐣḚκᰴᬑЏ㶔͙ᕧܦፙ⩝䉤጑䘔⼄ Ђ΋᣼ݜ喏侘Ბ㺫φⰚݹ⮰ᅝ͆Ϧ᪜㏒ͦ Β䪫%BUPă-PLNBO)BLJN"MJͧᠭ⮰ц䃚喏Ჭ 䉤ڨछ㘩ц䃕๝͆⢳Ϻ්ߌ ߇εं䃕➥჆䶲ഋู጑Ƞᰴᬑ喏倄㏓䘔䪫ޓ喏㠑㷭঄ᗱۡߌ̳ ᩻჏ጯ͖䶲ഋᄲ䔼ₑᐬڥ㜟喏ᅶᬢᄲцᰵ̳጑Ϧ๝͆Ƞ๝͆጑Ϧ̹ ጑䘔䪫ᠫⲏ᫛䛸᫛䛸䭫 ϱц᜼ͦ᜽఩ᩫᏈ⮰䉋៱喏΋छ㘩ᄨ㜠ϓ⩋⹪ц䬚 ᩪȠ ䷄Ƞ ፙ⩝䉤጑ܦᏒЏ㶔͙ᕧڹᰴᬑ喏ͥ᫛䛸䩦ᐣḚ ͥ᫛䛸䩦ᐣḚ΋Бₒⅵȟ䴕఩ȟᬑ᱘স᫜ߌ಍ふः 䘔ޛ⼄Β䪫%BUPă4SJ/PSB[NBO"ZPCͧᠭ⮰ц 䉤጑䘔䪫ᠫⲏ᫛䛸᫛ڨ㗦►⫗ᗱᒝ৹⮰఩ტͦҷ喏㶔⹦䔅χ౜ࡦ࢟ӫ 䃚Ƞᑿ๕̷ࡴ喏倄㏓䘔䪫ی᫜ ⮰㏻ܧ᩻ࣽ㶔᪳ॶ჏ጯ喏ͦβ䛹ज़䖙ः᝿ڥ䃤䧭ࢮࣶݢ䕌 䛸䭫٭ᄭ೺喏Ѳ౔䛳ं䶰䭞ᣖ᫩ݹ᣼̷喏 䃤ᝬᰵ౔仂̵䭢⃡㵸ネ٭ᩪჩネݢ喏ڹ䃤̶䔜጑͆ ≺喏ᩫᏈ٭㐓㐙㥑͆Ƞఌₐጸ᱇᜽఩ᩫᏈ㘩๋͆ 䲎ᖎูڔ䔼ₑ්ߌȠ ᱋㣣۲ู጑⮰㏻≺㵸͆喏Ϻᰴᬑ䊣छڹБ㜟ߟߔ߇⮰℀ҷู጑喏 ःݜᬢ䬠স঄጑᪜䛻⮰䭼ݢȠጞ㣣ឥڹ䃤㏻㥑⮰㵸͆喏Б⶚ԉ䛳ं 㥑䓼喏̹٭Ђ΋ᑦ䄯ᄲ᣼䚾ᝬᰵ 䰬㺭ऽ䉤጑䘔⩟䄣ឥ۲Ƞڹत̹ژ㗦►⫱⃾⮰ផ᪏Ƞ ۲䓼҈⮰ی᫜ٹ䶰䭞ᣖ᫩Ბ䖫 66 З㔀઎ઐъ֧঎ग़ࣟ੕㖖 Professional Consultations via Live Streaming by ACCCIM Offi ce Bearers

䔇㵸β౦ڝ㵸 Ϻᰴᬑ㜟ᬑᐬ໷喏͙ᕧ㙤Β᎟जڑ㗦⫗ᗱᒝ৹喏᜽఩Ϻᰴᬑᐬ໷䔇ی᫜ ఌߔネݢ᱋喏ੲࣶ͆㏻≺≧ߔֈᥲ喏र㵸र͆ Ⱐ᧙㞮Ⱊ喏⋡Ⰲͧ䷄࠱᠘喝ः⫗ᗱᒝ৹⮰र㵸र͆ ΋䖙ः͑䛹᝿ܧȠ౔㵸ネА᱋䬠喏᜽఩仂Ⱔͥ᫛䛸 ᝬ䲎͠⮰ᠽᝄȟ͆㔱㘩॒ߌ䕋䒘ಷȟ13*)"5*/͙ ᔬϦℽ㏻≺㏻≺䙹຃ą ᄻಷЭ͆㶑ߕ䙹຃ᄥ͙ᄻЭ͆⮰ፚߕȟ㵸ߔネݢАڟᚁᅐ̭ᰠ᭛ݹऺ჏ጯβĄ ᔬ͙ᄻЭ͆喋䭰ߌ❴喌䙹຃ą喏ͦः⫗ᗱᒝ ᱋䬠∁ᒷ⪽ᗽȟ⫗ᗱᬢ᱋喏䯳̺ͧ䯳঄⮰∁ᒷᱯ⯶ڟࣶĄ ৹⮰঄጑ࣶЭ͆᣼ӇᤠߕȠ ふ⪽䬚Ƞ

ͦβࡻߕ䃤ๆц঄ੲტȟ䯳ͧȟ䯳঄ࣶℽуβ㼏㏻ ̶䔜Ⱐ᧙㞮Ⱊ喏㣣ᓃ㑽ࣷ⼛Ჭ᣼䬚ࣶຩ䃰喏Ꭲ⪅㼬 䙹຃⮰ᰬ᫜䉰䃛喏౔͙ᕧ᪜ႃ㏻≺㏰ͧЧᑌ Б⹦吿ߝ喏ࢁ౦ᰬ倄㻮ⰷϦ᪜⩆㜟䓪ݜ̳ڠᡛ≻ 㻲䶽छ౔͙ᕧ㙤Β䛹⍕Ƞڟ⮰もܾࣶႵᢾ̷喏͙ᕧ̺䉎㏻ͧ᧙台䯩 Ϧ⁍ȠⰤ⩋ٴ఩᳃ ᆁᐬऴ҈喏̹჆᱋κᮆ̶◥喏䕆䓳͙ᕧ㙤⩋ٴ᪸ ΒĄⰠ᧙ᐬ䃞ą喏䖬䄣͙ᕧर䶲ഋ喏࠱᠘⼺ߍȟϦ 䮐ₐͷโ喏͙ᕧ΋ᣑ㣣ࣶ$JUZQMVT⮰䖬㏒喏䖬 ߇䉰⎼ȟ∁ᒷȟ᪜ႃ䒘ಷȟ➕≭ふ̿ტͦ㻮у㼏む 䄣͙ᕧ䉋䉏Ϧ࣮̺㏫̶Ⱐ᧙㞮Ⱊ喏सᬢ΋স͙ᕧ㙤 ⪽䬚Ƞ Βऴ҈䔇㵸䌔᎟जⰠ᧙Ƞ

