•' _ELLSWORTH, MAINE, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 4, 1904. No. 18. tt.tieoc* JK LOCAL AFFAIRS. county An attractive order of dance FESTIVAL TIME IS NEAR. AM ITSEM ENT NO i ES. wbh printed on tbe back of tbe invitations, Final Preparations Made for “A RAGGED HERO.” THE OLD RELIABLE NEW AOVEKTI8EMKNT8 Til IS WEEK. and after each dance was some telephone Being (■reat Concerts in An ab*< and of lova expression familiar to all who use the Bangor. rblng thrilling story Countv commissioners’ notice. With (be Millie be nnd life in Now is unfolded ’phone, such as: Waiting, Ellsworth,” music festival, to England Jp w»*ntihhc»n dtile convention. ! A M etc. held in the auditorium, Bangor, June 2, 3 “A R'lffired Hero”, which will be playftl Hancock Bank, Hopkins—FI jut-, Krocerles, “the line is busy,'* “did you ring three,” County Savings -*i » Clark—Greenhouse. • fit etc. *d 4, Just a month away. Director-)!?- Hancock hall, Friday evening, MbjtJ, Rockland, Btuelitll A Ellsworth Steamboat Co ^ —»'hangc In schedule iief William F. Chapman is now kept with Opo. F Hall, the popular comedian, ORGANIZED MARCH 17, 1873, Kev. H. N. Pringle of Eastport, secre- Hancock hall—The Real Widow Brown. on th? move the vari- in tbe role. As tbe title of constantly visiting leading Indicates, Tkkmont. Mb: tary tbe Maine civic league, occupied has paid regular semi annual dividends amounting to $201,811.01 ous choruses, and making the final prep- it is a drama that tends to prove that Samuel Moure-Notice of foreclosure. the pulpit of the church Congregational arations the heroics are not confined to above all liabilities ..... for coming of Mrs. Schu- Urn highly Surplus 33,305.70 MISCELLANBOL’S Sunday morning. In the evening he mann -Heink, Miss Margaret Lemon and born and wealthy, «nd that brave deeds 1/oans only on unquestionable security (not names alone). Banner Lye. preached at the uu(on service at the Bap- the other great artists who are lo com- may be done unselfishly by the lowly. tist church. B. Corn, i John F. N. nor., President, Whitcomb, vice-president, SCHKKliLt OF Mi 1LS pose the list of artist* this season. The play is replete with stirring situa- C. of this (’. r Bt it mi. i., treasurer, F. C. Hurkill, assistant treasurer. Roy Haines, city, p student While at first some doubt was expressed tions that are appropriately framed in AT ELLSWORTH rOBT OFFICE. at ■...... 1 Hebron is of the ■ academy, manager n regard to the advisability of chang- realistic scenery. The plot is most fascin- In effect October 12, 1908. baseball team. A schedule •oademy of ing the dates from October o June, ating. “A Ragged Hero” has been pro- the season’s work shows a series of seven- To Our Fire Insurance Customers. Goino East—7.16 a m and 6.18 p m. Director Chapman says that now it Btems duced with the greatest success all over teen games. 16 and Goino Weht— 11.56 a m, 5Jf and 9.48 p m. It began April ends to be certalu that the move was a wist tbe country. Tbe heroic deeds of tbe in view of the fact that there Is some the assured as t.o MAIL CLOSES AT TOST OFFICB. June 14. naturally inquiry by one, particularly as this is the year for the outcast “ragged hero” form an Important the effect of the recent disaster at Baltimore and the financial condition of Going East—6.S0 a m and 5.80 m. p Rev. P. A. A Killam, of Pembroke, will presidential election, which rattans that part in tbe unfolding of a thrilling and fire insurance companies, we are pleased to announce to our customers that Going Went—11.20 a m and 5 and 9 p m. supply the pulpit of the Baptist church everybody will have little time for any- i terecting story of love and adventure* we have twen advised by all of our companies that the recent losses will not trains. No Sunday The drama contains a number of effects impair their capital ana that a large surplus will lie left for the protection of Sunday, May 8, morning and evening. A thing except politics In the fail. which are claimed to be all their policy-holders We suggest that you look over your policies at this good attendance is hoped for as Mr. Kit- Then, loo, if would have been Impossi- entirely new. time, and If in need of further protection we tender you the services of our THE AMERICAN is on sale in lam is a candidate for tbe vacancy caused ble to secure Mine. Scbumann-Heink for The Yarmouth (N. S ) Herald has the office. Yours by the resignation of Mr. Kerr. October. following to sny of the star and the pro- respectfully. Ellsworth at the news stands of duction : C. W. & F. L. MASON. The stage connecting at Surry with the Comparison with the programme and C. H. Leland, «J. A. Thompson “At the Roval opera bouse *ast steamboats of the Rockland, Bluebili & artists offered by the Cincinnati and evening, Yarmouth’s favorite, George p Hall, ap- and H. W. Ellsworth Worcester managements, perhaps the Estey. Single copies, Steamboat Co., began runing peared in the strong scenic comedy 5 cents; subscription price last Monday morning. It leaves here at most famous festivals in the country be- drama, “A Ragged Hero.” Both tbe play cause of their and successful and are far the that $1.50 per year in advance. 0 80 a. m. Mondays and Thursday**; re- long history, company by strongest Fire! Mr. Hall has ever brought and he was The Baltimore us, turning and R. shows that Maine Is again in the lead, Wednesdays Saturdays. awarded curtain calls after ach act by a The following telegram was sent to the agents of the old Hartford Fire for neither can G. Taylor is the agent in this city equal the programme and enthusiastic audience. Insurance t’o., Feb. 8: Mrs. Eugene Hale is in Boston. city. large prepared by Director Chapman. Mr. Hall who has always been seen in the roarer the Fire Word has been received here that on "Following honorable yureurd by Hartford James A. Taylor is in Portland visiting One noticeable feature thie year is that light comedy roles in his previous plays, Iataranrt in all it ie 29 George father of Mrs. proved a surprise in tbe rags and Company prerinae conltayratione, already relatives and friends. April Brown, there are no among the quite “experiments” tatters of “Willie Wildflower” and was mljaeting and paying ftaltimo-t loeees.—tiKO. CHASE, Prest. Frank L. Thurber, formerly of this city, Mrs. 8. D. Wlggfn is visiting her artists; every singer who is to appear has encored attain and again for his songs, The “Hartford" is represented in this vicinity hy O. W. TAPLEY. died at Ohio, aged daughter, Mrs. A. ft. Coar, in Farming- Cleveland, fifty-two already gained recognition. Headed by “I’m On Tbe Water Wagon Now” and Mr. “Then I’d be Satisfied with Life”. He ton. jrsars. Thurber, who formerly lived Scbumann-Heink, the list includes Miss has a smile and a wink that is here, is now the manager at Cleveland of Mme. Charlotte Ma- strongly The ladles of the Unitarian will Margaret Lemon, suggestive of the late “Old Hobs society Union Hoey”t the Mutual Life Insurance Co. conda, Miss Isabelle Edward of Evans and in his have a supper at tLe vestry this eveuing I Bouton, Hoey, palmiest days. Miss Lucie A. a clever at 6. Miss Mabelie H. Barrow, the distinguished English tenor, Rogers, proved Shiner, of Long Island, and “Lottie Saunders” and able Gwilym Miles and Francis Arcbambault. prttty Assistant* Postmaster F. H. who N. V and Dr Oscar E. Wasgatt, of Bos support was rendered by John McMur- Lord, As in former the Maine Central wp*e married at Island last years, trie, Lorsine Westfnrd, J. Maurice is seriously ill, is as comfortable as can be tQn. Long and & Aroostook railroads, as well Holden. William A Gillette, Frank Au- week. Dr. Wasgatt was formerly of Ban- Bangor BUY WALL PAPER expected. hurn. Miss Florence and Little DON’T as E'dridge other lines all over the was well transportation gor and known in musical cir- Mabel. Tak^n all in ati it was easily the from books, pay double and find when you see it in Mias Kate A. Higgins and George A. will offer excursion rate* sample price, cles in and about Ellsworth for his fine State, during beet seen in Yarmouth this a assort- performance the roll it isn’t what you want. Each year I have larger Lynch were married Saturday evening by the festival. season.” violin plaving. Ellsworth friends extend ment of patterns, this year the tieantiful Crown Effects and Rev. J. P. rtimonton, From Ellsworth the Maine Central will Tbe advance sale is now going on at many Combinations. Yon will find the prices right, having congratulations. Schooner William G. Clo? * sell a one & the of advanced. Eddie, Capt. round-frip ticket, Including Wiggin Moore’s. bought before price paper The annual of son, arrived from Sullivan to-day with meeting the Senator Hale admission to the auditorium, good during Hose Co. was held at its rooms on Frank- J. A. THOMPSON, 41 Main Street, EllswortLu atone for H. W. Dunn. the festival, for fl.40; the same good any A. Q. Scammon’s successful comedy, lin street Monday evening, and the fol- but “Tbe Real Widow will their Mrs. Harry C. Woodward left Monday day, good only to return the follow- Brown,” play lowing officers were elected for the ensu- annual at Hancock for New York, where she will visit rela- ing morning, for fl.25; to anyone showing engagement hall, vrar: Capt., R. J. first lieu- 12. tive* for several weeks. ing Goodwin; reserved seat ticket previously purchased, Thursday, May This excellent attrac- tenant, H. H. Higgins; second lieutenant. 60 cent* will be deducted from above tion will be presented by a well-selected Alfred A. Starkey, who baa been em- R. E. Murch; secretary, C. W. Joy; treas- prices. coterie of fun-makers. ployed st Patten for the past three years, urer, L W. Jordan. The Maine Central will run a special “i- la home for a short vacation. back to Ellsworth Walsh’s CryBtalplex is underlined for The farm buildings of Henry A. Pierce, Saturday night—Schu- Harry K. Rowe, senior warden of Eao- mann-Heink tick- the week of May 16. on the Trenton road, were burned last night—if Iseventy-two terlc and A. M is lodge, P. attending ets are sold. Thursday night. The family had a nar- the grand lodge in Portland. “I think,” said the meditative row escape, as the lower floor was In boy, aumner r. or win “that a would be all if it Mills, atonington, flames before the fire was discovered. All ELLSWORTH FALLS. wasp right didn't deliver the eddreee to the Wm. H. Bice get tired.” “Eh?” hie father* the furniture and wearing apparel in the replied of Memorial Mrs. Mary Danham visited re'atives in “Where did get that idea?” poet, Ellsworth, Day. bouse and all Mr. Pierce’s you “Why, SUITS farming imple- last LADIES’ week. Bangor day I got a wasp on my and Wa ter u. Parker baa purchased the ments were destroyed. band, Miss Maude Stevens, of 1b visit While he was around he was Colin F. Davie place on Laurel street, aud Bangor, walking all For the Ren-Hur piny at Bangor, May ing the of Mrs. E. A. Flood. It didn't hurt till he will move in as soon as It ia repaired. here, guest right* stopped to 9, 10 and 11. the Maine Central railroad been sit down.” The of Mrs. Fred Maddocks, who has regular monthly meeting Ly- to return for will sell tickets Bangor and the winter in Boston with rela- gonia lodge will be held tbia evening. spending Baventv-flve cents, tickets good going is Esoteric will hold Its regular to- tives, home. 2bbfttiammta. meetlog trip May 10, on anv train, and the morn- JACKETS.™ morrow Fred Hunton has gone to Bar evening. Harbor, ing train of May lKgood for return May where he has for the summer. are made employment Improvements belog on the 11 The train leaving Bangor at 5 p.m. Interior of Mrs. D. of who the Dirigo athletic club’s will be held fifteen minutes later May 11, Mary Jordan, Bangor, has been the week with rooms on Main street. The club is uow to enable people to take in Wednesday spending past In a r> relatives returned home Along | sporous condition. here, Monday f matinee. noon. She was Miss lodge, K. of P., will have an accompanied by and SKIRTS Don-qua the week Street Commis- Daring past Frank who for a few old-fa-hioued sociable st Odd Fellows hall Flood, goes days’ :: F. D. q sioner Newman has had Hancock street visit. R. ^ Wednesday evening, May 11. Refresh- crush rocked from Main to Pine street. || ment* will be served. is home from Y'*sterdav, while rolling th« street with Mi*a Alice Brown at Au- gusta for a two-weeks’ vacation. Ksv. David Kerr, until pas- the five-ton it slid off the beaten i: recently roller, Routes •» tor of the Verne Moore is III with typhoid fever at Received at Baptist church here, is in ditch. A crew of a • Just track and went into the the home of his Mrs. James sister, Lynch. ■ • Cleveland, Ohio, the guest of Frank L. horses tried to it oot No need of to town men and «1x pull Henry C. Hastings, of Bangor, is spend- running of this Thurber, formerly city. yesterday afternoon, but could not start ing the week here with his daughter, Mrs. every time drugs, medicines •> Mrs. J A. Peters la in Bjston. She will it. This morning, with the aid of jack- Ira Hagan. and household toilet articles !! and sale In be accompanied on her return by her screws and a line of horses the roller was The entertainment candy the vestry on fast Thursday evening was are needed. Order by mail, i \ mother, Mrs. A. W. Cushman, who has pulled out. well attended and quite a good sum was •The carrier will in been spending the wiuler there. realized. bring your ;; C. L. MORANG’S Tuesday evening, May 10, an exhibition order one Mrs S. A. of i! day, and bring Tuesday evening of next week Acadia of basket ball will he given In Hancock Maxfleld, Bangor, spent Sunday night with relatives here, return- back the next •! R. A chapter will work the Royal Arch ha*l two ladies’ teams—one from Lubec II goods trip. by ing home Monday noon. The con- degree. regular monthly meeting off and one from Machias. These two teams Perfectly safe. A !! Henry Moore was borne from Bar Har- great the chapter was held last ■ Store. evening. b »ve been rivals all the past season and bor over Sunday. venience. Many of your j| C. R. Foster, who is a delegate to the the game will probably be a hot one. The Miss Helen York,of Rockland, who has !! are that Department W. neighbors buying ■; at seats on been the guest of Mr-*. A. Ellis for grand masonic lodge Portland this will be sale at Wiggin & Moore’s, ■ several weeks, returned home Saturday. \! way of us. ■ week, went to Boston Saturday, aud spent