The Godform Assumption of StarCrow the Wise

A Poem

Written In Three Books By: Michael K. Brennan

Art by:

Davie Chang & Matt DeMino

Dedicated to Professor Harold Bloom:

Dear Professor Bloom, this is my second attempt at engaging with my anxiety of influence. Please accept this humble poetic offering as a thank-you for being my teacher and precursor.

Warmest Regards, Michael K. Brennan

This is a work of Star Wars fan-fiction

For a long time the old Jedi Master knew his moral weakness lay in the love of his books. The news of Master Scopian’s spurred him to finally do what he knew he need to. That morning, working in the fields with the Agricorps padawan, he resolved to burn all of his Sith literature. He knew the texts he had were redundant. His personal library of Sith knowledge already existed in the Jedi archives on Coruscant. He knew holding on to his own scribed copies was an act of vanity. He knew deep down he was in love with his own knowledge, and a part of him had become like the Sith magicians of old – hoarders of “secret” knowledge. He knew it was time to let go of material things that were weighing him down.

He was only passingly sad at the news of his old master’s death. ‘There is no death, there is only the Lord of the Force’ he said to himself. He knew he and his master would unite again in the Son of Sun’s kingdom.

The afternoon sun was in the middle of its decline when the old Jedi master made the short walk from the edge of the wheat fields to the monastery. He had left the group of padawans with Master Menkalin, who was leading them in meditation amongst the planted grain. They used their Force powers to collectively hum and sing to the wheat through the Force, their intent to multiply the yield. The grain was destined for the colony of New Veldt – a settlement of Cathar who were suffering from a terrible drought. That is what the Jedi farmers of the third moon of Satio did – they used their abilities to cultivate and grow crops to feed the hungry and those in need in the universe. And there were many other monasteries like them.

The old Jedi Master retired to Satio 30 years ago to live a life he thought more worthy. Though he wasn’t unhappy in his previous vocation as a seeker and translator of Sith texts, and he knew he had used his gift in the Force wisely for the greater good, deep down he had always wanted to be a farmer. At the age of 70, when he had finally walked away from his life as an archivist and translator of Sith literature, he sought the most quiet farming community on the furthest reaches of the outer rim to retire to.

He was well pleased with what he chose. His outdoor farming life was different from his indoor scholarly one. Large spans of his archivist career consisted of him holed up in the Jedi annals with his master translating and scribing. Even though his work was intellectually stimulating, his mind would still wander to thoughts of the green pastures and cloudy days of a farmer.

Though his life as a scholar wasn’t all patient scribing shut behind doors and walls. From time to time he and his Master did field work, which consisted of finding obscure Sith texts in old personal collections – collections put together by purveyors of all things “dark.” But such excursions were rare, and for the most part free from adventure and excitement.

All of this was going through his mind as he got closer to a small wooden door in the back of the Monastery, his final goal his hermitage for a nap. Leaving the light of the field and entering the dimness of the monastery’s stone walls, a padawan popped out from one of the doors along the hall and saddled up next to the old man. She matched his slow strides, and he smiled at the sight of her.

“Master Francis, would you be able to help me with something in the dining hall?” she asked innocently.

Rebecca, a Padawan recently arrived to the Agricorps, had become one of the old Master’s favorites since her arrival some months ago. She was a lovely girl of fourteen, with fair skin and light brown curls. Though she was all smiles now, she was quite distraught when the council assigned her to the Agricorps, a fact that upset the old master. He believed the current culture of the Jedi Order placed too much emphasis on the martial skills of a Jedi, and on his last trip to Coruscant he had openly criticized Grand Master Coven for it.

“Of course my child” replied the old man. The Padawan took his large hand and led him to the hall. She sheepishly smiled when he called her child, and looked around for the Monastery’s Abbot to materialize from nowhere to censure the elder. Francis had been chastised by the Abbot before, a Jedi many decades his junior, for referring to the padawans as ‘his children’, saying the term of endearment challenged the first tenant of the Jedi code: There is no emotion; there is peace.

“Terms of endearment and the creation of familial feelings can unbalance our emotional state Master Francis, and in turn give rise to our passions. It is alright to feel them, but as you know only learned Master Jedi can handle these emotions properly. My concern is that the Padawans may become too attached to you.” The Abbot would lecture.

Master Francis would simply nod at the Abbot when he corrected him, solemnly bobbing his head in agreement with whatever he said. The truth was that the Abbot, in his youth, was once the apprentice of Francis’ twin brother, and though he did not admit it, loved the old man the way the Padawans did, and considered him the closest thing he had to a father.

Francis knew the Abbot was simply projecting his own concern for his own feelings of attachment. But Francis stilled loved him, like he loved Rebecca, and took the Abbot’s gentle admonishment with humility and grace.

Francis watched the girl as she led him to the dining hall, enjoying her youthfulness like a loving grandfather, when suddently he felt a ripple in the Force as she opened the door.

“SURPRISE!” Bellowed the collected multitude.

“AH-HA!” cried Francis, “indeed, you have surprised me! What is this?”

“Your birthday party Master Francis!” said Rebecca. “Master Abbot searched your file, and has been planning this celebration for nearly a year. Are you really surprised?” The question was asked in earnest. She asked because she wondered if such a legend of the Jedi Order could really be surprised by a birthday party. “Yes my dear, I was truthful when I said I was surprised.”

“Oh” she said.

“I am an old man you know. I have slowed down some. But only a little.” He winked at her. The Padawan smiled and faded into the background as all the Agricorp Jedi began to surround the old Master to congratulate him on his longevity.

“A full century!” Said Adnor, one of the many force-blessed Ho’din botanists who actively sign up for the Agricorps. “Not many humans make it this far”

“Indeed Adnor, I am a lucky man”. The friends hugged.

The dining hall had been decorated with streamers and balloons. A large sign hung on the back wall over the massive hearth saying ‘Happy 100th Birthday Master Francis’. There was food and a cake. Even six members of the council had arrived to celebrate with the Jedi farmers. What was usually a quiet stone and wood monastery reserved for silent meditation and contemplation from labour in the fields became a joyful and jubilant party filled with genuine love and appreciation for the old Jedi. Truly, Adnor was correct. Not many humans make it to their 100th birthday.

After the celebration was through, and the food eaten, and the many glasses of wine drunk, and the handshakes, hugs, and speeches were complete, could Francis begin to pull himself away from his friends and head towards what he so desperately desired many hours ago: a nap in his hermitage. To be sure, Jedi or not, he was now a one-hundred year-old man and required many hours of rest.

‘A man growing old becomes a child again’, he remembered his old Master telling him. ‘Like a child the old man is in need of sleep. Youth sleep. The old sleep. But the middle aged man is awake for many years at once. The middle aged man works tirelessly to better his world, his community. Then, he will rest like a child once again.’

“Yes, rest” Francis said to himself.

Rebecca followed the old man out of the hall and slid herself under his arm. “May I walk you to your hermitage Master?” she asked.

“Of course.”

They made their way down the dimly lit stone-walled hallway towards Francis’ room.

“Are you packed and ready to go?” He asked her.

“Yes Master. It’ll be nice to go back to the temple for a few days and see all my friends. The Remembrance Day celebration is one of my favorite holidays.”

Remembrance Day was near, and the Jedi farmers of Satio, along with most other Jedi in the Order, would begin to make their way to Coruscant to remember the many Sith wars from eons past. Grand Master Sunrider institutionalized the first Remembrance Day celebration to memorialize the Jedi Order’s victory over Exar Kun and his apprentice Ulic Qel-Droma millennia ago. Since then, there have been many more destructive conflicts with the Sith. Grand Master Sunrider’s initial commemoration now includes all of the victories the Jedi Order and the Republic share over the Sith, including the Republic’s victory over the Sith Emperor who sacked Coruscant. Unlike Grand Master Sunrider’s victory, that war dragged over many decades and cost trillions of lives. Eventually the light of the Jedi Order pushed back the darkness of the Sith Empire and restored balance.

“Are you not coming with us?” She asked.

“No. I usually stay here and keep an eye on the crops, along with some farm hands from the village. It’s one of my favorite holidays too, though for different reasons. I like the fact that everyone leaves the monastery and I‘m left with quiet solitude.”

“And Master Abbot is ok with leaving you here on your own?”

“Of course, why shouldn’t he be?”

She wanted to say, ‘because you’re too old and someone should be keeping an eye on you’ but quickly realized how mildly insulting her question could be taken.

With his arm already draped along her shoulder he lightly patted her. He chuckled a bit.

“Thank you for your concern Rebecca. I’m quite capable of taking care of myself, the crops, and the monastery for a few days.”

She nodded.

“I simply shuffle from one control board to the other, making sure the automated systems are functioning as intended. But mostly I meditate, and then sleep.”

But this year would be different. This year he would collect his books and compile them into a large pyre in the dining hall’s massive hearth, then set them on fire.

When the two made it to his room Francis entered thinking the girl would politely bow, say goodnight, and make her way back to her own quarters, but she didn’t. She innocuously passed his threshold with him. He shrugged his shoulders slightly, left his sandals at the entrance and made his way to his small bed. He undid his rope belt, divested his brown robe and wearing only his thin frock crawled under his sheets.

“So many books!” marveled the girl. It was the first time she had entered his room. Bookshelves lined Francis’ room from top to bottom. Against the back wall were an armchair and a lantern. She stared at the many books, but could not make out their language. ‘So many books’, she whispered to herself.

“I’m very tired Rebecca dear.” He said. “I’m going to sleep awhile. Please, let yourself out”. He turned his back to her in order to sleep on his side.

“Master, where did you get all these books?” She lifted one from a shelf. “Put that one down!” He almost shouted. Then, more calmly. “Put that one back dear. It’s not for you.”

Shocked by his tone she did as instructed, but her curiosity was piqued.

The old Master lightly exhaled. It was almost a groan of pain. Still lying in the fetal position, not facing her, he said:

“I gathered them. That was my assignment in the Educational Corps. I was to scour the galaxy for any works of our ancient Masters that were lost, or thought to have been lost, or unknown, and translate them once I brought them back to the Jedi archives. I am very good with languages; my gift from the Force.”


“Not really. The Lord of the Force blesses each of us with a gift.”

His response confused her. ‘Lord of the Force?’ she wondered. ‘Is this what the other Masters mean?’ Putting aside his strange words she continued:

“Yes, really. We didn’t see many books while training in the Temple. Do the archivists keep all the books behind closed doors? Did you have many adventures when you were collecting them?”

Francis was simultaneously irritated the girl would not let him sleep, and happy to share his past.

“One or two adventures, yes. And yes, some of the codices were kept by the scribes and translators, like myself. We don’t own them, really. We just held on to them. Technically, really, they belong to the people of the Republic”.

He paused for a moment to collect some memories.

“The old paper papyrus’ and leather manuscripts we collected became obsolete, in a way, once we had them translated and copied into a codex. We would then either scan or again transcribe the information of the codex into the archives in electronic format. They newly translated manuscripts themselves became these strange and wonderful artifacts. We held on to them, though I’m not really sure why. Nostalgia perhaps. Sometimes I think we should have just burned them all.”

Rebecca’s brow furrowed at his suggestion of burning ancient knowledge.

“When I retired and left the Educorps the particular codices I translated I took with me,” he paused again “though I shouldn’t have. I should have simply left them at the temple. But then again I was worried they would fall into the wrong hands. I really don’t know what I was thinking.”

Again his response aroused her interest. ‘The wrong hands? What could he mean?’ She continued with their discussion of his books.

“You translated this many?” “Quite a few, yes”.

“What language?”

There was a long silence. Francis turned over and looked at the girl. He gave her a gentle smile, but it was clear his exhaustion was beginning to overcome him.

“I’m very tired Rebecca dear. I’m sure Master Abbot has something for you to work on before night settles in. Don’t you have to prepare for the Remembrance celebration? Go now, and fetch me in the morning for breakfast. I’ll tell you all about my few adventures then”.

The Master turned over and settled himself once more, though the girl didn’t move, and the old man was struggling to stay awake. She sat herself in his armchair.

“Master Francis, are you still awake?”

There was a pause.


“The Masters here at the monastery, they say you believe in something different from them and that what you believe is… dangerous. They call you a Solomonite. What is that?”

He smiled a little “I know what they say.” The old Jedi could barely keep his eyes open. He began to mumble. “I believe in the Lord of the Force…. the almighty, creator of all things visible and invisible…. believe in Solomon his son, born of the virgin Arammi … conceived by the Lord of the Force’s spirit… he suffered within the dragon… He will……again” He fell asleep.

“Master Francis?”

Slowly, quietly, the padawan got up from the Master’s armchair and tucked the book she had first lifted into her sleeve.

She shut the door to the Master’s chamber and made her way to her own room on the other side of the monastery. Twilight was upon the ancient abbey and purple light shone through the windows as she made her way through the stone halls. Her hands were sweating. She switched the book from one hand to the other, for fear of permanently marring it. She bowed in deference to her elders as she closed in on her room.

She opened her hermitage door and closed it behind her, making sure her movements were not too quick. The room was beginning to darken. She lit one of her lanterns and the light created a soft glow, then she placed herself on her bed mat, crossed her legs, and produced the book from her robes.

The book was bound in red cloth, and in gold inlay its title read: The Godform Assumption of StarCrow the Wise. She opened the book and imbedded in the first page was a small blue holo-chip. She tapped the chip and a small blue holographic image of a much younger Master Francis appeared before her face. Draped in the robes of a Jedi the blue and translucent 3D image of Master Francis became animated and began to pace. With his face looking down at the floor the striding holograph came to an abrupt stop, then looking up and into Rebecca’s eyes it spoke:

Greetings Master Jedi,

My name is Master Francis Ovair, Sith Historian and Jedi Consular. I apprenticed and trained under the scholar of Sith History, the noble Thisspiasian Master Scopian. I am assistant-chair of Sith History at the Jedi Temple.

Let us begin:

In this introductory lecture to The Godform Assumption of StarCrow the Wise, I have endeavoured to put before you, Master Jedi, a brief outlying of information that will assist you in a more complete understanding of this poem. But before I get to the details of this poem, and some of the supposed history surrounding its origin, indulge me in one of my perfunctory warnings about reading material that has about it the fingerprints of Sith magicians.

I stress to you Master Jedi, be vigilant in your reading of this material especially as it concerns some of the Sith rituals for immortality. Do not doubt me when I say to you the temptation of Bogan lies in wait for you. He wants to consume you. His desire is for you. Do not be fooled into thinking that because you dwell in the light, that the darkness cannot creep into your heart. It can, and it will try.

Know this good Master: when I translate Sith texts - this one being no exception - I always do so in the presence of two Jedi Masters who repose in a state of deep meditation, their focus on the profound light and deep mystery of the Lord of the Force. Consider doing the same when you read Sith material – do so in the presence of the greatest Masters of your time. In short, dear college, Sith writings are seductive – be ever mindful of your feelings and thoughts as you read them.

As for this particular work: the poem before you is an interesting one, in that it has several notable qualities to it. Allow me to briefly outline the chief aspects of this work that are notable. I shall deal with each individually before we get to the poem proper.

My first point: The Godform Assumption of StarCrow the Wise is an adaptation of the Epic of Solomon; my second, this text is a grimoire; my third, bafflingly, it does not attempt to undermine the Solomonite worldview; and finally, I shall tell you the story of how I came about it.

Firstly, despite my warnings at the start, the heart of this poem in not Sith in origin; rather, it is Catharian. To wit, The Godform Assumption of StarCrow the Wise is an adaptation of The Epic of Solomon, a poetic work originally written by Ho Jinn Molt, a famous Catharian poet from before the Great Hyperspace War.

For those unfamiliar with this great work, allow me to provide some background information. The Epic of Solomon is a pious poetic outpouring and re-imagining of the Catharian sacred text ‘The Glorious Truth’. ‘The Glorious Truth’ is a collection of sacred writings written by the blood-brothers of Solomon of Cathar, a historical figure who is believed to be the incarnation and divine son of the Lord of the Force. As the text describes, Solomon, the messiah of the Catharian tribe known historically as the “Solomonites” came to Cathar to defeat the primary force of darkness, known to them as Bogan. Solomon was sent by the Lord of the Force to defeat StarCrow – a Duinuogwuin dragon, servant, and in some respects avatar of Bogan, who also ruled over the Catharian people. The Glorious Truth is a collection of biographies of Solomon of Cathar, and The Epic of Solomon, written by the Solomonite Ho Jinn Molt over a millennia and a half later, is a poetic re-telling of events found within The Glorious Truth.

But allow me to stop short before I fall too far down this lepi hole. Millennia of ink has been spilt by scholars and theologians on The Glorious Truth, so staying away from that universal text, allow me to stay focused on The Godform Assumption of StarCrow the Wise and it’s similarities to The Epic of Solomon.

When seen together, The Godform Assumption of StarCrow the Wise and The Epic of Solomon have many similarities, notably in a comparable metered structure, and the last third of the work’s narrative. Indeed, when one reads the first after the second, it becomes clear how Ho Jinn Molt influenced the writer of “The Godform”. The greatest similarities between the two works are “The Godform’s” retelling of the fall of Bogan, along with the orthodox understanding and re-telling of Solomon’s resurrection. I suggest after you have read this work, go back to The Epic of Solomon to see for yourself how “The Godform” changes very little in its own retelling.

Though with that being said, a full third of the work (the beginning third of “The Godform”) is very different from The Epic of Solomon, in that it focuses on the occult practices of Sith magick, and provides a formula of incantation for the Sith ritual of essence transfer. But its tinge of darkness does not stop there; many other Sith works are also referenced in this text: the Thothnyich manuscript, the works by the Witches of Dyzan, the Divine Septenary, the Codex of Revealing, The Shadow Manuscript, the Key of Rehobostar, and a tome presumably written by Typhogem. It is true to say that The Godform Assumption of StarCrow contains much light, but also much darkness.

This leads me to my second point, good Master, namely, that this particular work is a grimoire. Allow me to explain what I mean by this: Though in the final analysis The Godform Assumption of StarCrow the Wise is a text more akin to the light than the dark, it is the only text I know of that contains the prescribed words and actions of the Bornless Ritual: the rite Sith magicians would use to transfer their soul to another body, and it is here that this work’s deepest mysteries come to the fore.

Let me illustrate my point with a story: After I had first acquired the book and eventually came about to reading it, that very same evening two men wrapped in the blackness of the darkside found me in the small cottage I was residing in. Though I was tucked away on the outskirts of a large city center, there came upon my door in the middle of the night a strong willed knock. Already awake, for I enjoy reading through the night, I met the strangers before my threshold, and immediately noticing my Jedi attire, and that I was a servant of the most high, they engaged me in combat. They demanded to know where “the book” was, and were intent on dispatching me the moment I had given them what they desired. Fortunately I was more skilled than them in the ways of the Force, and the two quickly realized they were outmatched and ran back into the darkness from whence they came. At that moment I realized the danger of the book and that the mere act of reading it sent out into the Force a call of darkness. Like moths drawn to light, lovers of the darkside heed the call of StarCrow the dragon and come searching for forbidden knowledge. So deep is the magick contained in this book that even if it is read in the silence of one’s mind the call goes fourth to those who are attuned to listen.

Time and again this scenario would repeat. Every time the book was read, particularly the first act, the lovers of darkness would come searching. That is why I stressed at the beginning of this lecture, good master Jedi, that if you want to read this text you must do so behind a wall of light – a wall purposely made by the great and holy masters of your day meditating on the mystery of the Lord of the Force. If not the lovers of darkness will find you.

Moving on to my third point good master. The most extraordinary aspect of this text is the fact that it faithfully retells the resurrection narrative of Solomon, and does not attempt to undercut or undermine in any way the radical claim of the Solomonites – that Solomon was the only begotten son of the Lord of the Force, and that this radical self-identity was demonstrably proved when he validated his power over evil and the material realm through his resurrection. If there ever was a time for a writer to subvert, pervert, or creatively correct the works and worldview of a literary precursor, notably in this case a Sith poet over an artist whose worldview purports to have authority over his own, this was that time! Yet there it is – the resurrection of Solomon the Cathar – found within a text alongside the magical practices of Sith occultists. As a scholar of Sith history I find this most perplexing.

If you are interested in reading more about the identity of the author of The Godform Assumption of StarCrow the Wise, see the encyclopedia work by my own Master Scopian titled “Who wrote The Godform?: Three options”.

To conclude my introduction noble master, let me tell you how I came upon the work.

My discovery of the book was most serendipitous. The Godform Assumption of StarCrow the Wise was contained in a library collection belonging to an ancient Iktotchi family from northern Oreb. The poem was written in Sith, in lettering of blood, sometime after the Great Hyperspace War.

After having successfully trained my own apprentice into knighthood, and thereby achieving the title of Master, I was sent to Ankhela, the capital city of Iktoch, to meet with several Jedi Lords to lead them through some quiet contemplation. The trip was intended to be a small retreat for myself as well. I was to spend a few days with them in meditation, and guide the Jedi Lords in quiet introspection. I arrived in Ankhela a few days ahead of schedule, and decided to familiarize myself with the city prior to my meeting. On my second morning in the city I stopped in a café for some java juice and perused the local news. There I saw an advertisement for an estate sale auction, and on a whim, I made my way out to Oreb in the mountains overlooking the city. The Estate was grand. There perched atop a mountain was a five spired castle seemingly hewn from the mount itself. Making my way into the castle I was greeted by the head servant, and he brought me to a large lounge where others who had come for the auction were gathered. After tea and exchanged pleasantries, I decided to wander about the castle, and during my wandering I came upon a grand library. Three stories high and encased in rich dark wood, the library seemed to be nestled in the heart of the castle, its northern wall a massive window overlooking the city below. After some time half-heartedly perusing the library’s titles, I found myself on the third floor tucked away in one of its corners, and it was there I pulled from a shelf a small red-cloth bound codex. Immediately recognizing the language as Sith, and reading over quickly the words in front of me, I recognized that I had in my hands a most profound object of Sith literature. Without a second thought I tucked it away in my robes, and decided that it was my duty to purchase the entirety of the library on behalf of the Jedi order, should there be any others works of the Sith lying about on the library’s shelves.

Others had come to the auction to buy some books as well, but after some gentle convincing on my part the other patrons decided that they did not really want to buy any of the books, so I purchased the entire library for what I deemed to be a good and honest price.

Hiring some of the estates’ own servants, I spent the next seven days cataloguing, boxing, and sending back to the Temple archives the collection I had purchased. And indeed, embedded with the library’s collection were other Sith works.

As for the Godform Assumption of StarCrow the Wise which I had originally lifted, once my work of cataloguing and boxing was done I retired to the small cottage on the outskirts of town I mentioned before, and there, now equipped with some peace and quiet, I began to read the text.

The rest of the story you are familiar with.

But before you begin your own reading Master Jedi, make sure you are not alone, and that you have about you good and holy masters meditating within the Light. If you do, I hope you enjoy my translation of this most vexing Sith text.

May the Force be with you.

The holograph disappeared, and Rebecca hesitated to turn the page. She knew she should put the book down and sneak it back into Master Francis’s room the next day, but she didn’t. Now surrounded by the darkness of the night, she turned the page and began to read.

Book 1

I 1. StellaCorvus blasphemavit Dominus Filius Of StarCrow’s defiance to Light`s beacon Et ille omnia amplexatus malum And his coiled embrace of darkness’ life, Ita susurri profana Texere Deus Whisper in profane verses O Fanged God Et dic autem quod rex maleficus ratio And tell of the King-Sorcerer’s reason Cultum adoremus terrarium To worship and adore the gargoyle’s strife. iurgium In die eius ensoulment Tell of his ensoulment into the awed revereantur, And abhorrently beautiful dragon, Dicere eius possessionem coxit reverential White in flesh and darkness rife. Apud alba caro et plenus 2. tenebris II Bogan watched as he was knit in the womb, Diabolic aspiciebam eratv Greatly blessed by the midichlorians. confervo intus ventris Valde Benedictus per Deus As soon as they finished him as a man Cum Deus erat perfectus His formidable Force powers did bloom. Eius formidabilis potential excresco They pieced him together as artisans Deus minister ecfictus eum Creating an original true plan. una sicut artifex Creatio quispiam singularis StarCrow’s mother faced her eternal tomb Stellacorvus mater occurrit Birthing Bogan’s partisan. sepulcrum Peperit Diabolic mancipium 3. III Too large to exit a Queenly tunnel Magna ad exire debent a reginae Regali Flaminem sollicitus ad The royal shaman was anxious for her life, vitamNon fecit electionem a Without choice the sage did caesarean. Caesarea Ans matrem et filium et To live, mother and son did struggle pugnaverunt inter se vivunt Sed ipsius etiam altum cultro But too profound severed the healer’s knife. interficiam Pulled from the wound, the boy, cerulean Et reversus est spiritus eius est deus His mother’s strangled spirit did crumble Et ponebant consilia mala Sacrificed for Bogan’s strife. IV Potens Stellacorvus rex autem 4. Sethans Powerful StarCrow, King of the Sethans Natus cum tres lunas timuerunt prope accedere Came to be when three moons glimmered vivid. lucidum In the darkness of morning he was born, In tenebris de mane natus est Et dicitur malignis per caeli And labeled malicious by the heavens. Matrem suam mortem confregit Of her labour his father was livid in corde suo Venit itaque puer ad vitam cum The boy first breathed as his mother was torn. mortua est mater eius Bursting fourth, his time of dawn all sevens. Et ruptis quartus omnes septem In moments she’d be rigid. In secundis mortua esset. 5. V. Clamaveruntque filii gaudio Contrast cheer with howl, the son and sire pater dolore flevit Rejoiced and blasphemed light life and Black Death. Qui in vita gavisus est , in mortem aliis anathemate From blue to red the son’s blood did arise, Filii kakost rubuit His mother’s death StarCrow’s phoenix fire. Phoenix ex morte matris eius ignis His mother profaned him in her last breath. Et curavit filius ante moritur The decay of death did birth and baptize mortem eius baptisim Futurum nunc est in malo To StarCrow’s future evil entire Nunc Seth natus est rex Now born ruler of the Seth.

VI 6. Crevit in virtute Dei benedicti Et didicit ludere magicae gladiis Blessed by the Force the boy grew in stature, Pater in filium effudit Learned swordplay and alchemical magick. attention Gaudium patris sui Pouring his efforts into his offspring tristitiam factusque Reginae mortem non amplius in The King’s once curse became his new rapture. diversa mutati The Queen’s demise was no longer tragic, Sed quia novum hoc opus regis Stellacorvus conqure esset Her life needed for birth of future king. mundi The material realm he would capture, Et relinquam in magna legatum VII His legacy fantastic. Doctus princeps fuit a 7. pythonibus Et proprium intellectus Tutored by sages and wizards of old didicit He learned all the proper material: Dei mysterium habens socium suum Divinum Having the Force as his divine ally Quae semper est in potestate Meant his actions were profound and controlled; Et quod rectum erat Benedictus Deus qui non His Commands were right and ethereal. obedient Beings not blessed with the Force must comply, Et adorate eum Et audivit rex semper They must worship, obey, do what they’re told VIII By their King Imperial. Et studuerunt in vita sua profanis mundi 8. Dei mysterium exploratores in He studied the life of his profane world biology Subvertentem Dei mysterium per Exploring the Force with biology. monstra Perverting the Force and making monsters Cum autem placuit ei qui perverse He was pleased with the life he unfurled. Quod naturalis ordo variari He manipulated morphology Secreta patris sui praescius Et commixta sunt simul novum With the scrolls of his ancient precursors. perverse Genetic monstrosities he swirled, Stellacorvus factus est eorum theologia StarCrow their theology. IX Docti sacris etiam ars 9. militaris Also tutored in the art of warfare Abscondita eius et cogitationes eius His designs he kept impenetrable; Modum fulminis percussit To fall on his foes like a thunderbolt, inimicos suos Ut oretur pro eo, quia visio To subdue them he’d become their nightmare. nocturna hostes To lay down arms was inevitable Et hostes tandem deditionem Sunt etiam de eo Timentes So that they’d fear him too much to revolt deficere And they’d know he was Bogan’s forbearer, Laetus non cognovit eum qui est diabolus Defeat irrevocable. Et victus fuit necesse 10. X Classe profectus ad astra He took to the stars leading the navy, Crevit igitur præcipe StarCrow grew to command the armada. rostratis ad StellaCorvus Didicit ex ducibus bello From generals he learned to lead star ships, Et quanta potuit largitione et Command men, shoot a blaster, and ensnare. mittentes rete Reges et æmulata sunt eum Of other Kings he became their envy Sed eorum maior esset He intensified and rose to eclipse. Stellacorvus Multo Stellacorvus resuta Before long StarCrow succeeded to tear Aemula regna in furore suo Rival realms in his frenzy. XI Quasi viri fortis in fortitudine 11. roborabitur vir Established as a mighty warrior, Dei mysterium penitus Stellacorvus StarCrow was well pervaded with the Force. Cum appellatus fuerit et in His father, now dead, acclaimed his dark gifts conspectu patris sui mali Et imponens illum in vexationem Did set him on his rivals as terror. aemuli Potens Stellacorvus fremuerunt Mighty StarCrow rampaged without remorse sine paenitentia Drowning his foes in history’s abyss. Inimicos eius in profundo demersi historiae scriptor StarCrow was feared as the greatest killer, Maxima interfectorem Stellacorvus et timuerunt Matchless in his seizing course. Unicum in eius cursu rapiens 12. XII Accipiens , moderari et regere Taking, ruling, controlling all in sight omnia, StarCrow established his New World Order. Stellacorvus nova instituta in ordine His system now one, reigned as suzerain, Et factus est sicut rex in mundo, est ejus To all his subjects a beacon of light. Lumen de lumine ut omnes “Sethans now know, we live with no boarder subditos “Nunc scimus quia cum non Gaze upon me your lifeblood your fountain”. cogitur Sethans Gae tuum super me, fons animarum On his Pergamon altar, clothed in white vestrarum” He spoke with kingly ardour. In altaris Pergamo circumamictos vestimentis albis 13. Et locutus est cum ardore regis Building weapons he grew his empire XIII Ædificans vasa eius crevit And impelled his reign to unknown places. imperium Impellitur ad loca ignota sui Battle meditation ensured his wins Acie media firma uincit suam Yet a foe he met who would not tire. Sed ipse met hosti qui non deficere They fought, rebuked him, destroyed his bases, Pugnatum increpabat illum basibus tentorium suum While the Lord of Light tallied StarCrow’s sins. Cum autem lux in Domino comperta Yet these beings he could not suspire, Stellacorvus peccata Sed haec non satis esse posset Unlike the other races. Dissimilis autem erat ceteris 14. gentibus XIV For many decades he battled and raged Et postea exstiterunt acriter saeviit Angered with a rival who would not fold. Iratus cum aemuli qui non ovili Time proceeded to a warring stalemate Tempus procedebant ad proelia angustiarum His adversary would not be assuaged. Suis inimicus esset non imminutae Yet King StarCrow was not to be controlled; Et rex ad imperium non His intelligence and knowledge too great. Stellacorvus Et intelligentia et scientia In time he knew his rival would be caged magna nimis This was already foretold. Cras inclusas esse cognovit aemulum 15. Hoc iam praedixit XV Placing to one side his ships and his sword Quorum unum latus ense nauibus From the vanguard of battle he withdrew. Ex prima acie recessit In eius patris bibliotheca Residing in his father’s library Et inspectis libris patris eius He examined his ancestor’s records In finem pro determained Determined for the stalemate to break through. angustiarum Et reversus est in potentia He returned to powerful alchemy, veneficia Eius magicae secretum ludunt Secrets of magick his father did hoard Quid faciam tibi ostendere libris They would reveal what to do. XVI 16. Arcanum in his in arcem praesidium Secreted within his castle’s bulwark Archivum erat Arcanum The archive was an ancient Arcanum. antiquissimi Congregati sunt enim arcana prima For epochs primal secrets were gathered momenta Their knowledge of the Force’s darkness stark. Et agnitionem mysterii Dei Patris tenebris summae To devour the light is Bogan’s rhumb Consumptura est enim lucis est Recorded on leather, long since tattered, diabolis finem In pellibus scripta est cum diu For many spans they sat hushed in the dark laniata Secrets little would fathom. Ad conticure palmos qui sedebat in tenebris 17. Ut noverim mysteria, parvulis Kneeling before the bronze of his father XVII Staturae eius provolutus He spoke to the effigy to give thanks. Locutus est ad confitendum He pulled upon the hilt of the weapon effigiem Et evulsa est in capulus ferrum Showing a room in which he did enter. Et ingressus est cubiculum Descending profound steps into the dank aperit Altioris gradus descendit in Mysterious voices he heard beckon. umida Foreseeing the gen he soon would ponder arcanum voces eum Putantes se fore in scientia Behind him shadows phalanxed. legere 18. Post eum in tenebras in gradu incedebant The room was a cave with unlit candles XVIII Stone walls lined with shelves, their wooden frames warped. Erat autem spelunca et in Bent by the weight of the treasures they bore cubiculum candela accensa Instructa cum crusta lapidem The books were scattered as if by vandals. muros , ligna ad lignea inclinatum Shadows so thick his sight they did distort Flectuntur thesauri ferunt pondus Order he knew he needed to restore. Libri sunt , ut , si a Vandalis He took to sequence what was in shambles Non sunt tenebrae et caligo oculis ejus, pervertunt Profane law he did consort. Ut sciret, opus est restituere 19. tulit disponere quod in macello Blasphemum ius tamen Hundreds of volumes filled shelves on the wall coniungitur Books large and thick, pages bound by leather XIX Plurima volumina impleta crusta Ancient tomes archaic in appearance est super murum The old manuscripts, well preserved, did sprawl. Liber densa et magna , pages obligatus corio Most of these books poured forth from the nether Apparet in prisca voluminibus Their secrets of darkness displayed brilliance. Antiqua In veteribus libris servata, ab Words of dark precursors heeding The Call omni Plerique ex his diffunditur Dead tones joining together. libro ab inferis 20. Occulta de tenebris et prae fulgore He bound together leaves of pale parchment Citatio audieris verba tenebris And gathered rolled scrolls encased in clear tubes. praecursores Mortuus cantare una voce But more there were than archaic relics XX Old holodisks did also document, Simul et membranae verba pallida Et congregati latet in libris Along with ominous glowing red cubes. involvit patet fistulae He assumed the role of academic sed et in aliis reliquiis alia documenta magicae And drew about him his runic garment Cum prodigia rutilans cubi Happy with what he did choose. et factus est academicum et secessit in mundo et beata quae voluit fecit