ࢵӠ઀रыރ آિુыՃՉ଺ⰧۈՖ Иٵߊ फݮПொ फݮޙ ͨޙ࠲߃۬ͧ ֢ߥүࣿڙ৆ࡺুПѠ؁ރۈЅыࠩ И ௰曑㦺਎аঞВЋ ܛ4ङࣔӰݙԉ/:'./68 ޙ߃ ਎аЋ஼ۈТ֛з; ஼澝ИۂґҎӯީ ଍ੈ٭௙قي৆ࡺՇ؁ރЅыࠩ ௛ߛ੼о ௰曑㦺਎аঞВЋ شЉީԆବдИީە䡏 ޙ߃ ਎аЋ஼ ؒܳष௰、ӎۈԗ; ஼澝И؁ރѣЏ ৆ࡺুুմߥ֢ҽүࣿ؁ރۈИ ଍࣒ࡶ௛ߛ੼о߄ஒҸ՛יԉ ௰曑㦺਎аঞВЋ Ѕыࠩ И֢ٮѾײФЈ࣒ͫࡶە䡏 ޙ߃ ৆ࣲஐѭّүࣿۈ ਎аЋ஼ۈֺѣЏ৐৒୦։; ஼澝ИشИ ৆ࡺুԀПѠ௰㩥ㆠүࣿ؁ރۈИ ੧ு୼ܳषԫۨҶۼۈыࠩ ИֺѣЏ ௰曑㦺਎аঞВЋ Ѕش4/:'./68ޏ߂ ޙ߃ 傸ق௺ј؀ѣЏুПѠشИۈ਎аЋ஼ Иۈ୆׬߄эТ୍ࢵ; ஼澝И ੧ு୼ܳषԫۨҶۼۈ4୆׬崛֝ ௰曑㦺਎аঞВЋ Ѕыࠩ И/:'./68ޏ߂ ޙ߃ 傸ق௺ј؀ѣЏুПѠشИۈ਎аЋ஼ Иۈઆঋ ஼澝Иם ੧ு୼ܳषԫۨҶۼۈыࠩ И਎аЋ஼ Ѕ ѣЏङԮߑЊ૴ߑشИ ޙ ߃ ӣцކљ٨ۈИ ଒੧फݮڔސङ ੧ு୼ܳषԫۨҶۼۈOZ_6R[Y,3਎а Ѕыࠩ И( ͫە৯ߡչմٗ㞱ଋ䡏 ޙ߃ ஡; Ћ஼ڮҟޣપؠ ӣцކљ٨ۈਨ; Иޞچӗ圈;૚ы;һ ଒੧फݮڔސङ ٤گࡳކа嚁ॢۈআиԀۈЅыࠩ И ߊͫ஥П<9஥մ ௰曑㦺਎аঞВЋޞە䡏 ޙ߃ ਎аЋ஼ۈߓञ ஼澝Иگङࡣ ٤گࡳކа嚁ॢۈআиԀۈЅыࠩ И ௰曑㦺਎аঞВЋ گ੧Ԉ঒Ӳјߊ୿ङࡣ ޙ߃ ਎аЋ஼ۈઆঋ ஼澝Иםएۗ 傸ق௺ј؀ѣЏুПѠشИۈЅыࠩ И ЗҼ୰۬࠲ ௰曑㦺਎аঞВЋךڍيڄݺ ޙ߃ ਎аЋ஼ۈԉ; ஼澝Иٮ҂۩߄эТثߊޙ ᣼ӇБࣶ࣮㔯ȟ$JUZ1MVT'.ࣶ͙ᕧ㙤Β⩋ٴ㐋䃍᪜ᢚܲݗ⩝台䯩᪸ 77 ࣶႀА哅ᅬ㏱ڔȟᠫⲏࢎ᜼⩋ٴጒ䊣喝台䯩᪸ ᔬ͙ᄻЭ͆喋䭰ߌ喌䙹຃Ƞڟ䄴⩱ From left: Mr. Wang Chun Pin, Dato’ Low Kian Chuan and Mr. Koong Lin Loong shared their shows on Prihatin Package for SMEs.

㩍᪳≞ᒷጴᅝ㵸ߔネݢА᱋䬠⮰∁ᒷ ⪽ᗽ䔇㵸㼏むȠ Mr. Michael Chai enlightened on legal matters during Movement Control Order Period.

䄴➥ݗᤠߕ៱ԉӫݕ⮰᧹҈Ƞ⩋ٴᑌ఩᳃ Mr. Teoh Kok Lin talked on the operation of the Special Relief Facility (SRF).

ᣑः㏫̶䛳䃫喏䄴͙ᄻЭڔᠫⲏࢎ᜼ ͆࢝ᱦ̺䒘ᱦȠ Dato’ Low Kian Chuan on live streaming with 988 FM on crisis and opportunities for the SMEs.

JUZ1MVT$̶ڔᠫⲏࢎ᜼ '.㞮ⰚܲϗĄ㔭Ძস঄ ጑ᡦ䓳⫗ᗱ喏䄠ქᬿֆ ᒴ䯪喢ą Dato’ Low Kian Chuan on live streaming with CityPlusFM to share his viewes on “Employers and employees to survive from the pandemic, easier said than done?”

88 㓆ٮЗ㔀૛՟ݰ ࣂжѪѪ੠נЗڏநࠊ঎ІՒ e New Normal Way of Conducted ACCCIM’s National Council Meeting For the First Time via Teleconferencing 23.4.2020

䙹ऴ㵸ߔネݢА̷⮰᫜፤ᔭ喏͙ᕧじ ネА᱋䬠喏͙ᕧ䓺ऴ᫜፤ᔭ喏䕆䓳㏫̶㻲䶽ц䃚᫥ᐻ ᅶじ⁍͙๚⤲ηцц䃚仂⁍Б㏫ 㵸घᐬじᅶじ⁍͙๚⤲ηцц䃚喏仂ᐬ㏖ᒁȠ ̶ц䃚䔇㵸 New Normal under Movement 侘र౜⮰ Control Order (MCO). For the firstڔц䃚⩝͙ᕧᕧц䪫ͥ᫛䛸ᝠ㞛͆ͧᠭ喏㣣ᓃᲑ㜖 ͙๚⤲ηȟ጑҈㏰ͧЧȟ䱾ੲఎនༀȟ⼄Βะ጑҈Ϧ঄䌶䋯 time, ACCCIM has conducted its 4 th ࣮̺Ƞܦፙ㔱࠱᠘㒞⤲ᕧц䪫ͥ᫛䛸᳃ჩ೺ȟޛᕧц䪫ᱺᐬ Meeting of the 73 rd National Council via .ȟᠫⲏु⊣Ꮩᅬ㏱ȟͥ᫛䛸䭴᜼哅ȟᠫⲏ᫛䛸᫥► teleconferencing⩋ٴ䓼 ȟᕧ⼄Βᠫⲏ䭴䩳ᬺȟᕧ䉎ᩫ䅎Ცಐࢆท⩋ٴ⺑ࡺȟႷᓣ ふ喏ܦፙ倄⢳䓪喋喌Ƞ 䙹຃δ͙ᄻЭ͆喏Ѳ㠑㵸ߔネݢᠭ㐙ڠᡛ ц䃚͙喏ͥ᫛䛸ᝠ㞛͆៑ॶβ͙ᕧস͙ᕧ⹪ц㏻≺ⵀ⾢͙ᓯ ̷ࣧ喏ᄥੲტᲑ䄠ፚߕ̹๓Ƞఌₐনभᅩ ᙋ᳿⎼๠喏ᬕᬑ㼏䮐㵸ߔネݢ喏䔄ܦ౔㵸ネА㥩჊᱋䬠ᝬ䔇㵸⮰๓䛻጑҈喏࠱᠘᣼ॴ๓䛻ำᔄᒁ ᔗᤖ ࣶᐦ䃚ΒδᩫᏈ喏ᆁᐬβๆ䶥ᔗ䕋䬚ࢣ䄯ᴑ喏ᩢ䯲጑ੲ⩸ᘻ Ϧℽ₏፤⮰⩋≧Ƞ 㻭喞⼛Ჭ̺䘔䪫И䔇㵸ц䃚Ꭲࣹᭌ጑ੲ⩸䲎ᄥ⮰䬚䷄喞⼛Ჭ Ἃጊ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䪫ᠫⲏ᫛䛸ڨᕧц䪫ޛ ࣽ㶔᪳ॶস䕆䓳͙ᕧ㙤Β̿䶡ܲϗᩫᏈᰬ᫜ᩫもࣶᣖ᫩ふ䃛 ᖛ喞ͦៃ⫗ゥȟ䃪⿷8IBUT"QQࣶᓚԍ㓐㏰喏䦴ᄥᕓะ⤲ ᫥►ࡺ΋㶔⹦喏सᘻᩫᏈᐢ䪫ネᣓ᱋喏ᘋ 䲎ู጑喏➥ݗ᭛׻ἋڔηߍふȠ ᓱ䶧ᐬᩪ䃕र㵸͆ ጊጞ䔊㐙ๆ๕⇍ᰵ᫜⶚䃶⫱ҷ喏ጊᩫᏈᏀ ๓͙ᄻЭ͆ڱᐦ 䄑⼛Ჭऽ͙๚ᩫᏈεं䃕ጊܦₐโ喏रദ᱘ц঄ц䪫΋౔ц䃚͙䦴ᄥ㵸ߔネݢА᣼ 䲎ู጑喏ࡻߕ㏻≺ጮ౦䔀ఊ₏䒔Ƞ॒݅ڔ 喏㵸ܦᠳ⩋ٴ⴮៵䊶͙ࡺᕧੲцц䪫ᱺᐬ䓼ڨᕧц䪫ޛ䃚Ƞ 㞜䓇ᅬ䲎喏᢬䊣Ծ䬙ڑ๓喏㠑⫗ᗱ⇍ᰵᓃݜᰵ ᜽఩㏻≺ጮ౦ᄲ䮣⩆ܧߔネݢА⮰ๆ⁍ᐢ䪫喏ᄥੲ⩸᝿ ⮰ᗱ̷ۡ喏࢟ӫᩫᏈᣔ㵸㏻≺ স๝͆⒚Ƞڑᩴ౜ᣓݢ喏౔⇍ᰵ⩋ᘻࣶᩢ 99 ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䪫ᠫⲏु⊣Ꮩᅬ㏱݅䄠喏䉤 Б̷͙ͦᕧ౔ᰴᬑ㜟ᬑ᣼ॴำᔄᒁڜḚ㒺ڨᕧц䪫ޛ ጑䘔ᄥᐦぽ㵸͆⮰ู጑⩟䄣⼷Ꮋ㍭⤼ูᱮȟ͑㠇̀㑦ͻࣷ ᐦ䃚ΒδᩫᏈȟ̺ᩫᏈ৔䄎ц䃚ȟࣽ㶔᪳ ર喏ᄨ㜠᪠͖ᐦぽ㵸͆ᬌ∁ู጑Ƞఌₐ喏ጸ᱇䉤጑䘔㘩๋ガ ॶふ̬㻴㶔Ƞ ⼛ࡂ⼷Ꮋ喏ឥ۲ᐦぽ጑⼷ู጑Ƞۡ̀ᐦぽ͆ܲ጑㏲ჲ喏⩋ϓ䨪 喋ำ∔喝͙ᕧᰴᬑ㜟ᰴᬑ䛳ं⮰ 㺲ⰂᎫ∇喏Ђ΋᣼ࣶ౔ͧ㺭ឫ࠱ੲᣑ㣣ឥ۲ᐬ጑ऺ喏Ђ⮰у Ჭ㵸ߔ喏䄣࣮䬱じ᱋ц䃛喌 ऽ䉤጑䘔⩟䄣ู጑Ƞڹๆឫ࠱ੲࣶܲ጑ឫ࠱ੲ΋̹ᓱ