Friday morning. There will be only a Sunday at Wellesley with his daughter limited number, as the entire floor space v_J COMING EVENTS. Paulette. will be given over to the playerB. Asocial the A. B. T. Sow'e’s yacht Genie was put in hop will follow game. Wednesday, May 4, at Odd Fellows hall IQ. PARCHER,:: the water — Ball girls of f he Ellsworth last Thursday, and Saturday The last of the ladies’ by telephone APOTHECARY. Porcelain meeting auxiliary exchange. Invitations. Inlays. was given a trial down the river. spin was held at the home of Mrs. L. A. Emery Friday, May 6, at Hancock hall—George The new Walker worked to ;;Ellsworth, r\aine.:; The most up-to-ilate dental engine per- yesterday afternoon. It was the largest F. Hall in “A Ragged Hero”. Tickets 35 ! Of Interest fection. work. Crown and IIridge gathering of the season, and an enjoyable and 50 cts. | Rev. J. P. S'.monton went to afternoon to an interest- Work. Gas, Ether and Waltham passed listening Tuesday, May 10, at Hancock hall—Bas- Siturday to officiate at the funeral of Al- ing talk from Mrs. Emery on her travels ket ball game between lady teams from Cocaine for Painless Ex- Lubec and Machias. All seats reserved. to fred C. Butler. he went to North abroad this winter. The mite boxes were Feminines. | To-day 35c. at & Moore’s 21 ♦ traction. Tickets, Wiggin Friday Ellsworth to officiate at the funeral of a opened and when all the pennies and morning. Mrs. Brown. nickels were piled together it made quite 12 at Hancock I all—A. t The latest. in Thursday. May | designs } a There was In the boxes. Hcammon’s Co. in “The Real W idow ! M h A F. (light and Mrs. Ella F. Hale rnoond. J39 Q. H. GREELY n”. Prices 35 and 50^*. Advance ♦ The officers for the next year were elected Brow 25, X Mouse and Shirt Waist Sets entertained a small party of friends last sale of seats at Wiggin & Moore’s. FREE l In a* follows: Mrs. C. M. Hodgman, presi- DENTIST. nuradsy evening honor of Miss Emma Hancock hall, one week beginn’ng May Mrs. L. A. Emery, vice-president; X and Sasli Pins. Pretty, ♦ A. ii Allen, of Portland. Dainty refresh- dent;- 16—M. Henry Walsh’s Cry«taiplex Car- ] and treasurer. Main ments were Miss M. A. Clark, secretary nival. Prices, 10, 20 and 30c. Advance Street, ICIInwortlt. served. The extraction of « sale at Wiggin & Moore’s drug store. painless X good, and, for quality, cheap The ladlee of the Mver of Bangor, was be- young Ellsworth tele- Gsttinovitz, of teeth when others are I phone exchange will give their party in fore Judge Peters in the police conrt this l»r Harry A. Pike, of 8f* Main street, Bangor, needed. All work guaran- < Odd Folio a s hall this evening, and it morning charged with obtaining money will be at the Relay house, Franklin, for the teed for ten years. i to be one of the social under false Myer went to the FURNITURE promises events of pretences. next ten days, and test all eyes free of charge. the season. Invitations have been 'stoffice the other day and asked for his — Advf. A. W. Many p Dr. F. O. BROWNE, Greely, several to but the not understand- | | OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Issued, Including Washington mail, postmaster, 1 5 MAIN ST. X ing him, gave him a letter belonging to SfWjcrtisrmmts. Manager, fltmrttianiunts. another Hebrew. The letter contained a check for flO, but as Myer could not read WALL PAPERS and DRAPERIES or write English, he gotSammie Povich to ELLSWORTH Burpee’s Sweet Peas sign his name to it, and had it cashed at -AT- Whiting Bros’. was discharged on 7 packages for 25c. A Myer Dental Parlors. Bargain ; condition that he pay the flO. After some ; For sale at the kind advice from Judge Peters he went on LOOK! EHsworthGreenhouse E. DAVIS’ Have you seen the sponge hi* way rejoicing. J. literature rack ami si>onge in our win- The meeting of the El Isworth CASH Telephone Mi FOR club was held at the home of Miss Annie U»0»O#OdOdO*O»OeO*<>»OdO**V dow? They are selling like hot M. Mullan last Wednesday evening. Being 1 pound of Tea, 5 EDWIN MOORE, * dealer In nil kinds of Oriental Works. cakes. Fifteen cents buys the last meeting of the season it was cele- 1 of | Rug pound Coffee, D Frssk, islt, Smoked and Dry 5 one of the sponges with brated in a very pleasing manner. Many from 1 of Power, Beautiful, curly, fluffy Rugs made old L W. members were present, yet all were mind- package FISH. Brussels or Velvet CarpeU, the rack thrown in. Come % 4 Tapestry, who were 1 ef Soolen,irpeti cleaned clean. ful of the absence of those package Graham, early as we have only a limited necessarily detained at home. After an 1.1. MORRISON, SK0WHE6AN, ME. interesting paper by J. A. Scott, a solo by All for 50 Cents. lor olrcular. Supply. ___Semi Miss M. P. Hopkins, a piano solo by Mrs. JORDAN,! Wiggln, a duet by the Misses Mullan, and UNDERTAKER, & Moore, a song by Mrs. Walsh, all adjourned to 5 Cod, Haddock, Halibut and Kresk Wiggin the dining-room where the tables looked a Mackerel, Oysters, Clams, Seal lope, BOY WANTED dainty and inviting, with the vivid green L M. HOPKINS, 0 Lobsters and Plnnan Handles. at Hancock active DRUUUISTS. wax House, good, boy to ■LLEWOBTH. of the smilax trailing among tapers 5 Campbell A True Bldr., Main EMsworth. answer bell calls and make himself that shed their softened light upon food S Street, generally useful. Apply at office. C808C8C8CC8MiAIIAAlCBX3C>300 Corner opposite postoffice. “lit for tba mortal gods”. atnjrrtusnrcrr't*. benutifnl roses that were sent Mother—Don’t yon let uie cetcb CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR. Column. jie big, y00 mutual Benefit In • lie Ber from town so often." eff.ln, you n.ugbty boy! t'hyrll, I won't If lean Meeting; Topic Fop flic Week « She weut ou Iu a sobbing monotone, help It. But the,, bfemypr KDITKI* Bt “At'BT MADOk”. OF THE j THE PASSING was white aiul haven't bad the Ilea inning May S. I s'blle tbe mans face exprrlenoe that pa tm foot.—Isa. had. Topic.—Crowns trodden under Its Motto: and Hopeful jet. 11. “Helpful : Bfcviil, 1-7; Rev. iil. SIMMER BOARDER "And now It wirt- be her that you •*tdon*t ae^m to make f any Impress^ The crown is a of royalty column nn1 Of course you will on symbol Th«* i>unm»e« of tht- *u.Tclnctly love aud not your faiher, Myude, {and I’Ve d,Jne motto—It t* for the mutual BAILEY * tnu is worn kings and queens. It stated in th title am' By TEMPLE me because couldn't marry beat to on hU by •>. marry you my get right aids.” i.eneut, w •! a !••»!* i*; nelpiut au»l hopeful fry ti an ancient and universal ornament It i« for the com — are not her kind But l don't the He Being f t»«*• common room, £ jer; you left, George. hears better on that from the til tnon use n servant, a purveyor of In- ♦ 1 I •nd “probably originated public r •. T. C. Mellure T wont pity. That’s why am,go- aide.” formation and sugge-tlosi. a medium for the In Oit>vrlah(. by your ; used to the hair from b«- f She a lets preveut ten*hang* of Pleas In thi* capacity It nollclt* In to give (tils back.” stripped Mack—Dn think *~A V you Bmellne h«d wind. Such til eornmu -ailo* ann It* Mice#*** depend* largely -S-.-l.-i--.- a teg disheveled by tin* ^ tittle garnet ring from her third finger time? Kate—I on lie support given 11 tu thl* rc*,»ect Com- good gums *0. Mother tets are still common. They gradually in untea iou* mud he signed, hut th** name of dear.” tmi handed it to him. and 1 too* to nur b* ds after I "Uoodbj, she (eft, 8Ild dfereleped into , which. by the writer i11 noth** piloted «x--ept i*y permt**lon He took it aud turned it over and ( ommunteatlon* will i>e to »r the wr»tos that she took to her or attt'jret approval "Uoodbj-. bed as •dditien of ornamental precious of ilw c but none over in his hand. jeciho hy the editor >lumn, Miss Tromont held Cornelia In her soon as she got borne. material assumed the dignity of in. win t-e rejected without good reason. Addrvaa he walked and down under her. Then np Bible the all communications to inns for a moment as she kissed Dlck«y~-P«, what’a a fcers or crowns." In the Th* amekican, the trees, aud she watched the tall, “convincing the Sax The figure of the girl was rigid, and speaker”? Ph—A "convincing speaker” Ibonxs that were placed Upon FUsworth, lie strong figure with the steady, firm la a man a “crown of she touched were eoliL hilt Dickey, who knows lour s brow are called the lilts tread as she leaned trembling against enough to the xvrenth of did not notice the lark atop tatktng before his audience gets gborna." and I hi ul calls LOXdIKG. Miss Tremout the old gns rlrd apple tree. the backache. victor In the tire- con- laurel given to the How oft we f» el a longing of enthusiasm. She was used to I Suddenly lie came over to tier, and in a crown. The expression That come* with a touch of in his dan games {tain quests, and she was sure Nelie loved spile of her protests he lifted her also to set It enter* the heart unhidden, « Abundant Health Is assured when there crown is used In Scripture r Mrs. \v KuttaJo, m. y., arms to a higher, scat In the old tree la cisslilz. I her. <»<>d A ml leaves hut to come again. good blood In the v« ins. 's terth the supreme blessings that where he could stand beside her and Sarsaparilla la She in the girl's ear. Her make in such Anti wo long for Mimcthing higher. cured of kidney trouble by LydiaE. wlil»i>ered the medicine to good blood. Begin iak. will bestow upon His people l- hair and watrh tbe moon- 1 as she In- strol her It now. It Is what Than ha* fallen to our lot. voice was penetrating, and. ing just the system needs at as **a crown of righteous Pinkham’s Compound. depressions Vegetable j I ..lit on her face as be had watched this time and will do Ju*t a simple, wistful longing. with the clear tones reached the ear jou grcd good. **a crown cf and "u Of all the diseases known which tended, Sharp. Bess.'' glory" times before. (mis — For com* thing we know not what. so many, many the appetite, steadlea the nerves. Advt. the female is afflicted, kidney of the man who stood close t>j\ crow n of life." organism “Nelie." be said. “I bought this little disease is the most fat.il. In fact, un- ■ In the references three crowns Sometime* H cornea at evening. When jnu nre married. let me topical treatment is ring for Hie woman who was to be my a of less and correct ap- fflrtitcal. of »-i After di»y care, prompt will and dance at •re spoken of—(i» a crown pride; seldom survives. know, and 1 come wife, and there can never be any W hen the burden ha* seemed plied., the weary patient a crown serx heavy, • crown of glory; (3) of aware of this. Mrs. Pink- wedding." was what she said. ho heavy, and hard to (rear. Being fully jour other.” Ice. her career, careful Then she her It come* to tin heart grown weary, ham. earlv in gave gathered up rustling Both of her hands wore on his big 1. The crown of pride. That ll«* to the and in anil waved her bunch of Amerl- Thl- touch of an u»*een hand. study subject, producing skirts ones now. and her eyes were searching — warn the of Judah her great reraedv for woman’s ills ami the couch may people ngaiust And we yearn to tell the longing ■an Beauties at the pair, his face wistfully. E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Done in the sins of pride anti drunkenness the To one who could understand- Lydia drove off. “When she came.” he waved Ills hand Daily Ellsworth. Many Cit- made sure that it con- lord, through the prophet, calls their Compound Cornelia turned to the man beside I if the summer taxird- Oh, lofty a«plratlon*. tain'd the correct combination of down the road as izens Tell of it. attention to the of Ephraim or her. faty Th it come to u* o’er and o’er. herbs which was certain to control rr were still a visible presence. "I had tee ten tribes for the same offenses. "Kid hear what she said?” We are Iwtter for your coming, that dreaded disease, woman’s kidney j'ou never seen anything like her. She fas- Nearly every reader has beard of Doan’s The Lord is to destroy the glorious than w»* went iiefore. "You,” he answered absently, his She Stronger troubles. cinated you; she fascinated me. Kidney Pills. Their good work In Ells- of Samaria because of its sins, Ami some day we'll cea-c to wonder, on the bit of white beauty Read What Mrs. Wrlsslit* Says. eyes fluttering Is a wonderful dream woman.” His we worth still and our citizens are He warns Judah a sim- A# our tin »ndng recall. •• continue*, and against Dear. Mas Piskham : For two far down the road. voice trailed off Into silence. we acco ilar condition and :i sim- Why never quite mpllabed a 1 have said IL I constantly endorsement consequently years, my life was simply burden. "Well, she needn’t "But I want to be your dream wo- adding by public What we longed to most of all. ilar fate. This is His denunciation; so with female troubles, and suffered shan't let her know." man." she wailed. testimony. No better proof of merit can Boston. —A. Maude Cohoon. loins. The •Woe to the ctowd of pride of the pains across mv hack and The man turned, his sunburned face Selec.ed bp Ann. With an effort be brought his eyes be bad than tin experience of friends aud of and to the fad- doctor told me that 1 had kidney his drunkards Ephraim showing surprise. down close to bers and smiled at her troubles and for me. For neighbors. Head this case. lug flowers or ms glorious nenuty. Dear Friends: prescribed "1 thought liked Miss Tromont.” I took his medicine, but you tears. "You tre my real woman,” ho three months John H. six miles which is on the head of the fat valley In thinking over this entitled "So I did. and I do yet. but 1 tell you Harris, farmer, out on poem grew steadily worse. Mv husband then sold. mt them that are overcome with wine.” various views of its now. Have Clinton, that if mother tbe West Trenton “Lodging”, bearing advised me to trv Lydia P. Pink- “But sue began. Hoad, says: “At inter- ■hough drunken and rebellious against life have come to mind. and takes tsiarders again next summer 1 upon my The ham's Vegetable Compound, "There are no ‘huts.'” He lifted vals for at least four yt ars I had been sub- like a crown, sat the It »s the and Her voice Ood. pride, upon negative side presented it* elf first. Long- brought home a bottle. great- shall go away stay.” her down, and stood t>e- they together ject to pain in my back, kidneys and loins. toeads of the of Samaria, but ever to our home. was people ing as described above is not discontent; est blessing brought fierce. nentli the