Section: Annunziata Branch – Registers
Section: Annunziata Branch – Registers The Registers of the Guadagni Administration of the Annunziata Branch were reorganized by Francesco Casini, during his work on the patrimonial papers of the family, entrusted to him by Niccolo’ Guadagni (1730-1805), son of Ottavio, and finished with the compilation of the Inventory in 1769. Unfortunately we have not found the list of these registers, which Casini must have surely compiled, and which would have explained the shelf mark he allocated them; an alphanumeric shelf mark completing the one assigned to the strings of the loose papers and envelopes containing the administration books of the farms. Letter “B” was allocated to the family members, starting from the children of Simone Guadagni (1411-1480), son of Vieri and Ginevra Castellani, including the ones who will start the “Dell’Opera” Branch, whose founder was Filippo Guadagni (1504-1556), son of Jacopo. Guadagni dell’Opera Palace with Family Crest: now Region of Tuscany Palace The numeration of the “B” letter registers starts fron # 35, because the preceding numbers had been utilised for some farms, and ends with # 133, with the books of Tommaso (1582-1652), son of Francesco. The “C” letter instead has been used for the books of Tommaso’s wife, Maria Acciaioli, daughter of Donato, for her sons Francesco, Pierantonio and Vieri, for her grandsons, Enea Silvio, Ottavio and Ascanio, sons of Pierantonio, and only for her great-grandson Pierantonio, son of Ottavio. The books of the other great-grandson Niccolo’ have a simple numeration on printed cards, like those of his mother, Cammilla del Ruota, daughter of Niccolo’.
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