З㔀ݧղ ACCCIM Press Statement 06-04-2020 գ࠵௙ݮޙ䡏Ҹञ࠱޼澦գ▲Зߌߛ澧ߎ߃ܐۈИ “Sharing the Same Future” - Song Produced by ACCCIM to Cheer in the Fight Against COVID-19 First Broadcast on 7th April.

З㔀ݧղACCCIM Press Statement

ѣЏ傴֟ش୆׬ԉИۀઑݐҼڏ୊হڄЩ੿ݺۈИ ACCCIM’s Press Release on Prihatin (Tambahan) Package for SMEs

੧嗋з㬮ۼڶѫ৆ࡺू९И॑ंۈѫઑͫИڐଇࡣՓގୌۢގ௙ब০ୂ୸ͧ৆ࡺзԇͨܳष 07-04-2020 澞٭ҽ娑үࣿї੮ӟ YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa bin Mohamed, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Economic Affairs) convened a meeting, ACCCIM was represented by Mr. Lee Heng Guie, Executive Director of ACCCIM’s Socio-Economic Research Center (SERC)

੠Я Memorandum / Proposals Paperڎڢںה 08-04-2020 ՃٗЏୂ͹ޣઑае֢எ帢ڏݕղپؼљЈ੧Џ֨੧Ԉ঒Ӳјߊ୿ङ߶ӕҁЏ३ উЏڏ 䩳Џ ۰֪фЏ Proposed Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Prevention of the COVID-19 during the Movement Control Order (MCO) submitted to the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) for the following sectors: 1. Construction Sector 2. Mining Sector 3. Property Sector

ࡋСդंۈՃٗЏୂॢа୸Dato’ Lokman Hakim Ali Њٗ֌֝ѽї੮଒੧ѫઑͫИޣ֢எ帢 09-04-2020 澞٭࠙ї੮ӟڎୌ敽ގઉѫ୸Н Meeting between Dato’ Lokman Hakim Ali, Secretary-General of MITI and Chambers of Commerce and Trade Organisations. ACCCIM was represented by Tan Sri William Cheng, ACCCIM Life Honorary President.

էׂߎѫմ澝֝ѽѫմչߟӟѫմݶத߄۞֨ޙ й߃ۈՃٗЏୂङ੽ࡌͫИޣ֢எ帢ځ ҁОѩүৰਖ਼ङդԥ澞ͫމҸ՛૏؟੧Ԉ঒Ӳߊ୿ੈ଍ङѫմ֌ е帢ٗୂͫѩүѣЏդԥމҸ՛૏؟Фӄݶதչݕղמ▲֨ͫޙй߃ۈИ ୥դԥ (Supply ChainځҸ՛ͺȔѩү҈؟ Company Prioritisation List) ȕһ߄) Ҹ՛澞؟ Prioritisation List)ȕө߄

1010 З㔀ݧղACCCIM Press Statement

䡏Ҹञ࠱޼澦գ▲Зߌߛ澧ੂ࠳வ֛րܐۈИ “Sharing the Same Future” - Song Produced by ACCCIM to Cheer Malaysians in the Fight Against COVID-19 Received Positive Responses.

З㔀ݧղACCCIM Press Statement 10-04-2020 ୸঒ӲјڍݵܴۈҶਙЇͫИ؍ыࡇࣿո Peoples’ Lives and Health Safety Come First; ACCCIM Supports the Extension of Movement Control Order.

߄ҼȔ੧Ԉ঒ӲߊȕФեङଞ֫ߑӲঌऋલ߲୼ԲۈИ 13-04-2020 ACCCIM’s Quick-Take Survey on the Preparation of Post MCO’s Exit Strategy

аਚӡޢߎѫմ֨੧Ԉ঒Ӳјߊ୿଍ҁͫљ঎০ளѩۙԽф֪ચׂۈҪકИڄؼҏબݺۈИ 14-04-2020 ՃٗЏ௤঴ୂ୸ޣ֢எ帢 ACCCIM’s Letter on Seeking Approval for Constituent Members to Run Operation for Endorsement of Non-preferential Certifi cate of Origin (NPCO) during the MCO Period Submitted YB Senior Minister of International Trade and Industry

ߎѫմͫՃׂ۪ߎׂۈݶӱ帢ٗୂॢа୸ङ߾ӕӡͫҪક߄ݕղःબङИޙй߃ۈИ ସ،帢ٗீڷа澞Ѹީͫ঎০֌ѫޢѫմङًѫͫ֨੧Ԉ঒Ӳјߊ୿঎০ளѩۙԽф֪ચ डױՉӱਧډҶߚўљेґٗҁ࣪׋澝մٗչுؚङҡ؍Ճ՟ாپ۱ઁؔङ߶ӕҁЏ३ୂ षչ঒ݏ澞

੠ЯMemorandum / Proposals Paperڎڢںה 15-04-2020 е͹ڣڻוݕղٗזЏՃੈזۊؼٗ֌ѣЏ֨੧Ԉ঒Ӳјߊ୿ۈ֌ѫչИۈ௛ߛ੼оҶ֢ ୌۢػЃގG௛ߛ੼о௙बН ୌ஋ӂݽގՃٗЏ௤঴ୂ୸ܳषޣH֢எ帢 䯅؟ୌ欝ގIсପୂ୸ܳष ଇࡣގୌۢގJ௙ब০ୂ୸ͧ৆ࡺзԇͨܳष NCCIM and ACCCIM’s Memorandum on Resumption of Business Operation During Movement Control Order submitted to: (a) YAB Tan Sri Dato’ Hj. Muhyiddin bin Hj. Mohd. Yassin, Prime Minister of Malaysia (b) YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Azmin bin Ali, Senior Minister of International Trade and Industry (c) YB Datuk Seri Ir. Dr. Wee Ka Siong, Minister of Transport (d) YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa bin Mohamed, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Economic Affairs)

З㔀ݧղACCCIM Press Statement

੧Ԉ঒ӲߊФեङଞ֫ঌऋՆ௘ث୓؟୼Բલ߲љдઆ֌ڐيۈИ ACCCIM Conduct Quick-take Survey to Collect the Feedback on the Preparation of Post Movement Control Order (MCO’s) Exit Strategy

З㔀ݧղ ACCCIM Press Statement 17-04-2020 וӕױҟڏ௛ИՠҁͫО䡏ե৆ࡺ୍ڠ઎Ԇݍௗ҅םЊИ֢௞௛ۈИ ACCCIM and Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Malaysia Exploring on the Strengthening of Cooperation between Malaysia and China for Rebuilding the Post- Coronavirus Economy

1111 ੠ЯMemorandum / Proposals Paperڎڢںה 20-04-2020 е௛ڣڻוԃȕՃ۪ȔՉ㞢зўȕݕղܐ٢ОȔЉՕ؛ؼ੽ࡌۈ֌ѫչИۈ௛ߛ੼оҶ֢ ߛ੼о௙ब NCCIM and ACCCIM’s Memorandum on the Declaration of “Force Majeure” and/or “Frustrating Event” submitted to YAB Prime Minister of Malaysia

੠ЯMemorandum / Proposals Paperڎڢںה 21-04-2020 ੒֣ͫݕղе͹ם৆ࡺۈճՃИܕȔ੧Ԉ঒ӲߊȕФեङଞ֫ߑӲঌऋલ߲ۈИ ୌۢػЃގG௛ߛ੼о௙बН ୌ஋ӂݽގՃٗЏ௤঴ୂ୸ܳषޣH֢எ帢 ௩נୌБ⾎۶ގIીݺୂ୸ܳष 䯅؟ୌ欝ގJсପୂ୸ܳष ଇࡣގୌۢގK௙ब০ୂ୸ͧ৆ࡺзԇͨܳष