dark houghs. “She Is beau- 1 was a It radiated from the area of the loins Ood humbled that pride. He trod uli- a Utei-t element of human Within three months changed An look came iuto the blue just it is, laiher, uneasy tiful. little girl; but so was the picture that crown, and this will be woman. My pain had disappeared,my fer foot natute w h cb only comes to be recognized eyes of the young farmer. when above tbe kidneys, and the first attack became clear, my eyes thut we saw In the a-t gallery fee experience of all who break the after the inin has come complexion “And leave me'.'" He tried to ask the by though:, and entire in good we went to the city, but 1 didn't want may have be* n caused by the contraction are Ailed with a bright, my system was laws of God and yet ab e or studying life as its ends l?ft question easily, hut bis voice not regards —Mrs. Paula Weishlitz. to bring the picture home, and I of a cold or from work. When in of self shape.” heavy spirit complacent pride. and aims. Seneca St.. Buffalo, N.Y. 15000 forfeit •steady. couldn't take her Into little home my the acute 1 could not rest in 2. The crown of glory. The unfaitli- is more than ambi- of above letter proving genuineness cannot sne ilia ner nano on ms arm, wiui a stsge bed, Long ng something If original more than t. oobld the I be produced. any picture. fel were to be uncrowned, while God or kind of and often arose in tbe morning the tion something different, at least. Am- doubting appeal. want the tenuer. sweet woman who haa oppo- femseif was to become the crown of "Would care If 1 went—If she bition aspires to p'ace—position, a recog you filled my heart since I was a hoy and site of being refreshed, and poorly pre- fee few who remained faithful. “In nitlon from the world of the one WOMAN SUFFRAGE was here?" heights who fills It still." pared to tackle the next day’s work. I feat will the Lord of Hosts become a The man shifted his uneas- day has been able to attain. ‘’Longing” is position head down on his arm She laid her knew from the condition and the action • crown of glory and a diadem of that which is soul-sat- In Colorado—The State Not Tired of "I don’t sec that you are called heart yearniug for ily. with a of content. of It sigh totality unto the residue His people.” cares for outward the Experiment—How Works. to ask me that question. Nelle,” of the kidney secretions that in some way isfying. It not display, upon “But I can't help wishing you had fee have a strong contrast that should Unfettered by tradition and prejudice, be said. but for calmness of mind and peace of never seen her." my kidney* were upset, but what to do to a us. If ex- Make de«f> impression upon but whether morta's find that Colorado baa darei to do right, said "But 1 do ask it" Her fingers were spirit; Into the blue eyes which looked over check the complication was a mystery, un- fering In sin we still crown ourselves Giv. Alva Adama recently before a con- locking each other nervously. ‘T did longing satisfied seems to be an uncer- her bowed head and down the long, til I went to Wiggin A Moore’s store and She ban to drug With pride boastfulness. God will ui e gressional committee. given like her." she went on. “for she is so tainty, for writer hundreds of years long road that led to the city there in Ellsworth for Doan’s Kidney Pills. if are Bumble and uncrown us; but we looked this world for its at- woman what Solomon gave to Sheba— beautiful, and she Interested me—until ago beyond came a shadow, but Dave's voice was Tbe treatment helped from the first. As felthful to His laws and command- when be “I be “whatsoever she asked/’ and the has no you began to notice her"— tainment, said: shall sat- ga.v ns he raised her face to bis and 1 continued the use of them, the backache ments He will become "a crown of regrets and no desire to recall the gift. He tried to take her hand, but she isfied whin I awake in thy Iikene:*.1’ kissed her. gradually ceased, aud when I finis! ed the glory” to us. It should not take us After ten ytarsof experience, equal suf- flung herself away from him. Then for “The summer Is ended, sweetheart, fourth box it disappeared. Mrs. Harris long to decide which of these two con- Dear Aunt Hadge: frage in Colorado needs neither apology a moment there was tense silence. and the little house Is ready. Wbeu?” also u-ed tbe remedy, and from its use re- ditions we prefer. Here i* a clipping which I came across in an nor defense. No harm has come to either “I love you, Nelle." he said at last. ceived positive benefit.” 8. The crown of service. "Hold old paper dated May 11. 1898, under the column man, woman or the justice never “You don’t, don’t! You love her!” State; you sale all dealers. 50 Dame of and Home” In The Ben Rntler'a Short Speech. For by Price cents. tut that thou bast, that no man take “Farm American. harmed anyone. she cried imssiouately. "And 1 wish we from Ego and I had forgotten about it till read* Francis F. In the Century ssys Foster-MiIburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole fey crown.” This must be the crown If Colorado women were not angels be- had never seen her." She ran sw’iftly l>eapp Ing it over, thought It would be all right to have that the shortest speech ever agents for the United States. •r reward for service. It cannot re fore, the ballot has brought no wings. up the path and shut the door of the prolinbly it repeated In the column of M. B. delivered In congress was made by Remember the name, Doan’s, and take ter to the crown of life, for no man Suffrage has not elevated her; it has sim- house behind her. 1 want to thank “C’\ of Massachusetts, so Ben Butler of Massachusetts. An Ohio no subatitute. «un take that from us if we hare it. where she hut It That the sat down at a much for the tauce cake” which we all ply placed her belongs; night family “apple had fallen a fool of him one But If God has a work for us to member do, enjoyed. Come again. ANN. has raised the men who dared to he ju-t. small table in the big kitchen. The din- day and poured upon him a torrent of and we neglect it, and some one else Woman has not yet conquered Iniquity in ing room had been restored to Its origi- Banking. 1 am very glad to insert this clipping abuse which would have excited gen- it, he will receive the nor has it her. Suf- nal as a room, and the performs which Ann so sends. **C. of Mass- Colorado, conquered position living kindly eral indignation hut for an uncon- mown of reward which we will there- frage is not a revolution; it is but a step parlor was closed. The supper of achusetts” little realizes how many loaves sciously ridiculous gesture with which S l»re lose. "Let us therefore not lie and not the end of the journey. The bal- warmed over potatoes and eggs, with of cake have been make from her receipe. the orator almost every in well for in due season not her nature. She still one kind of announced the a^ompunled Weary doing, lot has changed preserve, la what will earn If Here are two more “handy things" to use alternate seuSoce. This tempered the your money We shall reap, if we faint not." We are recognizes that raising bread and babies return of plain living. Invested in shares of ihe about the house—a whisk broom and a potty, disgust of his henrers with mirth. He saved to serve. Let us serve, therefore, of (he but After Nelle washed the dishes kuife. Almost one has the do are a part divine command, supper every first, but would raise his nmis Just as high above feat we have .in time to come are whole of life. In the outside the may you use them in washing floors to clean out the those duties not the big pantry Just Illswortb Loan and the his head as possible and then wring BuMmAis'ii. Both crown of life and the crown cornen*, also to clean corners of windows? Ttie She ttees the ballot to protect her prop kitchen. Her mother was In the milk- his bands as If he were making a de- A NEW SERIES ft service. puuy-kniie Is good for deaoiug corners of erty, her home, her children. It h«e room, skimming, so when Dave came lirious attempt to wring them off. But- la now open, Shares, $1 each; monthly BIBLE HEADINGS. bake pans, scraping paper from the walls in broadened, not impaired he woman. It and stood beside her they were alone. ler sat through the speech with his $1 snare. Prov. xi, 12; IX, 1; xxiii, 19-21. 29- papering time, digging green** and a dozen has not taken the flavor from the of “What's the matter, Nelle?" he said. payments, per lips not a muscle. things that have no room for mention at present. eyes half closed, moving 82; I Cor. xv, 58; Gal. v, 10-20; vL a Colorado sweetheart. It has not dark- “Are you mad at me?” But if you haven’t a putty-knife get one and He rose when his assailant finished and WHY PAY RENT •; II Tim. iv, 7. 8; Jas. i. 12; 1 Pet. ened the glory of the Colorado mother, She raised her blue eyes. try it stood calmly in the aisle. After per- when you can borrow on your Rev. 10. who is as sweet and and refined as “No, Dave,” she said quietly. a first and «, 1-4; ii. South Deer Isle Ego. gentle shares, give mortgage haps a minute of alienee he began, reduce it month who ever a over She some hot water Into her every Monthly any woman sang lullaby poured and If you would have light cream-of-tartar “Mr. Speaker!" Another Impressive payments interest together Front Turkey and India. a or blessed a fireside with her love pan so that her fingers were will amount to cradle, recklessly reached but little more biscuit, sift tbe flour three or four times pause, and ex[>eotanoy nearly than are now In Sofia, Turkey, there is a society and devotion. They have made no effort burned, and she uttered au Involuntary you paying for before mixing. the bursting point. Suddenly raising rent, sod In about 10 ye^rs you feat is practically Christian Endeavor, to upset the universe. They are cleaning cry. will bis arms. Butler exactly Dave over and took reproduced totvlng committees, meetings and top- one room at a time, not trying to right reached them, OWN YOUR OWN HOME. Susan sends us another charming de- the awful gesture of the Ohio congress- identical with Christian Endeavor of a hundred in a red and wet as they were. the wrongs years day. fell his For of scription of scenes on the other side of he said. man. Then his arms to sides, particulars Inquire md members of both sexes, though or- Women have not mired in the pool of “Poor little fingers!" the continent. She should see the mud and for another minute he stood si- fe&ized as a Y. M. C. A. She is it. She ha** Nelie's eyes blazed. “I won’t have in the shore towns of the old Maine State. politics. purifying lent. "That la all, Mr. Speaker.” he ▲ model Christian Endeavor meeting raised the atmosphere of the polls without your pity. Dave Clinton!” Her voice At this date no has said finally. “I Just wanted to an- u feature of the (April 29) farming was but vehement. ■as annual Missionary lowering herself .... Now and then hushed, been done in eastern Maine men swer the from Ohio.” Professional garbs. worth Without another word the man turn- gentleman Association of the Cnited Presbyterian women may take a man's view of politics, tioning. ed but she called him back in a Ctotirrh at Sialkot, Punjab, India. The and use a ballot corruptly, but for every away, PASADENA, UAL April 12, 1904. History and Biography. BUNKER, febject was "Fellowship,” and greet- corrupt woman in politics you can find whisper. Dear Aunt J)R. Madge: want to see woeu nnisu. u The whole value of history, of biog- teff* were sent to the all India eonven- 100 men as and with more you OF BAR HAKROR. Slow 1 Iasi wrote I have been down equally foolish, you by— to the seat.” is to Increase my self trust by feui. then in session at and an for come down orchard raphy, wishes to announce Lahore, shall 1 the sad sea waves? uo power wrong doing. that hereafter be will give say By means; what man can he and of made for the The orchard was spicy with the scent demonstrating attention to the of fetering (10 Punjab but by the gentle tapping of silver wavelets special treatment of diseases of and under the moonlight the do. This is the moral of the Plutarch*, the Atotrict union, that day organized at against ledges; where they, the wavelets, kiss TIPPING IN LONDON. apples, red showed dark in the the Cud worths, the Tenneinanns. who fehore. the golden sand of pretty beaches and fondly great glolies Eye, Nose, Throat and Ear. us the of men or of play with sea froud that cover suuaen rocks, at shadow of the leaves. Dave sat on u give story opinions. Wo End to the Fee* to Servitor* In Office with all the Bswaitau Christian Endeavor Song. Avalon, Santa Cantaliua Island, natural bench made by the gnarled Any history of philosophy fortifies my equipped modern instru- KentaurnutN. ments and appitaucesfor the examination and On Dr. Clark’s recent visit to Hawaii Only east winds in storms disturb the waters trunks of two old apple trees and faith by showing me that what high As an old Londoner 1 have seen treatment of these diseases. Hawaiian Eudeavorers sang their of the beautiful bay that is formed In the shape watched N'elie come down the path, dogmas 1 had supposed were the rare access to Bar Harbor where of a crescent and bold changes In the manner* of the city Easy hospital, Christian Endeavor song, which is as protected by points. The lie rose to meet her and put bis arm und late fruit of a cumulative culture, to u transfor patients receive the best of care at reasonable waters here are very pellucid, and there Is pre- which amount complete to some recent IhUow? around her. but she thrust bim aside and only now itossiLde rates. sented the grandest natural aquariam along the illation. I remenitier well the time Hawaii’s land is fair; with u little, impatient gesture. Kant or Fichte, were the prompt Im- southeastern coast of the islands; and a res- Rich are power, when there wasn't really good the gifts we share ■ Then she sat down and looked up at of the earliest inquirers; bottom boats are In demand provisations This Is our earnest glass great by taurant in -all London anil when men F. SIMON M. D. prayer. him as stcxxl in front of her. of Heraclitus and Xen- TON, the cross the he Parmenides, F O Lord of light: tourists, who, by hundreds, dally had to be content with dining and sup- as on to "It isn't that 1 am Jealous,” she be- ophanes. That a noble band channel of twenty-five miles, steamers, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. ping in the back parlors of public the We may Join heart and hand pay a visit to this lovely island gem—this gan. as if their conversation of the aft- In view of these students soul Til! all Hawaii’s houses. You got very good food in land emerald in a silver setting. ernoon had not been interrupted. 