SPECIAL SERVICE Sunday night a young man was duly There will be a Memorial Service at Bakery and noticed standinig near the corner of G. A. R. Hall -on Sunday afternoon, E he Waiqdraler. Bridge and ermillion streets. He April 2,4th., at 3 eSekiek. in memory of If yon want anything in kept gazing anxiously up and down the all the members of the Post who have Confectionery. P u b l i s h e d every kselelees- street, and it was evident he was pining died during the last year. FINE STOCK OP Alarseilles Plaindeahr, to hug some one under the stars? A cordial invitation is extended to TERMS. 50 CEET8 A YEILIL. That "some one" had sent him a letter all friends of the old soldiers to be pres- MAI JD Furniture Extra Cosies , 2 O'ta Esich. making an appointment to meet him as num can ma All guaranteed the best far t h e r a c y . I bare THE entirely new line, above at 6 o'clock. and asking him ent at thatA. meeting. Ethridge will deliver the 011iee fa S i - - Reck. No. 7 Mara Strad not to fail to meetaher." The note was All the very latest approved patterns. address for the iension. Material that admits of no superior, and signed "A Warm Admirer? As the Four have joined the silent majority fand Cads, kui. Mkt nes. Oc VOLUME XIX. MARSEILLES, ILL., FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1895. TERRY SIMMONS. - - EDITOR second fiew by i n t o minutes the withinRev. the past year from the ranks of N U M B E . R 1 8 young man gazed up and down street MENZO JIMININGs waiting for his adorer, but he waited Woodruff Poet. viz: at door S..of bank- forglotCath I lie saw fawn* Ion It is'now Mr. and Mrs. S. IL Batley. in vain, and after an hoer had slowy J. P. YODER was born in Mifflin county. Pas Sep. 4, AN • dragged by, and there was nothing in Illinois with his pa- W . A . MOREY. Peel. F. T. NEFF,Can INDEPENDENT LOCAL JOURNAL AND GOOD ADVERTISING MEDIUM.— R 1 = ' = = Z I 50 cents buys a full sized hammock sight tohug but a telegraph pole, the ISA coming to rents, who settled in McLean county N . FL MING. Vim P r e . _ The new Spring designs are the most beautiful yet produced. Let me at Trowbridge's. young man tumbled to the joke, and in ISM, and where he grew to manhood. show von how they will look laid down in your room. Get my prices. went home breathing vengeance on the . - - - - . - - him—Streator Feb. 3d, 1 whenwhe n bNit ut eanteen eighteen' yearsrai i Dr. J. EL Goodell left for Grand Ridge rang who put the job on old. he enlisted in the 150th regusest Latest styles in capes at Hart's. Vaughey's for dry goods. Shoes cheap at Varighers. on business today. Free Press. First Nationall3afili Silverware at Vaughey% free- of iIimfl.- t Oi mourns, see i n ...tit eneerered out Jan.__ Pah, MARSEIIJ.ES, ILI.. Outing flannel, 5e- a yam!, at Brod- Duck suits to order, on short notice, Hart's motto: Honest goods at hots 15 . - See the new duffles, at 4c. and 5c. a A. E. Hanes was driving East on JOH J. BECKER, SEk mitts, eta to 'm eta. a pair, + The Undertaking Department ,[ at the cliese of war,_ in .s.erviee eleven beck's a t Hart' s. est prices. at Brodbeck's. yard, at Brodbecks. Washington street Monday afternoon_ I months and thirteen this Ile joined will be in charge of an experienced hand and all orders will receive the most A team coming West kept to the HEM.. $50,000. SzaPhus.$10= - careful attention. Your patronage will be appreciated- Call in. 1.70e Woodruff Post No. 2S1, in Oct.. Ca , - DRAI.E lit Mrs. Allis Cram is again of our city Lace curtains, from 50c. to 8.5.00 a See the new challies, at 4c. and 5c. a Stanley dress shirts, new stock, latest Mr Haynes turned in at the pestoffice Another car load of the ben flour on 1s_%, and thereafter served in the IRIECTCSIEt EH. for a ti m e pair, at Brodbedes. yard, at Brodbeck's. earth at Springhorna. patterns, just in at Bennett's. and a collision was barely avoided, his tion of chaplain four and one-halfsta.- team becoming frightened in the brush I IL T ROW RR I DGE, D CON AR D ,years. resigning therefrom in July. K. F. T. NEFF, E . T . R E A D . REM SALT & SMOKED Good sweet corn, five cents per cam It is red paint and on Peter Ditt And they all returned from the circus Messr&J. Lord and the singer Bunk, W..1. A. ± Butterfield. Net proceeds of about $8.00 are re- snd by a passing cycler. A tug c-ame and removing. with his family. to N. FLEMING. - - M ORE Y. at Springhorn's man's dray and looks slick. loud in their praise thereof. B. F. GAGE_ cycled to Streator yesterday. arFirst door East of post office and opposite depot-Columbia Block. ported for the W. R. C. supper of Satur- loose and the team ran, creasing the Needy. Clackamas isoutity, Oreg on. day evening. tile walk to the vacant lot East of But- whe re be Miss Mollie Welsh was a Marseilles Wrappers made to order. from your terfield's furniture store. Then the died June 1st, leg, aged 47 7-bars Dome soap, 25 cents. Arthur Simmons now rides a new years, 9 months and =7 days_ visitor on Wednesday. o w n selection of prints, at Hart's_ E IL SPICER & SON. New plate glass windows in front tug came Jown„ catching in some Crusader cycle. It came Wednesday. CHA ItL_Ls.; T. WILSON THE ADVERTISERS • and new electric light service are two hoards over an old cistern. the rig end- was born in Lincolnsville. Waldo Co., A ' I ' S _ If you wish to see a fine assortment • ed up in the air, and Mr. Hanes was F O R 1 8 9 5 _ Stanley dress shirts new stock, latest Trade at Vaugney's and get easdru- Go to Hart's for dress patterns of the fine improvements at Funk Bro's this Maine,. Mar. Stis_IS3o. The family re- patterns, just in at Bennetes. of laces and embroideries, go to Brad- ple plate silverwear for your table R week. thrown violently to the ground on his latest novelty. Cutting awl fitting tree face and shoulders. The fall and shock moved in 1s4 7 to Point Pleasant. West 1101111116, RUM, SWAY AU b e c k ' s . FREE. of ch arge. Virginia. He came to La Salle empty Falai Mrs. G. E. Wheeler. of Minneapolis. Mrs. Effa Crawford, of Harvard. ar- rendered him unconscious. in which in 1851. removed to Galiiopolis, Ohm. in WEEKLY EDITIONS. Rev. and Mrs. T. R. Satterfield. of - SELLS state be remained until willing hands is visiting her daughter, Mu. F. T Miss Ella Pitts left Tuesday for Onar- The line of Spring dry goods at rived yesterday to spend the Summer 1S5s. resulting to this counts- in 1571. IggressiTe Repablkat Jam& y HIGHEST MARKET Neff. ga for a visit of a week with former Kings. ILL, are visiting their daughter, had taken him to his home. corner Mint • F O E V a t Vaughey's surpasses anything ever with he r rrarents, Mr. and Mrs. ES T. here to reside thereafter. He entered r ' _ PRICE P AI D routhis Eft schoolmates. Mrs. C. D. Osgood. STYLISH Hayes. Union and Chicago streets. Quite old It die IOW Gets. shown in our city. the army Jan. 2.oth. P.:64. as Sec. Lieut. The most complete line of eorsets and in boor health the accident proved Stiff ! Soft lists!' Straw hats! • a severe one, but Mr. Hanes is nos of Co E. 27th regt of U. S Colored and corset waists can be found at Insure your property with D. A. Don't forget that May idth is the --c Don't forget the " Wedding" Friday Troops. serving continuously with the Cornmenial AZtvrtiser. able to he up and about. Established' 1797. Published ev- Brodbeck's. Nicholson & Son. They represent the Hats in all styles and colors, and at all date of the Denionst contest at the evening, May 3rd, at Columbia opera regiment until Sep. amt. 11..65, and was best reliable companies. prices at Kuser Kelso's house. General admission, MI cam; mustered out as First Lieut. of Co. C. ery evening. New York's oldest Universalist ('hurch. A sorry defect at the cemetery is the A new invoice of Happy Home cloth- children, 13 ets. on that date by reason of the " war evening news-raper. .Subscrip. R ...FOOTWEAR.% absence of a supply of suitable water. ing for Spring and Summer just opesed Dress goods, new and desirable, and Miss Georgie Jennings, who is at- The largest stock of dress goods, 'clos ed,- 'having been in service nlile- tion price, $6.00 per year. any at all for that matter. The as- at Kiner & Kelso's- ladies wrappers, at tending school in Chicago, came down hosiery and underwear. ever brought to We have again this year the agency o r m o n t h s and twenty-three days. T H U R B E R & to riSit soeiation has talked artesian well. but teen Vorning Adrzrtiscr:. C os. brother Memo for a Week. this city, just received at Brodbeck's. FOR ALL for Waghorne's vegetables, berries. etc. He joined Woodruff Post Aug. it, iSSS. 1CYCLES. Shoes in all the good, new styles, at Our experience in the past three years as this involved an expense of fully Published every morning The Sale a depth of at least 7.'00 feet being serving therein as adjutant three years way down prices. If you care to ride a bicycle, and do 4 cps. Californiatier Beans, 25 cents. W. society h a s rented MANKIND. has proven beyond a doubt that. they and as commander one sear l i e died leading Republican newspaper of 1 Box Smoked Herring, The A. 0. U. A s ne(_-essary,„ the matter was dropped for the day. Clean and fearle-s. Timms & Co. not own one, Al Arnold has a good one cents. the hall over lletierman's, and will r are the finest this market affords. at his home in Marseilles Oct. 15, 4 . he rent's the use of for ten cents an California Apricots. 12% c.15, per can. Marseilles, - - ilL -1"--=' it costs no more to get the best, why the present. In addition to cost of Subscription price, al3.00 per year. take possemon as soon as it is in shape. well it was believed a windmill to aged 64 years, 7 months and 7 days. Monday evening. May 13th, the next h o u r . HENNEIT a SON. not buy them of us? •S t i n d a E. H. SPICER & SON. raise the water would have to be put eotteNzo HAYNES Adrertig:r. meeting of the Good Citizenship League The Sasses Lillie Conklin and Frank- up also. From our experience also was born in Johnson county„ Iowa, in New York's most popular Sundae Will be held at the Ooogtegational Mrs. Ballard's sister, Mrs. F. N " Where did they come from all of a 1S44 At eighteen sears of age he en- Ar e t he ie Hubbard returned from Chicago. ADVERTISED LETTERS. artesian water is not good for dowers newspaper. The only Republi- church. Smith, and friend, Miss Margaret sudden ?" is the puzzling question in Joliet and Plainfield Monday night. and bushes, if too strong killing them. listed. August. 1 S ± . Ur Co. D., 72d reel can 2-rent Sunday paper in the Smith, of Poetise, were both her guests regard t .the cycles with which our Letters remaining in the poet office Ill. Vol. InfaLtry; was discharged Hig hest having enjoyed a brier outing greatly. Allow us to introduce at 31arseilles, La Salle counts-. Ill, Our idea is to put in a good cistern at United states. 2 9 'litt paces. Charles Babcock. of this city. has the first of the week. city is fairly flooded, so to speak. the G. A_ R. nand. Eavetroughs from therefrom as Corporal Mar. 14. is41. by Subssri pti. el price, $1.00 per year. of all been sentenced to four years in the • April 2:e. If uot claimed, will be sent reason of promotion to First Serg't iii o W. A_ Butterfield is giving away re- to the derad letter office on May 9, 1895_ that building would supply rain water to High Joliet penitentiary, by Judge Blanch- Distance does not lend enchantment JLadies, learn dress making and ladies minders of the World's Fair this week to your favor enough for all reasonable needs. This Co. K 1st Mississippi Cavalry, subse- ard, for assault on his cousin. to the beautiful new footwear just re- Emey Guddle, Geo. L. Fmr, Anna quently tailed the 3d U. S. Colored Cav- Ls a Idrertisat tailoring. Cutting and fitting taught in in the shape of souvenir camp-chairs. Daly, J. L. Chase. M. J. Storer. expense would be a light one and prob- Grades. ceived by LORD." His stock bears a few days at Hart's, one of the highest This office was favored with one. ably could be met by the association alry. Jan. 2.1 1S6-'5, he WAS promoted to The ADVERTISERS have no superior. 3 E. can Baked Sweet Potatoes,10 c. the closest inspection. Call and exam- Foreign--Giovanni RulanL 2d Lieut._ of Co. C. 3d U. S. C. C. and points of art in any young ladies edu- In calling for these letters, please and probably could be met by the asso- samples free. Agents wanted everywhere_ 3 a. can Roston Baked Beans, 10 c. in e it _ cation. Sam and Chas. Robinson returned to 9S ciation and the work completed right was mustered out Jail& 26th. LAS'S at 3 lb, can Pie Peaches, 10 mots, say. advertised. Liberal commissious. A. E. Hanes &Son have started an Chicago Wednesday. They had been now. It is a plan worth considenng the close of war, having served three Address THE ADVERTISER, Warra.stsa Superior to any Bicycle built in R m .-mars a SON. l'ETER MeAeritru, P. M. years and six months. Ile joined Jo- oil wagon in our city, sell the best Methodist Episcopal church service down especially to see their father. R. (FUNK B110 at any rate. the Wm's:. ResaraSess of Trice. N. P. M. 29 Park Bow, New York. on Sunday, at 10:30 A. and 7:30 Robinson, who has been quite sick but seph Woodruff Post as a charter mem- Revs W. H. Locke and J. IL Stead grades of Standard oil and gasoline, (Successors to C. L Prestonj An unusually large number of appli- at the usual prices, and make daily de- Sunday School at 1 2 x . Miss Nellie is improving. ber and mustered therein June. ISSI, attended a meeting of the Joliet Dis- Who are just opening up cants are reported as intending to take Bassani Public: By no means do as servinz as senior vice commander one Read the Mooing minion of ase M tbe most prominent livery at your homes. Give them a Grantham will lead the Epworth a the coming examination for admission TI-IE ART AMATEUR. American dealers who has sold hendreds of these wheels_ trict Ministerial Association at Free- League meeting at 6:15_ Prayer meet- many people know as should the vast year, and at all times a member o f t h e itIMIN.ND„ VA,. t ri aL The following will graduate from to West Point and Annapolis. This amount of good which has been done in OeL a. liet. dom this week_ It was the best atten- ing at 7:30 Wednesday evening. LARGE INVOICE OF NEW GOODS various committee:, appointed to fur- Beat and Largest Practical Art Illairanna latians Moe= indiestapdh. lad. ded session held in some time. our high school in June: Misses Carrie shows that the bright boys of this COUlt.- the past, and is yet being done, by pat- ther the work of the order. He died Gserrumalor, The Waverly Scorcher and Belle came to EstatAv.-Estrayed from my farm, Preston, Lucy Osgood, Cordelia Poole, in all departments,, comprising try appreciate an inviting opportunity riotic and generous ladies of the Wom- The only Art Periodical awarded a rdal hand vestal:Ivy. We are afraid yon have sent us the high The W. R. C. ladies will give a lon- at his home in our city March 25th, '95, at the World's Fair-ii primed wheel by =stake. Yon eon I mean to tell us that this DOG TAGS. m. S. of Seneca, a dapple gray mare, Nellie Annin, Pansy Hayes. Edna when it presents itself. There will be an's Relief Corps. Many is the case of farateable to all do wis h to molar A a r Nwiwg about five years old; white faced and guet and short program, in honar of Hagan. Florence Blanchard, Maria two lucky fellows from this county aged 52 years. wheel tetalls tor PS? We nest any that it is, without exeeli- Tags for dugs can be obtained of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery and scant they, hive relieved, of distress GEORGE H. IIA RDER l o c. or: or so state Nwir Yaws_ 1 0 4 nigh Frame. Wood Rims. De- tion. the prettiest wheel we have ever seen. and moreover. we weighs about 10,050 lbs. $5.00 reward -Old Glory's ' birthday, at G. A. IL hall, Y uill. and one young man, Lawrence who will get fine educations at govern- they hate aomforted, of destitution ' tatchable Tires. Scorcher, have taint in it. although it weighs only= lbs . for an waved Marshall Cook. All dews found within May 16th. Uncle Sam and Columbia, was born in Butler. Warne Co, N. Y., FthisweE willpoldieation send to a anyspecimen one eomeg i. = we have sold this year and last and you know that is a r i ght for information leading to her recov- Le wi s. ment expense. It is said there will be they have alleviated and of suffering 14. 1843. weight. gl lbs. SM. the city limits, not tagged. on sad after JAMES E.. STONE. Seneca, with several attendants, will be pres- Feb. When nineteen yeas Steel rims. Waverly. Clincher good number,. we have never had a single frame nor fork brok- b e e ry. over forty who will take the examin.a- they have soothed. Orphans of men superb color pate, i for rogeinrot framiag) and en. either from strident or defect. and that is more than we can May 1. i i, will shin_ ent anti will be glad to see you all The Ransom Driving Park associa- Glassware, Boots and Shoes, Etc. Fet e Press. old he enlisted in Co. E. a3th reg't seight tt Its. J. R. GALLOWAY, Mayor. • tions-Streator who went down in the wild wreck of VoL Infantry, in which he served con- 1,supplementary pages of (regal= pc= Regular FrAme same weights sav for any other wheel. however high grade.. so called. that we CAL.DWELL's SYRUP PEPSLN there. tion, at a meeting held Wednesday eve- =c1. Or sell_ We eongratidate urselves every day teat we are the tirThe continued patronage of the old friends of this house and that of • war rise up and call them blessed. $‘15_ f r o m tinuously three years, eleven months oe will send also •"-i Padrating ladies Drop Frame, same Waverly agents. Yours truly. Watran C. Maness 4: Co. is a boon to those suffering c o n - ning. decided to bold the spring meet- many new ones is what we seek and strive to merit. FU N K BR O S . Saturday's school election was a tame Widows of warriors whose forms sleep and eighteen days, to be mustered out Walking up Main street. just like of s t i p a t i o n , indigestion and sick head- inir on Saturday. May asth. Four good affair, there being only 150 votes cast. FOR 25C for Itegistiers'. OM pigmy w.....das and tires. S . The Ladies Helping Society, of the beneath the unchanging sun and under asiso.C°5, arir closeraL his reflirjeonitiedj uWiyool: -1-.,a.--- Diamond Frame. Wood old, we met Geo. Cole Wednesday. He ache- Try a 10c. bottle (10 doses 10 eta) M. E. church, will hold a bazar in the races, including a bicycle race, will be As there was but one tieket Rev. the silenet stars look upon them as 13011TAGUE MAIMS. Rims. wei,Mt =lbs. Illust rated Catalogs-use Free. Ethridge was elected to succeed himself has been away from here for eight and be convinced. Large sizes 50c. church parlor on May 16th, both after- on the program for the day. Several guardian angels, and a legion of aged, ruff Post Aug. 21, least and served 23 Union 8wwww. yeas, the of them spent at Kewanee and El s e . For sale by L IL Trow- noon and evening. commencing at 2ffi0 good horses are expected and a good as president of the Board of Education crippled and tottering-veterans thank INDIANA BICYCLE CO., Indianapohs, Indiana. Coming Your Way! and W A Morey member. with S. T, therein as officer of the guard. junior his present home George ever was a bridge, Marseilles, Chas. Epple, Seneca. P. M. Refreshments will be served. time promised-Ranson P l a n e . God each day for their existence. vice commander and senior vice com- pleasant body and we see no change in A curdial invitation is extended to alL Osgood for the third man. To the two So long as the world lasts men must one /4 14 14 14 14 14 t o mander year each, dying' here Apr. this respect. SEC. former it comes as a compliment fight lest truth and justice vanish from 6th, 1595, aged 52 years, 1 month and s . Allan Jackson & Geo. la. Nicholson, TRESPASSING. their ability in service last year, while lasts Most remedies trespass upon your The new ice wagon will soon be along-nearly the earthand so long as the world days . M r. Os g ood is b y no means a stranger woman will ever be found ministering IllinoisCentral RR. Exclusive Agents. We have again this year the agency Earkele Gazelle: The birthday par- time and pocket book. After using a time for it now. We will make a daily to public favor in school matters. IL to the want, wretcliedness and woe of First Congregational Church, Rev. C. takes pleasure in announcing that la Marko to for Waghornes vegetables, berries. etc. ty given by the Ladies Aid society of dozen bottles with but little or no re- is not thought any material change will aL Sanders, pastor. The motor great- its alre-ady advertised excursion at April il Miss Shelton. of Marseill , was the delivery of those whom war has left in ruin. will run Our experience in the past three years the M. E. church at the residence of H. lief von are discouraged. If you want be made in school management, ly desires that every member of the has proven beyond a doubt that they guest of her sister here, Mrs. Pat Mc sure relief from constipation. indiges- u g h - C_ Doane last Friday evening was so- church, so far as it is possible, shall be TWO IONE WU RATE are the finest this market affords. AS H cially and financially, perhaps far in tion and biliousness try Caldwell's The following note of warning is present Sabbath morning... Services as Coming Your Way! it e0Sts no reore to get the best, why To-night the members of the Seneca excels of the expectations of those who Syrup Pepsin. A 10c. bottle (lo doses Fixot -Class Ice sounded by the Washington ill follows: 10 t0, morning worship: 12 M, Fire Department will meet in their .4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 ; not buy them of us? arranged the event. One hundred and to eta) will indicate what it is_ capable and would like your orders to fill. News. and is but one of a dozen like Sabbath School; 6-31 Y. P. S. C. E. E. H. SPICER k SON. hall to elect officers for the ensuing six responded with birthday money- of doing for you. For sale by L H. instances we find noted in our ex- meeting; ;)0. evening worship. Evan- 1 continues in ALL We bear that Miss Cora Prickett now HOITESEEKERS' ye a r . one cent for each year of age - and the Trowbridge, Marseilles, or Chas. Epple, TH M O D E - L i changes: gelist Hall will preach. Mr Bursk will The new ice wagon will soon be along-nearly Miss Bess Thomas left Monday mor- cash receipts were at-ove O. Seneca. E the front for MEATS. u f- living just Northeast of Marseilles. is MARKET - The editor of the News is still assist in the singing. The special EXCURSIONS Mr. and Mrs_ IL IL flimons return- ning tor near Wauponsee, where she feri ng from nervous prostration caused seriously ill time for it now. We are making a daily from Tangipahoa. La., Wednesday _. Keep on coming and we will do meetings will continue during the ed will take charge of a school for the Ransoms The great 104th his- by the poison used by the painless den- Min Nellie Grant, of Marseilles, At 3 P . M . from all stations on its lines is Mania and delivery of afternoon. Mr. U. Persons, who has A NOTED DOCTOR week. bible readings and at consin, to all Salinas sou tt d Cairo. = tbe Moe Spring tone tory is now in press and will be ready the right thingat the right time by you. tists in extracting teeth. It entered spent Friday as the guest of Miss Dai- 7:t0, Gospel service, conducted by been stopping at Roseland, the second ODre said "mast women lose their of the Illinois Central and the Yarns& Mans- John Glen and Sandy Middleton left for distribution June 1st to 15th_ It the circulation and came within an ace sie Whittaxer. Messrs. Hall and Bursk. Everybody siPaVaneY Railroads except Menpsannad New station South of Tangipalioa. is so well freshness and good looks much earlier will contain some 530 pages, and will be of causing complete paralysis. The Geo. IL Williams was up from Ogles- welcome. Orleans. the additional dates being May it and pleased with his quarters that he will Monday morning for Mason, where the in life than necessary because of inat- A. L. TRAGER. June ii. For diversified farming as easstry in Zasot -Class Ice f o r m e r bass contract for putting up a illustrated with about 80 pictures of gums are still decaying and be has been by for a couple of days last week, his America ran compare with the amiable sec- stay until June 1st. Mr. H. Salisbury tention to nature's requirements. Be- the old veterans. also some views. ••••■■•■■••■•••• confined to the- house since a week a g o CLASS OF '.XS NOTES. and would like your orders to fill. was the recipient of a beautiful baguet I b r i e k building., cause of their habits all school being dismissed Friday. Arbor Cordelia Poole has been absent this tions to be found in Tennessee. ansaisemet as& Not only is the history of the regiment Tuesday. At this writing he is able to day. linbt stfaailva: i4eS O U T H ALL from admiring friends at the South. There wm a special meeting of the should ante a practice of using some given minutely, but the great battles sit up and take his meals regularly. week on account of sickness. continues m We hear the probabilities are that new roads mentioned_ TH R m oD aLk the front for MEATS. old village board Tuesday evening to simple laxative." There is no laxative and campsites are treated of ably, and but he is still very weak. As soon as The class planted a tree on the - — - so simple. so pleasant to take and yet more Saloon lieenses will he granted school grounds - Arbor Day." • d r o u g h t s . ivTA-f i g k ' r Menden, Reporter .7 pay up the bills incurred for the past from personal inspection of the mann- be is able he proposes to hunt up the ticlimate. Keep on coming end we will do Btirglani entered month. The new board bad a meeting so potent as Caldweff's Syrup Pepsin brutes and give them a taste of the in our village this year than for any Carrie was recently promoted to a For a copy of the the general stare ot John Lee & Son, in scrip"t. we penliet that it will take high year in some time.. Southern Home- the right thingat the right Wednesday morning in order to grant Get a 10e. botths (10 dons Meta.) of rank as a literary work. The edition law.- higher - seat of honor." time by von_ Triumph. during the night frets Tues- Cam. = ein'es.besseca, o r Trow- Rev. C. P . hard delivered an inter- Pansy Hayes has been helping Min seekers' Guide, day to Wednesday, and shattered the licenses. L is limited and from the indications all Carpenter with her little folks for a describing the =riot/turn advantages of tbe Dr. G. G. Wilcox attended the meet- bridge the copies will be taken_ ICYCLES. One of the problems to confront the esting address at the AL E. church Sun- country- mentioned. arid for infoosaticat as to safe by moms of an explosive. They ing bf the La Salle County Medical as- I, average country printer is that of help as). evening. Twenty years mission- few days. totality, topography of the eivirartr.r A. L. TRAGER. secured about two hundred dollars and Holiday to-day on account of teach- of the sod. and products to it is aodation at Ottawa Tuesday and was For one thing it requires a higher aver- ary work in India gives a telling force any adapted, addree, at Manchester. Do._ some cigars, and other goods. Thee t o w h a t h e ways at the people of that er,' meeting at. Joliet. Merry. As s t Gen, P&O'T A=. bad effected an entrance through the honored with the office of vice presi- I age of intelligence than most trades or For anorma- w e Hear yet , Hear yet ear ye! arts, and mum training to be even far away land. The dies wish to call attention to tion in regard TO railroad in flostbern back door. The tracks of three persons dent of the asiodation. a position the Wedding" next Friday evening. Ilhno:s. and In the lamas Yazoo Valley d were found by Mr_ Lee, near the creek, all know he will fill ris ally and well.1 ; moderately useful. Since our last John Underhill was around this sissies, . addre ss Chicago. E. P. Skew. Latta —:OUR STOCK CONSISTING OF:— ! trained hand left us to get married week getting signers on a petition to L. I_ L. exrects to retire from class- Comm r I. C. R_ R. Ronember the dates. bet so far no clue has been obtained. The ladies of the Baptist church have ENTIRE Ar e the work soon. (the girls will do it? we have not vet g e t th e job of street sprinkling this W. L DOUGLAS made arrangements to give an enter- Hig hest been able to get track of reliable, year. The way the dust has been blow- Tickets for the " Wedding- may be April 30, Mall 21, June 11. tainment in tne church Saturday eve n- plittinz in obtained from any member of the elan. At 1 o'clock last Saturday afternoon !trained help, and although ing for the past week we think the Johnnie Negri% the the six year old son very interesting Japanese wed- of all ordinary labor have sprinkler ought to General admission, 2:.1 cas: children, 13 Tickets at the above rates on cm, these dates ding, to which the admission will be: more hours than be out at once. only. mart tbirtv days For farther particular; $3 of Pat Scary. fell off the dock into the BryColt, Groceries-I.