Report on ACCCIM’s Quick-Take Survey (QTS) on Post-MCO’s Exit Strategy and ACCCIM’s Economic Revitalisation Plan submitted to: (a) YAB Tan Sri Dato’ Hj. Muhyiddin bin Hj. Mohd. Yassin, Prime Minister of Malaysia (b) YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Azmin bin Ali, Senior Minister of International Trade and Industry (c) YB Senator Dato’ Sri Tengku Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz, Minister of Finance (d) YB Datuk Seri Ir. Dr. Wee Ka Siong, Minister of Transport (e) YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa bin Mohamed, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Economic Affairs)

З㔀ݧղ ACCCIM Press Statement

ਲז੧঒ߊեङଞ֫ঌऋͫݐԈ۩֢৆ࡺؔܧԆବځՉҏڄݺ ACCCIM’s Proposals on Post-MCO’s Exit Strategy Ensure Economic Revival and Business Sustainability

З㔀ݧղ ACCCIM Press Statement 22-04-2020

ȕەշ՝ҶࡇȔ௎஧գ੧ͫ۫ਆ䡏 䡏Ҹञ࠱޼“Bersama, Kita Pasti Menang”Ҷ֢িЇ௙ݮܐ֢ધ࣍ۈИ ACCCIM Press Release on Release of “BERSAMA, KITA PASTI MENANG” Song

ՃٗЏୂৰਖ਼澞ޣФ۞੿֛௘ͫљҎݕղো֢எ帢ޑਲݒזݶத੧Ԉ঒Ӳߊեङ৆ࡺۈИ 23-04-2020 ACCCIM to solicit feedback and inputs on post-MCO economic recovery me asures for onward submission and consideration of Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI).

੠Я Memorandum / Proposals Paperڎڢںה 25-04-2020

ճݕղеીݺୂܕବલ߲ڽրȕڧȔ੧Ԉ঒Ӳ۱ଭۨङ৆ࡺۈИ ACCCIM’s Quick Assessment on the Movement Control Order (MCO) Impact on Businesses submitted to the Ministry of Finance

੠Я Memorandum / Proposals Paperڎڢںה 27-04-2020

е֢எڣڻוݕղٗזЏՃੈזۊؼٗ֌ѣЏй੧Ԉ঒Ӳјߊ୿ۈ֌ѫչИۈ௛ߛ੼оҶ֢ ՃٗЏ௤঴ୂ୸ޣ帢 NCCIM and ACCCIM’s Memorandum on Issues Related to the Resumption of Business Operations During the Movement Control Order (MCO) submitted to YB Senior Minister of International Trade and Industry 1212 ੠ڎЗ㔀ձਸ਼ԇॡӱޫդ૭֪ज़ࣛ ىডՆܕՃѢЎਁוক࡛֡ۊԈ 21.4.2020

͙࠱ڢ⃾⫗ᗱ✲ࣽ喏᜽఩Ϻᰴᬑᐬ໷ ₐโ喏Э͆΋ጸ᱇ᩫᏈ㐅δБ̷⮰ࡻߕ喏⫱⟣ی᫜ಷ じఇ䭢⃡㵸ߔ ᠘ڑఌ჊㵸㵸ߔネݢА喏Ⱊݹጞ䔇 ネݢȠͦβ⶚ԉ㏻≺ࣶੲ͆≧ߔ㘩๋౔㵸ߔネݢ᱋ ⩔सܲ៱֑Ꮳࡧ⫃䉥⩔喏㐅δ֑Ꮳࡧ⫃䉥ڝ ऺ₏፤ࣶ䶦ݕ䔇㵸喏͙ᕧস͙ᕧ⹪ц㏻≺ⵀ⾢͙ᓯ 喋喌 喋喌ٹۻκᎠᰴᬑ㜟ᬑᆁᐬβĄ㵸ߔネݢ᱋ऺ⮰ ⮰⼺ߍ 䔬౦も⪑ąᔗ䕋䬚ࢣ䄯ᴑ喏ᒭⅮЭ͆⩸⮰ᘻ㻭ࣶࣹ 喋喌䃪჆⌱Ẇࣶ䔻ᬺࡂ⮰ᴳ۲҈͆≭⼷喋401喌喏 亴喏ݢ჆㵸ߔネݢАऺ䔬౦も⪑͙䪫᱋᫥ᵴ喏Б⶚  ̀ᄥ጑҈⮰≭⼷㼏䛶ࣶន㵸ᓱ䶧̬㜠 ԉ᜽఩㏻≺ู㟻ࣶЭ͆ᠭ㐙ࣽᆁ⮰ᐦ䃚Ƞ 喋喌

఩र౜䔇㵸⊴⃾጑҈喏Б⶚ԉℽуڔ䬚ࢣᕧむูϦ᪜ͦϦ喏Ბ㜖र͖䶲ഋস̹स㻰 喋喌ᠭ㐙౔ 喋喌ȠڔὍ⮰Э͆喏ᑿ͙Б͙ᄻЭ͆ᅱๆ喏ࢌȠ ⮰Ⴕ

͙ᕧᕧц䪫ͥ᫛䛸ᝠ㞛͆ᠳܦ喏ᵥᢚ䄯ᴑ㏿᳈᭪ むู㔱΋౔䬚ࢣ͙喏᣼ܦЂИᄥ࢟ᄲ౔ᰴЩ᣼ॴ त㶔⹦䰬㺭 ⮰Ꭰ䉎ᩫ䶰ッᵴ㐅δБ̷ⴙ᱋ȟ͙᱋ࣶ䪫᱋ژ⹦喏ᣑ䓽̬ࡶ⮰むู㔱ᣑः䄯ᴑ⮰ ͖ᰴᝂБ̶⮰ᬢ䬠᝹㘩๋ᖎู͆ߍȠЂ䄠喏㮩♢㏻ ⮰ᣖ᫩ᐦ䃚喝 ჆ࣶᠽᝄ喏Ѳख㺭ԉᠭಆ䴓⽟̹␍ٱ⼷㟻⮰䌛ู≻ तࣶ͙ᄻЭ͆⮰ᝬᓃ⼺⼺⢳喞ژ 䭹Ѻ B ̹᠀ࣶ̿∔喏Ꭲ౔ᩫᏈ䔮ᬢ⮰ࡻߕ̷喏ⰤԍЭ͆䘩 㘩๋ߌ䕋ᖎูᭀᬑ⮰߫๠Ƞ C  ߌ䕋ᩫᏈ䘔䬔⩡ၼࡂࣶ⩡ၼ䧝࠱⮰ࣽᆁ喏Б ᬌ⣜䛽⹪ц喞ڑ䓴