'Aiut seems to whisper: "There is a better OFFICES, VANNING BLOCK. Stands for the right. those dark, low cetlinged, stuiTy rooms, I am thinking of the beautiful lslauds strewed it's because I can never be the same way than this indolent learning of an- Residence, No. # Hancock St. and 1 remember when were con- along the coast of If alne, and what an Important you uo if do think me alone. lh> not TB«.Ei-noNe. C'oavmtioa to you. matter you you other. Leave teach History. In the comfort of the Inhabitants sidered to be well when you part they play doing very love me. You have seen Miss Tre- me out of Leibnitz or and I Christian Endeavor has made won- Schelling. In the summer time; and how, there as here, handed the somewhat time worn ami ifloritiBtmrnts. derful convention mont. and now. always, she will be shall find it all out myself.” history. At Boston city folks especially are now planning for sea- ill clad waiter or threepence twopence the most beautiful woman in the world Still more do we owe to In USA more than 56,000 side rest and recreation. biography registered as a Publishers tip. to the fortification of our If Advertisers, and Printers. came in the I one of fond readers will you.” hope. you | delegatee together largest hope every your go into a restaurant Nowadays you is a he as- all find a of and during the "She tieautiful woman.” would kuuw the power of character. TIME and aailgious uHMcmtdage of time. To place peace joy coming see es- GAl/C summer time. Please them best wUbes. which is palatial, and you men, » ■“ die s«n give my sented gravely. Bee how much you would Impoverish MONEY ■* u«i*<» Francisco convention 15,000 If to the Stock Ex- SUSAM. pecially they belong and before she earns out _ "Y'es. you the world if you could take clean persons (Tossed the Rockies, and the that in oldeD change, giving huge tips bands were of lives of Shake- Fhallen’s Record Kooks. Idmdon convention amazed the world’s Couches have saved more minds And nervous thought my pretty—my history the Milton. systems than all the doctors and medicines times would have paid the price of a Subscription Record, Advertiser’* Record. put little, red, rough hands”—her voice speare and Plato, these three, and Job WfltroiHdJa by its great size and vigor. together Advertising Record, Printer’s Record, whole dinner for half a dozen friends. hair and Reoord. •-Christian Endeavor It is the best refuge that the overworked broke—"and you admired my cause them not to be. See you not how Correspondence World. never seems to end. Ruled, printed and Indexed for entry has, did she but know it* and the And the tipping dresses 1 I am quick housekeeper the little made myself. much less the power of man would be? and reference. Descriptive circular and only fault 1 have to find with women Is that, a * one for one and price You tip waiter thing she went ou. "but list on Published Irrrrtsry Vogt's Work. a rule, they do not use their couches half enough not blaming you.” —Emerson. application. by When distracted the infinite cares of the another for another, and you tip the General Von by you hud never seen a woman like her. E. A. & W. E. Secretary Ogden Vogt household and worried over this bill and that, a then the man who CHILD, carver, and you tip and were carried Ptrered convention woman should have a solace where she caD 1 hadn't, either, you The Care Free Swnsla. 14 Dover Street, New York. eighteen appoint- and as are throw herself down, stretched at ease, allow gives you your wine, you as was. But don't Rtents In Illinois In March. He and, sway just 1 you Who are *he happiest people In the spent her troubles to straighten themselves out of the who on BLiIjHWORTB. leaving you tip porter puts *ee that I want to-lie first with Jdimary In New York state and Feb- their own accord. you?” world? Undoubtedly the Swazis of coat and the other who By these means is your porter are he said m**7 in Pennsylvania. hysteria avoided, beauty "You first, N'elie,” grave- South Africa'. There are about 7U.000 STEAM LAUNDRY preserved, and the woman's chances for eternal calls your cab. It la, in fact, becoming salvation are helped tremendously.—Philadel- ly. of them, and if you searched the world AND BATH ROOMS. North American. almost impossible for men of moderate Chrlitlss Endeavor. phia "But I haven’t wonderful eyes like over could not Und 70,000 you people 140 WASH Madge. means to go to most of the restaurant* as ■•NO FAY, IB.1* Wot dreaming, but endeavor. Aunt hers, and I can't use them she does. a _ of happier temperament. They ut- Must m«Tt the world's of today.—M. A. P. as great need; I can't say the right thing she does refuse to worry about All kinds of laundry wore done at short no* Wot fair and Rev. terly anything, loo. for and delivered. impulse, futile, John Reid, Jr„ of Great Falla, Mont., is her soft voice. And her perfumes! Goods called But swift, out they positively decline to work, and W reaching deed. recommende ; Ely's Cream Balm to me. I can Mia* Mngley—I always try to retire be- H. B. B8TKY * CO., Will you ever smell a violet again, will not be civilized on ac- emphasize his "It is a cure for I don’t like to mtsa they any Week End Bridge. Ellsworth. Me- Mot Languorous aspiring. statement, positive midnight. my without of her? Will for catarrh Dave, thinking count Unlike most savages, are But climbing, day by day; If used as directed."—Rev. Francis beauty sleep. Miss Pepprey—You really they W. you?" not troubled Mot Syomathatftc musing. Poole, Pastor Central Pres. Chureh, Helena should try herder. You don’t by any superstitions. A oertainly He smoothed her hand and Pauper Notice. But hladMS by the way. Meat. ol It. soothingly happy, careless people, loving idleness get enough hereby gives notice that h After using Ely's Cream Balm six weeks I said nothing. and the sun, the Swazis nnderstgned alone of go through has contracted with the city of BHsworth Mot prays? longing. “Who ia at the telephone?” “Your ever THE believe myself cured of catarrh.—Joseph Stew- wife, "Did you see such dresses and life with the least for the of the during the ensuing But prayer la action wrought; possible trouble. support poor, art, Grand N. air.” “Whet does she want?" The only shoes? ashamed and nit# made for their Mot but endeavor. Ave., Buffalo, Y. beautiful I was all are in times of year, ample provision dreaming, They prodigal plenty, support. He therefore forbids aU persons firms The Balm does not irritate or cause word that I aan understand la ‘mum- wore ev- With Mcoord fruit Is fraught. sneezing. the time, and my best slippers in of to on htsaa- Sold philosophical times want optimis- furnishing supplies aoy pauper H Kinney tn Christian Endeavor by druggists at 30 eta. or mailed by Ely skull.’ “Let me come there. She as without hi# written order he will ■Bflth prob- ery day. She was like a rose sue of tic at all timet. •ount, pay World Brothers, 36 Warren 8t, New York. ably wanta to talk with me." for no goods so furnished. Harmt 8. Jonhl !>ur bounden duty ,, e this su- “Miss Hastings, we are not going perfluous pompos.ty. back,” Oakley replied mockingly. “This was our plau: Some years ago “What do you mean?” there came to i HER CANIIJS f SPIDER M'GANN'S (i the gym a little fellow i | “I mean that I have known and named Spider McGann. Spider was a wanted you for a week. It usually coming lightweight, which truth didn't i takes less than a week for me to get REPUTATION strike l Hefty until Hefty struck the CHAUFFEUR] anything I want. You will go home, $ floor. But the affair | blew RICHARD BARKER over, and By Dennet Masson hut it will be tomorrow—and it will ,-j now he is crowing again. So we hunt- be as Mrs. 0By SHELTON Oakley.” ed up McGann, who is a lightweight ± V Florence rose from her seat! “If you ^ • Copyright, loot, by T. C. McClure O V Copyright, 1IWJ, by T. C. McClure >; champion now, and offered him $800 do not stop, 1 shall jump out,” she said. This Is I .-O—C'>• to go op against Burke. The mill yj—O-*®—0-*-®-*® Oakley seized her arm, but she iO.iCiOtO.idl* | strug- Teste how good it is, learn how wholesome It la, lUbcCiOi'OsOs comes off tonight at the Macedonian gled. His grasp on the steering lever It was a dull day for bulldogs. Puffs, and e the whole in a nutshell— and old thinks he’s | you thing Ilev. Charles Hall club, poor Hefty 1 became unsteady, the machine swerved The Aloysius whose bull baiting ancestors had be- The reason why the world uses all the up against the Macedonian club's train- and he it have been taken a violently, gradually brought proulil scarcely for queatbed him a love of adventure, sat er. It 'll be rare to see his face when to a standstill at the side of the road. WASHBURN-CROSBY’S minister of the gospel as he sat in the f.u the veranda of and he liuds it’s Spider McGann. Spider the villa j Florence jumped to the ground and comer of a downtown hotel that will lay down In the ninth, and Hefty yawned. started toward home, but Oakley Intent on the columns of a morning. will simply swell. He’ll continue to A green nufrunobile rolled along the j placed himself in her way. time table. There was no "Prince Al- swell until the Annual comes out. This of the “You shall not he said. Gold Medal driveway house. When it stop- ; go back,” “If no no clerical no will be In it." bert,” high hut, collar, ped at the veranda, a pretty, brown you won’t go on, we can stay in this He handed Hall a a high buttoned vest. Ills clothes, of not slip of paper. In haired girl of twenty laughingly greet- lonely place, and In the morning, when FLOUR scrawling hand was written: it is known that have the the latest cot, yet curefully brushed ed her enthusiastic friend, who leaped you passed the Washburn-Crosby Mills can make Six This Is to certify that I. Mc- night with me, you may be more will- Million barrels a and asks for more. Ask and pressed, would have stamped him Spider upon her. regardless of the damage year, Gann. laid down In my tight with Hefty ing to accept my proposals.” your dealer for Washburn-Crosby’s COLD a young business man, and after a Burke. I could which dllty paws indicted on u white have punched him full of Florence stopped and faced Oakley. MEDAL FLOUR. glance at his face—a lirm, clean shaven holes as a sieve if l*d had a mind to, serge dress. same's as I done once before. Her hands weie clinched, but she was Send us the circular from a package of Gold with the brows at that moment "One would think I had been away a face, SPIDER M GANN. trembling pitiably. He smiled and Medal Flour and we will mail you the Gold said year instead of u^week,” the girl Bald knit lu a frown—one would have Lightweight Champion of the World. came toward her. Medal Cook Book—the manual of cookery. gayly. that business was not all the gentle- “Now, the point is. Spider’s gone “Come, now. Marriage is easy in "Is it only a week since I first met man In could bnve wished It. back on us.” New he said. “We can question you?” replied her companion. “I seem Jersey,” go”— It was a favorite remark of the Key. “That’s it," said Burns. “We've got A white, jmnting form shot from the to have known you always.” to It off somehow. We’ve sold road and came between them. Flor- Mr. Hall that If his drily life and pull Florence Hastings’ face became seri- over 1,000 tickets at anywhere from ence threw herself on the ground, deeds gave no Inkling to Ills profession ous us she putted the wriggling Puffs, $2 up. All the old grads Hefty has her arms around a muscular the symbols of the cloth never Would, "l^iiu afraid your imagination is over- clasped floored will la? there to back neck and sobbed: “Thank For the first time in the long tight the ready powerful. Mr. Oakley,” she said. "Any- God, you him yard of editors have comer’ He realised that now Indeed the church way Journey from the Newtons'. I was of the Annual." drew back. lie was not smil- at Ccdarvllle, his church, was lu the glad to let my trunks take it alone. So, Oakley “And you’re the image of Spider ing. You don’t think I shall let a dog last ditch. The roof leaked and that whatever your condition of mind, you McGann," said Pix. “Our proposition interfere with my plans, do you?” he m. mam* ■■■ — mar u* ■ Jl cracked the plastering, the carpet was must come In and meet pupa.” is to give you the $800 to meet Hefty asked. In tatters, the paint was losing faith In "Is he at borne?” Free to Housewives. tonight. If we couldn't tell you from lie STcppcu to Trie auTomumic, pim-eu the chipboards and the spire was so "He comes on the' 5 o’clock *rellef advertisement and mail to us with name of he couldn’t. You’re bis hand tile and when he Cut out this your of that the town Spider McCann, calls under sent, GOLD badly out plumb express.' That's what he any grocer and we will send you free of charge one of our due to go out anyway, so It won’t withdrew it it held a glittering object. board had threatened to take It down train which takes him away from Wall MEDAL COOK BOOKS, containing 1000 carefully prepared make very much difference when you Florence gave a low cry. and a white Gold Medal unless It was given prompt attention. street.” receipts. If your dealer does not handle Flour, do. only we’d want you to stay as streak flew from the road. The next Address Some subscription papers, circulated "He leaves his office at 4?” please mention it in your letter. many rounds as you could for the sake instant Oakley was kneeling on the Mution tu. p.pu. BROWN A JOBSELYN, Portland, Maine. through the town, had netted returns “Yes. Do you hesitate at the ordeal of appearances." ground. Puffs’ teeth were tirmly hold- pitifully smalL The envelope weekly of passing the interval with me?” Flor- Hall WH8 thinking deeply, for the ing his wrist, and the useless weapon offering system uuu ueeu woeruuy in- ence wns smiling again. church! For the church!" ran through was lying in the dust. adequate to cover the pastor's salary, Porter Oakley laughed protestlngly. his head. Florence looked nt him helplessly; and the Ladles’ Aid society, with “I was hesitating because of an impor- “Gentlemen.” said he, “Spider Me- then her eyes brightened. "Come, three suppers