XXI 21. Consul operum magam Dyzan “Terra filii , audite filii ignis He read the works by the Witch of Dyzan nec principium et finemnihil est Septem nobis nascuntur ex “Ye Sons of Earth, Sons of Fire listen primis Neither first nor last, all is no number Flamma de Christianis primario Rupto tenebrarum radium, semper We spring from the primordial seven. somno From the primordial flame be christened Excita ex uno ovo de caelo exercitum magna consurget”. Ray of ever-darkness break your slumber XXII Awaken from the one egg from heaven Deinde cum divina legimus Septena "Tenebrae , immensitatem , nihil Army of the Voice, risen.” Spiritus autem vita est , fiat lux factori 22. ut renascantur in caprum Next he read the Divine Septenary emissarium Ponite vos in concupiscentia tui “Darkness, the Boundless or the no- total Sanctificate in sanguine sacro Is the life-breath, become the Light Maker aere Revelationis veritatem Re-soul yourself as the emissary tenebrosum erit Picture your desire into motile Tenebrae ' arx " XXIII Prepare to bloody the sacred acre Deinde librum revelare Egregiam deos manifestationem Your dark truth shall be revelatory O Graush, Zhellmok, Sakkra, and Become darkness’ focal.” Var-Ko Victores vocem , intus autem sunt 23. liberandi He then read the Codex of Revealing: Magnus , quem metuunt quasi fundamentum Satan “Splendid gods of great manifestation Fac mihi viam, in umbra , et O Graush, Zhellmok, Sakkra, and Var-Ko crescent Equip me ut luceant mea Victors of The Voice, doors you are freeing Et praecipitabit tui Bogan whom you fear as the foundation incarnationem” XXIV Outline for me the Shadow path and grow Qui studuit in libro Umbra “Corpus est modo accipere libeat Equip me that I might shine my being Sed prius discite omnes And port your incarnation.” prospectus Sed primo sentiant revelli 24. Quia spiritus carnem, appetit Next he studied The Shadow Manuscript suam fugient Amplectere natos tuos usque “Tis wise to strive to get a new body dominabitur tui timore But first you must learn to fully gain sight perterriti Parate vos ad pugnam in anima At first you will feel yourself being ripped evincere Victor , sicut a Deo” As your spirit seeks to disembody. XXV Embrace your fear yet dominate your fright Deinde, legere de numero Rehobostar Prepare to battle the soul you’ll evict "Et ego praecipio , omnis Victorious, be godly.” spiritus omnia in carcerem Surge , et fluctus tui foeda 25. vincula, carceres Next he read the Key of Rehobostar Oratio ad sanctum et prodigiosum Ego regnabo super vos , obedire , “I command and call, constrain all spirits consurgetis de cisternis vestris Rise from your foul dungeons and flaming chains A dolor ac dicito tollite arentia Collect the unholy and those bizarre Et ploremus ante me regem vestrum I rule you, obey me, rise from your pits. Et termino vestro est” Come from your dry places and bring your pains

And kneel before me your spiritual czar I will define your limits.”

XXVI 26. Multa enim tempora, et leges sapientes StellaCorvus For many seasons wise StarCrow did read Engorging se in his verbis malignis Engorging himself on his dark side texts. Implens illud malum in se Then seeing one last tome hid in a crook et quia ultimum est mihi in absconditum a lituo He read Typhojem’s word and took deep heed. Et tandem legere per verba , et He jumped headlong into shadowy depths videte Et ingressus praeceps in And began to incant words from the book profundum tenebrosum For knowledge of this last act he must plead Et in libro de verbis recitare coepit And embrace a fleshly death. Cognitio enim extremo actu agendum 27. Et mors carnis amplexibus. Immortal StarCrow fervent and clever XXVII Immortalis StellaCorvus, et Read the old tome where the black squid did hiss: forti callidum “Refuse to perish and open your eyes. ubi sapiens olim studium mihi serpens sibilat Become like me and exist forever. “Aperi oculos tuos et reprobum Your view is god-like take hold of your bliss. perire Et factus est mihi in perpetuum Let no power or principal deny Ut videas Deum tuum recipies Your fate and your glorious endeavour. beatitudinis Nullus negare potest , vel Stare, and fear not the abyss.” principali Sors tua, et gloria conatus 28. respice in profundum abyssi, et “Here am I devouring immortal nolite timere XXVIII Revel yourself for rightly devotions. “Ecce ego inmortalibus ignis I am strong, keen, and feared by the masses, Ora pro merito cultus te Valeo, acer et terribilis moles My mind is astute, your able portal. Mens est intellectus , potest I am worthy of your arcane notions portas tuas Ego sum dignus notiones procul I corner my knee, your faithful fasces. Dico angulum genua mea , et fidelis O Fanged God your sinfulness is fertile, Domine Deus Texere vestrorum Come, let us be companions.” fertilis Veni , videamus nos socios esse” 29. XXIX StarCrow called in his ancestor’s chamber Cum dicitur StellaCorvus sui in cubiculo Demanding the Fanged God to manifest. Stat ad texere a Deo Surrounded by the darkness of morning Et, in mane tenebras, Iam cupiditatibus suis His passions now free, his wants a saber. imperantis et vult machaeram Pillared books of ancient secrets promised libris congesta simul susurrabant occulta The power of black magick adorning. fortis magica nigra, et faciam vos fieri forti “Wise StarCrow’s enemies are in danger. StellaCorvus in periculo inimici He’ll conquer all” they attest. ille conqur dicet omnis libris XXX 30. Quae nunc dicuntur tenebrae The words now spoken the darkness amassed, congessit Ex nigredine loco alto Blackness collected from deep underneath. ad figuram creata sunt umbra Shadow upon shadow seeped into form futurorum Deus stetit in texere formatum From the stone cold floor the Fanged God stood cast. Bernardi Siegfried feroces cum Black leather wings with ferocious sharp teeth alis praeditae aculeis Deformis et statura sicut ruber Malformed and towered as a red-eyed storm. oculis a tempestate "Nisi me adorare et colere?" “Adore and worship only me?” he asked. Inquit. “Settle upon me your wreath”. "Corona tua veniat super me".

XXXI 31. Canentis, odoratus, et videns rem eo Incanting, smelling, and seeing him real StellaCorvus fidem "hic texere, StarCrow pledged “Fanged God here is my spirit”. Deus spiritus est". "Timeant me et facite omnia “Revere me and do all that I command quae praecipio conferetis And life forever I give in this deal. Et ego vitam aeternam do hoc faciunt. Seek out veiled knowledge worthy of merit, Quaerite velatum scientia Set yourself free, be born-again as grand. dignum, meritum, Statuam te liberum tanta A crown I give, you are set with my seal. renasci. From here you have no limit.” Corona tibi dimissa es meo roboravi. 32. Hinc finis habetis". “The Force is with me, dark power abounds XXXII "Vis mecum est, abundat Give me what I want, let the shadows breathe. tenebrarum I will use the Force to make myself strong Da quod vis, umbrae halitus Divinely transform myself to astound. meus intercluditur. Et extendam manum meam qua vi Worlds will tremble at my fiery seethe. forti I will govern the universe lifelong. Divinitus ad me convertere admirationem. Break my chains, my passion will go unbound Timebitis secula anhelatis I’ll become the God they need”. Perpetuam et regat universum. Solve vincula mea, erit solutum 33. mei “I know what schemes agitate in your mind Opus ero Deus". XXXIII And together we’ll make them transpire "Scio quid coquere consilia I have wisdom and knowledge to give you animo Et dabo eas pariter apparebit Let’s now avow our dark fortunes entwined.” Da mihi sapientiam et Unbending his knee, soul now a-fire intellegentiam ut te Et nunc noxii tenebris fortuna King StarCrow stood to his full height and knew. implicuit. " “Transmute me; I want to be redefined, Tanto genu, animam iam in ignem Rex StellaCorvus stetit in A body to inspire.” altitudine sua, et cognovit. 34. "Transmutes; Cupio innovando, “To cheat death is our greatest desire Movet corpus" XXXIV And I vouchsafe such magick can be done "Maximus velle fallere mors Some others before you have accomplished Et tanta potest esse dignaris, Quidam ante fecisti This powerful sacrificial fire. Hoc potens, ignis sacrificii. Be sure, forever the light you must shun, Certi estote, lumen aeternum caveas, Yet your beastly structure will astonish. Sed corpus animale vestrum Come closer King StarCrow, let’s conspire mirabitur. Accedite StellaCorvus rex, And I shall call you my son”. consilium scriptor 35. Et vocavi te fili mi”. XXXV StarCrow took hold of Bogan incarnate Incarnatus diabolus tenuit His grasp did scald on the shadowy flesh, StellaCorvus Et calefaciat umbra carnis in “I want to become a massive dragon manu eius Though my soul I know not how to ablate.” "Volo autem draco ingens fieri, sed nescio quam ob animam meam “What I promise will make you throw and thresh "Quid faciam tibi promitto et Yet you’ll achieve your desired action, tritura Addito A Dragon reborn to incinerate. Et vos perficio vestra desideravit actio, Capture Ashla and enmesh.” In Draco ad uro renascitur. Perdes omnes, quod est bonum.

XXXVI 36. "Sanctae libris et penitus verbis innuere “Arcane books and deep pages only hint Quod spiritus possit necem alterius, That my spirit can murder another’s. Obsecro ut transire mihi I desire to transfer my essence essentia, Ego quod imprimunt in draconem. Into a dragon in which I’ll imprint. Et non invenietis infantem et A drake I’ll find and mystically smother mystice suffocant Quinta parte sui ad renasci in To be reborn the dark side’s quintessence, tenebris, I’ll become a vile body newly mint; Vile cadaver aliquod recenter mint ero: Unnaturally other.” Aliam naturam. " XXXVII 37. "Ad quantum dicendum Dathomir tu “To far Dathomir you must go alone solus Et cum suavitate, uxorem, et Once there charm, wed, then kill the sorceress. occidere auguratricis. Apprentice yourself to her traditions, Ipse apprenticius ad traditiones, She’ll teach you invocations to intone. Et docebo te preces, ut imponat. Control her will and in her mind impress Continere, et voluntas ejus in animo imprimere That you’ll acquiesce to her conditions. Quod tibi acquiescere, ut eius conditionem, Once trusted, begin your plan to dethrone Aliquando confisa, ad primum And declare yourself noblesse.” propositum tibi abdicare, Et annuntiamus vobis regem. " 38. XXXVIII Mighty StarCrow, apprentice of darkness Fortis StellaCorvus, discipule tenebrarum Embarked to the stars to resume his quest. Conscendit ut sese ad sua Charging his helmsman to far Dathomir quaeque stellae Is dato negotio suis ut “To Quelii space, where power I’ll harness! gubernator usque Dathomir Dark knowledge awaits, it’s mine to possess! "Ad Quelii spatium, quo te potest arma! Time has fled I must expand my frontier Tenebrae scientia manet in me, non est me habere Purge my soul, spiritual catharsis Tempus Fugit, ego expand mea ut Here am I a man obsessed!” limitanei Purga animam spiritualem 39. catharsis Blue lines of hyperspace fell to the side, Hic ego sum obsessi homo! " XXXIX His warship hung like a fiend in orbit. Blue decidit ad partem versus Leading his shuttle to the red surface celeritate Longae pependit in orbita sua, He descended with the aim to preside, sicut monstrum, Radii superficiem eius ducit ad And plunged from the sky as a bright comet. mare Rubrum He set his ship down by a deep crevice Descendit intendens praeesse, Quod de caelo stella sereno Then took in flora with a kingly stride mersit. Meeting eyes with blue portraits. Et posuit animam suam in navi in altum foramine 40. Tulit in passu flores regali Feeling the fear of the blue reptile men Faciem hyacintho oculos testimonii. He ordered the natives from their dark sites. XL Inde terror hyacintho et “Tis true to fear me savages of old serpentiumEt praecepit eis ab The Force can see you, come out from your dens. incolis loca tenebrosa "Verum, ut timeant me olim barbari Reveal yourselves from your primeval heights Vis videre tibi, exi ab antris You can’t deny me I have you controlled Denuda turpitudinem tuam a primaevis excelsis Lead me to your chief; guide me through your glen Tu mihi te negare non coerceri And we’ll join in ghostly rites.” Deduc me in caput tuum; dirige me per silvam Et certe cum vacui habent. " XLI 41. Velox statim belli secuntur Sagittis et lanceis praecipites Quick warfare immediately ensued caelo With arrows and spears plunging from the sky Et stetit in medio eorum, dolum tips-fugam, Yet their piercing tips halted in mid-flight Cum vi, et confractus cervicibus With the Force, necks were cracked, breaking the feud. erant, praevaricationem odio. Oppugnantibus animus moritur, The attackers killed, all but one did die sed mortuus est “To your chief, lead, and I’ll excuse this slight.” "Perduc ad tribunum, et plumbum, et modico ignoscite" The native obeyed from the fear exude Et audierunt de patria timore And lead to his chief that nigh exit Et ad principes, qui prope. 42. XLII “Visions I’ve had of your looming advent Et vidi visiones Propositus adventu tuo Not I you want, but Madame Blavatstar Non ego te volo, sed Madame Why did you come here, to torture the Kwa? Blavatstar Quare venisti huc torquendi Kwa? Not my gifts you want but her dark talent. Non mea gratia sed ea vis ingenii We hide from the Mountain Clan in this scar tenebris Forum Nocturne de monte in And shun the evil of Madame’s dark law. cicatrice Away from my hut your dark covenant Madame de tenebris lege et recede a malo We desire not to mar.” Sed a mea tuus pactum tenebris 43. Nos volo ut non ferant.” XLIII “Heed me scaled chief, your blood line is ancient "Audite me scaled princeps linea I’ve seen your story, you did not devolve. est sanguine antiquis Vidi fabulam, non devolvatur Set between us fire, we’ll make a pact, Ignis inter nos erimus ineamus You’ll submit for the sake of your nation. foedus Te propter me subire tuae. When the time comes you’ll help, I’ll then absolve Cumque conpleti fuerint dies tui The unfair phrases of this forced contract. erit adjutor ego absolvent Impius haec verba contractus You’ll want to shun your people’s enslavement magnis Steady your spine and resolve.” Populi tui fugiunt servitutem volueris 44. Tuam et constantem spinae StarCrow performed dark magick that evening propono " XLIV And pressed into service the ancient Kwa Magica nigra peragi StellaCorvus Governing their minds and bending their will vesperam Et angariaverunt antiquis His words were evil but not deceiving. reptilia, A plan he bared that was frightful and raw. Regit et flectit mentes eorum Sed malum et verba sua non decipit The chief agreed to StarCrow’s bitter pill. A rudis et terribile erat quod The chief’s horrid dreams of many bleeding consilium nudavit Et principes convenerunt in Would queue him for his withdrawal. amaritudine est StellaCorvus 45. diripio Horrenda somnia, et in multis Leading the King to Madame’s dark fortress princeps sanguinem The chief’s heart hoped for StarCrow’s timely death. Pro secessu aut erectus. XLV The red witch greeted the King with a kiss Rex ad arcem ducit patieris While the chief retreated to his forest. tenebrasMortem speranda StellaCorvus loco principali. “Greetings Madame, I am King of the Seth, Rubrum eu osculo Achimaas dixit Our God has sent me to plumb your abyss. ad regem Et gloria saltus eius, Allow me to stare into your vortex principes ad se And combine our godly breath.” "Salve lena sum rex Seth Deus meus misit me ad te abyssum tangere Respice in me fac ut in vorticem Simul Deum nostrum, et spiritus" XLVI 46. "Et locutus cum me, Deus, fortis texere StellaCorvus “The Fanged God spoke with me mighty StarCrow Et apparuit in somnis multo And in visions revealed our intense hope spem Quia anima carnis in nobis To combine our power for fleshly life certamen You are the key which unlocks my dark flow. Chaivas uias meas quae sunt in tenebris fluunt. Together we’ll climb this secret text’s slope Simul nos ascendere secretum But before we do, take me as your wife. illud in praeceps We’ll read its words and together we’ll know Sed antequam faceret, duc uxorem How its mysteries to grope”. Simul legere et scire te nobis 47. sermo Ad quam sua mysteria palpare ". They entered as one the star pyramid XLVII Accompanied by Blavatstar’s daughter. Et intravit, ut stella unius pyramidis The virgin Roselye arose as witness, Cum Blavatstar filia. StarCrow’s handsomeness wrought her riveted. Virgo Roselye surrexit ut in testimonium, The marriage sealed with drinks of dark water StellaCorvus operatus est Yet StarCrow fell for the virgin’s sweetness candor eius defixit. Est Conjugium signati Who wisely shaped her façade as timid tenebris bibit aquam Veiling her love of slaughter. Et cecidit ad StellaCorvus virginis suavitatem 48. Quis sapiens, sicut forma Blavatstar brought the King into her bed eius frons timidi Velavit eius amore occisionis. While Roselye pined for great StarCrow the man XLVIII And husband and wife there consummated Blavatstar adduxit rex in The two became one in a fleshly thread. lectulo suo Dum magno desideravi Roselye She lead him onto her velvet divan StellaCorvus hominem Blavatstar’s heart now intoxicated. Et vir uxorem, et non consummato With his great being she was fully fed Duos unum filum secundum “My King you are now my head.” carnem Et adducam eum in molli divanum, 49. Blavatstar cor autem ebrius “A gift I have for you StarCrow éclat Cum suo magno esset ens plenarie saturari A codex given from three bright Djinn "Nunc caput meum regi". They showed themselves as daughters of Bogan XLIX "Habeo tibi munus StellaCorvus Secrets from Manat, Aluzza, Allat. éclat They gave me this manuscript to begin Codex A tribus electa dedi Djinn Satanae ostentavere filias A text with sealed wax, I did break open Secreta a Manat, Aluzza, Allat A guide given us, our future’s own plat Dederunt librum primum Signatum in cera a text, ego Offered to us from our kin.” solver 50. A nobis ducem, futurum se in “But I could not read this archaic text agro Obtulit et nos nostros" Delivered from these exulted idols. L I prayed for help, intersession I hoped, “Ego autem, non littera prisca legentesAb idolis quibus But its words were unclear, I remained vexed. laetatus,Postulabam pro Its words, they said, were needed and vital auxilio Intersession speravi Sed obscura sunt verba eius, Thothnych they called it and said it was cloaked et adduxit in eodem. With a veil of knowledge that does perplex Voces dixerunt opus vitalium Et dixissent iste est Except for the disciple.” Thothnych vocabant auream Non ponit scientiam velamine Nisi quia discipulus". LI 51. Et dedit ei pretium in libro Thothnych The witch gave him the Thothnych Manuscript Quod factum est verbum per omnes An unreadable document by all, unreadable, Et prudentem in oculis aliena And with shrewd eyes StarCrow read the strange rhyme StellaCorvus legere rhyme And bore in his soul knowledge to afflict. Scientiam et affligetis animas gerebat. Words written down by the Fanged God’s own scrawl Verba scripta per Dei texere sua Inscribed behind the pouring out of time. scrawl post scriptum est infundens ex This was the key, he was almost equipped tempore. To summon the black cabal. Haec clavis et instructam fere Vocare nigra forum. 52. LII Super faciem locutus est Upon his face spoke Illumination, Illumination Blavatstar asked “What do it words reveal? Blavatstar interrogavit: "Quid est retegis? Its signs and prose are impenetrable Signa sua impenetrabiles sunt Yet your face speaks of knowing translation.” et solute Sed translatione cognoscere “Our path to no end is clear and ideal vultus loquitur ". Life forever now inevitable. "Iter est ad finem et bonum Nunc necesse est sempiternum We must set to work on consecration Opus consecrationis debeat Et malae texere reserare signum To unlock the Fanged God’s seal”. Dei ". 53. LIII “A forceful being we must thieve, “A forceful being we must thieve, then kill; then kill Magickally induce midichlorians Magicè inducere midichlorians Vitam novam electionem invader To invade a new life of our choosing- Et veneficia nos cellulis ad With witchcraft we’ll bend its cells to our will. voluntatem suam curvare Vita est furari occidere custos A life we must steal, kill its guardian, Naturae et gratiae infusion Then influence its nature infusing Hac vita nostra, tunc nobis sanguinem fundere, This life with our end, then blood we must spill Et conteram mundus meridianorum. " And break pure meridians.” LIV 54. “Per dracones stella loquitur, et fortis “The text speaks of star dragons, old and strong Duinogwuin nomine, vi et Duinogwuin named, and blessed by the Force. Benedictus Mirum prisca et, in alto loco Strange and archaic, they hide in deep space. absconditi An egg we must steal, these beings live long. Ovum est furtum longæ vitæ illorum. We’ll remake the hatchling, its life our source Nos renovetur hatchling, et fons vitae nostrae Rebuild its ilk, genetic code deface Diruta eius similibus, Then kill before a cabalistic throng geneticae code fouens Et interfice a turba cabalistic We must leave now, set a course!” Oportet ergo ponere cursus! " 55. LV StellaCorvus in caelis, adhuc Within deep space StarCrow further explained: dicetur: “Thothnych’s text is a living art piece "Thothnych scriptum est vivus piece And his magick is free only to me. Et mihi liberum sit amet By the God of Darkness I was ordained Deus erat in tenebris Est libido intra me pervaserat. Pervaded within me is his caprice. Dotavit me Deus dote oculos habent ad videndum et malae texere The Fanged God has given me eyes to see Ego potest tantum legere Only I can read his wisdom unchained: sapientia resolvat: Fac remissionis Deum nostrum " Prep for our godly release!”

LVI 56. "Haec ignota demonstrat hic spelunca “This passage here points to an unknown cave Ubi maxime stella Draco habitat Et sedet a progenies in Where the most powerful star dragon dwells. progenies It sits upon a brood of its offspring. Oportet autem omnia, et immolabit eam in servitutem We must slaughter all but one and enslave redigerent The most potent hatching, not crack it’s shell. Potissima fovit testa suus non resiliunt. Start with the snapping of the elder’s wings Satus per alarum percussione And bury it in its unwitting grave. heres maior Et sepelierunt eum in sepulchro Come wife and prepare your spells.” suo attulit. Uxores incantantor tuum et veni 57. " “Once we’ve slaughtered, then control a new soul LVII "Occidi Semel ergo animam novam We’ll begin to apply our alchemy imperium And with our witchcraft begin to transform Nos coepit ad locum nostrum, alchimia Pour into the life power we’ll control Et habentis maleficia nostram With supernatural totality. transferre coepit Effundam in potestate nos regunt The being will be a breathing Force storm. vitam, It will live and grow as the darkside’s whole, Per totam naturam. Et quod spiritus sit vis Then drain life and atrophy.” tempestatis 58. Sed ut possitis vivere et multiplicemini totam darkside “Wizards will group on the sacred circle- Tunc exhaurire et atrophia" I’ll chant the bornless ceremonial LVIII "Coetus Ariolos extirpandam While the great creature lays subdued and chained; erit circulus in sacris We’ll consume its life, become immortal, Ego tibi carmina caeremonialia bornless Monarchs of shade, evil’s custodial. Coronis creatura subiecta est, cum magna et vinxit With this transformed life we will be sustained Puteus consumet summitates With eons of time, its blood so fertile, vita immortalis, Sub regibus, malum est custos. We as testimonial.” Hoc non mutatur vita potest, 59. Tempus in sæcula sanguine tam fertiles “Collective dark-power we must conscript, Sicut et nos testimonium. " We’ll invite Dark Lords to participate; LIX "Est potentia communis Bring their essence to unfasten in full tenebris, patres conscripti, The darkside’s power we’ll all unencrypt. Nos invite Tenebrosi Domini participes esse, Make them think that their strength will dissipate Eorum essentia ad solvere plena Darkside in potestate nos omnes Drive them to fear and we’ll willingly pull. unencrypt. Their lust will make them easy to convict Pone vires puto dissiparet Ne timeas eos adigit ad ea, et ego Not one will anticipate.” destruam 60. Et faciam eos concupiscentia facile arguer “Fear me they may for my reputation, Et potius unum." But many Lords fear the servants of Light. LX "Ne me ut pro mea Gloria We’ll promise them a powerful weapon. Sed multi timent servi lux Non promittet se validius Desperate they are for their own salvation Pro sua salute sint Battlestar We’ll bring them together to chain their might, Et educam eas ad series eorum Et ad ferre novum Hermagedon And bring to bear a new Armageddon Connivendum non erit gens, hoc Connive we will this new-found dark nation novum ac repertum tenebris Et sicut amica percutiet nos. " And as one, my love, we’ll smite.”

LXI "Quidam suspicor est callide 61. posuit captionem “Some will suspect a cunningly laid trap Vocant et aliqui non respondit Sed nos qui venturus consumet And some may refuse to answer our call, Reliquiae venari nos rupto evacuate But once we consume the ones who arrive et disrumpam Et visitabo super eos felle a The remnants we’ll hunt down, break, raze, and snap; furore suo We’ll punish them for their insolent gall, Rogo et te, et cecidit ad genua in nobis vigent They’ll fall to their knees and beg us to thrive, Ipsi levant animam suam adposuit Their soul’s they’ll pledge, and their power we’ll sap tibi erunt, et potestas puteus sap In us, darkness will stand tall.” Habemus celsos tenebris. " 62. LXII "Cum venerit quod ad causam huius “Once they arrive for this glorious cause gloriae Et cito cadit in potestate nostra They’ll quickly fall under our deep control. abyssi We’ll dominate their minds and crush their wits Nos dominantur eorum: et dorsum eorum devorata est They’ll be our slaves and walk into our jaws. Et erunt servi eritis et servietis nobis faucibus et ambula. Complex sorcery requires their souls. Complex requirit a veneficiis They will not resist our magickal blitz. suis, Et non resistunt magicis rapidus Once done they’ll be no remnant of what was, Quod cum fit, non erunt ex te Now cast into a dark hole.” Et misit in foramen tenebrosum ". LXIII 63. StellaCorvus fabulam repletus minutiae StarCrow’s description was full and detailed Verum mixta peritia et deceptio. And masterfully mixed truth with deception. Et locutus est ad pythonissam, quae mihi potestate sunt He promised the witch that power they’d share participes, Yet his real plans he kept guarded and veiled. Tamen eius rei consilia non custodimini et velata. Force-blood was crucial for his inception Sanguis enim eius in magicis opus inceptum Many wizards vital to chant the prayer. Multi magos psallere vitae He will drink their blood and last breath exhaled orationis Et inebriabitur sanguine eorum For his divine conception. qui extremum spiritum exhalaret 64. Est enim Divinum Ipsius conceptum. LXIV For weeks they sought the great Duinogwuin Quia quaesierunt septimanas magnam Duinogwuin Minding the text through the blackness of space Spatium, per tenebris ad text And in secret corners StarCrow did kiss oboedire Et in abscondito fecit osculum Blavatstar’s daughter Roselye, he did win. angulos StellaCorvus Blavatstar Roselye filia, nec Taken by her sensuousness and grace vincere. The Monarch and Maiden exchanged their bliss Et voluptate per gratiam suam Regi autem, et virginis gaudia Betraying the witch, neither felt chagrin mutaverunt Enjoying emotions base. Tradens in maleficus, nec sensi tristitia 65. Usura motus basi. LXV A licentious love blossomed and consumed Germinavit amoris scortatorii, et On the journey to steal the dragon’s egg. consumpsit Subripere ovo draconis in itinere. StarCrow and Roselye hid well their affair Et bene res abscondita StellaCorvus Her desirous love he kept well groomed. Roselye Cupiens amorem eius custodivi et Their carnal embrace burst forth as a keg hamis Amplexus et carnalis rupti ut While Blavatstar StarCrow kept unaware. strepitus Little did the Red Witch know she was doomed Dum Blavatstar StellaCorvus custodivit ignorant From Roselye, her life, she’d beg. Paulo pythonissam et in Rubro scio quia morti Ex Roselye, eam vitam quae mihi obsecro.