 ͙ͦᄻЭࣶ͆ᓚಷЭ͆䃪䃍̬͖䛹᫜ᐦᲰȟ ౔䄯ᴑ͙喏ᰵ⮰Э͆ᄥ㵸ߔネݢА㏿᲋ऺ⮰ D 䴓ᕓࣶ䛹᫜Ჰᘟ⮰䙹຃喞ڣ 䌉ڔ喏ጸ᱇㘩๋㐓㐙ԉᠭႵ∔ڟࢗ⩋ᘻ䃲㶔⹦ڝژ ᝫ౜ϓ䃍ܾ喞ڠ ᡛ Ƞ๓ Eڔу⮰Ⴕژȟᝠए㒕ȟ⊴⃾ふᣖ᫩喏Бԉᠭ⻧ у౦ऴ喏ຮᩫᏈᱦژ䘔ܲఊู㔱㶔⹦Ϧ≭䛻䒯倄⮰ ᰵᝄ⪑ᕓ⮰఩ტេ䉰䃍ܾ喏Бᖎู⻭Ϧڣ ᣔߔ F Ჰࣶጮᩫᅬȟ̿͆᰹ߍ䶲ഋȟ丼ࢱࣶ⩔丼౜◥喏䘩 ጮ౦Ⱐᣑេ䉰喋%%*喌喞ڱេ䉰喏➥ݗ᭛఩ 䃤㏻㥑Ƞ٭ᓱ䶧౔げऴ᲍Т̷ G  䛹᫜ज़ߔ⊴䉥ࣶ᰹ߍ⼺ (45 喞 ए㘩߇喞সܦ ᣼倄 ᫛䛸ᝠ㞛͆㶔⹦喏͙ᕧͼ㻭ᰵ⮰Ϧसᘻݢ Hͥ ഥڹ ᣼Ӈ㶑ߕ喏䃕Э͆ᄥߟߔ߇䔇㵸ឬ㘩 ჆ᴳ۲҈͆⼷Ꮋ喋401喌喏䔅㶔⹦ᒴๆЭ͆ᄥԉ័ I  ᰵᑦ◴⮰ᘻ䃲Ƞᅩネ䘔ܲϹᰵᄻ 䃙Ƞڔ঄጑ࣶ჎ᝣ⮰Ⴕ ۲ܦ䘔ܲᄻಷࣶᓚಷЭ͆Ϲ᱖ᄥᴳ۲҈͆⼷Ꮋֆ ⼷ำ喏Ѳ倄䓪⮰Э͆㶔⹦ጞᄥ䌋䮻ᴳ۲҈͆ ۲ำȠ ͙ᕧጞκᎠᰴᬑᄲ䔅䶥䄯ᴑ៑ॶБࣶ͙ᕧܲٱᎻֆຩ ㏻≺๓㨉ప᣼ॴδ仂Ⱔͥ᫛䛸ᚁᅐ̭ȟ఩䭱䉤ᬿࣶ ᩻ȟ䉎ᩫ䘔䪫ᠫⲏ᫛䛸ڥ጑͆倄㏓䘔䪫ᠫⲏ᫛䛸䭫 ᵥᢚ䄯ᴑܲ᲼喏Э͆౔ᑁ⩔ᴳ∔҈͆⼷Ꮋᬢ䲎͠⮰ ͈໽᝺๗冭ȟϐ䕆䘔䪫ᠫⲏ᫛䛸偻ტ⺑স仂Ⱔ㒞䘔 䪫喋㏻≺ηߍ喌ᠫⲏ᫛䛸ᚁ᫛䓪∁Ƞͥ᫛䛸ᝠ㞛͆ ܍Ԕیܙ੎ୋஙՂٮל燨 ጸ᱇ᩫᏈ̺ੲцࣶर጑ੲ㏰㏳ऴ҈喏ݢ჆㵸ߔネݢ ⩔喋喌ϓ⩋䷉โ⮰֑Ꮳ䶰䭞䉥 䔬౦も⪑喏ᣎ䃔䃕Э͆㘩๋ᠭ㐙㥑䓼⮰ᰬҟ᫥ᵴȠ 喋喌䘔ܲ጑҈౦ऴࣶ጑ࢮ⮰ᵨᅬᬌ∁䔇㵸㜟ᄽ 䬚ࢣ䄯ᴑ៑ॶछ࣮䬱͙ᕧ㑽々IUUQTXXXڟ ᰵ䌉⻧ڔᅦ⮰Ⴕژ BDDDJNPSHNZRUP@QPTUNDP Ƞڔ喋喌঄጑៱ᔓ֑ᏣࣶႵ

1313 ACCCIM’s Proposals on Post-MCO’s Exit Strategy Ensure Economic Revival and Business Sustainability 21.4.2020

alaysia is now in the fourth phase of the Movement Also, the wish list of businesses include: th MControl Order (MCO) since 18 March 2020 to (i) Co-sharing the cost of health prevention through contain the COVID 19 outbreak. As we should start to a tax deduction on health cost incurred (ranked plan the MCO’s exit strategy to ensure a smooth transition by 87.3% of respondents); towards a normalcy of economy and business, The (ii) set a clear and transparent SOP; consistent Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of interpretation and enforcement of SOP (78.9%); Malaysia’s (ACCCIM) and its think-tank, Socio-Economic and Research Centre (SERC) has conducted a Quick-Take Survey during 13 – 21 April 2020 to solicit feedback from (iii) Continued disinfection operations nationwide to business community on the preparation of Post- MCO’s Exit protect public health safety (75.3%). Strategy and also outlines medium-and long-term measures to ensure an economic revival and business sustainability. As surveyed, amongst the short-, medium- and long- term measures, starting with the tabling of Budget 2021 Total respondents of the survey are 916 from a wide range in October include: of industries and different sizes of enterprises. SMEs (a) A reduction in company income tax rate for constituted the most which are 94.1%. corporates and SMEs; (b) Accelerate e-government services and ACCCIM’s President, Tan Sri Ter Leong Yap announced that e-payment towards a cashless society; close to half of total companies surveyed have indicated that (c) Design a Reconstruct, Resilience, Reimagine they need more than six months to recover their business. He Package for micro and SMEs; said that while the stabilisation and recovery journey ahead (d) Rejuvenate the sluggish property sector; continue to remain challenging but if we stay persevere and (e) Launch A Strategic National Investment Plan remain focused as well as with a timely facilitation support to resuscitate private investment, especially from Government, I believe that businesses can regain lost Domestic Direct Investment (DDI); momentum. (f) Reintroduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST); Almost 90% of businesses expect a post- MCO environment (g) Upli! ing exports capacity; and with conditions remaining in place pertaining to safe (h) Incentives for reskilling and upskilling of distancing, wearing masks, sanitisation as well as other workforce . counteract measures that are critical to keep the public safe. Places like Government offices and municipal councils, ACCCIM has submitted the Report on ACCCIM’s professional services, restaurants and eating places have Quick-Take Survey (QTS) on Post-MCO’s Exit the highest percentage of respondents indicating to allow Strategy and ACCCIM’s Economic Revitalisation operating with conditions. Plan submitted to YAB Tan Sri Dato’ Hj. Muhyiddin bin Hj. Mohd. Yassin, Prime Minister of Malaysia, YB According to Tan Sri Ter, it is pleased to note that 83.9% Dato’ Seri Mohamed Azmin bin Ali, Senior Minister agreed to have the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), of International Trade and Industry, YB Senator an indication of businesses’ strong commitment to protect Dato’ Sri Tengku Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz, Minister workers’ and customers’ health. 76.2% of respondents are of Finance, YB Datuk Seri Ir. Dr. Wee Ka Siong, well prepared to comply with the SOP though some small Minister of Transport and YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa bin and micro enterprises have a low preparation. Mohamed, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department st (Economic A# airs) on 21 April 2020. Tan Sri Ter hoped Businesses cited top three common issues and challenges that Government to engage with the chambers and encountered to comply with the SOP are: industry associations in the preparation of the MCO’s exit strategy and to explore the best ways to facilitate (i) Incurred an additional health prevention cost; business operation. (ii) Some workplace and factory’s layout are not suited for at least 1-meter safe distancing; and For the full report of the Quick-Take Survey, kindly visit to ACCCIM’s website: (iii) Employees worry about their health safety. https://www.acccim.org.my/en/qto_postmco/ 1414 ঈܯڃݛڰ੠਑ڎЗ㔀 ѢЎͣଡ଼ԅͤକ׫ԈѢЎ傴֞سӞһ㓅Зܱ 6.4.2020

㏻≺ ᩫᏈसᘻᎢ吿ߝ䯳ͧস䯳঄ͷ䬠䔇㵸䃔ڱ㵸ߔネݢА⮰㥩჊БᲑ喏఩ 㫖স⩟䄣ۻ喏͙ᄻЭ͆ᰠ᭛仂ᑿ 䃦喏࠱᠘౔㵸ߔネݢ᱋䬠छБܧ㜖ःݜ䛹๓᝿ ᔬ ᬌ㫖ճȠ䔅ҫ䯳ͧ᠑ᰵᰠ๓ᑥᕓࣶ⾦䬠喏ڟȠ仂ⰤκᎠᰴᬑ჏ጯ⮰۞ڢ ㏻≺䙹຃̹䓪጑ੲ⩸䶰᱋喏ᩱ͙ ౔䔅͖䲊፤ᬢ᱋᱋䬠喏̺঄጑䔇㵸ੲ䃔̺ڠϦℽᡛ ᕧ䮻ऺ᣼ܦ๓ᐦ䃚喏߇ӯᩫᏈ侘̶䛳ं ⇋䕆Ƞ ࢟ݧ⪻㼏Эڱ㻭ᒝ⮰Ꮐᕑₑ俐喏ⴙ᱋〫⿷ Ђᣖ᫩࠱᠘ϺᎠᰴᬑ㜟Ꭰڢ జදȠ͆ ᰴᬑ᱋䬠ោតโߟϦ๠⼺喈喏ᄲ 䒧Э͆⮰㥑䓼᜼᱘ȠჄ㖀Э͆䭹ۻᕧ ᰵߕκܦ䮻ऺ喏仂ⰤκᎠᰴᬑ჏ጯᣔ ⁎ᝣ⮰⼋䛽ᝂ᣼Ӈោត΋᭛̬͖ः⼋ڢᔬ͙ᄻЭ͆喋䭰ߌ喌䙹 ѺڟϫАव⮰䷉ Ƞ͙ᕧᙋ䅎ᩫ 䓺⮰ͪᣖ喏ఌͦ䔅΋ᄲцᄥ⻭Ϧᐦぽ➕সڟ຃喏ࡻߕ͙ᄻЭ͆⍍䓳䯪 Ꮘ㕲क़጑ੲ⩸⮰ผ䴟喏Ꭲ䛳㏟͙ᕧ᣼ܦ⮰ ੲᏃ͆ͧᑁࣽ䔊ፒᩴᏀ喏ӯҫЂИ䭹Ѻ⼋ ᔬ͙ᄻЭ͆喋䭰ߌ喌䙹 䛽Ƞᐦぽ➕ᝂੲᏃ͆ͧख䰬䭹Ѻ⮰ڟڑ㏟䘔ܲᐦ䃚喏 Ƞٹۻ຃Ƞ ⼋䛽喏ᄲछ㣣ᓃ䷉โ⮰⼺ߍ