- umiliplamars Shoes I teen greatly bothered to get the large aPP1Y to your tam ticket agent. w address A_ Over One 10111inaSHOE Pea -de wear the A a Adults, 25 cents; children under twelve, High The Union Temperance League gave canal just east of the bridge. and came ing—It a n i o u b t o f Haxemn, Genl Pass'r A.mtut I. C. IL It.. Cid- for !ale at prices to suit the ti m es. work we have touget nes- an entertainment and supper in G. A. The latest novelty in tawn is bache- W. L. Douglas s a a n d S h o e s . very near being drowned. He had 1 0 c e n t s. Grades.Grades. -pleted in time. The country is full ..f IL hall Monday night for the purpose; lor's reheat on Church street. At pres- c e e . P a w u _ A n Nor in= arm essintly satishature. L e a g u e 19th thh: ldNataionaleouvenItepnlicantion nor s hevnenannna Me lea vane Awn tor In nueseiners= i n . gone don-n the third time when James unemployed printers,but they are gerti- of raising money to meet the expenses I ent the inmates consist of B. E Ede.- Johnson. who, with others had been at- BEST GOO DS at LOWESTPRICES. h of the come and go sort. We w Tear saaVINSIVIIIMIall as ampumeL of the meetings which they have heldi comb. business manager; Wiliam Lan- R. R. TIME TABLE The pricessee =thirws-ermapett en soda. tracted to the seene of the act:Went Cleve:food. Ohio. To this each congres- right now a good. all around man. ,o ISMS Elf-Highest market prices paid for good butter and fresh eggs. Give us a fur the past few months. The ball was ders. chamber maid: Dennis Spillain, Pam gloss ewer other amnia. sprain from the dock into the water si o n a l district is entitled to send four' • arrantei 5:ipericr ts an:: T-3:cycie te whom we will pay right wages. well filled and naturally quite a sum laundry maid: Timothy Curtain. head c. a P. Ef MrPtIONINEr .011•1110S1141,17201111•001. delegates. and of those from this dis- call_ Yours, anxious to please, Send one along. brother publisher. All trains carrying passexygers. N-a-a and rescued him_ He was retired. the Wcr:-...L Bezszetles-s of was realized. matron, and Louis Swansois the cook. 37, Salz, in and 40 are freights. 1115,114,113.50 Cardawalsarresels taken bone and put to bed.-Utica trict Dr- G. G. Wilcox. of this city, has These gentlemen are furnishing their BoremeNet Vag IOW M.11[11111117111. been designated as one. The doctor George L Clark was up from Mar- GOING EAST. Gazette. Read tbe following °piston a one of the most prominent , I 0 MESE EK Ells-EXCURSION. twines Tuesday evening. the school house to their taste. The floor is soon due ...... 4:17 ..s. 93.50roals Ideas. Assns. is a man of weight in more senses ATOMICAO dealers alio has sold hundreds of these wheels. No. so On A p r i l trustees of this township meeting here ' to hecovered with Brussels carpet, and 6 2 S A .. I L ad OW Indipaz t h a n o n e . Rico nos D. WA.. Oct_ g. Pea -2-...t.the Illinois Central R. 10 " ...... Wa n d t b e e BASE BALL MATTERS. i d t 7 o , the house warmed with a new heating l . 7 5 At the regular meeting of the Good Inelimas Bigwig loodioarodis. ' will sell. at one fare for the round that day. Charley Doneleas Jr, was " 111. 4 A . WaWOW VS, VUOIL WE mic G E N7 1. 6 . 111O.N : T h e Wao-rty S a d l ner and Belle came to stove and theta victuals cooked on a plus •,?-2_01. from all stations on its eksted president for another year and 2 " 1 1 3 4 A. N. If yaw &elder cane( ...pply We are about to take ear rightful po- Tempters' Lodge Tuesday evening the hand ve-sterday. W ai atraid yvm have am as tbe high , I new gasoline stove if the boys ran all DOC OatakTION. sition in base lam11 priced wheel by mistake. I= caul mean to ten us Mat ibis ; in Illinois and Wisconsin. Ho, - K. I- Wiley was appointed treasurer to 4 0 " " 1 ale P. N. mu% Irene matters and it came following °dicers were for the LOR become of one wind long enough to about by the emssnization of the)ar- shed retails fa PG? We must say that U S. isitbout curie seekers" Excursion Tickets to all pc. :5 serve two sears. It would indeed be a " 5113 is lL W. L. Douglas, ensuing year: C. T., Chas. Shaw ; P_ C. tiou. the prettiest earl we have ever S M 1 2 . am& moreover. we make the purchase. They firmly seilles Base Ball Association. with J. High Frame. Wood Riau Ite. in Iowa on its line west of, and incl :- difficult matter to name a hatter or as GOING wEsr. Sweekswor Mks". T. Sam Irwin; V. T., Will Lindsay; tett-liable Tires, reorder. have faith ia it, although it weighs only = lbs . ler all ts averho maintain that it is not their fault that M. Nicholson for manager. The re- See_. weight.= tbs. =S. we have sold this year and last arid you know that is a right 1 in z Iowa Falls; also to certain arS - man for the latter position as 3 due ...... 1:11 A- N. See.. Jobs Thomas; Ass% Grac e Steel rims. Waverly. Climber good namberi. we have Dever had a cher frame are lark brok- tional points in Iowa on connects., has proves they are bachelors. but say that if the 1 " quired stock is being tepidly taken and Smith ;- F. S., Jessie Lemony ; Treas., clz girls want them they mast seek then ...... 11:42 P. X. Then. weight 111 lbs. Vt. en. either from aoldent or defect. and that is mom than we -- lines; to points beyond its line in 37. " ...... 12:17 A. N. with the obtaining of a charter af- Walter Richardson; Marshall, Em- 4c)sigmas v lor any otber sheet Iminever high grade. so ado& that we Redinend Cosgrove had a close call Regular Frame same weights far West and Southwest, and to -11 out because they have no time to " fairs will be in compieted shape. mons Wilcox; Dep. Baby Fellows; s•lL We congratedate • ursehim every day Mall we are Me to being struck by the west bound waste on trifles.-Utim Gatette...... 1214 IL M, ...... Ladles' Drop Frame. s u s • Waverly agents. Yours Maly. WaLren C._ Maur= & Ca. mants in Louisiana. between La i .1- stinger Meeday_ He was picking 9 " 7as P. N. Grounds have been leased on East Guard, Lotter Dratidear8 = neArchie weights and tires. VS, vette and Lake Charles. Illinois ( some neea pesa that bad been thrown Broadway (the favorite pima of years Marshall; , Belie Ladies.- Mamma Frame, Wool .= ha l It. R. Agents, and those of cones t- ago) and no heater mail be hati-any- Rhos. meg= =Rs. $ Illustrated Cate Logone Free. on the tract from the train gong East FOR SALE BY JOHN LORD. The Board of Education met on Sat- ing lines. will give you full particulars Land did not bear the train coming from WI whore Thews will he amassed proper- urday.M. .1- Hogan. April titudfLet.cognabation.- n o d F ran k and sell you a ticket at the above re- ly and a good Marl foe spaststois INDIANA BICYCLE CO., ladissapilis. Indiana. the East until it was nearly on to him. — AR duced rate. on the date mentioned ar He barely got off the Meek as the train L. DOUGLAS erected. By joining a esesty kagle. Timmins and $ulbes , mennent they can be obtained by addressing A. went by Several people were standing (--. Witt is now conammisted, a series of elect. mese daily se.a A ballot FOR ALL Allan Jackson et Geo. I. Nicholson, II. Hanson. Genl Pass'r Agent L on the platform at the time so unnerved FITA NWMI games will follow and the national was taken for secretary and D. P. Ca- IL___ Chicago. as to be fairly powerless to move for a $3 mese find devotees in our city more bin chosesi for the eming year. Pres F l i MANKIND. Over 0= =MA=SHOE Pan• soar Ma deeply interested than ever before in Exclusive Agents. - • Sew seceeids. Cogroire is a very old I t H o g a n the following • our history. mantas T 'GOING? man and the least miss in fogang Dougaas IS and OS 1110016 committees: Teachers and salaries. A n sane weleal RIO OlOTIAT 11•6120.110110 . I Certainly going. It's going to be would have insured him a beatible /Imre no=aliaListrutbiantsy___ M e a g h e r and Theme; limmee. OMB Manmilles, - - 111 I one of this Mien entertainments Alyea deeth It is hardly probable be will Mennen was teliteintolied W 6. aged ti o n te rra Implies Timid= and w a d = s a r a n L this season. I wouldn't miss it f i r ever again septa's himself in peril. =vs prinesitipiminatm en T b e Davison an d b y N. Fleming. Pseelaha ; bunnag aod poseds, Thom- Mom tinge smed mersclermams. Rutland JOB J. BECKER,anything. Won't it be a treat? I have Only a abiut time now remehis in GREAT at the tweeting of the county ammo= as and Member. „Ea mama. el•Mialt•Illeirj”11110111111111111.. mew many weddings but never had a which to make necessary arrangements at Ottawa this week_ Quite wisely tbe T h e W. C. T. D. Genveatims of 3PIC1116' 5TYLe314 --- cbance to witness a J one I for the proper observance of membered damilmatmalltaradt former made chainama of the hotly. Wednesday and Their/day was fairly s eiTWITooTOOd s4,_ _own °Veda 111I was will not let this one slip y. They are and decoration day. Rightif under: the L ...Gbicago --adA committee the Sollowing asbnallted renew agreed on well attended. about Meaty deleenten to be attired in Japanese. costumes and auspices of the G. A. R._ they are ger- L B I i i t s J U f e w sibmned Prang tit the measher. FRICeS FRESkSALT & SIINEI everething done up in dananese st.■ e. *ices inr`which every man. woman and l i c a r el . 7 1 12alsraded nee ra iZs of all apse_ • .....-SUM 130 lereigrase was an eiredbeit am and Nevelt w e unfelt wawaman wan also defter a short child in our village should -feel an in- inercbiot Tailors. Shasid Mow Ms intesent- barest aad In seam measure partake _ f t : J1. Cattle of all ages...... 8.00 MIL L fill ALL * lecture. They m y he is a vererood N yww. dwziwr 411111MOO o g l e Mils Wiedroddit Weaker. All the People up our way It is a tribute& the honored fallen be- 'They altIllsaellea is Fit mod IrleMome Yen Mahe and nine of all sale 11= A I M E M I . 0 1 M I . Mr. essi, =Maw ananagalvi rue evedsta nse wm a rad M S lialagelk latillaissi^- ...... - are going. We are all going to rn roes not oulffliiK ape ye t l i v i n g de- W. L. Deemstatie 0_ . 1 1e t SR ARM ...... L a dolo W lstaciodtt. Th arenn y ont and help the Ids to make a atterSli al f l a urr eso l i r i li r adeninabiayen andems gunmenfarall at ammelhaatIowan& Seim tailoring ever m arigt d now and fenders of our nation as mat. each Ihmatimatina Sham ....4.011/111117 folt10110. I saes...... LSO al t ar a m m . oo th s = M _A...... S_ Wit. There will be a large attendsese yew so-rapidly diminishing in num- Lsaassr Oi e rni e s andrariemes...... Ram od athe rd latiewa: because tbe prices are so low: only 13', hens. Let us meet° it that t h e se antis S w i s s s r kennat sesehhres...... ea Yam, always to plowe.„ - car for children. adults. 23 els.-and al days are ever patriotic Awalltridaga, YON AT.TEM MUNIPLEIt AT liaasi; ...... _ . . ass l e n teelielene,23 Caw Tell all your friends of t he dap and abiding love of Itaatwas or cinema, ------.... AO lam as Nibs Date HUM about it Beenserber tt is to be Friday Onideyas Mere Me moments in Corn, per bushel. * ...... JO sae_ brim Prams E.--Whateede_ 19.60:11302=.. TOA.-1 112211112T115111ET seemingwwwita May d, at Columbia Opeta them Dr gadget:those sentiments ev- Vaug hers 1mporium. Oat& per buebel...... 08 d e t a;d tasidsaarer, Mix IL B. Ponsistone, - f111111. / =IV'Mies ram FosMin00,,Igsailllisills... NM er flesh within as perilous times await FOR SALE JOHN LORD Money, one-third value. Gran R ge Location: Main St., fronting Clark. o B-y First_ Congregational Church. Rev.. O • T w e n t y life e portraits giv- C- M. Sanders, pastor. At 10 20 A. M. fhe inaisplealer. en away:_figl Next Wednesday, May and 7 2 0 P.IL C wassbtp. I te. eth, we will give away twenty life size Sabbath acheoL 320 wedeln fee Wiltalsilm -1,, Spring Weather ralts—one with emit dozen of our men. 62) Y. P. S. C. E. meeting. Phiablbalsad. esureir3r JE•rlelary. ee an d n o m ore is hire, Mid the 'days are upon =Put in yonhb order in the day. if Evangelist Hall will preach and singer The hest itTIL1011. SO OMITS A YAWL Buret will shag. , A cordial welcome you want one Sang% at studio. AAVe can *Ad it lint . distresses the lb.- Metes Onian. a Crta Zarb. to *IL The special meetings will be continued the coming week. daily at **i. :ideal mile tie la: ' 'babies an much. Give BAPTIST CHURCH- t h e 011se lismimase Bleett. SA Iffaxelleamet 3110 and 720 at The interest in lties suffer. the cherubs s treat. Buy them HandaLfailemrshipto a s s merabers meetings is broadeningF. and it is hoped at dee of sans= next Sunday morn- TERRY SERBIONIS. - - SDITOR that the work will become general. ing- -.Eumftelkale dunces In the even- Mt. Hales preaching is forceful and ing Singtog Evangelist Swift con- biblical mad Mr. Bunk is an enthusime 3Eitalovre „f,z,m.mamsfes ducts Use sanginer at all the services. F. R. Hubbard returned to from tic singer and leader in the wag ser- ADF EETISED-- ourigeknoOmt cd_ dine new styles and take them oat for an his Fatten trip'. LErTRRs. vice. Letters remaining in the post dace ,1 Alm,.leari4eleliffinv `,1Msko.your house kook may and Found—a truss for abdominal begnia. at Maireelka, La Sal% county, IR. homelike by chasing from oar superb line of Spring pitttern Owner please call at this cake and get May td. If not claimed, will b e se at It. to the dead letter (nice on May 104, 1865. CARPETS and PORTIERES. John Balkinte. John Black, W. F. Tbe junior Union, of Use Univenalist Graham. Jacob R. Lerch, L. W. Mur- Goma ardwiggemni A 4he desirable styles and qualities. Then vel..anokm•- d u t c h , is preparing to give a concert phy. Louie Roberts. Joseph Wyman...... that our entire new line of soon. Columbia Strad Paper Ca In calling for theme lettere. Wane aeldhste Grant Hower. of Akron Ohio, Tinted say, advertised. m i n " ' all nelyeb- his =de, A. J. Thurber, a few digs of Per= McAirrece, P. M. Btep m and see what we this week. ie trice *fie stag Ate prices we are selling. We em plane save and at what reasons- A LIVING PICTURE A Mmes meeting, cuadadat by The Chautauqua Circle. of Marseilles. you. Carpet sweep= from WO up. Mena: Hall and Barak, will be held held intlan e mn at the commodious k* $i 1 wi Pah Stoney, a2tt P. 1L, at the Congeognion- The Undertaking Department of our basiSess is a feature in itself. a l c h u r c h . boom of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sextet Sup in variety always on hand. F.mbalming done bv expo- Owe of the stades now being pursued trari 3upaisileistiva Under direction of Sup% LO. Cregar by the Cantle in Art, and hi accordance nenced h therewith Mrs. andel announced that the paha and miring foe the mew street she had prepared a living picture for BBWE OF =GM litchis am rapidly beim' made needy. the criticism and disco:Kinn of the eir- We U dense to have it prove a greet de. Ed India and J. C. Foley wee JIMANNEFflt AMENS. Naar,Public. W. A. BffillIFIELD. apoointed leaders in the diacuesion and E. .1 1 QF KI. showed wooderftd versatility, energy Fumumcs Ab ou t Int people sere present at G. and capacity in ft. The living picture JAQUES It SALMI& A. E. hall Sanday afternoon at the proved to be a feast—a miniature ban- Artesia= Ay Law, special inemorial services ter the four quet and the energy and capacity of Room U. comrades who had died- within the past - the circle in dismissing it was D O t g u s t - Opeis Beene M OTTAWA-OTIAW 11J Have Your Paper Cleaned. year. The by Um ladies quartet Verstreut 'Mention events abstracts. lv babied an; of the leaders. The en- I Was very gSOd&MI Rem. A. FAhridges tire circle allowed a warmer love for Grealcat Family Teeny. hiwe the beet compound remade have ocamioned mach favor- art that evening than ever before. able amemeat, hicileheipsomistvagetegeiekgmi DENTIS'T. fcw-firCLEANING Throe who were absent missed much. -_ The mated was ens on ° which an are Ti E NATIONAL TRIBUNE, WALL PAPER. FRESCO PALNTING, liALSOMLNING, Until the next week posted. Th e 1136 GiELLVIPITII, re. 3D. 413. meeting of seppaped to be userommly WASHINOT011. D. . WATERCOLORS, WINDOW tilET M MIK Woodruff Pest a completed progrannee Chautarepta Circle entertains a very a - for Memorial and Decoration day Will high opinion of Mr. and Mrs. Slade' as 18tb Y a w of ifiglz Success. It k Sid saly STRICTLY Fl LCLASS peeparation tnanufset not be ready. It is understood that the entertainers. Office room. Main streak Fiat gation- =dun or litter on the lion. leavesall clean and beautiful as new on offer of the Methodist dawn for the Tea It &MOW. Tglauna is nom entering up- al bank building. over Abell's store, gumanteed to give La intisfaet"on. Memorial day service has been accept- SEEDS AND SHEAVES. on its istk paw eipbanamessi soma Marseilles, HL eanspietios. IL is Ns Hier ftetft• In Ma emistry lias bad ed and that an Decoiation day Use Begin slow; ins- the pace at the end sorb a small, and ucathet it so steadily. programme will be carded out as °anal of the race that wins. I Moses Into every manly in dm United Stales. 3 . W . "Griscial_socna, at the cemntery. a a g he e a b s of at amity every =JAILS' *EL to laratouts cleaned for less than one-U4rd the reit of •pupating. YOu cannot tell by the size of a PreitoMee- sell Ger choice and I It has game'.01 His paved pasitim solely as its complete line of BAPTIST CHURCH REVIVAL. man's hand what kind of a heart he Immediate a *glib interesting faintly newspaper. 1WANTED, % mi s er y Stock. High salary and eon:- Meetings corameaced April 2ard; are has. I FOR THE YEAR 1895. mission land weekly, pay and per- continuing every eveming except Satur- It is not always the one who makes , Among the contributors to the paper manent position p od suc- day. Fuller Swift^ slam= evangelist, the most noise who accomplishes the I for this year are: auThe to aid 11r. clover in Use services cess assured to good men Special- I. H. TROWBRIDGE, -:- The DRUGGIST, most. Gen. leadel E. Sickles, the gallant inducements to , experience on May and. Ile is quite strident an beginners Better a dinner Of herbs where i old commander of the Third Corps. not necessary. Erelesive territory and a soloist and conductor of praise seer- Gen James A. Beaver, hero of Cold %--IS NOW GETTING IN SPRING GOODS,—' vices. Pastor Stover preaches each love is, than a stalled on and hatred f your own choice of sante gi v e n . therewith."cre wil l ." Harbor. and ex-Governor of Penn. not delay. evening An excellent uttered pre- Gem. 11mosel1 A. Alger, ex-Governor A u g s a w vails. The maniPIga are to continue The only kind of misery that loves of Michigan, and Past Commaader-in- July e] ROCHESTER. Pt Wall Paper, and baptisms are p e d cowpony is the kind we bring on our Chief. Grand Army of the Republic. wive& Gen. Lanus Fairchalemear-Governor Curtains, C. L. S. C. Failure only means that our deter- ! Of Wisconsin- and Pan mander-in- The programme for the next adelon nineties to succeed wan not strong Chief. Grand Army of the Republic. Bakery and is as folknrs: enough. Gen. James IL Ili, 6th Mich. Car, Paints, Etc., Opening demise, song by Mrs. J. M. who commanded the famous Michigan Howard. The man who drinks is mortgaging Car. Brigade. Confectionery be and will be able to *ow yos a fresh stock at very low prices. Call of- Roll call. Response on May. his funny., and the debt must met The Cannoneer, whose story of Bat- TINE STOCK OF t onaffatkeir I. H. Titoweenxie. Renaissance and Rodent Art, M n sooner or later. tery B, 4th U. S. Art., was admittedly C. D. Osgood. the best narrative of a private soldier Walka and Tat% in the Geological The best farmer we ever knew did a FEIM, ever written. ohf All mumbledcan, Me aubrat far usilliamastey. I HAVE A ... Field, MIL A- L. StudeL considerable share of his work while Gee O. 0. Howari, who commanded Select Rending .7_ C. F ey sitting in hie elude successively the Eleventh and Fourth Amusement, Pi—e, Mrs. L. "Labor and trouble one can always Corps, and the Army of the Tennessee. bk. kat Codiss.Ths. FU Lax LkINEOF THE Required reading: Renaimance Gea. D a T a d M . Manley, commander: Modern Art, Chap. 23, Ite and 19: W get through alone. but it takes two to 11=10 J10111INGS. be glad.—Henrik Deem of the Fourth Carps. at door S. of bank. and Talks in the Geological Gee-2eue Beetle,: ex-Assistant Sec- MARSEILLES MTV CO.'S TOOLS • X. chop. 12 110 10 inclusive The world has a habit of calling retary the Interior, formerly com- FOR EltALE. THIS SEASON those great who succeed in twigging mander of the cavalry Division, Army W. A. BOBBY . Pres. F. T. REF/. the MORI misery and bloodshed about- of the Tennessee. PHIL CONGREGATIONAL. .1111=11B YET 1.1tWINGiTire The apecsal meetings =Divided by G s . 8 . Neglny, who command ALSO THE Messrs Hall and Barak leave conttnued The 'tree that has stopped growing , ed Negleyfs Brigade" and a division ... during the week and the interest is bee begun to decay. There is no rest-1 in the Army of the Cumberland. such as to warrant their continuance in g place in nature. Where do you Gen Jobe Pepe who commanded the First Nation WILWATTILICE HARVESTER. the coning wed. Rev. Hare preach- stand? Army: of the Mime and the Army of MAI/SET LI.ES, ILL. ing is free from sensationalism His Virginia. The last literary work done , Th man who is honest simply be by the distinguish'ed soldier. appeals are more to the intellect than canoe it is the best policy to be honest, cap5ta1.$50,000. earplas,Ilaxa NO BETTER MANUFACTURED. to the e lM o t t o u s . They aue direct, Gen. E. H. G. lady. commander of ' will bear a conederable amount of the famines - Saber Brigade" of Cavalry. MaIRECTIFTE14. forceful. bibbed. He seeks to set forth watchin'g. the word of God as he understands Gee.Waxer Swayer, commander of a I. R. TROWBRIDGE, D.W.CONARD. it- brigade in the Army of the Tennessee, Call and see my goods 'before buying elsewhere. Buy of mr.Bank pongees the gift of minx. Aim high. If you aim low you will V.T. NEF F . K. TAMA/S. hest His nolo% are among the attractive fea- Assistant Commissioner Freedman's K. FLEMING. W.A. 11AVISY. Me and yon will get the goods in the market. Do not shoot low. while if you aim high you Rumen etc. a. F. GAUT.. IFfiroverlook the fact that I fatly warrant these goods. tures of these meetings. He is hearty,. saw possibly reach the stark if you pleasing. and succeed.' in his leader Gen Agana Wiley, of the Arms of ads it it may be through no fault of the Cumberland, brevetted for conspic- ship of the dons and enumerations( y u l e OWE. sinew. Tease gentlemen will con- uous gallantry in four great battles. TILE ART AMATEUR. F . rJ r-x- 3r c m .9 duct a men's meeting at 320 r. I t . at `If you want to he miserable. think All these are highly important his. Seat mat lamed Peardespind Itereneste the Congregatiosel Church, Sunday. ;thous yourself, what yea want, what banal contributions. They are written ea, -minty far THE (T he oily Art Pedalled ananata Mean .1b,..--t. - -ow you like, what reaped people emelt to I at the WorfFslhie.) NATIONAL TRIBUNE, and will ap- pay you. aningd what they think of you.- Ismilmi• e al Abe aomelle MAW tql Dr. W. S. errelt's horse Thursday pear hi= ether paper. got the better of his coolant and with aka K sley. tor A t s p it Ode lossae l c him banging to the bit wades wild run Rikdcwe wilt send dirt to any one Orilv.the best We were with a mast not law ago PRICE $1 A YEAR, this publication a specimen %Tr= 1 down Main street. After getting _across the track the home plunged act lmtly and every animal on the fan. came to PAYABLE IN A D VA NC E superbsupplementary polar plates pages tbr elea= r9 = p r i s s is what zemsli n to supply.•,0 h i m e t we Womb the heids. as to down the doctor and in the mix Pasted I t C I I I M I S to give more and better M u. Oe' An d you wish EL, up a gash was cut in his forehead and We did not ask his neighbors what kind of a man be was. matter few the StIN1 of t w o m a n a NW r semi alsoel p u itt = kfr be was bruised otherwise. Free from week than any other publication. Ev- 25c.ire • M e ' M I N I M A l AMIIMMIL his control the horse an furiously down 'There may not be much money. in a ery line that appears in it is written for 31.0ffranult HAMEL Main Y o u n g the full lengtim . mity not satisfy hunger, but we do not / street to Sower garde n. and bloom and perfume it, and has appeared in no other paper. Thdea of the latter, then turning. East on Lin-1 I t n o es n o bader-platemat- asmatarla CHOICE MEAT coin, where the outfit struck the hind erodieste or of any kintCyletan,. . kant ni< in and Ton will be sert- neasember that we ever knew a family ter. Address— ne at oar meitelaVa cod of a farmer's wagon. Here the I that was fond of flowers that suffered = t11,erythingisioy dean,We b a andand well.qwer..of Bank. - Mainwill ha St.. w thruwn top side down and , from integer or nakedneee—Fr oce THENATIONAL wrecked. Free from the rig the Plena TRIBura, borne= a ran s into the alley back of Blares I N a m 1729 NEM YORK AVE- WASHINGTON. S. C. store and stopped only when be coed W . Fle, neIlli, • 10h11110dri d & CO go no farther. The doctor is being con- gratulated over his escape from what WHAT COULD RE BETTER CITEAR: threatened to prove a great injury if not violent deatk than our See line of COPY YOU CALLIIIItiall=1111111r1t WE WeLL TAKE At Ce...Ple Moe bean oua cHARLEY. — - - -- l e t Our ex-townsman, Charles Thotop- New Spring Pattern Carpets? taramatiaa tarataite TO CRIMEA see. does as much Ids friends here are • cr.aaras.i.graa.A i w a A l l a l l • wanting to know about that we copy Carpets laid same deo entered. ele ileesse Cheaply, Quickly and three Items from the Morrie Pest: TIM MAE ULF BATE The Manatee county ( •la.) Advocate !LES _one "Jobe lanatar. MOM Comfortably, contains quite a lengthy write up of We Have Reduced Our Prices. ==.1—"•••.2 ON THE the land recently purchased by Chas. KS a Thompson, on Ntrasota Rey. It Sa ys : 110/ESEEKERS' PHILIMACK VIAND MHZ A. E Midterm accompanied by Civ il Furniture and Undertaking Engineer Broherg, are down on %tow, tr a m V oEXCURSIONSa.•■•161..• w M I its V • lbwsaa.. wasIhs AOMai ad WU- I, I CIE0mitatrudarcu'ls-— ta Bev surveying and.platting late- krui..*-rar... ly 7.rt°2;triZureitheTh."7.1. mem Deassie Roe "air in Sleeping sumby the farmer to C. N. Thong, ■■ • • 1. . . is Madam soes-• el Calm on die tine 1 car Is ben *Lau son, of Blinds. This is a beautiful Me B l i d a OtailaIltati the Yana tract Of land situated on Saraniab nay. R- R.,T I 4„aErT.itTABLE-. = A l e c litallmads except Rempids mil Nes one of the most beautiful ' es of =3:ri.e= cgz gbe additband dales being Map St and 111011. Beea7===e... water in the elate When Mr. Them II- Ansa fitnalsig mr eismitry Ail trains carrying peseagant N e-u AMISS ems ammare son gets this tract of land which me , 66., nt, :eta= -to d e freighte. ' dam la be burl IbTa seria. 3111mbaippl iletTar t L e r abl e Ze- a ban paned= Mad up to his %Me it I SOUIS WAY. I— The 1111111T. will be a grand_ place to vian It is to No. 16 doe ...... 427 A.M. be beutihily hid out in residence lots - 10 " ...... 028 A. IL N od r d • a rc= • a . = Min BARS INNINI—liar IKON and park. with streets and avenues to ."as 2 '"...... Ha& 410 2 1 A.A,. .FL i . FUMY = glen lank -Wank dewing and Ilm'sPars Powropy at tbe draft saki ad all Ike Ns :mkt 110•111- f the hind Will ennewilill,ge " 40 seelteas',00tips Guide.opiso CM LWB CNICAGO--1Tvay Tondo via sone lis the plat he,. aggeoven leak,Comfortand Worth 777 daseelling agiledasral admaibiges a l a s wilt commence in September. Tins n - mamay maistbned. sad bir labirmatimi an to will hop grand phew% spend the sat es el m. brainy. at MIegiuM . ebsocibr 1ba Tordhiry, Tuts ad •` 3 due ...... 121 A- sr. s e M r b TRE SUNNY ROUTH UNE ter, 5slil= stud ftl im are feet-cInts 1 ------IMAM P. IL ally K . address. at . and eggsied, dear and Jader can ...... Ksaa ....an marry. Ass% Gen, Iamb Agent Far bdismam be f~ a %w smiles back. and in fact a t i eaes Han as regard Sa alarm' bails he Saniberst Cu WM NIIM41—liony Thursday Tk ...... ZINN r. Elbams, and In as ems Tams T a l k y id a number of deer Wee been seen in the • 325 le..111- 41101111L.mddrolo eidearkira It Picea. Lind swing :1: Fp; th ofBY GOODS. past few wages within a mar-of aim* id Oa Sank e .7 7, timpect and tinge this Millek. It is the herd" tHalIarel. U. N. N. Arsirsastres IMAM km. Pr e a- r y Iiiinkkr expects to kgye in .4pitrii3 0, May 21, June 12. SIARAO1311 ROCS EACH TRIP. TO CASE FOR Tar entry WANTS OF THE a f e w Paba f l e at j, enssespens en ROUTE nen&. a dTWO" ! . s l a g'alba aims Ham op 111/Ja REM * a m where alma. Thew°. hes IFOr Mem platlealms Is unt will moans as apply Se mar Neu Rem intaini. air RIRRIS A- We ain't MR yarn' the bend% in lic o ry Karailm, O r a l r a a • V A p s e 1.0. IL 1.-.11101- stel sugatintend the Mali= of GROGERY Dep't clew Ram IL this ad, busk for your Cialifornia trip delsounto far Mr. Thompson yes nos% pent yourself, , Addams, per=If he ASO may remake there per- lee adadt of so saperitir. We has the gook ant mod do Floptik a l p . 1110.SERAII1IA16, M. P. A., ply aay amara ak iudorsal and sen alladiad.wilk a arrarw . maxennya. C. A. LA CHICAGO. - - A-kid mall swiss lbid se as the pas* sa pea— la hada ATMS= AT LAW left led 7 WM. ef= i r u t Thr• sat ads our Wain. &,&; - Olibm Ibe rat ass. m e w FtragME MiraiRoCrEt_ Al Rol balbres ghee pens immalan. 1111111112it lie NEW of this week. Parseilles

MARSEILLES, ILL., FRIDAY, MAYplaint/ea/cr. 10, 1895. N U M B E R 1 9 VOLUMEXTX.


