Minutes of the Meeting of the Leicestershire County Council Held at County Hall, Glenfield on Wednesday, 23 March 2011
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MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE LEICESTERSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL HELD AT COUNTY HALL, GLENFIELD ON WEDNESDAY, 23 MARCH 2011 PRESENT Mr. P. C. Osborne CC (in the Chair) Mr. A. D. Bailey CC, Mr. D. C. Bill CC, Mr. R. Blunt CC, Mr. G. A. Boulter CC, Mr. S. L. Bray CC, Mrs. R. Camamile CC, Mr. M. H. Charlesworth CC, Mr. J. G. Coxon CC, Mrs. J. A. Dickinson CC, Dr. R. K. A Feltham CC, Mrs. J. Fox CC, Mr. S. J. Galton CC, Mr. D. A. Gamble CC, Mr. B. Garner CC, Mr. T. Gillard CC, Mr. M. Griffiths CC, Mr. P. S. Harley CC, Mr. G. A. Hart CC, Dr. S. Hill CC, Mr. D. W. Houseman MBE, CC, Mr. Max Hunt CC, Mr. D. Jennings CC, Mr. G. Jones CC, Mr. A. M. Kershaw CC, Mr. P. G. Lewis CC, Mr. W. Liquorish JP CC, Mrs. H. E. Loydall CC, Mr. K. W. P. Lynch CC, Mr. J. Miah CC, Ms. Betty Newton CC, Mr. J. T. Orson JP CC, Mr. I. D. Ould CC, Mr. M. B. Page CC, Mrs. R. Page CC, Mr. B. L. Pain CC, Mr. D. R. Parsons CBE CC, Mr. G. Partner CC, Mrs. L. A. S. Pendleton CC, Mrs. P. Posnett CC, Mrs. C. M. Radford CC, Mr. J. B. Rhodes CC, Mrs. J. Richards CC, Mr. P. A. Roffey CC, Mr. N. J. Rushton CC, Mr. R. J. Shepherd CC, Mr. D. Slater CC, Mr. E. D. Snartt CC, Mr. D. A. Sprason CC, Mr. E. F. White CC, Mr. R. M. Wilson CC, Mr. D. O. Wright CC and Mr. M. B. Wyatt CC 92. CHAIRMAN'S ANNOUNCEMENTS. Mr Charles (Mike) Halliday MBE The Chairman reported with great sadness the death on 25 February 2011 of former County Councillor Mr Mike Halliday, aged 88 years. He had been elected to the County Council at a by-election on 20 August 1992 and had served until the following May, representing the former Groby and Ratby Electoral Division. Although only serving on the County Council for a short period he had been a prominent local politician who served for many years on the Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council and Groby Parish Council. Those present to joined the Chairman in silent tribute to the memory of Mr Mike Halliday. Japanese Ambassador The Chairman reported that, following the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan, he had written on behalf of the County Council to the Japanese Ambassador expressing sympathy with his Country's difficulties and expressing hope for the future. Armed Services The Chairman referred with thanks to the generosity which had been shown by Mr Michael Griffiths CC in purchasing the Military Cross received by 2 nd Lieutenant Fairall, a local soldier who served in the First World War and presenting it to the Tigers' Regiment at a recent County Council event. The medal was being displayed for an initial period at County Hall alongside other memorabilia of the Royal Leicestershire Regiment. Visitors The Chairman welcomed to the meeting all visitors and guests of members. 93. MINUTES. It was moved by the Chairman, seconded by the Vice-Chairman and carried:- “That the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 23 February 2011, copies of which had been circulated to members, be taken as read, confirmed and signed.” 94. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. The Chairman invited members who wished to do so to make declarations of interest in respect of items on the agenda for the meeting. No such declarations were made. 95. QUESTIONS ASKED UNDER STANDING ORDER 7(1)(2) AND (5). (A) MR JENNINGS CC asked the following question of the Leader or his nominee:- "1. Is the Leader aware of the difficulties being experienced by residents of Countesthorpe as a result of bus service changes, and specifically that:- (i) the Arriva bus company has cut the 85 Service – Countesthorpe – Leicester on weekdays from a bus every 15 minutes to one every 30 minutes, causing residents acute problems; (ii) villages such as Glen Parva and Blaby do not have their own services and therefore rely on the 85 Service, together with the 84 Service (Broughton Astley), which means that Countesthorpe residents often cannot make use of the service because buses are full; (iii) Centrebus has removed the 45 Service – Oadby – Countesthorpe – Fosse Park, adding to the difficulties; (iv) at a time when Countesthorpe is expanding (it is to have another 500 new houses) there is a need for better rather than lesser bus services in that area? 2. Recognising that these are private commercial services, would the Leader consider what might be done to improve the situation, bearing in mind that the existence of good quality bus services can encourage people to leave their cars at home?" Mrs Pendleton replied as follows: "1. I am aware that changes are taking