LXVI 66. Textus Draconis Graveyard ducit, In loco ubi Duinogwuin ad mortem, The text lead them to the Dragon’s Graveyard, In petris quoque, et sterilis planeta implevit cum ossibus The place where Duinogwuin go to die. Et superficiem cinereo-intuens A barren planet filled with rocks and bones confectus et cicatricum It’s surface looked worn-grey, tattered, and scarred. refertam. Rex caeli et veneficae excidisse The King and the Witch dropped out from the sky. Effigies de lapidibus sectis in dracones Effigies of dragons cut into stones. Frons in minas eorum, aspectus Their façade’s threatening, their gazes hard. eorum et duritiam Ante autem spelunca, et videte. Ahead a cave they did spy. LXVII 67. Aequo animo est draco egredientur Incurrentes ante de monte in Without reluctance a dragon burst forth nigrum foramen Charging ahead from the mountain’s black hole. "Non occidet me" rugitum et mugistis “You will not kill me!” she bellowed a roar. "Dentes eorum hasta et delebo te “My teeth are spears I’ll consume you henceforth! iam nunc Scio enim te supervenisse I know you have come for my dragon foal! filium draco Dea ostendit mihi de bello cum The Wing’ed Goddess warned me of your war! alis Turn from my cave and assemble your worth Recede a me cave congregabo vos, et dignum Before I consume your soul!” Antequam conteratur et anima! ". 68. LXVIII "Constanti mente tua et uxor mea “Steady your resolve my resourceful wife versutus The dragon’s wings are stretched in full fury. Expandit alas draco in plena sunt indignatione, We cannot take light her strength in the Force Non vis firmata lumen Tollemus filiam nostram debemus We must stand as one or she’ll take our life. quasi vita ipsa. Here she comes now, absorb her light flurry!” Hic venit nunc sorbere lux tumultus! " “My deep well of fear shall be my dark source "Puteus abyssi, ex timore meum, My husband! Push back with anger and strife, eritis mihi in tenebris principium Tumble her from her aerie!” Meus maritus? Cum ira Mea, et 69. contention Eam a temere aerie.” The dragon’s strike was brutish and simple LXIX She bullied above, heedlessly downward. Forum Draconis et est simplex stultus She sent a force push so crushing, it broke Quae subiectae est, temere deorsum Some bones of her foes, almost did cripple. Misit vi impulsus, sic Teeth, claws, and tail whips attacked as a horde, comminuet, et fregit, Quidam de ossibus eius hostes But up from the earth rose ominous smoke prope claudus. The dragon sensed StarCrow’s obscure ripple Dentes et ungues, et verbera cauda est multitudo adversum And knew he was restored. Sed ab abominaremur surgens 70. fumus terrae Et draco de obscuris sentiat StarCrow knew that his key was subtlety StarCrow unda Et cognovit fuit restituit. To ensure the dragon was kept at bay. LXX Make her believe she controlled the action StellaCorvus, quod eius fraude et doloAd curare tenetur draco in Yet secretly bring her to casualty. linguaEa potestate actionem non Blavatstar would unleash dark disarray creditis Et introducent ad casus eius Cast a spell on her mind, black diffraction Ut devolvat Blavatstar tenebris Then stand over her corpse exultantly conturbavitAlligent pectore nigrae diffractionem Using sorcery to slay. Et stans super cadaver exultation Usura a veneficiis occidere. LXXI 71. Rex autem rufus, et pugnavit iniuriam pythonissam The Great King and the Red Witch fought injury Draco, cum quidam adortus Stridoris dentium eius While the dragon confidently attacked. contritum in dolore Gritting her teeth against the broken pain In eu obscurum mysterium aperitur The witch opened up to dark mystery Et cum potens tenebris impetus And with powerful darkness did impact Mens draconem, scindendo cerebrum eius. The mind of the dragon, splitting her brain. Vimque sentire StellaCorvus Mighty StarCrow lunged sensing victory, fortis victoria, Et eius confixi sunt in And pinned her on rocky tract. petrosa, tract. LXXII 72. Usura vires ex praesidiis ad Using strength from the Force to keep her fixed certum StellaCorvus voluntatem StarCrow’s will pressed itself on the serpent. expressum est in colubrum Blavatstar called powers buried from time Ex tempore, potest dici sepultus Blavatstar Spoke verses to her foe, her gazed affixed. Ibi locutus est ad eam hostes, Obeying dark pacts and words so fervent Sigillum illius intueri Pacta et fervidis, et verbis Dark tendrils rose-up obeying the rhyme. obtemperans tenebris Tenebrae pampineis, surrexit, They slithered towards the dragon transfixed et voci rithimus A crawling mist abhorrent. Et draco slithered in transfixa Nubem crawling A abhorrent. 73. LXXIII With substance and corporeality Et substantiam, et corpus est De nigro factus est serpens The darkside became a shadowy snake Darkside And wrapped itself about the dragon’s shape Et involvit se in forma draconis, Ubi in caligine membris Where the mist cut limbs with finality, amputatis in finem While beneath the dragon the earth did quake. Et terra mota sub draconis Et Duinogwuin rugiet, fugere The Duinogwuin roared, tried to escape conatus, Relegaverat de manu ista From the grip of this unreality Perosus illius vigilando. Severing her while awake. LXXIV Nigredo devoravit potentes 74. monstrum, The blackness consumed the mighty monster Ita ut non possent magno gemitu et dolore Unable to scream the pain so intense Et omnes sicut coepta celeries And as quickly as it had all begun Et caligo, non aeque nigro Blavatstar The black mist that Blavatstar did conjure Fertur inferius, ubi et unde Vanished underneath, from where it came whence. venerunt. Cum hac magnifica mortem, in die With this grand death, the day was nearly won, illa fere vicit Et cum completa essent caedem Yet they were not complete with their slaughter Ad interfectionis cipiendu. More killing had to commence. LXXV In silentio et in tenebris 75. spelunca texere Dei The Fanged God beckoned them to the dark cave "Bene liberos praevalida StellaCorvus Filio nemo potest “You did well my children, so powerful! aequare in fortitudine tua Son StarCrow no one can match your great strength magna, Filia potes ponere in inferno And daughter, place all you can in the grave. Praemium expectat, magnum et Our prize awaits us, large and wonderful, mirabile, Ne tempus tereret, ingentis et Let us not waste time, we’ve gone to great length ipsae longitudinis ad nos To apprehend our Duinogwuin slave Apprehendere autem servus noster Duinogwuin We needn’t be too careful.” Solliciti esse non necessaria. "

LXXVI 76. Tenebrae pater, filius, filia, et descendit, Dark father, son, and daughter descended Draconis speluncam capias praedam magnam The dragon’s cave to retrieve their great prize Sedentes in tenebris, et in pace And there sitting peacefully in the dusk Aureus ovis, ingens, magnificum, Ovum in circuitu oculos implevit Was a golden egg, mighty and splendid. avarus, The egg’s circumference filled their greedy eyes Et deficiens mortuus est in draconem, cum in profundum in While they breathed in deep the dead dragon’s musk. moschus StarCrow moved forward and apprehended StellaCorvus moventur deinceps et capi This being of mighty size. Haec fortium esse magnitudinis. 77. LXXVII "Sicut locutus mi vitae est hic “As promised my son, here is your new life. Bene parate in carminibus et Prepare it well with sorcery and spells, veneficiis, A comes unicus midichlorian. A midichlorian count unrivaled. Pone hic coram callidus sit uxor Lay this being before your clever wife Cellulis in color cum et alchymia. Vindicare immortale nomen And with your alchemy transform its cells. Et terram, multa aegra Bibite ex anima fontes abyssi " Claim for yourself an immortal title LXXVIII Life forevermore, abundant, and rife Priusquam excederet pugna Duinogwuin nidum Drink deep from life giving wells.” StarCrow posuit ad valide 78. Unhatched. Et confractus est et contritus Before he left the Duinogwuin’s nest est testis apertum verticem StarCrow set to work smashing the unhatched. Monstrum infantem draco cum numeris. He shattered open shells and crushed the skulls "Ingredere uxorem deosque qui misit nos Of little dragons with monstrous zest. Nos certe reliquos decerpere et “Come my wife, homeward let us be dispatched. ceperunt praedam Nos magni sequentis aetatis We’ve captured our prize and the rest we’ll cull. studium transferat We’ll move to the next phase of our great quest, Immortalitatem rapuit! " LXXIX Our immortality snatched!” Iterum nestled in quantum 79. Dathomir StarCrow posuit tenebris ad Once again nestled on far Dathomir Alchemy StarCrow set to work his dark alchemy Et ecce stella fixa est draco in altari And fixed the star dragon on the altar Ubi eius advocati candentis viridi sphaeram Where his wife conjured a glowing green sphere. Obscura eius verba repleti sunt Her dark filled words were rich with blasphemy. dives in blasphemiam Et misit dense maleficis sine She cast dense sorcery without falter. ullis StarCrow and Blavatstar did engineer Et non ingenio StellaCorvus Blavatstar Uniquely filled majesty. Peculiaris omnino implebitur 80. gloria. LXXX Seasons did pass and the dragon matured Et transierunt tempora et draco maturitatem Kept caged and fed with wicked sorcery. Custodivit et pavit caged cum magus He grew to a size of one-hundred feet malus Centum cubitos unum crevit in Cast from the light and torture he endured. magnitudine Though large in size, still far from his glory; Lux Mittere tormenta sustinuit. Only half-way grown, yet full and replete, Sed magna mole procul a Gloria Midichlorian rich and Force assured Unicum medium eorum, et plenum, et replete Evil’s fleshly empery. Et divites, et certa vis Midichlorian Mali carnalis Tagi. LXXXI 81. StellaCorvus vocare manum in tenebris StarCrow put forth the summon of darkness Tempus esset Cabalistis Domini invocabo It was time to call the cabal of Lords. Centuriones quinque-cuspis Hundreds gathered on the five-pointed star astrum multitude Est enim messis ater Bornless For the Bornless ritual’s black harvest. ritual They sang together in archaic chords, Cum me laudarent simul in chordis priscis Dark intent put forth, the Force it did jar, Tenebrae intenti manum, et vim “We shall steal the life from this chained carcass!” fecit illud vas "Non furaberis, et a quo vinctus Rang out great StarCrow’s accord. est vita cadaver!" 82. Factus est magnus, iuxta est StellaCorvus. The cabal encircled the mighty beast LXXXII The Forum in circuitu ferarum Who lay subdued upon the altar, chained. Qui dormiebat super altare vincti StarCrow stood grand before the great serpent subegerat Maximum colubrum magnum et And incanted the prayer, the highest priest. stetit ante StellaCorvus Blavatstar’s green light poured out and sustained Et incanted orationem summus sacerdos. StarCrow who consumed her Force convergent. Blavatstar in viridi lux diffusa In her trance-like state, his will she increased et sustentata Qui devoravit StellaCorvus Vis For StarCrow to be ordained. convergentes In simili statu mentis eius 83. voluntas auxit A cauldron lay between dragon and man Non enim potest ordinari ad StellaCorvus. Placed there unbeknownst to all but StarCrow. LXXXIII His wife stood atop the Duinogwuin Et draconi qui est in medio ollae Ibi sunt omnia, et inscius And cast the living force between their span. StellaCorvusEt uxorem ejus, Connecting dragon and man with green flow stetisset in vertice Duinogwuin Et misit ad vivam eorum palmi Two became one in cacophonous din. Home draconis influant, et hominem cum virides Nearing the culmination of his plan, Duo autem in tumultum Luminously he did glow. cacophonous Veniebat finis eius consilium, 84. Non luceat, ardeat. “Here are the words for this great sacrifice! LXXXIV "En verba tanti sacrificii! Thee I invoke and beseech Bornless one. Te invoco, et obsecro una Thee that did make the earth and the heavens. Bornless. Qui fecit caelum et terram et te Thee that did generate virtue and vice. Ut, quod virtus et vitium Thee that did collect the moon and the sun. generate Qui lunae solisque coitum Thee spoken of in the night of legends. colliget te Locutus est de te in nocte Thee that did spew out the fire and ice. legends Thee, whom no one can outrun.” Qui te evomere ex ignis et glacies 85. Te citius quam nemo potest. " “Thou art whom only few beings hath seen. LXXXV “Tu tantum, quem paucorum Thou distinguish between just and unjust. hominum vidit, Thou did produce goodly seed in the fruit. Et inter iustos et iniustos Et in semine non faciunt fructum Thou shine as Lapos, Lopos, chis obscene. bonisFulgebunt et tamquam labos, Lopos, turpem chis Thou didst make the male and female soul lust. Masculum et feminam fecisti I am thy prophet, give grace to permute. desiderium animae Ego propheta det gratiam permute Hear me oh spirits so I may convene, Audi quaeso me spiritus, et ita In StarCrow thou may entrust!” convenire, ut In StellaCorvus committere, ut tu ".

LXXXVI 86. "Ego sum StellaCorvus immortalis flamma “I am He, StarCrow, the immortal flame! Ego sum, StellaCorvus, Bornless in spiritu!Ego sum, diluas I am He, StarCrow, the Bornless spirit! diabolicMe decretum est, ut I am He, the boundless grace of Bogan! ritus mea causa facis! Mundus sum in medio tui Rivet! I have decreed this rite to stake my claim! Ego venit ad fruitio non est In thine world I am thy central rivet! verissimum! Cor Serpentis succinctum est I’ve come to fruition thou truest man! nomen meum; The Heart Girt with a Serpent is My Name! Et ego mortalis brevi! " LXXXVII I am thy immortal writ!” "Audite me omnes sunt administratorii spiritus in 87. firmament “Hear me all spirits of the firmament! Audite me omnes essentias aether!Fac omnis plaga Hear me all essences of the ether! audieritis me, Make every scourge obedient to me! Invoco te testamentum terribilis!Audite me texere I invoke thy terrible testament! tenebrae, et qui metit!Suscipe Hear me Fanged God and shadowy reaper! verbum quos inter se dissentiant!Fac me sicut draco, Uphold to the words which we did agree! Darkside in armis! Reduc me in creatura!” Make me a dragon, darkside’s armament! LXXXVIII Put me into this creature!” StellaCorvus eius essentia item Concilium transferre coepit 88. A purpura multitudo viscerum StarCrow began to transfer his essence, tuorum lucem acriter sese effunderent A surge of crimson light fiercely burst out. Consumpta est caro eius fuit His flesh was consumed by undreamt-of heat: undreamt, et æstus: Sed transitus a statu Now a passing state of evanescence. evanescence His joy rose up, he desired to flout, Gaudium de nocte consurgens proficisci voluit temerare He was spirit now, and full of conceit. Erat spiritus, et plena superbia No longer a victim of senescence Non est victima of lucius He prepped for his final bout. annaeus Seneca Et ad ultimum prepped irca 89. LXXXIX He struck the dragon’s mind with his full will; Totum animum percussit draconis voluntatem Two identities locked as one inside. Ut clausis unam intra duo They teetered upon the brink of the void, Identities Et teetered super ripam vacuum But the dragon’s soul could not match his skill. Sed anima non posset aequiparare draconis A sole identity whimpered and cried A sole, et clamavit identitatem As it fell into the abyss destroyed. whimperedPerdidit profundo cadentemInnocentius necessaria Innocent souls are needed to fulfill sunt animabus ut impleretur Black souls that seek to divide. Nigrum foramina quod quaeris dividere. 90. XC Silence tyrannized the ritual site. Silentium lex locum illum dominatione deprimebat The participants stood frozen in time. Participantium et stetit Profoundly inhaling the breath of life immobilis, iisdem in dies Qui altius corporum spiritus Dragon eyes opened to let in the light. vitae Draco oculos ad lucem Deeply pleased with his unnatural crime Cum maxime placeat parricidale His attention turned to his rooted wife. scelus Animum convertit ad radicationem Breaking his chains he rose to his full height, uxorem “I am StarCrow the sublime!” Abruptis trepidus catenis in altum surgit

"Ego sum StellaCorvus sublimis!"

XCI 91. Dum deiecti sunt loco movere non possentSacramentum ingenti No one could move they were rooted in place, omnium coniuratorum Et in tempore Bornless ritual The sacrament stunned all conspirators. adligat omnes, The Bornless ritual froze all in time, Sed non solum in his spatii StellaCorvusDark vocem Domini, ut Yet StarCrow was not confined to his space. fideles histrionesErat autem The Dark Lords obeyed as faithful actors. prima StellaCorvus bibant Et accipere virtutem, ille certe, It was time for StarCrow to drink their prime. memoriae absolvisti Their power he’d take, memory efface. Non semper meastros. XCII They were not ever masters. In fremitu risus rugiebam a fiend 92. StellaCorvus tulit, ut in novam A roar of laugher bellowed from the fiend formam draconis "Ego reserata claustra, ad vitam As StarCrow took in his new dragon form. in aeternum!"StellaCorvus “I’ve unlocked the key to life-evermore!” volitans expandit alas suas et ardenter Rure;"Ducere Roselye Kwa, StarCrow spread his wings and glowingly beamed. impetum quasi brucho “Roselye lead the Kwa, attack as a swarm, Litore sanguinem nostrum exequi fideliter, Execute faithfully our bloody chore! Hic convocaverunt omnes qui Behead all wizards who stand here convened carnificare Ultimum hoc facere debemus! " This last act we must perform!” XCIII 93. “Et ómnibus et inebriabitur sanguine eorum: “Kill all who stand here I will drink their blood; Agito, qui hic sto, et in mari Rubro influunt exhauriunt Decapitate all and drain their red flow. Suas in sanguine aeni Bibam Put their blood in this cauldron, I will drink Et viribus, et midichlorian diluvium. Their powers and midichlorian flood. Et ultra conferre vires suas Their own dark powers will further bestow tenebris Et prementes Confortabo meum And strengthen my unbreakable link. Germen et faciet fructum bene Their well of darkness shall bear fruit and bud tenebrarum Et confirma in me, et crescunt ". And in me strengthen and grow.” XCIV A growing ex hyacintho Kwa 94. apparuit in nebula From a growing fog the blue Kwa appeared Ne per Roselye, princeps secutus Lead by Roselye, the chief closely followed. Vicissim fideliter exequenda Faithfully executing his contract Dux evaginato gladio capitibus The chieftain’s blade swung many heads he sheared. radetur Et factum est pactum, et An agreement he made, dark and hallowed. tenebrarum supellectili For the good of his tribe he did this act, Hoc enim fecit boni tribus Cooley occidere magos et sanguine Cooley killing wizards and blood besmeared delibuta StarCrow joyously wallowed. StellaCorvus gaudio jacebat. XCV 95. Blavatstar somno, vidi circa et revereantur, Blavatstar awoke, looked about and awed Vigilia Kwa sanguinem exhaurire Watching the Kwa drain blood in the vessel. in vas Capitibus volvens, in tenebris Heads were rolling; the dark lords were falling; optimates eius procidens Slowly she realized StarCrow’s grand fraud. Sensit in gradu maximo dolo StarCrow Roselye approached as she lay down sessile. Roselye accessit, ut ponat Her child stood over, fierce and appalling, sessilibus Et steterunt super puerum, et “He’s no longer your husband but my God. tanti furoris "Ille autem non est tuus vir Come mother, do not wrestle.” meus Venite, et matrem, non est nobis conluctatio "

XCVI 96. Rose securi percussi in gladio et adductius sui With a swing of her sword Rose beheaded Blavatstar pythonissam posuit in duas partes"Tolle corpus et Blavatstar the witch sprawled in two pieces. sanguinem suum fundere “Pick up her body, and pour her blood out Rubrum vis ad vitam opus eius inseriturEt potentia ejus Her red force life needs to be embedded crescit in Deo nostro In our God so his power increases. Lebes et educam vos implete eam Mors separata, non nupta Fill up the cauldron and bring it about maritumStellaCorvus brevi Death separated, no longer wedded dimisit eam ". XCVII Her writ StarCrow releases.” Kwa posuit in lebete in conspectu DeiOccultans 97. perpotavit ad magos et natura The Kwa set the cauldron before the God Maxime magicis sanguinem et avare summas And he drank deep of the wizards’ nature "Ego egi vtero, quarum resistat Greedily gulping blood most magickal, vultui meo Naribus sulphurea exhalatione “I’ve bonded my deed, stand before me awed! reptile My nostrils teem with sulfuric vapor Ego vero delectabor in umbra cruenta bacchantis I take delight in this gory bacchanal. Da mihi laudes flectere genua pontus Give me your praises, bend your knees and laud Ego sum qui de futura plastes ". I am the future’s shaper!” XCVIII Organic hyperdrives cucurrit 98. eius per circuitum Organic hyperdrives ran long his sides. Organa, eget alba frigus impulit ignis, Cold fusion organs drove his white fire. Et duo posteriora fortis crura With two mighty hind-legs and two strong arms et brachia fortia, Et cauda splendide spicati suos And a splendid spiked tail that guide his strides. gradus. StarCrow achieved his deepest desire, StellaCorvus res quaeque suam voluntatem Yet his power filled him with faint alarms. Sed virtus ejus repleti sunt timore prostrati eius terror How long before he’d face the light side’s tides? Curabitur est ante faciem luce All force-life must expire! aestus maris usquequo Consumptaque est omnis vis vita! 99. XCIX StarCrow stretched his wings and took to black space Et tulit ad spatium nigrum alas StarCrow ejus extent Becoming familiar with his new shape. Cognoscere nova figura, His Duinogwuin form shone white and grand Duinogwuin apparuit albus, et forma eius magna He dashed through the void with robust apace. Cum vacui spinis abeat seque Spewing white fire which none could escape ipse per robust Alba vomens ignis, qui non Yet more fierce would be his mind and command. potuit, His thoughts returned to the defiant race- Et tamen acrius et imperium esset mens eius They would kneel and stare a-gape. Gens ferox ad cogitations 100. Qui versabantur, flectebant genua, et stare a se dehiscent. All this time his dutiful general C Interim imperator pietate Commanded his flagship, still in orbit. Præceperat autem Absalom StarCrow reappeared to his loyal crew praetoria nave si orbita adhuc StarCrow redeunt ad fidem cantavit A dragon so large and full of peril. A draco magnus ita et The general let loose a green torrent periculosos sibimet invenientes quaestus Of turbolasers constructed to hew. In genere emissus viridi torrent “We’re under attack, a beast so feral! Constructum ex turbolasers ad caedendos Kill this white abhorrent!” "Sumus sub impetum, a bestia tam curet Percusserit album abhorrent! " CI 101. StarCrow tetigit cor eius fideliter militare StarCrow touched the mind of his loyal soldier, "Ne ducem, sit tibi, rex vester Quod mutatur, non in periculo. " “Fear not commander, it is I, your King. Et absorbuit lasers sunt et I have transformed, you are not in danger.” abierunt Et convertatur, et extendit alas He absorbed the lasers, they did bolster suas ad auras He deflected the blasts and stretched his wings. "Scio peregrinus sicut ferum Sed tempus est clausurae gladium “I know I appear as some fierce stranger Venite, et retorto ad collum But time has come to bring war to closure. habent.” CII Come, we have some necks to wring.” "Mitte in a radio ad colligunt mea sponsa, 102. Vixit regina nova sponsa nunc “Send down a shuttle to collect my bride, uxor Aliquam vincere regat universum She’s my new spouse and now Queen of the Seth. Neque absorbeat me inimici mei, It’s time to conquer, rule the universe. et in ponte partitus Ego sum, et Omega, Bringer of I’ll swallow my foes and bridge the divide. mortem I am the Omega, bringer of death. Duc me pretereunt armada spatium Inimica mea, et succendatur, et I’ll lead the armada and space traverse. interficiant me, superbia I’ll slaughter my foes and burn-up their pride, eorum, Praeesset omnes spiritus enim Rule all they have with my breath.” meus vobiscum ". CIII 103. StellaCorvus Starship eius StarCrow’s starship unsealed its hangar doors aperitur ostium Hangar Non intravit in ventre suae artis There he entered the belly of his craft. Vasa quoque, facti sinu suo novo The vessels’ bay become his new throne room locus throni Control Center ad bella gerunt, A control centre to conduct his wars. Et vocavit omnes copias congessit He called all his forces and they amassed De aemuli, ad eorum fata boarders Et congregati in potens On his rivals’ boarders to bring their doom. starships scores Et plerumque his revelata draft. His mighty starships gathered by the scores. CIV He unveiled his seizing draft. Continentur in classe centum milia 104. Naves aquarum eruperant, Hundreds of thousands comprised his navy. muralibus tormentis laser capillus Warships abounding with laser cannons. StellaCorvus immensa ne StarCrow’s immense starship lead the vanguard, Starship vaward Responderunt et inimicos eius His foes responded and met him bravely. fortiter occurrit ei Many thousands of ships, manned by millions Multa milia navibus militibusque in millions Both sides’ guns bristled ready to bombard. Utrimque, ut bombard tormenta inhorruit StarCrow left his bay, lead courageously, StellaCorvus lingua suam, ne His victory envisioned. animo Victoriam eius vidistis. 105. CV With freighting speed StarCrow approached his foes Cum celeriter ad hostes StellaCorvus Cutting distance in the blackness of space. Sectione spatii distantia in His foes let loose laser red explosions, tenebris In hostes emissus rubrum laser He absorbed their torrent and did repose explosions Reflecting the strike, killing the arms race. Et totus in torrente et quiete Reflectit percutiens cepimus The foe’s ships fell to defensive motions arma apparanda He leapt on a boat and brightly disposed Et cecidit ad naves motus defensus Et infans in navi, et clare habet His white hot breath did deface. Spiritus eius albus et calidus ualeant.

CVI 106. De naue in nauem traiectis ferox arte cum pauidus exiluisset From ship to ship he bounded with fierce skill Conductione starships in tenebris ingentis maris Renting starships with colossal dark tide. Certent soluere aut calidus cum Tearing or melting with dragon fire dracone ignisEt misit manum suam in flamma ignis malitia potens He spewed out his flames with potent ill will. Inimicos eius fugit, virtutem His enemies fled, their strength nullified praestare Miratur, quod non apparebit Taken aback by what did transpire. Classemque suam quasi hostis StarCrow ripped through his foe’s fleet like a drill et scidit eas per StellaCorvus terebro They ran, unable to hide. Currebant nec se celare. CVII 107. Consedit exercitus sui StarCrow’s army sat back and watched their God aspiciebantque tergum StellaCorvusSingle resque Single-handedly consume an army. devorabit exercitu Slowly they moved in for clean-up duty Tardius movetur per se, quia mundus-usque officium This battle would be repeated abroad. Haec pugna esset, iterum foris From system to system they did journey Unde ratio non est ratio et via, Omnia vincit mundum et furari, et Winning all worlds and stealing the booty praedam,Flectebant genua StarCrow omnes duces, quarumStellaCorvus All leaders bent their knee to StarCrow, awed mole valens, haud stetit. Large StarCrow stood as hearty. CVIII Victis et solidatum 108. Inde transgressus insciente He conquered all and consolidated, Sethan regnum eius Aedificavit aurum hostis solii Then crossed homeward to his Sethan Kingdom. eius He built a throne room with his rival’s gold Ubi ostendit illi Seth consecravit Where the Seth declared him consecrated. Gloriabatur et sapientiam suam, He gloried in his treasure and wisdom Et ad populum hunc praedictum cantavit And crowed to his people this was foretold Rex StarCrow divinitatis promulgata King StarCrow’s godhead was promulgated Omnibus dominaretur. To all in his dominion. CIX Et perenne StellaCorvus 109. progredientibus aetatibus Epochs passed and StarCrow progressed ageless transieruntEius corporis sustentatur Duinogwuin Sustained by his Duinogwuin body Et omnes annos in sanguine sacra And every year he enacted blood rites pronuntiavit Missa lecta sunt filii eius Tribute children were culled for his greatness. magnitudinem, Force blood still needed for blood rites gaudy Vim tamen necesse est sanguis sanguinem sacra decolorationem He kidnapped them from his realm’s depths and heights color nimius Ripped from parent arms, innocence’s rapist- Et furata est eum de regno suo, et in profundis alta Child spirits disembodied. Arma parent raptus ab innocentia raptorem scriptor 110. Puer spiritus separatus. Silent cries of justice flowed through the Force CX O Vis clamor fluebat in iustitia The people called out for a just saviour. Clamavit populus iusta salvator Was goodness deaf to their distressing wails? Bonum erat ei surdum, et muros angustia? Righteousness needs to spring from the One source. Iustitia opus est ut ex uno To kill children is unjust behaviour. fonte Numquid iniquus est mores Whispers of a hero grew in their tales liberis occidere This god ate innocence without remorse. Fortuna a heros crevit in fabulis All cried out to the maker. Hoc innocentiae, Deo comedi absque paenitentia Et clamaverunt ad Deum.

CXI 111. Et transierunt Eras passed and still tempora magis more empires fell, imperia Unable to fight ceciderunt Victus est StarCrow’s respires. StellaCorvus Oppressive peace respiret governed all through Gravibus pacis legibus his laws, regitur per Freedom of conscience Factus est rang out a death knell. conscientiae libertas a Fighting had stopped, morte knell there was no more Bellandi redargui non shellfire, fuit But children were sent shellfire into his white claws. Filiis autem immittit Lost to a god for his unguibus eternal spell. albis Thus he ruled his Natus est in dextera Dei, ad Empires. vitam aeternam Et Regni eius rexit.