Vaughey's for silverware free! P . atearrlattn. Vangbey's for lace curtains! Duck suits to order, on at Hart's. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Latest styles in capes at Hart's. Hart's motto: Honest goods at hon- ON lee at the Post Oillitm 1111. Larger stock than ever before est . All legal badness given prompt attention. Ladies shirt waists, from 50c_ to Site° Vanghey's. at Brodneck's_ Good sweet corn, five cents per can, Ask for the Square Desdhig Sour at Springhorn's. Beauty,ComfortandWorth A. Ju4altarrrelAn301.1101111tT raw& . Balbri underwear, 25c. per gar- the Corner Grocery. IN OUR . . . n e w = I L *TAWAS. ment, at-Bcen & See the new challi'es. at 4c. and 5c. a 7 bars Dome seep, 25 tents. Yard, at ltrodbeck's. J A W = asrat raa. .41 - Arronants AT Law. And now it's screen doors and win- E H. SVC= & SOU. dows. Get them of Douglass. Another ear load of the best Hour on ROOM 15, Wrappers made to order. from earth at Springhorn's. sir Orem lieof DRY GOODS. Opera Home Block. OTTAWA. ILL. G.' L. Clark has- rented the Slagle own ...election of prints, at Hart's. Inspect and Price this stock. It is the best- EIP- SPeelit attention given to abstracts. home on Union street into which he Mr. Crawfoed, or Harvard. is here - will soon move. Take them while they last-all this week on a visit to relatives, the . . IN THE black worsted suits for MOB at ram . Go to Hart's for dress patterns of the nett's. A new invoice of Happy Home cloth- 1E » I . K O. 8 . Latest novelty. Cutting sad fitting tree of charge. I should say " Yea!' Doughiall for /*Firm and Summer just opened G11.06 RY-DeP't them sad Rims to -sell & .Ketso's. admit of no superior. We have the goods, can and do promptly 811P- Office room Mein street, First Nation- Stiff hats! Soft bats! Straw hats! doors and windows. - w e al bank Wilding, over Abell's s t o r e , Hata in all styles arid-boeors, and at all Dont &di Loom the latest Arles in ply any reasonable demand and are satisfied with &seasonable profit. Maiseilles, Di prices at lOner & Kelso's. W. H. Spicer is adtring to home 00m . eldkhen's _caps and bonnets, just re- A trial will convince von that we are the people it pays to trade forts by the erection of a pordi at ived, at Brodbeck's. miss watching Insure your property with D. A. his Washington Street home. with. Do not our window display. W.A.. KOREY. F. T. NEFF, Cash Nicholson & Son. They represent the - Mrs. S. E. Ballard. of this city. and N.FLKYLWG, Tice Pres_ best reliable companies. Miss Maud Foley arrived today anti Mrs. H. Connidr, of Chicago, visited • there is joy in her father's household, _ .di _ in _ Evanston Sunday. FTITNIK 23R078- A barn is being erected for G. L. City Attorney Foley and family ,1 • 1 ■ ■ • Clark on the rear of his Union street • _ Dress goods, new and desirable, end lot.. A fine house is to follow later. To the other attractions at Mrs. Hal- ' ladies wrappers. at WHAT COULD BE BETTER FirstNationalBank lard's millinery have been added Mall Tnrasre & Cos. MARSEILLE:96 ILL. - • Shoes in all the good, new styles, at show cases and a beautiful minor. • s than our fine line of Capital,$5o,000. thirplus, $10,000 way down prices. Rarivue Leafier: Eight horses were THURBER & CO. The season is at hand. Id at the monthly combination sale TOT RECTOR/4. Our styles and prices are correct. See t Saturday. the bizhest once uatid being $100.06: " - New Spring Pattern Carpets? I. H. TROWBRIDGE, D. W OONARD The North Prairie Sabbath school them_ BENN-EIT & SON. F. T. NEFF. E.T.READ. will try to organize Sunday. May iith, Carpets laid same day ordered. N. FLEMING. eV . A . MORE Y. at 3 o'clock. All are invited to attend_ Next Thursday evening, May 16th, B. F. GAGE. In the absence of the legator, Rev. W. Jones. of Seneca, will tatctipy the attend the bazar held by the Ladies If you care to ride a bicycle, and do pulpit of the Baptist church to-morrow. Helping society at the M. E.. church. We Have Reduced Our Prices. not own tine, Al Arnold has a good one -Mendota Reporter. Good refreshments. Bakery and he rent's the use of for ten centa an hour. We want you to cell and see our new The regular meeting of the Marseilles Furniture and Undertaking Cemetery Association will be held at book of samples of tailor made clothing. to the times in Confectionery. Several couples from this city took They are beauties and awfully cheap. the office of D. A. Nicholson Monday u p every respect . part in the cycler's parade at Ottawa W. J. Bm-es-Err & SON. evening, May 13th, at 8 o'clock. For anything in railer line call_on FINE STOCK OF last night. In the witching moonlight • what could be more delightful. The new school building is yet frith- Over at S. IL Harley's farm the storm III MB= out the convenience of a belL The one blew off a portion of the roof of the 3=3Tie= Smat.1%.. •rurn,All guaranteed car= miliSthe best for the money. Distance does not lend enchantment first hung proved a flat failure and was house. Neighbor's near complain of to the beautiful new footwear just re- promptly returned to where it came the killing of their poultry by the haiL ceived by - LORD." His stock bears from. bud CIIdL Ina tabu,tin, Etc the closest inspection. Call and exam- Ladies, learn dress making and lathes MENZO JENNINGS. ine it. Thursday the P. 0. S. of A. moved tailoring. Cutting and fitting taught in hi door S.of bank_ their effects into the M. W. A. quarters, a few days at Hart's, one of the highest + Only the best In one of the late violent storms the over Trowbndge's, and the two erders points of art in any young ladies edu- REEI IBLE NEN to roof of the horse barn on N. Fleming's are to hereafter "dwell together in *Won. •■•••■•■■•••. is what we aim to supply. ----- sell our choice and place was lifted up by the wind, col- unity." • And when you wish complete line of lapsed and fell in. The hail also in- Some necessary repairs have been NurseryWANTED Stock. High salary and com- jured his crops. The special meetings at Congrega- 'Dade in the interior of the Catholic mission paid weekly. paying and per- tional church have continued during eegurch previous to papering and paint- manent position guaranteed and suc Don't be caught by one or two so call- the week with good results. Evange- ing the same and the outside will also cess assured to good men. Special ed " snaps" offered, but compare prices list Hall expects to close his work here receive a coat of paint. CHOICE MEAT inducements to beginners. experience. all through and then you will find that Sabbath evening. -- of any kind•■■ •Lna pleasepn...arsc keepo c u p us t a a in tnind, come“ . 1 %. { . 7 to our BlaMimarket 1.W.0.0 sand u m ya r n SLR Yr, 17GLserved CU not necesaary Exclusive territ,ory and the real place for bargains is at the 'sJostsJust receivedreceived atat thethe CornerCorner GroceGrocery:1 promptlyke and well. have renovated throughout and ottryou role Ifni willbe be to CORNER GROCERY. 1 A. E. Hanes & Son have started an 11 7.1 twomotly and well.We have renovated thewatiout and our rule will be to your own choice of same given. Do ., Car-„ --"---„ full Rateut lbur• b°u611• ‘ evC rvthing clean, neat and nice. tirFourth doer 8. of Bank, Main St. m o r n . . • mff. v r • •■ I e o not d el a) . irnann in am. mai tido aim - APPIT ALLEN NURSERY CO NOTICE! atitildia-Vilaniiiik7ji Wirtsee. r-s gliiiellast the old.ptices. _ _ •-v v ir " .o•ky al lipC10ESTER. Y. Theasirthderparty In honorer -'"-Old the-usnal prides, iarlitake i itriDy- g CLAW . C b t Glory," to be given by the W. IL C., has livery at your homes. Give them a been postponed until June 14th. A trial. Owing to the - Men's Meeting'' at the -1-1-Wcriniond Congregational church the - regular better and more complete program will --....-...- be presented then. During these warm days do not over meeting of the Cold Water Army will !Minis tentraIRR, tax your brain as to where 'tis the best be held at the Baptist church next Sun- ' I HAVE A .. • takes pleasure In announcing that in addition to The Good Citizenship League holds place to do your trading, but go to the day. Remember the change of place and its already advertised exclusion of April 3oth it its next meeting in the Congregational Corner Grocery. They will sell you -to be there, boys and girls. FULL LINR OF THR, will run church next Monday evening. A liter- groceries that will suit the palate at ary and musical program has been pre- the lowest prices. A careless farmer near Utica had TWO MORE HALF RATE pared and there will be some business the following mishap says the tiazette: MARSEILLES M'F'G CO.'S TOOLS to transact. Members are requested-to DOG TAGS. On last Teesday morning a farmer be present. Tags for dogs can be obtained of ! brought a wagon load of fat hogs into Marshall Cook. All dogs found within; town; on arriving found that three of FOH SAI,AR THIS SEASON HOMESEEKERS' them were dead. He took them back A lecture will be given by Rev. the city limits, not tagged, on and after; ALSO THE EXCURSIONS lames R. Stead, at the M. E. church May 1. I&J5,J. willIL GALLOWAY, be shot. Mayor. I With him. Monday evening, May 13th. Subject, . from an stations on its lines in Illinois and Wis- --Adam's Rib." Miss Butterworth a-ill Quarterly meeting services at the consin, to all stations sou n of Cairo. on the line M. E. church Sunday maiming. Love- of the Illinois Central and the Yazoo & Missis- tang. Admission, •25c; childien's tickets, If the son is setting the pace, H. R. MILWAUKEE HARVESTER. - Talky Boatloads except Mempois and New at the door, 15c. All are wrdially in- Adams' new residence on the -Hurd feast at 9:45. A t toao a short sermon the additional dates being hay 21 and vited to attend. bluff will indeed have to be " away up" and reception of members. Commun- June 11. For diversified farming no country in ion services at the close. In the even- NO BETTER MANUFACTURED. America can compare with the available sec- to distance the home now bei ng jauilt tions to be found In 1 coneseec. Mississippi and Rev. C. R. Jones having had a call to for A. T. Adams. • The latter h a; a ing the Epworth League will render an LOCLIStilla. 0 0 t h e preach at Junction City, Kan., the Uni- commanding location and is making anniversary program. lines of the rail- roads mentioned_ versalist pulpit will be filled on next the most of it. Call and see my goods before buying elsewhere. Boy of Sunday by Miss Cheney. of Lombard Following are the names of the con- No droughts. • me and you will get the best goods in the market. Doa o t Genial entwine_ University. Sunday school and Y. P. C. CALDWELL'S SYRUP PEPSIN testants who will take part in the oyerlook the fact that I fully warrant these gook. For a copy at the U. meeting at the usual hours. All Desnorest contest, at the Universalist Southern Home. Is a boon to those suffering from con- seekers Guide. are invited to these services. church, next Tuesday evenin$May 14: des cribing the agricultural advantages of the stipation, indigestion and sick head- Lena Gardner, Mabel Smith, Nine Pig. country mentioned. and kw Information as to That Mrs. IV. A. Morey possesses ache. Try a 10c. bottle (10 doses 10 es)! ter, Vera Smith. Rae Grant and CI e F. IV. 91V3r3rcuri, _frt. locality. topography of the roostry . character and be convinced. Large sizes 50c.I of the .soll sod products to whickit is much talent as a painter none doubt Butterfield. Admission, 10 ets. 'v- a l l y hinted. address. Manehmler. who saw the group of horses heads and SLOO. For side by I. H. Trow- I erybody come! Merry. Ass't Gaol Pallet F o e informs- framed at BuUerfields. It was a thing bridge, Marseilles, Chas. Epple, Seneca.' ties an regard to railroad bade in Southern Illinois. and an the famousat Yaz oo Valley of Ma- of beauty and all but life and to a lover A NOTED DOCTOR siostppi. address at Chimps. E. P. Skew, Land of fine horses like our bank president is BAPTIST CHURCH. once said -• most women lose their Calosier L CAL R. Remember the dates, it proved a very pleasing birthday pres- Rev. E. C. Stover has been assisted nearness and good looks much earlier .4pril 30, Nay 21, June 11. ent.. five evenings by Rev. Fuller Swift,. gee In life than necessary because of inat- pel singer. One received the hand of tention to nature's requirements. Be- Mendota Reporter: Tickets at the above rates on sale these dates The Blackstone church fellowship and there was a cause of their peculIar habits all ICYCLES. only. good thirty days. For farther particulars school has received a renewal of its baptism last Sunday. Mr. Stover will should Rieke a practice of using some to pow local lieket assent, or address A. certificate from the State University preach next Sunday, morning and even- I ZPITHanson. Gen1 Paser Agent I. C. R. R., Chi- simple laxative.'" There is no laxative e n ° . [J r 11. of Illinois, by which graduates from ing. Baptism may be expected in the so simple, so pleasant to take and yet Blackstone are entitled to enter with- °Teeing& Roll-call meeting for all so potent as Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin out a preliminary examination. The members who have joined the church Get a 10c. bottle (10 doom tarts.) of TITE ART AMATEUR. certificate is good until January 1, within six month. next Monday even- Casa i r nemes.Seneca, or I. H. Trow- the& ing. Everybody invited. bridge. illoOtoart Liszoost Prootioal Art Brosoirsoo Ms only Art Poirdlsol awarded a Medal While harrowing this morning with at tbe World's Fair.) a disc harrow, the team driven by a lairawshis o i l AO oohs O a r t h i s l o young ZOO of Charley Brattish, east of metor =Asir bows i o this city, ran away, and the boy's right ilk. hand was split in two between the in- talswe will wasicensa semi to aany wet.= one cop. .1 . 4.1Z •1• Spring Weather roll dex and second finger to the wrist. =limb color Salm er fraammes and He also sustained other cuts and 8 sopoiestentary paws ot betpaar price bniisen-litreater Aar Press. is here, and the hot days are upon The heat s e e Or u s. W e can stand it but •-•-.-...• distresses the lir a r i " " : .L7 11(i r t= Warranted Superior to a n y BicyCle built in Tii-1001102 (Saturday) at 230 tr. 31_, FOR C. don't make the la- --...... babies so much. Give . the World. Regarrilese of price. 2101117AOTTZ KAM the liret gems of b e hall of the season will be played at the greauds of the bies suffer. the cherubs a treat. Boy them 211 Oaks& a/1MM N. Y. 'Driving Park .&a.ueiiUoo, used by A = 101X 4 t t e r acametItiodrodo one ot tboof ihme mot olio&lloallOot IL B. Association. Grand Ridge will oink I f Ott. 11. cross lasts with oar eity sine and a 323a.1:)37- C a r r i a g e s , jortos io212111110? Dia, Waved, kos s obriwoorml 2 2 2 toOs to rime coated is looked for. A small IVO adnuasion of ten cents will be charged_ loo -utlftifa. grai l roa sem es tbs. nu. from our selection of fine new style. and tare them out for im mimes whesse, esues,, smarm WO. - i d l e d M O O esr In/ s oot fleff le Of the nine graduates of our high airing each day. Make your hones look way and Morsoio1/22111 in- •":IhittRalkg..PM!"51!! a " 116 g re tilli":2=0 M O maavat' school we named Ina week, the hat home hie by Among from our superb line of Erring pattern IPA having been handed us some tinsenf 1121o1 fur publication, we dad that many 17msoierstass in. S en, 41.1.11r COPYRIGHTS. 1Ihopior ~ t o seess••=.67‘,..= use Is uswAip:" n a G O W N I 1.111 four have kept up to the required CARPETS and PORTIERES. Mar news amsum eimeten everkels72 Iroos-M and the ones to stip off at eminence- All the desirable styles sad qualities. Then remember. M o o M r . o wWandiseella W a n d s remVenn trey.toils. weaningWotan c_ 8767. 7 - Went will lid the lMum Pansy Hayes, rainyLamy owe rreak semSW Mei 11•11ft Illwrislass „ armim W ans. tr4. olo ol s o ro Carrie 'Preston, tkedetia Poole and , ...... that our entire new line of Lucy °wood. TRESPASSING. &spill a nda"'see raved& whit we INDIANA BICYCLE CO., hinapoba, Indiana. Most remedies trespass upon your rURNITURVable prices we are Pelling. We ean.plesse emn al" ma at '4 4 reommub- time and pocket book. After using a seee jeolsson it GOO. IBARrioboNson,, I s Ur dozen bottles with but little or no re- yes. Usrpet sweepers from SIM itp. lief you are discouraged. If you want Exclusive Agents. = W sC M aure relief from constipation. indiges- The Undertaking Department of our hesiness is restore in itself. tion and biliousness try Call weirs Supplies in good variety always on heed. Embehnrin.g dons bp sops- Syrup Pepin A 10c. bottle (10 doses rieneed hands. 10 eta) will indicate what it is capable , doing for you. For sale by U. Trowbridge, Marseilles, or Chas. Emile, Subscribe right now! AllYERTI8 ii t M i l t Seneca. W. L.BliTTERFIELD. beat mad draw the whys tight.. Two ON SMALL. MEANS. Ingliest oral is LeuesiogPowa..—Latest U.S. Goet Ripest FARM AND GARDEN. alectignaa wa y liaN Iwifigbabalwd at the new a. D o v e s W h a t W e l t N o t M O O e s s n e Uwe, hat neweauss seetWeas eon- an n ws. THE PLEBEIAN PEANUT. se c t be tightened es readily, as the I Wh e n t h e r e is wry little maw to striate is taken up along the line eicetbes it nest be spent I t n o w Ineefel Bans la the fferawr se and " be spent on Indieio' nay Ban wadi Num the tension equally distributed unless and earefally, sad it is tightened sections are held guile a acted gasman/en The plebeian peacoat, width rejoicers a n d th e n as to whether it pays to make over old gowns. sneh other homely naaaesas earth- aled.-Fan* and Howe. / Th e a n necessary trimming to make them look ant, groundnut, ground peo go o ber ffle IMMO 11011 fresh and smart is a serums item. ! M E P O M O l a and pindar, has assumed a newdigrans STANCHIONSFORCOWS- and more time is often cakes k e g e a r e d baring ,e recently been honored as required to utak° blacking et &Moan samosune Dairy Astral. Comafertabha art , over a gown than to have a new one- PURE the subject of a special report by Keener Them Clam.. AssoLumar TIE Miff PAMIR made. POLISH for a one of the experiment officers of the "Doenr pull yer ewe in this here mart.- Cl e a n c a w s and comfortable cows- ; Two entnelv new gowns in the win- A warren sa3. s tbartioesenscot humor very a fp t p e Sr- e 4 d 1 a a n t national department of agriculture- the two factors go together in making • ter and fonr in the slimmer. well fitted E nid the judge. •-lou -re got to respect the 'rarely exists in children ou r twelve years The report corrects some pretalent dignity ntiat yoh see lyin - roue keese here odd_ ibis Writer evidently has never seen a ished with a t h e dairy business Profitable- I have and well henn. and, above all, well an' if you Lail a man wane courts in session mistakes as to this little article of con- five-year-old child pc-vine open the eyes of a Werao Bros.. Preps. thotten•Naws,.II•11-11- wa-ked hard to keep e°1vs clean in seaed, will_ with o:d ones remodeled ell line you Icr contempt -Atlanta Comsti- fatiodaes-ent kitten-Texas leiftiens. sumption, gives astonishing statistics their 'reeler, but could never succeed_ in tile house_ wire a woman a wardrobe tuition_ dqbantaatrat Bagmber paned* for a. aamiat as to its value as a food product. and lentil I had them hitched on a plitoeseee ieet for oreseeety etimmetta Lasognest . . . L a a n . Ea b e e do Amara ameter games degas u s e - Th er e ar e off Ointments for Catarrh That Bead stamp for official book "Butane smanea. ar. elf Inme. we my low Awe • Be "Non mat bantild. presents many interesting facts ma to serIllsaw B e e .. . p a w l & a l ■ form at least eight inches above plenty of cheap dressmakers in New Contain wereene, a neeeneega_-- ensteteoor full parties:airs s a am e a e r e p Ci s sa few-eesw& M k M t Y e t w a.. a s AMR its us es . bottom of the gutter, and arranged so . York who can let very well. who have as mexeury will surely destroy the sense of International Convention o f 1 . p w o rt h It is pleasant to b e informed_ first of q u i,e a knack at h a n g i n g s melt and completely deranze the whee Learnes, at ChaUannoga next June_ The 1- that their hind feet would come just at s ie rt, F r o m M r s t a w i l AERIAIOTORS all, that the peanut is not a nut at all. whehet entering it thnoluent the ma Queenand (Aimee:it Roam will one I t h e r e a r ed g e of the Platform- Then , ten to f.fteen dollars is than charge for 5'Be to 0an actr 0 an dim fithelkywol soma teallindgle wont& eons surfaces. teen. articles _ seoran _ _ _ never fare for round trip_ Cass_ W. nru___ le le but a pea, and that its shell is not a ,. no manure falls upon the platform and ' makine, a erown. and some can even a ta aye:by at Um yen ebb& p i s = O . beOE usedm e n exceptersept on preset-ma:orespreseeiptioxes Irmatram rep- A • 1:kticroaati3O_ Oncineati3O - W_ W A A_ _ B BEC-BELIBIL C-I L E & P.A., Bre-- a Bans reaaa...BB. r. ts. shell. buts pixL It is also well to know ' t h e cow is always dry and clean make one for eight_ These dressmak- UtablePtt elaw. =the dama g e I b e r t r a : n o III Adams St., Chicago- B i t C._ A BALIXD, meet wit en we i r a v o i d o r Ta l k m a t is ten f old to the rood you can presSoly DL-V.Nara_bld. T- ,da aa any ddeke,e. tpm engem Ma O m e n s - Elmo that while cotton. Indian corn, pota- ' It requires 'erne skill- hc"verer- to a° era no not live in convenient localities_ tie- Detroit: W. W. • e a t a n a a b toes and tobacco have usually been etre front them. Balla Catarrh Care wan- p at_ Cienaland. o ; W. C. itiszsimos, arrange the cows as to stanehion_s. er as mar eearilly be imaeined. for if ther neactared by F. J.Cherey k Co_Teledo_ , G. P. Ceeeimeoe 0_ considered the four plants of commer- t h • _that they will stand naturally, did the could never afford to make contains no mereury, a n d I s taken_ Inter- AERINIOTORS • Woot---1-m awfully behind in cial importance which America has ,and for most of the time, w i t h t h e i r •o o w ns a t stieh reasonable rates. Five nally. acting &reedy upon the bleed and meread- l4 a r e r swan 0 moony 0 empetwelettlebleirynt Om/afar given to the world. the peanut mast n warionsi sarfacws of the s-rstem_ hs v iza r i n e ° van eelt,--Etecr's thsti.” Wo o l - --I awl arreaearCempway female -beteeme na jaaw hind feet just at the rear edge of the dollars for "inin!..rs goes a lo ng w a y to- g affe eaeame-_ one be seieeem_ r n t h _e got stritened off on -: and now I'm bas s . Itne unary n M mama.. womb_ be added, as the weight of authority A s s n t o n n a Y e m e n Sao bee des btaterr platform. The upright stanchions will war.: eetting all that is necessary. but testa It is taken internally_ and made M henied on at least nine cr ten new eves of CLUE, •r.i.da.:53 s p aer sermary-yes fixes its birthplace in Brazil. The accemaplish this and where they are e re. ne. Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney A Co. Testi- Nemoieoten-N. Y. Weeed_ .rtra ewes et s e n i l e . e e l crop has beeonae of primary impor- _____0 e tos.-- _ __One __ from_, _ _ side to side t h e y dressmaker. who certainly can not af-menials' rir000d free.by - etae nah ac-tataa ea- poranityalie m a n e to swing from side to side they s e r b a r a r d _7. tame since 186e, and Virginia, North naa - sw. - r t r i B i s t s , erne eee. p -sice-te B a i r A i d , seeii reieeroo carolina and Tcner_. see produce the ; allow considerable freedom of move- ford to haze be apprentices take the Hair's Fames Pins. en cents_ tarat. eatt +Lary Si no b'I aant de elltenno mina If you are troubled with malaria. constipa- veva an niters oral M a E r out me yaw& laere,st part of it_ There are seven =•ime .arei t a r fare necessarv to buy . too. ionionseees. kidney trouble or dcsrep-, B e abball ban aca-it N e m Int atm omen no ell varietiescultivated, some of them bunch these thipos without adding some -that'ruzaresiieej itdI t Ine7„„ Thra r imiaretees-p...e,---..7„.th' eni_. sit_ of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters :and it aaaaar arab end pawn lama albe lasmaime op. r1: d-c- ? -1 ' , p-,red._ amain wale fa Clacapt. awe len Sr will be speedily forthcoming- Nervonsreee yens bore Ine base gamed tor as ar nee.. et Se Ti a a.-6.1.11 sman comml.ssion to t h e original price , lessor appetite and sleep_ and aloss of vie- 1 , 0 , l a s . 1 • 1 • I l a n d aberdllme endleill ■ ■ ■ •14.1 •VLIUM • Y ...AN, • ALC7. a s , of tee erode LOWRATEEXCURSIONS ' or. are also remedied h r this restorative. ! a n b e e n i s me e t arearn VI seam ef ma. of this underground peals astonishing. , a-tra ow WV WkliiNina Elle CO= PIN= OM ..... and the amount consumed is a testi- A smart jacket and hat, both for Physicians of e n n i n e n C e Indere it a vale- r u i n s WeeteL-1 AND ICIMETZWVIL 11 :1 a:345 It surcer-er anti winter, are absolutely April z aad no. 1S9S- able conermat'on of the verdict of the peer: Teem elndILS BITE AIZINIFTWIIS 11e. a r e m o n i a l P'm Lay* es.o.c --b.r.k ' 1 m . areees eal•••• to its poputere.ny. The yeaie,r every woman's outfit : On April 2 the IIION MOUNTAI14 ROUTE pie and the press_ Take it regularly_ ata year a need by awn arae:deal. N a n k a i production here is about 4,000.000 ,„11 neces s ary_„„ _ thkets to all points ia ,,,,..„, y , o t ab a y e a r e n y e n s a s t f e t I l e , sell occur,. sex that Butt is reire to hare his cew an...a see. Cent ea as far earartiseaf ilk tn. La_. and to all bushels cof 22 pounds. which supply the I .fiagNir 61„ -‘ Arkansas. to Lake I a e plae ewe-le:Mod." --What f o r ! ' --T o s ee : 0..vaaara oraett r a . tat ..c tearfart ran end ta-day. toner Ismd a me aallacanteare Inas, l i mungarC le present demand in this country. This.• IINIRRI a 'ra•- of nre-emekere: t h e y had better he pout-te in Texas. eeeept El Pase-e. et the yerr ire:ether it will take or :lot_ '-Truth. r e .r .,--, M. IMII.- • • e t .,.... r e r s . • . f r- tdba oar-A rein t oho; however. is but a small portion of the . . 4- • Tee man termatar al. len bp drama genial mania world'snowev er. crop.Oti l Thea swat& ex-notationexportation poem, on frontfrom iree meritwent toto thethe cows,cows, betbet at the best they a peeryeerthere there ereere aleoale° sales.sales. at eery muci?,much_ •*"._en.sfe.). arelarel on Alnil at far, btrar;-.-Idt f o rc The Sterner Cycle C . whose advalise- - - - • .— are.,„ „„„ not wholly comfortable., „ , , o „ , , ,Lboe _ aand n d tto n do reo. n.neeee. e . the rotmolPOCI11.1 triptrip toto ventspent; in tnertne Soutneast. -eta:ea.-a nicu t. appears in tine:leer cniama. is _ on extremeir welaberal . ne. limit.- an A $ 1 5 Africa and India to Europe in Inete "- envy roocr At noe „ times ‘n-• • - - •- • • •- • • • •-•. _ • •- _ -toop-orer- -pros a t o iteeee - . ounely re:iable aed can be depended epee n ------r do . e ed eie don. r d o -.,.. do- ado,. •,...... ad..- au.. err- r or_ ,ott dtarat-blarrrata•a • •• •...... L.4 amounted to nearly ennierone pounds.: . b e comfortable. There is another plan Mrs jeckete of very stylish cut can be and ole-erdotoe enolloalenn seldrft-e nom to do as ti.ey agree to $750An deaden alma& b o a ear as an lb The crop of the world may be safely , ao ibat year_ ail Mar MEM m a t b e e A- D e e m i t 't.imated at 600.000.000 pounds. ! whec.li is shown in the accompanying feund. but. tee-so.- must -oe altered to fit PauaY's agent" 'r . Tut: ITOT11..art wh is Frond f her hack hair • , , s m i r ainnaaamst ateenieat alba • tior.-s tad..-as C erei tar adlna nay aerator 141=Ink..11.A.e.t. The value of the homely little ground _ ilInstratirm. cows are hiteiied retiuirc noleh oer.-some- ED er owe bad- Ammeter CO.. Gimp. The If a woman has any taste at millinery General paseee;er Al-eat, Sr- bores. : thin: on the piaa .-- ..- erdie Chains that slide up and , down ehe can tritro her own hats for far less - pea, however, becomes especially ap- ` n o o n a ro d, two cows in each wide moue,: than she can buy them ready- 21he last Two kat-ambles to the Strath. Whoopine Pierne Cure i 2 ----- ;.,_ _, ______W i l t__ ' . 1_. arC MaLCACI.1.- , - - - eesfui remed y.- M. P.Ini.‘ ue. Gr Throw p o eis m, sorted in the factory-- into four : stall. o r one in a narrow stall . as men_ me A fe a eere e..ed investment . . .v i z - - and Apron arch thezets win be 5 I t rlaa 4-:-...m fj,...E. I. EL a-lt-e"zr Vart(X'S A -ze_, N. S_ , N or . preferred_ There is a solid partiton to pay eieht or ten dollars spring, and ,..„ L.I.' is"ts in gradee the first. second gad third be- .i. been ern the stalls and the ernes, fai l. fc.or one stun nine. hi t. winch must mine-- -ippi„ N,..:1;if -', Is ..Li iir'-'' . -:•• - ii:------" ' BREssmAKERs ing sold to venders of tiin roasted pea- TIMED TIME a hinered Mew admitting the head be reenin :Iv.: and in th is connection it is Tennessee_ mad nil:nine. mei to jennts in nut. either directly or through„trade is jobbing sold to rof each cow to her crib at feeding. as we:i to re ,„;,, that a eatniece Florida wcet of Eiver .1.1"... -ri,n_ al one fare ' houses_ The fourth. b e e n ation j.,"-: ;1., ...---,.5 tt ....t ,.'it,,a2;1 confectioners, and after their manipu- time. When tbe ratirm has eaten is beceming lei the nal face is Often form LATEST r e a p p e a r s a s peanut candy. 1 the deors are elesed and butt,:med. terriny try ino, to the profile. and just agerit. to COA-ent i inen:C. re F - 1_ F•2_4.. l o t i o n which forces the co w s to stand lock as much care must be taken for the 310 Chek .15;• • •• C••:- z•:::-'- "", t- , C - W- - burnt almonds and in cheaper grades t h PARIS until eir hind feet come to the cloge 1 - a k E r - N!