place. However, Leicestershire still has, overall, good coverage of bus services, with over 80% being provided by the commercial operators at no cost to the County Council. This is backed up by the supported bus network, meaning that over 95% of Leicestershire residents are within 800m of an hourly or better bus service. The County Council’s LTP3, to be considered at this meeting, emphasises the importance of the bus network in meeting transport needs. The more of this that can be provided on a commercial basis, the less is the burden on the County Council and Council Taxpayers. To that end, the Environment and Transport Department is in active contact with the operators but, of course, ultimately it is a commercial decision for them to take. I would be happy to try to arrange a meeting between the operator in this particular case and Mr Jennings, so that local concerns can be fully explained. 2. I can assure Mr Jennings that a review of the supported bus network will be carried out over the coming year, to ensure that in the context of budgetary reductions, local needs are met as far as possible." (B) MR ORSON CC asked the following question of the Chairman of the Adults, Communities and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee:- "1. Is the Chairman of the Adults, Communities and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee aware that NHS Leicestershire County and Rutland PCT is to withdraw funding to Long Clawson Medical Practice which they use to commission a rehabilitation bed located at Hunters Lodge, Old Dalby, without active engagement with the practice or consultation with local people? 2. Would the Chairman agree to consider what the Committee might do towards ensuring that this vital local service is able to continue?" Mrs Camamile replied as follows: "1. I understand that this scheme was set up under Practice Based Commissioning (PBC) by Long Clawson Medical Practice to run for a fixed period of time ending March 2011. From April 2011 it will be the responsibility of GP Consortia in their shadow form to determine their local priorities for commissioning schemes. Funding is being made available by the Primary Care Trust to support the transition and this will enable funding of the bed to continue until the end of May. I hope that any decision on the future of this provision will be taken by the new Consortium in a considered way after appropriate consultation with the practice and its patients and that it will be based on sound evidence of the costs and benefits of the service. 2. I think it is important for the Adults, Communities and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee to be prepared to look into issues such as this, perhaps in the context of a wider countywide consideration of the provision of intermediate care and reablement schemes in community settings, including support for people in their own homes, which would prevent or shorten hospital admissions." (C) MR PAIN CC asked the following question of the Leader or his nominee:- "Would the Leader please give me an update on how the Council is supporting and promoting the Big Society?" Mr Rushton replied as follows: "First may I congratulate Blake Pain and his Scrutiny Panel on its work. I am pleased that the Cabinet has been able to allocate considerable additional funding to ensure the Panel’s recommendations can be implemented. Of course the Council already does a lot that fits with Big Society principles. We involve local people in our community forums, we involve people in planning our services and we involve people in running local services such as the new community centre in Barwell. We have a network of volunteers working to support County Council services and improve life in their communities, for example Flood and Tree Wardens and our Master Composters. I am particularly pleased that so many people have decided to take the opportunity to tell us what green spaces they want to protect and improve – over 1000 people so far through community forums and more than 700 people on line. We have a lot of good work to build on but of course we need to do more, because Big Society is about not just involving people but putting them in the lead, in control. Our investment of nearly £1m next financial year will be for the community not for bureaucracy: -£350,000 for communities to improve their areas with priorities set through community forums with support from local members - Funding to enable community to get the support they need to get projects off the ground – “helping communities to help themselves” and I want at least 12 communities supported to achieve an improvement to their place or to set up a service in 2011/12 - Support for setting up and sustaining social enterprises.