See the Original Town Ordinances and Bylaws Here
a -d L r/ I - trt ORDI NANCT,.S / -*r-'-\ l: -\t "l)t d, I BY-L- AWS ,L 7 .\ E 7 -/ Ib I.t- |OWN O,F DAVIIi, "C l ra TUCKIIR COUNT\', t' WIiST VIRGINIA, ,t E,,I fl l I t TH 11 AC-l' oi; IN/'c-- O IT PO it. A-I'I O N I (, I i I I A I .- I t \ 't iffi I r.l I I ti r. I E - J* ffi-MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION. I TO TTTE PEOPLE OF THE TOWN OT] DAI/IS, AND l_ ALL OTHERS IN TNTEREST.. f , A. C. ?IATLEY, Jl[a71or of tho totan' of I Danis, by uirfutn, of authoyitTl uesteil, iru nzo by I\ th,a Cou,ncil thereof, d,o hereby publish, proclaim, anod, clecl,a,re tlte foresoin{ ordiruanoces to be iru force a,nc{, e/fect, the Elouerrunterut, 7tr"o- fu.ll for '] tection,, o,rtil preserua,tton of all pet'sorLs, property, 1 an,d, right.s m,a,cl,e su,Qject to tlre ,iurisdiction of I sa,icl tousn, by the laws of th,e Sta,te. Giuen ttrudet" ruy harud, thi,s "..... tluy of 1890 tI JVfayor. t \ I \ __l I ORDINANCES AND t I BY.LAWS Er# OFT THE -/ TOWN OI-- DAVIS, I ) TUCKE,IT COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA, I'O WHICH IS ATTACHED , , THE ACT OF' INCO]TI'ORATION. ---+-- CUMBERI.AND, ilD. PRESS OT'ARTIIUR SHRIVER & CO. t r89o. I - I OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION. MAYOR: I A. C. FINLEY, t touxcrr.MBN: F.
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