-'r.: p. „. .. A,7••nt. l'i_ A: E_ L R. E., of Chocolates. T h e report says in this - s e as the front view . Picturesque ' 1;0 E. Tient St.. Se Peal. Iteere eenneetion: „The extent of the we of of the gutter, and to lie down aloe in effects are nancen to be avoided by the . . . steeirtre. Theater. GIVE that situation_ When the doers are woman wee ees „ toe a small anew_ , FURIOUS the peanutpeanut by th e American will be more fully appreciated whenpeople it , cloesed any manure that has fallen anee for dress_ It is the women who ; The Lilioutians beein Mereti el. with upon the platform while the cows "Rumple Dem 1.-To to Bate.- Don't fail Is remembered that they use 4,010 00O have been standing ahead feeding isspend afford thousandsto go in for abio year hats. who out-re can _beet la 5ae them skilled Ill laall- bushels of nuts yearly (at a cost to the _.— L'Art it La Ibis. scraped into the grater. and the crows oxente indeed, an ythine conspicuous. AWAY-<• consumers of 510_000.000) which do not , AN Indiana eeert has fixed the price of Absolutely free of cost, for a blind Rim form a pert of the regular articles of ; left until the next f e e d i n g L The fashions of picturesque hats and stolen kisses it: that state ete m tenon ! - T o l e But d o N h e r e the manure cellar is under clothes generally are very fleeting_ and wicall is the nee of sIcaling. - LUUTED TlfIE ONLY, liedmed byelaw aped& food but are eaten an odd times.** The ! cattlecattle it will be found most eon- : nothing ;e more denressine, than to put , Blade- Cana olf planter uses the nut as a fattener for his ; T h e hogs and the vine as peanut hay t r a p s i n Proete who are .e,Jefied -th tnemsel People-s Comman &mac Medical Ad- PlIOSLIII117111111. for i venient to have the manure - all one's money into some article of ener. Be 5V Pierce. AL D._ Chief Cormalting of your Newsdealer crowd IS his stock, and the feeding value is in- I the raised walk' as shown, rather than ' , raiment so corisnieuous that one is seldom pleeee aeybody erse.- 31ilwisiikee Physician to the Iw,uiiiL Bola and Surgical ternnotee it ▪ , _Testi:me, linn-alo, a book et. over r.ur large CenTS for latest number to creased whenwhen souse of the auLs are ! hn the huttum or the gutter. whereh known hv it for the months one is _ pages and yo colored and other Moms-a- cured and fed with the hay. Millions ' 1.°e3--_ . are none.] ',cocain the m a n u r e domr.ed to wear it-harpers Bazar. o f 14 . - W i t i s d !km,. i n s t r o n g paper covers to any one AN Irismans definition -111- X !ending ii cents in one-met stamps Mr TIE of bushels are used in the old world ' an d filthy to handle_ Gandy shelves the lava ernieh the month of a ronsE-intoeuros ce. comes from packing and postage eatiy. Over eincoo 3 East 19th SL. : • E W TO M E . ; that are hinged and folded against the THENEWMAN. lively 'crater.' B o o k for the production of oil, which is Z • Copies of this torapiete Family Doctor M o r n o n e a m PALP Il l t regarded as equal to olive oil. In fact . wall when not in use are shown at the eneweet or the, 0 - already sold in cloth binding at regaia-- • y w W . .. s n Z. "rice of $1,a_ Address i nith stamps and 1 furry ttre Latchkeys- lir is the young woman with the new suit this Coupon, WOIWO'S Instr ts.aar tIED- great quantities are used, unknown to rear of the raised walk. The doors who first discovers that we are haring an n < admitting the cows' heads to the cribs '•Er-.Milei 1..- he said e •eine ne r - • - . r e - b . , . S i n Main Street. the consumer, of the latter_ "aril- strain,. -Relators Tv-- Id...A.-tar i n s t e s d in front will be found exceedingly vouch-. ae his bet ter half J. I. CASE T. I. CO. Marseillfs alone taking 2e0.000.000 . 2.1.-•Wl:BVItt a 1 7 ■ 4 3 0 1 1 L , , convenient when feeding grain. roots monving-s paper_and_ ii, IANTTACTritEtta Or pounds a year fort h e makine of al- India. Europe. . or eneilage. One c a n t h e n pot the toe_prepared leg ed „ ire ou. ha le ,v. - ,. d, Criel3 ffrazil and this country the oil is used city. --..madreo.' • ""'' clear. no Am* medicioally. It is eiiii ,„lo v e d hi, fz-corn the horns or nose of the anunaL could snare me a little n easeer SI, cret at its breakfast or dinner. zi"„ -• - r . facturers an tuning ctotn. tt makes a - - --''' -- -- '-: - - ren be- unteit -- u r) ---' a- -.• ...--' ''' '' •eno eo 000 ,ee e- •••--•• -• - : Idenae-ilyi--So did I.° - _ good lighting fluid. and is lareely ; The door can th en nett and "What, again_ George?* she said: , " n-s against tine side •• sick headache, bad taste in the used by the manufacturers of map : allowed to swingin in Why.I only gave you your housekeep- : Tax world owes ns allalivizur. vet no man E3 d as a lubricant in machine'• o f the crib, when the cow can come ing allowance on-let me see-Thurs- ' gan Li-Alec' the debt unless be pulls off his mouth, coated tongue, loss of . fora-ard and eat. The crab c a n be . dace wasn't it? Really, some of von c o a t and takes rife= the word's hide_- 1 . T /115 xhore. The oil cake is u s ed in Germany , _ ...... _. 'l i T t --- r ft is ! no 3u.ide to fold down b " U a g S* for fattening cattle and sheep. - against the outside ' men seem to think we women are -Leval appetite, sallow skin, etc., when propounded an excellent cattle food- o orthe partition if more room is desired ,„ me n o f m o n e y . -- i - ears.- time in the feedinrr tb,....,- . ...,-.__ „ __ _ _,, _ „______,___. ,•.: Tins total depravity m a r e w h o drop s in Ai:teeter neweretem- Ifferne caused by constipation ; and con- Feeitere-Wimi known as "peanut - tars-mai:totally cars... /to trnorr a A ennead tearer twessesew staenees-- A grade meal is . fl - - - e IU er er- T r e a s . & S a w P r e r made by grindingAM__Z th0. hulls. immature A.(eicrioarta'hart 'farm arm Journal.Journal. 1: Ls...hereL-The^e areare eirl'e wages.m o , e , and a nt i thet i l e mwater e t e r neople, but not inaay good people_-Bostoil p.m.-car...WI stipatiiin is the most frequent Pm-amble. Shia mei atisttoriney peanuts, and those of inferior grades ; :tie ett ren botn want new ----- eiliTALOCUE MAILED F . GARDENANDORCHARD. i and a certana quantite of sound nuts ,, ; boon- - . l --Ilex beonoue what they eat.- said Prof_ cau_s4of all of them_ min el with :other_- ingredients. The ! Pot-Lear for the p l u m a n d hogs f,tit- s `-Bidon I ei,ve you the money for .Graham_ oorbee I suppose pugiii,Z, wv.der Cr o k e 2 5 C residue, known as -peanut cake." : the apple orc_hard. . nate she a.seed. i v eloped from a diet of scraps,- replied a the book. Pills to,: and a makes good soup. griddle cakes. Me" 1 , eno. dear. t' t was for the flannel ; lure-and student---Hariera Lire- box.' Book FREE at your ihu=st's or T a r e s should never crowd one an- , ...... ,„ _ _ o n e for lAtie _moor s warm petticoats rua i that sensibie Miss to wiite B. F. Allen Co., 365 c.anal Street, fins, etc., and Os of the mint nut ou ter fee tee ee.ebard_ _ woNeEtt why Raptiati.AMISM.Eriems.lasile tire foods for human as well as animal ] ,_ making.** i tique allies herself with this N e w Woman New York. -e in : MANE lai:ekygaraitdhe:team. eir'n'7h '''' ' "I' nn ci r. I-don't be angry. : movement!" "Perhaps she hss bend her- The - Lomas- are the thwart Masa E c o no m- consumption. The report eays: Animal sates more than 41101.000 ical Coliars arid Cars wenn they are rat ef _Pelf alluded to 2 5 an old woman--'- llarPers though the experiment made with pea- ; „ ■ will you?-1 saw such a cheap pair cil ] c h e f . b o t h Weaned alike. amt. Setae reran& 4 ree nine remember that diseased : trousers at the winter clearance sale alazar- nalinal...1111171remaa T h e G r e a t hie- owe collara d o lament , to two of say ether 11.101- baol ladarortits ma I o n a t o r t h e - e e i . . . e l Ars tt wet& wear aritient UM m e i * b a u d a m - MAC i lwood a t i n g l aet ill nevernever become sounols o l i n t L yeseerday that I couldn't resist buying I Ca.-man tarter era, ar t trire.tsfel t KIDNEY, o e n a s s Vim rails al eah. row Tootaap-Alve - . — - . - - , autheritive- - - - — _ __ to adopt - -it - -as - f1 A M I S C LA manuringg. of the orchard_ - - to induce the - A c!: t. diem_ and eem know nee hardly a nag ' 1"My, :Morton, what a dreadfid cold Weiner C re t e a part of the rations, still analysis has win helP in securing annual er."Fa "r ny bacie- I got- What areyou taking for ur ' B o r te n UVER & A S a mple con.r.a Pah-at Crib towimal far I h r illoarselp-eAdrice."-Truile Owes %awe etre awl Sae_ Llama shown cmichisively that it is a most '. fru i t - , - Alwars Your err. Georee," she said • DI r a n c h YETI:W*1SLX COLIAR A rera that has plenty of room to angrily. °Really your extraragance in I Tn a : _. m :OW roosiemv. nourishate footl for men. and as emu- : CURE. z• Fea .0 a_ NewT o rt mums ea. Dunn pared with other well-known forms of ''„grow naturally needs very little trim- . dress is something sinful; it is a pity 7 le eke norm , ie hie shire sleeves togaring r 1 3 Salbematow. E..& vegetable and animal toed it has a ; litillg- , you haven't got to g o and earn um' i fe r kindling takes a good deal of the es- ArtaireaPawinet free. hiell nntrit ire wain., -- From all of ?. IF a tree makes a slow growth it is ! money: roan know its value then. i In' ' itOf his .-se----Alehism Gaaba Dr. labeler &Coe Elhasharntoes. DO YO1 WAIT A FARM HOME? y. CMANCW be WEBB advisable to cut back the ehoote a lit- Here take this. and for goodness sales 1 • ss • MUM AID OE WIes. are a nennans which it appears that this little nut or a w n •• e a . . . E n ■ I • AB. A n n a An a _ _ Ilakmlog Lai Eke t h e Taman, liaement Arne aware pea, which hitherto haa been looked an the spring. do try and pay meme of your hoesehold I IL, CBa r be e eearn* r t e g nett ea =tare..ars AlrUeremea.m....a wIll= down upon as the stock in traded' the is ab s o lu te ly necessare- to bills with it and not frivol the moneyI - -ures S T • JAC;0135 OIL. uures no s& ane. Mitered and se B e e n e tosnwase the health and growth of the tree and away on a lot of trash" esa be famine in Ileariplaa C m . e s t e bra abodeelm11 street corner vender. the food of the st-..G. Rheumatism. Sprains. Swe l l in g s, A c h e s , W en Is IranBre Munn 5. d. gallery god. and the luxury of the cir- the production of good fruit_ ; There's a dear_ good. darling nife.' An = rbnead and feel forlawata. a m m m l a s Neuralgia, Bruises, S or e n e s s, S t i f f n e s s , tame- aavenenea Cianternlera Se pay t e r f e m m e . F e e cus, has other and higher uses and M a mistake to set trees ire or he cried joi silly: -let me help m e pane_ reran awe caber marble •111111110WAD I-i- is Sciatica, Bums. Headaches, Cuts, Hurts, O d i n M a i l a a ■ around the garden. The- vegetables - Mildred on with her coat." he added, a = B M X ea. sass OfT. one of the important staples of cone Lumbago, Woanads, Bac kac h e . Frost-bites. MIME& 1211111PAZYBeweempowile meree and plays a dignified and useful hewed all light and sunshine peseible_ ° foilownar h e r i n t o t h e hall. - What nart in the economy of man sad beast. I iriest benefit Will Le deei.--it time will you be isotne? - —.WHAT MORE IS NEEDED THAN A PERFECT CURE.— _ " : 2 1 1 . t s aT- U m sere.- '-he answered. LEWIS' 911 fo LYE -Chicago Tribune_ I burying torah near grape vines. if c ar e ' lieWleelliDJUID11013rna. , - 1is taken to break them up flue before ! 'Tee got a lot to attend to at the office poimencrO TIGHTENING FENCES. potting them in the around_ 1 treday. and I shall drop into the einb The d r a p e a n d p o u t L p e ONE Of the best and eaeieet ways of 1, torso hour or so after. So you needn't Webster's International made. Uallke other Lye, h a m s A Penasyleant ee fr-ney Way of Drawerit a tine powder and prdocata a ma mW i r e s T e n t - propagating currants is by using wood .1wait denier." r Invaluable fa O re. School. se .E . tale onnInod• New IN= cover to co v er . waitresses-able LK g r o w t h e n t i n t o p i n , *•Iii. thatil be nicer' he resounded. Di e t i on a r v are always ready f o r n e e . WUI Wire fences are freanuentle difficult to of la.'" s'eas'el's m a k e t h e Sec p e r e m e i B ard six or eight inches long.-St_ ',eau, Re_ ve rot my woman coming to wash 14 1, the Sem eta r d or tbe E.- S. 5.pir Omsk, of the V. S. Soap% adwales isitasartbsi- tighten. Edwin G. Walker, of Butler ' to-nay and the girls and I are ruing to Croo A-name,rziostrag nIffee,awl of -a all of the Schoolbooks. t a g L i b m a n boat tor inesadat county. Pa., sends the plea b elo w . P u b l i c - It hi warmly ecosamoded by every Swat Ssperbeandeut of S d w a h . waste pipes. dabeeetbas shim. put up clean curtains and shines. t doe i seer:leo-en. e dogmatreesem. waadag ,trE1111A.EALTIEIWErt batten. di/n1VALUABLEVEGETABLE. gland C Inc a rh:arest there-thert-'s.,.. your A Coihrae President writes t Per ease whit which the eye Ends Wee weed sortakt. for armerney- Metbaltiest, far ef- Wee. Aimee% PIRILA.. a . I A floserriptioe at Endive. arid Wier arid i -bus nounn. cow- - te ct inna mbetbrals in imlicating Sew fir terse yet How to Grow it- as the breadwinner dashed oat temperieeneihne ateitememts of fans. mod for ...timid w ee i and as a workineg dictirmary.'Webeteles e a c e ls Whist is endiee and how is it reeseme . after the Paosiez vehicle Geonne blew aay ether slaw* wehowe." C We are asked. Its leaves make a erden- her a parting- i• 1,-, and went uptairs to didALA salad vrhen properly blanched: anel ;i bathebathe the children.--tchildren.-t hirego hire Tribune. C. St C. 3terriaut Co., lPintsilialsera, one that is very useful. as it ranee in I C Ni r l i ■ a • anwliminekt. maws., E. f o r J o y 1113.54.111 t o r t r e e yedeBbartennienalgeablenpammIllewandemete a f t e r l e t t u c e i s gone. It m a y b e g T o e r n t he i w n e . . - Yeu rTook happy over some- aro. sa My dam ehmeteduemedneret the Wehrrevottili- at any season. but. is usually grown f.-"_ r • tree late in the fall. For an early crop eneer-i am happy. we hare a sow in April in drills JS inches apart. u r i s eel atour h ow, I -. s e e„„ y -._EICHT PAPER DOLLS_...e> and later on thin out to 12 inches in the l i n g Ssmenr= o re .r J E• Wh am Itslateet e t t l I t s r o w s . I t ean also be BOUM inTreds and4 m toted be happier w e r e a 1 ...FORONEIIVRAPPER'OF- tr-aassuburted to the above distance after b o e e r z, attaining- sufficient siz e- - T h e Amin - Not w o r k It ' s the only aitteire I•limenenet watroje=lsa a lle i ntillia n = M sowings are nude in June and July_ have ever had that knew her place and Frew. Illra s wawa Ordinary good soil and cultivation is ADAMS' PEPSIN TU1T1- FRUTTI MDAVII10. 1 1 = L nim.t.100.1 1111111• CO• kem it and knew her business and at- .:i•end us two two-cent stamps for postage. These dolls have all it requires. When nearly full- tended to it- A n d we have to pay her changeable heads. No two dolls dressed afike. grosseut it is blanched in the following only two and a half a creek." II I MEWL • " 1 i n r i m , 2 “*. ea-a-;;_ottalln manner: Gather up the leaves and tie ADAMS at SONS CO '" 5""a stunts"Ilananiann' Y" MINI -011-ah-er-let me coneratulate EL a n eV 111•11INEBBIBIlla m a s 2 . sates- tie•naa b y nasal. Street. Calkawo b o m b e r lemma. M.-214 Una. JL WIRES DRAIES TACT. !heir tile in a conical loczn- facou more than emen--lletrait Free B reaa If J. L nertfrorittAglksaren thereby excluding the light and air I pee, 411•114111B IMO BatfInnetelenanalla Which he uses suco adally. Setapea. tram their inner leaves. which then C e rt e n e a the tepee line of any desired blench to a beautiful yellow-bah white- beee, ee the cite,. THE POT INSULTED THE KETTLE BECAUSE Save to % anyenr a, inin / Wyma n( m. ba sa nt ee and stretch as many s t ra n d s This peeress takes t o to live weeks. ant orembboaal. LL De w length 'THE COOK HAD NOT USED M A X I M te b medlanallettainet of wire as wanted- Unreel the strands according to the temperature. bleach- I Suburban Reesident-Tes. A human dileOwe- latillressMIIMInt own s e e l , mittaw n *nee et the rant and fasten imam" faatect in warm weather_ An- Na nd r .. ement. i C allIBEMMII. MIA -- o t o d 17Orner Ineagrit ra v e Wee. 1,01. TICS IlladOT seenrele te- — a 2x4 - scantling (4 Two o t h e r resetate is to lay clean boards me.. s i i s c k enew these te logg had, c, e, of 234 feet wilier rigliteneer plains which excludes „ Tree tied bee et * the N o f about!. with long threads and burrs. • the air and light Tee up at different n n , alenpide are placed as it only keeps a short time b e t e through the center of the times i r o n d o n e with the p r o i e APOLIO . . post. -Lite scansieng may in Kept ra parser— masicumg. r- o r sumer— - use — sass war?,- a - eArrnbar •ebba -e ‘ B- 1 . C = M MM -W. G. A ••• • •MM ICC teem by meting me I l i p eettb ern mete in t o a . in. a 1 N.741.0%0LO %,#1.1%.011■111111011 lieVIG/WSPUIllade..7 thell...GPSIIIIILAIIIIGWe -- blocks.- - - Aherike - - - w i t h frame_ s ,,,.. is , - .-:gesibta it ea'ys a haw strands are securely fastened to the dry cellar. One ounce sows IOD feet al berme fe. IL vi• ado SAPOLIO SHOULD asE USED IN EVERY KITCHEN. scantlings, with sas wrench WA this dkrallih- Farasers'Voiina _ T h eI , • am& 10 meddle er1Ch leadly• babe I Mal mode emelt thee when ors RELIGIOUS AND EDUCATIONAL. rd struck this lead in startin' in -Them are 35,401t children ander 14 & d to resins aad I went stanablia' thornI years of age in Chicago no t in s ay betore, winte acting sort of fresh at am tint haft hem the cabin at a gait school_ WEAK NERVES _IndianOsith iwee. and now here was the which ash:wished the mule and worried eerie. elemme I will Oath that i -The oldest Protestant March in the Eadkate as surely as any *Mimi MilL'c'EtLLES. : : U LEVOIS I other os;e hda_ mils M0- There'd been the jemmy considerable_ But findie der1100 sampernht.—eralhas e lnicistbehped mei c o u k twone United States is St Luke's, near Smith- symptom shows anything, that the m- 4 V . For nev sonnet/hie of a mystery about them treasure on a map and locatin' it en ties two brothexs, bat more apeeiallyaboet ; field_ Va. It was built in 1632- oms and themes of the body are not not lie down to sleep en amount Off ground, I soon see "was two very differ- ; the four or five men, who'd gone up, -The estimated value of educational satisfied with their nourishment. SIGN OF 1 HE ARROW. ent things. Ed worked out the first institutions in the United States owned been trouble and also different times. near their cabin. and proposition all right enough,,Iret when They draw their sustenance from Proatention of the Nerves. neYeed been afterward.s anyways by the Lutheran church is Statt9.3:10. I'd tackled the second. I found I had a -Rev. Dr. Bruce, a pioneer mission- the blood, and if the blood is thin, im- For three years I had been doctoring: Cendoef 'Tale of Buried Treasure heard from- Then, too, there'd been /* Zee 0001103300 on itty hands than ary among the Moslems et-pms-ie. has pure or insufficient, they are in a state but could not get cored. I received re. and, a Strange Photographer- considerable eonjeeturin' as to them ealentstire on_ been Ibadelno trouble resianed after thirty-sit-years-m ice- of revolt. Their complaints are made lief for a. while, but not permanent. lbrothers bein' the ones that had got i n hittin' on the rinesst, marked by the to the brain, the king of the body, Soon after beginning to take 's The amateur photographer. the nat. glean off with a good many express red-ink crow but there was ledges and -Maine Endearorers are jubilant over c o m p l e t i o n Christian Endeavor through the nervous system, and the Sarsaparilla there was a change foe the boxes and M a i l sacks from the desert lies each war. and the mouse taltins and myself lounged on Cottage as a home6r for homeless boys. result of the general dissatisfaction is better. In a short time I was feeling our blankets about the embers of the stage lines, and if they was. as to what though I put in a week huntie for that splendidly. I now rest well and am grease-wood campfires site-nth. -_ _ they'd ever done with the coin and ; big rock with the sign of the arrow, I at East Fairfield. The cottage cost what we call Nervousness tt.603, and is entirely the gift of the able to do work of whatever kind. H I ing an after.sopper - bullion they must have collected- They euen't any nasaer a-hen I quit than This is a concise., reasonable expla- Endeavorers of Maine. had not tried Hood's Sarsaparilla I do hooted from the rocks near he. never was known to s-pend nothin". and when I started in. and at last I give up nation of the whole matter. not know what would have become of -_Iftersaaifir An, Bauhrd. Bry_ 1 so it was generall_v allowed they naust beat and went i l l des e rt for -Atoll six hundred women doctors The cure for Nervousness, then, is 3 1 off the the have oracinated from the medial col- me- I keep it in my house all the time, ants schedule_ Three dollars." . have it all on hand cached soznewheres. „ winter. simple. Purify and enrich your blood and other members of the fffizrely take , leges in Russia during the fifteen marked the naturalist, who v i e w e d R a v i n ' years by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, and the all these ideas ranniu 'Now. though I'd give up. it was have existed. Of these it, and all my there is comm erc ini k e p t they about one- nerres, tissues and organs will have nature from a purely stand ; through nt? head, and be-in. 'though; only for the time beie, and I still 'third practice as doctors among the Nothing Like Nood•a Point a s Y°U Mightn't think it- n3tural-1Y the map with me wherever I went, the healthful nourishment they crave. an aggregate of ,eitaniguen peasants in the provinces; some are Sarsaparilla. I have highly recom- specimens of more or less value in the i earieat' iadeA • 11-'1En- to Mennin-some Nervousness and Weakness will then and take no day to gØback; hut °nu district doctors, some are attached to mended it and one of my neighbors has scientific market_ lie a snhent_ mei of trouble to find out about things, thing after another kept = nut,up to give way to strength and health. commenced taking it. I recommend was school and sanitary lector for the "lobasoniaa- 'natter hrar Which I didn't ■ hinder, and it was nigh on to three the institutions. That this is not theory but fact is ty." Ides. S.-11dLenoc:s„ 4 0 t I V I zt , others are in private practice. Hood's Sarsaparilla at every -By the tomorrow ru seo, know and took interest in. as I stood Years before I ever set foot in that and proven by the voluntary statements of Talmsusu, a Japanese A- I t of there with the shadow of the vulture runuu wain_ thousands cured by Hood's Sarsapa- Williamsport, Peintsylvania.°4 yotta blue print of the-what was the - - Oxford. has translated into Enalish o f t h e bird „rot, g o t th i s m o r n - ' like a littlee ...ono„, over the send "My next trip there come about this rilla. Read the next column. Be sure to get hag?" inenired tee amateur pJie - h e nnt: seentia' halt se elneh scared way Early one May afternoon, I got desa-rintion of India and the Malay tographer. ; at me twirl there as I'd been eaPectbf• into the White Water station and found Islands. written twelve hundred years ago by L Tsing. a Chinese Buddhist - "Harper/ay/tees &fordo: Bryant_ MAI and scut °f wished he had-I get to a fat ma,,. with a long curly beard and I - _ priest_ The book describes the monas- Hood's Sarsaparilla Two dollars.- replied the natnralist I P u a a e r m a sociable sort of way with him. monk- MIMeit 'Llg° tic life observed by the author in India, "Yet Ed forgo-nen. Thata it I dare - "WhY•• IJ.• not'[MAU. saYsa . to•AL o n _ s a y . eyin- with some little rolled-UP Inners and contains a great deal of informa- u p t o the cabin a m o n g t h e P i_. n P " • and ; just outside the brnsh-porch in front. my. -I here was a curious thing about tion a b o u t geography, chronology, and that Picture- When I took the elate '4examine i n t ° thID 3 up there, now He said they w a s OhotograPhs he was literature_ Is the Only from the bath. I- - noticed - - a line there's /HAWS to hinder? dryize off. he bein' a professional. hired; - I n Prussia the Roman Catholic the bird's the trip, ' -so he claimed-by some concerti to down breast which I did not "Marin" concluded I'd make c hturch u r c h 'seems s e e m s to retain its vitality.vitality. In seen in the original . remember to have I didn't waste no time in startle. and make pictures of anything remarkable le-7272 there were in the kingdom 914 when I propped him in position_ A t by hustlin' a l o n g pretty lively, I mart- ; he run ag-ainst down in that country_ ‘eitt. s 70's True Blood Purifier 4 conrentual establishments. with S.715 d e f e c t the cabin a little ; lie The Ilammoek That S yr o n g la t h e P a s t . first I thought it must be ...,aare aged to round-up at wen"' no ways particular what hi members: three veers later. in conse- in the film., but there really a gloomy photographed-so i was the - after sundown_ It seemed looked to me-for °menet. of the repressiye legislation of Against the clouds of memory two trees stand enough. caused by a sort of land of plane to stop at, h e tall and high. line. plain lookite a long made a point of takie it picture ' the --May laws.- over a third of the semi-bald streak through the feathers. vittVs disnialer than the bare, hot sand ; me and my mule and the burro quickof With arms mailed entreatingly before the institutions were dissolved but in glowing sky. so distinctly marked. I wondered and rocks of the desert down below as wed got in. and that led up to our It was w e f i n d I.217, establushmenta. with 14. - To gather .11 t h e happiness of dreams fast that I hadn't seen it before. It merely Nothing all round but a low. scatterie g ett in' tolerable friendly right away. 1 Ott monks and mom floating by geeS to ShOh" how Much more accurate g r o w t h o f scrubby pitionz. just thick And hold them for the dreamers that beneath . "He began sareadie out his pictures , I -Recent discoveries in Palestine t he ir L e i t e r lie . f l i matter of detail a camera-, eye is eziongn to stint our. t o e view any way , and I stood by inikin, and lookan" 'ern hare mace more clear the secular use than ones own.- i You'd look. There was a low, two- ; I a . , . t i l l For from those trees there used to hang. in of the terms -deacon- and "bishop" - with the mud all deep- we one a a hb n , long-avie childish days. 5"I 'seen that illustrated in ; roomed cabin, ri.aint nee. grow . The hamrorar-ot oiir. silent times, the ham- said hitherto1„ out of the chinks and the bark in front of a steep_ rocky bluff. Then before the establishment of Christian- 1r:in kind of way." th , it:. Texts and inscriptions have been mock of our plays; s ent Calkins. slowly_ tappin,Nee. the up- i peelizi off s h e d ------. . il the logs; a brush for i I stopped short in the middle of what . found with mention of diaconoi as be- That swung and swayed to laughing beighss turned toes of his boots with htimpty I stock and a little s h a k e granary. with .1 ...., sari.% and for a minute couldn't and wild and romping ways . ing certain subordinate civil ,officera. While all looked haply hazy in toe sunlight's p i p e bowl_ while he gazed into fire a warped door hangin' askew on one speak. I was so dumfoundered. for on , Enisecrnoi or overseers were functiona- reeing, rays. in an absent-minded way, 'tam id leather binge- :t that rock in the picture, staiadin out re-of_ a higher grade under the Roman everlastin' stake ot_ f "Harin-unsaAdled, and taken off the , Or else It rocked and wavered with a creaking. have made my pia,. a m o n g , h „ l e a v a g e Hues . wa s reo-ime. and several lists of these have sleepy strain the business I'm speaklif of if only m_. : pack. and turned the animals loose to the ileum of an arrow pointin. to the b e e n fo u nd . . As dreams dropped from the shadows to a hadn't been too confidin-..'" : pick up what feed fool nature they could_ I didn't groan& -By the death of Prot Sir J. R. See- story-weaving brain. Callan's mused. and sir-lied deeply' at 9-wait tercet supper. but started- richt; i n ' ••T ...... • ...... 4 .1.....1..-.1.n.,...... 1..... Till birds and bees about me sang a drowsy -ley less than three months after Me this re m in iscence of an injudicious- inspectin' the- - premises There was a lookeds u . s •op sorprisel.-- xn-q r — -o • — sweet reTran • uirie w h a t t h e Fronde. Lord Roseberry is called upon That slipped away upoa a thought where slum- 11•1.S2/111.11-- S. - • • . - • . - i room in eacn ena ox um mom. won an ! matter was. When I asked him, he de- to fill the Regius Professorship of His- be r C2.1ne t o re ig n. - The beginnire of it happened nigh on ! open space between .!..am.. just covered 1 scribed the pheas where he took the , tory at C.ambridee, as well as that at to twenty Years ago.- he resumed. in I in from the weather lly the roof. and j• picture the hest. way he could. a nd be. Jawing my mind from present time till life is response to our request for the story. 1 scene shakes nailed up across the north . fore ever jaed got half t h i & I g IL I ; Orford_ Though Prof Seelev-s fame ye t a g lo a , "one time when rd been out prospect- 1 side to keep out the worst of the wind_ I. omio emh7oT4=h he see with the general public rests on his • Through mists of thought and tears of years w a s soeahio, of the . ''Ecce Homo," and The Expansion of I see the long ago: -1-Ot I LI MI In' about San_ Felippe. and_ I —Here t h e e only furnishin' was a three- marrsed by the little red-ink • England.