1 Section a Demographic Information 3 Section B Relevant Policies

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1 Section a Demographic Information 3 Section B Relevant Policies 1 Introduction 2 Section A Demographic Information 3 Section B Relevant Policies & Principles 4 Section C Conclusion 5 Appendices Appendix I – School by School Summary (Primary) Appendix 2 – School by School Summary (Secondary) Appendix 3 – School by School Summary (Special) 1 (1) (1.1) Context This document is the School Organisation Plan (SOP) for Leicestershire for the five academic years to August 2006. The SOP will be used to inform decision making in relation to the supply of and demand for schools places over the five year period. The SOP covers all aspects of availability of school places. In Leicestershire this means that consideration needs to be given: • to types of schools providing for different age ranges (mainly: primary, high and upper school) • to the specialist provision for pupils with Special Educational Needs • to the availability of places at denominational schools • to the interface between schools and the former FEFC Sector Colleges for students aged 16+ • to the interface between schools and other Early Years providers in relation to pupils of pre statutory school age. (1.2) School Organisation Committee (SOC) The SOP for each Local Education Authority (LEA) must be prepared and agreed by the School Organisation Committee (SOC). The Leicestershire SOC is made-up of five groups. Each group has one vote on any decision taken by the SOC. The five groups are: • elected members (County Councillors) • schools (Governors) • Leicester Diocese (Church of England) • Nottingham Diocese (Roman Catholic Church) • Learning and Skills Council (LSC) Preparing and agreeing the SOP is only one of the functions of the SOC. Its other, most significant, rôle is to determine any statutory proposals (e.g. opening or closing schools) that are made by the County Council. 2 In the event that a SOC cannot resolve an issue, the matter is referred to an independent adjudicator who has powers to determine proposals. This means that if any one of the five groups votes against a proposal (having exhausted the search for a universally acceptable outcome), the issue is referred to an adjudicator. (1.3) Functions of the SOP The plan brings together detailed data relating to school places and identifies the range of issues that need to be considered/addressed. However, it is not the function of the SOP to set out detailed proposals affecting individual schools. Such proposals are the responsibility of the LEA. They will often be in response to the SOP and will usually be considered as individual proposals by the SOC. The LEA would then need to decide how these general needs would be met. If this involved statutory proposals (e.g. significant enlargement of one or more schools) those proposals would be put to the SOC by the LEA. At that stage the proposals would name actual schools. As set out in 1:1, the SOP must include early years, SEN, 16+ and denominational provision. The SOP is prepared in the context of the Education Development Plan (EDP), the Assets Management Plan (AMP), the Early Years and Childcare Development Plan and the LEA’s rôle in securing improved achievement by pupils. (1.4) Layout of the SOP DfEE guidance suggested that LEAs might decide to set-out SOPs in three sections. This guidance seems helpful and it has been adopted. The three sections labelled A, B and C relate to: • demographic information • policies and principles • conclusions Aggregated data is provided in Section A with expanded school-by- school data set-out in Appendices. (1.5) Partnership The planning processes are currently undertaken by elected members and officers of the County Council. This work involves liaison with District Councils and developers in relation to future housing proposals, with Health Authorities, in relation to births in the area, with Communities affected by significant proposals and with the relevant Diocesan Education Authorities. These existing partnership structures are formalised in the SOP process. The SOC broadens the base for formal involvement in decision making whilst leaving with the County Council, the responsibility for bringing forward detailed proposals. There are 3 requirements on the County Council to consult stakeholders when SOP priorities are being developed and to consult interested parties and the Community on the contents of the draft plan. 4 (2.1) PUPIL NUMBER FORECASTS (2000 to 2006) 2.1(a) PRIMARY SCHOOLS BLABY Summer Term Forecasts DISTRICT 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Year 0 1082 1159 1136 1158 1135 N/A Year 1 1189 1082 1159 1136 1158 1135 Year 2 1110 1189 1082 1159 1136 1158 Year 3 1159 1110 1189 1082 1159 1136 Year 4 1245 1159 1110 1189 1082 1159 Year 5 1244 1245 1159 1110 1189 1082 Year 6 1016 1096 1094 1015 982 1038 