An Apple II Debugging

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An Apple II Debugging The Magazine of the APPLE, KIM, PET and Other Systems Rockwell a Synertek EXPAND THE 6 5 0 2WORLD NOW AT FINE COMPUTER STORES SPEAKEASY SOFTWARE LTD. BOX 1220, KEMPTVILLE, ONTARIO BULLS S BEARS K O G 1J0 NOW AT MOST APPLE-II DEALERS kidstuff ' J V\ WRLQRDS OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 1978 ISSUE NUMBER SEVEN We're Still Number One! 4 by Robert M. Tripp BREAKER: An Apple II Debugging Aid 5 by Rick Auricchio MOS 16K RAM for the Apple II 12 by Allen Watson III PET Update 13 by Gary Creighton 6502 Interfacing for Beginners: The Control Signals 17 by Marvin L. De Jong 650X Opcode Sequence Matcher 19 by J. S. Green A Memory Test Program for the Commodore PET 25 by Michael McCann MICROBES, A Suggestion, and an Apology 27 The MICRO Software Catalog IV 29 by Mike Rowe Apple Calls and Hex-Decimal Conversion 31 by Marc Schwartz 6502 Bibliography - Part VI 33 by William R. Dial 6502 Information Resources 35 by William R. Dial KIM-1 as a Digital Voltmeter 37 by Joseph L. Powlette and Charles T. Wright Cassette Tape Controller 39 by Fred Miller Apple II High Resolution Graphics Memory Organization 43 by Andrew H. Eliason A Digital Clock Program for the AYM-1 45 by Chris Sullivan Peeking at PET's BASIC 47 by Harvey B. Herman KIMBASE 49 by Dr. Barry Tepperman Advertiser's Index Speakeasy Software IFC Connecticut microcomputer 2 Microcomputer Comp. Spec. 11 CGRS 16 Smith Business Services 26 Computer Shop 28 Editor/Publisher The Computerist, Inc. 48 Synertek Systems IBC Robert M. Tripp Computer Components BC Production Manager Peter R. Woodbury Business Manager Donna M. Tripp MICRO is published bi-monthly by Administrative Assistant The COMPUTERIST, Inc., P.O. Box 3, So. Chelmsford, MA 01824. Susan K. lacombc Controlled Circulation postage paid at Chelmsford, MA 01824. Circulation Publication Number: C0TR 395770. Subscription in U.S. $6.00/6 issues. Eileen M. Enos Entire contents copyright 1978 by The COMPUTERIST, Inc. Micro-Systems Lab Robert 0. Goudct Please address all correspondence, subscriptions, and address Mail room changes to: MICRO, P.O. Box 3, So. Chelmsford, MA 01824. Cheryl lyn Loyd Gofer Fred Davis COMMODORE PET HARD COPY OUTPUT USING PET ADA 1200 It¥m |»EM THE FUNCTION PLOTTED I Si IMIM Y>I*SlH<4.d*X> ii£AOY. rflENOACK S«iai - Carburetors - 1977 ttt tit ItI I • TYPE C ttt (KVI ttt (Kin ttt ttt 000 ooo I OPEN 6 , 8 «CNO 6 'L IS T ttt ttt ttt ttt (xv) non 19 HCM APCSIN AND ARCCOJ FUNCTIONS FOR THE COMMOflKlE PET 15! X TYPE A ttt ttt ttt non noo ooo 70 r£n *Lt stad on a GE T *r*lN«t J M ttt 000(XXI 0(1) (IH1 0011 8* Hit* "ualnq a C * : AOA I20W. I ••• 000 0(X1 (XV) (IK) nno xxx W ftCM I ttt ooo ono ooo ooo non xxx I M BEK OPEN OUTPUT FILE ON OEVICfi #6 . \ 000tux) (xv) noo noo xxx xxx lit OPEN 5 .8 1 0 ! * * * OOOnon ooo ooo xxx XXX III 120 HEM ! *** nno ooonon xxx xxx xxx XXX XXX two REM GET A 5 INE VALUE ! nno ooo nonXXI xxx xxx xxx XXX XXX *1 0 JNPUT 5 ! ft ttt non ooo xxxXXX xxx XXX xxx XXX XXX ) 2« C-S lif* (100 000 IKK) XXX XXXxxx xxx XXX XXX XXX XXX iVt HEM 5fooo non nno xxx xxx xxxxxx xxx XXX XXX XXX XXX 100* HEK TH| *]NE OF THE ANCLE IS S MXX1 XXX XIX XXX XXX XXXXXX XXX XXX xxx XXI XXX 101# REM IF THE SJH IS IN THE RANGE OF -I TO I. TIIFH COUPUTE. !XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX xxxxxx xxx XXX XXX XXX XXX 10201 fF 5 <l AMO s»-t GOTOt<rS8 !XXX XXX XXX XXX xxx xxxxxx xxx XXX xxx XXX XXX INJfl A>-90 »QITO20«0 !XXX XXX XXX XXX xxx xxxxxx xxx XXX XXX I M V REN TliE AHCSINE IS AS xxx xxx IH5 » * S » A T M ( S /M 1-S*S>“ . 