Book 2

I 1. Salomonem filium cum lumine Sicut et in natura quod Of Solomon, the Son, one with the Light specimen veritate And his just nature as truth’s paragon Psallite Voce blanda deae in alis,Salomon autem fabulator Sing in winsome tones O’ Wing’ed Goddess fortitudine. And reveal the tale of Solomon’s might. ad imaginem leonis Primum in lucem missa servo Fashioned in the image of the lion suo pura, Dei perfecta The first light sent His pure servant, flawless Evangelizare gloriosi proelium Quod Draco cum non penitus To bring good news of the glorious fight, abrumpatur. That would sever the dragon. II Tale initium matrem Salomonis 2. Avus donum Dei est Solomon’s tale begins with his mother "Num Deus tibi dedico Fecunda uxore mea vulva bonitate His grandfather’s gift to the single light. praestranguloMihi “Lord of the Force, to you I dedicate primogenita tua, servus tuus My fruitful wife’s womb,with goodness smother. cor contritumEst praedicatum est bonitas creaturae My first born is yours, your servant contrite. Divinum est mysterium, stupor Your goodness is creation’s predicate. Tu modo, quod locutus est " III A divine mystery full of wonder, Oratio nobilis abiit ex Cathar You only speak what is right.” Auditis autem omnibus ad supplicis 3. Et data sunt a munus purum The prayer went up from the noble Cathar filia Arammi nomen eius, Issachar, A supplicant to the all-hearing one. et germen. Then given the gift of a daughter pure Issachar nescia magnum opus feci Arammi named, the branch of Issachar. Arammi filius faceret, omnia Issachar unknowing the deed just done tuta A perfectum universo vase, Arammi’s offspring would make all secure album est nenuphar A perfect vessel, a white nenuphar, Et ut libera a filio. IV She would deliver a son. Locutus est Jisaschar 'O 4. domine, dona nobis operiat Issachar spoke “O light, grant us cover Ego autem salutis, et ad filios ejus, I seek safety for her and her children. Tu nos ab hoste protege Protect us from the darkness you expelled pulsis tenebris Tenebrae in perpetuum et From Bogan who forever does suffer. Satanas, qui non patietur He lives outside your mercy, the villain. Manet extra misericordiam The bright light who dropped from the heavens, felled. Malus Qui lucem e caelo demissa, Now he presides and does ever hover - deiectis Abhorrent reptilian.” Nunc praeest et in sempiternum non volitant 5. Reptilian sicut abominatio. " The original light loved and blessed her V Prima luce et beatissimam Received her and gave all that was worthy. prædicaverunt dilexit When Issachar prayed to the primal light Et accepit omnia digna Et Issachar, et oravit ad Arammi gave him food she did gather. primam lucem, Healthy food that made him strong and sturdy, Arammi et cibaria dedit ei: et “From where did you get this food in my sight?” congregabit Salubres cibos constituit “From the Lord of Light” she said with laughter fortia solidaque “Boundless he gives the earthly.” "Unde huic cibo fecisti mihi?" "A Domino est lux," inquit doloris cum dederit dilectis "Boundless dat in terra."

VI 6. Exaudivit Dominus vocem eorum Et effudit fialam suam in Being’s Anchor was not deaf to their cries salvifico And in time poured out His salvific plan: Et misit servum suum sicut Revelation He sent his servant as revelation Wing'ed est dea e caelo The Wing’ed Goddess came out from the skies Ad faciendam vindictam in homine est bonum nuntium ex alpha To give the good news of the Alpha Man A dono gratiae, masculum et in A grace-filled male and gift to all nations omnes gentes, In cultu divino Cathar Of divine origin in Cathar guise Sanguis cognationes Issachar. The blood of Issachar’s clan. VII Et vidi virginem deam Wing'ed 7. Ut quae semina seminavit in The Wing’ed Goddess watched the young maiden agro patris eius magna Semel factum est in arborem As she sowed seeds in her father’s great field. magnam et requievit in umbra Once done she rested in a large tree’s shade Opus ei placuerit et in Please with her work and with calmness laden. aequitate plenus Et gratias agens pro patre She gave thanks to Him for her father’s yield eius, genimina locutus est And under the tree she privately prayed. Et sub illa arbore seorsum oravit Falling asleep she was swiftly wakened Celeriter somno dormitionis By an angel with a shield. suae cum Scuto ab angelo. 8. VIII The Wing’ed Goddess spoke “O Arammi Wing'ed dea est in "o Arammi Indeed thou are chosen and purified. Eligentur et dealbabuntur et si quidem sunt, Thou are above all women of the sphere Sphaerae es prae omnibus Be devout and obedient to He, mulieribusEsto religiosus in Ipsum, et obedient For He is immortal truth glorified. Veritas quippe immortale He has made thee as a pure vessel clear. glorificatus Qui fecit tibi sicut patet vas In thine nature thou art the primal she, purissimum And evil shrinks terrified.” Et tu tuam primam naturae suae 9. Et malum horret valde.” “Arammi, the Light brings good news from Him IX "Arammi, et bonum facit ab Ipso A man-cub whose name shall be Solomon Domino, Held in honour to those nearest the light A puer qui et nomen ejus Salomon:Proximis autem lux in Uncontested his Force power shall brim. honoreet fortitudo eius Through him all life came by its origin. labiumPer quem omnia, et per vitam origineConcipietis Ipso You shall conceive Him by His righteous might. aequitatem Evil He’ll confront and His light will shim, Malum adversum te, et non lux Severed by His puritan.” shim Puritan rupit, per” 10. X “He will declare to all in the cradle "Cunis adnuntiabit omnia Quod ille sit moralis de That he will be of moral righteousness.” Justitia” She said, “Oh bright Light, no man has touched me At illa dixit: "O lux, quis me tetigitQuomodo enim ego et How will I hold a son in my navel?” filius meus in umbilico? " “You will be overcome by His brightness "Et sublatum iri claritas eius The Light only needs to tell things to ‘Be’ Oportet ut dicam dumtaxat quod A soul will come from this breathing angel est esse Anima autem spiritus est ab This breath will bear His likeness”. angelo, Hic spiritus sui instar, feram ".

XI 11. "Ita est," inquit Protected in castitateEt dicitur, quod “Yes” she said with protected chastity, Inspiraverit in spiritu in So He breathed a spirit into her womb. utero eiusPer angelum fecit filio suoA signum et indicium Through His messenger He made her a son omnibus galaxies A sign and symbol for all galaxies. Sub eius et florebunt matrum Heres, et germen divinum est Subject to His mother’s care he will bloom, unumEt partu dabit dolorem The divine heir and offshoot of The One. eius transitum Sed erit nomen eius His birth will give her passing agony, unguentum. Yet His name will be perfume. XII Lucis cum Domino spiritus 12. concépitHausit et in locum With the Lord of Light’s breath she did conceive desertumNon rapinam arbitratus est lignum in eam And in time she drew to a desert place. dolores subiti In her labour pains she grasped a fruit tree, "Utinam mortui" orba Exclamavit “I wish I had died!” She cried out bereaved. Per utero habenti, et non accepit spiritum ue With each birth pang, she took breath and did brace Cum dilecto filio audiebamus While her beloved son did hear her plea, placitum eius"Mater mea et “Look down mother and you’ll find your reprieve.” respice et tu uenia tua inveniet te”Sunt aquae Water gushed up in that space. largissimae ita ut in spatio. 13. XIII Et peperit filium, et aqua She bore her son and drank quenching water. extinguentis bibitEt She shook the tree trunk and ate ripe-sweet fruit manducaverunt, et maturus, movit in stipite fructus And in time she returned to her village. dulcisEt reversa est in “We thought you were a virtuous daughter civitatem."Non credebam te esse virtutis filia And not an unchaste girl of ill-repute! Neque infamia puella pudica You shame your father and his just tillage, Confusio patris tui, tibi et sicut lucerna eius You have no husband and bring dishonor.” Non te virum et nhonorationes.” Arammi meet their gaze mute. Arammi lumina mutae in occursum eorum. 14. XIV She cradled her son and pointed to him Et filii ejus, eumque, et ostendit illiAt illi dixerunt: They said “How can we speak to this held child?” "Quid hoc tenet loquimur Solomon said: “I’m the son of the Force puer?"Et ait Salomon: "Ego sum Master of all, I’m his powerful limb. filius Dei."Magistri omnes potentes membrum sum ejus, My being is His holiness compiled. Composuit spiritu meo I am poured from the original source. tribuas esse Im 'de originali fons infudit In me the Lord of the Force’s strength brims Et mihi fortitudinem Deus meus By evil, I am reviled.” ubérrimusMalo me Dominus haberi contemptui ". 15. XV “He has blessed me wherever I may be "Benedixit sit socius itineris mei He did not make me arrogant or rude. Rudem me non inflator Peace was upon me the day I was born, Disciplina pacis nostræ super me dies in qua natus sum I have come to set the child tributes free. Veni enim separare puerum Evil has reigned too long, its debt accrued. liberum tribute Malum regnavit nimis, et With the birth of light it is now forewarn: debitum accresceret The Lord of the Force has heard your great plea Nunc praedico ortu lucis Exaudivit Dominus deprecationem Evil’s long reign shall conclude.” tuam magnamEt dum mali regnant concludebat. "

XVI 16. Et populum ejus, verba hæc, et obstupuerunt The people heard his words and were amazed - Et credidit ei, et verum tale They believed Arammi and her true tale. Arammi Deus, qui fecit mundum, The Lord of Light had acted in the world, Infantem Salomon dixit: "Noli Solomon the babe spoke: “Be not afraid, timere; Sancta mater mea castitatem My holy mother’s chastity prevails. valet, In her womb He mysteriously whirled In utero eius et arcana gyrum Et hoc fit per virtutem crucis And formed me for this virtuous crusade me In time darkness I’ll assail.” Et in hora tenebrae ingruat. " XVII 17. Confortatus est ergo Salomon Solomon the babe did not speak again iterum dicere non babe Et crevit usque ad aetatem Until he grew to a suitable age. idoneam. In time his mother took a good husband, Cras virum accepit illi mater A noble Cathar above other men. sua, Nobilis viri est A Cathar He was decent and handsome, brave and sage Et erat honesta et pulchra, And brought much profit to Issachar’s land. fortis et sapientis Et eduxi de terra multum Of the Ambejinn clan, his name Ruven, prodest ad Issachar, His labour earned a good wage. Ambejinn de filiis ejus, Ruven Suo labore lucratus est bonum 18. opus. Ruven and Arammi were both fertile XVIII Tam fecunda Ruven et Arammi Producing good fruit with twenty children. Viginti liberos facit fructum After Solomon came twelve more strong sons Postquam autem Salomon duodecim venit fortior filios The large family lived a bless’ed life style. Viximus beati in magna familia Frolicking at the edge of the sylvan penicullus In extremis lascivum silvarum And playing under the warmth of the sun. Ludens in calore solis et Solomon lead his siblings with a smile Salomon subridens plumboque Non procul ab improbe. Yet not far from the villain. XIX 19. Apparuit in omni tempore In time it became apparent to all Tantam fortitudinem, et omnia opera Salomonis clara talenta Of Solomon’s great strength and bright talents. Et tulit de duodecim viri He carried the power of twelve stout men, robusti Apta erat, dolor, et alta Was symmetrical, smart, and very tall. Ille locutus est ad fratres He spoke to his siblings “I bring balance.” "Ego adducens statera" Lutum fecit ex pulvere a Then made out of dust a little clay hen gallina Then breathed life into it, they were enthralled Et vitam inspiravit illi conpeditorum Loving their brother’s valance. Valance amantes fratris. 20. XX Puer et ruris est mihi loqui As a boy he’d speak with the sage elders cum senioribus, Listening and learning philosophy. Audiendo discere philosophia Sedens in medio doctorum, Sitting with the teachers, full of questions quaestionum plena Under the roof of the Great Tree’s shelters, Sub tecto quercum scriptor Ruin The boy’s astute answers were novelty. Pueri acutus responsa They were amazed by his profound lessons. fuerunt noua. They’d sit and listen to him at center Mirati sunt lectiones altam Sumptus ad centrum sit et Impressed with his homily. auribus percipite Impressa homilia.

XXI 21. Salomon, a pueritia ad adulescentia et factus est, As Solomon grew from boy to manhood, Operatus est in tricesimo He worked thirty years on his family’s farm. anno familiae villam Hos tamen temporibus Yet even behind these pastoral times pastoralisStellaCorvus StarCrow’s empire was up to no good. imperio fuit, ut nullum bonum, Comprehendentes autem Apprehending force children to disarm benedixit filiis arma Any future resistance to his crimes. Aliquando ad resistendum sceleribusUt omnis populus, Any people who rebelled understood qui ad iracundiam ntellexerunt StarCrow would come to bring harm. StellaCorvus ad se nocet. XXII 22. Cathar planetae in futurum To planet Cathar the Sethans would come SethansSanguis enim eius in Deo colligere tribute To collect for their God his blood tribute. Benedixit filiis si abscondi in If any blessed children hid in their midst medio eorumEt explorare His inquisitors would explore and plumb. suorum inquisitoribus se tangere,Quod, sicut Their rebellion would simply contribute rebellionem eorum conferre To their undoing, they could not resist. Ad saevum ferre non possent. Plangent matres et patres Num Mothers would wail, and fathers would go numb, vadam,A villa dolor non minuet. A village pain not minuet. XXIII Solomon his cordis confractio 23. scaena testificata Solomon witnessed these heart wrenching scenes Ill-vicis suae sui mali, ut aiunt,Lumine gratiae, et His own ill-immune to evil. fratres eius, et mansit By Light’s grace, he and his siblings stayed safe incolumisDivinitus autem Divinely ignored by the war machine. relinquuntur a apparatus Sethans esset impetus in The Sethans onset would mark upheaval. motu markEt dicunt mihi de Names they’d call out and holler like a strafe. nominibus holler quasi strafe Amicos suos et ploravit super Friends and neighbour’s wept over broken dreams, fractis proximo somnia Any resistance feeble. Si offenderit resistentiam. XXIV 24. Tales referunt tamen minus Yet some tales echoed of small rebellions, tumultusQui noluit acquiescere species Some brave species who would not acquiesce, fortissimoSed omnia But such stories had all the same ending huiusmodi fabulis idem est StarCrow would come to face the hellions; finisStellaCorvus venit ad faciem hellions He would appear to awe them and oppress Et conteret, iis videretur Then with his breath, smash their city rending Et cum spiritus, et confringite statuas civitatem In two, and break the will of the aliens - divisionemIn duo, et de advenis Consumed them by the millions. qui peregrinantur conteram voluntatemConsumam eos per 25. millions. With the Sethan departure life returned XXV Et reversus est ad exitum Summer had come, and the blood hunt was on. SethanVenit aestas, et fuit It was Ruven’s turn to lead the brave men sanguis in venatione Erat Ruven ordinem ad fortes To kill a Kiltik, for courage affirmed. Kiltik occidere, pro animo They trekked to the Vast Veld to kill the spawn adfirmabat Et trekked ad ingens Veld occidere They travelled over the savannah glen. spawn Solomon would lead next year, trial he earned Profecti sunt autem et de savannah claudere valles, His time for chief-hood would dawn. Salomon esset anno, Summo mane se jactandus tempus. XXVI 26. Sed dolor comprehenderunt fortes manu Salomonis, Yet the grip of grief seized strong Solomon Et occidit pater in sanguine His father killed in the Kiltik blood hunt. Kiltik venari Ritus suo loco priore anno The year before his own rite of passage Viris ducere diluculo Ruven Ruven lead the men at the break of dawn. Regina Kiltik impetum, impetus tulit The queen Kiltik attacked, he took the brunt, Eius et artus large, ingens et Her frame so striking, armored and massive. armatae Eius suspendit in herbis Her blades impaled the bold father, now gone Cathar, iam Brave Ruven lead from the front. Fortis Ruven plumbum ex adverso. 27. XXVII Time then moved to Solomon’s passage rite Tunc Salomon ad locum sacrum Ut primo venerat hora eius His time to lead as the foremost had come. Vespere antequam Kiltik The evening before the Kiltik blood hunt sanguinem homicidium He offered himself to the elder’s sight Ipse se coram senioribus Dedit autem Deus in gratiam cum And gave thanks to the Light ‘mist players’ thrum Cantántibus And spoke of his good father’s fearless stunt Et locutus est de bonis patris intrepidus INCREMENTUM The village sang and drank all through the night Tota nocte bibisti vicum To bright and musical strum. tenebant tubas errant Et pulchra musica, sonus et. 28. XXVIII At the break of dawn Solomon did speak: Cumque diluculo Salomon loquitur “Why do evil ones believe a vain thing? "Quid mali credunt inania? Kings of earth set themselves against the Light. Astiterunt reges terræ contra lumen Let us rupture their bands, we are not weak! Dirumpamus vincula eorum, et He that sits in the heavens is our King, non sunt infirmata Rex qui sedet in caelis He shall laugh, and in derision smite Et ridebit, et percutiet in And vex the heathens with his great mystique derisum, For they shall feel his son’s sting.” Et pugnabit contra gentes, cum magna mystique 29. Quia filii aculeum sentire”. “How long should my heart feel sorrow daily? XXIX "Quousque quotidie dolore cor How long will I be ruled by the Foe’s might? meum? Hear and consider me Lord of the Force Usquequo semper contentiose egistis contra hostis I trust in your grace, and love you gaily. conparari fortitudini tuae Do not let the enemy win the fight. Et exaudi me, Domine, Confido autem in gratia et I’ll walk down your good path, salvation’s course caritate hilaris You love and have dealt lovingly with me, Ne hostes proelio vincas Peius 'ingredior viam tuam ad I will sing unto the Light.” salutem cursum 30. Quia reddidit mihi Psallam ad lucem. " “The spirit of the Force is upon me, XXX He has anointed me to bring good news. "Spiritus Domini super me Quod unxit me evangelizare I proclaim freedom for the child payments, Ego proclamo vobis libertatem ad I have been sent to set the oppressed free. puerum liberate From Bogan we’ll suffer no more abuse, Liberum dimittere confractos missus sum All prophesies met, I am Light’s agent. Ex abusu non patietur nos I am poured from the Lord of Light’s esprit Satanas Convenerunt omnes prophetent, His great power I infuse.” Ego sum lux in agente, Immolor lucis mentis a Domino Magna virtus ejus, et infundit" XXXI 31. Praedicationis et sedit super terramOculis turbam His announcement made, he sat on the ground intendentes in eum With the eyes of the crowd fastened on him, Dicens: "Impletum est in auribus vestris". He said: “It is fulfilled in your hearing.” Sic ei locutus est, et verba Thusly he spoke and his words did astound ejus non OBSTUPEFACIO Et non corripuerit eos in But they did not chastise his gallant vim. fortis vimEt crediderunt verbis They believed his words and kingly bearing eius testimonium et regalis Et veniebant ad eum, dilexit And loved him and grouped near him to surround, eum, et in ircuitu,Perspectum His quest ‘gainst evil he’d win. pateris mala mihi vincere. 32. XXXII Stabant etiam principes, et The chief stood and affirmed Solomon’s words dicere verba SalomonisVersus And moved towards his familial trunk. caput, et familiaritatem eius Et curva trahi a buxum gladium He pulled from a box a mighty curved sword, fortium"Quia a te praesens “For you a present to cull Kiltik herds. decerpere Kiltik armenta, Genu per seniorem monachum Kneel by your elder, be blessed by the monk.” benedictione "Salomon autem Solomon knelt, minding the chief’s accord genibus, disposuerat in normam cum principibus And by old women given gifts of herbs Et dedisti mulieres dona With much dried meat prepped in hunks. agrestibusCum multum arida cibum in pulchri prepped. 33. XXXIII With other brave men he traversed the glen Transivit cum viris Gleni Kinsmen armed, they trekked across the Vast Veld. Arma suos, et trekked per ingens VeldUbi simul deserta Together where the Kiltik desolate KiltikA numerus in decem A powerful pride numbering in ten. superbiam potentium, Heroici viri seni optime de The heroic men were best of their eld Et erant valde ad bellum tales And were keen for war tales to emulate. aemulosPraeparo in consilio, et iterum:Ad superbiam Planning their strategy time and again posuerunt trophaea capere. To proudly grasp trophies held. XXXIV Et votum fecit Salomon in 34. proelio"Ego odio ad multa Solomon spoke and made his battle vow: strenue factis,Si hanc reginam Kiltik ad pugnam me “A great feud I seek to do doughty deeds! Ego percutiam eius in caput If this queen Kiltik comes to contest me eius et super verticem I’ll smite her on the head, and her skull plough. aratrum,Ego enim ferre non ferro, sed gladium, nec mihi I carry a blade, but sword I’ve no need opusConfido mood est mihi, ut My mood is bold; I’ll fell her like a tree. et ego eam a ligno corruerunt Ea ipsum me esse non patitur Her very existence I’ll not allow, Propinqui Veni, accedamus! " Come Kinsmen, let us proceed!” XXXV Salomon exuded est vis viva, 35. In luce a facie tribulationis Solomon exuded the Living Force, causatur Kiltik Et postquam venerunt in terra His strong light presence caused Kiltik distress in desolationem Kiltik And once they reached desolate Kiltik land Regina de terra erupit, ut The queen burst from the earth, breaking their course. solveret cursus eorum Triginta autem erat altitudo Her armored thirty foot height did impress pedum eius cataphractos And before her hive she made her grand stand. imprimere Magna alveo aperuit illa, et With toxic breath, the ranks she did divorce stetit in conspectu ejus, Blowing a purple fluoresce. Toxic spiritus acies divortium fecit Flante fluoresce purpureo.

XXXVI 36. Hundredis de Kiltik eruperunt de nidoCathar ferociter adortus Hundreds of Kiltik burst forth from the nest est fortisInsect sunt The brave Cathar attacked ferociously. aceratus membra caput et non rumpenturMagna arma sunt, Insect limbs they hacked and heads they severed falcem suam in fine quaest Great swords they swung at the peak of their quest. Et placavit, et incidebant iltik The Kiltik swarmed and slashed explosively, explosivelyAudax victor, nunc vivunt homines alligatumSed cum The bold men’s conquest now loosely tethered profunda resolvere RAPIDUS et But with deep resolve the blitz they suppressed everteruntEt quod homines fortiter pugnarent. And as men fought fearlessly. XXXVII 37. Salomon evaginato gladio non hebetem aciemPertimuisse et Solomon drew his sword, not dull of edge hostis ferox eius And felt fear of his foe, though fierce his mood. odiFortiter et ferrum, et stetit in altitudinem He stoutly stood with his blade raised in height rgitIeiunium currit accipere Taking the challenge fast sped the queen’s dredge. impugnationem reginae Hot reek of fight, his life keen to conclude CRIBROHot odor ugnae, acer ad finem vitae ejus,Parte stetit He side-stepped her strike, her head he did smite et percusserit eam, et non Intent for his sword to split as a wedge percutiet caput eiusHabet But broke blade did not intrude. cunei gladio suo studio diffisiSed rupit ferrum non 38. interponam. Solomon’s sword was turned and feebly bit XXXVIII Salomonis, et ecce versus The queen waxed full wild for that weighty blow fuerat gladius frenum segnis And cast deadly breath with her foe in sight Regina gravi vulnere, quod pro feris confortabatur plenus Knowing her head he attempted to split. Halitumque mortiferum Et He leapt over the mist of his bold foe misit hostis in conspectu eiusScientes caput conatus ad Barely escaping her poisonous blight. scindendumEt insiluit super He cried, “From your body your head I’ll rip eum caligo audax tiumPaululum effugiunt venenatum nteInquit And end your land killing woe!” "ego scindam tuas in capite tuo 39. Vae vobis finem et terram nterfectis.” At his bold words the queen rushed once again XXXIX Murderous monster mad, thundered with rage. In his verbis audet ruere regina quondam iterumNecativae Her bitter razors closed hard on his neck, monstrum insaniens, cum urore Solomon unable to dodge her bane. tonitruumDura cervice eius in His broad face smeared with blood, anger, and phage amaritudine replevit razorsNon nocet ei Salomon ad LATEBRALata Monster and man mixed in a splendid wreck. facie eius sanguine tinctam She ripped-up great locks from his golden mane repperit, impatiens et hageMonstrum hominis, et But her strength he now took gauge. mixtum in naufragio culentiEt 40. seras, et scidit illa magna de Headless of harm, blood from his breast did well, his flaventia velent;Et rtitudo eius, quo modo factum METIOR. His chest boiling, full of pain and poison. XL He leaped on the back of the queen Kiltik Temerarium de iniuria, sanguinem eius de pectore bene And at base of neck dug claws into shell. Pectus eius ferventis plenam Pressing into flesh, his tips did moisten. veneni et doloreEt insiliens Kiltik tergo reginaeAt base He grasped like a vice on neck armor thick, collum fodit unguibus, et de Then ripped off her head, from body dispelled testaPressing in carne, his tips ut misceaturEt percepta And raised her head for his kin. sicut a e pingui cervice rmatus Dissecuerit off et caput a corpore adfariAdgnoscitque suos, et extulit caput. XLI 41. Et percusserunt eam opere virtutis "Tempus meum nondum So he had killed her, deed of valor. advenit in mortem animam pro anima,Venite, et reveramur ad “My time has not come for beast to slay me. fratres suos tectaDic nobis, ut Come kinsmen let us return to homestead tales, et in fabulam sapit, Princeps natus, tunica, ut Tell tales of our might, and story savour. confereeEt Kiltik mortui sunt, Chief-hood my mantle, I as conferee. cum capite et dominaBibamus chorus et sonant clangoribus The Kiltik are dead, the queen with no head. Ab ira Kiltik liberi sumus?” Let us drink and dance and roar with clangour, XLII Qui reductus in Glen Diana From Kiltik wrath we are free!” Iter in patriam suam cum tropaeis erat alacris 42. Salomon autem erat clara res est The men marched back over savannah glen plaga eius Ex matribus revertar ut viros et With trophies in hand the trek home was spry. mulieres exceperunt Solomon was bright, his wound tended to, Ad castellum, quod captus oculus eorum From mothers and wives welcomed home as men. Lapsa est Niger sectis vaporem Approaching the village something caught their eye: fumi Vivamus super haud procul ab Ken Black billowing smoke cut above askew Starship talentum descendit de Over the skyline, not far from their ken caelo in. XLIII A starship fell from the sky. Crepuere in affectu super 43. terram Vidi villam et cessaverunt The transport crashed over the horizon Salomonis Situm Cathar irruerunt And looked to have stopped on Solomon’s farm. adiuvaret Cathar rushed in to the site to give aid Convenerunt multi versat ab infante usque ad wizen Many gathered ‘round, both young and wizen. Uit autem et insonuit terra The shipped churned up earth and rang with alarm. repente terrorem Et ad majores natu, quidam Some elders approached and gently surveyed leniter circuierat The smoking ship with symbol emblazoned In navi cum symbolum apparuit clibanus papalibus Hoping none had come to harm. Sperans non venit ut noceat. 44. XLIV In off-viam deposuit et sibili With a drastic hiss the off-ramp lowered vehemens And an amphibious man stumbled down. Et offenderunt in homine amphibium Quickly chief Naphtali reached to prop him Usque ad summam citius prop eum Nepthalim And into his arms the green man folded. In viridi autem et brachia eius “I’m gravely injured” he said with a frown. convolutae "Graviter laesus sum" inquit “The dragon near killed me, my wound is grim.” Collectae With that he passed out, Nephtali shouldered "Draco occisis mihi triste vulnus" To Arammi he brought ‘round. Et cum transisset de Nephthali 45. umeris Et adduxerunt ad Arammi 'circuitu. The old Gungan laid in Arammi’s home XLV Vetus Gungan posuit in domo While the upright woman tended his wound. Arammi For many weeks he reclined unconscious Cum probam res eius plaga Per plures septimanas in While Solomon watched him, reading a tome. discubui conscientiam He wondered about this frog-man marooned Et observabant eum, et Salomon, legit mihi Dreaming about his grand battle monstrous. Et ranam, mirati sunt de his, qui Slowly he mended under Cathar’s dome Relinquetur Magna pugna monstra somnia sua Healed, his fight would be resumed. Lente emendari Cathar est sub firmamento, Sanatum iri pugnam renovant. XLVI 46. Cathar Gungan communem somniis et mediis noctibus Cathar and Gungan shared dreams ‘midst the nights Winged dea est in visionibus The Wing’ed Goddess came to their visions. Et stetit in conspectu ingens The men stood before the grand Odhib tree arbor OdhibRami usque ad nubes super altitudines The branches reaching above the clouds’ heights. Lignum tulit ostium, grand The tree brooked a doorway, grand incision incisumEt ait: "Ingredere, et tu futurum praevidere" She spoke: “Enter and future you’ll foresee.” Duo post eam cum candida lux The two entered following her white light Et sederunt ad mediationem And sat for meditation. adhibitis. XLVII 47. Quisque somnium somnia, Each dreamt more dreams, separate from the other separata ab invicem, Solomon’s visions dark and foreboding. In visione, et tenebrae Salomon præsagumEt vidi bestiam, et in He saw beasts, a labyrinth, and scared children. labyrinthi, et filios pariter The Winged Goddess said: “Follow me Master.” Winged dea est: "Sequere me frater" Her path through the maze left bright mist floating Eius iter per iter natantes And lead him to the den of the villain. reliquit nubes lucida Eating caged children where he did mutter, Malus et ducite eum in lacum Manducans inclusas, ubi fecit Solomon filled with loathing. filios mussitastis 48. Salomon plenum fastidio. XLVIII The old Gungan visioned a lush green plain Vetus Gungan visioned lush Where with good teachings trained bright Solomon. viridi in campo Both felt joy with friendship and affection. Ubi doctus in bono doctrinae et Salomon The two Force warriors alike and twain Et cum amicitiam et gaudium He trained the Cathar with a mighty grin sentitur affectio Vis autem duo simul, et duo viri Delighted with their light side connection. Et eruditus est a ingens The Winged Goddess said, “Prep your campaign subridere cum Cathar Laetus in lucem coniunctionem To defeat evil and win.” maris 49. Et Winged dea dixit: "Prop bellum The two awoke from their dream reverie Ut vincat malum, et vincere ". XLIX And with divine purpose their gaze did meet. Duo de somno et somno reverie Their knowing eyes spoke the speech of silence. Et non ad Divinum, ut oculis eorum “You’ve regained your strength and strong energy. Et locutus est sciens oculos Rest more my friend, and tell me of your feat. in sermone silentium What is your name? Did you face the tyrant? "Tu fortis viribus resumptis viribus From where do you come? Share your memories Ceterorum amico tuo et dic feat Of the evil dragon’s heat.” Quid est nomen tibi? Numquid faciem tyranni? 50. Unde venis? Partis vestri Old Gungan grinned at bold Cathar questions memoriae And adjusted in bed to tell his tale. De caloris malum draco. " L "With your great help I have healed very well At puer Cathar quaestionibus Here is my tale, please give your attention. veteris Gungan grinned Et moderata lectus narrabit Blue Naboo I was born, from whence I hail "Sanavi auxilium in But my story now has come to its knell. fortitudine tua magna nimis We Jedi collapsed meeting dark aggression. Fabula est, da operam Blue Naboo natus, de quo et We Jedi did greatly fail.” grando, Sed nunc est ad narrationem knell Nos Je'daii occurrens cecidit irascibilem tenebris Sed non multum Je'daii ". 51. LI "Ego sum Grathals Amon, Domine “I am Amon Grathals, Jedi Master JediEt domi iam est planeta And my home now is the planet Tython. TythonSumpta nostra infantia NabooCogere agmen Darkside et As a babe I was taken from Naboo fugere malum,De sanguine To Force train and shun darkside disaster. rusticus, ego sum primogenitus stirpem Of peasant blood, I am first born scion Crevit autem puer et erat cum And as a boy with the Jedi I grew. Je'daiiManu acolythi, postea in aeternumMagister discipulum ad A Force acolyte, ever thereafter Ophron. " Pupil to Master Ophron.” LII "Equitum lucis nunc latitat in 52. tenebrisEt conversi a albus “As knights of light, we now hide in the dark draco qui cullsA secretis Society pauci numero From the white dragon who culls or converts. StellaCorvus bene scintilla A secret society numbered few, quaedam ex nostra StarCrow did well to snuff out our bright spark. Et lux mundi pars est arida desertaAd extremum intervallum The light side is now dry cosmic deserts recessimusPotens To the far-edge of wide space we withdrew. StellaCorvus quidem reliquit marcamEt lux in tenebris Powerful StarCrow indeed left his mark, subvertunt. ". The light, darkness did subvert.” LIII Per "effudit de Millennium 53. bellumFessi nostro sed nos “A millennium of draining warfare non curvaverunt genu, Et qui signavit nos et sors Weakened our order but we bent no knee. futura, dum furatiEt tulerunt Yet he sealed our fate when future he stole filii lucis, ut cáperent Fetus vi rapuit, et filii clavem Children he captured for light to ensnare. In adolescentia sua futurae, Force younglings he stole, children were the key et ad suam metam, Probaret eos Deus, et caput To own the youth and future-gain his goal. eius doctrinaire Prove them of his god-head his doctrinaire, Et factus est mihi in devoveo. " LIV They’d become his devotees.” "Cum StellaCorvus surrexerunt 54. principes eius in altitudine “When StarCrow rose to his prominent height Ad Conquirendi Je'daii Ordinis et occideruntCorpus nostrum The Jedi Order he hunted and killed. et extersit ex historiae From history’s record he wiped our corps. scriptor recordEt nunc Je'daii nocte in incorruptione We Jedi now live in undying night; Et accepit gradu heroico, ut Yet, heroic strides we took to rebuild iterum aedificetur Nostri, ut non numerus Our order did number one forty four. quadraginta quattuor Children we gathered afore the dark blight - Pueri ante nos, congregati in tenebris urente Prophecy to be fulfilled.” Ut impleretur prophetia.” 55. LV "Cum sumus unus quadraginta “With one forty four strong we took to war quatuor ad bellum forti And fought our way to the dragon’s gold throne. Et draco pugnabat viam nostram ad thronumSi nostra vi magna Though our Force was great we were unprepared inparatos erubescamus nos The dragon’s might cut us down by the score. Ut in nomine Draconis succidat nosVim virtutis suae in nobis His power in the Force to us unknown incognito With crushing power our minds he impaired. Cum potestate magna et mente He consumed our blood, a scene of red gore. debiles Et consumentur sanguine, From the battle I was thrown.” cruore scaena Rubrum Proiectus sum ex acie. "