TOTALS 8045 8040 7929 7849 7841 Over the next 5 years, new housing in this district could produce 132 additional children from housing currently in development and 58 pupils from sites where development is expected but not yet commenced. CHARNWOOD Summer Term Forecasts DISTRICT 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Year 0 1650 1805 1762 1822 1750 N/A Year 1 1770 1650 1805 1762 1822 1750 Year 2 1804 1770 1650 1805 1762 1822 Year 3 1756 1804 1770 1650 1805 1762 Year 4 1913 1756 1804 1770 1650 1805 Year 5 1958 1913 1756 1804 1770 1650 Year 6 1748 1821 1769 1630 1672 1622 TOTALS 12599 12519 12316 12243 12231 Children from current sites: 135 Pupils from expected sites: 100 HINCKLEY & Summer Term Forecasts BOSWORTH 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 DISTRICT Year 0 1097 1124 1160 1169 1118 N/A Year 1 1107 1097 1124 1160 1169 1118 Year 2 1151 1107 1097 1124 1160 1169 Year 3 1121 1151 1107 1097 1124 1160 Year 4 1200 1121 1151 1107 1097 1124 Year 5 1185 1200 1121 1151 1107 1097 Year 6 1199 1116 1119 1052 1070 1031 TOTALS 8060 7916 7879 7860 7845 Children from current sites: 247 Pupils from expected sites: 55 5 NORTH Summer Term Forecasts WEST LEICS. 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 DISTRICT Year 0 967 1039 1016 1048 1017 N/A Year 1 988 967 1039 1016 1048 1017 Year 2 973 988 976 1039 1016 1048 Year 3 1112 973 988 976 1039 1016 Year 4 1085 1112 973 988 976 1039 Year 5 1099 1085 1112 973 988 976 Year 6 1001 969 934 974 840 871 TOTALS 7225 7133 7038 7014 6924 Children from current sites: 189 Pupils from expected sites: 169 HARBOROUGH Summer Term Forecasts DISTRICT 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Year 0 907 968 931 931 960 N/A Year 1 964 907 968 931 973 960 Year 2 959 964 907 968 931 973 Year 3 902 959 964 907 968 931 Year 4 923 902 959 964 907 968 Year 5 1023 923 902 959 964 907 Year 6 860 927 854 832 857 865 TOTALS 6538 6550 6485 6492 6560 Children from current sites: 183 Pupils from expected sites: 90 MELTON Summer Term Forecasts DISTRICT 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Year 0 551 577 586 539 518 N/A Year 1 565 551 577 586 539 518 Year 2 586 565 551 577 586 539 Year 3 573 586 565 551 577 586 Year 4 584 573 586 565 551 577 Year 5 577 584 573 585 565 551 Year 6 485 477 481 472 465 455 TOTALS 3921 3913 3919 3875 3801 Children from current sites: 37 Pupils from expected sites: 24 OADBY & Summer Term Forecasts WIGSTOND 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 ISTRICT Year 0 684 692 707 679 666 N/A Year 1 712 684 692 707 679 666 Year 2 743 712 684 692 707 679 Year 3 740 743 712 684 692 707 Year 4 759 740 743 712 684 692 Year 5 852 759 740 743 712 684 Year 6 28 37 32 36 29 34 TOTALS 4518 4367 4310 4253 4169 Children from current sites: 0 Children from expected sites: 46 6 2.1 (b) SECONDARY SCHOOLS BLABY DISTRICT AUTUMN TERM FORECASTS 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Year 6 00000 0 Year 7 663 661 661 643 622 638 Year 8 660 663 661 661 643 622 Year 9 667 660 663 661 661 643 Key Stage SUB 1990 1984 1985 1965 1926 1903 3 TOTAL Year 10 375 370 370 370 370 370 Year 11 349 375 370 370 370 370 Key Stage SUB 724 745 740 740 740 740 4 TOTAL Year 12 162 187 201 199 199 199 Year 13 112 119 137 148 146 146 Year 14 15 18 19 22 23 23 16+ SUB 289 324 357 369 368 368 TOTAL TOTAL 3003 3053 3082 3074 3034 3011 Over the next 5 years, new housing in this district could produce 110 additional children from housing currently in development and 66 pupils from sites where development is expected but not yet commenced CHARNWOOD AUTUMN TERM FORECASTS DISTRICT 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Year 6 141 150 141 145 158 138 Year 7 2096 2028 2015 1940 1931 1932 Year 8 1984 2096 2028 2015 1940 1931 Year 9 2015 1984 2096 2028 2015 1940 Key Stage SUB 6095 6108 6139 5983 5886 5803 3 TOTAL Year 10 2007 1977 1949 2032 1968 1984 Year 11 1905 2007 1977 1949 2032 1968 Key Stage SUB 3912 3984 3926 3981 4000 3952 4 TOTAL Year 12 948 933 983 968 954 993 Year 13 670 725 714 753 739 730 Year 14 50 50 56 55 58 57 16+ SUB 1668 1708 1753 1776 1751 1780 TOTAL TOTAL 11816 11950 11959 11885 11795 11673 Children from current sites: 113 Children from expected sites: 96 7 HINCKLEY & AUTUMN TERM FORECASTS BOSWORTH DISTRICT 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Year 6 137 150 132 145 148 134 Year 7 1515 1385 1384 1310 1355 1321 Year 8 1464 1515 1385 1384 1310 1355 Year 9 1404 1464 1515 1385 1384 1310 Key Stage SUB 4383 4364 4284 4079 4049 3986 3 TOTAL Year 10 1547 1554 1542 1566 1541 1544 Year 11 1533 1547 1554 1542 1566 1541 Key Stage SUB 3080 3101 3096 3108 3107 3085 4 TOTAL Year 12 727 710 715 719 713 723 Year 13 496 536 526 529 532 528 Year 14 50 48 54 54 54 53 16+ SUB 1273 1294 1295 1302 1299 1304 TOTAL TOTAL 8873 8909 8807 8634 8603 8509 Children from current sites: 206 Children from expected sites: 63 N.W.
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