and a fair, had raised tant business affair,” he said finally. Gann pro tem. is at your service.” Puffs, we shall go home,” she said, .Don’t It just $08.37. He smiled grimly as he re- “Is there a telegraph office in the vil- Accept “You’re a brick!” said Dlx, wringing "and he will take us.” The trader whs membered that last year his salary lage?” Hall's hand. "Meet us here at 5, aud Half an hour later a green automo- offers a Lint* had been $200 short and this year bade "There Is, and I will send a groom you we can talk It over at dinner. And"— bile drew slowly up the driveway of fair to be another hundred shorter. with your message.” ment “Just as goo< fishing In his pocket—"here's fifty to the Hastings country-house. Seated in There had remained yet one hope. Oakley looked at his watch. “Quar- v as Lee’s Is work* clinch It. We'll give you the rest after it were a young woman and a sullen Cedarville was quite a suinfiier resort, ter of 3,” he murmured. “Will you Ing more for his the mill.” looking man. Between them, with his and during the hot months numerous pardon me if I go to the office in the own was the back to the and his fixed on Interests At 5 Hall pacing corridor, will save girl eyes tsrell to do men from the neighboring automobile?" he asked. “It than for when Burns and Dlx came in. After the man, was a stolid and dusty bull- yours. city stayed there with their families. fifteen valuable minutes.” dinner, at which ,Hall was given many dog. Some of these attended the church. As the machine puffed along the valuable points as to Hefty’s style of When Mr. Hastings arrived on the Don’t As a last resort Ilev. Mr. Hall had come driveway Florence watched It musing- accept boxing, the three entered a cab and 11 o'clock train, he found his daughter to the clt^ to make personal appeal to ly and inwardly resented her feeling any substitute were driven to the Macedonian in a subdued mood. rapidly — these men. Hut Brother Jones and of relief it seemed like weakness. % for club. "What is the meaning of this?” he Brother Hayes and Brother Benton When she first met Oakley at the New- It was 8 o’clock when the nsked, waving a telegram before her. had other channels for their currency, precisely tons’ country house, she vaguely dis- Itev. Charles Aloysios Hall, clad In Florence took the paper and read: and when Hall, weary and heartsick, liked him. As she watched the auto- I LEE’S LBNiMENT green trunks, faced Hefty Burke. That Meet me at the uptown ferry. 10 o’clock sat down In the corridor of the hotel, mobile speeding toward the village if you want Lee’s quality (the best) and Lee’s gentleman's face was a study. Beyond tonight. FLORENCE. |l he had raised but $20 In cash, with she thought of aud smiled. quantity (the most ever offered for 25c). a doubt he was suffering from the "This is why you stayed in the city,” |l pledges of perhaps $38 more. Then she grevk serious and felt sorry At all traders. Put shock of recognition. she said slowly. Then, as she realized up by He had opened his time table again that she had asked Oakley to stay, but j "Not (julte so easy as last time.” the meaning of the message, "It must 7 some one touched his shoulder. she knew that if the little scene near CALDWELL 26 MAIN BANGOR, ML when busi- SWEET, ST., Burke muttered between clinched reacted she have been Mr. Oakley’s important “Oh, I say. Spider.” said'a voice in the veranda were to be For Headache freedom, Sweet’s Headache Powders, 10c. teeth, and Hall could not restrain a ness.” deprecation, "this isn’t just square, would ask him again. chuckle. influ- When Mr. Hastings had recovered a you know. We’ve been hunting high “Do you belieVe in hypnotic “Time!" The referee's voice sounded degree of equanimity after the story and low for you. Why didn’t you send ence, Puffs?” she said softly, putting In almost absolute stillness. Then nt of the automobile, be looked fondly at World-Renowned HoteL us word?" an arm around the bulldog's muscular Boston’s It they went. Hefty was nervous and Puffs. Hall looked up. Two young fellows, neck. Hall was cool. He could imagine him- “I’ll buy one of those machines some It s the place to sleep, evidently college men, stood before Puffs did not. Every line In his self back at the gym In his university day,” he said, gravely extending his eat him. sturdy figure expressed disbelief. Then It’s the place to days. He side stepped Hefty’s sledge- hand, into which a responsive paw was "Were you addressing me?” said he conveyed sympathy and encourage- hammer blows; he dodged and ducked “and when I do 1 shan't have WHEN YOU VISIT THE HUB. Hall. ment by extending a few inches of placed, In a manner that brought the crowd to look far for a chauffeur.” “That’s pretty good," said the other damp pink tongue toward his mistress' to its feet. He would do his utmost to the: young man. "you’re funny when you cheek. those nine rounds. Very Old Church. at old stay That evening Florence sat on the have a try dignity, boy.” aud Dlx at Santa In one of the boxes Burns veranda with Porter Her fa- The Church of San Miguel, “There’s no use mincing matters,” Oakley. be were hugging each other. Fe. is claimed by New Mexicans to said No. 1. "If you're going to back ther did not arrive on the “relief ex- said Dlx. in the States. There “It’s groat, great!” “Hefty nor had word come from him. the oldest United down, we want the deposit back; that's press,” was over the exact date of will surely think It Spider.” had waited for the older man, Is much dispute Revere •11.” Oakley House And there was even more cause for its-erection. hut it was certainly built "Gentlemen,” said Hall curtly, “I’ll had accepted an invitation to dine, and to think so when the end came 200 and 200 ago by the Hefty now lie with and watched between years bowdoin square;. give yottr seeming impertinence the sat Florence rather suddenly early In the eighth. first Indian converts under the direc- benefit of the doubt. There Is evident- the moon creep toward the Orange Nearest First-class Hotel to Union Station. In a central section of tBb Hall ducked a vicious and at the tion of the padres—some say here.” jab mountains. Spanish ly some mistake it is like a same time swung with his right. The as ago as 1545. Inside and wholesale and retail stores. off; ring off!” said the first "There is still an hour or so of moon- long citv, near the theatres “Oh, ring terrific force on and with blow landed with I shall have u road vault, black crumbling, with hath 82 and wearily. “You've led us enough light, aud bright Pleasant rooms $1 and upward; upward. speaker and he went down blow- cracked adobe walls anil roof, and a Hefty’s neck, to New York,” he said. best hotel table d’hote in America. Cuisine unexcelled. of a chase already.” Rhoxr s The ing like a grampus. Then the referee be gallery whose woodwork still “See here,” said Hall, rising nngrily; "I thought father would surely counted off ten seconds. The crowd Flor- traces of the figures painted there by “I've no intention”— here ou the 8 o'clock train,” said howled. It was some minutes before the Indians, designs like those they put the nerve to ence. “Have you say you’re and Marine and Hall realized what had happened, held the face of his watch to upon their pottery today. Mianus Stationary Engines not Spider McCann?” said No. 2 while Oakley in San when he did he vaulted the ropes and his "Half 8 he But the most interesting thing KINGS OF GASOLINE Motors. guaranteed he favored his companion with a pon- cigar tip. past now,” are the Fully broke for his dressing room, while be- Miguel is the old bell. St. Joseph. and Winch Hoists. Wood- derous wink. answered. “When does the next train Fitted for all work. Lobster, Scallop hind him "the cheering redoubled. Black with age. it looks like a mass of m arrive?” outfits for vessels. Hoist anchor, saila, “Most certainly I not, said Hall. But strike sawing outfits, hoisting At Oedarville two days later Hall re- 9.” old iron in its dim recesses. “Would mind letting us see your “At etc. safe and sure. you a mellow note of pumps, bilge, cargo, Simple, ceived the following letter: " It. and it forth left forearm?” said No. 1, with the air lour miner limy ue ou inai. gives nan: clearness, echoing with marvel- the trick. Rev. Charles Aloysius don’t you run down to the station wiili silvery of a man who has trumped wonder how vaultlike Dear Sir—You will probably ous sweetness through tile said with some uie and meet him?” Oakley said. Mianus Motor “Certainly not,” Hall, we know your name and address. A card of the bell Works, Florence looked at him old church. The quality asperity, “if it will ho a means of con- fell from your pocket in your dressing up quickly. MAINE. metal makes the richness of the note, 2i» and .'{15 PORTLAND PIER, PORTLAND, vincing you." room, and we have guarded it Jealously. "Why, I—I”— she began, but Oakley Your secret Is safe with us. and there is a tradition that it was He bared his left forearm, and the was leaning toward her, the moonlight It was because we had the card that and silver ornaments on his face and his made of the gold two bent over it critically. we let that night without shining lighting you depart a thank for were fixed ou of the as offering There aren't tattoo saying more about the money after you gray eyes, which hers. Spanish CATARRH “By George! any the Moors. Liven claimed over Your because you a victor’V llE FOIl marks here,” said the shorter of the had refused it you Five minutes later the automobile Cl had broken contract by flooring the old Spanish padres Bowels your was running along the country re I. At any rate, Is it acting well? pair. “We owe you every apology, Hefty.. You earned it; ye gods, you ancient, one and one tri- the bell, already for a blunder. Will it. The first thing Hefty containing uneasy brought Catarrh If air. very stupid richly’earned anil o\cr good? him to his corner and followed a across the seas from Spain regular? Digestion you join us?” He nodded toward a said when they got umphant person by I ain't «o much, am I?" mountains anil from Mexico. Pills. of doors from behind was. “Well. white, four legged creature whose un- plateaus not, remember Ayer’s pair swinging Inclosed find check on Third Na- em- please der at the of de- The Moors are gone. Spain’s great 'll W BALM the clink of was jaw protruded angle ___—---—- (which glasses plainly tional for $800. and still and to of the west has vanished, sidy pleasant j a from Spider a sworn termination and who patiently blinked pire no moustache or beard audible. We have secured than < ontalns in- | Want your did not Hefty old bell stands there, older thank said Hall statement that he fight away the dust aroused by the flying the rloUH druK brown or rich black 1 Use “No, you,” shortly 7. This It ibsorbed beautiful Burke on the evening of April American civilization. b*qult kly ^ to his time monster in front. iwlief at once and turned again table. will appear in the Annual, with a poem iiv«» ^eviY^ The hands of the little red faced «int'iiN and Cleanses I ...... ——"-'**rs> Again be felt the touch on his shoul- on Hefty's fall before the great unknown. nt- The Fan In Hlwtory. der. Great unknown! You shall remain such, clock in the tower of the station p> our to the fan, the origin of xsnssrs. HAY FEVER but permit us to express gratitude ed to a of the hour, and they As ir ft mirror, tht Dye “We don’t mean to intrude,” said a quarter 1-and Protects the Membrane Kt*htores Buckingham’s N.H DIX. Nashua you. ROBERT in the of oriental 50t of or P P Ha I &Co Sincerely yours, on, that they which is lost twilight *>i iis»ic and Smell- L r«e Size, ent.- 5 Oct*, druggists voice. passed Oakley saying ■ respectful JOHN BURNS* art siz conic at ,,r *»> mal five minutes of reflects the habits, customs, DrugKif,ts Hall looked and found the young would have speed g legend, I.Y BKOI1IK113, 56 Warren street; New York. up of country which 1ms Can before returning to wait for the train. nnd taste every fellows again before him. This Dog Spell. useful made a friend of an article so “Well?” he said. There is a south side lady who owns The lights of the village disappeared, was the first was the ov er- and ornamental. Greece “You a Gordon setter which she believes is and the moon hidden by see,” began the taller chap, the fan- HYStClAlSAPVlSE of the road which country to adopt “we're In the deuce and we endowed with almost human intelli- hanging trees along European of a fix, of its uses being News. This is they flew. I’liffs stretched his legs two birds’ wings—one EilOV.'A’S INSTANT REUS thought perhaps—bare chance, you gence, says the Chicago to drive j, his hardest The machine acolytes in the temples / know—you might care to help us out not a hastily formed nor unfounded and galloped by TH12 TASulLY jjZjLlelC-Z2>iXt, flies from the sacrifice. It .swuii or of invention for t and but has been developed by drew rapidly away from him, but lie away the all STOMnCH and udWLL liiULuLLJ* \ Scud model, pi.oio incidentally make a neat bit out opinion, cata- > free on For free book, t of his served the early Christians in the MC V DU'l T^n if u fails- v ’.-n m -d * directed. report patentability. of it There's of Here is one of followed,- with the perseverance All l>ealcrs sell it. several hundred in It years experience. when the JllL I hc.1 LosulLJ | which has kind. combs a similar purpose •pared by the Norway Mzuu-ixu Co„ Norway, ?k-. for some one.” the many incidents for the JTom said Flor- bread and wine were spread Hall thought of the church and his sprung her faith in her dog: "We had better turn back,” sacrament, a custom which lasted in morning’s for the $3S. One Sunday, having finished her din- ence as they reached an open stretch wor|g the Roman Catholic church to the four- “I’m certainly open to suggestions,” ner, the lady went into the drawing of road. “After teenth century. he said, smiling grimly. room to read the paper. On a rug near Oakley consulted his watch. same the fan made Worms? in “We In this century < uidren are “Can you box?” said hla Interloc- the window the setter was basking 9,” he said, apparent surprise. troubled with worms, an almost simultaneous appearance and ir- ated for something else. A few doses of ja utor. in the sunshine. The lady's can’t meet your father now. Shan't drowsily and France, in Eng- room on?” throughout Italy Hall's face wore a puzzled expres- two sons were still in the dining we keep Dr. True’s ESixir S Its most artistic flights will wormsif and a valu- ■ and the mothef “I to go home,” Florence re- land and Spain. ex[xd they exist, prove •lon at tile inquiry. “I have In years finishing the repast, prefer not able tonic if thereareno worms. 