- his best contributions to For childish hours are brightest and the world w a y i n for more grub and t e g g e a mo o t , a n o s a sanote_tree cross on the map. I must have bee_n by lused to knoll, was on my aou a history are the -Introduction to the Was sweetest In the hammock old which powaer arm a new outnt or toots. Is __ upm-rrso atz uer Rung u p o n p eg a- a led,ge at least half a dozen First Book of Livv." and the "Lila of swung me to and fra was a sizzlie hot September afternoon, I broken piece of loolool-glass and a rag" times without ever seem' the arrow_ I Stein." _ - —Edith I. Crary, In Judge. and I was takie it kind of easy, handle' god, moth-eaten coyote skin tacked on beim' as it was so all mixed up with the 1 -Th e Church Miasiemary Society of nothin' much to hurry me, and "fituarrnma," said tncle Eben, "when er was the watt I picked npa candle-end and g weather cracks. and crisscross does o n England. which is in a eery flourish- jogging along o n my mule just fast went in next to the room they'd used i the rocks. / ranted out the arrow, I4 Man tells yen he's discouraged be doan' ing state, has been taking a forward Mean nuffin' I n it 'oeptin dat be's 'bout inough to keep my pack-burro movie far a kitchen' and commenced carefully whir-h he'd no notion of brie there .' step. A thousand a year is spent in made up 'is min" ter be good an' lazy de res' on ahead of me. The sand vras heavy investigatire, all nerved up to ataike j till I showed it be him, and th e n h e I securing the entire service of two cler- Mt his ble."-Washington Star. t and the sun bore down like a hot anything from bones to bullion_ I ! seemed o...tty near as much surprised I os-ear^ ----' one layman, who are to act didn't take me long, though, to fle-,, - • ...,. ,,,,-.. "le I could only," she exclaimed. "get it weight_ You could just see the heat ay deputations of a new , through my head." She gazed at the large vibrathf up from the sand and rocks up in there, teem ' nothin-, . . 7 will s e ek not so eameh to hat pin and wondered how site was going to all about in quivery, dancie lines, and lot of dirt and old meat - . fasten her new street in 'dom.-De- mare information as to ' trot% Tribune. way off. toward where the desert and table, a bench and a few gr. e general duty of the Curia- the sky come together, was little cookiie things blackened - toward foreign missions "Krim hearts are more than coronet.," patches of rock held up in the air he- Then I tried the bunk-coo . ,. - . But somehow with the belles, the mire-age- The trail I was *myelin' but found nothie there by - , I n choosing mates for life, it is J •s t i . conat tie to and trust in, WIT AND WISDOM- run along the base of some steep. dirty- g o d beddie in the bunks; Vs ...... ,....-isee-_ i i nd --•-•.?me hem, natmany, perhaps, neer. The coronet that tells.. ALWAYS THEBEST • -Washington Star. Made white limestone hills, all broke up and dow 2 chairs and a dirtycorner-shelf on i confidin', I started right in and gate, -Podner-Pve got a gnawing in my Itichadvely tram crumblie from the weather, and asI which 3313-0 an empty bottle with a 1aim the whole business vrindin' up by ! stomach_ Lane Walker-You're lucky. "Go slow when you gite mad," said Uncle Superior MLR DRIED Selected dry and b e as an ash-heap. They candle stuck in it an old bone comb ! shot...in. him the map. Finally it come' There's nothing in mine to gnaw.- Elan_ -Er ream that 'bustssomebody when IOWA WHM3 OATS caught aid the heat there was gain', and a grimy pack of cards. 1 to thiez He agreed to take me 'round to : Philadelphia Inquirer. be's excited am pow'ful tilde ter bite his o w n tougue."-INaahington Star. SOLD ONLY is 2 lb. paas. Fad *Mined it over at you till you was '1 was getthe discouraged, and tired, , the „ Ira in the inornin • earir_in a I -First Robber-Bill. de noospapers 'Near easpin'_ I and hungry, and was just learie to 1light poie hochhoard he tras- -tra-r'elio--. , has printed our pictures. Second Rob- Timm is nothing more foolish than to ad- I gazin' up in the air, shadie ' start up a ere and get slipper, when I ! about the country in-,-it bein' a trip of , ber-Den let's quit hidin't nobody will I vise a man to grin and bear it. If he bears 'I W a s i it patiently, he does enough without grin- my eves the best I could. to find how lowered my candle to look under the , ooir ten or twelve- miles from wherei know us now. -Syracuse Post_ aing.-AtChison Globe. much the sun had dropped since rd , bunks. as a sort of finishin- up for the 1 we was talk:ire-and we was to divide ! -He-Say. old woman. what do me W. L. DoucLas le THE T . looked last, when I see. 'way up above I night of my examination, and there' ' even up what we found there, we both . think of the splendid view? She-I am ' W . 1 0 0 8 - "Did you have a tine time last rtr POW A KINN& the trail. half a mile ahead_ what at I under one of 'em. I see a big board boxi of as &jinni., thered might to he. from ; speechless. He - Speechless: Then Jages-•'No, I had it this morn- 53 SHOED. C OR DOWL144 tam. Ten dollars tine; three dollars costa." eiria sight-with my e y e s beim' daa- I painted red and bound with rusty au accounts. mere-. enongt for two. i well stay:-Basler IIMIGnalMINIMLIASI Nachrichten- bia Inquirer. zhxd-I took for a little Bonin' cloud- hoop-icon. Then I forgot all about i ../ was owhesom daylight-the moon I -Perhaps the most unconscious liar POPhitClittitIONNINIa Then. next minute when I see it keep eatie, and my curiosity got to worker'' ! .,..„ . 7 rdovro ___...4.ter- ei-o, .r.,,, told to : extant is the individual who tells of . "Dm .am only one day in de yab," said *3APPOLIccasouss. nolin"rortnd in a circle. and each time right away. I set the candle down on f_To,.,.., read„. forrIo earl_ start, and I the large number of umbrellas he loses ripen Ebeu, 'anima folks orter look at de 1 0 0 - 1 02 . d a nk s id e ob life, and data alancipatios WINTEMS. WINN/. it made a round droppie a little lower. the floor, and, after considerable tag- rras— a-sonte scrrprieed not to fi-, ; ; pho. ! in the course of a year.--lliashington ' day."-Washington Star. I knew it w a n t no cloud, but a bird, gin', got the beg slid out to where I i tographer's sorrel team tied up along-1 Post- just one of them big California' yal- could get at it The leek was gene_ all ‘ side my innte. when / went into th e -Tommy-Pao, if the lion is the 'Wer ca earth is Mrs. Robertson study- tures, nine feet from tip to tip of his but the hasp. and the lid was only fast- I amble shed to feed h , , „ ,whererd wen 9 ing law*" ••dhe intends hereafter to secure . king of beasts, what is the rhinoceros? Iher own divorees."-Brooklyn Life. w i n g s , if he was an inch" _ ened down with a hair-rope lashin-- I I "ein night before. Then I noticed.with I Mr_ Figg-The politician, of course Mart 1'—‘ 11. "Really, now," interrupted the nat- , unhitched that in.._:---, fuse Imo--...._—...... -.....,...- time at all_ * — ! a sort of ralterivin', that there went no I His hide is two inches thick-Indian- •‘Meitus, see bow cold that poor chestnut S Z E M I t t s. uralist, with the deepest interest, 1 and took off t h e •""I' Ch. '''''' ''''''-'.. ''''''''''' ' - apolis JournaL Maa looks! Do give me five tents so be e t a C.77/f6rA07Alne. -7... ! of t h e buckboard. which I'd last , mra annething."-Fliegentle Blaetter. Over Om weariest "Pseadogryydar all of a tremble with excitement -Visitor--Do you always write with Belebees schedule - rare - no price i "At first sight of the conte_nts I wasseen the hostler standin' came oat innot, front.rwhheia,his Pretty grr:eit eyes I . a bottle of champagne before you? AT any rate • m a n who is drowned In • W. L.&sighs a 844 Sines quoted:" I considerable disappointest Aside from and pichio. never be killed Miaow slums me Opmelly satisfactory. o u t s t r a w s from ids hair. I Novelist-Oh no But my hero and he- waterspout will by falling I sat of a balleoa-Philadelphia Inquirer glary the beat value ler die -Maybe." mid Catkin., in a t o n e of i S a m e rusty iron junk in the bottom of ; ..„,,, ...... i L.., ,,,,„.., ,,,,_ roine have just become engaged.- They giesaped caste= slows Ss styla=. indulgence,en, though scarcely heeding the box. there was JUSt a 1.33-- Of old the'' hockhoisrd. he mid the photo_ Fliegende Blatt , Porriaa riglits are those that are coming Their wearisst geolities ars ftesad. The prices are asIlise ,- w sada. the interruption. "He was a fine sight flannel shirts end a faded canvas coat !grapher-d hitched op and polled not -A Lively Time-She--I was playing ear way.•Cedveston News. Frame Ss So reel ever ether aniors. 10 I can tell you. sailin- round up wraPPed 'round fire-Peand night before just after Ed turned ba- whist also last night. It was the first It 3,151W & N a t denegiVaa0/ 70,3 ther, me he ounce things in general p o w d e r e a n . hec k le the can there was g• meeting of our young ladies' whist as me and was out inspectie his property_ I a piece of readeria-tanned biackskiie I away of / seen h e i r i t was. That fa""`"t, spel = elub. He I wondered what made you As Eve • a i d be kept skruf-Y dimPlau% dune up in a !mil._„_____ waa , Puttia. this 1 photegraphin sent had just gene off so 'hoirse.-Brooklyn Life_ r eeh time he swung 'round, and each Cluck again. fecal'. -anumagent all I the „ j et t o mike in the plunder OSkr - -Can the baby talk yet. Mr. Pran- ci rc le he made was narrowerai the last through, when I see there was I not woothe so dhddin, when cer?' "No; b u t h e can count all I knew from the way he carried blurry lines and letters drals-n on it in = treat tight" "Are ,you surer "Yesan.; a goad thing. Save in en there was sonsethin' d e a d l y i n g i n k . and I unrolled it near the candle whenever the clock strikes two he b e - about on the line of the trail ahead of to have a better look_ It was mean:. off saddleda lope. hopinup righ.tot istrik.11711y. g i n s to cry to get u p " - L o s Angeles Then all to once the pack burro for a map plain enough. but of what, a_Uu''`em pricked70G- her ears out forward- snorted first along, I couldn't make out. There I t nriaews.mahabefWeehis staher.dtheregot atowa. and, Times. Sham -Sheriff (on the morning of the exe- and crowded -round back on the trail. was a taff-ralrfff shaded line meant hut he hod too iottrit thteereau.extort. ention )--Was the prisoner impudent and usc mule got to tmlahlitt. and re71.`"'"eat hills' with a at wnw end and when at last I got to the reek with - wizen you told him to get ready for the s t nm lanIlered la the of anti •Vir lTs at the gather m a d a s h - • 1 1 : • • • • • C her off as she was 1 derneath this was a draerie-• of what I I IP'`°° t r e e 121f r u " there waS -thcl scaffold?. Deputy-Er-be--told me heel, the war we'el name I made out LI he a hit. reek with ass re-_ hen be hanged if be would.-Baffalo _ • • _- -___ Courier- _ a 1 rci cast her enerbeesel rem' marked an it seals the head •••••iwt- I OVOOLLCOO -"How did Olditimer blce the act of = I L M • . some rocks. I hitched her and 1la' dmku"and the figures dreamiewoes about afar all nem them pianism- years batana a the lion tamer?' asked the ciaects pro- the mole s hort u p to a bowlder and , was all. exeeptin' a little redank. m e s a hrde to the g r t . d . t w o stove-in prietor- "Be was bored to death. Yon walked back to see what had seared : marked up in a deep ?hum in the kilts. see he used to be the manager of an 'ma i I quit looking net for anything else exPe'.1a hmmea aa° a dall'eplarea,," W e n - opera company with *Irene prima don- -I didn't wonder they was rattled I that night. and after' I'd got tomer- , bty e d dropped on the arid new-dieroverlooked dirt, wheremitts 14,UNIT AWL nas in it."-Washington Star. Brings comfort and improvement and www• wilia st a a d a . . . . r a m M I N * 4 1 1 . * when what it was There. lying pet in my time passlia" asvay at the maim his eleanwpandget well -Pusbalong-This is the second five Inds to personal enjoyment when .1=111•• ••••=01.•• led oat on his bath across the meanie' of the map. and went to sleep a.°, rody used. The many, who live bet- an smailaar-1 1 = 1 " 2 trail,s p e w shot through the head, was till peralin'. you've asked for in a week That's ar00.17.6- pretty qu i c k work: cracker than light- ter than others and enjoy life more, visit lr.- .'""mw.mtuffeetraili I was so sort of worked up and r rew " . 7 . 1 = m a w with his face turned up to the "In the inornie, first thing„ I started .._ ping_ Thespiew-Bow do you stem? ism expenditure, by more promptly ma. his'lips all tamed blue. and drawn I in again, and then. in a gaai,„ t he r a w ,. nisoffiscusoso sae mad all misptisg the world's best products to wawa 011.M1.11 eee leek from what teeth be ha& and his I whole thing comes to me- Exerytione I t?!/,°n il that when the little thelenT" Poshalang-Lightning never strums "'"" a twice in the same plms-Ilarlean Lide. the me& of physical being, will attest Z rars. • a m r a_„_ e _ar,.„ as ,_h te ar the value to laealth of the pure liquid sa. sum ealb e m y eyes all glowed and Marin'. One arm ' seemed so plain, I jest wondered thee ° ° ‘ ltattee- the -Landlady--WIty yea ring ■■•■ •■•11110 ___a_i__ _ ,''' . . Pa'au ',„_„_____'a _____ear Mistime principles embraced ia the WU 'Ma morra. 11.1•■• ••■ was bent wader bias and the other I hadn't seen it all at bet right 'I' he was the dinner bell, Minna? Se-vent maid stretched oat straight, with the angers was Tomos station, and 'W W,' White ' -"' "'''''''"L' lety ° " " t ""'" al. then ten dy, Syrup of Figs. I couldn't lad it, ma'am Landlady-- Its e n is doe to its nermslin V Z = a- ra , 'beet in a clutch Ike a hawk's elms Water, and the creaked, shaded BOO w a y - I told your it was hanging in the ban- n v, Be mast bane been 'yin' there stone was the hills borderia' on the desert. ' Ilelahtleuu irsinPan Peseinn Plan In the form moot acceptable and pkg.- , Servant araid-lixeme me. means you sat to the taste, the refreshing and holy deed for a week. jest shrinkk' and between the two places Id known the lit l'elmuus- Mistress couta° inter- told me only this morning that it was &yin' wp in the san, like . all dead whole country thereabouts for yeses Poled the laitaraliit. hatelmial properties of a perfect lax- BO Cm= the breakfast bell-EalempiegeL ative ; effectually cleansing the spins, ilOVINIMAX ODIUM dikes do, oat en the desert. and recognised every little head and `Lam colonel.. estdineed Whigs --Cenoney-r ar a lucky Ikea- • &spelling colds, headaches and inns '1I w e e j e s t in a minute who the man earner in the kills wirers they'd tried ° Well. his /sorban" Ti iled me that molt thief got into my room last night and 'been pretty t o s e t and permanently curing constipation. was lyin' there, be barbs" , 'em net ea the map. Then I see thst blame rd Sboulfht- hisdn' Isethin robbed me., Idobbs-I cant see that It hasgivies satisfaction to millions and COLDIN BEAD well known in them was. and havhe the little red ems was just meent tale- ehe handy-rd bore the tarsety M i d i s that's lucky. O'llooey-Bat don't you met with the approval of the meshed Pries ift Crow I a warred, scowler-kind of fate, which este the rock, with the arrow and the and couldn't And it afterwards. ; are, be digt get anything but tome preemie., beta* it acts on the lad- argrest.agni= = O r e s • m, s tur v. yea didn't need to we ewe to *rams issrked ea it- N a n I w a s o n "I ntede inguirietfor that insimatia• eeipted bills. and so he got himself ira- aeys, liver and Bowels without weak- reediect it. M a s u d his brothited lived i the right tralL it didn't bike ism keg photo-Vanier. loogierteme him vain, t e debt- ere?-Philadelphia Record. ming them and it is perfectly fiel from j I l l a t ( M O N for the pest Ave yesre up in among t la e i to week is all oat. Ceder that there if °sir Ur b u t I never -Transferred. bet .Tiet kliephheed.- I ethery chjeetionable substance: The Itheirldh a w kis it I pi ma timber. waotheler on the mere '1rock vrat,the coin and which learned notidre seam abed Mat or the • Laces. Ill- boy stole a flynqs of Figs is for sale by all shim- • adage of t h e mete ,"rauite 9L Rills. folks heiFbeen eon" ' ahem. rr tramme- i gilts n sad al battles. bet it is man- aledgaide cif which I was travail'. meant nixie feet out trees where the ar- -That's asy story. gsselliners"' cow ...... : ifeelsored by Die talltainia Fig Syr," s a s . and them lieu% boa few men between rem painted down. amid "r meant tines chided Calkins, :Weep "Ws m e a t ' r t f i l t n a t m u m s , Is bens rawall. spa! a s -' Co. ady, whose name is printed on every aag pseelbsil as a sea the thderade and White Weser as made fleet deep in the greed That wee kis and I redo= I'll tem reuse. eipe the eithe; situp op prigat.rtrainarz.asaaases-is e weneS7.allinelee r the boollTil_ t d speak e t 'em without Nettie' mad where the pinnace was mos I Stuart Beeke. in Sus Freeekese mad being well informed, iseasiew= e r ggar eardassag ahrela thesegh„ limegh they didn't MIMI 'Well. as yen ean Amy anderahner. Mpanetd. sign. sad sailed it ewer the deer you will nog of a rereeteaLL--Prtateee seagtaxesidatilet•if e limi latimrp"r`o- N. nowM a r 0•010110111110110..mmorn.m..ersentweiMelltemlavelman m. WE WILL TAKE YOU Chicago ri1eerys.-desmen are travel 1 WU+ NIGHT AND A lug throogh towns and country again i The early hours of Tuesdayriss. night this spring. When you want groomer( held a dread suspense f o r t h e average 'ffc1( or any other goods, pateanize ou r helm ; householder of our city. A storm was LORD TO CALIF0111111 dealers. They advertise their goods !gathering over our heads which we TOBACCO and win give you just what you order. , awaited with much misgiving as to re. SKLLS Cheaply, Quickly and 0 61111*%. . , They are honest and reliable men and !sults. It broke and wind, hail and dl you oui depend upon them. These I trire held high carnivaL .Fiesee light- Comfortably, P r / W W 1 STYLEMEI travelers will get the best of you if you rung and crashing thunder added their ON T HE trade with them. Don't do iL-ltr- terrors. Yellow streams of mud ran roaring not until the combination PHELINIOCK ELAND MOIST Th e Ut i c a Gazette, in three items. seemed pandemonium turned Lime NEWCT.TELSTCMTEL thus refers to citizens our readers are The homes in which, at the bile hour, interested in. all now at Deer Park :! most were in slumber land usually, Because the rate in S l e ep i n g Mrs W. W. Morgan is visiting at bar I now held anxious watchees. and with tW • b bet N.M. 0 father's. Kid_ J. W. Saunders, in Los- great good reason. In most portions Fairest traineratthe tant, this week.....Frank Morgan has , of the city it was eionontarily expect. FOR ALL purchased Albert Goodbred's roadwag- I that the hail would break out win- Qin on, which he will repair and paint.. - dow lights but this - misfortune was MANI aND. r ■ • ■ r r Rev. W. %V. Morgan, piator of the spared a l l . Walks and yards were coy- CIIINIT. Ber emoughwatiieeh= • Deer Park Baptist churcb, took dinner ered with the hail until it could be eas- Marseilles, - - flL 4,-Af Comets go:kw:pinnâ at the Utica Baptist parsonage last ily shoveled up. Into the midst of YOUR= TEUS UCORD-Over 100,000 Wednesday. I this, in the center of the city, came a • - - I dash of lightning more blinding than already anted ad all like Um make. audio pig a Mimi' To-day we publish the report of retlr- e v e n 118 fierce predecessors, followed ing City Treaarer Chas. Brier. Finan- IA a report to nearly raise one frnrn CU LUTES CHICIGO-Evay hada, via daily the city is in the pornession of ! the tlooi. This was tollowed by a brief sTYLests-:-: lie Price aaged orimg more funds than usual, especially as stillness fairly deathlike. As eleven UmSandhi lodia Territory, Tens ud 0 . 1 . 1 nertr. ttr.r• . • _ e m a w . •■••G W.B.M.L• P n a l . 0 1 lA USW .1.1.C1,.. LAIG o g u r r o a r g 511.11.1CX Neltel? we e THE SUNNY SOUTH t.INE. ilrereren paidt tor two years during within a radius of about two blocks of FTICeS Lowe'? this I reign . In he ordinary way the - our editor's home it became the n a t u r a l trade tobaccos. *ft lind '5 -Salaries - _ ON ALL .: Cu IMES CILLIGO-Every Thank Via would not be paid until the . thine.to see what it had hit this tante_ license money tot this Year gets to the Our first thought was to_ look to the MATERIAL&M I L Colorado ad the Salk Rate_ brand superior to ail diem treasurer. Mr. Brier steps out with Congregational c.hurch steeple, the I ho trnerri heoth.e .-aseorer ' h o r F o r a t Place youi orders for all merchant tailoring right now and I vs vraffica uyrar.....r. Fru.... a •rarsaar5 r u m s a l I __d ial around s o m e get desirable garments at lowest figures ever named. SPECIAL MANAGER GOES EACH TRIP. TO BEWARE OF IMITIO10113. an gen Jack Galloway mmes in WO glanced w h a t else- Wr CARE FOR THE MANY WANTS OF THE smiling to hold the city purse strings. I where but, seeing no trouble. attempted Yours, always to please, PASSENGERS EN ROUTE_ . . ■ ■ • ■ ■ • ■ to get what rest the warring of the pie- THE USUAL RESULT. ; meats allowed us, to arouse about fif- Wednesday bids were opened for teen or twenty minutes later with a W e P a n t tell you all the benefits in HAVE THIS PAPER c - 323,e3m-sc=__ this ad, but for your California trip building the new county asylum fur conviction thrd all W a s n o t righL you should past yourself. Address, the insane, to be constructed of brick A g a i n looking out of a window we s a w Location: Main St., fronting Clark. Sent to your Friend and stone. contain 1.50 rooms and b eat- dames rising about three f e e t above the JNO. SEBASTIAN, 0. P. A., FOR A YEAR. ed South of the present county cottage_ titer roof of the Mrs. Richmond C. R. I. & P. RY.. CHICAGO. Twelve bidders sought the contract: boarding house, at the Southwest cur- T h . Be at MOW and quite naturally our Eb Barber's tier of our block, on Washington street b r i b e L e a n t Mosey figures were the lowest, 8:)0.96-3. Etis Notifying wife, who was up and success in this section of Illinois has dressed, she ranout on the back pent W. L. DOUGLAS Coining Y our Way! become quite the natural thing and a n t i did some tall yelling to alarm the competitors might as well remember ! neighborhood which at last was heard t this fact and not go to the trouble of above the then wildest roar of descend- Over$3 Onn SHOEMinim Peorrio lin e a r u m YU putung..... in a mu. 1 nig floods._ Chas. Kirk was the first to a W . L . Douglas SS and ge Shoes- t ------ow- i respond and got to the fire the same st AD our Ares are wastally nattednetary. The new ice wagon will soon be along-nearly C. L. S. C. i time with Wes Smith, and together g/rensensoleaorm bra rains dem for Ira tbe rtryl=111. time for it now. We are making a daily Program for Tuesday evening. May i they promptly fought the flames in an a warrIEK a m i n e s are minawormed. flaTim pram we mew= -Mamped ode. delivery of 14th, at the home of Mrs. A. L. Sindel, , upstairs closet with Fails of water and Pram gamin owed over other astors !loath street, 7 o'clock sharp: ' in a stifling smoke so dense as to over- II 'sloe&mite soot opiply panne eau. Music, Mandolin and Guitar. come any less resolute. We feared alr i5 e 4.5kallawee Cearlovanarreacb Roll-call. Geological terms and their ! e i t h e r the inmates of the house were C a l f n o d M a n i p u r . . . r'im.st-Class Ice definitions. ! stricken by the lightning, or were not LS $ 3 . 5 0 Von. 3 selee_ and would like your orders to fill. Renaissance and Modern Art, C. D. I aware of the fire and might be burned .30ran al 112 Nalbeaset. I in their beds. and anyhow the block is continues in ALL thISTIts and Talks in Geological Field, iso thickly built in a tire well started I 12&$175 ki.1111.1 T H E M O D E L , Inas"7 4 WAS. W NM i s . MARKET the front for MEATS. J. C. Foley. I was liable to sweep the whole block. a par denier 11.11aCi r iropply Music. Quartette. ' hence our great alarm. As it proved yaw. wean Dar entelogna. Keep on coining and we will do Required reading: R. and M. I A m ! the household soon disceivered that the W. L. Douglas, the right thingat the right time by you. ChatiS 28, fN a n r l 30. Walks and Talks I lightning had hit the house but-did not Bencilasiar Masa. in GeologicalF ield, chap's 17, 18 and 19. 1 know of toe fire it caused until nearly !twenty minutes after it had started, 'Altera:" A. L. TRAGER. First Congregational churth. Hew.) and then only through a transient --"oefr--741 49) . Millial••■■••••• ■•••11111111■7=1111111•MI C. M. Sanders, pasror. Sahli:Rh services I roo m er who felt impressedt h at a fire as follows: Al. I0 0 morning worship. I might have resulted from the stroke Hear ye! Hear ye! Hear ye! Sermon by Rev. llall. 1 .sabt if, ium WWIL out tO 1006 up a n u se e, AM School. John Q. AA lams.- WIN_ Sup't.S i m i . Lessors, I was the first of the lot to discover the FOR SALE BY JOHN LORD. -:OUR ENTIRE STOCK CONSISTING O V : - Jesus before Mark 14- SS 64 - "-blaze. I lie lightning• - had..__ entered im- ii:3o Y. P. S. C. E. meeting, led by the merliately over his study desk in Ebel' pastor. Topic. " flow can we. a s E n _ rOOM of Prof. McKee, passed from ; deavorers, help .. our church:- -;,.:, ,, there into antnner room and g-arret and Gust, ' in„ t i ng conducted b y Eva nge_. Halt. at the roof into the air again. Du Goals, Groceres J M Silogslist Ball This may be the last chance 1 That the tire gained so little headway ave Your Paper Cleaned. for sale at rii-ices to suit the times. to hear Mr. flail. Communion Sa b - ; 1,1 the Meta)" minutes was in good bath morning, May 19th. S p e c i a l part due to the great drenching the paratory services will be held Monday,pie_ I1 rain gave it I have the best compound forjog BEST GOODS at LOWEST PRICES. Tuesday and Wednesday evening;s. ! Some one on the street shouted tire. CLEANING ...... marsnat tarok heard it, went to the rac- WALL PAPER, FRESCO PAINTING, KALSOMINING, f- lligliest market prices paid for good butter and fresh eggs. Give us a - I biries and the whistles gave the alarm. call. Yours, anxious to please, -rids brought Out Alert hose Co_ with WATER COLORS, WINDOW SHADES', PLASTER CASTS, ETC. hose, hook and ladder trucks. and what It is the only STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS preparation manufactured. C. 3E. -A.13 3E-al-i. Iremained of the tire then showing in Makes no dust or litter on the floor It leaves all clean and tgautiful as new on . I the roof was soon put out. Beyond in- 1 com- - -leti-On.--i.rwr it-is- I t guaran------teed----t.0- -gi- ve absolute satisfactmn We hear that John Vaughey has sold i inry to household goods bv the rain and P err, n trurri crl VP riftV111.1e. rart:rael•on_ V . ' ILO 11lIlla, 11011.1 gcrtrus try L I I C 1 . 1 1 1 Al 1 11 1 ',Ir. II. Salisbury has been showing, his store business in Chicago. streams of dirty water, the real fired City Treasurer's Report with much pleasure the beautiful ho- Quite a number of our burs went up damage was slight. This makes the ar. w . liTEta3-1-a0021.. (met he reeeived last week from friends LIM VII Ur 110., o g u r n i n g I N A S s t r u t . o o n . o f I f y . . . I to Morris Tuesday to attend the circus,. ,s cleaned for less than one-third the cost of papering. City Treasurer's report, of the city in the r■mithiatiti I n t he fragrance in the at most two block and a half re-I seilies. tortbe year etslingMay Mb, liol, i and cnarm he is reininded of the 11'in- John J. Marsh had the inisfortune to gion ot the first ward. We have had . .. _ 1 ter he passed so enjoyably at Tatignia- lose a valuable horse Sunday. It was I }LLCM err - our share of such visitations_ pee ' . i hoa. I.a.. and of the ki re I struck by lightning. *Ot yI L lialance on hand, g Ds4_07 I friends who Ma r 1' 0 . w. er...„..c. ,,,,,,....,,,k.eme. iirerm, ; did ii.1 n n n d l a n d w e l l t o toe Our base ball nine is arranging to make time Miss Clara Parr, of Marseilles, was - - JJOILIT u re. sebum_ - tutu), g o thus agreeaby. have a ball game here, on 1)m-oration J..BECKER, in i he city vestenlay trying to 4r-range IV\ ; ' --- . Lose& Churchill-...... „., - ..r . - P_._ r k t_ i o I day, with the Alazon nine. a date with some of the church so- . telt t L e o n- Kamer. WU:1bl• license. am.) i ' - A- F. Walbridge. sec't siilevraik, Zr') i No. 214 drew the piano rattled b y W . _ r .-.-.DEXLERIN.-. ' -Itm 7. Thor.ep.ker saloon- license. 5,9) on I Grandma Part died yesterday after- cieties for Miss Carrie Renfrew. Miss U. Marne,Foster. ;reel tile, s_tIO ; noon. and the funeral services wiil A. Wales. The lucky number was Renfrew is vocalist of the Wet:lest abil- nr .1. diaper. ' • 17.00 i held at the home of Mrs. .1. T. Parr held by Chas. Brier. of Marseilles. ity. having studied in the best musical Marseille. land h; Water P. Co_ I2.7t.: P. NI. Wiilidy k n o W n JuL=. Willi,. Gomm. ar--'t sidewalk lo.o) li Saturday, at g Quarterly meeting was held at the conservatories ill the east for a number FRESH, SALT & SMOKED ; I n d School Board; " _. 1.2 So i much beloved in Rutland townshiP of y e a rs , and graduating with the high- -a_ age of nearly ss M. E. Church Slonday aftemoun. Or. 1 ,_ W. J. lanc11., Trear.. del. tax. Latium I and elsewhere, at t i t s Cady, the preshatig e l d e r, was present_ est honors. Idie came west a stead 31.. M. Wilson. aee't ,idesalk. 