The Sharp Mz-80K Has Got It All
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THE SHARP MZ-80K HAS GOT IT ALL STOP PRESS... NOW AVAILABLE BASICCOMPILER , hy; JHARPSHA PASCAL (CASSETTE BASED) SHARPSHARPRPSHARPs DOUBLE PRECISION DISC BASIC SHARPSHARPSHARPSHARFm SHARPSHARP SHARPSHARFmis SHARPSHARFSHARPSHARP SHARPSHARP SH SHARPSHARPA SHARPSHARFifiARPSHARPRP SHARP SHARI °.HARPSHARP SHARPSHA R Since its introduction the Sharp MZ-80K has proved to be You'll find all the help and advice you need about the MZ-80K at your one of the most successful and versatile microcomputer Specialist Sharp Dealer in the list below systems around. Sharp now have a comprehensive range of It there is no dealer in your area, or it you require any further information wnte to- Computer Division,Sharp Electronics (UK) Ltd., products ready to make the powerful MZ-80K with its Sharp House. Thorp Road,Newton Heatti.Manchester MIO 98E Printer and Disc Drives even more adaptable. Products include:- Universal Interface Card, Machine SHARP Language and 2-80 Assembler packages, CP/M* plus a comprehensive range of software. 7414t/tutce • Trade mark of Digital Research Ltd. Digital Design and DeoselopmeM SALTY? SuSS1K L0910, A71 le Cr! 387 7188 Computer C &MIK Crown DOWNS'S hoo-Calc Ltd. 9w9e.tur, Tel 074159774 Le/bourne TH C371619963 GET !TALL HERE E Loon, EC2 Iti 01 72945 scortArdo Gamin 1Lion Cooes Lit. A G Knight 13agM, bel 0271696424 AVON O. Group Lid. HUMBERSIDE E 55roodeb 40.,31941 1E1 0224 630526 M H WAN BCC Computer Systems Lid _ War,-,Zon Tel 091567411 Comm/Tool S Ltd. aSops LW. Wisoness and Electivouts MICK Norio 02 Emir/ 7 %nolo& taftwam, orol Tel 04132 rrrO Lone, 1C2 lel 01 7 WALES TIM Ednaurgh Tel 011 216 5454 i Coedits.]2 Business MeCs Li& womegton Tel 0925 574591 n.Silicon Chip CHM% 29Sentded, 3035 %Mom Ltd, ISO) Computing Ltd., Unomme Desinantes news ler 02 72 294591 CLEVELAND 1.1919.19,- Tel 0472 45353 i5371 rt73e.9.419 Tel 097 8111 5555 475 KENT1.10 (4,4utoil 141X)4 1611 ININSHIRE Hunting Computer Sweicas Ltd.. r021MANCHESTER Merso Centte aMaeniten Campo* CONN 336 morione 09 rem Tel 1:642 769709 Thrtmolinh Ewa po 5.4.,e4 Tel OM 79541' Cserpoomor 1101 rThe WHe Shop teleito- gm lei 031 556 7351 ril, rita,' lanes °delft Ltd- Wei, 19 ce92 32116 Mar,: beOr- NV Tel 06 Moo nova. Slime Systems LW. Nreibear Core/N.0v Dote Ltd., Styx kirre , Te99 Tel 1642 781193 Adele ClierwrieeItist. e (1 4 1 5 5 .4 litu , 0.'2111515. I.. Tel lundeci1 216 ',ember, Tel 0635 30505 DEVON oYarri MI Tel , PAioalorth, • wawCWAU BLiIRMiNGHAPA ,4737 Crystal Elestranies Ltd.. 6'114MERSEYSIDE Derierrniele lel 0361 1450 •UWICSS Lowly Camdenb Decleantes, Nelson Computer SoMars. Dec1 brown Tel 0601 22699 , ,Moess lostrumersh Ltd. MiCrOCORIMIOM 1 1 Kawlermlal t.4 0706129125 tral,Miloodognel Ltd., Er. 1.1 0J.4i PistooMit Semite ElectaNWs 14)13I le 051 227 4 qil s t,•• 0926512127 8Elm - 0052 u1 or9NORFOLK Pointer Business EnuipmeM Ltd WILT144IRE H.ngl'40.k4 0.71 184 251 3 Ned, Tel OM 51686 2535 r1. 