SPECIAL SERVICE Sunday night a young man was duly There will be a Memorial Service at Bakery and noticed standinig near the corner of G. A. R. Hall -on Sunday afternoon, E he Waiqdraler. Bridge and ermillion streets. He April 2,4th., at 3 eSekiek. in memory of If yon want anything in kept gazing anxiously up and down the all the members of the Post who have Confectionery. P u b l i s h e d every kselelees- street, and it was evident he was pining died during the last year. FINE STOCK OP Alarseilles Plaindeahr, to hug some one under the stars? A cordial invitation is extended to TERMS. 50 CEET8 A YEILIL. That "some one" had sent him a letter all friends of the old soldiers to be pres- MAI JD Furniture Extra Cosies , 2 O'ta Esich. making an appointment to meet him as num can ma All guaranteed the best far t h e r a c y . I bare THE entirely new line, above at 6 o'clock. and asking him ent at thatA. meeting. Ethridge will deliver the 011iee fa S i - - Reck. No. 7 Mara Strad not to fail to meetaher." The note was All the very latest approved patterns. address for the iension. Material that admits of no superior, and signed "A Warm Admirer? As the Four have joined the silent majority fand Cads, kui. Mkt nes. Oc VOLUME XIX. MARSEILLES, ILL., FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1895. TERRY SIMMONS. - - EDITOR second fiew by i n t o minutes the withinRev. the past year from the ranks of N U M B E . R 1 8 young man gazed up and down street MENZO JIMININGs waiting for his adorer, but he waited Woodruff Poet. viz: at door S..of bank- forglotCath I lie saw fawn* Ion It is'now Mr. and Mrs. S. IL Batley. in vain, and after an hoer had slowy J. P. YODER was born in Mifflin county. Pas Sep. 4, AN • dragged by, and there was nothing in Illinois with his pa- W . A . MOREY. Peel. F. T. NEFF,Can INDEPENDENT LOCAL JOURNAL AND GOOD ADVERTISING MEDIUM.— R 1 = ' = = Z I 50 cents buys a full sized hammock sight tohug but a telegraph pole, the ISA coming to rents, who settled in McLean county N . FL MING. Vim P r e . _ The new Spring designs are the most beautiful yet produced. Let me at Trowbridge's. young man tumbled to the joke, and in ISM, and where he grew to manhood. show von how they will look laid down in your room. Get my prices. went home breathing vengeance on the . - - - - . - - him—Streator Feb. 3d, 1 whe when n bNit ut eanteen eighteen' yearsrai i Dr. J. EL Goodell left for Grand Ridge rang who put the job on old. he enlisted in the 150th regusest Latest styles in capes at Hart's. Vaughey's for dry goods. Shoes cheap at Varighers. on business today. Free Press. First Nationall3afili Silverware at Vaughey% free- of iIimfl.- t Oi mourns, see i n ...tit eneerered out Jan.__ Pah, MARSEIIJ.ES, ILI.. Outing flannel, 5e- a yam!, at Brod- Duck suits to order, on short notice, Hart's motto: Honest goods at hots 15 . - See the new duffles, at 4c. and 5c. a A. E. Hanes was driving East on JOH J. BECKER, SEk mitts, eta to 'm eta. a pair, + The Undertaking Department ,[ at the cliese of war,_ in .s.erviee eleven beck's a t Hart' s. est prices. at Brodbeck's. yard, at Brodbecks. Washington street Monday afternoon_ I months and thirteen this Ile joined will be in charge of an experienced hand and all orders will receive the most A team coming West kept to the HEM.. $50,000. SzaPhus.$10= - careful attention. Your patronage will be appreciated- Call in. 1.70e Woodruff Post No. 2S1, in Oct.. Ca , - DRAI.E lit Mrs. Allis Cram is again of our city Lace curtains, from 50c. to 8.5.00 a See the new challies, at 4c. and 5c. a Stanley dress shirts, new stock, latest Mr Haynes turned in at the pestoffice Another car load of the ben flour on 1s_%, and thereafter served in the IRIECTCSIEt EH. for a ti m e pair, at Brodbedes. yard, at Brodbeck's. earth at Springhorna. patterns, just in at Bennett's. and a collision was barely avoided, his tion of chaplain four and one-halfsta.