LVI 56. "Ruber concessus nesciunt aut cur mortem “Know not how or why I was spared red death Evigilans autem de bello ad nadir But I awoke at the battle’s nadir. Fratres aequiparare potuit robur in armis, My brothers-in-arms could not match his strength, Ego quasi timidus fugeret a Like a coward I fled from planet Seth. facie telluris, Seth, Unable to dethrone the dictator Non ad dictatorem abdicare, Et vix effugisti draco tandem I barely escaped the dragon’s grasp length, capere In my escape I was burned by his breath Spiritus sua in evasione mea uror Now I stand as a traitor.” Nunc quasi proditor. " 57. LVII "Fugere abii ad navem “I escaped to my ship to run away Inepte, et fractæ sunt Nav And ineptly ran the nav computer. Computer Naboo voluntatem meam, sed Naboo my intent, but gracious blunder bonus error To your home I’ve come to revive the fray. Vivificet proelia veni in domum tuam The Force’s Will has chosen me tutor Lux mihi tutor elegit Dominus To the chosen one so He may sunder. Ut ita omni munere distrahere Ad vim et scientiam meam Job My job to give Force knowledge and purvey PurveyEt non malum, ut neuter.” So evil He may neuter.” LVIII 58. "Et nomen tuum quoniam bona est fabula “Your name and tale you have kindly given Hic est res bona pro vestri Here is fair exchange for your grand story: Maximo Mihi Salomon filius Arammi I am Solomon, son of Arammi. Ego Dominus tradenda verae lucis I am the Lord of Light’s true transmission. Effusus sum, et a gloria Ego eius petitionem respondit I am poured from his eternal glory. ad populumEgo veni ut I am his answer to the people’s plea. adimpleretur quod dictum est, Memento StellaCorvus est.” I have come to fulfill what was written, LIX StarCrow’s .” "Verum dicis magnum tumultum Grathals 59 . Filia eius venit ad me in “You speak the truth great Amon of Grathals somnis Proverbium est: lux in viis His servent did come to me in my dream. eius arcanamForce vocat Domino Train me in the Light’s mysterious ways erimus oboedientes Et nos erudire per regimen We’ll obey the Lord of the Force’s calls. restrictius Together we’ll train by stringent regime Ut parentur mihi scelus error So prepare me for the villain’s dark maze, in tenebris, Ego cogitare impetum tenebris I’ll reflect the onslaught of dark side squalls` - parte procellis Blind the villain’s sight with gleam.” Excaeca villain in conspectu oculorum.” 60. LX With the salvific plan enshrined in order Cum enim salvificum consilium recondendus in ordine, Grand Padawan and Master now entwined. Et nunc Domine magna Padawan With stories exchanged their training began implexum Cum fabulas coepit disciplina The two last Jedi, the Light’s crusaders. commutationibus eorum Meditating together of one mind Je'daii duo ultima, in cruce lucis. Finding solitude on Cathar’s grass span. Simul meditari ex animo Mysteries of the Force soon they would ponder, Postquam solitudinem in herba est span Cathar Their two spirits now aligned. Vis ubi sunt sacramenta conferunt Et duo spiritus amet nunc. LXI 61. “O lux Solomon filius meus discipulusEt ego dabo vobis, “O Solomon son of light, my student quod ei collatumSapientia I will give to you what has been bestowed. tempore apud culturas et in manu Chaldeorum Wisdom handed over cultures and time Orthodoxa magisteriumque Orthodox teachings, both wise and prudent. professus est, et cum sapientibus et prudentibus Follow them for peace to be your abode Pacem sequimini eos ut sint And eschew the dark side’s deceits and crimes. vobis in domicilio Furta atque flagitia latere in In the speech of goodness become fluent obscuris deuitare We will begin with our code: In oratione autem bonitatem facti copiosa, 62. Cum incipio codice nostro We have emotion, yet we are at peace. erimus. LXII We overcome ignorance with knowledge. Habemus passionem, tamen sunt When passion grips, we grasp serenity. a nobis pacemUt debelletur When chaos strikes, harmony we increase. inperitia et scientia Cum semine iacto concretam Crude matter we are, death does abolish, passion, serenitatem But the Force retains our identity. perspicimusEt cum percussisset chao, concordia Keepers of the good, evil we police. proventus nosCruda materia This is our sacred promise. sumus, mortis auferre non Sed retinet nostrum 63. identitatemCustodes boni, Three pillars guide our worldview and mission: malum non magistratus Sacrata est promissio. The first is the Force, living and binding, LXIII Our second pillar is that of Knowledge. Columnas nostrum worldview et missio:Prima vis, vivere et The third is orderly self-discipline. ligansAlterum titulum, Our path through these three is long and winding scientiae,Tertius ordo sobrietatis. Yet we have been blessed, and this is our pledge: Longum est iter per tres To obey the Force’s will and listen: recurvosque ambitus Sed nos benedicere et haec est Reflect goodness’ teaching. pignusVis audire vult obedire: 64. Cogita pietatis doctrinam, The Living Force is the heart of our call LXIV Vis viva cor nostrum vocatio It is the power of all creation. Omnis creatura est potentia Through the living Force we feel life and death Per mortem et sentimus vivam A link ita multa, ut nobis est A link so close many deaths make us fall. Anchors vocatione vitae vis est The Living Force anchors our vocation, in nobisMortem usque ad supremum spiritum vitam We choose life not death until our last breath. eligimusEsse in mundo, non To be in the world, not of it at all, est omninoAd gemitus surdo non de iustitia. To cries of justice not deaf. LXV 65. Redigente est magna potentia, Mundani fluctuat omnis aere The unifying Force is vast power, spatii temporisque The galactic rippling of space and time. Vox voluntas tua fata susurrat The voice of the will that whispers your fate Ab initio mundi hujus flores Proceeds from this ancient cosmic flower. Et de stellis, et sublimis galaxies It comes from stars, galaxies sublime Et potest auxilium vobis in And can help you in transcending death’s state. mortem, supra statum A good power that does not devour, Bonum virtutis non comedent Ut custodiant te in It will keep you in your prime. longitúdinem diérum.

LXVI 66. Proximum columna sapientiae est terraEx trunco, et crescit Our next column is the soil of wisdom in magnam disciplinae And from it grows the great trunk of knowledge. Est discere et studio adesse A Je'daiiDimicandum fore, pater A Jedi must pause to learn and study noster, et magna hsec Engage with our fore-father’s great dictums. Expand mentis aciem ad scibile, Ne nostris oculis apparet, ut Expand our minds to the knowable edge. non turbidaeEt conteret bonum Keep our thoughts clear so our sight not muddy. doctrinae a chrismate, Et germinabit quasi supplex We shall wear good teachings like a chrism, procumbit. And humbly grow like sedge. LXVII In tertia columna align 67. partibus nostris The third pillar shall align our quarters: Sensibus corporis viribus animumPer meditatio purgare Our minds with body, spirit with the Force. negansIpsi sub disciplina Through meditation, purge the negative cohibe omnes nos in angulis Discipline ourselves in all our corners. terminanturNostros motus non ita vilem conflatur Refine our movements so they are not coarse, Fac nos acri ac caro et sanguis Make our flesh and blood sharp and effective effectiveIta ut non sit nobis corpus est cæmento So that order be our body’s mortar Imperatorium exeat, sic So justice we may enforce.” iustitia non potest ". LXVIII 68. Haec verba sapiens coepit With these wise words Amon began to teach docere ad Amon Viae Filius vim Solis The ways of the Force to the Son of Suns Duo fortissimi iter per The two warriors journeyed through nature naturam,De Cathar Amon cum praedicatur de viridi munera Of Cathar’s verdant gifts while Amon preached. Et longo spatio per equator Cathar’s equator the aim and long run. Cathar finisAmon autem esset discipulus in sua temptare Amon would test his pupil through labours, laboremCommunionem cum Communion with the Force His goal to reach exercitu suo ad finem Vis ad instar. For the Force’s might to come. LXIX 69. Duo spatiis in viridi gramine The two traversed over grass plains verdant, campos,Densa silva virens, et in montibus excelsis Through dense forest lush, and great mountains high. Multi congregati, et in By many moons they hunted and gathered, calendis, et in venatione Amon’s wisdom Solomon absorbent. Amon autem sapientiam Salomonis bibulus Through many trials the words he did apply. Per multas tribulationes verba Solomon overcame many hazards. se applicantSalomon vicit multa discrimina Training his body for the end serpent - Erudiendum ad finem suum StarCrow’s order to defy. corpus serpentis StellaCorvus ordine ad 70. blasphemandum. “Control control, your duty to absorb,” LXX "Imperium imperium tuus Would admonish great Solomon’s master. officium sorbere 'An monent “Keep inner control for outer control, magnus magister omnia opera And command of your settings your reward. Salomonis"Keep exteriora interioribus imperium Learn curato salva to heal faster, imperium,Atque obitus merces With tutaminis a skill you’ll extol. vestraCurato salva discere citius ad sanandumCum enim The first gift will keep your body restored scientia tutaminis aleph The second, bolts you’ll shatter. exaltabo tePrimum estituimus donum erit servo tuo corpore

Secundum eius et seras et conlidam in te. LXXI 71. Sopor altus auxilium tuum focusVos can intendere in vim Altus sopor will help keep your focus submersumHoc proverbium Into the Force you can dive and submerge. talentum per meditationem Vis esse locus cor Train this talent during meditation Midichlorians tuus erit For the Force’s heart to be your locus. igitur conveniunt In vibrationis vis magna est Your midichlorians will then converge Tui metam est ut transeat Into the Force’s profound vibration. notice corporaliter Invisibilia tibi appareat. Your goal is to physically pass notice, LXXII Invisible you’ll emerge. Ut extendas ultra te Incipiam tibi domino sensus 72. talentaCum hoc arte vobis vitam As you extend your reach beyond yourself et tange viribus gerere; Hic vivam Nil inultum remanebit. You will begin to master Sense talents. Et sensus sentire et pompa With this skill you will touch the Force’s life, creatio est scriptor Here the Living Force will reveal itself. S saporem gustare et creatio, et promulgatis pellitur With Sense you will feel creation’s pageants. Te sentire calidum erit postea Taste you will creation’s flavour, so rife. extendis fulget, Alter sensu ducit ad adventum. You will feel warm glows then extend yourself; LXXIII Sense leads to Alter’s advent. Alter apud te tangere physice in mundo, 73. Vis membra, sponte propria With Alter you physically touch the world potentia tua Uti hoc talentum ad incursum Your personal Force grows powerful limbs. vehementer Use this talent to forcefully impact Hostes ex bono ne malosque Immersa vim in virtute natare Enemies of goodness to keep them furled. Et movere obiecta et actus Immersed in the Force, in its power swim mentis, Parvis te erue eum, et fugiet And you will move objects with mental acts. saxa proiectus Small objects you can pluck, rocks will fly hurled De interno et hymnis. LXXIV All from your internal hymns. Haec facultas est 74. fundamentalis This ability is fundamental Vis formandi est ex tractu et pulsu Forming the basis of Force push and pull. Telekinesis dicitur, et scire Telekinesis called, its power learn virtutem, Erit medium culpae. To your offence it will become central. Quae in hac gratia plena With this gift you will lift objects in full elevabis Tam graves tenebrae tuae erunt So powerful, great mountains you will turn. sicut montes Practice now this power transcendental Iam usu hoc transcendens Per eam, nullus erit With it, StarCrow you will null.” StellaCorvus." 75. LXXV Faciens in campestribus Making their way to rock-strewn foothills multitudine magna ut petram, The warriors stood amidst large boulders, sparsasque In medio campi medio saxa magna And there ordered Amon to his pupil, Amon autem ordinatur ad “Lift what you can, allow the Force to fill.” discipulum"Mallum quid potes, vis ad patitur ad replete" Diving deep he raised arms to His shoulders Abyssus exaltavit sollicitudin And lifted twelve stones with great approval. arma umeris Each rock weighed five tons, and bent to his will Lapides erexit magno adsensu Lapis appensus uterque Solomon all composure. quinque tonis inclinare voluntatem Ei cunctis securitate. LXXVI 76. "Scio non facere hic feat Je'daiiQuae quidem tu dicis “I know of no Jedi to do this feat Possumus uti natura Indeed you are everything that you say. utilitatiMagna pars maris crescunt et totius We can use nature to our advantage, plagiarius tritici Part great seas and grow whole planets of wheat. Naturae nostrae socius et oboediretQui recte facit Nature’s our ally, and it will obey iustusUti muneribus Our just causes that are rightly managed. proficere, ut nos de fameEt fructum cibum quasi bouquet.” Use our gifts to grow, so hunger we’ll treat LXXVII And sprout food as a bouquet. "Ite nunc, cum me meus discipulus nobiles 77. Et duae extremitates Travel with me now my noble pupil testantur artificium Flora ager hic sta mecum And bear witness to this skill’s two edges. Et resuscita me, et Stand with me here in this field of flora castrametati sunt in And with me raise this pitch to quadruple. quadruplum eoPossumus insidias hostium cuneis in We can trap our foes in leafy wedges ligno frondosoEt cum lux Or feed the oppressed with our light auras. oppressit, nee aurasPossumus vis muta, We can mute violence, its response futile responsum futilem To protect our solemn pledge.” Nostra tueri sanxisse.” LXXVIII 78. Duo usus Je'daii Consistor The two Jedi used Consistor Sato SatoEt eduxit de puteo vivam Sub pedibus eorum in viridi And drew from the well of the Living Force. herba succrescens, Beneath their feet the grass grew more verdant Et suscitavit lushly ad ostinatoInspirata est arbor And lushly raised to their ostinato. valde odoriferum dandum Gorse The tree’s breathed deeply giving fragrant gorse. Eruperant flores ad current bono Ashla The flowers bloomed to good Ashla’s current. Duo eorum legato Je'daii hummed The two Jedi hummed their force legato, Vis Dominus principium. LXXIX The Lord of the Force their source. "Nostram mundus naturalis 79. praeceptaCum fulmine et non “The natural world will heed our commands, audieritis vocem commotionis Sed magis, contingere potest It will obey with lightning or whirlwind, creaturae mentibus, But more than this, creatures minds we can touch Persuadere liberum arbitrium, ita moderari suas. Persuade their free will, thus control their hands. Cogitationes potest non Thoughts we can plant and desires rescind plantabunt, et vult rescindere, So our foes may calmly rest in our clutch. Hostis nostri, ut et aequo animo augue in Quietly enter our enemies’ lands, Silentio ingressi hostium Keep evil intentions pinned.” suorumEgo veniam, intentiones malas. " 80. LXXX At times you will need to dodge rival’s blows Interdum opus ad latebra te With The Force you can slow all space and time. manus aemula scriptor Potes omnia loca temporaque vi The Force can guide you through large bursts of speed, tardusMagna vis ducere per Stuck in thickness of time foes will be froze. succlamatum celeritatem A strong wind will rush about you sublime Fixam crassitudine tempore in hostes eorum et obrigesceret Your movements will flow as a quick stampede Et ventus in sublime non ruunt As the wind whistles, your foes’ blows will slow Erunt motus tuam velociter, sicut a exsterno For you to halt their black crime. Ut siquis, hostes in manus tardius, Nam nigra crimine consistere eorum. LXXXI 81. Hic est ab eruditione antiquorum Je'daii Here is more learning from Jedi ancient: Vis potest relevare dolor, The Force can ease pain, cure illness, and heal. morbum curare et sanare Omnium artium ad faciendum The healing arts can work on all beings, medicinalesShrink fui in Shrink your presence to the brink of nascent, conspectu tuo usque in nascentisIacta super cor tuum Drop your mind to an infinitesimal seal. ut signaculum infinitesima Re-arrange cells and restore their meanings Re-disponere cellulis et reddere rationes Your body will seem unchanged yet vacant, Videtur quod corpus maneat Being small we can conceal. tamen vacant Nos potest esse parvum 82. abscondam. This art of healing has two benefits: LXXXII Hoc ars habet sanitatem Our microscopic self can go within beneficia duo The body of patients to fix that wrecked Nostrum ire possint in se Restore and purge cells that are venomous. minimumCorpus aegris figere quia confractaeEt propitius Mend the small and heal the physical din esto restituet cellulis What is more, we can move with stealth unchecked talia audeant facere Sana in concentu strepere To hide our presence from our nemesis parvi corporis, fulciretur Laying the course for our win. Quid potest movere immoderata copiaAd abscondere de conspectu 83. nostro invidia Nemesi, The art of healing leads to camouflage, Relinquentes enim cursus orci. Where we render ourselves invisible. LXXXIII This skill requires great concentration Camouflage ad artem curandi, To manipulate light for sabotage. Ubi vertimus nos invisibilium. Hoc requirit magna peritia Cancelling sound waves is too pivotal curamAd sabotage ad mutare lux. So we may move about in negation, Cancelling sonat unda est cardo, Ita ut negatio circumageretur Wherein we release our force-filled barrage In quibus vis dimittere nostra Making real the mythical. repleta, verberare Facere vera est fabulosum. 84. LXXXIV Once you uncloak from bent light and mute sound Quondam vos uncloak a facie, et lucem sonus mutum, Here is a blitz you may free on your foe: Hic est liber rapidus te Electric judgment, or called force lightning hostis tuusElectric judicio, Its power and fury cannot be bound. seu vis coruscantis Virtus non possit furorisque Use with virtue and its power will blow Uti ad virtutem, et potestatem Green light from your fingertips, raw, frightening. suam succendam Viridi lumine tuo tips, rudis, With good intent, to goodness be redound, terribilisCum bonum facit, non Your enemies it will mow. est bonum, abundet Inimicos eius metam. 85. LXXXV A few more lessons I have Solomon Pauci lectiones et inponite Salomonem Our training’s end is on the horizon. Nostrum exercitationem in These next black practices StarCrow will use extremis finibus Post haec ars, usus To control his wars away from the din. StellaCorvus Mind-War techniques mastered by the titan Ad imperium bellis a strepitu Vincitur ars de Bello Maria- To place his enemies in his white noose Titan To augment his soldiers to cause his sin Ut ponantur inimici eius albus in laqueo While he rests in his Zion. Ut augeretis suo ut de peccato suo Dum requiescit in Sion. LXXXVI 86. Pugna proelium meditatione et mentis,Augendae fiducia et Battle meditation and battle mind campi,Maximum moventur in Enhance confidence and concentration. StellaCorvus his proeliis Militibus animos tenet StarCrow has influenced his grand battles retortaContorquens Psyche To his soldiers minds he keeps himself twined gentem de hoste Inimicos eius incipiam Twisting the psyche of the foe nation, explicare His enemies begin to unravel. Iactatur ad bellum apparatus mole fiend Being tossed to the fiend’s war-machine grind Dolor aberratio. Suffering aberration. LXXXVII In tempore illo non erit 87. serpentem aerati In time we will brazen up the serpent Quo psychici utuntur et impetusSed obscurum Where he will employ such psychic attacks. obscurius conscius est Satan Indeed dark Bogan is dimly aware Quod est, in motu lucis That on the move is the Light’s bold servant. confidens servus Iam cogitare de actibus suis Already thinking of his preferred acts maluit Meditation he will use to despair Et usus meditatio ad desperationem, Our minds and come at us brash and fervent Noster mentes et venerit ad nos Striving to destroy our pax. temerarii et fervens Nituntur perdere nos pax. 88. LXXXVIII His psychic hail will strive to split our corps In psychicae ad scindendum contendunt grando corpus But with linked minds we can together fend nostrum,Sed cum animo connecti With battle meld fight together as one possunt et arcere Pugnare in proelio meld simul And with his defeat bring an end to war. et unusBello superatum et We Jedi must strive to bring wars to end finiendumNos nituntur ad bella usque ad finem oportet Je'daii But with this task we will never been done. Sed numquam hoc factum The taking of life, the Light does deplore Ceperunt animam dolere lumen In finem pro StellaCorvus The end for StarCrow portends. portendat. 89. LXXXIX Settle now my friend, let us make a camp. Nunc ponite meo, demus castra Totus vos have est, et probat You have absorbed all and have passed my tests. iam mihiIn lucem veniat, et The dawn will come, one last lesson I have tandem Lectio I Our work was good, we’ve been sealed by Light’s stamp. Opera nostra bona lucis charactere signatum habuimus The work of our minds and hands has been blessed, Et opus manuum nostrarum We see what lays ahead, our future’s nav. benedicta Together we’ll erase darkness’ stamp. Videmus enim quod ante animam, futurum est Nav Come my friend, let us some rest. Una delere te tenebras stamp 90. Mi amice, nos requiescere. XC The two warriors reposed for the night Duo viri bellatores nocte And built between them a warming fire. pausasseEt aedificavit igni calefacto inter eos By the glowing light the two friends broke bread Ex duobus amicis, frangensque While the dark of dusk rose up in their sight. panem refulgens Amon gathered herbs for their wood briars Et surgentes abierunt in tenebris sunt. And spoke to Solomon “Heed all I’ve said Silva sentibus herbae eorum Then complete your training with future bright, congregatos ad Amon Et dixit ei: "audi omnia dixi One last moral, heed entire.” Et perficere in futurum disciplina tua clara, Unum ultimum moralis, cave totum.” XCI 91. "Hoc ultimo virtutis maxime habeat scientia et docere “This last skill I teach has the most power. Quidam dicunt: terribilis est, Some say it’s terrible, but they’d be wrong. sed youd 'exsisto malum Jus nostrum worldview et Right is our worldview, and we know the truth. discereIn hac arte, si modo With this skill, blackness of the heart we scour. percursant cor involvatur amaritudineNos separare We divorce the man from darkness held long. hominem a tenebris tenuit We seal him from lies and evil uncouth. temporeEt oblinito illi de nobis falsa mali inerat Once cut from the darkside he will cower, Vitellio simplicitas To Bogan he’ll not belong. Cum ille infelix interficiam de darksideUnus autem, non 92. pertinent ad te. When you feel the darkness turn against you XCII Cum te vicissim palpari queant Use your skills to take that power away. Utor vestri solers ad Blind your enemy with a wall of light virtutem, ut eumExcaeca You will not cause harm, murder you’ll eschew. hostibus muro lucis Et non malum, caede te cavere Ever blocked from the Force, darkness decays. Semper clausus ab ea, caligine His evil will die and he’ll lose his might. morieturMale perdet robur ejus, et ipse morietur With this good act the lightside you will shew, Hoc bonum est et ostendam vobis And abruptly end the fray.” lightsideEt subito pugnae finis.” 93. XCIII And so Amon taught the ways of the Force Et ita vis in via docuit Amon Salvis in potentia ad ultimum Saving the most potent lesson for last. lectionemEt Salomon omnia verba And all these teachings Solomon pondered legis ponderans Cum his master-vetus Considering his master’s old-wise source. sapientis fons He poured the teachings into his mind’s cast In mentem docet iactus fudit Docebatur ad concordiam et Mused what was taught and came to a concord cogitarem quidSuam partem, et Of his direction and forthcoming course de futuroTum hoste elit. XCIV Then took up a sustained fast. "Bene dixisti dominus effusum 94. est aes tuum sapientia “Good master you have poured out your wisdom In diebus nostris: et me, destillatas eiusmodi And in our time I have distilled your thoughts. disceptationibus Your credos contain many rays of truth, cogitationum. Multa tibi credas veritatis But time has come to rethink old theorems. radiisSed venit hora, ut The problem of evil I have un-knot theoremata tarn vetus RecogitaboEt quaestio de malo And in reflection I have discerned one sooth: Ego un-nodumEt discrevisse me ‘tween light and dark lies no equal schism; inter Siquidem illic in aqua: 'Schisma inter lucem et Evil’s efforts are for naught. tenebras mendacium sine pari 95. Nisus est mali sunt et sine argento redimemini. My teacher, allow me to say it plain XCV Black evil is not Goodness’ equal. Dominum permitte mihi manifestavitBonitas non est Dark Bogan is a created being pessimis Niger Aequale He does not serve, and shuns Light’s love in pain. Duo tenebris est creatum Non serviunt, et quoque in His strife he enacts on the Light’s people, lucis amore dolor, Keeps them bound in sin’s eternal evening. Eius contentio agit in lucem To serve the Son of Suns he would not deign populi,Peccatum in aeternum tenet ligatum ad vesperam Deeming himself too regal. Soles occidere et Filius, ut non dignetur Ipsum regium existimans. XCVI 96. Quare Dominus permittat mala regnant? Why does the Lord allow evil to reign? His satis moralis esse His moral reason may be sufficient. potest.Nostra rudis materia, potest videre, quod terminos, Our good matter boundaries what we can see; Sed non omnes cognoscunt et We can’t know all and duly ascertain rite cognoscere Prae lucis candentis In the face of the Light’s glowing omniscience omniscientia He grows good from evil and lets it be. Et crescit malum et bonum non patitur The point of suffering to Him is plain, Hoc patet exitus illum His reasons beneficent. His de causis bonis. XCVII 97. Beati sumus cum voluntate et We are blessed with Will and may freely choose libere potest eligere Et ibi electio mali intrat And there evil enters our world with choice. mundum The Lord of Light gives justice and mercy Dominus illuminatio iustitia Perfectly these virtues he will suffuse. et misericordia Dei Perfecte haec et virtutes My life I will lay so all may rejoice. conspargatur, The debt I’ll pay, and evil’s breath pursy. Sic dabo gloriam meam omni vita meaReatus reddam et mali By wedding justice with mercy, good news spiritus rugosus My death will echo His voice. Per nuptias misericordia judicium, et bona nuntians 98. Mors mea voce sonent. Thus Solomon gave his sagacity XCVIII Salomon dedit consilium eius Wisdom from mysticism he did reap. A sapientia mystica et non Amon considered the words of the Son metesFilii Amon consideravit verbumEt locuti sunt verba And knew the words spoke were veracity. cognoverunt veritatem The words forever in his heart he’d keep Haec in aeternum, et in corde suo servare velis And suggested rest since the day was done. Et quia id quod reliquum erat He thanked the Light for serendipity. dieiEt ad lumen gratiae gratum Duorum amicorum tum dormitum. The two friends then went to sleep. XCIX 99. "Ego possum docta cunctis ei “I have trained you all I can Solomon In somnis mihi candida filia Unum oculum mentis nostrae In a dream the Winged Goddess came to me. Odhib arbore Find the one Odhib tree from our mind’s eye, Iter pergimus in ipso ortu matutino Continue our journey at break of dawn. Et ascendere te faciam te ibi As you climb the horizon there you’ll see videre in horizonte Magnae arboris ramum The great tree’s branches, which reach to the sky. inpositumque pertingat ad Hallowed and imposing, there look upon caelumInstar monte respice Sacra nos humi” Sacred ground to set us free.” C 100. Posuit tenebris et Salomon pro goal- At dusk Solomon set forth for his goal- Large Odhib tenens in luce Large Odhib grasping the light of the moon, lunae, And there hailed him as he strode through the night Appellatur et uadit per noctem Abiit lux animae quattuor Four times six thousand departed light souls. milia Spirits of light masters, saber’s commune Luce spiritus Domini, in commune machaera Held high and ignited to guide His sight. Posuerunt ignem, et excelsum, On his way to the celestial pole, ad dirige in conspectu eius Eo signo ad caelestia Lightly the insects did croon. Insectorum, Et fecit croon.