94 50 : s h e h a s & a t . with the affairs of this t i m e ago for ;i visit with relatives and Ass. 4. 4:trr. J, I 'ram" - 51 JO ; 7. S.W. aMiran., - 52-00 1 life. toit in the memory of so many Eugene Barkei was given the job of if she can secure dates in a few of the Sep.,. Wm _ Haste.. iter't - 33 Or thmir ones will live vet for long. sprinkling the streets at the regular neighl ohne cities she will g i v e a se ries Lein: thorn. " " 19.4101 meeting of the v ilh.ge bikini Monday of concerts: Miss Renfrew is a cousin IL IL L Carpr-der. road and bridge night. of Billy Nicholson, of this eity.-Struit- , A E IIT I s ED LETTER S. or Zree P o r e . tr. Stara Nu. Ii. sees tite. soil in the office Our high school will graduate three Johosst. sidewalk. Letters n maining gr.L.."L.. Alr. l a r l .m-r,"1 biniant 7 -013an.1 .hirst-srInectse. . . 3WAD 3 re I at Marseilles, I t s.ille young Ladies this rear. the Misses Ia..- t -_ sioeotraerlsioeon. zer't sidewalk. 94.3026.50 1I - r- „ . . 9. If not tirIttled. O 111 Ire sent v icy Fisher, Emma ltenne and Edna Last Fridlt, morning, ire,the absence HIGHEST MARKET II. IturtL 3.bl" I 'lite dead iett ollit-e NI:tv t;arilen. nl. y I of Luke Penthrook and wife. a basket PRICEPAIDFOR Cattle.linsudliges J. M. liovra b o dge ta x . Nits. 1- IV iletiri MrtiSti. l't-et tar_ I. .j. is. .,„111,radge tax. rs. E.. I.. Whetsolle. MeSSri.. Nlonday night the Union League was found on deli* front doorsteps by 2a_ Ira Knratoireb. stone. Ar C4 I rompeter bar hitt. gave a farewell meeting in honor of George smith, Irs. Pembrook's broth- First N noted RADA. ,ity wart. in calling tor- these letters. please Nor. z.. their president. John J. Crotty, who er. This was about • o'ciocir. When I say, advertised. le a v e n t o r the basket was examined it was found lam 17. FIFA Natio,11 Bask. 149e/r. i t r1100 a_ A ° _ I P E T E l t \l ,- . 1 ' . M . to contain a neWly born girl trabe_ It ! L s " H. TROWBRIDGE,-:- DRUGGIST, Feb..1% A_ 1.111ord .acs-'1 r o In r a lk . The Out hicyclists are arranging to have had neither been washed or dressed, Ibis. 3. tsar Ktall. MAD I:J. r=r;ri.,rmr-t and show Re' ‘ .23 o0on a lace on Decoration day and most of but was wrapped in a wart of what had I WILL RECEIVE 1111P,.. the burs are training every day to get i l a n n e l NOW GETTING IN SPRING GOODS,--1 mi. l... t . :smith. tar,. M .13 3 , 6 Notice is hereny given that the un- once been a large sized man's MIL In Itrutshaeh. '' IF 974.33 ready for the affair. undershirt. Around t h i s w a s a p u t .& . 3. O. I. t 3 rirrit,r. road and bai . dersigned. City • Clerk of the City of riga. as.si Marseilles. will reeelve bids for all of Marshall Whittaker has purchased of a lady's flannel skirt. Around all s_ J. 0. 31.-kahin. ae.:•'t sidewalk. MAO the eorner lot. on 31arket street, South was wrapped a faded horse blanket rz. II. nyinitaborn. •• " Ja010 the city printing and publishing (or the Mrs. Ed. Smith took the little deserted Wall Paper, " , , i c i l of C.(). Hoff, and will soon build a fine ir, J. L Drake. " • ensuing year. at city c. room in one in and attended to its needs..-Utica ta. Jobe slat. rebate on interest. liamTrio said city.up to Monday. June 3d, i ,at dwelling house there. it.. D.A. Nirboiron, Attes. SAO 12 o'clock m. T. J. Clark is circidafing a petition 1 Gazette. Curtains, E. M Jobssou. tik. I2.06 Slay3 I. J. Coot doe tar, MOO Specifications may be seen at council 2.1* that will be presented to the Nord fo- G. I. Csrit. stout% M o r n . t h e Dr_ J. L Taylor, associate editor of -- IL L. SMITH, purpose of having an artesian well Paints, Etc., . To ta l. S l i X 3 A 13 put down on South Main street. the Tangipahoa (La.) New S outh. m ake s r eXPIC.DFTV R13. City Clerk. this kindly mention of the father and and will be able to show you si fr h stock at very low prices. Call of- nuns May 2d_ Ii94. to Mat stk. MI6. Ilealth Officer .Dromgold is around mother of our editor, in a recent issue Ma &t r anaber and hardware. 1111.41. 13 giving orders to everybody to clean ten and get our prices. I. IL Titowmtwoz. ri leig ni s. M a n Prohibition Cosfereace. - of that paper: I. 2.111111.01 up their yards. and the town will soon Mr. M. M. Simmons and wife. left a Patine. IMILIMI On Monday, May tO. the friends of he put in a good. healthy condition. few days since for their northern home - n i a t i n g . 11112.31 prohibition will meet, for conference. Ii. Marseilles, III, after spending the neeliee expense. tor INK FAO In the county bard room in Ottawa, We hear that Charley Sherman. who Health *Mores salary for pen. WAS whiter here as has been their custom 1BaL city attorney's • tor I . 1 W Distinguished speakers will be ru-esent was formerly mail clerk on the K. & S. Have Your OLOTHES branch here, has been appointed Chief for several seasons returning north far clerk and treasurer's • l i n e d and state secretary Shaw. of Blooming- the summer. This couple, though ad- Mayas mid Mitennan's salmi tee ' M r M A O ton. will give a s t r e e t talk at night and of Police of the City of Kankakee. , made lo- liteetric.. Laglit. ' M a n vanced in years, are so far ahead of the RUM distribute some excellent literatun - ev ery OC• be For officers of the Seneca Fire De- average of their age in o t h e r re- B L i t The public most cordially invited to , being so sociable and pleasant _ Meats. 11112.10 present A. J. TIIVRBER, Chair. partment the following were elected: Cr 71), laden:at, BILK try have formed the acquaintance PCSEIC, Z■ec. - L a n g a n ; k a l w . - 1 - = MM. J. r - air ormairy, and earned the respect and Mawr/. E. Barber. derrick Mr•An Coy; First Engineer, J. 1- Shaw; See_ T. nrst National Hank_ warraak, BMW - Eng. J. C. Lamnie3r; Sec., Flank Tim- esteem of aD. makes their departure a I a n BOY'S BRIGADE. mins; Treas., Jacob Groben. sad event to their friends. We wied GREAT Star _l• J. D. +dams Brsdge Oa. bridge. = - 24 Citizens of Marseilles, of all denomin- them a pleasant journey and eftenh 01Ns AL Fan National Bank. anima*. MOM bop e ...6bicago ArrAll Join tharIL neeleY Mane& ations and politics. there i.io be a pub- Friday afternoon a fire alarm was our good will with the earliest Ferwiebing Fireman's ban. lic meeting in the interests of our boys. turned in because of a small blaze in that it will be our good (odium to wel- Election espeases tor MM. MUlle in the M. E. church. Monday evening, John Ileaton's barn. It met with a come their return here nett winter_ Mercbant Tailors. Health cheer% salary tor IMO. M I " May 20th. Men. women. children and prompt reeponse from the fire depart- Mayer awl abiennan't salary MIL B M " a- They Cinnuraoiee to Pit awl Please You. City Attoneefa salary tor MM. = especially the boys. are all invited to ar- ment but the fire was put out before The Star Spsagled Banner's Aware. Mad el kaiser coo M e d . range to be at the nieetirg. Milo Pa- they got there_ Some small boys play- ne and ( . B. Bess, of Ottawa, will ing in the barn wan what caused the Many interesting things about Fran- LARGEST ASSORTMERT- ces Scott Key-the author of the Star I eintily Una/ma to be a trueTatai. antenna 1111.043 to the-es addr the meeting. Don't forget the mischief. ESTPRISES. beater Mar Spangdelctl, ianner-are contained in a havoirderand bend_ place and time LOOK AT TICIAM-SAMPLICIB Cart& BUIZAr At the regular meeting of the village yam which may be obtained free. ity Tremor-c c hoard Monday evening W..1. Thomas from the Key Monument Association Drays OF IikasCos. I 0 Ifild:COMMITTE was elected mantra and Terry Cos- of Frederick City, 3.aryland, by send-I La Satan Covarr. • Mayor Smith has appointed the fol- grove appointed night watchman. J. big one 2 cent stamp for ponege_ . This 4 ISebeeribealMM.and worn to before me this MA lowing committees: Vaughey's Emporium. e t M a y . %%'. Ellis remains treasurer and 'Dr. T. association is raisin fm& for a suit- Finance; Clark. McKahin and Trager. M. Drumgold is health officer. Toe able monument to the poet. and they D. A- NICI101■011, Streets and Alleys, Trager. Clark and Notary Pu b l i c- board voted to pay I). C. Shaide and suggest. that in the schools and every- I n pubgsbang the county anannes ,40IiiGREIGATIONAL MeKabin. William Barker their Salaries. po theer where, upon or berme Flag they (June F i r e New.Wa-as HAL rthe Everegehs and Water., Dairen, Grantham boys at bat got their pay. 14th). this subject be suitably reetw- and Gum. table of ratings._ last were, we =maw greet* marning- Mid evening at th e abed. Contributions, however small, o e se l bow& Hem:peens to elms his License, Trager, Dime!' and Gina. Jess Olson and Charley Nusbaum are aeked for. Every one who loves tics certainly eedd have tees ad- MIME ii Ibe Mask left Sunday morning. na their wheels, the Flag. onOt to lave some small ded UM Megrims named ware to be work bine with the envoing armee. Police and Health. Gum. Dairen and tbeavesageller eisch township. It woe The epecird reetinas anis put three for Joliet. bout five miles this aide share in bun'. mg this inonnasent- The e a m a . Infidel' be eandoeted. have .!„ • Me/Cabin of that city broke the crank Governor at • Marybutel atervattil net t h at * M O Wpm was t o kw Light, McKehin. Gam and Clark. daft of his wheel and Jess bad to tow eodorsed the Mho o w n s be anemat the geese as see vamoose iol olionedet dui is tin evererawag Ira Marshal L J. Cook again. L' Law and Ordinance. Granthain.,Tra- Jo l i e t . ir e r o w - A ys t a r a osot moo art oho alleerioa ed We lt i Mr . tonatierioner. Dr. J. him into Charley erre boom e t all esetribstare, baseninewail OversittIV*11, geer and Dwelt on the train and Jess started leidt es tbe erne of__ We _ iinalawt kee woo to be eestind at z r boa APT' mwitritaft7 officer_ wi t h D r. Public Building!"mand Grounds, his wbeeL lie net maga In the win StiboliwitbORW MOGI WIMP IMF XV _ow awe ane. art Wok annissele left a werweno Ga nt wl/ba and Ge auk and was rather bite sakes boa IWO re- !;,..:•!•.• flit Marseilles laintlealer,

11■111 N U M B F 2 B 2 0 VOLUME XI2C. MARSEI E.T.ES, ILL., ruroAy,


Marseilles, 30; Ottawa, 9. Ladies shirt waists, from 3 . to $3.00 WHAT COULD BE THOTTER, at Brodbeckg. 50 eta a pair at Vaughey's. than our fine line of Put your foot in Lord's shoes and see Crooks—many of the new telephone bow nice they are. LUMBER .SALE!poles. Beglauleg Next lifeaday Morning, Dernorest contest Tuesday, May 2Stli, New Spring Pattern Carpets? Larger stock than ever before at L the Baptist church. ALLAY QICA13.., 1 /39U, Vaughey's. — Carpets laid same day ordered. I will place on wale, FOR CASH ONLY, 100,000 feet of 2-inch lumber. consist- The straw hat season is at hand. - ing of 24'B. 2x , 2x10's and 2:12's. 10, 12, 14. 16. 18 and 20 feet long. We have Don't wait for anyone's old shoes., but Our styles and prices are correct. See a reasonably good supply of all the different widths and lengths and will con- be up to date and wear Lord's styling them. B t u-Nary & Sox. We Have Reduced Our Prices. footwear. tinue to sea from them at George L. Davison is going around : ThC:01...1.104E1.2:1Lci J. P. Kisser had a valuable cow killed making the annual Manlius assess- Furniture and Undertaking S : I e t ment_ Until such time as it is all sold. or until the close of the sale. Saturday. May 25th. by lightning Monday night at his bent, iv to the times in every respect. This stock is as good in quality as that sold at our last year's special sale. We south of town. Ask for the Coal Oil Johnny toilet For anything in either line call:on also have a I should say - Yes!' Douglass asap, the finest in the market, at the them and likes to sell them—a:rens Grocery. 3=3=11.e= (Bz larie NI Sidi ail if Docatig, doors and windows. Don't fail to see the latest dyles in On Which We Will Offer SPECIAL INDUCEWITS oa the Above Dates. Children's ju s t Insure your property with D. A. and bonnets, re- Nicholson & Son. They represent the ceived, at Brodhecies. Marseilles, III. C. L. DOUGLASS. best reliable companies. Mrs. E. B. Griffin arrived Saturday, and now the doctor is himself again in L,ORD June 19, O. and 21 the twelfth annuai meet of the Illinois division, L. A. W., their home on the bluff. will be held at Galesburgh. If you care to ride a bicycle, and do THE LAT E S T I. H. TROWBRIDGE,-:- The DRUGGIST, Jack Frost captured all garden truck not own one, Al Arnold has a good one be rents the use of for ten cents an and fruit. too, this week here. The hour. — I N — 1/4—IS NOW GETTING IN SPRING GOODS,--/ corn fields are also suffering. We want you to call and see our new To Streator has fallen the honor of being the meeting place of the next book of samples of tailor made clothing. session of the Illinois Grand Lodge of Wall Paper, They are beauties and awfully cheap. the A. O. U. W. W. J. Bmismer & SON R TANCOLORED SHOES Curtains, When you are out seeing the sights It is suggested that special patriotic take in the East end of Lobe street services be held in all oar churches and see what the painters have done at Paints, Etc., Sunday. June 9th, preparatory to oh- Eb. Barber's. You'll admit that it. serving - Old Glory- day, Friday. J makes a handsome showing. SHOE MAN and will be able to show you a fresh stock at very low prices. Call of- 14th. D Tun L ten and get our prices. I._ H._ TROWBRIDGE. _ An adjourned meeting of the Mar. Chew the Mutual Benefit plug tobac- Bellies Cemetery Ass& will be held co, and at the same time be insured in at the office of D. A. Nicholmon on the Fidelity and Casualty Accident Monday evening, May 20th. All inter- Ins. Co. of N. Y., without any addition- Coming Your Way! ested are requested to be present. al coat. The Corner Grocery sells it. JOHN J. BECKER, 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Mr. and Mrs. IL Kaurup, of Mil CALDWELL'S SYRUP PEPSIN is a boon to those suffering from con- tree, Wis., are the guests of their n The new wagon will soon be along—nearly .....DEALER IN.-.• Mrs. W. IL Spring horn..Mr. K. is stipation, indigestion and sick head- ice lighted with our eity and has a ache. Try a 10c. bottle (10 doses 10 eta) time for it now. We are making a daily ot buying him a home here and rano and be convinced Large sizes 50e_ delivery of and $1.00. For sale by L U. Trow- FRESNISALT & SMOKED log to our city. We hope he will do bridge, Marseilles, Chas. Epple, Seneca. Last night the school-mates of M Pre e d d n g Firs-t-Clasm Ice Maggie Loring, living near the service at the IL E- school house but attending school chinch neat Sunday at 1010 a. x. and and would like your orders to fill. MA_ in the city, treated her to a surprise . 720 I: u. Sunday School ra 12 o'clock. continues in party, taking along a supply of 62115 th e Epworth League will be T H E M O D E L . ALL lid by A. F.. Black. Subject. "Intims- MARKET the front for hIEATS. nature and something additional-- in gook of Job- freshurents. dos tilt immortality Keep on coming and we will do meeting Wednesday evening at the right thingat the right time by you. There will be a meeting of the Wo- h e . HIGHEST MARKET Cattithis man's Auxiliary, Board of Missions, • PRICEPAIDFOE A. esswertion of the Joliet district the residence of Mrs. Day. North Main t a b L a n g n a will be held at La A. L. TRAGER. street, Saturday afternoon, May l& Wednesday and Thursday of next full attendance le rammed.. as_ it they 21 sad M. Pro& A. den. necessary to elect Jones will read a paper on Epworth I l e Ind abeam lag year. League and Good Cltizenship, and the s l a n t M a a r , Mrs. Ma itv McArrritre, Sec'y. league of the Methodist church here Have Your Paper Cleaned. will be well represented by delegates W. L. DOUGLAS Tuesday night the new city are lights therefrom. shone out to illumine the shades of I have the best compound for_geg night as best they could_ They have I MIL Baptist Church. Rev. E. C. Stover. $3Over One SHOE r a r CLEANING 111111e. P a r d o weer abo one misfortune, trot perhaps that can pastor. Next Sunday, May 19, is to be W . L Donegan SS and ad Shona. WALL PAPER, FRESCO PALNTING, KALSOMIND:G, be overcome, they throw too wide and Founders Day of the B. I.. I'. U. socie- AU air aro. nee oireeffe eedelbseesepe deep a shadow from two sides because ties. The senior society aided by the They ghe Ur beet m a im Car Ilia aorair. WATER COLORS, WINDOW SHADES, PLASTER CASTS, ETC. nay equal ammo= aeons ehylasai of the iron rod holding them in place. juniors will take charge of the evening Thew ereeelme quelling= are It is the only STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS preparation manufactured. This detect, detracts much from their services, the pastor making an address Ile prleasare melee= se ' Makes no dust or litter on the floor. It leaves all dean and beautiful as new on value. and preaching an appropriati sermon • • • • S • °1" = em.9= 82 rep=mnereeen. completion. It is guaranteed to give absolute satisfactson. in the morning. Sanday school at noon. TRESPASSING. Prayer meeting at 6 :3 1 S5,114,_1113.150 coralwassrarr Most remedies trespass upon your SI L-ne= V I r _ X. ANT. liTEutaLicsoix. time and pocket book. After using a ADVERTISED LETTERS. Letters remaining in the post office a"Rooms cleaned for less than one-third the cost of papering. dozen bottles with but little or no re- a anis ars.■rp asoridandro lief you are discouraged. If you want at, Marseilles, La Salle ("aunty. HI_ as, sut-Itaw sine relief from torestijratious indiges- M a y HL I f out daimed, will be seta wow1Z rear emelme enumet tion and biliousness try Caldwell's to the dead letter office on May ://, I. yen weerbe ettelogeo. S yrup Pepsin. A 10e_ bate (to doses Mrs. Anna Olson. W. L. Douglas, 511?IfIG cts.) will indicate what it IS capa ble In calling for these letters, please WiedessemInerre. of doing for you. For sale by L H. say, advertised. Trowbridge, Marseilles, or Chas. Epple, PETER McAirrnrit, P. II. 'AR04-7, NCItel? Seneca. maces 1i/elm Lowe'? Bobtailed Cass. 0 ItON A l , ALL• • .{ First Congregational Church, Rev. C No other town in the county is up 4:51 M. Sanders, pastor. Sabbath services: with this now. We have a whole me- MATERIAL & LIBOR. At 10:-30, morning worship; sermon by nagerie to ourselves. and Will Spicer FOR SALE BHNY -v0 LORD. Place vow orders for all merchant tailoring right now and the pastor; reception of new members is the undisputed whole owner. lie get desirable garments at lowest figures ever named. and communion. All members of the has a female cat that is bobtailed_ She W church and congregation specially urged had a litter of six kittens, three pos- , •1/1/0 MORR Yours, always to please, to be present_ Sabbath school at 12 a. sessing the usual caudal appendages, jaw, Q.Aaams, superintendent. Lesson. three born entitely without that bight, Bakery and -Jesus Before Pilate,- Mark 15:1 & Y. useful and ornamental affair. S a d t o 31./Z. P. S. C E. meeting at 6 10 P B. Topic. relate four of the interesting family Confectionery. IIILIESEEKEIS' -The Story of Pilate and Its Warning." have died. gone to the cars heaven. Location: Main St., fronting Clark. Matt. 27:11-2& Evening service at 720. Of the two surviving fortunately w e FINE STOCK OF EXCURSIONS Sermon by pastor. A cordial welcome belongs to that very rare, hitherto to- To he no wum is extended for all to attend the family tally unknown race, tailless cats. So MAIM INN MUM meeting on Wednesday evening. Topic: great is the curiosity and anxiety to see All geormateed tleo beet fee the smemey. Have Your °LOTH ES -Loyalty to Ourselves." this marvelous kitten that Will has de- S . cided to place it on public exhibition. had gbh.kat MM. Pla, DCIllinois Contralti!. OBITUARY OF IBS. SALLIE PARE. but to avoid the too great rush. will vga Cedes! leetie NO. al Bal i Z S = made to Order only give tickets of admnsion to the 1116W1.0 JENNINGS. THE nOUND Mat boa al ammo ea Sallie Trumbo was born November Id bora. of leek JIs a ntines t l . ligmesedsere in Eris and SnemmedweeEiewdeaUse ral= by.... LY, 1801. in Licking county, Oh* and eat show to parchments of twenty-eye was married to Wm. Parr, April SO, mots worth of goods. When we new isTE.ST T b e MS. Ste was the mother of six chil- the wooderful animal it appeared p IL WeASTIIII/L. lel 1111410,S2 healthy bet it may soon go the way of wall osier GREAT dren. Andrew Jackson. who died in A•IOILNEY AT LAW. lose Falb: she I. eratela infancy; Henry K., of Serena; Isabel the rest of the litter. Burry up, then, lows on nrependes Maw le D. Potter, who died May 9, if you would not miss the eve nt of a tWee at the Pod Mee. I. the Orr Went and ono;Samuel SOIPINHIAMBP me b i c a g o F.., of Ottawa; Mrs. Mary P. Grove. of All knit boraces ghee preempt anent/um Utica, , and John T., wham death. a awe to AO Meas. eathe Cepeered by the Dark. Teasels MilmeindpglI n a = :1111,_ little more time a year ago, is an sadly A- Jess/rare Jsqvims. N a t a r r J . nai or Plercbant Tailors. deplored by all This great sorrow ins A Demount contest is plainly a too much for the deer okl mother. at drawing cud. That at the nave's's- Fumes E.J4400111. SOITTH • listY Guarantee to Pit and Please You. o f Cabo. ewers Menehis set nee Ortems. her age, being left a widow for thirty- list church Tuesday evening proved no JAW= It SetaiDwIL For div endeed ca rre e . r e s as k yla America seven years. This youngest see re- exception. the seas beag well elle& A r r o n e w r e AT Law. emempere melds the gma assilbles senshor_ ay be LARGEST ASSORTMENT- mained at the old home with her and The audience hand greet pismire in i n n / S . seem"Wn—hi-lame reedeno4."4"8"1.11e -.■••LOWEST PRISES. when be was taken alse felt hot her the following Opera Bane Block OTTAWA. ILL rIa Wn O & . mG e a o m i da w a w a par a"." last prep was gees and this life had m o n i s m = Ittresedis aweless etas to * b a r e d & e ur nn a naaaaanange 911 .icon7ilkal Ulna MT TIMM AWL= ST lost muck of its brightema She died Massie. Male QuarteUe. = le aua d amis ir p~ i t M h a y y . l a a m m - as she bed lived. treating in her :levier, "The Demo's Math; Mabel Sada, W. A. KOREY. P a m F . T . rappot eleAmellar. _ believing that He death all things well. N o. i . annormor ow wenn is Im -ad e s s i c-- Vaugpey's Emporium. She was sick nearly three weeks and • Our National Cone; Vera finsith, ILFLEKING. Sloe Free. fies te SOW& b ramaire a k 7' .t° ed peacefully away at the bame of N o. 2 . So Balberf ' m a r % r danghter•in-law. Mrs. John T. -*Moral Seaman, or Prohibition; We beano Tann Falb" z , Parr. Tithmis tkiday, a. las. at 4 P. lf. Nina Porter. No. 3, s i t = I'. MO; bed Ion the enniversery at her "lathe Bethel or in the Joie Rae FirstNationalBank M e d a m : Haar yet Haar yet Hear yet 1 daughter's Mrs. Parr was one Grunt, No. 4. KAISKILI.B21. ILL. - of the oldest settlers of this essety • A Black Eye far L a w Beer," ma y 21 and June 11. —OUR NNTIRN STOCK CONSISTING OF:— and endured any of the ' ' p- o( Clyde Butterfield, No. b. Capita,00,000. IlarplIs. Oak= Inseam aa Maw 1111111de ere. e a r . w a d ter %mew le nab woe= • frodier life_ Sbe was always reedy to T h e Bogie is Calling; Less Chari- a l t O d e l e as r am I ead a helping hand, often vibe e n sm No. & ww=11.. =rail raz orker m a for Area I.c. n_s_. berse-bart for mike tooth thesieL Seto. am Lodes Golden. L ILWBOWSKIDON. IS.1W .001KAKD. e a & At the time of her death the was Si Mandolin Quartetts, Mews Larkins F. K I I NI F /LT- MIZAO. 1 0M i l U . Grates " IAD CRUM• as years. 5 months and 27 daps dd. She and Bennett. Mrs. Larkins and lain r tantik, W . A. lifil/AKT. DryGoods, IL F.Beau. for est at prices to snit. the tiala. lived a law& MOM and undented life, BabbenL he d ban gam to rein ber reward. The The judges celledit a very dame core- DasirrreT. funeral services were coardneted by led. made liewerable su iss of No. 1 BEST GOODS at LOWEST PRICES. Bev. J. T. Barbee. pester of the Fled and made' the shear medal to N o . S.' ihntist chweh. of Ottawa, Satemisy whose Meisel rodtaties was earteiely HAVE THIS PAPER ciazirs9ux. D. D. a_ srEfighestmarket prices paid for good better and bah egos. Give es a May 11. et 2 r. la.. froth the theideue_ . e s e d i e s t AS aide pramesaisa at the ealL Tours, anxious to piers. and woe 1=7:11Y aliesalied. The Wee- mad waa mods by Ma. A. L. Maid. Sant tO your" lrrten,d. Olkarrassa. lids street, First Nadine-. meth t e a aim In the Ti cona. aril Clyde% ineoptaase andel sat Yam FOR A TEAM. wal 16.1■Jr lhaildrwir a w n . . A I r a . - CY. 3Ki. 11.31Erwr* hay. Mr/ sin rust in poses h e - inapnand was. 7 7'7 ur"" W.: 7 S e e -e r " -efe•••

1 USEFUL AND SUGGESTIVE. SUPERSTITIOUS VERSE. of May haipetra to fall in any year is HET ILROPHEMY. selves to them But is not this nem esteemed unlucky through all the re- _____ RELIGIOUS idATTE-RS. great trosable? We do not accept them. La Awkward ?risk gar Which t h e Tmagme —Breakfast Potatoea—Cook g t h i t malodor of the year. None marry or or Nerves bre Remonsible. We strive against then.. Some Had Ita Oriffin a Great begin any busidess upon it. None ; , slices of peeled potatoes in so little ONE STEP AT A TIME. in great afaietion wrote t o a Beterophemy, the canons disease : salted water that it will be evaporated One Many Centuries Age. choose to marry in January or May or — friend: 1 C a l l not believe this is to be which consists in using one word when f when the potatoes are done. add pep- I There's a ease a t comfort fee yea eels. to have their banns proclaimed in the ! la a acme; bit of m e t h my lot." That in one cause of t b e meaning to use an entirely different ' per. butter, a little sweet cream and end of M i d W • We were tenderly tanghr at the mother's knee, heaviness of our burdens. Allbesegb We Are Menne* te Ridicule tbe year We are n ot one. gives rise to many amusing com- • more salt if necessary. S e r v e hot.— Is the happy days of youth. willing that they should O l d H a w s Y e t W e Are Governed by marry in the beginning of the next." living be ma- bur- binations An old lady in a . Orange Judd Farmer. I t is. what if Me road be Mug an d ramp. W e Them—A Chapter f o r L o v e - Another tabooed day is 'Innocents' • Hudson riser is thus af- dens. would willingly bear some town on the —Bread-Crumb Cakes.—Make a nice and we too weak to climb: sick 3Ia Ideas. day," upon which Herod killed the flicted. She is tall and stately in ap- IllE.Itat WM& darkness gather saes ether, but just this one be it illness or I. end delicate breakfait dish_ The We take me step at a time. loneliness or poverty. or misapprehen- babies. The Romans never contracted pearance, courtly and gracious in man- (Special Wishineten Letteel marriage on the "ides" or "noises" of •I, crumbs should be rolled fine an d we l l estrangement of loved ones. this n e r, an d t h i s m a k e s her int:engem:ere • siagie step. and again a step. sion, or month. and marriage contracted• . ! soaked in warm milk. When soft. mix The fasting and prayer of the Lenten an y sentences all the more ridkuloes. real. by safe degrees, particular burden we feel we can not on certain of the saints' days was in- I into a batter by the addition of flour, The milestone's passed. we win at bet accept; and yet, d ea r ones, the way of the gladness and joy-, Strange to say, she herself is totally season presage - valid. A student of folk-lore may I . more milk and one or two beaten eggs. whom the K i P x shall please- peace lies in ;ust receiving the burden onsness of the rarest and most beauti- unconscious of her infirmity, f o r wonder how the ancients came to ; the ' Add salt and taking powder, beat . And the strangest thing is often this, a part of our ful time of the year. The anthems of family, friends, and even the servants That the briery. taostied spots as ours and making it marry at all, since the prohibited days . thoroughly, bake brown an d serve daily care as long as it may remain. Joy at Easter-tide, the pealing of the endeavor to save her from the mortifi- lthich camber ear feet should be till.* lied bells, the ringing voices singing, and far outnumber the free ones, and a cation she would feeL wi t h maple sirup.—Conntry Gentle- s me lt If yens-harden be abbess, wh a t a n the great organs harmonizing all in the free one in one nation was a crime I 1m an . With oar Leers ferget-ime-note opportunity is this to beautify by against the church in another, just as Not long ago, when she wasyecover- 1 —Cottage Pudding.—Beat toge t he r glad acclaim: "He is risen!"