5 >) !JA;j FEB MAH APR MAT JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV OEC I M * MEN THE RESULT IS IN MAOtANS. CONVEMT TO DEGREE*. 1070 ASaAS*•00/ 7m m REN THE COSINE OF THE ANGLE IS C M I 0 REN IF THE CORINE IS IN THE MANGE OF -I TO I , X 2*1 I itEN ANO NOT - T* 0 . THEN COMPUTE 202* IF C<>0 THEN 2040 0250« 125000 ?I 7506.221 030903735 7.07106781 20 3 0 AC-90 •GOT1) 3CO0 5IM0M0 « I f)ttfl0tK1 1919487.58 J.16 22776 7:•I 0 10 2(M« IF C«* ANO C>-l THEN 2070 22500 33750*0 6861077.28 2.6575J572E*I I I 2. 2474487 2iti* AC • 0 *G<l TO 30<M i5« 400 HM 16939435.3 l.20339299E*12 14.142 1356 i.69999999 206 0 REN THE AMCCns IS AC 250200 62500 15625000 34146855.2 3.603’5767E*I2 15.611 3U 3 J. 799*9999 2W70 AC-ATNHI-C«C>*.5/C> 300 9fW00 270000 00 69546854.8 1.01>JI532E* U I 7.3205*61 3.89999999 2N0 0 REN THE RESULT lb IN MAOIAKS. COMVEmT TO OEGMEES. 350 122500 4^875000 96271M?2.8 2-27t 7327JE*I 3 >8. 708*169 J.99099999 2090 AC*AC*160/ 4HH '60H00 64000 <*00 |4«49014| 4.57946723E*13 2* 4,*9999999 JWl PRINT*!.. ♦ SIN,COS ARCS1N ARCCOS” 216427/47 4.|9999999 3010 PR|NT*5 ,S» 450 202500 91 I25<*00 8.49895829E*I3 21.2132*34 4.29999999 JU20 FON N-l TO 1J-LEJM STMl(S>> >PPINT*5 , “ ’ MlifcxT 5«0 25A000 I 25 M*HMW 301345240 I .4777J127£*|4 22.3606798 4.39999999 MH 3025 00 I66375W0 4(1*54(1 M8 2.437^72606*14 23. 4VH708 4.49999999 30J0 PRINTS.ASi 600 360000 216PWH0M 5J4J42J0I 3.0485220 IE*14 24,494 0974 3IM4 FOR N»I IT) I 3-tEMl STRH AS>) iPRIHT*5 ,* " « ' N 6lT 65* <225M 274625000 687112634 5.b586i722E*14 25.4950976 3*50 PRINT*5,AC 700 49MM0 34 J*n*0000 8672 19597 0.6449943E*I 4 26.4575131 4.79999999 3 1 Ml GOTO 500 42**750*0 iiEact. 75* 5625M0 .0J»I.1J90E*»91.24 165712e*l5 27. 3051279 HS-2J2 PRINTER ADAPTER FOR THE COMMODORE PET The CONNECTICUT mlcroCOMPUTEk ADApter model 1200 Is the first In a line of peripheral adapters for the COMMODORE PET. The CmC ADA 1200 drives an RS-232 printer from the PET IEEE-488 bus. The CmC ADA 1200 allows the PET owner to ootaln hard copy program listings, and to type letters, m^iuscrlpts, mailing labels, tables of date, pictures. Invoices, grrphs, checks, needlepoint patterns, etc., using a standard RS-232 printer. The CmC ATA model I 2 W B comes pssembled and tested, without power supplies, case, or RS-232 connector for 598.50. The CmC ADA 12(WC comes complete for $169.00. Specify baud rate when ordering. (300 baud Is supplied unless otherwise requested. Instructions for changing the baud rate are Included.) WORD PROCESSOR FOR THE COMMODORE PET CONNECTICUT mlcroCOMPUTER now has a word processor program for the COMMODORE PET. This proaram permits composlnq and prlntlno letters, flyers, advertisements, manuscripts, articles, etc., using the COMMODORE PET and an RS-232 printer. Script directives Include line length, left margin, centering, and skip. Edit commands allow the user to Insert lines, delete lines, move lines, change strings, save onto cassette, load from cassette, move up, move down, print and type. The CmC Word Processor Proaram addresses an RS-232 printer through a CmC printer adapter. ZZ — ' ™ The CmC Word Processor Program Is available for S29.50. '■ ____!