CI 101. Et erat quidam mendicus, sicut qui ignoti, per urbes He moved as a mendicant through cities, Et per eius centrum crescere And through his fruitful centered wanderings erroresVis tenuit et octo gradus meditationis Grasped the eight steps of Force meditation Et solvit nos multa naturali, And solved many natural mysteries. In tempora multa munera accepit, At times received plentiful offerings, At ad extremum fame At times brought to the brink of starvation. Et adduxerunt ad extrema abnegatio pietatis He brought self-denial to utmost pity, Et purgari se de phaleris. And cleared himself of trappings. CII Petens umbilici terrae 102. Et ultima columna negotium Making his way to the navel of earth ductuConvalle conspectu haud magniEt sedebat subter arborem The pillar of his final guidance task, magnam deest His sight was met by the great holy tree Arbor erat illuminata, et And there he sat beneath the tree’s great girth. apricor in luce eius Salomon autem erat in Deo The tree was illumined, His light it did bask historia amet Saviour Solomon was history’s key. In renascentia enim loco res immobiles On the immovable spot for rebirth, Rerum detegant. Reality to unmask. CIII Postquam magna sedit sub ramis 103. arboris Once he sat beneath the grand tree’s branches Serpentes, Jubba aves, et animalia silvarum Snakes, Jubba birds, and creatures of the woods Solvit caelestis laudantium Paid him praise with celestial perfumes unguentisCum lux caelestis chori, et fulgura, With heavenly choirs and light flashes. Cum coronis et decem milia mundi Ten thousand worlds filled with garlands and goods implevit bonisEt expandit Birds before Him spread their colorful plumes illum coram laetus plumis aviumQuasi mansiónem Branches bent as a natural mansion naturalis extendi ramos Honouring His Force methods. Honouring suam et modos. CIV 104. Ibi constitisse emendandi He placed himself there with a firm resolve firmissimam voluntatem velis Sub arbore, in loco immobilis, Beneath the tree, the immovable spot. Et continuo venerunt Unus Deus And straight away came Bogan the Fanged God et malae texere De duodecim leucas exercituum About him twelve leagues of armies revolved. revolvunturCumque venisset ad He came at Solomon angry and hot, Salomonem, et iratus calidi Riding the dragon StellaCorvus, Riding StarCrow the dragon, fiercely clawed. ferociter unguiculatum With wicked intent to wipe and dissolve Malitiose dissolvere extergere Solomon’s glowing white rot. Salomon candida putrescat. 105. CV Magni quoque permansit Great Solomon remained calmed and unmoved immobilis et quiescit By Bogan’s strike on His concentration. Duo by incumbo in forum eius Whirlwinds, rocks, thunderous flames, keen edges Turbinibus est, et petræ, sonitu flammae, acer Searing fourfold darkness could not remove marginibusAcribus quadruplum Solomon the Light from his foundation. tenebris non tollere Et lux a suo fundamento Witness to the Original Light’s pledge, Salomonis The dark inept to sunder goodness proved Significatio principale lumen pignus Light wins without negation. In tenebris non posse distrahere bona probatur, Negatio non dabit lumen.

CVI 106. Duo by saeva tela iaculatus in TenebrisTransfiguratus in Savage missiles hurled by Bogan the Dark suam perfectionem per floret Transformed into blooms by His perfection. Duo ergo quod ius Salomonis Mark praeesse permanenti. Prideful Bogan then dared Solomon’s right De terra deorsum To preside over the permanent mark. Vis eius testimonium perhibuit Domino Touching the earth in downward direction Unus, et Ipsius Divinum, iste Lord of the Force bore witness to his might caecus "Ne polluatis dicendum est!" And blinded Bogan with His divine spark CVII “Profane is your objection!” Rugiet Salomonis attulerunt ad Satan genua sua, 107. Hostium caesa, in obedientiam, Solomon’s roar brought Bogan to his knees, Et dispersi sunt in tenebris exercitu vacuumFlores a The enemy fell in obedience. trudunt de loco in auras The dark army dispersed into the void Nunc victi, a parte ejus nigra Replaced by flowers drifting on the breeze. esse,Malus autem est falsa de virtute delerent The dark side now cowed by His existence, Dominus autem vis ad quietam et The villain’s illusion of strength destroyed. fugat malaFugit tenebrae splendorem suum. The Lord of the Force routs evil with ease. CVIII Darkness shuns his radiance. Septem enim diebus fecit quiete sedens in beatitudine, 108. Acceptis illustratione Divina, For seven days he sat quiet in bliss Et profectus est in medio populi sui movere Having received divine enlightenment. Reversusque est cum omni domo Then he left to move among his people sua blasphemiam Et Sethans venisset ad And returned to his home with all amiss. planctum magnumEt tumultus The Sethans had arrived to great lament, turbarum et secum Vocaveruntque filii nomen And brought with them turmoil and upheaval. invisum sibiloCathar clamavit They called children’s name with a hateful hiss dissensus. CIX Cathar cried out their dissent. "Alligata solveret filios 109. interemptorumPerversitas “Release the children you have imprisoned autem Dominus ad me Duodecim fratres mei et ego And take me for your lord’s perversity. ipseFortes sumus, I offer myself and my twelve brothers Christianum vi habuimus. Nos voluntarii, de latrocinio We are strong, by the Force we’ve been christened. StellaCorvus We volunteer for StarCrow’s larceny, Elegit nobis hereditatem suam nobiles druthers Our noble choice will divide his druthers. Tolle mei consili sortem " Away with your lots for my decision.” Dixit quoque vehementer. CX Said Solomon forcefully. "Ego quoque sponte ad hoc 110. nefarium latrocinium Potest autem nefas mihi cura “I too volunteer for this monstrous theft, vocat The fiend can have me, I will heed his calls. Si enim de suo current ignea Though I did run from his fiery seethe ADAGGERO Et multo plures facili ictus, He’ll find bright Solomon’s blows much more deft. youll 'reperio splendida We will hunt the dragon ‘twixt labyrinth walls Salomonis. Nos capitis draconis mediis Where he will confront Light fully unsheathed moenibus labyrinthum No longer can he hide behind mammoth heft.” Ubi ille occursus plene lumine ferrum, Bravely spoke Amon Grathals. Non potest se abscondere mammoth post iactum. " Fortiter est Grathals Amon. CXI 111. Sethans et dixerunt: The Sethans replied "Quid est hoc, “We do what is just, Et debent Deo nostro Cathar The Cathar owe our Debenture god a debenture. Haec sunt tributa pro We claim these se et nos Deo beings for our God’s nostro " Salomon autem tribute”. suorum et Solomon and his kin dura sunt were handled rough. tractata Obtulerunt Brought aboard Sethan navem Sethan ship, full conscendit, plenam surrender; Conferre non Harm to others they per iniurias adsequuntur did not contribute. Conpedibus et Shackled and catenis, ad spatium, ita chained, to space illi they went and thus- Et ascenderunt They embarked on in usu. adventure.

Book 3 I 1. Et in opposito StellaCorvus Salomonis Of Solomon’s and StarCrow’s opposition Solis filium et pugna mali And the Son of Sun’s defeat of evil; Laudare in magnifico tale O lux PatrisEt de Donatistis in Eulogize in grand tale O’ Light Father magna volutpat. And speak of Bogan’s crushing submission. Dic quid vis antiquum Salomonis Etiam in finem salutis te Tell how Solomon’s power primeval profert. Brought the end with salvation you proffer. Semel per iter finem habuerat et seditiones, Once through the maze He ended sedition Obtulerunt statera, omnes, Brought balance, all life peaceful. pacis et vitae. II 2. Nudatos belli et Stripped of weapons and artifacts of war artificialibus The heroes were chained and harangued on board. Heroes in vincula et in tabula contioneVituperabat enim Berated onto the Sethan starship super Sethan Starship They were marched into depths, past iron doors. Ducti sunt abyssi ferrea claustra olim In the belly of the ship they sat stored Sederunt in ventrem recondi To wait for a time midst darkness’ grip. navis Ut enim expectare a medio Enwombed in cold cells and chained to the floor tenebrarum, manu. Their thoughts all turned to their Lord. Et usque ad clausos amet frigidus in Enwombed 3. Cogitationibus Omnes conversi “Be not afraid, darkness will not prevail. sunt ad Dominum. III Sit calmly my brothers, my peace I bring. "Noli timere tenebras non Though we sit caged in the cold of darkness praevalebitSit placidum mea et And streak through the black of solar wind’s gales fratres mei, et ego ducam pacem Si enim sit in caged frigus Remember the oath of our divine King tenebris,Series nigra per As He fulfills his heavenly promise, solaris procellae, et in ventumMemento iuramenti Dei To give his Son, so night He will assail nostri regis So evil may feel His sting.” Sicut promiserat et implevit caelestibus 4. Dedit filium suum, et noctis Thusly He spoke to kinsmen in cages impugnabit Et malum sentiunt, ut eius And assuaged his loved ones of all their fears. victoria. " In time spoke Amon, breaking the silence IV Sic locutus est ad fratres And bid a tale from his sagas’ pages. suos in caveis,Sules caros “A story I have which is strange and queer suos omni metu In tempore illo locutus est That speaks of StarCrow’s perverted science. Amon, rupto silentio: Of monsters which grew from his wife’s matrix, Et dices ad eum fama de sagas, pages."Historia nova quae mihi A woman in Light’s arrears.” queerQui perversa loquitur de 5. scientia StarCrow “Here is a tale as we sit in the dark Factum uxoris monstrorum vulvamMulier in lucis retro ". A story of our oncoming end point. V Let me speak you a yarn of StarCrow’s bride, "Hic est tale quod sit in tenebrisVenientibus de puncto Roselye the witch and the Dragon-God’s ark. A StoryEt de Coa a te mihi dicere A loyal wife and Empress he did appoint sponsa de StellaCorvus Arcam Dei, et Dracone Roselye To carry his sons in her womb inside maleficum.Reginam in uxorem, Where dragon-seed and human egg did spark et fecit fideles Gestare in utero filiorum, A new species held in joint. intusUbi homines ovo draconis, et semen tuum sicut ignis Species in iunctura novum.

VI 6. Maximum incrementum cepit StellaCorvus extendit ad illam Great strides StarCrow took to extend her life, vitam,Notam sinceri amoris in His love for his wife his one honest trait. uxore exDeum immortalem mulierem dilectamScience A woman loved by the immortal god. invocatum est ipse et uxor Science invoked so he could clone his wife. ejus, cloneEt cogitabant ad feminas sicut draco Even as a dragon he planned to mate Ad creare perfectum hominum, et To create perfect men, grand and un-flawed. un grand-uitiosam Et fortitudinem, et imperium Brimming with strength and supremacy rife, paene oneretEt fides illorum Loyal guardians their fate. tutores fatum. VII 7. Centena exemplaria in suum Hundreds of copies he cloned of his love amorem et cloned Intendit semper eam per Intending to have her always through time. tempus,Sedebat iuxta eum Sitting by him for all eternity usque adternumImmortalitates Immortalities mate, always thereof. feminas, semper eius Exul naturae, et laetabantur Eschewing nature, he reveled in crime in scelerePartum draco frater Creating his dragon fraternity. eiusAversio a creatura est New homines, et excelsum Turning away from creation above conscenderat. New beings, scaled and sublime. VIII Unus of clone Roselye tenet ex 8. parte illiusDum alii One clone of Roselye he keeps by his side sacrificium pro tenebrisEt omnis partus exemplaribus While the others are used for sacrifice. resurrexerint filiumEt inter The copies of Rose would each birth a son se essent, ut clone tenebris magicae est aestusHaerent And each clone would fall to dark magick’s tide. paradisum pollicitus est Prior to birth they’re promised paradise prior quam partusSed veni, et per duos menses omittere But by two months along they’ve come undone. In revelli, et detrimentum sui Being torn within, a forfeited bride sponsaPro StellaCorvus in tenebris coeptis. Used for StarCrow’s dark emprise. IX 9. A morte puer crescit in utero A monstrous child grows in the clone’s womb clone:Gestating cito, et speluncam alicújusSi non Gestating quickly, outgrowing its cave. omnes fere instructi in magna Though not nearly knit in all his great strength fortitudine ejus,Et introduxit ad locum throni The clone is then brought to StarCrow’s throne room est, clone StellaCorvus And there she is set upon her slate grave Slate et sit super Then sectioned across, and cut at great length sepulchrum eius Et per sectioned, et And a monster pulled from her bloody womb interficiam in longum To grow and serve as a slave. Et draco traxit sanguinem ab utero,Crescere servitute 10. famulorum. His creation he called the Nephilim X Qui Nephilim vocantur et Dragon-men bred and goliath in size. creaturaeDraco homines fiunt, Reared to be placed in the Dragon God’s maze et in magnitudine, Goliath Educatus est in draconem Dei To test force users in a dark trial grim. errorUt users test vis est in Placed by the god in the labyrinth of lies tenebris tristis iudicii Positus in labyrintho a Deo Tributes then set in a warren of haze mendacium To be hunted down with a violent vim Tributes et warennam set in nebula The whole world deaf to their cries. Ad Conquirendi vim, cum violentia Totus orbis voces surdi.

XI 11. Sed dixi vobis quia ego exspecto viventibus Now that I’ve told you what creatures await Dimitte me, ut cera, in error Allow me to wax about StarCrow’s maze. circa StellaCorvus A trial set beneath his lone mountain throne In montem sola iudicio thronum suum subAedificavit ut Built to examine one’s force-filled estate. exploret suae vim plenam suam The purpose is so the god may appraise Atque ita Deus aestiment One’s strength in the Force while hunted through stone Et virtutem in lapide per vim, To see, indeed, if their power is great cum captamVidere quidem si potentia est magna Or if they fall in the faze. Vel si cadere in faze. 12. XII Et sepulta est ad radices Buried beneath a towering mountain montis arduaEt legit The maze’s centre is linked up above coniunctum est, centrum est et To StarCrow’s throne room, which sits at the peak StellaCorvus sedes ad locum, qui sedet in vertice Where the God travels both, time-and-again. Quo deus et percurrit, et nunc Made by Deasdula, a labour of love, iterumPer Deasdula, et laboris, et caritatis StarCrow slithers down through pathways oblique StellaCorvus descendit per From his throne room into maze-depths wanton obliquas semitas Ex his solii, in profundo Tributes to then dispose of. labyrintho lasciviens 13. Tributes illis disponere. XIII From all his corners he culls Force children Ex his autem angulis Vis filii To test their facilities in his labyrinth. cullsFacultatem temptare se If one Force-child overcomes lizard sons in his labyrinthum Si Vis puer vicerit filios Wholly He will stand before the villain. lacertaEt stabunt in conspectu Praise may come for being a maverick, scelerate sanus Benedictus qui venit ut a And he may be lauded with war-time drums. mavericusUt audiant cum A call may come from the reptilian tympanis et tempore belli, Theologum quendam veniant To consecrate his Sabbath. reptilianEt initiaverit manum 14. suam in sabbato. XIV StarCrow may bless him as an acolyte Ut benedicat StellaCorvus And train him in the Force’s darkside ways. acolythusEt nutriret eum in impetu in viis Darkside His army’s Generals are all Force blood Et omnes duces exercitusque And follow the God as loyal satellites. ex vi sanguinem, Deus fidelis, et sequatur The tribute may be blessed with splendid praise satellites And given a harem with he as stud Et beatus est speciosa laus in tributum Then urged to dote on all his appetites Et dedit se ut eas cum bulla So darkness may claim his days. Et hortabatur omnes in dote 15. est appetitus Dies tenebrarum et petere. Yet StarCrow may decide another course XV And gaze greedily upon force-rich cells Ut scilicet aliud placet et StellaCorvus Then devour the child who stands alone Et avare ad vim spectare-dives And consume his gift to add to his Force. cellulas Tunc enim solus qui devorant The child may stand dazed under darkside spells eumAddit exercitui suo munere While StarCrow may gulp him into his own et devorabitur Puer stet animos in carmina And add midichlorians to his source Darkside To deepen his darkside wells. Dum coctione, ut eum in suo StellaCorvus Et addere ad fontem midichlorians Ad augendam aquarum Darkside. XVI 16. Nescio quo modo eveniat albus dracoJucunditates et Lord knows which way the white dragon may turn: felicitates cum stipendio To feed a tribute with joys and delights pascereAn forte et ipse missus draco dentium Or perchance thrown upon sharp dragon teeth Hostia sive viro difficile A victim or hero, hard to discern. discernere But for certain the hunt ends with dark rites Sed quaedam sunt ad finem capitis ritus tenebris Where the hero’s head is laid with a wreath Si caput est vir, cum corona, Or in the vile beast’s belly he may churn. Vel in utero, ut ex animalibus torquent Either way, swallowed by vice.” Aut via, absorbuit per vitium. " 17. XVII Amon autem sic locutus est ad And thus spoke Amon to Solomon’s kin propinquum Salomonis A freighting story which filled them with fear. Et repleti sunt timore, quam fabula freighting Again they turned to their brother’s comfort Et rursum reversi sunt ad And begged the Sun’s Son to save them from sin. fratris solatium, Nisi Filius, et petiit a “Fear not brothers, the dragon will not sear peccato Solis"Nolite fratres For I am here to dissolve his effort Draco non adurat Dissolvere opera adsum To bring destruction and sow moral din; Moralis serere tumultus, et Hark, look what now does appear!” inducam Heus, vide quid nunc apparet! " 18 XVIII Slowly the darkness began to dissolve Ex Tardius coepit ad tenebras While a glowing sphere appeared in their midst. solvit Dum non apparuit candens in From the white globe morphed an angelic form medio eorum Pouring fourth from light His servant evolved. Ex forma angelica, candida orbem morphed Taking her form on the air she did drift Fundens supra quartam a luce While the light she did cast was soft and warm. filia evolutis Tenens in forma caeli est ipsa A gentle presence who bound their resolve summa From the Lord she brought a gift. Molle et calidum est lux illa conjecti 19. A facie mansuetus, qui vincti “I too have a tale Amon the Gungan, sunt animo A Domino donum posuit. A story to tide you through night journeys. XIX Here is truth from time immemorial, "Ego quoque fabula Gungan Amon Et parabolam ad aestum per A tale before material began noctem iter, About the defeat of Bogan’s armies Est verum a tempore immemorabili And judgement extraterritorial Historia rerum coepit ante Of the evil one’s everlasting ban. Duo de clade exercitus A story grand and worthy.” Et iudicium extraterritorial Sempiterno ban in maligno 20. positus est And so the servant settled with the clan Historia et magna dignus. " XX Floating soothingly so all kin could see. Et habitavit cum filiis et Illuminating space and minds alike, filia Curabitur funera, Lyde, ut Wafting calmness before her tale began. omnes videre “This story unfolds in plains unearthly Lumen spatio et mentium pariterAnte incipiens fabula Where Bogan gathered his unrighteous Reich tranquillitas ventilat To disobey the Lord’s salvific plan, "Hoc opus in campestribus miro Ubi Duo congregatus iniqui Not humbly bend his knee. eius Imperium Salvifico oboedire Domino, Humiliter non flectebat genu. XXI 21. Ego dicam nota cum fabula imaginibusDomain transferatur My tale I’ll tell with known imaginings et aereumCognoscibilia in And translate the ethereal domain imaginibusNam prudentia Catharian operationes. Into images recognizable Coram rege et in corpore, patet For the mind of Catharian workings. In monte, vocavit fratres suos, et ad equites in mensa Before the King made the physical plain Divinum Dare verba nuntii He called his knights to his mountain table Quod dimensiones eius. XXII To give the words of his divine tidings; Et sunt communiter dicti, The dimensions of his reign. patet ex Je'daii Ad verticem montis in conspectu 22. eorum creator All Jedi of the plain were jointly called Et circa regem erant in circuitu, Ubi ostendit sui To the mountaintop of their creator. intime in omnibus And about their King they formed a circle Hic est Filius meus, genitum Where He revealed His Son to all enthralled. salvator Sicut me mortalis erit ‘Here is My Son, begotten, the saviour imbuere " He is Me, We will imbue as mortal.” Congregans equites, et Filio, et adornata Gathering the knights, the Son then marshalled Et abscondit traditor medio Yet their midst hid a traitor. eorum. XXIII 23. Audite verba regis videbantur All seemed overjoyed with the King’s good words Et saltasset, et adorantes in monte sancto They sang and danced about the sacred Hill. Filius est Deus et Dominus ‘The Son is our Lord and also our God’ noster, Sang the knights while they orbited like birds. Sang militibus avium, cum circuitum et quasi But to one the news was met with ill will Invidia autem secundo rumore The greatest of knights thought the plan was flawed, ita adversis unus So he set about to convince all thirds De militibus videbatur ratio recta maximum That this plan was naught but swill. Et posuit super eum omnes 24. tribus ad persuadendum Nisi quod res swill. After the grand celebration had stopped XXIV And quiet fell on the ethereal plain, Postquam autem cessavit magnificum celebratione, Grand Bogan woke-up his next in command Ad aethereum campum, et And unveiled a raw plan he did concoct. ceciderunt in quietem Maximum mandatum in altera ‘Come brother we must unshackle our chain Satanas somno suo And together make a united band. Et revelata est consilium rudis quidem fingunt For kingship of the Force I must co-opt "Veni, frater, oportet nos And disallow the Son’s claim. unshackle seriem Et simul a vinculo unitam 25. Simul enim regni viribus The Lord of the Force I’ll loyally worship, gerere oportet opt But this insult will not stand!’ Roared Bogan. Et statim dicunt Filium. XXV ‘For the Lord to be sunk into the flesh 'Vis ego Dominus pie colunt Is aberrant, good order he does rip. Contumeliam, sed hoc non erit! 'Vocem Satan.Quia in carne I am spirit, and will not bend to man Domino deprimiAberrant est, To this insult my whole being does thresh! bonum non rip.Ego spiritum hominis et non flectetur Mark my words; from here I loosen His grip Ad hanc contumeliam facit totum And enact my own grand plan!’ area estVidete, meo; hinc solvere manu eius Et meam impleat propositum suum grand! XXVI 26. Verumtamen dico vobis consanguineos et exaudi me Now kinsmen hear me as I tell you more Tenebrae Satan erat nigra, non Dark Bogan was not always black evil. semper malum Arammi ante constitutionem Before the making of pure Arammi mundiQuod ipse erat Dominus He was the greatest thing the Lord did pour. effundam Ipsius splendore, magnifico et His being was shining, grand, and regal regioNouus additus terror cum And his mind was filled with shining esprit. mentis animum Sed et in iniquitatibus eius Yet, inequity was found in his core; Core;Miles tenetur in motu. A knight bound for upheaval. XXVII Quid tu sopore qua nuper 27. audita?Esne paratus pro ‘How can you sleep after what you’ve just heard? legibus massam corrumpit? Milites contra nostri, omnis Are you ready for a batch of new laws? ab aquilone Call all of our knights to meet in the north A primi certe gratior huius We’ll prime a welcome for this living word.’ verbi. Et multi venerunt ad eum fideli Many loyal to Bogan came to his cause causam suam One third of the ethereal plain came fourth. Et tertia ad aethereum campum quartus His shining being lured them like a herd, Sua abstractus splendorem Ready to fight the Lord’s clause. eorum sicut a bubus Domini ad pugnandum esset. 28. XXVII The Lord of the Force spoke to his glory Vis ad gloriam Dominus Heres virium mearum, speculum ‘Heir of my might, mirror of my splendor claritatis meae admitte We have a foe who erects his own throne Suam sedem habemus hostem erigendasIntendens autem Intending to equal Our deity. pares deus noster, He intends to wage war, this pretender Bellum intendit, hoc simulator Flagrantissimo animo ac mente With his shining mind and heart turned to stone. lapisAliquam tempus belli We must prepare for this war-time story parandaEt disperdet in verbo. XXIX And expel the offender’. Filius placido spectabilis 29. ore, constare sereno The Son, with calm aspect, serene and clear Obtulit vis ad Dominum Pater rides stupiditatem Offered reply to the Lord of the Force: Si qui oderunt me, et qui cum ‘Father, you laugh at their stupidity eo adlatrare Et cursus reprobum sensum Though they hate me, and my being they sneer apparet And we can see the vainness of their course Et si consilium divinitatis gloriam meam Their schemes will glory Our divinity Et ego conlidam in When I smash their plans, and him domineer, cogitationibus suis, et dominari eumIn quo princeps The leader of this black source’. huius nigrum '. 30. XXX Satan equites, quasi lactea Bogan’s knights, like a galaxy of stars stellisTravelled ad aquilonem Travelled northward to his shining palace. tectaLocum montis adamas cum turribusAedificavit quoque A place on a hill, with diamond towers est thronus altis aurea And a throne built upon golden pillars. fulcraEt ad aquilonem, et secuti borealis They followed northward the borealis Equidem Charting in tenebris Charting the lure of Bogan’s dark power, potestate Satanae And there they gathered like powerful czars Et congregati quasi potens Czars Their hearts filled with bold malice. Corda implevit cum invidia et audax.