—all these lag from a serious illness, the bishop of matters. little tbe pace we take. sweetness of temper and courteous a c - the marriage and divorce laws of the , eg g s and one-half cupful of eeptainee of favors the lot that is given foretell the magic perfume of bride the dio ce s e c h a n c e d h i s I well, two If se ycormeT sturdily on. various states make a man a happy I to be making With Mr bmdea-liesrer's steady gait you_ You do not like to be under obli- raws, and the mystic music of the wed- annual visitation. and at the sugges- ; sugar. Add three tablespoonfuls of husband in One commonwealth and a, 'soft batter, and beat again. Add one Toll Its day's last hoar is gone: gations to others, butthat may be just n _ - tion of the rector, they went together Or if. wan the dancing foot of the child. your burden. Do not think of those Of all the superstitious beliefs about rascal in another. to call upon Mrs. Drew. . cupful of milk, alternating with two Or the balmy step of age. ' cupfuls of flour, into which has been around you so G o d . t o wedding seasons, wedding days and Young ladies who take pleasure in She was delighted th see theta:and We keep the goal in the e y e of the wad. much as of Thro ugh the years of oar pilgrimage wedding' months, the most practical deceiving themselves with superstitions entertained them' with her usual g r a ce mixed two teaspoonfuls of baking pow- whom your indebtedness can never be discharged_ A ccep t all your trials. no must remember The conversation nat- der. Bake in a round or square tin And yet. in the tramp of appointed day*. and cordiality. matter how distasteful, ma service to -They that marry in green urally a n d pan. Serve with eg g sauce or straw- This :In-+ mast sornetintes be. Their sorrow is soon seen." touched upon her illness. That we fa.ter srd pause. and bewildered gate: Him; and thus accepting and becoming her thankfulness at her recovery. wh.ch berry sauce- -Good Housekeeping. Red is a good ancient color for a ; F or the led to the sea. friends, as it were, with your trials you for a time had been despaired of. ; —Stair Carpets—Slips of paper should wedding dress. but "yellow is jealousy" And the fomaa s .rea4 is on our track will by and by be able to Presently she turned to the bishop. always be pieced over the edges of the As once on the booming coast while -blue is true." The preferred' stairs under the carpet_ This will di- Where the chi re. of Israel, looking back. - Drop your burdens at His feel saying earnestly. "My dear bishop. let And bear a sees away.- color of the world is blue, but no mat- ; . minish the friction between the carpet saw PM:ma's threatening hest- color the fabric us have a little drop." Some nations accustom even their ter what may be, the and the boards beneath it. The strips Then clear frorm the skies our Leaderavoieb The startled prelate glanced it the young children to ca rr y heavy baskets wedding dress must not be tried on, should be in length within an inch or -Go forward us ..lare rector. He. knowing his old friemia or other weights upon their heads in because some wise old dowager some two of the width of the carpet, and Whatever we meet_ with fearless feet infirmity, cast about in his mine. ;or And the Mirbt Of trustful prayer. order that they may become straight. time said that "the fitted wedding , I f o u r or f i r e inches in breadth_ This dress is sure to her probable meaning. S o. ever advanr.ag, day by day. Thus be- a daily bearing of your bur- become its o'earer's - Bishop," repeated the old lady. ser- . simple expedient will preserve the ear- In the Master's strength sublime. shroud." ! Elm the Lame shall take the prey. den as a service to God a strength that Juno, who was both sister and wife ! iously. -leis have a little drop. pet half as long again as it would last Without the strips.—Leeds Mercury. Marching one step at a time. can be gained in no other way will re- "Certainly. Mrs. Drew." interpaeel sult. It will be a daily drill by which of Jupiter. was born in June. In the the receor, w-aitine for her to ma,.:e. , —Lemon Cake—Four cups of floe r. five AIM what of the hours when hand and foot of the Cassars it was believed thing-5 take their proper places and as- days some move which might die-lose her eggs, three cups sugar. one cup of but- , We are boned and laid aside: that Juno became the , 'With the fevered vein and tar throbbiatt pato sume their _true relations. and by guardian of all meaning.. But Mrs. Drew "waited ex- ; ter, one of milk, one teaspoonful soda, brides of June. And even now, when ! And the warm at its low ebb tide! which your clear vision begins to com- pectantly. also. ; the peel and juice of two lemons. Mix And what of crar day at the broiln heart. all the clouds mists of Roman prehend God revealed in Christ, and and "If you have not your Vade Mecum , the euear and butter, grate the lemons When all that our eyes can see Is the vacant space where the vanished thee to look straight up and behold Him, mythology have been for centuries dis- with you. there is a prayer-book, - s e e juke on the sugar. solved in the rays of 'the truth and the and squeeze the Of our daritne used to be. who. though He prayed, - L e t t h i s c u p s aid. after a momenL I Add the eggs, then the flour and milk, 41g7 li f e , t h e yo u ng ladies of a new era look pass from Me.- added, "Thy will be The rector. with a sigh of reli f. first one, then the other, putting in , Thee, waiting and watching, almost spent. upon June as the most favored month d o n e . - ▪ PVT MT HAND8 ON Mil SHOULDERS.* "Mrs. Drew ice:I slowly. Dissolve the soda in the milk_ ' Comes peare from the Lories own hand. and so they name the day. In our turned to the bishop. I l a biessed will. if we rest content. . - How shalt thou bear the cross that now be glad to have you read prayers with s a m e sized cup in measuring.— Ira So dread a semlit appears' land and in this month we can oftener Use th e ! Though we can not understand: e nd prosaic poesy is that line of Tetras', her," he said quietly. , Mrs. Homer Foot, in Home. ! And at gather anew our courage and hope. Keep guletIT to tied ar.d think say: "Happy is the bride the sun shines Upon the eternal years." son: Prayers were read. and then the gen- Fe Me road so rough to climb. -In the spring a young man's fancy on," for June is a sunny month. —Pudding Sauce.—One pint of water ith tn.. ao pen. we well may cope. —Open Window. tlemen prepared to take leave. ! m a d e i n t o W LiMtly turns to thoughts of love." In Scotland the pretty month of May, a smooth starch with a strp at a time. "Your visit has been a pleasure." with flowers, g r een leaves and its heaping tablespoon flour. Cook ten —Murea--et! E- S a n g s t e r. in Conttrerationaliss FACULTYOFBALANCE. There are young men and maidens Mrs. Drew said warmly. -Now. Mr. everywhere who entertain all of the wealth of sward, is not a mouth for minutes. strain if necessary. sweeten Belknap. won't you take this little bey to taste. and pour on it one tablespoon UNINTENTIONALCRUELTY. Danger Larking in the One Idols, Ore old-world ideas, have marrying or giving in marriage. The Proselyte. One Rale, One Law. Plata et faith in ancient home to your dear wife. with my beet — omeos. IL:-.vc dread of certain phases of Scotch people believe that Queen Mary, butter and juice of a lemon or other l a d l e d = C e n e c e m a r y Pain upon Thom A c t i e e . l o v e r moon, and who name who married Bothwell in flavoring. If lemon is not u se d a d d Abeam Cs Through Lack of Christlanly Power of balance is quite as impor- the the day and May, casts an For a moment Mr. Belknap wonder.si one tablespoon vinegar. This can be Wa t e l s e a re tant among forces as balance of power. date of their nuptials according to evil eye upon all marriages made in if she could mean the bishop. but see crude and barbaric precedents. For that month. The Romans encouraged made richer by using more butter and Cruelty does not necessarily spring There is no form of truth which can relieved his mind ky lifting a magnifi- from malice. A very large part of the no marriages in May. because it sonar: stir them to a cream with the not be no unduly emphasized as to gi v e example, one of the most beautiful and was a cent bunch of roses from a rase on the suffering of men the hands of others month for the saeredfuneral rites. The flavoring, then add the starch.—Prairie a t false Impressions of life and duty. He vivacious young ladies in vrea/thy and t a b le . , does not hare in it the wickedness of farshionable northwest Washington,who Chinese absolutely forbid any mar- F a r m e r . who supposes that his pet aspect of Allied to this is another form of mis- evil intent But it is none the less Is to be married next t e l l s a riages in May. —Halibut—Cut very fine two pounds truth is the only aspect worthy of the week, speech. to which most of us are occa- cruelty, inexcusable. and bitter. The story about her engagement Which And now, while the young ladies of O f uncooked halibut; put it in a b owl worliFs attention is likely sometimes sionally subject—the exchange of s y i - ' defensive plea often is "I meant no points a moral in matrimonial philoso- the national capital are stepping and pound with a wooden masher. add- to prove very wrong because so often forth lables. A certain young lady. who. harm." but the plea does not relieve phy. She says: "When Mr. R. asked from carefree maidenhood into the life ing gradually the unbeaten whites of he is very right Whether it be in to her intense mortification. often re- the suffering. or take away the guilt me point blank to name the day. I put of wifehood and its responsibilities; three eggs. and then one gill of cream, science. or religion. or social obliga- verses her vowels thus, says she is en- Want of thought. want of interest in my hands on his shoulders, and said: while they are marrying in a film of one teaspoonful of salt, a dash of cay- tions. or education. the man of one idea, tirely unconscious of it. even after others. indifference to results. and " 'Honda; for weilth. Superstition garuitured by love; while enne. Form into egg-shaped quenelle. one principle, one rule, one law. is s p e a k i n g . eiarse selfishness, inflict pain, separate Tuesiluy for health. they are congratulated and feted by Have ready a pan of smoking hot oiL sure to be a power and a weakness. (Inc summer evening she was saun- friends, and depress life. The word Wed..estiuy. the best day of all: Dip each quenelle in beaten e g g a n d It is his peculiar strength that makes tering, with a friend toward the villaee Thursday for crones. drop it in the hot oil. When it is of a spoken without thought of its bear- it possible for him to be peculiarly ler:tht -. • for Iris- es. post office of the little town where ing-. the act which on its face carriei nice brown, remove. place on a paper weak. If he discerns that the !Sat u,lar. no day assn.' they were staying. On the way tires- indifference to others, or the un.syni- "He said 'Wednesday should be the to drain, then serve. Each must be school-room is guilty of too much book encountered an acquaintance with a • p a t i l i z i n g bearing and tone, deeply day, and I thought Tuesday, for health taken from the beaten e g g and dropped cramming. he preaches the value of ob- handful of letters. wound and rankle all the more be- would be the best, but we finally com- carefully at once into the oil—West- serration_ until observation becomes a "Alt, good evening.- she said in her r eus e they can not be openly resented. promised on :Monday for wealth. Love e r n R u r a l . watchword among his followers. and peeuliarly gracious. suave m a n n e r . There is a pround self-consmousness in a cottage without wealth is not de- -- C r e a m e d Codfish.— Remove t h e threatens to overwhelm every other "Are you strolling out for your mole?" which makes the hearts of others a element of growth and progress. Then shable nowadays." The mystified young woman made bones and skin and flake a cupful of roadway. even when such is not the o f t h a t a new critic arises. and shows the evil So she followed the dictum some inarticulate reply and passed on. the fish_ Put it into a sauce-pan. cover thought of the person so trampling on a n ci en t of the fad of obserration. He sees do- doggerel of nations; a doggerel As soon as the friend could recover her with cold water and set it on the back others. On the street this uninten- whissli blots Sunday from the matrimo- ing. memorizing, comparing, apperceiv- gravity she gasped: -I suppose you of the stove where it will keep warm. tional cruelty is inflicted; in the nial calendar; says Saturday is no day but not boiling. till softened. If very ing. or what not. In trying to over- intended to ask Miss May if she was places of business lives are kept far throw the dangerous exclusiveness of at all, and makes one shiver for fear of strolling out for her mail?" salt the water will have to be changed. apart by this want of thought; in the the losses and crosses of Thursday and covering it the second time with warm one movement, he is himself in danger - The satne 'young laity was relating a church Christian love is wounded and of his own exclusions. What everyone Friday. That doggerel, strange as it red s t o r y of cla eh's:, misfortunes which water. Drain thoroughly in a sieve. left bleeding on the floor, by the indif- may wens is responsible for the selec- Put a generous tablespoonful of butter can afford to cultivate is balance had overwhelmed a dear friend. fereneeof those who should habitually We must credit all truths. methods and tion of the tiret three days of the week "Thin k,- she concluded pathetieally, into a sauce-pan, when melted add one look on the things of others. as the best wedding days all over the tablespoonful of flour, stir till smoothj influences as powers, and so out of "of losing. husband. ehildren. pnTerty We are responsible 'for intentions; them all and through them all, brin g civilized world; and the superstitious a n d but not brown, gradually add one cup and home at one swell fume- a we are jest as responsible for results, power, It the best.—S. S. Times. influence of the lines is more weighty howl of laughter rent the roof.--At- of rich milk. stir till smooth. then add whether we intend them or not. A with church people than with our un- lantic. the fish: let it beat thoroughly and then blow in the face hurts, whatever the ELEMENTOFINGRATITUDE. pretentious modern pagans. add the well-beaten yolks of three or szarequent explanation. What is ac- MAN IS HARD TO HANAGE. The Raiding Passion. Friday is not tabooed by all nations, four eggs Let it cook till it thickens, tually done is that by which the judg- Seem Critteal Thoughts ea This Tees Came I t w a s an exceedinerly quiet little m e w Hamm Weakooss. although nearly every province is the rich and the great; may ! they also stirring constantly.—Boston Budget_ ' meet is rendered_ "Inasmuch as ye saturated with the belief that Friday genie. Mrs . S m i t h and Mrs- Drown ingratitude is the be blessed with the payers and bene- did it not," is t h e sentence of Him who char3cter of an Is the most unlucky day for any ven- were deeply interested: but the stakes THE STORY OF A CLIPPER . ill-nature in ourselves, a canker of dictions of the dear girls in other were so light that Mr. S. and! Mr. Li , judges our lives. There was no inten- t u re . It is haugman's des, and has tion to be neglectful of or cruel to friendship with others, and the v e ry cities, in towns and villages and upon ha y e fo nol quite as MUCh been ever since the light from the star oi hi exc ite- W m Sailed Like a Witch and Fmaased i n poison th_at kills charity in the em- the prairks, 'who are also marrying on nes ileIn dominos or tic-tac-tee. Mare Trades Than One. Chriet, but the failure to recognize His of Bethlehem' penetrated the court of fixed doggerel co n- ours. the failure to sympathize bryo. being butnewly conceived in the days, influenced Mr. Smith 'bad three aces when Mrs, A young Swede came to this little the Roman emperor in the dawn of the s c io u s l y or unconsciously by these same coun try with and help was itself the pregnant minds of good men, and Brown, with a pair of threes. ealled with some money and the in- t h e m , fourth century. and shed thence its re- silly but harmless and enjoyable s up er - in Ifs:I g u i l t causing an abortion of liberality ere it him. this display of intrepidity tention of building a craft to be fitted comes to its intended birth_ For who tie:led beams to every corner of the stitions. Let joy be unconfined to any leu-as • One peculiarity .of this cruelty is. that led to her husloand's eriti;ism: up for passengers to the world's fair in ' that a is often inflicted the most fee- Iheaan empire. The day wh e n th e locality. The date of your wedding day will sow those barren sands where he You s h u n l o l u • t have called. t 'era." London. For this purpose he located crofts bore the Saviour of the world, will always prove the anniversary fluently by those who are mist sensi- knows he must not only expect a good of s aid he. • Y e n should have raised himself at Portsmouth, contracted and also two criminals, became the day th e b es t d a y If you marry or tive to it in others. They are easily harvest, but be sure to lose his seed in your life. dropped out."' with ship builders who had ship yards of punishment and death in all Roman a second or third time. you may marry vrounded, they are hurt by indifference. and labor: yet in these times what is ••ent, if I hadn't called." -eplied his at Eliot, just opposite Portsmouth, for courts, and until this day it is called in January or July. on Friday or any they keenly feel the coldness in the more comznon or more practiced than wife. • we wouldn't have lelown what a ship of about a thousand tons, with this ingratitude Far, in receiv- tmlunky. Yet, in the superstitious ot h e r d a y . signs fail in the game of words of others, they writhe under he had." extensive cabin arrangements for pas- &Sian country, Friday is regarded as second-handAU hearts. No warmed-over at. the overbearing spirits of others. but ing benefits. who will not (with - Nobody called me.- remarked Mrs. sengers. The model of a ship was that find a geed day for weddings or any other fection is recognized by Cupid nor in the are thoughtless of the effects of their Euclid:, in Plautus) a third Smith. dolefully, "When I had four of an extreme clipper. When nearly v e n t u r e . Olympian region. Only once in a life- own words or doings_ They judge hand reach out to take them? s izes ." completed the projector fell short of ;The better the day the better t h e time can there be two souls with but a others hr a standard they do not ac- But in regaining. who is not more said Mr, Smith. "we knew. money. Masts. spars and sails had all the statues of Mercury, detsr is an aphorism which does not single thought, two hearts that beat', cept for themselves. They judge with maimed than that time. we tenth' depend on zettin_g been contracted for, and were in a w h i c h t h a t h e apply to weddings Thereis no better one. Second and third marriages a severity which they would feel to be Alcibiades so mangled a s I the information without paying' for state of forwardness. The mechanics s c a r c e l e f t them a finger day than Sunday, and yet marriages are commercial transactions. A woman cruel used toward themselves. to point oat it."—Puck. concluded to complete the ship, and the way to travelers? I will not think seldom occur on the Lord's day. It is who has trained one husband realizes W-nat is We remedy? Christian .ten- put her in the hands of Gov. Goodwin, myself so enriched by receiving a cour- generally believed that Sunday wed- the dread difficulties of such training. Embarramingly tablenem. derness and thoughtfulness. Results of Portsmouth. for sale. each ccntrac- tesy, as engaged to be thankful for it. dir.ge are expedients which do not meet Man is very hard to manipulate. No "Th ere w a s quite a tight in front of are to be considered, and the habit of tor to take his pm rata of his contract. I a m widow will waste her energies a see the store to-day." said a Rocklin.i man considering results should be cultivate not left a free man at my liberty with appreval of the gods of love or by taking a man's free liberality; but I fortune. TLere are no flowers, no :up- oral time in trying to mate an ideal at the s u p p e r t a b i e . "Two m e n g o t When completed, the ship. under me- ea_ We should enter into the lives of chanics' lien. was transferred t o t h e others. know their circumstances, their sell my freedom for his benefit. I can pers nor ether normal features with man of her husband. She kaows into a rowone struck the other and then governor. brought to Boston, pus- sympathies. their interests. and make not deserve to be gracious with my when she takes him for bettig or worse, g a t h e r e d . T h e m a n `3 it° was the Sunday weddings. They are never the crowd chased by Sampson A friend, if, with the Graces, I look not provoca ti v e a h e a r t y congratulations. that he is almost certain to be worse. s truck ran. gr-abbed a cart stake a n d Tappan. named our words and acts fit into them so as and under the corn- with two faees back to reptile as well Society is nod religions. Society goes Consequently. the only genuine. care- rushed back, e y e s 1 theught the Nightingale. t o g i v e pleasure and not pain, to be mend of a Captain Dumarestie sailed as with one forward to receive—Chris- tochurete but that isanother story. One m a r r i a g e ! , with golden futures I sure he'd knock the other man's. brains - helpful and not hurtful. free for Australia with a cargo valued at t i a n W o r k - may g o to church decked in purple aid glorious anticipations. are first ; out. and I s t e p p e d rieht in 1. e • w e e n "He war, so thoughtful," was said of an d Sleetela From there she proceeded to Sine Iinen. and one may sing in harmo- marriages. no matter whether they them.- The young heir had given o v e r one who had passed a w a y . What bete KEENTO THE • POINT. China, where she took the highest ny with the seclibut, psaltery and harp. 001Me on 1Vednesdays or on F ri day s . A ea t ing his tart as the namtive pro- ter could be said of one? Is it any won- freight of the season. E5 per ton for der that there were no painful memo- ism s. i n KAMM Parnemphos lersom Tosmag and yet not be religious. But society good. honest. lovable man will Ix.h good, ceeded. anti his eyes leaned right out M e n a E ra . London. To test her merits. Messrs. ries associated with him; thatall spoke I ionsieterit with itself and makes no husband on every day of the week or in of ,his head, lie was mend of his the Sunday name far father", valor. and be Sampson A, Tappan. published in the kindly and lovingly of him? The Nervousness is gr eet. blunders. It is well known that any month of the year, slid all through cried: "He p e t u l a n c e . s ee7g•y never marries during Lent, Semi D. Fey. I couldn't• knock any brains out of yen. London Times a challenge to the Brit- secret of Isis life was that he was life. ish Merchant fleet to race from the It makes a man feel proud to be told them:at it is not at all probable that the could he. father?' The old man looked' thoughtful of others, not only in some Downs to China and back for EWALD. a how h um b l e he is. auzient r h y m e : Painted on a Orals of Corm! lone and curiously as the heir:'brit th e general way, but habitually. so that in It is said that the smallest niece of distance of nearly 30.001) miles. Pert the commonest conversation he would A man never gets closer to God than - Murry in Lent lad's countenance was frank and innez- he is willing to get to his neighbor. Live to repent. painting' in the world has ieeeutly o p e n _ no one could be found to accept the draw oat the 'Wood will and love of cent and When it closed with It does not take long has anything to do with it. Still, it is been executed by a Flemish artist. It challenge. She was afterwards sold to 1.110118 with whom be was. -I did not to persuade a the tart on the inside the father ,easped man to be resigaed to his own weak- a fact that e society devotee would is painted on the smooth side of a grain slightly and resumed his supper.— a Salem house, who sent her to Rio mean to cause any pain" It came too either wear rue the rest of her life than of common white corn, and pictures a Janeiro. where she was sold and sent laze. the pain is inflected, and the life n e s s Rockland Tribune. WSW who min his neighbor of invoke a rice slrowerduring the Lenten mill and a miller mounting a stairs to the coast of Africa as a slaver. was is made that meek less complete. This Th e his goad name is sever big e n ou g h t o - sesson_ An old church canon forbade with a sack of grain on his naek. The T h e t e e elf It . captured by a United States cruiser, • is the guilt--ercia did not consider the we ar i t . • marrbges between Rogation and Whit mill is represented as standing on a Among the many useless inventions the slaves libemterland the vessel sent result that would follow What you said What we want is to havethe Lord ma Banda)... and another old-time jingle thrust upon the world by people who home. She was subsequently used by wet did. Many a child 'feels that and terrace, and near it is a horse and cart, our aide. What we need is to be ma rhymes some of these church like to do useless things was a clock the government during the war, and, , mourns fertile after the father or moth- canons while a group of several peasants are the Lord's side as fa:lows: shown in the road near by. The picture once exhibited in Brussels. The pe- after the close of the war. was sold er IS erred. Many a friend thus has - solvent marriages cloth deny. culiar thing about this clock was that and put in the California t r a d e . Th e cause o grieve, after he sees the old Blessed is the man who hides his is beautifully distinct, every object be- poor deeds behind the grateful tame- Lat I. lbry glees them Merv; ing finished with microscopic fidelity, instead of striking the hours with a Nightingale made the shortest knowa hiesrlasporated from him- And many u sI ra tia, thee nay. orv of God's good deeds yet by careful measurement it is shown bell, it fired a pistol every hour. run from the equator to Melbourne. IS j sa one who wonders why others seem ot -vs from Fester Says thee nay. There is no man so wemereiful as that the whole painting does not cover "It's ingenious." said a visitor to the days, her whole passage from New I to keep amity from him. will fled t-t-ecti-m bt:ts taco co contain. 'the man that is on the m e rc y nor Trinity bet; thee fme again exposition: "but of what use is it? 68 • •xplanatieli in this, tha3eenintentiose side of The floe of the week upon which the a surface of half an inch square. Y ork was daya—Proceedings of 1 for the moms- that is in it er Why ,fire a pistol?"' ally he is continually wouhding them. nre a preroi.- -I Boston Society.society. Tbe garment of humility is f o r y e w . 40 majority of the 'Weddings occur is Think We More Angry roma I -TO kill time." said the witty in- 1 7 iLleated,rresbyterian- Afeduz.-_•ziay: and„that is bee-seise t h a t What He Wanted. the mantle of charier is to cover your Japanese, unused to visitors from the ventee—liarper's Young People. SEARINGOURBURDENS. NOW, mkt:gable old doggerel says: elVednes- western work'. speak of their "angry I Ans. Brooks—Count Tedont is furious neighbor- don't get them mixed. Ille Wee Illtraid Of It? moat - day, tile best day of nit" But there faces" because th-v do not smile. Jap- against his wife—Miss Gottrow—perse- They— ling Meter toI r e O R - Tbehroir.farred Christian owes "Plain yer Honor. I haven't got any wro Is masa or his misery to the fear that he may r are many days throughout the year anese children have been known to elnea her dreadfully everywhere she arm amil la the Wad P e w e e Me a l R i e s e- lavifer." a l g a eo to Heaven before it is strictly nem. the ancients looked upon as run shrieking from an American or mind_ PALL" mid the imit ne _ ¶ e God does not pat epos as burdens " Marrone for those who eniered the English lady, frightened by wh i t _ , R i v e n (in sarprise)—Why, sh e at times it does seem as theligh ve I, ours. - "the court will see that yea get jaw Rost ire are unable to beer, although T h e door Marital state on !those dates.. . very seem to them her huge size. fieree face, aarenred her &ken divorce all right, to spiriavnl prosperity is tice." always spas, but every other door must eld Scot* follttlore writer says: ••The't staring blue eyes and white anearnes Man. Brooks—Yes, out he wants all. "Faith. ye r H on or; rigilind PAH. Never should be able to s e e s i the par- I be e-tosed before some otephs will And das of UP week upon which the 14th skin. "illist'n what l'ssa afield SW—Peek. timing Walnut car kat sadadjustsnr- Iit was