఩ᕧੲڔ喏͙ᕧᄥκ ͥ᫛䛸ᝠ㞛͆΋䛹⩟喏侘Ბ㺫φܦ͙ᕧᕧц䪫ͥ᫛䛸ᝠ㞛͆ᠳ ܦᙋݜ⁏᚜喏΋ цБࣶ͙ᕧᄲ⼛Ჭͦ఩ტ⡚䃍䄷も喏᣼∔ڟᝬ᣼ॴ⮰ᐦ䃚㣣ᓃ倄Ꮢ ำᐦ䃪ᕓࣶछ㵸⮰ᐦ䃚喏БߕᩫᏈڣᙋ䅎仂Ⱔͥ᫛䛸ᚁᅐ̭ȟ䉤጑倄㏓䘔䪫ᠫ ᰠๆ ᩻䭫䛸ȟ䉎ᩫ䘔䪫ᠫⲏ᫛䛸͈ ᠋჆͙᱋ࣶ䪫᱋⮰䃍ܾ喏⶚ԉ᜽఩㏻≺সڥⲏ᫛䛸䭫 ໽᝺๗冭ȟϐ䕆䘔䪫ᠫⲏ᫛䛸偻ტ⺑ࣶ仂 ੲ͆⣛ද㘩๋Ⅴ්䪫Ƞ Ⱔ㒞喋㏻≺ηߍ喌䘔䪫ᠫⲏ᫛䛸ᚁ᫛䓪∁ ᔬ͙ᄻЭ͆喋䭰ߌ喌䙹຃ͷڟ጑ੲ⩸ႄύ ౔ᩫᏈ჏ጯڟᩤܦϱͼᘻ㕲क़͙ᕧᝬ᣼̹ 䬭ࣶ㏻≺㵸ߔ⤲η ݹ喏͙ᕧস͙ᕧ⹪ц㏻≺ⵀ⾢͙ᓯ䔇㵸ڱ䩚ᐦ䃚喏΋ፒݜڟ⮰ ䷺㏻≺䙹຃ࣶ㷭঄⒈౔ڠᔬϦℽᡛڟц䛸䃔䃦Ƞ βĄ 䮕ą䄯ᴑ喏ᩢ䯲ੲ⩸ᄥκᩫᏈκᰴᬑ ㏻≺䙹຃স㷭঄䃍ܾڠᔬϦℽᡛڟ⮰ܦᔬ͙ᄻЭ͆喋䭰ߌ喌䙹 ᣔڟĄ仂Ⱔᝬ჏ጯ⮰ ຃͙喏䛳㏟βๆ䶥͙ᕧ౔ᬕݹ᣼ॴछБ౔ ⮰ࣹ亴Ƞ 㼏۟Э͆ᝬ䲎ᄥ⛯ⰵͷᕑ⮰ᐦ䃚Ƞڱⴙ᱋ ౔䙹຃͙΋᣼Ӈ➥ݗ᠔ࣶ䰢ݕ⢳⮰䉣 䔅䶥䬚ࢣ䄯ᴑκᰴᬑ㜟ᰴᬑ᱋䬠䔇 ᩢݜЩఊู喏Б͙ᄻЭ͆ͦڝ喏ᘌࣶ̳ᓚಷЭ͆喏ࡻߕЂИᏒ䓳 㵸喏 ᔬϦℽᩫࡻ㏻≺䙹ڟȠą ͧ喋喌Ƞ䦴ᄥڟ䯪 ຃喏ᰵ⮰むู㔱㶔⹦̹␍喏ᑿ͙ᰵ ऒโ喏౔㫖䉰㶑䉠᫥䲎喏ᩫᏈ᣼Ӈβ むู㔱䃐ͦᩫᏈᏀͦЭ͆᣼Ӈᰠๆ ๓㻰Ὅ㷭঄ȠٹϫАव⮰㫖䉰㶑䉠᫥ᵴ喏Ꭲ䦴ᄥᬕݹ⮰ᣖ ⮰䉎ᩫᤠߕ喏Б䖫 ᫩҈ܦβ̬χ䄯᪠喏Ӊ⚓Э͆䯳঄Ϧ᪜喏 ᣼ӇАवȟАवࣶАव⮰㫖 䉰㶑䉠喏ͦ᱋͖ᰴ喋ᰴЩ㜟ᰴЩ喌喏 ͙ᕧⰤԍ䔅ᄲ㘩๋ࣶᬢᎢᰵᩴ᣼ӇЭ͆౔ 䉎ߍ̶⮰㏪㐿喏Ꭲᘌࣶ̳ह䯳঄Ƞ

1515 ACCCIM Welcomes the Prihatin (Tambahan) Package for SMEs 6.4.2020

he implementation of Movement Control The revised wage subsidy of RM600, RM800 and TOrder in our country has seriously affected the RM1,200 per month per employee costing RM13.8 domestic economy, especially the SMEs are the most. billion, depending on the size of business operations As the Prihatin Rakyat Economic Stimulus Package (April-June 2020) is certainly provides a timely (PRIHATIN) announced by Prime Minister on 27 th & nancial relief to businesses. It will bene& t 4.8 million March did not meet the expectation of industry, employees. ACCCIM immediately proposed six main issues for the consideration of the government to provide We are relieved that the Government has agreed to the much-needed relief to businesses struggling to encourage mutual discussion between the employers survive. Subsequently, Prime Minister announced the and employees pertaining to terms and conditions, PRIHATIN (TAMBAHAN) package for SMEs on 6 th including the options of pay cut and no pay leave April in total of RM10 Billion. during the MCO period. It gives the employers’ * exibility to engage with employees in coping with this $ e Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce And turbulence time. Industry Of Malaysia (ACCCIM) President Tan Sri Ter Leong Yap welcomes the PRIHATIN package for SMEs Other measures such as a 25% discount on foreign and is grateful that the Government has heard the workers’ levy for the period 1 April to 31 December voices and apprehended the concerns of SMEs business 2020 would help to ease businesses’ operating costs. community pertaining to their survival in coping with $ e rental reduction or discount given to retailers in the first order impact of Movement Control Order the premises owned by GLCs is a welcome move to (MCO) and also the a! ermath e# ect – containment, set in trickle e# ect on private owners of premises and stabilization and recovery. It is vital to safeguard shops to lower their rent. The owners of buildings SMEs against businesses’ closures and bankruptcies as or business premises will be given an additional tax this will result in massive retrenchments and the loss deduction up to the same amount of rent reduction, of income for workers as well as detrimental to the on condition that they provide at least 30% reduction economy. from the original amount of rent.

“Our appreciation also goes to YAB Prime Minister Tan We would continue to work with the Government to Sri and also to Senior Minister of protect public health and the economy during the International Trade and Industry, Minister of Finance, COVID-19 pandemic. $ is is a collective responsibility. Minister of Transport and Minister in Prime Minister’s Department (Economy), and for their great e# orts in We strongly believe that the Government would considering our feedback and inputs to prepare this continue to engage with businesses, to review extra incentive package for SMEs.” the policy actions from time to time and make pragmatic decision, taking into account the evolving Ter, who is also the President of the National Chamber developments concerning the economy and businesses. of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (NCCIM) said, the announcement of PRIHATIN (TAMBAHAN) Tan Sri Ter has reiterated that both NCCIM and package for SMEs has considered some of our requests ACCCIM would give firm commitment to actively to urgently address some pressing problems faced by involve and contribute actionable ideas as well as both the large companies and SMEs. We are pleased suggestions for the formulation of medium-and that the package has taken care of the plight of micro long-term plan to ensure a sustainable economic and businesses (about 700,000) through special grant and business development. zero interest rate so! loan to help them through this tough time. 1616 Before that, ACCCIM and its think-tank, Socio- Conducted from 29 th March until 4 th April, the survey Economic Research Centre (SERC) has conducted received 2047 responses in total and mainly were SMEs a Quick-Take Survey to Solicit Feedback on The (81.6%). 78.2% respondents were not satisfied with the Prihatin Rakyat Economic Stimulus Package Prihatin Rakyat Economic Stimulus Package and among (Prihatin) and Workers’ Retrenchment Plan. them, 95.3% opined that businesses need to be given more & nancial relief to prevent massive retrenchments.