XXXI 31. Vis canere Domino et munus Locutus est Dominus ad Satan Now playing the role of Lord of the Force sentimus eius Bogan spoke to his loyal followers. Imitans style ad Patrem Et locutus est ad eos et Imitating the style of the Father instare in cursu He spoke to them of their impending course: , Throni, dominationes, principatus et potestates ‘Thrones, Dominations, Princedom, and Powers Ne quid nominis dico, fratres? Do these titles mean anything brothers? Fons enim diximus novum Regem Nec potentia nostra! For we’ve a new King who is now the source XXXII Power no longer ours!’ Numquid non satis adoravit? An potius descendere in 32. genibus cur lactatus uberibus ‘Have you not had enough of bowing low? Quis non fueris amet! Nunc autem dicendum duplex Or would you rather get down on your knees? procumbens kowtow! You were never owned by anybody! Si quidem nos non adaequabitur Now we must three-fold bend down and kowtow! ei liberos; Hoc nunc novi regis parody! Though not all equal indeed we were free! Illarum, et non proficient With this new King we are now parody! trahimus hanc potestatem? Occupandam throno patris! We lead, not serve, this power we must throw! XXXIII The Father’s throne we must seize!’ Semel auditis sermonibus stella clarissima 33. Vis vocavit Dominus ducem Hearing the words of his once brightest star 'Lucas, mea summa militiae principem The Lord of the Force called his general, Deduc me in terram copiis, longe ‘Luke, my highest soldierly principal Et ne contemnendum putes hoc Lead my multitude into lands afar aduenienti Circumda esse in dolore et And prevent the advance of this rebel. miserabilis Wrap his being in pain miserable, Mar milites dividere copias Fac periculum comprehendere Divide his forces and his soldiers mar eum. Make him fathom his peril.’ XXXIV Satanam sedentem in medio 34. legionis Bogan sat central amongst his legion Currus Dei quasi verticem Et, equites aureos, spathis Atop a chariot like he was God. Caesorum capere fructus Surrounded by knights with golden sabers, maiestatis eius Luke contempta est Satan a Planning to grasp the fruits of his treason. facie Domini et revereantur, Luke despised the sight of Bogan so awed Dum stabat trans homines iugera. While his men stood across many acres. Satan dicitur, "Hic 'a Domino' Bogan called ‘Here “Lord” we stand for freedom!’ pro libertate nos!" Cum his non consentiunt omnes While his knights all did applaud. equites. 35. XXXV The ethereal plain grew dark and intense Aethereum campum tenebris iam et uehementi A visible sign of the Lord’s anger. Signum visibile furoris Domini The Lord’s wrath lit with a blaring trumpet, Lit furoris Domini cum tubae sonare clangorem His knights gathered for the kingdom’s defense. Militibus pro defensione regni Bogan’s forces approached with loud clangor. sui. Cum magnis copiis ad Satan The ethereal plain now a dark tempest. clangor Hoping to unleash a surprise offense, Aethereum campum iam tenebris a tempestate Bogan met the Lord’s rancor. Spem sperans, ut devolvat in scandalum Satan obviam Domino quieverunt. XXXVI 36. Lucas ad Satan unde stulta es! Mittet Dominus super te posse Luke said to Bogan ‘How stupid you are! sine fine, equites The Lord could throw against you endless knights, Aut ne forte involvam te cum facili ictus Or even destroy you with one deft blow Videte autem milites, non But look to the Knights, you are not a star! stella! Tertio modo aliquis vocatus Only one third answered your call to fight est ad pugnam And when this is done you will be cast low Quo fit humilis mittemini Et defer in sempiternum scar And carry forever His ripping scar redimat While you tumble from your height!’ Cum temere de te altitudo! XXXVII 37. Ego confido responsum demus os ‘I’ll give bold answer mouthpiece of the Lord Domini, We used to have liberty and be free, Hanc libertatem habere liberum Sed prona potius sicut But you would rather grovel like a slave servus, And sing the praises of the Son’s accord. Et laudes pro filio Sto libertatis et Pax I stand for freedom and democracy! Dominus Filius in sepulcro This Lord’s Son places freedom in the grave’. ponit haec libertas '. Ergo tyrannum ut abire ‘Then go be a despot in Hell!’ Luke roared, infernus Luke rugiet ‘I’ll worship he who’s worthy!’ 'Ego qui cultum dignum! XXXVIII 38. Cum huiusmodi violentiae, quod With that such violence erupted o'er, per leges, Maxime in historia proelio The greatest battle in all history. Mundus Concutiens alto ad Core Shaking the universe at its deep core Geret in testimonium ornamentis paradisi Tearing the splendours of paradise bare. Quod Dominus pugnaverit cum The Lord’s knights fought with valiant chivalry fortissimis militibus militiae With great acts of boldness gave Bogan war, In audaciis autem et Satanas And pushed Bogan to the edge of despair in magno bello Seeing clear their victory. Et Satan impulit ad in ore desperationis 39. Cum manifesta victoriae. Yet Bogan’s forces fought back for two days XXXIX Per biduum tamen Satanae When the Lord ordered Luke from triumph’s brink. viribus pugnatum ‘My Beloved Son, this third day is yours Luke praecepit Dominus, cum de triumpho ripæ'Filius meus Bring this war to end in a Kingly blaze. dilectus in hac tertia die tua Go with all my power, this evil sink. Perduc ad bellum finire in Chase them to Hell where they’ll crawl on all fours regiam conflagrasse Vade in manu mea malum concidat Take my chariot and let them amaze Dissipa erunt in inferno, ubi While away they try to slink.’ pectus quadrupes graditur Stupet illi accipe currus, 40. Dum conantur et pectus’ The Son arose from the right-sided throne, XL Filius a dextris, surrexit de And mounted the chariot of the Lord. solio erant, Revealing His strength as the Alpha Male Currus Dei sedens Mail portabat eum radiant Reflecting the light of the Lord he shone. Dum lucem Domini apparuit Unsheathing the might of The Truth’s light-sword Unsheathing lux veritatis in virtute gladii, The knights of light first saw him and did hail, Equites primum lucem vidit, et While the enemy’s might cried and bemoaned fecit, et grando, Et exclamavit in fortitudine, As he rode into their horde. et moverunt hostem Ut quosque advectus erat in turba. XLI 41. Fixum est quod locutus sum et in omnibus fracta With His spoken word all broken was fixed Decus et reversus est ad Beauty returned to the ethereal plain. aethereum campum Explicat de inimicis suis, His enemies unwound, lost all reason omnem causamDomine Fili cum While the Son of the Lord stood in their midst. staret in medio eorumSibi nequiquam arma sua They raised up their arms against him in vain; ffoderuntEt crediderunt vere They truly believed they’d win their treason, vincere vellem maiestatis suae Sed, ut aiunt, totum in Filio But the might of the Son wholly eclipsed Satan proditorie fuit. Bogan’s treasonous campaign. XLII Gravate milites suos ad bellum 42. versa est in Filio, Pausing the war the Son turned to His knights, His jam fidelem Domino requievitNon solum erit poena ‘Those faithful to the Lord can now take rest eorum, apprehendentes I alone will handle their punishment. Cum potestate audiant, Since power they heed, I’ll show them my might. ostendam eis manum meam et virtutemQuia scio quod me They hate me for they know I am their best. optimeAd eas ego non dicam, do To them I’ll not explain, give banishment. exiliumFortitudo mea et disrumpam eos de suorum My power will tear them from their false heights, verticemCum hic finis est niger While here I end their black quest’. eorum investigatione. XLIII 43. Tunc facies eius furore Then on his face came a terrible rage terribiliEt cum decem milibus sagittis, corda transfixerunt And with ten-thousand arrows, pierced their hearts. His intra certos ictus sonitu His thunderous sting fixed inside their souls, eorumEt perdidit omnes nervi ad Bogan’s men lost all nerve for war to wage. Satan bellum gerere Omissis armis artium studiis They dropped the weapons of their wicked arts suis pessimisAmittit et And lost all sense of their might and control virtute et potestateEt versa est in fugam, a Filio LIBERO And turned to flee, from the Son disengage Et scidit vestimenta sua, et As He tore their ranks apart. absque ordinibus. XLIV 44. Et ascendit super scuta et He rode over their shields, helmets, and heads galeas, et capita, Et de eius oculos iecit ignis And from His bright eyes shot deadly fire. mortiferum, He chased them like a herd of frightened nerfs. Et persecutus est eos sicut gregem hominum trepidantium Away from the Son they desperately sped nerfsA filio autem maxime To the plane’s wall they flew as a choir. saepeSubito ad murum plano choriSemper autem dicatur quod Now ever labeled as His worthless serfs, eius servi inutiles Yet ‘fore them opened a gate filled with dread; Et tremunt eos implevit cum timore aperuit ianuam A portal black and dire. A ianua nigra et dura. 45. XLV The rebel knights ran headlong, horrified Ordo Draconis et praeceps ibam, pavoreSicut in hoc capite, et As they headed toward this chasm’s maw, firmatum est ventriculum But more scared they were of He who gave chase Sed vix erant, et qui nsequiturSuis exilierunt in They leapt into the blackness, terrified. procella conterriti They tumbled through despair’s sickening yaw Et ceciderunt per desperationem, est sensus A ruinous fall through the dark of space. MajestatiIn ruinam collium For nine days the fell landing petrified per opaca locorum Novem et cecidit ad portum Wrapped in their pain which did gnaw. defixit Involvit in eorum poena, qui non comedunt. XLVI 46. Semper autem in malo conclususSuper plano Forever now enclosed in misery aetheriali et conclusit eos Above them shut the ethereal plane. Vis ad Dominum conversus Reversus est ad sedem Filii Turning His face to the Lord of the Force eius pacifice The Son returned to his throne peacefully, 'Ego et Pater omnium, qui est profanis direptis ‘Father I have sacked all that is profane Et tam feroces, in tenebris And have flushed the well of blackness’ source.’ 'fons'Sedere ad dextram palmae Dominus regnavit virtus. Sitting on the Right Hand in victory XLVII The Lord of the Force does reign. "Quod est ante finem fabulae In spirituali, uictoriam 47. Mox adit et dies pleni That is the end of my tale before time, Si autem et Satanas in tenebris nigrum malum, et In the spiritual realm, victory won; subvertunt Yet, soon approaches the fullness of days Et nimiam caritatem suam, Where He will subvert dark Bogan’s black crimes coepit novitati Ibi erit sinister Satana And with his great love, a new age begun error perforabit Where He’ll pierce the left-hand of Bogan’s maze Et in media plaga carne sublimiusEt ego sciunt And there at centre defeat flesh sublime, StellaCorvus Filium. " And StarCrow will know the Son.” XLVIII Cum eius filia perficere 48. fabula disparuit With her tale complete the servant vanished Et venit ad Salomonem et cognatione eius Seth As Solomon and his kin came to Seth. Et descendit in atmosphaera The ship descended through the atmosphere navem,Et deposuit causando aggerem in doloreExierunt And lowered the ramp causing great anguish. autem videre navem eorum, Exiting the ship they could see their breath, Sethan opprobrium ferre, dum ipsi fecerunt, et quern While endure they did Sethan taunts and sneers. Hic ubi omnium bonorum Here was a world where all good was banished, relegatus fuitEt in aere sicut odor mortis in mortem. And the air did smell of death. XLIX 49. Omnipotens sermo de caelo The almighty Word leaped out of heaven, A regalibus sedibus, durus debellator in From thy royal throne, a fierce man of war, In ut occiderent atque delerent Into the land of death and destruction. terramIbi subduci iussit, ut malefactores Filius suosque The Son and his kin were hauled as felons, Enascentia vias populus, Lining the streets the people threw and swore miserunt, et iuraverunt Postquam autem venerunt ad As they came to the maze for instruction. erudiendum error Standing ‘fore the maze of Armageddon Stantem 'Quare error Hermagedon They faced a left and right door. Et facies ad ostium et ius 50. sinistram. L “Be honoured Cathars, as you face your fate "Macte Cathari, ut fatum faciem Fame is yours if you last our Lord’s trial. tuam Tua gloria est, si ultimum I can feel the Force flowing through your veins, tentationis Domini Pick your entrance, right or left, then go straight. Per venas fluit me sentire vim Entranced tuas, dextram sive ad Be sure to use all your strength and your guile. sinistram et rectus Choose wisely from a plethora of lanes. Dolo et omni virtute sit amet Treasure and glory at centre awaits, Elige sapienter a plethora of vicis But avoid beings hostile” Et in medio gloriae exspectat thesaurum

Sed ne inimici hominis.” LI 51. Sic locutus est de ducem StellaCorvus Thusly spoke one of StarCrow’s generals Ad mille viros sacrificium To the fourteen men sent for sacrifice. Stare in vertice tempus error dracoHis quae in hoc ludicro Standing on a stage atop dragon maze "Audite me puppa et nos His forward performed in theatricals. dimittimus consilio Ego faxo et adaequabo deum “Heed me puppet, we’ll forgo your advice. vestras exquirere hostiles I’ll seek out your hostiles and then I’ll raze, Fortia facta mea, et in sermonibus tuis My doughty deeds will live in your annals Shay pecuniam domini tui.” And your Lord shay pay the price.” LII Confido autem verborum 52. Salomonis misit ad fortia The bold words voiced by Solomon the brave Timor magnus in omnes qui audierant in corde Struck terror in the hearts of all who heard. Neque enim aliquando ita Never once did a tribute speak so brash, loquitur de tributo temerarii His authority struck them like a wave Auctoritate percussit illos quasi fluctus And in Sethan heart deep hatred was stirred, Et altum in corde Sethan autem, For the heavenly realm had come to smash odium, Venit enim ad caelestis regni And sink converts of death into their graves conlident On the heels of His great words. Descendunt in mortem, et de proselytis eorum sepulchra 53. Ad pedes eius sermones. Then Solomon pierced the labyrinth’s threshold LIII Tunc vulneratus est limen And the Dragon’s stone-heart filled with deep dread. labyrinthum His entire being told him to flee Cor altum, implevit cum timore But to run would refute his godlike mold. et draco lapis Totum ei quod fugeret Then self-lies of godliness filled his head, Sed non currere adsimulat forma So he resolved to meet this mystery refellere Et sibi pietatis implevit And crush this insurgent who spoke so bold caput suum mendacium, Then joyously tear and shred. Statuitque ad hoc sacramentum Et conteram et rebellium, qui 54. ausus estEt gaudio, et pace Taking the left-handed path He entered destruam minimum. LIV The black stone walls of StarCrow’s labyrinth. Et ingressus iter in Great was the height and width of the bulwarks, sinistra manu tenens, Nigrum lapidis murum Preceding fourth his being he centered. StellaCorvus in labyrinthum Descending the depths where good was absent, Ingens latitudinem altitudo murorumQuarta autem est circa Yet before him laid something white and stark; praecedentes eius A misty white line about him tethered, Descendit ad inferos, ubi non A strange and divine fabric. erat bonumEt posuit coram eo, et nudam albumNebulosum 55. candidum linea ligatum ad eum Again appeared the angelic daughter A fabrica mira et divina. LV To guide Solomon to the dragon’s den. Et filia, rursus apparuit “Follow this line O Solomon the Brave, angelisAd dirigendos Salomon ad draconis speluncam"Sequere hac This white glowing mist that flows like water tu quoque fortis,Hic candida Will bring you to the lair of the heathen sicut aqua fluat ut ros candentisOstendam vobis Where the Lord of All shall force a conclave gentibus habitaculum And dragon-eyes will behold life’s author, Ubi locutus est Dominus omnium vim conclave The salvation of all men”. Et ecce draco oculos, auctor vitae,Ad salutem omnium hominum.” LVI 56. Iugulati praecisum de ipso Divino fabrica Wrapping about Him the divine fabric Statuit clavibus reserare Laid down as a key to unlock madness, furorSalomon autem eduxit populum suum, et secuti sunt Solomon led His kinsmen, then followed Filia filum labyrinthum in The servant’s thread into labyrinth manic. manicTenentes in manibus suis, et in tenebris trekked Holding their hands they trekked into darkness Per singulos gradus ducens ad With each step leading to being swallowed. absorberiDe se non agitare conatiImposita est malitia. About themselves they tried not to panic LVII Being imposed with malice. Cacophonous ululatusque in tenebris ludebantOdium 57. suscitat rixas et quamvis Cacophonous howls echoed through the dark; tetrico tristior cum clamore monstruosisEt feram grunts Monstrous cries laced with hatred and strife. snarls de Nephilim,Left The grunts and snarls of the wild Nephilim Salomonis cum metu et fratres Left Solomon’s brothers with fright so stark. mmaeCongregati sunt, quasi per sceptrum vitaeHaesit in They gathered ‘round him like the staff of life, corpore tam tristi metuBonum And clung to his body with fear so grim. recipiens et quoque arca,Armatura innocentis Good Solomon their impervious ark, vitae. Armour of innocent life. LVIII Umquam appropinquasset prope 58. ad vox venatores,Salomon The sound of the hunters drew ever close conversus est ad fratres suos,"Sentire animos Wherein Solomon turned to his brothers, sociorum nolite timere “Feel my courage comrades, be not afraid Percutiat castra impiorum, quoniam haec ".Et venit unus de For I shall defeat this ungodly host”. manu Circumvectus monstra Rounding the bend came one of the monsters, Colossus creatura, est a legioStantes duodecim pedum cum A giant creature, alone a brigade; magna gloria cornuaSquamis Standing twelve foot high with large horns to boast lucida veste recincta. Draped in shining scales arrayed. LIX Dwarfing homines et extendit 59. alas suas,Large coriaceum Dwarfing the men he extended his wings, praefixa flaps in tribus unguibusTruci aspectu et Immense leathery flaps tipped in three claws. magno ululate, dimisit Then with fierce aspect let loose a great howl, Et pertingens in potentia, ut aures virorum,Et exsiliens Piercing in might, making the men’s ears ring. audax Filius tenens teneat de Leaping bold the Son grabbed hold of its jaws ore eiusEt cum potens in verbis et percusserunt ambo And with mighty slaps struck both of its jowls. armumGigantes autem stabant The Nephilim stood stunned, feeling the sting stupefacti, sentiens stimulumEt constiterunt enim And for moments all froze paused. momento omne tortor. 60. LX The dragon-man’s eyes rolled back in his head Revolvit oculi in capite draconis,Et Filio, et dimisit And the Son-of-Suns released His great grip soles manu eiusUbi monstrum Where slowly the monster tipped like a tree, apice sensim quasi lignum Solum mortuus erat et cecidit And fell to the floor like he was stone-dead. ad lapidem “Not dead, but merely his consciousness stripped. "Non est mortua, sed conscientia maculosa In stasis I’ve placed this dark devotee. In quo positus sum ego Come Amon and brothers, let’s press ahead; tenebris studio habitus Amon autem et fratres veni, et Roam through this dark craftsmanship.” ante s Press, Et transibit per hanc artem tenebris.” LXI 61. Et factum est in quarto exululata profunditas Again came howls pouring fourth from the depth effundensPlus tamen hominum, Still more Nephilim came hunting the men. dicentes venit in venatione Odor aera sublatus est de ore The smell from their mouths wafted through the air eorumNavigavit in calidum Stunk of rotten flesh and sailed on hot breath. putrida desit carnis et spiritusSed est adhuc Yet the men still pressed to the dragon’s den instaret, ad speluncam Imagining the horrors of his lair. draconis,Existimans horrendum Yet more sure they were in eschewing death, in cubili suoEt curiosius agite, et in morte refugiendi Being led by Solomon. A quo per Salomonem. 62. LXII Gigantes autem e duobus magis Two more Nephilim emerged from the dank umidaEt foris de manu proximi Flanking the band from the face and the back. Ieiunium currit et ad duo puncto morata Pausing a moment the two then fast sped, "Procidere" inquit Salomon, “Duck”, cried Solomon, to their knees they sank. descenderunt ad genua Fortis in armis Caesareis vim Strong with the Force, He unleashed His attack, et impetum egredietur Being raised aloft the monsters felt dread, Alte sublatum monstra formidabantCum brutis ad Then smashing the brutes with a Force-filled yank exterminandum, vi implevit yank They crashed with a mighty crack. Et cum magna strage crack. LXIII 63. DELIQUATITUDO conscientiam Dropping unconscious onto the tributes super tributa Scaled bodies collapsed onto prostrate sons. Corruit in faciem suam super filios corpora Scaled Then digging themselves from under great heft, Et foderunt sibi sub magno Solomon led them on, seeing the route. iactumSalomon autem duxerunt eum in, cum in itinere"Viri “Brothers pound the walls, they are now our drums! fratres contundi moenia nostra Let the fiend take fright of heroic zest! sunt tympanaEt pestis et perterriti ingens cupido Hark! Listen now to the scattering brutes, Heus! Audite nunc in brutis Together roar as they run!” spargensUna rugiet ut fugeret!” 64. LXIV And with mighty voice the Cathar did roar Et voce magna et dedit vocem Their manly thunder echoed through the halls, Cathar Et viriliter tonitruum sonat And reply they received from the false god in aedibus Matching their zeal with his own call to war. Et responsum acceperat a falso DeiQuorum studium belli “I hope your power match your brazen gall vocationem suam To think you can come in here and maraud "Spero te posse aequare felle aereusOpinari venias huc Come closer Cathar, you will be no more maraudAccede Cathar eris Come and snake through my black walls!” ampliusVenite, et per nigrum draco moenibus!” 65. LXV And forward they pressed through the Dragon’s lair Et per turmas irruerent in cubili DraconisUn a gigas Un-Assailed by the giant Nephilim. gigantes, quernFilo albo The servant’s white string brought them to the end filiae adduxit illos usque in Where they came upon StarCrow the nightmare. finemUbi autem venit super StellaCorvus tantibus. About his den were lit torches, yet dim, De cubili suo, et facibus And the dragon from his throne did descend. accensis caligavit Et adoraverunt draconem quia He hailed the tributes with a mighty flare, descendit de throno Fire, which could kill at whim. Domestica tributa forti excandescunt, Ignis, quod ad arbitrium possit occidere. LXVI 66. "Non multum expectant te ad devorandum “I cannot wait to devour you lot Sed antequam testes mihi opus But before I do I need to witness Qualis me provocare ausus Scientes enim tactuque meum What sort of being would dare challenge me, impetumInsulsissimus est Knowing the deadliness of my onslaught? homo, nisi apud me, Credere hyperbole virtus mea? Is the man before me simply witless, Credit se posse delere mea? Believing my power hyperbole? Cogito sumere aut dimittere?” LXVII Does he believe my power he can blot? StellaCorvus stetit in altum Or think I’ll grant forgiveness?” editas Deinde expansis alis ad 67. ducentos pedes eius StarCrow stood to his towering full height Et in aere ille cecinit ignis Two hundred feet high then outstretched his wings. mortiferum "Veni mecum et extasi in oculis Again he blew up his deadly fire, meis “Come gaze upon me and awe at my might. Sentio magna metus nunc flecto genua vestro I feel your great fear, now kneel to your king. Respice in me, scalis veste Gaze at my dazzling scaled attire. fulgenti Et salus erit timentibus Deum It is wise to fear your God with such fright, tanto pavoreEgo sum, omne I am He, your everything!” tuum!” LXVIII 68. Et illi retro secus Filius And cowered they did behind the Sun’s Son, SolisFratres quoque eorum Solomon’s brothers lost all their good sense. amissam bonam Parati erant pro sui Unprepared they were for StarCrow’s great size, magnitudine StellaCorvus They trembled before this god-like shogun. Et contremuit terra a facie Dei, sicut hoc Shogun The maze’s centre, profound and immense Error est, centrum est, Its dimensions designed to terrorize. profunda et immensa Ad terrorem suum They felt like insects, and hope they had none; modum,Putabant ut educerent The fear they felt was intense. sciniphes, et spem non habentes sintSensi timore 69. magno. They began to doubt their brother’s bold claims LXIX Audacia fratris petat Facing the vastness of StarCrow’s grandeur. dubitaverintMagnitudo 's In their hearts they pondered his bizarre words, magnitudinem adverso StellaCorvusProdigiosum verba Was their brother Solomon playing games? haec conferens in corde suo Was he a fraudster, a mad raconteur? Ludos et Salomonem fratrem suum?Qui erat a fraudster, Did he fool them with tales fit for the birds? raconteur insanus? Is ‘ridiculous’ now all of their names? Nonne fatuus fit pro illis Is their state now ever poor? apud tales aves? Is 'Ridiculum autem omnia 70. nomina? Slowly they backed away from their brother Status illorum hactenus unquam egenis. Leaving Solomon to remain alone. LXX Then with calm aspect the Lord’s living word Subnixum a fratre suo gradu Inde quoque est, solus Approached the villain: the contrived other, manere,Placido sermone Domini “Oh how you’ve changed into something unknown et vivamFiend accessit: in aliis innexa"O te convertitur in Your true shining being I much preferred. aliquid ignotum But here you sit, in your own sins smothered Tua, quod ego magis praeferenda est verum lumen Since the Lord you did disown. Hic sedetis in oppressos peccatorum Et quia Dominus non te negabo”. LXXI "Et fidem tradidit enim 71. midichlorians In utero matris tuae I gave the midichlorians sanction benedicereSed et pater vester To bless your being in your mother’s womb, pervertere Qui conversus est ad mentis But you were perverted by your father interitum wonton Who turned your mind to wonton destruction. Te nocte videbam patris tui locus I watched you that night in your father’s room Cum teipsum in occisionem When you gave yourself over to slaughter. Vendere animam tuam, et sanctificatio, Selling your soul and sanctification Ad Satan amantem Parcae.” To Bogan, lover of doom.” LXXII In Apocalypsi, Filius 72. StellaCorvus risit StarCrow laughed at the Son’s revelation. "Veneficus A peritus in viis Zhellmok “A wizard versed in the ways of Zhellmok Posset arte penetralia Could with skill fathom the depths of the past, praeterita And with knowledge yield a true narration. Narratio vera scientia et cedere. Or with other spirits did you unlock? Aut cum aliis spiritibus, The darkside can harvest deep riddles vast. sicut vos recludam? Et replesti in altum vasto Are you here as Typhogem’s elation? Darkside potest messem I have my doubts of your cast.” Numquid hic est Graush laetitia? 73. Dubito vestrorum misit.” “A house divided cannot stand mighty. LXXIII "A dividatur non potest stare I tent here before you the Son of Suns. domum fortium I know about your bornless ritual, Ego hic apud vos in tabernacula Filius Soles I have been sent to bring down the haughty. Scio te bornless ritual I come to rescue the innocent ones, Ego autem missus sum ad excelsos humiliabis To halt your infanticide, criminal. Veni ad liberandum innocentibus Behold StarCrow, you see the almighty! Consistunt tua, infanticidii, criminal The Lord of the Force has come! Ecce StellaCorvus, tu 74. omnipotens! But while He revealed the Dragon’s secrets Vis Dominus venit!” LXXIV Of when he was a man and not a beast, Sed et revelata sunt secreta Solomon began to slowly make small DraconisQuando non erat homo et iumentumCoepit ad tardius ad The majesty of His force-filled spirit. minoremMaiestatem vi repletus His Godly being He gently decreased spirituDecrescebat leviter et ex sua reverentia His weakness would usher StarCrow’s downfall. Se adducturum StellaCorvus He hid His Force beneath mystic deepness, infirmitatem eius in ruinam Et abscondit altitudinem suam The first now stood as the least. sub mystico 75. Uno modo, ut minimum stetit. LXXV Solomon poured out all of his power, Salomon autem virtutis suæ And the fiend’s eyes widened sensing weakness. confunditOculi sentire nefas est, et dilatata infirmitatem “You are but a fraud, a poor magician. "Tu autem in fraudem, et I falsely believed your strength did tower, pauper, et magos, Dixisse credidit et But here all I sense is your stark bleakness. fortitudine faciebat turrim, Now I laugh at your bold exhibition. Sed hic sensus non est summae My judgement made, you I will devour, bleaknessNunc rident Exhibitionem audacis Be one with my uniqueness!” Judicia mea fecerit consumam Cum una et unica mea!” LXXVI 76. Usura ad vim alte draco Surrexerunt Using the Force the Dragon rose aloft Qui audeat vindicare eum audet The bold Cathar who would dare challenge him. CatharAt ille levavit eum in excelsum cruciform And he raised Him up high in cruciform, Draco arridens ad ipsius The Dragon smiled, at His being he scoffed. subsannavit Et concurrerunt omnes Then all darkness rushed, palpable and grim, tenebrae, haec aperta et All the world’s brokenness charged like a storm. tristis Omnes mundi velut turbo And the Son absorbed, with being so soft contritione Before His presence did dim. Et totus Filius, cum sit mollisNon caligavit in 77. conspectu eius. Then with swift violence StarCrow devoured LXXVII Et comederunt cum rapido impetu Solomon, the Son of the Living Force. StellaCorvus His sharp teeth pierced true Solomon’s body, Salomon filius vivam There evil consumed, good overpowered. Dentes lancea Salomon verum corpusConsumatur malum est, The maw of StarCrow demolished life’s source bonum, opprimitur Soul from flesh StarCrow did disembody. Demolitus est fons vitae in ingluviem StellaCorvus Ingesting His Blood he felt empowered; Sicut anima a carne The Lord of All his main course. StellaCorvus disembody Ingesting sanguis sensit 78. datumDominus omnium principale At His violent death His brother’s did wail, cursus. LXXVIII “Indeed this must prove Solomon a fraud In violentam mortem fratris The Lord would not allow this dishonour. sui fecit ululate "Hoc est a fraus tentaret The lies of Solomon have been unveiled! Noluit Dominus contumeliam The might of StarCrow’s power ran roughshod, patiEt revelata sunt mendacium SalomonisFortitudo est And He led us as nerfs to the slaughter. virtus cucurrit domui Here now come StarCrow’s sons to have us jailed; StellaCorvusNerfs ad Indeed, StarCrow is a God!” occisionem ducetur et quasi imber nobis temporaneus 79. Hic nunc StellaCorvus filii Solomon’s twelve brothers, and Amon too clausa ad nosImmo, est a Deo StellaCorvus!” Were locked in cages for later sentence. LXXIX The Nephilim tossed and shook them about Duodecim fratres quoque, et quoque AmonPostea in caveis And the thirteen men were quickly subdued. clausa sunt pro sententia Shuttered behind bars and greatly menaced Iactatus commota est, et de Nephilim illisEt decem viri Eventual death their only way out. velocitate domuimus Mad Nephilim eyes they tried to eschew Post multum shuttered vectes et minaeSi casus ferat, alio Fearing the Dragon’s vengeance. modo ex morte eorum, 80. Gloria oculos Gigantes conatus ad cavendas “Oh Force almighty what power is this?!?” Timens iram Draconis. Cried StarCrow after he had devoured. LXXX "O Deus omnipotens Quis est “Perhaps more powerful than I had thought hic?"Clamavit StellaCorvus His blood churns within me, I feel amiss. postquam omederunt“Fortassis Indeed I’ve never felt so empowered! putaveram potiorFervescere faciet sanguinem suum in me, But this power leaves me greatly distraught. ut sentire male I must close my eyes, wakefulness dismiss, Sed Ive 'nunquam auditus est datumSed hoc non relinquit me Before I truly flounder.” turbata est valdeEgo claudere oculos vigilia dimittere Antequam vero volutatur.” LXXXI 81. Draconem per sanguinem in venas Dominus concursus The blood of the Lord rushed through dragon veins Et egredietur bellum Darkside And unleashed war on darkside sorcery. veneficia Solus Deus potuit habere Only the true God could hold such power huiusmodi potestatem, In a divine body and have no pains. Habent corporis doloribus divinitus Undoing un-natural forgery Un-dicundo falsum naturalis, The blood of the Son began to scour, Sanguis Filii carpere coepit And began to break bonds of darkside chains Et coepit solvere de vinculis Darkside Pressing His will forcefully. Et vi agente. 82 LXXXII Coiling se in magnam pyram Coiling himself into a spiraled pile Et cecidit in sopore a StarCrow collapsed into a great slumber. StellaCorvus In stomacho autem Within his stomach stirred Solomon’s form, concitaverunt forma Salomonis His body broken into separate isles. Et contriti sunt in corpore separata insulae Solomon’s ‘chlorians did outnumber, Salomonis, non excedunt And raged through StarCrow’s body like a storm. chlorians Et corpus ejus sicut procella Then slowly Solomon’s parts compiled desaevit per StellaCorvus For evil to encumber. Deinde sensim partes compilavit Salomonis 83 Nam mala impedire. When He was pierced between terrible teeth LXXXIII Cum dentibus atrocibus inter Solomon’s spirit parted His figure. perforatum And there He descended into the dead, Spiritus dividitur in figura The city of death, that place underneath. Salomonis Et descendit in mortuis Rending the gates He came to deliver Civitas mortem, quod est The departed Jedi with noble heads. inferius Solus Mnester cunctationem To the shadow land no longer bequeathed, portas venit liberare He rescued them, their saviour. Et abiit cum nobili Je'daii Non reliquit umbra terrae 84. Sua ipse redemit eos, et Rescuing the righteous from the shadows, salvator meus. LXXXIV He sent them to His heavenly Domain Eruens iustus est, ab And He opened forever His own gates umbris,Et mittens illos in caelesti Domain And wrapped them up in His divine logos. Aperuit portas eius in Then He returned to the physical plain saeculaEt involvit eos Dominus in Divino logos To bring together His broken estate. Tunc reversi sunt in regionem For Evil’s time had come to be disposed, corporis Ad quod unum frangitur et re To complete His end campaign. Mali enim venerant tempore 85. disponendum For three long days the white Dragon did sleep, Finis belli apparatu. LXXXV While in his being life moved and swirled. Dum tribus diebus somno albus Within his stomach reformed Solomon, draco Et cum in his sunt, et commota He had returned from that place of the deep. est anima terruerunt With His body anew came the new world. In stomacho autem Salomon reformariIam illinc abyssi His resurrection a new day now dawn; Cum corpore suo, venit, et nova Yet, before Him laid a climb very steep: de integroEt resurrectionem a prima die,Et posuit ante eum, Fullness of time unfurled. posuit in altissimis Plenitudo temporis eriguntur.

LXXXVI 86. Fit novus draco in ventre Coepit ascendere de fovea Being made anew in the beast’s belly Et ascendit in draconem longa, Solomon began to climb from the pit. tubo O praeclara agere Domini He then ascended the dragon’s long tube Potestas copiasque To enact the Lord’s splendid finale. praetermissurum Draco Dei esse nuda triplicata For power of the Force He would omit, Persisting sursum est draco The dragon laid bare by God’s being cubed. in angustiis Os draconis cacumen. Persisting upwards the dragon’s alley LXXXVII The dragon’s mouth His summit. Intra s Salomonis ungues vulnerasti draconem 87. Et ipse ascendit in gulam fugi Solomon’s claws pierced the dragon’s insides Et dolores arripuit, quasi de somno excitatus StellaCorvus As he ascended up the fiend’s gullet. Misit draco vicium volvens in The knife-like pains woke StarCrow from his sleep. latera ardua tinxit. The Dragon threw fits, rolling on his sides. Denique usque ad guttur draconis Finally reaching the dragon’s palate, StellaCorvus mugistis tunc StarCrow bellowed then folded in a heap. involvit in a fluens Tunc vehementer dividere fecit Then with great Force his mouth He did divide, os And flew free from the culprit. Et volavit ab iisque. LXXXVIII 88. Plenus gratia et veritate, et Full of truth and grace He landed softly, in terram demisso Draconis et ad dominum And called to the master of the dragon. "Audite audientes me homicida “Heed me, murderer from the beginning, erat ab initio Me servum tuum et discernere Watch me as I sever your slave calmly. Vigilate animo Watch as he bows before this great lion Videte, ut hoc sibi curvatur ante leo And justice is served for his vast sinning. Et servivit pro magna iustitia As promised I will destroy the haughty. est peccatum Witness now as this happens.” Sicut locutus est superba perdam 89. Teste ut hoc nunc accidit”. Thusly spoke Solomon to black Bogan LXXXIX Sic ei locutus est ad Satan And the first rebel was compelled to heed. atro Then showing himself next to the white fiend Et rebellis fuit, ut in primo videte, He obeyed the call, being the Lord’s pawn. Et deinde ostendit se ut est “Do not think for a moment that I’ll plead, albus fiend Paret vocationem esset miles I revel in my state of unredeemed. Domini My only craving to tear down your spawn. "Ne putes quod ego disputem Ego ludere in statu unredeemed I oppose His spoken creed”. Tantum ad lacerandum Mei 90. desiderium vestrum spawn Et locutus sum contra fidem ". “I know the iniquities of your heart. XC I know also in solitude you weep. "Scio peccata vestra Scio fles in solitudine You I shall handle when I come again, Et íterum ventúrus est cum eum But for now I shall tear your fiend apart. tractabo Look to my actions, this is what you’ll reap Nunc autem sine pestis tua lacerabis As I divorce flesh from dark Force profane Implevit opere sic youll metet And chain up the results of your black art, Sicut dimittere et de carnibus atra vim profana Then bury you in the deep.” Et exitus tuus et quasi artem Et absconde te in altum.”