8Ce attlruaipst*. ■ have been achieved in France, but 1>K. .1- r. TKUi: A C he admitted. overheard something said about bones. plied coldly. O., .Vnburn, Me- M past” ! will in its leaned over the lever even to France Spain yield “Good!” said the other. “If we can ; the lady has a mortal dread Oakley steering Now, good "an (Many use the fan as important weap- choke to as the machine on its way. Then of come to terms, you are the very man that her beautiful dog will sped Who Have Used Them Florence’s. on In ihe mimic warfare of coquetry I AH!PC death on a bone some so, raising he turned and his eyes met LA U i LvJ Recommend as the BEST we need just at present This gen- day, the xn AMERICAN ADS he said and flirtation.” Whether Spanish i»i* Kixcri tleman is Mr. Burns. I am Bobert her voice, she called out, “Boys, don't “I am the chauffeur,” quietly. 1’or- lady is in church or a place of amuse- Star Crown Brand \ jft Dix. give Dan any c-b-i-c-k-e-n b-o-n-e-s,M Florence looked steadily at him. the ment whether visiting or walking. It “Yon see.” Dlx continued, “at the spelling these two words so the dog's ter Oakley returned her gaie, but PENNYROYAL PILLS. J BEST that had made for- is always in her hands, frequently Immediate < PAY gym there Is a trainer called Hefty attention would not be attracted. “I’m •trifling power t\er re’ief, nodanger.no pain. the horrors of the bullfight Used for year by leading specialist!. Hundreds of te«C|» afraid be will choke.’’ conventionalities was dissipated by portraying monials. A trial will convince of their iutrinsic vatal Burke. He’s put out every man in col- get certain you the wrath which in the Corresponding with these, incase of suppression. Send ten cents lor sample and lege who has had the courage to give As she spelled “chicken” dog the honest glowed book. All Drnirfdstc orby mail gl.flObo*. fans Char- n French revolution represent *WP v?cnir;wr ~ *o->r ono-w u«*o him a go, by virtue of which Mr. raised his head; at “bones” he got up, girl’s eyes. TRY ONE j back?" lotte Corday carrying a dagger in one Burke has begun to think himself the walked into the dining room and look- “Mr. Oakley, will you turn hand and a fan in the othcrl Subscribe for The American. whole thing, and it therefore becomes | ed at the bones the boys were picking. she said shurply. Hbbrrtistmrnte. FROM BAR HARBOR. SENATOR HALE He—How I envy that man who Juat tang tfllsuHirtl) American. the solo! She—Why, I thought be bad It Interesting Letter From M»1neN Pop- And the President Talk over Party an exceptionally poor voice. He—Ob, A LOCAL AND POLITICAL JOURNAL ular Summer Resort. Polities. ien’t bla voice lenvy; It’a bla nerve. PUBLISHED Bar Harbor, May 3 (special)—Many EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON was isnrunts. attended tbe concert and ball wbteh [Sjtectal to Bangor Commercial.] 2ttrt?rrt AT given by the Bar Harbor band at the ELLSWORTH, MAINE, Casino Monday evening for the benefit of the views of no man in the BT TUB Probably who lost Ray Higgins, the young man Senate are sought more by President Humors HANCOCK COUNTY PUBLISHING CO. Spring Gallert’s New and his band last fall The Store both right by than those of Sen. Hale. F. W. Roa,li»9, Editor and Manager. eyes Roosevelt, \ Come to most people and cause many OPENED FOR BVSINE88 an accidental explosion at the Blair job. Maine senator has been asked often to fenbacription price— **2 00 a year; $1 00 for six boils and other A fine concert was tbe Casino White the I troubles,—pimples, months; Ml cents for three months; If paid given by come to tbe House past winter, and S8 cents refresh- besides loss of gtrlotly l« advance, 50, 75 orchestra of fifteen pieces, and not so much to the executive offices for | eruptions, appetite, teepectively Ail arrearages are reckoned at tbe 23. ments we e served down stairs by the daily conferences which are some- 1 that tired feeling, fits of biliousness, April the rate of $2 Saturday, per year. ladies* aid White House Advertising Rales—Are reasonable, and will society. times held there, but to tbe indigestion and headache. be made known on application. In venturing into this new business, we have tried, and think we have evenings. The sooner one gets rid of them the The death of Irving P. Haynes occurred has | succeeded in a finer and letter stock of Business communications should be addressed More than once, Mr. Hale been gathering superior, larger, made to Tub bla home on better, and the to rid ot them to, and all monev orders payable last Thursday at Cottage there to dinner, the dinner being followed way get Publishing co.. Ells Hancock county from of the brain, and and to build the that has worth Maine. street, congestion by informal discussions of politics np system _ a week. after an Illness of a little over | legislation. Tbe President bas more suffered from them is to tako He was forty-nine years old. | leisure evenings, is pleased to sit and was born in Trenton, the Mr. Haynes chat tben with his friends, and at that Hood’s Boots and Shoes T. and Newman Sarsaparilla 1904 MAY 1904! son of Calvin Nancy j time serious questions of party policy | is survived a widowed ever dealers this We have Haynes He by are there and Pills than has been offered by In city. gathered ______• frequently discussed. Generally a one William, and mother, widow, son, or four influential senators are Included goods which are up-to-date, stylish, of good quality and moderate in Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa.! Forming in combination the Spring one daughter. in these evening talks, such senators as price. We offer to the trade a full and complete line of The funeral was held Saturday after- Medicine par exctllrnee, of unequalled Mr. Hale, Mr. Aldrich, Mr. Lodge, and noon at 2 o’clock from his late home, Rev. I in the blood as 2 3 4 5 6 7 one or two others. sire'.gth purifying S. L. Hanacotn Men’s, and Youth’s Shoes, J officiating. The President relies very much upon shown bv unequalled, radical and pels Boys’ A from Island lodge, I. large delegation the judgmeol of Mr. Hale who has had a manent cares of 10 1112 13 funeral. Services 9 14! O O. F., attended the In cam- J larger and more varied experience Women’s, Misses’ and Children’s Shoes were held the at tbe grave. In- Scrofula Salt Rheum by lodge paigns, possibly, than any of bis col- termeot was at the new cemetery on what Scald Head Bolls, Plmplaa Prices from the to the best 15 16 1? 18 19 20 211 leagues in the conference and who knows ranging cheapest was of the Shannon estate. All Kinds of Humor Psoriasis the better of shoes and for we formerly part vrell the temper of different parts of the On grades Oxfords women, carry and Blood Rheumatism 1> E : aud in men's 25 26 country as to politics and political ques- Poisoning have in stock all widths—A, B, f\ and widths—8, 4 22 23 24 27.281 The third game of ball between the | tions. Catarrh Dyspepsia, Eto and 5. Something never before attempted by any other dealer in this business men and the high school nine Just now Mr. Roosevelt is looking very no substitute, but be sure to shoe in our store is different from those offered took afternoon on tbe Accept | city. Every by any 31 place Saturday for tbe na- 29;30 ! closely to tbe preparations other whicli we control ami have exclusive sale on them. Qraud Central grounds, the business get Hood's, and get K today, dealer—goods i t——— *..——3 ttonal convention, tbe detaile for this men winning by the score of 15 to 9. j MOON'S PHASES. convention having, in large part, been The school nine was somewhat weak- CElantrt. 6:5C First nn 5:1: as far as it Is to Jljtlp in fT Third 7 ^ agreed upon possible agree WOMEN’S BOOTS f a.m. y a.m ened the loss of ita catcher, Bert Quarter Quarter by them in advance. The 6:58 Full 3:5* ! upon possibility a New 1 c OQ Young, who received an injury to one of we offer as a leader to introduce to our trade. Women’s Isirf and WM-.v-n ID a.m. \& Moon <6v7 a.m of a union of tbe democratic factions tbit, his fingers in a previous game. Oxfords at which are better, both in style and quality, than year has also been discussed recently at Tbe boys played a good game and the Wanted! were in the habit of $2 for. WKIXMSSIJAY, MAY 4, 1W4. the White House at one of these evening you paying business men bad to forth their best Help put conferences. At $2 we offer better boots than are usually sold for $2.50. efforts to win. The teams: Business It is the part of wisdom for the party to At once in our Cloak Department an Our leader in fine shoes. This week’s edition of The men—Carter, c.; Frost, p.; Hall, capt., lb.; proceed with its program intelligently to make alterations Ramsey, 2b.; BernsrciinI, 3o ; Miller, s.s.; experienced lady American is and, as far as possible, to anticipate the Joy, 1. f.; Roberts, Pendleton, c. f ; Hig- on suits, and to made Sk irts and Waists 2,ti*0 copies. democratic program. Republicans, dose gins, r. f. The Celebrated Patrician, to the President, are quite agreed that tbe for stoc'1. Steady work for right High school—Salisbury, c.; E. Cleaves, for four issues in Jan., 2,425. big guns this year must be planted in four to and Average Newman, 1 b.; C. C. Cleaves, 2 party. Apply Prices $3.50 $4 Average for four issues in Feb., 2,594. p.; capt. statea-New York, New Jersey, Illinois, b Wakefield, 3 b.; Shaw, s. a.; Sumlnaby, Average for five issues in March, 2,650 ; and Indiana. This does not mean that for boots in either lace or button. In widths from A to K: all styles, for four issues in 2,600. 1. f.; , c. f.; Richards, r. f. Average April there is any alarm Jeet the democrats F. S'. Smith & Co., all kinds of leather, different kinds of lasts and the most stylish boots carry a majority of those states and de- manufactured. Rt. Rev. Robert Codman, bishop of MAINE. feat Mr. Roosevelt, but that republicans GARDINER, in and all widths. A State Convention Maine, will visit St. Saviour’s church Sun- 1 Patrician Oxfords at $3 and $3.50, all styles Republican went to set in motion such s campaign as WILL BE HELD IN day and confer the rite of confirmation We are running a still higher grade of women's boots and Oxfords, will enable them to bold these states, for on several candidates. Saturday evening the celebrated Edwin C. Burt make of New York. Prices on these City Hall, Bangor. tbe assaults will be made there. 500 Salesmen and Saleswomen au informal reception will be tendered to are $4 to $5. New York is regarded as the moat an* $3.50, June 1904, Bishop Codman at tbe rectory from 7 to 9 Wanted The lines combined, the Patrician and Burt, make two of the Wednesday, 29, ceraln of all four, and many well Informed strong- AT 1.90 O’CLOCK, P. M.. o’clock. to soil goods In their locality. WE FURNISH _ est lines of lioots and Oxfords ever shown dealer in Maine. The republicans fear that Roosevelt must be GOODS WITHOUT MONEY. You sell them ; by any for the purpose of nominating a candidate to your friends and then remit us the all dealers in cities for Tbe caucus for tbe nomina- elected without tbe aid of New York. neighbors, Burt Shoe has been sold by the large forty years for Governor to be supported at the Septem- republican money. NO TRASH but late, stylish, salable Parker to those who wear fine footwear. ber election, and for the transaction of such tion of a candidate as representative to Tbe trend towards Judge gives goods at prices that you can easily sell them. and appeals successfully other business as may come before it. >0 OVERSTOCK of one article but a va- property tbe next ises to be color to that presumption, and President any The PatTician is the most shoe ever manufac- The basis of representation will be as fol- legislature pro lively. } riety of goods covering ail kinds of merchandise. undoubtedly stylish lows; Each City, Town and Planta ion will Tbe two candidates for tbe nomination— Roosevelt himself does not shut his eyes ! tured, and, for the price, cannot be beaten. It has become world-fam- be entitled to one delegate: and for each 75 We Clothe You and Furnish Your Dr. C. C. Morrison and John E. to tbe conditions. Tben New Jersey’s votes cast for the Bepnblican candidate for Bunker, ous owing to its superiority in style, fit and service. Governor in an and have been homes Free 1902, additional delegate; jr—have large followings, and both men republican majorities gradually low and wo for a fraction of 40 votes in excess of 75 votes. In Men's, Boys' and Youths', for medium-priced shoes, and it Is an fact of our of goods. Write us at once a further additional Vacancies in are bustling for votes. dwindling accepted by plan selling delegate. for and start a profitable business. are selling goods manufactured the Union Shoe Co., of Ellsworth. or tbst New particulars by the delegation of any City, Town Planta- Tbe caucus wilt be held at tbe Casino politics tbst influences swing WK FURNISH EVERYTHING tten can be filled residents of the required, Prices on these from to $2. The Union Shoe Co. is a home only by another have an* honest and a hustler. range $1 in which the vacancies exist. Wednesday evening, and tbe polls will be York one wsy or great provided you County Address Mail Order North Sul- are in state in the be Department. industry, and as selling their goods every The State Committee will in session in open from 7 to 9. weight on voters in northern New Jersey. livan. Me.. lk*x Us. they the reception room of the Hall at 11.30 o’clock and The labor vote will decide which way Union, we thought it best in order to help a home industry help P. M., on the day of the Convection, for the of leaders from offer this line to our customers. of purpose receiving the credentials of dele- A meeting of tbe executive committee Illinois will go. Republican N'oticcs. our laboring class, to Every pair gates. Delegates in order to be eligible to Unjal that state think there is no of tbe Co. that we sell our men and participate th>- Coavention. must be elected of tbe Bar Harbor cborai society was be d danger shoes made by the Union Shoe helps to the date oi the call for this column. subsequent Friday afternoon. It was decided to give state deserting the republican To the Honorable Hoard