1- 4 1 De1Stank:irk Bandon, Meet Anglia/ twrymari Compote". No Reit Ud. Mascot 101•1 The Moo OIN Shop, Hee, t' 490 767 SOMERSET - woute,r, ''" . 421764 5tom , .1• BL. siK YORKSHIRE heneeduen Tel 021 32E14555 Dawes, Tel 0315 69540 -NORTHAMPTONSHIRE Dorset Oltore Suppliesr Ltd.. 6Nerewham " ConepatMg Skier Ltd ESSDC 304 d©LEICESTERSHIRE rel 'el IP 742162 Nis lo PCs 59Computer Supermarket. 6 1luherreT Prom* Lid, o0lGilbert Computers- set,et, le! 7 STAFFORDSHIRE Voetheftly Tel 0917 61 P44 ,19 011 707 71 7,7 72estriti-cw-504 Tel 0707 335799 Tisibe, 0658651034 NORTHERN iitnApro WI. ComputerServiam. Demo toblesa-Ceedint 00CKINC/4AM511IRE9see Lr, 9,po eGW Combos 1111- Broenet IOC), Clews* T. 0541• 75555 Corey'sneenwnl Mocrosysterns, Wilding °Mae lthoperient leirene• 05 13 5532] 2 i0466 %WOLK tked NI 01 5' 4 l Ailing, lel 021631 1994 wHudditithid Compliter Csorbe ts67 A59,99For0 le )4762 oLoucisrutsiiiiit 16257 C9 PI_ Would* Co. Ltd_ i4e41e'ine61 Tel 0484 707 74 0 do IN Systems id InterfereS6 7 Components La, Glaucesbershere $hop Leicester CooNuRing Cain 21&Omit Tel 0232 49440 lel C1173 50152 Arneernam Tel 02401 22307 4Marl HIA , SURREY etT y 1 leocestv Tel0533556268 5NOTTINGHAMSHIRE CAM•RIDGE ';•',17-7 0Durum Tel 0511 2.2212 Mandietel Elusions MC Ltd. 30 Campaign. °Rame Comp.*" Sareleas Lid Thes Awry7 C Ca Ltd. LINC00411003 9 UAW" Wootroort Tel 02 74 191166 The ComputerLit 64.1•64e11 Tel 062126610 7o nut HO7 Tel = Owlerhare Tel 0242 564343 3Howes Elect I Aodons Servs. 2OXFORDSHIRE ,Miendlirees Lid., SupatoorSySilloS Ltd. CHESHIRE d.Tel • Lavoie le 0522 129/9 1Werheld0 Tel 0741 7 Pe 1 HAMPSHME 2 4Choked Campsites Coons. TelKept, Tel En 546 9944 & MN Eletiomon Ltd. Aocioced0 liminess C 2.11. Business Coosuillentt, Cieluid Tel 086545 Petaled. 97 1 IMm 8 fri u244 190121 2 4 01 Nem Wit,4 Tel 0425 rrr Lens* Tel 0522 31621 ,oweuriuic Of DELAND AbsnotTel 0486169231 ti, 55005 04s 2 LONDON 7 13RA4.119 Ltd,. Sirromw5 LW, 72CFCemnar Computers Lid. s0 ,cm,.L 4 Tel 0.2 70 56342 Tel 0703 39E00 644mM:dm Tel M0961173 74Cro1do4 Tel 01 6611134 nendoes Poolud* 2 po5,66e, ii. Samoan Elortvoc Simms. 0S 44i 0 H Sheifteet 11 Norm/ Miss Ti. New Mda. 44 344 NAM 1 ,',Butyl-Comm Ltd., Ounie Weltnens Tel 01 6690481 5e CRF4d TedieliCil Seem's. S Hers 7 LADE Dowecivrch6 071 643 34132 1 ,lbenemonewl I Waind Ltd., 15 40U'ee. Tel 0244 317549 T -Central Cokulatats Duble 0 Londrerc•4 EC2 Tel 01 7295588 Te 26 4Fieddoor Woetiongion Ltd., . km , 2 'NH Tel CAV 92F1 89Z8 1 441Duro, l ?9 1 In Te tkvia• at Campo:Wog DOH Ltd. r 2 1toonlro W8 Tel 01 937 7896 a D0 14Unshorn Tel 061 4'91 2790 0 l Most wleettr0 Loire Tend Woking, CINreErtusrmere Prderbe o 7 r A C 1 0 r 11 yl N m 2 0 420 7 N Circle No. 102 w 0 0 4 COMPUTER & VIDEO GAMES M s 2 1 5 L 0 7 1 O 7 7 1 C 6 6 . 8 7 6 1 NEW PRODUCTS NEW PRODUCTS NEW PRODUCTS N IME IMIME Ir •••• eMa. ••••• , - ME =11.• dpE MO MP = •••• .• • • .