Extensions of Remarks E1639 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
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September 25, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1639 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO ROBERT H. HONORING DR. JEROME DOLAN Therefore, I join with the residents of the en- CASTELLINI tire 18th Congressional District of Ohio in hon- HON. ROBERT MENENDEZ oring and congratulating George Arnett for his OF NEW JERSEY outstanding accomplishment. HON. ROB PORTMAN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f OF OHIO Tuesday, September 24, 2002 AMERICAN FRONTIERS: A PUBLIC IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today LANDS LEGACY to honor Dr. Jerome Dolan for his contribu- Tuesday, September 24, 2002 tions in the medical field and his outstanding service to his community. Dr. Dolan was HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to awarded the Louis T. Scialli Memorial Award OF CALIFORNIA pay tribute to Robert H. Castellini, a friend, on September 17, 2002, at the United Way IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES community leader and accomplished Kick-Off, which was held at the Crowne Plaza Tuesday, September 24, 2002 businessperson who will have the honor of in Secaucus, New Jersey. Mr. RADANOVICH. Mr. Speaker, America being inducted into the Greater Cincinnati and Born in Jersey City, Dr. Dolan graduated has an important shared legacy in its parks, Northern Kentucky Business Hall of Fame on from St. Peter’s College in 1944. He attended forests and other public lands. They bring us September 26, 2002. Bob is being honored for NYU College of Medicine after serving in the close to the natural world and its wildlife; con- his outstanding business and community lead- US Navy, and later joined the U.S. Army Med- tribute to physical and mental health; add to ership. ical Corp as a Korean War Combat Surgeon. our understanding of history and culture; and Upon his return home, he completed his resi- Bob is a Cincinnati native. He graduated provide important economic opportunities to dency in Bellevue Hospital’s Obstetrics, Gyne- with a Bachelor of Arts from Georgetown Uni- cology and Pathology Department. many communities across the West. Unfortu- versity in Washington, D.C., in 1963, and went As an accomplished doctor, Dr. Dolan fo- nately, not enough people understand the mul- on to earn his M.B.A. from the University of cused on the care and well being of others, tiple facets of America’s public lands. As Pennsylvania in 1967. After earning his and opened his own medical practice in 1955. Chairman of the National Parks Sub- M.B.A., he served in the U.S. Army for 2 years He enjoyed a successful career in the medical committee, I am happy to see a major effort until 1969. field as he became Director of Ob/Gyn at St. being mounted to address this issue. ‘‘Amer- Bob’s business successes come from his Joseph’s Medical Center in Paterson, NJ, be- ican Frontiers: A Public Lands Journey’’ is a association with the produce firm, Castellini fore becoming the Medical Director of Mar- 3,000-mile expedition currently being under- Company, where he started in 1966 as a Vice garet Hague Hospital in Jersey City. taken by two teams of adventurers. They are President. From 1970 to 1992 he was Presi- Dr. Dolan is a member of the American Le- crossing only public lands and waters in six states, by foot, horseback, mountain bike, dent and CEO of the company, and, from gion, Korean War Veterans Association, First canoe, SUV and boat. Their two month jour- 1992 to the present, he has served as the Cavalry Division Association, Eighth Cavalry ney will culminate in Salt Lake City on Sep- company’s Chairman of the Board of Direc- Regiment Medics 1950 Survivors Association tember 28, 2002, National Public Lands Day. tors. Under his leadership, the firm experi- and a member of the United Way of Hudson Along the trail, they are sharing dispatches enced significant growth, becoming one of the County Board of Directors since 1965. The Louis T. Scialli Memorial Award is given and individual journals relating their experi- premier fresh produce distribution firms in the ences and impressions of the public lands by Midwest. in recognition of the spirit of community in the ‘‘gentlemen of Hudson County.’’ This award videophone and through an interactive Internet The Castellini Company is one of Cin- also symbolizes the spirit of the United Way, website located at www.americanfrontiers.net. cinnati’s oldest companies. It was founded in ‘‘to increase the organized capacity of people These communication efforts are especially di- 1896 by Bob’s grandfather, Joseph J. to care for one another.’’ rected at America’s youth. I applaud the ef- Castellini. Bob has been with the company for Dr. Dolan and his wife Marguerite May have forts of Public Lands Interpretive Association, over 35 years, and his outstanding leadership four children, five grandchildren, and one which has spearheaded this project, along and hard work are directly responsible for its great-grandchild. with the many dedicated individuals, volun- continued success. Today, I ask my colleagues to join me in teers, and sponsors of this impressive journey. Bob also has been very active in our com- honoring Dr. Jerome Dolan for his many ac- I look forward to hearing more about their ex- munity. He serves on the board of directors of complishments in the medical field and his periences in America’s national parks. several Greater Cincinnati privately-held cor- selfless contributions to our community. f f porations. He also is a member of the Chief TRIBUTE TO GEORGE A. Executives Organization and the Cincinnati A PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING SCHAEFER, JR. Business Committee in addition to serving on GEORGE ARNETT the Board of Trustees for the National Under- ground Railroad Freedom Center, Xavier Uni- HON. ROB PORTMAN HON. ROBERT W. NEY OF OHIO versity, the Good Samaritan Hospital, and the OF OHIO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Cincinnati Art Museum. In addition, Bob has IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES received a number of other honors and Tuesday, September 24, 2002 Tuesday, September 24, 2002 awards including the Distinguished Service Ci- Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to tation Award from the National Conference for Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker, whereas, George Arnett is a professional truck driver for Road- pay tribute to George A. Schaefer, Jr., a dis- Community and Justice; the People of Vision tinguished constituent, a friend and an accom- Award from Prevent Blindness of Southwest way Express; and Whereas, George Arnett has successfully plished business leader who will be inducted Ohio; and the Founders Award from Xavier into the Greater Cincinnati and Northern Ken- University. driven one million miles without a preventable accident; and tucky Business Hall of Fame on September Bob also is a devoted family man. He and Whereas, George Arnett should be com- 26, 2002. George is being honored for his his wife, Susan, have four children and four mended for reaching this safety milestone; many successes at the helm of Fifth Third grandchildren. All of us in the Cincinnati area and Bancorp and for his leadership in our commu- congratulate him on his induction into the Whereas, George Arnett has demonstrated nity. Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky a steadfast commitment to the safety of our George was born in Cincinnati in 1945. He Business Hall of Fame. nation’s highways; attended Elder High School, and went on to ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep<04>2002 05:16 Sep 26, 2002 Jkt 099006 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A25SE8.000 E25PT1 E1640 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 25, 2002 earn a Bachelor of Science in Engineering needed her most, she worked tirelessly to help of America 25 years ago on November 8, from the U.S. Military Academy, West Point, in the families and colleagues of the victims of 1977; and 1967. In 1974, he graduated with an M.B.A. the terrorist attacks on America. In addition to Whereas, Gerald Benson showed his re- from Xavier University. personal care, she directed the opening of a sponsible citizenship by also voting on the Following West Point, George proudly branch office in Hoboken after 9/11 and same November 8, 1977; and served our country in the U.S. Army. From brought aid and advocacy services to the dis- Whereas, Gerald Benson has demonstrated 1967 to 1969, he was stationed in Europe, tressed residents. a commitment to his community of Cambridge, and, between 1969 and 1970, he served in This award is given in recognition of the Ohio; and Vietnam, where he earned a Bronze Star. deep commitment to human services exempli- Whereas, Gerald Benson has worked hard George will tell you that his experience at fied by Congresswoman Mary T. Norton. It to become an American success story; West Point and service in the Army prepared recognizes women who have made out- Therefore, I join with the residents of the en- him well for the business world. He initially standing contributions to the success of pro- tire 18th Congressional District of Ohio in con- joined Fifth Third Bank as a management grams both in their community and throughout gratulating Gerald Benson on the 25th Anni- trainee in 1971, and, by 1990, he was the the nation. versary of his being a United States of Amer- President and CEO of the bank. Since then, Today, I ask my colleagues to join me in ica Citizen.