of County Commis- women who are employed there by giving them so much more work. Convention. sioners for Hancock County, MaiDe. the annual concert Probably there is no danger but tbe Dura- Ail electors of Maine, without regard to Thursday evening, undersigned respectfu ly submit that j Special lines of Boys’, Misses'and Children's School Shoes. past affiliations, who believe in the President wants to throw fortifications fpHE political May 26, it the Casiuo can he secured for up X common convenience and necessity re- and moderate are the features in this of the Republican and en- an alteration and Dew locstioo id bility prices prominent depart- Party, that date. there so as to be able to keep the demo* quires part Srinciplesorse its policies, are c rdialiy invited to of the present highway leading from the vil- ment. unite under this call in in Indiana is electing delegates to Arrangements for soloists have not been crats back. The situation lage of Hancock to the city of Ellsworth, in j this Convention. said Count) of Hancock; said new location to are almost exactly tbe same as lu Illinois. | Per Order, Republican State Committee. completed yet, although negotiations follow a course the center of which is F. M. Simpson, Chairman. These wise men of the whom the a in progress. It is probable that Miss party, thus described: Beginning at point in the Byron Boyd, Secretary. center of the travelled road of the County Men’s Fine Footwear Maoel President trusts, do not tbink tbere is Bangor, April 28, 1904? Monaghan, of Ellsworth, will be ; leading from Hancock to Ellsworth, which * any danger whatever of Connecticut. In paid is 1*0 feet from the ceuter of the engaged as soprano soloist. point we offer what we think are ttie best make of shoes in America, has had a Carrying Place Bridge measured along the Miss Monaghan was tbe soloist at tbe years tone by Connecticut Hon. William T. Haines announces | center of the County road leading from said the celebrated Curtis >hoe. These goods are $3.50 and $5 per pair. of democratic whenever * j first concert of the society two years ago, way going Carrying Place Bridge to the City of Ells- that he is out of the for re- thence South 61 East We will our new shoe store as as race tiie New York and New Jeasey weut tbat way. worth; running degrees ho|>e you patronize liberally you aud it is hoped that she can be secured ! 128 feet; thence South 38 degrees and 30 u.in- nomination. but have been tbere have our dry goods store. We are making every effort to satisfy you. publican gubernatorial again this year. conditions changing utes East 104 feet; thence South 51 degrees With Mr. and Mr. Haines and do not regard it neces- East 74 feet: thence South 78 degrees and 80 The day of ill-fitting and homely footwear is past. From our assort- Manley out, republicans minutes East 108 feet; thence South 33 degrees to in the 800 to a in center I ment have of to choose from and once have four candidates remain—Mr. Cobb, The fifth aud last of tbe recitals sary plaut any big guns nutmeg East feet point the of the you plenty styles you given piano travelled c>f said road on the East state. way County trial will notice the difference between what have worn Mr. Prescott, Mr. Beal and Mr. which have been given during the winter side of the Carrying Place Bridge. j us a you you Tbe of demo- Fernaid. It wouldn't be by Maurice C. will be given at prospective agreement The above described line is the center line and what you are getting from us. surprising Huinsey of said road aud said line | crats on Parker has stimulated republi- j proposed passes to hear of more withdrawals before the choir room of St. Saviour’s church ] over land of County way for the approximate | We are not neglecting our dry goods business. .We have made big- cans here to considerable and bis distance of 232 feet and over land of Lutnan May 18, in&tead of activity I in our old business than ever. more the convention. Wednesday evening, H. Stratton tor the distance of ger preparations Everything will continue more than ever if the New approximate May 4, as previously announced. Mr. 542 feet; total leng h of new location. 772 feet. and than ever. We will open, 23, democratic convention next v stylish up-to-date Saturday, April will be assisted Miss Mabel York our petitioners ask that the old County Ruinaey by e a new be a new line of Bain and Dress Senator Hale has accepted the invi- week endorses Parker for its way discouiiuued, that highway Jackets, Coats, Walking Suits, Walking Mouagban. Judge located between the termini, and subatan- tation and Dress also Wash Skirts and Waists. to preside as temporary chair- presidential candidate. ! tially over the route and location described ! skirts, man of the About fifty attended the parents’ meet- above. Our carpet department is full of new goods. Besides Carpetings, republican gubernatorial WHEREFORE your petitioners pray that ] which is to be held in ing at tbe kindergarten rooms Thursday due notice be given and proceed! gs be taken Mattings, Oil Cloths and Linoleums, we are .showing a full line of Car- convention, to attend to Scratch, scratch, scratch; unable as required by law and that *a d highway b*- June evening of last week. Art Lace and Mull Curtains. new line of Bangor, Thursday, 29. I business daring the day or sleep dutiug the located os aforesaid jiet Bugs, Squares, Entirely Miss Alice Eastman and Miss Dated at Evelyn horrible loan's Hancock, April21,1904 colored Madras Couch Covers and Table Covers. night. Itching piles, plague, O. W. Foss Curtains, Portieres, a duel, aud Maurice Btyiey pia>ed piano ! Ointment cures. Never falls. At any drug AXD SaVKX OTHSUS. POLITICAL NOTES. | C. a solo. Rumsey, piano I store, SO cents 4s parents here, ! turners, and by posting attested copies as water in house uj> riage house, hennery, good to the service assigned ua at the office of T. to aforesaid in three public places iu said ! and outdoors. Good for summer rusti- Bangor Saturday. with a M-lected I place H. Smith, in in said on **»refu!Iy company ! town thirty a* least before the I Me. Bucksport, county, CHURCH NOTES. days cation. Apply to M. I). Cook, Lamoine. the 22d of and on the 6th French, wife and of North I of trader direction 1 time for said view, and day June. 1904, day R&lptt baby, twenty |**op!e. appointed by pub- | of of tbe clock in i lishing the petition and order thereon, three October, 1904, at un the Attleboro. M are Mrs. of the Fielding Amusement Co. in sale or to let. house on forenoon of each of said a»s., visiting weeks successively in the Ellsworth Amcri- my days. CONGREGATIONAL. Maurice J. j street. Ellsworth. Address C. W. Gcv W. McAlistkk, French’s father, Jeremiah Moore. I Fielding’* Spectacular can, a newspaper published at Ellsworth, in HOUSE—ForHigh Commissioners. Franklin, Me. Calvin O. Page, \ Rev. J. M. Adams, pastor. I Scenic Comedy drama. I the County of Hancock, the first publication Oook, The remains of Hartley Boynton, who ! to be thirty days at least before the time of Friday, May 6—Prayer meeting. that all and died at Centre Montville, we e j said view, persons corporations Notice of Dissolution of April 28, attend and be heard if 5j)titnl Kolias. Partnership. Sunday, May 8—Morning service at I interested may they is brought here for interment Saturday. mink Ct. « -/VV^'VV.'v/^A/wV-> "VTOT1CK herebyby given that the parfc- 10 30. Sermon by the pastor. Sunday A RAGGED HERO NOTICE. J3I nership heretofore existing under the a resident here for about Attest:—John F. Knowlton. Clerk. Mr. Boynton was ! name of Haslem & Buzzell was on the sixth school at 11.45 a. m. A true copy of the netitk>u and order thereon HEREBY give notice that I forbid all on most per- day of February, a. d. 1904, dissolved ma- sixty-five years, carrying during Attest:—John F. Knowlton, Clerk. sons or trusting wife. Mar- by ! 1 harboring my tual consent of the undersigned, being the METHODIST EPISCOPAL. M. Robbins, on my account, as I shall of that time extensive lumbering opera- garet individual members of said partnership. 50c. no debts of her contracting from this and PRICES, 25, 35, pttv A. K. Havlam. tions. He leaves six daughters two Rev. J. P. Simon ton, pastor. SUmmisjutmu. date. John E. Kobrins. & Moore’s. Howard R. Bczzbla. sons. He was old. 6—Prayer I Advance Sale at Wiggin McKinley. Me.. April U. 1904. ninety-four years Friday, May meeting. t Waltham, Feb. 12. 1904. OK Sunday, May 8—Morning service at r,. HOUCK VUKKCUJSVBK. i NOTICE. TAX 10.30. sc hoc. at TTTBEBEAS Alblrt. M. Cir»y'(no*r Mag- DEED*. WEST ELLSWORTH. Sunday 11.45.; preaching title is established to undivided \Y nuasou), of Tremont. county of Han- is hereby given that all property at 7 m. MAY 12 I and elate of her half of in Lamoine. cut- p. THURSDAY, cock, Maine, by mortgage LfNTlL) ray property I now hoiden by the town of Tret ton Heeds is the Doll- boating, or tak- >yOTIOE by Miss Gertie teaching Trenton— 2.39 m. ; deed dated September IK, a. d. 1894. and re- ting wood, camping, fishing, tax deeds, will be sold at at Preaching Sunday at p. OXK NIGHT ONLY, is public sale Ever- i corded in Hancock county, Maine, registry of ing possession in any way forbidden. ball, in said t* ardtown school. of green town, Wednesday, May UNION CONG?L, ELLSWORTH FALLS. deeds, book <90, page 461. conveyed to Samuel By order 1904, at 10 in the forenoon. Mary C. Frktz Austin. 5, o’clock Frank Higgins moved bis family into Moote. of said Tremont, the undersigned, a By order of selectmen, Sunday, May* 8—Preaching service at I certain lot of laud with the buildings thereon Mark the bouse of the late Alexander Barron Scammon’sCo Hayses, Treasurer. ; located at Bouthwest Harbor, in said Tre- OF THANKS. 10 30 a.m. school at 11.30 a. m. A.Q CAUL Trenton, March 17, 1904. Sunday mont. and described as follows: Beginning last week. in the I three-aet comedy, THE is to extend thanks to the many service at 7.30 I spark mg. at a in the east hue of Und of Aivah E. rpHIS Evening point friends who ho rendered assist- SPECIAL NOTICE. Mrs. John C. Meader is seriously ill. Foss; thence easterly to the east line of laud .1 kindly ante and the illness and not BAPTIST. deeded to Ezekiel B. Jackson Katv Smith: sympathy duriug trespass in Cuniculocus Park. I Her son wife and Persis by sudden death of brother, O. C. Donnell. to life aud John, daughter thence following said east line south 82* east ray DO demand protection property Also to the Masons who came to the home and from tbe of the State are with her. Pastorate vacant. and one-half (tNHg); feet to a stake iu county Hancock, of eighty took of detail. and tbe United States of America. Sunday, 8— service at REAL WIDOW line of land formerly owned by Albert Bart- charge every Maine, May Morning Mas. E. Nrrnii Scott. Mary C. The young people organized a Sunday lett: thence by said land south 61* west eight Frets Acstbs. 10.30. school at 11.45. Junior C. last Sunday (K> rods and twenty- three (23; links to a stake; school in Dollardtown Sunday, to To Ali Whom it Concern: E. at 6 p. m. thence north ffUg* west four (4) rods to place May meet at 2 m. on the p Prayer at 7.30 m. of beginning, containing thirty-seven (37) is to give notice that date be- meeting Friday p. BROWN. more or less, the same lot the ceased rods, low stated to be i and son square beinfi[ THIS undersigned Mrs. Maria Stanley Harry, of ! all of and as con- AMERICAN ADS UNITARIAN. Wholesome Fun! Rich Costumes! with rights ways privileges members of Rainbow Grange Store Co. in Lynn, Maes., arrived Saturday to occupy 1 veyed to me by Ezekiel B. Jackson by deed every way. and from that date were not en- Rev. S. W. dated Feb'y SO, a. d. 1891, and recorded in be- titled to share in of the of the here the summer. Sutton, pastor. any profits their cottage through Splendid Singing! 289. page 152, to which reference is given; a..d or liable for debts of the com- Sunday, May 8—Service at 10.30 a. m. company any whereas the condition of said mortgage has pany. Cnee. E. Snow. Sunday school at 11.45 a. m. been broken, now, therefore, by reason of the Jan'y 1. 1394. John P. Dooor. PAY BEST There’s a most excited twitter 25, 35, 50c. breach of the condition thereof, I claim a North Brookavill*. April 18, 1904. PRICES, foreclosure of said mortgage. Going on just overhead. ~ ...... | The Advance sale at & Moore’s. J Tremont, Me., April 80,1904. For a newsboy robin shouted, “R” months are gone and the Wiggin Samuil Mookb. "Extra i extra! Winter's dead.” Utile clam Is breathing s sigh of relief. Geo. R. Fuller, attorney. The Ellsworth American TRY ONE me ihx«‘b and have the factory continue Ida—I don’t think Mr. Smart believes Sujbrrtiscmcnts, (JITI MEETING. 1 h operations, than to tax it and have it my handkerchiefs are linen. ■ r"1 — May—Why abut down. He said that the amount of not? Ids—11 old Ihlm that I had my pin INTERESTING SESSION HELD business done the past was as I year large money wrapped In my handkerchief and Peptiron Pills as he directors of the MONDAY EVENING. company expected, loat it. He said there «raa a great deal of (Chocolate-coated) and that in the future it c« uld do much money lost In cotton these days. Are an easily assimilated and remarka- more, aa they'drst year was more or less of effective combination of SEVERAL PETITIONS PRESENTED FOR She (flushing expectantly)—Fred bly pepsin, iron, an experiment Health CRUSHED ROCK 8TREET8 AND SIDE- as I live! Poor fellow—It sad manganese, celery, phosphorus (the Good Smitbere, Continuing Mr Peters said that at the WALKS—ROLLS OF ACCOUNT8. dens me to think how broken up he was great brain food) and other great tonic#, moment the first dividend was declared, over my refusal. He (wrinkling tore nervines and nutrients. * e should expy Kcv Ebenezer Bean. Miss Beulth D. Burn- good ham to Ernes* L Osgood, both of Bluchll! Georgia Jude, 10 00 him with the Pills robbing Southwest Harbor GRAY—TATE—At Peptiron as G les A Hastings, 14 04 Salisbury Cove, April 25, by (Chocolate-coated) ful well as must be raised with po^toffiee, was sentenced to eight years in Rev J E Whitmore, Miss Agnes Mabel Gray dainty Chaa I Welch, 11 13 State prison. to Clarence 1 Tate, both of Eden. Are agreeable to the taste, 50c. or $V 8 Scott Estey, 6 87 HA LLOR AN—HODGDON—At David F. was Jackman, April C. I. HOOD Mass. a and Murdock found guilty by Miss CO., Lowell, J pure perfect baking powder. Text-book, Silver, Burdette & Co, 9 10 9. by Rev Joseph Forest, Margaret E the Mailman to In Ginn A 38 same jury of receiving the stamps Lester E Hodgdon, both of Ells- Selling Agent Ellsworth t Co. 27 worth. Sch supplies, D C Heath A Co, 5 25 stolen from the pcstoffice. G. A. H Main Powder is HIGGINS—LYNCH—At Ellsworth, April 30, Parcher. Street. Royal by ————— .