_ ;„s RS-232 TO CURRENT LOOP/TTL ADAPTER The CmC ATApter model 4m has two circuits. The first converts an RS-232 signal to a 20 ma current loop signal, and the second converts a 20 ma current loop signal to an RS-232 signal. With this device a computer's teletype port can be used to drive an HS-232 terminal, or vice versa, without modification of the port. The CmC ADA 4tw can also be parelelled to drive a teletype or RS-232 printer while still using the computer's reoular terminal. The CmC ADA 400 can easily be modified to become an RS-232 to TTL and TTL to RS-232 APApter. The CmC ADA 400 does not alter the baud rate and uses standard power supplies. The current loop is isolated from the RS-232 signal by optolsolftors. The CmC ADA 4 W is the perfect partner for KIM If vou want to use an RS-232 terminal Instead of a current loop teletype. The CmC ADA 4»IS comes with drilled, plated through solder pads and sells for S24.50. The CmC ADA 400B comes with harrier strips and screw terminals and sells for S29.50. This snnouncem'nt .ifS composed on a COMMODORE PET and printed on a GE •};! j; TermiNet using p CmC ADA I200C printer adapter and the CmC Word Processor ;----5:- .. ::: Proaram. OnCf I Oiicrtptlon I baud rttt f firlet I totaj J Nall ■! rtmitxmct or c^arg* Infer**tjpn te> ---- _______________________ 1_________ ........... -l-'rJ C O N N E C T I C U T m i c r o C O M P U T E R ____ ..................... _..i_________ .............If] 150 Paconc Road, RoomS ____ I C< Hord Pr.c.or Progr.. d •Conn._06804 ________________ 1 C*C ACA 4NS (solder pada) I *34.58 I I ham? I CmC ACA 4M8 IbarrI»r ttrlps) I <39.50 I ! COMPANY SwOtolal I I ADOBE SS Connactlcut r»iid»ni» add 7X iat«t tax I I Handling snd shipping - add par ordar I <3.00 1 CITY For*I go air ««ll - add *5 .0 0 par ordar l 1 STATE ZIP Tot*] Included »Jth ordar I I CHARGE TO<VISA i HASTER CHAMCE M/C INTERBANK NUMBER ^Expiration data ^ ^ Credit card niMOar SIGNATURE ^ IN THIS ISSUE .
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    B THE 6502 cJIMJ03M(L NO 1 $1.50 QUICK CHANGE ARTISTRY ENGINEERED SPECIFICALLY FOR ATTRACTIVE FUNCTIONAL PACKAGE THE KIM-1 MICROCOMPUTER • Professional Appearance • Protection of Chips and • Four Color Combinations Other Components • Improves Man/Machine Interface • Viewing Angle of Readout MADE OF HIGH IMPACT STRENGTH Enhanced THERMOFORMED PLASTIC • Improved Keyboard Position • Kydex 1G0 * for Easier Operation • Durable EASILY ASSEMBLED • Molded-ln Color » Absolutely No • Non-Conduct ive Alteration of KIM-1 Required AVAILABLE FROM STOCK • All Fasteners Provided • Al tow Two to Th ree Weeks for • Goes Together in Minutes Processing and Delivery with a SmaH Screwdriver • No COD's Please • Dealer inquiries Invited TO ORDER: 1. Fill in this Coupon (Print or Type Please) 2. Attach Check or Money Order and Mail to: NAME ____ the STREET____ enclosures CITY ______ group 55 stevenson, sari trancisco 94105 STATE ZIP Please Ship Prepaid — SKE 1-1{s) Color Desired blue □ beige □ @ $23.50 Each biack □ white □ California Residents please pay 125.03 (Includes Sales Tax) TM Rohm & Haas Patent Appfted For OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 1977 K flO Q a a ISSUE NUMBER ONE CHEAP MEMORY for the KIM-1 3 by Byron Salzsieder - has an expanded KIM-1, KIMSI, and is currently waiting for delivery of a Micromind. Terminal Interface Monitor (TIM) for the 6500 Family 5 by Oliver Holt - "The Computer Doctor" for Microcomputers, Inc., microcomputer teacher and consultant, micro-systems designer. We're Number One ! 6 An Editorial INSIDE the APPLE II 9 by Arthur Ferruzzi - a confirmed "computer nut" who owns a number of 6502 microcomputers - assembled, kit and homebrew.
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