,itcolotTa7.t,Ifai .t.' JIM'S HOLD-OUT. worked the foriner's Ihnutelal oda. FASHIONS IN JEWELRY. IN THE ELECTRICAL WORLD. FOR YOUNG PEOPLE WELL-TnAlsEEts Jim's first impulse was to M e r e t e t h e nmesebes and Watch Chatelalama to B e a t -The Virginia Teleybone Cr.. of As Itscibbutsw 0000 Now Douglas This lismanra. Norfolk, Vit, having obtained a char- a t i t . hold-out upon his person sad seek vs.. THELOSTDOG. gams tweel!••_ v upon the unsuspessing miners "Spring and fall fashions are as well Se?. has asked the Norfolk council for, To Fs. echoed:km a t R E Leadville iilr E gulch. but be remembered that remarkable to ode the allieller recognized episodes in our trade as • franchise permitting the company to I Wove keep very still —arid a story ru stage pulledout t h i l a t 1,01111111 IMAM with those who deal in gowns and bons establish a plant_ Elt Zrz-ave little Edward and good little Nell. of Webster sta- he had hired himself to the stage cons- Its officers guaran- b a d l o s t . ...a...-. -a...a-- Who weak oat is search ota doe they a — . -* 4.11m. pany and forsworn gambling. He was nets," said a Broadway jeweller who .e rv i e e OULUS • ■ ■ • • • tion one even- tee efficient at two-thirds of W i t h o u t ever thiiWing the trouble it cost. a y inacc M7 ing after nip- a man of his word, and a stage driver had been brought to discuss modish present rates. Ttrey started one wonder at dawn of the light. the human brain that d e v o t e e teemr per with twelve he became- It was a monotonous life j e w e l r y of the very near future and to - A n E ng li s h chemist named Arm- And did not come homeward until it wws •me IO. $inai rerocems. tile% -Poor Rover is gone-ho is lost:- they would birds and liessi They tome ail "palgriras" f or until the road agents began to pay fre- reveal from his strong box tiny tissue strong asserts it as his belief that no quent visits to the line, and Jim liked paper parcels containing many thou- _ L i m a ear the city in the chemical action ever takes place except To all. old or young. whom they out on tea upon toe wares. clouds. Web- it The only tiring that disturbed his sand dollars' worth of precious freight. In the presence of some substance cap- ing the ViMe iOU S flea to pardeoltsog2j ster was the serenity was the recollection of the Twice every year," he went on. - -vna able of being decomposed by electric- And once Nell grew bolder and spoke to a man thin specific anticel Hoer W a l l Ni - We've searched all the slay. sir. as hard as we end of the track. gentleman from Texas. If be could t r y to rejuvenate certain patterns and ity. and that therefore all chemical Stilled into its small inepareePIDIe emit. eartsie and the route but once meet that scientist face to revive or reintroduce some forgotten p h e n o m e n a are electricaL For our pretty Bower-oh where shall we go? from there to face life would take on new charms for stone- In the spring and autumn women -Prof. Lucien L Blake has seemed- We fear he is dead in the cold and the snow:- eats from the master, m a s a . never enter aser. t he carbonate whose weddings or anniversaries fall ed, it is said. in establishing electrical "Fray. what Is his color:- the geatlernan said. things which would I h a d a those seasons. ..Fia is black. Milt few a n l • l a l i the mind of the simple. zustoral tad I camp lay over seat beside Jim on the Lead- in and whose pocket- eommurication by wi re between the lees and a vile coach, and as the horses crawled books are sure then to be at the high h e a d ! " Among the smaller aniarde dant the summit of land and a vessel anchored several bald bravo MVO Edward: -.Ws know hint an none that seems so intelligent. me grat:- slowly up the grade of Kenosha mous- tide of fulness. bring us our payi ng miles out in the ocean. Prof. Blake is Kenosha moun- heal and sober-minded as "the DWI t a i n, through lain, preparatory to a wild dash down patronag.e. and we must be ready for a Kansas man and .5w-et:Ties the chair -Oh. yes. we both Mow him and love him.- p a r k , I s a i d N e l l busy bee" Be will m o a t i n the sirs t 11 e northere the other side into the South them_ This time we are working on of physics and electrical engineering new designs for brooches and watch *TGWU find Wm. my dears." said the man, end of the South remarked to him that it was going to at the Kansas State university. and fly in a straight lime tor his chatelaines, for the brooch has wholly - without fail. •,,eir and across be a pleasant night. He replied that - Within a radius of 33 miles of New Though so many dogs have four legs and a tail! It has passed into a. pelaserat you never could tell much about nights superseded the stick pin. Every six t h at h e h e ! th e -f am us Red York city, says Electricity. there are Just turn rowed that corner. behind the snow- when a man wishes t o w a y in that country until the next day; he months capricious femininity wishes shortest line heft Ole 3.503.000 people an d 25,000 telephones. gone by the hill, a doubly significant title by rea- You'll see a sane dog there. and children be- point to another (and that,'as resdall son of the color of the soil and the had seen nights just as promising as to carry her watch at a new angle. All In New York city proper there are 10.- the ordinary chatelaines will soon be s i d e : " this one turn out real bad before day- 500 telephone stations, 90 per cent. of Away they went running. ant oh- what a sight: mathics teaches, is the straight nne) e bloody murders committed there by the he s ays he a. bee-thice for Um F r o m break. The very best of meteorologi- set aside to make way for the chain which are equipped on the metallic cir- Poor Rover wus there in a pitiful plight. -made Mexican bandits, the Espinosos. place. So in the structure ad *dr Red hill the road again enters the cal predictions were likely to fail in a aid double pin from which the various cuit system_ In that city the Metro- Liactred fast to a wagon, and driven by boys. begeramed little timekeepers will Who best Dun and jeered ban wart deafening cells they apply by instinct the foes South park. passes through the old country so thickly infested with gen- politan Telephone A Telegraph Co. op- hang The chain is gold or silver, no i s e . and proportions which reason pewee to town of Fairplas-, once boisterous with tlemen of the road_ of erates 10 central exchanges, seven of , "Poor Rover-oar Rover!" acroamed Edward and. about four inches lon7. At either be most effective and eassamical at the gayety of pioneer gold diggers, and I expressed a desire to hare a good which are entirely for metallic circuit a n d N e l l . view of Red hill as we crossed that fa- end is a stout decorative pin that holds When off ran the boys with a laugh and a yell_ are nee Illebjeele S e t now given over to Chinamen. thence to service. The New York A: New Jersey s pace. They mous elevation, and wondered if the with stroneelasps. and_ when caught And soon came the kind man who set Rover obey implicitly their queen, and they Buckskin Joe and over the Mosquito Telephone Co. h a s 10.000 subscribers. f re e . on the shoulder of IR moon would be down before we got a gown. carry the 4 o u t 75 pe r cent of whom enjoy the T b e happiest dm that you ever could see. take good care of the drones as long pass. there. Jun vouchsafed the informa- watch suspended on the chain between Red hill was the danger point on the metallic circuit system. Though all he could do was tes J u m p a n d to they are useful to the well bebeg of tim first division of the road_ Near the tion that the moon would be up. but them_ The pattern for these pins con- -An improved multiple telegraphic ba rk_ _ community, and kill them as s e a a l sists of twin gold eagles. which have -Go home." mid the man. "for 'Us growing summit is a little basin where the road added that he had „knovrn o f p e o p l e -s instrument has been introduced into they cease to be so. come to take the place of the quite dark. is completely hidden from view on all appetites for scenery being permanent- long. France. in which each kev s ends ov er I told you you'd and yonr pet dog without fail. It would appear, therefore. • 1= 7 suffering draoon. while on the watches sides. Little gulches lead up to this ly destroyed by gazing on Red hill by the line wire at each operation an in- With at. of his legs and kis bead and his tail: simple thing to teach bees Saida eat themselves, we are now enamelling spot from the South park. affording moonl ig ht termittent current corresponding to a -Ztalla Crake. In Our Little Ones. introduce them to a professional life es I was sound asleep with my head en white swans. bearing pointed coronets definite number of vibrations a minute. performers on the &Hymeneal S1 1 - every opportunity for road agents to he nudged me and Jim's shoulder when of diamonds on their heads. The receiving sounders are each in a I WONDER WHY? Vet probably very few base ever seen reach the place unseen and to likewise s aid: "Instead of twin hearts the new similar way sensitive only to currents them trained, In 1831„ however, s man make their escape. "Pilgrims" for "We're going up Red hill now: hely for Young People Who Want Leadville usually were supplied with brooches are to be small and large jew- having a determined r a t e of vibrations named Wildeman, of Plymouth, did yourself to the scenery. an' if you've a Little Mental Training. money. and a great deal of wealth elled circles, lapping one upon anoth- corresponding to one of the transmit- train a troup azd exhibit them for the got any valuables about you road bet- "Blotting paper for programmes? I er. civvies of diamonds and rubies. tur- ting keys. Conseottently each receiver recreation of the curious public. Hs originally intended for investment in quoise and pearls, wander why:" and the three girls, after ter aide 'ern somewhere Were liable or water opals and selects and responds to the current got swarms of bees so well trained that the carbonate camp was turned over to a moment's stare at the unusual spec- gentlemanly persons who encountered to see more things than scenery." sapphires Rut nor most earnest effort sent by a transmitter haring a corre- he could make them enact maneuvees Then the horses came to a sudden a g a i n to feminine tacle of world's fair music programm es the stage in the little basin on Red hill. will be to introduce sponding, period of vibrations. with as much precision and unity se halt and Jim and favor the wearinz of beads. than which printed on moist blotting paper, dis- The individual who sat on the dusty I looked down the - A n e w t e l e p h o n e system is said to trouts. of soldiers go through field las there was never a prettier fashion. missed the question from their minds old Concord coach and pulled the rib- muzzle of a revolver in the ste_ady hand be under consideration in A .,:any, tics. This man used to exhibit the of a horseman beside the wheelers. Pearls. of course, are always worn. but N. and began a vigorous use of the pro- bons over six bronchos between Web- T. It is prop 3sed to place telephones bees in a large hall, outside of Which "Will you step down for a moment. from Naples are coming strings of bitt grammes as fans. ster and Fairplay was known as Jim. in several places e/my of access. where was a garden. When the bees got driver?" asked theman on horseback. coral beads. some as richly red as the "Send me a recipe to make me anyone u-ho wishes to send a notice through working as trick perferaWol . I made his acquaintance while we were Jim replied that he was just think- sun-warmed side of a peach or faintly or think," writes a young girL "I cannot at dinner in the rough board "eating a paid advertisement to any of the Al- they could have a good time phrying - pink as primroses. The necklaces we fallow out things in my own mind. I house- at Webster. He was a tall. ing of getting down as he was tired of bany papers can do so with very little among the flowers - WI:Meuse& would make in five or seven strands are meant wonder why!" slim. museelar man with a swarthy trouble. The plan was submitted appear before the audience with the to clasp outside the collar of a or "I wonder why! I wonder why!" My complexion. dark eyes, and a heav y some time ago to several of the news- beis swarming all over hbn. They gingham dress. Amber beads dear young ladies. your words are ad- mustache black as jet from the copious are pa fops of Albany. It has been pro- were on his face, on his hands. criminal strung into high close collarettes. mirable. The trouble is with the pine- use of dye_ He wore high-topped posed to place these instruments in over his clothes, and his pockets were caught up at intervals witti narrow tnetion. Exchange the exclamation boots with extremely high heels, and branch offices. in stationery or drug full of them. It looked as if be were latches of gold delicately repoussed in p oi n t f or the inteoogation, and teach his feet were small and delicately stores, in remote parts of the city and patterns of flowers. In Paris the jew- your minds better manners than to ask shaped. His trousers were of gorgeous suburbs. The office will be kept open :5 4e: ellers have combined with the dress- a question without waiting for a replyk V plaid material. the bottoms being worn all day and until late at night. The i i makers to bring green prominently in- Be severe with it Say: "You want to inside his boot-tops. A wide-brimmed, promoters of the scheme have tested 211:ZAN& ig- to fashion by using beads cut f r o m a n know? then find out If not now, to- b white was cocked rakishly live telephones connected with a mile opaque green stone. These are highly morrow; and mind, no sugar plums or 5 * on the side of his head_ Some garish wire with satisfactory results. viz: the polished. strung with small gold balls, jewelry adorned the front of his waist- Phenix. Ilarrit-on, ITI:nger, National love stories until your lesson is learned." and worn as many as twelve strands Blotting paper for programmes! I coat There was a jaunty air about and Colvin_ wonder why! Mr. Theodore Thomas in a necklace. - A c c o r d i n g trials him which was less pronounced by rea- t o :!■;ature have coszld have answered that question_ He son of the stiff and awkward way he "But the novelty of the season is sure been made in London. Eng.. of a new s - e v e s . t h a t h a r e might hare said: "The rustle from a carried his arms; I attributed this to to be the harlequin cat apparatus for ex racting, teeth by eiec- not before been seen in New York. and thousand stil papers in careless hand s the natural effect of driving six spirited trieity. It consists of an induction merit all the admiration they receive. wou l d seriously interfere with the horses for years over a mountain road. coil of extremely fine wire. having an Shaded in translucent tones of rose music. It is a trifle, perhaps, but at- Ile had formerly been a gentleman , • and golden brown they show an arc of interruptor capsule ot vinration as , temtion to trifles is the secret_ of me- of fortune. and at one time in his ca- the rate of 4 5 0 times a second. The pa- white light at every turn. and charm- i ceses." reer had amassed a considerable sum of regulation arm chair, ingly dappled in yellow and pink they tient sits in the I wonder why?-Lucy Elliot Keeler, money in the game of chance known and takes the negative electrode in his need no other stone to set them off. I in Outlook. as draw poker. When h e w a s at the left hand and the positive in his right_ and their wearing is supt.sosed to in- h e i g h t of his prosperits- another gen- At this moment the operator turns on TUC GERMAN ritorSINNOSANDIEUeltentt sure good 'luck and fair weather. --N . KILLING JACK HARES- tleman of fortune, late of Texas, drifted sitting. I followed him and took my a current. of which the intensity is S u n . Wow Thoosand; Rorseswen— Taus. Part fa a =ostentatiously into camp and caused place beside him in time to see the Y. gradually increased till it has obtained Groat Drive. the report to be circulated that he was other passengers descend one by one A PRETTY SCRAP BAG. the utmost limit that the patient can a great Hower hall of sosterial Ikea which honey could be made. *cm thll aching for a game. Jim undertook to from the inside of the cone h with their support- The extractor is then put in The jack hare group contains five Gather Turkish Tosrels at the Top and species, which in turn inhabit all por- assiduous attention w h i c h t h e w b e e relieve the gentleman of th e pain hands above their heads and take a Leash the Fringe Flauagisaig. 1 circuit and fastened on the tooth, • tions of the southwest quarter of the little bees paid to him. Whether the h e was suffering on that account. place in line beside us. -.Mother's work basket" usually which, under the action of the vibra- and they met in the back room of There were but two of the r o a d tion, is loosened at once. The opera- United States, as far north as Oregon, had been despoiled of their stings re catches all the odds and ends of scraps as far east as Nebraska and Kansas, mo t is not said. But he must have fan Uncle Billy Coleman's Palace of Fash- agents. While one of them relieved and snippings about the sitting-room, ! tion is performed quickly. and the pa- pascengers of their weapons and and southward to Tehuantepec. Their uncomfortable if he knew that many ion on Main street_ the much to the discomfiture of the tired ; tient feels no other sensation than the all art idles of value the other was in numbers vary in different localities ac- scores of bees. w e r e t h e y so minded, There was a silent controversy in woman when she goes to look f o r i pricking produced in the hands and the front boot of the stage securing cording to circumstances.. Wherever in could have stung him at will. Such • the early part of the game caused by something in a hurry and has to fish forearms by the current t h i s quantity of bee Mixigs as that owed a remark of Jiiris to the effect that the treasure box. for half an hour to get it. out from the ; any portion or vast range the When the first robber came opposite coyotes and foxes are almost extermin- easily settle a man and leave "people from Texas seemed to have M e s s . THE MORTUARY URN. to Jim, he drew back in surprise, ex- ated, the jark hares soon increase to an to death- Anybody who ban ever bees more luck than a Chinaman." It isn't fair to harass her that w a y . • Peculiar lame Anaosing lostaare of 3110. alarming extent. Men are be gi nn in g unlucky enough to receive the ding oil The gentleman from Texas demurred claiming: "Well, ill be darned!" and here is something to help you to this and said there was no such For a second only he was off his avoid it. says an mMtern exchange. p l a c e d m o m e n t . to learn that it will not do to cut out even one healthy, vigorous bee will nal thing as luck in draw poker; • the guard_ but that brief space of time was More than one man and quite a num- too many cogs from the great balance- find it difficult to believe this. Make a bag of one of the pretty dark The bilks of w e r e I n e r r e chance features of the game, he said, a fatal one A pistol cracked and he Turkish towels. ber of women turned round to look at wheel of nature; for her affairs are so leaving the fringed the curious adaptation of old tain part of the large bell_telas. had all been eliminated by the applica- fell shot through the head. ends at the bottom and running a draw- to new nicely adjusted that even so apparently moved from the stage whim . .10_eat "Reog. crack," went two more shots. string of some cast-off bright ribbon at methods. A hearse was being driven alight a matter as the poisoning of with them Both took effect; the second read the top: or make a bag out of strips of slowly up Broadway above Twenty- stood thickly alusteini third street with the curtain raised him. All at once be would agent reeled and fell from the boot of silk, or a yet stronger one of s o eve .11 the stage and Jim was lying beside the bright interior could be seen whistle and presto/ narrow-striped ticking. which you can that the whole - The tem stmeted- first robber. It was the big six-shooter There was no coffin there. off and dew straight to their embellish with feather-stitching in but right in bins. of the man on the stage that had an- the middle of the inside platform there When they had got well nettled Owe bright wools. This bag: T c an be bong swered Jirris first shot and it was the stood a small black vase about eight o n by the mantel. in an obsenre corner. or he would whistle again, end b e d = crack of a derringer that had termi- inches h i g h a s m a n y few and settled his face from a nail driven on the under side of a n d perhaps and nated the brief battle. and clothes o n c e m o r e . the sewing table It will be a splendid inches in width across the handles. This was one Jim was wounded in the leg. A "Well." said one gentleman. swings with the greatest prompt:ems and air young doctor in the party stanched catch-all. and will save a lot of ill-tem- hag round his companion to look at the nlarity. It roust have been with ems for embroidery silk the flow of blood and we proceeded or per, and scissors hearse, "I knew cremation was get- solicitude that the Immolators irdetell our way with the bodies of the te- will not get too intimate in it. and the ting to be more and more practiced, r in this performance. Bet it is dart * bandits thrown into the hind boot. particular button wanted will not be but I'd noldea that the cremationists the bees, and perhaps tee Wildoesek, The shooting was shrouded in mrs- under half a ton of undarned stock- ever made a funeral of the ashes. 4 4 , 1 11i7 say that no one was ever dog b p ings. g l ov es to mend, and tops and tety so far as the passengers were core There's the mortuary urn. you see and them bails and other bric-a-brac_ Little helps eerned_ They had seen Jim's six-shooter in it. I suppose. is the handful of dust Virgil. the great, bat* poet, who taken from his holster by one of the of that kind save a lot of trouble.- that represents the dear departed_ I Chicago Mail wrote four poems on deferent ap . bandits, after which a careful search wonder. by the by. who the dear de- ricultural th e me s• devotee ame at had been made to see that he had no To Renovate a Caaaela. parted was." these Georgics. aa they are ailed. en- other weapon, but when we picked him conches that it tirely to bees. Bet be nowhere nape JDI RECOGNIZED THE CONTRIV•NCE- Old wo u l d not be There were no mourning coaches up a derringer was clasped in either profitable to pay the upholsterer to re- that could be distinguished in the jam ANKEICAlf JACK HARE. they can he taught to do thellampa t i o n of skill and science_ He then hand_ The question was boir had he cover can often be rejuvenated at of cars and carriages. and as the hearse which this man of Plymouth inime proceeded to demonstrate his asser- managed to conceal them and bring home, if over them there is put a fresh went slowly along with its curious i coyotes' may cause a great disturbance. them to perform. V a r l i t t l hem lawera tion. which he did to perfection. At them into action at such an opportune cover of chintz. sateen. corduroy or little load the general composite ex- ,1In many portions of the southwest the greaedeal. bat they have leemellinen 1 jack bares are &hobby a perfect pest. the end of six hours Jima earthly pus- time? The mystery was solved when mohair furniture plush. If the sofa or pression on the faces of those t h a t trout nature.--ma. LEWIS tiftlittli sessions consisted of the suit of clothes his clothing was removed at the hotel couch has a back. which it is difficult watched it i n d i c a t e d that the whole In central and southern California he was wearing; everything elise he in Fairplay. Under his waistcoat was to manage on the new plan. take it off. thing might be all right from a he. I. the destruction of the carnivorous ani- m a oalw Wan latemeast. .-. - had owned in the world had passed the wire and elastic poker ho l d • o u t Make the new corer wide enough to gienic point of viiew, but that as a meals that usually keep rabbits in cheek The signs were all about la fie D e i s into the bands of the skillful and formerly belonging to the gentleman nearly touch the floor at the foot and funeral it was strange, cold and heart. 1has led to such an alarming increase in 1{2,21113.12- • 1222116. _MO _ 22 _ eleriant -Ihent. Ta ta 11 1 • sew'ntific gentleman from Texas. from Texas. The nippers for bottling a e rO S S the front. and long enough to lean I "jack rabbits' that now they constitute : r a j a _ j a g 11191.11 The Fairplas- gambler *lose from the the cards had been removed and a cir- press deep into the crease between the And when the :hearse stopped at the a genuine plague. In IP'resasoand K ern eavo yaw.. as v.:woman RIM The eVelledie table and relieved himself of some cular clasp large enough to securely seat and the raised head, if it has Otie. undertaker's rooms the driver pulled conalies they are so destructive to crowded the tat and *died Irek choke profanity. most of which was hold the handle of a derringer had Put a frill around it or not as you like out the rase and handed it to the pro- young fruit trees that the fruit-growers il wooderfel peallomeemee. The was nnonwel finael — _ directed against himself. He declared been attached in their place. T i m ge n - best_ Long hat pins are a convenience prietor. have been compelled to adopt heroic 1 --a - —— avo w- %WNW - Ma. that he was "better qualified todrive a tleman to whom the contrivance origi- in holding the corers in place. Up- The bit of a spike to that thereorn- measures for their wholesale destrue- 11 .. nr .y g u n u p on See nasal sat stage than to pose as a, gentleman of nally belonged was in the hind boot. holste_rers. when draping on a cover, amines strapped out agin," he said, 1.11012. lathe winter of MO Mr. C. H. his tory paws on the leavhseni_ fornme." The superintendent of the 1Towneesd reported to Forest and U5&es Ass wombs& bet smut coastedHis surprise for his onpresence recognising there. Jim • gather up a large rosette on it at each and ye'd betther be afther a ge line. who was present, jocosely : corner of the foot, and tie it in place et on this tease, I'm thinkin"."-N- Y.. Stream that in the great drive which n i me" anatenea" aloe deabied. offered Jim a job., and the penniless Jino's leg w a s broken and the doctor w i t h linen thread. flattening it and San took piace near Fresno about the e l e l e l e n 4. gambler in a spirit of bravado accepted informed him that when be recovered shaping with a few stitches if neces- volatile of Fehrnaoy, a tract of country H e a l t h ' w a r Ra e Wo me n. I --tessi- Toe pooped felit• It. and declared then and there that he that leg would be shorter than the , miry. The pillows added. if pretty. containing about IS square miles was and raa mead- the -eniee -anal& - would never touch the "pasteboards" other; that he would always limp when ; make one quite blind to the covering, There are three things that give a Iseerousded and swept over by nearly ing with all 'damaging: again' as long as be lived- he wal ke d - if it is only of the right color.-3 Y. WOm a n perfect form. movement and IASI horseasen„ who clamed in treat all terrept the analel * e h The gentlemen front Texas Wok his 111 m y own fault, Doe.' nth, ; Post disposition. Resolved into rates. they widest. driving the game before them. are as follows: Don't fret, keep clean. 4•7 immaimminigy dmiartnre as muratentatiously as he 4 123- Tasteful Mara Mime: ° ! Shoat MOM jack hares mom tbusforeed the are by theaters's'.. had come, bet leaving behind him in - I don't see how you can make think and, finally. keep supple To keep sup- into a central corral of wire, where A lovely sofa pillow is made of tine ple s woman must begin by breathing Ids room at the hotel a reeling wire ou t." a grey linen. Embroider the entire mo- they were killed with clubs. During mom- moan. eve and -elastic contrivance which purled 'Well. it was this way: When I let t face with tiny forget-me-nots in pale right; then she most walk with her the previous winter more then We e "While at M eta muscles instead of her Uses and. lone- the brain of the landlord to determine the derr wers down hoto my hands I , blue embroidery . Sew a tiny , jacks were killed in au series of drives son anomenenastahemoisi I ts nee- Several pesnona to whom be calculated to shoot the man in the ly, she must exercise regularly. The which weer made near Bakersfield, from the name. .e , bowknot of Tom Thumb ribbon around best way to keep :lean is to rub a nice, exhibited it declared they had never boot with the gun in Nu right. heed each Kean musty; and the worst of it was CZi e. isite17_ the stems of cluster of flowers. as soft cream into your skin before taking seen anything like it before, b i t Jim and take the nights., w with m y if it were tying them together_ Finish the anion& veep se that time not tit to throtelps WS a tell& and then take that bath just as which are at once recognized it a contrivance left, but jest then I recognised idea as • the edge of the cushion with s light eart.-V.ir T. Hornattey.. in Hi Sichoje s. * m o w n as a bo l d- o ut „ b y mea ns of the geat I was mostly seekin' after, a tale silk cord.-Pigadelphia Press. hot as possible.t, The cream feeds the I P d Clitiaes-Des spirit of enerchy plower eaters "'which & player retained cards in his skin and the kat water cleanses and e ha s a ma a l a r y L e a . whidt hang gent from Texas who skinned me oat i t a eLenrize ly1 Se w Haw rhappy. possession, secreted in his sleeves, o' say pile with this yens hold-cost, ant, softens it. The way to keep front fret- this chamber love to see you happy. which should be fit the deck. Doc, the temptation was has giesk I e ting is to pot your thoughts upon some. am only in found in large cities. found a black be e r Food Mother-My own little engin thinr she sham yourself. snot above all, As Jim was the only person ha Fair- gave it to him with m y right. bort it 1 Little Boy-Yes'aa. I wish you'd let Seeand Chime -Guess tied% as. A block of ice- U. play who bad anything Me an to have an interest or object in this = bo o m feels-dhe dangbataring the chopped a piece of took me too losg to get s bend e. the me go skating efamsr. beam* you I mate acquaintance With the asienthil the other ans. got, astY. Dee. dade No monde need fear old age if eh* lsae lienea sem main be he a land that it ennetdodi ways look so h a w whom Ismail** frau Texas, the lamented preseaull se i e n c e he a greet timig."-tairept lied up* time utiers-fikage Mae. 1114, with a pima above aorta baby bet I proiteldy bad ham sl i n r - Go od Jim wilt the little kagle asent tiat bed T i e s I ad . I h e w -S. T. Weed& I g r a m "