• • • • = - • IIIMME E M enlIE MO • =ftE ll• 1 1 •••••••••• e=1=0 ffl an• 1 •••••• .EMS •rE lk M • The game is supplied by A RANDOM ADVENTURE London-based Sharpsoft for the Sharp MZ-80K and costs E8.25. THE Among the other new games OF DEATH from Sharpsoft is a logical, test Not only a random dungeon but ated, he is armed and armoured for people who like a financial random monsters await the and then sets off on the quest by challenge. It is called Stockmar- intrepid adventurer who dares loading the first level. ket "F" and involves amassing as the Dungeons of Death. A list of strangely named mon- many stocks and shares of the Ten tortuous levels have to be sters with a toughness rating in highest prices as possible. braved in a 45 minute time limit percentage terms is generated Stockmarket "F" costs £5.85. to win through this graphically and should be memorised if you VAT and postage are included in displayed adventure, are not going to end up fighting both games. The adventurer must first bar- something deadly after running THE NEW ter with the dungeon master for from a pretty harmless creature. his arrows -- magic and the more Treasures are there for the A FEW POINTS CHESS CHOICE usual wooden variety — his taking to reward the bold adven- characteristics are then gener- turer. TO MAKE Chess enthusiasts, who opt tor a computerised opponent are hav- ing an ever more difficult choice A BETTER BET FOR to make. A sorry fate awaits the computer, London based Westrak has a ised figure who walks innocently new medium priced chess game PUNTERS onto a field in Rhino. (it sells for £100) tempting He is faced by an animal of the buyers with a yen for a "full-sized HELIA SKELTA FLATS same name with a hasty temper chess board in an attractive and a rather intimidating horn. brown plastic casing". Followers of the Turf will find the form card. Once this is done The creature in question tends to The chess board has a sensory "Sport of Kings" lovingly rep- breeding can take place — for a take an instant dislike to anyone surface with lights in each roduced in the horse-breeding fee. It should be possible for invading his field and has a few square which show when the and racing game of Helta Skelta somebody who knows about points to make on the subject computer wants to move. The Rats. these things to produce a win- Luckily there is a wooded area player has to move its piece into The aim of the game is to ner. in the field and that is the poor the new position. It means you breed horses and then run these Once interbreeding has taken unfortunate's only chance of don't have to enter each move thoroughbreds in a race against place the race can begin. Odds escape. He must craftily entice via a keyboard just like playing rival horses, placing bets on are calculated by the computer the furious rhino into the trees a human, except you can set the them to win money. depending on the form of each and try to lose him there. skill level of your opponent. It is similar to that popular horse. Bets are also taken, with Even if he succeeds, the Altogether there are 12 differ- board game Totopoly and a fas- tote slips also provided in the reward is not a pleasant one — ent levels, ranging from the learn cinating concept for the Sinclair package.