੠ڎଙঈࣩЗ㔀ڃݛڰ਑ ACCCIM’s Proposals that adopted by the Government

ѢЎͣଡ଼ԅͤକ׫س੠ һ㓅Зڎ੿ங З㔀 Issue ACCCIM’s Proposals PRIHATIN Package for SMEs

੧Ԉ঒֨ܬԣ֌ͫԕڐيՕސԋ圈૏Յ௴ڄোе஥Пࢲ ݺځઞ਼ઘ ੧Ԉ঒Ӳјߊ୿ٖͫ 澞ڔސ圈ҝङޗӲјߊ୿୊ऀӗ圈չ ײࣲմٗङ圈୐୼ொͫࡁהۅWages Subsidy ࡴ Government encourages employers to actively ܙҝٶ圈૏۪љޅ圈ҝ澝લޗљ ࢃঈ澞 engage with their employees on employment During MCO, the employers terms including the options of pay cuts and should be given flexibility to unpaid leave during the MCO period. engage with the employees on ֺѣЏͫ৓ܴם૝ଋыङރunpaid leave; pay adjustment  Ӛߎ֪஥մы ђы׍ਙރјաͫۘ੭ૉыand offsetting with annual leave. ࡱૉ ыਙыङИֺѣЏͫ੭ૉ࠿ыыͺ஥մ ֺѣЏͫ੭ૉڳֺՃشыљЈङјաͺ јա׍ਙ஥մ圈୐੭ૉђر јա澞 ࠿ыјաͫОߊІЗ߃澞 Increase the amount of wage For companies with a workforce of more subsidy to RM1,200 from RM600 than 200 people, provide a wage subsidy of RM600 per month for every retained worker. ݶҵЈ஑ However, the maximum number of workersޙ߃ٶݭஔȔਘ ङҸ՛ȕङߚўઁؔ澞 that a company is eligible to claim for will be ૝ଋ Remove the condition of “Any increased from 100 to 200 employees. For company that has suffered a companies with employees between 75 to 200 decline of revenue of more than people, will receive a wage subsidy of RM800 50% since 1st January 2020” per month for every employee. For companies with employees of less than 75 people, will йٗ૏૝ଋјաङմٗͫ provide a wage subsidy of RM1,200 perث Њ month per employee. This assistance is for aܬࣲͫԕהۅোе஥Пࢲࡴځ ଋ 3-month periodچմٗࡷળٗ૏ͫЊҸ՛▲૜ ਨ஡ޞߊ澞 ȕङ صֺѣЏȔݶҵӗڳֺѣЏՃشFor those earning above  ݭ୦ ֺѣЏՕऀ߃ФեѠѾ߃ѡםRM4,000 per month, it is ߚў澞ИֺՃ 澞 صݶҵӗޢўߛҁࡁૻͫચކproposed that the employers be ݶҵ given the flexibility to engage Remove the condition of “50% decline in with employees in bracing this revenue or income” for Micro and Small tough time. Enterprises. For Medium and Large Enterprises, 50% or more decline in revenue or income compared to January 2020 or the subsequent months.

1717 ўङߊஒͫކղсҸ՛׹մѫࡣؔرգ۞ڄ੮澝ؙ ݺܕःچٶ୸Ҹ՛ङڍઑڏ নձ۶ݧѝى 澞מߊեङݏ୸ਙ঒ڍў ਘԈކExtant ઋૃऩͫљՃҿѕ۱߄ࡣؔ Submission ङিЇչ߱Ֆःબޞ୿澞 Grant an automatic 30-day moratorium from Grant an extension of time on the date of MCO ends for companies to lodge the filing of companies’ annual the statutory documents to SSM. returns, audited accounts, and ܕङીԇޙਙ߃ޙ߃ ٶ ٶall online or over-the counter  ѫઋ էҸ՛׹մீڷ୸З߃澞ѣЏڍਘԈܕlodgment of other secretarial ճղ ճङܕଖղсીԇڍثЉѫவٷstatutory documents. ѫݕӟःબͫ ৣ࠮澞 3-month extension be granted for the lodgement of financial statements for companies with financial year ended 30 September to 31 December 2019. Companies are required to apply to SSM for this extension with no fees imposed.

Ҳڱউ࣒ङߒૄ֌ͫՕੂڏबҼҸ՛ڄݺॣ܈  ߑي੽ࡌؒ৻Ҹ՛չ՟ٖ৆ࡺՇ ۼӖૈलଟ઎ ӗॣ澞۪ॣ ۯॣصউչфЏͫӗڏЈङޖReduce Rental ߣ ङॣ୐澞 Waive or provide discounts for rentals to Request GLCs’ and State SMEs in the retail sector which are operating Economic Development on premises owned by Government-Linked Corporations’ owned buildings Companies (GLCs). and premises to reduce rental for their tenants. ୐ӗॣۯѣЏॣش߃োИड़ыЏПਲ਼߃ਙ  澞 ӗॣصਙީீڷ५ͫۘۻיҲͫՕੂௌ Owners that provide rental reduction or waiver ॣصङ۱߄ৱӗڃԋ֌֫չ֌௴ ଑࠼ߊ୿ङॣ୐ to tenants that consist of SMEs for the monthsثՕљڄ୐ͫݺ ݕ҈ࣔӰङՅ୍५ݶӗ of April until June 2020 are given a further taxͫۻ֛ Ҳ澞 deduction, subject to the condition that the Provide a special double tax rental reduction is at least 30% of the original deduction on the amount of rental rate. rental rebate provided during the same period to incentivize the owners of malls and shops to reduce rental.

ԍӕચͫҸ՛יӱߊङޙਘ߃ޙԍы५澝॑ѫґக澝ؼ  Ӛ֨߃יݶګӖѹ୴О҇ࠏ ޶Ҡ 澞י׮⚕ஔۘͫۻܑ ५Օੂף澞 儋іыڂٶReduce the ЏґகઋӦঈਙ Contribution of The suspension of SOSCO, EIS Reduce the levy on foreign workers by 25% to Employers and Foreign workers’ levy till end- all companies with work permits that will expire year. in the period of 1 April to 31 December 2020. This reduction is not applicable to the domestic help sector.

1818 З㔀՞ׁޯѪճ Major Activities Organised by ОԃࣩОੌࡕԇ ACCCIM’sAC Constituent Members

Ӹ঎ъճا挐ਖ਼كથࢢઞдܢݖܺڵޙ 挐Зԡ㔀֋Ѫك Kluang Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s In-Kind Donation to Kluang District Police 25.3.2020

ᅱ䟚͙ᕧༀ≪Џ㶔᡼ 䊌βポ᎞㇚̺ポ ࠱㷱亚᫅ᩛᤠݹ㏫Ϧ ঄喏ጸ᱇ₐͪ㘩䃕౔ 㵸ߔネݢ᱋䬠នࠐ⮰ 䂒ߍϦ঄ᙋःݜะะ ᰵ⍕ᯂࣶ⍕ᗱȠ

Ԛୢ澞נ挐ЗكથԚ࣠୔۵࣐ռдܢ 挐Зԡ㔀֋Ѫك Kluang Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s Donation of Medical Equipment to Kluang Hospital 26.3.2020

㗦یᅱ䟚͙๚ࡧ䮎ͦ᫜ ►̿⇧ࡧ䮎ͷ̬喏ᅱ䟚 ͙ᕧ᡼䊌β䕪̳Аव ⮰ࡧ⫃䭞័⩔৭喏࠱᠘ ≃᝷⋞ȟ̬⁍ᕓᎶࢁȟ А̳ڝ๠ѿ⍕᳖ࣶ䷉ व⮰ࡧ⫃᝷ᱛ䭞័᰹喏 ⩝ᅱ䟚͙ᕧޛᕧߍ偻 䔭ᒬᅱ䟚͙⩋ٴ䨨ᓣ ๚ࡧ䮎Ƞ

1919 ؛挐Ծԃҷك什дٳથܢ 挐Зԡ㔀֋Ѫك Kluang Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s In-Kind Donation to Pejabat Daerah Kluang 1.4.2020

䉗జڱა喏ࡻߕᅱ䟚࣫ژ⹪ц⮰㇪⺊喏᡼ߕβ䕪࡯Аव⮰➕䉰δᅱ䟚࣫ߊ❝ڟᅱ䟚͙ᕧ⻵ឫ აЏ㶔Ƞژц䪫ᠫⲏᑌᕍᴳࣶᕧߍᠫⲏ᳃͜䕪⼧ϐδ䄑ߊޛტᏙȠపͦᅱ䟚͙ᕧ

ԚୢנથдபҸ䟣ЗܢபҸ䟣Зԡ㔀֋Ѫ ࢢઞ Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s In-Kind Donation to Melaka General Hospital 1.4.2020