XCI 91. Sed sensus ille in dolore, in draco Surrexerunt Though in pain he did writhe, the Dragon rose, Et solidae super Cathar. And again towered over the Cathar. "Nescio cur et superstitem te relinquoSed ut plene “Know not how or why you are still alive, recuperavit sum a dolor "Cum But I’ve fully recovered from my throes.” intenti, conspuitionibus et ignis in charAuferre molitur Then spitting fire with intent to char SalomonisTunc mens caeca Solomon’s life he struggled to deprive. conabatur illudere Clamans voce magna, "ego sum And then his dark mind he tried to impose stella mortis!" Shrieking loud “I am Death’s Star!” XCII Salomon autem lente igni 92. Et elevans eam StellaCorvus Solomon calmly absorbed his fire est animo miserabile, iaculum. Et congregavit virtutem, et And waved off StarCrow’s pitiful mind-maul. altum Diving Then diving deep he gathered his power Et impetum eius egredietur de And unleashed his attack on the liar. mendax Et StellaCorvus fixus in He pinned StarCrow against the labyrinth wall pariete, labyrinthum And bound him in a light-wall to scour. Et vinxit eum in lucem rariores murum He began to cleanse all that was dire Et omne quod erat dire coepit While StarCrow did lightly bawl. purgare, Cum enim leve StellaCorvus 93. strepant. “I rebuke thee by my powerful name! XCIII "Non arguet te in nomine meo, Shudder, tremble, and be greatly afraid! potens!Obstupescite Be banished, destroyed from all creation, parturientium contremiscant, et metuebant nimis!Exulabit I am He, Lord of the Force I proclaim! conticuit omnis creaturae I ever rescind your Force to the shade! Ego sum Dominus praedico vis! Umquam rescindi ad exercitum Your power gone, lurch in your truncation! sine fuco!Profectus in Bogan’s influence I send to the flame! virtute tua, titubo in truncation!Mittoque nunc Now complete is my crusade.” legationem ad potentiam 94. Satanae flammaPeregrinus Severed from the Force the Dragon collapsed impletum est.” XCIV And cried out to Solomon thereupon. Draco virtutem suam et “All has fallen silent, what have you done? recessit a corruit Et clamaverunt ad Salomonem I can barely stand, my body is taxed! super"Omnia tacuerunt quid The music of the universe is gone! fecisti sors turpissima? Ego vix potest resistere, The Force is silent, the Force I have none! corpus meum est: tributum? All my wisdom and intelligence lapsed! Musicam mundo exisse! Tacet vis, vis habeo! Truly my strength is withdrawn!” Omnis sapientia et 95. intelligentia est lapsus! Vere mei recessit robur!” Then the wretched beast wept ever deeply XCV Knowing his judgment had finally come. Flevit, et semper, maxime pecus, miseraeScientes quod “I hate you and all your authority! tandem iudicium suum"Odi et You have emptied my power completely.” omnis globus tuus auctoritateTu meo vacuus “Silence StarCrow, bend to me and be mum, omnino. ""Silentium And know the Lord’s superiority. StellaCorvus, tendunt ad me, et You shall be chained in your being meekly, sit mumEt scietis quia ego Dominus superante To sit unto death as dumb.” Et esto quod sit in vinculis Ut sit quasi mutus, in mortem.”

XCVI 96. Digiti crepantis Salomon per metumAlbus draco in vertice By snapping his fingers Solomon cowed montis de longe The white dragon into a deep slumber. Et ipse sedebat in mediantibus Et congregavit omnem populum in Then He Himself sat in mediation metallum And gathered all metal into a crowd. Et fit caligo Catenas numero plures links He formed thick chains many links in number Et abominatio facta est And secured up the abomination: consecutus: Mighty Force-filled chains which were well endowed, Magna vis eorum catenis quas plenis habearis Thick in size and dark umber. Tenebrae et caligo in 97. magnitudine Humbre. XCVII The cages now chains, the captives he freed. Et vinctum caveis et nunc, et in He then called to Amon and His brothers. captivitate liberari Et maneat apud Amon uocatisque “Come gather ‘round me, and be not afraid, fratribus But tell me true, do you love me indeed?” "Veni colligere ad me, et nolite timere Amon said, “I love you as the father.” Sed dic mihi valde enim amas me? " “Then feed my nerfs, and do not be dismayed. Amon inquit, "te amo ut patrem ' When I leave, Amon, you shall take the lead, "Nerfs et pascam, nec quidquam paveas. You shall gather all others.” Cum ego egrederer, Amon et 98. plumbum Et congregabo omnes.” “Look here my brothers, the beast I have chained. XCVIII Let’s pull him together out of the maze, "Ecce, fratres, ego vinctus bestiam And take the truth of our deeds to the world”. Sit error extrahet illum de Then towing the great chain the men then strained, Tolletisque factis veritas mundo ". And hauled the fiend from the walls of the haze. Et catenam magnam in towing est Even the Nephilim followed unfurled, accersitum homines Et traxit ex muris Aquiloniae Peaceably they trailed, no longer constrained, ea pestis obducto Keen to follow the Sun’s rays. Et secuti sunt Nephilim unfurled 99. Imis in pace, non coactus The men then exited the labyrinth’s mouth Sequere istum solem radiis Following again the servant’s white line. studiosa. XCIX Then carting the fiend to the Sethan square Tunc exiit de ore hominum, in Once bold Sethan jeers now fell as a drouth. labyrinthum Deinde iterum filiae linea alba No longer did they taunt, or with slights chime Et pestis et bladum ad Faced with His majesty they did not dare. quadratum Sethan Cum audace Sethan ludibriis Facing the truth that their god was a louse, irruit a exardesceret Witnessing truth divine. Nec iam plerisque, aut iniurias significari SUCCINO 100. Non ausus cum sua maiestate “Your god is a fraud, see him here captive. Contra vero, quod Deus fuit pediculus He is bound by me, humiliated. Testimonio veritatis divinae. Watch as I now parade him through the streets. C "Deus tuus fraude captus videre Look, not powerful, but weak and passive. eumTenetur me humiliatus I have him chained, and his fate is slated, Videte nunc quod per vicos pompam Ecce potens, sed passivum Yet fear me not Sethans, I come in peace. infirmiEt alligavit eum et My burden is light and not combative fatum niteris You are free, liberated.” Sed non Sethans timeant me, et revertar in pace Pugnax et onus meum leve est Liber sit liberatus.” CI 101. Et locutus est ad Salomonem in congregata turba, So Solomon spoke to the gathered crowd, Sed tamen sunt duae magni Yet still staggered they were of His great deed. operis sui Tunc reliquit post bestiam Then taking the beast He left them behind. Et tamen Sethans, exitus The Sethans still, His exit they allowed. eius dimiserunt. Et abiit ad navalia, fugi loading To the shipyards He went, loading the fiend. Hinc ad navis, et ad aligned Nav Seizing a flagship, the nav He aligned. Et venientem in nubibus volantem in astutia Then flying the craft into coming clouds, Ad celeritatem Cathar fecit. Home to Cathar He did speed. CII Classical cecidit ad latus 102. versus hyperspace Blues lines of hyperspace fell to the side, Et inde in navicula in terram Cathar in campestribus And He set the ship down on Cathar’s plains. Compositis deinde ad eius Settling next to His family’s homestead familia in tectaArammi abiit ad Arammi ran to Him, leading His pride. eum, et superbia, ducit Bracchia tum flebat involutum She then wept in His arms, wrapped in her pains. doloribusEt aruit cor est He tenderly dried the full tears she shed. plena lacrymarum "Ecce ego bona mater sum vivens. “Good mother here I am, I am alive. Videte quod ego destruam fugi Watch as I pull the fiend’s chains.” vincula.” CIII 103. Venter qui trahuntur ex nave ad From the ship’s belly He hauled fourth the beast quartam bestiam StellaCorvus victus deinde fixa And fixed beat StarCrow next to his home. est in domum suam Then sitting ‘fore him in meditation Et sedens in meditatione ante eumSuam posuit catenas He laid out his chains: north, west, south, and east. aquilonem, occidens, meridies, Then with the Force, buried them in deep stone, et ad orientalem plagam Piercing them full to Cathar’s foundation. Et potentia, et sepelierunt eum in altum lapidem, The last shall be first, the first shall be least Et pertingens usque ad plenum Forever chained ‘neath the dome. fundamentum Cathar Et erunt novissimi primi, et 104. primi quidem “Here you are fixed until the day you die.” In vinculis sub firmamento. CIV Solomon declared to StarCrow in chains. "Haec tibi certos diem “You shall fail of starvation, all alone. moriamini"Ut dicit Salomon in Indeed StarCrow, you should weep, you should cry. vinculis StellaCorvus "Defeceritis fame solus Your soul will then go to the pit of pains, StellaCorvus quidem, ut flere, But for now to Cathar you are yet sewn. vos clamabitisDeinde corruptioni anima vestra You will then grow thin, your flesh ossify, dolorumSed iam ad te, sed While the birds eat your remains” consuta CatharEt tunc marcescet carnis immotosEt 105. reliquias tuas volatilibus.” A majestic feast was called by the chief: CV Magnum convivium vocatus A great banquet in Solomon’s honour. princepsGrande convivium in They gathered together and danced and sang honorem Salomonis Et praecinebant mulieres Rejoicing in Solomon their relief. ludentes atque dicentes Then He said: “Come with me kin to ponder. convenerantSalomon autem gaudentes in ministerio. More things I have to show.” Then up he sprang. At ille ait: "Veni mecum agito With kin in tow, “Brothers I will be brief, consanguineum Ut doceam plura "Tum exilivit I will not stay much longer.” Cum stuppa propinquum: "Viri fratres breve faciam Diutius non maneret.” CVI 106. Egressus est ergo Salomon sollemnitatem perduxit Leaving the feast Solomon then guided Amon autem cognatio eius, et Amon and His kin to a near river. usque ad flumen, et ad "Amon et cognationem et venite ad “Amon and kin, come kneel in the water aquas, in atrio, To be cleansed by me, your souls ignited. Mundabuntur me ignitum animas vestras You are now the galaxies’ caregivers, Tu autem galaxies, caregivers Your place in my Kingdom held in honour. In honore tuo in regno meo Salvaret animas in aeternum Forever now you can heal souls blighted, esse non nunc urente And from evil deliver.” Et liberabit a malis.” CVII 107. "Illis qui venerunt ad te, et “With those that come to you, speak them these words: hæc loqueris ‘Father, Son, and Spirit, cleanse this servant, Pater, Filius et Spiritus sanctus, servus abluere You now belong to the Lord of the Force’. Nunc ad Dominum utuntur. Go fourth to all worlds, forwards and outwards. Ad quartum omnia saecula To the Light of the Lord be observant. priorem et Domine conserva in lucem From here we ever change history’s course, Hinc historiae mutare cursum Divorce blackness from the darkside’s cowards, in aeternum Divortium est nigredo ex Do so with a bold fervent.” Darkside timidis 108. Et cum audace mutuam do.” CVIII I will come again to judge just from unjust, Veniam hostique iustum ab I will separate the good from evil. iniusto Inter bonos et malos And rise up the righteous to my kingdom Consurget regnum et iusto And secure all those who in me do trust. In omnibus atque munitum me sperabuntEgo enim ex nubibus I’ll come from the clouds for the retrieval retrievalEt parere erit And my bearing shall be grand and fearsome. magnus, et horribilis All the unrighteous shall look on nonplussed, Videbunt omnes iniqui confutata Surrounded by upheaval. Inter hos tumultus. 109. CIX Adducam ad universum regni mei To the entire world I’ll bring my reign Mei autem regni non erit finis And my righteous kingdom shall have no end. iustum Verum et conjungere cum Truth shall conjoin with the material, materia, Heaven and earth shall exist in one plain. Caelum et terra sunt in unam Veni mecum, ut mihi tum Come with me now, it’s my time to transcend. transcendere Hark! Do you hear it! Music lyrical! Heus! Numquid non audistis? lyrical musica My time has come to enter my domain! Tempus meum prope est ut My time has come to ascend.” veniat mea praedia Tempus meum prope est, 110. ascendere.” Greeted by dawn’s brightly light they walked on, CX Luce clarius in luce ambulant Solomon guided them to Cathar’s hills in conclaveEt deduxit eos in Where they were met by departed Jedi, monte Solomon Cathar Mighty Force warriors from days bygone. Ubi occurrit nobis, et abiit Je'daiiMagna vis militum ab They greeted the Son, the source of all will retro diebus And still more came descending from the sky. Salutatio Filium voluntate unde omnisEt adhuc magis All gathering for the last denouement descendentem de caelo venit, When the air did lightly chill. Omnis colliguntur, quia in novissimis requiem Cum autem non levis auras, rigentibus.

CXI 111. Cum venissent autem in medio Together they eorum gathered, He in their Dixit "tu midst, testimonium perhibuisti He said “You have profundum witnessed something Plura tamen profound. audire te volui, Still a great many Et spiritus things you have to meus bonis learn perseverare Veni ad me, et So my virtuous spirit ad will persist. munitiones, Ruvian Come with me now to Et nolite the Ruvian mounds, timere And fear not my Euandro revertar. " parting, I will return.” Et ambulans Then walking into a in caligine collecting mist colligendis Surgit in He rose up into the nubibus. clouds.

The poem wasn’t very long.

By the time she was done it was three hours after midnight.

“So that’s what the other masters meant.” She said to herself

She resolved to do three things in the morning: ask Master Francis for his forgiveness for taking his book without his permission, question Master Francis more about Solomon and The Glorious Truth, and then request to be cleansed just as Solomon’s brothers were cleansed and live the rest of her days as a Solomonite.

Her thoughts then went back to the start of the book, which seemed so far away now, about Master Francis’s warnings from his introduction. She felt no different after reading the poem, and indeed felt more strengthened by the light than threated by the darkness. Still curious, she read the Bornless Ritual again then looked about her room half expecting to see if Bogan himself would materialize. He didn’t.

Inspired by the tale of Solomon, and tired, she extinguished her light and went to sleep.

And at that precise moment in another room across the monastery, the Abbot woke up with a start.


Master Francis awoke with the sun.

Dressing himself, he noticed out of the corner of his eye that a book was missing from his shelf. He read the two titles next to the gap.

‘The Godform.’ He paused and let out a concerned breath through his nostrils. ‘It could have been worse. But still! The nerve!’

He decided to forego his morning meditation and make his way straight to Rebecca’s room. Dawn’s light was filtering in as he opened his hermitage door, only to come upon Rebecca, her hand raised about to knock.

The two shared an awkward silence. Standing before her, examining her with hard eyes, he waited for her to speak.

Eyes to the floor she cast her body in deference.

“My truthful apologizes Master. I have come to return your book which I took dishonestly.” Bowing deeply she raised the book.

“I have dishonoured myself, you, and your trust in me.”

More awkward silence.

He gently took the book from her outstretched arms and tucked it into his robes. “Straighten yourself Rebecca, and eyes on me.”

She did as told.

“So you read it”

“I did.”


“And?...and…I read the bornless ritual… twice, and nothing happened, and I want you to cleanse me and make me a Solomonite.”

The last part gave him pause. He gathered his thoughts. ‘Nothing seemed to happen’ He said to himself.

“Well.” He turned his back to her, moved to his shelf, and replaced the book. He shuffled back to his room’s threshold.

“What’s done is done.” Breaking the space between them, he moved closer to her so he could close his hermitage door. She had to move so as not to be in his personal space.

“Walk with me to breakfast.” He said.

The two made their way down the hall.

“I am upset,” he started, “but your apology seems sincere. And you say you want to be a Solomonite. Hmmm, interesting.”

They crept closer to the hall. Rebecca thought it best to stay silent and only speak if the old man were to ask her something directly.

“But there is no time for that now. And the shuttle to Coruscant is leaving in an hour. And I have many more questions to ask you before I cleanse you. Do you have any questions for me?”

“Yes Master, many.”

“As I suspected.” They were about to come to the dining hall’s entrance.

“No. You shall not become a Solomonite now. But upon your return in a few days, when I have had some time to feel less betrayed, we may speak about such matters in earnest. Find me straight away when you come back. For now, stay and eat with the younger Jedi, and leave me alone to eat with the Masters.”

“Yes Master. I will Master. Sorry Master.”

“Apology accepted. Now go.” She ran ahead of him so by the time he came to his seat she was already eating. Francis sat himself next to the Abbot.

“May the force be with you Master Ovair” Said the Abbot.

“And also with you” replied Francis.

They ate their meal in silence, and when done, the Abbot spoke.

“I felt a disturbance in the Force last night”. Francis slowly nodded his acknowledgment of the Abbot’s words, but did not answer.

“Your thoughts?”

“I felt nothing. Which means nothing.” Replied Francis.

“Will you be ok here on your own? Francis? Should I leave some of the younger men to stay with you and help with the work? The Sith. The Remembrance Day celebrations. Something is afoot.”

“Perhaps Master. And if so, such cunning would most likely be directed towards Coruscant and not here on our backwater moon. The farmers need a break. Take everyone with you to Coruscant and don’t worry about me. If your instincts are right, then your presence will be most needed at the Temple.”

“Yes, indeed. But are you certain?”

“Quite. Needless worry Master Abbot, it’s all needless worry.”

“Yes. Of course.” They stood up together and bowed deeply to one another.

After breakfast there was much chaotic movement about the monastery as everyone moved to and fro, placing their bags on the shuttle and grabbing last minute items.

The shuttle stood waiting in a field nearby, the morning sun glistening off its metallic body. The ship’s captain lowered the ramp to take in the Jedi pilgrims.

One-by one they went aboard, the Abbot the last in line. Sitting together like a class of children on a field trip, the ramp rose up and the door shut.

Standing a distance from the ship, Master Francis waved to the pilot as the ship began to take to the sky, and moments later, zoom off into the atmosphere.

‘Now to get to work’ He said to himself.

But before he started his task, he had already resolved not to use the Force to help him in his exertions of the day. Even though he was old, and his task would require much toil, and no one would sensibly fault him for using the Force to help him lift and pull, he believed an over-reliance in using the Force for physical tasks was a step towards the darkside. He had heard tales from his master of lazy Sith lords using the Force for their every whim, their reliance on their force powers weakening their physical states. Francis believed such a reliance on the Force was a step towards the sin of sloth.

‘No, I shall labour honestly’ he said to himself.

His first stop was a supply shed several meters from the monastery on the edge of the wheat field. Opening the shed door, and allowing the light of day to penetrate its dark corners, he found what he was looking for.

“This should do nicely.” The wheelbarrow was lying on the ground overturned. He grasped its wooden handles and twisted it up to place it on its front wheel and back supports. It was much heavier than he had anticipated, and when trying to maneuver it out of the shed, found the trolley’s shape difficult and unwieldly. Still, he drove it out of the shed, managed to wheel it into the main part of the building, and pushed the barrow to the entrance of his hermitage. His forearms burnt from the strain by the time he put the cart down. He opened his hermitage door and spied his shelves of Sith literature.

‘This day shall be long and exhausting. But I am in no rush. I shall take my time and take as many breaks as I need.’

Even though he promised himself many breaks, he was still mildly surprised at the amount of labour that was required from the mere act of getting the wheelbarrow out of the shed and to his room. Not only were his arms already hurting, but his heart was beating harder than usual.

He paused and slowed his breathing. Then he began to remove his books from the shelves and pile them into the waiting barrow.

He wheeled the cart down the corridor and into the dining hall.

He trundled his truck of books to the dining hall’s hearth and placed it down. He laid out paper and kindling on the bottom of the fireplace, then placed smaller sticks of wood on top. Once his base of kindling was set, he began to carefully place the books on top, creating a small tepee of Sith literature. He procured his match-box and lit a head. The flame started slowly, but quickly consumed the kindling, and then its destructive light bit into one of the book’s corners, and within minuets began to burn up the works of the Sith.

He made his way back to his room, refilled the wheelbarrow, and rattled back to the hearth tossing more books on the growing flames.

The sun made its trajectory through the sky, and as late evening began to approach, the old man continued his task with a growing sense of urgency. He knew that as he came towards the end of his labour he would not be alone.

Even though throughout the day he drank little, ate even less, and did not take any breaks, despite the fact that he had promised himself he would, he was practically running from his hermitage with his last load of books to place them upon his pyre. Drenched in sweat and exhausted, he knew he had little time.

Before he tossed in his last load of books into the flames he stood back for a moment to admire his work and was momentarily mesmorized by the hypnotic flames. Then he heard a noise.

The dining hall’s great doors shut with a clang.

He had entered in silence, but now Francis could feel the menacing presence behind him.

“I was hoping to have completed my task before you arrived. That way you would have left empty handed… and possibly peacefully.”

“Step away from the books old man. No more jewels of knowledge will be destroyed tonight.”

Francis turned to face the intruder. He was a young man. Light skinned, tall and tattooed all about his neck and face, wearing a black flight jacket with dark grey combat boots and pants. Running down the centre of his head was a blonde Mohawk. He bore many piercings, and a lightsaber hung from his belt.

“I felt your presence a while ago.” Said Francis.

“I’ve come for the book that called to my Master, but I see you have many still. I will take what you have yet destroyed.” Francis felt a growing pressure upon his mind.

“Gather them up old man, and place them on my ship.”

Through his own strength in the Force Francis batted away the command.

“That won’t work on me.”

Anger quickly rose up in the intruder.

“Fine. It’ll be easier to just kill you.”

The intruder took hold of his lightsaber and ignited the weapon. Raising it aloft, a red blade snapped into existence. About to leap the distance to cut the old man in two, the young man was shocked to realize he stood rooted and unable to move.

Francis’ hand was already raised in anticipation, and with strength the young man had never felt, the lightsaber was extinguished and then ripped from his grasp. It flew the distance between them into Francis’ waiting palm, and with one deft movement the old Jedi Master cracked the lightsaber over his knee like the snapping of a dry twig. He tossed the broken weapon to the side and the metal pieces of the saber clinked and clanged upon the tiled floor.

“That won’t work on me either.”

Fear erupted in the young man’s core, but for him this was good, as he knew it would make his anger stronger. “Who is your master?” Demanded Francis. The Jedi’s authority struck him. But he gave the old man no reply.

Francis dove deeply into the Force and touched the young man’s mind. He saw an image of a decrepit and gray-faced old wizard, thin and bent, and rifling with darkside power. An overwhelming sense of cruelty oozed over Francis’ psyche. Images of the young man as a small boy came into his mind.

“Terrible. Terrible torture you’ve endured. Your master is cruel and abusive.”

“Shut up Shut up!” Shouted the intruder. The old Jedi touched the young Sith’s most hidden secret.

He exploded.

“I am going to kill you! Don’t you dare touch my mind! Old man I WILL kill you!”

And with such force blue lightning exploded from the young Sith’s finger tips.

Centered and clam, Francis bore the attack, absorbed the darkness’ power, and swallowed it up with the light of the Lord of the Force.

With his display of power spent the tumult ended. The intruder had flung his attack and it was soaked up. Silence stood between them.

Then Francis excused the silence.

“Son,” he started quietly, “come, leave him and study the Force with me. Leave the lies of Bogan and your master behind.” Francis’ face softened. “My burden will be light. You will be cared for. You are strong in the force, and I can help you grow in ways your master cannot. Stay with me, it doesn’t have to be this way.”

The old man offered love, and the offer sickened the Sith.

The young man grew even angrier, which to this point in his life he did not think possible. Releasing a scream of anger and pain which shook the monastery’s walls the young man pulled from the depths of his own blackness power he had never imagined.

He struck the old Jedi, hard, with black bolts of lightning.

The blackness’ power was immense, and Francis fought its consuming might. It pushed him back against the monastery’s far wall. In the midst of this attack the two warrior’s mind’s intermingled. The past, the future, space and time came tumbling between their psyches. The young man was trying to obliterate him.

In this psychic din Francis saw unspeakable horror. He watched as an older version of the young Sith murdered small children. Hiding and cowering from him, he mercilessly slaughtered them. Smiling, swinging, he murdered the children. They scattered and hid and cowered in their weakness.

“NO!” Bellowed Francis.

‘Too deep the blackness goes. It is too rooted. I cannot allow this. I must do what I must.’

A seismic and round burst of white light erupted from the Master Jedi, disintegrating the black bolts of hatred. Stunning the intruder, Francis took hold of the young man with the Power of the Force’s light, lifted him off the ground, and pinned him against the dining hall doors.

Holding him with the force, Francis walked within inches of the young man. A sphere of bright white light began to slowly emanate from the Jedi, and the sphere engulfed the now haplessly pinned boy.

“It burns!” He cried “What are you doing!? It burns!”

The Sith began to cough and sputter and cry in agony. He feebly struggled against the white sphere which now held him captive. Black ooze began to pour from his nostrils, ears, eyes, and mouth. The black ooze drizzled off the young man like water down an oily surface. It dripped from his body and collated in a pool beneath his feet. The blackness wrung from his frame, the white sphere expanded to touch the puddle of ooze, and when it did, it sizzled and scorched the pool of darkness into evaporated nothing.

Francis released him, and the boy feel to his knees.

“What have you done?!? What have you done?!? I can’t see but I can! I can’t hear but I can! All is quiet! All is quiet! What have you done?!?...No, no, no, no, no….Nooooooooooo! WHY?!? You have taken everything! All I have you have taken! My gift you have taken! I hate you!”

The boy wept. Deeply and bitterly he wept.

“I hate you.” He whispered.

“This is justice.” Said Francis. “No longer can you use the Force. No longer can you pervert that which is good to kill, to pillage, to rob, and to rape. A gift bestowed, and by the authority of the Lord of the Force a gift I take back! No longer can you use the Force to harm.”

“Harm?!? HARM!!! I will harm you! I know how to harm… YOU!”

With blazing eyes of anger the young man pulled a knife from his boot and pointed the tip at Francis.

And there quite suddenly appeared behind the young man the Fanged God. He smiled at Francis and winked a red eye at him, and then dipping low to the young man’s cheek he whispered profane thoughts into the ear of his heart.

“This will harm you!” Roared the boy. Francis, astonished, his eyes transfixed upon Bogan before him, momentarily took his attention from the imposing image of evil incarnate to the knife’s tip and wondered how the boy could possible hurt him with such a simple weapon. And then with resilient and purposeful deftness the boy plunged the knife into the left side of his own neck, and with its razor’s edge cut along his throat’s length with such force that the tip scraped against his spine until it reached all the way to the other side. His blood poured down his chest. It happened so quickly Francis barely had time to register the young man’s decapitating quickness.

“No!” He whispered.

“No!” He cried louder

“NOOOOOOOOOO!” He screamed.

“No, no, no, no, no…..oh, Lord no!”

Then the Fanged God laughed and cackled and behind the boy’s crumbled body he began to spin and dance. With wide-arched movements of his long arms The Fanged God ran his index finger in a slashing motion along his own throat. He slashed with his finger and laughed, and slashed with his finger and laughed, and slashed with his finger and laughed. And the Fanged God danced. Towering over the old and the young he danced and spun and danced and spun. His feet were light and quick. He danced and spun.

‘I never sleep’ he said to Francis.

‘I’ll never die’ he said to him.

Then he bowed to Francis, threw his head back and laughed a deep laugh in his throat. He danced in the light and he danced in the shadow.

‘I never sleep’ said Bogan.

Francis ran to the crumpled boy, his blood spilling everywhere. He knelt before him and gathered him in his arms. Francis’ robes absorbed the blood as it poured forth.

“Get behind me Bogan! Away with you! Away with you black fiend!”

And Bogan disappeared.

The old man cradled the young man then rocked back and forth weeping bitter tears.

“Why, you terrible fool, why?”


Francis knelt cradling the dead boy in his lap, rocking him in his arms until sunrise. He wept though the night and did not sleep. Finally coming to his senses he knew what he needed to do.

He carefully placed the boy on the ground, got up, and made his way to the monastery’s medical bay. There he found a clean white sheet, a bucket, soap, and a sponge. He filled the bucket with warm water and went back to the dining hall.

He undressed the boy’s body and began to wipe away the blood. He laid out the sheet, and struggling to lift him, placed him carefully in the middle of the sheet to wrap him up in what was now his burial shroud. Lifting again he placed the wrapped body in the wheelbarrow.

Leaving the wheelbarrow in the dining hall, Francis made his way again to the tool shed and procured a shovel. With shovel in hand, he walked the short distance to the Jedi burial grounds, found a suitable spot for a grave, and began to dig.

He started to dig the hole at early morning, and laboured through the day, non-stop, without the aid of the Force, until the sun hid itself again under the horizon.

He fetched the body in the wheelbarrow, took the boy to his final resting place, and there with the dead boy wrapped in a white linin, the darkness of night now covering everything, entered into the depth of the grave with him and carefully laid him out.

With a mighty groan of effort, Francis pulled himself from the grave, and began the arduous task of refilling the chasm with dirt.

By the time he finished burying the body he realized he had been labouring for nearly two days.

Standing at the foot of the grave he said “I’m sorry. May you forgive me, and may Solomon, the Lord of the Force, forgive me.”

Slowly, ever so slowly, he moved back to the dining hall, the supple faces of the moons of Satio gazing upon him in pity.

Standing in the soft darkness of the dining hall, the light of Satio’s moons touching everything with gentle grace, he eyed his pyre of burnt up Sith literature, now resting on dying coals. He feteched more paper, crumpled it up and placed it onto the coals, then he began to blow. The fire came back to life. He placed the last load of books he had yet to destoy into the fireplace.

The flame spread and grew to a roaring size. The old man watched as the fire consumed his last works of the Sith, and he was well pleased.

With his last ounces of strength he made his way to his room, left his sandals at the entrance and hobbled to his small bed. He undid his rope belt, divested his soiled robes and wearing only his thin blood-stained frock, crawled under his sheets and died.