City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Due to the restrictions related to public gatherings and the Open Public Meetings Act during the COVID-19 pandemic, the council meeting will occur remotely via Zoom and phone access. The meeting can be watched via live streaming on the city website ( or joined via Zoom using this link: (passcode 237610). To listen by phone, call 253-215-8782 and enter webinar ID 922 5797 0606 and passcode 237610. Written comments will be accepted at
[email protected] until 5:30 p.m and be distributed to City Council prior to the meeting. For verbal comments during Citizen Comments, email your name and phone number to
[email protected] and sign into the virtual meeting using the provided instructions. ************************* Tuesday, February 9, 2021 6:30 PM PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL 1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Council-initiated item: Amendments to City Council Rules of Procedure for Agenda Preparation and Approval (Palmer/Door) 2. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES 2.a Minutes of November 10, November 17, and December 8, 2020 November 10, 2020 Draft Minutes November 17, 2020 Draft Minutes December 8, 2020 Draft Minutes 3. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS 3.a Proclamation Honoring the Reverend Tom Slate Proclamation 3.b Pierce Transit Service and Informational Updates 3.c Puyallup Education and Activities Kamp (PEAK) Program Update CITIZEN COMMENTS 4. CONSENT AGENDA 4.a Award a contract to Gray and Osborne, Inc. for the design and construction management 1 of a clarifier unit