͙๚ࡧ䮎喏Ꭲ㣣ᓃ#JP(SFFO⩞ڙ΋⠚ၼц᡼䊌̳ࣸࡧ⩔᝷຃δ侘ڹ͙ᕧ㖀सⅵ䘩φ⩞ ፙ᡼ܦᝬᰵ⮰ࡧ័Ϧ঄ߌ⇥᝿⅀ȠڱFBMUI1SPEVDUT4EO#IE៑ᩴ̬ポ㏎ℇỠ㣞㡢ढ喏ͦ䮎( ٴȟ䉰䃛጑㞦ͧЧ䗽䄃Ნ⩋ٴȟ⺻ݕͧЧ݄φव⩋ٴੲߍͧЧ䭴ьᲪޛ䊌Жᐻ⮰࠱᠘⩞͙ᕧ Ƞ⩋ٴȟБࣶនༀ䭴֑ᖕ⩋

2020 ԍসѼڝથட什дபҸ䟣ٕӃࣩܢ பҸ䟣Зԡ㔀֋Ѫ Malacca Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry ’s In-Kind Donation to Vulnerable Groups in Malacca 1.4.2020

ڹ͙ᕧ̺ⅵ䘩φ⩞ ΋⠚ၼц᡼䊌下㇚ ⮰ᑝڱጊ⩞ڙδ侘 ߫㓐 ѿ喏ःᘌఎѿ ࠱᠘ₒवᇳ↉₷䯈 ⊖≭͙ᓯȟ冭ქ【٫ 㔱ᩢ ქ͙ᓯȟᇳᵖ 【Ⴕࢃࡦ⮰₷䯈٫ ❝ᓯ͙ᓯ喏Бࣶ䃪౔ व䛸᱇ࡦ⮰৴ߖࢍ ႐٫䮎Ƞ

০ૹ૚ੑ஗Ѫ੠рࡗל朽替Зԡ㔀֋Ѫ Љ朽替ٕԆ Interaction between Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry and YAB Menteri Besar Perak via Teleconferencing 3.4.2020

䱥͙ᕧц䪫ᠫⲏ݄⦊㸁ᅬ㏱喋̷ᢾጒ喌㖀स䱥䰟ጊ侘Ბᕧੲцȟ䱥䰟ጊ࢜Ꮢᕧੲцふๆ ह䱥䰟ੲఎ䶲ᄨ喏̺䱥ጊߍ๓㜏ᠫⲏ᫛䛸䭫᱗∁Ӊ⇅䔇㵸㻲䶽ц䃚喏Бࣹᭌर㵸͆͆ ᐦ䃚δጊᩫᏈ喏ጸ᱇㘩ࡻߕ㐿㼏ੲტ⮰䬚䷄ȠڟⰤܦ㔱ᝬ䲎ᄥ⮰ᠽᝄ喏Ꭲ᣼

2121 ׫চபҸ䟣ٕਖ਼ݱەથܢ பҸ䟣Зԡ㔀֋Ѫ Malacca Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry Donated Hand Gloves to Melaka Police 4.4.2020

΋⠚ၼڹⅵ䘩φ⩞ڙ䶰䭞⟛㒖ദ䛽ц⮰णघ喏౔㵸ߔネݢА᱋䬠䔊स侘⩞ڙ͙ᕧ৹Ꮐ侘⩞ ȟ⩋ٴ⺑ፙ⮰࠱᠘⩞͙ᕧц䪫Ⴗᓣܦцऽᑿը⮰䂒ᄋ䘔䭋㖀ऴ᡼䊌̳͖᝷຃㐅䂒᫥Ƞ Ƞ⩋ٴڠ⌧喏Бࣶ⩞䶰䭞㠯㒖ദ䛽цͧፙᰪ⩋ٴᕧ䂒䪫⇅冭ޛ⩞ڙȟ侘⩋ٴݕͧЧ݄φव⺻

Ԛୢנ׌୔۵਻дபҸ䟣Зܢ பҸ䟣Зԡ㔀֋Ѫ Malacca Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry Donated Protective Clothing to Malacca Central Hospital 8.4.2020

⩔㦏㖀ц㖀ऴБᕧ᪜̳Аव䉙ΜТࡧ⩞ڙ͙ࡺ๓цമࣶ侘⩞ڙ͙ᕧ᡼䉰̳Аव喏̺侘⩞ 喏ᄥៃ⫱⃾Ƞ⩞͙ᕧ㦏ηڔ͙๚ࡧ䮎喏Бԉ䯈౔ݹ㏫጑҈⮰ࡧߍϦ঄⮰Ⴕ⩞ڙ䭞័㶏᡼䊌㐅侘 ፙᠫⲏࡿ₏䆥ふϦ⼧ϐ䭞័㶏δ⩞͙๚ࡧ䮎Ƞͧޛȟ⩋ٴȟ㦏㖀цͧፙ㥓ⅵᬸ⩋ٴᰪ⌧䮲

2222 ڃ੠Яд朽替ٕݛڎ朽替Зԡ㔀֋Ѫ ܶձ Perak Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry Submitted Proposals to Perak State Government 10.4.2020

䱥䰟ጊߍ๓㜏ᠫⲏ᫛䛸䭫᱗∁Ӊ⇅κᰴᬑᖎูβ䱥ጊݕੲ➥ݗ጑҈䭋喋1&.6%")喌⮰䓼 ҈Ƞ䱥͙ᕧц䪫ᠫⲏ݄⦊㸁ᅬ㏱κᰴᬑܦፙβ⩝䱥䰟ጊ⼄Βᠫⲏ䭫᱗㟻㞪䔖ͧᠭ⮰仂⁍ц䃚 Ƞܧ㗦►স㵸ߔネݢ᱋䬠ᝬ䲎ᄥ⮰۞یᎢ᣼ॴᐦ䃚喏ࡻߕ䱥䰟ጊ጑ੲЭ͆⩸Ꮐᄥ᫜

Ԛୢנ挐Зكથ୔۵਻дܢ 挐Зԡ㔀֋Ѫك Kluang Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry Donated Protective Clothing to Hospital Daerah Kluang 17.4.2020

ࣶцߍᕧࡻ䄯㏰ͧЧ⩋ٴᕧߍ偻䨨ᓣޛ⩝ᅱ䟚͙ᕧ᡼䊌β຃⮰䭞័㶏δᅱ䟚͙๚ࡧ䮎喏 ᡼䊌δ䮎᫥Џ㶔Ƞ⩋ٴ᳃↋჉


侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц 喋ガ⼜͙ᕧ喌喏᭛侘Ბ ࡺ㸀ੲц⮰㖀ऴᕧᱦᲰȠڱ㺫φ఩ ᰵڝ᜼⿷κᎠᰴᬑ喏͙ᕧ ͖ദ᱘ц঄喏ܲጯ౔侘Ბ㺫φ఩ ጊࣶ㖀䗒Ⱐ䓂ࡦȠ͙ᕧ͖ڱ ദ ᱘ц঄Ⱐᣑস䬠ᣑц঄ᕧ ᪜䊱䓳̳ह喏Џ㶔侘Ბ㺫 ͙ࡺᕧੲцͥڜतȟੲტࣶर㵸͆ वژφࡺϦ CCC ⇅ጠᯔ㏟䬩͙ࡺᕧੲц ఎѿȠ͙ᕧц঄΋࠱᠘Ნ UCCC ⣧⦯ጮ͙ࡺᕧੲц ⮧ଵẨ͙ࡺᕧੲц ܦц঄ȟఎѿц঄Бࣶ䊱 CCCI CCCI ᒙϔ͙ࡺᕧੲц व᝿͙ࡺᕧੲц ACCCI 䓳࡯ह䱾ੲц঄Ƞ CCCI ᇳᵖጠ䓂͙ࡺᕧੲц Ἃጊ͙ࡺᕧੲц Batu Pahat CCC The Associated Chinese CCC ࡃ䱥䰟͙ࡺᕧੲц ᅱ䟚͙ࡺᕧੲц Chambers of Commerce and North Perak CCCI Kluang CCCI ᴀ҇ጊ͙ࡺᕧੲц Industry of Malaysia 䱥䰟͙ࡺᕧੲц ACCCI (ACCCIM) is the national level Perak CCCI 㣖͙ࡺᕧੲцڜव䮲಍ᯔ䰖 organisation of the Chinese KLSCCCI chambers of commerce and ጠ⩋͙ࡺᕧੲц industry in Malaysia. Klang CCCI ͙ࡺᕧੲцڜḚ㒺 nd CCCI Founded on 2 July 1921, ⴮៵䊶͙ࡺᕧੲц ͙ࡺᕧੲц ACCCI ⩞ڙ侘 ACCCIM has 17 Constituent Malacca CCCI Members located separately in the 13 states and Federal Territories of Malaysia. Direct and indirect membership of all Constituent Members are well over 100,000, representing Malaysian Chinese companies, individuals and trade Malaysia Map showing location of associations in particular and the Chinese ⟫ ࿊ ἦ Ί ࡀ ࠧ business community in general. Membership of 17 ACCCIM Constituent Members 17ദ᱘ц঄ѹ㒚 ACCCIM include Eminent Members, Associate Members, and more than 5,000 young entrepreneurs.