- team becoming frightened in the brush I IL T ROW RR I DGE, D CON AR D ,years. resigning therefrom in July. K. F. T. NEFF, E . T . R E A D . REM SALT & SMOKED Good sweet corn, five cents per cam It is red paint and on Peter Ditt And they all returned from the circus Messr&J. Lord and the singer Bunk, W..1. A. ± Butterfield. Net proceeds of about $8.00 are re- snd by a passing cycler. A tug c-ame and removing. with his family. to N. FLEMING. - - M ORE Y. at Springhorn's man's dray and looks slick. loud in their praise thereof. B. F. GAGE_ cycled to Streator yesterday. arFirst door East of post office and opposite depot-Columbia Block. ported for the W. R. C. supper of Satur- loose and the team ran, creasing the Needy. Clackamas isoutity, Oreg on. day evening. tile walk to the vacant lot East of But- whe re be Miss Mollie Welsh was a Marseilles Wrappers made to order. from your terfield's furniture store. Then the died June 1st, leg, aged 47 7-bars Dome soap, 25 cents. Arthur Simmons now rides a new years, 9 months and =7 days_ visitor on Wednesday. o w n selection of prints, at Hart's_ E IL SPICER & SON. New plate glass windows in front tug came Jown„ catching in some Crusader cycle. It came Wednesday. CHA ItL_Ls.; T. WILSON THE ADVERTISERS • and new electric light service are two hoards over an old cistern. the rig end- was born in Lincolnsville. Waldo Co., A ' I ' S _ If you wish to see a fine assortment • ed up in the air, and Mr. Hanes was F O R 1 8 9 5 _ Stanley dress shirts new stock, latest Trade at Vaugney's and get easdru- Go to Hart's for dress patterns of the fine improvements at Funk Bro's this Maine,. Mar. Stis_IS3o. The family re- patterns, just in at Bennetes. of laces and embroideries, go to Brad- ple plate silverwear for your table R week. thrown violently to the ground on his latest novelty. Cutting awl fitting tree face and shoulders. The fall and shock moved in 1s4 7 to Point Pleasant. West 1101111116, RUM, SWAY AU b e c k ' s . FREE. of ch arge. Virginia. He came to La Salle empty Falai Mrs. G. E. Wheeler. of Minneapolis. Mrs. Effa Crawford, of Harvard. ar- rendered him unconscious. in which in 1851. removed to Galiiopolis, Ohm. in WEEKLY EDITIONS. Rev. and Mrs. T. R. Satterfield. of - SELLS state be remained until willing hands is visiting her daughter, Mu. F. T Miss Ella Pitts left Tuesday for Onar- The line of Spring dry goods at rived yesterday to spend the Summer 1S5s. resulting to this counts- in 1571. IggressiTe Repablkat Jam& y HIGHEST MARKET Neff. ga for a visit of a week with former Kings. ILL, are visiting their daughter, had taken him to his home. corner Mint • F O E V a t Vaughey's surpasses anything ever with he r rrarents, Mr. and Mrs. ES T. here to reside thereafter. He entered r ' _ PRICE P AI D routhis Eft schoolmates. Mrs. C. D. Osgood. STYLISH Hayes. Union and Chicago streets. Quite old It die IOW Gets. shown in our city. the army Jan. 2.oth. P.:64. as Sec. Lieut. The most complete line of eorsets and in boor health the accident proved Stiff hats! Soft lists!' Straw hats! • a severe one, but Mr. Hanes is nos of Co E. 27th regt of U. S Colored and corset waists can be found at Insure your property with D. A. Don't forget that May idth is the --c Don't forget the " Wedding" Friday Troops. serving continuously with the Cornmenial AZtvrtiser. able to he up and about. Established' 1797. Published ev- Brodbeck's. Nicholson & Son. They represent the Hats in all styles and colors, and at all date of the Denionst contest at the evening, May 3rd, at Columbia opera regiment until Sep. amt. 11..65, and was best reliable companies. prices at Kuser Kelso's house. General admission, MI cam; mustered out as First Lieut. of Co. C. ery evening. New York's oldest Universalist ('hurch. A sorry defect at the cemetery is the A new invoice of Happy Home cloth- children, 13 ets. on that date by reason of the " war evening news-raper. .Subscrip. R ...FOOTWEAR.% absence of a supply of suitable water. ing for Spring and Summer just opesed Dress goods, new and desirable, and Miss Georgie Jennings, who is at- The largest stock of dress goods, 'clos ed,- 'having been in service nlile- tion price, $6.00 per year. any at all for that matter. The as- at Kiner & Kelso's- ladies wrappers, at tending school in Chicago, came down hosiery and underwear. ever brought to We have again this year the agency o r m o n t h s and twenty-three days. T H U R B E R & to riSit soeiation has talked artesian well. but teen Vorning Adrzrtiscr:.
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