-.I ..ini Baking Atkinson A ——■0tm indispensable Meutzer, 33 00 Rev J P Simon ton. Miss Kate A Higgins to school house, Frank R Moore, 71 11 Senator Gecrge A Lynch, both of Ellsworth. in the Hale on Canal Bill. ioUiltoaDts anil Steamhc-ir preparation of the High school, Whiling Bros, 1370 HILL—CRANE—At Brooklln, April 28, by Rev highest quality Owners of ships along the Atlantic E S Miss Sarah K Chat I Welch, 16 42 Drew, Hill, of Brooklln, to coast, especially those along the Maine Ralph E Crane, of Winter Harbor. of food. It Fire dept, Whiting Bros, 15 imparts that cr»ast, express much satisfaction with the MADDOCK8-PEURY—At Bar Harbor, May 2. peculiar light- Chas O Wormell, 1 6^ bv Rev 8 L Hanscom, Anna L Maddocks, of amendment to the canal sweetness School, C C Burr! 11 A Son. 41 25 administration Ellsworth to Harlan A Perry, of Bar Harbor. ness, and flavor noticed in the M 11 Clement, 2 15 bin, which Senator Hale has been press- STOVER -A8TBURY—At Stonington, April21, Rev H w Mrs Arietta 8 8tover M M Higgins, 1( 00 ing. This amendment makeB it incum- by Conley, to 1904. George Arthur Aslbury, both of Stonington. Commencing May 1, finest cake, biscuit, doughnuts, crusts, etc., Mrs A T Brown, 10 00 bent upon the secretary of war and others BAR HARBOR TO BANGOR. R E Mason, 49 15 in authority over the construction of the AM PM PM __died" BAR HARBOR. 10 80 *3 30 8 Edward Haney, 27 00 Panama canal to have ail Ip and what is more stores, supplies, Sorrento.. 4 05 ....— renders the Irving Salisbury, 125 BILLINGS—At Little Deer Isle, April 24. in- important, machinery, and materials shipped by sea fant daughter of Mr and Mrs Billings, Sullivan... 4 80.. B H A U R Power 1 08 Philip Mt Desert 11 20 5 00 9 0 Co, the aged 1 month, 3 days. Ferry. by United States or its contractors for 8 11 26 5 07 9 It food wholesome and to Campbell Pub Co, 10 50 BRADFORD—At Mrs Waukeag Fy. agreeable young the canal to be shipped in American Naskeag Point, April25, Hancock. HI 29 5 17 9 0 Hancock Co Pub Co, 3 75 Lucy D Bradford, aged 89 years, 3 months, 24 Franklin Road. 87 5 19 9 19 vessels. fll and old. M C Smith, 176 25 days. Wash'gton June. 11 49 fft 28 9ft John K Eaton. Being well aware of the enormous traffic BROWN—At Ellsworth Fa Is, May 3, Mrs Joan ELLSWORTH. 11 66 5 36 9ft Brown, aged 65 years. Ellsworth Fills. fl2 01 6 48 9 9ft Contingent, Harry E Rowe, 2 00 of this character by sea, with ROYAL BAK1NQ POWDER COM NEW YORK. beginning BUTLER-At Waltham, 29. Alfred C Nlcolln. rl2 15 5 65 tlO 09 Pub 4 00 April Green Lake.. tl2 24 6 05 14 Campbell Co, the preparations, for the construction of .Butler, aged 59 years, 4 mouths, 4 days. flO No Ells Lake House. *12 82 f6 12 fl® 0 Farmers' club, 4 00 the canal and till it is com- HAMOR— At Miss Estella A HOLMES HALL. continuing Trenton, April 23, Holden. fl2 40 t6 20 19 99 FROM BUCKSPORT. C W Smith, 1 55 Humor, aged 37 years. pleted more than tea years from now, Mr. Brewer June. 1 00 6 40 10 09 Geo H Grant, 25 90 HOPKINS-At Isle au Haut, April 24, Justus Bangor, Ex St. 1 07 6 47 10 0 Hale regarded It important to assure all 33 Dedicatory Exercises Will be Held at Kebekah Anniversary a Success- A E Moore, 20 0) Hopkins, aged years, 10 months, 13 days. BANGOR, MC. 1 10 6 50 Ui this trade to American vessels. Natur- HAYNES—At Bar Harbor, April 28, P PM AM AM the U. of 31., Orono, May 25. Locals of Interest. El bridge Mllllkcn, 72 46 Irving Portland. 6 86 1 06 4 0 ally a large share of it will to Maine Haynes, aged 49 years, 1 month, 7 Uays. the summer and fall of 1903 an Mrs. E. B. Gardner has been Frank R Moore, 24 50 go Boston. 906 6 57 70 During spending INGALLS—At Hiuehill. Nahum K W ▼easels for there are many of them well April 29, addition was built to the station building, the week with relatives in Brewer. L Jordan, 3510 Ingalls, aged 89 years, 6 months. 19 days Han Co Pub 9 to for this kind of trade. JOYCE—At Swan’s 18, Charles H BANGOR TO BAB HARBOR. for the use of the of Co, equipped Island, April chiefly college agricul- The Crjrataplex Carnival Co. is giving a 56 6 4 PM AM The quantity of maobinery required for Joyce, aged years, months, days. | ture. The trustees have named the build- week of entertainment in Emery hall. Total, $1,034 78 KENNI8TON— At Bangor hospital. April 22, Boston. 7 4C. 9 9ft the canal will alone be an enormous item Mrs Nellie K Kennlston, of Hiuehill, aged 34 110 ing Holmes ball, In memory of Dr. Ezekiel TEACHERS’ SALARY ROLL. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett are years, 8 months, 11 days. Portland. 10 46. Guy receiving Common schools. 00 for shipment. But the supplies and Holmes, the first secretary of the Maine $669 PHILLIPS—At Brookr-ville, April 26, Susan, a m a M pm congratulations on the birth of a stores will be much for the widow of BANGOR. *6 00 10 00 6 board of In order High school. 176 29 more, govern- Joseph Phillips, aged 71 years, 4 09 agriculture. formally months, 23 at Belfast Bar gor. Ex St. H 05 10 06 6 94 daughter. ment must maintain a small army of men days [Burial J to dedicate this building to agricultural Total. $844 29 RICH A RDSON —At Hall Quarry, April 27, Mrs Brewer June. 6 12; lo 12 5 U John H. Is in R. on the isthmus for the next ten and Almenla 33 It Holden. 84 t5 0 instruction and to rededlcate it to Montgomery olerkiug STREET COMMISSIONER’S ROLL. years Richardson, aged years, moDths, SVflO agricul- 5 Lake House. 39 42 B. Stover’s store while the Is tbe provisions for them must be uays. f6 tlO 0 tural investigation, a field meeting will be proprietor Rock-crusnlng. $312 82 feeding Green Lake. 6 47,f 10 50 5 49 on a to California. 9 35 carried in large water from the Nlcolln... 66 110 59 5 59 held on 26. 1904 trip Sidewalks. part by Wednesday, May atibtrtisnnnitg. Ellsworth Falls. 7 09 11 13 6 0 Miss has Highways. ..4 22*57 United States. The programme of the day will consist Margaret Smith returned to ELLSWORTH. 7 16 11 18 6 12 Senator Hale drew bis amendment with Wanh’gton June. 7 30 27 6 0 of of the her borne on lower Main street, after $750 68 fll inspection grounds, buildings Total, Franklin Road. t7 38 11 37 6 31 the week in Mass. great care and there is every prospect and appliances of the college and the ex- speudlng Wrentham, The petitions then began to fly thick Hancock. f7 46 11 45 f6 89 that it will become law. S 7 49 11 48 6 4ft a review of the univer- Thomas N. has lectured in Representatives Waukeag, Fy. periment station, Doutney and fast. The first to be presented whs Mt Desert 7 11 55 6 69 of shipowners believe that Mr. Hale’s Ferry. 55j sity cadets, and the dedication exercises. town twice during the past week, to small that of John F. Koowlton and several Sullivan. g 20. their interests Sorrento —. 8 will be all provision amply protects .' 45 The buildings open, allowing audiences, on the subject of resub miss ion. others for crushed rock on Church street. BAR the owners of HARBOR. i 9 2j| 12 45| 7 0 see the against foreign ships- to museums, laboratories, work- The ladies of the XX whist club will It wan referred to the committee on It was as build- regarded remarkable that such shops, greenhouses, barns, poultry entertain the streets. Traips leaving Ellsworth 7.16 a m and 6.18 p gentlemen Wednesday an matter was overlooked recitation and important rrt-/ A «i7u^-aamHsm m, and arriving Ellsworth 11 56 a m, 9.47 p fll, ings, drawing rooms, with a‘ at the Robinson The next was a petition the residents evening spread” by entirely by tbe Isthmian Canal committee, connect with Washington Co R R. apparatus and other facilities for instruc- of Dean street for a continuation of tbe house. which framed the civil Your doctor will tell you that fStop on slgual or notice to Conductor. tion. The of the build- administration machinery dairy street from its termination These trains connect at Horace Webb and of Portland, present to bill. thin, nervous chil- Bangor, with thronftb and me- family, pale, weak, trains on Main to and from Boa- ing, and electrical engineering Water street. Also a sidewalk in the same Line, Portland, will occupy one teuement of the Stubbs The southern states are dren ton and St. John. te in counting on become strong and well chanic arts departme its will opera- place. Then caine a petition from several homestead cn Buck street during the furnishing enormous quantities of stores taking A- r's Passengers are earnestly requested to procure tion. residents of street to continue by Sarsaparilla. tickets before the and summer. High the entering trains, especially coming and materia's required in the building of Small do;;. for a few Ellsworth to Falls and Falls to Ellsworth. There will be informal addresses by of crushed rock ou that street. , days. placing the canal. As there are few owned F. members of the in to the Alvah B. Ames lias been appointed su- ships GEO. EVANS, faculty regard Rock was placed on High street last Vice Pres, and Gen’l of the O. the southern coast all of Manager. demonstrations with some of pervisor following A. U. W. slong practically F. K. BOOTH G. P. & T. A. collections, year out as far as M. S. Smith’s residence, BY, lodges: Machtas, those cargoes must go to ships from the more important apparatus, exhibition Calais, Cherrytk d, in sewer on but building the Elk: street) it of Bucksport, Castine and Penobscot. northern ports. Improved agricultural machinery, oper- were laid along High street from pipes It is also notable that a is EASTERN ation of the and the in- T. M. Nicholson has added his ; very large por- The ch:rr' very prompt dairy building, Capt. to Col. C. C. Burrill’s residence. The digging tion of the to the isthmus are of the herds and flocks. Grand Banks fleet schooner Wm. cargoes and very marked. Ask your spection barns, Jbe necessitated by laying this sewer spoiled I available for sailing ships, which is espec- ': The investigations in the experiment sta- Matherson, which he bought of Province- that section of tbe road. doctorv. ir: He lias our ially to the liking of owners along the tion will be explained by those engaged in town parties. The Mathersjn is a craft of High street is tbe most trav- formula ai.u will explain. probably I Maine coast. Steamship Company, the work. 111 tons and arrived iu port last Thurs- elled street in “When 13 yo.tr? old. for months no town, exceptipg Main and ______many one thought I rnii'il live because of thin blood. The exercises will consist of She will be fitted out at once. dedicatory day. Water and it needs im- In ;i streets, certainly Death of .lease But, lew weeks. Avert Sarsaparilla com- SUMMER SCHEDULE. men wbo are Havey. restored me In health addresses by distinguished Just what action the street pletely proving. The M it;?. K. Bi lkminstur, Vineland, N.J. Six Trips a Week. REBRKAH ANNIVERSARY. Evening Chronicle, of North At- interested in agriculture, singing by the commissioner will take in the matter is f 1.00 a bottle J. C. A Y KK The tleboro, Mass., announces the death in CO., university glee club, and stereopticon pic tenth anniversary of Riverview not known at present. that of Jesse of ■MManMMBWBV* tures the of the Kcbekah celebrated on city Havey, formerly for Illustrating growth col- lodge, Friday Next came a from Ellsworth petition Hancock after a illness of the there was one of the most | couuty, long lege and station. During day evening, eujoyable Fails for a sidewalk from Whit- leading I He had been ill in bed will be a the of cadets events in the of the The consumption. parade of battalion I history lodge. & Co.’s store The Children comb, Haynes up past since last and lost a wife a and a sham festivities commenced at 5 30 when September, -n—r battle. p.m. the church. It wa< Aid. Mc- kirYSMltamtUBFime presented by f w months with the same I the steamer ago disease. Biliousr re- All wbo are interested in the work of Merryconeag arrived, having who recommended that it be laid. Ts^con^tfprHo.-. prevent Carthy, About two and one half he Cure t^e'e w!th Pills. ! the and the of on board members of the years ago covery. Ayer's institution agriculture the sixty-four He stated that it would be a matter of steamer j entered the Ruland h to Commencing Monday, May 2, 1904, State to ; Aurora Hebekab of includ- mltarium, hoping Mount F L leaves are cordially invited attend. lodge, Belfast, little to tbe as much lumber Desert, Wlnterbotham, expense city, ti id relief. He fai'ed Bar Harbor at 1 the gradually, however, G. A. dally, except Sunday, p m, for The Maine Central railroad will sell ing degree staff. suitable lor foundation was on the PARCHER, Seal Northeast Harbor Southwest spot, and after the sanitarium be Harbor, Har- Ud the 5.30 train arrived the leaving spent APOTHECARY. Stoi aud Rockland to connect tickets for one and three-fourths cents per grand and all that would be needed would be the bor, iugton with one in the of tte steamer for Boston. each direct and the & warden and the master of the year Maine, greater part mile in ion Bangor grand grand This matter was also left to Ellsworth, Maine. top planking. time at Sorrento. at one fare for the round and the of the Rebekah Aroostook trip. lodge president tbe committee on streets. Then nis told him it was On were also physician and RETURNING. both roads tickets will be on sale May assembly. There present repre Tbe bond of F. for Easy Quick! Timothy Mahoney a matter of time before death would 24 24 aud 25 and sentat Ives from Esther of only and 25, good going May lodge, Brewer; was and f5,000 presented, accepted placed relieve his so he decided to 25 and Nokomis of and sufferings, m good to return May 26. lodge, Ellsworth, Mizpab on file. From Boston at 5 p dally, except Sunday. the remainder of his with his of all of which spend days Soap-Making From Rockland at anout ft.Su a m dally, ex- lodge, Wioterport, lodges SCAMM0N8 MATTER SETTLED. mother in Attleboro. cept Monday. vie * has in North with River assisted instituting dur- All freight via this line Is Insured Fumotis Singer at Festival. The matter referring to the location of The deceased leaves, besides his mother, agalnet ing its ten years of existence. fire and marine risk. Among the artiste who will ta